------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== T H E L E G E N D O F Z E L D A T H E A D V E N T U R E O F L I N K =============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I) .......... Informations on the FAQ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II) .......... Versions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III) .......... Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV) .......... Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V) .......... Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI) .......... Experience levels ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI) .......... Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII) .......... Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. The road to Parapa Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II. Parapa Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III. The Road to Midero Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Midero Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V. The road to the Island Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Island Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. The road to the Maze Island Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Maze Island Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX. The road to the Ocean Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Ocean Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI. The road to the Three Eye Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII. Three Eye Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIII. The road to the Great Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIV. Great Palace ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII) .......... Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IX) .......... Bosses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X) .......... Heart containers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XI) .......... Magic Containers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XII) .......... Spells ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIII) .......... Magic points chart ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XIV) .......... Link Dolls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XV) .......... Game Genie Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVI) .......... Author informations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XVII) .......... Ending ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ I SECTION ONE | INFORMATIONS ON THE FAQ /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Copyrights are property of Arestos. This walkthrough is can only be published on Gamefaqs.com. If you see it elsewhere, please contact me at william_beauchamp22@hotmail.com. This guide is protected by the International Laws on Copyrights, and it is forbidden to copy any part of this walkthrough without my consent. If you want to put this guide on your website, please contact me. I want this FAQ to be on the most websites as possible, but you have to get my written consent. You can copy this guide on your hard drive, print it, send it to a friend, but you can't use it for money purpose. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ II SECTION TWo | VERSIONS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Version 1.0 Date: July 28th, 2007 Détails: The first version of my FAQ. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ III SECTION THREE | INTRODUCTION /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ The Adventure of Link is the second Zelda game ever. It was first released in 1988 on Famicon and Nes Consoles. It was later adapted to Game Boy Advanced and Game Cube. It was then part of the Zelda Collector Edition on Game Cube. This game is half RPG, half adventure game. Unlike the other games of the serie, you character moves like a RPG in the World Map, but in a 2-D screen when in battles or palaces. You have experience to gain, as well as levels for magic, life and attack. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ IV SECTION FOUR | STORY /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ At the end of a fierce fight, Link overthrew Ganon, took back the Triforce and rescued Princess Zelda. However, is it all really finished? Many seasons have passed since then. Hyrule was on the road to ruin. The power that the vile heart of Ganon has left behind was causing chaos and disorder in Hyrule. What's more, even after the fall of Ganon, some of his underlings remained waiting for Ganon's return. The Key to Ganon's return was the blood of Link - the valiant lad who overthrew the King of Evil. Ganon would be revived by sacrificing Link and sprinkling his blood on the ashes of Ganon. Meanwhile, Link remained in the little kingdom of Hyrule and lent his hand to its restoration. But circumstances did not look very good. One day, a strange mark, exactly like the crest of the kingdom, appeared on the back of Link's hand as he approached his 16th birthday. The worried Link, went to Impa, Princess Zelda's nursemaid who was shocked and frightened when she saw the birthmark. When she regained her composure, she took Link to the North Castle. There was a door in North Castle called "the door that does not open." Only the descendants of the Impa family who served the king knew how to open the door. Impa took Link's left hand and pressed the back of it against the door. There was a sound of a locking falling open, the door slowly creaked open and there on an alter in the middle of the room lay a beautiful woman. "Here lies Princess Zelda." Impa began to speak calmly. "Link, the time has come when I must tell you the legend of Zelda handed down in Hyrule. It is said that a long ago, when Hyrule was one country, a great ruler maintained the peace in Hyrule using the Triforce. However, the king too was a child of man and he died. Then, the prince of the kingdom should have become and king and inherited everything, but he could inherit the Triforce only in part. The Prince searched everywhere for the missing parts, but could not find them. Then, a magician close to the king brought him some unexpected news. Before he died, the king had said something about the Triforce to only the younger sister of the prince, Princess Zelda. The prince immediately questioned the princess, but she wouldn't tell him anything. After the prince, the magician threatened to put the princess into an eternal sleep if she did not talk, but still, she said nothing." "In his anger, the magician tried to cast a magic spell on the princess. The surprised prince tried to stop him, but the magician fought off the prince and went on chanting the spell. Then, when the spell was finally cast, Princess Zelda fell on that spot and entered a sleep from which she might never awake. At the same time, the magician also fell down and breathed his last." "In his grief, the prince placed the princess in this room. He hoped that someday she would come back to life. So that this tragedy would never be forgotten, he ordered that every female child born into the royal household shall be given the name Zelda." From the stand next to the alter where Princess Zelda lay in a deep sleep, Impa took six crystals and a scroll with the same crest and handed them to Link. "For generations, my family has been handed down these things which have been set aside for a time when a great king will come. They are written in an ancient script that no-one can read now. But you who have the crest may be able to read it. It is said that the key to uniting the Triforce is hidden there. Now it is time for you to read it." Link glanced at the scroll half in doubt, but what do you know? Although he had never seen the letters before, he found that he could read them as if they were talking to him. This was written on the scroll. "You who'll control the Triforce of the future. I shall hand down to you the secrets of the Triforce. There are three kinds of Triforce - Power, Wisdom, and Courage. When these three are brought together, the Triforce will show its maximum power. Of the three, I left Power and Wisdom in the kingdom. But the Triforce Courage I have hidden for a reason." "Not everybody can use the Triforce. It requires a strong character with no evil thoughts. But an inborn special quality is also necessary. Unfortunately, I have not found such a person during my lifetime." "Therefore, I have decided to cast a spell on all of Hyrule. A crest will appear on a young man with the character who has been brought up correctly, has gained many kinds of experiences and reached a certain age. But, what will happen if someone else uses the Triforce before then? If it misused, it will produce many evils." "The Triforce of Courage is hidden in the Great Palace in the Valley of Death on the largest island in Hyrule. However, to enter there you must first fight the guardians and undo the "binding force." When you have defeated the guardians, which I made to prevent enemies from invading the six palaces in Hyrule, set a crystal in the forehead of the statue you find. When you have set crystals in all of the statues in the six palaces, the "binding force" places on the Valley of Death will be removed and you will be able to enter the great palace. There, you must fight the last guardian. And you can obtain the Triforce only by defeating the guardian." "There's nothing to fear. You are the one to get the Triforce. You are the beacon of hope for Hyrule." Impa implored Link, who raised his head slowly after reading the scroll. "The magic spell cast upon Princess Zelda will sure to be broken if the Triforce is used." "Please, Link. Unite the Triforce and save the princess. And bring back peace to Hyrule." Link nodded silently in approval, and left the room after taking a long glance at the altar. Then, with a magical sword in his left hand and a shield in his right, he set off alone on his long travels. At that time, Ganon's underlings were calling up new allies from the Underworld, and were beginning to work devilishly toward the revival of Ganon. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ V SECTION FIVE | CHARACTERS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Link: The hero of The Legend of Zelda is back to Hyrule to save the Princess Zelda from a eternal sleep caused by the wizard Carock. Now teenager, he will have to face bigger challenges and learn new combat skills. Princess Zelda: She was put in a eternal sleep by the wizard Carock. She will never be able to awake if Ganon's resurrection is not stopped. Bagu: He is a man living in a forest. He is the only one who can permit someone to go to the Death Mountain. Ganon: Even if he was defeated, his minions continue his work. They now try to revive him. We don't see him in the game, but he still is the cause of all the troubles in Hyrule. Carock: The powerful wizard who put the Princess Zelda under a sleep curse. He now hides in the Maze Island Palace. Maiden: The maidens will heal your wounds if you speak to them and visit their house. Old Lady: The old ladies will restore your magic power if you speak to them and visit their house. Wizard: Wizards are found in every town. They will learn you new magical spells. Knight: He will learn you the downwards thrust ability. Lancer: He will learn you the upwards thrust ability. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ VI SECTION SIX | EXPERIENCE LEVELS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ All the game long, Link will earn experience points when killing ennemies or finding EXP Bags. These will raise three of his attributes; life, attack and magic. By raising life, then damage taken will be decreased and with the magic raised, his spells will cost less magic. Improving attack will make Link stronger. Each attributes can be raised until level 8. Link can get EXP by killing ennemies or by finding EXP bags. He can also lose some EXP when certain ennemies hit him. When you clear a palace, you will get all the EXP needed to raise from a level, so I recommend that you never clear palaces until you are level 16 or 17, when you need 3000 EXP points to get to a higher level. Also note that when you are Game Over, you lose all the EXP earned to get to a new level. Level 1: 0 EXP Level 2: 50 EXP (Life) Level 3: 100 EXP (Magic) Level 4: 150 EXP (Life) Level 5: 200 EXP (Attack) Level 6: 300 EXP (Magic) Level 7: 400 EXP (Life) Level 8: 500 EXP (Attack) Level 9: 700 EXP (Magic) Level 10: 800 EXP (Life) Level 11: 100 EXP (Attack) Level 12: 1200 EXP (Magic) Level 13: 1500 EXP (Life) Level 14: 2000 EXP (Attack) Level 15: 2200 EXP (Magic) Level 16: 2500 EXP (Life) Level 17: 3000 EXP (Attack) Level 18: 3500 EXP (Magic) Level 19: 4000 EXP (Life) Level 20: 5000 EXP (Attack) Level 21: 7000 EXP (Magic) Level 22: 8000 EXP (Attack) Level 23: 9000 EXP (Attack) /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ VI SECTION SIX | CONTROLS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Control Pad: Move Link int he world map or side-scrolling areas. A Button: Once you have found the hammer, use it with the A button. In side- scrolling areas, use A to jump and choose your direction with the control pad. B Button: Once you have found the flute, use it with the B Button. In side- scrolling areas, use your sword with it. Start Button: Pause game or bring the magic list in side-scrolling areas. Select Button: Use the magic spells you selected on the magic list. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ VII SECTION SEVEN | WALKTHROUGH /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ =============================================================================== I. The road to Parapa Palace =============================================================================== You begin the game in the North Palace where the Princess Zelda is asleep. Leave the palace by going left or right. Once outside, follow the road to the east until you arrive at Rauru Village. Once inside Rauru, go to the second screen and wait for the girl in purple and with a bowl on his head to come out of her house. Speak with her and she will ask you to speak to her father. Go inside and follow the path until you arrive to the Wise Man who will teach you the spell SHIELD. Leave the town. From the town of Rauru, go northwest until you arrive to a lone forest. Walk into it and grab the 50 EXP Bag. If you want, you may go in the grass and fight the ennemies to get levels (which I recommend). Come back on the same way to go to Rauru, but instead enter the cave you will see. It will be dark inside, so be careful because there is an ennemy in it. Once you exit the cave, go southeast until you reach a path. Follow this road (you will have 2-D screens where you must avoid bubbles and jump over holes). Once it is done, go to the patch of grass in the middle of forest and beat the boomerang ennemy. Then, take the HEART CONTAINER. Head back and go north to find the Papara Palace. =============================================================================== II. Parapa Palace =============================================================================== Once you entered the Parapa Palace, go right until you reach an elevator and go down in it. Be careful of the dog knights because if they touch you, they will take you EXP. From the elevator, go left, kill the red stalfos by attacking the lower part of his body and grab the key right behind him. Head back to the right and unlock the door. Keep going right and pass the first elevator you will see until you reach another elevator. If you need to, there is a fairy right of this elevator. Go up in this elevator and head right. Take the key and continue your way until you arrive to a Hammer Thrower. Kill him and grab the other key. Go back down to the elevator. Go back to the elevator you avoided moments ago and go down. Make you way to the left, cross the falling bridge (take the EXP bag if you are able to), kill the Hammer Thrower and the Ironknuckle to get the CANDLE. Then, go to the elevator you went up sooner, but this time go down. Make your way to the right by killing the ennemies you will find until you reach your first boss, Horsehead. Right before fighting him, use the spell Shield. To beat him, you will have to jump and hit his head until it dies. You will receive 50 EXP and a key. Go right, unlock the door and put the jewel in the statue. =============================================================================== III. The Road to Midero Palace =============================================================================== Head to the cave south of the North Palace in order to find a Magic Container. Once you have it, head north of the North Palace until you reach a cave. Make your way through it until you find a trophy. Then, head west to the Town of Ruto. Go to the second screen and wait for the lady in red to come out of her house. Speak to her and she will let you speak to her uncle because you brang back her trophy. Her uncle will learn you the spell JUMP. Now head south of the village in another cave. Go through it and use the spell Jump at the end of it. Once you exit the cave, you will see a small patch of grass containing a fairy in it. Then, go southeast until you see a brige and a road. Right north of the road, there will be a forest. Once of those square hides a man named Bagu, who will let you go cross the river in Saria. Cross the brige south of Bagu's hideout and go to the Town of Saria. Enter the first house in the second screen and look under the table to find a mirror. Then, go back to the first screen and speak with the woman in purple coming out of the big blue house. Go inside and the Old Man will learn you the spell LIFE. Then head left until you reach a small house. Speak with the guard and he will let you cross the river. Then, enter the Death Mountain. The reason why you are here is to find the Hammer. The way to it is simple, except that the ennemies are pretty strong. Simply go right everytime possible. When you see an elevator, ignore it and continue right until you reach the end. Then, go left and fall down the hole on the World Map. Go right from there, kill the ennemies and grab the HAMMER. Go back to the elevator and go up, then go left to exit. Once on the World Map, break the rock to find another MAGIC CONTAINER. Then, exit the Death Mountain by taking the most eastern cave. Cross the bridge once you are out of the cave and head northeast until you reach the Town of Mido. Once in it, you will find a church with an open door on the top. Use jump to reach it and inside the room, you will find a knight who will learn you the Downward Thrust ability. Leave the town and follow your way back to the west until you reach the Marsh. Break the rock blocking a cave and enter it to find a bottle of Medicine. Then, head back to the town of Mido, go in the third section of the town and speak with the woman dressed in purple coming out of one house. She will let you speak to the Wise Man if you give her the medicine. The Wise Man will learn you the FAIRY spell. There is one last thing to do before going in the Midero Palace. Come back on the road that leads to Rauru and break the boulder blocking a cave east of the road. In it, you will find a HEART CONTAINER and an EXP BAG. Then, go west from the cave, in the mire, until you reach the Midero Palace. =============================================================================== IV. Midero Palace =============================================================================== Take the elevator at the far right of the palace entrance and go down twice. Head left, grab the key at the very end of the way, come back to the elevator and go down once again. Go right, take the key and go to the top floor with the elevator. Head left of the elevator by unlocking the door. Kepp going left and grab the key over the lava pit. Then, continue and take the elevator down. Take the first left, avoid the falling blocks and ignore the EXP Bag. Kill the Ironknuckle, unlock the door and take the GLOVE. You may now break blocks by stabbing them, so take the EXP Bag on your way back to the elevator and go down. Go right once you went down with the elevator and ignore the next elevator you will see. Instead, continue to the right until you reach a key. Grab it, come back to the elevator you ignored sooner and go down. Continue to the right to reach the boss room. Once in the boss room, cast the Shield spell and face Helmethead. It should not be a very hard battle. You only have to attack the head of the boss until it dies. Be careful though because he will lose a head twice, but they will continue flying in the room and throwing magic balls to you. After the boss, grab the key, unlock the door and put the jewel in the statue. =============================================================================== V. The road to the Island Palace =============================================================================== Head back to Ruto and talk to the man in a small house in the second screen. He will tell Link that there is a tunnel south of the King's Tomb near Mido. Leave the town, head to the King's Tomb and go directly south of it to find the tunnel the man was talking about. You will have to use the Fairy spell in it to reach the top of the ledge. Keep going right and you will find the Island Palace. =============================================================================== VI. Island Palace =============================================================================== Go down the elevator right of the entrance (if you want, you may hit the Ironknuckle statue to find a magic jar or awaken the ennemy). Then, go right and you will be on a block floor. You will be able to gain access to an EXP bag and a key with the downward thrust ability. Continue you way until you reach a room where there is a red stalfos under you. For now, don't go down, just keep heading right by jumping over the hole. You will find a key on your way right. Once you got the key, head back to the red stalfos and kill him, then go down the elevator. Go right, unlock the door and keep going. Grab the key in the lava pit and continue to the right. Kill the Ironknuckles, unlock the door and take the RAFT. Now head back past the elevator, kill the Ironknuckle, unlock the door and continue to the left. Break the blocks to the left side, grab the key and go back to the elevator. Take it down and go right until you reach the boss room. Cast shield and face the boss. It is in fact a blue Ironknuckle on a horse. He will run toward you, so jump and use the downward thrust ability until the horse disappear. Then, it will be a normal blue Ironknuckle. Kill him, grab the key, unlock the door and put the jewel in the statue. =============================================================================== VII. The road to the Maze Island Palace =============================================================================== Once you are crossed the river to go to the Eastern Hyrule, you will reach the Town of Nabooru. In the second screen, there will be a thirsty woman, so go to the small fountain and bring her water. She will let you see the Wise Man, which will teach you FIRE. Then, leave the town. If you want, there is three EXP Bag found in here. once is west of the town, one in a cave south of the town and one past the boulder to the southeast of Nabooru. Then, head to the cave north of the town. Once you reached the other side of the cave, head to Darunia northwest from it. Enter the first house you will see in the second screen by using jump and entering through the chiminey and speak with the lancer who will learn you the upward thrust ability. Exit the town and head east to the bridge that leads to the Maze Island Palace. In the Maze Island, go to the right by always staying at the bottom part of the maze and go up at the end. Fall down the hole and rescue the small kid. Then head back to Darunia, speak with the Old Lady. She will let you meet the Wise Man who will teach you REFLECT. Go back to the Maze Island. Try making your way to the Maze Island Palace, which is not very hard. On the left side of the maze, there is a MAGIC CONTAINER. Then, head to the Palace. =============================================================================== VIII. Maze Island Palace =============================================================================== Once you enter the Maze Island Palace, you can hit the Ironknuckle statue to either find a magic jar or awake the ennemy. Then, go down the elevator and take the right. Go down at the next elevator and take the first way you will see to the right. Jump across the hole and continue to the right until you find a key. Then, head back to the big hole and fall in. Take the path to the right when falling down, kill the Stalfos and the Ironknuckle and unlock the door to find the BOOTS. Come back and jump down the hole once again. Go to the right and take the key. Then, head back left and ignore the evelator and continue left until you find a key. Then come back to the elevator and go up all the way, then head to the left. Unlock the locked door and continue to the left. You will then see a key upon you. Use the upward thrust ability to break the blocks, then use the jump spell to reach the key. Continue left, unlock the door and ignore the elevator. Continue to the left, take both the key and the EXP bag and come back to the elevator, heading down. Go to the right in the first place. Get the key passed the lava pit and head back to the left. Unlock the door and go down the elevator, then head right until you reach the boss room. Once you reached the boss room, use the Shield and the Reflect Spell. When Carock shoots you magic, kneel down and reflect it with your shield by trying to hit him. Continue until he dies. Take the key, unlock the door and put the jewel in the statue. =============================================================================== IX. The road to the Ocean Palace =============================================================================== Head back on the road that leads to Nabooru and walk on the water east of the path. Continue to the east by walking on the water and at a certain point, you will be able to go north to find a HEART CONTAINER. Then, continue your way to the east until you find the Ocean Palace. =============================================================================== X. Ocean Palace =============================================================================== Enter the Ocean Palace and head right until you reach a very high wall with a key on top of it. Use Fairy spell and go up to the right. Once you return to your true form, come back and grab the key, then head right again until you reach an elevator. Take it down. From this elevator, go left until you arrive to a room with a key on the top. With the falling blocks, build a stairway up to the key, then continue left and go down the next elevator. Continue to the left until you reach the next elevator, use Jump to reach the EXP bag on top of it, and then take the elevator down. To the left, you will find an EXP Bag, then head right. Use the Jump spell to reach the key, and kill the Ironknuckle. Continue to the right, kill the blue Ironknuckle and face the wall. It is indeed a false wall, so make your way through it. Go right until you reach an elevator going up. Take it, head left and grab the key. Go back down the elevator and head left. From there, take the first elevator going down you will see, then continue heading left. Kill the two Ironknuckles and grab the WHISTLE. Go back to the elevator and go up, head left, take the other elevator up and head left once again. You will arrive to another elevator. Left of it, there is a EXP Bag. Take it and go down the elevator, then left to find a key. Go back to the elevator and go up all the way, then head right to the boss. Once in the boss room, cast Shield and Jump. When he use his morning star, use jump to avoid it and stab his stomach. Be careful because he hits very strong. once he is dead, grab the key, unlock the door and put the jewel in the statue. =============================================================================== XI. The road to the Three Eye Palace =============================================================================== Head south of Nabooru and play flute in front of the beast. Follow the path (you will have three pretty tough encounter). Once you cleared the path, cross the bridge and head to the coast. Somewhere near the coast lies a HEART CONTAINER. Then, head north to a cave. On the other side of the cave, use the Hammer on the forest to reveal the New Town of Kasuto in the second row of forest from the north. In this town, wait for the old woman in purple to come out of her house. She will open her house to you. Inside it, you will find a MAGIC CONTAINER. Then, leave this house and continue to make your way through the village until you find a house with only a fireplace in it. Go in it and you will be teached the Spell Spell by a Wise Man. Leave the house and go right to the next screen. There should be nothing in this screen. There, cast the Spell Spell to reveal a big bulding. Go inside the bulding and grab the Magic Key. Leave the town, go back to the other side of the cave and go where there is three rocks in the desert. Play the flute to reveal the Three Eye Palace. =============================================================================== XII. Three Eye Palace =============================================================================== You no longer need keys, as you have the Magic Key. So this palace should not be too long. Go down the elevator to the bottom and head right. Jump in the two pits and head left. You will arrive to a room with a floor under you, and pit to get there. Ignore it and jump over the pit and go right. You will now be in a big room with statues. After the third statue, there is a false floor so jump over it. You will have a fight with a blue Ironknuckle on a horse. Once he is beaten down, go right and grab the CROSS. Head back where the two pits you jumped and fall down them again two screens. Then, head right, use Fairy to fly over the lava pit and keep heading right and you will arrive to another pit. To the bottom of the pit lies a red magic jar, so if you don't have enough magic to cast shield, jump and fairy spell. Then, cast fairy and head to the boss room to the right. Once in the boss room, use shield and jump spells, and face Barba. You will have to avoid his fire and to hit him on the head when he comes out of the lava. Don't fall in the lava or you will die. Once he is dead, Grab the key, unlock the door and put the jewel in the statue. =============================================================================== XIII. The road to the Great Palace =============================================================================== Exit the Three Eye Palace and head west. Cross the small bridge and enter Old Kasuto Town. Enter in the first house you will find and talk to the Wise Man to learn THUNDER. Then, go to the Eastern Hyrule graveyard, the one you saw while going to New Kasuto. Go south of the graveyard. Head west and try avoiding the fights. You will have to enter a few caves too, which are pretty hard. Once you got through all of this, you will arrive to the Great Palace. =============================================================================== XIV. Great Palace =============================================================================== Note that if you die, you will restart at the Great Palace, and not at the North Palace. Go down the elevator and head left. Watch out, because every monsters are harder than before. Kill the Firebird and continue to the left until you see a column. Right next to it lies a false floor, so jump over it. Then, go down the elevator. Head to your right, kill the firebird past the lava pit and you will reach an elevator leading down. Take it. In this room, avoid the heads, and break blocks to make your way through the room. You will have to fight Bird Knights, which are pretty tough. Then, you will arrive to an elevator. Take it down all the way. Head right until you reach another elevator and take it down, then head right again to the other elevator. Go down it and head right again. Take the elevator to the bottom. Go left and stab the blocks to find a hidden hole. Go down it and head right after that. You will encounter a big blue bot. If you hit him, it will explodes in small bots. Then, cross the bridge and fall in the hole at the middle of the bridge. Once down there, you may go left to find a hidden red jar if you stab a statue, then go right. You are now ready to face Thunderbird. Cast jump and shield, and when the bird arrives, cast Thunder. Then, jump toward him and hit him on the head. Be careful though because he throws fireballs. When it dies, take the key and unlock the door to face the final boss, Dark Link. He is pretty tough, as he knows every moves you know. Begin by casting Shield spell. then, jump toward him and right before you land, hit him. It should works pretty well. Once he dies, you will receive the TRIFORCE OF COURAGE. Congratulations, you have beaten the game. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ VIII SECTION EIGHT | ITEMS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Here's a list of all the items in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Candle: The candle lights up the dark caves. It is found in the Parapa Palace. Trophy: You can trade this trophy with a woman in Ruto in order to learn the Jump spell. Glove: Allows Link to break blocks in palaces. It is found in Midero Palace. Hammer: It allows Link to break rocks on the World Map, as well as finding New Town of Kasuto. It is found in the Death Mountain. Medicine: Trade it to the old woman in Mido to learn the Fairy spell. Raft: Allows Link to go to Eastern Hyrule. It is found in Island Palace. Lost Child: Found in the Maze Island, it can be traded to learn Refleft spell in Darunia. Boots: Allows Link to walk on the water to find the Ocean palace. It is found in the Maze Island Palace. Flute: Awake the River Devil blocking the path to the southern part of Eastern Hyrule. It is found in the Ocean Palace. Magic Key: Unlock all the doors. It is found in New Kasuto. Cross: Allows Link to see red or purple moas. It is found in the Three Eye Palace. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ IX SECTION NINE | BOSSES /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Horsehead Located: Parapa Palace Informations: To beat him, you will have to jump and hit his head. Make sure you avoid his hits though. EXP given: 50 Helmethead Located: Midero Palace Informations: To beat him, you will have to hit his head. After a couple hits, he will lose his helmet twice, revealing an unmasked face. When he lose a helmet, it flies in the room, throwing magical balls at Link. EXP given: 200 Ironknuckle Located: Island Palace Informations: To beat him, use the downward thrust ability on him when he charges at you with his horse. Once his horse disappears, kill him the same way you will a blue ironknuckle. EXP given: 300 Carock Located: Maze Island Palace Informations: Use the reflect spell to reflect his magic on him. EXP Given: 300 Gooma Located: Ocean Palace Informations: Avoid his morning star with jump spell, then hit him in the stomach. EXP given: 500 Barba Located: Three Eye Palace Informations: To kill him, you must hit his head by avoiding his fire. You must not fall in the lava pit though, or you will die. EXP given: 700 Thunderbird Located: Great Palace Informations: Use the Thunder spell to turn him blue. Then, use the jump spell to reach his head and hit him there. EXP given: 1000 Dark Link Located: Great Palace Informations: He is as skilled with a sword as you are, so beware of him. I recommend you to jump toward him and right before landing, hit him. It works pretty well. EXP given: 0 /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ X SECTION TEN | HEART CONTAINERS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ During your adventure, you will find four heart containers, which will raise your life. Here are their locations: 1) Head southwest of the Parapa Palace next to the cliffs. You will find a small patch of grass in the middle of forest. A boomerang ennemy guards the container. 2) South of Rauru, in a cave blocked by a rock east of the path. 3) When you are on the water to head for the Ocean Palace, keep trying to go up until you are able to. Then, follow the way. 4) East of the Three Eye Palace, near the coast, is a hidden place where lies the container. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XI SECTION ELEVEN | MAGIC CONTAINERS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ During your adventure, you will find four magic containers, which will raise your magic. Here are their locations: 1) In a cave south of the Northern Palace 2) Smash the boulder next of the hole where you find the hammer. 3) When heading to the Maze Island Palace, keep traveling west in the maze until you find a hidden spot. 4) Visit New Kasuto when you have found the first three containers. An old lady will let you in her house where the last magic container lies. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XII SECTION TWELVE | SPELLS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Here is a list of the spells Link will learn through the game: Shield Located: Rauru Effect: Cut the damage received by half. Jump Located: Ruto Effect: Link now jumps higher. Life Located: Saria Effect: Restore life. Fairy Located: Mido Effect: Link becomes a fairy. Fire Located: Nabooru Effect: Links throws fire from his sword. Reflect Located: Darunia Effect: Link reflects magic with his shield. Spell Located: New Kasuto Effect: It has random effects. It can weaken ennemies or transform them. Thunder Located: old Kasuto Effect: Attack all ennemies in a screen. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XIII SECTION THIRTEEN | MAGIC POINTS CHART /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ When you raise level in magic, your spells will cost less magic. Here is a chart to explain it. ------------------------------------------- | | LEVELS | | NAME |-------------------------------| | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | SHIELD |32 |24 | - | - | - | - | - | - | |----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | JUMP |48 |40 |32 | - | - |20 |12 | 8 | |----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | LIFE |70 | - |60 | - |50 | - | - | - | |----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | FAIRY |80 | - |60 | - |40 | - | - | - | |----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | FIRE |120|80 |60 |30 |16 | - | - | - | |----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | REFLECT |120| - |80 |48 |40 |32 |24 |16 | |----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | SPELL |120|112|96 |80 |48 |32 |24 |16 | |----------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---| | THUNDER |120| - | - | - | - | - |100|64 | -------------------------------------------- /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XIV SECTION FOURTEEN | LINK DOLLS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ During the game, you will find Link's Doll. These gives you one life. Here are their locations: 1) In the marsh near Midero Palace, right next to the square in front of the boulder blocking the cave to the medicine. 2) Southwest of the King's Tomb, around the coast south of the bridge. 3) Right before the Maze Island Bridge, head south onto the patch of desert. 4) North of the Three Eye Palace, until you reach the cave. Then go in the swamp until you find it. 5) Inside the Three Eye Palace, there is a fake wall near the boss room. Go through it and fight ennemies to get it. 6) In the Great Palace, you will be on an elevator and be able to go left or right. At the right lies a fairy and at the left, the doll. /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XV SECTION FIFTEEN | GAME GENIE CODES /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CODE | EFFECT | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | SZKGKXVK | Infinite life. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PASKPLLA | Link starts with only one life. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | TASKPLLA | Link starts with six lives. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PASKPLLE | Link starts with nine lives. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | AZUOLIAL | Mega-Jump. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | OYKEEVSA + NPKEOVVA | Shield spell becomes Fire spell. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LYKEEVSA + VAKEOVVE | Shield spell becomes Spell spell. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | LZKEEVSA + OPKEOVVA | Shield spell becomes Fairy spell | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | IIKEEVSE + VAKEOVVE | Shield spell becomes Life spell. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | VKTEESVA + OPKEOVVA | Shield spell becomes Thunder spell. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XVI SECTION SIXTEEN | AUTHOR INFORMATIONS /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ I am Arestos, member of Gamefaqs since January 2006. I used to have a website called Oracle of Zelda. I am known on www.jeuxvideo.com as HeartBreak-Kid. I am 19 years old and I reside in Quebec city, Canada, where I was born. I speak french as first language, but I learned English with special classes. My e-mail is william_beauchamp22@hotmail.com /\ /\ /__\===================================================================/__\ /\ /\ XVII SECTION SEVENTEEN | ENDING /\ /\ /__\/__\===============================================================/__\/__\ Thank you for reading this FAQ. I hope it has been useful to you. If you have any suggestions or corrections to make, e-mail me.