======================================================================== ==================RESIDENT EVIL (GCN) Knife Only Tactics================ ======================================================================== ---------- -Contents- ---------- I. Introduction II. Barry Sanders Moves III. Zombie Combat IV. Misc. Combat V. Crimson Head/Hunter Combat VI. Boss Combat VII. Legal Jargon VIII. Contact ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction "Slice and Dice, people! Slice and dice!" Tired of running out of ammo? Do yourself a favor! Head to the item box and dust off the knife. It's got unlimited ammo, didn't y'know? Do it now! Thank you. :) The knife gets no respect. Many so-called veterans look at the knife as nothing more than a useless weapon, and recommend ditching it at the first foreseeable opportunity. Where, in reality, the knife should be a "veteran survivor's first choice." Truth being told, I've became so sick and tired of hearing how useless the knife is, that I became inspired to write this guide. Not until I played Nicholai and Wesker's mini-game challenges did I realize the potential of the knife. And although it took a long time to master it, I can undoubtedly say now that it was entirely worth it. In order to perform any of these moves, you'll have to be well-adapted to the control scheme and general physics of the game. With that in mind, I would expect only an experienced player being able to pull these stunts off. The following strategies were written to help a player through the game with the knife ONLY. However, in this guide you could also learn how to incorporate the knife into regular games for simply ammo conservation purposes. Keep in mind that this is not a hold-your-hand-while-we-do- it-together FAQ, but rather a compilation of strategies. Being the veteran that I hope you are, you should be able to figure things out along the way. Let it be noted that I've completed the game on easy and normal using only the knife, but have yet to attempt hard mode. So, in other words, it IS possible! Just a few things before I get started... =============================== ==Playing as Jill is stupid!=== =============================== Don't play as Jill! She is absolutely BRUTAL when it comes to using the knife! Chris is the ONLY way to go. Trust me! ===================== =Don't save Richard!= ===================== If you save Richard, you won't be able to use V-JOLT on Plant 42. V-JOLT will make the battle MUCH easier. By letting Richie die, the only thing you'll be missing out on is the Assault Shotgun. But since we're only using the knife, that won't matter, right? =========================== =All bosses can be killed!= =========================== Don't sweat it! We can kill anything using our wonderful knife! =============================== =Defense items are our friend!= =============================== If you make a mistake and get bitten, these handy little items can bail you out! Use them sparingly, however, as they are in limited supply. Though, to some, using defense items may nullify the fact that you beat the game with the "knife only." If you're really worried about that, then I'd suggest that you go through your first time using defense items, and then try without them the second time. That's exactly what I did, and I can easily say that it helped me learn things. Some of my below strategies make specific references to using defense items. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Barry Sanders Moves Barry Sanders was one of the most prolific runningbacks in NFL history. You, too, will need to learn several Sanders-like moves in your conquest to beat this game with the knife. In fact, you'll need the best shake and bake without a mistake! A)| | B)| | C)| | D)| X| | Z | | | | | | X| | | | Z | | | | X| | C | | | |Z | |Z X| | | |C | |C | |C | |___| |___| |___| |___| First off, yes, I know they're crappy diagrams. This shows the step-by- step progression of how to avoid a zombie. The "Z" representing the zombie, and the "C" representing Chris, and the "X's" representing the path you're going to take when you sprint by. Figure A shows Chris nearing the end of a hallway. Figure B shows Chris moving slightly to the left, luring the zombie to follow. Figure C shows the Zombie moving in close for the kill. Figure D shows the necessary path to take for escape. Touchdown! This can obviously be applied to many enemies, but more often than not, you'll be using it to escape from zombies. This is the ultimate way to escape from a pinned corner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- III. Zombie Combat If there's any enemy that you're going to have to be well-prepared to fight, it's the zombie. Encounters with him in the early stages of the game are somewhat unavoidable, so you'll find yourself bumping into him frequently. There are several methods you can choose from, each dependent on your surroundings, in which you can dispose of these gentlemen: -Method #1: Slash and retreat -Most effective when: In a narrow corridor, or any other place that prevents evasive maneuvering. The usually-reliable slash and retreat method will probably be used in most encounters. Timing and depth perception is paramount here, as one miscalculation can lead to an almost certain zombie bite. Developing a rhythmic stabbing pattern is the best way to approach the situation. For example, my pattern is: "Slash...1...2...Slash...1...2." The "Slash" part is obviously the part where I slash with my knife, and "1...2.." part denotes the seconds of backwards-walking retreat in between my slashes. Get in as many slashes as possible, but be wary of the end of the hallway. There's nothing worse than getting pinned in a corner! Because of all the inflicted knife wounds, at some point before reaching a dead end, you'll *hopefully* be able to make him keel over and fall to the ground momentarily. While you have the opportunity, QUICKLY get around to his other side. This way, you will have got yourself out of the corner he's been backing you into. Additonally, you also bought yourself more than enough clear real estate behind you to finish him off. If you do happen to get pinned, there's only one thing you can do: You can TRY to pull a Barry Sanders and squeeze by. If you get caught, and you have a defense item, then you're fine. But if you don't have one, or you're not using them, then be prepared to lose some health. [NOTE: It is important to ONLY use the mid-section slash with this method. Don't aim for the head or legs.] -Method #2: Dizzy Zombie -Most Effective when: In a large, open area. This is a very good method, which will later be applied to many other monsters. I must stress that it requires some precision control, however, so it may take some practice. The main idea here is to essentially make the zombie really, really confused. Stand in front of a zombie, and wait for it to start coming after you. Keep waiting until he's almost ready to grab you, and then suddenly take off. Run right behind the zombie into its blind spot and stab it. Wait for it to turn and face you, and then repeat. Keep doing this until he finally drops. Beware, however, that sometimes zombies do a little "quick turn" and try to grab you This will happen if you get too close behind it, so make sure to keep your distance. -Method #3: The Stair Trick -Most Effective when: In an area where you can easily lure a zombie onto a staircase. This is the easiest method of them all. Simply lure a zombie onto a staircase, and proceed a lot like with what you did in the dizzy zombie strategy. It's easy to run around the zombie on a staircase, mainly because they can't grab you -- they can ONLY vomit! That being said, stab them a couple times while they're facing you, run behind them, stab them in the back, and then repeat. The key here is to keep them on the staircase. Just keep luring them up and down AND avoid their vomit! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Misc Combat ====== =Dogs= ====== It's not smart to fight dogs. Not at all. You will, most likely, get bitten several times in the process. On top of that, you're better off just avoiding dogs all together. However, there is a "glitch" that you can exploit when dealing with dogs, but it only works in a couple areas. In the courtyard, there are several lifts. Dodge all the dogs, and sit in one of the lifts. You see, when the dogs get near a lift, they can't get in! They just keep running straight at it like the morons they are! Sit inside and just keep knifing until they're all dead. It's THAT simple, folks! ======= =Crows= ======= Don't waste your time. Just run away. As long as you don't stop moving, you should be fine. [NOTE: I should mention that it's quite fun to sit there and see if you can time a slash perfectly just as a crow swoops in. I only recommend you try this if you've got a lot of health, though. :p] ========= =Spiders= ========= You don't actually have to fight them, but if you want to, they're easily killed with the dizzy zombie method. Wait until they're just about to attack, and then run behind them and stab. With practice, you can kill them without taking any damage at all. It's probably best to just run away from these critters, though, as they aren't really worth your time. =========== =Chimeras:= =========== Don't waste your time. Just run away. You won't be back-tracking enough through Chimera areas enough to warrant you killing any of them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Crimson Head/Hunter Combat =============== =Crimson Heads= =============== If you are attempting the game with the KNIFE ONLY (which I assume you are) and time is no concern, then it is highly recommended that you go out of your way and burn zombie corpses. Crimson heads can truly be a pain, so it's probably best that you take the time to do things right. However, if you're lazy, or else you want to get a really good time, then you're going to have to deal with crimsons sooner or later. There are two ways to deal with Crimson Heads: -Method #1: Run past them! It has come to my attention that MOST (if not all) Crimson Heads right-handed. Use this to your full advantage. When a Crimson is charging you, just be sure that when he's nearing you, you pull a quick move to his LEFT SIDE. This way, he should completely miss with his swipe, and you'll be long gone. -Method #2: If there's a crimson-infested hallway that you're frequently accessing, it might be smart to remove the Crimson(s) for good. Do this by running into one with a defense grenade, because it would probably be considered suicide if you attempted to kill a crimson in that situation with the knife only. However, if you MUST kill a crimson with the knife, you have to be pretty good at the dizzy zombie strategy. More specifically, though, you have to be REALLY quick on your feet. Though, you will probably need some extra health as well. Remember how I said that most Crimsons are right-handed? Wait until they are bearing in on you, sprint to their LEFT, and get off a slash. You'll have to do this quite a few times, but eventually the crimson will drop dead. [NOTE: If I recall correctly, Crimsons, like Zombies, can do a quick-turn and grab on to you. Keeping that in mind, even if you're behind them, it would be safe not to get TOO close!] ========== =Hunters= ========== Most hunters should be avoided, but there's going to be a couple that you'll have to dispose of. For instance, the first Hunter that you'll see in the game should be taken care of. This is because you'll be backtracking through there quite a bit, and you don't want to risk damage each and every time you go through. Hunters aren't as ill-fated as their Crimson brothers, as they have fully-functional usage of both their hands. However, they're a little slower at turning. Once again, use the dizzy zombie strategy and get behind them. Wait for the hunter to commit to you, and fake him out. If you can pull that off, start stabbin' away for as long as possible! Even if you are quick, you probably won't emerge from the battle completely unscathed. It's best to keep some first aid sprays with you during the hunter portion of the game. [NOTE: Watch your health during the battle. If you get too low, they'll go for the nortorious show-boat head swipe. To avoid this, replenish your health, or get the heck out of the way!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Boss Combat These are the boss battles that require some kind of revamped strategy in order for you to be successful with the knife. Do as I say and you'll live! ================ =Coffin Crimson= ================ Use the regular Crimson Head strategies here, but be warned that this Crimson is much stronger. Bring some extra health items, because you're going to take some damage! (You'll ESPECIALLY be taking damage if you've been burning Crimsons up to this point, and have yet to face one for yourself.) The key: Be conservative and take your time. Choose your slashes carefully -- if don't think you can hit him, then run around in circles until you think you have a legitimate opportunity. If you sit still and think for too long, he'll grab you! ========== =Plant 42= ========== If you DID NOT save Richard, you will be able to use the V-JOLT against Plant 42 with Rebecca. Once that is taken care of, go UNDERNEATH Plant 42 and swipe at its tentacles. Make sure you have plenty of health items here, because you're bound to take some damage. The tentacles will be difficult to hit with the knife at times, but you'll eventually figure it out. The key: Keep mobile to insure that you don't get hit with any of Plant 42's attacks. Don't stay in one place for too long at a time! ========= =Yawn II= ========= This is pretty easy with the right idea. See how there's a kind of horseshoe-shaped section of books with a low ceiling? You have to lure him back there. When he starts to chase you in, run ALL THE WAY around BEHIND him and start stabbing him in the rear-end of his body. This is perfect because there is no possible way he can harm you if you're behind him like that. Just keep doing this until he dies. The key: Have patience. It's not fun, and it takes a lot of tiny stabs to get him, but it eventually brings him down. Don't get frustrated and challenge him head-on, because you'll be risking severe damage. Do it the safe way! ================ =Saving Rebecca= ================ I know that this isn't really a "boss" per se, but I thought I'd include it. I also realize that you don't have to do it, but if you want the best ending, you'll have to do it. If you don't want the best ending, then just skip ahead. Now, I don't know if I'm always lucky when it comes to this part, but it seems like the hunter likes to pounce on you here. If you have a grenade handy, this battle will be over rather quickly. Wait for him to pounce on you, and Chris will stuff a grenade in his mouth and he'll be done. If the hunter does not pounce (and this has never happened to me, BTW) you'll have a tight space to work in. Keep moving around, and be sure not to get cornered. That's about all I can say. The key: Have a grenade, or at least a defense dagger handy. This will make things all the more easy. If you're not using defense items, then this battle will be difficult - or near impossible - because of the space you have to work with. That being the case, I'd suggest not even bothering to save Rebecca. ========== =Tyrant I= ========== Insanely simple! Remember the dizzy zombie strategy? Do the exact same with Tyrant. He's too slow to even get off an attack if you're quick enough. The key: Keep behind him the whole time and you'll be just fine. When he starts turning towards you, run around him in the direction of his non-claw hand. Barry Sanders would be proud. =========== =Tyrant II= =========== Once again, this battle is not necessary unless you want the best possible ending. I haven't really developed much of a strategy for this part, so you're free to do what you want and NOT listen to me. Just be sure thatyou have an ample health supply. Ample, being, like four first aid sprays. You're going to have to be a chivalrous gentleman here. As he nears Rebecca, try to get in his way and distract him so he can't hurt her. I usually attract his attention by stabbing him a couple times. Watch out, though, because if you don't position yourself right, he'll slap you away like a rag doll. When the timer hits about thirty seconds, the Rocket Launcher will come down from Brad. This should be the FIRST TIME in the game where you pick up a weapon other than the knife. Equip it, say something creative like "Hasta la Vista, Baby!", and fire! Woo hoo! You've officially beat Resident Evil using ONLY the knife! Congratulations! (The Rocket Launcher doesn't really count as using a weapon, because you have no choice. :p) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Legal Jargon This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site (other than gamefaqs.com) or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2003 Bill Maddux. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Contact If you have a question or comment for me, I'd be glad to hear it. E-mail me at m4ddux@hotmail.com. Thank you for taking the time to read my guide.