________ _____ ____ _ ___ __ \`\__/´/ /__ / / __/ / \ | \ / \ | /o \ | / / | \_ | | | |\ | | /\ | |`\ /´| / /_ | /__ | |__ | |/ | | ¯¯ | /__\/__\ / / \ / \ / | / | /\ | |/ | ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ | /| ___ _ _ ____ ____ ___ _ _ |/ | | \ /\ /\ | \| | | __| / __/ / _ \ | \| | | /| | |\ | | | | | | | | |__ | \_ |/ \| | | | |/ | | |/ | | | | | | | | |\ \ | /__ |\_/| | | | ___/`¯¯´\___ | / \ / | |\ | \ ¯ / \ / \ / | |\ | \_¯_¯_¯_¯_¯/ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯ ¯ \________/ _ _ ____ _____ | | | || | \| | / __/| | | |_| || | | | | \_ ¯| |¯ | |-| || /\ | | | | /__ | | Proudly Presents... | |¯| || \/ | |\ | \ / | | | | | || ¯ ¯ ¯¯¯ ¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ T H E L E G E N D O F | _________ /________ ______ ______ ____ |/ | | / / /\ |\ / \ _ \ \ | | |/ / / | |¯¯\ | | | | | \ \ / | | / / / | | \ | | | | | | | / /| | |/ / | |__/|\| | | | | | | / / | | / + /| | | | | | | | | / / | | / /|| | |¯¯\|/| | | /| | | | | / ¯¯¯ | / / / || | | / | | | / | | | | |/ /¯¯¯¯| | / / /| || | |__/ | | |_/ | | |_/ // / | | / / / | || /| |/ |/ // | / \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ /________________/ M A J O R A ' S M A S K | |_| || | |-| || ------------------------------------- | |¯| || O U R O F F I C I A L G U I D E \| | || ------------------------------------- ____________| ||_____________________________________________ +------+ ==========/ ||============================================ +------+ \ 1) \ --------/ ||--={ Table of Contents }=---------------- / (A / \ 2) \ | || [TABLE] / (B / \ 3) \ | / | / (C / \ 4) \ | / / http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ / (D / \ 5) \ | / / Zelda06.php / (E / \ 6) \ --|/ /----------------------------------------- / (F / +------+ =| /========================================= +------+ |/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 1...[TABLE]... Table of Contents #################################### 2...[INTRO]... Introduction # # 3...[ABOUT]... About This Guide # A complete guide written by: # 4...[CTRL].... Controls # # 5...[BASICS].. Game Basics # Caleb M Simpson (c) 2007-2008 # 6...[STORY]... Story # # 7...[WALK].... Walkthrough # stud_zeldarevolution@hotmail.com # 8...[STRAY]... Stray Fairies # ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ # 9...[ENEMY]... Enemies #################################### 10..[BOSS].... Bosses 10..[HEART]... Heart Pieces 11..[MASKS]... Masks .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 12..[ITEMS]... Items | HOW TO GET TO EACH SECTION FAST! | 13..[BOTTLE].. Bottles |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| 14..[SONGS]... Songs | --> Ctrl/Apple + F | 15..[CHAR].... Characters | | 16..[BOMBER].. Bomber's Notebook | --> Copy-paste the commands | 17..[GOSSIP].. Gossip Stones | [EXAMPLE] | 18..[SKULL]... Skulltula Houses | | 19..[ANJU].... Anju & Kafei Quest | --> Click "Find" until you get | 20..[SWORD]... Sword Quests | there | 22..[KEATON].. Keaton Questions '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' 23..[HINTS]... Hints & Tips 24..[FAQS].... Frequently Asked Questions 25..[REVIEW].. Review 26..[AUTHOR].. About/Contacting Author 27..[LEGAL]... Legal/Closing /\ _____________________________________________________ /\ / \ =================================================== / \ / \ ---------------={ Introduction }=-------------- / \ / \ [INTRO] / \ /________\ /________\ /\ /\ /\ /\ / \ / \ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ / \ / \ / \ / \ --------------------------------------- / \ / \ / \ / \ ===================================== / \ / \ /________\/________\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /________\/________\ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Everything Looks Funky! | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - If everything above doesn't align correctly, try widening your window. This guide was designed to be viewed using a "fixed-width" font like: * Consolas * Courier * Courier New <-- GOOD * Fixedsys * Lucida Console <-- BEST - This whole guide fits within the exact width of 79 characters, as required by GameFAQs.com. If you're not sure if you're using a "fixed-width" font, look below: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (Copyright to Bedman at bedman@mail.com) WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (thanks for coming up with the test man!) - If those two lines align perfectly together, than the font you are using is a fixed width like Lucida Console and many other fonts. This means that each character takes up the same amount of space, both in height and width. In this case, the I should be just as wide as the W. - If all else fails, try copy-pasting the guide into a program on your computer that has some fixed-width fonts (Notepad works best). .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Getting Started: Comments | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Greetings boys and girls. My name is Caleb Simpson; your host this evening. - This is my first official walkthrough and it is my hope to make it very comprehensive visually and easy to read. I will attempt to be simple, yet in-depth. And in case you couldn't tell, I'm fond of drawing pictures. =D .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | About This Game | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - In 1998, Nintendo released Ocarina of Time, which was the first time the Zelda world had been seen in 3D. That game was filled with an epic feel partly because it couldn't help but do so due to it being its first strides in a 3-dimensional world. All in all, it was an awesome game that lacked any real depth but was still very fun to play. - Majora's Mask was released in 2000, and sought to correct these issues with better graphics, a more in depth storyline as well as involving characters. Nintendo took full use of the Ocarina of Time and its mystical powers in this game and focused far more on the individual races of Hyrule/Termina. - Suffice to say, Majora's Mask has all of that, but lacks the epic'ness its predecessor had. The game is simply too short, and in some cases, very frustrating due to the heavy reliance on time and quests restarting. - But when all's said and done, this game stands tall as an excellent and unique game that is slightly on the creepy side. If you're up for an exciting adventure in the world of Zelda, you'll find it. _________ _________ | ____ / _______________________________________________ | ____ / |/ / / =============================================== |/ / / / /____ -------------={ About This Guide }=---------- / /____ / / __ \ [ABOUT] / / __ \ / /| | \ \ / /| | \ \ / / | /| | | / / | /| | | / ¯¯¯¯ | | | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ / ¯¯¯¯ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯| | | -------------------------------------------- ¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯| | | | | / / ============================================== | | / / / ¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / ¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Versions Of This Guide | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ============== Current: v2.00 ============== - Established July 4, 2008. - Redesigned all of the sections, chapters and quick navigation to work much better as well as look snazzy! - Added tons of maps for the walkthrough. - Made the Heart Pieces a form of quick navigation to quickly go between the walkthrough and the Heart Piece Guide. - Added the "width test" at the beginning. This test is copyright to Bedman at bedman@mail.com. I tried to e-mail him, but he apparently doesn't use that e-mail anymore...? Giving him credit for his work. Good stuff man! - Updated the legal and e-mail information at the end. - Found an error with the Anju & Kafei Guide with the Postman's delivery of the Letter to Mama. - Special thanks to Lukas Bjarre for telling me about wearing the Bremen Mask to make the Stalfos Guards dance right before the King of Ikana. - Special thanks to Christopher Albert for informing me that you could stun the kids when playing Hide And Go Seek in Clock Town using Bubbles. So useful! - Thanks to Dustin Roberts for reminding me to mention that Japas is playing the dungeon theme from the original Legend of Zelda in Zora's Hall. I thought I had mentioned it, but apparently not... - Thanks to Charlie Perez for letting me know you could use Light Arrows to kill Iron Knuckles (in particular the one in the Twinmold Dungeon on the Moon). - Special thanks to Devon Bodmer for finding a sneaky little trick so you don't have to pay the Postman when playing his timing mini-game. - Thanks to Nicole Aki for reminding me to add a cheap trick for Wart (a mini- boss in the Great Bay Temple). ============== Version: v1.03 ============== - Established February 28, 2008. - Special thanks to Shawn who pointed out a mistake in the Enemies section involving the Floormasters. I'm truly ashamed at myself! - Special thanks to sabretooth who showed me a very unclear Stray Fairy in the Stone Tower Temple. ============== Version: v1.02 ============== - Established January 10, 2008. - Fixed many spelling errors. - Fixed map in the Goron Switch Room in the Snowhead Temple to make it much easier to understand. - Posted the guide on www.neoseeker.com - Special thanks to Lucas who informed me of a glitch in the Anju & Kafei Quest! - Special thanks to Agnem who showed me tons of errors throughout the guide. He gave me a thorough list of everything he found. You rock dude! ============== Version: v1.01 ============== - Established December 2, 2007. - Added some things here and there. - Special thanks goes to CoolZero who e-mailed me to inform me about the Guays giving 50 Rupees when shot with a Light Arrow! - Special thanks to Scott who e-mailed me about an optional event in the Anju & Kafei Quest! ============== Version: v1.00 ============== - Established September 1, 2007. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Finding Stuff: [] | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Whenever you see anything with brackets around it [EXAMPLE], you can use that same batch of symbols to quickly find what you're looking for. For example, every Heart Piece has a code that goes with it: [HP##]. There's 52 Heart Pieces in total, but each one only has two codes: one in the walkthrough and one in the guide. Simply use that code to find that Heart Piece in either location! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | A Picture Says A Thousand Words | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - I like drawing as many pictures as I can, because I believe it cuts down on the need for confusing text quite a bit. I will still try to describe everything as much as possible though, so don't worry. _____ _____ ____/ \____ _________________________________________ ____/ \____ / ^ o \ ======================================= / ^ o \ |< > ( ) o o o | -----------={ CONTROLS }=---------- |< > ( ) o o o | | v o o | [CTRL] | v o o | |\_____ /¯\ _____/| |\_____ /¯\ _____/| | | \\_// | | | | \\_// | | | | | | | | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ | | | | | | \_/ | | \_/ --------------------------------------- \_/ | | \_/ \ / ========================================= \ / \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_/ L Button R Button \ Start Button / \ | / \ | / \ _____|_____ / _________/ | \_________ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / _ | \ | _|^|_ | () | Control------|< >| ( ) ( ) () ()----- C Up, down, Pad | ¯|v|¯ |( ) () | left, right |\ ¯ | \ /| | \________ | ___\____/ | | | \ /¯\ |/ |\ | | | \ \_/ / | \ | | | \ | /| | \ | | | | | | | | \ | \ / /| | | | \ \/ \__/ / | | | | \__/\ / | | | | \ / | | | | A Button / \ | / | / \_|_/ | Z Button | B Button | | Analog Stick A Button:...........Action Button (Speak, Check, Open, Attack, Put Away, etc.) B Button:...........Attack/Cancel (Mask variations). Z Button:...........Center Camera/Z Target. R Button:...........Shield. L Button:...........Toggle Mini-map/Ocarina animations. C-up:...............Look around in first person view/talk to Tatl. C-left/right/down:..Use item(s) set to C buttons. Start Button:.......Pause game/open menu. Control Stick:......Move character/cursor. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Form Specific Controls | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - In general, your controls remain the same. Link's Controls are the standard, while I will only mention the changes when in other forms. Also, you can only ride Epona in your normal form. =================== ~ Link's Controls ~ =================== - Regular you is the most versital. - Most of your items can only be used in this form. - Only form you can ride Epona in. A: Put sword away. + Forward: Roll (used to break stuff or avoid attacks). + Z: Jump attack (2x normal sword damage, sword must be out). + Swimming: Dive. B: Horizontal swing (takes sword out). + Forward: Vertical swing. + Z: Vertical swing. + Z + Forward: Stab. + Z + Left/Right: Horizontal/Diagonal swing. + Hold: Spin Attack. + Epona: Take out/shoot Hero's Bow. C-left/right/down: Take out, put away, or use item/mask. C-up: Look around in first person view/Talk with Tatl. Z: Z target the nearest person, enemy or object. + Z + Left/Right: Switch target. + Z + Backwards: Un-target. + C-up: Ask Tatl about target. R: Duck/Raise shield. + Direction: Duck/Aim shield in that direction. + B: Quick stab. + Z: Raise shield against target (can move around, not attack). L: Toggle Mini-Map/Ocarina animations. Other Moves: Jumping: If you walk near a ledge, your character will automatically jump or hop in that direction depending on how fast you're moving. Spin Attack: You do start out with this, but it can be upgraded later to use Magic and have further range. Quick Spin: Rotate the analog stick quickly, then press B to perform a quick Spin Attack that uses no magic. ======================== ~ Changes In Deku Form ~ ======================== - The Deku are vulnerable to fire! - They are also very light. - They can't swim, but can bounce on the water a few times. - Flowers can be used to launch yourself into the air and fly around. - Ocarina becomes pipes. A: Deku Spin: stuns most enemies. + Direction: Moves in that direction while spinning. B: Bubble Blast. Does some damage, but has little range. + Hold: Bubble, blows it bigger, increases range. (+ Hold) + Z: Bubble (aimed at target). R: Nut Shield. Can't move, with or without Z. Other Moves: Deku Helicopter: Press and hold A when you're standing over a pink or yellow flower to burrow into it and aim. Then release to shoot up and fly around for a brief time. Water Hop: Touch water to hop up to five times before you sink. Press A before you fall into water to bounce really far! Deku Bomber: While flying, press B to drop Deku Nuts. ========================= ~ Changes In Goron Form ~ ========================= - The Gorons sink in water! - They are very heavy and strong. - They can walk in lava. - Ocarina becomes drums. A: Curls you into a stone ball. + B: Fire Slam (works when rolling without spikes too). + Direction: Roll. B: Fire Punch (a "blunt" attack, doesn't work on some foes). R: Hardens your rocky exterior, but you can't move. Other Moves: Goron Roll: While rolling with A, fire will appear at your sides. If you stop moving or let go of A, these flames will disappear. If you can roll continually for a short amount of time, spikes will surround you (which can damage enemies) and your Magic will slowly be consumed. You will also move very quickly during this time. At this point, you don't have to hold forward anymore. Letting go of the A button, hitting something, or running out of Magic, will cause it to stop. ======================== ~ Changes In Zora Form ~ ======================== - Zora's are excellent swimmers! - You are also much taller, meaning you can reach higher things. - Ocarina becomes Mikau's guitar. A: Swims/Put Fins away. + Water: Surface (start floating). B: Fin slash. + Hold: Boomerang Fins (grabs stuff, lots of damage, stuns). + Swimming: Dive (sink). R: Fin shield. + B: Electric Barrier (creates a shield that damages too). + Swimming: Electric Barrier. / _________________________________________________________________ \ / _ =============================================================== _ \ / / \ ---------------------={ Game Basics }=--------------------- / \ \ o \_/_ [BASICS] _\_/ o \\/| |o| |o| |\// \/| | | | | |\/ |_|/ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ \|_| | | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | | | ============================================================= | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - This section contains other bits of information that would be good to know about the game before diving right in. A lot of this stuff is pretty obvious and explained as you play, but I will attempt to be helpful in any case. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | About The Screen | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ B Button Icon C-up (Tatl) \ / \ Action (A) Icon / ________________________\_______|_________/_____ | \ | / | Hearts | \ | ( ) | (Health)----??? /¯\ | /¯\-----/¯\----- C-Left, Right | _______ \_/ /¯\ \_/ /¯\ \_/ | & Down (Item) Magic -----| | \_/ \_/--------- Icons Meter | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __________ | | | | | | | | | | ,*¯¯¯¯¯¯*, | ------- Mini-map | / o \ | | | Area | # o| ,'', \ | | | | Rupees -----? 00 / || ',,' \ | | | | | ? 0 / | | \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | / / | | \ | /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Small Keys / | | \ / AM/PM | Minute Hour Day Hearts: At the top left of your screen, you have your Hearts, which (Health) represent your life energy. Taking damage will cut chunks out of them one at a time in a pie type pattern. Magic Very early on, you will get your first magical ability. Some Meter: abilities use Magic, which will drain a portion of it from your Magic Meter. You can restore your Magic by drinking some types of potions, finding green jars, or speaking with a Great Fairy. Rupees: Rupees (a standard unit in India, wrought silver, according to the New World Dictionary...) are the currency in the Zelda series. They can be found in bushes, on enemies, in chests, and won in games. There is the option of storing Rupees in the Bank so they cannot be lost later. Do this whenever you are about to play the Song of Time. You start out only able to carry 99, but you can increase the max amount by finding larger Wallets throughout the game. Small You're only able to see this at the bottom left of your screen (and Keys: use them) when in dungeons. They are used to unlock doors, so it is very important to find all there are in each dungeon. B Button At the top of the screen, this green icon will show the current mode Icon: of attack that will occur if you press the B button. Keep in mind this is also your "cancel" button in general. The options will vary with each form. Action This blue icon at the top of the screen will indicate what your (A) Icon: action would be if you were to press it at that time. Pay attention to it, because it changes often. C-Left, These three yellow icons at the top right of the screen allow you to Right, use the items you have set to each of them. In some cases, pressing & Down: the button again will use the item or put it away. C-Up: When standing near something or Z-targeting an object or enemy, a (Tatl) little button will pop up right above your other C button icons which will be the C-up button. Pressing it will allow your fairy to give you useful information about whatever it is. Mini- There is a small map at the bottom right of your screen, which can Map: be toggled with the L Button. This will only work if you have bought or found the appropriate map for that location. The red triangle represents where you entered the area from while the yellow one represents yourself, pointing in the direction you are facing. Day: In the center bottom of your screen is a clock that appears as a half circle. In the center of the diamond shape, it will show the current day: 1st, 2nd or Final. Hour: There is a number along the outside of your clock that will slowly go around it. This represents the current hour. AM/PM: Between the Hour and the rest of the clock, there is a sun or a moon, showing whether it's day or night. Minute: Within the clock, there is a small star that moves along between the rim and the Day in the middle. It works the same way the minute hand does on a regular clock. - Pay attention to the clock, it is very important to understand how it works and to ensure that you don't run out of time. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | "A" Is For Action | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - At the top right of your screen is a blue icon called the Action Icon. The words displayed there say what will happen if you are to press it at that moment. - As with most RPGs, this is the button you use to speak, check and perform most other actions. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Using Items & Masks | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Press Start to open your menu. On either the Item or Mask Subscreen, you can then set items to a (C) button by pressing one. - When you press a (C) button during the game, the Item will be used or Mask will be put on. Only one Mask can be worn at a time. - Some Items will require you to press it once to get it out, then again to actually use it. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Z Targeting | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ________ / / - Many games attempt to pull off some sort of targeting \ v \ method, but few have been as successfully designed as / > < / that in the Zelda series. \ ^ \ / - While targeting something, you can use and interact / / / with it from a farther range as well as change your \ \ / /¯\ whole moveset to be more battle oriented, from ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ o \_/_ sidesteps to backflips. \\/| |o| \/| | | - While targeting an enemy, you can use your shield and | |/ other items while moving, which is a huge advantage. |¯| Also, you will automatically aim at the target's | | current location. A BUTTON: One of the main differences is the A Button's functionality changes to allow you to jump/roll or perform a Jump Attack in the direction you are currently facing. - You can tell what your potential targets are by little arrows pointing to them. Blue for things you can speak with, green for objects and yellow for enemies. - There are two options for Z targeting which you can change in the main menu when you start the game: Switch and Hold. Switch: Press Z once to latch onto a target. Hit it again to switch to the next nearest target. Hold back on the Analog Stick and press Z to stop targeting. Hold: Press and hold Z to target something. Let go at any time to stop. - Switch is the default and is generally better when against multiple enemies. Hold is better for advanced players and is particularly handy for bosses. Use whichever suits your style. Just remember, you can't change it once the game is started. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Using The Ocarina | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ What IS an Ocarina? |\___ Ocarinas are wind instruments that are usually in an egg or potato / % %/ shape. It was popular in Japan as well as among western North \% / American cowboys for a time. ¯¯¯ So, why do I have one? ,´¯- In Zelda 5: Ocarina of Time, Link's best friend, Saria, gave him .' the Fairy Ocarina as a going away present because he was off to .´ save the world. Later, it was replaced by the legendary Ocarina of ´ .-. Time, which he used to open a door in the Temple of Time and ' '_, ` travel through time. In this game, Zelda has given it to you `.__.´ because it's better in your hands. This game is heavily reliant on time as well, so it's a good thing! How do I play it? -(^)----- With the C Buttons and the A Button. Press B to stop playing. -----(<)- When you have successfully played notes in the right order, it -(>)----- will play the song again and something spiffy will happen. Each -----(v)- song is played (and does something) different. If you ever forget -(A)----- a song, you can find them in your Start menu. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Trading | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - When talking with people, occasionally, it will give you the option of presenting an item to them. This is a vast improvement over Ocarina of Time because you can offer them filled bottles without using or releasing the contents accidentally. - There are lots of "quest items" you will get throughout the game that usually only serve one or two purposes, so sometimes you can go back and do that quest again for the second option. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Dungeon Items | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Throughout the games, you encounter small dungeons or temples. There are special items you get and can only use in that place. Dungeon Map: Allows you to use the Mini-Map in this place. You can use your Start menu to find it as well. Compass: Shows you the location of you on the map, elevators and chests. Small Keys: Use these to open locked doors. Boss Key: Needed to get through the Boss Door. Dungeon Item: Each dungeon or temple has a special item that you have to find. Usually, these are also needed to defeat the Boss. Stray Fairies: Each temple has 15 Stray Fairies. Find them all and bring them to the nearby Fairy Fountain to get a special upgrade. I will be covering this in the Walkthrough, but it's not required. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Saving | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================ ~ Song of Time ~ ================ - SPOILERS! - The only way to REALLY save is to play the Song of Time when you have the Ocarina. This will cause you to go back to the first day and lose all your Rupees and numerical items. You can store your Rupees in the Bank, which happens to transcend time (odd). /\ /\ =============== \ \^/ / ~ Owl Statues ~ \ / =============== \ / ¯ - The other way to save is to use the Owl Statues (you have to smack them with your sword to activate them first). Talking to them will allow you to, essentially, pause your current progress and exit. However, if you are to load it back up again, then die or shut off your N64, you will lose all your information back until the last time you played the Song of Time. - Thus, you can use the Owl Statues if you need to take a break, but you will lose everything unless you play the Song of Time eventually. _________ _________ / \~~~~~~~\ ___________________________________________________ /~~~~~~~/ \ \_/\~~~~~~~\ =================================================== /~~~~~~~/\_/ |~~~~~~~| ------------------={ Story }=------------------ |~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~| [STORY] |~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~| http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Story.php |~~~~~~~| |~~~~~~~| ------------------------------------------------- |~~~~~~~| /¯\/~~~~~~~/ =================================================== \~~~~~~~\/¯\ \_/~~~~~~~/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \~~~~~~~\_/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - With the exception of the "sound" I have interjected, below is the story for Majora's Mask, found in the instruction booklet that comes with the game. It is also shown when you first create your file in the game (and where this sound is heard). .~~~~~~~. +--------------/ Story \--------------+ | '~~~~~~~~~' | | | | In the land of Hyrule, there | | echoes a legend. A legend held | | dearly by the Royal Family that | | tells of a boy... | | | | A boy who, | | after battling evil and saving | | Hyrule, crept away from the land | | that had made him a legend... | | | | Done with the battles he once | | waged across time, he embarked | | on a journey. A secret and | | personal journey... | | | | A journey in search of a | | beloved and invaluable friend... | | | | A friend with whom he parted | | ways when he finally fulfilled his | | heroic destiny and took his place | | among legends... | | | | *Fairy sound* | | | +---------------------------------------+ - If you have played Ocarina of Time (the prequel to this game) it's safe to assume that this "invaluable friend" must be Navi (your fairy companion in that game). It's also possible that it is Saria (your best friend growing up). o o o ____________________________________________________________ () ___ o o o o ============================================================ / \ o ___ () ---------------------={ Walkthrough }=-------------------- | | / \ [WALK] \ | | | | | | / | | | | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Walkthrough.php / | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- \ / | \ ================================================================ ¯¯¯ \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | HOW TO GET TO EACH SECTION FAST! | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | --> Ctrl/Apple + F | | | | --> Copy-paste the commands | | [EXAMPLE] | | | | --> Click "Find" until you get | | there | '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ================================= [W100] Chapter 1 - A "Short" Tale ================================= ____________________________ [W101] Unfortunate Events \ / [W102] Welcome To Clock Town | First section of the | [W103] Fairies Can Shatter? | game up until you | [W104] Child's Play | receive the | [W105] Shed A Tear For me | Ocarina of Time. | [W106] Pass-times / \ [W107] Get That Ocarina Back! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================================ [W200] Chapter 2 - Poisin Is Bad ================================ ____________________________ [W201] I'm A Real Boy! \ / [W202] Item Collection #1 | Parts immediately | [W203] Swampy Goodness | after the first three | [W204] Monkey Business | days and the | [W205] Flower Happy | Woodfall Temple. | [W206] Woodfall Temple / \ [W207] Post Temple Collection #1 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================= [W300] Chapter 3 - Melting Winter's Heart ========================================= ____________________________ [W301] Item Collection #2 \ / [W302] Winter Wonderland | North section of | [W303] The Goron Hero | Termina, including | [W304] Lullaby | the Snowhead Temple. | [W305] Snowhead Temple / \ [W306] Post Temple Collection #2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ========================================= [W400] Chapter 4 - To Kill A Mocking Fish ========================================= [W401] Grasshopper ____________________________ [W402] Stone & Fish \ / [W403] Pirates' Booty | Stuff in Great Bay, | [W404] Egg Hunt | Zora Cape and the | [W405] Item Collection #3 | Great Bay Temple. | [W406] Zora Cape / \ [W407] Great Bay Temple ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [W408] Post Temple Collection #3 ================================= [W500] Chapter 5 - Right Side Up? ================================= ____________________________ [W501] Grave Robbing \ / [W502] Item Collection #4 | Some of the remaining | [W503] We Are The Garo | side quests as well | [W504] Blowing Away The Curse | as Ikana Valley | [W505] Beneath The Well | through the | [W506] Ikana Castle | Stone Tower Temple. | [W507] Ascending Stones / \ [W508] Stone Tower Temple ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [W509] Post Temple Collection #4 =============================== ____________________________ [W600] Chapter 6 - Majora Melee \ / =============================== | The few remaining | [W601] Final Quests | quests, the Anju & | [W602] Anju & Kafei Stuff | Kafei trading sequence,| [W603] Sacret Shrine | the Secret Shrine, the | [W604] Giants And A Tree | Moon, and of course, | [W605] The Demon Awakens | the final boss. | [W606] Credits / \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ /__\ Chapter 1 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\ /\ /\ A "Short" Tale ____________________/ [W100] /\ /\ /__\/__\ _________________________/ \____________________ /__\/__\ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Items \ / Masks \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Deku Nuts | | Map of Clock Town | | Ocarina of Time | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Songs \ / Heart Pieces \ / Upgrades \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Song of Time [HP01] Bubble Blast | | Song of Double Time | | Inverted Song of Time | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Sections Within This Chapter \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [W101] Unfortunate Events - The beginning. | | [W102] Welcome To Clock Town - Getting the map. | | [W103] Fairies Can Shatter? - Fairy Fountain and Bubble Blast. | | [W104] Child's Play - Hide and seek with the Bombers. | | [W105] Shed A Tear For me - Getting the Moon's Tear. | | [W106] Pass-times - Things to do while waiting. | | [W107] Get That Ocarina Back! - Kick Skull Kid's butt! | \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W101] Unfortunate Events \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Items \ | | --------- | \ Deku Nuts / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - After the story gets over with, you will see a short movie involving Link riding alone in the forest on his trusty steed, Epona. He looks rather depressed to me. Two fairies will appear and scare the horse while he's looking the other way, causing him to fall off and get knocked out. Come on, you've suffered worse than that before! - Weird music introduces the Skull Kid, who will come and search Link. Taking the Ocarina of Time and messing with it, he will laugh maniacally as the fairies argue in the background. - Link wakes up and tries to tackle him, only to have him by the leg as the jerk jumps on Epona and rides off, dragging you along the ground. - The scene changes and Link loses his grip as they round a corner. Eep, get up dude! =============== ~ Lost Woods? ~ =============== End - Okay, now that you have gained control of our | | hero, get used to the controls. Use the Analog / \ Stick to move around, press the A to perform | o| actions and the B button to slash your sword. | | Slash some bushes to get some Rupees, then run |o | o = Trees through the stump that the Skull Kid went \ o/ through. | | ^ = Start __| |_ - This next area has a bunch of stumps sticking | `O\ out of the ground. You can jump simply by running | \ towards a ledge. Jump across them to work your | \ way up to the next exit. If you've played Ocarina |, ^o | of Time before this, you will undoubtedly drool |O`, | at Link's cool new jumps. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - Another clip will begin and you will get the privilege of watching a Windows 95 worthy screen saver. Link lands on a pink flower and the Skull Kid will insinuate having done something horrible to Epona, that biznatch! Guess he decides Link's horror at the previous comment is a gesture of war because he takes the opportunity to give him a creepy dream. - Run away from the Deku, Link! When the dream ends, Skull Kid giggles at the new fashion statement, which will cause Link to scream. Well, that sucks doesn't it? Tatl will try to stop you and lose her chance to stay with her buddies. Of course, that's all your fault, right? ========================= ~ Mysterious Underworld ~ ========================= ________ __ | | ^ = Start ___/ \__| 3D | | # ~ 1 2 | ~ = Door | |¯\##/¯¯| 4 | |~| ¯¯ | | # = Platform (Deku Launcher) / \ | 5 | | ^ | | 6 | D = Deku Nuts \ / ¯¯| |¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ End - You gain control of Link again, who is now an incredibly short Deku Scrub. You're head is so big compared to your body... Anyway, walk around and get used to spinning around with A. When you're ready, go up to the door and press A to go through. - Go around the corner and Tatl will run after you. She wants you to take her with you and she'll help out... until you get back to Skull Kid. One sided love, eh? - You now have the option of pressing C-up when near something of interest and Tatl will tell you about it if you wish. For those who have played Ocarina of Time, this means no more annoying interruptions for every single thing you encounter. - When you're ready, stand atop the flower, press and hold A to dive into it. Aim, then let go of A and you'll shoot up and fly around using flowers in each hand. Head over to the other side of the room and either wait awhile or press A to drop down. If you fall down, use the flowers to work your way back up. When you're there, go through the door. - In this room, you'll have to use these flowers to go from one island to the other. Get in the first flower and fly to the second platform. - From here, use the flower to get to the third platform (on the left). Once there, open the large chest to find Deku Nuts. +----------------------. | New Item : Deku Nuts `-------------------------------------+ | | | - Throw these on the ground to stun enemies. You can also | | use them with B while flying as a Deku Scrub. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - To your right is a tree. The fourth platform is behind it, so you can either try and fly around it, or go back to the second platform below and then to the fourth. - Once on the fourth platform, you will see the fifth platform in the distance. Get in the flower and go around the tree, then straight for the platform. You should just make it. - Tatl will inform you of the thingy over there. Z target it if you wish, and then fly over there. - Check out the weird tree (looks like a Deku Scrub doesn't it?) and go through the last entrance. ======================== ~ Clock Tower Basement ~ ======================== - You will appear in a room with a waterwheel and a river going through bars on either side. Take the stairs up to the top and make your way for the double doors. - A clip begins as the emotional Mask Salesman appears on stage behind Link. While lots of characters have the same models as those in Ocarina of Time, this guy not only looks like the one from the last game, it really is the same person. - Apparently this guy has been traveling around the world collecting masks, but the Skull Kid stole the most important one: Majora's Mask. Also, he informs you he's a stalker. Creepy. Too bad stalkers are the only ones who know how to fix your little curse problem, dang it all! - Turns out, you need to get back your "precious item" and he'll teach you how, IF you get him the mask back. But there's ANOTHER catch. He's leaving in three days. There's actually a very important reason for that. - He'll shush now, allowing you to go outside and take your first look at Clock Town. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W102] Welcome To Clock Town \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Items \ | | --------- | \ Map of Clock Town / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ============== ~ Clock Town ~ ============== + = Area Transition O = Owl Statue H = Heart Piece M = Mailbox F = Frog $ = Chest (Rupees) S = Stray Fairy North 1: Clock Tower Basement ^ 2: Clock Tower | _______ 3: Deku Flower ______| |_| | 4: Kafei's Hideout | | 15 H /| | 5: Curiosity Shop __| | 14 / | | ____ 6: Trading Post 13 _|_ M ¯¯ |__| 16 |__ 7: Bomb Shop ¯¯|12 | ++ 17 8: Bank ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯ 9: Swordman's School _____ ____|+|_____ | M | 10: Postman's House __| 9 10|_| _______ _| __| |¯ | 11: Lottery Shop West <- + | | | | |19| | | 12: Deku Playground ¯¯| 11|¯| | 2 | M| |__| |__| 13: Fairy Fountain | |¯ | |_____| |__|18 20|__ 14: Jim (Bomber's Leader) \7 \ | 1 ++ -> East 15: Tingle (Maps) \6 8\ |3 |¯¯¯|¯ S ¯| 16: Mayer's Residence __ \5 \_| | | 23 21| 17: Observatory Path |4 \ \ + _ |_ ¯¯¯| M|¯ 18: Stock Pot Inn Laundry| \ ¯¯¯¯| | | |_____| 22/¯| 19: Inn's Top Entrance Pool | F¯¯¯¯¯¯| |M ¯ +++____/ | 20: Latte Milk Bar | S |¯¯|+ | |¯¯¯|$ | 21: Honey & Darling Shop ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 22: Town Shooting Gallery | 23: Treasure Chest Shop v South - Tatl will remind you of how ridiculous the Mask Salesman's terms are, as well as tell you to go see the Great Fairy. The latter sounds like a good idea. - You should explore a little and get used to Clock Town. It seems really big at first, but you get used to it quick. Talking to the town people will inform you that there's a giant, creepy faced moon looming over the city. Well that's just dandy isn't it? Also, they're all preparing to celebrate the annual Carnival of Time. - On the opposite side of the Clock Tower (where you start), there is a doorway that leads to North Clock Town. Go there. - Here, you will find a creepy guy in green. His name is Tingle, and for some reason, Nintendo is obsessed with bringing this freaky character back in the Zelda series over and over again. He's 35, thinks he's a fairy (no argument there), and his father is ashamed of him (go figure). He usually flies around using a red balloon tied to his back and drawing maps of the land. Anyway, He's selling a Clock Town Map for 5 Rupees. Get Rupees from the bushes nearby until you have that much and buy it. - Tatl wants us to enter the cave here in North Clock Town, but there's something we should do first. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W103] Fairies Can Shatter? \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ---------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Upgrades \ | | ------------ | \ Bubble Blast / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ North - It should still be day. If it ^ is, go to the Laundry Pool (the | _______ entrance leading from the bottom ______| |_| | left of South Clock Town). | | /| | - You will find another Great __| | / | | ____ big-headed individual similar to Fairy _|_ ¯¯ |__| |__ yourself, if a bit shinier. It's Fountain¯¯| | ++ a Stray Fairy, one of many ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯ you'll see in this journey. Go _____ ____|+|_____ | | touch it (you can bounce on __| |_| _______ _| __| |¯ | water) and it will explain its West <- + | | | | | | | | predicament. ¯¯| |¯| | | | |__| |__| | |¯ | |_____| |__| |__ \ \ | ++ -> East \ \ | |¯¯¯|¯ S ¯| <--- Stray Fairy __ \ \_| | | | Night | \ \ + _ |_ ¯¯¯| |¯ Laundry| \ ¯¯¯¯| | | |_____| /¯| Pool | ¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯ +++____/ | - If it's night, the Stray Fairy | S |¯¯|+ | |¯¯¯| | will be in East Clock Town in ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ the middle of the square. You ^ | can't miss it. It's too high to | v get to however, so use the Deku Stray Fairy South Launcher (flower) nearby to get Day it. - With Stray Fairy in hand, go back to North Clock Town and enter the cave on the left side. - The Stray Fairy you found earlier will combine with the others to become a large scandalous female known as the Great Fairy of Magic. They look much less obnoxious than they were in Ocarina of Time. Anyway, she'll give you Magic, allowing you to shoot bubbles with B! Sweetness. She reminds you, however, to come back when you have returned to your old self. What do you think she has in mind? ;) +------------------------. | Upgrade : Bubble Blast `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Press B as a Deku Scrub to blow bubbles. Hold it in | | longer to make it go further. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W104] Child's Play \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ \ / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Back outside (North Clock Town), you will notice Tingle is now floating around with a red balloon. He'll be that way from now on. Anyway, our objective is to pop the Majora's Mask balloon with our new found ability. Why does this kid HAVE that anyway? - Jim, the Bomber's leader will be startled. Go talk to him and he will tell you how impressive your big head is. - Apparently, he is willing to let you into their gang if you will play hide and go seek with him and his friends. Sounds good right? You have until the next day starts, so if it's night already, you'll have less time to do it. - The kids will run off and hide now and it's your job to find them. They cheat however and run away when they see you. So it's actually hide and go catch. Walk after them and use your spin to catch up quickly. - You will start out in North Clock Town. North - The kids will run off and ^ hide now and it's your job to | _______ find them. They cheat however ______| |_| #2| and run away when they see | | /| | you. So it's actually hide and __| | / | | ____ go catch. Walk after them and _|_ ¯¯ |__| |__ use your spin to catch up ¯¯| |#1 ++ quickly. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯ - You can also use your new _____ ____|+|_____ | | Bubble Blast to stun them from __| #5 |_| _______ _| __| |¯ | afar for a few seconds. West <- + | | | | | | | | - You start out in North Clock ¯¯| |¯| | | | |#4| |#3| Town. | |¯ | |_____| |__|¯¯ ¯¯|__ \ \ | ++ -> East \ \ | |¯¯¯|¯ ¯| __ \ \_| | | | | \ \ + _ |_ ¯¯¯| |¯ North Clock Town Laundry| \ ¯¯¯¯| | | |_____| /¯| ---------------- Pool | ¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯ +++____/ | #1 Behind a tree near the Fairy | |¯¯|+ | |¯¯¯| | Fountain ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ #2 Hiding behind the slide. | v South East Clock Town --------------- #3 Standing atop the roof of the Latte Milk West Clock Town Bar (near the exit from East Clock Town) --------------- holding a chicken (just follow the chicken #5 Standing in the middle of noises). He will jump off when you come the street at the top of after him. West Clock Town. Try to get #4 On top of the thatched overhang in front him in one of those corners of the Stock Pot Inn. You can get up there to ensure you don't chase using the door via the Inn, or by using the him up and down the path the Deku Flower nearby. Otherwise, you can below. walk underneath him to scare him. Either way, he'll most likely jump off. To quote worms: "Kamikazeeee!" - After you have caught all of the children, the screen will fade and you'll be back in North Clock Town. Well, you can't join the club they decide. But, they will give you their password to let you go to their secret hang out spot. Nifty. - Write this number down! The order they are standing in is different each time you play, so don't forget it! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W105] Shed A Tear For Me \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ \ / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Go to East Clock Town and talk to the Bomber with the yellow cap. He'll give you the "Hmm" as well as a demand for their secret code. Didn't he see you chasing his buddies? Give it to him and he'll stand out of the way. Go inside. ===================== ~ Clock Town Sewers ~ ===================== - Ahead there's a fork to either go left or continue on Astral Observatory forward. There's only one way we can go for now, so __| |__ bounce from platform to platform until you get back to | | solid land. Use A to spin right before you touch the | | water to go really fast! | | ¯¯| |¯¯ - Go left now and you will encounter your first enemy, a | |_____ Skulltula. They're a little harder than they were in | | Ocarina of Time, but you can still beat them the same | | way: by waiting for their vulernable backside to be ¯¯¯¯¯| | turned to you and hitting them (in your case, with a | | Bubble). Either way, show it who's boss, or walk around __________| | it in the shallow water. _| | |$| |¯¯¯¯¯| | <--- $ = Chest with 100 Rupees - At the end, go through ¯¯¯ | | (can't get it yet) the narrow passage, which ¯||¯ will lead to an open || room. Break the jars || around, there's some magic jars in two of them. Back To Clock Town The ladder in the center of the wall is blocked by another balloon of all things. Pop this obstacle and climb up the ladder. ====================== ~ Astral Observatory ~ ====================== - There's some stairs here, some pots and a scarecrow.. right... We'll get to that later, but first, go up the stairs and around to talk to the old guy who likes to stand way too close when speaking to you. - Look in his telescope and then zoom in with A at the top of the Clock Tower. The Skull Kid will glance at the Moon, which will cause it to cry I guess. Jeez, you're mean! Anyway, the Skull Kid will show off his rear due to your horrendous act. - Ignore the old man and go outside to find your very own Moon's Tear! Yippee! - Head back up to Clock Town by way of the Sewers. ============== ~ Clock Town ~ ============== - Go back to South Clock Town and approach the giant yellow flower (assuming you haven't already). Right before you can get to it, a large Business Scrub will fly in and take residence, claiming he has the ownership papers and everything. Dang. He does comment however that he'd be willing to sell it in exchange for a Moon's Tear. - Heck, I think you know what to do. Here's your first Trading Sequence, and it is wonderfully better in this game (compared to Ocarina of Time). You can press Start and set your quest items to a C button and give it to the people while in a conversation. - Anyway, give him the Moon's Tear and he'll leave in a clip that's far too long. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W106] Pass-Times \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ \ / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Well, I'm assuming your on the night of the First Day right now, so, you have some time to burn. I suggest you spend your time talking to people and getting acquainted with the town. - You can also try earning some money by playing Mini-Games around town. There aren't many that you can do yet, other than the Treasure Chest Shop. Your options really are quite limited at the moment. ____ _| |__ - If you're really ambitious, ~ Clock Town ~ + you can escape Clock Town by ¯| |¯¯ sneaking past the guards. I _____ ____|+|_____ | | suggest only those whom have __| |_| _______ _| __| |¯ | beaten the game already do West + | | | | | | | | this however, just ¯¯| |¯| | | | |__| |__| make sure you're | |¯ | |_____| |__| |__ Escape back before the \ \ | ++ <-- Clock night of the Third \ \ | South |¯¯¯|¯ East ¯| Town! Day! To do it, you \ \_| | | | stand near the Trading -->\ + _ |_ ¯¯¯| |¯ guard in East Clock Post ¯¯¯¯| | | |_____| /¯| Town and face back towards (Scarecrow) ¯¯| | ¯ +++____/ | the square. |+ | |¯¯¯| | - Now, hold Z and backwards ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ on the Analog Stick and walk along the wall on either the the left or right side. The guard will impede you, but you'll slowly inch your way out. Outside, there are several chests you can open and holes you can fall into that will reward you with Rupees. - If you really don't care, and/or are just lazy, like me, go find a Scarecrow (there's one in the Trading Post in West Clock Town) and dance with him repeatedly until the night of the Final Day. He is also willing to tell you about some hidden songs. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W107] Get That Ocarina Back! \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ -------------- / Songs \ | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | Ocarina of Time ---------------- Song of Time | | [HP01] Song of Double Time | \ Inverted Song of Time / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Okay, during the night of the Final Day, get ready, cause we're going to get your instrument! Check out the Moon every little while, it's getting bigger very quick now. - First, go to the Bank in West Clock Town and let him stamp you so you can use it. Now put all your remaining Rupees in the bank. This will save them for later (you'll see). - When you're all ready, go to the yellow Deku flower in South Clock Town we traded our Moon's Tear for earlier and get in. Fly to that overhang above the door leading into the Clock Tower. Here, you'll find your first HEART PIECE [HP01]! For every four of these you get, another Heart will be added to the others at the top left of the screen, extending your life energy. - At 12:00 o-clock on the last night, the door to the Clock Tower will open, revealing some stairs so you can get up there. Climb up them to confront the Skull Kid and get back what's rightfully yours! ======================== ~ Atop The Clock Tower ~ ======================== - A short movie ensues in which the Skull Kid is revealed as a jerk. Tael will attempt to give you a hint about what to do that Tatl will decipher later. The Skull Kid will eventually scream with those multiple voice boxes of his which causes the Moon to fall even faster. - You regain control of your Deku Scrub once more. Let's show him our spectacular, unstoppable new ability! Z-target him and blow the biggest Bubble you can. - This will cause the Skull Kid to drop the Ocarina of Time. Get it, quick! - Another movie will take place in which you remember Zelda teaching you the Song of Time from the prequel. +----------------------------. | New Item : Ocarina of Time `-------------------------------+ | | | - Use it with (C), then use the four (C) buttons and A to | | play mystical songs! You can look in your Start Menu any- | | time if you forget the ones you've learned. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------. | New Song : Song of Time `----------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. -(>)---------(>)----------------- | | ' '_, ` ---------(v)---------(v)--------- | | `.__.´ -----(A)---------(A)------------- | | | | - C-right, A, C-down, C-right, A, C-down. | | | | - Playing this song will take you back to the First Day and | | save your game. You will lose all your 'collectable' items | | such as Arrows, Bombs, Deku Nuts, etc. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------------------------. | Hidden Song : Song of Double Time `------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. -(>)-(>)------------------------- | | ' '_, ` -----------------(v)-(v)--------- | | `.__.´ ---------(A)-(A)----------------- | | | | - C-right, C-right, A, A, C-down, C-down. | | | | - Play each note of the Song of Time twice and you will | | have the option of jumping forward in time to the next | | 6:00 AM or 6:00 PM, just like dancing with the Scarecrow, | | but you can do it wherever you want instead. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------. | Hidden Song : Inverted Song of Time `----------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. ---------(>)---------(>)--------- | | ' '_, ` -(v)---------(v)----------------- | | `.__.´ -----(A)---------(A)------------- | | | | - C-down, A, C-right, C-down, A, C-right. | | | | - Play the Song of Time backwards to slow time to 1/3 that | | of normal or speed it back up again. This is perhaps the | | most useful song ever. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - You'll regain control again and it's pretty obvious what you need to do. Set the Ocarina of Time to one of your C buttons and use it. It will turn out to be... pipes? That's kind of odd. - Play your spiffy new song to go back in time 72 hours to the dawn of the First Day. Well, you're still stuck in Termina, but now you have the Ocarina of Time back and the world doesn't meet certain doom yet! /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ /__\ Chapter 2 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\ /\ /\ Poison Is Bad ____________________/ [W200] /\ /\ /__\/__\ _________________________/ \____________________ /__\/__\ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Items \ / Masks \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bomber's Notebook Deku Mask | | Adult Wallet Great Fairy Mask | | Big Bomb Bag Blast Mask | | Deku Sticks Bremen Mask | | Empty Bottle #1 Bunny Hood | | Hero's Bow Odolwa's Remains | | Quiver Mask of Scents | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Songs \ / Heart Pieces \ / Upgrades \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Song of Healing [HP02] [HP04] Spin Attack | | Sonata of Awakening [HP16] [HP21] | | Song of Soaring [HP26] [HP27] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Sections Within This Chapter \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [W201] I'm A Real Boy! - Song of Healing and the Deku Mask. | | [W202] Item Collection #1 - Getting a bunch of goodies. | | [W203] Swampy Goodness - Southern Swamp. | | [W204] Monkey Business - Trying to help the monkey. | | [W205] Flower Happy - Getting to Woodfall. | | [W206] Woodfall Temple - The temple. | | [W207] Post Temple Collection #1 - Goodies you can get afterwards. | \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W201] I'm A Real Boy! \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Songs \ / Masks \ | | --------- --------- | \ Song of Healing Deku Mask / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - You'll get flashes of the start of your journey and appear back in Clock Town just as you exited the Clock Tower Basement. Tatl will voice everything that's obviously going through your head and then apologize to you for being rude earlier. She wants to help out, isn't that precious? Anyways, you have your "precious item" back, so let's pay the Mask Salesman a visit, shall we? ======================== ~ Clock Tower Basement ~ ======================== - Speak with the Mask Salesman and he'll emphatically shake your shoulders with excitement. Somehow, he magically makes an organ appear, that sounds like a piano no less. Strange. Play his melodic tune to become normal once more my wooden friend. +----------------------------. | New Song : Song of Healing `-------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ -(<)---------(<)----------------- | | ´ .-. -----(>)---------(>)------------- | | ' '_, ` ---------(v)---------(v)--------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-left, C-right, C-down, C-left, C-right, C-down. | | | | - This song has the power to heal souls and create masks. | | Whenever anyone mentions souls or healing, play this song. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------. | New Mask : Deku Mask `-------------------------------------+ | | | - This mask has the power to transform you into a Deku | | Scrub! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Sweet, now you can be normal or a Deku Scrub! This is a huge advantage to have. Oops, I guess he did want us to get Majora's Mask back, huh? Check out his angry eyes, they're so fierce! - He'll then tell you about Majora's Mask and how apparently it was used by an ancient tribe to curse people and gave its user incredible power that could destroy the world. It became too dangerous to keep around, so they hid it in shadow, whatever that means. The Mask Salesman found it and took it cause he's stupid, then the Imp (Skull Kid) came and stole it from him, cause HE's stupid. And well, due to their stupidity, we are playing a game. Pretty cool, really. I like his chuckle at the end. "Just believe! Ho, ho, ho!" - Well, with all that out of the way, let's leave. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W202] Item Collection #1 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ -------------- ---------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ / Upgrades \ --------- | | Bomber's Notebook ---------------- ------------ Great Fairy Mask | | Bombs [HP02] Adult's Wallet Blast Mask | | Map of Romani Ranch [HP04] Big Bomb Bag Bremen Mask | | [HP16] Bunny Hood / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - If you'd like a lot of extra stuff before we actually tackle our next area, go through this section. If not, just skip to the next. ============== ~ Clock Town ~ ============== North - Now, if you remember from ^ earlier, the Great Fairy of | _______ Magic told you to come back ______| |_| | to her when you had | | /| | returned to your old self. Great __| | / | | ____ Of course, everything has Fairy _|_ ¯¯ |__| |__ started over... Fountain¯¯| | ++ - Go back to the Laundry ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯ Pool, catch the Stray Fairy _____ ____|+|_____ | | and take it back to the __| |_| _______ _| __| |¯ | Fairy Fountain in North West <- + | | | | | | | | Clock Town. ¯¯| |¯| | | | |__| |__| | |¯ | |_____| |__| |__ \ \ | ++ -> East \ \ | |¯¯¯|¯ ¯| __ \ \_| | | | | \ \ + _ |_ ¯¯¯| |¯ Laundry| \ ¯¯¯¯| | | |_____| /¯| - She will give you a mask Pool | S ¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯ +++____/ | that will let you snag | |¯¯|+ | |¯¯¯| | other Stray Fairies in ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ the four temples. That ^ | may sound kind of stupid, | v but it's very helpful! Stray Fairy South +-----------------------------. | New Mask : Great Fairy Mask `------------------------------+ | | | - Stray Fairies will fly to you when you wear this mask. | | The mask's hair will shimmer and float around when there | | are Stray Fairies in the area. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Head outside and mess around for awhile. Play the Song of Double Time once if you like to skip to the Night of the First Day (I will), and make sure you're here by 12:00 AM. Many things in this game are time based, as in, the characters have schedules. Termina - While we're waiting, go to the (pillars Field _______ I suppose you would call them,) next to ______| |_| | the slide and use them to get on top of | | H /| | the flat part of the slide. Now, face the Great__| | / | | tree and jump to the next platform, then Fairy _|_ ¯¯ |_ East into the tree branches to snag yourself a ¯¯| | Clock HEART PIECE [HP02]. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Town South - At 12:00 AM on the First Night, the old Clock Town lady from the Bomb Shop will walk through North Clock Town carrying a bag on her back. Sakon the Thief will attempt to steal it from her. Slash him with your sword to stop him and the old lady will reward you with the Blast Mask. Also, she states she'll stock her Bomb Bags at the shop in the morning. We'll have to snag one of those later. +-----------------------. | New Mask : Blast Mask `------------------------------------+ | | | - Wear it and press B to explode! It takes a little while | | recharge though... | | - Press R immediately after using it to explode without | | taking any damage! In this way, use it often, it's nice. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ North Clock Town _____ ____|+|_____ __| |_| _______ _| - Head over to the Laundry Pool to Termina + | | | | find Guru Guru, a member of the Field ¯¯| |¯| | | | Gorman Traveling Troupe, playing his | |¯ | |_____| |_ East music box thoughtfully to himself. \ \ | + Clock He's here between 6:00 PM and 6:00 \ \ | |¯¯¯¯ Town AM on the First and Second Nights __ \ \_| | because his other Troupe members | \ \ + _ |_ kick him out of the room for Laundry| \ ¯¯¯¯| | | |__ East practicing into the night. If you Pool | ¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯ + Clock talk to him right now, he'll lament | G|¯¯|+ | |¯¯ Town about his past and give you the ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ Bremen Mask to get it off his ^ Termina conscience. | Field Guru Guru +------------------------. | New Mask : Bremen Mask `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Wear it and press B to march around while playing a tune | | on your Ocarina. Small animals will parade with you and | | grow up in an instant. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Next we're going to get the Bomber's Notebook. To do so, you can either play hide & go seek with the Bomber's again in your normal form, or enter and exit their hideout, using the code you got last time. On your way back out, the kid with the yellow cap will give it to you. +------------------------------. | New Item : Bomber's Notebook `-----------------------------+ | | | - Find it in your Start Menu and use it to keep track of | | everyone you've helped so far. Can you make everyone | | happy? | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ _____ - Run around and start gathering Rupees. You can only hold __|West |_ 99 at the moment. A good way to gather Rupees is to run Clock + around Termina Field. ¯¯|Town |¯ - The tree near the Observatory, the song on the wall on | |¯ the ramp leading to the snowy area and the fountains \ \ towards the beach scene are all good places to get easy, \ \<-- Bank free Rupees. \ \_ - Go to the Bank and keep putting it in until you have at \ + 200 in there. The Banker will then give you the Adult ¯¯¯¯ Wallet. +-------------------------. | New Item : Adult Wallet `----------------------------------+ | | | - Allows you to hold up to 200 Rupees at a time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ _____ __|West |_ - You should still be in West Clock Town. Take out 90 Clock + Rupees from the Bank or go and find that much, then ¯¯|Town |¯ return here. | |¯ - Enter the Bomb Shop. Because you saved the old lady (the \ \ Bomb Shop Owner's mother) on the First Night, they are \ \ now selling Big Bomb Bags for 90 Rupees (yes, we're Bomb -->\ \_ skipping the smaller one entirely). Get it. Shop \ + ¯¯¯¯ +-------------------------. | New Item : Big Bomb Bag `----------------------------------+ | | | - Allows you to hold up to 30 Bombs at a time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Swordman's School | _v___ __|West |_ Clock + - Don't bother with the Bombchus. You'd lose them when you ¯¯|Town |¯ go back in time and we can't use them for anything yet | |¯ anyway. \ \ \ \ - Next, go to the Swordman's School in West Clock Town and \ \_ prove your worth. \ + ¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Swordman's School \_______________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - A Sword | - Heart Piece #4 (1st time | | | only) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Slash the logs to earn points. Must | - Novice: 5 | | use a sword. | - Expert: 10 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - There are two courses available at the Swordman's School. The first | | is merely training, while the second will reward you if you can get | | a lot of points (a more stylish way of cutting the logs up). | | | | - Use Jump Attacks on them in the Expert Course (Z + A) to slice them | | down the middle and get lots of points. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - Play his "expert" game and Jump Attack all of the logs to get a HEART PIECE [HP04]. - Exit Clock Town now, preferably through either the South or West exits. ================= ~ Termina Field ~ / / ================= | \ ___________\ ¯¯\ /_ _ __¯¯¯ /______ - You should have the map for /| | _ | | \ / _ _\ this place. The south exit is | ¯ / \ ¯ $ ¯¯ | | | |\ the way leading to the Swamp, / \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯ ¯ |__ our next objective. However, | _ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \__ that's not what we're here to | | | / \ \ do right now. / ¯ / | - Go southwest and you'll find / / /¯¯¯| |¯¯¯\ | an exit leading North that / / / N \ \ will take you to Milk Road. / / / \ | Watch out for the Takkuri _____| |___ |_ Clock _|- ' o o o|__ bird along the way though! If | | | W Town E he touches you, he'll steal | |¯¯¯ | |¯ ¯|- ' o o o|¯¯ your sword! ¯¯¯¯| / | | \ / | - Before we go to Milk Road, |¯ \ | \ S / | run through the tall grass \ \ | \___| |___/ /¯¯ / right here. There are two \___ \ ' ' / | large trees nearby. Between \ \ \ ' ' _/ o | them is a Deku Baba and some ¯\¯ \________ ' ' __/o /¯¯/ butterflies. Walk across the \ O ' ' $ | / area the butterflies are at Milk ¯\ '_' |/ to fall into a hole. Road \ | O H |$| O /¯¯¯¯ - Inside, battle the Pea Hat \ \| ¯ O | (giant plant that flies \ ' ' $/ around) to get a HEART PIECE ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\O /¯¯¯¯¯¯ [HP16]. Just stay on its | / "root side" and you should / / be fine. Road to - When that's done, get out of the hole Southern Swamp and enter Milk Road to the southwest. ============= ~ Milk Road ~ ============= - Ahead, you'll see an Owl Statue. Smack it with your sword to wake it up. I'd like to Romani Ranch ___ B = Boulder point out that these two little grass \ \__/¯¯\__/ \ T = Tingle patches right here; one holds a Fairy, \B /¯\ \ while the other holds a green jar. That ¯¯¯/T/¯¯\ \ Termina Field means you can restore your Magic and catch Gorman infinate Fairies by running in either of Racetrack these exits and coming back. We'll do this a lot later, but it probably doesn't make sense. - You'll find Tingle here, so I suggest you put on your Deku Mask and Bubble Blast him out of the sky so you can buy a map of Romani Ranch for 20 Rupees. - Continue onward and you should see one of those construction workers up ahead holding a pick. If it's the First or Second day or night, he'll be picking away at a gigantic boulder. At the dawn of the Final Day, he will have cleared it allowing you to go through. If it's not the Final Day yet, just keep playing the Song of Double Time until it is. ================ ~ Romani Ranch ~ - I suggest you play the Inverted Song of Time ================ Time at this point. It will slow time so you _____________ can walk around and do your thing without / ___ _ \ having to worry about the Moon. / | | | | \ - There's nothing special we can / ||¯¯ ¯ \ do here yet, but there are two | \ doors on the opposite side of Cucco Shack + \ the ranch. One of them holds the | \ Doggy Races, which are just an Mamamu + ¯Milk Road interesting pass-time for easy Yan's Doggy \ /¯¯ money later on. The other has Racetrack \________________/ a guy named Grog who's a chicken lover. Enter the Cucco Shack (it's pretty obvious which one). - Okay, so Grog is pretty depressed. Go ahead and talk to him. Apparently, he has accepted his doomed fate due to the Moon and his only regret in life is that he never got to see his chicks grow up. - Put on that Bremen Mask we got earlier and hold B. Link will start playing a catchy, yet incredibly repetitive tune that will cause the baby Cuccos to follow you if you get close to them. - Keep holding B and wander around until you have collected all ten of them. It can take a little while and they can walk between those little holes in the boards, which makes things all the more annoying. - When you have them all, they'll one by one grow into roosters. Keep holding B! When they all grow up, a victorious cockle-doodle-doo will announce your success, as well as the reciprocation of one of the best masks in the game. +-----------------------. | New Mask : Bunny Hood `------------------------------------+ | | | - Allows you to run twice as fast, thus jump twice as far! | | Doesn't work when your Z targeting though. =( | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - I keep this on one of my C buttons about 90% of the time. This cuts traveling in half and is very useful in many of the boss battles. - We're pretty much done for now, the Moon's about to fall. Go back to Clock Town, put your remaining Rupees in the Bank, and play the Song of Time. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W203] Swampy Goodness \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Items \ | | --------- | | Map of Woodfall | | Deku Sticks | \ Empty Bottle #1 / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================= ~ Clock Town ~ ================= - Tatl will now explain what you should do next if she didn't already. Our next objective is to get to the Swamp. I'm going to play the Inverted Song of Time to ensure I have far more than enough time to do what I want. - Okay, now before you leave, go around the corner (to the right) and smack the Owl Statue with your sword. This will become important for later. - Speak with the guard at the entrance to South Clock Town. He will allow you to leave once he notices your sword. ================= ~ Termina Field ~ ================= Road to Mountain Village / / | \ ___________\ ¯¯\ /_ _ __¯¯¯ /______ /| | _ | | \ / _ _\ | ¯ /2\ ¯ $ ¯¯ | | | |\ / \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯ ¯ |__ 1: Observatory | _ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 3¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \__ 2: Kamaro (12:00 AM) | | | / \ G\ 3: Song Holes / ¯ / | / / /¯¯¯| |¯¯¯\ | / / 3 / N \ \ / / / \ | _____| |___ |_ Clock _|- ' o o o|__ Great Bay |H| | W Town E Road to Coast | |¯¯¯ | |¯ ¯|- ' o o o|¯¯Ikana Canyon ¯¯¯¯| / | | \ / | |¯ \ | \ S / | \ \ | \___| |___/ /¯¯ / \___ \ ' ' / | \$ \ \ ' ' _/ o 3| $: Easy Money ¯\¯ \________ ' ' __/o /¯¯/ o: Trees/Pillars \ O ' ' $ |1/ G: Gossip Stones Milk ¯\ '_' |/ H: Heart Piece (Hole) Road \ | O H |$| O /¯¯¯¯ \ \| ¯ O | \ 3 ' ' $/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\O /¯¯¯¯¯¯ | / / / Road to Southern Swamp - Walk straight ahead, through the hollowed out stump and towards the tree to witness a long movie about the Skull Kid and his friendship with Tatl and Tael. - When it's done, walk around the left side of the tree to enter the next area. ========================== ~ Road to Southern Swamp ~ ========================== Termina Field - Walk forward and you'll see a tree / / with lots of Bad Bats. Kill the | | H = Heart Piece three that are flying around, then \ \_ put on the Deku Mask and blow your / \ _ S = Spring Water biggest Bubble at the one staying at | ¯¯\___/S| the top of the tree. When it's dead, | H __ | T = Tingle climb up the vines and get on top of \ / \___ | it (which is flat) to receive | / / / a HEART PIECE [HP21]. |T| ¯| | - From here, the path forks either / / Swamp Shooting left or straight ahead. Left leads Southern Gallery to a Shooting Gallery which we'll Swamp visit later. If you don't have 20 Rupees, I suggest you go there and slash the bushes near the door to death for some easy money. When you come back, go straight down the next path. - You'll notice Tingle here. I suggest using your Deku Mask again to shoot him down and buy a map of Woodfall for 20 Rupees. - Continue through to the next area. ================== ~ Southern Swamp ~ ================== Road to - First thing, go right and smack the Owl Southern Statue with your sword to wake it up. Swamp Woods of - Next, go to the opposite side, ignoring // Mystery the building. You'll find a bunch of lily / \__ __/ \ pads in the water. If you step on them in _/ | / _ | your normal form, it will cause them to /W______| _ | |2| | sink and disappear for a moment. Either use | || \ /|\_/ ¯ / the Deku Mask to bounce from each lily pad, | || \__/ \__/¯¯¯¯¯ or just swim around them in your normal | |¯¯|1 |_ form. \ ¯¯ |\____ / |B|¯¯¯¯¯¯ / | / _ ¯| | / 1: Swamp Tourist Center B: Big Octoroks |||3| | \ \ 2: Magic Hag's Potion Shop W: Owl Statue |/|¯| |_Woodfall/ ¯¯\ 3: Swamp Skulltula House F: Frog \ ¯ \|_// /¯ F | \ /\ ¯\/ / | \¯¯ |_| / - After a little ways, you can either keep going \_ B /¯ along the water, or take a detour to the left with / \ |¯| /¯ some smoldering pots. Take the detour. You'll //¯¯¯¯\| ¯¯¯¯ probably kill the Deku Babas here and get your Deku first Deku Sticks. Palace +------------------------. | New Item : Deku Sticks `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Swing them as weapons or use them to light torches. You | | will probably just use them for the latter. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - In this area you'll find a tea kettle building called the Magic Hag's Potion Shop. Ignore that for now and enter the 'cave' behind it. ==================== ~ Woods of Mystery ~ ==================== ~ 1st Day ~ ~ 2nd Day ~ ~ Final Day ~ Left x--< Right v--< Straight >-->--v Right | Left | | Left | | Right >-->--^ Straight x--< ^ Right ^--< x Straight | Left | Right | Left ^--< Left >--^ Straight ^ Left | Right | Right | - This place is a maze, just like the Lost Woods from Ocarina of Time. The difference is that the directions you go change depending on which day it is. It's pretty easy to navigate once you realize it's in a 3x3 square. - Either use the chart above to reach the end, or speak with the monkey and follow it. This will be very easy if you have the Bunny Hood. Just avoid the Snappers along the way. - When you reach the end, you will find Koume beaten up on the ground. She was one of the bosses in the last game along with her sister, but apparently, these are completely different people with the same model and names? Talk to her to get the full story, then exit the Woods of Mystery. - Enter the Magic Hag's Potion Shop this time and speak with her sister, Kotake, who will gasp and give you a Red Potion in a Bottle. +----------------------------. | New Item : Empty Bottle #1 `-------------------------------+ | | | - Set it to (C) and use it to swipe and hold stuff to be | | used later. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Go back to the end of the Woods of Mystery. Speak with Koume and give her the Red Potion. She'll snag it from you and fly off after a brief word of thanks. - Exit the woods again. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W204] Monkey Business \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ -------------- / Songs \ | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | Pictograph Box ---------------- Sonata of Awakening | \ Magic Beans [HP26] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================== ~ Southern Swamp ~ ================== - After helping Kotake, a bunch of Road to monkies will block the exit from the Southern Woods of Mystery. Talk to them to hear Swamp Woods of their plea for help. It seems one of // Mystery them was arrested by the Deku and is / \__ __/ \ being held in the palace. You're so _/ | / _ | generaous and thoughtful, you could /W______| _ | |2| | help him out, right? | || \ /|\_/ ¯ / | || \__/ \__/¯¯¯¯¯ | |¯¯|1 |_ 1: Swamp Tourist Center \ ¯¯ |\____ / 2: Magic Hag's Potion Shop |B|¯¯¯¯¯¯ / | 3: Swamp Skulltula House / _ ¯| | / |||3| | \ \ B: Big Octoroks |/|¯| |_Woodfall/ ¯¯\ W: Owl Statue - Make your way back to the \ ¯ \|_// /¯ F | F: Frog SwampTourist Center. \ /\ ¯\/ / | - Now talk to Koume, the witch you saved \¯¯ |_| / earlier, who is peeking out of the \_ B /¯ little hole in the wall. She'll offer a / \ |¯| /¯ ride through Southern Swamp and give //¯¯¯¯\| ¯¯¯¯ you the Pictograph Box, all for free. Deku Heck yea! Palace +---------------------------. | New Item : Pictograph Box `--------------------------------+ | | | - Take pictures of stuff and take it back to the Swamp | | Tourist Center for a reward based on what you have. You | | can only have one picture at a time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - This boat ride is a little odd, as it is automated, but has no driver. It'll take you right through one of those Big Octoroks, whom are no match for your pointy wooden steed. - The boat will take you to the second half of the swamp. The water is poisonous here, so don't go swimming any time soon. When the boat asks you to disembark for awhile, do so. Follow the monkey through the entrance. =============== ~ Deku Palace ~ =============== Deku Throne - Walk up to the Deku Guards out front and Shrine Room put on the Deku Mask. When you talk to ||_____________________ them as a Deku, they'll let you in. Go | | | |/ | B|| | straight ahead and enter the throne room. | | H |¯¯ | | |_ \| | | |___|__ |__| __|___|_| - Speak with the various Deku in here, | | __||__ | | including the Deku King to discover that \ | _| |__¯| / they plan on punishing the monkey for \ |____||____| / stealing the princess or something to \ \ _/ / that extent. \ \\ _/ \ // | ¯Woodfall - Back outside, a monkey will tell you to \ || /¯¯Shortcut find the Bean Salesman and plant one of \ / \ / his Beans to get to a high place so you ¯¯¯||¯¯¯ can rescue the monkey. That, of course, Southern sounds completely logical. Swamp - For some reason, you're allowed in the the throne room with the king, but not allowed to wander in the gardens on either side? - Our objective is to get to the end of each of them by avoiding the guards. If they see you, they'll throw you out of the palace. It's pretty straight forward. - In one side (west), there's a HEART PIECE [HP26]. - In the other (east), there's a hole at the end. Inside is the Bean Salesman. Buy a Bean or two. Fill up your bottle with some Fresh Spring Water here if it's not the Second Day. +------------------------. | New Item : Magic Beans `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Plant them in soft patches of soil, then water them to | | create a Magic Bean Plant that can take you to places you | | normally couldn't reach. | | - Once you get the Song of Storms, you can use that instead | | of Fresh Spring Water. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Deku Throne - Touch the light to exit the hole, Shrine Room then get caught to be thrown out ||_____________________ of the palace. | | | |/ | || | - Go to the right (east) side via | | |¯¯ | | |_ \| | <-- Plant Here the lily pads, where you'll find | |___|__ |__| __|___|_| a soft patch of soil. Plant the | | __||__ | | Magic Bean and pour on some Spring \ | _| |__¯| / Water if it's not the Second Day (raining). \ |____||____| / - The Bean will grow into a plant which you \ \ _/ / can use to reach an even more restricted \ \\ _/ area. \ // | ¯Woodfall \ || /¯¯Shortcut - This place is above the guard littered \ / \ / areas you just tackled below. If you should ¯¯¯||¯¯¯ fall, due to bad timing or the Mad Scrub's Southern Deku Nuts, they will catch you and throw Swamp you out again. - I suggest avoiding the Mad Scrubs for the most part. There are a few where it's easier to do so, but most of them are quite hard to kill without falling. - For the platforms, just keep in mind it's a good choice to fly at them only when they'll be moving in your direction, rather than away from you. - The path is pretty straightforward. When you get to the end, you'll come to an entrance above the throne room. - Inside, you'll find yourself in the Monkey's cage. What a dumb place for a secret entrance (escape), no? - Speak with him to learn he didn't kidnap the princess at all, and he wants to teach you a song. Use your Ocarina. If you don't have the Deku Mask on, he'll say it doesn't sound right. When you reveal your Pipes, he'll ecstatically teach you the Sonata of Awakening. +--------------------------------. | New Song : Sonata of Awakening `---------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' -(^)-----(^)--------------------- | | .´ -----(<)-----(<)----------------- | | ´ .-. ---------------------(>)--------- | | ' '_, ` --------------------------------- | | `.__.´ -----------------(A)-----(A)----- | | | | - C-up, C-left, C-up, C-left, A, C-right, A. | | | | - This mystical song has the power to make old stuff wake | | up. Play it for sleeping things. Go figure... | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - The King and the Guards will witness this display and throw you out of the Palace. - Alrighty, well, the Monkey told you to get to Woodfall via the "shortcut". It's also on the right (east) side of this area. Get to the small island with a sign and a Deku Flower along the wall using the lily pads. Shoot yourself up into the cave entrance. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W205] Flower Happy \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Songs \ | | --------- | \ Song of Soaring / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================== ~ Southern Swamp ~ ================== - You're actually above the second area of Southern Swamp. I suggest blowing Bubbles at the two Dragonflies before you attempt anything. - The path is pretty obvious, just use the Deku Launchers to get from flower to flower until you eventually reach the platforms near the waterfall. Here, you'll see a short movie with Kaepora Gaebora (the owl), then read the tablet to learn a spiffy new song. +----------------------------. | New Song : Song of Soaring `-------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' ---------(^)---------(^)--------- | | .´ -----(<)---------(<)------------- | | ´ .-. --------------------------------- | | ' '_, ` -(v)---------(v)----------------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-down, C-left, C-up, C-down, C-left, C-up. | | | | - Play this song to soar to the entrance of a dungeon or | | Owl Statues you have awakened thus far. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Sweet, those Owl Statues are suddenly much more useful. Anyways, use the Deku Launcher to get to the last platform across the waterfall and enter the entrance that was hiding up here. ============ ~ Woodfall ~ ============ Southern Swamp - Our objective is to get to the /¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯\ large wooden platform with the / v \ Deku Symbol and Owl Statue on it. / O | $ H\ 1: Woodfall Temple - To your left, you'll notice some / / | / \ lily pads in the grass. Go that | O |¯¯¯| O | O: Islands way for some free Rupees if you | |$ | 1 | | W: Owl Statue feel like it, then come back. | O |___| O | H: Heart Piece | | $: Rupees (in chests) - Go right, from the lily pad to \ O\ O / the platform. Here, you'll have \ \O W O |_/ to battle a Hiploop. It can be \ / | killed with two Bubble Blasts or two sword swipes. \ $ |/\\ It's probably safer to fight as a Deku though, ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Fairy because if you fall into the poison water, you'll Fountain just appear back on the platform. Use Deku Nuts to make this easier if you like. - Climb up the next ramp, killing another Hiploop along the way. At the end, kill the Mad Scrub and use his Deku Launcher to get to the platform below. - It's easiest to land next to the Mad Scrub. Kill it, go to the further flower, kill that one as well, then use it to get to the main platform. - Slash the Owl Statue with your sword to wake it up. We really only need the Sonata of Awakening and this Owl Statue to get into the Temple, so, use your Song of Soaring to get to Clock Town, put your Rupees in the Bank and play the Song of Time. This way, you won't have to worry about running out of time. - There's some other stuff you can do here real quick, like getting Heart Piece #27 to the right (if your facing the middle of Woodfall), and some Rupees behind you. I'm going to do that later though. - I do suggest, however, that you slash the jars next to you and put the Fairy you find in that Bottle for later. Fairies are way better than Red Potion, because they will revive you if you die as well as heal you all the way, automatically. - Stand on the Deku Symbol that Tatl points out and play the Sonata of Awakening while wearing the Deku Mask. - The Woodfall Temple will then emerge from the depths. Use the Deku Launcher to get over there and enter our first dungeon. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W206] Woodfall Temple \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ --------------- ------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Stray Fairies \ / Songs \ --------- | | Hero's Bow ----------------- --------- Odolwa's Remains | \ Quiver 15 Oath To Order / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ Boss Room ___+___ /O| |O\ | ¯¯¯ | | _ | ___ |()o| |o()| | B | _| |¯| | /¯¯ ¯¯\ Top Level | ¯ | | | 2nd Floor ¯/ /¯\ \ | | 1 \/| | | |\/ \ / 1 | | ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ ¯¯+¯¯ || _| |_ _____ _____+____2 ____+____ || _______2 | O | | ___ | |-, | | | |K| | || / | | |_ o _| || _|| |¯ \_/¯¯| | | ¯ | ____ /¯¯ ¯¯\ / ¯| | |-| | || | _| |__ \|/ | | |_ o _ o _| | | | | |_ | | |-| | --> |--o- === |o-x-o | +++ | | | | +++ M | | +++ |--- | | | ¯| | | ¯| |¯|| /|\ ¯| | |o ¯ o ¯| | | | | |¯ / | | | |__| | | \\_/¯\ _| | | | ¯¯¯¯ \ / \ / | | | | | | \ | | | | ¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯+¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ + _____+_____ __+__ +: Doors /¯ ¯\ | | | | / \ =: Locked Doors | | | ¯¯¯ | | | o: Flowers / Platforms \ C / | O | | I | #: Stairs ¯¯¯ | | \ / | O _ | ¯¯¯¯¯ K: Small Key | _ | || M: Dungeon Map | | | ¯ | C: Compass ¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ B: Boss Key Entrance I: Item - Hero's Bow =================== ----------------- Getting The Map ----------------- =================== ___________ _________ | | | |K| | | | | ¯ | ____ K: Small Key |__ \|/ _| |_ o _ o _| | | M: Map #3 --> === |o-x-o | +++ | | | | +++ M | |¯|| /|\ ¯| |¯ o ¯ o ¯| | | =: Locked Door | \\_/¯\ _| | | ¯¯¯¯ | \ | | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____+_____ #4 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + | | | | + We will be finding things + | ¯¯¯ | + like Maps, Compasses, Boss+ | O | + Keys, Dungeon Items, Keys + | | + and Stray Fairies + | O _ | + throughout the Temples. + | _ | || <-- #1 & #2 + See the Game Basics + | | | ¯ | + section if you don't know + ¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ + about this stuff. + Entrance + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + #1 The first Stray Fairy is straight ahead as soon as you enter. Use the Great Fairy Mask if you have it, or just fly to it using the nearby flower. - Put on the Deku Mask and get in the flower on the left. Now face to the right and fly around the right side of the tree here to land on the platform with the chest. #2 Open the chest on the second platform. - Use the flower here to fly to the next platform. - Do the same to get to the last platform. Be careful for the Skulltulas though (just aim for the middle). - Go through the door. - This is the center room of the dungeon and we will be revisiting it often. I will refer to it as the "main room" from now on. #3 Kill the Deku Baba at the end of the wooden ramp. - At the bottom of the ramp, turn towards the center of the room and jump across the Venus fly trap'ish lily pads. As a Deku they won't hurt you. Get to the other side of the room. #4 There's a little island in the corner with several pots filled with goodies. In one of them is a Stray Fairy. - Enter the door. - Get to the Deku Flower in the middle and use it to get to the door across the way. - In this room, you have to kill the three Snappers. To do so, you have to flip them over first, using either the flowers, Bombs or the Blast Mask. - Once they're dead, open the chest to get the Dungeon Map. Head back out. ======================= --------------------- Getting The Compass Top Level --------------------- ======================= 1 | | #6 _| |_ \_____ __________2 ____+____ | O | | ___ | | | |#5 |K| | |_ o _| || _|| | | | ¯ | | |-| | || | _| |__ \|/ _| |_ o _ o _| | |-| | --> |--o- === |o-x-o | +++ | | | | +++ | | ¯| | | ¯| |¯|| /|\ ¯| |¯ o ¯ o ¯| | | | |__| | | \\_/¯\ _| | | | | | | | | \ | | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯+¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ + =: Locked Door /¯ ¯\ K: Small Key | | C: Compass \ C / ¯¯¯ - Back in this room, get back to the Deku Flower and this time fly to the platform on your right where there's a small chest. Open it for a small key. #5 On the platform where the small key is, turn to your left to see a bee hive against the wall. Hit it with a Bubble Blast or two to knock it down, then snag the Stray Fairy by spinning into it with the Deku Mask or use the Great Fairy Mask. - Go back to the main room (with the giant flower). - Go to the other side of the room using the Venus fly traps and enter the locked door. - Push the stone block forward. Now follow the bridge around to the other side. #6 Kill the Skulltula. - Go to the end of the bridge and push the stone block. - Now, go back to the torch near where the Skulltula was and light a Deku Stick. Run along the skinny bridge to the last area in the southern part of the room. Light the unlit torch here to open the door. Go through it. - Kill the two Dragonflies in this room to make a chest appear containing the Compass. Exit the room. ========================== ------------------------ Getting The Hero's Bow Top Level ------------------------ ========================== 1 1 2nd Floor | | || _| |_ _____ _____+____2 ____+____ || _______2 | O | | ___ | |-, | | | | | | || / | | |_ o _| || _|| |¯ \_/¯¯| | | ¯ | /¯¯ ¯¯\ / ¯| | |-| | || | _| |__ \|/ | | |_ o _ o _| | | |_ | | |-| | --> |--o- +++ |o-x-o | +++ | | | | + | +++ |--- | | | ¯| | | ¯| |¯|| /|\ ¯| | |o ¯ o ¯| | #7 | |¯ / | | | |__| | | \\_/¯\ _| | | | \ / \ / | | | | | | \ | | | | ¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯+¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ __+__ / \ I: Dungeon Item: | | 1: First set of stairs Hero's Bow | I | 2: Second set of stairs \ / ¯¯¯¯¯ - This time, take a Deku Stick and light it with your now lit torch and run it up the stairs on your left to light yet another torch. - Wait for the moths to catch up to the torch, then light your stick again. Jump from platform to platform until you touch the spider web covering the door to your left. - Go up the stairs here. - This room is very dark and filled with tons of Boes. I suggest wearing the Deku Mask and spinning circles through it, quite literally. #7 Kill all the Black Boes to make a chest appear. - Next, light your Deku Stick on the torch in the middle and run around lighting the three unlit torches in the room. This will open the door to one side; go through it. - There are holes in this room that lead to the one below, so be careful not to fall down. - Use the flower here to fly to the platform on your right. This first platform just goes back and forth while the second one goes along an "L" pattern. - Hopefully, the Dragonflies will come to you while on the second platform so you can kill them with Bubble Blasts. When you can, fly to the second one when it's coming towards you. - Fly to the last area and head down the stairs. - We're back in the main room with the giant flower, but this time, on the upper level. Go straight ahead and step on the switch (without wearing the Deku Mask) to create some ladders for a shortcut. - Enter the door on your left. - This is the room with the four Venus fly traps. Go along this top area and enter the door on the right. Get ready, here's your first Mini-Boss. _______________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Dinofol \______________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "What?! You don't know about | - Hero's Bow | | the Dinofols? Use targeting | - Quiver | | methods while defending. And | | | watch out for its fiery breath!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes with its sword. | | - Breathes fire straight ahead. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This giant lizard with a sword and shield is a little harder than | | the Lizalfos you've experienced from Ocarina of Time. They jump a | | lot and use their shield quite a bit. | | | | - Use your shield for most of the battle to prevent his blade's | | attempts to become friends. He will breathe fire after awhile on his | | own, but he uses it most often after being hit, so be warned. | | | | - Because he uses fire, don't use the Deku Mask. Just use Z targeting | | and sword slashes to take him down. He takes about four hits. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use sword and shield tactics. Jump/roll a lot. Stab when you can. | | Quickly get away when he starts to breathe fire. DO NOT use the | | Deku Mask. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he's dead, open the chest to receive the Hero's Bow. +-----------------------. | New Item : Hero's Bow `------------------------------------+ | | | - Put it to (C) and press it again to shoot. Use it while Z | | targeting to move while aiming. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------. | New Item : Quiver `----------------------------------------+ | | | - Allows you to hold up to 30 Arrows at a time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Yes! One of the best items in the game. Turn around and exit this room. ======================== ---------------------- Getting The Boss Key ---------------------- ======================== ___ | B | /¯¯ ¯¯\ | | | | \ / ¯¯+¯¯ ____+____ | | | | | ¯ | |_ o _ o _| B: Boss Key + | | | | + | |o ¯ o ¯| | | | | ¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ __+__ / \ | | | | \ / ¯¯¯¯¯ - We're back in the room with the four Venus fly traps. If you look right across the way, you'll notice there's another door we still can't reach. There is however a strange golden eye. - Shoot it with your bow to make the platform in the middle with the flower start raising up and down. - Use the flower to fly to the one in the middle, then use that one to get to the "unreachable" door. - Walk forward to immediately face another Mini-Boss... Two in a row? Yes sir/ma'am. _____________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Gekko \________________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "That's a Gekko. | - Boss Key | | And it's pretty angry! | | | It's pretty weak, too. It really | | | shouldn't be making a fool of you." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps towards you. | | - Spins at you while atop a giant Snapper. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This giant frog starts out the battle by harmlessly coming towards | | you. After three hits he will call a Snapper to join him. | | | | - On top of the Snapper, he will spin towards you, alike all the | | other Snappers you've encountered thus far. Use either Bombs or | | Blast Mask to blow him off, or use the flowers to knock them over. | | | | - Once this happens, the Snapper will be flipped upside-down and the | | frog will climb around the walls and ceiling. Z target him and shoot | | him with an arrow once he holds still. Do this three times to defeat | | Gekko. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Slash him with your sword. When he gets on the Snapper, use either | | Bombs, Blast Mask or flowers + Deku Mask to get him off. Shoot him | | with arrows as he climbs around. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - When Gekko is defeated, he will revert back into a frog. You should remember this fact for a later quest. Anyway, go into the small room that is now open and get yourself the Boss Key. ======================= --------------------- Cleansing The Water --------------------- ======================= _____+____2 ____+____ |-, | | | | | | |¯ \_/¯¯| | | ¯ | |__ \|/ | | |_ o _ o _| + |o-x-o | +++ | | | | + |¯|| /|\ ¯| | |o ¯ o ¯| | \\_/¯\ _| | | | | \ | | | | ¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ - Make your way back to the main room with the giant wooden flower. You should have the ladder shortcut to get between the two levels of it. If not, use your rising platform in the last room to get to the top level, then come through the door. - On this top level, near the switch, Tatl will comment how you have a good view of the 'shrine' below. You will also notice a few torches mischievously placed. Z target the 'shrine' and shoot an arrow through the fire to the unlit torch in the flower thing. - This will cause it to rise and cleanse all the water of poison, meaning you can swim now. It will also start spinning around, giving you another shortcut deal. =========================== ------------------------- Remaining Stray Fairies ------------------------- =========================== #9.1 _____ \_____+____2 | ___ | |-, |#8 | || _|| |¯ \_/¯¯| | || | _| |__ \|/ | | #10 --> |--o- === |o-x-o | + & #11 | | ¯| |¯|| /|\ ¯| |__| | | \\_/¯\ _| | | | | \ | | | ¯¯+¯¯ ¯¯¯/¯+¯¯¯¯¯ #9.2 #8 On the top level of the Main Room, there's a Stray Fairy just floating there, trapped in a bubble. #9 Next, put on the Deku Mask and use the flower here to get to the little platform in the northwest corner of the room with the unlit torch. Take off the Deku Mask and step on the switch. - This will cause a chest to appear near the beginning, make your way over there and open it. #10 Go back to the room with the stone block and torches. - There's a bee hive above the stone block. Shoot it with your new Hero's Bow and snag your Stray Fairy. #11 This one is trapped in a bubble underneath the skinny bridge, under the stone block. - Either swim into it after you've removed the poison, or stand near the first torch you light and shoot it, then use the Great Fairy Mask. ================= --------------- The Last Room --------------- ================= Boss Room ___+___ /O| |O\ | ¯¯¯ | | _ | #15 --> |()o| |o()| _| |¯| | | ¯ | ¯/ /¯\ \ <-- #13 #14 --> \/| | | |\/ <-- #12 ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ _____+____2 |-, | | |¯ \_/¯¯| | |__ \|/ | | + |o-x-o | + |¯|| /|\ ¯| | \\_/¯\ _| | \ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ - Now, stand on top of your spinning wooden flower shrine of doom. Take out your bow and aim towards the unlit torch in the corner atop that tiny platform jutting out of the wall. - When you are lined up with the fire in the center of the shrine, shoot to light the unlit torch and thus, open the final door. Enter it. #12 Trapped in a bubble in one of the cubbies on the right side. #13 Trapped in a bubble in one of the cubbies on the right side. #14 Trapped in a bubble in one of the cubbies on the left side. - Go from flower to flower to work your way up the left side. - When you reach the top, use your bow to shoot the Dragonflies so they're not in the way. #15 This one is floating on the left side of the room, in one of the pillars ahead of you. Shoot the bubble to release the last Stray Fairy, and use the Great Fairy Mask to reel it in. - Across the room, you can see a dark crystal. Shoot it with your Bow to make it turn yellow, and start a timer that will keep the fire out. - Quickly, fly to the flower inside the housed in area (its easier to do so from the 2nd to highest cubby). - Next, fly to the second pillar, where there's another flower. - Finally, fly to the top of the second housed area that contains the crystal you shot earlier. - Now, use this last flower to fly to the last platform with the Boss Door. - You can kill the Skulltula above with one shot of your bow, then jump to the small platform with the 20 Rupees on it if you dare, but it's really not worth it. - Make sure you have a Fairy in your Bottle and go through the door. ___________________________________________ / B O S S : Masked Jungle Warrior, ODOLWA \__________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "If you get close to him, you'll be | - Heart Container | | beaten! Do you understand me?" | - Odolwa's Remains | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with his huge sword. | | - Zooms towards you in a mighty slash. | | - Ducks low and uses a kind of Spin Attack move as he zips towards | | you. | | - Jumps to a random point in the room (usually behind you). | | - Surrounds a small area around you with flames. | | - Dances and summons a bunch of moths that follow you. | | - Dances and summons several bugs that resemble crabs. | | - Dances and summons rocks that fall from the sky. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Thanks for the vote of confidence there Tatl. Sheesh, no respect. | | | | - This guy is a huge tribal warrior with a long sword and a big | | shield. Because of his wide range of attacks, he forces you to go | | between close and ranged combat every few seconds. If you have the | | Bunny Hood, I suggest you wear it for the whole fight. If you run | | out of Arrows or need life, there are bushes along the walls that | | grow back. Also his bugs will drop Recovery Hearts. | | | | - Despite the Deku Launcher (flower) in the middle of the room, this | | guy's moths and fire, as well as the range of his sword, make using | | the Deku Mask worthless. You can, however, utilize the Bomb Flowers | | around the room. | | | | - Use Z Targeting techniques to defend against his sword slashes. | | When you see him raise his sword above his head, it means he's about | | to swoop towards you. Jump to the left or right to avoid it. When he | | uses his spin attack move, just keep holding R in his direction. | | | | - Whenever you hear him start chanting something different, such as | | "A-law, A-law!" or "Ah ha dai, ah ha dai!", it means he's trying to | | summon something. His guard is down while doing this, so quickly, | | shoot him with an arrow! If he blocks it, don't feel bad, because | | you still interrupted his summoning. | | | | - After several hits, he'll move faster, summon a lot more and start | | using that spinning move I talked about earlier. After about 20 hits | | he'll die. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use your shield a bunch. Use Arrows or Bombs to stun him from afar | | and run in for the kill. If he starts chanting or dancing, his | | guard is down, leaving him open for your bow. Use the Bunny Hood if | | you have it. Don't use the Deku Mask. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - Grab the Heart Container he leaves behind and enter the light to claim the first Remains. +--------------------------------. | New Remains : Odolwa's Remains `---------------------------+ | | | - Proof that you've killed the boss and have freed this | | Guardian. With it, you can return to this temple and kill | | the boss again. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Now you will witness a little movie involving the first of the four Giants. I like the song in the background. Anyway, it'll teach you a spiffy little tune and send you on your merry way. +--------------------------. | New Song : Oath To Order `---------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' ---------------------(^)--------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. -(>)-------------(>)------------- | | ' '_, ` -----(v)-----(v)----------------- | | `.__.´ ---------(A)--------------------- | | | | - C-right, C-down, A, C-down, C-right, C-up. | | | | - Use this song to call the Giants to the Clock Tower when | | you have freed all four of them. Woot. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W207] Post Temple Collection #1 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ---------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Upgrades \ -------------- / Masks \ | | ------------ / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | Spin Attack ---------------- Mask of Scents | \ [HP27] [HP24] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Because the boss has been defeated, the Swamp will return to normal, meaning various vines have grown back and the poison is now gone. How quaint. - You will appear in a little room with Tatl and, bum bum bum... Slash the vine'y veil to reveal... The Deku Princess! Oh jolly day! - After learning what her father is up to she will beg you to find a means of transporting her. ANYTHING will do. Well, this'll sound silly. - Take that Bottle of yours and swipe it at her. You have a Bottled Princess! Who'd a thunk? ============ ~ Woodfall ~ ============ - Our next goal is to bring the Southern Swamp Princess back to the Deku Palace, /¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯\ but first we'll make a detour. / v \ - If you've collected all the Stray / O | $ H\ 1: Woodfall Temple Fairies in the Woodfall Temple, go / / | / \ to the other side of the Temple, | O |¯¯¯| O | O: Islands where the main platform with the | |$ | 1 | | W: Owl Statue Owl Statue is. Either swim over or | O |___| O | H: Heart Piece teleport to the Owl Statue. | | $: Rupees (in chests) - There is a large cave in the rock \ O\ O / face. If you swam, climb onto the \ \O W O |_/ platform and go up the ramp to the \ / | flower. From either that flower or the one on the \ $ |/\\ main platform, fly to the flower up high between the ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Fairy two, closest to the cave. Fountain - From here, fly to the cave and enter. - Inside, the Great Fairy of Power will enhance your Spin Attack. It's not too much of an improvement, but it certainly helps. +-----------------------. | Upgrade : Spin Attack `------------------------------------+ | | | - You can now charge up your Spin Attack even further, | | giving it greater range. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Back outside the cave, if you didn't get the HEART PIECE [HP27] earlier, go right using all the flowers until you come to a chest to receive your prize. - At long last, exit Woodfall and return to the Deku Palace. =============== ~ Deku Palace ~ =============== Deku Throne Shrine Room ||_____________________ | | | |/ | || | - Return to the throne room and plop out the | | |¯¯ | | |_ \| | Deku Princess in front of her father. | |___|__ |__| __|___|_| - You will witness a humorous scene in which | | __||__ | | she shows him who's boss. \ | _| |__¯| / - You can now run around without the Deku Mask \ |____||____| / if you like, but there's really no point. \ \ _/ / \ \\ _/ - Outside, follow the lily pads to the right \ // | (the left side of the map) and enter the \ || /¯¯ cave here to get into the Deku Shrine. \ / \ / ¯¯¯||¯¯¯ =============== ~ Deku Shrine ~ =============== - Because you saved the princess, the Butler is prepared to give you a special gift. It helps to use the Bunny Hood here, but it's not required. - There's no reason to be a Deku Scrub for this deal and you'll be doing a lot of jumping anyway, so take off the Deku Mask. - Speak with the Butler to start the 'race'. - You'll start out going around some corners. When you get to a fork, follow him left. - Go left again. - Follow the twisting walkway then up the ramps. Make sure you walk along each one, jumping for the ledges will slow you down. - At the top, follow him around the corner, then jump over the two gaps above little patches of water. - At the next corner, follow him left again. - You'll come to two blue flames and three choices. Go right. - Here, you'll have to jump across a tiny platform to another one. Around you is water, so at least you can get back out, but you'll lose precious time. - When you come to the next fork, take a left again. - Here is a series of tree platforms I suppose, jump along them all till you get to the end. You can snag the Rupees if you like, but they're seriously not worth it. - Follow him down the corridor till you come to a fork, go right. - Immediately after, take a left. - In this room, you'll find lots of moving platforms along water. Follow the Rupees to the platform across from you, to your right, then to your left. - In the next area, the road splits in many directions. Take the far left choice. - You'll come to a room with invisible walls of fire. Follow the path below. Exit __| |________ | | | o--o--o--o | | | | | o o o--o--| | | | | o o--o--o | | | | | o o o o | | | | | o o o--o | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯ Entrance - Climb up the stairs and make sure you walk on the "stair" part. If you touch the smooth part, you'll slide back down. - At the top, take a right, but watch out for the boulder. - Take a left and head up the stairs, being careful not to slip. - You'll be in a room with a hexagon shape and lots of choices. Take a sharp left to the one next to you. - At the next fork with purple flames, take a right. - In this room, quickly whip out your Hero's Bow and use it on the crystal switch. Jump across the platforms. - At the last fork, take a left. - Go straight ahead. - Congratulations, you're done! Speak with the Deku Butler to receive your prize. +---------------------------. | New Mask : Mask of Scents `--------------------------------+ | | | - This mask will heighten your sense of smell and allow you | | to "see" what you smell. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Cool beans. The Butler will apologize for attempting to race with you, because he used to do so with his son all the time, who mysteriously went missing not too long ago. What happened to him? Hmm... Stand in the light to exit. ================== ~ Southern Swamp ~ ================== - If you'd like to earn a Piece of a Heart, soar to Southern Swamp and do the following: - Speak with Koume. Now that the poison is gone, she's willing to play a little game and the first one's free. __________________________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Broomstick Target Shooting \____________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Hero's Bow | - Heart Piece #24 (1st x) | | - Koume Rescued | | | - Poison Gone (Odolwa Defeated) | | | - Rupees | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Hit the target on Koume's broom. | - 10 Rupees | | - Hit her ten times and you lose. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - I'm not entirely sure what the title of this game is, but the goal | | is to hit the target as many times as you can without actually | | hitting the wench riding the broom. | | | | - It's pretty easy and you have infinite arrows, so you should have | | no trouble with it. The only annoyance is that you have to rescue | | her if you don't do this immediately after completing the Woodfall | | Temple. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - It sounds pretty easy, but it may take a couple tries. When you have accomplished this feat, you will be rewarded with a HEART PIECE [HP24]. - There isn't much else to be done in the Swamp at the moment, so get back to Clock Town, put your remaining Rupees in the Bank and play the Song of Time. /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ /__\ Chapter 3 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\ /\ /\ Melting Winter's Heart ____________________/ [W300] /\ /\ /__\/__\ _________________________/ \____________________ /__\/__\ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Items \ / Masks \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Large Quiver Kamaro's Mask | | Map of Snowhead Goron Mask | | Lens of Truth Don Gero Mask | | Fire Arrow Goht's Remains | | Powder Keg | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Songs \ / Heart Pieces \ / Upgrades \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Goron Lullaby [HP23] [HP10] Magic Meter | | [HP05] [HP06] Razor Sword | | [HP07] [HP09] Gilded Sword | | [HP17] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Sections Within This Chapter \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [W301] Item Collection #2 - More goodies. | | [W302] Winter Wonderland - Scaling the mountain. | | [W303] The Goron Hero - Getting the Goron Mask. | | [W304] Lullaby - Goron's Lullaby and Snowhead. | | [W305] Snowhead Temple - The temple. | | [W306] Post Temple Collection #2 - Upgrades you can get afterwards. | \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W301] Item Collection #2 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ -------------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | Large Quiver ---------------- Kamaro's Mask | | [HP23] [HP10] | | [HP05] [HP06] | \ [HP07] [HP09] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Our next objective is the mountains, but first, let's snag some more stuff, shall we? ================== ~ Southern Swamp ~ ================== - First of all, there's a contest at the Swamp Tourist Center that ends when the poison goes away. Bringing the big guy pictures will give you different rewards. To get a HEART PIECE [HP#23], bring him a picture of either the Deku King or Tingle, his son, at the entrance to Southern Swamp (only Swamp pictures count). The latter is much easier in my opinion. Postman's House ============== | ~ Clock Town ~ ___v_ ============== __|West |_ Clock - On either the First and Second Night etween 6:00 PM ¯¯|Town |¯ and 12:00 PM, go to the Postman's House in West Clock | |¯ Town. Speak with him to test your timing skills. \ \ \ \ \ \_ ______________________________________ \____ / M I N I - G A M E : Perfect Timing \________________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Bunny Hood (or stop watch) | - Heart Piece #5 (1st x) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Stop the timer at exactly 10 | - 2 Rupees | | seconds. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - After the timer starts, the goal is to hit A at exactly 10 seconds. | | I suggest turning off the sound, it's off beat with the timer. | | | | - You can run and snag a stop watch (in the real world =P) or simply | | bob your head or tap the controller to the beat. I like the tapping | | myself. | | | | - If you have the Bunny Hood, you can use that to see the timer for | | the entire duration of the game. | | | | - He charges you 2 Rupees a game except for the "first time," so you | | can actually cheat in a way and just leave and come back in again to | | keep playing for free. Although, is 2 Rupees really worth the | | trouble? | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - When you have completed this task, he will award you with a HEART PIECE [HP05]. ================= ~ Termina Field ~ / / ================= | \ ___________\ ¯¯\ /_ _ __¯¯¯ /______ /| | _ | | \ / _ _\ | ¯ /K\ ¯ ¯¯ | | | |\ / \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯ ¯ |__ | _ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \__ | | | / K = Kamaro \ \ / ¯ / (12:00 --> 6:00 AM) | - Next, go to Termina Field / / /¯¯¯| |¯¯¯\ | through the North exit. / / / N \ \ At 12:00 AM on any Night, / / / \ | a pale dude will be _____| |___ |_ Clock _|- ' o o o|__ dancing atop one of the | | | W Town E mushrooms in the snowy | |¯¯¯ | |¯ ¯|- ' o o o|¯¯ area to the northwest of ¯¯¯¯| / | | \ / | the north entrance to |¯ \ | \ S / | Clock Town. \ \ | \___| |___/ /¯¯ / - Go over and talk to him \___ \ ' ' / | for a very interesting \$ \ \ ' ' _/ o | conversation. Play the ¯\¯ \________ ' ' __/o /¯¯/ Song of Healing to put \ O ' ' $ | / his soul to rest and ¯\ '_' |/ receive Kamaro's Mask. \ | O |$| O /¯¯¯¯ \ \| ¯ O | \ ' ' $/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\O /¯¯¯¯¯¯ | / / / +--------------------------. | New Mask : Kamaro's Mask `---------------------------------+ | | | - This mask holds the spirit of the charismatic dancer; use | | it to share his dance with the world! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ============== ~ Clock Town ~ ============== Sewers ____ 100 Rupees Rosa __| |__ / - From 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM on Sisters ++ ++ any Night, the Rosa Sisters / ¯¯| |¯¯ are dancing in West Clock Town _____/ ____|+|_____ | | Trying to figure out a spiffy new __| /|_| _______ _| __| |¯ | dance before the Carnival of Time. ++ / + | | | | | | | | Let's go over there and share the ¯¯| |¯| | | | |__| |__| joy of Kamaro's weird jig, shall | |¯ | |_____| |__| |__ we? In doing so, they will bow to \ \ | ++ ++ you and gift you with a HEART \ \ | |¯¯¯|¯ ¯| PIECE [HP06]. \ \_| | | | \ + _ |_ ¯¯¯| |¯ - Next we're going to tackle the ¯¯¯¯| | | |_____| /¯| Shooting Gallery, but you'll need ¯¯¯| | ¯ +++____/\ | lots of Rupees to do so. Collect ¯|+ | |¯¯¯|$ \| 200 if you can. ¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ - A good way to do so is to use the / Shooting Bunny Hood and start off near the 100 Rupees Gallery yellow cap Bomber and run towards the Shooting Gallery along the wall. You will walk along the tops of signs and the like until you reach a secret area. Open the chest here to get 100 Rupees. - There's also 100 Rupees to left when you enter the Sewers (behind the yellow cap kid). Blow up the wall with either the Blast Mask or Bombs to snag a free 100 Rupees. - Go to the Town Shooting Gallery in East Clock Town during the Day and play his game for 20 Rupees a try. _____________________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Town Shooting Gallery \_________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Hero's Bow | - Large/Largest Quiver | | - Rupees | - Heart Piece #7 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Shoot red Octoroks. | - 20 Rupees | | - Avoid blue ones. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Your goal is to hit all the red Octoroks without hitting any of the | | blue ones. It'll just take practice to memorize where they all are. | | | | - The only real tip I can give you is to go from left to right or | | vice versa. Bring lots of Rupees. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - Your goal is to hit all the red Octoroks without hitting any of the blue ones. It'll just take practice to memorize where they all are. - If you get a score of 40+, you will get the Large Quiver. If you get a perfect score of 50, you'll receive a HEART PIECE [HP07]. +-------------------------. | New Item : Large Quiver `----------------------------------+ | | | - Allows you to carry up to 40 Arrows at a time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Flower _______ _\____|+|_| | | F| /| | - If you'd like another Heart Piece, go to North __| | / | | Clock Town and bring lots of Rupees. There's a ++ _|_ ¯¯ |__ fenced in area near the Fairy Fountain; use the ¯¯|D | ++ nearby flower to get there and fall down the /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ hole. Inside you'll find the Deku Playground. Deku Playground _______________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Deku Playground \_______________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Deku Mask | - Heart Piece #9 | | - Rupees | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Collect all the Rupees in the room | - 15 Rupees | | within the time limit. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This game is simply a race to collect all the Rupees. It can be | | very disorienting because you have to account for all the moving | | platforms. | | | | - If you manage to get all of them, you will have earned back your | | money and then some. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____ __| |__ ++ ++ ¯¯| |¯¯ - If you beat your high score (time) once each day, on the | | Final Day, they'll reward you with a HEART PIECE [HP09]! __| |¯ | | | | | - There's another mini-game deal in East Clock Town called |__| |__| the Honey & Darling's Shop. You'll need a bomb Bag and __| |__ Quiver before you can do it though. ++ ++ |¯ ¯| | | ¯¯¯| |¯\ ____| /¯| \ +++____/ | Honey & ¯¯| | Darling's Shop ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Honey & Darling's Shop \________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Bomb Bag | - Heart Piece #10 | | - Hero's Bow & Quiver | | | - Rupees | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Stay on the platform. | - 20 Rupees | | - Blow up / Hit all the targets within | | | the time limit. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - The games change each day, and they are random which ones they will | | be. Each of them consist of standing on a spinning, raising platform | | in the middle of the room that goes faster as you go. If you fall | | off, you lose. The games are the following... | | | | Target Shooting: Stand in the middle and shoot the targets with | | arrows. | | Bomb Baskets: Stand near the middle and throw the bombs when | | you're lined up with the baskets. | | Bombchu Gallery: By far, the hardest. Lay these things down and | | they'll go along the floors and walls until they | | blow up and/or hit something. Stand near the edge | | and time it well. This can be really hard because | | you not only have to account for lining yourself up | | with the targets, but the raising platform will have | | to be considered as well. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - If you win them each day, on the last day you'll receive another HEART PIECE [HP10]! This is really hard, and I'm too lazy to do so myself, so don't feel bad if you can't do it either. - Well, that's pretty much it for now. Put your remaining Rupees in the Bank and play the Song of Time. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W302] Winter Wonderland \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Items \ -------------- | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ | | Map of Snowhead ---------------- | \ [HP17] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ============== ~ Clock Town ~ ============== - Alright, we're heading to the Snowhead next. We'll need Bombs for this journey however. - If you don't have them, go to the Bomb Shop and purchase a Bomb Bag for 40 Rupees. If you'd like the upgrade of that, save the old lady in North Clock Town at 12:00 AM on the First Night, then buy the Big Bomb Bag on the Second Day for 90 Rupees. - When you're ready, exit via North Clock Town. ================= Road to ~ Termina Field ~ Mountain Village ================= / / | \ ___________\ ¯¯\ - You should be in Northern /_ _ __¯¯¯ /______ Termina Field in the snowy area. /| | _ | | \ / _ _\ Slash some bushes to fill up on | ¯ / \H ¯ $ ¯¯ | | | |\ Arrows and Bombs. / \_/ \ ¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯ ¯ |__ | _ /¯¯\¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \__ - If you'd like a Heart Piece, | | | / Heart \ \ go down into the snowy area / ¯ / Piece | below the mushroom shaped / / /¯¯¯| |¯¯¯\ | rocks and find a hole in the / / / N \ \ ground a little to the left. / / / \ | - Inside are two Dodongos. To _____| |___ |_ Clock _|- ' o o o|__ defeat them, you have to | | | W Town E either throw 6 Bombs at them | |¯¯¯ | |¯ ¯|- ' o o o|¯¯ relentlessly, or stab them in ¯¯¯¯| / | | \ / | the tail about 12 times. They |¯ \ | \ S / | will try to breathe fire at \ \ | \___| |___/ /¯¯ / you, so keep out of their way \___ \ ' ' / | if that happens. \$ \ \ ' ' _/ o | - When they have died, a chest ¯\¯ \________ ' ' __/o /¯¯/ will appear with a HEART \ O ' ' $ | / PIECE [HP17] inside. ¯\ '_' |/ \ | O |$| O /¯¯¯¯ - If you'd like some free money, \ \| ¯ O | play the song on the wall while \ ' ' $/ standing in front of it. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\O /¯¯¯¯¯¯ | / - When you're ready, go up the ramp in / / the snowy area up against the wall. you'll find a wall of ice that will freeze you if you touch it. Well, that's lame now isn't it? - Z target the icy stalactite hanging above it. Tatl will wish to point out that you could pierce right through it with two shots of some kind of weapon... Whip out your trusty bow and prove her point. - The chunk of ice will fall down and smash it all to bits. The resounding puzzle noise will inform you of the new area you can now enter. ============================ ~ Road to Mountain Village ~ ============================ Mountain Village \\____ - This area is slippery and there are several Blue \__ \ Tektites under the snow. Use vertical slashes to / | defeat them. | /¯¯ - Go up and around the next corner. In this next ||__ area, you'll see the way to proceed is blocked off / \__ by three gigantic snowballs. If you stand near | ___ \ them, Tatl will tell you to blast through them. Use | / / | Bombs or the Blast Mask to do just that. ¯¯ |/¯¯ - Continue on ahead and take the north exit out of // this place. Termina Field ==================== ~ Mountain Village ~ ==================== Goron Road to Graveyard - How is this a "village"? It's Snowhead /¯ ¯\ just one house... Anyway, go \\ _|¯¯¯¯\ straight ahead to find an Owl |\_| | 1: Mountain Smithy Statue being buried in the snow. / W¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| Slash at it to wake it up. /| \ W: Owl Statue | __ | - There isn't much else we can do \ |1 | \ here yet, so go through the \ ¯¯ /¯¯¯¯\\ right exit. |/¯¯¯¯ Road to Road to Goron Village Mountain Village ========================= ~ Road to Goron Village ~ ========================= Goron Racetrack _| |________ B: Boulder /\ B | \ S: Hot Spring (frozen over) /\/¯¯¯ E \ E: Goron Elder (in a giant snowball) |_| __ T __ \ T: Tingle (maps) |_| / \/ \/S \ | H: Heart Piece (chest, Spring only) | | \ / \ /\ |__ Goron \¯\ /¯¯ ¯¯ \ Village /¯¯\/ H |¯¯ Mountain / /\ ¯¯¯¯¯ / Village ¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - In this area, there are a couple Blue ¯¯¯¯ Tektites as well as some White Wolfos. to kill the latter, just keep stabbing at them, or jump back when they try and hit you, then stab them from behind. - Go across the first two bridges. You'll see Tingle here. Shoot him down with your bow and buy his Map of Snowhead for 20 Rupees. - Continue onto the next area. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W303] The Goron Hero \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ / Masks \ | | --------- --------- | \ Lens of Truth Goron Mask / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================= ~ Goron Village ~ ================= Powder Keg Maker ___||_______ /_ \ _ 1: Goron Shrine ///¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯\ \_ // 2: Shrine of Truth /// /¯¯¯\/ /¯¯\\ \ / \ ||| | | /| | | | |2 \ ||\ \___// \__// | \ | \ \_____/ ¯\__/ / ¯¯¯ - Talk to the Gorons around town if you / \ 1 /¯¯ like. Everything's frozen over right //¯\ ¯¯- /¯¯ now so most of them are all indoors. Road to ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - Go to the opposite side of the village. You'll see Goron Village a floating island out in the distance. Right before that, Kaepora Gaebora (the owl) is perched atop the nearby piller. Walk up to him. - After a short conversation, the owl will begin to fly around an odd path, dropping feathers as he goes. These will land on invisible, icy platforms. - Jump from feather to feather to get to the floating island. Be sure to hurry, because they disappear after awhile. Enter the shrine. - Open the huge chest to receive the Lens of Truth. +--------------------------. | New Item : Lens of Truth `---------------------------------+ | | | - Use this item to see through illusions and reveal what's | | hidden. It will slowly drain your Magic though. You can | | use it in short bursts to conserve Magic if need be. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Set it to a (C) button and the fun begins. Blow up all the giant boulders in here and use your Lens of Truth to find two chests, one with 20 Rupees and the other with 50. There's also an invisible Skulltula, so be warned. ___||_______ - Back outside, use the Lens of Truth to /_ \ _ get back to land. Now it all makes ///¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯\ \_ // sense, eh? /// /¯¯¯\/ /¯¯\\ \ / \ - When you get there, you'll notice a... ||| | | /| | |D| | \ well, a dead Goron floating there. Speak ||\ \___// \__// | \ | with him while using the Lens and he'll \ \_____/ ¯\__/ / \ ¯¯¯ ask you to follow him. / \ /¯¯ Ghost of - Basically, just follow his shadow. //¯\ ¯¯- /¯¯ Darmani Every time he stops and sits there, you Road to ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ have to be standing next to him using Goron Village the Lens in order to proceed. - When you get to the end, do that before entering the next area. ========================= ~ Road to Goron Village ~ ========================= - Follow him through this area too. Just ignore the enemies. ==================== ~ Mountain Village ~ ==================== - The Goron will attempt to lead you up the giant wall above the small lake here. With your Lens, you'll see there are actually invisible ladders all # across it. How odd... @ # @@### - Jump across the spinning icebergs to get to @ # the platform on the other side. The smaller @ @ # @ # = Correct Path ones circle the larger, so use them to get @ @ # @ there. @@@ ##@@ @ = Wrong Way - Start climbing the ladder, which is a little @ # maze. The correct path is shown on the left. @ # It's right, left, right. @@### # - At the top, stand next to him while using the # Lens, then enter the grave. # =================== ~ Goron Graveyard ~ =================== - Use your Lens one last time to speak with the spirit. It seems this Goron is named Darmani, the great Goron Hero. He tried to go tackle the Snowhead Temple on his own and got blown off into the valley. Yipes! Better not fall off yourself then, huh? - After speaking with him, he's no longer invisible. Strange. Anyway, he wants you to 'heal his sorrows' so play the Song of Healing and witness a sad little movie with Darmani crying because he could not save his people. At the end, he is willing to pass on his burden to you. =( - As expected, you receive the Goron Mask, which will allow you to change to the very form of Darmani! Everyone will think you're him... creepy... +-----------------------. | New Mask : Goron Mask `------------------------------------+ | | | - This mask has the power to transform you into a rock | | rolling shape of Darmani, the Goron Hero! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Put on the Goron Mask and read the grave for more instructions on how to use it. - The Goron outside mentions that there is a hot spring beneath the grave. Stand behind it and pull it back as a Goron. This will allow the area to fill up with steaming hot water. - Snag some in a Bottle. This stuff won't stay hot long so let's run. Exit the cave. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W304] Lullaby \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Songs \ / Masks \ | | --------- --------- | | Lullaby Intro Don Gero Mask | \ Goron Lullaby / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ==================== ~ Mountain Village ~ ==================== - Outside the cave, take off your Goron Mask and jump off the ledge into the water below. Now quickly run towards Goron Village. ========================= ~ Road to Goron Village ~ ========================= Melt The Ice (Hot Spring) _| |________ / /\ | \/ - Go to the giant chunk of ice /\/¯¯¯ /\ covering the hole on the last |_| __ o _/ \ island. Stand next to it and pour |_| / \/ \/S \ | out your Hot Spring Water. This | | \ / \ /\ |__ Goron will melt it. \¯\ /¯¯ ¯¯ \ Village /¯¯\/ |¯¯ - Inside, there is another Hot Mountain / /\ ¯¯¯¯¯ / Spring so you can get more water Village ¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ close by. ¯¯¯¯ ================= ~ Goron Village ~ ================= ___||_______ /_ \ _ ///¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯\ \_ // /// /¯¯¯\/ /¯¯\\ \ / \ - If you haven't been to the Goron Shrine ||| | | /| | | | | \ in Goron Village yet, do it now. To get ||\ \___// \__// | \ | in, either talk to the Goron right at \ \_____/ ¯\__/ / ¯¯¯ the entrance to Goron Village, or stand / \ \ /¯¯ in front of the door below and use your //¯\ ¯¯- \ /¯¯ Goron Slam (A + B). ¯¯¯¯¯¯\¯ Goron Shrine ================ ~ Goron Shrine ~ ================ - Inside, it seems that the baby Goron is crying so hard that all the fires have been blown out. Speak to him while wearing the Goron Mask to learn that he misses his dad. That's all we need, so leave. ========================= ~ Road to Goron Village ~ ========================= _| |________ Frozen - Go back to our new found Hot Spring, /\ | \ Goron snag some water and smash the giant /\/¯¯¯ E--- Elder snowballs around this last island |_| __ o __ \ before Goron Village. In one of them |_| / \/ \/S \ | is the Goron Elder. | | \ / \ /\ |__ Goron - Use the Hot Spring Water to \¯\ /¯¯ ¯¯ \ Village release him from his icy /¯¯\/ |¯¯ predicament and speak with him Mountain / /\ ¯¯¯¯¯ / twice while wearing the Goron Village ¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Mask. ¯¯¯¯ - At hearing that his son misses him, he will teach you the Lullaby Intro because he can't remember the rest. +---------------------------------. | Incomplete Song : Lullaby Intro `--------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ ---------(<)---------(<)--------- | | ´ .-. -----(>)---------(>)------------- | | ' '_, ` --------------------------------- | | `.__.´ -(A)---------(A)----------------- | | | | - A, C-right, C-left, A, C-right, C-left. | | | | - Play this for the Goron Elder's son at the Goron Shrine. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ================ ~ Goron Shrine ~ ================ - Head up to the top into the little alcove and stand right in front of the crying baby. Play the Lullaby Intro for him to learn the second half of the song as well as put him and all the other Gorons to sleep. +--------------------------. | New Song : Goron Lullaby `---------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ ---------(<)---------(<)--------- | | ´ .-. -----(>)---------(>)-----(>)----- | | ' '_, ` --------------------------------- | | `.__.´ -(A)---------(A)-------------(A)- | | | | - A, C-right, C-left, A, C-right, C-left, C-right, A. | | | | - This mystical song has the power to make your eyes heavy | | and fall into a deep slumber. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Well, now that the kid's asleep, the torches are lit once again. Take off the Goron Mask and whip out a Deku Stick. Light it, then run out and quickly run along the right side of the torches all the way down, and finally, light the last three on the small platform below. - This will light the chandelier above and cause it to start spinning. Stand near the beginning at the entrance to the little room that leads to the baby. This rug is slippery for some reason. - Curl into a ball and start spinning in the direction of the chandelier. When you get fully charged, you'll break one of the five jars above. Use the process of elimination until you find the Rock Sirloin (it looks like one of those giant pieces of meat off the Flintstones). - This giant piece of rock is too heavy to carry around normally, so, with the Goron Mask, carry it above your head and take it all the way back to Mountain Village. Walk around all the enemies that get in your way. ==================== ~ Mountain Village ~ ==================== Road to Snowhead /¯ ¯\ \\ _|¯¯¯¯\ - When you get there, go up to the Goron with the funny |\_| | green mask that's atop the small ledge. He'll inform / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| you that he is too famished and cold to make it down. Don ---/| \ Throw him the Rock Sirloin to give him the energy he Gero | __ | needs to return home and bless you with the \ | | \ Don Gero Mask. \ ¯¯ /¯¯¯¯\\ |/¯¯¯¯ Road to Goron Village +--------------------------. | New Mask : Don Gero Mask `---------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this to conduct the frog choir! The Frogs in Termina | | will gather at Mountain Village in the Spring when you | | speak to them. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - We'll use that in a side quest much later. - Go through the exit next to the Owl Statue on your right. ==================== ~ Road to Snowhead ~ ==================== Snowhead \ \ \ \ - Curl up and roll. Once your \ \ spikes are out, you should be | \ fine. Roll across each of the |_/ Invisible gaps and just try to stay in the Blocks middle. Hit all of the giant |¯\ / snowballs if you can, cause they | |'. have Magic Jars in them so you | / '. _ don't have to stop halfway. \ \____ |H| <-- Piece of a Heart - When you get to the end, just \ \ ¯ (can't get it yet) continue on through. ¯¯¯¯\_| |¯| / / / / | | Mountain Village ============ ~ Snowhead ~ ============ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ - First off, smack the Owl Statue with your / ,---, \ sword to wake it up. | //¯¯¯\\ | - Alike all the Temples, we only need the | | ||| final Owl Statue and the Song for this area | | 2|| to get into the Temple. Soar back to Clock | \_1_// | Town, put your Rupees in the Bank and play \ `-´ / the Song of Time. \ / ¯¯|¯|¯¯ - When you return, slash the snowballs here |¯| 1: Snowhead Temple and put the Fairy in a Bottle just in case. | | 2: Fairy Fountain | | - So as you can see, you can't make much // W: Owl Statue progress due to the wind. Darmani died // because he was trying to get through anyway // and got blown off. Use the Lens of Truth to // see that a gigantic, invisible Goron is the / | source. | | - While wearing the Goron Mask, play the Goron Lullaby to put him \ \ to rest, allowing you to proceed. | | |W| - There's two methods of scaling this mountain: Using the Goron | | Mask to go slowly, punching your way through the rolling Road to snowballs, or running around quickly with the Bunny Hood. I Snowhead prefer the latter, but I suppose the first option is better... - In any case, head around the left side, avoiding all the enemies. You'll come to a skinny ramp that leads up and around the exterior of Snowhead itself. - Either avoid the snowballs as they come, Fire Punch them (Goron Mask), or simply allow them to hit you if you don't care. If you're really daring, you can use the Blast Mask to blow them up right before they hit you. - When you get to the top, you'll find the entrance. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W305] Snowhead Temple \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ --------------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Stray Fairies \ --------- | | Fire Arrow ----------------- Goht's Remains | \ 15 / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ __________ ___3______ /|o o o| \ /\_/ |% ___ \ //o o o | | \F | |__ \ | /¯o o_/¯¯¯\ %| .~~~~~~~~~~~. _____ / | | \ | | _ | o o/+ ¯¯+ / 1st Floor \ | | |_____/¯¯¯\ | | | _|1|_ \ o_| +_______+____`~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | I +++ | |¯¯¯¯ ++|_ M| \/¯ | |G _/ \%/ \ | | |¯¯¯¯¯\___/¯¯¯¯¯|++ |o | \ %++|_/ | \ \ ¯¯¯¯¯ \ | | / | |___| |¯\ ¯¯ ++%\ \ | / 6 \ | | / | % | | ,\__ | / /¯¯¯\ \ | _1_ \ | | / ¯¯¯¯¯ / ¯ ¯ | || | |¯\/ ++ / v \ ________ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~. | +++ \ /¯\___/\__/¯|++¯¯/ | / \K___/ \ _____+ / 2nd Floor \ |¯¯\_ _| \ ¯ /¯ / //¯/ /| 2 % % % %/ / % G\ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ /|K \ \ \_____/\ / /% O // \ , o === \¯¯\ G| ¯+ ¯¯¯ \ % / / // |/ \ o % / | \\ G| / _+_______ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ /K / / ¯¯¯\ \ \G | G|/ /\__/ % \ + |\_/ / ¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ 2 C \ /¯%¯\ ++ /\_/ .~~~~~~~~~~~. \ % === ++\ / / 3rd Floor \ \G% /¯\ / \_ _/ ¯¯¯ _4_ ______3____`~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | /o% \ / / \ /¯ ¯\ |o o | | /¯¯¯| | \ | | | o o| | | | | \ \_ _/ |o | | \___/¯¯¯\ | | |..o === | | | Entrance /\' o/ |_/¯¯¯\___/ | _____ \/¯¯¯ \ |o| / |o o o| \ |o| / /o o o | \ |o| / /¯o o_/¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~. ¯¯¯¯5¯¯¯¯ | oF%/ / Basement \ .~~~~~~~~~~~. \F o | ____________`~~~~~~~~~~~~´ / 4th Floor \ \/| | |G / /¯¯| \ Boss Room`~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | ++|_ \_/ \ __4__ _______+____ _ ______ ¯ ++ 6 | | | / \ / \/B+++ \ | |__ /¯¯¯\ | ___ | _| | / | | \\/ | \| |\ \ | | | / \ |_ | |/ |F| \\ | | | ¯¯ \___/ __ | | o | | ¯| | /¯¯¯\ || | | \ /\___ \ |/ | / |¯ +++¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ +++ | \ \ | ¯/ / O / \ / |¯¯¯¯¯\___/¯¯¯¯¯| | | \ ¯¯¯¯ / / | ¯¯¯¯ \ | | / | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _/ / \ | | / |¯¯\ | +: Doors \_ / C: Compass \ | | / | ¯\ | =: Locked Doors \_/ M: Dungeon Map ¯¯¯¯5¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ #: Stairs K: Small Key F: Deku Flower B: Boss Key G: Goron Switch I: Dungeon Item - Fire Arrows %: Ice =================== ----------------- Getting The Map ----------------- =================== _1_ / v \ <-- #2 .~~~~~~~~~~~. +¯¯/ | .~~~~~~~~~~~. / 1st Floor \ //¯/ /| <- #1 / 2nd Floor \ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ /% O // `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ // |/ _ // / / _|1|_ + |\_/ / |_ M| /¯%¯\ ++ /\_/ + |o | = ++\ / | |___| \_ _/ ¯¯¯ | % | | ¯¯¯¯¯ /¯ ¯\ %: Ice | | M: Dungeon Map \_ _/ | Entrance - You'll need Bombs and Arrows for this dungeon, so come prepared. I also suggest ensuring that time is slowed (Inverted Song of Time). - When you first enter, you'll be surrounded by some White Boes in very short order. Use a Goron Slam (A + B) to take them out quickly. When they're dead, smash the ice stalagmites ahead of you with anything you like. - This large stone is too heavy to push normally, so wear the Goron Mask and get a'movin'. - In this next area, a White Wolfos will appear, kill it (from behind) if you like or just ignore it. There are three doors, but we can only enter the dark blue one on your right for now. - In this next room, you'll see a lot of Freezards blowing across the gap. Don't worry about them as they don't cause much of a problem. #1 This one is trapped in a bubble within the pillar holding up the second half of the bridge. It's easier to see from down below. #2 The second Stray Fairy is in a bubble under the ledge leading to the stairs on the far side of the room. Shoot it and use the Great Fairy Mask. - Climb back up the ladder if you're down below and face towards the partial bridge. Use the slippery ground here to start rolling towards it. If you start around the time the first Freezard is done blowing, you should be fine. - Hold A until you've cleared the bridge, then take off your Goron Mask. Jump across here and take the stairs up a level. - There's a new enemy in this room called a Real Bombchu. It can be killed by simply walking into it with your shield raised. Open the large chest to find the dungeon map. Snag Stray Fairy #10 if you like, I'll get it later. - There's nothing else we can do in here for now, so go back down the stairs and through the blue door this time. ======================= --------------------- Getting The Compass --------------------- ======================= _______+____ | _/ \%/ \ .~~~~~~~~~~~. |_/ | \ \ / 1st Floor \ |¯\ +%\ \ | / 6 `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | ,\__ | / /¯¯¯\ \ | _1_ / ¯ ¯ | || | |¯\/ ++ / v \ | +++ \ /¯\___/\__/¯|++¯¯/ | |¯¯\_ _| \ ¯ /¯ / //¯/ /| %: Ice \ /|K \ \ \_____/\ / /% O // K: Small Key ¯+ ¯¯¯ \ % / / // |/ C: Compass _+_______ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ // / / /\__/ % \ + |\_/ / 1: First set of Stairs Bomb This --> 2 C \ /¯%¯\ ++ /\_/ 2: Second set of Stairs Wall \ % === ++\ / 6: Basement \G% /¯\ / \_ _/ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | - Welcome to the Main Room of this dungeon. As you can see, it's huge, and yes, it does suck to fall down. - Run straight across this platform and enter the yellow door. - In this small room, put on your Goron Mask and pull out the two large stones from the wall on your left. If you'd like a Stray Fairy later, push/pull it all the way as far as it can go along this snowy path. At the end, it'll fall into a hole and create a chest you can snag later. - Now, enter the cubby hole you have revealed and open the chest for a Small Key. - We're back in the Main Room. We can go downstairs, but we'll do that later. - We need to get back to the starting room, so head over to the red door and shoot an arrow through the torch at the ice to melt it. This will create a shortcut. - Alternatively, you can go back through the bridge room with the Freezards. - Back in the first room, ignore the White Wolfos and use your key on the locked (light blue) door. - This large room has two White Wolfos in it, but they don't attack you unless you get close or Z target them. Open the chest in here to find the Compass. - There are three Stray Fairies here, but we'll have to come back for them later. - Use a Bomb or the Blast Mask to blast through the cracked wall here to reveal a set of stairs. ============= ----------- 2nd Floor ----------- ============= ________ / \K___/ \ _____+ %: Ice 2 % % % %/ / % G\ G: Goron Switch \ , o === \¯¯\ G| K: Small Key \ o % / | \\ G| / ¯¯¯\ \ \G | G|/ 2: Second Set of stairs /¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ #3 #4 - In this room, there's lots of small pillars covered in ice. Above them, however, are more loose stalactites on the ceiling. Shoot arrows to pave your way. #3 Climb onto the first three little pillars. Straight ahead, in the wall, you'll notice an icy patch that looks funny. - Use the Lens of Truth if you like to see that it's a hidden cubby in the wall. Jump in and open the chest to snag your prize. - Work your way to the opposite side of the room along the pillars to get to the platform with the giant snowball on it. Fire Punch it while wearing the Goron Mask to reveal a chest containing a Small Key. - With that in hand, jump down and use it on the locked door. - In this room, some White Boes will fall from above into the snowy area below. #4 Kill the White Boes here and stand near the center of the snowy area below. Look up while wearing the Great Fairy Mask and using the Lens of Truth. Shoot the center of the dark area to pop a bubble. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~ Map of puzzle below ~ ______ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' | 2 | 1.) Stomp this switch. |---._.-| 2.) Jump across and stomp switch #2. | 4 3 | 3.) Go back and stomp the switch (#3) you used to get here. |___.---| 4.) Use the timed switch (#4) to jump back up to the second platform. | 1 | Go through the door. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - In this puzzle, you have to hit the switches while wearing the Goron Mask (A + B) in the right order to get through the door ahead. - First, push the yellow one up high, down. - Take off your Mask and jump across to the next platform using the second yellow one, which is now raised. Now, put the Goron Mask back on and slam down on the green one up here. - Slam the second yellow one (you used to get over to this platform) down this time, then quickly, take off the Goron Mask one last time quickly get on the small green one down here in the snowy area to jump up to the second platform. - The door will no longer be blocked, so you can go through. =========================== ------------------------- Getting The Fire Arrows ------------------------- =========================== .~~~~~~~~~~~. ___3______ / 2nd Floor \ /\_/ |% ___ \ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | |__ \ | %: Ice _____ / | | \ | | _ F: Deku Flower | | |_____/¯¯¯\ | | | _|1|_ I: Dungeon Item | I +++ | |¯¯¯¯ ++|_ | Fire Arrows | | |¯¯¯¯¯\___/¯¯¯¯¯|++ |o | ¯¯¯¯¯ \ | | / | |___| 1: First set of stairs \ | | / | % | 3: Third set of stairs \ | | / ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ - Roll across this bridge to the other side. Straight ahead is a set of stairs, but it's blocked by ice for now. Roll along the wall to the right. If you fall, just use the ladder to get back. - When you get to the other side, once again, roll across to the opposite side and enter the door here. _______________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wizrobe \______________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wizrobe. | - Fire Arrows | | You'll get your chance right when | | | it starts to attack. Be on the | | | lookout for it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots an icy blast at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This skinny, blue guy with one dopey eye will teleport around the | | room attempting to freeze you from afar. When you get close, he will | | disappear. | | | | - Because you have limited time, it's easiest to just use the Goron | | Mask for this whole battle. Face towards him and wait for him to | | stop glowing, then roll towards him and quickly take your shot. | | | | - After a few hits, this foe will create several illusions of himself | | that will attempt to confuse you. Search for the one that doesn't | | run around and is solid. When you find it, just continue the process | | you've used until now. He will also appear as a red dot on your Map, | | thanks to your Compass. | | | | - Another method to damage him is to use Arrows, which is also pretty | | effective, but does less damage. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use the Goron Mask to roll around when he starts appearing or use | | arrows. The real one is solid, as well as a red dot on your Map. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he's been defeated, open the chest to find the Fire Arrows! +------------------------. | New Item : Fire Arrows `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Charge up your Arrows with Fire, then burn and melt just | | about anything. Pretty awesome really. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - As you've probably already guessed, several areas have essentially opened up to us. ============================ -------------------------- Raising The Giant Pillar -------------------------- ============================ _____ __________ |o o o| #6 --> /|o o o| \ /o o o | //o o o | | /¯o o_/¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~. /¯o o_/¯¯¯\ %| .~~~~~~~~~~~. | oF%/ / Basement \ | o o/+ ¯¯+ / 1st Floor \ \F o | ____________`~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ o_| +_______+____`~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \/| | |G / /¯¯| \ \/¯ | |G _/ \%/ \ | ++|_ \_/ \ \ %++|_/ | \ \ ¯ ++ 6 ¯¯ ++%\ \ | / 6 |__ /¯¯¯\ | | / /¯¯¯\ \ | |\ \ | | | %: Ice || | |¯\/ + | ¯¯ \___/ __ | G: Goron Switch + \ /¯\___/\__/¯| \ /\___ \ |/ F: Deku Flower \ ¯ /¯ / #5 --> \ \ | ¯/ \ \_____/\ / \ ¯¯¯¯ / 6: Basement stairs \ % / / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ #5 Go to the lowest level of the main room, the Basement. Here, you'll find a large switch in the lava. Wear the Goron Mask and step on it to cause a chest to appear in another lava puddle. Snag it, then head back up the stairs. - Go to the First Floor (where all the colored doors are) and shoot Fire Arrows at the green doors (and red if you haven't melted it yet). Go through either of the green doors (they both lead to the same room). #6 Kill the three Freezards in this room to make a chest appear. - If you fall down at any point, melt the flowers below and use them to get back up. - You'll notice there's three unlit torches. Stand on one of the pillars between them and light them all before they go out. This will cause the door in the middle of the room to open. Enter it. - Out in the little cubby, hit the Goron Switch to make the giant stone pillar in the middle of the main room raise up to the top floor. If you'd like to put it back for whatever reason, there's another switch one level down that will do so. ========================== ------------------------ Stray Fairy Collection ------------------------ #9 ========================== |¯\ / | ,\__ / ¯ ¯ | | + .~~~~~~~~~~~. Block Path Block Path |¯¯\_ _| / 1st Floor \ For #8 For #9 \ /| \ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ¯+ ¯¯¯ --> <-- _+_______ ^ | Then... ^ #7 --> /\__/ % \ + | v | 2 \ /¯%¯\ <-- \ % === + \ % /¯\ / \_ _/ ¯¯¯¯¯/¯¯¯ | #8 #7 Go back to the entrance room and enter the light blue room with the two stalagmites next to it. Inside is the room with the Wolfos and frozen stuff we ignored earlier. - In this room, right near the cracked wall we blew up earlier to reveal the stairs is a crate atop one of the pillars. - Throw a Bomb at it to blow it up, then use the Great Fairy Mask to reel it in. #8 Right next to you is a frozen switch. Melt it, kill the White Wolfos, then step on the switch to make a chest appear on a ledge. - Melt the nearby frozen block. Now, if you look at it from your MAP PERSPECTIVE, push the block UP, RIGHT, then DOWN. - Jump onto the ledge and open the chest. #9 If you moved the "double blocks" in an earlier room into a little slot, there is another Stray Fairy you can get now. - Push the block LEFT, UP, LEFT. Jump onto the second platform and enter the door. - In this familiar room, if you placed the double blocks in the right place (where it fell into a slot), you can use them to jump to the other side. Open the chest when you get there to claim your prize. ======================== ---------------------- Climbing And Rolling ---------------------- ======================== .~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~. / 3rd Floor \ / 2nd Floor \ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ _4_ ______3____ ___3______ #11 /o% \ / / \ /\_/ |% ___ \ #10 | .~~~~~~~~~~~. |o o | | /¯¯¯| | \ \ | |__ \ | | v / 1st Floor \ | o o| | | | | \ / | | \ | | v _ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ |o | | \___/¯¯¯\ | |_____/¯¯¯\ | | | _|1|_ _1_ |..o === | | | + | |¯¯¯¯ ++|_ | / v \ /\' o/ |_/¯¯¯\___/ | |¯¯¯¯¯\___/¯¯¯¯¯|++ |o | +¯¯/ | \/¯¯¯ \ |o| / \ | | / | |___| //¯/ /| ^ \ |o| / \ | | / | % | /% O // | \ |o| / \ | | / ¯¯¯¯¯ // |/ #12 ¯¯¯¯5¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ /K / / + |\_/ / %: Ice 2: Second stairs /¯%¯\ ++ /\_/ K: Small Key 3: Third stairs + ++\ / 1: First stairs 4: Fourth stairs \_ _/ ¯¯¯ | - Head back to the entrance room and enter the dark blue door that leads to the room with the three Freezards and the bridge you had to roll across. - Kill the three enemies to make a chest appear. Use a Fire Arrow on the giant lump of ice to melt it, then proceed to open the chest for a Small Key. - Jump across to the small ledge and go up the stairs where we found the map earlier. #10 This one is directly on your right, just floating there. - Kill the Real Bombchu if you like, then stand on the small platform in the center of the room. Shoot the Freezard on the upper level with a Fire Arrow. Now, shoot the frozen eye switch directly behind it. This will cause the platform to rise temporarily. #11 In the upper level of this room, use your Lens of Truth to see tiny hidden platforms. Use them to reach a cubby above the stairs with a hidden chest containing another Stray Fairy. - Go through the door on the upper level of this room. - We're back in the main room, across the way from the Mini-boss room we tackled earlier. Go to the area on your right and melt the ice blocking the stairs, then take them up. - On this level, we have a more complicated snow berm on the side. This time, there is now net-like thing to catch us if we mess up. So, go to your right, being extremely careful not to fall down. - Use your key on the locked door. - This room has several Eenos (snowball throwing clumps of snow with eyes?). #12 In the south portion of this room are three blue stalactites in front of a little invisible cubby that's pretty obvious due to the snow hanging from its ledge. Use the Lens of Truth, Great Fairy Mask and Hero's Bow to pop the bubble hidden in the center. - Kill the Eenos if you like, then melt the ice covering the stairs and take them up once more. ======================== ---------------------- Getting The Boss Key ---------------------- ======================== Boss Room __4__ _______+____ _ ______ | | | / \ / \/B+++ \ | .~~~~~~~~~~~. |#13 _| | / | | \\/ | \| / 4th Floor \ |_ | |/ |F| \\ | | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | ¯| | /¯¯¯\ || | | |¯#14 +++¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ +++ | B: Boss Key \ / |¯¯¯¯¯\___/¯¯¯¯¯| | | F: Deku Flower ¯¯¯¯ \ | | / | | \ | | / |¯¯\ | 4: Fourth set of stairs \ | | / | ¯\ | 5: Fifth set of stairs ¯¯¯¯5¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ - This room actually has two Dinofols. I suggest killing them as a Goron because you'll do much more damage. #13 Kill the first Dinofol. #14 Kill the second. - Exit the room through the other door. - We're back in the main room. Walk across the giant platform that is now raised and enter the room for another Mini-boss battle. (If you've already been knocking out chunks of the giant pillar, you can fall onto the top of it, go through the snowball route, up the stairs, roll across, then use the flower to get to the Mini-boss door.) _______________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wizrobe (Again) \______________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wizrobe. | - Boss Key | | You'll get your chance right when | | | it starts to attack. Be on the | | | lookout for it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots an icy blast at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This battle is exactly the same as the first. The only difference | | is that now the room is larger. Use your compass (he's the red dot) | | to your advantage and take him out with your polished skills. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use the Goron Mask to roll around when he starts appearing or use | | arrows. The real one is solid, as well as a red dot on your Map. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he's been defeated, enter the second door on the far side of the room. - Here, open the chest to receive the Boss Key. Exit through the next door. ======================== ---------------------- Punching Out The Ice ---------------------- ======================== .~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~. / 2nd Floor \ / 3rd Floor \ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ___3______ ______3____ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ /\_/ | ___ \ / / \ #15 --> \F | |__ \ | | /¯¯¯| | \ / | | \ | | | | | | \ F: Deku Flower You can roll to |_____/¯¯¯\ | | | | \___/¯¯¯\ | o: Snowballs either the + | |¯¯¯¯ + + | | | higher or lower |¯¯¯¯¯\___/¯¯¯¯¯| |_/¯¯¯\___/ | 3: Third stairs portion of each \ | | / \ |o| / 5: Fifth stairs level to punch \ | | / \ |o| / out the cylinders. \ | | / \ |o| / ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯5¯¯¯¯ - We're back in the Main Room. We can't yet access the top level of the temple yet, so we'll have to do a little redecorating. I know it's a pain, but bear with me. - Go to the second floor (the place with the snow along the wall and the brown net-like thing to catch you). Put on your Goron Mask and Fire Punch the two blue looking (ice) cylinders out of the main pillar. - Now head up to the third floor and roll over to the right side carefully. Punch these two out as well. #15 In the main room, there is a small hidden cubby that holds a chest containing the last Stray Fairy. You can see where it is by the patch of ice hanging off the ledge (or use your Lens of Truth). - To get to it, you'll have to jump from a higher level, by using the Goron Mask, Bunny Hood or Deku Mask to roll, jump, spin or fly (using the flower on the top floor) towards it. If you're lucky, you'll land in there. - The best way in my opinion is to stand on top of the pillar in the center of the room after you've punched out the ice cylinders, and spin towards the cubby with the Deku Mask. You will just make it, no problem. - Once you get it, you can salvage some ascending by using the flower there to fly to the third floor on your left. - Go to the fourth floor. Because you punched out the ice cylinders earlier, the main pillar is now low enough to reveal the snowball covered bridge. Either Fire Punch or Goron Roll through them and head up the stairs. - For the very last stretch, Goron Roll across the gap and enter the Boss Room. _____________________________________________ / B O S S : Masked Mechanical Monster, GOHT \________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Hurry! Chase after it. Even if it | - Heart Container | | means throwing your own body | - Goht's Remains | | into it, do it so it'll stop!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Rams into you like a bull (if you're in front of it). | | - Far ahead of you... stands still and fires homing, electric bolts | | at you. | | - Hit it in the legs... Shoots a homing, electric bolt at you. | | - Rocks fly out from behind it. | | - Rocks fall from the ceiling. | | - Causes stalctites to fall from the ceiling and stick out of the | | ground in your way. | | - Bombs get thrown behind it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - As you enter, you'll notice that the dreaded demon of Snowhead is | | actually frozen itself? *Sigh* Sadly, shoot it with a Fire Arrow to | | commence a joke of a boss battle. | | | | - Quickly put on the Goron Mask and begin rolling after it. All you | | have to do is swerve back and forth as you follow it, restore your | | magic via the jars along the path that replenish themselves, and hit | | Goht with your spikes. | | | | - It IS possible to damage it by hitting it in the legs, but not very | | successful. The better method is to roll along-side it, then, when | | you get to a jump, use it to fling yourself up and land on its back. | | - This will stun it, giving you tons of time to punish it properly. | | | | - Alternatively, you can roll after it, take off the Goron Mask, and | | shoot it with Fire Arrows. Don't think you can just stay in one spot | | and wait for him, because he'll turn around and snipe you from afar. | | - The exception to that is the entrance to this room, in that little | | slot, he is powerless to attack you, so you can wait for him and | | shoot him repeatedly. | | | | - All of its attacks are nothing to worry about. Just keep your | | distance, zig zag a bunch, and go in for the kill. Before long, this | | pathetic boss will bite the dust. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Roll after it. Use the jumps to land on its back, stunning it. | | proceed to demolish it. | | - You can also take off your Goron Mask, shoot it with Fire Arrows, | | and repeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After Goht decides to burry himself (to return later in the game... just kidding...) go over and snag the Heart Container. Enter the glowing light to receive Goht's Remains. +------------------------------. | New Remains : Goht's Remains `-----------------------------+ | | | - Proof that you've killed the boss and have freed this | | Guardian. With it, you can return to this temple and kill | | the boss again. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - You will once again witness a short clip revealing more of the story behind the four Giants. Or should I say, Guardians. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W306] Post Temple Collection #2 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ---------- \ | / Items \ / Upgrades \ | | --------- ------------ | | Powder Keg Magic Meter | | Empty Bottle #2 Razor Sword | \ Gilded Sword / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ==================== ~ Mountain Village ~ ==================== - Because you defeated Goht, the snow has now melted and Goron Village is saved. Hooray! You will appear in the Mountain Village in front of the small lake. - If you were collecting the Stray Fairies in the Temple, you should head back to Snowhead to collect your reward. ============ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ ~ Snowhead ~ / ,---, \ ============ | //¯¯¯\\ | | | ||| - Once there, walk along the bottom of | | F||<-- Fairy Fountain Snowhead and enter the cave you find. The | \_ _// | Great Fairy of Wisdom will give you another \ `-´ / nifty enhancement. \ / ¯¯|¯|¯¯ +-----------------------. | | | Upgrade : Magic Meter `------------------------------------+ | | | - You now have twice as much Magic. This will certainly | | come in handy. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - The next thing I will cover is getting the second Bottle, as well as getting your new sword! We need Goht defeated to do so, but we also need quite a bit of time... So... - Put your Rupees in the Bank, play the Song of Time and defeat Goht again. I know it's a pain, but it'll make sense later. After you've done so, return to Goron Village, that is now melted. ================= ~ Goron Village ~ ================= Powder Keg - In the northern part of the village, Maker the Powder Keg Maker has a shop that was ___||_______ frozen over before. You can melt it with /_ \ _ your Fire Arrows, but you'll need it to ///¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯\ \_ // be spring later anyway for this. /// /¯¯¯\/ /¯¯\\ \ / \ - Go there and speak with the Giant Goron ||| | | /| | | | | \ inside while wearing the Goron Mask. He ||\ \___// \__// | \ | will give you a 'test' in the form of a \ \_____/ ¯\__/ / ¯¯¯ Powder Keg with a very long wick, and / \ /¯¯ tell you to blow the boulder in front of //¯\ ¯¯- /¯¯ the Goron Racetrack. Road to ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Goron Village - Pick up the Powder Keg he gives you and throw it up each ledge, roll up it, repeat, until you get out of here. Take it to the entrance of Goron Village. ========================= ~ Road to Goron Village ~ ========================= Goron - Take it across all the bridges, then turn Racetrack right and throw it up all the ledges, roll _| |________ up, repeat, until you get to the top. Place /\ B | \ it in front of the giant silver boulder. /\/¯¯¯ E \ - At long last, either wait for it |_| __ T __ \ to explode or shoot it with an |_| / \/ \/S \ | Arrow. | | \ / \ /\ |__ Goron - After it exlpodes, the Goron \¯\ /¯¯ ¯¯ \ Village Elder's Son will run on in there. /¯¯\/ H |¯¯ Before we follow him, let's return Mountain / /\ ¯¯¯¯¯ / to Goron Village. Village ¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ ================= ~ Goron Village ~ ================= - Speak with the Powder Keg Maker again before you forget and he'll give you a Keg for free. You'll also be able to use them whenever you want from now on! +-----------------------. | New Item : Powder Keg `------------------------------------+ | | | - Wear your Goron Mask and lay these puppies down. You may | | want to wear ear plugs, cause they create quite the | | explosion! | | - Use these to blow up large boulders and cracked areas in | | which normal Bombs just don't do the job. You can purchase | | them at the Bomb Shop in West Clock Town for 50 Rupees. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Head back to the Road to Goron Village and enter the cave we blew up earlier. =================== ~ Goron Racetrack ~ =================== - Inside, (IT MUST BE SPRING, GOHT DEFEATED,) lots of Gorons have gathered for a little friendly competition in which they roll through a race course. - The prize for this endeavor is a Bottle filled with the one and only, Gold Dust. _______________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Goron Racetrack \_______________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Goron Mask | - Empty Bottle #2 (1st x) | | - Spring (Goht Defeated) | - Gold Dust | | - Magic Meter Upgrade (Advised!) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - You get hit, you blink. | - Free | | - Get hit while blinking, you fall. | | | - Use green jars whenever possible. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This game is pretty simple, and your opponents will get stupid and | | slow if you slow down yourself or get knocked down, so don't worry | | TOO much about how fast you go. It takes everyone several tries, so | | don't feel too bad if you don't make it the first... ten... times... | | | | - There's two play styles for this: Avoid other Gorons at all costs, | | or ram into them then avoid while you're blinking. A mixture of the | | two is what will guarantee you success. | | | | - You'll use a lot of Magic for this, so I strongly suggest you have | | gotten the Magic Meter Upgrade from the Great Fairy of the Snowhead | | Temple. | | | | - The very end is the most crucial part. It's a long, drawn out area | | that pretty much goes straight. You'll only win if you are on the | | inside (right side) and can knock your competitors away when they | | get close. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use the Goron Mask. Avoid other Gorons. Watch your Magic Meter. | | Cut corners as much as possible. At the end, stay on the inside | | edge and ram anyone that tries to cut ahead. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - When you finally come in first, you will receive a bottle full of Gold Dust! +----------------------------. | New Item : Empty Bottle #2 `-------------------------------+ | | | - Set it to (C) and use it to swipe and hold stuff to be | | used later. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - If you don't have 100 Rupees, go around and collect that much, then head to the Mountain Village. ==================== ~ Mountain Village ~ ==================== Road to Snowhead /¯ ¯\ \\ _|¯¯¯¯\ - If it's still the First Day, you can now acquire a new |\_| | sword. Go to the Mountain Smithy (only building in this / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| area), and speak with the short, lazy guy named Zubora. /| \ - Pay him 100 Rupees and they'll take your sword and | __ | begin working on it. \ | M| \ - Play the Song of Double Time until it's the \ ¯¯ /¯¯¯¯\\ Second Day and speak with them to receive |/¯¯¯¯ Road to your newly polished Razor Sword. Goron Village +-----------------------. | Upgrade : Razor Sword `------------------------------------+ | | | - By far, the coolest looking of all the swords in this | | game. This bad daddy does twice the damage of your Kokiri | | Sword! | | - Unfortunately, it's only as good as the money you put | | into it, and after 100 sword slashes, it will revert back | | back to its old form. =( | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - If you won at the Goron Racetrack earlier, have the Gold Dust in one of your Bottles, and it's still only the Second Day, you can give your Razor Sword back to the Smithies and have them forge your Sword one more time. - Play the Song of Double Time twice more and return to claim your new, awesome weapon. +------------------------. | Upgrade : Gilded Sword `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Your Kokiri Sword will now do twice as much damage, and | | never dull! | | - This is the second best Sword in the game, and it's most | | certainly worth the trouble you went through to get it. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - With that said and done, go back to Clock Town, put your remaining Rupees in the Bank and call it a (third) Night... Okay, bad pun... /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ /__\ Chapter 4 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\ /\ /\ To Kill A Mocking Fish ____________________/ [W400] /\ /\ /__\/__\ _________________________/ \____________________ /__\/__\ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Items \ / Masks \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Empty Bottle #3 Romani Mask | | Map of Great Bay Stone Mask | | Hookshot Zora Mask | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Songs \ / Heart Pieces \ / Upgrades \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Epona's Song [HP33] [HP37] [HP41] Defense | | New Wave Bossa Nova [HP35] [HP38] [HP42] | | [HP36] [HP28] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Sections Within This Chapter \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [W401] Grasshopper - Romani Ranch and Epona. | | [W402] Stone & Fish - Getting the Stone and Zora Masks. | | [W403] Pirates' Booty - First four eggs in Gerudo Lagoon. | | [W404] Egg Hunt - Last three eggs in Pinacle Rock. | | [W405] Item Collection #3 - Goodies. | | [W406] Zora Cape - Things at the Cape before the temple. | | [W407] Great Bay Temple - The temple. | | [W408] Post Temple Collection #3 - Goodies afterwards. | \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W401] Grasshopper \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ ------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Songs \ --------- | | Empty Bottle #3 --------- Romani Mask | \ Epona's Song / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ =================== ~ West Clock Town ~ =================== _____ __| |_ - Our next area to explore is Great Bay. Before we can go + + there, we must have a little reunion with an old friend of ¯¯| |¯ ours. | |¯ \ \ - Run around and gather 50 Rupees. Take them to West Clock Bomb -->\ \ Town and while wearing the Goron Mask, purchase the Powder Shop \ \_ Keg from the Goron in the Bomb Shop. \ + - Exit into Termina Field and go to Milk Road (the southwest ¯¯¯¯ exit). Watch out for the Takkuri Bird along the way though. ============= ~ Milk Road ~ ============= Romani Ranch ___ B = Boulder - Straight ahead, one of the construction \ \__/¯¯\__/ \ workers will be picking away at a large \B /¯\ \ boulder (jeez, one of them actually ¯¯¯/ /¯¯\ \ Termina Field works rather than running around!) Gorman - Lay the Powder Keg and shoot it with an Racetrack Arrow if you don't like waiting. After it explodes, head on through to Romani Ranch. ================ ~ Romani Ranch ~ ================ _____________ / ___ _ \ / | 1| |2| \ 1: Ranch House / ||¯¯ ¯ \ | \ 2: Barn Cucco Shack + \ | \ Mamamu + ¯Milk Road Yan's Doggy \ /¯¯ Racetrack \________________/ - If you've been following the Walkthrough thus far, you've probably been here before to get the Bunny Hood (if you don't have that yet, GET IT, QUICK!). - Run on ahead and you'll witness a joyous scene in which Link will see his good old steed, Epona, who is still alive. Yippee! - Speak with the little girl running around and hear her plight, one of the strangest predicaments in Zelda history. After that, she'll ask you to help her fend off against the vile fiends. _____________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : "THEY" Practice \_________________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Hero's Bow | - Epona's Song (1st x) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | | - Ride around and shoot the balloons. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This thing is just for practice. There is no reward other than the | | song for the first time. It would be good to at least beat Romani's | | current record to prepare yourself for the aliens. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After you've done it one time through, she'll teach you a familiar tune. +-------------------------. | New Song : Epona's Song `----------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' -(^)---------(^)----------------- | | .´ -----(<)---------(<)------------- | | ´ .-. ---------(>)---------(>)--------- | | ' '_, ` --------------------------------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-up, C-left, C-right, C-up, C-left, C-right. | | | | - Play this song and your horse will come to you. You can | | use her to jump over things and move around quickly. | | - Play this song for cows to fill a Bottle with Milk for | | free! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - She'll ask you to "help tonight". Say yes and then make sure you're here at 2:00 AM. In the meantime, run around and collect Rupees and put them in the Bank. ____________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : "THEY" \__________________________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Hero's Bow | - Empty Bottle #3 full of | | - Talk to Romani on the First Day | Milk | | - Be at Romani Ranch at 2:00 AM | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | | - Ride around and shoot the aliens until 5:15 AM. | | - Don't let them get to the barn! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Ride around Romani Ranch on Epona, shooting all the lantern-heads. | | If a single one gets to the barn, you lose. You can tell when they | | get close because the dog will run over to that one and begin | | growling. | | | | - Try to continually run around the Ranch. Don't turn around mid way, | | that will use your precious seconds. If you run low on Arrows, run | | through the bushes. | | | | - You can play the Inverted Song of Time to slow time, and "Them" way | | down. This will make this task extremely easy. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Ride circles around the barn, shooting aliens with your bow. Run | | through bushes when you need arrows. Keep it up till dawn. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After you've saved the Ranch cows, Romani will give you another precious gift! +----------------------------. | New Item : Empty Bottle #3 `-------------------------------+ | | | - Set it to (C) and use it to swipe and hold stuff to be | | used later. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - If that wasn't enough, there's one more thing for you to do here. Play the Song of Double Time until it's the Second Night. - Because you blasted the boulder on the First Day, Cremia, Romani's older sister and the owner of the Ranch, will be about to leave. She's got a wagon full of Milk headed for Clock Town, and she needs someone with a knack for the bow to accompany her. Let's do so. - Cremia will lament about what's going on lately and inform you of her friendship and worries about her good friend, Anju. This is a spiffy new song they play here. "Dee doo, Dee doo, doo dee doo, dee doo dee doo..." - Anyway, things go wrong and you'll have to protect the wagon. Predictable. __________________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Protecting The Wagon \___________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Hero's Bow | - Romani Mask | | - Blow up the boulder blocking the | | | ranch. | | | - Talk with Cremia on the Second Night | | | at 6:00 PM. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | | - Shoot the thieves (Gorman Brothers) as they get close to knock | | them back! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This is truly a simple game with little purpose. Just keep firing | | away because you have unlimited Arrows. Easy, easy, easy. I do, | | however find it slightly disturbing that we're shooting people with | | arrows. All well, it's a video game. | | | | - If you wear the Circus Leader's Mask while doing this game, the | | thieves won't assault the wagon. Unfortunately, it's worthless, | | because you can't get that mask until AFTER you get the mask you are | | rewarded with for this particular game in the first place... | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Shoot the thieves, protect the milk. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After you show your valor, Cremia will drop you off in front of the entrance to East Clock Town and award you with a mask that allows you to get into the Milk bar. +------------------------. | New Mask : Romani Mask `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this to prove your membership and enter the Latte | | Milk Bar. | | - I don't see what the big deal is... It's just milk... | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - With that, we're done with this short section. Put your remaining Rupees in the Bank and play the Song of Time. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W402] Stone & Fish \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ / Masks \ | | --------- --------- | | Map of Great Bay Stone Mask | \ Zora Mask / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================= ~ Termina Field ~ / / ================= | \ ___________\ ¯¯\ /_ _ __¯¯¯ /______ /| | _ | | \ / _ _\ | ¯ / \ ¯ $ ¯¯ | | | |\ / \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯ ¯ |__ | _ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \__ - There's a usful | | | / \ \ mask we can get / ¯ / | before heading to / / /¯¯¯| |¯¯¯\ | the next area. / / / N \ \ First, go snag / / / \ | yourself a Red _____| |___ |_ Clock _|- ' o o o|__ Potion from | | | W Town E Road to Kotake in | |¯¯¯ | |¯ ¯|- ' o o o|¯¯Ikana Canyon Southern Swamp ¯¯¯¯| / | | \ / | for 20 Rupees. |¯ \ | \ S / | - Exit Termina \ \ | \___| |___/ /¯¯ / Field via the \___ \ ' ' / | east exit. \$ \ \ ' ' _/ o | ¯\¯ \________ ' ' __/o /¯¯/ \ O ' ' $ | / ¯\ '_' |/ \ | O |$| O /¯¯¯¯ \ \| ¯ O | \ ' ' $/ ================ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\O /¯¯¯¯¯¯ ~ Ikana Valley ~ | / ================ / / - We can't do much here yet, but there is Termina / / something we can get at the moment that Field \________ /¯¯\ will be a big help in the very near \ ! \_/ \______ future. Use Epona to jump over the first ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ O ! | \ two fences. ¯¯\! S /¯¯¯¯\ ¯¯¯ - On your right, you'll see a cirlce of ¯¯¯/¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ stones. Use your Lens of Truth to see an / invisible soldier of all things. Shiro, The Stone Solider Talk with him to learn the he's been waiting for someone to come along that could see and hopefully heal him. - Give him a Red Potion to cure him and receive the Stone Mask as thanks. +-----------------------. | New Mask : Stone Mask `------------------------------------+ | | | - This mask will make you as "plain as stone", which lets | | you walk past "guards" such as the Deku Officers and the | | Gerudo Pirates without having to worry about it at all. | | Very handy indeed! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ / / ================= | \ ~ Termina Field ~ ___________\ ¯¯\ ================= /_ _ __¯¯¯ /______ /| | _ | | \ / _ _\ - Head back to Termina Field | ¯ / \ ¯ $ ¯¯ | | | |\ and this time go towards the / \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯ ¯ |__ beach area. Use your new found | _ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \__ Epona's Song to ride your | | | / \ \ horse at long last and use / ¯ / | her to jump over the stone / / /¯¯¯| |¯¯¯\ | fences along the way. / / / N \ \ / / / \ | _____| |___ |_ Clock _|- ' o o o|__ Great Bay | | | W Town E Coast | |¯¯¯ | |¯ ¯|- ' o o o|¯¯ ¯¯¯¯| / | | \ / | / |¯ \ | \ S / | / \ \ | \___| |___/ /¯¯ / / \___ \ ' ' / | Use Epona \$ \ \ ' ' _/ o | to jump ¯\¯ \________ ' ' __/o /¯¯/ the fences \ O ' ' | / ¯\ '_' |/ \ | O | | O /¯¯¯¯ \ \| ¯ O | \ ' ' / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\O /¯¯¯¯¯¯ =================== | / ~ Great Bay Coast ~ / / =================== \______ % \ Gerudo % \ Lagoon % | | |__ %: Murky Water (get lost) % \__/ \__ % /\ W: Owl Statue O ''o | | Pinnacle _ '' | | 1: Great Bay Rock O \\ __ / | Skulltula House % \¯¯/¯ _/ | % \ ¯¯\ / / 2: Fisherman's Hut % |/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ % \___/¯¯\______ 3: Marine Research Lab % | '._'\ % | _|_\'\ % ___ | 1|\ Termina % |3|W| | | | Field % ¯¯¯ | | 2/ % | /¯¯¯ % | / - On your left are two houses, but /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | we can't do anything with them yet, Zora Cape so just store them away in your memory for now. - Go towards the water, avoiding the Leevers (ground spinning enemies) and you will notice something in the water that the sea gulls find of interest. - Swim out to it and get on the other side of the Zora (fish-like man) you find. You can now press A to grab him, then push him back towards shore. When you get there, there's a short cut scene in which he struggles to walk several paces. - Go speak with him to learn his plight, in the form of... a song? - It turns out that he's a member of the Indigo-Go's, a band of Zora that are supposed to be playing at the Carnival of Time. Their lead singer laid some eggs that were stolen by Gerudo Pirates, and Mikau got beat up when he tried to go get them back. - After the comic relief is over, he'll plop back down and ask you to "heal his soul". Play the Song of Healing to witness another sad movie in which Mikau hangs out with the band one last time. +----------------------. | New Mask : Zora Mask `-------------------------------------+ | | | - This mask has the power to transform you into a wave | | riding Zora guitarist, Mikau! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Afterwards, you will be standing in front of a grave you made for the guy that has the instructions on how to use this mask on it. Read it if you like. For the most part, this mask operates a lot like your normal form, except it can swim and has a slightly different battle scheme. - First of all, put on the mask to test out your new form and swim out into the water. There is a teapot looking building on top of a platform in the water. Go to it. - Once there, smack the Owl Statue with your sword to wake it up and then look up. Tingle is floating around far up in the sky. Shoot him down with an arrow and purchase the Map of Great Bay for 20 Rupees. - You can head to the second portion of Great Bay called Zora Cape and check out all the other Zora stuff if you like by heading through the cave-like entrance along the beach. There isn't much we can do there yet, so I'll cover that later. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W403] Pirates' Booty \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Items \ -------------- | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ | | Hookshot ---------------- | \ [HP41] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - As Mikau told you before he died, Lulu, the lead singer of his band lost her voice because the Gerudo Pirates stole her eggs. Kinda strange, but let's get those things back and avenge the groovy guitar player's death! \______ =================== % \ Gerudo ~ Great Bay Coast ~ % \ Lagoon =================== % | | |__ % \__/ \__ - Put on the Zora Mask and % /\ swim to the northern portion O ''o | | of Great Bay Coast. Along Pinnacle _ '' | | the wall, sink down to the Rock O \\ __ / | seafloor and you'll find % \¯¯/¯ _/ | four boards with skulls % \ ¯¯\ / / painted on them along the % |/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ wall. Using A, swim (ram) % \___/¯¯\______ into the second from the % | '._'\ left to reveal a secret % | _|_\'\ entrance. Go inside. % ___ | |\ Termina % | | | | | | Field % ¯¯¯ | | / ================= % | /¯¯¯ ~ Gerudo Lagoon ~ % | / ================= /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ________________ Pirates' Zora Cape / \ G| | Fortress /¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |¯ | / / | $ / /| - You'll appear at a | | ¯¯| cave entrance above a | ¯¯¯| G: Goron Switch large lake with | | $: Chests (20 Rupees) several patrol boats | | circling the area. If | _| these guards see you, | $ \ they will throw you out of the \ \__ Secret area. To prevent that from to Great ¯¯¯¯\ Entrance happening, avoid their sight, or Bay Coast ¯¯¯¯\ $|¯¯ simply wear the Stone Mask if you ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ have it. - Jump in the water and swim to the left side. Once there, you will find a platform with a Goron Switch on it. Put on the Goron Mask and use it. - This will open the gate for one of the underwater flow tube thingies. Put the Zora Mask back on and swim through (stealthily). ================= ~ Water Channel ~ ================= _ __ | | --> |S | __ ______________--___| | | @| --> | @|_ | S | | | ¯¯ |S | | S: Switch (button or crystal) |_____ _|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ +¯ ¯ G: Goron Switch |$ __ |H| End %: Wooden things you can ram | | ___|_| _____--. _ o: Stone Block |G | |+++| @| <-- |@\ +: Door ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯--' \ \________ $: 20 Rupees | __ o % \ H: Heart Piece | |$ | | |¯| | @: Blows you to next one (map | |__| |%| | | wise, anyway) |o_____| | | | | % | | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Start - As you enter the area, go forward and round the corner. Ram the boarded hole and either push or pull the block. Now go left and work your way around that side, doing the same. - Either way, you'll be able to make it to _____--. _ the other side. (You can get to the chest in +| @| <-- |@\ the center via the top near the third wooden ¯¯¯¯¯--' \ \________ thing you can break. It's only 20 Rupees | __ o % \ though...) | |$ | | |¯| | - When you get to the end, stand on the sewage | |__| |%| | | pump to go upwards. |o_____| | | | | % | | | - On this next level, avoid the water mines ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Start (spiky things) and stay low to not get blown out by this sewage pump. At the end, float back up, climb up the ledge and enter the door door. _ - In the next room, avoid the water mines, open the | | chest if you like, then go up the ramp. ______________--___| | - Go up the set of stairs you see here and head | S | | | left. Roll into or Fire Punch all the barrels |_____ _|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ around here. On the far left side, you'll find a |$ __ |H| switch. Step on it to start a timer that opens the | | ___|_| door below. |G | | - Quickly roll there (or run, using the Bunny Hood) before the ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ door closes to snag yourself the HEART PIECE [HP41]! Step on the switch in here to get through the door again. - The next area in the water is sealed off by a gate. Go back up the stairs and shoot the crystal switch you see across the way with Arrows or charged up Zora Fins. - Quickly swim through before the timer ends. - Here, simply swim along the surface of the water while avoiding the sewage pump and water mines. Round the corner and climb the ladder. __ |S | __ - In this top area, step on the switch to open the gate | @| --> | @|_ covering the crystal switch. Quickly run over and stand ¯¯ |S | | on the inactive water pump and shoot the switch with an +¯ ¯ Arrow to activate it. It will take you up. End - Jump off the water before you get to the top, or as it's going back down to avoid getting hurt by the mines hanging from the ceiling. - Climb up the ladder and turn around. Shoot the mine in front of you to cause it to collide with the one behind it. This will clear the way for a good shot at the crystal switch on the ledge. Shoot it to open the door below. Go through it. ================= ~ Gerudo Lagoon ~ ================= - We're back, but we're up higher now. Do NOT jump back in the water. - Go around the corner, up the ramp and through the doorway to enter the actual Fortress. ===================== ~ Pirates' Fortress ~ ===================== _____________ Gerudo 3 | | |----| | Lagoon\/¯¯¯¯¯ /¯4¯ + \ | / +: Door _| |_/¯ /| $: 20 Rupees | / + | |¯¯¯1 <-- Hookshot | _ | | |¯ | | |-----|¯+ <-- Secret Entrance | ¯ | |¯| | | / _|____.----'¯¯¯|¯ #: Zora Egg Locations, in order Gerudo \___.-----+-| (need Hookshot) Lagoon¯\ |_ | | \ 2 |$ / ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ - And here you thought your troubles were over. This place is littered with guards. If any of them see you, they throw you out to that high part of the Lagoon we were just at a moment ago. - Avoid their sight to get through this place. You can stun them with your sword or with arrows, though, the latter is the better choice as the other option is very risky. - Our first goal is to get to that ladder in the center. It looks tough, I know. Wait for the shift in the guards when the one in the center begins to leave. Quickly, shoot the two nearest you with arrows, then run for the ladder. - Once on the ladder, climb up but stop right at the top so you can see above without letting the guard up there see you. Wait for her to be on the other side or at least half way across the bridge. - Climb up, shoot her, then run across the bridge. Enter the door on the other side of the pillar. ___ _____|_ | - Inside, run forward to witness a short clip in which two | | _| | Gerudo Pirates (this is the only time you'll see Aveil, |E| I | | the chief, in the game) are talking about the Zora Eggs | | ¯| | and how they plan on looting the Great Bay Temple. |¯ . . | | - Anyways, you witnessed a Giant Bee fly into a Bee Hive | |¯¯ + above them, so shoot it with an arrow if that wasn't ¯¯| | Secret obvious to you already. + Entrance Pirates' - After they run out, exit this area yourself. Now, jump Fortress to your right and enter the official door. - With the guards and Aveil gone, you can easily snag yourself their treasure the Hookshot! +---------------------. | New Item : Hookshot `--------------------------------------+ | | | - Grapple things and bring them to you, or bring yourself | | there. | | - Some enemies can be stunned or even killed with this, | | just make sure you don't fling yourself into a dangerous | | foe's clutches. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - All those "circle" things on the pillars and walls you've seen in this area are Hookshot-able, meaning you can suck yourself up to them. Before we leave this room, check out the tank on your left. Inside, you'll see one of the 7 Zora Eggs we've been looking for! - Hookshot the wooden beam above the tank (preferably on the left or right can jump into the water and use the R button _____________ to electrocute them. Gerudo 3 | | |----| | - Snag yourself the Egg in one of your bottles Lagoon\/¯¯¯¯¯ /¯4¯ and exit this room. + \ | / _| |_/¯ /| - Aveil said there were only four Zora Eggs | / + in this Fortress, so let's find the other | |¯¯¯1 three, shall we? | _ | | |¯ | | |-----|¯+ - First, let's cover the south side (the side | ¯ | |¯| opposite where you entered from). | | / - Hookshot onto the targets to get up to _|____.----'¯¯¯|¯ the second level on the west side. Here, Gerudo \___.-----+-| you'll see two doorways. Enter the one Lagoon¯\ |_ | | Next right next to the target. \ 2 |$ / <-- Egg ___ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ | E | - Inside, you'll find yourself in a room with a lone guard End ¯¯¯| and lots of barrels. Use them to your advantage and ¯¯¯+ make your way to the door. Enter. +__ | | - In this room, you'll battle your first Pirate. These | | tan young ladies use two swords and fight much like you ¯¯+ do in your normal form. They have a jump attack that can +__ knock you out. They'll throw you out if that happens, so |...| get out of the way when you see it coming! |:::| - Basically, you're best off using regular Z targeting and |¯¯ | sword techniques. You can also use the Deku Mask to stun | |¯ her for easy killing. Either way, if you've upgraded Start your sword to the Gilded Sword, you have it made. - After she's done for, head through the next door. - Once again, Hookshot up to the next area, use your Zora Mask to tackle the Shell Blade and snag yourself the 2nd Zora Egg in a bottle. Exit through the next Next Egg doorway. \ _____________ Gerudo 3 | | |----| | - You should have three Bottles, two filled Lagoon\/¯¯¯¯¯ /¯4¯ with Zora Eggs at the moment. We'll have to + \ | / come back anyway, so now is a good time to _| |_/¯ /| do so. | / + - Use the Song of Soaring to fly to Great Bay | |¯¯¯1 Coast and enter the Marine Research Lab. | _ | | |¯ Inside, stand on top of the giant tank and | | |-----|¯+ use your bottles to dump the Zora Eggs inside. | ¯ | |¯| - After that, head back to Gerudo Lagoon. | | / Where you hit the Goron Switch earlier, _|____.----'¯¯¯|¯ you can grapple yourself to the target Gerudo \___.-----+-| against the wall for a huge shortcut back Lagoon¯\ |_ | | to the Pirates' Fortress. \ 2 |$ / ___ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ | E | - The next two Eggs are in the north side of things. From End ¯¯¯| the entrance, turn left and grapple onto the target you ¯¯¯+ see. Once up there, turn left and grapple the next one as +__ well. | | - Enter the doorway you see. | | ¯¯+ - In this next area, there's a Gerudo patrolling this + small area. Wait for her to be heading towards the right | | and fairly far away before running past her on the left | |_____ side. Enter the door. | | - In this room, you'll battle another Pirate. Use the same ¯¯| |¯¯ tactics as last time. Enter the next door. | | - This room is slightly different than the others in that Start there's a Deskbro (skeleton fish with lots of small ones with it). Hit it twice with the Hookshot, then snag the Zora Egg. Exit through the doorway. ___ | E | - The fourth Egg is right above the last one. Grapple onto |¯¯¯¯¯End the first two targets, then face the opposite direction. ¯+¯¯¯ The last one is above you. Get up there and head across _+_ the bridge, stunning the guard when you come to her. _____ / | Enter the door. |/ |+++ O| | $ || \ | - This room is littered with guards. In the center of the | | ¯¯¯ room is a chest with 100 Rupees inside. You can shoot | ¯|¯ them all with Arrows and quickly snag it if you like. +¯ Otherwise, just Hookshot across the platforms along the Start top to get to the door. - Once there, you'll have to fight another Pirate. This room is cool looking though... Enter the last door. - Snag the last Zora Egg in this room. - Before you leave the Pirates' Fortress, snag a picture of one of the Gerudos with your Pictograph Box for later. This is easily done with the Stone Mask, but you can do it pretty easily by shooting them with an Arrow and taking one of them knocked out as well. - Use the Song of Soaring to get back to the Great Bay Coast. - Enter the Marine Research Lab and once again, drop your Zora Eggs into the tank. We have four of the seven, so where are the others? .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W404] Egg Hunt \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Songs \ -------------- | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ | | New Wave Bossa Nova ---------------- | \ [HP42] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ =================== ~ Great Bay Coast ~ \______ =================== % \ Gerudo % \ Lagoon - Near the entrance of Great % | | |__ Bay Coast, there are two % \__/ \__ houses, enter the one % /\ on the right. O ''o | | Pinnacle _ '' | | - This is the Fisherman's Rock O \\ __ / | Hut, and he has a % \¯¯/¯ _/ | Seahorse he caught in the % \ ¯¯\ / / ocean recently. Speak with it % |/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ and he'll be willing to trade it % \___/¯¯\______ for a picture of one of the % | '._'\ Gerudo Pirates. A picture of any % | _|_\'\ of them will do. Once you give % ___ | |\ him one, he will fork over the % | | | | | | little guy. Exit the hut. % ¯¯¯ | | F/<--- Fisherman's % | /¯¯¯ Hut - Get back in the water and swim % | / towards the two giant pillars in /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | the water. Once you get there, Zora Cape ================= ~ Pinnacle Rock ~ ================= _ /\ |E| \ \___| |_ \ \ / \ E: Zora Eggs | |___ ___| | o: Stone Pillars / Signs |E |¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯\ / / \ / /¯¯ ¯¯\E\ \/ o--o \/ | o--------o <-- Correct path | Signs o--o--o o | o O O Entrance - When you enter, take the Seahorse out of the bottle and it will guide you along the right path. If you don't have it, follow the map above. - There are eight holes, each with their own Deep Python. These things will come out of their holes when you get close and swing back and forth to try and grab you. - Their heads are invulnerable, but their long necks are weak. They can be killed by standing near the entrance on those slanting parts and charging up your fins to hit them in the neck when they're out - The other method is to swim past their head when it tries to grab you, then hold R as you swim along their neck. This is a much faster and efficient approach, but eats up your Magic quickly. - However you choose, kill them off. It's easier to start from the bottom and work your way up to keep track of where you are. - Three of them have the remaining Zora Eggs, so snag those and put them in Bottles. - If, however, you kill all of them, the other seahorse will appear and you'll receive a HEART PIECE [HP42] in thanks before they start a make out session. - At long last, leave this retched place. Unfortunately, we can't use our Ocarina underwater, so we'll have to swim all the way back. =================== ~ Great Bay Coast ~ =================== - Swim back to the Marine Research Lab and put the remaining Eggs in the tank. (Why are we doing this rather than bringing them to Lulu anyway?) - After all of them are there, go stand in front of the aquarium to witness something special. It seems the Zora children are born with a song in mind... Play the wicked awesome tune they show. +--------------------------------. | New Song : New Wave Bossa Nova `---------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' -----(^)------------------------- | | .´ -(<)-----(<)---------(<)--------- | | ´ .-. -------------(>)---------(>)----- | | ' '_, ` -----------------(v)------------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-left, C-up, C-left, C-right, C-down, C-left, C-right. | | | | - This song really makes me feel like Nintendo got lazy. | | It's only use is to awaken the Island Turtle, it doesn't | | even restore Lulu's voice, like its supposed to. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - We'll need this to get into the Great Bay Temple later, but for now, there's a few things we can get. Now is a good time to put your Rupees in the bank and play the Song of Time. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W405] Item Collection #3 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Items \ -------------- | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ | | Empty Bottle #4 ---------------- | | [HP33] [HP35] | \ [HP37] [HP38] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Before we Tackle the next Temple, let's gather Heart Pieces and a bottle from this general area, shall we? - First, go find a Scarecrow. There's one in the Trading Post in West Clock Town. Pull out your Ocarina for him and he'll allow you to create a song. Make an 8 note song you can remember. - Go to Southern Swamp, to the Swamp Tourist Center and wear the Deku Mask to buy a Magic Bean from the Business Scrub right outside for 10 Rupees. Now go through the entrance to this area. - Follow the wall on your right until you see some water. This is Spring Water, which we can use to grow our Bean, so snag some in a bottle. =================== \______ ~ Great Bay Coast ~ % \ Gerudo =================== % \ Lagoon % | | |__ - Go to the far right side of % \__/ \__ Great Bay, where the Fortress % /\ Heart is and along the wall O ''o | H <-- Piece there's several platforms Pinnacle _ '' | | #35 with targets on them. Use Rock O \\ __ / | your Hookshot to get on top % \¯¯/¯ _/ | of the far right one, then start % \ ¯¯\ / / working your way left. % |/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - At one point, you'll come to a % \___/¯¯\______ soft patch of soil. Use your % | '._'\ Magic Bean to plant it and % | _|_\'\ use our Fresh Spring Water Heart % ___ | |\ Termina to make it grow. Piece -->% |H|W| | | | Field - Ride your plant to the #33 % ¯¯¯ | | / higher platform. % | /¯¯¯ - Tatl will fly to the next one % | / that is too far to jump to. Play /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | the Scarecrow's Song you made earlier Zora Cape to make him appear. Hookshot to him and grab the HEART PIECE [HP35] in the cubby! =) - Jump down and check the puddles near this area (the far right side of Great Bay Coast). There are some fish here, so put on the Zora Mask so you're tall and snag a bunch in your bottles. - Bring them to the Marine Research Lab. Inside, there's a small aquarium with two fish. Stand on top of it and drop the fish inside. The goal here is to feed one of the fish at least four bottled ones. They'll race to get them each time, and there isn't a way to guarentee one of them gets it over the other, so, you'll probably have to go get more fish and return. - After either of the fish in the aquarium has eaten four fish, the one will consume the other. It will then spit out a HEART PIECE [HP33]! - Go back to the beach and head through the cave to enter the second area of Great Bay. ============= ~ Zora Cape ~ \______ Great Bay ============= % \___Coast % ___ \| |_ - Follow the wall on your left until you get % _/__ \ \ \__ to a waterfall. It plunges into a deep pit %| | :`---. \ with some enemies down there. Sink down with % ¯\¯¯ / .: .-.`,\ the Zora Mask and kill them. This is somewhat % ¯¯¯ ..__/ |: | annoying because the ground sinks towards the % | / |:.\ center. Keep your distance and kill the Like % | /\ | Like to find a HEART PIECE [HP37]! % | W/¯¯\ % | / Heart - Now, if you look up, you'll see many grassy % / / Piece ledges with trees on them along the walls. Go near % / Waterfall #37 the entrance of this smaller area and Hookshot up %%% Rapids to the lowest ledge and work your way up to the cave at the top. ==================== ~ Waterfall Rapids ~ ==================== - This is a cool looking place. Anyway, jump in the water and swim over to the beaver here. Z target him to make him swim down to the bottom. - Use your Zora Mask to sink down and speak with the anti-social dude from the sixties. (He makes me dizzy!) Everyone comes to these guys for Bottles, so he'll give you one if you can beat him in a race. __________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Ring Races \____________________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Zora Mask | - Empty Bottle #4 (1st x) | | - Hookshot (to get there) | - Heart Piece #38 (2nd x) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Follow the beavers through the | - Free | | flashing rings. | | | - You have limited time, don't mess | | | up! | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Another simple game. Wear the Zora Mask and hold A the whole time | | to follow behind the beaver. The object of the game is to swim | | through all of the rings within the time limit. Each "complete game" | | consists of two "races", with 20 and 25 rings. | | | | - There isn't much else to be said about it. Try not to jump out of | | the water though, it eats up precious seconds. Also, I'm too lazy to | | investigate it, but I think the courses are different for each of | | the days. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use the Zora Mask. Follow the beavers through the rings. Just keep | | holding A. Try not to jump out of the water. You have to race them | | each twice. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - You race the first beaver with 20 rings in 2 minutes. He'll then make you race his brother with 25 rings. If you beat both of them (it's not too hard) they'll give you another bottle! +----------------------------. | New Item : Empty Bottle #4 `-------------------------------+ | | | - Set it to (C) and use it to swipe and hold stuff to be | | used later. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - After this, you can race them again if you like. The second time is the exact same except now you only have 1:50 seconds. It's horridly hard. I can't do it myself, but if you manage it, they'll give you a HEART PIECE [HP38]! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W406] Zora Cape \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | -------------- | | / Heart Pieces \ | | ---------------- | \ [HP39] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ =================== ~ Great Bay Coast ~ =================== - Go to that cave entrance along the beach near the entrance to Great Bay Coast. This will take you to the second area called Zora Cape. ============= ~ Zora Cape ~ ============= \______ Great Bay % \___Coast % ___ \| |_ %: Murky Water % _/__ \ \ \__ - If you followed the last %|W| 1 :`---. \ W: Owl Statue section, we've been here % ¯\¯¯ / .: .-.`,\ before. All we have to do % ¯¯¯ ..__/ |: | 1: Zora Hall is swim to that fish thing % | / |:.\ on your right. When you get % |3 /\ | 2: Waterfall Rapids there, you'll notice a % | 2/¯¯ Like Like in the way. Just % | 3: Fairy Fountain swim around it and enter the % / mouth of the stone fish. % / %%% ============= ~ Zora Hall ~ ============= __3_____ - This place is interesting. 4 \ 1: Mikau & Tijo's Room It's a Zoran music hall! /__/¯¯¯\_ \ 2: Japas' Room Right now, they're doing | \ / \ 2 3: Evan's Room sound tests and the like. |\ ¯¯¯ / | 4: Lulu's Room There's lots of interesting \|______/ 1 5: Shop character interaction you can \ ____ / do, such as taking pictures / /| _/\ \__ of Lulu and giving it to the / / \ \_/ Zora crazed fan upstairs, helping them do a sound check Zora/\/ \ /¯5¯ Cape on stage, and even hang out with the band members. Cape/ ¯¯¯ - All of these things don't really matter in our quest, but it's still fun to check out. We can, however, get a Heart Piece here, so do the following: - Put on the Zora Mask and enter Mikau's room (first door you come to). Use your Hookshot to get on the top bunk because the ladder's broken. Put the Zora Mask back on and read the diary to learn part of a spiffy song. Exit the room and enter the next one. A, v, >, A v, >, <, v - This is Japas' Room (he's playing the dungeon theme from the original Zelda game, by the way). Wear your Zora Mask and whip out your Ocarina (guitar), then play the parts you learned the last room. >, >, v, A... A, v, >, A <, <, >, v... v, >, <, v - Enter the next room down the way, this is the grumpy band leader, Evan's room (He's playing another song from the first game, the credits). Play the completed tune for him WITHOUT wearing the Zora Mask. He'll steal your song and give you a HEART PIECE [HP39] to keep it quiet. Leave. - When you're all done messing around, go through the small hallway on one side of the room, take a left to be taken outside where Lulu hides out. ============= ~ Zora Cape ~ ============= - Unlike the last game, the Zora females have clothes now (when will the men learn that trick?). She still doesn't have her voice, so she can't speak with you. Turn to your left and smack the Owl Statue to wake it up. - Before we continue, it would be a good idea to save time. Once again, we have the song and the Owl Statue, so we can make it back here quick. - When you come back, put on the Zora Mask and play the New Wave Bossa Nova for Lulu. She'll sing along and thus, wake up the giant sea turtle! This thing apparently knows your name and can also take you to the Great Bay Temple. - When you're ready, Hookshot onto the beast's back via the tree and ride into the next temple. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W407] Great Bay Temple \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ --------------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Stray Fairies \ --------- | | Ice Arrow ----------------- Gyorg's Remains | \ 15 / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ _______ _______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | | | | | | .~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ _______ ¯¯+¯+¯¯ / Above Water \ __+__ | _ | + + `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | | | _ |G|| | | |_ | | || | ¯ | | | B | +: Doors | | | ¯ | _/¯¯¯¯¯¯| _ =: Locked Doors ¯¯=¯¯ | /¯\ | |C| _| ___| |_ ___=___ ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ ¯\ / _\ | | || K: Small Key |.-\_/-.| ___+___ \__/ +\ |¯ || M: Dungeon Map || _ || // \ / \\ \__/\/ |_ |¯ | C: Compass |'-|R| || // | | \\ |+|¯¯¯¯¯ B: Boss Key | ¯ | |/ |_| \| ++ | | || | | || + ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |\ |¯| /| _/ /_____ Colored Switches/Pumps... \\ | | // ___ | _| \\ / \ // |\_/| | o o|G| Y: Yellow ¯¯| |¯¯ |_ ¯++¯ ¯| o || R: Red ____| |____ |M| |¯ ¯|¯¯¯¯|--'| G: Green |R |____ Y| |¯ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |R Y |_| |/¯\| | R Y Y| ¯+¯ | |¯| _+_ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | | | | | _______ / Under Water \ |¯¯| |¯| | | | _ | | _ | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ ||R|| | _ | || _____+_____ ¯¯¯ || | ¯ | |____ ____| | ¯ | /¯¯¯¯¯¯| _______ | | | | | | | K _|_/ _____ \ | _______ | __________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ / ___/ \ \ | | | | | \______________\__/ / |¯¯ ¯| |_| Start |_| | _ |¯\__ ________/ /\ |¯ | | | | | | | / \ \ \ | |¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ | ¯ | | | \ \ ¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | | | \ \ | | ¯¯¯\ \¯ | | / / ¯¯¯¯¯ \ ¯¯¯¯ / ___ / / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯¯¯\_| | | | | |¯¯| |¯¯\ | | | / / / / ¯¯| |/ / | |__| |_ | / |\ _ | | |¯ Boss + |o|G| || ¯¯¯ |/ ¯--'| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =================== ----------------- First Two Rooms ----------------- =================== - As you enter this temple, you'll witness a short _____+_____ clip of the Gerudo Pirates attempting to approach |____ ____| the storm and get sucked up, allowing you to hear | | | | <-- #1 their monotone, repetitive screams once more. If | _______ | you want to leave at any point, just Hookshot onto | | | | his back again. |_| Start |_| - This temple is full of machinery. Our goal is to | | fix or change the water flow. ¯¯| |¯¯ - I suggest you bring some Fairies or Milk and some | | Green Potion in your bottles, you may need them, | | especially for the boss. ¯¯¯¯¯ - After waving at the turtle, you'll find yourself in a small room with a couple of torches. #1 There are four unlit torches near the first door. Either shoot them all with Fire Arrows or run along them with a Deku Stick (there's some in the barrels nearby). If you light all of them in time, a chest appears. - Go through the first door. - Welcome to the Waterwheel Room, as dubbed by Tatl. ____| |____ First, slap on the Zora Mask and swim to the other |R |____ Y| side of the room. There is a yellow platform next |R Y |_| to the first one you see, this one is underwater. | R Y Y| This will aloow the water to continue to flow | |¯| through the YELLOW colored pipes, and thus | | | create a "water platform" of sorts to allow #3 --> |¯¯| |¯| | | <-- #2 you across. ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ - Head back to the platform with the door you entered from. #2 The next one is trapped in a bubble underneath the platform you enter this room from. Sink down with the Zora Mask and grab it. #3 There are two platforms rising up out of the water repeatedly. Take the right one (when facing the door) to come to a platform with Rupees and a Skulltula. Kill it to find the Stray Fairy. - There are two platforms rising up out of the water. Use the one on the left (when facing the door) to get onto a platform with two Skulltulas (shoot them in the back with your Hookshot to take them out quickly and conserve Arrows). - Jump onto the yellow water pump when it's low, then jump onto the higher platform when it rises. Round the corner and through the small hallway. ====================== -------------------- Getting To The Map -------------------- ====================== ___+___ +\ // \ / \\ \/\ // | | \\ \ \ |/ |_| \| \ \ #4 --> || | |#5 || \ \ <-- #6 |\ |¯| /| / / \\ | | // ___ / / \\ / \ //¯¯¯\_|\_/| | | ¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯\ _ | | | Follow the RED and ¯¯|M| |/ / GREEN Pipes --> |¯ / |/¯\|¯ ¯+¯ - Man, this room is massive! So, as you've probably figured out, you can only go one way at a time and you'll eventually change the water flow so you can reach the other few areas. #4 On one side of the room, there's a barrel atop one of the small platforms with the ladders. Break it and snag the Stray Fairy. #5 There's a lone jar in the center of this room in the 'eye of the storm' of spinning water at the bottom. Stand on the side and shoot an arrow at it, then wear the Great Fairy Mask. Or, just sink down and hit it with your Zora Fins, then try to swim into it. - Put on the Zora Mask and jump into the water. Following the flow of the water, you'll notice there's only two areas we can get to at the moment. Swim through the upper one, with the RED and GREEN pipes. - In this new room, swim to the surface and climb onto the lowest platform on your left. Once there, turn around. Hookshot the chest, then open it to find the Dungeon Map. There's a door ahead, but we can't get to it yet. - Instead, sink to the bottom and avoid the Skullfish. There's an opening that has two Dexihands in it. You can charge up your fins to hit them from afar or just swim through them and use R to kill them as you go. Either way, go through the opening. - Your route will turn a corner and you'll find yourself in a small room with several Bio Deku Babas. When you hurt these things, they'll break away from their roots and walk around. Nasty little things. #6 Kill all the Bio Deku Babas to make a chest appear on the small ledge. Use the lily pads to get there. - Climb up the ledge and enter the next door. =========================== ------------------------- Compass And A Small Key ------------------------- =========================== + + | | |_ | | B | _/¯¯¯¯¯¯| |C| K _| ¯\ / _\ <-- #7 \__/ + \__/ - In this next room, go forward and use your fins to slice off the Bio Deku Babas hanging upside-down in the water. This will allow you to use the lily pads to get to the platform on the other side. Stand partway and hold your shield to kill the Real Bombchu when it comes at you. - Climb onto the platform and open the chest for the Compass. - Sink to the bottom of the still water here and open the chest for a Small Key. You'll have to kill the Dexihand first. - Climb back up to the ledge with the door. #7 On the left side of the flowing water (when you're facing the door), there are two Dexihands attached to the wall. Between them is a jar. Break it and use the Great Fairy Mask or swim into it. - Jump into the moving water to be taken back to the main room. ========================== ------------------------ Getting The Ice Arrows ------------------------ ========================== _______ | | | Wart | | | | I | | | ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ __+__ | | | | Follow The | | RED pipes ¯¯=¯¯ <-- ___=______ |.-\_/-.| \_____+___ || _ ||¯\__// \ / \\ |'-| | || // | | \\ | ¯ | |/ |_| \| | | || | | || ¯¯¯\¯\¯ |\ |¯| /| \ ¯¯¯¯ \\ | | // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\\ / \ // ¯¯| |¯¯ - This time, swim down and enter the opening with the RED pipe. - Once there, float to the surface of the water and climb onto the red pipe. Kill the Real Bombchu when you come to it (I suggest with ranged weapons). - After that, walk along the pipe the rest of the way to a platform. Use the Small Key we found a moment ago to enter the door. - This small room has nothing but Chuchus and jars. Stock up on items and head through the next door. - This spacious room has an ominous feel. Look up. ____________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wart \_________________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wart. | - Ice Arrow | | Once you've gotten rid of the | | | spheres that shield the main body, | | | you can attack the eye." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Floats around the room. | | - Surrounds itself in pink... eggs? | | - Rams the walls in an attempt to hit you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This creature is quite simply a giant eyeball that can only be | | damaged when its eyelid is open. It was actually a boss in one of | | the previous Zelda titles, A Link To The Past. | | | | - The main eye can be damaged with just about anything. However, this | | thing obviously doesn't just float around... After several hits, it | | will drop all the pink things and zoom around the room, ramming the | | walls repeatedly in an attempt to squish you. | | | | - Now rewind. At the start of the battle, it surrounds itself with | | pink things. You can get these off by hitting them with just about | | anything, but Deku Nuts or Fire Arrows work the best. They will then | | bounce around. At that point, you can kill them with your sword. | | | | - Suffice to say, if you hit the main eye too much before you kill | | most of the pink things, it will be really annoying. To make this | | battle easier, kill as many of the pink things as your patience | | allows, then shoot the main eye with arrows when it's open. | | | | - When it starts zipping around, keep it Z targeted, hit it when its | | vulnerable. Before long, you'll claim your prize. | | | | - Now, if you want to be REALLY cheap, you can just stand in one of | | the corners. Wart is so big that he can't fit into any of the four | | corners of the room, so standing there, you are completely safe to | | fire away at him with your bow (with the exception of the pink | | things of course... | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Only vulnerable when the eye is open. Hit eye with sword, arrows, | | whatever works. If damaged enough, it'll go berserk and zoom around | | trying to hit you. Thus, kill the pink stuff first. | | - Knock them away from his body using Bombs, Fire Arrow or sword. | | Then kill them with whatever you like. | | - Keep him Z targeted when he's running around. Shoot or slash his | | eye when it's open. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After you defeat Wart (who wasn't as much hard as annoying and drawn out), open the chest to find the Ice Arrow. +----------------------. | New Item : Ice Arrow `-------------------------------------+ | | | - Charge up your Arrows with Ice, then freeze stuff! Shoot | | water to create a solid platform for a short time. Some | | enemies can even be frozen and used as stepping stones! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - The plot thickens! Exit this room as well as the next after stocking up on resources again. ======================== ---------------------- The First Red Switch ---------------------- ======================== ___+______ |.-\_/-.| \_____+___ Freeze an || _ ||¯\__// \ / \\ Octorok to --> |'-|R| || // | | \\ Get up here | ¯ | |/ |_| \| | | || | | || ¯¯¯\¯\¯ |\ |¯| /| \ ¯¯¯¯ \\ | | // ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\\ / \ // ¯¯| |¯¯ - Back in the room with the RED pipes, head to one of those small platforms in either corner of the room. Shoot either of the Octoroks with an Ice Arrow to freeze them into solid blocks and jump onto them. - Climb onto the platform and push/pull the giant RED switch to let the water flow through the pipes. Head back to the main room. ========================= ----------------------- The Second Red Switch ----------------------- ========================= ___+___ // \ / \\ // | | \\ |/ |_| \| || | | || |\ |¯| /| \\ | | // ___ \\ / \ //¯¯¯\_|\_/| ¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯\ _ | Follow the RED and ¯¯| | | <-- #8 GREEN Pipes --> |¯ (again) |/¯\| ¯+¯ _+_ | | | _ | ||R|| ¯¯¯ - Go back through the top opening with the RED and GREEN pipes. - Once there, climb back onto the small platform and Hookshot to the chest again. Open it if you haven't already. #8 There's a small platform with two pots on it. Break the pots to find a Stray Fairy in one of them. - Now, face towards the door across the way. It's too far to get to, so whip out your Ice Arrows and shoot the water to create platforms. It takes a bit to get used to. You'll need at least two to get there. Enter the door. - In this small room, lure the Chuchu close to the red cylinder and shoot it with an Ice Arrow to turn it into a block. - Pull your frozen enemy close enough, then jump up and use it to get to the red platform. Kill the Real Bombchu, then push/pull the RED switch. - Now that the water's flowing nicely, exit the room and head back through the opening with the Dexihands. ================ -------------- The Boss Key -------------- ================ _______ | | | | | Gekko | | | | | ¯¯+¯+¯¯ + + | | |_ | | B | <-- Boss Key _/¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | _| ¯\ / _\ \__/ +\ \__/\/\ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / ___ / / ¯¯¯\_| | | | ¯¯¯\ | | | ¯¯| |/ / | / | |¯ ¯¯¯ - We're back in the small room with the Bio Deku Babas. You should have killed them all earlier. Anyway, climb up the ledge and through the door. - We're back in the room where we got the Compass and the Small Key. Slice the Bio Deku Babas off their lily pads again and kill the Real Bombchu just in case. - As you've probably already guessed, use your Ice Arrows to make platforms to get to the ledge just out of reach. Once there, use a Fire Arrow on the ice patch and go through the door. _____________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Gekko (Again) \________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "He's run inside a Mad Jelly. | - Boss Key | | Since its body is so soft, normal | | | attacks won't do any good! Figure | | | out another way! | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Throws Mad Jellies that are scattered around the room at you. | | - Jumps up on the ceiling and makes all the jelly things fly up to | | him, then he tries to fall down on you. If he touches you while | | inside the jellies, he'll beat the snot out of you, dealing massive | | damage! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This guy is still easy if you know what to do, but that shouldn't | | be too hard. | | | | - Basically, he jumps around like he did the last time you faced him. | | Now, however, he has all these water jellies that he can throw at | | you. just zig-zag to avoid them and stab him with your sword. | | | | - Whenever you hurt him, he'll climb up the wall and make all the | | jellies go up there too. He will then try to fall on top of you. If | | he touches you, he'll hurt you a ton, so don't let him! | | | | - When he first goes up to the ceiling, just watch the shadow on top | | of you and run out of the way. Turn around and Z target him. You can | | shoot him with an Ice Arrow, but it has no real effect. Wait for him | | to go up to the ceiling, THEN shoot him. | | | | - If you do this correctly, he'll freeze up and shatter when he hits | | the ground, allowing you to chase him once more. After several | | smacks he rightfully deserves, he'll revert back into a normal frog. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - There's blobs everywhere. He'll throw some at you. Avoid them, | | chase him down, skin him alive. | | - When he zips up to the ceiling, watch the shadow it casts on you. | | Run far away. Turn around, Z target. Wait till he gets back on the | | ceiling and shoot an Ice Arrow. | | - Repeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After the punk dies, head through the new door on your left. It will lead to a small blocked off area in the previous room. Open the large chest to find the Boss Key. - To get out of this golden gate area, either use your Hookshot or climb over it. Now use the flowing water to get back to the main room. ========================== ------------------------ The First Green Switch ------------------------ ========================== _______ #9 --> | _ | | _ |G|| || | ¯ | | ¯ | | /¯\ | ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ ___+___ // \ / \\ // | | \\ |/ |_| \| || | | || |\ |¯| /| \\ | | // \\ / \ // ¯¯| |¯¯ - Climb onto one of the top ledges, then climb any of the ladders and use them to jump onto the spinning waterwheel blades. Quickly jump onto whichever platform that splits it down the middle you come to. - One of these areas leads to the hallway that you entered from to get to this room. The other has a waterfall blocking your way to climb a ladder. Shoot it with an Ice Arrow to freeze it, then climb the ladder to get to a new area. - In this new room, I suggest you kill both of the Blue Tektites as well as the Desbreko. Use your Ice Arrows to make platforms and get to the YELLOW platform (I suggest putting on the Zora Mask when you jump to it, to give you extra height). #9 Get to the YELLOW platform and face the wall opposite the door. If you look up, you'll notice some metal grating separating you from a small area up there. - In front (above) of you is a hole in the grating with a target nearby on the ceiling. Use your Ice Arrows to create platforms and get near the far wall, then turn around and Hookshot the target. - It may take a couple tries, but once you get up there, in the center you'll find a chest. - Next, make your way to the GREEN platform. Turn the switch. - If the water is flowing nice and smoothly, we're done in this room. Exit. =========================== ------------------------- Changing The Water Flow ------------------------- =========================== ___+___ // \ / \\ // | | \\ |/ |_| \| || | | || |\ |¯| /| \\ | | // \\ / \ // ¯¯| |¯¯ ____| |____ Hookshot --> |R |____ Y| Here |R Y |_| | R Y Y| | |¯| | | | |¯¯| |¯| | | ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ - If the RED pipes are both flowing freely, then head back to the room right after the starting area, where Tatl pointed out the first waterwheel (on the opposite side of the room from where you are now). - Once there, turn right and notice the RED pump from earlier is now flowing, thus going up and down alike the YELLOW one we used in the beginning. Use the target above it to land on it, then jump to the RED platform when you're high enough. - Turn the RED switch. This will make both pumps blast into the waterwheel, making it still. Jump into the water and turn the YELLOW switch. The waterwheel will now turn the opposite direction. - Go back to the main waterwheel room. =============================== ----------------------------- Getting To The See-Saw Room ----------------------------- =============================== + + | | |_ | | | _/¯¯¯¯¯¯| _______ | | _|_/ _____ \ ¯\ / ___/ ___|¯|_ <-- #11 ___+________\__/ / | | ¯ || // \ / \\________/ |¯ || // | | \\ |_ |¯ | <-- #10 |/ |_| \| |+|¯¯¯¯¯ || | | || ++ |\ |¯| /| + \\ | | // \\ / \ // ¯¯| |¯¯ - Now that the water's flowing the other way, jump back in. Swim through the top opening with the RED and GREEN pipes. - This will take us back to the room where you got the Boss Key. At long last, however, we can go the other direction. Keep following the water. - In this small room, find the platform you can climb onto. There is a moving platform (elevator) that's going up and down. Jump onto it when you can. - When it takes you up, jump onto the spinning waterwheel's gear I suppose you would call it, then jump to the next platform when it's close enough. #10 After you've used the elevator thing to go up, jumped onto the spinning waterwheel and are standing on the next moving platform, turn right and you'll notice a torch burning in a hole in the wall. - Use your Hookshot on it to find a small space with a chest. - Jump to the next ledge and head right. Turn back to the waterwheel and shoot the water source with an Ice Arrow to create a flat surface for you to walk on. #11 When you've frozen the waterwheel in this room, walk part way across the paddles, then turn right. When you get to the six blades (only two are accessible, pointing in either diagonal direction) climb onto the one on your right. - Climb to the end of it. You'll notice that straight ahead is a small hole in the wall with a chest. Hookshot the chest and open it. - If you fall down at any point during this, you'll have to melt the water, climb back up, then freeze it again. (By the way, why doesn't this room flood with water, if the water flow from the main room is being pumped in here?) - When you get to the other side of the waterwheel, turn left, jump to the ledge and go through the door. =========================== ------------------------- The Second Green Switch ------------------------- =========================== + _/ /_____ | _| #12 --> | o o|G| +¯ ¯| o || ¯|¯¯¯¯|--'| <-- #13 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - This room is filled with see-saws that will swing either way if you apply weight or force to it. Above one side of them are waterfalls that you can freeze and melt in order to raise yourself higher. - Jump down into the watery area. There's lots of barrels and stuff for you to stock up on Magic and the like. #12 The first see-saw you come to when you enter the room, jump into the water on either side, sink down and break the barrel. - Ignore the first see-saw you see and instead, go left. There's two near each other. Stand on the one on your right and shoot the waterfall deal on the other side (on the ceiling) with a Fire Arrow to melt it. - This will raise you up. Jump onto the platform on your left and melt the waterfall opposite it as well. - Now that you're high enough, jump onto the GREEN platform and push/pull the switch. #13 When standing on the GREEN platform with the switch, kill the Real Bombchu, then walk along the GREEN pipes. Put on the Zora Mask and climb your way right. - Follow it and jump down into the small area when you can't go any further. Use your Hookshot on the chest and open it. - Now that the water's flowing through this area too, jump down and head back to the first see-saw near where you entered this room. Stand on the lower portion and melt the waterfall to raise yourself up to the last ledge. Go through the door. ========================== ------------------------ The Final Green Switch ------------------------ ========================== \___________ \__ __ Follow The / \ GREEN pipes | | at long last | | | | | | v v ¯ / ___ ¯¯¯¯\ ¯¯¯\_|\_/|_ | |¯¯| |¯¯\ _ + / / / / ¯¯| | |¯ #14 --> | |__| |_ |¯ | |\ _ | |/¯\| Boss + |o|G| || ¯¯¯ |/ ¯--'| ¯¯¯¯^¯¯¯ | #15 - This will take you back to the Map room. Jump down and swim through the opening back to the main room. - Take the bottom route this time, with just the GREEN pipes. - This is the room right before the boss, so stock up on health, Magic and Arrows before the boss. #14 At the exit to this room, there is a Stray Fairy in a bubble in the opening. Use your charged up fins to break the bubble, then swim into it. #15 Directly underneath the GREEN platform is a Stray Fairy in a bubble. It's too high to get when you're in the water, so stand on the GREEN pipe right on the edge of the water and shoot it with an Arrow, then use the Great Fairy Mask. - Climb up the pipe and onto the GREEN platform. Push/pull the switch to bring water to the pump, allowing you access to the Boss Room. - When you're ready, go through and jump down the hole. ___________________________________________ / B O S S : Gargantuan Masked Fish, GYORG \__________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "If you go near it now, you'll be | - Heart Container | | eaten! Aim at it from afar to | - Gyorg's Remains | | weaken it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps over the platform (will grab you if you're standing in the | | middle). | | - Rams the platform (will knock you off if you're NOT in the | | middle). | | - Grabs you and chomps down on you, dealing massive damage! | | - Eventually, lets loose a bunch of piranha-like fish. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - I hope you came prepared with Fairies or Milk in bottles and maybe | | even some Green Potion or even Chateau Romani. You'll need it, cause | | this is one of the harder battles in the game. | | | | - There are two methods of fighting: from the platform, and under | | water. The latter is more dangerous, but it's hard to get back on | | the platform, so it's a toss up between the two. Personally, I like | | the platforming. | | | | - First, understand that Gyorg swims around and attempts to get you | | in the water. Its only real attack is to take you in its mouth and | | show you a world of pain with its sharp teeth. | | | | - To stun it, you can stand on the platform and use (Fire) Arrows, or | | use the Zora Mask to charge up you fins, or swim into it and use the | | Electric Barrier (Zora + swimming + R). The last way is the most | | dangerous... | | | | - Once its stunned, put on the Zora Mask and jump into the water (if | | you're not already). Quickly swim over to him and start smacking | | away with your Fins or the Electric Barrier. | | | | - When he gets back up, gain your distance. If you're fighting from | | the platform, try circling the platform to get height, then dolphin | | jump onto it. This can be very tricky. | | | | - Half way through the battle, it will let loose lots of piranha-like | | fish. This is a huge pain, because they make it easier for Gyorg to | | chase you down. Use your Electrical Barrier (R) to kill them. | | | | - All in all, this is a tough fight. You may use a couple Fairies in | | the process (now why can't Tatl do that?!). | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Stand on the platform, shoot the giant fish with (Fire) Arrows to | | stun it. Alternatively, use the Zora Mask under water and charge up | | your Fins, or swim into it with the Electric Barrier (R). | | - Once it's stunned, get close and smack away at it with the Zora | | Mask. Run away when it comes to. | | - Eventually it'll spit out piranhas. Avoid them or use the Electric | | Barrier (R). Soon after, you'll win. *clap clap* | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After Gyorg has been defeated, *whew* go back to the platform and snag yourself another Heart Container, followed by Gyorg's Remains. +-------------------------------. | New Remains : Gyorg's Remains `----------------------------+ | | | - Proof that you've killed the boss and have freed this | | Guardian. With it, you can return to this temple and kill | | the boss again. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - You'll witness another short clip with the next Guardian. "Help our friend" is what it says. But who could they be talking about? Hmm... .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W408] Post Temple Collection #3 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ---------- \ | -------------- / Upgrades \ | | / Heart Pieces \ ------------ | | ---------------- Defense | \ [HP36] [HP28] [HP29] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ============= ~ Zora Hall ~ ============= - Now that Lulu's voice is back, you can have a little practice with the band, which is that song you and Japas made together, and also part of the credits at the end. It's cool to witness, so go have some fun with it. Speak to Lulu to start the rehearsal. ============= ~ Zora Cape ~ \______ Great Bay ============= % \___Coast % ___ \| |_ - Other than Lulu, nothing's really changed since % _/__ \ \ \__ you beat the temple, unlike all the other places %|W| 1 :`---. \ in the game... how lame... % ¯\¯¯ / .: .-.`,\ - Anyway, if you collected all the Stray Fairies, % ¯¯¯ ..__/ |: | go to Zora Cape and along the beach near the % | / |:.\ entrance, there are some small platforms that lead % |3 /\ | to the southern wall. Follow them until you get to % | \ 2/¯¯ the islands with the trees. % | \ - Use your Hookshot to work your way along the islands % / Fairy until you eventually get back to the wall where there's % / Fountain a ledge with two boulders blocking a cave. use some %%% bombs to blast them away. - Inside, speak with the Great Fairy of Courage to get an excellent upgrade. +-------------------. | Upgrade : Defense `----------------------------------------+ | | | - All damage received is cut in half. Essentially, you just | | doubled your life! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ =================== ~ Great Bay Coast ~ =================== - The waters are supposedly more clear now, so the Fisherman has a little game you can play. Go get lots of money first. - Go to the northern portion of Great Bay Coast and find a boat. Get on it to make it start going. When you get close the batch of islands, Hookshot to the tree and speak with the Fisherman to play his "Jumping Game". ________________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Fisherman's Game \______________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Hookshot | - Heart Piece #36 (1st x) | | - Gyorg Defeated | - 50 Rupees | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Jump to as many lit torches as | - 20 Rupees | | possible within time limit. | | | - Don't fall off. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - There isn't much to be said about this game. Pay the dude and jump | | to the center to start. The torches on the four platforms will light | | one at a time. The goal is to jump to them before they go out. You | | need 20 points to win. | | | | - The fact that you have a time limit makes it feel as though you | | really have to rush it. Don't. Go slow and take your time. You | | shouldn't find any difficulty getting at least 25 points within the | | time limit. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Jump to the lit torches. If you fall in the water, you lose. Take | | your time, don't worry about the limit. Get 20 points to win. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - If you can get 20 points within the time limit, you get a prize. The first time, it's a HEART PIECE [HP36]. ============================= ~ Mountain Village (Spring) ~ ============================= - This next Heart Piece is completely optional. You must have the Don Gero Mask to do it. - There are five frogs across Termina. If you can get them all together and conduct the Frog Choir, they'll reward you with, GASP, a HEART PIECE [HP28]! // Mountain _____ ____|+|_____ / \__ __/ \ Village __| |_| _______ _| _/ | / _ | /¯ ¯\ + | | | | /_______| _ | | | | \\ _|¯¯¯¯\ ¯¯| |¯| | | | | || \ /|\_/ ¯ / |\_| #1 | | |¯ | |_____| |_ | || \__/ \__/¯¯¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| \ \ | + | |¯¯| |_ /| \ \ \ | |¯¯¯¯ \ ¯¯ |\____ / Southern | __ | __ \ \_| | | |¯¯¯¯¯¯ / | Swamp \ | | \ | \ \ + _ |_ / _ ¯| | / \ ¯¯ /¯¯¯¯\\ | \ ¯¯¯¯| | | |___ ||| | | \ \ |/¯¯¯¯ | #2¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ¯ ++ |/|¯| |_ / ¯¯\ | |¯¯|+ | |¯¯¯ \ ¯ \|_// /¯ #3 | Laundry¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ \ /\ ¯\/ / | Pool \¯¯ |_| / \_ /¯ / \ |¯| /¯ #1 The first one is already in the lake in //¯¯¯¯\| ¯¯¯¯ Mountain Village in spring (when the Snowhead Temple boss is defeated). #2 Waiting in the Laundry Pool of Clock Town. #3 On a log in Southern Swamp when you're heading towards the Deku Palace in the non-poison water. #4 Defeat Gekko in the Woodfall Temple. #5 Defeat Gekko in the Great Bay Temple. _| |________ /\ | \ /\/¯¯¯ \ - Also, as long as Goht's defeated, head to the area |_| __ o __ \ right before Goron Village. Now that it's spring, |_| / \/ \/ \ | sink down into the water using the Zora Mask and | | \ / \ /\ |__ open the chest to find a HEART PIECE [HP29]! \¯\ /¯¯ ¯¯ \ /¯¯\/ H <- #29 |¯¯ - That's pretty much all we can get right now, so / /\ ¯¯¯¯¯ / put your Rupees in the Bank and play the Song ¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ of Time. ¯¯¯¯ /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ /__\ Chapter 5 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\ /\ /\ Right Side Up? ____________________/ [W500] /\ /\ /__\/__\ _________________________/ \____________________ /__\/__\ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Items \ / Masks \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Empty Bottle #5 Captain's Hat | | Map of Stone Tower Mask of Truth | | Light Arrow Garo's Mask | | Great Fairy's Sword Gibdo Mask | | Giant's Mask | | Twinmold's Remains | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Songs \ / Heart Pieces \ / Upgrades \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Song of Storms [HP08] [HP18] [HP32] Biggest Bomb Bag | | Elegy of Emptiness [HP31] [HP20] [HP34] Largest Quiver | | [HP43] [HP22] [HP45] Giant's Wallet | | Mirror Shield | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Sections Within This Chapter \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [W501] Grave Robbing - Skull Keeta and the Song of Storms. | | [W502] Item Collection #4 - Goodies. | | [W503] We Are The Garo - Getting to Ikana Canyon. | | [W504] Blowing Away The Curse - Getting the Gibdo Mask. | | [W505] Beneath The Well - Zombie trading! | | [W506] Ikana Castle - Trying to get to the king. | | [W507] Ascending Stones - Climbing Stone Tower. | | [W508] Stone Tower Temple - The most confusing temple. | | [W509] Post Temple Collection #4 - Goodies afterwards. | \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W501] Grave Robbing \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ -------------- ------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ / Songs \ --------- | | Empty Bottle #5 ---------------- --------- Captain's Hat | \ [HP43] Song of Storms / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================= ~ Termina Field ~ ================= - Our next area is Ikana. There's a few things we have to do before we can get all the way there though. Go through the east exit into a rocky area. ================ ~ Ikana Valley ~ ================ Ikana Graveyard !: Fence Termina / / Field \________ /¯¯\ R: Red eyed spirit guy... \ ! \_/ \______ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ O ! |R \ Ikana S: Shiro, the Stone Soldier ¯¯\! S /¯¯¯¯\ ¯¯¯ Canyon (invisible) ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ - Run along the path with Epona and jump over the fences. The Real Bombchus can't hurt you while you're riding her, so don't worry about it. - After you come to a wall, turn left. Get off of Epona and climb up the small ledges here to enter another area. =================== ~ Ikana Graveyard ~ =================== /¯¯¯¯¯\ / /¯¯¯\ \ | | | | D: Dampe's House _|_|__/ / K: Skull Keeta |T|K| / (asleep) |D¯¯¯¯¯¯| T: Skull Keeta's Treasure | / \ / ¯| | /¯¯ ¯¯\ 1: First Grave (Song of Storms) | 2 \ 2: Second Grave (Heart Piece) | 3 | 3: Third Grave (Bottle #5) | | \ 1 / \ / ¯| |¯¯ Ikana Valley - This is a very lonely place, and ironically, the grave keeper is terrified of undead and ghosts. - Run up to Dampe's house and you'll notice a giant Stalchild in the wall on the right. The inscription tells you that whomever can wake it up will face it in battle. - Play the Sonata of Awakening (in any form) to start this battle. ___________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Skull Keeta \__________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Hurry! Chase him until you get | - Captain's Hat | | your chance at him! But if you | | | get too close, you might regret | | | it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Smacks you with his huge arms. | | - Jumps up in the air and tries to land on you (run away from the | | shadow to avoid it). | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - You'll find this guy in front of Dampe's House in the Ikana | | Graveyard. Play the Sonata of Awakening to start the battle. He will | | run up the hill, during which time Stalchildren will appear out of | | ground every few paces. Shoot him with arrows to slow him down, then | | slash him with your sword to confront him. | | | | - This battle is quite easy. After you've caught up with him, just | | get close and smack him with your sword. You can defend against his | | slapping with your shield, but if you're too close, he'll swing over | | it. When he disappears, run away from the shadow, then turn around | | and lay a hit on him. | | | | - Part of what makes this guy so easy is that you can use your Bow, | | Hookshot or Bombs to easily stun him. Have some fun with it, use the | | Deku Mask for a challenge. =) | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Really easy. He smacks at you and tries to pull a Bowser on you | | (jumps up and lands on you). Avoid these. Stun him with Arrows or | | Hookshot. Run in for the kill. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he's defeated, you'll witness a short clip in which the Skull Keeta surrenders his position to you! After a salute from our hero, the skeleton man will disappear along with the flames guarding the goodies in the chest. - Hookshot the chest, or use the Bunny Hood to jump across. Open it. +--------------------------. | New Mask : Captain's Hat `---------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this and speak with Stalchildren to learn stuff and | | even order them around! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Rest of the - Go speak with Dampe while wearing it Graveyard to witness something humorous. Anyway, | | play the Song of Double Time or wait /¯¯ ¯¯\ 1: First Grave until it's the First Night. | 2 \ (Song of Storms) - Put on the Captain's Hat and find the | 3 | grave with the three Stalchildren | | (skeletons) patrolling around it. Speak \ 1 / with one of them and order them to open \ / the grave. Jump in. ¯| |¯¯ Ikana Valley ___ ________ __ _ ___/ --\ | | | - You'll find yourself in a cave-like |E | | | | +++ | | underground scene. Jump across the ledge ¯¯ ¯ ¯¯¯\ --/ | | | and go through the doorway. ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - This room has lots of Keese in it. I suggest using the Deku Mask to dispose of them. After they're dead, use a Deku Stick or Fire Arrows to light the two torches near the entrance and the one near the door, which will cause it to open. Go through. - In the next room, run forward and smack the statue to wake it up. ____________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Iron Knuckle \_________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "You know about the Iron | - Song of Storms | | Knuckle, right? Stay away from | | | its ax attack, then look for a | | | chance to retaliate. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swings its axe at you, OUCH! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These enemies are fairly simple, but they hurt a lot! Get close to | | them, then back up or do a back flip to avoid the attack. As they're | | still recovering from their swing, you can go in for a quick jab. | | | | - Most other attacks won't work against them, except for Bombs. You | | can use those for the first half of the battle, but they are hard | | to use when he moves faster. | | | | - After a few hits, a layer of armor will fall off and they will be | | able to move much faster. Use the same patterns to defeat them | | shortly after. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - This guy hurts... Get close, then back flip to avoid the p-a-i-n. | | Run in and smack him with your sword, then get back again. Repeat. | | Half way through, he loses his armor and moves faster. Keep it up | | and he dies. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he's been defeated, the curtain on the platform ahead will reveal a grave. One of the composer brothers, Flat, will then appear and thank you for releasing his soul. It turns out, his brother Sharp turned evil and sealed him in here. - Climb up there and read the tombstone to learn a spiffy new song. +---------------------------. | New Song : Song of Storms `--------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' ---------(^)---------(^)--------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. --------------------------------- | | ' '_, ` -----(v)---------(v)------------- | | `.__.´ -(A)---------(A)----------------- | | | | - A, C-down, C-up, A, C-down, C-up. | | | | - Play this song to blow away curses, like when the Bubbles | | Jinx you (can't use your sword). | | - You can also use it to water Magic Beans to make them | | grow without using Spring Water. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Rest of the - This song was in the last game as well, Graveyard and Guru Guru plays it on his music box. | | Anyway, get out of this grave. /¯¯ ¯¯\ | 2 \ 2: Second Grave - That's all you really need here, but if | 3 | (Heart Piece) you'd like a Heart Piece and another | | bottle, stick around. Play the Song of \ 1 / 3: Third Grave Double Time until it's the Second Night, \ / (Bottle #5) then order the Stalchildren to open the ¯| |¯¯ next grave. Ikana Valley _ _________ | |_/ | / \ - Inside, jump across to the next area and use the Lens of | |- | |¯| | Truth to see through the fake wall. Go through the door. | |¯\ | -| | | | - In the next room, follow the path and use your Lens to |~| ¯¯¯¯¯¯ + kill the Keese and Skulltulas as you make your way across + + the gap. At the end, turn left and use a Bomb on the fake _+_ | | wall. Go through the door. | | | | - In this room, there is another Iron Knuckle. After he's | | / _| defeated, he will leave behind a chest. Open it to find a ¯¯¯ | / __ HEART PIECE [HP43]! ¯ | E| ¯¯ - Back outside, play the Song of Double Time again until it's the Third Night. Open the last grave and enter. To Dampé's House - Inside, you should run forward and kill _| |_ the Wallmaster before doing anything else. | | This next part requires you to move _____|---|_______ slowly, so it can easily snatch you up and | \_|---| |X | take you away. | E E ¯| | X: Dirt - Up ahead, you'll find Dampe wandering | X X | | pile around because he can't see in the dark. Z | X | | target him and guide him to the dirt piles | _ |¯ E: Elevator around the room to dig them up. | |X| X | - You're trying to find three blue flames | ¯_________ | that are randomly in three of the piles. | ]]] [[[ | - Four of these piles are on the ground, but ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ two are high up. To get to them, lead | | Dampe to those brown tiles, then makes sure ¯¯¯ you're not on them yourself. - The left one will take him to the small platform with the ladder on the left side of the room. The right one takes him to the platform with the blocks leading up to it. After all three flames are lit, a Big Poe will appear. Kill it to make a chest appear as well. +----------------------------. | New Item : Empty Bottle #5 `-------------------------------+ | | | - Set it to (C) and use it to swipe and hold stuff to be | | used later. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Use a bottle on the Big Poe's spirit before it disappears to sell at the Curiosity Shop in West Clock Town for 200 Rupees later. Head upstairs and exit through Dampe's house. - Not much else to do but put your Rupees in the Bank, (sell the Big Poe,) and play the Song of Time. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W502] Item Collection #4 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ---------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Upgrades \ -------------- / Masks \ | | ------------ / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | Biggest Bomb Bag ---------------- Mask of Truth | | Largest Quiver [HP08] [HP18] [HP31] | | Giant's Wallet [HP31] [HP20] [HP34] | \ [HP22] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - This section covers the Skulltula quests as well as some other Heart Pieces I've avoided thus far. A lot of these we could have gotten a little earlier, but now is a good time to get them all at once. ____ ___| |__ ++ ++ =================== ¯¯¯| |¯¯ ~ East Clock Town ~ | | =================== __| |¯ | | | | | - Go to the Treasure Chest Shop in East Clock Town. |__| |__| The lady who runs the shop is shallow and will __| |___ give you a price dependant on your looks. ++ ++ ¯|¯ ¯| | | Treasure Chest --> ¯¯¯| |¯ Shop ____| /¯| +++____/ | ¯¯| | _________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ / M I N I - G A M E : Treasure Chest Shop \_____________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Bunny Hood or Goron's Mask (helps) | - Heart Piece #8 | | | - 20 or 50 Rupees | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | | - Find your way through the maze, open the chest. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - At the start of the game, a chest will appear on the opposite side. | | The checkerboard floor will rise to impede you. Keep track of where | | the invisible walls are at and make your way to the other side. | | | | - I strongly suggest you use the Bunny Hood or Goron Mask to whip | | through it quickly. Also, the lady who owns the shop is shallow and | | will price you dependent on your looks. 5 Rupees for a handsome Zora | | or 30 Rupees if you're an ugly Goron. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - Play as a Goron to pay the most, but receive a HEART PIECE [HP08] if you win. I suggest using the Bunny Hood after you've paid. ==================== ~ Road to Snowhead ~ Snowhead ==================== \ \ \ \ - Go find a Scarecrow and make a \ \ song if you haven't already. There's | \ one in the Trading Post in West |_/ Invisible Clock Town. Blocks - Play the Song of Soaring to get to |¯\ / Snowhead, then head back through the | |'. entrance into the previous area with | / '. _ all the rolling snowballs and big \ \____ |H| <-- Piece of a Heart cliffs. \ \ ¯ - Roll across the first deal. From ¯¯¯¯\_| here, turn left and use the Lens of Truth to see some invisible ice |¯| Blocks. Jump along them then use the / / Scarecrow's Song at the end. / / Hookshot to him and snag the | | HEART PIECE [HP31]. Mountain Village ================= ~ Goron Village ~ ================= ___||_______ /_ \ _ - Next, go get 200 Rupees and bring ///¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯\ \_ // them to Goron Village. There's a /// /¯¯¯\/ /¯¯\\ \ / \ Business Scrub here on the south ||| | | /| | | | | \ side (right of where you enter ||\ \___// \__// | \ | from). Put on the Goron Mask \ \_____/ ¯\__/ / ¯¯¯ and talk with him. He'll upgrade / \ /¯¯ your Big Bomb Bag to the //¯\ ¯¯- /¯¯ <-- Business Scrub Biggest Bomb Bag for a Road to ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Bomb Bag Upgrade hefty penny. Goron Village +----------------------------. | Upgrade : Biggest Bomb Bag `-------------------------------+ | | | - Allows you to carry up to 40 Bombs at a time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ================= ~ Termina Field ~ ================= - Go to the entrance to Great Bay, right before the fence you have to jump over with Epona. There's a big rock here, blow it up with Bombs or punch it with the Goron Mask. Enter. - Inside, there's some water with Bio Deku Babas underneath lily pads. Slice them off and kill them. Now, if you look at the ceiling, there's some bee hives. Hit them with Arrows or your Hookshot. One of them has a HEART PIECE [HP18], which will fall in the water. Sink down with the Zora Mask to get it. / / - Back outside, we need to find | \ four seperate holes, one in each ___________\ ¯¯\ compass direction. In each of /_ _ __¯¯¯ /______ these holes are four Gossip /| | _ | | \ / _ _\ Stones, each representing the | ¯ / \ ¯ ¯¯ | | | |\ corresponding holes. / \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯ ¯ |__ - In each hole, play | _ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ N¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \__ either the Sonata of | | | / \ \ Awakening with the Deku Heart / ¯ / | Mask, Goron's Lullaby Piece #18 / / /¯¯¯| |¯¯¯\ | with the Goron Mask, or \ / / W / \ \ the New Wave Bossa Nova \ / / / \ | with the Zora Mask. When _____| |___ |_ Clock _|- ' o o o|__ all of the Gossip Stones |H| | Town are the same color, | |¯¯¯ | |¯ ¯|- ' o o o|¯¯ you'll get a HEART PIECE ¯¯¯¯| / | | \ / | [HP20]. |¯ \ | \ / | \ \ | \___| |___/ /¯¯ / \___ \ ' ' / | NORTH: Right before the \ \ \ ' ' _/ o E| ramp leading down ¯\¯ \________ ' ' __/o /¯¯/ into the snowy \ O ' ' | / area, on the right. ¯\ '_' |/ \ | O | | O /¯¯¯¯ EAST: On the left side of \ \| ¯ O | the Observatory. \ S ' ' / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\O /¯¯¯¯¯¯ SOUTH: Between the entrance | / to Milk Road and / / Southern Swamp. WEST: Near the stairs leading down into the beach area, under a rock. ========================== ~ Road to Southern Swamp ~ ========================== Termina Field - When heading towards Southern Swamp through / / the little area before it, turn left instead and | | enter the door at the end. This is the Swamp \ \_ Shooting Gallery. / \ _ - Bring lots of Rupees, it's 20 a try. This one is | ¯¯\___/ | a little different than the one in Clock Town in | __ | that it's enemies running across a field. Each \ / \___ | one gives you some points. | / / / - It can be pretty difficult, but remember to | | ¯| | just try and kill all the Deku Scrubs as quick / / Swamp Shooting as possible. Those ones will reappear on mass Southern Gallery if you kill them all before they duck down. Swamp The Wolfos give you 100 points each, so they're valuable as well. - If you can get 2000+ points, he'll give you the Largest Quiver (if you've already gotten the Large Quiver from the other Shooting Gallery). _______________________________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Southern Swamp Shooting Gallery \_______________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Hero's Bow | - Large/Largest Quiver | | - Rupees | - Heart Piece #22 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Shoot anything that moves. | - 20 Rupees | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This one is a little different than the one in Clock Town in that | | it's enemies running across a field. Each one gives you some points. | | | | - It can be pretty difficult, but remember to just try and kill all | | the Deku Scrubs as quick as possible. Those ones will reappear on | | mass if you kill them all before they duck down. The Wolfos give you | | 100 points each, so they're valuable as well. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ +---------------------------. | New Item : Largest Quiver `--------------------------------+ | | | - Allows you to carry up to 50 Arrows at a time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - If you get a perfect score, he'll gift you with a HEART PIECE [HP22]. This is pretty hard and I'm lazy. Get it if you feel like it, I skip it half the time I play this game. ================== ~ Southern Swamp ~ ================== Road to - Next, we're going to tackle Southern the first Skulltula House. Swamp Woods of First, go buy a Magic Bean // Mystery from the Business Scrub / \__ __/ \ outside the Swamp Tourist _/ | / _ | Center. /W______| _ | | | | | || \ /|\_/ ¯ / - At this point, you can either | || \__/ \__/¯¯¯¯¯ kill the Big Octorok near the Magic --> | |¯¯| |_ Swamp Tourist Center using Beans \ ¯¯ |\____ / your Bow or Hookshot, or you |B|¯¯¯¯¯¯ / | can play the Song of Soaring / _ ¯| | / to get to Woodfall and hop Fearful ||| | | \ \ along the lily pads. Either Spider --> |/|¯| |_Woodfall/ ¯¯\ way, our destination is the House \ ¯ \|_// /¯ | island with a torch in the \ /\ ¯\/ / | second half of Southern Swamp \¯¯ |_| / between the Deku Palace and \_ B /¯ the Tourist Center. / \ |¯| /¯ - Use a Deku Stick or Fire //¯¯¯¯\| ¯¯¯¯ Arrows to burn the spider web Deku blocking the door here, then Palace enter. _________________________________________ / Fearful Spider House (Southern Swamp) \____________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Needed : | Reward / Found : | | - Empty Bottles | - Mask of Truth | | - Deku Mask | | | - Goron Mask | | | - Magic Beans (2) OR | | | Hookshot & Bunny Hood | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Where It's At : | | - In the second half of Southern Swamp (where the water's poisonous) | | there's an island with a doorway covered in spider webs. You can | | get there quick by using the Song of Soaring to get to Woodfall, | | going through the exit and hopping along the lily pads, going | | right. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | First Floor Second Floor | | _____ _______ | | | 18| |24 30 | | | |o o| __ |25/¯\28| | | |20 | /16| |23\_/22| | | ¯¯+¯¯ / |¯ | 26 27 | | | ____+____ |¯F ¯| ¯¯| |¯¯ | | | _____ | | 15| ___| |___ | | | |o o| |++ O| | | 21 | | _____ | | ____ |29 O 2| ++| O| | |o 19o| ++| 17 | | | |4__ | | |o 1 o| | | 14| | | | |++ | | | | || | | | | | | | |13 O/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | |5|| | | |o| |o| | | / _________ |¯¯¯¯¯| | | |6¯¯ +++ | | | 28| ¯¯¯ | |9 10 | | | | | | | | | |o| |o| | | |o o| | |11 | | | ¯¯¯¯ | 3| |¯ | ____ | | O | | | 12 | | | ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ | __8| | |o o| |++¯| | | | __+__ |||||+++ | | ++|¯ / | | | | ||7|¯| | |o o| | | / | | \ / ||¯¯ | | | | | ¯¯¯ | | \ / | ¯¯¯| | |o o| | | | | | ¯¯¯¯ | | 30| | | Entrance ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - After speaking with the spider dude, enter the door to the first | | room. You can get Fresh Water in your Bottles here. | | | | #1 At the bottom of the ramp, going back and forth. | | #2 Turn right, the next one goes up and down the pillar on the left. | | #3 In a jar on the left side of the ramp. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - There's more in this room, but we'll come back for them later. For | | now, enter the room on the left (with the giant tombstone looking | | thing). | | | | #4 In the crates in the right corner of the room. | | #5 On the wall. You can get it using the Hookshot, or breaking the | | boulder, planting a Magic Bean, use Fresh Spring Water or the Song | | of Storms, then ride the plant to get the token. | #6 In the crates in the left corner of the room. | | #7 On top of the Tombstone thing. | | #8 In a corner next to the door on the upper level. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - We're done in this room, head back to the main room, this time via | | the upper door. | | | | #9 After going through the door, turn left. It's behind the last | | pillar. | | #10 On the north wall. Get it with either the Hookshot, or shoot it | | with the bow, then use the Deku Mask to collect the token. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - We're done in the main room for now. There's still two more we'll | | snag later. Fly across the way and enter the door. | | | | #11 In a bee hive on the ceiling. | | #12 In a bee hive on the ceiling. | | #13 Jump down, slash the jars. | | #14 Roll into the giant jar second from the right. | | #15 Roll into the giant jar on the far left. | | #16 Slash the grassy wall, then find the Skulltula at the end of the | | cave. | | | | - Play the Sonata of Awakening for the Deku Scrub, then use the | | flower to get to the top ledge. | | | | #17 Crawling along the wall. Use the flower below to get it if need | | be. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - Under the rock here are some bugs. Fill several bottles with the | | critters and enter the door on your left (upper level). Once in the | | next room, slash the crystal switch to make ladders appear. | | | | #18 Going up and down the right pillar. | | #19 In a bee hive on the ceiling. | | #20 On the small wall, where the ladder appears. | | | | - Climb up the ladder. If you have the Hookshot and the Bunny Hood, | | get #21 that way and jump to the opening. Otherwise, plant a Magic | | Bean here and use either Spring Water (from the main room) or the | | Song of Storms to make it grow. | | | | #21 Above the opening in the wall. Ride the Magic Bean Plant or use | | the Hookshot to get it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - Use the Plant to get to the opening, then go through the door. | | | | #22 Crawling around in the tall grass. | | #23 Crawling around in the tall grass. | | #24-26 Roll into the tree to make them fall out. | | #27 In a bee hive on a tree branch. | | | | - There's some bugs in this room too. If you don't have any, snag | | some now. You need three bottles full. Go back to the main room. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | #28 In a soft patch of soil on the east wall, lower level. Use bugs. | | #29 In a soft patch of soil on the west wall, lower level. Use bugs. | | #30 In a soft patch of soil on the south wall, upper level. Use bugs. | | | | - That's all of them. Go back to the entrance and speak with the dude | | to get your reward. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ +--------------------------. | New Mask : Mask of Truth `---------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this to be able to hear the thoughts of Gossip | | Stones and dogs. Only really useful for a couple things. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - With the Mask of Truth in hand, we have a Piece of a Heart we can snag. _____________ ================ / ___ _ \ ~ Romani Ranch ~ / | 1| |2| \ 1: Ranch House ================ / ||¯¯ ¯ \ | \ 2: Barn Cucco Shack + \ | \ Mamamu + ¯Milk Road Yan's Doggy \ /¯¯ Racetrack \________________/ - Go collect lots of Rupees, then head to the Romani Ranch (just warp to the last day so you don't waste a Powder Keg). At the far back of the Ranch, there's two doors: the Cucco Shack and Mamamu Yan's Doggy Racetrack. Enter the latter (left door). __________________________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Mamamu Yan's Doggy Racetrack \____________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Mask of Truth | - Heart Piece #32 | | - Rupees | (1st time only) | | | - Various Rupee Amounts | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Pick a little dog and bring it to | - 10 to 50 Rupees | | Mamamu Yan to enter it in the race. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This game is one of great chance, mostly not in your favor. There | | tons of little doggies to choose from, but only a few are actually | | fast. Even if you pick a fast one, it may get caught behind some of | | the others and you'll still lose your bet. | | | | - To make the entire experience much easier on yourself, wear the | | Mask of Truth when picking your pooch to hear their thoughts. When | | you get one that says something like: | | "There's no way I'll lose!" | | "I feel unstoppable!" | | "My paws feel lighter than air!" | | you've found your pup. Bet as much as you can for easy money. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - If you pick a fast one, bet a large amount of Rupees. If you earn 150 in return or more, you'll be rewarded with a HEART PIECE [HP32]! It's pretty easy, really. \______ % \ Gerudo =================== % \ Lagoon ~ Great Bay Coast ~ % | | |__ =================== % \__/ \__ % /\ - Play the Song of O ''o | | Time to save, then Pinnacle _ '' | | head to Great Bay Rock O \\ __ / | Coast. There are % \¯¯/¯ _/ | two houses near the % \ ¯¯\ / / entrance, the one on % |/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ the left is our next % \___/¯¯\______ destination. % | '._'\ % | _|_\'\ % ___ | S|\<--- Oceanside % | |W| | | | Spider House % ¯¯¯ | | / % | /¯¯¯ % | / /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | ____________________________________________ Zora Cape / Oceanside Spider House (Great Bay Coast) \_________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Needed : | Reward / Found : | | - Bombs | - Giant Wallet (1ST DAY ONLY!) | | - Hookshot | - Heart Piece #34 | | - Fire Arrows | | | - Captain's Hat (optional, heart | | | piece) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Where It's At : | | - Right at the entrance to Great Bay Coast, there's two houses. | | enter the one on the left. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | ___ | | | 5| | | ______ |7|4| | | |161517| | 6 | _____ | | _| +++¯ | | 20| ___ | | | | ¯¯+ |2124 +++_ | <-- 10, 11, 12 | | ¯| 1918| __+__ | 22 | | | | ____ __ | | |\¯¯¯¯¯¯ |\3 /| ¯| |¯ | |9| |2625|___/ \ | | 13, 14 | ¯¯¯ | / ¯ |8 +++ H | | | ¯|2|¯ 23 ¯¯¯ |27 |¯¯¯\ / | | .~~~~~~~~~~~. |1| / ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ | | / Top Floor \ _| |_ 28, 29, 30 | | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | | | | | | .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | | ¯| |¯ / Bottom Floor \ | | Entrance `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - As you enter, use a Bomb on the cracked wall to reveal the hidden | | entrance. Go ahead and slide down the ramp. | | | | #1 On the wall on the ramp. | | #2 On the wall on the ramp. | | #3 On the ceiling in the lower part of the room. Burn the spider web | | with Fire Arrows, or use the torches nearby. | | | | - Once at the bottom, use your Hookshot to get to the other side. Go | | through the door. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - In this "stairs room", there are several spider webs blocking the | | doors. We'll get to that later. | | | | #4 Roll into the first large jar/barrel thing. | | #5 Roll into the last large jar/barrel (burn the spider webs first). | | #6 On one of the rafters on the ceiling. Climb on top of the crates, | | then snag it with your Hookshot. | | #7 Behind the mask on the wall above the stairs (wait for it to come | | up). | | | | - That's all up here, go downstairs now. | | | | #8 While standing on the stairs, look towards the opposite wall. | | Along the top in a dark crevasse, there's a Skulltula marching | | back and forth. Kill and snag it with the Hookshot. | | #9 Roll into the lone jar/barrel next to a door. | | #10 In a jar atop some crates in the corner of the room. | | #11 Inside a little hole in the wall. Burn the spider webs and use | | your Hookshot. | | #12 Behind a mask near the last door. | | | | - We're done in this room. Go back up the stair and burn the spider | | webs covering the door nearest the one you entered from. Enter. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - This is the Library. First of all, if you have the Captain's Hat, | | go speak with the two Stalchildren in this room to learn some useful | | information for later (write it down). One's on the left side of the | | room at a table, and the other's on top of a bookcase. | | | | #13 On the far side of the left of the room, there is a bookcase | | against the wall that you can push/pull to the right. Do so to | | reveal a hidden hole with two Skulltulas. | | #14 See #13... | | #15 On the right side of the room, there are three small bookcases. | | Pull the outer ones away, then push/pull the middle one to either | | side to reveal a small hole. Use the Hookshot. | | | | - On the right side of the room, there is a bookcase with some of the | | books missing from it. Use it like a ladder to jump along the tops | | of all the other bookcases. | | | | #16 Behind a painting, right side corner of the room. | | #17 Along the ceiling on the right side of the room. | | #18 On top of a bookcase in the bottom left corner of the room. | | #19 Behind a painting on the left side of the room, in a small hole. | | use the Hookshot. | | | | - We're done here. Go to the previous room and go down the stairs. | | Go around the corner and enter the last door. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - This is the storage room. It's dank, dusty and covered in white | | blankets. Watch out for the big Skulltula in the center of the room. | | | | #20 Roll into the brown crate just right of the door. | | #21 There are some canoes leaning up against the wall opposite the | | door. Stand on the crates next to it and look behind it. | | #22 Behind a spider web on the ceiling. | | #23 Roll into the brown crate to the left of the door where the boxes | | are about to start getting higher. Enter the small hole and turn | | around. It's above the entrance. | | #24 Climb on top of the crates on the left side of the door as far as | | they will go. Use your Hookshot on the target in the ceiling area | | on the right side of the room. In this upper area, slash the jars | | to find the last Skulltula in this room. | | | | - We're done here, exit the room and enter the last door (near the | | stairs). | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - This room has a table with four Stalchildren sitting around it. If | | you have the Captain's Hat, speak with them to learn the last of the | | order (write it down). | | - Once you have the completed order, shoot the colored masks on the | | wall with your bow to open the gate. Go up the stairs, defeat the | | Skulltula and claim the HEART PIECE [HP34]! | | | | #25 Roll into the giant jar/barrel thing in the corner, under the red | | mask. | | #26 Behind the painting (Hookshot) closest to the red mask. | | #27 Crawling along the dark parts of the ceiling, along the walls. | | Stand on the table for a good shot. | | #28 Put on the Goron Mask and use a Goron Stomp (A + B). | | #29 See #28... | | #30 See #28... | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - That's all! Head back to the entrance (Hookshot the targets, roll | | up the ramp) to find a dude seeking a shelter from the Moon. He's | | willing to give you something special if you'll give it to him. | | - ONLY IF IT'S THE FIRST DAY OR NIGHT, he'll give you the Giant | | Wallet! | \_______________________________________________________________________/ +-------------------------. | New Item : Giant Wallet `----------------------------------+ | | | - Allows you to carry up to 500 Rupees. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - With that done, put your remaining Rupees in the Bank and play the Song of Time. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W503] We Are The Garo \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ -------------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | Map of Stone Tower ---------------- Garo's Mask | \ [HP45] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ============= ~ Milk Road ~ ============= Romani Ranch ___ \ \__/¯¯\__/ \ - We need to get to Ikana Canyon, but in \B /¯\ \ order to do so, we need one more mask for ¯¯¯/ /¯¯\ \ Termina Field the road. This time, take the path to the Gorman left of the Owl Statue (when facing it). Racetrack ==================== ~ Gorman Racetrack ~ ==================== - Here, you can speak with the brother near the fence to purchase Milk for 50 Rupees. It's not worth it, if you ever need Milk, just go play Epona's Song for a cow. - Anyway, bring your horse and speak with either of them to be challenged to a little race for 10 Rupees a try. It's pretty easy, just make sure you use your carrots right before you get to jumps or mud holes. At the end, avoid the big mud holes, because you can't quite jump over them completely and they'll slow you down. ______________________________________ / M I N I - G A M E : Gorman Racetrack \________________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Epona's Song | - Garo's Mask (1st time) | | - Rupees | - Milk | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Get across the finish line before | - 10 Rupees | | the Gorman Bros. | | | - Try not to slow down in the mud, | | | speed up for the jumps, etc. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Simply another racing mini-game. Use a carrot when your speed wears | | off. There's two methods for using them, either to use one at a time | | and use them as soon as they reappear, or to use them out completely | | and let them charge up all at once (faster, but you're vulnerable | | for longer). Use the latter method at the end in any case. | | | | - The other thing to watch out for is all the obstacles. Make sure | | you're going fast enough when you come to the fences if you plan on | | jumping them. The mud pits are more dangerous in my opinion, because | | there are some at the end you can't jump completely over at all. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Press A to speed up. Remember carrots need to charge. Jump fences, | | avoid mud. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - When you win, they'll have no choice but to gift you with a mask we need to procede. +------------------------. | New Mask : Garo's Mask `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this Mask to summon the wandering spirits of the | | Garo in Ikana Canyon and Ikana Castle. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ================ ~ Ikana Valley ~ ================ - Jump across the fences using Epona. At the end, put on the Garo Mask and speak with the one-red-eyed creepy guy sitting on the ledge. He'll disappear, leaving a small tree to take his place. Hookshot to it and continue to the next area, ignoring the Nejirons along the way. ================ ____ ~ Ikana Canyon ~ / \ ================ | | | / \ / - If it's still the First Day, you | |¯ can see Sakon prancing around. If | | Stone you talk to him, he'll ask to see Spirit | | _/ Tower your sword for a moment (he's a House ___| |___ /| / thief). Obviously, dont' give it \ / : : \__// _/ to him. ___+ : : ¯ // - Run forward to the water and see two / / __:__:_ |/ Octoroks placed mischievously. Shoot them / / / : :| |___| with Ice Arrows, then use your Hookshot /| / / :__ : + to work your way up the cliff using the |_/ / / | |: / small ledges with trees. | / / |__|: | | / / : : _ | - At the top, slash the Owl Statue to wake | /\ | | |:¯¯¯¯:\| it up. If you look up, you'll notice | \/ | | |: .' + Tingle floating around. Work your way up | _ | | | : : | to the higher ledge using the nearby \| || | : : .| ramps, shoot him down and buy a Map of ¯¯¯ \ /W : : .| Stone Tower for 20 Rupees. .---. \/______:__:__/|___ __ - Now, all around this area, you +' |¯¯|----| |/| | |-| \__ can wear the Garo's Mask to +. |__|----|__ ¯ _____|-|_ \H\ summon the Garo ninjas who will '---' | |__ _/ ____+++ \ ¯¯\ fight you. After defeating them, ¯| \--. / / \B\ | they give you useful bits of \ ¯¯¯¯ | \ | | information. It doesn't really | / _| | | matter, but do so if you want \ / Sakon's | / the full game experience. | | Hideout¯|_| | | / + - Now, if you'd like a Piece of + Southern a Heart, go to the Spirit House Ikana Valley Swamp on the far left side of this area along the top. Inside, you can play a little game for 30 __________________________________ Rupees a try. / M I N I - G A M E : Spirit House \____________________________________ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Required : | Prize : | | - Rupees | - Heart Piece #45 (1st | | | time) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Rules : | Cost : | | - Kill the four Poe Sisters within the | - 30 Rupees | | time limit. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - The object of the game is to kill the four Poe Sisters within three | | minutes. The first three fight the same way. They become invisible | | (and invulnerable), and charge at you. While they're visible and not | | spinning, slash them with your sword or shoot them with an arrow. | | | | - The last one, Meg, works a little differently. She'll appear with | | three illusions of herself. Right after they appear, the real one | | will spin around. Z target that one and shoot it with an arrow. | | Repeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After you've defeated them all, you will be rewarded with a HEART PIECE [HP45]! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W504] Blowing Away The Curse \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Masks \ | | --------- | \ Gibdo Mask / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================ ~ Ikana Canyon ~ ____ ================ / \ |Spring| - You'll notice there's some Gibdos |Water / (mummies walking around here. We'll \Cave/ take care of that problem now. | |¯ - Follow the dried out riverbed to 1: Music Box | | Stone a cave and enter. House | | _/ Tower ___| |___ /| / / : : \__// _/ ===================== ___+ : : ¯ // ~ Spring Water Cave ~ / / __:__:_ |/ ===================== / / / : :| |___| /| / / :__ : + - Inside, you'll witness a short |_/ / / | 1|: / disturbing clip in which Sharp appears | / / |__|: | and plays his evil music which hurts | / / : : _ | you. =( Play the Song of Storms to blow | /\ | | |:¯¯¯¯:\| away the curse, like Flat asked you to | \/ | | |: .' + earlier. | _ | | | : : | - After the purple curse'ish mist \| || | : : .| dissipates, you will witness an extremely ¯¯¯ \ /W : : .| long movie in which the restored water flow \/______:__:__/| causes the Music Box House to play it's mummy-killing circus tune once more. Sharp will then tell you to seek out the King in Ikana Castle. ================ ~ Ikana Canyon ~ ================ - Back outside, the door to the Music Box House is unlocked... when the little girl is outside. Wait for her to leave (you can lay a Bomb to cause her to investigate) then run inside when she's not looking. =================== ~ Music Box House ~ =================== - The annoying song plays in here too. Too bad =(. Go downstairs and head to the end. Suddenly, a half-mummified dude jumps out of the closet! I'm serious... - Play the Song of Healing to restore him to normal... And gain the next Mask we need! +-----------------------. | New Mask : Gibdo Mask `------------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this mask to hang out with the Gibdos and even speak | | to them! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Word. Well, if you leave and come back in, Pamela's Father will give you useful information about the Gibdos he's been studying. He'll also inform you that there's a treasure guarded by the Gibdos in the well beneath Ikana. Is that so? =) .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W505] Beneath The Well \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ---------- \ | / Upgrades \ | | ------------ | \ Mirror Shield / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================ ____ ~ Ikana Canyon ~ / \ ================ | | | / - Basically, the Well is a huge trading sequence \ / to get our next item. You will need several | |¯ bottles as well as the following items: | | Stone | | _/ Tower * 5 Magic Beans ___| |___ /| / * 10 Deku Nuts / : : \__// _/ * 10 Bombs ___+ : : ¯ // * Fish / / __:__:_ |/ * Milk / / / : :| |___| * Blue Potion (if you want to /| / / :__ : + explore the rest of it) |_/ / / | 1|: / | / / |__|: | - Get the Magic Beans from the | / / : : _ | Business Scrub outside the | /\ | | |:¯¯¯¯:\| Swamp Tourist Center. A | \/ | | |: .' + Good place to find Fish Beneath | _ | | | : : | is in the puddles along The Well -->\| || | : : .| the bank near the Gerudo ¯¯¯ \ /W : : .| Lagoon entrance in great Bay. \/______:__:__/| - A good place to find Milk is in a hidden hole in the log (use Bombs) leading towards Southern Swamp in Termina Field. Play Epona's Song for the cow down there. - Once you have these items, go to Ikana Canyon and (from the Owl Statue) work your way up the left ramps until you get to the top. You'll find a circle shape with a ladder leading down. ==================== ~ Beneath The Well ~ ==================== /¯¯¯\ |Fairy| S: Spring Water \ / H: Hot Spring Water | | D: Deku Babas (nuts, sticks) | | To Ikana B: Bugs + Castle Bm: Bombs + | | F: Fish |9|_ _.-. __ ___|_| M: Milk (play Epona's Song) | 10+++ | |13+++ | P: Big Poe | |¯ ¯'-' | | ¯¯¯|I| $: 50 Rupees (light torches) .-| |-. | | ¯ |B Bm| .-| | - Gibdos - '-| |-' |B | 1: 5 Magic Beans + '-| | 2: Fish _____ __+ + _____ 3: 10 Deku Nuts |H _ _+++7 8| + | | 4: Hot Spring Water ¯¯|F| |¯| |.--. __|12 | P | 5: 10 Bombs ¯ |F || $ +++11 |-. | | 6: Blue Potion '-| |'--' ¯¯| D| ¯| |¯ 7: Fish + | |-' + 8: Spring Water _+_ + +_ 9: Bugs | 6 | ____+__ |5 | _.-. 10: Bugs | |__ | SD|2 3+++¯¯¯¯4+++ M| 11: Bugs | 1+++¯ ¯ |¯ |¯B¯|¯ ¯'-' 12: Big Poe ¯| |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 13: Milk Entrance - I am only going to cover the essentials. Make sure you brought the items I listed earlier (except for the Blue Potion). - As you enter, put on the Gibdo Mask and speak with the Gibdo on your right. This one wants 5 Magic Beans. Fork them over and go through the door. - In this room, you can get Deku Sticks and Spring Water. Speak with the Gibdo farthest from where you entered. Give him 10 Deku Nuts and go through. - Here, you can find Bugs. Go around the corner and hand this Gibdo 10 Bombs. Go through. - Make your way to the center to make a Big Poe appear. Jump to avoid it, then shoot it in the back with an arrow. Repeat till it's dead, then snag it in a bottle. Return to the room previous to the last one. - This time, speak with the Gibdo we ignored earlier. He wants a Fish. After you've appeased his wild fetish, go through the door. - This room has Deku Nuts. Continue onward to the door straight ahead. Give him the Big Poe and go through. - Here, there's Bugs on the left. Watch out for the two Wallmasters that attempt to steal you. - Work your way to the far side of the room, timing your running bursts to avoid the spinning wooden deals. At the end, give the final Gibdo a bottle of Milk. - In this last room, run ahead and light all the torches to make a chest appear. +-------------------------. | Upgrade : Mirror Shield `----------------------------------+ | | | - Stronger than your last shield, you can now protect your- | | self from energy attacks. You can also reflect and store | | light. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Test it out on the Sun Block and Sun Face if you like. This will reveal a secret entrance to Ikana Castle. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W506] Ikana Castle \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | -------------- / Songs \ | | / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | ---------------- Elegy of Emptiness | \ [HP47] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ =================== ~ West Clock Town ~ =================== _____ __| |_ + ¯¯| |¯ - Okay, for this next area, we'll need a Powder Keg, | |¯ so buy one from the Goron in the Bomb Shop for 50 \ \ Rupees. Bomb --> \ \ Shop \ \_ \ + ¯¯¯¯ ++ _/++ ================ ___| |___ /| / ~ Ikana Canyon ~ / : : \__// _/ ================ ___+ : : ¯ // / / __:__:_ |/ - There's two ways to get into Ikana Castle. / / / : :| |___| One is at the end of the Well area we just /| / / :__ : + finished. The other shortcut only works if |_/ / / | |: / you have the Mirror Shield. | / / |__|: | | / / : : _ | - From the Owl Statue in Ikana Canyon, run | /\ | | |:¯¯¯¯:\| Ikana towards the Castle gate (it's white and | \/ | | |: .' + Castle red) with the pillars around it. To the | _ | | | : : | left side of it is a hole in the stone \| || | : : .| wall. Enter it. ¯¯¯ \ /W : : .| \/______:__:__/| =========================== ~ Ancient Castle of Ikana ~ =========================== - This is the secret entrance. Turn left and hit the crystal switch to make the sunroof give way I suppose. Shine light onto the Sun Block near the door to make it disappear. - There's nothing to do outside (other than summon more Garos) so enter the actual castle itself. ____ _____________ |/ . | ___ | . +++| .|+++ Roof +¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |.-. | ¯¯¯ _+_ ¯¯¯¯ _/. .\__ Entrance + Boss ¯\' '/¯¯ ¯+¯ ____ +____________ | | ___ | : +++ +++ Roof ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ - Inside, you'll find several ReDeads (zombies). If you wear the Garo's Mask, Gibdo Mask or Captain's Hat, they will dance harmlessly, allowing you to slaughter them without a fight. - There are two frozen eye switches on the pillars in this room. Melt the one on the left to open the left door. - In this room, hit the crystal switch to _____________ make the flamey platform of doom rise for a | . + short time. Run across to the other side +¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ before it goes back down. - Our goal is to get on top of the small platform halfway here. Hit the switch on this side and quickly run to the closest flower to the platform. Slap on the Deku Mask and fly onto the platform. - If you mess up you'll have to restart. When you get there, take off the Deku Mask to press in the switch, shoot the crystal switch with an arrow, jump down and go through the door. - This room is a little trippy. It's got a big hole that leads ____ nowhere and it's pretty easy to fall in. The first step is to |/ . | unlike the door on the other side. ++| .|++ - Get to the platform on your left with the switch on it. You can |.-. | use the flower on the starting platform, or you can use your Lens ¯¯¯¯ of Truth to see an invisible ice platform. - After that, there's two methods of getting to the door: - You can go along the left, using the Lens of Truth and Bunny Hood to jump around as you kill Skulltulas, or... - You can get back to the starting platform (using the ice platform) then fly along the right side using the flowers. Shoot the hanging mines in the center between the pillars, then fly through there to the door. ___ - In the next room, there are some Blue Bubbles. If they Jinx you, + Roof just play the Song of Storms to cure yourself. Go up the stairs. ¯¯¯ - We're back outside. First of all, I suggest you kill the Guay (crows) using your bow so they don't bother you. Next, climb on top of the outer railing and walk along it going left. Jump down to the lower area (above the entrance) with the flower on it. - From here, fly to the switch and take off your mask to press it down. This will cause a big block to move, allowing light into one of the rooms we ignored earlier. - If you'd like a Heart Piece, jump across to the flower, take it back to the other flower, back to the railing. Go back left, then shoot the crystal switch to cause the fire on the pillars to cease. - Quickly jump down to the first flower, put on the Deku Mask and fly along the pillars before the fire returns. At the end, you will find a HEART PIECE [HP47]! - Go back to the first room (at the entrance). You can just jump down and go through the front door if you're up there still. - This time, shoot a Fire Arrow at the frozen eye switch on the right to open the right door. Go through. - In this room, there's a Floormaster. Nasty thing. ____ Reflect some light on it to kill it easily as well +____________ | | as the little ones that pop out. Shine some on the | : +++ ++ Sun Block to remove it. Harass the ReDeads and ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | finally, go through the door. ¯¯¯¯ __________________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wizrobe (3rd Time) \___________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wizrobe. | - Nothing =( | | You'll get your chance right when | | | it starts to attack. Be on the | | | lookout for it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots a fire blast at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - I'm sorry, but yes, you have to fight him, AGAIN. This time, he has | | a fire attack which explodes into little fire things that fling in | | several directions once it hits the ground. | | | | - Other than that, everything's the same. Use your compass to find | | him quickly. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use the Goron Mask to roll around when he starts appearing or use | | arrows. The real one is solid, as well as a red dot on your Map. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he's dead, put on a scary mask and go through the next door. Kill the ReDeads and go up the stairs. - We're back on the roof. There's a hole we uncovered earlier, but DON'T JUMP IN! Instead wander around this top area to find a cracked portion of stone. - Lay the Powder Keg I told you to buy earlier and let a resounding "boom" announce the way forward. Jump on into this one. - We're back in the entrance room. Shine some light on the ReDeads (by just spinning around in a circle) then make the Sun Block disappear. Venture onward to tackle the boss of this area. ____________________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Stalfos Royal Guards \_________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Just keep defending and watch his | - N/A | | movements. I think I'm starting to | | | see his weak point! | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with their swords. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - I don't really know these guys' names. Seeing as they're a comic | | relief, you'd think Nintendo would give them something... | | | | - As you start the battle with the King of Ikana, he will instead | | send his lackeys after you and watch from the sidelines. If you try | | to harm him, he'll either counterattack or deflect it. | | | | - As soon as you can, burn away one of the two blinds blocking the | | windows using a Fire Arrow to allow light to come in. While standing | | in the light, the skeletons will avoid you at all cost. From there, | | shoot the other drapes. | | | | - These guys obviously are weak to the light, but you can't reflect | | any onto them because they just guard against it. Wait for a gap in | | their defenses or stun them, then stab them quickly. This can be | | done quickly using the Deku Mask or Deku Nuts. | | | | - After just a few hits, they'll fall to the ground. Run back to the | | light and shine it on their bodies to finish them off. Repeat this | | process with the other one. | | | | - A little secret you can use on them is to use the Bremen Mask to | | march, they'll go right along with you! As weird as that is, you can | | easily get behind them while they're vulnerable, quickly take off | | the mask and slash away. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Shoot the drapes blocking the windows with Fire Arrows. Stand in | | the light when you don't wish to be attacked. Go confront them, | | use sword and shield tactics to take them down. Run back and shine | | light on them to kill them. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After they're defeated, you'll have to battle the king himself. Quickly, put on the Captain's Hat for something amusing. =) ____________________________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Igos du Ikana (King of Ikana) \_________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Stick with using the basic | - Elegy of Emptiness | | target methods while defending. | | | ...He's a different rank than those | | | other two lackeys, though..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with his sword. | | - Uses a jumping slash attack. Easy to avoid, but does heavy damage. | | - Decapitates himself, sending his head flying around to chomp on | | you. Hard to avoid. | | - Breathes poison gas towards you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - If you wear the Captain's Hat before the battle, he thinks you're | | him! Anyway, this guy is pretty much the same as the other two, but | | considerably harder. | | | | - For the most part, this guy will use a variety of attacks and can | | still defend against yours on the fly, which makes him much harder. | | Use Z targeting and your shield a lot. | | | | - Obviously, the goal is to shine light on him. He takes quite a bit | | of hits to knock him to the floor though, and unlike the other two, | | it's much easier to shine light on him while he's running around. | | | | - One method of hurting him is to use the Deku Mask to spin around to | | his backside, take off the mask, and slash him while he's stunned. | | | | - Perhaps the most annoying thing about this guy is his decapitation | | technique. He severs his head which flies around, and as far as I | | know, is invulnerable. His body becomes transparent and will follow | | you around, slashing at you. Inevitably, he'll come and chomp on | | your own head. For the most part, It's unavoidable... It is possible | | to avoid though if you roll at just the right moment. | | | | - After several hits, he'll fall down. Run over to the light and | | shine it on this fellow as well. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Same as his guards, but harder. Stay close and stab him when you | | can. Try to shine light on him when he uses his poison breath. Run | | away when his head starts floating around. After several hits, he | | will fall down. Shine light on him to slay him. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he's been defeated, his two guards will bicker with one another even though they've lost their bodies. The king will shut them up and thank you in the form of poetic nonsense. - As we already knew, the cause of all of this is because the Skull Kid caused evil to enter the Stone Tower Temple. According to him, not even all of his warriors combined would be able to stop it. The solution, (of course!) is a song. +-------------------------------. | New Song : Elegy of Emptiness `----------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' ---------------------(^)--------- | | .´ -----(<)-----------------(<)----- | | ´ .-. -(>)-----(>)-----(>)------------- | | ' '_, ` -------------(v)----------------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-right, C-left, C-right, C-down, C-right, C-up, C-left. | | | | - Play this song to create a statue of your current form. | | Using the Deku, Goron and Zora Masks, you can create up to | | four statues at a time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Out of all the statues, your regular form looks the creepiest. It's like a stoned, female version of yourself... Ick... - With that out of the way, it may be a good time to put your Rupees in the Bank and play the Song of Time. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W507] Ascending Stones \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ \ / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ____ ================ / \ ~ Ikana Canyon ~ | | ================ | / \ / - At long last, we can tackle the tower. Now that | |¯ we finally have the song, we can use it to get | | Stone there. In Ikana Canyon, follow the ramps up, | | _/ Tower then go right (of the dried up well). ___| |___ /| / Enter the statue looking entrance. / : : \__// _/ ___+ : : ¯ // / / __:__:_ |/ =============== / / / : :| |___| ~ Stone Tower ~ /| / / :__ : + =============== |_/ / / | |: / | / / |__|: | - This place reminds me of the Pueblo | / / : : _ | Indians from New Mexico. Our goal is | /\ | | |:¯¯¯¯:\| obviously to climb to the top, which | \/ | | |: .' + can be hindered by the rolling | _ | | | : : | boulders that fall continuously. \| || | : : .| - We will be using the Elegy of ¯¯¯ \ /W : : .| Emptiness to create statues to hold down \/______:__:__/| switches in particular orders so that we can proceed. You will have to do it for your normal form as well as the Zora and Goron Masks. The Deku Mask isn't heavy enough, so I won't mention that one. - As you enter, jump across the floating blocks to the other side. - Ignore this first switch for now and Hookshot up to the nearby ledge. | 2 | - Kill the Beamos by throwing a Bomb at it. Stand on the switch | |¯¯¯¯¯ here and create a statue. | 1 |¯ - Hookshot to the next ledge up and make a statue. ¯¯¯| 3 - Jump back down to the first switch we saw and make a statue. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| This will allow the three blocks to make a bridge to the next area. - Climb back up and jump across the blocks. When you get there, step on the three switches to lock your old blocks into place. - Hookshot up to the next ledge. Ignore this switch for now and | 3 | go up a level. Use that one instead. ¯¯| 1 | - Jump back down to the first ledge (after the three switches) ¯¯¯¯¯| and place a statue. 2 | - Hookshot back up to the very top and make the last statue. |¯¯¯¯¯ - Jump across the blocks to the new area and use the three switches there to lock these into place as well. - In this general area, there are some secret areas you can get to using the Scarecrow's Song, but there's no Heart Pieces or anything else of value, so I won't cover that. - Hookshot up to the ledge on your right. Turn right again and stand between the target and the edge, then Hookshot to the next one as well. From that area, look around for the last target to grapple onto. - At this final ledge, you'll find three remaining switches and an Owl Statue. Go smack it. - Now is a good time to put your Rupees in the Bank and play the Song of Time. Once again, all we need to get to the Temple is the Owl Statue and the song for this area. 3 - When you are ready, you'll have to move blocks one last time. The 2 1 order is: right, left, middle. Jump across the blocks and enter the temple. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W508] Stone Tower Temple \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ --------------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Stray Fairies \ --------- | | Light Arrow ----------------- Giant's Mask | \ 15 Twinmold's Remains / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ _______ | | | | | _______ | |¯|_ | | | | |_|_| | | | |_____|G| .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | I +++ |¯| / Right-Side Up \ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯+ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | | + ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ __| |__ + |___&___| | | |¯¯¯_¯¯¯|__ +: Doors | | | | | & | =: Locked Doors | | | ¯ |¯¯ #: Stairs | | ¯| |¯ F: Deku Flower + | | G: Goron Switch _____+_____ ¯=¯ &: Sun Block _1______ |&___| |&___|______= | _ === | | | | |_____ | | |_| | | | | | |K| ___| |___ |______ | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | .~~~~~~~~~~. |__ | ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | / Basement \ | || |_| _____+_____ |___| |___| `~~~~~~~~~~~~´ _______ | ++| | | | | __/ / _____ | ¯¯| |¯ ++__ | | | +++ C& / __1__ | | ¯ \ | | / ¯¯¯¯ | | ___| |___ \ \ / / |_____| | | \ ¯ / | K | | _| \ / | & | | _ | | | | ¯| |¯ | | | ¯| Entrance |M| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ Boss Room + C: Compass | | .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. M: Dungeon Map | | / Up-Side Down \ K: Small Key | | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ B: Boss Key | | I: Dungeon Item - Light Arrows + _____+_____ ________ | | | |_______ _______ _|_ __| |_ | | |_____ | | |_ 2 F| |F +++F| | | _| ___|_|___ | | | ¯|¯ ¯¯| | | | | |F+++_________+++ +B| ¯|¯||¯|¯| | | | | ¯| | _| | | | .~~~~~~~. |__ | +¯¯¯¯=¯¯¯¯¯ | _ |F| | |¯ / Attic \ |K|| |_| +____=_____ |___|F|___| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ `~~~~~~~~~´ | | |¯ | || __/ / _______ ¯¯| |¯ |¯| | |+++ & / _____ ____ _____ | ¯ \________// ¯¯¯ 2 | | | | ____ ___| |___ \ \ / / | | +++ +++ ===F| | | | \ | / |¯ | | | ¯¯¯¯ |¯ | | _| \/ \/ | | ¯¯¯¯ | | | |F| | | ¯|¯|¯ |___|_|___| Entrance | | ¯ - While the past three temples have focused on their corresponding forms, this one uses all of them. It is also far more confusing to keep track of where you're supposed to go. - I suggest you bring a few fairies in bottles as well as some Green Potion if not Chateau Romani. It would also be good to use the Inverted Song of Time to ensure you have enough time to complete it. - If you plan on getting all the Stray Fairies, you'll have to exit and re- enter the temple repeatedly, so be emotionally prepared for that annoyance. =================== ----------------- Getting The Map ----------------- =================== __1__ _1______ #2 --> | | | _ = |_____| | |_| | .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | K | |______ | / Right-Side Up \ | & | | || | | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ¯| |¯ |__ | |M| | || |_| _____+_____ ¯ | ++| | | | | .~~~~~~~~~~. ¯¯| |¯ ++__ | | | + <-- #1 / Basement \ ¯ \ | | / `~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ \ / / K: Small Key \ ¯ / M: Dungeon Map \ / &: Sun Block 1: Basement Stairs | | Entrance - As you first enter the temple, you'll notice that some things are upside- down, such as the platforms above you. #1 To get the first Stray Fairy, shoot the golden eye switch in one of the eyes in the giant figure straight ahead. Jump to the chest that appears using the Bunny Hood or Zora Mask. Open the chest. If you don't have that mask, you can get it later when you come through that door. - There are two doors we can go through. Go through the one on the left side. - Run through and kill all the Real Bombchus (use your shield). There are four switches in this room, but we can only hold down three at a time. Straight across from the door we entered from is a cracked wall. - Use a Bomb to blow it up and reveal some crates, behind which are small ones we can pick up and set down on the switches. Do so and use the Elegy of Emptiness to hold down the remaining ones (the large one must be the Goron statue). - In the second half of this room, there are two dark patches on the floor. Place a Bomb on the patch without grass to open up a hole. Put on the Goron Mask and either fall down it or take the stairs down. - In this dark room, stand in the light and use your Mirror Shield to get rid of the Sun Block. #2 There's a target on the ceiling that allows you to get onto a small, hard to see ledge. Find it and get up there. Open the chest. - There are six Armos statues in this room. Four of them are real, meaning they will walk up and chase after you if you touch them. They can be killed by laying/throwing a Bomb next to them, or by using a Fire Punch (Goron). Use the Goron Mask to walk across the lava and kill all four of them. This will make a chest appear containing a Small Key. - There's a small ledge where the Sun Block used to be. Go in there and open the chest to find the Dungeon Map. - Go back up the stairs and use your Small Key on the nearby door. ======================= --------------------- Getting The Compass --------------------- ======================= _____+_____ |&___| |&___|______= _______ + | | | | |_____ | _____ | | | | | |K| ___| |___ ___| |___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |#3.1 _| ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | --> | \ _ | | |___| |___| | | | ¯| __/ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ K: Small Key + C& / .~~~~~~~~~~~~~. &: Sun Block ¯¯¯¯.~~~~~~~. / Below Water \ C: Compass / Above \ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' '~~~~~~~~~' - This room is filled with water, so slap on your Zora Mask and jump in. On the other side, there's a Dexihand placed curiously. Allow it to grab you and throw you up onto the ledge. - Open the chest here for another Small Key. Jump back into the water and go through the opening underneath the Dexihand. - This new room is filled almost to the brim with water. #3.1 This is a two parter. Sink down to the bottom here and charge up your Zora Fins to make the mines blow up. Step on the switch to make a chest appear for later. Don't forget! - Rise up to the surface and climb onto the ledge. There's a locked door nearby, but we'll come back for that later. Instead, stand in the light shining down and use your shield to aim it into the convex mirror. - Do this for a few seconds to charge it up, then run over to it and use it to to reflect light onto the Sun Block. Kill the Real Bombchu ahead and open the chest to find the Compass. - The door leads back to the main room; we just made a shortcut. Go back to the locked door on the other side of the room and use your Small Key to go through. ============================= --------------------------- Mirror And Black Boe Room --------------------------- ============================= + __| |__ |___&___| &: Sun Block |¯¯¯_¯¯¯|__ <-- #4 | | | & | <-- #5 | ¯ |¯¯ ¯| |¯ | | ¯+¯ - This room is filled with Black Boes that will repeatedly reappear. First of all, put on the Goron Mask and Fire Punch the three suspicious pillars near the door you entered from. This will reveal a light source from above we can use. #4 There are six Sun Faces on the wall near the light source. Use the far left one on the right side to make a chest appear. #5 When standing in the light facing the pillar in the center of the room, charge up the mirror on the right. Now run over and use it to make the Sun Block on your right disappear. This will reveal a small area with a Nejiron and a chest. - Alright, our goal is to remove the Sun Block on the opposite side of the room. As you've probably already guessed, we'll have to charge the left mirror on the pillar, then the one on the left wall to get to the Sun Block. - This may take several tries and the Black Boes make it slightly annoying. I suggest waiting at least for the first one to be right on your butt before you kill it and run to charge your second mirror. - When you do make it, go through the door. ============================ -------------------------- Getting The Light Arrows -------------------------- ============================ _______ | | G: Goron Switch | | | I: Dungeon Item _______ | |¯|_ | <-- #7 Light Arrows | | | |_|_| | | | |_____|G| | I +++ |¯| | | ¯¯¯^¯¯+ | | | ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ #6 - This next room is in the shape of a "U" and you have to use the flowers and air pump things to keep going. It can take several tries, so don't feel too bad if you fall. #6 There is a chest on the other side that is surrounded by fire. Down below, there is a switch you can stop on as a Goron to put the fire out, but it's on fire as well. - Use a Goron Stomp (A + B) on the Goron Switch on the first side, then run and roll to the other side and step on the switch before the fire returns. This will put out both flames. - When you get to the other side later, open the chest. #7 As you just start flying around the "U" shape, right before you turn the corner, there's a platform on your left with lots of Rupees. Go there and open the chest. - When you get there (it may take several tries), open the chest if you did that part, then go through the door. ___________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Garo Master \__________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "That's the Garo Master... | - Light Arrow | | You can't fight him like an | | | ordinary Garo. Just dodge those | | | swords..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Flies towards you quickly and slashes. | | - Jumps over you, turns around, slashes. | | - Disappears and appears above you, followed by a quick slash. | | - Does a spinning attack towards you (usually defensive). | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This guy is very quick, and unfortunately, his swords do not break | | because of your Mirror Shield alike the other Garos. If you have the | | Bunny Hood, I suggest you use that and no Z targeting. | | | | - Up close attacks don't work, so you have to wait for an opening. He | | has a tendency to pause after his charging attack and his disappear | | one as well, so that's our chance. | | | | - For the charge one, Z target him from far away, then move to the | | side. Stay close enough that he'll slash when he gets close to you | | though, but far enough that he doesn't hit you. Quickly, smack him. | | | | - If you run too far away when he zooms at you, he'll disappear. He | | will appear a few feet in front of the direction you were facing | | when he disappeared. So just count on that, wait for him to appear | | and slash, then run in and kick his butt. | | | | - He's very easy as a Goron. Use the Goron Stomp (A + B) when he's | | about to charge. You'll land and hurt him after he's already swiped. | | | | - He CAN be quite easy as a Zora. Use the Electric Barrier (R + B) to | | stun him, then attack. If you get burned though, you'll have to | | start over... | | | | - After just a few hits, he'll bite the dust. Run away, because he'll | | blow himself up with a Bomb after a few quick words. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Keep your distance, Z target (or use Bunny Hood). Move to the side | | when he charges at you. If you're close enough, he'll swipe, then | | sit there for a second. Smack him. | | - If you move too far away when he zooms at you, he'll disappear. | | Stand still and defend. He'll appear and slash. Smack him right | | after that. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - When he dies, open the chest to find the arrow of this temple. +------------------------. | New Item : Light Arrow `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Charge up your Arrows with the power of Light. This will | | allow you to shoot things (other than mirrors) that need | | light to use them, like the Sun Blocks and Sun Faces all | | over the place. | | - You can also use it to flip things with the red crest on | | them. Kind of strange. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - With that in hand, go through the next door. ======================= --------------------- Flipping The Temple --------------------- ======================= + | | | | | | | | + _____+_____ |&___| |&___| <-- #8 + | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ _____+_____ | | | | | +__ | | | + \ | | / \ \ / / \ ¯ / \ / | | Entrance - This small room is very confusing looking. If you fall down, Hookshot up to the target on the ceiling. - Jump straight across to the skinny platform and kill the Hiploop. This one has a mask, which you'll have to either blow off with a Bomb, or take off with the Hookshot. Go through the door. - We're in one of the earlier rooms with water, but this time we're on the bridge. Go forward to tackle your first Eyegore. These enemies are quite interesting. To kill it, you must stand close to it, then jump back as it slams the ground. While it's eye is green and not jiggling about, shoot it with an arrow. After about five hits, it dies. #8 Kill the Eyegore to make a chest appear. - Go through the door to be taken back to the entrance room. Not much left to do, so exit the temple. - Move some of the blocks out of the way enough so that you can shoot the red emblem at the "tongue" of the temple with a Light Arrow. The Garo Master told us to do so. This will cause everything to flip upside-down. - Jump back across the blocks (there's four of them now, odd...) and enter the now flipped temple. ================ -------------- Upside-Down! -------------- ================ _______ #10 _______ |_____ | / |_____ | .~~~~~~. .~~~~~. ___|_|___ ___| |___ / High \ / Low \ +_________+ =F| | | | '~~~~~~~~' '~~~~~~~' | _| |¯ | | _| | _ |F| | | | |F| +____=_____ |___|F|___| |___|_|___| |¯ | || __/ / / \ |¯| | |+++ & / #3.2 #11.1 \________// ¯¯¯ #9 --> \ \ / / \ | / &: Sun Block \/ \/ F: Deku Flower | | Entrance - As you re-enter the temple, you may feel a little uncomfortable with the sun or stars beneath you (it looks pretty sweet at night). #9 Stand near the Majora's Mask emblem in the center of the room and turn around. Shoot a Light Arrow practically straight up into the Sun Face above you. Open the chest that appears next to you. - There's some small crates around with Magic jars in case you're running low. Go through the door on your right. - Shoot the Sun Block with a Light Arrow when you enter to rid yourself of it. This is the room where we made the shortcut earlier. - This room has lots of wind pumps that used to be light sources when the temple was right-side up. #10 Right underneath the platform with the flower you start at, there's a Frozen Eye Switch. Jump down and shoot it with a Fire Arrow. This will make a chest appear on a nearby ledge. Use the middle air pump thing to get there. - Fly up to the bridge-like platform in the middle with the masked Hiploop. Crawl into the opening at one end and go step on the switch to make a chest appear back at the other side of the bridge. Go open it to find a Small Key. #3.2 There's a small platform at the top of the room with a flame on it. If you stepped on a switch in this room (that was filled with water before) earlier, there's a chest here now. - Go to the small platform on the right side of the room with a switch on it. Play the Elegy of Emptiness to keep it down, then fly up and claim your prize. #11.1 At the edge of the platform mentioned above, there's a Sun Face that can be shot from below that will make a chest appear. It's right-side up though, so you'll need to come back for it later. - Use the air pump on the left to get to the platform up high in the corner. Use your Small Key to get through the locked door. ================================= ------------------------------- Lava Falling From The Ceiling ------------------------------- ================================= _______ _____ ____ |_____ | 2 | | | | ____ ___| |___ F: Deku Flower #12 --> | | +++ +++ ===F| | | | 2: Attic Stairs |¯ | | | ¯¯¯¯ |¯ | | _| | | ¯¯¯¯ | | | |F| ¯|¯|¯ |___|_|___| | | - This small room is filled with lava on the ceiling, which drips down and sends burning rock in several directions. Shoot the red emblem across the way to flip the room upside-down. - Put on the Goron Mask and walk to the small platform in the middle of the room, then shoot the emblem again. Go through the door. - In this room, you have a block you are trying to get it into the little blue "Majora slot" at the other corner of the room. You have to move your block as far as it will go, flip the room, and repeat. - This is a lengthy and boring process. Luckily, there's a Green and Yellow Chuchu with supplies for you the whole while. - When you finally get it into the slot, get up to the door, either by flipping the room twice more or climbing on top of the block. __________________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wizrobe (4th Time) \__________________________ |---------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : \ | "It's a Wizrobe. | - Stray Fairy #12 \ | You'll get your chance right when | | | it starts to attack. Be on the | | | lookout for it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots a fire blast at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Okay, this is the last time you have to fight him, I swear! This is | | also the hardest time as well... There's lava on the ceiling that | | drips down on you, making it hard to sit still for very long. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use your compass to sit back and shoot him with arrows to get this | | over with quickly and painlessly. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After killing him, a chest will appear on a nearby ledge. Hookshot to it. #12 Open the chest after defeating Wizrobe. - Go down the stairs on this ledge. ======================== ---------------------- Getting The Boss Key ---------------------- ======================== ___________ ________ | | | | _______ _|_ __| |_ ¯ | | |_ F: Deku Flower 2 F| |F +++F| _| _________ | | | B: Boss Key ¯|¯ ¯¯| | | |F+++_________+++ +B| 2: Attic Stairs ¯|¯||¯|¯| | | ¯| | _| | | | |__ | +¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | _ |_| | |¯ |K|| |_| |___| |___| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | / / ¯¯| |¯ ¯ - This is the room right above the dark room with the lava we were at earlier. It's filled with Poes, which can be killed, bottled and sold for 50 Rupees each. Use the flower to get to the other side. - Once there, use that flower to get to the area on your right. This is the upside-down room with all the switches we used to open the gate earlier. - Now it's littered with Death Armos, which are a real pain. You have to shoot them with Light Arrows, then get them to slam down on their own head to kill them. - If you have the Stone Mask, just use that so they'll ignore you. Run through this area and find the lone switch you can step on. Play the Elegy of Emptiness to keep it down. - Go open the chest that was once surrounded by fire to find a Small Key. Run back to the start of this section and jump down to the platform. Enter the next door. - This next room is the one with water, mines and the bridge we swam through earlier. Now, shoot one of the mines with an arrow to clear the way and fly to that platform on the left, being careful not to fall into the sky. - From there, fly to the next platform and go through the door. - This short bridge-like area has two Blue Bubbles. If they Jinx you, just play the Song of Storms. At the end, there's some crates with Magic jars and arrows. Enter the door. ______________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Gomess \_______________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's Gomess. There'll be no end to | - Boss Key | | it if you can't get those bats | | | away from it. Does that shed any | | | light on the situation?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with its Scythe. | | - Charges towards you, spinning its scythe around quickly. | | - Sends bats to follow you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This is one of the cooler mini-bosses in the game. He has an odd | | defense of surrounding himself with bats. | | | | - Although he's really cool, he's also pretty easy. If you stand far | | away, he'll send his bats after you, which is perhaps his most | | dangerous attack because they can work their way around you. | | | | - Close up, he has two attacks. One is to charge towards you, which | | can easily be deflected with your shield. The other is to swipe at | | you, which can reach over your shield at the right distance. It will | | miss if you're right up against him, or just out of range. | | | | - With all that being said, stay at mid-range, close enough so that | | he doesn't send his minions after you. Shoot him with a Light Arrow | | to get the bats to fly away for a short time. | | | | - During this time, he is vulnerable in the heart (the orb-like thing | | in his chest). Get close and use a vertical slash or a Jump Attack | | (Z + A). Get back out of reach. | | | | - Repeat this process about eight times and this guy will heel over. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Stay at mid range (just out of reach of his scythe) and defend. | | While the bats surround him, he's invincible. Shoot him with Light | | Arrows to get them to leave temporarily. Run in for the kill (smack | | the orb-like thing in his chest). Repeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he's dead, go through the door and snag the Boss Key. With that in hand, return to the previous room. ============================ -------------------------- Getting The Giant's Mask -------------------------- ============================ Boss Room + | | | | | | <-- #15.1 | | + _____+_____ | | | | |_ | | | +F| | | _| _________ | | | | |F+++_________+ | | | | ¯| | _| +¯¯¯¯=¯¯¯¯¯ | _ |_| +____=_____ |___| |___| |¯ | || / / #13.1 --> |¯| | |+ \________// \ \ / / \ | / F: Deku Flower \/ \/ | | Entrance - Shoot the mines hanging from the upside-down bridge again. Fly to the platform on the right, then to the area opposite where you were before. This time, go through the door on your left we ignored earlier. - We're back in the starting room, in a corner opposite the entrance. There's a Death Armos straight across. To kill it, you'll have to shoot the red emblem on its chest with a Light Arrow to flip it, then run underneath it to make it slam down on its head. If you have the Stone Mask, you can just use that to avoid this troubling encounter altogether. - In any case, you need to jump across to this small platform and step on the switch to make a chest appear on the ceiling. This is a shortcut in it's own way. We can use the Hookshot on this chest from the entrance in order to get to the final area of the temple. #13.1 Step on the switch with the Death Armos to make a chest appear on the ceiling. - Once you do go up there, use your last small key on the locked door straight ahead. - In this bridge room, we have to face the Eyegore again. This time however, it shoots energy beams. You can kill it by stunning it with Light Arrows, then shooting its eye again with regular arrows, or you can just get close and use the same method as last time. - Either way, after a few hits, it will leave behind a chest. Open it to find a unique treasure. +-------------------------. | New Mask : Giant's Mask `----------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this at the expense of lots of Magic a second. It | | allows you to become Enormous! Use it in the battle with | | the Boss in the Stone Tower Temple. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - It's a cool little edition. We can only use it once in the whole game, so that's depressing. Proceed. - In this last room (looks familiar, no?) run forward and slash the crystal switch. #15.1 Hit the crystal switch while the temple is upside-down. - Hookshot to the chest that appears, then to the target across the way to avoid the spiky thing. Straight ahead is the Boss Door. =================================== --------------------------------- Optional Stray Fairy Collection --------------------------------- =================================== _______ | | | | | _______ | |¯|_ | | | | |_|_| | | | |_____|G| .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | +++ |¯| / Right-Side Up \ | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯+ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | | + ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ __| |__ + |___ ___| | | |¯¯¯_¯¯¯|__ #15.2 --> | | | | | | F: Deku Flower | | | ¯ |¯¯ G: Goron Switch #14 | | ¯| |¯ &: Sun Block \ + | | _____+_____ ¯=¯ _______ _1______ |&___| |&___|______= _____ | | _ +++ | | | | |_____ | | | | |_| | | | | | | | ___| |___ --> ___| |___ |______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | | | --> | _| |__ | ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | | _ | | | || |_| _____+_____ |___| |___| --> | | | ¯| | ++| | | | | __/ / ¯¯¯¯¯\¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯ ++__ | | | +++ / 11.2 ¯ \ | | / ¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~. \ \ /\ / / Underwater \ \ ¯ \ `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ / \ | | #13.2 Entrance - I'm going to pause now and go collect the other Stray Fairies that we've been working towards. If you're not collecting them, skip ahead to the Boss. Otherwise, head outside and flip the tower again so it's right-side up. #13.2 Go back outside and flip the temple so it's right-side up. - Head back to the entrance room and jump down into the pit deal and open the chest we created (that you need to Hookshot to, to get to the Boss room when the temple's upside-down). #14 Go back to the room with the water, the bridge and the hand enemy. Use it to throw you up onto the ledge. Use a Bomb or a Spin Attack to hit the crystal switch to make a chest appear in the other area. - Go to the other side by either going back through the various rooms, using a dolphin jump with the Zora Mask to get back on the ledge, or play the Song of Soaring to get back to the start of the temple and go through the two doors on your left. The last way gets my vote for the best. - Use a Light Arrow to remove the Sun Block. Kill the Beamos using a Bomb and open the chest. #11.2 Go to the room with the all the water. On top of the platform at the bottom, there's a chest for the Sun Face nearby that you shot earlier. #15.2 Go to the room with all the mirrors and Black Boes we had to tackle earlier. Follow this whole chain of rooms until you get to the room with the skinny bridge and the Hiploop. - Fall to the bottom and open the chest we created earlier. ========================= ----------------------- Back To The Boss Room ----------------------- ========================= Boss Room + | | | | | | | | + _____+_____ | | | | |_ | | | + | | | _| | | | | | + | | | | ¯| +¯¯¯¯=¯¯¯¯¯ +____=_____ |¯ | || |¯| | |+ \________// \ \ / / \ | / \/ \/ | | Entrance - Once you enter the Boss Room (where we fought the Garo Master when it was right-side up), jump on into the pool of sky to be warped to a very unique desert scene. ____________________________________________ / B O S S : Giant Masked Insect, TWINMOLD \_________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Just its head and tail aren't | - Heart Container | | protected by its hard exoskeleton, | - Twinmold's Remains | | so aim carefully. If only you were | | | the same size as it... | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Flies at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This huge desert scene is deadly for you. You can sink into the | | sand if you're not careful. Also, these insects are gigantic. Slap | | on the Giant's Mask to show them who's boss (no pun intended). | | | | - The problem with wearing the Giant's Mask is that it uses up SOOO | | much Magic! Go take a stab at the nearby pillars to make them drop | | magic jars. I strongly suggest you bring some Green Potions if not | | Chateau Romani. | | | | - Alternatively, you can stand on the main platform and shoot them | | with Light Arrows. They move quickly though, so using Z target | | methods isn't an option. This uses up more magic than the Giant's | | Mask, so it's not really a better option. | | | | - Even though this is a cool battle, it's really incredibly easy and | | simple. Don't bother Z targeting them, just slash either the head | | or tail of either insect to damage them. And that's all there is to | | it! Keep this up for a little while (your health shouldn't be much | | of a problem) and they'll both die. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Giants Mask. Slash pillars to find Magic Jars if you run low if | | you didn't bring Green Potions and Chateau Romani. | | - Slash the head or tail of the insects to hurt them. Do this wildly | | without any technique or skill... it's their weakness...? =P | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After they're defeated (yeesh, so easy), go snag the Heart Container as well as the last Guardian Mask. +----------------------------------. | New Remains : Twinmold's Remains `-------------------------+ | | | - Proof that you've killed the boss and have freed this | | Guardian. With it, you can return to this temple and kill | | the boss again. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - You will then witness the movie for the fourth Giant. "Forgive your friend", they say. Hmm, the plot thickens! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W509] Post Temple Collection #4 \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | / Items \ | | --------- | \ Great Fairy Sword / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ Stone ++ _/ Tower ___| |___ /| / / : : \__// _/ - Once Stone Tower has been cleansed, you'll ___+ : : ¯ // witness a short clip with orb thingies / / __:__:_ |/ healing the land. Strange. / / / : :| |___| - Well, not much changes in Ikana other than /| / / :__ : + Fairy all the Gibdos disappearing. |_/ / / | |: / Fountain | / / |__|: | - If you've collected the Stray Fairies in the | / / : : _ | temple, go to the house on the right side on | /\ | | |:¯¯¯¯:\| the second level (between the entrance to | \/ | | |: .' + Stone Tower and Ikana Castle). This is | _ | | | : : | actually the Fairy Fountain. \| || | : : .| ¯¯¯ \ /W : : .| - Inside, the Great Fairy of Kindness will give \/______:__:__/| you the last Fairy deal of the game. +------------------------------. | New Item : Great Fairy Sword `-----------------------------+ | | | - The strongest sword in the game. Does four times as much | | damage as the sword you start with. Unfortunately, it's an | | item, meaning you have to use it with a (C) button. That | | and it has an awkward swing angle... All well... | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - This thing is kind of nice for most tougher enemies, such as Dodongos, Lizalfos, all of the Bosses. It has such a strange swing angle that it's hard to hit things like Keese (bats) and Tektites (spiders). - With that out of the way... There really isn't anything left to do after this temple has been completed. Put your remaining Rupees in the Bank and play the Song of Time. /\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /\ /__\ Chapter 6 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ /__\ /\ /\ Majora Melee ____________________/ [W600] /\ /\ /__\/__\ _________________________/ \____________________ /__\/__\ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Items \ / Masks \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Empty Bottle #6 All-Night Mask | | Circus Leader's Mask | | Kafei's Mask | | Keaton Mask | | Postman's Hat | | Couple's Mask | | Fierce Deity's Mask | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [ Songs ] / Heart Pieces \ / Upgrades \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [HP25] [HP11] [HP46] | | [HP30] [HP12] [HP48] | | [HP40] [HP13] [HP49] | | [HP44] [HP14] [HP50] | | [HP19] [HP15] [HP51] | | [HP03] [HP52] | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / Sections Within This Chapter \ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | [W601] Final Quests - Getting tons of Heart Pieces! | | [W602] Anju & Kafei Stuff - The big side quest and related goodies. | | [W603] Sacret Shrine - One of the last side quests. | | [W604] Giants And A Tree - Skull Kid and the Moon. | | [W605] The Demon Awakens - Final boss. | | [W606] Credits - Spoilers and my comments afterwards. | \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W601] Final Quests \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | -------------- / Masks \ | | / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | ---------------- All-Night Mask | | [HP11] [HP25] [HP19] Circus Leader's Mask | | [HP12] [HP30] [HP46] | | [HP13] [HP40] [HP03] | \ [HP44] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - The following section as well as the one after will cover the remaining Masks, Items and Heart Pieces we have yet to receive. - First off, we're going to go trade land deeds with all the Business Scrubs around Termina. You probably have done a couple of these already, but I like to do them all at once. ==================== ~ South Clock Town ~ ==================== ____|+|_____ _| _______ _| - Go to the Astral Observatory and get yourself + | | | | a Moon's Tear by looking into the telescope. ¯| | | | - Go back to South Clock Town and touch the | |_____| |_ flower to make the Business Scrub appear. First | + Fork over the Moon's Tear to get the Land Business --> |1 |¯¯¯¯ Title Deed. We used this flower to get a Scrub _| | Heart Piece at the start of the game, + _ |_ remember? ¯| | | |__ - With the Deed in hand, let's go to the | | ¯ + next Business Scrub. |+ | |¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯ ================== ~ Southern Swamp ~ Road to ================== Southern Swamp - Go to the Swamp Tourist Center and speak with // with the Business Scrub outside. Buy a Magic / \__ Bean from him for later, then talk to him _/ | without wearing a mask. Trade the Land /_______| Title Deed for the Swamp Title Deed. | || \ - Use the flower to get on top of the Second | || \ building to find a HEART PIECE [HP25]! Business --> | |¯2| ++ Scrub \ ¯¯ | |+|¯¯¯¯¯¯ ================= ~ Goron Village ~ ================= ___||_______ - This one is located on the south end /_ \ _ along the wall (to the right of where ///¯¯¯¯ /¯¯¯\ \_ // you enter from). Upgrade your Big Bomb /// /¯¯¯\/ /¯¯\\ \ / \ Bag if you haven't already from him, ||| | | /| | | | | \ then speak with him as a Deku. Trade ||\ \___// \__// | \ | the Swamp Title Deed for the \ \_____/ ¯\__/ / ¯¯¯ Mountain Title Deed. / \ /¯¯ Third - Use the flower to get onto the //¯\ ¯¯- 3 /¯¯ <-- Business ledge right above him to find Road to ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Scrub a HEART PIECE [HP30!] Goron Village ============= ~ Zora Hall ~ ============= Fourth __+_____ - Put on the Zora Mask and go speak Business --> 4 \ with the Zora hanging around the last Scrub /__/¯¯¯\_ \ door (on the far left). He's fiddling | \ / \ + with the keyhole, trying to get a peek |\ ¯¯¯ / | at Lulu (who's not in there). \|______/ + - After scaring away the "Peeping Tom", \ ____ / enter and speak with the Business Scrub / /| _/\ \__ while wearing the Goron Mask. Trade the / / \ \_/ Zora Mountain Title Deed for the Ocean Title Zora/\/ \ /¯+¯ Cape Deed. Cape/ ¯¯¯ - Use the flower to get to the ledge above to to find yet another HEART PIECE [HP40]! ================ ~ Ikana Canyon ~ ================ \ /W : : .| \/______:__:__/|___ __ - Along the lower area, right | |/| | |-| \__ before the Octoroks in the |__ ¯ _____|-|_ \H\ water, go right and enter the | |__ _/ ____+++ \ ¯¯\ Fifth cave-like opening to come to the ¯| \--. / / \B\ | <-- Business smaller half of Ikana Canyon. \ ¯¯¯¯ | \ | | Scrub - Slap on the Zora Mask and speak | / _| | | with the Business Scrub. Trade the \ / Sakon's | / Ocean Title Deed for 200 Rupees. | | Hideout¯|_| | - Use the flower to get to the | / + ledge on the far side to find + Southern the last goody of the trading Ikana Valley Swamp sequence, another HEART PIECE [HP44]! ====================================== ~ Termina Field / Astral Observatory ~ ====================================== / / | \ - Hopefully, you bought a ___________\ ¯¯\ Magic Bean from the /_ _ __¯¯¯ /______ Business Scrub in /| | _ | | \ / _ _\ Southern Swamp like I | ¯ / \ ¯ ¯¯ | | | |\ told you to. Use the / \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯\ ¯ ¯ |__ flower next to the | _ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯\ \__ Observatory to get | | | / \ \ into the fence area, / ¯ / | then plant a Magic / / /¯¯¯| |¯¯¯\ | Bean in the soft / / / N \ \ soil. Play the / / / \ | Song of Storms _____| |___ |_ Clock _|- ' o o o|__ to make it grow. | | | W Town E Now you have a | |¯¯¯ | |¯ ¯|- ' o o o|¯¯ quick shortcut ¯¯¯¯| / | | \ / | between the two. |¯ \ | \ S / | - Make sure you have \ \ | \___| |___/ /¯¯ / at least 100 Rupees \___ \ ' ' / | for this next part. \ \ \ ' ' _/ o | ¯\¯ \________ ' ' __/o B/¯¯/ <-- Business - Enter the Observatory \ O ' ' | / Scrub and use the telescope. ¯\ '_' |/ (Heart Look at the left side of \ | O | | O /¯¯¯¯ Piece Clock Town to see the \ \| ¯ O | #19) first Business Scrub \ ' ' / flying away. Follow him ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\O /¯¯¯¯¯¯ with your looking glass and | / see him fly into a nearby hole. / / - It doesn't work a lot of the time, so it may take several tries (the reason for the hassle of the shortcut...) In any case, enter the hole between the Observatory and Clock Town, still on the upper ledge. - If you did it right, he'll be in there. If not, use the Deku Flower outside and try again. Speak with him and he'll offer you a deal to keep his hole a secret. 150 Rupees for the HEART PIECE [HP19]. Say no, and he'll lower the price (but only once) to 100 Rupees. Take it! ============== ~ Clock Town ~ ============== - By now, you should have at LEAST 2000+ Rupees in the Bank, but probably more like 4000+. When you have 5000, the Banker will gift you with a HEART PIECE [HP11]. - Things you can kill in Termina Field for quick cash: * Eenos (snowmen). Shoot them with Light Arrows. * Bubbles (flaming skulls at night). Same. * Dodongos (lizards). Gallop on their tails with Epona. * Takkuri Bird outside the entrance to Milk Road. Stay as far away as possible though. Shoot it with arrows. - There's many other enemies that will give 50 Rupees when killed with Light Arrows, but most are awkward to find. The place that's really nifty is Ikana Canyon, killing the Guays. They reappear often, so that's another option for some quick cash. Special thanks to ZeroCool for finding this! _____ _| |_ - Now, next we're going to get the All-Night Mask. + + First, you have to save the old lady in North ¯| |¯ Clock Town at 12:00 AM on the First Night. | |¯ - Next, bring 500 Rupees to the Curiosity \ \ Shop in West Clock Town on the Final Night \ \ <-- Bank to buy the mask. Curiosity \ \_ Shop --> \ + +---------------------------. ¯¯¯¯ | New Mask : All-Night Mask `--------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this to stay awake no matter how hard you try. It's | | only use is to listen to Anju's grandmother at the Inn. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Play the Song of Time, then head to the Stock Pot Inn in East Clock Town. Go around the corner (with the stairs) and enter the door on the left. You'll find an old woman in a wheel chair (Anju's grandmother). - Everyone has trouble listening to her stories without falling asleep. Slap on our new found mask and listen to each of her stories. If you answer correctly, she'll give you two HEART PIECES [HP12] [HP13]. ____ __| |__ * Listen to the first story, do all the top answers. ++ * Listen to the second story, choose "I dunno". ¯¯| |¯¯ | | - Next, go to the Latte Milk Bar in East __| |¯ | Clock Town (you'll need the Romani Mask) on Stock | | | | Latte the First or Second Nights at 10:00 PM. Pot --> |__| |__| <-- Milk You'll find Toto, the Zora manager of the Inn __| |__ Bar Indigo-Go's. ++ ++ - Stand on the stage and speak with him. He'll |¯ ¯| make you play the four parts of the Ballad | | of the Windfish using your transformation ¯¯¯| |¯ masks. After you've completed it, Gorman ___| /¯| will begin crying and give you the Circus ++____/ | Leader's Mask. ¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ +---------------------------------. | New Mask : Circus Leader's Mask `--------------------------+ | | | - Wear this around one of the Gorman Brothers to make them | | sad. It's only real use is to keep them away from the cart | | when you're protecting the Milk shipment to Clock Town. | | - This is a dumb, because it's only use works with the deal | | you used to get the mask that lets you get this one... | | Just plain lame... | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Go to the Astral Observatory and get a Moon's Tear by looking through the telescope. Trade it with the Business Scrub in Clock Town for the Land Title Deed. - Go to the Stock Pot Inn between 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM on the First or Second Night. In the restroom (around the corner of the stairs) there's a hand in the toilet. It needs something to wipe with, so give it a Title Deed or a letter to receive a HEART PIECE [HP03]! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W602] Anju & Kafei Stuff \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / ------- `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | / Items \ -------------- / Masks \ | | --------- / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | Empty Bottle #6 ---------------- Kafei's Mask | | [HP14] [HP52] Keaton Mask | | [HP15] Postman's Hat | \ Couple's Mask | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - The following is entirely optional. Do so if you have time and want the full gaming experience. - In this section, we will be doing a long trading sequence with a lot of waiting around. It's not required in any way - Because of all this waiting, you can go snag some Heart Pieces in between appointments. ______________________ / Anju & Kafei Quest \_____________________________________________ | \ | Needed : \ | - 1 Hour+ of spare time. \ | - Epona's Song. \ | - Owl Statues in: Clock Town, Ikana Canyon. | | - Romani Mask. | | - You MUST NOT SAVE THE OLD WOMAN ON THE FIRST NIGHT! | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - Go to the Mayor's Residence in East Clock Town. | | | Inside, enter the door on the right and speak with the | | 10:00 AM to | fat woman (Madame Aroma). | | 12:00 PM | - She's Kafei's mother, and her son has recently gone | | | missing. You are just so dashing and admirable, she | | | hires you to find him, giving you Kafei's Mask. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Event | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - At the Stock Pot Inn in East Clock Town, the Postman | | | will deliver a letter from Kafei. | | 2:10 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - Only AFTER the Postman leaves, speak with Anju at the | | | Inn. She'll confuse you with a Goron of the same name | | 2:15 PM to | and give you the Room Key. | | 3:50 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Event | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - A Goron with your name will come to claim his | | | reservation. You can witness his conversation with | | 4:00 PM | Anju at the Inn. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - After you have a Room Key, speak with Anju while | | | wearing Kafei's Mask. | | 2:10 PM to | | | 8:00 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 4 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 1 | - Speak with Anju in the kitchen of the Inn to get the | | | Letter to Kafei. | | 12:00 AM to | | | 6:00 AM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 5 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 2 | - Go to any mailbox in Clock Town and put the letter | | | inside. The Postman will come pick it up. | | Any time | | | before | | | 9:00 AM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 6 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 2 | - Go to the Laundry Pool in Clock Town and wait until | | | 3 PM. The Postman will come ring the bell. Kafei will | | 3:10 PM to | come out of the house and collect the mail. While he's | | 3:50 PM | distracted, run inside and wait for him. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 7 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 2 | - Speak with Kafei inside his house to learn that he | | | was transformed into a child by Skull Kid, then had | | 4:10 PM to | his Sun Mask stolen from him by Sakon the Thief. | | 6:00 PM | - He'll then give you the Pendant of Memories. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 8 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 2 or 3 | - After you exit Kafei's House, go back to the Inn and | | | give the Pendant to Anju. She won't run away on the | | 10:00 AM to | Final Night now. | | 7:00 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Event | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 2 | - If you gave Anju the Pendant on the Second Day, you | | | can go to your room upstairs and listen through the | | 9:30 PM to | rundown wall. Anju is arguing with her mother about | | 11:00 PM | staying and waiting for Kafei. No real point, but it | | | adds to the overall story. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Event | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 2 | - In order to complete this whole quest, you must not | | | save the Old Lady on the First Night. | | 12:30 AM to | - Go to the Curiosity Shop on the Second Night to | | 1:00 AM | witness a short clip in which Sakon the Thief sells | | | the Bomb Bags to the owner. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 9 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 3 | - Go back to Kafei's hideout at the Laundry Pool in | | | Clock Town. Inside, you'll find the Curiosity Shop | | 1:00 PM to | Owner. | | 6:00 PM | - Talk to him to get the Special Delivery to Mama and | | | the Keaton Mask. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 10 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 3 | - Warp to Ikana Canyon and head to the lower area. Go | | | through the cave-like deal to find a small area. Kafei | | 7:00 PM | is hiding behind a rock, waiting for Sakon to appear. | | | - Hide with Kafei, then follow him into Sakon's Hideout | | | to help him get back his wedding ceremony mask. | | | | | | - Inside, you will play as both Link and Kafei. As Link | | | you kill enemies to open doors and as Kafei, you step | | | on switches to change the conveyor belt speed and open | | | doors. | | | | | | Kafei: Push a block onto blue switch. | | | Link: Deku Baba. | | | Kafei: Avoid red, touch yellow. Blue's in corner. | | | Link: Two Deku Babas. | | | Kafei: Try to push/pull blocks onto the yellow block | | | and avoid the red one entirely. Try to push the | | | block above the blue on onto it. | | | Link: Wolfos. | | | Kafei: Switch. | | | Link: Switch. | | | | | | - At the end, Kafei will get back to the Sun Mask. He | | | will then run back to town. We should do the same | | | (warp). | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 11 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 3 | - There are two options for this event, each yielding | | | a different reward. You'll have to do the quest twice | | After | in order to get the other prize. | | 6:00 PM | | | | A: - This one can be done from 6:00 PM onward, so it | | | works well with the previous and next events. In | | | other words, DO THIS ONE AFTER HELPING KAFEI! | | | - Go to the Latte Milk Bar in East Clock Town (next | | | to the Inn, you'll need the Romani Mask). Speak to | | | Madam Aroma while wearing the Mask of Kafei. | | | - Fork over the letter to get the last Bottle. | | | | | | B: - Bring the letter to the Post Office in West Clock | | | town. Give it to the Postman and he'll have to | | | deliver it. | | | - Follow him to the Latte Milk Bar. After a bit, | | | he'll come out and stand near the exit for a short | | | moment before running away from town. Speak with | | | him to get the Postman's Hat. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 12 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Last 6 | - Go back to the Inn and go to Anju's Room (the door at | | Hours | the top of the stairs that's always locked). Anju is | | | waiting for Kafei (only if you gave her the Pendant of | | 1:30 left | Memories)! | | | - With just over an hour left, Kafei will return and | | | they will combine their masks at long last. After this | \ | wedding ceremony of sorts, they will give you the | \ | Couple's Mask and wait to die together. | \ | - Play the Song of Time! | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ +--------------------------. | New Mask : Mask of Kafei `---------------------------------+ | | | - Wear it and talk to people to ask about Kafei's | | whereabouts. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------. | New Mask : Keaton Mask `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Wear this and slash the bushes around Termina that come | | alive, like the ones in North Clock Town, to make a Keaton | | appear and quiz you for a prize. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - With this mask, go find a patch of bushes that come to life. They are in the following locations: Mountain Village North Clock Town Milk Road (Spring Only) _______ /¯ ¯\ ______|+|_| K | ++ __ ___ \\ _|¯¯¯¯\ | | /| | \ \__/ K\__/ \ |\_| | _| | / | | \ /¯\ \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| + _|_ ¯¯ |_ ¯¯¯/ /¯¯\ \ ++ /| \ ¯| | + ++ ++ | __ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ | | \ \ ¯¯K/¯¯¯¯\\ |/¯¯¯¯ - Wear the Keaton Mask and slash the bushes to summon a Keaton. Speak with it to be quizzed. If you answer all of the questions correctly, you will receive a HEART PIECE [HP52]! - See the Keaton Questions section for a list of all the answers. +----------------------------. | New Item : Empty Bottle #6 `-------------------------------+ | | | - Set it to (C) and use it to swipe and hold stuff to be | | used later. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------. | New Mask : Postman's Hat `---------------------------------+ | | | - Put this on to get free stuff out of the Mailboxes in | | Clock Town. The first time, you find a Piece of a Heart! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ - Go check a Mailbox using the new found mask to get a HEART PIECE [HP14]! +--------------------------. | New Mask : Couple's Mask `---------------------------------+ | | | - This thing is filled with love and happy stuff. Show it | | off to the Mayor and the arguing cohorts to earn a Piece | | of a Heart. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ____ __| |__ <-- Mayor's Residence ++ ++ ¯¯| |¯¯ | | __| |¯ | | | | | - Go to the Mayor's Residence when it's open |__| |__| and speak with the people there to make them __| |__ stop arguing and get a HEART PIECE [HP15]! ++ ++ |¯ ¯| | | ¯¯¯| |¯ ___| /¯| ++____/ | ¯| | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W603] Secret Shrine \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ | -------------- | | / Heart Pieces \ | | ---------------- | \ [HP46] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================ ~ Ikana Canyon ~ .---. __________________ __ ================ Secret +' |¯¯|----| |/| | |-| \__ Shrine +. |__|----|__ ¯ _____|-|_ \ \ - There is a mini-dungeon '---' | |__ _/ ____+++ \ ¯¯\ we can enter with lots of ¯| \--. / / \ \ | mini-bosses and harder enemies. The catch is \ ¯¯¯¯ | \ | | that you need 16+ Heart Containers. If you've | / _| | | been following the walkthrough thus far, you \ / Sakon's | / should easily have that much. | | Hideout¯|_| | | / + - Go to Ikana Canyon, put on the Zora Mask + Southern and jump into the water. Swim upstream to Ikana Valley Swamp find a hidden area. Enter the door. ================= ~ Secret Shrine ~ ================= ______ ________ - In this first room, you can fill up | '-'\ | | on supplies. You can plant a Magic Bean |. _' ' | | | and use the Fresh Water nearby or the |$| | ++ ___ ___ ++ $| Song of Storms to get Rupees. There | ¯ '. |++ \ / ++| | really is nothing else to it, so don't \__' | ¯¯|_|_|¯¯ | | bother. When you're ready, shoot a __ \ / ___/ O \___ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Light Arrow into the Sun Crest above | \__¯¯ / | O O O | \ |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| the door to open it. Go through. | \ ++/¯| o |¯\++| | |$ o O ++ \ O / ++ $| - Ack! It's the creepy red eyed guy | o | ¯¯+¯¯ | | again. I thought he said his soul was | | __+__ | | healed when you had slain the Poe ¯¯¯¯¯¯ /| \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sisters awhile back... Anyway, he has | | | one last challenge for you: Slaughter |/ | all of the enemies in the four rooms \ / for a prize. ¯| |¯ Entrance - The rooms, from left to right are as follows: #1 The first room has three Dinofols. By now they should be easy to defeat, with things like the Light Arrows and the Great Fairy Sword. After they're defeated, open the chest for 100 Rupees. #2 The second room has another Wizrobe. LAME! They over-use this mini-boss too much. It's hard because you have no map and compass, and there's pillars in the way to disrupt your view. Grab the 100 Rupees again after he's dead. #3 The third room is Wart (the giant eye mini-boss). Look up at the ceiling to start the battle. While I think this battle is pretty cool, it's also lengthy and boring. I suggest using Fire Arrows and Deku Nuts to kill the pink things. #4 The last room has a Garo Master. This enemy isn't too hard if you understand the way he moves. Shield against him and dodge to the left or right. If he misses, he'll sit still for a moment, giving you a good chance to let him have it. Also, he's pretty easy using the Goron Mask. Use a Goron Slam (A + B) as soon as he starts charging towards you for freebies. - When you've killed all the enemies, return to the middle to make the creepy guy disappear. He'll leave behind a chest containing a HEART PIECE [HP46]! Now, wasn't that fun? =) .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W604] Giants And A Tree \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ------- \ | -------------- / Masks \ | | / Heart Pieces \ --------- | | ---------------- Fierce Deity's Mask | | [HP48] [HP50] | \ [HP49] [HP51] / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ============== ~ Clock Town ~ ============== - If you've been following the walkthrough thus far, we've done everything in the game! All of the side quests, all of the masks, and all of the Heart Pieces except for the remaining four. - It's time to take on the final boss. Go fill up all of your bottles with the following: * Fairies or Red Potion * Chateau Romani or Green Potion - Next, play the Song of Double Time until it's the Final Night. You can climb onto the top part of the Clock Tower now that you're no longer stuck in Deku Scrub form, so do so and wait until the Last 6 Hours when the Clock Tower stairs appear. ======================== ~ Atop The Clock Tower ~ ======================== - We're here with Skull Kid for the last time. Play the Oath To Order to make the four Giants appear. - SPOILERS AHEAD! - You'll witness a long clip with some unique twists to the storyline. Turns out that Skull Kid was just being controlled by the spirit sealed inside the mask itself. - He'll then make the Moon even stronger. The Giants can't hold it for long, so Link decides to follow the mask up to the Moon itself. ============ ~ The Moon ~ ============ - What an interesting place. You may feel uneasy at first, but don't worry, time is paused here, so there's no need to hurry through it. Approach the giant tree in the center. - There's invisible walls around the outside. If you slash them with your sword, they clang like real walls! Oops =P - There are five children here, each wearing the remains of the bosses we have collected thus far, as well as one wearing Majora's Mask. - If you'd like to just go straight to the battle, speak with the Majora kid. If you'd like to earn some Heart Pieces, speak with the others. - Each of them will ask for your regular, non-transformation masks one at a time until you have none left. In order for this to be worth your while, you must have ALL of the 20 regular masks. - In each of these child's mini-dungeons, there are Gossip Stones that you can speak to using the Mask of Truth. Each of these stones will tell you the locations of the regular masks in the game. ================ ~ Odolwa Child ~ ================ _ ________ |C+++_| |H| - The first child requires use of the Deku Mask. Use the ¯ |O O \| flowers along the sides to get to the spinning platforms | X O | and vice versa. I find it easiest to get to them if I |_ _| start flying when they're at the halfway point. | | | | - The second spinning thing has another attachment with /¯ /¯ a mace-like end that will knock you off. Fly towards them / X / so that you can land right after one has passed. That /\ /\ will give you enough time to get inside the next flower. \/ __ \/ - On the right of this last one, there's a HEART PIECE |/ \ / [HP48]! On the left is the door leading to the child. You |E | have to use the yellow flower though (because it goes ¯¯¯¯ higher). E: Exit warp thing - At the end, you'll have to give the child more masks. He X: Spinning things will then ask you what kind of friends you have, and if H: Heart Piece they consider you to be a friend. C: Child ============== ~ Goht Child ~ ============== __________________ __| | \ - This place can look quite confusing at / H | ---+--R | first. As long as you follow the path, it's | | | | simple. _|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | | - You'll have to roll around as a Goron. / | | When you're not at the sharp turns, just | R | | | hold down A and don't touch the control | | | | stick. This will allow you to bounce off | +---- -+-. | | the chests. | | | | | | - Follow the path from start all the way to | | | _\ _ the end to find a HEART PIECE [HP49]! | | |---R---|--- | +++C| - To get to the child, go to the warp deal | ¯ | ¯/ ¯ in the center of the area (where those | | R +-' | | curves in the road start). | | | | \ - From the center of here, stand next to the | | | | | colorful warp point and aim towards the icy | R-+-- --+ |-R-| / platform in the distance. Roll in that | | \ / / direction. Go through the door and fork | ¯¯¯ / over more masks. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| | |¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - This kid asks what makes you happy and if | | | E: Exit warp thing it makes others happy too. |_|_| R: Return warps |E | H: Heart Piece ¯¯¯ C: Child =============== ~ Gyorg Child ~ =============== H End - This child is very simple. Jump into the water with the | | | | | | Zora Mask on and swim through the tubes. You will have | \ / | | | to go left or right repeatedly. | | / \/ \ / \ / / - To get a HEART PIECE [HP50], use any of these routes: \/ | / <, <, >, < Left, Left, Right, Left \ / \ / <, >, <, < Left, Right, Left, Left \/ \/ >, <, <, < Right, Left, Left, Left \ / \ / - For the child, any of these will do: | <, <, >, > Left, Left, Right, Right Start <, >, <, > Left, Right, Left, Right >, <, <, > Right, Left, Left, Right - This child steals more masks, then wonders aloud if there's "one right thing" that will make everyone happy. ================== ~ Twinmold Child ~ ================== _ - This mini-dungeon is filled with mini-bosses, unlike the other |C| children. If you have the Great Fairy Sword, you have this place + in the palm of your hand. Try not to use many arrows, we need them + for Majora. |H| + - In the first room, we have a Dinofol. _+_ |-_-| - In the third room, there's another Garo Master. Just remember to | | stay just out of his reach and if he misses you, to run in for the | | kill as he looks back and forth bewildered. ¯+¯ - After he's dead, use your Hookshot on the chest (which has arrows) + and go through the door. | | + - The fifth room has an Iron Knuckle. You can kill him quickly using _+_ a Light Arrow, now that you have them. After he dies, a chest |-_-| appears containing Bombchus. | | - Use one of your new found toys to blow up the crack high up on the | | wall. Standing in the center of the room facing it, about three and ¯+¯ a half blinks is just right. + - Shoot the eye switch with an arrow to make a ladder appear. | | + - In this small room you find a HEART PIECE [HP51]. Use another _+_ Bombchu (3 blinks) to blow up the crack on the ceiling. | | Alternatiely, you can throw a Bomb right before it explodes. | | - Shoot the Frozen Eye Switch with a Fire Arrow. | | ¯+¯ - The last child asks what your "true face" looks like. Is the face __+__ under the masks your true face? | E| ¯¯¯¯¯ E: Exit warp thing H: Heart Piece C: Child +--------------------. | New Item : Bombchu `---------------------------------------+ | | | - Similar to the real thing, these mouse-like contraptions | | cling to walls and zoom straight ahead until they blow up. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ============ ~ The Moon ~ ============ - At long last, go speak with the Majora child. Unlike the others, he doesn't want to play hide and seek. - If you have collected all 20 regular masks and given them to the other children, he will exclaim that you have no masks to play with and give you the most powerful mask in the entire game! +--------------------------------. | New Mask : Fierce Deity's Mask `---------------------------+ | | | - Slap this puppy on to be filled with oodles of power and | | stuff like that. You can even shoot beams from your sword | | using Z and B! | | - Unfortunately, this can only be used in the boss rooms. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W605] The Demon Awakens \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ \ / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Simply walk forward to start the final battle. I hope you brought fairies and if you're really spoiled, Chateau Romani. The main thing you need for this battle is Arrows. There are two jars near where you start that have some, but they won't come back. _______________________________________ / F I N A L - B O S S : MAJORA'S MASK \______________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | | "Remember your battles! | | When something resistant would | | deflect your weapons, what was | | its backside usually like?" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Gets on its side and spins towards you like a saw-blade. | | - Shoots a fire beam at you (can be reflected). | | - The Boss Remains come after you, shooting you with energy beams. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This battle is simple: he's a flying thing that's invulnerable from | | the front. | | | | - He has two attacks: One is to turn on his side and try to saw you | | half, and the other is to turn around and shoot a fiery beam at you. | | The beam can be reflected, but rarely hurts him. You can, however, | | dodge the beam entirely and shoot him. | | | | - You have to stun him so you can pummel him with your sword. To do | | that you can do any of the following: | | * Shoot him in the back with arrows (hard). | | * Use a Spin Attack when he's trying to saw you in half (easy). | | * Throw/lay a Bomb/Bombchu at just the right time (very hard). | | | | - Part way through the battle, the Boss Remains on the walls come off | | and start flying around, shooting energy beams at you. These beams | | can be deflected, but it's better to avoid them entirely. | | | | - Kill off the masks with whatever you like. Light Arrows work good. | | Reflecting Majora's fiery attack gets my vote for the best. | | | | - After they're dead, continue to kill Majora. If you have the Bunny | | Hood and the Great Fairy Sword, this will all be much easier. The | | Fierce Deity's Mask is a given as well. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Mask flies around the room. Wait until it turns around and shoot | | it in the back with an arrow, or wait until it gets close and use | | a Spin Attack. | | - Eventually, other masks join in. Slay them with whatever. | | Reflecting Majora's fire attack works best. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - Obviously, that alone would be too easy for the last boss. He will float to the center of the room and grow arms and legs. ______________________________________________ / F I N A L - B O S S : MAJORA'S INCARNATION \_______________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | | "Remember your battles! | | When you fought things that run | | around, didn't you battle them | | using your own body?" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Turns around suddenly and shoots energy blasts at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This is by far the easiest form, as well as the strangest. It's a | | good thing the rest of his forms aren't this fast! I like the music | | and noises he makes. Reminds me of a chicken. | | | | - This freaky thing will run around at super sonic speed. Every once | | in awhile, it will stop and blast away at you. Keep your shield up | | for when this happens. | | | | - To hurt it, just wait for it to be staying relatively still and | | shoot it with any type of arrow you like. Alternatively, you can | | just slash it with your sword when it gets close. Once it's down, | | run up and smack away. Repeat. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Stand still, smack it with your sword. OR, Shoot it with a Light | | Arrow. Either way, run over and smack it. Defend a lot. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After the chicken form is killed, he will sprout tentacles, a head as well as some serious muscles. ________________________________________ / F I N A L - B O S S : MAJORA'S WRATH \_____________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | | "Think about battles and weapons! | | When you had the chance before | | an enemy was about to attack, | | didn't you usually try shooting it?" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Whips you. | | - Whips in your direction really fast. | | - Does a spinning whip attack. | | - Kicks you (when you get close). | | - Makes little top thingies that home in on you and eventually | | explode. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This is by far the hardest form. Also, he suddenly is much more | | evil looking, even though he's still kind of high pitched. | | | | - This guy has long tentacles at the end of each arm that he uses to | | whip you in all sorts of ways. The best thing to do is try to keep | | some distance between you two. | | | | - Most of your weapons are pretty useless against him (he easily | | avoids them). Wait until he's taunting you or between whippings and | | shoot him with Light Arrows. Run in and slash away. | | | | - It's also possible to just run up and slash him, but his attacks | | can sometimes go over or around your shield if you're close, or | | he'll jump out of the way or kick you. So, if you're out of arrows | | and have used the ones in the jar, there's still hope. | | | | - At one point, he will start creating spiky, spinning tops that | | follow you around. They're quite hard to avoid and they will easily | | get you from behind. When they stop spinning, they fall over and | | explode. | | | | - The best thing to do is to just use your shield and Z targeting and | | circle your way along the wall as close as you can get to him. This | | will keep you fairly safe from the exploding tops. Shoot him and | | attack like you've been doing. He'll die very soon. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Defend bunches. Get close, shoot it with a Light Arrow when you | | find an opening. Run in for the kill. Repeat. | | - Eventually, starts making exploding tops. Stay close to walls and | | keep defending. Get as close as you can and repeat process. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ - After he finally dies, you'll see some cool graphics as light shines out of him and he disintegrates. - The Moon will at long last, disappear, leaving behind a rainbow as the town's people outside Clock Town will cheer and the like. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ [W606] Credits \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ \ \ / `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - SPOILERS! - So, it turns out Skull Kid used to be a friend of the Giants. Who'd'a thunk? After he cries for a bit, the Giants will return to their respected temples. - He will then turn to you and ask to be your friend as well. After sniffing you, he determines that you smell just like a kid who taught him a song in the woods awhile back. In Ocarina of Time (the prequel) you play your Ocarina for an Imp just like him and give him the Skull Mask. Apparently, it's the same Imp! That explains why his nickname is Skull Kid. - The Happy Mask Salesman will take Majora's Mask with him, now that the evil has been "kaboomed". Your masks have a good happiness. Swell. - This next part pisses me off... Tatl tells you to get lost and continue with your journey. What the heck is up with that, dude? We risk our neck and save the world and we don't even get to celebrate with everyone else? After everything in the game feels nostalgic and everything, we don't even get to participate in the joyous occasion... - The credits now officially start. What you will see is determined by what you've completed in the game. If there is a mask you haven't gotten or a person from the Bomber's Notebook you haven't helped, the portion of the credits with that person will just be shown as black. - To get the full credits, you have to complete the whole game. One thing that Nintendo messed up on here is that when the Indigo-Go's are playing in the Latte Milk Bar, Link's right in there with them (as opposed to Mikau). - That's the end of the game my friend! Congratulations! _____ _ _____ _____ _ _____ / .--/@|--. \ _______________________________________ / .--|@\--. \ .' / /¯ ¯\ \ '. ===================================== .' / /¯ ¯\ \ '. '--' / \ '--' -------={ Stray Fairies }=------- '--' / \ '--' | -- --| [STRAY] |-- -- | | > | | < | \ / http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ \ / \ / Zelda06StrayFairies.php \ / /¯ ¯\ ------------------------------------------- /¯ ¯\ //| |\\ ============================================= //| |\\ ¯ | _ | ¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯ | _ | ¯ \/ \/ \/ \/ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Clock Town | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ===================== Stray Fairy Locations ===================== ~ Day ~ ~ Night ~ ~ Laundry Pool ~ ~ East Clock Town ~ __ ____ |4 \ __| 16 |__ | \ ++ 17 | F¯¯¯ ¯¯| |¯¯ | S |¯ <-- Stray Fairy | M | ¯¯¯¯¯ __| |¯ | |19| | | |__| |__| __|18 20|__ ++ Stray Fairy --> |¯ S ¯| | 23 21| ¯¯¯| M|¯ ___| 22/¯|v ++____/ | ¯|$ | - There's only one Stray Fairy in Clock Town. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - During the day it can be found at the Laundry Pool, floating over the water. - At night, you can find it in East Clock Town, floating around in the square. you might have to use the Deku Launcher (flower) to reach it if you haven't gotten the Great Fairy Mask yet. ======================= Fiary Fountain & Reward ======================= - The fountain is located in North Clock Town, on the left side. - The Great Fairy of Magic will give you the Magic ability, Bubble Blast as a Deku, and give you the Great Fairy Mask when you return as a child. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Woodfall Temple | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ===================== Stray Fairy Locations ===================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____+_____ | | | | | ¯¯¯ | - ENTRANCE Room. | O | | | | O _ | #1 --> | _ | || <-- #2 | | | ¯ | ¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯ #1 As soon as you enter, use the Great Fairy Mask if you have it. #2 Open the chest on the second platform. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____+____2 |-, | | |¯ \_/¯¯| | - MAIN ROOM with the GIANT SPINNING FLOWER. |__ \|/ | | - Without Hero's Bow. #3 --> = |o-x-o | + |¯|| /|\ ¯| | \\_/¯\ _| | \ | | | <-- #4 ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ #3 Kill the Deku Baba at the end of the wooden ramp. #4 There's a little island in the corner with several pots filled with goodies. In one of them is a Stray Fairy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____+____ #5 --> | |K| | | ¯ | - Room with the FLOWER in the center and the |_ o _ o _| FOUR VENUS FLY TRAPS surrounding it. + | | | | + | |o ¯ o ¯| | | | | ¯¯¯| | ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ #5 On the platform where the small key is, turn to your left to bee hive against the wall. Hit it with a Bubble Blast or two to knock it down, then snag the Stray Fairy by spinning into it with the Deku Mask or use the Great Fairy Mask. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ #6 --> | ___ | || _|| - Room with the skinny walkway, STONE BLOCK, || | _| and TORCHES. |--o- = - Without Hero's Bow. | | ¯| |__| | | | | ¯¯+¯¯ #6 Kill the Skulltula. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 || || - DARK room. || /¯¯ ¯¯\ | | #7 --> | + | | \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯ #7 Kill all the Black Boes to make a chest appear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____+____2 #8 --> |-, | | |¯ \_/¯¯| | - MAIN ROOM with the GIANT SPINNING FLOWER. |__ \|/ | | - When you return WITH Hero's Bow. = |o-x-o | + |¯|| /|\ ¯| #9 --> | \\_/¯\ _| | \ | | | ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ #8 On the top level of the Main Room, there's a Stray Fairy just floating there, trapped in a bubble. #9 Next, put on the Deku Mask and use the flower here to get to the little platform in the northwest corner of the room with the unlit torch. Take off the Deku Mask and step on the switch. - This will cause a chest to appear near the beginning, make your way over there and open it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ | ___ | || _|| - Room with the skinny walkway, STONE BLOCK, || | _| and TORCHES. #10 --> |--o- = <-- #11 - When you return WITH Hero's Bow. | | ¯| |__| | | | | ¯¯+¯¯ #10 There's a bee hive above the stone block. Shoot it with your new Hero's Bow and snag your Stray Fairy. #11 This one is trapped in a bubble underneath the skinny bridge, under the stone block. - Either swim into it after you've removed the poison, or stand near the first torch you light and shoot it, then use the Great Fairy Mask. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___+___ /O| |O\ | ¯¯¯ | - Room right BEFORE THE BOSS with all the | _ | CUBBIES and DEKU FLOWERS. #15 --> |()o| |o()| _| |¯| | | ¯ | ¯/ /¯\ \ <-- #13 #14 --> \/| | | |\/ <-- #12 ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ #12 Trapped in a bubble in one of the cubbies on the right side. #13 Trapped in a bubble in one of the cubbies on the right side. #14 Trapped in a bubble in one of the cubbies on the left side. #15 This one is floating on the left side of the room, in one of the pillars ahead of you. Shoot the bubble to release the last Stray Fairy, and use the Great Fairy Mask to reel it in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================= Fairy Fountain & Reward ======================= - The fairy fountain is located near the platform with the Owl Statue in Woodfall. It's in a cave in the rock face. - Fly to the flower between the main platform and the one leading to the area right below the cave. This high one is close enough to reach to the cave. - The reward is the Spin Attack Enhancement, allowing you to charge it up and go even further. It doesn't do more damage, unfortunately, but it makes it much more useful. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Snowhead Temple | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ===================== Stray Fairy Locations ===================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _1_ / v \ <-- #2 +¯¯/ | - Room with the THREE FREEZARDS (icy breath //¯/ /| <-- #1 enemies) and the PARTIAL BRIDGE you have to /% O // GORON ROLL across near the beginning of the // |/ temple. /K / / |\_/ / + /\_/ \ / ¯¯¯ #1 This one is trapped in a bubble within the pillar holding up the second half of the bridge. It's easier to see from down below. #2 The second Stray Fairy is in a bubble under the ledge leading to the stairs on the far side of the room. Shoot it and use the Great Fairy Mask. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ / \K___/ \ 2 % % % %/ - Room with the ICE COVERED PILLARS where you \ , o = shoot the GIANT ICE SICKLES to break them. \ o % / ¯¯¯\ \ <-- #3 ¯¯ #3 Climb onto the first three little pillars. Straight ahead, in the wall, you'll notice an icy patch that looks funny. - Use the Lens of Truth if you like to see that it's a hidden cubby in the wall. Jump in and open the chest to snag your prize. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____+ / % G\ = \¯¯\ G| <-- #4 - Room with the GORON SWITCHES. | \\ G| / \G | G|/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ #4 Kill the White Boes here and stand near the center of the snowy area below. Look up while wearing the Great Fairy Mask and using the Lens of Truth. Shoot the center of the dark area to pop a bubble. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________ |G / /¯¯| \ |_ \_/ \ - Lowest level of the MAIN ROOM, the Basement. + 6 |__ /¯¯¯\ | |\ \ | | | | ¯¯ \___/ __ | \ /\___ \ |/ #5 --> \ \ | ¯/ \ ¯¯¯¯ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ #5 You'll find a large switch in the lava. Wear the Goron Mask and step on it to cause a chest to appear in another lava puddle. Snag it, then head back up the stairs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ #6 --> /|o o o| \ //o o o | | - Room with LOTS OF SMALL PLATFORMS, THREE /¯o o_/¯¯¯\ %| FREEZARDS (icy breath enemies) and THREE | o o/+ ¯¯+ TORCHES. \ o_| \/¯ | \ %+ ¯¯ #6 Kill the three Freezards in this room to make a chest appear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |¯\ | ,\__ <-- #9 / ¯ ¯ | - Room with the WHITE WOLFOS and FROZEN STUFF. | + Also the room with the TWO BLOCKS, one on top |¯¯\_ _| of the other. \ /|K \ ¯+ ¯¯¯ _+_______ #7 --> /\__/ % \ 2 C \ \ % = \G% /¯\ / <-- #8 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ #7 In this room, right near the cracked wall we blew up earlier to reveal the stairs is a crate atop one of the pillars. - Throw a Bomb at it to blow it up, then use the Great Fairy Mask to reel it in. #8 Right next to you is a frozen switch. Melt it, kill the White Wolfos, then step on the switch to make a chest appear on a ledge. - Melt the nearby frozen block. Now, if you look at it from your MAP PERSPECTIVE, push the block UP, RIGHT, then DOWN. - Jump onto the ledge and open the chest. #9 If you moved the "double blocks" in an earlier room into a little slot, there is another Stray Fairy you can get now. - Push the block LEFT, UP, LEFT. Jump onto the second platform and enter the door. - In this familiar room, if you placed the double blocks in the right place (where it fell into a slot), you can use them to jump to the other side. Open the chest when you get there to claim your prize. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _|1|_ <-- #11 #10 --> |_ M| - FROZEN EYE SWITCH/ELEVATOR room. + |o | | |___| | % | ¯¯¯¯¯ #10 As you come up the stairs, this one is directly on your right, just floating there. #11 In the upper level of this room, use your Lens of Truth to see tiny hidden platforms. Use them to reach a cubby above the stairs with a hidden chest containing another Stray Fairy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _4_ /o% \ |o o | - Room with several EENOS (snow monsters). | o o| |o | |..o = #12 --> /\' o/ \/¯¯¯ #12 In the south portion of this room are three blue stalactites in front of a little invisible cubby that's pretty obvious due to the snow hanging from its ledge. Use the Lens of Truth, Great Fairy Mask and Hero's Bow to pop the bubble hidden in the center. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- __4__ | | | _| - Room with the two DINOFOLS (fire breathing |_ | lizard swordsman). | ¯| <-- #13 |¯ + <-- #14 \ / ¯¯¯¯ #13 Kill the first Dinofol. #14 Kill the second. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___3______ /\_/ |% ___ \ #15 --> \F | |__ \ | - On the SECOND FLOOR of the MAIN ROOM. / | | \ | | |_____/¯¯¯\ | | | + | |¯¯¯¯ + |¯¯¯¯¯\___/¯¯¯¯¯| \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ #15 In the main room, there is a small hidden cubby that holds a chest containing the last Stray Fairy. You can see where it is by the patch of ice hanging off the ledge (or use your Lens of Truth). - To get to it, you'll have to jump from a higher level, by using the Goron Mask, Bunny Hood or Deku Mask to roll, jump, spin or fly (using the flower on the top floor) towards it. If you're lucky, you'll land in there. - The best way in my opinion is to stand on top of the pillar in the center of the room after you've punched out the ice cylinders, and spin towards the cubby with the Deku Mask. You will just make it, no problem. - Once you get it, you can salvage some ascending by using the flower there to fly to the third floor on your left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================= Fairy Fountain & Reward ======================= - The fairy fountain is located at the base of Snowhead around the side. +-----------------------. | Upgrade : Magic Meter `------------------------------------+ | | | - You now have twice as much Magic. This will certainly | | come in handy. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Great Bay Temple | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ===================== Stray Fairy Locations ===================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____+_____ |____ ____| | | | | - The ENTRANCE ROOM. | _______ | <-- #1 | | | | |_| Start |_| | | ¯¯| |¯¯ | | | | ¯¯¯¯¯ #1 There are four unlit torches near the first door. Either shoot them all with Fire Arrows or run along them with a Deku Stick (there's some in the barrels nearby). If you light all of them in time, a chest appears. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____| |____ |R |____ Y| |R Y |_| - Room right after the entrance room where you | R Y Y| CHANGE THE WATER DIRECTION for the main room. | |¯| | | | #3 --> |¯¯| |¯| | | <-- #2 ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ #2 The next one is trapped in a bubble underneath the platform you enter this room from. Sink down with the Zora Mask and grab it. #3 There are two platforms rising up out of the water repeatedly. Take the right one (when facing the door) to come to a platform with Rupees and a Skulltula. Kill it to find the Stray Fairy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___+___ // \ / \\ // | | \\ - MAIN ROOM with the SPINNING WATER. |/ |_| \| #4 --> || | | || <-- #5 |\ |¯| /| \\ | | // \\ / \ // ¯¯| |¯¯ #4 On one side of the room, there's a barrel atop one of the small platforms with the ladders. Break it and snag the Stray Fairy. #5 There's a lone jar in the center of this room in the 'eye of the storm' of spinning water at the bottom. Stand on the side and shoot an arrow at it, then wear the Great Fairy Mask. Or, just sink down and hit it with your Zora Fins, then try to swim into it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\ \ \ - TINY ROOM before the Boss Key room with all \ \ the BIO DEKU BABAS. \ \ <-- #6 / / #6 Kill all the Bio Deku Babas to make a chest appear on the small ledge. Use the lily pads to get there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + | | |_ | | B | - Room with the BOSS KEY and COMPASS. It has _/¯¯¯¯¯¯| water in the middle with a SMALL KEY in a |C| _| chest at the bottom. ¯\ / _\ <-- #7 \__/ +\ \__/\/ #7 On the left side of the flowing water (when you're facing the door), there are two Dexihands attached to the wall. Between them is a jar. Break it and use the Great Fairy Mask or swim into it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ |\_/| |_ ¯+ - Room where you find the MAP. It has some |M| |¯ SKULLFISH and DEXIHANDS in it. |¯ | <-- #8 |/¯\| ¯+¯ #8 There's a small platform with two pots on it. Break the pots to find a Stray Fairy in one of them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ | _ | | _ |G|| - Room with LOTS OF WATER and the YELLOW and || | ¯ | <-- #9 GREEN platforms. This room has two BLUE | ¯ | TEKTITES (spiders) in it. | /¯\ | ¯¯¯+¯¯¯ #9 Get to the YELLOW platform and face the wall opposite the door. If you look up, you'll notice some metal grating separating you from a small area up there. - In front (above) of you is a hole in the grating with a target nearby on the ceiling. Use your Ice Arrows to create platforms and get near the far wall, then turn around and Hookshot the target. - It may take a couple tries, but once you get up there, in the center you'll find a chest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ ___| |_ <-- #11 | | || - Room with the SPINNING WATERWHEEL that you |¯ || can use FIRE AND ICE ARROWS to start and stop |_ |¯ | <-- #10 from turning. |+|¯¯¯¯¯ #10 After you've used the elevator thing to go up, jumped onto the spinning waterwheel and are standing on the next moving platform, turn right and you'll notice a torch burning in a hole in the wall. - Use your Hookshot on it to find a small space with a chest. #11 When you've frozen the waterwheel in this room, walk part way across the paddles, then turn right. When you get to the six blades (only two are accessible, pointing in either diagonal direction) climb onto the one on your right. - Climb to the end of it. You'll notice that straight ahead is a small hole in the wall with a chest. Hookshot the chest and open it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _/ /_____ #12 --> | _| | o o|G| - Room with all the SEE-SAWS you use to lift +¯ ¯| o || yourself up. #13 -->¯|¯¯¯¯|--'| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ #12 The first see-saw you come to when you enter the room, jump into the water on either side, sink down and break the barrel. #13 When standing on the GREEN platform with the switch, kill the Real Bombchu, then walk along the GREEN pipes. Put on the Zora Mask and climb your way right. - Follow it and jump down into the small area when you can't go any further. Use your Hookshot on the chest and open it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- / / / / #14 --> | |__| |_ |\ _ | - Room right BEFORE THE BOSS. Boss + |o|G| || <-- #15 |/ ¯--'| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ #14 At the exit to this room, there is a Stray Fairy in a bubble in the opening. Use your charged up fins to break the bubble, then swim into it. #15 directly underneath the GREEN platform is a Stray Fairy in a bubble. It's too high to get when you're in the water, so stand on the GREEN pipe right on the edge of the water and shoot it with an Arrow, then use the Great Fairy Mask. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================= Fairy Fountain & Reward ======================= - At the entrance to Zora Cape, there's some small islands ahead of you. Jump along them, then use your Hookshot to get across the others you come to. - At the end are two boulders blocking a cave. Use some bombs and head right on in to claim your prize! +-------------------. | Upgrade : Defense `----------------------------------------+ | | | - All damage received is cut in half. Essentially, you just | | doubled your life! | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Stone Tower Temple | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ===================== Stray Fairy Locations ===================== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____+_____ | | | | | +__ | | | + <-- #1 - ENTRANCE room. \ | | / <-- #13 \ \ / / \ ¯ / \ / | | Entrance +____=_____ |¯ | || |¯| | |+ \________// \ \ / / <-- #9 \ | / \/ \/ | | Entrance #1 To get the first Stray Fairy, shoot the golden eye switch in one of the eyes in the giant figure straight ahead. Jump to the chest that appears using the Bunny Hood or Zora Mask. Open the chest. If you don't have that mask, you can get it later when you come through that door. #9 Stand near the Majora's Mask emblem in the center of the room and turn around. Shoot a Light Arrow practically straight up into the Sun Face above you. Open the chest that appears next to you. #13.1 Step on the switch with the Death Armos to make a chest appear on the ceiling. #13.2 Head back to the entrance room and jump down into the pit deal and open the chest we created (that you need to Hookshot to, to get to the Boss room when the temple's upside-down). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ #2 --> | | |_____| - DARK ROOM with the FOUR ARMOS STATUES. | K | | & | ¯| |¯ |M| ¯ _____ 2 | | #12 --> | | + - Room where you battle the WIZROBE with LAVA |¯ | DRIPPING FROM THE CEILING. | | ¯|¯|¯ | | ¯ #2 There's a target on the ceiling that allows you to get onto a small, hard to see ledge. Find it and get up there. Open the chest. #12 Open the chest after defeating Wizrobe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______= _______ _____ | _____ | ___| |___ ___| |___ - Room with LOTS OF WATER and a BRIDGE. LIGHT | | | | | | SHINING from the ceiling. | | | | | _| | | | | | _ | | .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. |___| |___| | | | ¯| / Right-Side Up \ __/ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' + C& / / \ ¯¯¯¯ #3.1 #11.2 .~~~~~~. .~~~~~. / High \ / Low \ '~~~~~~~~' '~~~~~~~' _______ _______ #10 _____ | _____ | / - Room with the DEKU FLOWERS and the AIR RISING ___|_|___ ___|_|___ from the holes in ceiling/floor. Also a BRIDGE =F| | | | +_________+ with a MASKED HIPLOOP. |¯ | | _| | _| | | | |F| | _ |F| .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. |___|_|___| |___|F|___| / Up-Side Down \ / \ __/ / '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' #3.2 #11.1 + & / ¯¯¯ #3.1 This is a two parter. Sink down to the bottom here and charge up your Zora Fins to make the mines blow up. Step on the switch to make a chest appear for later. Don't forget! #3.2 There's a small platform at the top of the room with a flame on it. If you stepped on a switch in this room (that was filled with water before) earlier, there's a chest here now. - Go to the small platform on the right side of the room with a switch on it. Play the Elegy of Emptiness to keep it down, then fly up and claim your prize. #10 Right underneath the platform with the flower you start at, there's a Frozen Eye Switch. Jump down and shoot it with a Fire Arrow. This will make a chest appear on a nearby ledge. Use the middle air pump thing to get there. #11.1 At the edge of the platform mentioned above, there's a Sun Face that can be shot from below that will make a chest appear. It's right-side up though, so you'll need to come back for it later. #11.2 Go to the room with the all the water. On top of the platform at the bottom, there's a chest for the Sun Face nearby that you shot earlier. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + __| |__ |___&___| - Room with all the MIRRORS, SUN BLOCKS and |¯¯¯_¯¯¯|__ <-- #4 BLACK BOES (black fuzzy enemies that keep | | | & | <-- #5 appearing). | ¯ |¯¯ ¯| |¯ | | ¯=¯ #4 There are six Sun Faces on the wall near the light source. Use the far left one on the right side to make a chest appear. #5 When standing in the light facing the piller in the center of the room, charge up the mirror on the right. Now run over and use it to make the Sun Block on your right disappear. This will reveal a small area with a Nejiron and a chest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ | | | | | - Room with AIR PUMP things and LAVA BELOW. | |¯|_ | <-- #7 SHAPED LIKE A "U". | |_|_| | #6 --> |_____|G| + |¯| ¯¯¯¯¯¯+ #6 There is a chest on the other side that is surrounded by fire. Down below, there is a switch you can stop on as a Goron to put the fire out, but it's on fire as well. - Use a Goron Stomp (A + B) on the Goron Switch on the first side, then run and roll to the other side and step on the switch before the fire returns. This will put out both flames. - When you get to the other side later, open the chest. #7 As you just start flying around the "U" shape, right before you turn the corner, there's a platform on your left with lots of Rupees. Go there and open the chest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____+_____ #14 --> |&___| |&___| = | | | | | - Room with the WATER, MINES, SUN BLOCKS and a | | | | |K| BRIDGE through the middle with an EYEGORE. | | | | | | | | | | | | <-- #8 ¯¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯¯ #8 Kill the Eyegore on the bridge to make a chest appear. #14 Go back to the room with the water, the bridge and the hand enemy. Use it to throw you up onto the ledge. Use a Bomb or a Spin Attack to hit the crystal switch to make a chest appear in the other area. - Go to the other side by either going back through the various rooms, using a dolphin jump with the Zora Mask to get back on the ledge, or play the Song of Soaring to get back to the start of the temple and go through the two doors on your left. The last way gets my vote for the best. - Use a Light Arrow to remove the Sun Block. Kill the Beamos using a Bomb and open the chest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- + | | | | <-- #15.2 - SKINNY ROOM right BEFORE THE BOSS DOOR with | | <-- #15.1 the MASKED HIPLOOP and SPIKED LOGS. | | + #15.1 Hit the crystal switch while the temple is upside-down. #15.2 Come back when the temple is right-side up again. - Go to the room with all the mirrors and Black Boes we had to tackle earlier. Follow this whole chain of rooms until you get to the room with the skinny bridge and the Hiploop. - Fall to the bottom and open the chest we created earlier. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ======================= Fairy Fountain & Reward ======================= - In Ikana Canyon, when facing the door to the Music Box House, turn right and enter the hut-like building. It's actually a Fairy Fountain. +------------------------------. | New Item : Great Fairy Sword `-----------------------------+ | | | - The strongest sword in the game. Does four times as much | | damage as the sword you start with. Unfortunately, it's an | | item, meaning you have to use it with a (C) button. That | | and it has an awkward swing angle... All well. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ __\/_ _\/__ / ()()\ /()() \ / ____\ ======================================================== /____ \ / /'''' -------------------={ Enemies }=-------------------- ''''\ \ \ \,,,, [ENEMY] ,,,,/ / \ ¯¯¯/ \¯¯¯ / //¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯\\ \\ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Enemies.php // \\ ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // =============================================================== \\ |\||/| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |\||/| ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ - This section lists all of the enemies, where they're found, how to defeat them, etc. ___________________ / E N E M Y : Amy \ ____________________________ |--------------------\____________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Canyon Ghost Hut | | "It's Amy, youngest of the four | | | ghost sisters. Target her when | | | she appears! You got that? | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spins towards you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - The green ghost of the sisters, she will become invisible, thus, | | invulnerable. Keep her Z targeted and your shield to her until she | | attacks. | | | | - When she becomes visible and isn't spinning at you, she will be | | vulnerable. Either smack her with your sword or shoot her with | | Arrows. I suggest using a Jump Attack to inflict lots of damage. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________ / E N E M Y : Armos \ ____________________________ |----------------------\__________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Stone Tower Temple | | "You know about the Armos, right? | | | Shhhh! Don't touch it! Blow it up | | | before it wakes, please! | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps towards you. | | - Spins towards you, blinking, then explodes. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Some of the statues around with a sword and shield will come alive | | when you touch them. They will then come towards you in bursts for a | | little bit before returning to their resting place. | | | | - Throw a Bomb at it or use a Fire Punch to damage them. After that, | | they'll spin towards you, blinking rapidly. In a moment, they will | | explode. Either avoid them or damage them again. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Bad Bat \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Lots of places... | | "It's a Bad Bat. If you don't do | | | something before it swoops down | | | on you...Well, just don't come | | | running to me!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swoops down at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This is your typical bat enemy. It's the same as the Keese in every | | regard, except for Tatl's info. If you know what it does different, | | please tell me! | | | | - It can be killed with just about anything. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ______________________ / E N E M Y : Beamos \ ____________________________ |-----------------------\_________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Stone Tower | | "What?! You don't know about the | - Stone Tower Temple | | Beamos? Don't let its beam | | | scare you. Just give it a good | | | blast!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots energy beams at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These statues just look around in a circle. If they catch sight of | | you, they will shoot their beam at you through their eye. You can | | defend against this attack with the Mirror Shield, but it's better | | to just avoid it altogether. | | | | - Use Bombs or the Blast Mask to kill it. It will then explode, and | | the head will pop off, which will also explode after a moment. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________ / E N E M Y : Beth \ ____________________________ |---------------------\___________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Canyon Ghost Hut | | "It's Beth, third of the four ghost | | | sisters. Aim when she appears! | | | Hurry up! There are still more!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spins towards you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - The red ghost of the sisters, she also can become invisible and | | invulnerable. Z targeting her will make her invisible, so don't do | | it. | | - Either use your shield or run out of the way when she comes at you. | | | | - When she becomes visible and isn't spinning at you, she will be | | vulnerable. Either smack her with your sword or shoot her with | | Arrows. I suggest using a Jump Attack to inflict lots of damage. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ________________________ / E N E M Y : Big Octo \ ____________________________ |-------------------------\_______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Southern Swamp | | "Don't tell me you don't know about | | | the Big Octo! If you don't want | | | to be sucked in, keep your | | | distance. Aim from afar!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Sucks you up and shoots you out when you get too close. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These pesky obstacles guard the entrances to continue through | | Southern Swamp. | | | | - Just about any projectile attack will take them out in one shot. | | At the beginning, you'll have to kill them using the boat ride from | | Koume. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Big Poe \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Grave in Ikana Graveyard | | "You know about the Big Poe, | - Ikana Well | | right? Knock it back to stop it, | | | then take your shot!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Appears behind you and swoops in at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This ghost repeatedly appears behind your camera view, tries to | | take you out. | | | | - Turn around when you hear it appear, Z target it, then use A to | | jump out of the way. Now shoot it with an arrow! After a few hits, | | it will bite the dust and you'll be able to put it in a bottle. | | | | - Remember, they can be sold at the Curiosity Shop for a whopping | | 200 Rupees! | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________________ / E N E M Y : Bio Deku Baba \ ____________________________ |------------------------------\__________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Great Bay Temple | | "Bio Deku Baba... | | | Just calm down and aim carefully! | | | And don't blame me if one hit | | | doesn't get rid of it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - When connected to a lily pad, flips over, knocking you off. | | - Chomps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These Deku Babas will often hang on the bottom of lily pads. When | | they are disconnected, they will crawl around very quickly on land | | or underwater, searching for prey. | | - These things make lots of interesting noises. | | | | - Separate them from the Lily pads first by shooting them with arrows | | or Fins. After that, use any attacks that will work underwater. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Black Boe \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Woodfall Temple | | "It's a Black Boe... | - Mountain Village | | Just calm down and attack it! | - Stone Tower Temple | | Look, there are just a lot of them, | | | that's all." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These small black fuzzies with two orange eyes blend into dark | | places and usually appear in swarms. It seems as though they often | | appear one at a time. | | | | - The best way to kill them is to either stand still and swipe your | | sword (horizontally), run in circles with some Deku Spins, or use a | | few well timed Goron Stomps. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________________ / E N E M Y : Blue Bubble \ ____________________________ |----------------------------\____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "That's a Blue Bubble! | - Road to Ikana Canyon | | Quick! Run! Don't let it curse | - Ikana Canyon | | you! If it comes after you, defend | - Stone Tower Temple | | yourself to block it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Flys towards you. | | - Jinxes (curses) you, making you unable to draw your sword. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These floating skulls surrounded by blue flames will wander about | | and fly towards you if they see you. | | | | - To kill them, you can attack them with pretty much anything. If it | | is a weak attack, however, their flames will go out and they'll | | bounce around on the ground instead. Attack them once more in this | | state to defeat them. | | - If they charge at you, use your shield to block them, which will | | make them bounce around as well. | | | | - Also, you can shoot them with Light Arrows for lots of Rupees! =D | | | | - If they touch you, you will become Jinxed, meaning you blink blue | | and cannot draw your sword for about one minute. | | - Play the Song of Storms if you have it to blow the curse away, or | | wear one of the Transformation Masks in the meantime. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________________ / E N E M Y : Blue Chuchu \ ____________________________ |----------------------------\____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Great Bay Temple | | "Blue Chuchu... | | | This doesn't have anything inside | | | of it, so it's really just a blob of | | | water." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These blobs of water are just like every other type of Chuchu. They | | can be defeated with pretty much anything and grow back after a | | time. | | | | - You can also shoot them with an Ice Arrow to freeze them into a | | block, which you can then move around and use. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________ / E N E M Y : Blue Tektite \ ____________________________ |-----------------------------\___________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Road to Mountain Village | | "You don't know about the Blue | - Road to Goron Village | | Tektite? Use Z Targeting to follow | - Goron Village | | it as it bounces!" | - Snowhead Temple | | | - Great Bay Temple | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These crab-like enemies have four hairy legs and a single red eye. | | They will jump towards you whenever possible. | | - They can float on the surface of the water and hide under the snow, | | so, be prepared for those traits. | | | | - The easiest way to kill them is to use a vertical slash in their | | direction. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________________ / E N E M Y : Death Armos \ ____________________________ |----------------------------\____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Stone Tower Temple | | "Death Armos, a temple guard... | | | Look at that red mark on its | | | chest! I know you've seen | | | something like that before..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Tries to stomp on you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These guards look like they belong on a Chess board. They're blocky | | and hold a sword and shield in their hands. | | - When they see you, they will fly towards you very quickly and | | slam down at your position. Just run (and roll) to avoid them. | | | | - To kill them, you must shoot them in the chest with a Light Arrow. | | This will flip them upside-down. Next, trick them into slamming the | | ground. They'll land on their head and explode. | | | | - They can also be avoided altogether by simply wearing the Stone | | Mask. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________________ / E N E M Y : Deep Python \ ____________________________ |----------------------------\____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Pinnacle Rock | | "It's a Deep Python. Get close to | | | it and stun it. If you fail, it'll | | | getcha!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Lunges out of its cave and tries to bite you. | | - Sways back and forth. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - It's the Zelda version of those things from Banjo-Kazooie! These | | giant pythons live in Pinnacle Rock in giant holes in the walls. If | | you come close, they'll come out very quickly. | | - If they touch you at all, it will end up biting you and spitting | | you out, similar to Morpha from Ocarina of Time. | | | | - You can either use your Electrical Barrier (swimming + R) or stand | | on the ledges near the opening and use shoot your fins at it. I | | prefer the latter myself. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Deku Baba \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "Don't tell me you don't know about | - Southern Swamp | | the Deku Baba! Cut it down when | - Woodfall Temple | | it has extended its body and Deku | - Sakon's Hideout | | Nuts or Sticks will come out." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Chomps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These things are about four or five feet tall and resemble a Venus | | fly trap. When you get close, they try to nip at you. | | | | - Wait for a gap in their attack and go in for the kill with anything | | you got. If you use a weak attack, it will only stun them and you'll | | have to hit them again. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________________ / E N E M Y : Deku Baba (Withered) \ ____________________________ |-------------------------------------\___/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "Isn't that a Deku Baba? | - Southern Swamp | | But it looks a little withered... | - Woodfall Temple | | Just cut it. You should at least | | | get a Deku Stick out of it." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spins around... Oh no...! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These Deku Babas don't have enough water or something, they just | | spin around in a tiny circle. They also grow back after a few | | moments, so stock up on the Deku Sticks they drop. | | | | - They can be killed with just about anything. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ________________________ / E N E M Y : Desbreko \ ____________________________ |-------------------------\_______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Pirates' Fortress | | "It's a Desbreko. | - Great Bay Temple | | Once it bites you, it's not gonna | | | want to let go. I haaaate this | | | thing!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swims after you and bites on for a long time. | | - Smaller fish swarm around you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These large skeleton fishes have other, smaller skeleton fishes | | swimming around it. When killed, the smaller fish will die too. | | | | - There are two ways to kill these. From far away, using either | | Arrows or your charged up Fin Attack, or swim into them and use your | | Electrical Barrier (Zora + swimming + R). | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ________________________ / E N E M Y : Dexihand \ ____________________________ |-------------------------\_______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Great Bay Temple | | "It's a Dexihand. | - Stone Tower Temple | | Just be careful... | | | Look, it's not my fault if you get | | | too close and it grabs you!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These blue hands that stick out of the walls will grab you and | | throw you a short distance if you get too close. You will often need | | to use them to your advantage. | | | | - They can be killed with pretty much anything. If it's underwater, | | I suggest just swimming through them with your Electrical Barrier | | (swimming + R). | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ________________________ / E N E M Y : Dinofols \ ____________________________ |-------------------------\_______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Woodfall Temple | | "What?! Don't you know about | - Snowhead Temple | | the Dinofols? Use targeting | - Secret Shrine | | methods while defending. And | | | watch out for its fiery breath!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with its sword. | | - Jumps at you with a slashing attack. | | - Breathes fire at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These walking dinosaurs with metal plating on their heads come | | equipped with a sword and shield. Don't fight them as a Deku Scrub | | or Zora because you'll be vulnerable to fire. | | | | - Use your shield to defend against their attacks. When they jump at | | you or they're about to breathe fire, use A to jump or roll out of | | the way. When you see a gap in their defenses, stab them. They're | | not too hard in Goron Form either. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Dodongo \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "What?! Don't you know about | | | the Dodongo? It moves slowly, so | | | you can circle around to its | | | backside. Got that?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spins around quickly. | | - Breathes lots of fire at you. | | - Explodes after it dies. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These massive lizards with only two legs will crawl around very | | slowly and blow fire at you if you get too close. | | | | - They're only vulnerable at their tail, so sneak around to the back | | and attack them with whatever you like. Using Jump Attacks (Z + A) | | works the best. After being hit, they'll circle around quickly, so | | jump out of the way and get behind them again. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Dragonfly \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Southern Swamp | | "Isn't that a Dragonfly? | - Woodfall | | As long as you stay away from | - Woodfall Temple | | its tail, it's no big danger." | - Stone Tower Temple | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Lunges at you and tries to impale you with its tail. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This odd looking dragonfly enemy has a tail equipped with an | | electrical charge. Very strange. Use Z target methods of defending. | | | | - To defeat it, either shoot it with projectile attacks or jump out | | of the way when it attacks and smack the tail with any close range | | attack. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________ / E N E M Y : Eeno \ ____________________________ |---------------------\___________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "That's an Eeno. | - Snowhead Temple | | It's persistent! | | | ...And it's susceptible to heat!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Throws snowballs at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These mounds of snow live in... well... snow, and will throw | | snowballs at you when you're within range. There are large ones as | | well, which will split into three regular ones when attacked. | | | | - They can be killed pretty easily with just about anything. Use lots | | of shielding or running when getting near them. Fire does take them | | out fast, but not necessary. | | | | - Shoot the ones in Termina Field with Light Arrows for a pleasant | | surprise. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Eyegore \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Stone Tower Temple | | "It's an Eyegore. | | | Simply attacking it is no good. | | | I say you should pay attention to | | | the subtle changes in its eye." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots laser beams at you from its eye. | | - Smashes the ground with its arms when you get close. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This large statue with an enormous eye for a head will walk slowly | | towards you, smashing the ground occasionally. It is invulnerable | | most of the time. | | | | - To defeat this foe, run up to it, then quickly run back. This will | | cause it to send out a barrage of laser attacks. These can be | | deflected with the Mirror Shield, but not very successfully. | | - While its eye is still yellow, shoot it with an arrow. It will then | | run back to the start very quickly. Do this four times to kill it. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ __________________________ / E N E M Y : Fire Keese \ ____________________________ |---------------------------\_____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Well | | "Don't tell me you don't know about | - Stone Tower | | the Fire Keese! Defeat it before | - Stone Tower Temple | | it swoops down on you. | | | I do not want to roast!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swoops down at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - When a Keese touches fire, it will carry flames with it. If it | | touches you at this point, it will pass the flames onto you, making | | you take additional damage. | | | | - Kill it with just about anything. Be careful to not let it touch | | you though. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________________ / E N E M Y : Floormaster \ ____________________________ |----------------------------\____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Castle | | "You know the Floormaster, right? | | | If you don't do something about | | | its pieces before they can | | | reunite..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Large hand rams into you. | | - Small hands grab you and take you back to the beginning. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These giant undead hands crawl around in dark places. If they "see" | | you, they turn green and float towards you very quickly. | | | | - Either sneak up on these things or wait for them to charge you, | | then either dodge or use your shield. Smack them with your sword a | | few times to cause them to break into three smaller hands. | | | | - The smaller hands walk around very quickly, but if they grab you, | | they'll suck your life away. Kill them quickly to ensure that they | | don't combine to create a large one again. If they touch you as a | | large one, they'll take you back to the beginning of the area. | | | | - Floormasters can be killed very easily by shining light on them. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ________________________ / E N E M Y : Freezard \ ____________________________ |-------------------------\_______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Snowhead Temple | | "Don't tell me you don't know about | - Ikana Well | | the Freezard! Watch out for its | | | icy breath! I hate the c-c-cold! | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Breathes a blast of icy cold air that will freeze you on contact. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These jaggedy man-sized ice statues attack in short bursts and | | some follow you whenever they can. | | | | - To kill them, just wait for a gap in their attack and run in for | | the kill. Using the Hookshot for the first strike is very effective | | and brings you to them. | | - Use a Fire Arrow for a one hit kill. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________ / E N E M Y : Garo \ ____________________________ |---------------------\___________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Canyon | | "It said that it's a Garo... | - Ikana Castle | | Just concentrate on blocking and | | | dodging those sharp swords!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Lunges towards you with both blades. | | - Surrounds the fighting area with fire to prevent escape. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These robes with two beady eyes and two little swords sticking out | | will appear when you wear the Garo Mask. They are killed quite | | easily and give useful pieces of information before disappearing. | | | | - Wait for it to come at you, then either defend, then stab, or dodge | | then stab from behind. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Giant Bee \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Swamp Skulltula House | | "That's a Giant Bee. | - Mountain Village | | Don't ask me! | | | You can either fight or run... | | | It's up to you." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Hits you with its stinger. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These wasp-like enemies are very weak and will come out if you | | attack a bee hive. They're very quick, so they can be hard to hit. | | | | - Just about anything will kill them, such as rolling as a Goron not | | even charged up! | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________ / E N E M Y : Gibdo \ ____________________________ |----------------------\__________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Canyon | | "It's a Gibdo. | - Ikana Well | | You won't be able to move if it | | | glares at you, so be careful! | | | Got it?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Climbs onto you and bites you for a little bit if you get too | | close. | | - Makes you unable to move for a moment due to fear. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These mummy enemies wander around the Ikana area. Not much to say | | about them really, they're a little more interesting than in Ocarina | | of Time. | | | | - The best way to kill them is to sneak up behind them and slash them | | with your sword repeatedly. | | | | - Wear the Gibdo Mask and they'll no longer be hostile to you. You | | can then talk with them, or kill them free of charge. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ______________________________ / E N E M Y : Gold Skulltula \ ____________________________ |-------------------------------\_________/ Found : \ | Token : | - Swamp Skulltula House | | "You got a Gold Skulltula Spirit! | - Great Bay Skulltula House | | This is your ???? | | | One." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - In the Skulltula Houses, you will find these harmless Skulltulas | | that, when killed, drop Tokens. When all are collected, something | | special will happen. | | | | - Follow the sounds of the Skulltulas to find them and kill them with | | just about anything. You'll need the Hookshot to get some of the | | Tokens though. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________ / E N E M Y : Green Chuchu \ ____________________________ |-----------------------------\___________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "That's a Green Chuchu. | - Road to Southern Swamp | | It's nothing to be afraid of...It | - Great Bay Temple | | usually has something in its | - Stone Tower Temple | | stomach that's of use." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These blobs of water are just like every other type of Chuchu. They | | can be defeated with pretty much anything and grow back after a | | time. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________ / E N E M Y : Guay \ ____________________________ |---------------------\___________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "It's a Guay. You don't know about | - Road to Goron Village | | this one? Just attack it before it | - Great Bay Coast | | swoops down on you. That's | - Ikana Canyon | | all there is to it." | - Stone Tower Temple | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swoops down at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - It's a crow that acts the same way as the Keese and Bad Bats do. | | | | - Play a song for the one in Termina Field to make it drop Rupees for | | about a minute. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Hiploop \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Woodfall | | "It's a Hiploop. Quickly dodge it | - Stone Tower Temple | | if it charges at you. But can't you | | | first do something about that | | | mask it's wearing?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Charges at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These giant yellow beetles have a temper, and for some reason, they | | sometimes come with metal helmets to protect themselves. If that's | | the case, use the Hookshot, Bombs or the Blast Mask to take it off. | | | | - When they have no mask, these things take one to two hits to kill. | | However, they do hit you quite hard when they charge you and have a | | tendency to knock you off ledges. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Ice Keese \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Road to Snowhead | | "You know about the Ice Keese, | - Snowhead Temple | | right? Destroy it before it | | | swoops down on you. I hate the | | | c-c-cold!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swoops down at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - When a Keese touches blue fire, it will carry flames with it. If it | | touches you at this point, it will freeze you, making you unable to | | move for a few moments. | | | | - Kill it with just about anything. Be careful to not let it touch | | you though. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________ / E N E M Y : Iron Knuckle \ ____________________________ |-----------------------------\___________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Graves in Ikana Graveyard | | "You know about the Iron | | | Knuckle, right? Stay away from | | | its ax attack, then look for a | | | chance to retaliate." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swings its mighty axe, dealing heavy damage. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These deadly enemies are slow moving heaps of armor that will cause | | massive damage if you are careless. They can take out several Hearts | | in a single swing, so keep your distance. | | | | - Because they turn slowly as they move, you can Z target them and | | walk around them from afar, then come in for the kill once you're | | behind them. This can be difficult and doesn't always work. | | | | - The more conventional way to take them out is to inch forward, then | | move or jump back once you see them make hostile action. Run forward | | after they've attacked, as they will take a moment to recuperate. | | use this to your advantage and take a hit, then get back to a safe | | distance. | | | | - After several hits, some of its armor will fall off. This allows it | | to suddenly move much faster. Be warned as well that now they will | | also lunge forward when they attack, giving it extra range of sorts. | | Just keep the process up a bit longer and it will perish soon | | enough. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ __________________ / E N E M Y : Jo \ ____________________________ |-------------------\_____________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Canyon Ghost Hut | | "It's Jo, second of the four ghost | | | sisters! Aim when she appears. | | | Hurry up! There's no time!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spins towards you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - The blue ghost of the sisters, she also can become invisible and | | invulnerable. Z targeting her will make her invisible, so don't do | | it. | | - Either use your shield or run out of the way when she comes at you. | | | | - When she becomes visible and isn't spinning at you, she will be | | vulnerable. Either smack her with your sword or shoot her with | | Arrows. I suggest using a Jump Attack to inflict lots of damage. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________ / E N E M Y : Keese \ ____________________________ |----------------------\__________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Well | | "What?! Don't you know about | - Stone Tower | | the Keese? Use Z Targeting when | - Stone Tower Temple | | it gets close. Even if it flies off, | | | I'll follow it for you." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Flies into you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These are the typical bats of the Zelda series. Unlike the Bad Bats | | however, these ones can enhance their attack. If they touch a red | | flame, they become Fire Keese, if they touch a blue flame they | | become Ice Keese. | | | | - To kill it, you can use just about anything. Arrows, vertical sword | | slashes, and Deku Spins work the best in my opinion. The latter is | | particularly true for large groups of them. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ______________________ / E N E M Y : Leever \ ____________________________ |-----------------------\_________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "You know about the Leever, right? | - Great Bay Coast | | It actually moves pretty fast. | | | That's not exactly good news, | | | is it?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spins towards you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Another classic Zelda series enemy, these cone-like enemies live in | | the sand and will rise to the surface, spinning in your direction, | | then sink back into the sand. They're very large in this particular | | game. | | | | - Any attack will do to defeat them. The sword is easy enough. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Like Like \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Great Bay Coast | | "You know about the Like Like, | - Zora Cape | | right? It eats whatever you're | | | carrying. You'd better defeat it if | | | you want your stuff back." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Tries to suck you up, then chew on you for a bit before spitting | | you out. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These huge gooey masses are another classic Zelda enemy. They inch | | around very slowly. If you get too close, they will swallow you, | | spit you out, but keep your shield. Eep! They can't take the Mirror | | shield though. | | | | - To defeat them, just about any attack will work. Those with further | | range and are sharp work the best, mainly your sword. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Mad Scrub \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Deku Palace | | "That's one Mad Scrub! | - Woodfall | | Even though it's weak, it sure | | | likes to attack!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spits Deku Nuts at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These particular Deku Scrubs aren't friendly and will attack you if | | they see you. They will burrow within their Deku Launchers between | | attacks, making them invulnerable for a short time. | | | | - Wait for them to pop up and hit them with either a projectile or | | any close range attack. When flying at them as a Deku yourself, try | | swerving back and forth to avoid their fire, then land beside them | | and use a Deku Spin to take them out. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________ / E N E M Y : Meg \ ____________________________ |--------------------\____________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Canyon Ghost Hut | | "It's Meg, eldest of the ghost | | | sisters. When she multiplies, | | | look for the real one!!! | | | Is this it?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Smacks you if you take too long or eliminate all the others. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - The purple ghost of the sisters, she is different than the rest in | | that she has the ability to create illusions. Four of her will | | surround you. | | - Don't take too long deciding which to attack, or she'll hit you. | | | | - They all spin when they appear. The real one will spin an extra | | time. Z target that one and shoot it with an arrow. Repeat this a | | few times and Meg will submit defeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Mini Baba \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Caves & Holes | | "That's a Mini Baba. It won't attack | - Southern Swamp | | unless you get too close to it, so | | | watch your step!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Chomps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These very short Deku Babas can't move at all and only drop Deku | | nuts. | | | | - There's no strategy to them, just kill them with anything. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Nejiron \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Road to Ikana Canyon | | "That's a Nejiron. | - Stone Tower Temple | | Don't get too close to it. | | | Sniff...Sniff... | | | It smells like gunpowder!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Explodes when it touches you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These giant living stones will surface from the ground and roll | | towards you. Attacking or touching them will cause them to explode. | | | | - Because they're made of stone I suppose, they will ignore you when | | you wear the Stone Mask. | | | | - Use projectile attacks to kill them, namingly Arrows. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Octorok \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Southern Swamp | | "You know about the Octorok, | - Great Bay Temple | | right? All you have to do is | - Ikana Canyon | | deflect that rock it spits out." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spits rocks at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These things are similar to the Mad Scrubs in that they attack, | | then submerge themselves in water for a moment. | | | | - You can freeze these things with an Ice Arrow to make them into a | | block that you can climb on. | | | | - To kill them, use projectile attacks or reflect their attack back | | at them with your shield. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ______________________ / E N E M Y : Pirate \ ____________________________ |-----------------------\_________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Pirates' Fortress | | "The pirate found you! | | | Use Z targeting and look for your | | | chance. You're caught if you don't | | | win." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes with her sword. | | - Does a spiny jump attack. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These very quick swordswomen have two curved swords that they are | | just dying to sink into you. | | | | - Run whenever they duck down because they're about to use a jump | | attack on you. If they touch you with it at all, it will knock you | | out and they'll put you outside the fortress. | | | | - It's easiest to fight them as normal Link, but it's also very easy | | with the Deku Mask, surprisingly. Use Z target methods to shield and | | stab at the appropriate times. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Pea Hat \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Hole in Termina Field | | "Don't tell me you don't know about | | | the Pea Hat! Just remember that | | | its root area is soft!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Flies towards you, shredding the ground. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These gigantic plants will come out of the ground and spin around | | with helicopter-like blades on the bottom. They will try to fly | | above you at an angle, so try to stand on the side that doesn't have | | the blades. | | | | - To defeat it, smack the "root" area to damage it. Chase it down and | | repeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________ / E N E M Y : Poe \ ____________________________ |--------------------\____________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Stone Tower Temple | | "What?! You don't know about the | | | Poe? If you try to use Z | | | Targeting, it vanishes." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swings its lantern at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - It's a black form wrapped in purple and gray robes that floats | | around. According to the Poe collector guy in Ocarina of Time, they | | are spirits created by the hate and evil in the world. | | | | - If you Z target them, they will disappear and become invulnerable | | for a short time repeatedly. So, try to avoid doing that. Just run | | up and use any regular attack to defeat them. | | | | - After they're dead, you can put their spirit in a bottle and sell | | them at the Curiosity Shop in Clock Town for 50 Rupees each. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________ / E N E M Y : Real Bombchu \ ____________________________ |-----------------------------\___________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "That's a Real Bombchu! | - Snowhead Temple | | It runs at you with its pack of | - Great Bay Temple | | explosives, so protect yourself or | - Road to Ikana Canyon | | else!" | - Stone Tower Temple | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Lights the explosives it carries and runs at you (will explode on | | contact). | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Not much to be said about these smiling rats carrying Bombs other | | than the fact that they look funny. | | | | - The easiest way to defeat them, as Tatl points out, is to let them | | see you, then just defend. Your shield will protect you and they'll | | take themselves out. Arrows aren't too shabby either. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ __________________________ / E N E M Y : Red Bubble \ ____________________________ |---------------------------\_____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Snowhead Temple | | "Red Bubble? If it comes at you, | | | get in the defensive position to | | | bounce it back...Got it?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Flys towards you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These floating skulls surrounded by red flames will wander about | | and fly towards you if they see you. | | | | - To kill them, you can attack them with pretty much anything. If it | | is a weak attack, however, their flames will go out and they'll | | bounce around on the ground instead. Attack them once more in this | | state to defeat them. | | - If they charge at you, use your shield to block them, which will | | make them bounce around as well. | | | | - If they touch you, you will catch on fire. Roll around or attack to | | put the flames out. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ __________________________ / E N E M Y : Red Chuchu \ ____________________________ |---------------------------\_____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "That's a Red Chuchu. It's nothing | - Road to Southern Swamp | | really to be afraid of! It's not | | | unusual to find something in its | | | stomach that might be of use." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These blobs of water are just like every other type of Chuchu. They | | can be defeated with pretty much anything and grow back after a | | time. | | | | - This particular type have Recovery Hearts inside them. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ______________________ / E N E M Y : ReDead \ ____________________________ |-----------------------\_________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Castle | | "ReDead... | | | If it catches you in its paralyzing | | | glare, you won't be able to move. | | | Shake it off if you get caught!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Climbs onto you and bites you for a little bit if you get too | | close. | | - Makes you unable to move for a moment due to fear. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These zombies with wooden faces are basically the same as the | | Gibdos. | | | | - The best way to kill them is to sneak up behind them and slash them | | with your sword repeatedly. | | | | - Wear either the Gibdo Mask, Garo Mask or Captain's Hat to make them | | dance. Weird... Anyway, you're now free to ignore or kill them. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________________ / E N E M Y : Shell Blade \ ____________________________ |----------------------------\____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Pirates' Fortress | | "Don't tell me you don't know about | | | the Shell Blade! It's impossible to | | | beat if you aim for anything | | | but its ligament inside the shell." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Turns around and kind of 'chomps' towards you with its spikes on | | its back to hurt you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These giant clams are pretty annoying. Get your distance if at all | | possible. | | | | - To kill it, wait for it to show its vulnerable spot and use any | | projectile attack you have, such as Arrows, the Hookshot. | | - Alternatively, you can smack them up close while wearing the Zora | | Mask. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Skullfish \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Great Bay Coast | | "Isn't that a Skullfish? | - Pirates' Fortress | | Look, don't ask me about | - Great Bay Temple | | everything, all right?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Bites you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Small skeleton fish that appear in front of you and attempt to take | | a chomp at you; 'nuff said. | | | | - These things tend to appear one at a time when in open water. You | | can hear them coming by the crackling or clicking sound they make. | | | | - The best thing to do is really just avoid them, but if you feel | | like it, they can easily be killed with just about anything. The | | best way to take them out is to simply swim through them with your | | Electrical Barrier (Zora Mask + Swimming + R). | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Skulltula \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Clock Town | | "What?! You don't even know | - Woodfall Temple | | about the Skulltula? It's protected | - Great Bay Temple | | by a hard shell, but its stomach | - Ikana Well | | is soft!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Spins around when you get too close. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These large spider-like enemies with a skull face for the top will | | drop down when you get near to them. They will then turn around | | repeatedly, and spin very quickly if you get too close. If you hit | | their front side, it'll make them swing back and forth. | | | | - To defeat them, wait for their soft side to be shown, then attack | | using any attack with some range, or projectile attacks such as the | | Hookshot or Bubble Blast. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________________ / E N E M Y : Skullwalltula \ ____________________________ |------------------------------\__________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Swamp Skulltula House | | "What?! Don't you know about the | - Ocean Skulltula House | | Skullwalltula? | | | ...Just don't touch it, all right?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These smaller versions of the Skulltula will crawl around the walls | | or ground and can be killed with pretty much anything. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Snapper \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Woods of Mystery | | "It's a Snapper! The way these | - Woodfall Temple | | things move, they never expose | | | the weak part of their body!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Hides in its shell and spins towards you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These giant turtles are only vulnerable underneath their shell, so | | they will try to use their whole body to their advantage. Try to | | keep your view towards the center of the room when fighting more | | than one so you can see them all coming towards you. | | | | - Since the goal is to hit underneath their belly, you have to flip | | them first. To do so, you can use a Goron Stomp, Bombs, or the Deku | | Launchers (flowers) to hit their belly directly. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : Stalchild \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ocean Spider House | | "It's a Stalchild. They were the | - Ikana Graveyard | | cursed soldiers of the Kingdom of | | | Ikana...What are you gonna do?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Hits you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These skeletons look a little funny. They have long noses, which | | makes it seem as though they were a reptile of sorts when they were | | alive. In this game, they're supposed to be the undead soldiers of | | Ikana. | | | | - When you get the Captain's Hat, you can speak with them to learn | | useful things and even order them around. Also, they won't attack | | you when you wear it. | | | | - To defeat them, wear the Captain's Hat if you have it, then smack | | them with whatever you like. They die pretty easily. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________ / E N E M Y : Takkuri \ ____________________________ |------------------------\________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Termina Field | | "It's a Takkuri. | | | Run! This bird steals your items! | | | C'mon! What are you doing just | | | standing around?!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swoops in on you and steals something! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This odd looking bird with two fluffy ball looking things on the | | sides of its enormous head will steal rupees, bottles or even your | | sword if it touches you. Whatever it steals will appear in the | | Curiosity Shop, so its safe to assume its a lackey of either Sakon | | the Thief or the Curiosity Shop Owner. | | | | - There's only one of these in the entire game, and that's in Termina | | Field at the entrance to Milk Road. | | | | - This is probably the enemy with the most health in the game. It | | takes a very long time to kill. It can be killed up close, but in my | | personal experience, Fire Arrows are the safest, fastest way to kill | | it. | | | | - When killed, these things drop a whopping 200 Rupees! | \_______________________________________________________________________/ __________________________ / E N E M Y : Wallmaster \ ____________________________ |---------------------------\_____________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Ikana Well | | "It's a Wallmaster! Keep an eye | | | out for it by watching for its | | | shadow on the floor. Get it before | | | it goes back up to the ceiling." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Falls from the ceiling and attempts to grab you, taking you back | | to the start of the dungeon. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These giant undead hands are similar to the Floormasters, but they | | hide on the ceiling instead. When you see a shadow larger than your | | own appear at your feet, and a sound like air swooping in, it means | | one is about to land on you. Move around to avoid this from | | happening. | | | | - To kill it, hold still for most of the duration of the shadow, then | | start running. When you hear it thump down behind you, turn around | | and chase after it, showing it no mercy. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _________________________ / E N E M Y : White Boe \ ____________________________ |--------------------------\______________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Mountain Village | | "It's a White Boe... | - Snowhead | | Just calm down and attack it! | - Snowhead Temple | | Yeah, yeah, yeah... There are just | | | a lot of them, OK?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These small white fuzzies with two orange eyes blend into snowy | | places and usually appear in swarms. Sometimes they fall down like | | snow before taking form. | | | | - The best way to kill them is to either stand still and swipe your | | sword (horizontally), run in circles with some Deku Spins, or use a | | few well timed Goron Stomps. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________ / E N E M Y : White Wolfos \ ____________________________ |-----------------------------\___________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Road to Goron Village | | "It's a White Wolfos. | - Snowhead | | Lure it in and watch its | - Snowhead Temple | | movements. It doesn't like its tail | | | to be touched..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with its claws. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This winter addition of the Wolfos will stand on their hind legs as | | they try to hit you with their front paws. | | | | - Either wait for them to let their guard down, or lure them into | | attacking, dodge, then come in for the kill while their back is to | | you. A single hit to their backside with just about anything will | | kill them instantly. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ______________________ / E N E M Y : Wolfos \ ____________________________ |-----------------------\_________________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Road to Southern Swamp | | "So you don't know about the | - Road to Goron Village | | Wolfos? Lure it in and watch its | - Snowhead | | movements. It doesn't like its tail | - Sakon's Hideout | | to be touched..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with its claws. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These huge wolves will stand on their hind legs as they try to hit | | you with their front paws. | | | | - Either wait for them to let their guard down, or lure them into | | attacking, dodge, then come in for the kill while their back is to | | you. A single hit to their backside with just about anything will | | kill them instantly. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________________ / E N E M Y : Yellow Chuchu \ ____________________________ |------------------------------\__________/ Found : \ | Tatl : | - Great Bay Temple | | "That's a Yellow Chuchu. | - Stone Tower Temple | | That's nothing to sweat about. | | | It usually has something in its | | | stomach that's of use..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These blobs of water are just like every other type of Chuchu. They | | can be defeated with pretty much anything and grow back after a | | time. | | | | - This particular type have 10 Arrows inside them. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ________ _____________________________________________________ ________ / \ =================================================== / \ / ______ \ ------------------={ BOSSES }=----------------- / ______ \ | / __ \ | [BOSS] | / __ \ | | / / \ \ | | / / \ \ | | \ | () | / | | \ | () | / | | \ \ / / | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Bosses.php | \ \ / / | \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ / ------------------------------------------------- \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ / \ / =================================================== \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Woodfall Temple | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ _______________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Dinofol \______________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "What?! You don't know about | - Hero's Bow | | the Dinofols? Use targeting | - Quiver | | methods while defending. And | | | watch out for its fiery breath!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes with its sword. | | - Breathes fire straight ahead. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This giant lizard with a sword and shield is a little harder than | | the Lizalfos you've experienced from Ocarina of Time. They jump a | | lot and use their shield quite a bit. | | | | - Use your shield for most of the battle to prevent his blade's | | attempts to become friends. He will breathe fire after awhile on his | | own, but he uses it most often after being hit, so be warned. | | | | - Because he uses fire, don't use the Deku Mask. Just use Z targeting | | and sword slashes to take him down. He takes about four hits. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use sword and shield tactics. Jump/roll a lot. Stab when you can. | | Quickly get away when he starts to breathe fire. DO NOT use the | | Deku Mask. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Gekko \________________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "That's a Gekko. | - Boss Key | | And it's pretty angry! | | | It's pretty weak, too. It really | | | shouldn't be making a fool of you." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps towards you. | | - Spins at you while atop a giant Snapper. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This giant frog starts out the battle by harmlessly coming towards | | you. After three hits he will call a Snapper to join him. | | | | - On top of the Snapper, he will spin towards you, alike all the | | other Snappers you've encountered thus far. Use either Bombs or | | Blast Mask to blow him off, or use the flowers to knock them over. | | | | - Once this happens, the Snapper will be flipped upside-down and the | | frog will climb around the walls and ceiling. Z target him and shoot | | him with an arrow once he holds still. Do this three times to defeat | | Gekko. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Slash him with your sword. When he gets on the Snapper, use either | | Bombs, Blast Mask or flowers + Deku Mask to get him off. Shoot him | | with arrows as he climbs around. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________________________________ / B O S S : Masked Jungle Warrior, ODOLWA \__________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "If you get close to him, you'll be | - Heart Container | | beaten! Do you understand me?" | - Odolwa's Remains | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with his huge sword. | | - Zooms towards you in a mighty slash. | | - Ducks low and uses a kind of Spin Attack move as he zips towards | | you. | | - Jumps to a random point in the room (usually behind you). | | - Surrounds a small area around you with flames. | | - Dances and summons a bunch of moths that follow you. | | - Dances and summons several bugs that resemble crabs. | | - Dances and summons rocks that fall from the sky. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Thanks for the vote of confidence there Tatl. Sheesh, no respect. | | | | - This guy is a huge tribal warrior with a long sword and a big | | shield. Because of his wide range of attacks, he forces you to go | | between close and ranged combat every few seconds. If you have the | | Bunny Hood, I suggest you wear it for the whole fight. If you run | | out of Arrows or need life, there are bushes along the walls that | | grow back. Also his bugs will drop Recovery Hearts. | | | | - Despite the Deku Launcher (flower) in the middle of the room, this | | guy's moths and fire, as well as the range of his sword, make using | | the Deku Mask worthless. You can, however, utilize the Bomb Flowers | | around the room. | | | | - Use Z Targeting techniques to defend against his sword slashes. | | When you see him raise his sword above his head, it means he's about | | to swoop towards you. Jump to the left or right to avoid it. When he | | uses his spin attack move, just keep holding R in his direction. | | | | - Whenever you hear him start chanting something different, such as | | "A-law, A-law!" or "Ah ha dai, ah ha dai!", it means he's trying to | | summon something. His guard is down while doing this, so quickly, | | shoot him with an arrow! If he blocks it, don't feel bad, because | | you still interrupted his summoning. | | | | - After several hits, he'll move faster, summon a lot more and start | | using that spinning move I talked about earlier. After about 20 hits | | he'll die. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use your shield a bunch. Use Arrows or Bombs to stun him from afar | | and run in for the kill. If he starts chanting or dancing, his | | guard is down, leaving him open for your bow. Use the Bunny Hood if | | you have it. Don't use the Deku Mask. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Snowhead Temple | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ _______________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wizrobe \______________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wizrobe. | - Fire Arrows | | You'll get your chance right when | | | it starts to attack. Be on the | | | lookout for it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots an icy blast at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This skinny, blue guy with one dopey eye will teleport around the | | room attempting to freeze you from afar. When you get close, he will | | disappear. | | | | - Because you have limited time, it's easiest to just use the Goron | | Mask for this whole battle. Face towards him and wait for him to | | stop glowing, then roll towards him and quickly take your shot. | | | | - After a few hits, this foe will create several illusions of himself | | that will attempt to confuse you. Search for the one that doesn't | | run around and is solid. When you find it, just continue the process | | you've used until now. He will also appear as a red dot on your Map, | | thanks to your Compass. | | | | - Another method to damage him is to use Arrows, which is also pretty | | effective, but does less damage. | | | | - After about four hits, he should scream similar to Gekko and poof | | away in miserable defeat. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use the Goron Mask to roll around when he starts appearing or use | | arrows. The real one is solid, as well as a red dot on your Map. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _______________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wizrobe (Again) \______________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wizrobe. | - Boss Key | | You'll get your chance right when | | | it starts to attack. Be on the | | | lookout for it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots an icy blast at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This battle is exactly the same as the first. The only difference | | is that now the room is larger. Use your compass (he's the red dot) | | to your advantage and take him out with your polished skills. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use the Goron Mask to roll around when he starts appearing or use | | arrows. The real one is solid, as well as a red dot on your Map. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________________________________ / B O S S : Masked Mechanical Monster, GOHT \________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Hurry! Chase after it. Even if it | - Heart Container | | means throwing your own body | - Goht's Remains | | into it, do it so it'll stop!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Far ahead of you... stands still and fires homing, electric bolts | | at you. | | - Hit it in the legs... Shoots a homing, electric bolt at you. | | - Rocks fly out from behind it. | | - Rocks fall from the ceiling. | | - Causes stalactites to fall from the ceiling and stick out of the | | ground in your way. | | - Bombs get thrown behind it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - As you enter, you'll notice that the dreaded demon of Snowhead is | | actually frozen itself? *Sigh* Sadly, shoot it with a Fire Arrow to | | commence a joke of a boss battle. | | | | - Quickly put on the Goron Mask and begin rolling after it. All you | | have to do is swerve back and forth as you follow it, restore your | | magic via the jars along the path that replenish themselves, and hit | | Goht with your spikes. | | | | - It IS possible to damage it by hitting it in the legs, but not very | | successful. The better method is to roll along-side it, then, when | | you get to a jump, use it to fling yourself up and land on its back. | | - This will stun it, giving you tons of time to punish it properly. | | | | - Alternatively, you can roll after it, take off the Goron Mask, and | | shoot it with Fire Arrows. Don't think you can just stay in one spot | | and wait for him, because he'll turn around and snipe you from afar. | | - The exception to that is the entrance to this room, in that little | | slot, he is powerless to attack you, so you can wait for him and | | shoot him repeatedly. | | | | - All of its attacks are nothing to worry about. Just keep your | | distance, zig zag a bunch, and go in for the kill. Before long, this | | pathetic boss will bite the dust. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Roll after it. Use the jumps to land on its back, stunning it. | | proceed to demolish it. | | - You can also take off your Goron Mask, shoot it with Fire Arrows, | | and repeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Great Bay Temple | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ____________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wart \_________________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wart. | - Ice Arrows | | Once you've gotten rid of the | | | spheres that shield the main body, | | | you can attack the eye." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Floats around the room. | | - Surrounds itself in pink... eggs? | | - Rams the walls in an attempt to hit you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This creature is quite simply a giant eyeball that can only be | | damaged when its eyelid is open. It was actually a boss in one of | | the previous Zelda titles, A Link To The Past. | | | | - The main eye can be damaged with just about anything. However, this | | thing obviously doesn't just float around... After several hits, it | | will drop all the pink things and zoom around the room, ramming the | | walls repeatedly in an attempt to squish you. | | | | - Now rewind. At the start of the battle, it surrounds itself with | | pink things. You can get these off by hitting them with just about | | anything, but Deku Nuts or Fire Arrows work the best. They will then | | bounce around. At that point, you can kill them with your sword. | | | | - Suffice to say, if you hit the main eye too much before you kill | | most of the pink things, it will be really annoying. To make this | | battle easier, kill as many of the pink things as your patience | | allows, then shoot the main eye with arrows when it's open. | | | | - When it starts zipping around, keep it Z targeted, hit it when its | | vulnerable. Before long, you'll claim your prize. | | | | - Now, if you want to be REALLY cheap, you can just stand in one of | | the corners. Wart is so big that he can't fit into any of the four | | corners of the room, so standing there, you are completely safe to | | fire away at him with your bow (with the exception of the pink | | things of course... | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Only vulnerable when the eye is open. Hit eye with sword, arrows, | | whatever works. If damaged enough, it'll go berserk and zoom around | | trying to hit you. Thus, kill the pink stuff first. | | - Knock them away from his body using Bombs, Fire Arrow or sword. | | Then kill them with whatever you like. | | - Keep him Z targeted when he's running around. Shoot or slash his | | eye when it's open. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Gekko (Again) \________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "He's run inside a Mad Jelly. | - Boss Key | | Since its body is so soft, normal | | | attacks won't do any good! Figure | | | out another way! | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Throws Mad Jellies that are scattered around the room at you. | | - Jumps up on the ceiling and makes all the jelly things fly up to | | him, then he tries to fall down on you. If he touches you while | | inside the jellies, he'll beat the snot out of you, dealing massive | | damage! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This guy is still easy if you know what to do, but that shouldn't | | be too hard. | | | | - Basically, he jumps around like he did the last time you faced him. | | Now, however, he has all these water jellies that he can throw at | | you. just zig-zag to avoid them and stab him with your sword. | | | | - Whenever you hurt him, he'll climb up the wall and make all the | | jellies go up there too. He will then try to fall on top of you. If | | he touches you, he'll hurt you a ton, so don't let him! | | | | - When he first goes up to the ceiling, just watch the shadow on top | | of you and run out of the way. Turn around and Z target him. You can | | shoot him with an Ice Arrow, but it has no real effect. Wait for him | | to go up to the ceiling, THEN shoot him. | | | | - If you do this correctly, he'll freeze up and shatter when he hits | | the ground, allowing you to chase him once more. After several | | smacks he rightfully deserves, he'll revert back into a normal frog. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - There's blobs everywhere. He'll throw some at you. Avoid them, | | chase him down, skin him alive. | | - When he zips up to the ceiling, watch the shadow it casts on you. | | Run far away. Turn around, Z target. Wait till he gets back on the | | ceiling and shoot an Ice Arrow. | | - Repeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ___________________________________________ / B O S S : Gargantuan Masked Fish, GYORG \__________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "If you go near it now, you'll be | - Heart Container | | eaten! Aim at it from afar to | - Gyorg's Remains | | weaken it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Jumps over the platform (will grab you if you're standing in the | | middle). | | - Rams the platform (will knock you off if you're NOT in the | | middle). | | - Grabs you and chomps down on you, dealing massive damage! | | - Eventually, lets loose a bunch of piranha-like fish. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - I hope you came prepared with Fairies or Milk in bottles and maybe | | even some Green Potion or even Cheatau Romani. You'll need it, cause | | this is one of the harder battles in the game. | | | | - There are two methods of fighting: from the platform, and under | | water. The latter is more dangerous, but it's hard to get back on | | the platform, so it's a toss up between the two. Personally, I like | | the platforming. | | | | - First, understand that Gyorg swims around and attempts to get you | | in the water. Its only real attack is to take you in its mouth and | | show you a world of pain with its sharp teeth. | | | | - To stun it, you can stand on the platform and use (Fire) Arrows, or | | use the Zora Mask to charge up you fins, or swim into it and use the | | Electric Barrier (Zora + swimming + R). The last way is the most | | dangerous... | | | | - Once its stunned, put on the Zora Mask and jump into the water (if | | you're not already). Quickly swim over to him and start smacking | | away with your Fins or the Electric Barrier. | | | | - When he gets back up, gain your distance. If you're fighting from | | the platform, try circling the platform to get height, then dolphin | | jump onto it. This can be very tricky. | | | | - Half way through the battle, it will let loose lots of piranha-like | | fish. This is a huge pain, because they make it easier for Gyorg to | | chase you down. Use your Electrical Barrier (R) to kill them. | | | | - All in all, this is a tough fight. You may use a couple Fairies in | | the process (now why can't Tatl do that?!). | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Stand on the platform, shoot the giant fish with (Fire) Arrows to | | stun it. Alternatively, use the Zora Mask under water and charge up | | your Fins, or swim into it with the Electric Barrier (R). | | - Once it's stunned, get close and smack away at it with the Zora | | Mask. Run away when it comes to. | | - Eventually it'll spit out piranhas. Avoid them or use the Electric | | Barrier (R). Soon after, you'll win. *clap clap* | \_______________________________________________________________________/ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Ikana Graveyard | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ___________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Skull Keeta \__________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Hurry! Chase him until you get | - Captain's Hat | | your chance at him! But if you | | | get too close, you might regret | | | it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Smacks you with his huge arms. | | - Jumps up in the air and tries to land on you (run away from the | | shadow to avoid it). | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - You'll find this guy in front of Dampe's House in the Ikana | | Graveyard. Play the Sonata of Awakening to start the battle. He will | | run up the hill, during which time Stalchildren will appear out of | | ground every few paces. Shoot him with arrows to slow him down, then | | slash him with your sword to confront him. | | | | - This battle is quite easy. After you've caught up with him, just | | get close and smack him with your sword. You can defend against his | | slapping with your shield, but if you're too close, he'll swing over | | it. When he disappears, run away from the shadow, then turn around | | and lay a hit on him. | | | | - Part of what makes this guy so easy is that you can use your Bow, | | Hookshot or Bombs to easily stun him. Have some fun with it, use the | | Deku Mask for a challenge. =) | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Really easy. He smacks at you and tries to pull a Bowser on you | | (jumps up and lands on you). Avoid these. Stun him with Arrows or | | Hookshot. Run in for the kill. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Iron Knuckle \_________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "You know about the Iron | - Song of Storms | | Knuckle, right? Stay away from | | | its ax attack, then look for a | | | chance to retaliate. | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Swings its axe at you, OUCH! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - These enemies are fairly simple, but they hurt a lot! Get close to | | them, then back up or do a backflip to avoid the attack. As they're | | still recovering from their swing, you can go in for a quick jab. | | | | - Most other attacks won't work against them, except for Bombs. You | | can use those for the first half of the battle, but they are hard | | to use when he moves faster. | | | | - After a few hits, a layer of armor will fall off and they will be | | able to move much faster. Use the same patterns to defeat them | | shortly after. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - This guy hurts... Get close, then backflip to avoid the p-a-i-n. | | Run in and smack him with your sword, then get back again. Repeat. | | Half way through, he loses his armor and moves faster. Keep it up | | and he dies. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Ikana Castle | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ __________________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wizrobe (3rd Time) \___________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wizrobe. | - Nothing =( | | You'll get your chance right when | | | it starts to attack. Be on the | | | lookout for it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots a fire blast at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - I'm sorry, but yes, you have to fight him, AGAIN. This time, he has | | a fire attack which explodes into little fire things that fling in | | several directions once it hits the ground. | | | | - Other than that, everything's the same. Use your compass to find | | him quickly. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use the Goron Mask to roll around when he starts appearing or use | | arrows. The real one is solid, as well as a red dot on your Map. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Stalfos Royal Guards \_________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Just keep defending and watch his | - N/A | | movements. I think I'm starting to | | | see his weak point! | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with their swords. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - I don't really know these guys' names. Seeing as they're a comic | | relief, you'd think Nintendo would give them something... | | | | - As you start the battle with the King of Ikana, he will instead | | send his lackeys after you and watch from the sidelines. If you try | | to harm him, he'll either counterattack or deflect it. | | | | - As soon as you can, burn away one of the two blinds blocking the | | windows using a Fire Arrow to allow light to come in. While standing | | in the light, the skeletons will avoid you at all cost. From there, | | shoot the other drapes. | | | | - These guys obviously are weak to the light, but you can't reflect | | any onto them because they just guard against it. Wait for a gap in | | their defenses or stun them, then stab them quickly. This can be | | done quickly using the Deku Mask or Deku Nuts. | | | | - After just a few hits, they'll fall to the ground. Run back to the | | light and shine it on their bodies to finish them off. Repeat this | | process with the other one. | | | | - A little secret you can use on them is to use the Bremen Mask to | | march, they'll go right along with you! As weird as that is, you can | | easily get behind them while they're vulnerable, quickly take off | | the mask and slash away. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Shoot the drapes blocking the windows with Fire Arrows. Stand in | | the light when you don't wish to be attacked. Go confront them, | | use sword and shield tactics to take them down. Run back and shine | | light on them to kill them. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ _____________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Igos du Ikana \________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Stick with using the basic | - Elegy of Emptiness | | target methods while defending. | | | ...He's a different rank than those | | | other two lackeys, though..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with his sword. | | - Uses a jumping slash attack. Easy to avoid, but does heavy damage. | | - Decapitates himself, sending his head flying around to chomp on | | you. Hard to avoid. | | - Breathes poison gas towards you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - If you wear the Captain's Hat before the battle, he thinks you're | | him! Anyway, this guy is pretty much the same as the other two, but | | considerably harder. | | | | - For the most part, this guy will use a variety of attacks and can | | still defend against yours on the fly, which makes him much harder. | | Use Z targeting and your shield a lot. | | | | - Obviously, the goal is to shine light on him. He takes quite a bit | | of hits to knock him to the floor though, and unlike the other two, | | it's much easier to shine light on him while he's running around. | | | | - One method of hurting him is to use the Deku Mask to spin around to | | his backside, take off the mask, and slash him while he's stunned. | | | | - Perhaps the most annoying thing about this guy is his decapitation | | technique. He severs his head which flies around, and as far as I | | know, is invulnerable. His body becomes transparent and will follow | | you around, slashing at you. Inevitably, he'll come and chomp on | | your own head. It's unavoidable... | | | | - After several hits, he'll fall down. Run over to the light and | | shine it on this fellow as well. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Same as his guards, but harder. Stay close and stab him when you | | can. Try to shine light on him when he uses his poison breath. Run | | away when his head starts floating around. After several hits, he | | will fall down. Shine light on him to slay him. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Stone Tower Temple | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ___________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Garo Master \__________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "That's the Garo Master... | - Light Arrow | | You can't fight him like an | | | ordinary Garo. Just dodge those | | | swords..." | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Flies towards you quickly and slashes. | | - Jumps over you, turns around, slashes. | | - Disappears and appears above you, followed by a quick slash. | | - Does a spinning attack towards you (usually defensive). | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This guy is very quick, and unfortunately, his swords do not break | | because of your Mirror Shield alike the other Garos. If you have the | | Bunny Hood, I suggest you use that and no Z targeting. | | | | - Up close attacks don't work, so you have to wait for an opening. He | | has a tendency to pause after his charging attack and his disappear | | one as well, so that's our chance. | | | | - For the charge one, Z target him from far away, then move to the | | side. Stay close enough that he'll slash when he gets close to you | | though, but far enough that he doesn't hit you. Quickly, smack him. | | | | - If you run too far away when he zooms at you, he'll disappear. He | | will appear a few feet in front of the direction you were facing | | when he disappeared. So just count on that, wait for him to appear | | and slash, then run in and kick his butt. | | | | - He's very easy as a Goron. Use the Goron Stomp (A + B) when he's | | about to charge. You'll land and hurt him after he's already swiped. | | | | - He CAN be quite easy as a Zora. Use the Electric Barrier (R + B) to | | stun him, then attack. If you get burned though, you'll have to | | start over... | | | | - After just a few hits, he'll bite the dust. Run away, because he'll | | blow himself up with a Bomb after a few quick words. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Keep your distance, Z target (or use Bunny Hood). Move to the side | | when he charges at you. If you're close enough, he'll swipe, then | | sit there for a second. Smack him. | | - If you move too far away when he zooms at you, he'll disappear. | | Stand still and defend. He'll appear and slash. Smack him right | | after that. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ __________________________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Wizrobe (4th Time) \___________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's a Wizrobe. | - Stray Fairy #13 | | You'll get your chance right when | | | it starts to attack. Be on the | | | lookout for it!" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Shoots a fire blast at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - Okay, this is the last time you have to fight him, I swear! This is | | also the hardest time as well... There's lava on the ceiling that | | drips down on you, making it hard to sit still for very long. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Use your compass to sit back and shoot him with arrows to get this | | over with quickly and painlessly. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ______________________________ / M I N I - B O S S : Gomess \_______________________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "It's Gomess. There'll be no end to | - Boss Key | | it if you can't get those bats | | | away from it. Does that shed any | | | light on the situation?" | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Slashes at you with its Scythe. | | - Charges towards you, spinning its scythe around quickly. | | - Sends bats to follow you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This is one of the cooler mini-bosses in the game. He has an odd | | defense of surrounding himself with bats. | | | | - Although he's really cool, he's also pretty easy. If you stand far | | away, he'll send his bats after you, which is perhaps his most | | dangerous attack because they can work their way around you. | | | | - Close up, he has two attacks. One is to charge towards you, which | | can easily be deflected with your shield. The other is to swipe at | | you, which can reach over your shield at the right distance. It will | | miss if you're right up against him, or just out of range. | | | | - With all that being said, stay at mid-range, close enough so that | | he doesn't send his minions after you. Shoot him with a Light Arrow | | to get the bats to fly away for a short time. | | | | - During this time, he is vulnerable in the heart (the orb-like thing | | in his chest). Get close and use a vertical slash or a Jump Attack | | (Z + A). Get back out of reach. | | | | - Repeat this process about eight times and this guy will heel over. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Stay at mid range (just out of reach of his scythe) and defend. | | While the bats surround him, he's invincible. Shoot him with Light | | Arrows to get them to leave temporarily. Run in for the kill (smack | | the orb-like thing in his chest). Repeat. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________________________ / B O S S : Giant Masked Insect, TWINMOLD \_________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | Received : | | "Just its head and tail aren't | - Heart Container | | protected by its hard exoskeleton, | - Twinmold's Remains | | so aim carefully. If only you were | | | the same size as it... | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Flies at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This huge desert scene is deadly for you. You can sink into the | | sand if you're not careful. Also, these insects are gigantic. Slap | | on the Giant's Mask to show them who's boss (no pun intended). | | | | - The problem with wearing the Giant's Mask is that it uses up SOOO | | much Magic! Go take a stab at the nearby pillars to make them drop | | magic jars. I strongly suggest you bring some Green Potions if not | | Chateau Romani. | | | | - Even though this is a cool battle, it's really incredibly easy and | | simple. Don't bother Z targeting them, just slash either the head | | or tail of either insect to damage them. And that's all there is to | | it! Keep this up for a little while (your health shouldn't be much | | of a problem) and they'll both die. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Giants Mask. Slash pillars to find Magic Jars if you run low if | | you didn't bring Green Potions and Chateau Romani. | | - Slash the head or tail of the insects to hurt them. Do this wildly | | without any technique or skill... it's their weakness...? =P | \_______________________________________________________________________/ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | The Moon | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ _______________________________________ / F I N A L - B O S S : MAJORA'S MASK \______________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | | "Remember your battles! | | When something resistant would | | deflect your weapons, what was | | its backside usually like?" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Gets on its side and spins towards you like a saw-blade. | | - Shoots a fire beam at you (can be reflected). | | - The Boss Remains come after you, shooting you with energy beams. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This battle is simple: he's a flying thing that's invulnerable from | | the front. | | | | - He has two attacks: One is to turn on his side and try to saw you | | half, and the other is to turn around and shoot a fiery beam at you. | | The beam can be reflected, but doesn't hurt him (use it on the other | | masks). You can, however, dodge the beam entirely and shoot him. | | | | - You have to stun him so you can pummel him with your sword. To do | | that you can do any of the following: | | * Shoot him in the back with arrows (hard). | | * Use a Spin Attack when he's trying to saw you in half (easy). | | * Throw/lay a Bomb/Bombchu at just the right time (very hard). | | | | - Part way through the battle, the Boss Remains on the walls come off | | and start flying around, shooting energy beams at you. These beams | | can be deflected, but it's better to avoid them entirely. | | | | - Kill off the masks with whatever you like. Light Arrows work good. | | Reflecting Majora's fiery attack gets my vote for the best. | | | | - After they're dead, continue to kill Majora. If you have the Bunny | | Hood and the Great Fairy Sword, this will all be much easier. The | | Fierce Deity's Mask is a given as well. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Mask flies around the room. Wait until it turns around and shoot | | it in the back with an arrow, or wait until it gets close and use | | a Spin Attack. | | - Eventually, other masks join in. Slay them with whatever. | | Reflecting Majora's fire attack works best. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ______________________________________________ / F I N A L - B O S S : MAJORA'S INCARNATION \_______________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | | "Remember your battles! | | When you fought things that run | | around, didn't you battle them | | using your own body?" | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Turns around suddenly and shoots energy blasts at you. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This is by far the easiest form, as well as the strangest. It's a | | good thing the rest of his forms aren't this fast! I like the music | | and noises he makes. Reminds me of a chicken. | | | | - This freaky thing will run around at super sonic speed. Every once | | in awhile, it will stop and blast away at you. Keep your shield up | | for when this happens. | | | | - To hurt it, just wait for it to be staying relatively still and | | shoot it with any type of arrow you like. Alternatively, you can | | just slash it with your sword when it gets close. Once it's down, | | run up and smack away. Repeat. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Stand still, smack it with your sword. OR, Shoot it with a Light | | Arrow. Either way, run over and smack it. Defend a lot. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ________________________________________ / F I N A L - B O S S : MAJORA'S WRATH \_____________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Tatl : | | "Think about battles and weapons! | | When you had the chance before | | an enemy was about to attack, | | didn't you usually try shooting it? | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks : | | - Whips you. | | - Whips in your direction really fast. | | - Does a spinning whip attack. | | - Kicks you (when you get close). | | - Makes little top thingies that home in on you and eventually | | explode. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | - This is by far the hardest form. Also, he suddenly is much more | | evil looking, even though he's still kind of high pitched. | | | | - This guy has long tentacles at the end of each arm that he uses to | | whip you in all sorts of ways. The best thing to do is try to keep | | some distance between you two. | | | | - Most of your weapons are pretty useless against him (he easily | | avoids them). Wait until he's taunting you or between whippings and | | shoot him with Light Arrows. Run in and slash away. | | | | - It's also possible to just run up and slash him, but his attacks | | can sometimes go over or around your shield if you're close, or | | he'll jump out of the way or kick you. So, if you're out of arrows | | and have used the ones in the jar, there's still hope. | | | | - At one point, he will start creating spiky, spinning tops that | | follow you around. They're quite hard to avoid and they will easily | | get you from behind. When they stop spinning, they fall over and | | explode. | | | | - The best thing to do is to just use your shield and Z targeting and | | circle your way along the wall as close as you can get to him. This | | will keep you fairly safe from the exploding tops. Shoot him and | | attack like you've been doing. He'll die very soon. | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Summery : | | - Defend bunches. Get close, shoot it with a Light Arrow when you | | find an opening. Run in for the kill. Repeat. | | - Eventually, starts making exploding tops. Stay close to walls and | | keep defending. Get as close as you can and repeat process. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____ ____ _________________________________________________ ____ ____ / \/ \ =============================================== / \/ \ / _ _ \ -------------={ Heart Pieces }=------------ / _ _ \ \ / \/ \ / [HEART] \ / \/ \ / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \/ / http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06HeartPieces.php \ \/ / \ / ----------------------------------------------------- \ / \ / ======================================================= \ / \/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \/ - I have the Heart Pieces numbered by place rather than the order you get them in, so don't be surprised if it jumps from various numbers so quickly in the walkthrough. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Clock Town | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================= ~ [HP01] Heart Piece #1 ~ ========================= - Requires: Moon's Tear or Deku Mask. - In South Clock Town, there's a Piece of a Heart sitting atop an overhang sticking out of the Clock Tower. - To get it, either trade a Moon's Tear for the Land Title Deed with the Business Scrub who owns the yellow flower and use it to fly up there, or just climb up on the right side without wearing the Deku Mask (like you'd wait that long =P). ========================= ~ [HP02] Heart Piece #2 ~ ========================= - Requires: Deku Mask. - In North Clock Town, there is a Heart Piece in the branches of a tree. - To get it, climb up the pillars right next to the slide to get on top of it, then jump to the tree to claim your prize. ========================= ~ [HP03] Heart Piece #3 ~ ========================= - Requires: Paper (Title Deed or Letter). - Enter the Stock Pot Inn and go to the restroom. On any night between 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM, a hand will appear"???". - Give it a letter or any of the Title Deeds and it will use it as toilet paper. Gross! In return you receive a Piece of a Heart. ========================= ~ [HP04] Heart Piece #4 ~ ========================= - Requires: A sword. - Go to the Swordman's School in West Clock Town during any Day and play his little game. - Slice all of the wooden blocks straight down the middle by using a Jump Attack (Z + A). If you do this to all of them, you get a perfect score of 30 and receive a Piece of a Heart. ========================= ~ [HP05] Heart Piece #5 ~ ========================= - Requires: Some Rupees, Bunny Hood (optional). - Enter the Post Office on the First or Second Night between 6:00 PM and 12:00 PM and speak with the Postman to play a little game. - You have to hit A to start a timer, then again at exactly 10 seconds. If you pull it off, he will give you a Piece of a Heart. I suggest using a stop watch. - If you wear the Bunny Hood while talking to him, you can see the timer the whole time. ========================= ~ [HP06] Heart Piece #6 ~ ========================= - Requires: Kamaro's Mask. - Go to West Clock Town during the First or Second Night to find the Rosa Sisters practicing to find a new dance. - Use Kamaro's Mask to show them moves and receive a Piece of a Heart as thanks. ========================= ~ [HP07] Heart Piece #7 ~ ========================= - Requires: Hero's Bow. - In East Clock Town, play at the Town Shooting Gallery and get 50 points (the most possible) to receive a Piece of a Heart. This'll probably take lots of practice. ========================= ~ [HP08] Heart Piece #8 ~ ========================= - Requires: Goron Mask, Rupees. - In East Clock Town, play the Treasure Chest Game while wearing the Goron Mask. - It will cost more to play, but the reward will be a Piece of a Heart instead. ========================= ~ [HP09] Heart Piece #9 ~ ========================= - Requires: Deku Mask, Rupees. - In North Clock Town, use the flower to enter the fenced in area near the Great Fairy Fountain and fall down the hole, which leads to the Deku Playground. - Win their game for three days in a row to receive a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP10] Heart Piece #10 ~ ========================== - Requires: Hero's Bow, Bomb Bag. - In East Clock Town, win the various games at the Honey & Darling's for three days in a row to receive a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP11] Heart Piece #11 ~ ========================== - Requires: 5000+ Rupees in Bank. - You should be putting Rupees into the Bank throughout your journey. When you reach 5000, you will receive a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP12] Heart Piece #12 ~ ========================== - Requires: All-Night Mask. - During the First or Second Day, go to Anju's grandmother's room at the Stock Pot Inn and talk to her while wearing the All-Night Mask. - Listen to the first story and answer all the questions (the top answers each time). She'll reward you with a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP13] Heart Piece #13 ~ ========================== - Requires: All-Night Mask. - Alike the last one, during the First or Second Day, go to Anju's Grandmother's room at the Stock Pot Inn and talk to her while wearing the All-Night Mask. - Listen to the second story and this time say "I dunno". She'll be proud of you for trying anyway and give you a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP14] Heart Piece #14 ~ ========================== - Requires: Postman's Hat. - Use the Postman's Hat to check any of the mailboxes in Clock Town. ========================== ~ [HP15] Heart Piece #15 ~ ========================== - Requires: Couple's Mask. - During any Day, enter the Mayor's Office and talk to them while wearing the Couple's Mask. This will cause them to stop arguing. - After that, talk to the Mayor by himself to receive a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Termina Field | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP16] Heart Piece #16 ~ ========================== - In southwest Termina Field, in a large patch of grass, you will find some butterflies. Walk around near there to find a hole. - Inside, there is a giant Pea Hat. It's fairly easily killed. Once that is accomplished, you will receive a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP17] Heart Piece #17 ~ ========================== - In north Termina Field, there is a hole beneath one of the giant mushrooms. - Inside, there are two Dodongos. They take quite a beating to kill, especially with your lack of decent weaponry early on (use Bombs instead). Defeat them to receive a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP18] Heart Piece #18 ~ ========================== - Requires: Bombs or Goron Mask, Hero's Bow or Hookshot, Zora Mask. - In west Termina Field, there is a boulder near the stone fence leading to Great Bay. Either use a Bomb to blow it up or smash it as a Goron. - Inside, shoot the beehives on the ceiling and kill the Giant Bees that come out. One of the beehives will drop a Piece of a Heart into the water. Put on the Zora Mask and sink to the bottom to pick it up. ========================== ~ [HP19] Heart Piece #19 ~ ========================== - Requires: 100+ Rupees (Adult's Wallet or better). - Go to the Astral Observatory and use the telescope. Look to the left of the Clock Tower and you'll see the Business Scrub from earlier. Watch him as he flys into a hole below. Now, enter Termina Field and go to that hole. - Inside, the Business Scrub will sell you a Piece of a Heart to keep his hole a secret. First he'll charge you 150 Rupees. Say no. He will lower the price to a final 100. Take it! ========================== ~ [HP20] Heart Piece #20 ~ ========================== - Sonata of Awakening or Goron's Lullaby or New Wave Bossa Nova. - There are four holes near the four exits in Termina Field. Inside each hole are four Gossip Stones, one of them large (representing that hole). - Your goal is to change the large one's color one at a time by playing one of the songs listed to them. When they are all changed (they must all be the SAME COLOR), you will receive a Piece of a Heart. North: Northeast of the entrance to North Clock Town, before you enter the snowy area, is the first hole. West: North of the entrance to West Clock Town is a boulder. Blow it up or smash it to reveal the second hole underneath. South: Between the entrance to the Swamp and Milk Road, along the wall is the third hole. East: To the left of the Astral Observatory (when you're facing it) is the fourth hole. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Road to Southern Swamp | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP21] Heart Piece #21 ~ ========================== - When you come to a fork in the road, you will notice that there's a large tree. On one side you can climb up the vines. There are bats in the way however, so I suggest using either the Hero's Bow or the Deku Mask to shoot them. - At the top is a Piece of a Heart awaiting you. ========================== ~ [HP22] Heart Piece #22 ~ ========================== Requires: Hero's Bow, Lots of Rupees. - In the Swamp Shooting Gallery, if you score 2000+ points, you will receive a Piece of a Heart. It will probably take a lot of practice, so come prepared with lots of money. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Southern Swamp | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP23] Heart Piece #23 ~ ========================== - Requires: Pictograph Box. - There's a "contest" at the Swamp Tourist Center to take a good Swamp picture to get rewards. The contest lasts until the poison goes away, so you have to do it before you beat the Woodfall Temple. - To get a Heart Piece, bring the big guy a picture of either the Deku King, or Tingle (that son he's ashamed of) at the entrance to Southern Swamp. ========================== ~ [HP24] Heart Piece #24 ~ ========================== - Requires: Hero's Bow, Koume rescued, Odolwa (Woodfall Temple Boss) defeated, Rupees. - Go to the Swamp Tourist Center and speak with Koume after you've defeated Odolwa and rescued her earlier. She will let you play a little game, now that the poison is clear. - Koume will fly around on her broom, holding a target below her. The object of the game is to hit the target at least 20 times. You can hit her 10 times, then you're out. Aim carefully, it's pretty easy. Once you've done it, you will receive a Piece of a Heart as a reward. ========================== ~ [HP25] Heart Piece #25 ~ ========================== - Requires: Land Title Deed. - Speak with the Business Scrub right outside the Swamp Tourist Center while not wearing a mask and trade the Land Title Deed from Clock Town for the Swamp Title Deed. - Use the flower to get on top of the Tourist Center to find a Piece of a Heart awaiting you. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Deku Palace | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP26] Heart Piece #26 ~ ========================== - Requires: Deku Mask, Stone Mask (optional). - When you enter the Deku Palace, go forward and get past the two guards by talking to them with the Deku Mask on. - Next, take the left path. Avoid the guards' line of sight, or just wear the Stone Mask and make your way to the end of this little maze to find yourself a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Woodfall | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP27] Heart Piece #27 ~ ========================== - Requires: Deku Mask, Odolwa (Woodfall Temple Boss) defeated. - When in Woodfall, if you keep flying from platform to platform after the one with the Owl Statue, the last one will have a Treasure Chest on it. Open it to receive a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Mountain Village | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP28] Heart Piece #28 ~ ========================== - Requires: Don Gero Mask, Hero's Bow, Ice Arrows, Goht (Snowhead Temple Boss) defeated. - After killing Goht, the whole Snowhead area will begin turning back to normal. In the lake in Mountain Village (where the Smiths are) there are some lily pads and a lone Frog. We have to find the other four frogs and bring them here by talking to them with the Don Gero Mask on. When that is done, return here and talk to them using the mask to receive a Piece of a Heart. #1 The first one is already in the lake in Mountain Village in spring (when the Snowhead Temple boss is defeated). #2 Waiting in the Laundry Pool of Clock Town. #3 On a log in Southern Swamp when you're heading towards the Deku Palace in the non-poison water. #4 Defeat Gekko in the Woodfall Temple. #5 Defeat Gekko in the Great Bay Temple. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Road to Goron Village | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP29] Heart Piece #29 ~ ========================== - Requires: Zora Mask, Goht (Snowhead Temple Boss) defeated. - On the Road to Goron Village, the lake around these little island should be frozen. After you've defeated Goht, it will melt, allowing you to swim around using the Zora Mask. There is a large Treasure Chest down there which holds a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Goron Village | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP30] Heart Piece #30 ~ ========================== - Requires: Deku Mask, Swamp Title Deed. - From the entrance of Goron Village, go right along the top ledge. It will lead you to another Business Scrub who owns a flower there. Talk to him as a Deku and trade him the Swamp Title Deed for the Mountain Title Deed. - Use the flower to fly up to the platform above you, where a lone Piece of a Heart is waiting for you. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Road to Snowhead | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP31] Heart Piece #31 ~ ========================== - Requires: Lens of Truth, Scarecrow's Song, Hookshot. - On the road to Snowhead (that ravine area that you have to use your Goron Roll to get across) use the Lens of Truth to see some invisible Ice Blocks alike when you first got the Lens. - Jump across them all until you're on the last ones. Kill the Ice Keese so they don't accidentally knock you off. Now, you'll notice a snowy platform in the distance. Tatl will fly over there and turn green. That's your queue to play the Scarecrow's Song. - He will appear on the platform. Hookshot to him and grab yourself the Piece of a Heart awaiting you. Now, you can either fall off the ledge to appear at the start of this scene, or play the Song of Soaring. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Romani Ranch | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP32] Heart Piece #32 ~ ========================== - Requires: Rupees, Mask of Truth. - Go to Mamamu Yan's Doggy Race Track at the back of Romani Ranch. You have to bring her a dog to race with and bet a certain amount of Rupees to play. If you win 150 or more Rupees, you will receive a Piece of a Heart. - Before you actually pick a dog to race with, walk around picking them up one by one while wearing the Mask of Truth. With this, you can hear their thoughts. - When you find the one that says something to the extent of "Ruff! There's no way I can lose!" and is all enthusiastic, take him and bet 50 Rupees on him (the max amount). - The races are pretty random, but it's a very good chance that you'll at least get third, which will still allow you to keep your money. If you don't get it the first time, find the correct puppy (it's different each time) and do it again. After a few tries you'll get it. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Great Bay Coast | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP33] Heart Piece #33 ~ ========================== - Requires: Fish in Bottles. - Go to the Marine Research Lab and bring lots of Fish in Bottles. A good place to find them is in little pools in the rocky area near the Gerudo Lagoon entrance (the large steel walls). - There is an aquarium with two orange fishes inside right next to the door. Get on top of it and drop fishes in. The fish will both try to eat them and grow larger. Once one of them has eaten four fish in total, it will grow very large, eat the other orange fish and spit out a Piece of a Heart for you to grab. ========================== ~ [HP34] Heart Piece #34 ~ ========================== - Requires: Hookshot, Hero's Bow, Deku Sticks or Fire Arrow, Captain's Hat. - Near the entrance to the Great Bay Coast are two buildings. One is the Fisherman's Hut, the other is the Great Bay Skulltula House. Enter it. - Blow up the cracked wall with a Bomb and slide down. Hookshot the target above the door and enter it. Burn the cobwebs in front of the door to your left by using either a Deku Stick or a Fire Arrow and enter it. - This is the Library and there are two Stalchildren here. Talk them while wearing the Captain's Hat and write down the order they say. Leave this room. Go down the stairs and enter the first room you come to. - Put on the Captain's Hat again and talk to all of the Stalchildren to complete your list of the order. Now, shoot the masks on the wall with arrows in the correct order to make the gate open. Run up the stairs and kill the large Skulltula. Open the chest to claim yourself a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP35] Heart Piece #35 ~ ========================== - Requires: Hookshot, Magic Bean, Fresh Spring Water, Scarecrow's Song. - Go to the north part of Great Bay, in the lagoon area near the entrance to the Pirates' Fortress. The wall to the east has lots of columns sticking out of it. - The one on the far right is the lowest. Hookshot up to it. Now, Hookshot to the next one. Now do it again. - Here, there is some soft soil. Plant your Magic Bean and play the Song of Storms. If you do not have it yet, use Spring Water. Ride the Plant that grows to the next platform. - Tatl will fly over to the next platform and turn green. Play the Scarecrow's Song and Hookshot to him. Within the rock face is a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP36] Heart Piece #36 ~ ========================== - Requires: Gyorg (Great Bay Temple Boss) defeated, Hookshot, Lots of Rupees. - When Gyorg is defeated, enter the Great Bay Coast from Termina Field. Go southeast and you'll find a boat next to a sign. Jump onto the boat and it'll start moving around. - When you reach an island with the Fisherman on it, Hookshot to it. Now jump to the middle island and talk to the Fisherman to play his game. If you score 20 or higher, you will receive a Piece of a Heart. - It's pretty easy, just take it slow. You have more than enough time, so it wouldn't be hard to score 25 to 40 before your time is up. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Zora Cape | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP37] Heart Piece #37 ~ ========================== - Requires: Zora Mask. - In the second area of the Great Bay Coast, there is a waterfall at the end of a canyon along the shore. The waterfall pours into a deep basin below. There are also a couple fish and a Like-Like in the center. Kill it to find a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP38] Heart Piece #38 ~ ========================== - Requires: Hookshot, Zora Mask. - In the second area of the Great Bay Coast, there is a waterfall at the end of a canyon along the shore. At the top of this waterfall is a cave. To get to it, you must Hookshot the trees that are on the ledges along the walls leading up to it. - Once inside, you will find a Beaver. Put on the Zora Mask and follow him to the bottom of the lake area and accept his challenge. Race against the Beaver and his older brother to get either a Bottle or Rupees. Challenge them again for an even harder race with less time. If you win, you will get a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Zora Hall | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP39] Heart Piece #39 ~ ========================== - Requires: Zora Mask, Hookshot, Ocarina of Time. - Use the Zora Mask to become one and talk to the Zora in front of the door with three shells above it (Mikau and Tijo's room). Now enter. Inside, you'll find Tijo practicing his drums. He broke Mikau's ladder earlier though... You'll notice a branch above Mikau's area. - Hookshot up and put on the Zora Mask again. Now read his diary to discover two little diddies: 1st: A, v, >, A 2nd: v, >, <, v - Now exit this room, put on the Zora Mask again and enter the next room. This is Japas's room, and he wants to jam with the same song you guys played yesterday. - He plays one part, then you follow up with what you just found in the diary. Together, it makes this: 1st: >, >, v, A, A, v, >, A 2nd: <, <, >, v, v, >, <, v - Now, enter the next room, which belongs to Evan. He's the band leader and he doesn't want you guys coming up with songs on your own. So, take off the Zora Mask and play both of those parts together while standing behind him as normal Link. Evan will use this song and say that he came up with it himself. As consolation for stealing it, he will give you a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP40] Heart Piece #40 ~ ========================== - Requires: Zora Mask, Goron Mask, Mountain Title Deed. - In Zora Hall, go to the room on the far left that has a guy peeping through the keyhole. Put on the Zora Mask and talk to him. He'll nervously try to convince you he wasn't doing anything suspicious, then leave. Enter the room. - Inside, there's a Business Scrub who has taken up residence here (why does Lulu allow this guy to be in her room?). Take off the Zora Mask and put on the Goron Mask. Now talk to him and trade the Mountain Title Deed for the Ocean Title Deed. Use the flower to fly up to the upper ledge and grab yourself a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Pirates' Fortress | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP41] Heart Piece #41 ~ ========================== - Goron Mask or Bunny Hood. - When in the Pirates' Fortress, attempting to get into the heart of it all, you will find a cage on your right with a Piece of a Heart inside. - To get it, you have to go up the stairs to the left. Now smash the barrels by either rolling into them, or using the Fire Punch with the Goron Mask on. One of the further ones will reveal a switch. Step on it to cause the door to the cage below open for a few moments. - Now, you need to go around and down the stairs quickly in order to make it. Either roll using the Goron Mask, or run with the Bunny Hood. Once inside, claim your prize and use the switch in there to open the door. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Pinnacle Rock | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP42] Heart Piece #42 ~ ========================== - Zora Mask, Bottle, Pictograph Box. - When in the Pirate's Fortress, take a picture of any of a Gerudo Pirate. This is very easy with the Stone Mask. When you go back to the Great Bay Coast, enter the Fisherman's house near the entrance. Give him the picture of the Pirate and you'll get the seahorse in return. - Go to Pinnacle Rock (through those two pillars sticking out of the water) and release the seahorse. It will guide you safely through. In this new area, there are many Deep Pythons. Kill all of them to reunite the seahorse with its lover. They will then give you a Piece of a Heart in thanks. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Ikana Graveyard | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP43] Heart Piece #43 ~ ========================== - Captain's Hat, Lens of Truth. - On the Second Night, use the Captain's Hat to order the Stalchildren guarding the grave to open it. Fall in. - You will fall onto a little ledge. Jump to the next platform. Use the Lens of Truth and walk through the fake wall. Go through the door. - Here, there's lots of invisible enemies as well as an invisible path that leads across this large gap. When you get to the other side, turn left and use a Bomb on the cracked wall. Go through the door that's behind it. - In this final room, there's an Iron Knuckle. Defeat it to make a Treasure Chest appear containing a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Ikana Canyon | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP44] Heart Piece #44 ~ ========================== - Zora Mask, Ocean Title Deed. - In the Ikana Canyon area, near the entrance to Sakon's Hideout, there is a Business Scrub. Wear the Zora Mask and trade him the Ocean Title Deed for the Canyon Title Deed. - Use the flower to fly over to the small ledge on the other side of the river to get a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP45] Heart Piece #45 ~ ========================== - Requires: Hero's Bow, 30+ Rupees. - In the Ikana Canyon area, once you get up to the top, on the middle level of the stairs, there is a small house with a very steep little ledge leading up to the doorway. Go inside. - This is the Spirit House. Talk to the creepy guy with the single red eye, who will give you the option of playing a game for 30 Rupees. In this game, you have to defeat the four Poe sisters within three minutes, without letting your health drop to three Hearts or less. - Amy will come out first. Just use your Shield and when she appears and is hovering still, use a Jump Attack (Z + A) to take her out quick. Next Beth and Jo will come at you. They're the same as Amy. Just move around a lot and take them out one at a time. - The last Poe, Meg, is a little different. Four will appear around you, then a moment later, one will spin. That is the real one. Shoot her with your bow and repeat. After a few hits, she'll die. When you win, you'll get a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP46] Heart Piece #46 ~ ========================== - Requires: Zora Mask, 16+ Heart Containers, Light Arrows. - In Ikana Canyon, put on the Zora Mask and jump into the water near the two Octoroks. Swim upstream to find a secret area. Climb back up on land and shoot the sun above the door with a Light Arrow. Go through the door. - Welcome to the Secret Shrine. In this room, you will find the creepy one eyed guy again. He will challenge you to defeat the enemies in the four rooms for a nice reward. - Return to the middle when you have completed this task to find a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Ikana Castle | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP47] Heart Piece #47 ~ ========================== - Requires: Hero's Bow, Deku Mask. - When in Ikana Castle and you come up onto the roof for the first time (the left side of the building when facing it), you will see many pillars with flowers that are in flames. - Shoot the switch on one of the pillars with the Hero's Bow and then jump to the pillar with the flower. Use it to get to the next pillar with a flower, then use that one to get to the final pillar before the fire comes back. The last pillar has a Piece of a Heart. You'll have to jump down to get back though... .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | The Moon | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP48] Heart Piece #48 ~ ========================== - Requires: One normal mask, Deku Mask. - On the Moon, talk to the kid wearing the Odolwa Mask and give him one mask to play hide and go seek. - In this mini-dungeon, use the flowers to get to the yellow one, then use that one to get to the ledge on the far right at the end to grab a Piece of a Heart. ========================== ~ [HP49] Heart Piece #49 ~ ========================== - Requires: Two normal masks, Goron Mask. - On the Moon, talk to the kid wearing the Goht Mask and give him two of yours to play hide and go seek. - In this mini-dungeon, use the Goron Mask and roll along the path until you get to the end. There is a little shrine looking area that has a Piece of a Heart awaiting you. ========================== ~ [HP50] Heart Piece #50 ~ ========================== - Requires: Three normal masks, Zora Mask. - On the Moon, talk to the kid wearing the Gyorg Mask and give him three of yours to play hide and go seek. - In this mini-dungeon, you have to swim in the water in the correct path. So, put on your Zora mask and go: left, left, right, left. This will take you to a place with a Gossip Stone and a Piece of a Heart behind it. ========================== ~ [HP51] Heart Piece #51 ~ ========================== - Requires: Four normal masks, Hero's Bow, Hookshot. - On the Moon, talk to the kid wearing the Twinmold Mask and give him four of yours to play hide and go seek. - Part way through this mini-dungeon, you will find a Piece of a Heart. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Keaton | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ========================== ~ [HP52] Heart Piece #52 ~ ========================== - Requires: Keaton Mask. - There are circles of bushes that you've obviously noticed by now that will wiggle about when you attack one of them. There's one in North Clock Town, on in Milk Road, and the last one is in the Mountain Village after defeating Goht. There is also one in the room where you became a Deku in the beginning, but that doesn't count. - Go to one of these places and slash one of them while wearing the Keaton Mask. Wait for them to disappear and then a Keaton will appear. Speak with it to play a little game. - He will ask five questions (see the Keaton Questions section for the answers and if you answer them all correctly, you will receive a Piece of a Heart. ____ ____ / \____ ________________________________________________ / \____ / __ \ ============================================== / __ \ | / \ \ ----------------={ Masks }=--------------- | / \ \ | | | _ | [MASKS] | | | _ | \ \__/ / \ | \ \__/ / \ | | \_/ | | \_/ | |__________ / http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Masks.php |__________ / |\____ / / --------------------------------------------- |\____ / / \ '--' / =============================================== \ '--' / \_______/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_______/ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Transformation Masks | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - There are four masks in the game that change your form to a completely different race. Below I have them listed in the order you get them. ============= ~ Deku Mask ~ ============= - Wear it with (C) to assume Deku form. Use (C) to change back. - This allows you to interact with other Deku Scrubs, stun enemies, hop on water, use flowers to fly, as well as shoot bubbles once you learn it from the Great Fairy. Because you're made of wood, fire is your weakness in this form. - To get it, you must get back your Ocarina of Time from Skull Kid and speak with the Mask Salesman. ============== ~ Goron Mask ~ ============== - Wear it with (C) to assume Goron form. Use (C) to change back. - This allows you to interact with other Gorons, move heavy objects, roll, Goron Stomp, walk on lava, and even punch with fists of fire. - To get it, you must speak with the Spirit of Darmani who is waiting outside the cave after you get the Lens of Truth. He will lead you back to the Mountain Village and up a slope with invisible ladders. Climb up to the top and enter his grave, then speak to him. He will beg you to heal is soul. Play the Song of Healing to receive the mask. ============= ~ Zora Mask ~ ============= - Wear it with (C) to assume Zora form. Use (C) to change back. - This allows you to interact with other Zoras, swim incredibly fast, fight underwater, use your fins as weapons, and even shoot them out like boomerangs. - To get it, you must get Epona back from Romani Ranch and jump over the wall leading to Great Bay from Termina Field. When you get there, you will see something floating in the water. Help this Zora get back to shore by pushing him and then hear his final song explaining the situation. Play the Song of Healing to put the spirit of Mikau the guitarist into a mask. ===================== ~ Fierce Deity Mask ~ ===================== - Wear it with (C) to assume Fierce Deity form. Use (C) to change back. - While wearing this mask, you look very much like your normal form, but older and a lot stronger. Your sword is now two handed and does a significant amount more damage. Also, while Z targeting, you can shoot beams at your enemies. The catch is that it can only be used in Boss rooms. - In the Japanese Version, people call him Oni Link. Oni is a Japanese word roughly meaning "ogre demon". In English, this doesn't make too much sense and is considered "evil" to call someone a demon, but it's really just to insinuate power. Thus, in English, he is called Fierce Deity Link. - To get it, you have to give all 20 normal masks to the kids on the Moon. The last child, wearing Majora's Mask, will give you this mask because you have no more left. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Normal Masks | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - There are twenty masks in the game that do something other than change your form and each have a specific purpose. While most of them are rather pointless, you need all of them in order to get the best mask in the game as well as the full credits at the end. - The following is listed from left to right, going down. ================= ~ Postman's Hat ~ ================= - This mask allows you to get Rupees out of the Mailboxes around Clock Town. The first time you check the Mailbox in East Clock Town near the exit, you will get a Piece of a Heart. - You get it during the Anju & Kafei Quest. See that section for more information. ================== ~ All-Night Mask ~ ================== - This mask has one use only: to listen to Anju's Grandmother's stories, which normally make you fall asleep. - Listen to the first story (Carnival of Time) and choose all the top answers to receive a Piece of a Heart. - Listen to the second story (Four Giants) and choose "I dunno" to receive another Piece of a Heart. - To get it, on the First Night at 12:00 AM, you have to stop Sakon the Thief from stealing the Bomb Bags from the Old Lady, or else those will be at the Curiosity Shop later. - Then, on the Final Night at 10:00 PM, you can buy the All-Night Mask at the Curiosity Shop for 500 Rupees. ============== ~ Blast Mask ~ ============== - Wear this mask and press B to explode. Nothing else to it really. Use this when you're out of Bombs. - Hold R immediately after you press it to not take any damage! - To get it, save the Old Lady in North Clock Town on the First Night at 12:00 AM from being robbed by Sakon the Thief. She'll give you this as a reward. ============== ~ Stone Mask ~ ============== - Wear this to be ignored by guards that would normally throw you out, such as those in the Deku Palace and the Pirates' Fortress. - To get it, go to the road leading to Ikana Canyon and right before that cliff where the one-eyed guy appears there's a circle of stones. Use the Lens of Truth to see an invisible soldier named Shiro. - Give him a Red Potion to heal him of his invisibility and he'll give you this mask. ==================== ~ Great Fairy Mask ~ ==================== - This mask will float and shimmer when there's a Stray Fairy in the room. It will also make those Stray Fairies fly towards you unless they are trapped. - You have to use this in order to put the Great Fairies back together. - To get it, grab the Stray Fairy at either the Laundry Pool (day) or East Clock Town (night) and bring it to the Fairy Fountain in North Clock Town in your normal form. =============== ~ Keaton Mask ~ =============== - There are circles of bushes that will come to life when you attack one of them. They are located in North Clock Town, Milk Road, and Mountain Village (in spring). - Attack one to make the Keaton appear, who will ask you five questions. See the Keaton Questions section for more information. - You get it during the Anju & Kafei Quest. See that section for more information. =============== ~ Bremen Mask ~ =============== - Wear this and press B to parade small animals around. - You can use it at the chicken coop at Romani Ranch to make all of the ten baby chicks grow up instantaneously one by one. Grog will reward you with the Bunny Hood. - To get it, go to the Laundry Pool in Clock Town during the First or Second Night and talk to Guru-Guru who is practicing there by himself. He will talk about the past and give you the mask he stole because he doesn't need it anymore. ============== ~ Bunny Hood ~ ============== - Wear this to run twice as fast, thus, jump twice as far! This is extremely useful. - Also, wear this while playing the Postman's Timing Game to see the timer for the full 10 seconds. - To get it, go to the chicken coop at the back of Romani Ranch and use the Bremen Mask to parade the ten baby chicks around. If you get all of them, they will one by one grow up. Once they are all finished, you will receive your prize. ================= ~ Don Gero Mask ~ ================= - After Goht is defeated, the whole Snowhead area will begin turning back to normal. In the lake in Mountain Village (where the Smiths are) there are some lily pads and a lone Frog. We have to find the other four frogs and bring them here by talking to them with the Don Gero Mask on. When that is done, return here and talk to them using the mask to receive a Piece of a Heart. - #1: is in Clock Town at the Laundry Pool. - #2: is sitting on a log in Southern Swamp, in the direction you take to get to the Deku Palace. - #3: is in the Woodfall Temple (defeat Gekko). - #4: is in the Great Bay Temple (defeat Gekko). - To get it, you must light the torches in the Goron Shrine after you put the Elder's Son to sleep with the Goron Lullaby. After you have lit them all, the chandelier above will begin to spin. Next, use the Goron Mask to roll into each of the five jars that make up the chandelier until you break the one with the Rock Serloin inside. - While wearing the Goron Mask, take the Rock Serloin all the way back to the Mountain Village and throw it up to the shivering Goron atop the ledge. He will eat it and have the strength to get home. As thanks, he will give you the frog-like mask he is wearing. ================== ~ Mask of Scents ~ ================== - This mask allows you to see hidden mushrooms in the Mysterious Woods next to the Magic Hag's Shop, right next to wear Koume get's beat up by Skull Kid. - Bring them back to Kotake and she'll know how to make Blue Potions and the first one is free! - To get it, you must race the Butler in the Deku Shrine to the side of the Deku Palace after you rescue the Princess. If you have the Bunny Hood, it'll make things much easier. - When you get to the end, the Butler will give you this mask as reward. ================= ~ Romani's Mask ~ ================= - Wear this to get into and buy milk at the Latte Milk Bar in Clock Town. - To get it, save Romani Ranch from "Them" on the First Night from 1:00 AM to 4:30 AM. - Next, be at the ranch at 6:00 PM on the Second Night to hitch a ride with Cremia to Clock Town. Along the way, you'll have to take a detour and defend the cart against thieves (the Gorman Brothers in disguise). - Cremia will thank you by giving you the Romani's Mask in thanks. ======================== ~ Circus Leader's Mask ~ ======================== - This mask has one, simple use in the game. To cause the thieves (the Gorman Brothers) to stay far away when chasing you and Cremia on the way to Clock Town through Milk Road. - To get it, go to the Latte Milk Bar during the First or Second Night and play each part of the song for Toto the band leader of the Indigo-Go's in all four forms. Gorman will cry and give you this mask in thanks. ================ ~ Kafei's Mask ~ ================ - Wear this mask to ask people about Kafei. It's only used a couple times in the Anju & Kafei Quest. See that section for more information. - To get it, go to the Mayor's Residence on the First or Second Day and enter the room on the right. Talk to Madam Aroma and accept her request to find her missing son, Kafei. ================= ~ Couple's Mask ~ ================= - Wear this and talk to the people arguing in the Mayor's Office to make them stop. Afterwards, talk to the Mayor by himself to receive a Piece of a Heart. - To get it, complete the Anju & Kafei Quest. Go to that section to see how. ================= ~ Mask of Truth ~ ================= - This mask allows you to read the minds of small animals (by picking them up) and talk to Gossip Stones. - To get it, you have to kill all the Skulltulas in the Skulltula House in Southern Swamp. See the Skulltula House section for more information. ================= ~ Kamaro's Mask ~ ================= - Wear this and press B to dance. - If you go to West Clock Town during the First or Second Night, you'll find the Rosa Sisters practicing. Dance for them to get a Piece of a Heart. - To get it, go northeast of the entrance to North Clock Town in Termina Field and you'll see a pale, half naked man dancing atop one of the giant mushrooms. Jump over to him and play the Song of Healing to get the mask. ============== ~ Gibdo Mask ~ ============== - You look scary with this mask, even Gibdos think you're one of them! - To get it, you have to fix the river in Ikana Canyon. Go to the cave where to the east and play the Song of Storms to restore the well and start up the Music Box House. - Wait for Pamela to leave (you can lay a Bomb to make her get out earlier) and go inside. Run downstairs and Pamela's Father will pop out of the wardrobe. Play the Song of Healing to return things to normal and receive the this mask. =============== ~ Garo's Mask ~ =============== - This mask allows you to get into Ikana Canyon. In certain areas around Ikana it will also cause Garos to appear. Defeat them in duels to get hints. - To get it, you have to beat the Gorman Brothers in a race after you get Epona back. ================= ~ Captain's Hat ~ ================= - Wear this to speak with and command the warriors of Ikana, the Stalchildren (skeletons). - To get it, play the Sonata of Awakening to the giant skeleton built into the wall near Dampé's house. Chase him down and kill him. Once he's defeated, run up the trail and speak with him. - He will then grant you the contents of the chest behind him. After he disappears, jump to the other side using the Bunny Hood, the Zora Mask, or get as close as you can and Hookshot to the chest. Open it for your prize. ================= ~ Giant's Mask ~ ================= - Wear this and become gigantic! It costs Magic to wear though, and can only be used in the desert area you battle Twinmold in. - You get it in the Stone Tower Temple before the boss battle. _ _________________________________________________________ _ __// ========================================================= __// //¯\\ -----------------={ Items }=------------------------- //¯\\ / \_// [ITEMS] / \_// //¯\ / //¯\ / ______/ \_// ______/ \_// \ /¯\ /¯\ / http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Items.php \ /¯\ /¯\ / \\_/ \_// ---------------------------------------------------- \\_/ \_// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ====================================================== ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Equipment | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================ ~ Kokiri Sword ~ ================ - Default weapon you start with. - Press B to swipe with your sword. Press A while Z targeting to perform a Jump Attack, which does twice the damage of a normal slash. =============== ~ Razor Sword ~ =============== - Does twice the damage over the Kokiri Sword. - To get it, go to the Mountain Village and enter the Smith's house. Melt their furnace by either defeating Goht, using Hot Spring Water, or shoot it with a Fire Arrow. - You can then give them your sword to be refined for 100 Rupees, which lasts for 100 slashes. ================ ~ Gilded Sword ~ ================ - Does twice the damage over the Kokiri Sword, same as Razor Sword, but permanent! - Win at the Goron Races to get a Bottle of Gold Dust. Give it to the Smiths along with your Razor Sword and they'll work on it for another Night. ================= ~ Hero's Shield ~ ================= - Default shield you start with. - Press (and hold) R to defend. Aim with the Analog Stick. While Z targeting, you can keep defending against an enemy and move at the same time. ================= ~ Mirror Shield ~ ================= - Can reflect light and deflect more types of attacks over the Hero's Shield. - You find this at the end of a long trading sequence with Gibdos in Ikana Canyon, leading to the well below Ikana Castle. ========== ~ Quiver ~ ========== - Allows you to hold up to 30 Arrows. - Received automatically when you find the Hero's Bow. ================ ~ Large Quiver ~ ================ - Allows you to hold up to 40 Arrows. - To get it, beat the top score at the Shooting Gallery in either East Clock Town, or the one on the Road to Southern Swamp. ================== ~ Largest Quiver ~ ================== - Allows you to hold up to 50 Arrows. - To get it, beat the top score of the other Shooting Gallery; if you got your Large Quiver from the Clock Town Shooting Gallery for example, you will have to get this one from the one in Southern Swamp. ============ ~ Bomb Bag ~ ============ - Allows you to carry up to 20 Bombs. - Go to the Bomb Shop in West Clock Town and buy it for 50 Rupees. ================ ~ Big Bomb Bag ~ ================ - Allows you to carry up to 30 Bombs. - There's two ways to get this one. - The first way is to save the Old Lady in North Clock Town from having them stolen from her at 12:00 AM on the First Night. Then buy it at the Bomb Shop for 90 Rupees. - The second way is to buy it from the Business Scrub in Goron Village while wearing the Goron Mask for 200 Rupees. ==================== ~ Biggest Bomb Bag ~ ==================== - Allows you to carry up to 40 Bombs. - Talk to the Business Scrub in Goron Village while wearing the Goron Mask. If you already have the Big Bomb Bag, he'll be selling the largest one at 200 a piece. ================== ~ Child's Wallet ~ ================== - Allows you to hold up to 99 Rupees. - You start out with this. ================ ~ Adult Wallet ~ ================ - Allows you to hold up to 200 Rupees. - Store at least 200 Rupees at the Bank to receive this free gift. ================== ~ Giant's Wallet ~ ================== - Allows you to hold up to 500 Rupees. - Defeat all of the Skulltulas within the Skulltula House in Great Bay. When you return to the entrance, if it is the Second Day, a man will be there. Talk with him to receive this prize. =========== ~ Remains ~ =========== - These masks are found in your quest subscreen and allow you to go directly to the bosses when you enter their temples after you've defeated them. ===================== ~ Bombers' Notebook ~ ===================== - This book is given to you by the Bombers and is used to keep track of quests and trading sequences. See the Bombers' Notebook section for more details. - To get it, either play hide and seek with the Bombers in Clock Town as a Hylian, or use your code to enter the Clock Town Sewers, then come back up. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | C-Button Items | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ =================== ~ Ocarina of Time ~ =================== - Use this item to change the functionality of your buttons to allow you to play 5 different notes: D, F, A, B and D (higher). Playing them in a certain order will play a song if you have it learned. See the Songs section for more information. - To get it, you have to blow a Bubble at the Skull Kid atop the Clock Tower during the Last Six Hours. ============== ~ Hero's Bow ~ ============== - Use this to shoot stuff. Press the (C) button to start using it, then aim around. Press it again to shoot. Use it while Z targeting to use a crappy first person perspective, or an effective battle view if you have a target. - You get it after defeating a mini-boss in the Woodfall Temple. See the Walkthrough section for details. ============== ~ Fire Arrow ~ ============== - Charges your arrows with fire at the cost of a little Magic. Use it to melt, burn and light stuff. - You get it after defeating a mini-boss in the Snowhead Temple. See the Walkthrough section for details. ============= ~ Ice Arrow ~ ============= - Charges your arrows with ice at the cost of a little Magic. Use it to freeze enemies and water to create platforms. Shoot Blue Chuchus to make temporary climbable blocks. - You get it after defeating a mini-boss in the Great Bay Temple. See the Walkthrough section for details. =============== ~ Light Arrow ~ =============== - Charges your arrows with light at the cost of some Magic. It costs twice as much as the Fire and Ice arrows and has the ability to make things flip. Use it on things that have a red gem surrounded by gold, such as the Death Armos. - You get it after defeating a mini-boss in the Stone Tower Temple. See the Walkthrough section for details. ======== ~ Bomb ~ ======== - A stereo-typical Bomb. Press the (C) button to light it, then press A to drop it, or throw it if you're running. It will explode after a short time or on contact with an enemy. - You have to buy a Bomb Bag at the Bomb Shop in order to carry them. After that you can buy more at various shops or find them in bushes, in crates, etc. =========== ~ Bombchu ~ =========== - This mouse-like machine will zoom around when you place it on the ground and will even climb walls. It will explode after a little while, or after coming into contact with an object or enemy. - You can buy them at the Bomb Shop and find them in some chests throughout the game. ============== ~ Deku Stick ~ ============== - These large sticks can be used to smack enemies. Stand near a torch while holding one to light it. They burn up quickly, so light any other torches you see before it disappears. - You can buy them at various shops or receive them from slashing bushes or defeating Deku Babas. ============ ~ Deku Nut ~ ============ - Throw these on the ground to stun some enemies for a short time. If they are particularly weak, it will even kill them. - They can be bought at some shops or found by defeating Deku Babas or Mini Babas. ============== ~ Magic Bean ~ ============== - Plant these in a soft bed of soil, then use Spring Water or rain (Song of Storms or the Second Day) to make it grow into a Magic Bean Plant. Use these to fly around to various places you wouldn't be able to get to normally. - They can be bought from the Business Scrub outside of the Swamp Tourist Center for 10 Rupees a piece or from the Bean Salesman at the Deku Palace in a hole in the gardens for 5 Rupees a piece. ============== ~ Powder Keg ~ ============== - These massive explosives can only be used as a Goron. Carry them around and they'll explode after a little while. Shoot them with an arrow to blow them up early. Use them on large cracked things, such as giant boulders or holes in ceilings. - They can be bought from the Powder Keg Maker in Goron Village for 100 Rupees or the Goron in the Bomb Shop for 50 Rupees. ================== ~ Pictograph Box ~ ================== - Use it to take a black and white picture of stuff. You can bring these pictures to some people to get something else in return, in particular the guy in the Swamp Tourist Center. - To get it, talk to the guy behind the counter at the Swamp Tourist Center. ================= ~ Lens of Truth ~ ================= - Use it to see through fake walls and to see invisible stuff. It costs a small amount of Magic every second to use. - You get it in Goron Village by following Kaepora Gaebora (the owl) to a cave that's floating in the middle of nowhere. ============ ~ Hookshot ~ ============ - This object works much like the Hero's Bow, but only has a short distance and is capable of bringing things to you, or bringing you to them. In some cases, it can stun or even kill enemies. You can also use it on various "panels", gray blocks with circles, to suck yourself up to them. - It's found in the Pirates' Fortress as you're trying to get all the Zora Eggs. ======================= ~ Great Fairy's Sword ~ ======================= - This sword is actually an item. Use it with a (C) button to deal twice as much damage as that of the Razor and Guilded Sword! - This is the reward of the last Great Fairy in Ikana Canyon (from the Stray Fairies in the Stone Tower Temple). It's also the hardest one to acquire. See the Stray Fairies or Walkthrough section for more information. ================= ~ Empty Bottles ~ ================= - Use these items to swipe at the air in attempt to get something, or use what you've put in them. - There are six in total. See the next section for more information about where to find them all. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Quest Items | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ =============== ~ Moon's Tear ~ =============== - Go to the Astral Observatory and look through the telescope at the top of the Clock Tower to make the Moon cry. Go outside and pick it up to get it. - You can trade it for the Land Title Deed (see next). =================== ~ Land Title Deed ~ =================== - Give the Business Scrub in South Clock Town a Moon's Tear to get it. - You can trade it for the Swamp Title Deed (see next). ==================== ~ Swamp Title Deed ~ ==================== - To get it, don't wear a mask and bring the Land Title Deed. Give it to the Business Scrub in Southern Swamp, near the Swamp Tourist Center. - You can trade it for the Mountain Title Deed (see next). ======================= ~ Mountain Title Deed ~ ======================= - To get it, as a Deku, bring the Swamp Title Deed and talk to the Business Scrub in Goron Village. - You can trade it for the Ocean Title Deed (see next). ==================== ~ Ocean Title Deed ~ ==================== - To get it, go to Zora Hall and talk to the Zora peeking through the keyhole of the last door. This is Lulu's room. The guy will run away after you talk to him as Mikau. Enter and put on the Goron's Mask. Now talk to the Business Scrub and trade him the Mountain Title Deed to get this one. - You can trade it for the flower in Ikana Canyon near Sakon's Hideout, though, there is no Title Deed for that one. ============ ~ Room Key ~ ============ - This item allows you to get into the front door of the Stock Pot Inn at night. - See the Anju & Kafei section for more information. =================== ~ Letter to Kafei ~ =================== - This is a letter Anju gives to you to give to her fiancé. - See the Anju & Kafei section for more information. ======================= ~ Pendant of Memories ~ ======================= - Kafei gives you this to assure Anju that he's alive. - See the Anju & Kafei section for more information. ================== ~ Letter to Mama ~ ================== - This is the final trade sequence item for the Anju & Kafei quest. It can be used to get the last Empty Bottle as well as the Postman's Hat. - See the Anju & Kafei section for more information. _________ _______________________________________________________ _________ / \ ========================================================= / \ / \ --------------------={ Bottles }=-------------------- / \ / \ [BOTTLE] / \ | _____ | | _____ | |/. \/|| |/. \/|| |\ /\|| http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Bottles.php |\ /\|| | ¯¯¯¯¯ | ----------------------------------------------------- | ¯¯¯¯¯ | | | ===================================================== | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Bottle Locations | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ============= ~ Bottle #1 ~ ============= - Requires: Nothing. - When you get to the end of the Woods of Mystery in Southern Swamp, you'll find a witch named Koume. Talk to her, then leave. Enter the Magic Hag's Shop and speak with her sister, Kotake, to get your first Bottle filled with Red Potion to take back to her sister. ============= ~ Bottle #2 ~ ============= - Requires: Goht Defeated, Goron Mask. - After beating the Snowhead Temple, go to Goron Village and enter the cave there. Speak with the large Goron to get a Powder Keg. Take it back to the road leading to Goron Village and blow up the cave entrance on your right, which leads to the Goron Racetrack. - Next, win at the Goron Races to get a Bottle with Gold Dust inside. ============= ~ Bottle #3 ~ ============= - Requires: Goron Mask, Powder Keg. - After you've learned how to use Powder Kegs, go buy one at the Bomb Shop and take it to Milk Road during the First Day. - Blow up the large boulder and enter. Speak with Romani and agree to help in protecting the cows from being abducted by alians from 2:00 AM to 6:00 AM. - If you can keep them all at bay until morning, Romani will give you a Bottle with Chateau Romani. ============= ~ Bottle #4 ~ ============= - Requires: Hookshot, Zora Mask. - In the second part of the Great Bay Coast, there's a waterfall. Use the Hookshot to get on top of each of the ledges ascending towards the top of the waterfall. Enter the cave you find at the top. - Once inside, use the Zora Mask to sink to the bottom of the lake and speak with the beaver there. Race him and his brother to win an Empty Bottle. ============= ~ Bottle #5 ~ ============= - Requires: Captain's Hat, Hero's Bow. - On the Final Night, go to the Ikana Graveyard and speak with the three Stalchildren guarding the grave while wearing the Captain's Hat. Get them to open it then go inside. To Dampé's House - Inside, you should run forward and kill _| |_ the Wallmaster before doing anything else. | | This next part requires you to move _____|---|_______ slowly, so it can easily snatch you up and | \_|---| |X | take you away. | E E ¯| | X: Dirt - Up ahead, you'll find Dampe wandering | X X | | pile around because he can't see in the dark. Z | X | | target him and guide him to the dirt piles | _ |¯ E: Elevator around the room to dig them up. | |X| X | - You're trying to find three blue flames | ¯_________ | that are randomly in three of the piles. | ]]] [[[ | - Four of these piles are on the ground, but ¯¯¯¯¯| |¯¯¯¯¯ two are high up. To get to them, lead | | Dampe to those brown tiles, then makes sure ¯¯¯ you're not on them yourself. - The left one will take him to the small platform with the ladder on the left side of the room. The right one takes him to the platform with the blocks leading up to it. After all three flames are lit, a Big Poe will appear. Kill it to make a chest appear as well. ============= ~ Bottle #6 ~ ============= - Requires: Mask of Kafei, Garo Mask, Hookshot. - The final bottle is acquired in part of the Anju & Kafei Quest. Go to that section to find out how to get it. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | "Bottleable" Stuff | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ =========== ~ Big Poe ~ =========== - There are only two in the game. One's in the Ikana Graveyard in the third grave on the Final Night, and the second's in the Ikana Well. After you kill them, you can snag them in a Bottle. - Sell them at the Curiosity Shop for lots of Rupees (200)! =============== ~ Blue Potion ~ =============== - These potions restore both your life and magic. - They can be bought by bringing Magic Mushrooms to the Magic Hag's Shop and waiting awhile. It can also be purchased from the Business Scrub in Ikana Canyon, near Sakon's Hideout. ======== ~ Bugs ~ ======== - Catch some bugs in a bottle and you can release them. Do so near soft patches of soil to make stuff pop out (usually Rupees). You have to do this in the Swamp Skulltula House a lot. - They can be sold for 20 Rupees at the Curiosity Shop. - They can be found almost anywhere, but in particular under rocks and in holes. ================== ~ Chateau Romani ~ ================== - This mystical milk will give you infinite magic until you play the Song of Time. Very handy. - It can be bought at the Latte Milk Bar for 100 Rupees. ================= ~ Deku Princess ~ ================= - You can bottle the princess? Yep. Nothing else really to say about it. Let her out in front of her dad for a spiffy cutscene of girl power at work. ========= ~ Fairy ~ ========= - Put a red fairy in a Bottle and use it any time to completely restore your life. Also, if you should run out at any time, they will automatically heal you. This is a much better alternative than Red Potions. - You can buy them at various shops and find them in bushes and jars through the game, but the best place to get them is next to the Owl Statue on Milk Road. Just run back and forth between there and the Gorman Brothers place and stock up as many as you want. ======== ~ Fish ~ ======== - Sometimes you can find fish in small pools. They're only used for the Gibdo trade sequence and to get a Heart Piece. - They can be sold for 20 Rupees at the Curiosity Shop. - The best place to get them is next to iron wall near the Pirates' Fortress. ============= ~ Gold Dust ~ ============= - This stuff is needed to upgrade your Razor Sword into the Gilded Sword to make it permanent. - You can only get it by winning at the Goron Races after beating the Snowhead Temple boss and opening the entrance to the racetrack. ================ ~ Green Potion ~ ================ - This stuff restores your magic meter completely. - It can be bought in Clock Town and the Magic Hag's Potion Shop. ==================== ~ Hot Spring Water ~ ==================== - This steaming liquid will become regular Spring Water when it cools, but while it's still warm, it can be used to melt batches of ice. - The only places it can be found is Mountain Village, between there and Goron Village, as well as inside the Well in Ikana Canyon. ================== ~ Magic Mushroom ~ ================== - Give this to Kotake at the Magic Hag's Shop to allow her to make Blue Potions after awhile. It's really not worth it. You can also sell them for 5 Rupees at the Curiosity Shop... Yuck... - It can be found at the end of the Woods of Mystery, as well as in a pair of shorts in the Gorman Troupe's room at the Stock Pot Inn (must use the Mask of Scents either way). ======== ~ Milk ~ ======== - You can drink this stuff twice, restoring five hearts each time. - It can be bought from the Gorman Brothers, or charmed away from cows by playing Epona's Song to them. The best place to get it is the hollowed log in south Termina Field. Lay a Bomb in the middle and enter the hole to find a cow. ======= ~ Poe ~ ======= - The regular ghosts can only be found in Stone Tower Temple and serve no purpose to lug around... If you "drink" one, it will hurt you... - On a happier note, they can be sold at the Curiosity Shop for 50 Rupees. Although, at the point in the game when you finally see these enemies, it's hardly worth it. ============== ~ Red Potion ~ ============== - This stuff restores your health completely. - It can be bought at most civilized areas such as Clock Town, Magic Hag's Potion Shop, Goron Shrine, and Zora Hall. ============= ~ Sea Horse ~ ============= - This thing will lead you along the correct path in the cloudy area near Pinnacle Rock. - There's only two of these in the entire game. You can get the first by trading a picture of a pirate to the fisherman near the entrance to Great Bay Coast. ================ ~ Spring Water ~ ================ - The only purpose this water serves is to help grow Magic Beans that you've planted. Pools of it can be found all over Termina, especially in holes of all things. ============ ~ Zora Egg ~ ============ - These things will become Zora babies when you bring them all to the Ocean Research Lab! Four of them are in the Pirates' Fortress and the other three are in Pinnacle Rock. See the Walkthrough section for more info. --- __________________________________________________________ --- .' : ======================================================== .' : . --------------------={ Songs }=--------------------- . .' [SONGS] .' .' .' : .--. : .--. : : '. http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Songs.php : : '. : '--' : ------------------------------------------------------ : '--' : '. .' ======================================================== '. .' ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Regular Songs | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - There are several songs you learn throughout your adventure that each have different uses. Below are explanations of them all as well as instructions of how to get them. +---------------. | Song of Time `--------------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. -(>)---------(>)----------------- | | ' '_, ` ---------(v)---------(v)--------- | | `.__.´ -----(A)---------(A)------------- | | | | - C-right, A, C-down, C-right, A, C-down. | | | | - Playing this song will take you back to the First Day and | | save your game. You will lose all your 'collectable' items | | such as Arrows, Bombs, Deku Nuts, etc. | | | | - You learn this song as soon as you get your Ocarina back. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------. | Song of Healing `-----------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ -(<)---------(<)----------------- | | ´ .-. -----(>)---------(>)------------- | | ' '_, ` ---------(v)---------(v)--------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-left, C-right, C-down, C-left, C-right, C-down. | | | | - This song has the power to heal souls and create masks. | | Whenever anyone mentions souls or healing, play this song. | | | | - After getting your Ocarina back, return to the Clock | | Tower and the Mask Salesman will teach it to you. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-----------------. | Song of Storms `------------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' ---------(^)---------(^)--------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. --------------------------------- | | ' '_, ` -----(v)---------(v)------------- | | `.__.´ -(A)---------(A)----------------- | | | | - A, C-down, C-up, A, C-down, C-up. | | | | - Play this song to blow away curses, like when the Bubbles | | Jinx you (can't use your sword). | | - You can also use it to water Magic Beans to make them | | grow without using Spring Water. | | | | - To get this song, go to Ikana Graveyard on the First | | Night and wear the Captain's Hat. Speak with one of the | | three Stalchildren guarding the grave and open it. | | - Enter the next room, kill all the bats, light the torches | | and enter the last room. Defeat the Iron Knuckle to earn | | this song. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------. | Epona's Song `--------------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' -(^)---------(^)----------------- | | .´ -----(<)---------(<)------------- | | ´ .-. ---------(>)---------(>)--------- | | ' '_, ` --------------------------------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-up, C-left, C-right, C-up, C-left, C-right. | | | | - Play this song and your horse will come to you. You can | | use her to jump over things and move around quickly. | | - Play this song for cows to fill a Bottle with Milk for | | free! | | | | - To get this song, practice with Romani on the First Day. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------. | Song of Soaring `-----------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' ---------(^)---------(^)--------- | | .´ -----(<)---------(<)------------- | | ´ .-. --------------------------------- | | ' '_, ` -(v)---------(v)----------------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-down, C-left, C-up, C-down, C-left, C-up. | | | | - Play this song to soar to the entrance of a dungeon or | | Owl Statues you have awakened thus far. | | | | - Kaepora Gaebora will teach you this song right before you | | enter Woodfall. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------. | Sonata of Awakening `-------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' -(^)-----(^)--------------------- | | .´ -----(<)-----(<)----------------- | | ´ .-. ---------------------(>)--------- | | ' '_, ` --------------------------------- | | `.__.´ -----------------(A)-----(A)----- | | | | - C-up, C-left, C-up, C-left, A, C-right, A. | | | | - This mystical song has the power to make old stuff wake | | up. Play it for sleeping things. Go figure... | | | | - The monkey trapped in the Deku Palace teaches you this | | song when you get to him. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------. | Goron Lullaby `-------------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ ---------(<)---------(<)--------- | | ´ .-. -----(>)---------(>)-----(>)----- | | ' '_, ` --------------------------------- | | `.__.´ -(A)---------(A)-------------(A)- | | | | - A, C-right, C-left, A, C-right, C-left, C-right, A. | | | | - This mystical song has the power to make your eyes heavy | | and fall into a deep slumber. | | | | - To get this song, you have to go to the Goron Shrine and | | speak with the crying child while wearing the Goron Mask, | | then head back to the area right before Goron Village. | | - Smash the snow boulders in this area to find the frozen | | Goron Elder. Unfreeze him using Hot Spring Water and talk | | to him to learn the Lullaby Intro. | | - Return to the Shrine and play that for the baby to learn | | the rest. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------. | New Wave Bossa Nova `-------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' -----(^)------------------------- | | .´ -(<)-----(<)---------(<)--------- | | ´ .-. -------------(>)---------(>)----- | | ' '_, ` -----------------(v)------------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-left, C-up, C-left, C-right, C-down, C-left, C-right. | | | | - This song really makes me feel like Nintendo got lazy. | | It's only use is to awaken the Island Turtle, it doesn't | | even restore Lulu's voice, like its supposed to. | | | | - The Zora Tadpoles will teach you this song when you place | | all seven Zora Eggs in the tank basin in the Marine | | Research Lab. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +---------------------. | Elegy of Emptiness `--------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' ---------------------(^)--------- | | .´ -----(<)-----------------(<)----- | | ´ .-. -(>)-----(>)-----(>)------------- | | ' '_, ` -------------(v)----------------- | | `.__.´ --------------------------------- | | | | - C-right, C-left, C-right, C-down, C-right, C-up, C-left. | | | | - Play this song to create a statue of your current form. | | Using the Deku, Goron and Zora Masks, you can create up to | | four statues at a time. | | | | - The King of Ikana teaches you this song after you defeat | | him in Ikana Castle. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------. | Oath To Order `-------------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' ---------------------(^)--------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. -(>)-------------(>)------------- | | ' '_, ` -----(v)-----(v)----------------- | | `.__.´ ---------(A)--------------------- | | | | - C-right, C-down, A, C-down, C-right, C-up. | | | | - Use this song to call the Giants to the Clock Tower when | | you have freed all four of them. Woot. | | | | - The first Giant teaches you this song after you defeat | | Odolwa (Woodfall Temple boss). | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Other Songs | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ +----------------------. | Song of Double Time `-------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. -(>)-(>)------------------------- | | ' '_, ` -----------------(v)-(v)--------- | | `.__.´ ---------(A)-(A)----------------- | | | | - C-right, C-right, A, A, C-down, C-down. | | | | - Play each note of the Song of Time twice and you will | | have the option of jumping forward in time to the next | | 6:00 AM or 6:00 PM, just like dancing with the Scarecrow, | | but you can do it wherever you want instead. | | | | - You can use this as soon as you learn the Song of Time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------. | Inverted Song of Time `-----------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' --------------------------------- | | .´ --------------------------------- | | ´ .-. ---------(>)---------(>)--------- | | ' '_, ` -(v)---------(v)----------------- | | `.__.´ -----(A)---------(A)------------- | | | | - C-down, A, C-right, C-down, A, C-right. | | | | - Play the Song of Time backwards to slow time to 1/3 that | | of normal or speed it back up again. This is perhaps the | | most useful song ever. | | | | - You can use this as soon as you learn the Song of Time. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------. | Scarecrow's Song `----------------------------------------+ | | | ,´¯- | | .' -(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)- | | .´ -(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)- | | ´ .-. -(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)- | | ' '_, ` -(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)- | | `.__.´ -(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)-(?)- | | | | - ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?. | | | | - Whip out your Ocarina in front of a Scarecrow to create | | the Scarecrow's Song. It must be 8 notes long. He will | | remember it and appear at certain places in Termina if you | | play it. | | | | - Unfortunately, you will forget it when you play the Song | | of Time, so you'll have to make it all over again. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ ___ ___ / \ _______________________________________________________ / \ |^_^| ===================================================== |^_^| \___/ -----------------={ Characters }=---------------- \___/ O===| |===O [CHAR] O===|but|===O | i | |i'm| |rok| |btr| |___| http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06Characters.php |___| || || --------------------------------------------------- || || || || ===================================================== || || _|| ||_ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _|| ||_ ======== ~ Anju ~ ======== - "Stock Pot Inn's Innkeeper, a courteous woman". - This young woman owns and runs the Stock Pot Inn in East Clock Town. She and her fiancé are to be married on the day of the upcoming Carnival, but he has recently gone missing. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ====================== ~ Anju's Grandmother ~ ====================== - "Storyteller and grandmother at Inn." - This old woman is slowly losing her memory and believes she is in the past. Through speaking with her, you'll learn that she used to be a teacher to mayor Dotour, as well as the fact that she hates her daughter's cooking. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========================== ~ Astral Observatory Guy ~ ========================== - This old fat guy that owns the Astral Observatory lets the Bombers use his place as their secret hideout. He's hunched over all the time and likes to stand far too close for my taste. ========= ~ Aveil ~ ========= - Although you only see her once, I figure she's worth mentioning. Aveil is the leader of the Gerudo pirates, who wants to find all of Lulu's eggs and use them to enter the Great Bay Temple. ========== ~ Banker ~ ========== - I don't know what his name is. This guy pounds the desk thing he's sitting on and uses special ink to remember you and your account that happens to transcend time I guess. Pretty spiffy really. ================= ~ Bean Salesman ~ ================= - This fat, half naked guy lives in a hole in the Deku Palace gardens and spends his free time eating that which he sells. You can purchase his Magic Beans for 10 Rupees each. =================== ~ Beaver Brothers ~ =================== - These two beavers swim around in the Waterfall Rapids at the source of the river. They tend to challenge you to races multiple times and they think Bottles are sacred. Scary. ============ ~ Biggoron ~ ============ - This massive Goron can be found on Snowhead, blowing away to keep intruders from getting past. Because of the fact that he doesn't remember what happened, I think it's the Skull Kid's doing. =================== ~ Bomb Shop Owner ~ =================== - I don't know what the name of this bald guy is, but he's the owner of the Bomb Shop. At 12:00 AM on the First Night, his old mother will come bringing Bomb Bags and will get attacked by Sakon in North Clock Town. If you stop him, you can then purchase the Bomb Bags later. =========== ~ Bombers ~ =========== - "Secret Society of Justice Helping people 24 hours a day". - These six kids have a "do-good" gang. There are four regular ones wandering around town advertising, one in a yellow cap guarding the entrance to their hideout in East Clock Town, and their leader with the red cap, Jim, in North Clock Town. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ================== ~ Captain Viscen ~ ================== - The captain of the town guards. He can be found on all days in the Mayor's Office, trying to convince them to evacuate the town due to the Moon. ========== ~ Cremia ~ ========== - "Manager of Romani Ranch. Milk is her specialty." - This young woman owns Romani Ranch, taking care of the animals and delivers milk to Clock Town. Recently, a large boulder has blocked the path from Milk Road so they can't even do that. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========= ~ Dampé ~ ========= - This guy's the grave keeper (a different one than that in Ocarina of Time). Even though he lives in a graveyard, he's scared to death of ghosts and undead (why does he build his house next to Skull Keeta then?). Talk to him while wearing a scary mask and he'll run for his life. =========== ~ Darmani ~ =========== - This guy is the great Goron hero as well as the fastest among them in the Goron Races. A little while ago he went to check out the Snowhead Temple to see what the cause of the freezing temperatures was. Unfortunately, he was blown into the ravine along the way due to the intense winds. He's a spirit now and can only watch as everyone in his village freeze to death. He is stuck because of his guilt and wants his soul to be healed. =============== ~ Deku Butler ~ =============== - I don't see what purpose he serves, but this guy reminds me of Alfred off of the Batman cartoons. He bows a lot and has a funny looking grass mustache. He will race you in the Deku Shrine. Also, his son has gone missing recently... ============= ~ Deku King ~ ============= - This fat wooden man is very quick to judge it seems and he is more than willing to follow through with his plans to punish a poor little monkey on her behalf. ================= ~ Deku Princess ~ ================= - The daughter of the Deku King, this chick is my hero. Somehow, she got kidnapped by those in the Woodfall Temple when she and her monkey friend went to see the source of the poison. Amazingly, she can fit inside Bottles... ============ ~ Don Gero ~ ============ - Every year, the frog choir gathers in the Mountain Village to sing their song at the instruction of the one who wears the Don Gero mask. The current owner is freezing atop a cliff in Mountain Village. Bring him some Goron food and he'll give you the mask in return, allowing you to speak with frogs. ========= ~ Epona ~ ========= - Link's trusty steed from the intro. She makes a triumphant reappearance in this game. Her role is slightly less in a way, seeing as she's only really good for jumping over fences. ======== ~ Evan ~ ======== - The arrogant leader of the Zoran band, the Indigo-Go's. This piano player demands that he comes up with all their songs, and is currently very worried about Lulu's voice (rather than her?). ======== ~ Flat ~ ======== - One of the Royal Composer Brothers of Ikana. Long ago, after the death of the Royal Family, Sharp desired to bring them back from the dead. Because of Flat's disapproval, Sharp betrayed him and cast a curse upon him. You can find Flat in the Ikana Graveyard on the Third Night after opening the graves each night using the Captain's Hat. ========== ~ Gabora ~ ========== - This large guy with metal over parts of his body isn't very smart and says nothing the whole game other than "Arrrgghhh!!!" He works for the Smithy who has him do all the work. This guy's like a big teddy bear in my opinion, if a bit scary. ========= ~ Gampy ~ ========= - This fat lady that sometimes works behind the counter at the Stock Pot Inn is actually Anju's mother, but not her grandmother's daughter. She doesn't approve of Kafei and she always seems kind of angry to me. I don't like her. - Anyway, you can find her at the Stock Pot Inn on the Final Day, and if you don't get Anju's letter, she'll be there during the Second Day as well. ========== ~ Gorman ~ ========== - "Leader of a traveling troupe. Has fine clothes, but a frightful face." - Related to the Gorman Brothers on Milk Road, he moved away from the ranch life to enter the show business. Because of his scary looking face, he merely manages an entertainment group rather than be a part of it. Due to the moon falling and the Indigo-Go's canceling for their performance, his own troupe won't be able to perform either. Poor Gorman. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ================ ~ Gorman Bros. ~ ================ - "Horse Trainers. Suspicious." - These stingy twins own the Gorman Racetrack on Milk Road. They'll do anything to get ahead of Romani Ranch just down the way, including stealing. They certainly deserve the "smack down". - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. =============== ~ Goron Elder ~ =============== - The oldest Goron of them all who is also their leader. This hunchbacked dude went to check out Snowhead when Darmani didn't come back. Unfortunately, he froze along the way. You can find him on the road to Goron Village, right before the entrance in one of the snowballs. ===================== ~ Goron Elder's Son ~ ===================== - The baby Goron in the Goron Shrine. He's a big fan of Darmani because of the races. He misses his father, who is now frozen out in the snow somewhere, so he's crying his guts out so hard that the fires are put out in the place. You have to find his father to make him stop crying. ======== ~ Grog ~ ======== - "Cucco Shack's breeder. His crest is frightful." - This poor guy has accepted the fact that the moon will probably kill them all. His only regret is that he won't get to see his Cuccos "to their prime." - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ============= ~ Guru-Guru ~ ============= - "Musician in the Gorman's Traveling Troupe." - This guy plays his music box constantly (does he even have any talent?) and has an interesting past he's willing to share if you catch him at the right moment... - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ================== ~ Ignos du Ikana ~ ================== - The king of all Ikana as well as a master swordsman. Due to the evil flowing from the Stone Tower Temple, his people have become crazed and he knows they are not strong enough to stop it. Defeat him in battle, alike the Skull Keeta earlier, to receive his mystical song of shadow. ================ ~ Ikana Spirit ~ ================ - I don't know what to call this guy. He has one, mysterious red eye and hangs around Ikana Canyon. He knows a lot about both Garos and Poes and you can also find him in the Secret Shrine. ================ ~ Indigo-Go's ~ ================ - This Zoran band is pretty hip. They consist of five fishy musicians, led by the grumpy, selfish one of the bunch. Their main attraction is the female vocal by the name of Lulu. Unfortunately, they're canceling their recent "gig" in Clock Town for the Carnival of Time because she's lost her voice due to the evil in the temple. ========= ~ Japas ~ ========= - The skinny bass player of the Zoran band, the Indigo-Go's. You can find him in Zora hall, more than willing to jam. He wrote a song with Mikau, but he's worried that Evan won't accept it. ======= ~ Jim ~ ======= - The leader of the Bombers gang in North Clock Town. He's always looking for new members, but he doesn't want any Deku Scrubs in their group. =================== ~ Kaepora Gaebora ~ =================== - The owl from Ocarina of Time is back. He teaches you the Song of Soaring in this game. ========= ~ Kafei ~ ========= - "Strange youth seen near Laundry Pool." - This guy has had some serious misfortune. Can you help him retrieve his precious item and restore him to his normal form? - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========== ~ Kamaro ~ ========== - "Ghost of a charismatic dancer. Enjoys moonlight." - This guy can only be found in north Termina Field between 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM, dancing atop some of the stone mushrooms in the snowy area. Although he has died, he can't go onto the next life until he has shared his wonderful dance with the world. Kind of strange. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========== ~ Keaton ~ ========== - This fellow has a very minor role in the game. There's a mask you can wear that will make him appear when you slash certain bushes. He's very keen, or so he says and his only goal is to test your wits. To learn more about him and the inquires he makes, see the Keaton Questions section. ========== ~ Kotake ~ ========== - This girl is the witch who owns the Magic Hag's Shop (the teapot place in Southern Swamp). - Koume is her sister, and although they have the same names and models as those in Ocarina of Time, they are different. ========= ~ Koume ~ ========= - This old lady is the witch who runs the Swamp Cruise. Unfortunately, she was smacked up by the Skull Kid while she was searching for Magic Mushrooms in the Mysterious Forest. - Kotake is her sister, and although they have the same names and models as those in Ocarina of Time, they are different. ======================== ~ Latte Milk Bartender ~ ======================== - This guy is cool, but a little too picky about your membership status with the bar. I don't see what the big deal is, it's just milk! ======== ~ Link ~ ======== - There are two Links in this game. The first is our hero, the character you play. He's a Hylian that grew up with a small race of children called Kokiri and saved the world by awakening a bunch of Sages to take their place and claim the power of the elements. Together, with the help of Zelda, the Princess of Destiny, they sealed Ganondorf, the King of Evil and your arch rival. ============== ~ Link-Goro? ~ ============== - The other Link is a Goron with the same name. He is NOT, however, the same Goron in Ocarina of Time who is also named Link (after you, due to your heroic efforts). The reason for this is because that Goron isn't even born yet. - This guy is just a tourist who has a reservation at the Stock Pot Inn which you can steal if you talk to Anju before he arrives. She'll be confused because he has the terrible habit of adding "-goro" to the end of all his sentences. ======== ~ Lulu ~ ======== - A talented young Zora singer who is a member of the Zoran band called the Indigo-Go's. She has laid some eggs and kept them in her room, but they were stolen by the pirates and now she has lost her voice. ================ ~ Madame Aroma ~ ================ - "The Mayor's Wife. In charge of town performances." - This plump woman organizes the postal service in Clock Town as well as the special events such as the upcoming Carnival of Time. Unfortunately, the moon has set a lot of these things into chaos and to top it off, her son, Kafei, has recently gone missing. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========== ~ Majora ~ ========== - This evil little thing is the force behind the Mask that is the source of power you see throughout the game. I don't want to give any details away, but suffice to say, it's one nasty little thing. ============== ~ Mamamu Yan ~ ============== - What a funky name. This lady owns the Mamamu Yan's Doggy Race Track, obviously. She doesn't have much of a purpose, nor does she ever leave. This fat woman will supply you with easy money, with the help of the Mask of Truth, as well as a Piece of a Heart. =========================== ~ Man From Curiosity Shop ~ =========================== - "Buys and sells stolen goods. Open at night only." - While this guy's name is unknown, he is good friends with Kafei, the mayor's missing son. Even though he sells stolen goods, he's one of the good guys and more than willing to help out. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ======================= ~ Marine Research Guy ~ ======================= - This incredibly freaky looking scientist works at the Marine Research Lab and is studying the Zora Eggs that Lulu laid. ================= ~ Mask Salesman ~ ================= - In Ocarina of Time, this guy owned a shop and concentrated his efforts on selling masks. In this game, he is traveling the world in search of them and found one of the most dangerous known as Majora's Mask. Although the Skull Kid stole it, he gives you the tools you need to get it back as well as other masks. Wear one and talk to him to have him tell you about it. ========= ~ Mikau ~ ========= - The guitarist in the Zoran band known as the Indigo-Go's. He dies right when you meet him, but you'll learn about him as you use the Zora Mask and guitar he gives you. ============== ~ Mr. Dotour ~ ============== - "Mayor of Clock Town. V.I.P." - Although he is shy and indecisive, this guy has quite the heart and makes a great mayor for Clock Town. He's having trouble though at the moment because of the moon falling and the upcoming Carnival of Time: evacuate or carnival? - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========= ~ Mutoh ~ ========= - This guy's the boss of the carpenters in Clock Town. You can find him on most days arguing with the Mayor and Captain Viscen in the Mayor's Office about the evacuation. He wants to complete the tower he and his men are building in South Clock Town in time for the Carnival of Time. One the Third Day however, his men chicken out and run away, leaving him alone to finish. =========================== ~ Old Lady From Bomb Shop ~ =========================== - "Runs town bomb shop. Always open." - This sweet old lady has the lifelong dream of stocking Big Bomb Bags at her shop with her son (pathetic, I know). She's going to need some help though... - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ============ ~ Oni Link ~ ============ - This character is Link's transformation when he wears the Fierce Deity's Mask. Although we know much about it, some fans suspect there is a hidden connection between it and Majora. "Oni" is a Japanese word that roughly translates to "Ogre demon". In this case, it is referring to demonic (or rather, a very strong) power. ========== ~ Pamela ~ ========== - A little girl who lives with her father in Ikana Canyon. She's in need of your help, even though she tries to deny it. =================== ~ Pamela's Father ~ =================== - This guy with the funny looking hair is obsessed with the supernatural and bizarre. Unfortunately, that can sometimes have some bad perks. You'll find him in Ikana Canyon with his daughter. Because the water stopped flowing, their music box house has stopped playing their "goodbye to gibdos" song, meaning the mummies have returned. ==================== ~ Part Time Worker ~ ==================== - This guy occasionally works at the Trading Post and spends the rest of his time looking for money. During the First Day, you can find him near the Astral Observatory in a tree. Roll into it to knock him down and collect the 30 Rupees he's collected. So sad.. all well. =========== ~ Postman ~ =========== - "Town's postal carrier. A very serious public servant." - This guy takes his job way too seriously. When he's not on the job, he's practicing his timing for it. As much as he loves being a Postman, he's also terrified of the falling moon and wishes to escape. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========== ~ Romani ~ ========== - "Young girl living at ranch with sister." - Named after the famous ranch that she grew up on, Romani is a sweet little girl with archery skills. Every year, aliens come to abduct their cows, and she will once again try to stop them. Perhaps you can lend a hand? - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ================ ~ Rosa Sisters ~ ================ - "Twin dancers. Members of the Gorman Troupe." - These twin sisters, Judo (red) and Marilla (blue) are the incredibly serious dancers of the troupe. They are trying to devise a new dance before the Carnival of Time. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========= ~ Sakon ~ ========= - This guy's a skinny pale dude is the Thief. He stole the Sun Mask from Kafei, and at 12:00 AM on the First Day, he'll try to steal the Bomb Bags from the old lady. His hideout is in Ikana Valley, and you can find him there during most of the days. When you talk to him in Ikana, he wants to "borrow your sword for a sec". Don't do it! I wouldn't be surprised if the Tankuri Bird is actually his pet, considering it ends up at the Curiosity Shop. ============== ~ Sea Turtle ~ ============== - This ancient sea turtle doesn't have a name as far as I know. It leaves near the edge of Zora Cape and awakens at the sound of Lulu's voice to aid you. ============= ~ Scarecrow ~ ============= - This thing appears in several places across Termina and loves anything that has to do with dancing and music. Dancing with him will move you forward to the nearest dawn or evening (6:00 AM or PM). - He will also tell you that if you play the strange song that manipulates time (the Song of Time), either each note twice, or play it backwards, it will have a different effect on time itself. (See the Songs section for more information.) - If you play an instrument in front of him, he will remember whatever you play. You can then play this custom song whenever you want. At certain places across Termina, if you play this song, it will cause him to appear, which you can then use your Hookshot to get to areas you normally couldn't access. ========= ~ Sharp ~ ========= - One of the Royal Composer Brothers of Ikana. Long ago, after the death of the Royal Family, Sharp desired to bring them back from the dead. Because of Flat's disapproval, Sharp betrayed him and cast a curse upon him. You can find Sharp in Ikana Valley at the start of the river. When you find him, he will try to cast a curse upon you as well. ========= ~ Shiro ~ ========= - "The inconspicuous soldier. He really doesn't stand out." - This poor guy is so plain and boring that he's invisible. He hangs out in Ikana Valley (area between Ikana Canyon and Termina Field), waving around at those who pass by. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ========================= ~ Skulltula House Dudes ~ ========================= - There are two nameless individuals who each give you a reward for clearing the Skulltula Houses in the Southern Swamp and Great Bay areas. - The guy in the Swamp has been cursed somehow (presumably by the Skull Kid, like everyone else), and will give you the Mask of Truth for killing all the Gold Skulltulas. - The other guy will appear after you have killed all the Gold Skulltulas in the Ocean House, wanting a place to stay and will give you a reward in exchange for it. If you do so during the Second Day, he will give you the Giant's Wallet, which lets you hold up to 500 Rupees! =============== ~ Skull Keeta ~ =============== - This giant Stalchild is the captain of the Ikana Army. I wonder if he was that big in life as well? Defeat him in battle to receive the Captain's Hat. You can find him in the Ikana Graveyard next to Dampé's house. ============= ~ Skull Kid ~ ============= - This is the kid who stole Majora's Mask from the Mask Salesman and the Ocarina of Time from you when you first start the game. - Spoiler: According to Anju's Grandmother's story, this guy is actually an old friend of the Giants. - Spoiler: At the end, he also states that you smell just like a kid who taught him a song in the woods. In the prequel, you played a song for an Imp in the Lost Woods as well as gave him the a skull mask. So not only have you seen him before, but you essentially gave him his name! What an exciting twist of events. ============================== ~ Swamp Tourist Center Owner ~ ============================== - This huge guy with lots of chest hair who runs the Swamp Photo Contest is actually Tingle's father, and yes, he is "very ashamed of him". Talk to him to get the Pictograph, then give him pictures to get different rewards, depending on what you give him. A picture of the Deku King will land you a Heart Piece! ================ ~ Sword Master ~ ================ - This old guy who runs the Swordman's School is very picky about your battle style. Use the Jump Attack (Z + A) to chop each piece of wood straight down the middle and he'll give you a Piece of a Heart. ======== ~ Tael ~ ======== - Tatl's little brother. He's with the Skull Kid throughout the whole game. ======== ~ Tatl ~ ======== - A welcome improvement over the annoying Navi from Ocarina of Time, Tatl is your new fairy. Press C-up to hear her advice about enemies and situations. ======== ~ Tijo ~ ======== - The fat Zoran drummer of the Indigo-Go's, and also Mikau's roommate. He's very kind, although his drums appear to be made out of fish heads that look a lot like himself. *Gulp* ========== ~ Tingle ~ ========== - Without argument, the most annoying person in all the Zelda series, with the exception of Navi. Nintendo loves him for whatever reason. He floats around with the use of a red balloon which allows him to draw maps of the various lands he visits. You can find him in Clock Town, Southern Swamp, the road to Goron Village, Great Bay Coast and Ikana Valley. - As he will tell you, he believes he is the very incarnation of a forest fairy and is 35 years old. His father is very ashamed of him. Why, whatever for?! ======== ~ Toto ~ ======== - "Famed Manager of the Indigo-Go's." - This plump Zora is the manager of the popular Zora band. Unfortunately, he's come to Clock Town to cancel their performance at the Carnival of Time because Lulu, the lead singer, has lost her voice. This really sets things back, especially for Gorman's Traveling Troupe. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ====================== ~ Trading Post Owner ~ ====================== - Nothing notable to say about this guy. On some days, he has another guy fill in for him while he takes a break. ============================ ~ Treasure Chest Shop Lady ~ ============================ - Not much to say about her, but this is the lady behind the counter in the Treasure Chest Shop. She's very shallow cause the price she makes you pay for her game is dependant on what form you're in. She thinks your handsome as a Zora and ugly as a Goron. Even though it costs more as a Goron, if you win, you'll get a Heart Piece. ================= ~ Twin Jugglers ~ ================= - These jolly guys spend all of their time juggling. They travel in Gorman's Traveling Troupe and are the second set of twins of the group. They're very content, despite the ever looming moon. ========== ~ Zubora ~ ========== - This short guy with suspenders owns the Mountain Smithy in Mountain Village. This Mario-like character doesn't do any of the hard work himself and leaves that to his assistant. Personally, I think he suspiciously kept some of the Gold Dust that he said he threw out. ======= ~ ??? ~ ======= - "(Person living in the Inn's restroom) Details are unknown." - Found only at 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM on the First and Second Nights, this person lives inside the toilet at the Stock Pot Inn. He's in quite the jam, and is in desperate need of "paper". Don't think too hard on it. - For more information, see the Bomber's Notebook section. ___l___ ___________________________________________________ ___l___ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ ================================================= /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ / \ ------------={ Bomber's Notebook }=---------- / \ / \ [BOMBER] / \ | | | | | | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ | | | | Zelda06BombersNotebook.php | | \ / --------------------------------------------- \ / \ / =============================================== \ / \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - In this particular game, you get a booklet that allows you to keep track of the progress of some of the side quests in the game. To get the "full game" experience (and get lots of spiffy items and masks), you need to complete each character in the Notebook. ___________ / Bombers \_________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - These kids hang around Clock Town | - Magic Power (Bubbles) \ | as well as the Astral Observatory | - Deku Mask | | in Termina Field through a secret | | | passage. They have a Secret Society | Received : | | of Justice and try to do good deeds | - Bomber's Notebook | | for everyone. | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Day | - In North Clock Town, the leader of the Bombers, Jim, | | | is attempting to pop the Majora balloon. Pop it for | | 6:00 AM to | using Bubble Blasts (Deku Mask), Arrows, or any other | | 6:00 AM | projectile. | | | | | | - This will startle Jim. Speak with him and take his | | | hide and seek challenge. There are five of them hidden | | | in the following locations in Clock Town: | | | | | | North: Behind the slide. | | | North: Behind a tree. | | | West: At the top of this area. | | | East: On top of the Milk Bar holding a chicken. | | | East: On top of the veranda of the Stock Pot Inn. You | | | can use the Deku Flower nearby to get up there. | | | | | | - After you find them all, you'll receive the password | | | to enter the sewers. Write it down and save it for | | | later. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Time | - After you've received the Song of Healing and Deku | | | Mask, you can get the Bombers' Notebook by doing | | | either of the following: | | | | | | * Playing hide & go seek again (as normal Link). | | | * Entering and exiting the sewers using the password | | | you got last time (you must do this as normal Link). | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________ / Anju \____________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - This polite young woman is the | - Mask of Kafei \ | owner of the Stock Pot Inn in East | | | Clock Town. With the stressed out | Received : | | Groman's Traveling Troupe staying | - Letter to Kafei | | at the Inn, her grandmother not | - Couple's Mask | | eating anything, the moon about to | | | fall, and her fiancé missing, Anju | | | is afraid. Can we help reunite the | | | two lovers? | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Day 1 | - All of Anju's events are covered in the Anju & Kafei | | | Quest. It's strongly suggested you view that section | | 2:15 PM to | to complete her events. | | 3:50 PM | | | | - Only AFTER the Postman leaves, speak with Anju at the | | | Stock Pot Inn in Clock Town. She'll confuse you with | | | a Goron of the same name and give you a key. This is | | | required for the later events. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Day 1 | - After you've completed the first event, (gotten the | | | Room Key,) speak with Anju again, this time wearing | | 2:10 PM to | the Mask of Kafei. She will ask you to meet her in the | | 8:00 PM | kitchen later. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Night 1 | - Meet Anju in the kitchen that night and speak with | | | her to get the Letter to Kafei. Go mail it and wait | | 12:00 AM to | until morning. Follow the Postman to find Kafei. | | 6:00 AM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 4 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Day 2 or 3 | - After you get the Pendant of Memories from Kafei, go | | | back to the Stock Pot Inn and give it to Anju. This | | 10:00 AM to | will stop her from evacuating Clock Town with her | | 7:00 PM | mother and everyone else. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 5 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Last 6 | - If you've completed the rest of the Anju & Kafei | | Hours | Quest and helped Kafei at Sakon's Hideout, go back to | | | Clock Town and wait with Anju in the Employee's Only | | 1:30 left | Room for Kafei to return. | | | | | | - At 1:30 remaining, he will appear and you'll witness | | | the couple being reunited. Their masks will combine | | | and they'll give you the Couple's Mask as thanks. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ / Kafei \___________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - The Mayor's son is engaged to Anju, | - Letter to Kafei \ | that sweet young lady who owns the | - Hookshot & Garo Mask | | Stock Pot Inn. Recently, he has gone | | | missing and his mother is looking | Received : | | for a detective to find him. Are you | - Pendant of Memories | | up to the task? | - Couple's Mask | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Day 2 | - This is all part of the Anju & Kafei Quest, in order | | | for this event to take place, you must complete some | | 3:10 PM to | of Anju's. | | 3:50 PM | | | | - After mailing the Letter to Kafei, go to the Laundry | | | Pool in Clock Town at 3:00 PM. The Postman will show | | | up and deliver the letter. While Kafei is outside, run | | | inside the now unlocked hideout and wait for him. | | | | | | - When Kafei returns, speak with him to get the Pendant | | | of Memories. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Final Night | - This event and the following are part of the Anju & | | | Kafei Quest. Also, for this event to take place, you | | 6:00 PM | MUST NOT SAVE THE OLD WOMAN IN NORTH CLOCK TOWN ON THE | | | FIRST NIGHT! | | | | | | - Go to Ikana Canyon at 6:00 PM of the Final Night and | | | go to the area near the beginning to the right. Here, | | | you'll find Kafei hiding behind some rocks, waiting | | | for Sakon, who will appear at 6:15 and enter the | | | hideout at 7:00. Follow him and Kafei inside. | | | | | | - Inside, you will play as both Link and Kafei. As Link | | | you kill enemies to open doors and as Kafei, you step | | | on switches to change the conveir belt speed and open | | | doors. | | | | | | Kafei: Push a block onto blue switch. | | | Link: Deku Baba. | | | Kafei: Avoid red, touch yellow. Blue's in corner. | | | Link: Two Deku Babas. | | | Kafei: Try to push/pull blocks onto the yellow block | | | and avoid the red one entirely. Try to push the | | | block above the blue on onto it. | | | Link: Wolfos. | | | Kafei: Switch. | | | Link: Switch. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Last 6 | - If you've completed the rest of the Anju & Kafei | | Hours | Quest and helped Kafei at Sakon's Hideout, go back to | | | Clock Town and wait with Anju in the Employee's Only | | 1:30 left | Room for Kafei to return. | | | | | | - At 1:30 remaining, he will appear and you'll witness | | | the couple being reunited. Their masks will combine | | | and they'll give you the Couple's Mask as thanks. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________ / Man From The Curiosity Shop \_____________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - This guy is a childhood friend of | - Giant Wallet \ | Kafei, the missing person. He owns | | | a shop in town that sells stolen | Received : | | goods. Despite that, he's a good guy | - Keaton Mask | | and wants to help. All the events in | - Letter to Mama | | this entry are part of the Anju & | - All-Night Mask | | Kafei Quest. | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Day 3 | - This event is accomplished in the midst of the Anju & | | | Kafei Quest. Between 1:00 PM and 10:00 PM, Kafei's | | 1:00 PM to | Hideout at the Laundry Pool will be unlocked. Speak | | 10:00 PM | with the Curiosity Shop Owner inside to receive the | | | Keaton Mask. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Day 3 | - Along with the item received in the previous event, | | | you will also get the Letter to Mama. | | 1:00 PM to | | | 10:00 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Final Night | - This final event can be done separately from the rest | | | and requires that you save the old lady in North Clock | | 10:00 PM to | Town on the First Night at 12:00 AM. | | 5:00 AM | | | | - You'll need the Giant's Wallet and 500 Rupees. Go to | | | West Clock Town and enter the Curiosity Shop on during | | | the Final Night. He will be selling the All-Night Mask | | | for 500 Rupees. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________ / Old Lady From The Bomb Shop \_____________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - This old lady is bringing Big Bomb | - Deku Mask \ | Bags to stock at the Bomb Shop. | | | Unfortunately, Sakon the Thief plans | Received : | | on stealing them from her. Can we | - Blast Mask | | save her and collect a nifty bag? | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | First Night | - On the First Night at 12:00 AM, the old lady will pop | | | out of the exit in North Clock Town. By 12:20, Sakon | | 12:20 AM | will prance over and steal her giant sack. Chase him | | | down and slash him with your sword. | | | | | | - The old lady will thank you and give you the Blast | | | Mask. In the morning, you can purchase Big Bomb Bags | | | at the Bomb Shop in East Clock Town. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________ / Romani \__________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - This red-headed girl lives on the | - Powder Keg \ | ranch with the same name as her. | - Hero's Bow | | She's very sweet, and protective of | - (Inverted) Song of Time | | the farm animals. | (optional) | | | | | | Received : | | | - Epona's Song | | | - Empty Bottle #3 | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Day 1 | - Go to Romani Ranch on the First Day and blast the | | | boulder with a Powder Keg. Speak with Romani to learn | | 6:00 AM to | her plight about the aliens. Practice with her and | | 6:00 PM | she'll then teach you Epona's Song, which allows you | | | to call your horse whenever you want. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Night 1 | - After agreeing to help Romani on the First Day, make | | 2:00 AM to | sure you're at Romani Ranch at 2:00 AM. "They" will | | 5:30 AM | start to appear and slowly make their way to the barn. | | | | | | - Ride Epona around and shoot them with Arrows to kill | | | them. They drop Arrows when killed and there's also a | | | ton hidden in the bushes, so bear that in mind. | | | | | | - I suggest circling the barn to ensure you get them in | | | a cycle. If the dog begins growling, it means one is | | | getting close. If it's too hard, or you don't want to | | | try very hard, play the Inverted Song of Time to slow | | | them down to 1/3 that of normal. At 5:30, Romani will | | | reward you with Empty Bottle #3. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________ / Cremia \__________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - The pretty owner of Romani Ranch. | - Hero's Bow \ | There are several obstacles keeping | - Circus Leader's Mask | | their milk from being delivered to | (optional) | | Clock Town. Perhaps we can help. | | | | Received : | | | - Romani's Mask | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | 2nd Night | - In order for these events to take place, you must | | | blow up the boulder on Milk Road with a Powder Keg as | | 6:00 PM to | well as save Romani and the Cows from alien abduction. | | 9:00 PM | | | | - Go to Romani Ranch at 6:00 PM of the Second Night and | | | speak with Cremia to tag along for her milk delivery. | | | Milk Road will be blocked, so you'll have to take a | | | dangerous route. | | | | | | - Use your bow to keep the thieves (Gorman Brothers) | | | away from the milk. If you have the Circus Leader's | | | Mask, use that to scare them away. If you can save all | | | of the bottles, you'll be rewarded with Romani's Mask. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________ / Mr. Dotour \______________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - This short, gray-haired man is the | - Couple's Mask \ | indecisive mayor of Clock Town. At | | | the moment, he is unsure if they | Received : | | should evacuate Clock Town or keep | - Heart Piece #15 | | the Carnival of Time going. Maybe | | | we can help him come to a decision. | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Day | - Go to the Mayor's Residence in East Clock Town and | | | enter the door on the left. Speak to anyone inside | | 10:00 AM to | while wearing the Couple's Mask to stop the arguing | | 8:00 PM | and save the Mayor from a horrible meeting. He'll give | | | you Heart Piece #15 in thanks. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________ / Madam Aroma \_____________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - This fat woman with a yellow dress | - Letter to Mama \ | and hideous floating hair is the | | | wife of Mayor Dotour. She's in | Received : | | charge of the preparations for the | - Kafei's Mask | | Carnival of Time. Her son, Kafei, | - Empty Bottle #5 | | has recently gone missing. | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Days 1-2 | - Go to the Mayor's Residence and enter the door on the | | | right. Speak with the fat woman and accept her request | | 10:00 AM to | to hunt down her son. She'll then give you Kafei's | | 8:00 PM | Mask. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Day 3 | - This next section is near the end of the Anju & Kafei | | 6:00 PM to | quest (see that section for details). After you get | | 6:00 AM | the Letter to Mama from the Curiosity Shop Owner, go | | | to the Latte Milk Bar in East Clock Town and put on | | | Kafei's Mask. Speak to Madam Aroma and give her the | | | letter. She'll reward you with an Empty Bottle. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________ / Toto \____________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - The plump manager of the Indigo- | - Deku Mask \ | Go's can be found at the Mayor's | - Goron Mask | | Residence or the Latte Milk Bar in | - Zora Mask | | Clock Town. Because Lulu lost her | - Romani Mask | | voice, their performance, as well as | | | Gorman's, are cancelled. | Received : | | | - Circus Leader's Mask | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Night 1-2 | - This is the same as Gorman's entry. Go to the Latte | | | Milk Bar in East Clock Town on the First or Second | | 10:00 PM to | Night and use your transformation masks to play the | | 6:00 AM | four parts of the Ballad of the Windfish for Toto. | | | | | | - After completing the song, Gorman will fork over the | | | Circus Leader's Mask. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________ / Gorman \__________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - Leader of the Gorman Traveling | - Deku Mask \ | Troupe, this grumpy man is in deep | - Goron Mask | | trouble because of his act being | - Zora Mask | | cancelled due to the moon. Can we | - Romani's Mask | | lighten the mood? | | | | Received : | | | - Circus Leader's Mask | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Nights 1-2 | - You'll find this guy drinking away at the Latte Milk | | | Bar in East Clock Town on the First and Second Nights. | | 10:00 PM to | Go hang out with Toto (the fat Zora nearby) and play | | 6:00 AM | the four parts of his song using your transformation | | | masks. | | | | | | - Once the song is complete, Gorman will burst into | | | tears and give you the Circus Leader's Mask as thanks. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ / Postman \_________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - The guy who delivers the mail in | - Letter to Kafei \ | Clock Town lives on a strict | - Letter to Mama | | schedule and wants to escape the | - Bunny Hood (optional) | | falling moon. Can we convince him to | | | flee and abandon his civic duty to | Received : | | save his life? | - Heart Piece #5 | | | - Postman's Hat | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Days 1-2 | - During the evening, the Postman will be training at | | | the Post Office. You can play a little mini-game in | | 3:00 PM to | which you attempt to stop the clock at exactly 10 | | 12:00 AM | seconds. It costs 2 Rupees a try, so bring a bunch. | | | | | | - I suggest turning off the sound (the clicking is off | | | beat with the seconds) and getting a stop watch or a | | | hand watch. Alternatively, you can wear the Bunny Hood | | | so you can see the seconds the entire time. | | | | | | - Once you complete this task, he will reward you with | | | Heart Piece #5. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Night | - This event is part of the Anju & Kafei Quest. If | | | you've delivered the Letter to Kafei to a postbox on | | 6:00 PM to | the First or Second Night, the Postman will deliver | | 6:00 AM | it, making this event possible. | | | | | | - After you get the Letter to Mama from the Curiosity | | | Shop Owner at Kafei's Hideout, put it in a postbox and | | | allow the Postman to deliver it. Follow him to the | | | Milk Bar where he delivers it to Madame Aroma. | | | | | | - Talk to him when he comes outside and stalls in front | | | of the exit to receive the Postman's Hat. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ / Rosa Sisters \____________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - The twin dancers of the Gorman | - Kamaro's Mask \ | Traveling Troupe are restless about | | | coming up with a new dance before | Received : | | the carnival. Can we help? | - Heart Piece #6 | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Nights 1-2 | - On the First or Second Night, go to West Clock Town | | | and dance for the Rosa Sisters while wearing Kamaro's | | 6:00 PM to | Mask. They will spread Kamaro's madness throughout | | 6:00 AM | the world and call you their sensei. How sweet. Yes, | | | they give you a Heart Piece as well. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______ / ??? \_____________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - There is a hand inside the toilet | - Letter or Title Deed \ | at the Stock Pot Inn. It's in | | | desperate need of a substitute | Received : | | toilet paper. Can you save the day? | - Heart Piece #3 | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Night | - The hand from Link's Awakening makes an appearance! | | | His problem is the same in this Zelda title, he lives | | 12:00 AM to | in the toilet and he needs paper. | | 6:00 AM | | | | - Bring him either a Letter or a Title Deed and claim | | | your Piece of a Heart reward. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________________ / Anju's Grandmother \______________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - The innkeeper's grandmother lives | - All-Night Mask \ | at the Stock Pot Inn and believes | | | she lives in the past. She used to | Received : | | be a teacher, and attempts to read | - Heart Piece #12 | | stories to anyone who will listen. | - Heart Piece #13 | | Unfortunately, she's boring... | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Days 1-2 | - Go to the Stock Pot Inn and enter the door on the | | | first story. Put on the All-Night Mask and speak with | | 8:00 AM to | the old woman. | | 12:00 AM | | | | * Listen to the first story, do all the top answers. | | | * Listen to the second story, choose "I dunno". | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________ / Kamaro \__________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - This guy is the spirit of the | - Song of Healing \ | charismatic dancer who regrets not | | | being able to share his dance with | Received : | | the rest of the world. | - Kamaro's Mask | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Night | - You can find him dancing in Termina Field atop one of | | | those mushroom rocks to the northwest of the entrance | | 12:00 AM to | to North Clock Town. | | 6:00 AM | | | | - Speak with him to discover his regrets. Play the Song | | | of Healing to heal his soul, receive the Kamaro's Mask | | | to share his dance with the world, and earn a sticker | | | in your Notebook. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________ / Grog \____________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - The Cucco loving guy realizes he | - Bremen Mask \ | probably won't live through the moon | | | falling, and only regrets not seeing | Received : | | his chicks grow up. | - Bunny Hood | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Day | - You can find him during any day inside the Cucco | | | shack at the back of Romani Ranch. He's depressed | | 6:00 AM to | because he won't live to see the baby Cuccos grow old. | | 8:00 PM | | | | - Whip out the Bremen Mask and parade around the area, | | | collecting the babies as you go. After you find all | | | ten of them, wait for them to one by one grow into | | | roosters. To show his gratitude, he will reward you | | | with the Bunny Hood. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ / Gorman Bros. \____________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - These suspicious twins own the | - Epona's Song \ | Gorman Racetrack on Milk Road. They | | | are very stingy and will do anything | Received : | | to get ahead of Romani Ranch nearby. | - Garo Mask | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Day | - Those Gorman Brothers have a Mask you need to get | | | through the game known as the Garo Mask. You can get | | 6:00 AM to | it from them by bringing Epona to their racetrack and | | 6:00 PM | speaking with either of them. They'll challenge you to | | | a race as a result. | | | | | | - The race is pretty simple as well as easy. Stick to | | | inside and either use a carrot, wait for it to charge | | | before using another, or use all of them and charge | | | all at once. Be careful near the end because the | | | hazards are much larger. Once you win, you'll receive | | | your prize. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ / Shiro \___________________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Needed : \ | - This poor Terminian soldier sits | - Epona's Song \ | around, waving to those who pass by | - Lens of Truth | | in the hope that someone will see | - Red Potion | | him. The poor guy is invisible, and | | | if you can find a way to heal him, | Received : | | he'll give you something spiffy! | - Stone Mask | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | Any Time | - Go to Ikana Valley (the area between Termina Field | | | and Ikana Canyon) with Epona. Right after the fences, | | | before the one eyed red guy atop the cliff that leads | | | to Ikana Canyon, there's a circle of stones on your | | | right. Use the Lens of Truth to see an invisible | | | soldier. | | | | | | - When he asks you for something to heal him, fork over | | | a red potion to cure him of his "dullness". As thanks, | | | he'll give you the Stone Mask he was wearing. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ / Guru-Guru \_______________________________________________________ | | \ | Description : | Received : \ | - A member of the Gorman Traveling | - Bremen Mask \ | Troupe who plays a music box all day | | | long. He has some memories he needs | | | to get off his chest... | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | 1st & 2nd | - Go to the Laundry Pool in Clock Town on the First or | | Nights | Second Night and speak with the music box guy to allow | | | him to lament about his past. | | 12:00 AM to | | | 6:00 AM | - Apparently, the guy used to be in an animal troupe | | | with a dog as a leader. Out of jealousy, he stole the | | | Bremen Mask. Now he gives it to you. Weird. | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________ ____________ | /\ | _______________________________________________ | /\ | ||\ |__| /|| =============================================== ||\ |__| /|| ||_\ ____ /_|| -------------={ Gossip Stones }=------------- ||_\ ____ /_|| | __/ __ \__ | [GOSSIP] | __/ __ \__ | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ \()/ / | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ | \ \()/ / | \ _¯¯¯¯¯¯_ / Zelda06GossipStones.php \ _¯¯¯¯¯¯_ / \\\____/// --------------------------------------------------- \\\____/// \\ // ===================================================== \\ // \'--'/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \'--'/ ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯ - There are several stones with faces painted in red on them throughout Termina. By wearing the Mask of Truth, you can hear the whispers of the Gossip Stones. - They give hints about the game and where all the masks are located. Their locations aren't really important, it's what they say that matters. - Below is a condensed list of all of the Gossip Stone Quotes. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Postman's Hat | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems the person who is | "It seems the postman had the | | conscientious about being on | Postman's Hat..." | | time... | | | | | | can see into the boxes that | | | enable people to keep in touch | | | with other people's feelings." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Blast Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The old woman with knowledge of | "It seems the old woman with the | | explosives has a dangerous mask | Bomb Bag had the Blast Mask..." | | filled with gunpowder..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Stone Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems a man so inconspicuous | "It seems Shiro, the unseen stone | | he can be seen only through the | soldier, had the Stone Mask..." | | Lens of Truth has a mask which | | | also is completely inconspicuous." | | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "If you use the Lens of Truth near | | | here and speak to the man you | | | find... | | | | | | you may earn a mask that can | | | enable you to blend into | | | backgrounds and move about | | | without being noticed." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Great Fairy Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "A large and colorful being seems | "It seems the Great Fairy in town | | to have a mask that calms those | had the Great Fairy's Mask..." | | scattered in temples..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Keaton Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems an animal mask that was | "It seems the owner of the | | popular with children long ago is | Curiosity Shop was keeping | | being cherished by the owner of | the Keaton Mask..." | | the suspicious shop..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Bremen Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "He who plays music as he travels | "It seems Guru-Guru, the traveling | | about seems to have a mask | musician, had the Bremen Mask..." | | that animals follow obediently..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Bunny Hood | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems the animal-loving young | "It seems Grog of the Cucco Shack | | man with the scary face but | had the Bunny Hood..." | | kind heart has the wild ears that | | | hear well..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Don Gero Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "He who is troubled by cold and | "It seems the hungry Goron was | | hunger seems to have a mask | wearing Don Gero's Mask..." | | that gathers voices to sing..." | | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "The frogs that are supposed to | "The frogs in Clock Town, the | | gather in the mountains when | swamp, Woodfall Temple and | | spring arrives are elsewhere. | Great Bay Temple make four..." | | | | | You need Don Gero's mask to | | | bring them together." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Mask of Scents | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "He of high class and manners who | "It seems the Deku Scrub butler | | lives in the swamp has a useful | had the Mask of Scents..." | | mask that distinguishes scents..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Romani's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems the girl who smells of | "It seems Cremia, the owner of | | the ranch has a mask that only | Romani Ranch, had Romani's | | adults have..." | Mask..." | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "It seems you can become a Milk | | | Bar member if you do a good deed | | | at the ranch." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Circus Leader's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The mask that trickles out | "It seems the leader of the Gorman | | troubles from its face seems to | Troupe had the Circus Leader's | | be held by the greatest of | Mask..." | | traveling men..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Kafei's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The cute boy's mask seems to | "It seems his mother, Madame | | have been made by an important | Aroma, had Kafei's Mask..." | | man's wife..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Couple's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems the two who have most | "It seems Kafei and Anju had the | | reason to have it are indeed the | Couple's Mask..." | | ones who have the mask that is | | | full of a man and woman's love..." | | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "The symbol of marriage, the | | | Couple's Mask seems to have the | | | power to calm and silence | | | arguments." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Mask of Truth | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The mask that sees into people's | "It seems the one cursed by the | | hearts seems to be near the | strange, sparkling gold spiders | | strange, shining, gold spiders..." | had the Mask of Truth..." | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "The mask that can see into | | | people's hearts and minds also | | | seems to work on animals | | | as well..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Kamaro's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The dancer's spirit that appears | "It seems Kamaro, the spirit | | night after night in the great | dancer, had Kamaro's Mask..." | | field seems to have a mask which | | | causes one to dance." | | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "The spirit of a charismatic dancer | | | who died in Termina Field dances | | | there night after night." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Gibdo's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems the father of the girl | "It seems the Gibdo Mask could | | who's devoted to her parent is | fall from Pamela's father's cursed | | being forced to wear a frightening | face..." | | mask..." | | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "Pamela, who lives in the music box | | | house, comes out every two | | | minutes when the music box is | | | playing. | | | | | | But it seems she will also come | | | out if she hears a bomb | | | explode..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Garo's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The suspicious brothers seem to | "It seems the Gorman Brothers | | have a mask once used for spying | were using Garo's Mask for ill..." | | activities..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Captain's Hat | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems the mystical item that |"It seems Skull Keeta, Captain of | | the skulls obey is in the fiercely | the Skull Knights, had the | | burning flame in the graveyard of | Captain's Hat..." | | an accursed land..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Giant's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "A mask that contains gigantic | "It seems the Giant's Mask was | | power seems to be resting in the | dormant in Stone Tower Temple..." | | temple of the accursed land..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Fierce Deity's Mask | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Fierce Deity Mask, a mask | | | that contains the merits of all | | | masks, seems to be... | | | somewhere in this world..." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Anju & Kafei Related | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "It seems the veranda door of the | "It seems that Kafei, whose | | town's Stock Pot Inn has | whereabouts are unknown, is | | carelessly been left unlocked..." | awaiting a letter from Anju..." | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "The postman puts his delivery | "It seems the hideout of Sakon, | | schedule before everything else, | the thief, is tucked away at the | | but priority mail is of even | edge of Ikana Canyon..." | | greater importance." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Misc | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | "The Swamp Tourist Center will not | "The gold dust won as the prize in | | accept pictographs taken outside | the Goron Races in spring can be | | the swamp. | used by the smithy to forge a | | | sword. | | But if you bring a pictograph of | | | the guide's son, he'll give you | Or it can be sold to the smithy | | something nice..." | for 40 Rupees, but the Curiosity | | | Shop will buy it for 200 | | | Rupees..." | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "To get Evan to listen to Mikau | "It seems the ReDeads that appear | | and Japas's song from their music | in Ikana Castle start dancing when | | session, you should not try | the Captain's Hat, Gibdo Mask or | | demonstrating it as Mikau. | Garo's Mask is worn..." | | | | | It seems if you pose as someone | But that does not change things | | unrelated to the band and begin | much..." | | playing it, you just might get | | | him to lend an ear." | | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "The reward for Romani's | "It seems that drinking Chateau | | nighttime assistant seems to be | Romani makes your magic power | | something that holds milk..." | last for three days..." | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "It seems Keaton, the ghost fox, | "A small, lost horse seems to have | | plays tricks in the grass..." | been taken in by Romani Ranch, | | | south of town..." | |-------------------------------------+-------------------------------------| | "It seems all the strange stones | | | that are arranged in a row | | | wish to be the same color." | | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' _______ _______ _/ \_ _______________________________________________ _/ \_ / \ ============================================= / \ | __ __ | ----------={ Skulltula Houses }=--------- | __ __ | | / \ / \ | [SKULL] | / \ / \ | || | | || || | | || | \__/ \__/ | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ | \__/ \__/ | \ / Zelda06SkulltulaHouses.php \ / \_ _/ ----------------------------------------------- \_ _/ | | ================================================= | | |_____| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |_____| - In Ocarina of Time (the prequel to this game), there were Golden Skulltulas (spiders) that left behind tokens. They were scattered throughout the world and you would be rewarded with various items for collecting enough tokens. - In this game, they have improved upon this method by simply putting all of the Skulltulas in two separate houses. In order to get the reward, you must collect all of the tokens. _________________________________________ / Fearful Spider House (Southern Swamp) \____________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Needed : | Reward / Found : | | - Empty Bottles | - Mask of Truth | | - Deku Mask | | | - Goron Mask | | | - Magic Beans (2) OR | | | Hookshot & Bunny Hood | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Where It's At : | | - In the second half of Southern Swamp (where the water's poisonous) | | there's an island with a doorway covered in spider webs. You can | | get there quick by using the Song of Soaring to get to Woodfall, | | going through the exit and hopping along the lily pads, going | | right. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | First Floor Second Floor | | _____ _______ | | | 18| |24 30 | | | |o o| __ |25/¯\28| | | |20 | /16| |23\_/22| | | ¯¯+¯¯ / |¯ | 26 27 | | | ____+____ |¯F ¯| ¯¯| |¯¯ | | | _____ | | 15| ___| |___ | | | |o o| |++ O| | | 21 | | _____ | | ____ |29 O 2| ++| O| | |o 19o| ++| 17 | | | |4__ | | |o 1 o| | | 14| | | | |++ | | | | || | | | | | | | |13 O/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | | | | |5|| | | |o| |o| | | / _________ |¯¯¯¯¯| | | |6¯¯ +++ | | | 28| ¯¯¯ | |9 10 | | | | | | | | | |o| |o| | | |o o| | |11 | | | ¯¯¯¯ | 3| |¯ | ____ | | O | | | 12 | | | ¯¯¯¯+¯¯¯¯ | __8| | |o o| |++¯| | | | __+__ |||||+++ | | ++|¯ / | | | | ||7|¯| | |o o| | | / | | \ / ||¯¯ | | | | | ¯¯¯ | | \ / | ¯¯¯| | |o o| | | | | | ¯¯¯¯ | | 30| | | Entrance ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - After speaking with the spider dude, enter the door to the first | | room. You can get Fresh Water in your Bottles here. | | | | #1 At the bottom of the ramp, going back and forth. | | #2 Turn right, the next one goes up and down the pillar on the left. | | #3 In a jar on the left side of the ramp. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - There's more in this room, but we'll come back for them later. For | | now, enter the room on the left (with the giant tombstone looking | | thing). | | | | #4 In the crates in the right corner of the room. | | #5 On the wall. You can get it using the Hookshot, or breaking the | | #6 In the crates in the left corner of the room. | | #7 On top of the Tombstone thing. | | #8 In a corner next to the door on the upper level. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - We're done in this room, head back to the main room, this time via | | the upper door. | | | | #9 After going through the door, turn left. It's behind the last | | pillar. | | #10 On the north wall. Get it with either the Hookshot, or shoot it | | with the bow, then use the Deku Mask to collect the token. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - We're done in the main room for now. There's still two more we'll | | snag later. Fly across the way and enter the door. | | | | #11 In a bee hive on the ceiling. | | #12 In a bee hive on the ceiling. | | #13 Jump down, slash the jars. | | #14 Fire Punch (Goron Mask) the giant jar second from the right. | | #15 Fire Punch (Goron Mask) the giant jar on the far left. | | #16 Slash the grassy wall, then find the Skulltula at the end of the | | cave. | | | | - Play the Sonata of Awakening for the Deku Scrub, then use the | | flower to get to the top ledge. | | | | #17 Crawling along the wall. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - Under the rock here are some bugs. Fill several bottles with the | | critters and enter the door on your left (upper level). Once in the | | next room, slash the crystal switch to make ladders appear. | | | | #18 Going up and down the right pillar. | | #19 In a bee hive on the ceiling. | | #20 On the small wall, where the ladder appears. | | | | - Climb up the ladder. If you have the Hookshot and the Bunny Hood, | | get #21 that way and jump to the opening. Otherwise, plant a Magic | | Bean here and use either Spring Water (from the main room) or the | | Song of Storms to make it grow. | | | | #21 Above the opening in the wall. Ride the Magic Bean Plant or use | | the Hookshot to get it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - Use the Plant to get to the opening, then go through the door. | | | | #22 Crawling around in the tall grass. | | #23 Crawling around in the tall grass. | | #24 Fire Punch (Goron Mask) the tree to make it fall out. | | #25 Fire Punch (Goron Mask) the tree to make it fall out. | | #26 Fire Punch (Goron Mask) the tree to make it fall out. | | #27 In a bee hive on a tree branch. | | | | - There's some bugs in this room too. If you don't have any, snag | | some now. You need three bottles full. Go back to the main room. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | #28 In a soft patch of soil on the east wall, lower level. Use bugs. | | #29 In a soft patch of soil on the west wall, lower level. Use bugs. | | #30 In a soft patch of soil on the south wall, upper level. Use bugs. | | | | - That's all of them. Go back to the entrance and speak with the dude | | to get your reward. | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ____________________________________________ / Oceanside Spider House (Great Bay Coast) \_________________________ |----------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Needed : | Reward / Found : | | - Bombs | - Giant's Wallet (1ST DAY ONLY!) | | - Hookshot | - Heart Piece #34 | | - Fire Arrows | | | - Captain's Hat (optional, heart | | | piece) | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Where It's At : | | - Right at the entrance to Great Bay Coast, there's two houses. | | enter the one on the left. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | ___ | | | 5| | | ______ |7|4| | | |161517| | 6 | _____ | | _| +++¯ | | 20| ___ | | | | ¯¯+ |2124 +++_ | <-- 10, 11, 12 | | ¯| 1918| __+__ | 22 | | | | ____ __ | | |\¯¯¯¯¯¯ |\3 /| ¯| |¯ | |9| |2625|___/ \ | | 13, 14 | ¯¯¯ | / ¯ |8 +++ H | | | ¯|2|¯ 23 ¯¯¯ |27 |¯¯¯\ / | | .~~~~~~~~~~~. |1| / ¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ | | / Top Floor \ _| |_ 28, 29, 30 | | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | | | | | | .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | | ¯| |¯ / Bottom Floor \ | | Entrance `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - As you enter, use a Bomb on the cracked wall to reveal the hidden | | entrance. Go ahead and slide down the ramp. | | | | #1 On the wall on the ramp. | | #2 On the wall on the ramp. | | #3 On the ceiling in the lower part of the room. Burn the spider web | | with Fire Arrows, or use the torches nearby. | | | | - Once at the bottom, use your Hookshot to get to the other side. Go | | through the door. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - In this "stairs room", there are several spider webs blocking the | | doors. We'll get to that later. | | | | #4 Roll into the first large jar/barrel thing. | | #5 Roll into the last large jar/barrel (burn the spider webs first). | | #6 On one of the rafters on the ceiling. Climb on top of the crates, | | then snag it with your Hookshot. | | #7 Behind the mask on the wall above the stairs (wait for it to come | | up). | | | | - That's all up here, go downstairs now. | | | | #8 While standing on the stairs, look towards the opposite wall. | | Along the top in a dark crevasse, there's a Skulltula marching | | back and forth. Kill and snag it with the Hookshot. | | #9 Roll into the lone jar/barrel next to a door. | | #10 In a jar atop some crates in the corner of the room. | | #11 Inside a little hole in the wall. Burn the spider webs and use | | your Hookshot. | | #12 Behind a mask near the last door. | | | | - We're done in this room. Go back up the stair and burn the spider | | webs covering the door nearest the one you entered from. Enter. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - This is the Library. First of all, if you have the Captain's Hat, | | go speak with the two Stalchildren in this room to learn some useful | | information for later (write it down). One's on the left side of the | | room at a table, and the other's on top of a bookcase. | | | | #13 On the far side of the left of the room, there is a bookcase | | against the wall that you can push/pull to the right. Do so to | | reveal a hidden hole with two Skulltulas. | | #14 See #13... | | #15 On the right side of the room, there are three small bookcases. | | Pull the outer ones away, then push/pull the middle one to either | | side to reveal a small hole. Use the Hookshot. | | | | - On the right side of the room, there is a bookcase with some of the | | books missing from it. Use it like a ladder to jump along the tops | | of all the other bookcases. | | | | #16 Behind a painting, right side corner of the room. | | #17 Along the ceiling on the right side of the room. | | #18 On top of a bookcase in the bottom left corner of the room. | | #19 Behind a painting on the left side of the room, in a small hole. | | use the Hookshot. | | | | - We're done here. Go to the previous room and go down the stairs. | | Go around the corner and enter the last door. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - This is the storage room. It's dank, dusty and covered in white | | blankets. Watch out for the big Skulltula in the center of the room. | | | | #20 Roll into the brown crate just right of the door. | | #21 There are some canoes leaning up against the wall opposite the | | door. Stand on the crates next to it and look behind it. | | #22 Behind a spider web on the ceiling. | | #23 Roll into the brown crate to the left of the door where the boxes | | are about to start getting higher. Enter the small hole and turn | | around. It's above the entrance. | | #24 Climb on top of the crates on the left side of the door as far as | | they will go. Use your Hookshot on the target in the ceiling area | | on the right side of the room. In this upper area, slash the jars | | to find the last Skulltula in this room. | | | | - We're done here, exit the room and enter the last door (near the | | stairs). | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - This room has a table with four Stalchildren sitting around it. If | | you have the Captain's Hat, speak with them to learn the last of the | | order (write it down). | | - Once you have the completed order, shoot the colored masks on the | | wall with your bow to open the gate. Go up the stairs, defeat the | | Skulltula and claim [HEART PIECE #34]! | | | | #25 Roll into the giant jar/barrel thing in the corner, under the red | | mask. | | #26 Behind the painting (Hookshot) closest to the red mask. | | #27 Crawling along the dark parts of the ceiling, along the walls. | | Stand on the table for a good shot. | | #28 Put on the Goron Mask and use a Goron Stomp (A + B). | | #29 See #28... | | #30 See #28... | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | - That's all! Head back to the entrance (Hookshot the targets, roll | | up the ramp) to find a dude seeking a shelter from the Moon. He's | | willing to give you something special if you'll give it to him. | | - ONLY IF IT'S THE FIRST DAY OR NIGHT, he'll give you the Giant's | | Wallet! | \_______________________________________________________________________/ ________ ________ / __/ \ ___________________________________________________ / __/ \ / / \_/\ \ ================================================= / / \_/\ \ | _/ / | ------------={ Anju & Kafei Quest }=----------- | _/ / | | \__/_/| | [ANJU] | \__/_/| | | __/ | | | __/ | | | \____/| | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ | \____/| | | / | Zelda06Anju&KafeiQuest.php | / | \ / / ------------------------------------------------- \ / / \ ___/ / =================================================== \ ___/ / \ / \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯ - There is a large trading sequence that allows you to get several items in the game and complete a large portion of your Bomber's Notebook. ______________________ / Anju & Kafei Quest \_____________________________________________ | \ | Needed : \ | - 1 Hour+ of spare time. \ | - Epona's Song. \ | - Hookshot. | | - Garo Mask. | | - Romani Mask. | | - You MUST NOT SAVE THE OLD WOMAN ON THE FIRST NIGHT! | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - Go to the Mayor's Residence in East Clock Town. | | | Inside, enter the door on the right and speak with the | | 10:00 AM to | fat woman (Madam Aroma). | | 12:00 PM | - She's Kafei's mother, and her son has recently gone | | | missing. You are just so dashing and admirable, she | | | hires you to find him, giving you the Mask of Kafei. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Event | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - At the Stock Pot Inn in East Clock Town, the Postman | | | will deliver a letter from Kafei. | | 2:10 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 2 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - Only AFTER the Postman leaves, speak with Anju at the | | | Inn. She'll confuse you with a Goron of the same name | | 2:15 PM to | and give you the Room Key. | | 3:50 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Event | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - A Goron with your name will come to claim his | | | reservation. You can witness his conversation with | | 4:00 PM | Anju at the Inn. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 1 | - After you have a Room Key, speak with Anju with the | | | Mask of Kafei. | | 2:10 PM to | | | 8:00 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 4 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 1 | - Speak with Anju in the kitchen of the Inn to get the | | | Letter to Kafei. | | 12:00 AM to | | | 6:00 AM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 5 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 2 | - Go to any mailbox in Clock Town and put the letter | | | inside. The Postman will come pick it up. | | Any time | | | before | | | 9:00 AM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 6 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 2 | - Go to the Laundry Pool in Clock Town and wait until | | | 3 PM. The Postman will come ring the bell. Kafei will | | 3:10 PM to | come out of the house and collect the mail. While he's | | 3:50 PM | distracted, run inside and wait for him. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 7 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 2 | - Speak with Kafei inside his house to learn that he | | | was transformed into a child by Skull Kid, then had | | 4:10 PM to | his Sun Mask stolen from him by Sakon the Thief. | | 6:00 PM | - He'll then give you the Pendant of Memories. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 8 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 2 or 3 | - After you exit Kafei's House, go back to the Inn and | | | give the Pendant to Anju. She won't run away on the | | 10:00 AM to | Final Night now. | | 7:00 PM | | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Event | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 2 | - If you gave Anju the Pendant on the Second Day, you | | | can go to your room upstairs and listen through the | | 9:00 PM to | rundown wall. Anju is arguing with her mother about | | 10:00 PM | staying and waiting for Kafei. No real point, but it | | | adds to the overall story. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Optional Event | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 2 | - In order to complete this whole quest, you must not | | | save the Old Lady on the First Night. | | 12:30 AM to | - Go to the Curiosity Shop on the Second Night to | | 1:00 AM | witness a short clip in which Sakon the Thief sells | | | the Bomb Bags to the owner. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 9 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Day 3 | - Go back to Kafei's hideout at the Laundry Pool in | | | Clock Town. Inside, you'll find the Curiosity Shop | | 1:00 PM to | Owner. | | 6:00 PM | - Talk to him to get the Special Delivery to Mama and | | | the Keaton Mask. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 10 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 3 | - Warp to Ikana Canyon and head to the lower area. Go | | | through the cave-like deal to find a small area. Kafei | | 6:00 PM | is hiding behind a rock, waiting for Sakon to appear. | | | - Hide with Kafei, then follow him into Sakon's Hideout | | | to help him get back his wedding ceremony mask. | | | | | | - Inside, you will play as both Link and Kafei. As Link | | | you kill enemies to open doors and as Kafei, you step | | | on switches to change the conveyor belt speed and open | | | doors. | | | | | | Kafei: Push a block onto blue switch. | | | Link: Deku Baba. | | | Kafei: Avoid red, touch yellow. Blue's in corner. | | | Link: Two Deku Babas. | | | Kafei: Try to push/pull blocks onto the yellow block | | | and avoid the red one entirely. Try to push the | | | block above the blue on onto it. | | | Link: Wolfos. | | | Kafei: Switch. | | | Link: Switch. | | | | | | - At the end, Kafei will get back to the Sun Mask. He | | | will then run back to town. We should do the same | | | (warp). | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 11 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Night 3 | - There are two options for this event, each yielding | | | a different reward. You'll have to do the quest twice | | After | in order to get the other prize. | | 6:00 PM | | | | A: - This one can be done from 6:00 PM onward, so it | | | works well with the previous and next events. In | | | other words, DO THIS ONE AFTER HELPING KAFEI! | | | - Go to the Latte Milk Bar in East Clock Town (next | | | to the Inn, you'll need the Romani Mask). Speak to | | | Madam Aroma while wearing the Mask of Kafei. | | | - Fork over the letter to get the last Bottle. | | | | | | B: - Bring the letter to the Post Office in West Clock | | | town. Give it to the Postman and he'll have to | | | deliver it. | | | - Follow him to the Latte Milk Bar. After a bit, | | | he'll come out and stand near the exit for a short | | | moment before running away from town. Speak with | | | him to get the Postman's Hat. | | | | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Event 12 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Last 6 | - Go back to the Inn and go to Anju's Room (the door at | | Hours | the top of the stairs that's always locked). Anju is | | | waiting for Kafei (only if you gave her the Pendant of | | 1:30 left | Memories)! | | | - With just over an hour left, Kafei will return and | | | they will combine their masks at long last. After this | \ | wedding ceremony of sorts, they will give you the | \ | Couple's Mask and wait to die together. | \ | - Play the Song of Time! | \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __ __ / | | \ /_ | | _\ ________ // |/ ___________________________________________ \| \\ _________ ======= //@// ============================================= \\@\\ ======== ------ ///// --------------={ Sword Quests }=------------- \\\\\ ------- //%// [SWORD] \\%\\ ///// \\\\\ //@// http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06SwordQuests.php \\@\\ --- /|_// ------------------------------------------------------- \\_|\ --- == | / ========================================================= \ | == __/ /¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯\ \__ /__ | | __\ //\ \ / /\\ // ¯¯ ¯¯ \\ ¯ ¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Razor Sword | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ==================== ~ Mountain Village ~ ==================== - Bring 100 Rupees to the Mountain Smithy in Mountain Village. You must melt the furnace by using a Fire Arrow, Hot Spring Water, or killing Goht (making it spring). - If you pay them 100 Rupees, they'll sharpen your sword, making it do twice as much damage. It only lasts for 100 strikes though... +-----------------------. | Upgrade : Razor Sword `------------------------------------+ | | | - By far, the coolest looking of all the swords in this | | game. This bad daddy does twice the damage of your Kokiri | | Sword! | | - Unfortunately, it's only as good as the money you put | | into it, and after 100 sword slashes, it will revert back | | back to its old form. =( | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Gilded Sword | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ==================== ~ Mountain Village ~ ==================== - There's a few steps to get this. It's easier done after you've already completed the Snowhead Temple and saved. * Beat Goht (Snowhead Temple Boss) on the First Day or Night. * Win at the Goron Races (Gold Dust) also on the First Day or Night. * Forge your Kokiri Sword into the Razor Sword (Need 100 Rupees). * Forge your Razor Sword into the Gilded Sword (Need Gold Dust). +------------------------. | Upgrade : Gilded Sword `-----------------------------------+ | | | - Your Kokiri Sword will now do twice as much damage, and | | never dull! | | - This is the second best Sword in the game, and it's most | | certainly worth the trouble you went through to get it. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Great Fairy Sword | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ================ ~ Ikana Canyon ~ ================ - The Great Fairy Sword is actually the reward for collecting all of the Stray Fairies in the Stone Tower Temple. See the Stray Fairies or Walkthrough sections for more information. +--------------------------. | Item : Great Fairy Sword `---------------------------------+ | | | - The strongest sword in the game. Does four times as much | | damage as the sword you start with. Unfortunately, it's an | | item, meaning you have to use it with a (C) button. That | | and it has an awkward swing angle... All well. | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |\ /| ___________________________________________________ |\ /| |¯\ /¯| ===================================================== |¯\ /¯| \ \___/ / ----------------={ Keaton Questions }=--------------- \ \___/ / | | [KEATON] | | |_ _| |_ _| / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06KeatonQuestions.php / \ | | ----------------------------------------------------- | | \ @ / ======================================================= \ @ / \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ / ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ - While wearing the Keaton Mask, go slash circles of bushes that come to life and wiggle around to make the mystical Keaton appear. If you answer all of his questions correctly, he'll give you a Piece of a Heart! The bushes where you can find him are in the following locations: Mountain Village North Clock Town Milk Road (Spring Only) _______ /¯ ¯\ ______|+|_| K | ++ __ ___ \\ _|¯¯¯¯\ | | /| | \ \__/ K\__/ \ |\_| | _| | / | | \ /¯\ \ / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯| + _|_ ¯¯ |_ ¯¯¯/ /¯¯\ \ ++ /| \ ¯| | + ++ ++ | __ | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|+|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \ | | \ \ ¯¯K/¯¯¯¯\\ |/¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Clock Town | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is the name of the festival that is to be held in Clock Town? Carnival of the Moon --> Carnival of Time Carnival of Masks ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Once it's completed, how tall will the festival tower at the carnival be? Two stories --> Four stories Six stories ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Who is the leader of the Bombers gang? Gorman Viscen --> Jim ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is the name of the mayor of Clock Town? Babour Cagour --> Dotour ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is the name of Clock Town's inn? Stockpile Inn Stop On Inn --> Stock Pot Inn ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is the name of Anju's father? Padre --> Tortus Tertal ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is Anju, the innkeeper, bad at doing? Cleaning Writing letters --> Cooking ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What bad habit does Anju, the innkeeper, have? --> She's quick to apologize She's quick to get angry She's quick to break into tears ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is the name of the vintage milk sold at the Milk Bar? Romani Run --> Chateau Romani Chateau Moroni ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What does the owner of the Bomb Shop call his mother? Old Lady Mother --> Mommy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How many mailboxes are there in Clock Town? Four --> Five Six ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How many cow figurines are there in Clock Town? Eight Nine --> Ten ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Romani Ranch | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is the name given to you by Romani, the girl at the ranch? Butterfly Cricket --> Grasshopper ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is the name of the song that Romani, the girl at the ranch, teaches you? --> Epona's Song Song of Healing Song of the Field ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? At what time does Romani, the ranch girl, wake up? --> Six Seven She never gets up ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What time does Romani, the girl at the ranch, go to bed? Seven --> Eight She doesn't sleep ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What weapon does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use in practice? Slingshot --> Bow She doesn't use one ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How many balloons does Romani, the girl at the ranch, use during practice? --> One Two She doesn't use balloons ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How many cows are there at Romani Ranch? Two --> Three Four ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How many cuccos are there in the barn at Romani Ranch? --> One Two There are none ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Where does Cremia, manager of Romani Ranch, try to deliver her milk? Curiosity Shop --> Milk Bar Stock Pot Inn ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Goron | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Darmani is of which race? Deku Scrub --> Goron Zora ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Zora | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Mikau is of which race? Deku Scrub Goron --> Zora ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How many members are there in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's? Four --> Five Six ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What is the name of the singer in the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's? Toto --> Lulu Ruto ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Tingle | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? How old is Tingle, the map salesman? 15 25 --> 35 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What are the magic words that Tingle Created? Tingle, Tingle...what? Abracadabra! Kookoo-Tingle-Rama! --> Kooloo-Limpah! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Is Tingle the mapmaker left-handed or right-handed? Left-handed --> Right-handed Ambidextrous ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What color of trunks does Tingle the mapmaker wear? Yellow He doesn't wear any --> Red ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Other | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? What instrument does the Skull Kid Play? Tin Whistle --> Flute Ocarina ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? _ _ /|\ _____________________________________________________________ /|\ / | \ =========================================================== / | \ / | \ -------------------={ Hints & Tips }=------------------ / | \ |\ / \ /| [HINTS] |\ / \ /| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |/ \ / \| http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ |/ \ / \| \ | / --------------------------------------------------------- \ | / \ | / =========================================================== \ | / \|/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \|/ ¯ ¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Bombable Walls Go "Twang" | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - When in doubt about whether you can blow up a wall using Bombs, slash it with your sword. If it makes a "Ching" sound, nothing will happen. If it's a "Twang" or "Tvipt" sound, you can blow it up. - This doesn't apply to Powder Keggable stuff, of course. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Song of Beans | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - After you get the Song of Storms, you can use it to make Magic Beans grow. This means you no longer have to go find Fresh Spring Water. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Blast Me Not | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - When you use the Blast Mask, you hurt yourself. This can be avoided by holding down R immediately after you use it. The explosion will hit your shield instead and you'll take no damage. Very handy. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Electric Barrier | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - I'm not entirely sure what the real name of this ability is called. As a Zora, hold R when in water to create an electric shield that surrounds you. - When on the bottom of the water or on land, hold R, then press B to do it as well. - This move is very potent and can stun most enemies and kill smaller ones. Use it often. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Water Spinning | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - When traveling across water while wearing the Deku Mask, spin with A right before you leave your walkable surface. You will then hop across the water much faster than you would normally. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Free Milk | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Play Epona's Song for a cow to fill a bottle with Milk. - A great place to do this is inside the log in Termina Field when heading towards Southern Swamp. Lay a Bomb in the center of it to reveal a hole. There's two cows inside. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Rupees Everywhere! | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ =================== ~ Treasure Chests ~ =================== - There are several treasure chests in Clock Town that can be gotten fairly easily. Each one has 100 Rupees inside. #1 The first chest is in the sewers. When you enter from Clock Town, jump in the water and go left, past the Skulltula. At the end, climb onto the ledge and Bomb the cracked wall to reveal a hidden chest. #2 Near the entrance to the Sewers in East Clock Town (next to the yellow cap kid), turn right and walk along the wall. Jump along using either the Zora Mask or Bunny Hood. Keep jumping and at the end, turn right to find a hidden chest. #3 During the Anju & Kafei Quest, you can get a Room Key that lets you into the Knife Chamber in the Stock Pot Inn. Inside is a chest waiting for you. #4 At the end of the Anju & Kafei Quest, you can enter Anju's room on the top floor of the Stock Pot Inn. A chest is here as well. ============ ~ Dodongos ~ ============ - There are several Dodongos (lizards) in Termina Field in the snowy area as well as inside a hole there. They can take quite a while to kill, but drop 50 Rupees each. - A good way to kill them is to simply ride into them with Epona. Hit them from behind and you'll push them along. They can't turn around because you're in the way, so they die quick. ========================= ~ Fun With Light Arrows ~ ========================= - There are several enemies that will die instantly and drop 50 Rupees if you hit them with a Light Arrow. * Eenos (the snowmen-like enemies in north Termina Field) * Blue Bubbles (fiery skulls in east Termina Field at night and the Stone Tower Temple) * Guays (crows, lots of them can be found in Ikana Canyon) * Iron Knuckles (axe weilding enemies) * Tons of others... ==================== ~ Killing The Dead ~ ==================== - In the first room of Ikana Castle, wear a scary mask (Garo Mask, Captain's Hat, Gibdo Mask) to make the ReDeads dance, making them harmless. Kill them for 15 Rupees each. Rinse and repeat. - After you've blown a hole in the ceiling, you can walk right between them using the reflection of the Mirror Shield on your back to kill all of them even faster. ========================= ~ Embaressing Pictures? ~ ========================= - Bring pictures to the big guy in the Swamp Tourist Center using your Pictograph Box to earn quick cash. There are two very quick methods of getting money this way: * Big Octo nearby repeatedly. 20 Rupees. * Deku King. 200 Rupees. * Tingle (at the entrance to Southern Swamp). 100 Rupees. =================== ~ Item Collecting ~ =================== - Each time you start your three days, it's good to stock up on some items like arrows, bombs, rupees, before you actually start adventuring. A good way to do this is slap on the Goron Mask and roll out the south entrance. - From here, just roll through the bushes in Termina Field. I like to end at the tree next to the Astral Observatory. Roll into it to make 30 Rupees fall down. ===================== ~ Curiosity Selling ~ ===================== - Bring numerical or bottled items (Deku Nuts, Bombs, Bugs, Fish, etc.) to the Curiosity Shop in West Clock Town and you can sell them for some quick money. - Bring him a Big Poe in a bottle for 200 Rupees. _____ _____ / ___ \ ___________________________________________________________ / ___ \ / / \ \ ========================================================= / / \ \ ¯¯ / / -----------={ Frequently Asked Questions }=---------- ¯¯ / / / / [FAQS] / / / / / / | | | | | | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06FAQs.php | | ¯ ------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ /¯\ =============================================================== /¯\ \_/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \_/ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | How do I complete (Insert portion of the game)? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - I wrote a Walkthrough for a reason. I have three varieties, the | | downloadable text walkthrough, the one on the site (with pictures and | | maps) and the video walkthrough (coming soon). | | | | www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06.php | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | What masks are needed to beat the game? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - Other than the Transformation Masks, these are the masks and why you | | need them: | | | | Garo's Mask : To get into Ikana Canyon. | | Captain's Hat : To get the Song of Storms. | | Gibdo Mask : To get the Mirror Shield. | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Why don't I get the full credits? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Depending on whom you help in the game, your credits will change. For | | every person you help, you will see a short clip during the credits of | | what happens to them. | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Is there a way to wear the Fierce Deity's Mask outside of a boss room? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - Yes, there is. While doing the Anju & Kafei Quest, before you enter | | the room with Kafei, slap on a heavier Transformation Mask (Goron or | | Zora). When the controls switch to him, press Start and change the (C) | | Button with that mask to the Fierce Deity's Mask. When you regain | | control, you will transform. | | - Of course, this only lasts a little while, and the game has a tendency | | to crash. I don't mess with many codes, cheats, hacks or the like, so | | I'm not well versed in all of the other goodies you can accomplish | | after this point. For more information, check out Anju's excellent | | Glitch FAQ at: | | | | www.GameFAQs.com | | http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/n64/file/197770/10492 | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | How come you don't have a Glitch Guide or Three Day Challenge? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - I like to just play through the game, legit. I don't like wasting my | | time with some of the more pointless side quests (such as getting a | | perfect score at the Town Shooting Gallery). I've never messed with | | codes other than the Levitate one for the sake of writing the | | Walkthrough (it's faster than running all over sometimes). As far as | | the Three Day Challenge, I may eventually return to the Majora's Mask | | section to complete it... | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | What's the difference between the various cartridges? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - There are three different cartridges for Majora's Mask: | | | | - Normal gray. | | - Gold collector's edition. | | - Collector's edition with hologram sticker on the front. | | | | - Other than the stuff included in these packages and different prices, | | there are no differences. | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Why does the game keep freezing/lagging? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - The game has a tendency to do this on the Gamecube Collector's | | Edition. The reason for this is because the N64 uses 64 bit memory as | | opposed to a spinning disc and loads much faster. I've only played it | | on the N64 myself, so I have no hands on experience with this problem. | | From what I've heard, just stick with it. It'll pass. | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Can I put your Walkthrough on my website? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - No. Occasionally, I do quite a bit of editing to them, and it would be | | annoying to say the least to keep track of it on many websites. If | | you'd like to refer people to it, by all means, do so. | | - Just don't host it anywhere else, otherwise you end up with an | | outdated version. Please simply link it to any of these wonderful | | sites: | | | | www.GameFAQs.com | | www.neoseeker.com | | www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06.php | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | What's with all this "Zelda Dungeon" stuff? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - I originally wrote this guide for GameFAQs, but shortly after I began | | writing it, I came aboard a Zelda fan site called Zelda Dungeon. My | | goal is to make this same guide in HTML (site) and video form. This | | makes an incredible resource for people to go to if they don't find | | this text version helpful enough. It's literally the same guide, just | | shown in a different way. | | | | www.zeldadungeon.net/Zelda06.php | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | What other games have you written guides for? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | - Currently, just Adventure of Link (Zelda 2). Due to various reasons, | | among them it being incomplete, I haven't posted it. That may change in | | the future. For now, I'm about to turn my sights to Ocarina of Time. | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------´ ___ _________ | | / \ \____ \ | \___/ | | _______________________________________________ / \ | | ============================================ \____/ / |_____ ----------------={ Review }=----------- / \ / / \ [REVIEW] \____/ __ __/ \___/ / \ / / \ http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ \___/_ / \____/ Zelda06Review.php | / / \ ------------------------------------------ | | \____/ ============================================= | | ____ / \ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ | \ \_____\___/ |___| ================ ~ Introduction ~ ================ - Released in 2000, Majora's Mask was the much awaited sequel to Ocarina of Time (1998), one of the best games in video game history. While it wasn't what everyone was expecting, it stands tall as an intricate and enticing game with a lot of stand alone flavor and new perspectives on what had already been introduced. =================== ~ Graphics [8/10] ~ =================== - Because this game is a direct sequel, using the same graphics engine and the like, there are a lot of similarities between it and its predecessor. This is the only game (with the exception of the Oracle Series, obviously) to do so. - Nintendo did a lot with it, making a lot of the colors much more lively and outlandish to fit the Termina theme. The lighting effects are astounding and much more realistic. Walking by a torch really lights up the area and there isn't much natural lighting in caves and the like (other than your fairy). Luckily, little time is spent underground, so this annoyance doesn't hinder your game play for the most part (e.i. having an entire "dark" dungeon). - Although everything is much prettier in this game, there are some things that really bugged me. For example, the phasing out (blurry moments) that occurred often during movies. Although it did make the game feel disorienting, it didn't add much flavor, only made things hard to make out. Every time I'd see it coming, I'd groan, "Not the stupid blurriness again!" - A lot of the same models were used in this game, which is understandable due to the fact that it would take them nearly a day to create a new one. Several of them have more expressions and fluid movements. They aren't always standing in one place (walking animations) which is a very cool addition as well. - I'd have to say though, if you were looking to play this game and don't feel like purchasing an Expansion Pack (upgrades some of the graphics), you're not missing too much. With a little choppy animation and lack of the blurriness (YES!) the game is still quite playable and in some cases, preferred. There are times though, when the colors really are quite enhanced. I'm not too nitpicky about graphics though, so it doesn't bug me too much. I'd rather be able to see in those dark areas than have my feet shadow correctly. ======================== ~ Sound & Music [7/10] ~ ======================== - As with all of the games in the series, the music is superb. The theme for the Last 6 Hours before the Moon falls is simply beautiful and certainly captures the mood. Everything has been form fitted (very nicely) to this strange new land where birds steal your swords and some invisible dude wants your help. - The new Ocarina songs can get fairly annoying from being played so much, such as the Song of Soaring and the Song of Double Time. Also, Nintendo seriously got lazy with the theme song for each of the areas because it's the exact same, just had the "instruments" revamped to fit the theme. I miss the old Ocarina of Time teleportation songs (because you mixed and matched them regularly). - The characters (and even enemies) had a lot more sounds, such as grunts, chuckles, the works. It truly made the experience much more entertaining and interesting. ==================== ~ Game Play [9/10] ~ ==================== - One of the main differences in this game is that everything is forced into merely three days, after which the world is doomed. In order to save it, you must return to the past with the aid of your invaluable item from the previous title: the Ocarina of Time. - Unfortunately, there are only four temples in the entire game, which makes the game far shorter. To make up for this, there are lots of side quests that will reward you with the many more Pieces of Heart available due to the lack of boss battles. The Bosses were much more interesting, had more attacks and animations. All around, they were harder and engaging, which made the whole experience more memorable. There are two or three mini-bosses for each temple as well, which is an amazing addition. - The dungeons in this game were far better than in Ocarina of Time. They were innovative and relied more on almost cinematic advancements than small keys and moveable blocks like the previous titles. I should mention though, because of the lack of temples, there are many more quests outside that you have to complete before being able to even enter each of the temples. Taking us out of the dank rooms of the dungeons is quite a feat, although it can feel rather pointless trying to help a ranch girl from aliens or silencing a baby Goron's tears when the moon is about to fall. - One of the major aspects of this game is that the masks now have many mystical powers and abilities. This was hinted at in the previous title, but you never got to explore this. Now there is an entire section in your subscreen devoted just to masks, most of which merely aided in the collection of Heart Pieces or to progress through the game. This was an interesting addition in that you got items often. You rarely went with a stretch where you didn't feel like you were earning anything and you could always tell how far you have progressed through the game by merely pressing Start. - The beauty of this is that you can decide whether to just skim through the game or collect everything you can. In a way, this is where the game fails for the average gamer who just wants to play the temples. This game requires lots of waiting around and the action is spared for special occasions in a sense. - This greater reliance on items was a good and bad thing. In each dungeon and mini-dungeon, you were forced to press Start repeatedly to change your (C) Buttons for almost every room. This is good in that it added variety, but there's just so many items and not enough time to accurately use them all. - The controls in the previous title were a little choppy here and there, but they have since been refined. There was also a lot of switching between "A" and "B" being the action/cancel button depending on which item you were using or mask you were wearing. Although this did come natural after a little while, it strayed from the system set in stone and was slightly confusing at first. ============================= ~ Plot & Interaction [9/10] ~ ============================= - The storyline for this game is strangely creepy as well as quite depressing. Not only is the world doomed, but each task you complete will amount to nothing because for the people you helped, it never happened. While you get items and masks to prove you have completed it, you can't help but feel saddened and nostalgic seeing the same people going about their lives aware of the fact they will die in three days. - Because of this unique twist, you really felt connected with each of the characters you help. It's unfortunate there isn't more depth to everyone in the game, but the select few you do help certainly leave an impression. - The Bosses in this game seemed a little forced. Most of them had only one way to truly defeat them, an entirely different game play mechanic than the rest of them. An examples of this would include Goht (Snowhead Temple) using the Goron Mask to roll after him and Twinmold (Stone Tower Temple) using the Giant's Mask to slash them to bits. While this is interesting and new, it also seems kind of patched together and certainly gets old when you need to beat the same bosses over again to complete other quests. - One thing this game succeeded at was to take a deeper look at the individual races of Hyrule/Termina; notably the Deku, Goron, Zora and even the undead! The four Transformation Masks allowed you to see the world from new perspectives, from the way characters treated you to the way you battled, each had a different vibe that flavored the game. While it may not be as "epic" and "big" as its predecessor was, it has what Ocarina of Time didn't: a deeper look at the world and the characters living in it. - Beating areas in this game was a little more vindicating because new possibilities opened up, such as mini-games. The only exception to this would be Stone Tower, where nothing changed at all (other than Gibdos leaving). - The characters in this game all have specific schedules and walk around the town. At first, it can be a little overwhelming comprehending how to complete all of the quests and see everyone, but it is certainly possible. To aid you in this feat, you are quickly given a journal to keep track of them called the Bomber's Notebook. It definitely added a sense of completion and made it much easier to complete quests. Also, with Link's new facial features, it helps to bring the sense that he's actually helping people, like the hero he's made out to be. ======================== ~ In The End [8.25/10] ~ ======================== - While I would have preferred more music, we were still introduced to more beautifully conducted pieces and presented with new graphics to drop jaws of those closely familiar with the previous title. The new control schemes were excellent, if a little awkward. Nintendo brought this world to life in a unique way and absorbed you into the lives of the NPCs that stood around aimlessly before. - To summarize: Majora is a wonderful game for those patient enough relive the same three days over and over again. While it may fall short for the average gamer who merely wants to play through temples, killing baddies, it opens up new puzzle opportunities and intricate looks at the characters living in this virtual world. It is one of my favored games and its temple puzzles will hold a dear place in my heart compared to some others in the series. /| /| _________/ | _____________________________________________ _________/ | |~~~~~~~~/ / =============================================== |~~~~~~~~/ / |~~~~~~~/ /| ---------={ About/Contacting Author }=--------- |~~~~~~~/ /| |~~~~~~/ /~| [AUTHOR] |~~~~~~/ /~| |~~~~~/ /~~| |~~~~~/ /~~| |~~~~/ /~~~| |~~~~/ /~~~| |~~~| /~~~~| http://www.zeldadungeon.net/Staff.php |~~~| /~~~~| |~~~|/ | ----------------------------------------------- |~~~|/ | | | ================================================= | | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | About This Walkthrough Writing Fiend! | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - I always love reading these sections. After reading these guide writers' ramblings, you get a feel for their personality. - I'm 19 currently (2007) and I live in Alaska, USA. I don't live in an igloo, so don't get your hopes up. I've been a gamer most of my life and I'd create things from pinball machine out of cardboard and duct tape to short stories and poems. - As far as games go, the Zelda series has been by far one of my favorites, mainly because it rests more on control and skill than simply leveling up like a lot of RPGs out there, while still keeping a good flow of action. As far as other games, I'm fond of all of Blizzard's series (Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo). My other favorite would be the Smash Brothers series. Smash Bros Brawl comes out soon! ^.^ - Right now, my big endeavor is to get hitched with my girlfriend of two years. That's right, she's a keeper =P - Currently, I'm working at zeldadungeon.net in the content department, trying to pump out guides like the one you're reading now. I find it enjoyable and it gives me a chance to put my thoughts and creative tendencies into words and pictures. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Guides I've Written | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ Complete Coming Soon! Incomplete/Canceled -------- ------------ ------------------- Majora's Mask Ocarina of Time Adventure of Link .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | E-mailing & Stuff | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ Please e-mail me for corrections! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - I try to polish my guides out a lot before I post them. If I messed up on something big (like saying "left" when it should be "right") please e-mail me and let me know so I can fix it! - If a section is particularly confusing, please feel free to e-mail me with suggestions on how to make it easier to understand for everyone. Please put "Majora's Mask @ (insert site)" in the title: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - I have multiple guides, so it can be confusing when you refer to "section 3" of a guide I write and tell me about a spelling error. Caleb M Simpson stud_zeldarevolution@hotmail.com ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____ ___ ______ _ _____________________________ ____ ___ ______ _ | _ \\ \ / / \ | | =========================== | _ \\ \ / / \ | | | | \ \\ \/ /| __|| | --={ Legal/Closing }=-- | | \ \\ \/ /| __|| | | | \ \\ / | | | | [LEGAL] | | \ \\ / | | | | | |__/ / | | | |__ | | | |__/ / | | | |__ | | | _ / | | | __|| | | _ / | | | __|| | | | \ \ | | | | | | http://www.zeldadungeon.net/ | | \ \ | | | | | | | | \ \ | | | |__ |_| ------------------------- | | \ \ | | | |__ |_| | |__/ / | | | | _ =========================== | |__/ / | | | | _ |_____/ |__| |___/ |_| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |_____/ |__| |___/ |_| .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Legal Information | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - This walkthrough is copyright (c) 2007-2008 to Caleb Simpson, e-mail stud_zeldarevolution@hotmail.com. All rights reserved. Completely unofficial, Majora's Mask and all other related items are copyrighted (c) 2000 to Nintendo Japan/US. All rights reserved. - This FAQ is entirely unofficial and may not be reproduced and/or altered except for personal, private use. - If you wish to have links to this walkthrough and spread the good news, that's awesome and I'm all for it. Please do not host it elsewhere. That way I can make updates without having to keep track of other sites. - Re-publishing this FAQ on other sites is prohibited. Give credit to whom it's due, in this case, the guy who wrote this guide: me. Stealing is for bad people! .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Special Thanks! | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - All the wicked awesome people that have e-mailed me about adding stuff to the guide! *Bows to them* Rock on! ZeroCool ~ Informed me about the Guays (crows) dropping 50 Rupees when killed with a Light Arrow. Scott ~ E-mailed me about an optional event in the Anju & Kafei Quest. Nifty find, dude! Lucas ~ Told me about a glitch in the Anju & Kafei Quest. Agnem ~ Showed me tons of errors throughout the guide. Gave me a thorough list of everything he found. You rock dude! Shawn ~ Pointed out an error in the enemy guide involving Floormasters. sabretooth ~ Corrected me on an unclear Stray Fairy. Lukas ~ Told me you could use the Bremen Mask on the Stalfos Royal Bjarre Guards (two skeletons before the King of Ikana) to make them march. That's awesome! Christopher ~ Found out you can use Bubble Blasts to stun the kids when Albert playing Hide & Seek. So much easier! Dustin ~ Reminded me to mention that Japas is playing the dungeon theme Roberts from the original Legend of Zelda. Charlie ~ Let me know you can kill Iron Knuckles with Light Arrows. Perez So useful! Devon ~ Told me that you can escape paying the Postman for his Timing Bodmer mini-game by going in and out of the room. Nicole ~ Reminded me to mention that when fighting Wart (Mini-Boss in Aki the Great Bay Temple) you can avoid being hurt by standing in a corner. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | Hosting, etc. | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - So, you like it so much, you want to show it off? You know, I'm completely supportive! I only have a few requirements: GIVE ME CREDIT FOR MY OWN STUFF! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ---------------------------------------------------- Caleb M Simpson ... stud_zeldarevolution@hotmail.com ---------------------------------------------------- - I wrote this entire guide from scratch. It was a lot of hard work and hours. You may link to this guide without asking, as long as the copy you are using is credited to me (Caleb M Simpson, stud_zeldarevolution@hotmail.com). I UPDATE THE GUIDE ON THE FOLLOWING SITES ONLY! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ www.zeldadungeon.net www.GameFAQs.com www.neoseeker.com - As I said, you don't "need my permission" to show off my guide, just don't alter it in any way. Make it perfectly clear that it wasn't created by anyone else. E-mailing me to ask for permission to have it on your site would be appreciated, but it isn't required... YOU MAY LINK TO IT ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ - You have my permission to link to this guide without asking, as long as the one you are linking to is credited to me (Caleb M Simpson). Please don't upload it to any website, because that version will end up becoming outdated, other people will read it and e-mail me corrections so I can fix things... that I already fixed... GRRRRR!!!! LONG STORY SHORT (REQUIREMENTS): ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ * Do not disturb the guide. * Link to one of the three sites listed above RATHER THAN uploading it. * Give me credit. Say something like: "This awesome guide was written by Caleb M Simpson, stud_zeldarevolution@hotmail.com" .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. | In Closing | `~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~´ - Well, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this tour through one of the more interesting Zelda games of the series. - If you found this guide helpful, feel free to check out any of my others at: www.zeldadungeon.net www.GameFAQs.com www.neoseeker.com - If there's anything I've severely messed up on, please e-mail me and put "Majora's Mask at (insert site name)" in the subject line. Caleb M Simpson stud_zeldarevolution@hotmail.com - That's all folks. Have a wonderful day and I hope I can be of service to you once again. Laterz! THANKS FOR READING! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___ .´ ____ / , `.____.´ ,´ , \ \_/ / .-. / \_/ .-. / / / __ ;-. / / / / / .´ `. .`-` / / ____/___./;', ; .´ / _;--, ,--.' / .´ / / / ' ¯¯¯ .´ ' .´/ / / '/ .´ `._.´ / '._.`. .´ `, ,´.´ '. .'. .'._.´ ¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯ ¯¯¯