=============================================================================== IMPORTANT EMAIL CHANGE - NOW SEND YOUR QUESTIONS TO punishment466@hotmail.com =============================================================================== ___ _ _ ___ _ | _`\ _ ( ) ( )_ ( _`\ _ (_ ) | (_) ) __ ___ (_) _| | __ ___ | ,_) | (_(_) _ _ (_) | | | , / /'__`\/',__)| | /'_` | /'__`\/' _ `\| | | _)_ ( ) ( )| | | | | |\ \ ( ___/\__, \| |( (_| |( ___/| ( ) || |_ | (_( )| \_/ || | | | (_) (_)`\____)(____/(_)`\__,_)`\____)(_) (_)`\__) (____/'`\___/'(_)(___) B E G I N N E R S G U I D E =============================================================================== Version 3.6 By: punishment 01 (Matt Stenson) Email: punishment466@hotmail.com +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ WELCOME... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ This FAQ was written for people, who are brand new to the Resident Evil series, or just are new to the game on GameCube. My guide will hopefully make RE seem easier for you, and I will take you through every item to get, every rooms name, and what enemies to kill, and not. I've tried to make this guide very easy to navigate through, so what I've done is added numbers to sections of the walkthrough. For example, under the MANSION section will be 1.0 or 2.0. To use this feature properly, hold Ctrl and F, and search for that number. The numbers are in the table of contents. If you have ANY trouble at all, feel free to e-mail me at this address : punishment466@hotmail.com. As this is my first walkthrough, it may have some errors in it. Please, if you spot any, you will be kindly rewarded. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ COPYRIGHT INFORMATION... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. (C) Matthew Stenson, 2003. This walkthrough can ONLY be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.geocities.com/punishments_site <<>> http://www.neoseeker.com http://faqs.ign.com http://www.resevil.com If you find it on ANY other site, especially cheatcc, please e-mail me straight away! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ CONTENTS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ 1. Basic Controls 2. Enemies 3. Weapons 4. Items 5. Characters 6. JILL's walkthrough 1.0 -Mansion 1.1 -Residence Area 1.2 -Mansion 1.3 -Residence Area 1.4 -Underground 1.5 -Residence Area 1.6 -Mansion 1.7 -The Labs 7. CHRIS' walkthrough 2.0 -Mansion 2.1 -Residence Area 2.2 -Mansion 2.3-Residence Area 2.4 -Underground 2.5 -Residence Area 2.6 -Mansion 2.7 -The Labs 8. Breif Sum of story 9. Files 10. Weskers Report 1 11. Weskers Report 2 12. Secrets 13. FAQs 14. Resident Evil: Umbrella Conspiracy book info. 15. E-mail policy 16. Other stuff +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ BASIC CONTROLS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ The GameCube's controls are quite different to the PS2's, but it is the same controls in RE as it was in the PS versions... Control Stick : MOVE CHARACTER, SELECT ITEMS. D-Pad : Same purpose as Control Stick Start button : PAUSE/OPTION SCREEN C-Pad : 180 DEGREE TURN B button : CANCEL A button : ACTION BUTTON Y button : ACTIVATE INVENTORY X button : NOT USED L button : USE DEFENCE WEAPON R button alone : READY WEAPON Z button : ACTIVATE MAP R button + A button : FIRE WEAPON +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ENEMIES... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Nothing has really changed with the enemies from the Resident Evil's on Playstation, and Playstation 2. Although, the GameCube version does have a few more bosses, and some mutated surprises... ******************** MINOR ENEMIES ******************** CROWS - These beastly creatures are very annoying, but thankfully you can easily avoid these beasts. They circle around you, until they think the time is right, and they pounce on you, a peak you to death. Although they only take 10% of Health out each bite, a group of Crows can kill you easily if you are not quick enough. DOGS - Ever wondered what happened when poor old Fido passed away? Well, most likely its what you'll see when you see these vicious creatures! Unlike the Crows, you will come across Dogs many times throughout the mansion, residence, and courtyard. Dogs have the ability to jump through windows, and can pounce on you, causing you to fall to the ground. When this happened, they will start to eat your flesh. Ouch. SNAKES - You'll only encounter snakes about 3 times, mostly throughout the courtyard. These Snakes have the ability to bite you, and Poison you, making you slowly die, unless you grab a Blue Herb. Snake's are easily killed with 1 shot from your Handgun, but its better to run away from these in a zig zag manner. WASPS - You only encounter these 3 times in the game, sometimes only 1 time. You will encounter them in the Trophy Room, The Residence, and the Gallery. It best to avoid these, since they are infinite, and will just keep coming out and biting you. So just gas them out when you get the chance. ******************** MEDIUM ENEMIES ******************** ZOMBIES - The main enemy of Resident Evil. These freaks will lunged out at you, and bite your upper shoulder, or when on the ground, probably grab hold of your leg, and munch on your foot. Zombies should be avoided, unless you really have to kill them, since if you kill them without blowing their head of cleanly, they will come back as a improved version of the zombie you just killed, with better strength, better speed, and better agility. If you need to kill zombies, its best you do it with a Handgun, or better still a Shotgun. CRIMSONS - A new enemy in the Resident Evil environment, and with a groovy name! But, do not be fooled, as Crimsons are VERY lethal, and can kill you with ONE hit. A Crimson is a zombie you have previously killed without blowing its head off, or burning it with a Lighter, or Grenade Launcher. You'll first notice these creatures by their high-pitched scream, different than the normal zombies. They can be killed with ONE shot with your handy dandy Shotgun, and it takes a while to kill them with your Handgun, so its better to kill them with a heavy weapon. To prevent these creatures to come as Crimsons, Burn the zombies you have defeated by Burning them with Keroscene and a Lighter, or a Grenade Round. SPIDERS - Back with an attitude! These 8 legged freaks weave their through mainly the Middle and so forth from the game. Unlike in Code Veronica, the Spiders have been toned down a bit, and can be easily shot down with a regular Handgun. Although, I still recommend using a Shotgun. Watch out when they are on the roof, as they drop poison onto you. ******************** MAJOR ENEMIES ******************** HUNTERS - Hunters are very lethal at first when you encounter them. They come up behind you, jump up, and snap your head off. Its quite gruesome, but funny... Anyway, I recommend you only take on these beasts with a Shotgun, Magnum or Grenade Launcher. But, mostly take them on with the Magnum, as it the fastest out of the lot. The Hunter can also normal swipe at you, and take you into Yellow status. Its better that you shoot at them when they are about to jump up, and swipe at your head. It will knock them down, and give you more time to shoot them. CHIMERAS - Lethal little bastards these ones are. They will climb out of vents in the underground Lab, and jump onto your head, and pull it out with their bare hands. Chimeras are more lethal than Hunters, as they are infinite in numbers, so DON'T kill them, because when you do, it will result in DOUBLE the number you just killed. Its best to escape from them, or only shoot them when you REALLY need to. NEPTUNE - You only encounter these Sharks in the underground water facility. These sharks can eat you with one bite, and if they can't get that, they'll hit you with either their back fin, or their nose. It best to kill them with your trusty Shotgun or Magnum, or better still Self Defence gun. Its not recommended you turn around and shoot them, as you probably will be damaged in the process. Its easier to run! ******************** BOSS ENEMIES ******************** YAWN - Just your regular snake.... But around 50 times bigger. This big mother is encountered two times throughout the game, like RE1 on PlayStation. Yawn is quite easy to defeat. You can do it either the hard way - Waste you ammo, and kill it, or the easy way - grab whatever item you need, and run. But please note, you cannot do this for the 2nd time you encounter her. PLANT 42 - Quite simply a huge plant, with huge vines that grab you, and strangle you. Plant 42 is a lethal enemy, but with the right items, it can be defeated easily. You either defeat it normally - Shoot it to death, then shoot it again second time around, or save your ammo and mix up the V-Jolt. It will shrivel up, but it wont be gone sadly... CRIMSON ELDER - This shouldn't really be called a Boss Enemy, as it is just a tougher version of a Crimson Zombie. He moves very slowly, and you only encounter him once - after you place the 4 Death Masks on the cement faces. It'll fall from the coffin, where blood squirts all over the screen... Funny how all the blood goes away when it falls... BLACK TIGER - A Spider, but probably around 5 times bigger. This big mother squirts out Poison at you, and slams into you with its huge legs. Its easily killed simply with the Handgun, but Shotgun is better as it'll kill it with about 5 Shots. Better still, either Flamethrower or Magnum... LISA TREVORS - In my opinion, Lisa is the most scariest looking boss throughout the whole Resident Evil series. She has an arches back, and wear rags. Her face... Well, lets just say she has had it 're-arranged' without getting into SPOILERS. Anyway, killing her is easy. You encounter her 3 times throughout the game, and you can only kill her 1 time. Other times you must run, as she is 'bullet proof'. When you encounter her the final time, you and your buddy will start shooting. All you have to do is push off all 4 pillars into the hole. She will then scream "Mo..th...er" and jump off... TYRANT - Talk about a push over. This guy looks very lethal, but in fact he's pretty easy with the right amount of ammo. You will encounter him 2 times, and the first time is really easy. Shoot him down with your Magnum, and watch out for his Combo attacks, which can kill you with one hit. It will only take about a whole round. For the 2nd time, run around shooting him every 5 seconds, and dodge his attacks until Brad 'Chicken-heart' throws you something to defeat it. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ WEAPONS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| KNIFE | 0 | 1/10 | Why did I give the Knife a one? Because it is VERY useless, until you run out of ammo, and if you run out of ammo, its better you run than take on anything with a slow moving, small damaging Knife!! |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| BERETTA HANDGUN | 15 | 6/10 | The Beretta Handgun is a great gun, but sadly you wont use it for too long in the game. It can easily defeat Zombies, Spider, and other minor enemies, but it shouldn't be used to go up against any bosses. The reload rate is very fast, but the fire rate isn't. Its also pretty weak. |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| SHOTGUN | 6 | 7/10 | The firing rate of the Shotgun is very slow, also the reloading rate is also very slow, but the huge power this weapon has makes up for its slowness. The Shotgun will kill a Zombie with one shot, and if you're lucky, it'll kill a Crimson with one shot also. If you aim it upwards, chances are you'll blow the Zombie's head clean off! |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| GRENADE LAUNCHER| A lot | 8/10 | The Grenade Launcher is only available in Jills game. Its a very powerful weapon, and can kill mostly ANYTHING with one shot. Its very heavy though, but its power makes up for it. Unlike other weapons, the Grenade Launcher can hold as many rounds as it wants, as you have to reload after each shot anyway. |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| ASSAULT SHOTGUN | 10 | 8/10 | When you ask for power, you get the Assault Shotgun. Its fast in shooting, and it has 4 more bullets it can hold unlike the regular shotgun. It also does alot more damage than the normal Shotgun does, killing Hunters in 1 or 2 shots! |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| MAGNUM REVOLVER | 8 | 9/10 | Possible one of the best weapons throughout the whole game. The Magnum Revolver has more power than the Assault Shotgun, more power than the Grenade Launcher as well! But, it loads very slowly, and the fire rate is also slow. The impact also sometimes make you fly backwards, possibly into something you don't want to be next to. |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| BARRY'S MAGNUM | 8 | 10/10 | One of the best weapons throughout the game. Will kill ANYTHING with one shot, even Tyrant, and all other bosses! But, if you take Barry's Magnum, you wish you would not have, because it will affect you throughout the game. |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| SELF DEFENCE GUN | 2 | 8/10 | You will find this powerful weapon in Room 001 in the Residence. It originally had 2 rounds in it, but the person who owned it shot his friend for a reason... So it leaves you with one powerful shot, which makes it a HUGE downfall. This will kill any enemy with one shot, except probably the bosses. |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| ROCKET LAUNCHER | 4 | 11/10 | Yes, I gave it an 11/10. Why? It fricken' rules! It will kill ANYTHING with one shot. Yes anything! Even the final version of Tyrant on the top of the roof. YES! Even Lisa Trevors! It kills EVERYTHING with ONE shot. |-CLIP SIZE-|-RATING-| FLAMETHROWER | 100% | 7/10 | Slow. Boring. But hurts a hellova lot! You can't find any reloads for this weapon, as you can only find it Underground. Its pretty slow, and when turning it can backfire onto you, and hurt you. Alot. It'll kill about anything with 30-75%. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ITEMS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ +-+All items are in Alphabetical Order+-+ Acid Rounds - Ammo for the Grenade Launcher. Armour Key - Opens various doors with the Armour Symbol. Arrowhead - Taken from the Golden Arrow. Assault Shotgun - A shotgun which fires faster, and lethal compared to the regular shotgun. Barry's 44 Magnum - Barry's Magnum you can get if you want a bad ending. Battery - Used on the elevator in the courtyard. Battery Packs - Used on the stungun. Bee Specimen - Model of a bee. Blue Gemstone - Used on the tiger statue. Blue Herb - Used to cure the poison status. Book of Curse - Turn it around, and you have the Sword Key! Broken Flamethrower - Used to put against the racks in the underground area. Broken Shotgun - Used to replace the shotgun on the racks. Brooch - Received from a Jewellery Box. Coin - From the dog collar. Collar - You'll get this from a cerebus. Control Room Key - Used to open the control room. Cylinder - 1 of 2 parts used to activate the elevator in the underground area. Cylinder Shaft - Used to activate elevator in the underground area. Dagger - A self defence item. Death Masks - Used on the statues in the mansion graveyard. (Without eyes, without nose, without mouth, without all) Dog Whistle - Used to call fido, to get the Dog Collar. Emblem - Used to replace the Golden Emblem. Emblem Key - Used to open the black door, with a large emblem on the front. Empty Bottle - Used to conceal water. First Aid Box - Open it, and you'll get either some Herbs, or a First- Aid spray! First Aid Spray - Restores 100% of your health. Fishhook - Used to connect onto the Bee Lure. Flamethrower - A lethal weapon, only received in Chris' game. Flash Grenade - A self defence item. Fuel Canteen - Used to burn zombies with the lighter. Fuel Supply Capsule - A simple fuel capsule, found in the small lab. ...Full Capsule - A full fuel capsule, with explosive material. If you run, you blow up... So walk. Fuse Unit - Used on the elevator at the final stage of the game. Gallery Key - Used to open the Gallery in the residence. Gold Emblem - Used to replace the Emblem. Golden Arrow - Examine it, and you'll get the Arrowhead! Green Herb - Restores 25% of your health. Grenade Launcher - A lethal weapon, only received in Jill's game. Grenade Rounds - Used on the Grenade Launcher. Handgun - The gun you'll all start out with. Handgun Magazine - Used on the Handgun. Helmet Key - Opens various doors with the Helmet Symbol. Herbicide - Used to poison the plant in the greenhouse. Hexagon Crank - Used to open various passages in the underground area. Imitation Armour Key - Used to get the Armour Key, by putting it where the Armour Key is after you quickly grab it. Incendiary Rounds - Used on the Grenade Launcher. Ink Ribbon - Used to save your progress with a typewriter. Insecticide Spray - Used to get rid of the bees in the gallery. Jewellery Box - Used to get various key items. Jewellery Box - Used to get various key items. Jewellery Box - Used to get various key items. Key for Room 001 - Used to unlock room 001 in the residence. Key for Room 003 - Used to unlock room 003 in the residence. Last Book, vol. 1 - Inside it is the Eagle Medal! Last Book, vol. 2 - Inside it is the Wolf Medal! Lighter - Used to light Candles, and Fireplaces. Also combined with the Keroscene can burn zombies to a crisp! Lock pick - Used to open simple locks, only in Jill's game. Lure of a Bee - Bee Specimen with the fishhook in it. Magnum Revolver - A very lethal weapon. Most powerful weapon in the game. Magnum Rounds - Used with the Magnum. Medal of Eagle - Inside Last Book 1. Medal of Wolf - Inside Last Book 2. Metal Object - Combine it with the Stone Ring, to get the Metal and Stone object! MO Disk - 3 of them are hidden through the game. Used to get the best ending. Moon Crest - Received from the grave in the cabin area. Music sheet (1/2) - Half of the complete music sheet. Music sheet (2/2) - Half of the complete music sheet. Music Sheet - The complete music sheet, used on the piano to play Moonlight Sonata. NP-004 - A chemical which is released when combining chemicals to get the V-JOLT. Old Key - Chris' version of the lock pick, except you need 1 key for each lock you open. Power Room Key - Used to unlock the power room. Red Gemstone - Used on a Jewellery Box. Red Herb - Used to increase the regular power of herbs. Rocket Launcher - The huge weapon you'll get at the final stage of the game. Only has 4 rockets. Self-defence Gun - Only has one bullet, but can kill a boss with 1 shot! Serum - Used to cure snake/spider bites Shaft - 2 of 2 parts used to activate the elevator in the underground area. Shield Key - Opens various doors with the Shield Symbol. Shotgun - Regular shotgun, but not as powerful as the Assault Shotgun. Shotgun Shells - Used with the Shotgun. Signal Rockets - Received from the final stage of the game. Used to fire in the sky, to signal Brad to pick you up. Slide Filter - Used on the slide machine in the labs. Square Crank - Used to drain water from dam near the residence. Star Crest - Received from the grave in the cabin area. Stone/Metal Object - Used on the panel next to the door leading into the residence area. Stone Ring - Combined with the metal object. Stungun - A self defence item. Sun Crest - Received from the grave in the cabin area. Survival Knife - Useless. Sword Key - Opens various doors with the Sword Symbol. UMB 10 - A chemical which is released when combining chemicals to get the V-JOLT. UMB 3 - A chemical which is released when combining chemicals to get the V-JOLT. UMB 7 - A chemical which is released when combining chemicals to get the V-JOLT. Unprinted red Book - Used to replace the V-JOLT report in the residence. V-JOLT - The chemical used to kill off Plant43 easily. VP-017 - A chemical which is released when combining chemicals to get the V-JOLT. Water - Used with various chemicals Wind Crest - Used on the grave to get the other crests. Wooden Mount - Used to get the 2F map of the mansion. X-Ray - Used to check the body organs to work out a puzzle. Yellow Gemstone - Used on the Tiger Statue. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ MAIN CHARACTERS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ JILL VALENTINE - Possible the most recognised character of the RE series. She keeps everything cool in even dangerous situations, and always takes thing the short way. She's fast, and is very smart, and has great reflexes. You should play as JILL if this is your first time. CHRIS REDFIELD - Chris was originally a member of the air force, but when he got kicked out he game to the STARS team. Luckily, his background got him in. He has immense strength, and has large intelligence. He's known to take the most dangerous ways. You should play as CHRIS when you are use of JILL's senerio. BARRY BURTON - Barry is a great friend of both Jill and Chris. He's been in the SWAT team for 16 years, but after getting a bit older, he decided STARS was the way to go. He may be old, but don't be fooled - Barry doesn't lack anything the other characters do. ALBERT WESKER - Wesker (As known by many of his friends) is a cool, and out going guy. He speaks calmly, and takes things slowly. He knows his way around, and is a high-tech type of guy. But, deep inside Wesker, he has a dark secret, probably ridding him of ALL his friends. REBECCA CHAMBERS - You'll only encounter Rebecca playing in Chris' Senerio. Rebecca is a young, sporty type of girl, who is very intelligent. This is Rebecca's first mission, but she has a large role in the mission, as a medic. She can cure Chris' wounds when you need them healed. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ WALKTHROUGH... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ***JILL SENARIO*** +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ _______ _ (_______) (_) _ _ _ _____ ____ ___ _ ___ ____ | ||_|| (____ | _ \ /___) |/ _ \| _ \ | | | / ___ | | | |___ | | |_| | | | | |_| |_\_____|_| |_(___/|_|\___/|_| |_| 1.0 -After the conversation with Barry and Wesker, you'll auto-maticly head into the door on the left. This is the Dinning Room. -After the talk when Barry advances, walk down the left side of the table, and look at the clock by pressing A. It'll tell you about a Helmet, Sword, Shield, and Armour. -Head down, past the table, and talk to Barry. Apparently that's... BLOOD! Wow, never thought... Anyway, head into the nearby door called 'Kenneth Hallway'. -As soon as you enter, you will hear a munching sound. Head towards JILL's LEFT, and head towards the windows a bit. You will see a FMV of a zombie, having a feed on Kenneth. -So, your first battle? Well not quite. Its better you leave this zombie, and escape the way you just came in through, back into the Dinning Room. -You'll tell Barry what you saw, and suddenly the monster will come out through the door. Barry will shoot the zombie three times and kill it. You better report this to Wesker! Head back into the Main Hall. ***NOTE: There is also another way to do the above. Ignore the following if you just did the above. -Once you enter the Dinning Room for first time, try heading back out the double doors. Wesker will say something, causing you to go back. -This time, try and go through the doors again. Barry will say "It's not like you Jill. Got Cold Feet?". Now, head towards Barry. After the conversation, try heading back to the double doors. The nearby door will swing open, and the zombie will come out. Barry will kill it. Now, go back out into the Main Hall. *** -Now you're back in the Main Hall with no sign of Wesker. After the conversation with Barry, go looking for him underneath the stair case. Come out the other side. -Barry will have a quick talk with you, and after it he will give you the Lockpick. Since you are, the MASTER of unlocking... :-) -Now, you are on your own. What you should do know is re-enter the Dinning Room. -Go down the Dinning Room table, and into the door, where you encountered your first zombie. Once you enter don't try shooting the zombie - just run were Kenneth is on the left, check his body and receive >KENNETH'S VIDEO<, and go into the door there. -This room is a very freaky room, as its very dark, and has plenty of shadows. Anyway, head straight down the hallway, and into where the Bird Cage is. Check near the cage to find some >HANDGUN BULLETS<, and check the space near the stair case to find some >GREEN HERB'S<. Mix all of them, by simply picking them all up, accessing them in the inventory screen, select one, and select combine. Now combine with another one. You should now have combined the Herbs, and made a Double Herb Mixture. Go up the stair case, and enter through the door. -Once you enter this room, you will see 3 Green Herbs. Don't take them yet, as we need the item space. Anyway, head down the passage on Jill's right, next to the mirror. Here you will see a fat zombie, trying to bite you. You can either shoot this guy, or try and dodge him. I recommend you shoot him until you knock him down, not killing him, and run down the passageway. Continue down the hallway, until you encounter a small statue with something sticking out of it. Examine it, to receive the >ARROW<. Next to the small statue, right in front of the mirror is some ammo, so be sure to grab that. Continue down the hallway, until you get to two doors. Take the door on the right. -You are now on the balcony, over looking the Dinning Room. To the right of Jill on the cabinet is a >DAGGER< used to defend yourself when attacked. Now, do a 180 Degree turn, and run down the opposite way you were just facing, until you encounter yet another statue. Kill the zombie defending the statue here, as if it turns into a zombie, it wont really matter, as you can easily run away the opposite side. Now, go on the right side of the statue, and push it until it is equal with the hole in the ledge. Now, face the front of it, and push it down. Ignore where it dropped for now, and exit via the double doors. -Go down the first flight of stairs, and enter the door which is on the North wall. -Head down the stairs in the Graveyard, and continue until you see a gate. Go on the left side of the gate, and investigate the grave which is most North, to receive some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Now, go on the right side of the gate, and investigate the panel near the large tomb. It looks like you need an arrow head to enter it, so open up your inventory, select the Arrow, and then click on Examine. Turn it around until you see the blue arrow head, and press A. You should now get the >ARROW HEAD<. Now use this on the tomb panel. Run down the huge flight of stairs, and once down there, head towards Jill's right. You should see a large coffin hanging by chains. Run over to it, and you should see a sparkling item. Pick it up. You now have the >BOOK OF CURSE< but it seems to have no meaning. So, fire up your Inventory screen, and examine it. Turn it around, so you see the back of the book. You should see a key on it. Press A, and you will now get the >SWORD KEY<. Read the book. It may seem to make no sense, but later on it will mean something. Exit the tomb, and exit the Graveyard through the door you came through. -Now, you have a key! Head down the stairs, and enter the double doors on Jill's left. -You should now be in a room with a large statue. Now, head over to the door on Jill's left, which has a small cabinet in front of it. Push the cabinet out the way of the opening, BUT leave a small space so you can push it out. Now, go in the room, but not FULLY! Now, push the cabinet Northwards, towards the statue. Climb up on the cabinet, and examine to bowl the statue is holding. You will now have the >MANSION FIRST FLOOR MAP<. Jump down, off the cabinet, and push it near the opening. Head into it, and grab the >DAGGER< on the large cabinet. Now, try and head out, and a Cut Scene will trigger in. A zombie will now try and get you. You can now either run from it, or shoot it down, but you SHOULD run. Anyway, attempt to run, and it the zombie grabs you, quickly press L to stab it with the dagger. Once its down, run towards the cabinet, and push it so it is blocking the entrance to the opening, so the zombie can't get out. Use the key on the blue door next to the opening. -Head down the L-Shaped corridor, until you see the second cabinet. Push it, until you can see a >DAGGER<. Pick it up. Now continue down the corridor, to be freaked out when a window cracks a bit. Seems like something is on the outside. Continue down the corridor, until you encounter the last cabinet. Push it towards the previous cabinet, to receive some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Exit through the nearby door. -Head down this corridor, until you see your second BLACK door. Its near the double doors. Enter it. -Head into the nearby door. -Pick up the >INK RIBBON< and the >DAGGER< on the coffee table, and head towards the Shotgun hanging on the wall. Now examine it, and take the >SHOTGUN<. You will see the levers it was hanging on now have risen, and a suspicious noise has occurred. Exit the room the same way you entered. -HOLY CRAP! The roof is falling! Quickly try and enter the door you just came from. No luck! Its locked! Well, try the other door. THATS ALSO LOCKED! How are we gonna get out of this one!? Well, go to try the other door again, and a Scene will kick in. Barry is nearby, and luckily he has saved you in the nick of time! -After the series of scenes with Barry, head into the next room via the nearby double doors. -Now head into the first door on YOUR left. Not Jill's left, YOUR left. -Head down the corridor here, and kill the zombie nearby. Head into the door near the stair case. -Your first Save Room. Listen to the soothing music... Ahh... Feels like you are away from the nightmare. But you're not, so get use of it! Now, go near the Chest, named the Storage Chest. Open it up. Now, take these selected items with you: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS SWORD KEY -Now, pick up all items in the room - >HANDGUN BULLETS< on the pile of boxes, >FUEL CANTEEN< on the ground, and a >DOCUMENT< on the ground also. Now, the Fuel Canteen is a VERY useful item. It prevents zombie turning into Crimsons, but you need a lighter, so we better find that first before we take it with us. Anyway, head towards the large bottle of >KEROSCENE< to fill up your >FUEL CANTEEN<. Now, put the >FUEL CANTEEN< back in the box, and keep the items that are displayed above. Save if you want. Exit the room. -Head up the stairs, and you should here a zombie moan and groan. Before you can see it, Hold down R so it auto-aims onto it. Now shoot it until you here it fall on the ground. Head past the door on the right as you cannot open it for now, and head to the door which is North. Open it. -Pick up the >WOODEN PLANK< on your Jill's left. Now, go down the corridor to Jill's right, until you encounter the one and only door here. Enter it. -You are now in the Mansion Library. Pick up the >DOG WHISTLE< near the Chest Board. Now examine the Chest Board, to get some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Now, go to the main table in the room. Examine everything on it to gradually get a >DOCUMENT< about mixing Herbs, and the all and mighty >LIGHTER< you need to burn zombies to prevent them from turning into Crimsons. Exit through the nearby door. -This door took you to the balcony near the Save Room we just came from! Go down the stairs, and into the Save Room. -Once you are in here, head over to the Storage Chest, and now grab the >FUEL CANTEEN<. Head out the way you came in. -Now, burn the zombie you killed a while ago near the Save Room, since we will be using this room frequently. Make sure you run away from the zombie you are burning, as it will burst into fire. To burn them, simply open your Inventory, select the >FUEL CANTEEN< then select use when you are standing on a dead zombie. Easy! Now, go up the stairs and burn the zombie here also. Now, head past the open window near a door you don't yet have the key for. Ignore this door, and keep continuing down the corridor, until you encounter yet another door. Enter it. -Now, pick up 1 >GREEN HERB< here, and then pick up 1 >RED HERB<. Combine them both to make a >FULL HEALING MIXTURE<. Now, head over to the un-lit fire place, and light it up with your >LIGHTER< you have in your inventory. Once it is lit, use the >WOODEN PLANK<. This will now burn the map onto the >WOODEN PLANK<. Nifty, eh? Leave this room the way you came in. -Now, head down the balcony corridor, and back down the stairs. Head into the Save Room. -Back in the soothing room. Anyway, organise your inventory: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS SWORD KEY DOG WHISTLE -Save if you would like with the >INK RIBBON< as we are about to enter a new area. Exit the room. -Head down the corridor, and go out via the door. Apparently this doors about to break, and it can only be used twice/thrice. Anyway, ignore it and exit the room. -Head out this room through the black double doors. -Now, head past the black door we went in to get the >SHOTGUN<, and head past the suspicious windows, and towards the first door on the left around the corner. Head into the room via this door. -This is the mansions... Bathroom... Heh, anyway, drain the bathtub. Once you do, a little friend will pop up and say 'Hi!'. Once it tries to attack Jill, she will smash it's head in with her foot. She will be so discussed that she will run to the toilet, and bring up her nice Sandwich she had before entering the mansion. Examine the now drained Bathtub to get a >DAGGER<. Exit the room. -Now, there is only one door we have yet to open! The grey steel door. Try to open it, and Jill will use her >LOCKPICK< to open it. Head through it. -Once outside, you will hear some dogs bark. Ignore them, and run down the pathway. You will see something in a wheel-barrow, so pick it up! This will be the >CHEMICAL< we need later on in the game. Exit the way you came in. -Now, we are about to exit this area for a while, so go through the blackish door. -We are now back in the L-Shaped corridor where we saw the window smash a bit. Continue down the hallway, and the window will smash again! This time though a dog will jump through it! Ignore these dogs, and exit through the nearby door. -Exit this room with the statue in it via the nearby double doors. -Once you exit the room, you will find Barry in the main hall. After the chat, he will give you some >ACID ROUNDS< for your >GRENADE LAUNCHER< we are yet to find. Anyway, head up the stairs, and into the double doors on your left. -You will be on the balcony over looking the Dinning Room again. Probably now the zombie here has turned into a Crimson - but do not fear! It will not turn into one, unless you take the path you killed it on! Either way, take the path you DIDN'T kill it on, which is probably to JILL'S right. Head through the 2nd door you encounter. -Now, this is the new area I was talking about. Its still inside the mansion, but its new... Anyway, ignore all the doors here, and head down the stairs. Once you try to, you will see a Zombie slowly walking up. Soon after, you will hear a door slam, and creepy music will kick in. It looks like you have 2 zombies - One in front, and one behind... Erm... Anyway, walk down the stairs a bit, and start to shoot the zombie here. Once its dead, walk down a tad, and start to shoot the other zombie. Once they are all dead, continue down the stairs. You will see another zombie near a door, but don't worry. It won't come alive... Yet... Head into this door. -Aaahhh... That soothing sound of the Save Room... Anyway, go to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS SWORD KEY DOG WHISTLE -You may want to save, although we don't have anything major coming up though... Exit the room. -Continue down this hallway, past the not very inviting windows... And to the 2 doors. You have 2 doors to choose from... But first, lets try the one on Jill's right. Unlock it with her >LOCKPICK<. Enter. -Pick up the >BATTERY PACK< on the nearby cabinet, and also pick up the >INK RIBBON< if you feel you need it in a nearby drawer. Exit the room. -Now, lets try an enter the door North of Jill. Damn... Its locked. We need an >ARMOR KEY<... Well, lets go back to the Save Room. Go back down the corridor, and into the door with the corpse near it. -This time, lets replace the >BERETTA HANDGUN< with the >SHOTGUN< and the >HANDGUN BULLETS< with the >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Everything else is fine. Leave. -Go back up the stairs, over the corpse, and run around the gate blocking the stair case to the Grey looking cement door. It also has a symbol on it. Use the >LOCKPICK< and enter. -Well... This looks familiar. Anyway, go right towards the end of this room, but do not enter the room. Once you are at the end, open your Inventory and use the >DOG WHISTLE< you have with you. Once you blow it, 2 dogs will jump from the bushes. Kill them both with your >SHOTGUN<. Now, after you kill the dogs, one dog should have dropped his >COLLAR<. Pick it up, and then examine it in your Inventory. Push the switch on it when asked. This will reveal a coin. Now, examine the coin, and a key like figure will pop out. Sadly, its a fake, and CANNOT be used... Exit the room through the nearby door, and discard the >DOG WHISTLE<. -You will now be on the Second floor balcony, overlooking the Main Hall of the Mansion. Anyway, head down all of the stairs, and head into the double doors which take you into the Dinning Room. Its on YOUR left. -Now, remember the statue we pushed off the ledge? Well, walk down the right side of the table, and you should see the statue broken into pieces. Also, you will see a >BLUE GEM< there. Grab it! Now, continue heading down the Dinning Room, and enter the door where you encountered your first zombie. -Now, head towards Kenneth's body, and enter the door on the left side of him. -Once you are in this hallway, you will hear some crows making some noises. Ignore them, and continue down the corridor. Run up the stairs, and enter the door up top. -Now, this is why I told you to bring your >SHOTGUN<. Remember the zombie laying near the >GREEN HERBSFAKE KEY< in the pillar you got from the >DOG COLLAR<. Now, the knight will go away. Phew... Head back out the way you came in. -Now... We have a Crimson zombie in this room, and its VERY powerful... So, what we are going to do is kill it. Slowly run into the gap, and once it charges for you, shoot it! About 2-3 >SHOTGUN SHELLS< should do it! Once all the zombies and Crimsons are dead, run up the corridor, past the arrows, and towards those 2 doors. Head through the one with the mirror next to it. -You are now back on the Balcony over looking the Dinning Room. Head into the door left of the one you came out from. -Once you enter this room, stay still. You should hear a door knob turn. Ah, another zombie! Head down the stairs, and totally ignore the zombie upstairs for now. You don't need to kill it yet! Head into the Save Point, which is the door near the corpse. -Now, do you remember the door which was locked? Well, we have a new key now! So, organize your inventory: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS (If any) BLUE GEM ARMOR KEY CHEMICAL -Exit the room. -Run down the passage, and go to the door at the end. Take the door which is North of Jill. Use the >ARMOR KEY< on it. Enter. -This is one dusty room, and one scary room! Anyway, go to Jill's right. Now, when you do you should see a small passage way on YOUR right. Go in there, and then go into the door which is positioned there. -Now walk towards the statue of the tiger, and open up your inventory. Use the >BLUE GEM< on it, to reveal some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Take them, then exit the room. -Head back near the door you entered through, and then travel North from here. Also, make sure you pick up the >BATTERY PACK< on the nearby table. Continue North a bit. Here you should see some shadows on the walls. Looks like someone is on the outside, slamming against the window. Anyway, enter the door nearby. -Holy crap, what is that!? Some huge mutated plant! Anyway, head over to the nearby water pump, and open your inventory. Use the >CHEMICAL< you have on it. Soon, it should dissolve. Anyway, examine it by pressing A. It will ask you what colour you should turn the lever around to. Anyway, make sure you select RED. This should make the Chemical travel to the plant, and kill it. Now, pick up all the >GREEN HERBS< here. Now, mix them all so you have one >TRIPLE HERB MIXTURE< and one >DOUBLE HERB MIXTURE<. Now, go to the shining object, attached to what looks like huge armour. You have now got your first >DEATH MASK<. Exit this room. -Notice how that shadow of the zombie has now gone? Continue on, and two zombies will break through! Run towards the door you exit through, and wait until they start to follow you. Now, aim your Shotgun up, and when they try to grab you to eat you, shoot! Repeat the process until their heads are cleanly blown off! Now, go to the door which is LEFT of the door you take to exit this room. -This room looks like a nice bedroom, besides the dead body on the ground. Anyway, grab the >HANDGUN BULLETS< on the bed. Go around the other side of the bed now. You will see the nearby closet door start to rattle. Ignore this for now, and examine the desk. You will get a >DOCUMENT<. Once you finish reading it, the closet door will burst open, and a zombie will reveal itself. Shoot it, and kill it. Now, quickly go into the closet to get a >BATTERY PACK<. Quickly leave the room before the other zombie awakens. -Back in the dusty corridor. Now, go to the door you used to enter the dusty room, which is the room you are in now. -You are now back in the Save Room Hallway. Run down the hallway, and into the Save Room which is the door besides the corpse. -Organise your inventory to: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS SWORD KEY ARMOR KEY LIGHTER -Leave. -Run up the stairway, and watch out for the zombie here. Shoot it if you feel you need to. Run around the barrier around the stairs, and through the brown door, which takes you to the Balcony over looking the Dinning Room. -Run across the balcony on the opposite side you killed the zombie a long time ago, and go through the double doors. -Now, run down the 1st flight of small stairs, and back up the stairs on the right side. Unlock the first door you see here. -Remember this room? Anyway, unlock the first door you see here, and enter through it. -Run down the passage to see Richard. He's been bit by a... Huge snake? Anyway, he has been poisoned, and he needs some >SERUM<. Looks like it would be in the Medicine room, which is the Save Room where the corpse is! Exit this room. -Exit this hallway. -Quickly run across the balcony, and to the double doors on the next side. -Run across the balcony, on the opposite side you killed the zombie on earlier on in the game. Enter the door on the furthest left. -Run down the corridor, and down the stairway, and enter the door near the rotten corpse. -Quickly grab the >SERUM< which is on the cabinet with many other chemicals. Leave. -Run back up the stairs, and out the door you used to enter this room. -Run around the Dinning Room balcony, to the double doors. -Run across this balcony, and to the single brown door straight across. -Go into the door were Richard was, which is the first door you encounter. -Run towards Richard. If you were fast enough, Richard will thankfully live! If you doodled around, he has died! Either way, enter the door we haven't yet been in. -Kill the zombie in this room, and try to open the door up the small stairs. Its locked. We need the >SHEILD KEY<. Anyway, go down the passage where the zombie came from, and enter the door at the end. -This room is in darkness... Anyway, you can see some >HANDGUN BULLETS< on the table. Pick them up. Now light the candles on the other side of the table with you >LIGHTER<. Now investigate the cabinet on the most western cabinet. You will get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Hmm... That other cabinet looks suspicious... Push it out the way of the the small opening, and go in it. Quickly kill the zombie here with your Shotgun, and examine the cabinet. You will receive some of the >MUSICAL SCORE<. Exit this room. -Take the door out of this whole hallway. -Now, you'll see Richard. He looks fine... So what can we do now? Lets go look for some new weapons! Head out this room. -Head out the nearby door, onto the balcony. -On the same walkway, head up a bit. You should see another door. Unlock it with the >ARMOR KEY<, and enter it. -Run down the paved path, and examine the shining object on the glass table. Its some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Pick them up. Now, continue down the pathway, until you see Forest... Snatch the >GRENADE LAUNCHER< from him, and quickly leave this area through the door you came through. -Your inventory is now probably full if you followed what I have told you to do. So, we better go clean it up now. Go down the same walkway, and enter the door where you find the door to see Richard. -Ignore the door where Richard is in for now, and run to the END of this corridor, and enter the door here. -You are now in the Library were you found the >DOG WHISTLE<. Anyway, leave this room via the door on the other side. -Run down this stairway, and you should see a piece of paper on the wall near the Save Room. Read it. Seems that Barry has kindly placed some items in this room for you. Enter this Save Room. -Whoa! Where the hell did Barry get these items from!? Anyway, before you pick them up, empty your WHOLE inventory. Now, pick them up. Go back to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS ARMOR KEY SWORD KEY MUSICAL SCORE -Leave this room, and Save if you want. -Go back up the stairs, and go towards the door to the library. You can't enter this room anymore, so go through the door which is North of this one. -Go up this hallway, and go through the large green door. Unlock it with your >ARMOR KEY<. Enter it. -You will straight away notice that some knights have moved out of their places - We have to put them back... Anyway follow this guide: [1] Push the knight on the 1st right in. [2] Push the knight on the 1st left in. [3] Push the knight on the 2nd right in. [4] Push the knight on the 1st left in. [5] Push the knight on the 1st right in. -Now all the knights are back in place, go over to the panel in the middle of the room. Push the switch which is here. Now head over to where the bars have been raised, and grab the >JEWELRY BOX< which is in there. Now, examine it, and you will face a puzzle. Follow these instructions: [1] Press A straight away, as soon as you examine it. [2] Push down on the controller stick, until you get to the next puzzle piece. Not the lid - The next one. Press the switch here. -Hopefully you've done it, you will get your 2nd >DEATH MASK<. Leave this room. -Continue your way around this hallway, pass the room where Richard is in, and out the door. -Go down all the flights of stairs, and enter the double doors which go to the Dinning Room, which is on YOUR left. -Run down the table, and to the fireplace. Examine it, to get the almighty >WOODEN EMBLEM<. Go through the door where you met your first zombie. -Quickly kill the zombie here, and run past the nearby door, to the next door collared Yellow. Use your >ARMOR KEY< on it, and enter. -Run around the piano, and into the very small alley. Push the cabinet out of the way, and grab the >MUSICAL SCORE<. Now, open your Inventory and combine this with the other >MUSICAL SCORE<. Now you have a full >MUSICAL SCOREMUSICAL SCORE< on it, so Jill can do her stuff on it. Wow, she's so good at art... Anyway, don't get to relaxed! Go through the opening which was just revealed, and take the >GOLDEN EMBLEM<. Once the room closes on you, use the >WOODEN EMBLEM< on it, and it will start to rise again. Grab the sparkling item on the ground, and read the >DOCUMENT<. Get out of this part of the room, and grab the >INK RIBBON< on the bar table if you like. Leave this room. -Run down this passage, and go through the door on YOUR right. -Go to the fireplace, and use the >GOLDEN EMBLEM< on the space above it. This will cause a small place of the clock to open. Go over to it, and examine it. Now, turn the small hand to the 12, and the large hand to the 6. Now, the clock will move away, and reveal a compartment. Examine it to receive the >SHIELD KEY<. Exit this room via the double doors. -Go back up the stairs, and onto the right walkway. Go into the single door. -Now, we have to go and clean our inventory up again. We need the space, and we need some firepower since we are about to fight a boss! Continue to the end of the hallway, and through the door at the end to be in the library again. -Go through the library, and out via the door on the other side. -Go down the stairs case, and into the Save Room where the sheet of paper is. -Organise your inventory to: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS ARMOR KEY SHIELD KEY -SAVE, and then leave. -Go back up the stairs, ignore the door to the library, and go through the blue door. -Go down the passageway, and to the door where Richard is in. Enter. -Grab the two >GREEN HEBRS< which are here, and combine them. Ignore Richard, and head into the next room. -Chances are, the zombie you killed in this room has probably came alive as a Crimson. It did to me, but I am taking more longer as I am typing and playing. Anyway, if it does shoot it down with Two shots from your >SHOTGUN<. Enter the door which is up the stairs. Unlock it with your >SHIELD KEY< and then discard it. Enter the room. -Slowly edge your way around the nearby wall, to the cabinet and examine it to get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Continue on. HOLY SHIT! A huge Snake! If you kept Richard alive, he will burst through the door, and help you take out the Yawn (Snake). Ignore it for now, and run down the room. You should see a small hole where it came from. Examine it, and you will get a >DEATH MASK<. Now, quickly run out, and start to shoot the Yawn. If it hits you, quickly restore yourself with that herb I told you to mix. When you kill it, you will thank Richard, but the snake will awake AGAIN, and eat him. Quickly grab the >ASSAULT SHOTGUN< Richard dropped, and leave QUICKLY! -Phew, now if that wasn't a heart racer, what the hell are you doing? Anyway, we now have our 3rd >DEATH MARK< which is good. We only need one more! Now, assuming you got bitten by the Yawn in that last battle, you will be poisoned! What you need to do is go back to the Chemical room where the corpse is in front of the door, and get the serum. If you did get poisoned, read the passage between the stars. If you didn't, I shall see you on the other end of the stars! ********************************************************************* -So, you got poisoned? Well, your status is probably Yellow now, so if you have some >GREEN HERBS< left, use them so they restore it to Green. Anyway, head down the stairs, and Jill will start to feel queasy. Leave this room. -Shoot the zombie here with your normal >SHOTGUN<, and kill it. Exit this room. -Go out the nearby door which takes you to the second floor balcony over looking the Main Hall. -Run across the walkway, and enter the double doors on the other side. -Head across the balcony on the opposite side where you killed the zombie earlier on in the game, and enter the 2nd door to the left. -Run down this passageway, and down the stairs, and into the room near the corpse. -Grab the >SERUM< off the cabinet, and use it. Now, while you are here, we might as well organise or inventory! ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS ARMOR KEY DEATH MASK DEATH MASK DEATH MASK -Save, as we nearly are about to fight a boss. Leave. -Quickly run up the stairs, and around the barrier blocking the stairs, and through the door which leads you to the balcony over looking the Dinning Room. -Once again, run the opposite side you killed the zombie on at the start of the game, and out the double doors. -Run down the stairs, onto the ground hall. Now, take the set of doors on YOUR right. Enter. ***NOTE: If you didn't get poisoned, simply go down the stairs, and into this room!*** -We are back in the Statue Room! Run past the statue, and enter the blue door. -The dogs are still in here, so shoot them if you would like, but it is easier to try and avoid. Either way, run down the L shaped corridor, and through the door at the other end. -Run down the winding corridor, but take note of those scary windows. Watch out, as around 3 zombies will smash through them! Quickly ignore them, and run to the double doors at the end of this corridor. Enter. Quickly! -Run up to the black door, and unlock it with the >ARMOR KEY<. Now, a zombie will enter from the door behind you! Quickly ignore him, and enter this door! -This room is full of crows! But don't worry, they wont attack you yet! Anyway, this is yet another puzzle. You have to push a button under the stained-glass windows to make them change colour - Use this guide: Firstly, press the YELLOW collared window, to make it turn ORANGE. Secondly, press the RED collared window, to make it turn PURPLE. Finally, press the YELLOW collared window with the saint imprinted to make it GREEN. -Now, go to the end of the corridor, and push the button under Lisa's painting. This will make the wall open, and you can go outside. Grab the shining object here which is your last >DEATH MASKLOCKPICK<. -Run down the pathway, and down the stairs towards the tomb where we got the >SWORD KEY< a long time ago! Anyway, head towards the set of 4 faces. We need to use the >DEATH MASKS< on these! Anyway, follow this guide: Put the >DEATH MASK WITHOUT EYES< on the first face from the left. Put the >DEATH MASK WITHOUT ALL< on the second face from the left. Put the >DEATH MASK WITHOUT NOSE< on the third face from the left. Put the >DEATH MASK WITHOUT MOUTH< on the remaining face. -Looks like the coffin hanging here has feel onto the ground... We better go see what happened! Head towards the coffin, and... WHAT THE HELL!? The doors close, and a mutated zombies comes out! This is a Crimson... Twice the size! But don't worry, this guy is pretty easy. Shoot him about twice, then run away. Shoot him another 2 times, and he should be dead. If not, repeat the process. Once he is dead, run over to the coffin, and pick up the shining object near the coffin which is some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Now, check the coffin and push the switch. Now, grab the >STONE & METAL OBJECT<. We have everything we need down here now, so leave up the stairs, and lets run up the small flight of stairs, and through the door, which leads into the mansion main hall. -Run up the stairs which is to YOUR right, and through the first single door you see. -Run down the whole corridor, and through the door at the end of the corridor, which takes you into the library. -Simply run through this room, and out the other end via the door. -Run down the balcony, but don't go down the stairs. Continue on, until you get to a door which is next to an open wide window. Unlock it with the >ARMOR KEY<. Discard it, and enter the door. -Pick up the >GREEN HERB< and the >RED HERB< here, and mix them both. Go through the door which is on YOUR left. -This room is full of goodies! Grab the >FIRST AID BOX< on the chair beside the bed. Also go on the other side of the bed, and pick up a >GREEN HERB< which you can't see. There is also a >INK RIBBON< on the nearby cabinet, BUT DO NOT PICK IT UP YET! We don't have enough space to pick it up yet. Exit this room. -Head through the blue door which is straight in front of you. -Run to the wooden table, and pick up the >DOCUMENT< which is situated on it. Now, examine the photo frame near you, and grab the >FISH HOOK<. Now, head over to the other photo frame which is on the RIGHT side of the door, and pick up the >LURE OF A GOLD BEE<. Now, combine the >FISH HOOK< with the >LURE OF A GOLD BEE<. Now, head over to the photo frame on the LEFT side of the door. Examine it, and you will get the >BEE SPECIMEN<. Now, replace the >BEE SPECIMEN< with the >LURE OF A GOLD BEE WITH HOOK< on the photo frame. Now put the >BEE SPECIMEN< on the right photo frame. It will slide open. Now, examine it again and the bee will come alive! Once it does, quickly examine this hole and grab the >WIND CREST<. Quickly exit this room, and exit the other one, so you will be on the balcony. -Run down the walkway, and down the stairs. Enter the door nearby. -You're back in the E. Stair Save Room. Head towards the Chest, and organise your inventory: HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS WIND CREST STONG & METAL OBJECT FULL HEALING ITEM -Save as we are about to leave the mansion, into a totally new area. Leave this room. -Go down the same corridor, and out the door which has the knob half broken. -Watch out, as there are 2 zombie now in this room! Straight away shoot the one in front of you, and watch out for the one which is around the corner! Head around the tiny corner here, and into the door which looks like a gate. -We are back outside! Run down the pathway, and you should here some bushes rattle. Ignore these, and quickly run towards the panel on the left side of the nearby door. Open your inventory, and use the >STONE & METAL OBJECT< on it. Quickly enter the door you just unlocked. -There is a bunch of goodies in this room! On the shelf down the small flight of stairs there is a >FIRST AID SPRAY< and a >BATTERY<. On the ground near the door you used to enter is some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Pick them all up, and go down the small flight of stairs where you found the >FIRST AID SPRAY< and >BATTERY<, and through this door. ______ _ _ (_____ \ (_) | | _____) )_____ ___ _ __| |_____ ____ ____ _____ | __ /| ___ |/___) |/ _ | ___ | _ \ / ___) ___ | | | \ \| ____|___ | ( (_| | ____| | | ( (___| ____| |_| |_|_____|___/|_|\____|_____)_| |_|\____)_____) _______ (_______) _______ ____ _____ _____ | ___ |/ ___) ___ (____ | | | | | | | ____/ ___ | |_| |_|_| |_____)_____| 1.1 -Scary place out here, huh? Anyway, head down the path and examine the sign. Great holiday destinations huh? Anyway, continue down the path until you see a Red chicken figure spinning around... Examine it, and you will be asked to push a button. What you have to do is push the button on the exact time when it is pointing to the direction you want. We want it to point to the West (W). So, keep trying until you get it to face West. Continue down the path. Here if you have the Radio, and saved Richard, Barry will say to you "St...y.... U...t.... the.... wood" Ignore this anyway, and head to the Blue spinning chicken. Examine this one, and get it to face North (N) once you do, the gate will click open. Enter it. -There are lots of crows here! Anyway, continue down this path, until you see an opening on JILL'S right. Go down here, and it will trigger the crows to go after you. Head over to the right grave, and examine. After you have, open your inventory, and use the >WIND CREST< on it. Examine what you just did, and grab ALL the 3 new crests, which are the >MOON CREST< >SUN CREST< and >STAR CREST<. Now head over to the grave left of this one, and examine it. After you have, go into your Inventory, and examine all of the crests. While you do, press A when examining there backs. You will be asked to push a switch. Do so, and do it on all of other crests. Now, use the crests on this grave. Once you use them all, a small compartment will spin around. Examine it to get the all and might >MAGNUM REVOLVERGREEN HERBS< besides the door, and mix them. Now enter the cabin... -This is a very scary part of the game in my opinion. Continue through this cabin, and up the small flight of stairs. Grab the >MAP OF COURTYARD< on the nearby wall, and enter this opening. Here you will find a bed, and a typewriter. Examine the table, to get another >DOCUMENT<. Now head through the doorway opposite the one you just came through, and go to the Storage Chest. Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS FULL HEALING ITEM -Head down this passage, and jump down the ledge. Continue on, and you should see a shining object on what looks like a trap door. Grab it. Its the >CRANK<. Now, turn around and head back to the bedroom. You will hear the door open, then close. Quickly look out the window, and you will get a glance of what is to come! Head out the doorway, towards the creature, and you will get knocked out by this 'thing'. You will soon wake up, to be greeted by this thing! Quickly run past it, as its very slow, and exit through the door the creature came through. Don't worry if you got hit, because I did many times! -Run back down this whole shrubby path, and watch out for the new zombie here. Just avoid it by running on the opposite side he is on. Exit through the gate. -Run down this path, past the crows, and out the gate on the other side. -Run up all the sets up stairs, and into the door which goes into the tool room. -Instead of going out the single door, lets try going the double blue wooden doors. -Head down this path, and you will get another radio contact, but this time its Brad. "Shit! Its broken!" Yup, Jill said it! Continue down this path, and watch out for those annoying dogs! Quickly run around them, and up the small flight of stairs, and through the rusty old gate. -Head past the ladder, and towards the panel on the corner. Use the >CRANK< on this so the water will drain, and you can cross the bridge under the water. Go back to the ladder, and climb down. Cross the bridge, and ascend up the next ladder. Run down the cement pathway, over the bridge, and down in the elevator. -There are crows here, but ignore them - They will chase you, but will most likely miss. Enter the gate on the other side of the waterfall. -There's a >RED HERB< here when you enter straight away - pick the bugger up. Now, continue on down the dark pathway in a zig-zag motion as snakes fall from the roof. Once you get to a door, enter. -Pick up ALL of the >BLUE HERBS< on the bench nearby, and continue down the corridor, until you get to your first door on the right. Enter. -Its another Save Room, and by now your Inventory is probably full - So head over to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory to: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS -Now, pick up all the items in this room, which include a >FIRST AID KIT< and a >BATTERY< and an >INK RIBBON<. Put all these in the Storage chest, but keep the Handgun and Bullets. Leave this room. -Head into the double doors which is straight ahead. -Holy crap! Quickly get away from the door! A giant spider is there! Quickly run around the corner, and down the stairs. Run over to the bar table, and examine it. You will see lots of goodies here, but the one we mainly need is the >RED BOOK<. Grab that, and then grab the >FIRST AID BOX<. Also snatch the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< on a nearby table. Go back up the stairs, around the corner, and exit this room, QUICKLY! -Go back to the Save Room - First door on your right. -Organise your inventory once again: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS -Leave. -Head over behind that crate in front of the double doors. Push it, so it is facing the space were the other set of boxes are. Push it into them, so it covers the hole in the floor. Climb up on the crate, and over them all, and enter this door. -Run all the way down to the end of this corridor, and grab the >MAP OF THE RESIDENCE<. BUT DO NOT EXAMINE THE HOLE! I REPEAT, DO NOT EXAMINE THE HOLE! Instead, go to Room 002, and try to enter. Once you do, you will hear Barry talk to someone... After the conversation, enter the room. -Jill will say she heard someone talking - Barry will cover this up with his old age, talking to himself... Heh, how original. Anyway, Barry will leave this room. Now you are alone, go to the table and examine the >DOCUMENT< there. After you do, go to the exit door you used to enter, but don't exit - take the door which is on its right. -Once you get inside here, and grab the >RESIDENCE KEY< of the shelf, you will hear the door from the next room open and then shut - Barry must be back. Exit the way you came in. -It looks like that person WASN'T Barry! It was a zombie! Ignore it, and exit this room. -Head back down the corridor, towards the door you used to enter this L-Shaped hallway. Once you do, enter. -Climb back over all of the crates, and enter the door which is on the left side of the Save Room. Use your >RESIDENCE KEY< and enter. -This room has many cool things in it, including a zombie who hung himself! Anyway, ignore the zombie, and grab the >HANDGUN BULLETS< from the chair. Also investigate the table to get a >DOCUMENT< and a >SELF DEFENCE GUN<. Don't use this gun yet, as it is VERY powerful. Also examine the left side of the table to get some more >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Anyway, go towards the exit, but instead go into the door right of the exit. -Once you enter, go over to the bath tub. Uh oh! Sounds like that zombie who hung himself has broke free! Quickly drain the water, and snatch the >CONTROL ROOM KEY<. Quickly leave the bathroom, as the zombie here will come alive also. -Quickly leave this room, ignoring the zombie. -Go back to the L-Shaped room by climbing back over those crates, and into the door on the other side. -Run down this corridor, until you get to room 002. Enter this room. Its the room where you caught Barry ^Talking to himself^. -Shoot the zombie in here with your Beretta, and run past it when he's down. Now, when you get to those suspicious cabinets, push the one on the left in as far as it can go. Now pushed the right one as far right as it will go. This will reveal a ladder - Go down it. -The music down here is freaky... Anyway, run to the end of this corridor, until you see the final crate you can push. Push it into the water. Now, go to the next crate, and push this one in, followed by the other one around the corner. Now, cross over the crates, and continue your way. Pick up the >GREEN HERBS< here. Before you enter this huge door, equip your >SELF DEFENCE GUN<. now enter. -Start to run down the walkway to the right, and a FMV will kick in. After it, quickly raise your weapon (It will auto-aim) and shoot the shark. Now, QUICKLY run around the outside! RUN! RUN! Run until you get to a platform which is above the water. There is also a door up here, so enter it. -We are now in the Control Room. Pretty hi-tech, huh? Anyway, head down the ladder. Now, head towards the window which is on the right, and examine the panel in front of it. Try to push a switch. Suddenly, a shark will smash into it! Quickly go to the panel on the RIGHT of the one you were just on, and push the switch. Now pull the lever which is STRAIGHT across the panel you just used. Now, go out of here, towards what looks like oxygen tanks. Now, examine them, and push the #3 switch. Now go back into the control room, and deactivate the Safety lock, which is the first panel you see when you enter on the right. Now, pull the lever on the panel straight across from the panel you just used. Phew, now we are safe. Head over to the once window that the shark was smashing into, and switch the button here. Now, pick up the >FIRST AID BOX< on the ground nearby. Continue down the hallway, and out the water proof door. -Check the pile of rubble in this room for some >GRENADE ROUNDS<. Take that blue metal set of doubles doors into the next room. -Run around this circular room, until you get into the water with the huge shark. Now, climb up onto the platform, and examine the sparkling object. This will trigger the shark to come alive! DO NOT TRY AND JUMP BACK IN THE WATER! Instead push the panel into the water, and throw the switch on next to it. This will cause the shark to be electrocuted. Go back into the water when the shark is dead, and go around it. Pick up the sparkly, which is the >RESIDENCE KEY<. Examine the key further, and it will tell you that it is actually the >GALLERY KEY<. Anyway, go back out of the water, and exit this circular room. -Now, go towards the water proof door, but don't enter it. Instead enter the gate which is nearby. -Grab the >MAGNUM ROUNDS< on the crate nearby, and continue your way down this corridor, and climb up the ladder. Unlock the door here, and exit this room via this door. -Head North from this door, and up the ladder, out of this area. -Watch out if you didn't burn or swipe this zombies head off, as it is probably now a Crimson. Either way, quickly exit this room. -Run to the next door, and use the >GALLERY KEY< on it, and enter. -This room is full of mutated bees, so watch out for them. Run to the huge wooden table to find some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Continue your way down the passage which is left of room 003. You should see a dead body here. Investigate it to get the >INSECTICIDE SPRAY<. Quickly turn around, and exit this room. -Remember that hole behind the map I told you not to examine? Well, go to it, open up your Inventory and use the >INSECTICIDE SPRAY< on it. This will kill all the bees in the Gallery room. But before we go there, lets go back to the save room. Exit this L-Shaped corridor via the door right at the end of this corridor. -Head over the crates here, and into the Save Room (First door on your right) -Organise your inventory: GRENADE LAUNCHER LOADED WITH 12 GRENADE ROUNDS ACID ROUNDS RED BOOK FULL HEALING ITEM -Save. We are about to fight a boss. Head out this room. -Head back over the crates, and into the door. -Run down the corridor, and into the first door you see, which is the Gallery. -Head over to the dead body where you found the >INSECT SPRAY<. This time, go further in. You should see a sparkling object here. Pick it up! Its another >RESIDENCE KEY<. Now, go to the door with 003 above it, and use the >RESIDENCE KEY< to get it open. Enter. -Go further into this room, and examine the bookshelf. Take the book when asked. Once you have read it, open your inventory, and select the >RED BOOK<. Use it. Now, we are about to face a hard puzzle... follow this guide, and it should be easier! ***We have to make the books form a picture of a naked lady (:-P) laying down in the sun... Lets start...*** |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| |7| ------ORGANISE SO THEY LOOK LIKE THIS:------- |4| |6| |7| |1| |5| |2| |3| -Wasn't THAT hard, was it? Enter the door it revealed... -THE HELL!? There is a HUGE plant in this room! Quickly run up the stairs, and shoot it with your >GRENADE LAUCNHER< But make sure you do this when you can see its pink core, because it you don't, it will cause LESS damage! Repeat this process, and watch out this guy doesn't swipe you off the edge! When you kill it, run down the stairs, and check out the fireplace underneath the balcony. You will get the >HELMET KEYBLUE HERB< once where. -Run down this pathway, and when you get far enough, the radio will click in. "Shit! It's broken..." Well, she said it again! Continue down the pathway, until you get to a gate. Enter. -This area has now been overtaken by zombie dogs. Ignore them, and quickly run to the elevator on the opposite side of the gate you just came from. Going up... -Those damn snakes will drop from the trees, so zig zag around them. Go down the ladder, across the bridge, and up the other ladder. Leave this area via the other gate. -Go down the stairs, and avoid the zombie dogs. Go through the door on the other end. _______ _ (_______) (_) _ _ _ _____ ____ ___ _ ___ ____ | ||_|| (____ | _ \ /___) |/ _ \| _ \ | | | / ___ | | | |___ | | |_| | | | | |_| |_\_____|_| |_(___/|_|\___/|_| |_| 1.2 -Once you enter, you'll notice more items in this room. Barry has placed them here! Pick up the 2 >FIRST AID SPRAYS<, the >BATTERY< and some >ACID ROUNDS<. Leave this room via the door next to the paper. -Run down this cement walkway, and out the other gate. -Walk around the corner here, and you will see a FMV of something... Chasing you! It will come through the gate, and ambush you! Quickly turn around, and shoot it with your >ASSAULT SHOTGUN<. Once it is down, shoot it again! It should now be dead. Head into the door which is on your second right. -Here you should hear some screams - They are MORE hunters. Quickly throw yourself around the corner, and fire! Do it twice, and the hunter should die. Enter the Save Room QUICKLY! -Safe at last... Organise your inventory to: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS HELMET KEY -Save if you want, and leave this room. -Head up the stairs, and pass the first door on your right, and into the door which is North of this. -Run to the end of this corridor, pass the door where Richard was, and out the door leading to the balcony. -Back in the 2nd floor of the mansion main hall. Anyway, head down on the stairs, all the way down, and into the single door on your right. Unlock it with the >HELMET KEY<. -Grab the >DOCUMENT< which is on the table next to all the test tubes. Read it. Now, after it head down the small passageway, and into the door. -Watch out for the zombie here! Blow his head off! Now, grab the >DAGGER< on the ground, and then grab the >JEWELRY BOX< on the cabinet. Also grab the >GREEN HERB< here. We can't do anything with the >JEWELRY BOX< so far, so exit this room. -Exit this whole area. -Go back up the stairs, and run up the left flight of small stairs. Enter the doubles doors here, into the balcony looking over the Dinning Room. -There is a Hunter now in this room, and he is on the side where you pushed the statue off ages ago. Well, avoid this side, and run to the set of doors. Enter the FIRST door you come to. -There should be no Crimson in this room anymore, since I told you to kill him. If you didn't, try to avoid him, or kill him. Go right to the end of this corridor, and enter the door OPPOSITE the door near the mirror on its left side. -This is where you got the >ARMOR KEY< from a while ago. Run to the end of this passage, and into the door on the other side. -What a dusty room... Anyway, continue down this dusty corridor, pick up the 2 >GREEN HERBS< and combine them. Keep going down this corridor, and you will soon hear a window smash! Its the YAWN again! Quickly run away from it, down the ladder. The Yawn will follow. Now, this battle is very easy, as your cannot get poisoned. Run around it a few times, and shoot her. Make sure you also never get in the middle of her, and she will trap you, and keep damaging you until you die. She takes up about 7-10 >SHOTGUN SHELLS<, so make sure you have enough. After you kill her, she will screech in pain, knock a shelf, and croak it. Run around the shelf, until you see a sparkling book. Pick it up. This is the >LAST BOOK VOL.2<, but it isn't the last one we are looking for... Climb up the ladder, down this corridor, and exit through the door. -Run out of this room for the last time, via the door on the other side. -I know you have been dieing to get these >GREEN HERBS<. Well, now do so. Combine them both. Now, run to the end of this room, where the two doors are on the opposite side of each other. Enter the door which is next to the mirror. -Back on the balcony, looking over the Dinning Room. Run down this walkway ONLY, as the other walkway has a Hunter on it, waiting for you... Enter through the double doors. -Run across the balcony, to the door on the other side. Enter. -Once again, run right the end of this room, and enter the door at the end, which is the library. -Run straight through this room, and exit through the other door. -Run down the set of stairs here, and into the Save Room, where the piece of paper is. -Organise your inventory to: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS HELMET KEY FULL HEALING ITEM -Save if you want to. Leave. -Run back up the stairs, but this time run left. Ignore the door near the open window, and enter the door at the end of this corridor. -Use the >HELMET KEY< on the nearby door, and enter. -Now, get behind the statue here, and push it between the middle corridor. Keep pushing it, and the walls will cave in! Just ignore this, and keep pushing, until you reach the end. Now, run out this middle corridor, and into the side corridor. Push the switch at the end of this space, and QUICKLY turn around, run out of the side corridor, and back into the middle one really quickly. Now, push the statue to the left into the vacant space. The walls should stop closing in on you, and a compartment will raise. Enter here, and examine the cabinet to get a >BATTERY<. Now examine the hole, and jump down here. -Here you will find a red book. Pick it up. You will now find this is the >LAST BOOK VOL.1<. We have all the two now. Examine the grave nearby. You will get a >DOCUMENT<. Now, push the switch on this grave, and it will slide open... Climb down this ladder. -We are now around the basement area. Advance forwards a bit, but watch out for the spider on the wall! Don't shoot at it - It wont bother you, unless you bother him. Now, when you get to a 2 way junction, go right. Grab the >MAP< off the wall nearby, and go around the corner. Examine the bunch of boxes here, and you should get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Now, go back to the junction, and this time take the left path. There is a huge spider here, so make sure you avoid him. Enter the door nearby. -Run around the corner, grab the >BLUE HERB< if you were poisoned - If not, ignore it. Run over to the sparkling object in the water - Its a >DAGGER<, so pick it up. Now, advance a bit, and shoot the zombie coming from North. Then shoot the zombie coming from Jill's left. Now, travel North, into the water. Push the switch on the generator to get the power going again. Now, go back to the 2 way junction, and go the other way. Enter through this door. -Pick up the >DAGGER< on the table, and ignore the >HANDGUN BULLETS<. You already have a lot, and we don't have the item space. Anyway, there is a zombie here. Shoot him down, and go the way he came from. Here is an elevator, and a zombie laying on the ground - Do not worry, he wont come back as a Crimson. Once the elevator comes down, enter it. -Run around the left corner, and blow the zombies head off here. Enter the door straight ahead. -Pick up the large case on the table, which is the >MAIN BATTERY<. This is a key item we need, not like a >BATTERY< for your Stun Gun. Speaking of them, pick up a >BATTERY< on the floor. There is also some >MAGNUM ROUNDS< and some >ACID ROUNDS< near the door. Your inventory is now full, so exit this room. -Run around the corner, and unlock the door. Exit this area. -Enter the next room via the door next to the mirror. -Back on the Dinning Room balcony... Head into the door on your left. -Run around the gate around the stairs, and then go down them. Go into the Save Room, which is the first room you will encounter. -Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS HELMET KEY -Leave this room. -Go back up the stairs, and swing around to the passage straight in front of where you are. Unlock the first door on the left here with your >HELMET KEY<, then discard it, and enter. -What an odd room... Anyway, pick up the >GRENADE ROUNDS< under the Deer head, and a >DAGGER< near the bull head. Now, pick up the >DOCUMENT< on the coffee table. Now, push those cabinets in front of those heads. Now turn off the light. The switch is next to the door if you missed it. You should notice how one of the eyes from each head glows. What you have to do is very quickly jump on the cabinet in front of them, and grab it BEFORE the eagle spots you. If the eagle spots you, it will lock, and you wont be able to get whatever is in them. You will get the >RED GEMSTONE< from the deer head, and the >YELLOW GEMSTONE< from the bull head. Exit this room, and leave the light off - Don't wanna waste no power... ^_^ -Now let me just explain something. You have 2 Gemstones, ONE that is needed to get a >MO DISK<. What is a >MO DISKYELLOW GEMSTONE< on the tiger statue. It will spin around, and reveal the >MO DISK<. Grab it, and leave this room. -Leave this area the way you came in. -Run down this passage again, but watch out as yet another Hunter will jump through the window. Avoid them if you can, and enter the Save Room. ******************* BACK TO GAME ******************* -Now, if you got the >MO DISK<, you are already in the Save Room. If you didn't, go down the stairs, and enter the door nearby. -Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS RED GEMSTONE JEWELRY BOX -Chances are right now you are running low on >SHOTGUN SHELLS<... Don't worry - It wont stay like that for too long. Anyway, stay in this room, and combine the >RED GEMSTONE< with the >JEWELRY BOX<. We are about to encounter a puzzle, Which is VERY hard. I'm not very good at ASCII art, so the following ASCII art may not be the best you have ever seen... BUT it will easily guide you how to do it. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /| / \ / | / \ / | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / | / \ \ | |/ \ | | \ | | | \ | | | \ | | | \ | | \_ _ _ _ \_ _ _ _ _ _ | / \ | / \ | / \_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ / Alternately, you can just go to this link. Its a simple drawing of how to do it by Dan Engel. if you can't follow the ASCII art above, go to this link: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/resident_evil_jewel_box.gif -Anyway, after that picture has basically showed you what to do, you will get the >BROACH<. Now examine the >BROACH<, and press A on it. This will reveal that is isn't a >BROACH< - Its a key... The >EMBLEM KEY<. Leave this room. -Run back up the stairs, run around the barrier, and into the single brown door, which takes you to the Dinning Room Balcony. -Run down the balcony, and out via the double doors. -Run across this balcony, and enter the door which is on the other side. -Run to the end of this room, and enter the door which is at the end, which is the door to the library. -Run through the library, out and through the opposite door. -Run down the stairs, and into the Save Room - The door next to the piece of paper. -Organise your inventory to: GRENADE LAUNCHER LOADED WITH ACID ROUNDS CRANK BATTERY EMBLEM KEY -Leave this room. -Run around the corner, and turn right. Exit this room via that door. -Now, enter the door which is right besides you. Use the >EMBLEM KEY< on it, and then discard it. Enter this room. -This room has a few goodies in it, which are worth it. Go up to the desk, and turn on the small lamp. Check the cupboard under the phone to get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<, and examine the sparkling object on the cabinet. This is a >METAL OBJECT<. Take it. Also grab the >BATTTERY< which is next to the >METAL OBJECT<. Leave this room. -Run towards that black door, but don't go in there - Run into the passageway on its right, and enter this area via the small gate. -Run down this walkway, and enter the metal blue door. -Go straight out this room via the wooden double doors. ______ _ _ (_____ \ (_) | | _____) )_____ ___ _ __| |_____ ____ ____ _____ | __ /| ___ |/___) |/ _ | ___ | _ \ / ___) ___ | | | \ \| ____|___ | ( (_| | ____| | | ( (___| ____| |_| |_|_____|___/|_|\____|_____)_| |_|\____)_____) _______ (_______) _______ ____ _____ _____ | ___ |/ ___) ___ (____ | | | | | | | ____/ ___ | |_| |_|_| |_____)_____| 1.3 -Try and ignore these nice little doggies on heroin, and run up the small flight of stairs, and enter the gate. -Run down the walkway, and done the ladder. Run across the bridge, and up via the other ladder. Watch out for the snakes here again, as when they bite, they poison. Anyway, go down the elevator. -Advance a bit in this area, towards the water fountain. Watch out for the doggies here also. Shoot 'em if you like. Head over to the elevator with the >BATTERY< missing. Use the >BATTERY< you have on the nearby panel, and now go up in it. -Walk a bit from the elevator, and a dog should charge for you. When he gets close enough, shoot him pointing down. This will kill him straight away. Quickly go up the small stairs, and enter the gate. -Go down the walkway, and ignore the ladder. Head to the panel, and use the >CRANK< on it. This will drain the water. Head back out the way you came in. -Run down the small set of stairs, and head into that small alleyway where you got off the elevator. Get on it. Take it down to the courtyard. -Avoid the doggies, and go to where the waterfall once was. It isn't there anymore! Well, run down this alleyway, and down the ladder. _ _ _ _ (_) (_) | | | | _ _ ____ __| |_____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ____ __| | | | | | _ \ / _ | ___ |/ ___) _ |/ ___) _ \| | | | _ \ / _ | | |___| | | | ( (_| | ____| | ( (_| | | | |_| | |_| | | | ( (_| | \_____/|_| |_|\____|_____)_| \___ |_| \___/|____/|_| |_|\____| (_____| 1.4 -Go down this rocky corridor, until you reach a Storage Chest. Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS FULL HEALING ITEM -Save if you feel the need to. Now, go back to the ladder you climbed down to enter this area, and enter the big metal door on the left side of it. -Run down this short passage, and you will see some mist. Don't bother about this yet. Anyway, go down the small flight of stairs, and enter the big metal single door. -Grab the >GREEN HERB< in front of the door here, but only if you are in Caution status. Now, go back to the door, and this time go to its left. Here is some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Continue running around the elevator shaft, until you see a small passage way which is on YOUR left. Examine the panel here, and take the >SHAFT<. Get out of this small passage, and go to the door which is in the North direction. Here is some more >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Enter this door. -Run down this corridor, and you will see Enrico. He will warn you that someone in the team is a traitor. Suddenly, someone shoots him! After the scene, examine Enrico's body. Here you will get another >CRANK<. Examine it, and you will see that it is actually a >HEXAGONAL CRANK<. Go to leave this area, and the door will open. Continue down, and a Hunter will evade you. Quickly shoot it twice, or leave it - Whatever you think is the easiest for you. Either way, exit this room. -Run around the elevator shaft, and out through the nearby door. -Once you enter this room, have your >SHOTGUN< ready, as a Hunter will jump down, and attack you. Shoot it, and enter through the door to the left. -Head down this rocky hallway, and to the Storage Chest. Organise your inventory to: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS (IF ANY) HEXAGONAL CRANK FULL HEALING ITEM SHAFT -By this time, you probably don't have much >SHOTGUN SHELLS< or any at all. If this is the case, bring your >GRENADE LAUCNHER< instead. But don't use it as much though. Anyway, continue down this hallway, until you get to a dead end. Its because the ground is... Well... Gone. Use your >HEXAGONAL CRANK< on the nearby panel. After you have, run down here into the next door, ignoring the nearby >GREEN HERB<. -Run down this room, until you run into the boulder. There is nothing here, so lets go back out. Once you try, the boulder will start to chase you! QUICKLY run to the door we came from, and you will be safe. Make you run VERY FAST! Once it is gone, run to where the boulder once was. Here on the shelf you will find some much needed >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Now, go to were the boulder crashed to. It has revealed a door! Enter here. -Once you enter here, a scene will kick in showing you a HUGE spider fall down the roof, and to where you are! This guy seems hard, but is in fact VERY easy! Shoot him about twice with your >SHOTGUN<. Run around until he faces you again, and repeat the process. Sometimes some of his little buddies will drop from the roof - Ignore these, and focus on the big one. Once you've killed him, run back out the doors. -Enter this room again, as we only exited to get rid of all those little spiders. -Now, head over to those barrels with the sparkling object on it. Pick it up. It is another >COMBAT KNIFE<. Now, head over to the door which is over- taken by web. Equip your >COMBAT KNIFE< and hack away at it. Sooner or later, it will go away. Enter this door. -Head south here, and you should find a >BLUE HERB<. Only take it if you were poisoned, and need to use it. There is also another >BLUE HERB< here and a >GREEN HERB<. Ignore these FOR NOW, and travel North, into the next room. -Run deeper into this room, until you see another panel, and a pit. Use your >CRANK< on this panel THREE times. After you close your inventory screen after the third time, the boulder will chase you again. Quickly go to the door you just revealed when turning the >CRANK< on your left. Now go to where the boulder came from, and grab the >FIRST AID BOX< here. Go back to that door, and enter this room. -This room holds another puzzle. Go to the statue in the room, and stand in front of it. Push it towards the part of the wall where it is slightly browner than the normal colour. Leave it here for now, and head over to the panel near the door. Use your >CRANK< here. This will cause that weird wall to push the statue out. Use the >CRANK< again, and the wall will go back in place. Now, get up to the statue, and push it onto that circle thing in the middle of the room. Now, when it spins around, push it off. Push it back on afterwards, and the statue should be in the right direction. Push it into the black space next to the other statue. Now examine the space which just opened. Here you will get the >CYLINDER<. Open your inventory up, and combine the >SHAFT< with the >CYLINDER<. You will now have the >CYLINDER SHAFT<. Leave this room via the nearby door. -Run down this corridor, and enter the nearby door besides the boulder. -Run down this rocky hallway, and enter the set of double doors. -Run across the webby hallway, and out the other door. -Run past the boulder, and into the single door. -Run down here, and go to the Storage Chest. Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS CYLINDER SHAFT -Once again, if you don't have any ammo for the >SHOTGUN<, replace it with the >GRENADE GUN<. Now, go to that ladder, and take the metal door left of it. -Run down this corridor, and down the stairs into the next room, via the metal single door. -Run straight down, and into that small passageway. Go to the panel, and use the >CYLINDER SHAFT< on it. You will be asked for a code. Enter the code 4231. After you do, run over to the elevator that just rose. Try to switch on by the panel, and Barry will come in. After the scene, you will take the elevator down. -You will hear some screams of agony here... Scary... Anyway, head into the door in front of you. -As if this room wasn't scary enough... This room has Lisa Trevors in it! She will only encounter you the way you go, so what we should do is fake to go left. When she starts to chase you, turn around and run right. Run past the lever we need to use later, down the small ramp, and into the small passage on your right, where there is a metal door. Enter it. -Run past the barrels here, and go to the crates. Climb up them all, until you reach the top. Examine all the sparkling objects here which is a >BATTERY PACK< some >MAGNUM ROUNDS< and finally some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Climb back down the crates, and continue on southwards. Here is a big brown crate which we have to push on the freight elevator. So simply do that. Once it is on it safely, push the red switch next to it. This will cause the elevator to go... somewhere... Exit this room. -Fake that you are going South here, so that Lisa will chase you, but then quickly travel North East. Run past the lever, and out the nearby door. -Run towards the elevator, and a scene will kick in of Barry going up the elevator. Ignore this, and run the only way you can go - Down the wooden bridge. Here is a Storage Chest - Ignore it for now, and head down the nearby ladder. Once you are down here, push the big brown crate to the left. Now push it straight into the garbage compactor. Turn it own by the switch nearby, and watch the crate crush! Now, jump down here and grab the >BROKEN FLAMETHROWER< which was revealed from the crate. Climb back up the ladder, and open the Storage Chest nearby. Organise your inventory to: GRENADE LAUNCHER (LOADED WITH AT LEAST 13 ACID ROUNDS) BROKEN FLAMETHROWER FULL HEALING ITEM -Yes, we are bringing the >GRENADE LAUNCHER<. We need to give the >SHOTGUN< a rest, as we need it later on for tough enemies. Enter the door nearby. -Go North a bit, and when you get to decide either Left or Right, fake to go left. When Lisa starts to chase you, run back and go right. Pull the lever nearby, and continue on. Continue your way down the ramp, and down the stairs, past the >GREEN HERB< and >RED HERB<. Don't pick them up - We need to get to the door QUICKLY! Continue down the pathway, and when you get to choose either right or keep going, just keep going. When you get to that large metal door, use the >BROKEN FLAMETHROWER< on the panel right of it. Enter this door. -This room is VERY scary! Anyway, run straight through this room as there is nothing here to get. Go down the stairs, and into the water. Watch out for the snakes down here - They still bite. Once you get out of the water, grab the >JEWELRY BOX< on the nearby cabinet, and examine it. Just press A anywhere over this >JEWELRY BOX< and it will open, revealing the >STONE RING<. Once you get this, it will also give you a >DOCUMENT< of >FAMILY PHOTO<. Whatever you want it to be. Grab the >DAGGER< off Lisa's bed. Now, go up the ladder, and run down the passage to YOUR left. At the end is a >GREEN HERB<. Now, go the other way. Here is a rather large ladder, so go up it! ______ _ _ (_____ \ (_) | | _____) )_____ ___ _ __| |_____ ____ ____ _____ | __ /| ___ |/___) |/ _ | ___ | _ \ / ___) ___ | | | \ \| ____|___ | ( (_| | ____| | | ( (___| ____| |_| |_|_____|___/|_|\____|_____)_| |_|\____)_____) _______ (_______) _______ ____ _____ _____ | ___ |/ ___) ___ (____ | | | | | | | ____/ ___ | |_| |_|_| |_____)_____| 1.5 -We are back in Lisa's Cabin. Anyway, run down the path, and up onto the plank. Organise your inventory to: GRENADE LAUNCHER (LOADED WITH ACID ROUNDS) STONE RING METAL OBJECT FULL HEALING ITEM LAST BOOK VOL.1 LAST BOOK VOL.2 -Now, combine the >METAL OBJECT< with the >STONE< ring. When combined, they will both form another >STONE AND METAL OBJECT<. Now, examine the >LAST BOOK VOL.1<. It will open up, and reveal the >WOLF MEDAL<. Do the same with the >LAST BOOK VOL.2<. Here you will get the >EAGLE MEDAL<. Now, exit this whole cabin via the door. -Run down the small set of stairs, and down the grassy pathway. Watch out for the zombie here - avoid him by running around him, as a tree blocks his way. Exit through the nearby gate. -There are now zombies in this area! Avoid the one by the gate by running around him, clipping the grave on Jill's left. Run into the next set of gates. -Run up the 2 set of stairs, and run down this grassy pathway, and enter the single door when you get there. -Run straight out of this tool room, via the blue door near the paper on the wall. ______ _ (_______) (_) _ _ _ _____ ____ ___ _ ___ ____ | ||_|| (____ | _ \ /___) |/ _ \| _ \ | | | / ___ | | | |___ | | |_| | | | | |_| |_\_____|_| |_(___/|_|\___/|_| |_| 1.6 -Go over the to the panel left of this blue door, and examine it. Take the >STONE AND METAL OBJECT< here - We don't need to go back down here anymore. Run down this pathway, and out via the next door. -Run straight to the black door which is exactly straight of you. Enter. -This is the room where we had to figure out the puzzle for the stained-glass windows ages ago. We're not here for a puzzle today though - We are here to run down this corridor, and out the opening, then enter the graveyard through the nearby gate. -Run around this gate, and go up the 2 sets of stairs. Enter this door. -We're now back in the Main Hall of the Mansion! Run down the main set of stairs, and then go behind them. Theres a small archway opening on the left and right side of the stairs. Go down here, and examine this gateway. Sounds like Lisa is down there... Open up your inventory, and use the >STONE AND METAL OBJECT< on it. We have 2 of these, so use the next >STONE AND METAL OBJECT< on the space next to the one you just inserted... Enter... _______ _ _ _ (_______) | (_) | | _ | |__ _____ _ _____| |__ ___ | | | _ \| ___ | | | (____ | _ \ /___) | | | | | | ____| | |_____/ ___ | |_) )___ | |_| |_| |_|_____) |_______)_____|____/(___/ 1.7 -Theres a Typewriter on your right here... Anyway, go down the stairs, and to the Storage Chest but only if you want to save... Which I strongly urge you to. Grab an >INK RIBBON< and save. Go back down the stairs, but the >INK RIBBON< back, and continue your way down the next set of stairs. Keep running down the stairs, and run across the wooden walk-way, until you get to a single door. Go through it. -Run down this dark hallway, and go down the ladder. Here you will encounter Barry. Turns out that he's trying to kill you! You will grab his gun, and he will say he had to do it. Lisa will interrupt, and Barry will tell Jill to give him back his gun - Do so, if you don't you will get a bad ending... After you do, you will face Lisa for the last time! Quickly go to the pillar on your left, and push it off. Now, avoiding Lisa, push the pillar on the right off. Now go to the next pillar, and quickly push this off. Barry will continue shooting, but make sure she doesn't kill him! Quickly run to the next pillar - The final pillar... Push it off... This will reveal Lisa's mother from the coffin... She will be so depressed, she will jump off the ledge... No more Lisa Trevors! Run and talk to Barry... If he is alive. Now go over and check the coffin - Here you will get a >DOCUMENT<. Now, exit this whole area via the opening where the gate just went up, after you defeated Lisa... Run down this corridor, and up the elevator, into the next area. -Jump off the elevator, and ignore the huge door to your left. Instead go over to the large pond. Here run around, until you see a statue like figure on the side of the pond. Here you should use the >EAGLE MEDAL<. Now run around until you see a second statue. Here use the >WOLF MEDAL<. Now the water will drain from the pond, and reveal a stairway. What are you waiting for!? Head back towards the other statue, but instead go down the stairway, and go down the elevator... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ START DISK TWO... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Open your GameCube disk drive, and carefully take Disk one of Resident Evil out. Put it in the case, and carefully grab Disk two. Insert Disk two into the disk holder, and close the cover. Let the GameCube do the rest. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ -Before we do anything here, this is the LAST area of the game, and its harder than other areas. Zombies here turn into Crimsons VERY quickly - Around 15-20 minutes or so... This means we have to be either quick, or have a lethal inventory... Don't bother about burning them - There isn't any Keroscene Refills here... Anyway, continue one down this pathway, and go down the nearby ladder. -Grab the >INK RIBBON< from the ground, and save your progress. Now head over to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory to: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS ***MO DISK*** FULL HEALING ITEM -The reason why >MO DISK< is in stars, is that it isn't needed unless you want the best ending. Also, if you don't have any >SHOTGUN SHELLS< left, replace it with your >GRENADE LAUNCHER<. Leave this area, via the set of double doors. -Run down this wet corridor, until you see a zombie. Blow his head off. You can attempt this by aiming your >SHOTGUN< upward, and shooting! Head around the corner, and you will see another zombie. Kill this guy as well. Go around the corner were it says on the wall "B2". Go to the end of this passage, and grab the >MO DISK< on the desk, IF YOU WANT BEST ENDING! Run out of this small passage, and please ignore the >GREEN HERBS< here, as we don't need them yet. Run down the nearby set of stairs, and enter the gate at the end. -Run down this passageway, and shoot the 2 zombies here. Continue running, until you see a cabinet. Investigate it, and you will get a >DAGGER<. Keep running around this square shaped room, until you get to some double doors that are unlocked. Enter this room. -Run towards the hospital bed here, but instead investigate the small table next to it. Here you will get some >MAGNUM ROUNDS<. Now, run towards that small doorway, and into it. Here is some frozen corpses hanging up. Examine the cabinets here, and you will get a >FIRST AID BOX< and a >BATTERY PACK< get out this frozen area, and examine the computer nearby. Enter the login name as "JOHN" and the password as "ADA". Now select B2-F. You will be asked for a password. Enter "CELL". Now select B3-F. This door will unlock without a password. After you have done all this, exit this room. -Run down the small passage on your left, and exit this area via the large gate. -Run up the stairs, but watch out for the zombie you killed here! Its probably alive! Kill it, and run around the corner, but not the corner with B2 written on it - The corner where the door is to the save room... Enter this room. -Open the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory: GRENADE LAUNCHER (LOADED WITH MOST GRENADE AMMO YOU HAVE) ***MO DISK*** ***MO DISK*** -Once again, don't take the two >MO DISKS< if you want a bad ending. Leave this room via the double doors. -Run down this wet passage, until you find 3 >GREEN HERBS<. Pick them up, and mix them to create a >FULL HEALING MIXTURE<. Now go around the corner where the wall has "B2" imprinted on it. Enter the door here. -Grab the sparkling object on the shelf where the big computer monitor is. This is your final >MO DISK<. Once again, if you want a bad ending, don't grab this. Grab the >FIRST AID SPRAY< from the table, and grab the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< from the shelf, near the cement piece, where it looks like a different colour. Leave this room. -Since we have some more >SHOTGUN SHELLS<, we will go back to the Save Room, and bring with us the >SHOTGUN<, as we should save the >GRENADE LAUNCHER< for later. Run around the corner, and continue down the wet passage. Enter the double doors near the two hospital beds piled on each other. -Organise your inventory here to: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS ***MO DISK*** ***MO DISK*** ***MO DISK*** -Exit this room via the set of double doors. -Run down this wet corridor, until you get to the stairs... Go down them, and enter the large gate at the bottom. -Enter the first set of doors on your left. -Run down this passage, until you see the second door. Enter. -Grab the >INK RIBBON< off the chair, and snatch the >GRENADE AMMO< in the sink. Grab the >SLIDE FILTER< from the table, and shoot the zombie hanging around here. Grab the >DOCUMENT< from the nearby shelf, and examine the desk. It looks like a GameCube...!? Use your >MO DISK< on this, if you WANT and NEED to... Leave this room. -Run out this room via the set of green double doors. -Exit this area via the set of double gates. -Run up the stairs, and go around the corner near the wall saying "B2". Enter these double doors. -Go to the other side of the table, and use the >SLIDE FILTER< on the Slide Machine. Keep pressing A, until you get to the end of it. It will show you the numbers '8462'. Head over to the panel on the wall, and enter those numbers. That bit of cement I said that has a slightly different colour has now opened. Go in here, and grab the >LAD KEY< off the table. Now examine the TV's here - View Kenneths film when asked... Interesting... Anyway, leave this room, via the double doors. -Run down the large set of stairs once again, and enter this area via the gate. -Run down the small passageway on your right. Keep running down here, until you see a single door. Unlock it with the >LAB KEY<, but don't enter here yet. Unlock the nearby double doors with the >LAB KEY< here also. Discard the key, and enter these double doors. -Push this shelf right to the end of this small room, and grab the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< on the shelf it just revealed. Jump up into the nearby vent. -Quickly run into the next vent to your right, and go through it. -Jump down now, and run over to the desk with the GameCube on it - Use the >MO DISK< on this if you want to, or if you have it. Also grab the >BATTERY< here as well. Now continue your way running down here, and watch out for the new creature here called "Chimeras". Kill it, and push the shelf out. Exit this room via the double doors. -Enter the single door you just unlocked a while ago. -Run straight down this room, and into the single door. -Ahh... A Save Room. This room has a bunch of stuff, so lets pick it all up! Theres some >SHOTGUN SHELLS< on the chairs - An >INK RIBBON< on the table - Some >GRENADE ROUNDS< on the ground, and finally a >FIRST AID SPRAY< on the table. Now, clean out your inventory! ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS ***MO DISK*** FULL HEALING ITEM -Save if you want, and leave this room. -Run down the small set of stairs which are to JILL'S left. Enter the huge door at the end. -Run down the path to JILL'S right, and down the small passage. Here is another Chimera. Kill it, as its blocking our path. Now, run to the end of this path, and examine the panel. You will get the >FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE<. Exit this room the way you came in. -Go back up the small stairs, and go around the corner to your left. Go through the single door here. -Go back, and run towards the gate which you take to exit this area. Don't exit though. Enter the double doors on its left. -Run down this corridor, and enter the green door on your first left. -Run around the corner, and examine the blue re-fuelling device. When asked, place the >FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE< in it. After it is refilled, it will tell you that you shouldn't run, or the >FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE< will blow up... So, make sure you DO NOT RUN! Remember that! Exit this room, walking! -Walk out of this room via the green set of double doors. -Walk down the small passage on YOUR right. Continue down here, until you encounter the single door you unlocked with the >LAB KEY<. Enter it. -Walk straight down this corridor, and down the small set of stairs to JILL'S right. Enter the large door here. -Walk down the path to JILL's right. Continue on down here, until you get to the panel. Examine it, and use the >FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE< on it. Yaay! We are free to run again! Run back to the door you came through, but this time go the other way. Continue down here, until you see a white door - Enter it quickly, before the Chimera gets you! -Run straight ahead here, and use your final >MO DISK< on the GameCube here. Now, go down the left walkway of the door. Continue around it, and enter the set of double doors here. -Run around this room, until you get to the computer panel. Activate the elevator here, and exit this room the way you came in. -Run around this square shaped room quickly, and exit it via the white single door at the other end. -Run through this passage, and out the double doors. -Go up the small set of stairs, and enter the single door on your right. -We are about to battle the final boss of the game... And we need a bunch of stuff to kill it! Organise your inventory to: GRENADE LAUCNHER (LOADED WITH MOST AMMO YOU HAVE) GRENADE AMMO (SECOND MOST AMMO YOU HAVE) FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM -Also make sure you SAVE! Exit this room... -Go the only way you haven't been yet... Down the passage at JILL's right. Push the switch here near the elevator, and a scene will kick in with Barry. Take the elevator up... -There are two boxes of >SHOTGUN SHELLS< near the wall, but don't take them yet - We will get them on our way out... Run around the corner, and enter the nearby door... -Turns out that Wesker and Barry were traitors! Wesker will try and shoot you, but Barry will shoot Wesker. He just couldn't betray you! Suddenly, Tyrant brakes through the glass. Wesker wakes up, but Tyrant smashes him one! Tyrant also punches Barry one, leaving you to try and defeat him! Anyway, shoot your >GRENADE LAUNCHER< at him, for around 1 bullet, then run around to the next corner. He will take about 7 shots from the >GRENADE LAUNCHER<. Also watch out for his combo attack - This can kill Jill with one shot! So make sure you keep your distance from him! After you have killed him, run over to Wesker's body. Grab the >DOCUMENT< he's holding... Now, head over to Barry. Thankfully, he's still alive! After the scene, head over to the computer on the other side of the gate, and push the switch. Now, exit this room the way you entered it. -Turns out Wesker turn out the self destruct system! Anyway, just run out of this room - It the door on near the rusted double doors. -Now, we have a choice what to do now...If you want best ending, continue on reading... If not, just ignore the following text that are in stars... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ACTIVATING MO DISKS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ -If you activated ALL >MO DISKS<, we should head to the gate used to exit this area, BUT don't exit this room - Enter the green double doors which are on the gates left. -Run straight down this passage, until you get to the large metal door. Pull all the levers down on the panel next to this door. After you have, you should be able to open this large door. Enter it. -Run down the long set of stairs, and enter the single door at the end of this room. -In this cell is Chris! After the short scene, exit this room. -Run back up the long set of stairs, and exit this area via the metal doors up the top. -Chris will yell to you "C'mon! Lets go!". Run straight through this passage, and out through the double doors. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ BACK TO GAME... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ -Go through the gates at the end of this room. -Run up the stairs, and continue on down the hallway. Enter the double doors at the end with the two hospital beds on top of each other. -Open up the Storage Chest, and organise it to: MAGNUM REVOLVER MAGNUM ROUNDS FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM -Make sure you save! We are at the end of the game! Climb up the ladder. -When you get to the top, Chris and Barry will tell you to hurry! Open the door they are facing. -Totally ignore the items here - We don't need them. Continue down this corridor, and a scene will kick in. Brad will say he needs a sign to see you're alive. Continue down this corridor, onto the walkway, until you see an item. This is the >FUSE CASE<. Pick it up. Continue down this corridor, and use the >FUSE CASE< on the nearby space. Turns out only 3 minutes, and this hellhole blows! Chris and Barry will stay behind, and take care of the monsters. You will go in the elevator. -Pick up the large case in front of the elevator, which is the >SIGNAL ROCKETS< and Straight away, use them. After this, Barry and Chris will come off the elevator, and Tyrant will smash through the wall! He will knock out Chris! Barry will continue on shooting, but if he dies, well, you get a bad ending. Anyway, keep your distance from Tyrant, and keep shooting at him with your >MAGNUM REVOLVER<. Once he starts to chase you, quickly try and dodge him. Its better to shoot him in the back, as he takes a while to turn around them... Repeat this process, and heal every time he gets a hit in. Once you shoot him enough, Brad will drop the >ROCKET LAUNCHER< down. Pick it up, equip it, and fire! Hopefully, this will kill Tyrant! If not, keep trying... Finally the nightmare is over... -The chopper will land on the roof, and you and your team-mates will jump on... Congratulations! You have beaten Jill's senerio of RESIDENT EVIL REMAKE! Great work! Watch the credits roll by, until you see your ranking, and time... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ MY TIME FOR JILL SENERIO... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ 20 Hours, 39 Minutes and 54 Seconds... Why was is so long? Because I wanted to get EVERYTHING right for this walkthrough... Not cause I suck at this game... it was because I had to type and play... Anyway... Great job once again! Now, you just have to beat Chris' senerio.. ^_^ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+ ***CHRIS' SENARIO...*** +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+ _______ _ (_______) (_) _ _ _ _____ ____ ___ _ ___ ____ | ||_|| (____ | _ \ /___) |/ _ \| _ \ | | | / ___ | | | |___ | | |_| | | | | |_| |_\_____|_| |_(___/|_|\___/|_| |_| 2.0 -After the scene, you will be in the Dinning Room. On the right of the long table is an >INK RIBBON< and a Typewriter. Don't pick the >INK RIBBON< up yet, just continue your way down to the fireplace. Enter the door nearby it. -This is Kenneth's hallway, and you will soon find out why. Head around the corner to Chris' left. A FMV will kick in, showing something munching away on your fellow team-mate! Ignore the monster for now, and leave the way you came in. -Run down the left side of the table, and exit this room through the double doors. -You're back in the Main Hall of the Mansion, and there is no site of Jill and Wesker. Pick up the >BERETTA HANDGUN< which is the sparkling object on the floor. Equip it, and head back into the Dinning Room, via the double doors on your left. -Run down the left side of the Dinning Room table, and enter the single door at the end, where you saw the first zombie. -Run around the corner where you saw the zombie, and examine Kenneth's body to get >KENNETHS VIDEO<. Enter the door nearby, and you will hear a door close behind you. Enter this door, and ignore that sound. -Run down this dusty corridor, and into the next room. Check the bird-cage here, and you will get some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Also go under the stair case. Here are 2 >GREEN HERBS<. Pick them up, and combine the 2. Run up the stairs, and enter the door up the top. -Pick up 1 of the >GREEN HERBS< near the corpse laying down, and mix it with the herb you just combined. Now, go down the passage left of the door you just came in from. Watch out for the zombie here - Shoot him, until you passes out. After that, quickly run over him. Continue down this passage, until you come to a small statue. Examine it, and you will get the >GOLDEN ARROW<. Pick up the >HANDGUN BULLETS< in front of the mirror nearby this statue. Continue your way down this passage, until you get to 2 doors. Unlock the one next to the mirror. -Run down the balcony, and pick up the >DAGGER< on the cabinet nearby. Continue your way down the balcony, and exit this area via the double doors. -Run down the stairs, until you get to where both of the stairs join up. There is a small space here, which is a door. Enter it! -This is the graveyard... And its pretty scary! Run down the 2 sets of small stairs. Continue your way, until you get to a small grave. Examine it... It says it has a hole shaped like an arrow head... Examine your >GOLDEN ARROW<, until you get to take the >ARROW HEAD< off. Now, use the >ARROW HEAD< on the grave, and it will slide open. Run down the stairs here, and then run around this room until you get under the coffin hanging from the ceiling. Examine the small panel underneath it, and you will get the >BOOK OF CURSE<. Now, examine the >BOOK OF CURSE<, and turn it around. You should see a key on the back! Push A, and you will get the >SWORD KEY<. You will also get to read the book. Exit this underground tomb by going back up the stairs. Now, go around the gate, and into the area left of the grave. Go to the furthest grave, and examine it. You will get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Exit this area the way you came in. -Run up the left flight of stairs, and enter the double doors. -Run down the balcony on the walkway which is on Chris' right. Enter the second door here, unlock it with the >SWORD KEY<. Enter it. -Run around this room, until you get to the stairs. Descend down them, and you will see a zombie. Shoot it, until it dies. You will soon see another zombie at the top of the stairs now. Shoot this guy to his death also. Continue down the stairs, and enter the door near the stair case, where the corpse is laying. -Head over to the chest in the left corner of the room. Organise your inventory to: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS SWORD KEY -Exit this room. -Run back up the stairs, and around the stair-case barrier, until you get to the door you used to enter this area. Take this take, through to the Dinning Room Balcony. -Run to the other side of the balcony, and you should see a zombie here. Shoot him, and head over to the statue he was guarding. Go behind the statue, and push it towards the space on the balcony. Now, push it off. Ignore it for now, and exit this area via the double doors. -Head down all the stairs, so you're on the ground Main Hall. Enter the double doors which is on YOUR right, next to the single door. -Go up a bit, towards the blue door. Left of it is an opening, but a small cabinet is blocking it. Simply jump over the cabinet by pressing A. Now push it out, and towards the statue. Once the cabinet is in front of the statue, jump on it, and examine the statue - You will get the >MANSION MAP<. Push it back in front of the opening, and jump over it yet again. This time, go all the way to the end of this room. Pick up the >DAGGER< on the nearby cabinet here, and go to exit this small secret room. Once you do, a zombie will ambush you. Try and avoid this guy, but if you need, shoot him, or let him attack you - You'll stab him with the >DAGGER< you just got. Either way, jump back over to cabinet, and unlock the blue door nearby. Enter it. -Push the second cabinet you come to Northwards. This will reveal a >DAGGER<. Pick it up, and continue down this passage. A window will smash a bit - Don't worry! Nothing will happen... Yet. Continue your way down, until you get to another cabinet you can push - Push this one Southwards. Pick up the >HANDGUN BULLETS< it revealed, and enter the nearby door. -Ignore the grey metal door on your left, and go into the next door you see. -This is the mansion... Bathroom? Anyway, go and examine the bath. Drain the water, and suddenly a zombie will pop out! Quickly examine the drained bathtub to get the >OLD KEY<, and quickly leave this room before the zombie can get up, and bite you. -Remember that grey metal door I told you not to go in? Well, unlock it with the >OLD KEY<, but still don't go there yet. Run to the end of this hallway, and into the double doors. -Go into the first door on your left. -You will here some moaning and groaning in this room... No, it isn't Barry and Jill... O_O... Anyway, run down this passage, until you see a zombie. Shoot it, until you waste it. Pick up the >GREEN HERB< here, and enter the door besides it. -Pick up all the items in this room - A >FUEL CANTEEN< used to burn zombies, to prevent them from becoming Crimsons on the ground, some >HANDGUN BULLETS< on those crates, and an >OLD KEY< near the typewriter. Now, organise your inventory: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS SWORD KEY -That's all we need so far. Save if you feel the need. Exit this room. -Run up the stairs here, but watch out for the zombie - Kill it. Run to where it came from, and go to the door at the end of the corridor. Unlock this door, and enter. -Pick up the >WOODEN MOUNT< on the table nearby. Now run North as far as you can go, and enter the door at the end of this corridor. -Examine the chest board in this room, and you'll get some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Grab the >DOG WHISTLE< from the table near the Chest board as well. Now head over to the main desk, and grab the >DIARY<. Read it, and exit this room via the other door. -Run across the balcony, to the other end of the walkway. Enter this door. -Head over to the fireplace, and light it with your >LIGHTER<. Now put the >WOODEN MOUNT< in the space above - another >MANSION MAP< will imprint on it! Grab the herbs here, and mix them all. Leave this room. -Head across the balcony, and down the stairs. Enter the door underneath the stair case, which is the Save Room. -Organise your inventory to: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS SWORD KEY FUEL CANTEEN -Why are we bringing the >FUEL CANTEENCHEMICAL< inside it. Ignore the herbs here - Don't have the item space, unless you were injured by that zombie. If you were, feel free to take one, and use it straight away. Leave this area, after you have picked up the >CHEMICAL<, via the door you came through. -Quickly enter the brown door which is North of the grey door you used to go outside. -Run down this L shaped hallway, and something will burst through the windows! Mutated dogs! Quickly avoid these, by heading out the door at the other end. -No matter how many times I play this game, the dogs jumping through the windows ALWAYS freak me out! Exit this room via the doubles doors. -Run up the main set of stairs, and up the left flight of small stairs. Enter the double doors here, onto the Dinning Room balcony. -Run on the opposite side where you killed the zombie earlier on in the game. If we stepped over the zombie now, he would wake up as a Crimson. Anyway, enter the last single door you see. -Run around the barrier blocking the stairs, until you get to a space, where you can descend down them. Go down them, ignoring the zombies you killed earlier, and into the single door, underneath the stair case. -Organise your inventory to: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS SWORD KEY OLD KEY DOG WHISTLE -Exit this room. -Go back up the stairs, around the barrier, and to the grey cement like door. Use your >OLD KEY< on this door. Enter it. -As soon as you enter, blow the >DOG WHISTLE<. You will here some chains rattle. This is you key to run over to those >GREEN HERBS<. Stay here, until auto-aim kicks in. Shoot and shoot, until you kill the 2 dogs here. Once they are dead, pick up the >DOG COLLAR< where you killed one of the dogs. Fire up your inventory, and examine it. Turn it around, and push the A button. Push the switch, and it will reveal a >COIN<. Examine this also, and it will turn into a key! Exit this room, via the door at the end of this area. Discard the >DOG WHISTLE< as you leave. -Run down all the sets of stairs, until you get to the Main hall. Enter the double doors on YOUR left, which leads to the Dinning Room. -Run down the right side of the large table, and examine the crumbled statue we pushed off the balcony ages ago. Here you will get a >BLUE GEM<. Continue your way down, and enter the door, into the passage where you encountered the first zombie. -Run down the passage to Chris' left, past Kenneth's body, and enter the nearby door. -As soon as you enter this room, you will hear crows. Ignore them, and continue done this passage. Run up the large flight of stairs, and enter the door at the top. -Run straight down this room, over the zombie, but VERY quickly! He will come awake as a Crimson! Quickly enter the door straight across from the one you used to enter this room. -Run up the stairs, and around the corner, to the panel in the middle of the room. Examine it, and grab the >ARMOR KEY<. As soon as you pick it up, walls will trap you in here, so a knight statue can kill you with... Uh... His blades... Anyway, quickly use the >IMITATION OF A KEY< on the panel. Whew... All is safe now! Exit this room the way you came in. -Quickly exit this area through the door you used to enter this area. -Run down the large flight of stairs, around the corner, and exit this area via the door near the window. -Run past poor old Kenneth, and exit this area through the first door you see on your right. -Run down Chris' right of the table, and grab the >INK RIBBON< if you already haven't. Save if you would like, and exit this room. -Run up the main set of stairs, then up the small flight of stairs on the left. Enter the double doors here to the Dinning Room balcony. -Run across the opposite side from the zombie you killed ages ago. Enter the second single door you encounter. -As soon as you enter this room, you will see that the nearby cement like door shaking... Ignore it, and continue your way towards the stairs. Suddenly, it will spring open, and a zombie will come out! Ignore it, and go down the stairs, and enter the door under the stair case. -Go to the storage chest, and organise your inventory: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS BLUE GEMSTONE ARMOR KEY CHEMICAL -Exit this room, and save if you'd like. -Run down this hallway, until you get to two doors. You can't go through the one on the right, so it leaves us the one which is North. Unlock it with the >ARMOR KEY<. Enter this room. -Grab the >FLASH GRENADE< on the cabinet near the window. Now, go down the passage way which is on the left side of the door you used to enter this area. Enter the first door you see on Chris' right. -Grab the much needed >HANDGUN BULLETS< on the bed, near the corpse on the ground. Head over to the other side of the bed, and investigate the desk. After reading the >DOCUMENT<, go to open the closet. Once you do, a zombie will burst out! Try and avoid him, or just kill him. Either way, go into the closet, and grab the >OLD KEY< here. Quickly get out of this room, before the other zombie besides the bed awakes. -Head into the very small passage which is next to the door you just exited from. Theres a door here, and a small stand with a >DAGGER< on it. Pick that up, and enter this room. -Go up to the tiger statue, and use the >BLUE GEMSTONE< on it. You will get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS< from it... But we are still yet to get the >SHOTGUN<... We will soon though! Exit this room, as there is nothing else in it. -Go back to where you found the >FLASH GRENADE< on the cabinet near the window, and continue down this passage Northwards, past the shadow, and into the door with the rake nearby. -This room has a HUGE plant in it! Head over to the water pump in the corner of this room, and use the >CHEMICAL< on it. Now turn the lever over to 'RED'. Watch, and laugh as the plant slowly die... Mwahahah! Anyway, head around it, and grab one >GREEN HERB< IF YOU ARE GOING TO USE IT! If not, ignore them. Go over to the large Shield like figure, and grab the >DEATH MASK< from it. Exit this room. -Once you go to get out this room, the windows will break, and zombies will come through. Ignore these, and enter the door near the cabinet, close to the window. -Head into the door which is on YOUR right. Use the >OLD KEY< on it, and enter it. -Grab the >FLASH GRENADE< on the nearby cabinet, and also grab the >BROKEN SHOTGUN<. There is an >INK RIBBON< here as well, but we cannot pick it up yet - We don't have enough space. Exit this room the way you came in. -Run down this corridor, and enter the door underneath the stair case. -Organise your inventory: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS ARMOR KEY BROKEN SHOTGUN -Save as you leave. -Now, when I left this room I got a VERY big surprise! A Crimson zombie awakened by the weird thing is - They never wake up in this room! Anyway, the most suspicious thing was I killed it with 2 shots from the >BERETTA HANDGUN<. So, if this is the case, shoot it normally with you >BERETTA HANDGUN<. If you have been damaged, do not worry - We are about to find some herbs soon. Anyway, after all this go up the stairs, and around the barrier blocking the stair case. Watch out for the zombie here - Kill him with your >BERETTA HANDGUN<. Exit this area via the cement like door on Chris' right. -In this outside area, there are some >GREEN HERBS<. They are straight across the door you used to enter this area. Use them, if you were damaged. Now continue your way down this pathway, and exit via the door at the other end. -Run down the main stair case, and go through the double doors to YOUR right. -Go into the blue door. -This is the room where the dogs jumped through the windows - Well they are still here! Try and ignore them if you can - If not, shoot them down! Quickly enter the door at the end of this corridor. -Remember the zombie here I told you to avoid - Try and avoid him again. If not, shoot him and KNOCK him out - Don't kill him! Quickly run over his body before he wakes up again. Once you get to those windows, they will smash open, and 4 zombies will bust out! Quickly ignore them, and run into the first black door you see. -Run into the next door you see. -Grab the >DAGGER< off the desk, and then snatch the >INK RIBBON< on the other side. Now run over to the >SHOTGUN< hanging on the wall. Grab it, and replace where it was hanging with the >BROKEN SHOTGUN<. We now have the >SHOTGUNSHOTGUN< equipped. -Quickly shoot the zombie which is in front of you. Now head into the next area, via the double doors. -Go into the first door you come across to. -Run down this room, and enter the door near the piece of paper, hanging on the wall. -This Save Room now has a bunch of items in it, left by Wesker. Empty ALL of your items in the Storage Chest, and grab them all. They include 2 >FIRST AID SPRAYS<, 2 >HANDGUN CLIPS<, and a box of >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Now organise your inventory: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS ARMOR KEY SWORD KEY -Leave this room, and Save. -Run up the stairs, and to the door on your right. Don't go through this door - instead enter the door which is North of the door you are at now. -Run down the passage to Chris' left, until you get to a large metal green door. Unlock it with the >ARMOR KEY<, but do not enter it yet. Instead keep on going down the passage. When you get to the next single door, unlock it with the >ARMOR KEY<. Enter. -Run down the passage to see Richard. He's been bit by a... Huge snake? Anyway, he has been poisoned, and he needs some >SERUM<. Looks like it would be in the Medicine room, which is the Save Room where the corpse is! Exit this room. -Exit this hallway via the single door we haven't been through yet. Unlock it with your >SWORD KEY<. -Quickly run across the balcony, and to the double doors on the next side. -Run across the balcony, on the opposite side you killed the zombie on earlier on in the game. Enter the door on the furthest left. -Run down the corridor, and down the stairway, and enter the door near the rotten corpse. -Quickly grab the >SERUM< which is on the cabinet with many other chemicals. Leave. -Run back up the stairs, and out the door you used to enter this room. -Run around the Dinning Room balcony, to the double doors. -Run across this balcony, and to the single brown door straight across. -Go into the door were Richard was, which is the first door you encounter. -Run towards Richard. If you were fast enough, Richard will thankfully live! If you doodled around, he has died! Either way, you will be transported to the Drug Room, where you found the >SERUM<. Anyway, Richard would have gave you a >RADIO<. Can't use it yet. Anyway, re-enter the drug room. -Rebecca will ask if she can 'treat your wounds'. Let her if you are hurt. After this, head over to the Storage Chest. Organise your inventory: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS ARMOR KEY -Exit this room. -Run up the stairs, and around the barrier surrounding the stairs. Exit this area via the brown single door. -Run down this walkway, and enter the double doors. -Run across the balcony, and enter the single door at the other side. -Go into the first door you come across. -There is a zombie in this room. Avoid him, by running around the pillar in this room. There are also 2 >GREEN HERBS<. Grab them if you think you can, without getting bitten by the zombie. Enter the door at the end of this room. -There is another zombie in this room - Wait until he comes up close, and shoot him. Go down the small passage where this zombie came from. Enter the door here. -Light the candles on the table with your >LIGHTER<. On the other side of the table are some >HANDGUN BULLETS<. On the nearby cabinet are some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Now, push a nearby shelf Southwards. Go into this room, and shoot the zombie. Investigate the cabinet, and you will get a >MUSICAL SCORE<. Exit this whole room. -Grab the >FLASH GRENADE< which is in the corner, besides this door. Run down this corridor, and exit the way you came in. -Run down this room, and exit via the single door. -Run down this passage to Chris' right. Keep going down, until you see a blue single door. Go through it. -Go down this passage, and then run down the stairs. Keep going, until you get to the door underneath the stair case. Enter it. -Organise your inventory: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS ARMOR KEY MUSICAL SCORE -Leave this room - Save if you like. -Run up the stairs, and go to the door on Chris' right. Don't enter it though. Instead head towards the door which is North from it. Enter it. -Run southwards, and enter the green metal double doors. -Wheee! A puzzle! I like puzzles! Anyway, what you have to do here is push the knight statues back where they came from - Easy! [1] Push the knight on the 1st right in. [2] Push the knight on the 1st left in. [3] Push the knight on the 2nd right in. [4] Push the knight on the 1st left in. [5] Push the knight on the 1st right in. -After they are in place, examine the small table in the middle of the room. Push the switch. Now, run over to where the small bars were raised. Examine here, and you will get a >JEWELRY BOX<. Examine it, but don't turn it around, spin it, doodle around, whatever. FOLLOW THESE INSTURCTIONS! [1] Press A straight away, as soon as you examine it. [2] Push down on the controller stick, until you get to the next puzzle piece. Not the lid - The next one. Press the switch here. -If you did that correctly, the box should reveal a >DEATH MASK<. Take it, and exit this room. -Continue your way down this corridor, past the door Richard once was, and out the wooden single door, onto the 2nd floor. -Run down the main flight of stairs, and into the double doors on YOUR left. -Run down the Dinning Room, and enter the single door where you encountered your first zombie. -Run down Chris' RIGHT, past the door, and shoot the zombie here. Unlock the second door you come across with the >ARMOR KEY<. Enter it. -Run past the piano, and into the small passage where the shelf is. Push the shelf out of the way of the cabinet. Once you do, grab the >MUSICAL SCORE<. Now combine the two >MUSICAL SCORES< to get a full one. Head back over to the piano, and try and use the >MUSICAL SCORE< on it. Turns out Chris SUCKS at it! So, Rebecca will try. Let the girl practice. Leave this room after you have done everything. -Run down the passageway, and out the door on the right, which leads to the Dinning Room. -Examine the nearby fire place - You will be asked to take the >EMBLEM<. Well, no use in it just sitting there! Take it! Exit the Dinning Room via the double doors. -Run up the main set of stairs, and then up the small flight of stairs to the right. Ignore the first door, and continue on down the walkway on Chris' right. You should see a door in the corner here. Unlock it with the >ARMOR KEY<. Enter. -Go down this walkway, until you get to a glass table. Grab the >HANDGUN BULLETS< heres. Continue on down, until you see a dead body. Examine it... Its Forest from your team. Ignore the >GREEN HERBS< ahead - If you get them, Forest will chase you. Exit the area you way you entered. -Run down the walkway, and down all the sets of stairs. Enter the door on your left, which is the Dinning Room. -Run down the Dinning Room, and enter the single door where you encountered your first zombie. -Run down Chris' right, past the first single, and enter the second single door you see. -Once you enter, Rebecca should have finished practice, and play the whole song. Once she does, a wall will rise, leaving an opening to be explored. Go in here, grab the shining object on the ground, which is a >DOCUMENT<. Now grab the >GOLDEN EMBLEM< from the statue. Now replace where the >GOLDEN EMBLEM< was with the >WOODEN EMBLEM<. The wall will rise again. Now, get out of there. Grab the >INK RIBBON< on the bar table, and exit this room the way you entered. -Run down this passage, and enter the second single door you see, which leads into the Dinning Room. -Head over to the fire place, and use the >GOLDEN EMBLEM< on it. It will cause a compartment on the large clock to swing open! Head over to the clock, and examine it. Now, turn the small hand to the 12, and the large hand to the 6. Now, the clock will move away, and reveal a compartment. Examine it to receive the >SHIELD KEY<. Exit this room via the double doors. -Run up the set of main stairs, then up the small set of stairs on the right. Enter the door here. -Run around this room, right to the end, until you see a blue single door - Enter it. -Run down here, and down the stairs. Enter the door underneath the stair case. -Head over to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS FULL HEALING ITEM SHEILD KEY -Save as well - We are about to fight a boss. -Run up the stairs, and down the walkway towards Chris' right. The door is broken, so go to the other door North of this. Enter. -Run Southwards here, until you see a single door. Enter it. This was where Richard was. -Run down this room, and enter through the door at the end. -Run down this room, and up the small set of stairs. Unlock this door here with your >SHEILD KEY<. Enter. -As soon as you enter this room, head over to the shelf. Examine it, and you will get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Go further into this room, and a huge snake will jump down from the ceiling! Ignore this guy, and run over to the small part of the room, where you see the sparkling item. Pick it up. Its another >DEATH MASK<. Now, try to exit this room - If you get poisoned, never fear! It will work out fine! Exit this room how I told you to. -Run down the stairs. Now, if you were poisoned, you will fall and Rebecca will come across you. Now you have to control Rebecca, and get the >SERUM<. If you weren't poisoned in the battle with Yawn, ignore the passage of stars below. Please note that this has to be down FAST. If not, Chris will die, and we DO NOT want that! ************************* IF YOU WERE POISONED... ************************* ***NOTE: If you didn't burn the zombies in the Drug Room passage, Crimson Zombies will now awake, but only when you're playing as Rebecca. Strange? Well, yes. If this is the case, make sure you dodge the Crimsons, as a normal >BERETTA< for Rebecca is nothing.*** -Rebecca will auto-matically be out of the room where Chris was. Exit this room via the door at the other end. -Run out this room via the nearest door, which is to Rebeccas left. -Run across the walkway on the balcony, and enter the double doors at the other end. -Run down this balcony on the opposite side you killed the zombie earlier on in the game. Enter the second door you come across. -Run around the barrier blocking the staircase, and then go down the stairs. Enter the door under the stair case. -Go and check up on Richard on the bed. Now, examine the cabinet to get some >SERUM<. Exit this room. -Run up the stairs, and around the barrier around the stair case. Enter the wooden door at the end of this room. -Run across the balcony, and exit the room via the double doors. -Run across the walkway on the balcony, and enter the single door. -Go into the first door you come across. -Run further into this room, and enter the door at the end of it. -Here you will find Chris. If you were quick enough, you will give him the serum shot. If not, he will die and cause Game Over. After you give him the injection, Chris will wake up. After the conversation, exit this room. ************************* BACK TO MAIN GAME... ************************* -If you didn't get poisoned, simply exit the room where Rebecca would have rescued you. -Run down this room, and exit it. -Run down the hallway to Chris' right, until you get to the second last door. Enter it. -Run around the balcony, and down the stairs. Enter the door below the stairs. -Head over to the Storage Box, and organise your inventory to: ARMOR KEY -Save if you like, and exit this room. -Run back up the stairs, but this time head left. Enter the door besides the open window. Use the >ARMOR KEY<. -Grab the >GREEN HERB< and the >RED HERB<. Mix them both, cause we need the space. Now enter the door right of the deer head. -You should see a green shining box as soon as you enter this room. Pick this up. Go around the bed and pick up another >GREEN HERB<. Now examine the sparkling object near the mirror. Pick this up, its an >OLD KEY<. Also pick up an >INK RIBBON< on a cabinet. Exit this room. -Try and enter the door straight across the one you just came through. Use the >OLD KEY< you just picked up. Enter this room. -Pick up the >DOCUMENT< on the table. Now, examine the picture frame besides the table. Take the >FISH HOOK<. Now, examine the smashed picture frame besides the door you just came through. Grab the >BEE SPECIMEN<. Now, examine the remaining picture frame to get the >LURE OF A BEE<. Now, combine the >FISH HOOK< with the >LURE OF A BEE<. Now, placse the >BEE SPECIMEN< (The brown bee) where you found the >LURE OF A BEE<. Now place the >LURE OF A BEE< in the smashed picture frame. Head back over where you put the >BEE SPECIMEN< (The brown bee) and push the button when asked. Examine the space which was just revealed, and the bee will come alive! Quickly grab the >WIND CREST< from this space, and exit this room. -Run around the balcony, down the stairs, and into the room under the stairs. -We are now about to get the final >DEATH MASK<, so organise your inventory: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS DEATH MASK DEATH MASK DEATH MASK ARMOR KEY -Save also. Leave this room. -Run down the passage, and exit this area. -Head towards the black door, when 2 zombies will ambush you. Ignore them, and head over to the black door. Unlock it with the >ARMOR KEY<, discard it, and enter. -This room is full of crows! But don't worry, they wont attack you yet! Anyway, this is yet another puzzle. You have to push a button under the stained-glass windows to make them change colour - Use this guide: Firstly, press the YELLOW coloured window, to make it turn ORANGE. Secondly, press the RED coloured window, to make it turn PURPLE. Finally, press the YELLOW coloured window with the saint imprinted to make it GREEN. -Now, go to the end of the corridor, and push the button under Lisa's painting. This will make the wall open, and you can go outside. Grab the shining object here which is your last >DEATH MASKOLD KEYS< we must take the long way back. Exit this area the way you came in. -Enter the second wooden door on the right. -Run down this passage, and up the stairs. Head right, past the door, and enter the second door you come across. -Head all the way around this hallway, and out the over way via the brown door. -Run down the first set of stairs, and enter the next area via the door on the North wall, next to the large windows. -Run down the stairs, and down the pathway. Run down the large set of stairs. Once you're down here, head over the statue like figures. Now, we are about to FINALLY get rid of these >DEATH MASKS<. We will start from the left. Put the >DEATH MASK WITHOUT EYES< on the first face from the left. Put the >DEATH MASK WITHOUT ALL< on the second face from the left. Put the >DEATH MASK WITHOUT NOSE< on the third face from the left. Put the >DEATH MASK WITHOUT MOUTH< on the remaining face. -Now, once all of the >DEATH MASKS< are in, head over to the coffin which just fell from the ceiling. Examine it. Holy crap! The gate just closed, and a Crimson Head just woke up. Quickly run away, and shoot it with your >SHOTGUN<. Keep running away, and shoot. Repeat this process. Once he's dead, head over to the coffin. Examine the sparkling object besides it. These are >SHOTGUN SHELLS< - Pick them up. Now examine the coffin. Push the switch her. Also pick up the object here. This is a >STONE & METAL OBJECT<. Leave this area by going back up the large set of stair, through the graveyard, and up the small flight of stairs, and through the door. -Go up the stairs to YOUR right, and enter the first door you see. -Run down this passage way, until you get to the second to last door. Enter it. -Run down the balcony, and down the stairs. Enter the door until the stair- case. -Go over to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS WIND CREST STONE & METAL OBJECT -Save as you exit. -Now, you can try and exit this area via the door at the other end, but chances are that the door knob is broken. If not, enter and meet me at the end of the row of stars. ******************* DOOR KNOB IS BROKEN ******************* -Run back up the stairs, go towards the right, and ignore the first door you come across. Enter the second door you come across. -Run all the way down this passage, and out the door at the other end. -Run down all the sets of stairs, and enter the set of double doors on the right. -Just go straight through the single door at the other side of the room. -Run straight through this room, avoiding the dogs if you can. Enter through the door at the other end. -Quickly run through this room, avoiding the zombies. Enter the double doors at the end of this room. ****************** BACK TO MAIN GAME ****************** -Run down this room, and into the very small hallway. There is a gate here. go through it. -Quickly run down this pathway, until you get to a small panel besides the door. Use the >STONE & METAL OBJECT< on it. This will unlock the door. Enter it. -There's a bunch or goodies in this room! Start by picking up the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< besides the door you just entered through. Grab the >FLASH GRENADE< on the nearby shelf, and the >FIRST AID SPRAY< on the shelf also. Get out this area via the door besides the cabinet. ______ _ _ (_____ \ (_) | | _____) )_____ ___ _ __| |_____ ____ ____ _____ | __ /| ___ |/___) |/ _ | ___ | _ \ / ___) ___ | | | \ \| ____|___ | ( (_| | ____| | | ( (___| ____| |_| |_|_____|___/|_|\____|_____)_| |_|\____)_____) _______ (_______) _______ ____ _____ _____ | ___ |/ ___) ___ (____ | | | | | | | ____/ ___ | |_| |_|_| |_____)_____| 2.1 -Scary place out here, huh? Anyway, head down the path and examine the sign. Great holiday destinations huh? Anyway, continue down the path until you see a Red chicken figure spinning around... Examine it, and you will be asked to push a button. What you have to do is push the button on the exact time when it is pointing to the direction you want. We want it to point to the West (W). So, keep trying until you get it to face West. Continue down the path. Here if you have the Radio, and saved Richard, Wesker will say to you "G..t aw.. f..m the wo..s ne... the... mans..." Ignore this anyway, and head to the Blue spinning chicken. Examine this one, and get it to face North (N) once you do, the gate will click open. Enter it. -Ignore the crows here - But stay away from them. Anyway, advance down this path and you should see two crows standing on some gravestones. Run between them. They will fly away, and fly after you. Ignore them. Examine the large tomb on the right. Use the >WIND CREST< on it. Grab the three crests it revealed. Now, examine all the crests, but when you do, turn them around and push A. This will cause a space to pop out. Now head over to the tomb on the left, and use the three crests on it in no particular order. Once you do, a space will turn around, revealing a gun! Take it! You now have the >MAGNUM REVOLVERGREEN HERBS< here, and combine then. Now enter the suspicious cabin... -Run through this room, and up the small set of stairs near the fireplace. Grab the >MAP< here also. Head through the doorway, and examine the >FAMILY PICTURE< near the typewriter. Continue down this room, and head to the Storage Chest: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS -Continue going down this room. Jump down the ledge, and grab the nearby >CRANK<. Go back towards the Storage Chest, and past the typewriter - You may want to save here. Head out this area, and you will get knocked out by something! When you wake up, quickly run out this cabin the way you came in, avoiding this thing! If you get hit, don't worry! Exit this cabin quickly. -Run down the stairs, and down the pathway you used to enter this area before. Watch out for the new zombie here - Avoid him by going around him. Exit this area via the gates. -Ignore the crows, and just run straight down this path. Exit through the gates. -Run up the stairs here, past the small waterfall, and inside via the single door. -Run up the small set of stairs, and this time enter the wooden double doors, into a new area! -So this is the courtyard! Run down here a bit, and you should get contacted by the radio, if you saved Richard. Its Brad, but he can't seem to here you! Anyway, continue down the courtyard, avoiding the dogs. Quickly run up the small set of stairs, and out this area via the rusted gates. -There is only one way you can go here - So follow this pathway. At the end, use the >CRANK< on the panel. This will drain the water. Now, head back where you came from to see a ladder. Climb down it. Run across this bride, and up the ladder on the other side. Run down this pathway, across the small bridge, and then enter the elevator. Take this down to the next area. -Run past the waterfall here, ignoring the crows. Enter the next area via the gate on the left of the waterfall. -Grab the >RED HERB< here if you like. Run down this path, and watch out for the snakes falling from the archway - Ignore these. Enter the door at the end of this pathway. -If you got poisoned by the snakes, don't worry. Grab the >BLUE HERB< and use it. Continue down this passage way, and enter the first door on the right. -Grab the >FIRST AID SPRAY< on the floor here. Also grab the >INK RIBBON< on the shelf, along with the >FLASH GRENADE< also on the shelf. Head over to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS -Save if you like. Exit this room. -Run down this passage, and into the double doors straight ahead. -As soon as you enter this room, watch out as a HUGE spider is right above you on the ceiling! Run out of its way. Ignore it, and run around the corner, down the small set of stairs. Check out the bar, and grab the >FIRST AID BOX<, the >RED BOOK< and the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< on a nearby table. Exit this room the way you entered, picking up a >GREEN HERB< on the way out. -Head back to the Save Room. -Organise your inventory back to: BERETTA HANDGUN HANDGUN BULLETS -Exit this room. -Now, see the passage on the right besides the Save Room door? See the box in front of the double doors? Go over to the box, and push it into the passage besides the Save Room door, covering the hole. Now jump on it, when its lined up, jump over the other box as well, then jump down. Enter the door in front. -Run all the way down this hallway, until you get to the end. Grab the >MAP<, AND LEAVE THE HOLE ALONE! Don't touch it! Enter Room 002 besides you. -This room looks quite scary... Anyway, run down this room, and grab the >DOCUMENT< on the desk. Now go back where you entered, and go into the room besides the door you used to entered this room. -What a... Nice bathroom. Anyway, quickly grab the >RESIDENCE KEY< on the nearby shelf. Exit this room. -Take the door you used to enter this room before out this room. -Run down this hallway, and exit it the way you entered previously. -Jump over the boxes, and enter the door you have not yet been through yet. Unlock it with the >RESIDENCE KEY<. Enter. -Head down this room, ignoring the guy who hung himself. Examine the chair, to get some >HANDGUN BULLETS<, and also examine the table to get some more >HANDGUN BULLETS<. There is also a >SELF DEFENCE GUN< on the table, as well as a >DOCUMENT<. Take these. Now, enter the bathroom via the door near the one you just used to enter this area. -Examine the bath, and when asked, pull out the plug. When it's drained, examine it again to get the >CONTROL ROOM KEY<. Quickly exit the bathroom before the zombie awakens. -Exit this room the way you entered previously. -Go back towards the boxes, and climb over them. Enter the next room via the single door. -Run down this hallway, until you get to Room 002. Enter it. -Shoot the zombie here enough times to make him fall down. Quickly run down this room when he's down, and push the cabinets out the way of the ladder they are blocking quickly, before the zombie gets up. When the ladder is revealed, climb down the ladder. -Run all the way down this passage, until you get to the 3rd large box. Push this into the water nearby. Now go back, and push the large box nearby into the water like the last box. Finally, get the last one and push this in the water also. This will form a bridge. Run over it, and equip your >SELF DEFENCE GUN<. Ignore the >GREEN HERB<, as we don't have enough space for now. Enter the large set of metal doors nearby. -As soon as you enter this area, Richard will be eaten by a shark! When you can control Chris again, shoot the shark which is coming in front of you. Now just run! Run all the way around the area, on the outside ring. Keep running, until you run up a small flight of stairs. Use the >CONTROL ROOM KEY< on the set of double doors, and enter this room. -Go down the ladder here, and into the small room with all the computers. Head over to the window on the right, and examine the computer here. When asked, drain the water. Once you try, a shark will smash the window! Luckily, it will hold... for now! Now go over to the computer on the right. Release the safety lock here. Now go over to the computer in front of the main window. Examine it, and pull the lever. Crap! It wont work! Head out this area, and towards the oil holders (They look like oxygen tanks.) Switch button number 3. Head back into the area you came from, and release the safety switch (The computer on the right). Now go over to the computer on the left, and pull the lever. Phew, we are safe now. Head over to the computer near the side window, and drain the water. Now, head over to the oil holders again, and grab the >FIRST AID BOX< BUT ONLY IF YOU WERE INJURED BY THE SHARKS! Examine it, flip it over, and open it. Use the >GREEN HERBS< from the box if the shark bit you. Now, head down this path, and out the steel door. -Head around the corner here, and investigate all the junk. Pick up 2 boxes of >SHOTGUN SHELLS< here. Now, exit this area via the large metal doors. -Run around this room, until you get to a live shark. Don't kill it. Besides it is an >ASSAULT SHOTGUN<. Take it. Keep going around this room, until you see a huge shark. Jump in the water, then climb up on the small area. Examine the sparkling item, and the shark will come alive! DO NOT TRY AND JUMP IN THE WATER AGAIN! Push the panel into the water, and then throw the switch nearby. This will electrocute the Shark, and kill it. Now you can jump in the water, and grab the sparling object which fell into the water. Its another >RESIDENCE KEY<. Exit this area the way you entered. -Run around the corner, and this time go through the gates. -Run down this room, and ignore the sparkling item. We cannot get this yet, as we have a full inventory. You can just leave this if you want, since we don't need it, but it's round for your >MAGNUM< which may be important. So, if you feel you want to get them, when we exit this area, go up to the Save Room, clear your inventory, and grab it - Its your choice. Anyway, continue down the room, and climb up the ladder. Unlock the door, and exit this room. -Run down this large hallway, and up the ladder. -Head through this room, killing the zombie here now - We don't need to pass through this room anymore, unless you want those >MAGNUM ROUNDS<. Exit this room. -Run all the way down this hallway, and out via the door at the end of the hallway. -Jump over the boxes, and into the Save Room, which is the door on the right. -Organise your inventory to: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS RESIDENCE KEY RED BOOK FIRST AID SPRAY -If you want those >MAGNUM ROUNDS< in the Marine, I suggest you get them now, then come back to this part of the walkthrough again. Save and exit this room. -Head around the corner, up the boxes, and out the other door. -Run down this hallway, until you get to the unmarked door, besides Room 002. Use the >RESIDENCE KEY< on this door. Enter this room. -Quickly run around the table, and run towards the dead body in a nearby corridor. Check his body, and grab the >INSECTICIDE SPRAY<. Quickly run back out this room the way you came in. -Remember where you grabbed the map before? How I told you not to investigate the hole? Well, go over towards it - Its on the left side of Room 002. Use the >INSECTICIDE SPRAY< on the hole. This will kill all the bees in the next room. Head back into the room you exited from. -Run around the table, and head over to the dead body you grabbed the spray from. Continue down this hallway, until you get to the large Bee Hive. Grab the >RESIDENCE KEY< on the table besides the Bee Hive. Head back around the corner, pass the dead body, until you get to a single door with '003' on the top of the door. Use the key you just got on it, discard it, and enter this room. -There's an >INK RIBBON< on your right. Grab it. Head into the room besides the door you just entered. -Drain the water from this bathtub, and then pick up the item in it. Its a >DAGGER<. Exit this bathroom. -Head further into this room, and examine the bookcase. Take the >WHITE BOOK< here, and read all the >DOCUMENTS< inside. Now, use the >RED BOOK< on the bookcase. We are about to face a puzzle - But it'll be simple following this guide: |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| |7| ------ORGANISE SO THEY LOOK LIKE THIS:------- |4| |6| |7| |1| |5| |2| |3| -Wasn't THAT hard, was it? Enter the door it revealed... -Whoa, what is this thing! After the scene, quickly run up the stairs, and shoot the plant when its outer-shell opens up. Once it closes, run around the balcony avoiding its tentacles flying around. Once the shell opens up again, shoot it. Repeat this process, until a small scene kicks in. This means this plant is now angry. He will grab you, and yank you off the stairs if you're not careful enough. Keep doing what I previously told you, and this thing should soon die. Once it basically falls apart, run down the stairs (If you're up them), under the balcony, and grab the >HELMET KEY< from the fireplace. Exit this room. -Once you exit this room, Rebecca will see Chris. Chris will tell Rebecca that Richard died... After the scene, head forwards towards the table. Grab the >HANDGUN BULLETS< from here. Now, go on the left side of the table to see a new door. Enter it. -You'll see Rebecca here. Talk to her, and she'll ask if you want your 'wounds treated'. YES PLEASE! After you're all treated, exit this room. -Exit this room. We wont have to come here ever again! :) -Run down this passage, and you will here gunshots. Its Wesker. After the conversation, continue down this hallway. Exit this room for the last time. -Jump over all the boxes, and into the Save Room. -Head over to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS -Save if you like. Exit this room, also for the last time. -Head down this hallway, and out this whole area via the old wooden door. -Ahhh, outside again. Run down this pathway a bit, and you will get another radio call from Brad, if you saved Richard a long time ago. Ignore this, and continue down this pathway. Exit this area via the large gate. -This area is now full of dogs. Run past these, and enter the next area via the elevator. -Run down this pathway, and watch out for the snakes. If you get poisoned by the snakes, go back down the elevator, and use the >BLUE HERBS< here. Climb down the ladder, and across the bridge. Climb up the other ladder, and exit this area via the large gate. -Run down the small stairs, avoiding the dogs, and into the room via the double doors. _______ _ (_______) (_) _ _ _ _____ ____ ___ _ ___ ____ | ||_|| (____ | _ \ /___) |/ _ \| _ \ | | | / ___ | | | |___ | | |_| | | | | |_| |_\_____|_| |_(___/|_|\___/|_| |_| 2.2 -Pick up all the items in this room that Wesker kindly left you. Now exit this room via the blue door besides the paper on the wall. -Just run down this pathway, and exit through the gate at the end. -Run down this passage, and a small scene should kick in. What is that!? Quickly turn around and shoot it. Keep shooting until the soft music stops. What the hell... Enter the next room via the creamy coloured door. -Quickly run down this room, and swing around the corner, and shoot the hunter. Enter the door under the stair case. -Organise your inventory, so it looks like this: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS HELMET KEY -Exit this room. -Run up the stairs, and walk down the balcony to Chris' left. Keep going until you get to the last door. Enter it. -Now, unlock the nearby door with the >HELMET KEY<. Ignore the herbs here, we will pick them up later - We need the space. Enter through the door you just unlocked. -Push the statue here through the doorway. The walls will start to cave in. Ignore this, and continue pushing the statue. Now, head back out the doorway, and go to the right. There's a little passage here. Run down here, and push the switch. Now quickly run back to where the statue was, and push it to the left space. This will open another doorway. Head through here, and examine the nearby cupboard. Pick up the >FLASH GRENADE< here, and head down the nearby hole. -Pick up the >LAST BOOK VOLUME 1< down here, and examine the book on the grave. Read it. When asked to push a switch, do so. Now climb down this ladder into the next area. -Run past the giant spider here, until you get to a 2-way junction. Take the right path. Take the map off the wall here, and continue down here. Check out the bottom of the boxes piled on top of another, and you will get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Now, go back to the 2-way junction, and take the left path. Watch out for the spider here! Shoot him if you like. Head out this room via the grey door. -Run down this spooky pathway, until you get to yet another 2-way junction. Wait until 2 zombies ambush you. Shoot them both, and grab the >DAGGER< nearby. Now take the North path. Run around the corner, and examine the large control panel on the wall. Pull the lever here by examining it. Now, head back to the junction, and go the only way you haven't been - Left. Run down here, until you get to a spooky looking door. Enter... -Ignore the sparkling object on the shelf here. Head further down here, and grab the >DAGGER< off the table. Shoot the zombie coming for you, and run around the corner. Ignore the zombie laying on the ground here. Switch the elevator, then ride it up to the next floor. -Head around CHRIS' right. Shoot the zombie here. Enter the door nearby. -Grab the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< and the >MAGNUM ROUNDS< on the ground here. Finally, grab the >BATTERY< and the >FLASH GRENADE< on the ground. Exit this room. -Run down the passage directly straight from the nearby statue. Exit this room via the door. -Remember this room? I thought so! Don't worry, we're not here for long. Exit this room via the door besides the mirror. -Enter the door on the left of the one you just came out from. -Run around the staircase, and ignore the stairs for now. Continue down this passage, and unlock the first do you come across with the >HELMET KEY<. Now, head down the stairs, and into the door under them. -Organise your inventory to: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS -Now exit this room. -Run back up the stairs, and go through the door we just unlocked with the >HELMET KEY<. -What an odd room... Anyway, pick up the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< under the Deer head, and a >DAGGER< near the bull head. Now, pick up the >DOCUMENT< on the coffee table. Now, push those cabinets in front of those heads. Now turn off the light. The switch is next to the door if you missed it. You should notice how one of the eyes from each head glows. What you have to do is very quickly jump on the cabinet in front of them, and grab it BEFORE the eagle spots you. If the eagle spots you, it will lock, and you wont be able to get whatever is in them. You will get the >RED GEMSTONE< from the deer head, and the >YELLOW GEMSTONE< from the bull head. Exit this room, and leave the light off - Don't wanna waste no power... ^_^ -Now let me just explain something. You have 2 Gemstones, ONE that is needed to get a >MO DISK<. What is a >MO DISKYELLOW GEMSTONE< on the tiger statue. It will spin around, and reveal the >MO DISK<. Grab it, and leave this room. -Leave this area the way you came in. -Run down this passage again, but watch out as yet another Hunter will jump through the window. Avoid them if you can, and enter the Save Room. ******************* BACK TO GAME ******************* -Now, if you got the >MO DISK<, you are already in the Save Room. If you didn't, go down the stairs, and enter the door nearby. -Phew, back to safety. Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS RED GEMSTONE HELMET KEY -Save if you like as we exit this room. -Run back up the stairs, and around the barrier around it. Watch out for the hunter here. Go past the cement like door, and out through the wooden one. -Run across this balcony, and out via the double doors at the other side. -Run down all the sets of stairs here, and unlock the single door on the right with your >HELMET KEY<. Enter this room. -Pick up the >DOCUMENT< on the table in front of you. Head further into this room, then down the small hallway on the side. Enter the door at the end of this small hallway. -Try and avoid the zombie here. Examine the sparkling object on the shelf. Its another >JEWELRY BOX<. Now, open up your inventory, and use the >RED GEMSTONE< on this. You have to now face a puzzle which you need to fit certain parts into an octagon. Use L and R to rotate them. Now, follow this diagram how to. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /| / \ / | / \ / | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / | / \ \ | |/ \ | | \ | | | \ | | | \ | | | \ | | \_ _ _ _ \_ _ _ _ _ _ | / \ | / \ | / \_ _ _ _ _|_ _ _ _ _ _ / Alternately, you can just go to this link. Its a simple drawing of how to do it by Dan Engel. if you can't follow the ASCII art above, go to this link: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/gamecube/file/resident_evil_jewel_box.gif -You'll get a >BROACH< after you get this open. Examine this some more, and you will see is actually the >EMBLEM KEY<. Pick up the >DAGGER< on the ground here, and the >GREEN HERB< also. Exit this room. -Run all the way down this small hallway, and examine the cupboard. Grab the >INK RIBBON< here. Now head out this small hallway, and exit this whole room all together the way you entered previously. -Run back up the stairs, and then up the left small set of stairs. Enter the set of double doors. -Run across the balcony, and enter the 2nd door you come across. -Run down this room, and kill the hunter. Run down the stairs, and enter the door under them. -Organise your inventory, so it looks like this: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS HELMET KEY FIRST AID SPRAY -Save. We are about to fight another boss. Exit this room. -Run back up the stairs, and around the staircase. Exit this room the way you entered. -Enter the door besides you. -Run down this hallway, avoiding this zombie. Watch out for the Crimson here! Shoot it down. I killed it with one shot - Headshot. Once you're at the passage where the >GREEN HERB< is, enter the door which is North. -Run up the stairs, and down this corridor. When you get to the door, unlock it with your >HELMET KEY<. Discard it when asked. Enter this room. -Run down this dusty room a bit, and pick up the two >GREEN HERBS< here. Combine them both. Keep running down this room, until you hear a window smash. This is your que to run. Run down this room, and climb down the ladder. Oh, remember Little Miss Yawn. That snake that just about killed you? Well, the bitch is back. The trick here is to get close, and shoot her in the face area, but keeping far enough not to get hit be her. She can be pretty tough, especially when she curls up, and traps you inside. Once she's dead, she will knock down a book case. Run around the corner, and investigate the sparkling object in the pile of books. This is the >LAST BOOK VOLUME 2<. Climb back up the ladder, and exit this room the way you entered. -Run down this passage, and down the stairs. Exit this room via the door. -Pick up the >GREEN HERB< here now. Continue down this room, avoiding the zombie/s. Keep running down this room, until you get to 2 doors. Go through the door with the mirror besides it. -Run across the balcony, and out via the double doors. -Run straight across the second floor balcony, and through the single door. -Run all the way down this hallway, and enter the second to last (Blueish) door. -Run around the balcony, and down the stairs. Enter the room at the bottom of the stairs. -Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS EMBLEM KEY BATTERY CRANK -Save if you like. Exit this room. -Run down this corridor, and out this room via the door at the end of this corridor. -Head around the small chairs besides the door you came from, and you should see a black door with a silver emblem on it. Unlock this door with the >EMBLEM KEY< and discard it. Now enter. - You will hear some screams from Rebecca as soon as you enter this room. Now, you can either save her, and get a good ending, or let her die, and get a bad ending. If you want her to die, ignore the following row of stars. If you want the good ending, which I recommend, follow this row of stars. ************* SAVE REBECCA ************* -Quickly exit this room. -Run around the chair and the table, and enter the single door which leads into the room where the Save Room is. -Quickly run down this room, and up the stairs. Take a right, ignore the first door, and take the second door you see. -Take a right (CHRIS' right though) and you should see a door. Enter. -You will see a hunter about to kill Rebecca. After the scene, you will have to kill it. Once its dead, Rebecca will thank you. Exit this room via the opposite door. -Run down the stairs, and out the door you used to enter this area. -Go back into the black door with the emblem on it ****************** BACK TO MAIN GAME ****************** -Turn on the lamp in this room on the desk. This will light up the room. Grab the >METAL OBJECT< from the cabinet. Examine the desk, and you will get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Also grab the >FLASH GRENADE< on the edge of the cabinet near the door. Exit this room the way you entered. -Run around the corner to the right, and exit the mansion via the gate. -Run down this path, and enter the next room via the blue door. -Run straight out this room via the double wooden doors. ______ _ _ (_____ \ (_) | | _____) )_____ ___ _ __| |_____ ____ ____ _____ | __ /| ___ |/___) |/ _ | ___ | _ \ / ___) ___ | | | \ \| ____|___ | ( (_| | ____| | | ( (___| ____| |_| |_|_____|___/|_|\____|_____)_| |_|\____)_____) _______ (_______) _______ ____ _____ _____ | ___ |/ ___) ___ (____ | | | | | | | ____/ ___ | |_| |_|_| |_____)_____| 2.3 -Run through the courtyard, avoiding the dogs. Run up the small steps, and exit this area via the gate. -Climb down the ladder, and across this bridge. Come up the other ladder, and run down this path, avoiding the snakes. Jump in the elevator when you reach it. Take this down. -Run down past the dogs here, past the fountain, until you see another elevator. Use the >BATTERY< on the right space of it. Now, take the elevator back up to the courtyard. -Once again, run through the courtyard, up the small set of stairs, and through the gate. -Now, down this pathway, until you get to a nearby panel. Use your >CRANK< on this. This will make the water fill up. Head back through the gates you came from. -Run down the small stairs, and where you got off the elevator before. Take the elevator down to the waterfall area. -Run up towards the other elevator to see that waterfall has now stopped running! Head into the space the waterfall revealed. Climb down this ladder. _ _ _ _ (_) (_) | | | | _ _ ____ __| |_____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ____ __| | | | | | _ \ / _ | ___ |/ ___) _ |/ ___) _ \| | | | _ \ / _ | | |___| | | | ( (_| | ____| | ( (_| | | | |_| | |_| | | | ( (_| | \_____/|_| |_|\____|_____)_| \___ |_| \___/|____/|_| |_|\____| (_____| 2.4 -Run down this rocky pathway, and open the Storage Chest. Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS -Save if you like. Now head back to the ladder where you came from, and go through the door besides it. -Run down this passage a bit, until you get to a 2-way junction. Go to Chris' right, and grab the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< besides the boulder. Now run straight down, down the stairs, and through the single metal door. -Head towards the large hole here, and grab the >HANDGUN BULLETS<. Run around this elevator shaft, ignoring the passage where the door is. Keep running around, until you see a small space. Go in here, and examine the panel. Grab the >SHAFT< from here. Now, run through that small passage where the door is, pick up the >HANDGUN BULLETS< beside the door. Go through this door. -Run down this rocky pathway, and a scene will kick in. Its Enrico, and member! He'll talk something about a double crosser. Bang! He gets shot... By who? Check Enrico's body, and grab the >HEXAGONAL CRANK< from him. Run down this path to exit, and you will hear the door open. Shoot the hunter here just once, to bring it down. Now run away and exit this room. -Run around the elevator shaft, and go through the door on the opposite side. -Run up these stairs, and you'll see a hunter. Kill him. Now go out through the next door. -Run down the pathway, and head towards the Storage Box. Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS HEXAGONAL CRANK -Continue down here, until you get to a hole in the ground. Use the >HEXAGONAL CRANK< on the nearby panel once. Once the hole is covered, head over it, and out the other door. -Examine the panel on the left side of this room. Grab the >FLAME-THROWER< here. Continue down this area, and examine the boulder. Head back to where you came from, and the boulder will come lose! Quickly run back to the space where you entered. Once the boulder is gone, head over to what it was blocking. Grab the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< off the shelf. Now head over to where it smashed through. There are some large double doors here - Enter through them. -Once you enter this room, a huge spider will drop from ceiling! Run away from it, and shoot it from a distance. Watch out for the small ones which fall from the ceiling also. Once this guy is dead, head over to the double doors which are covered by webs. Equip the >FLAME-THROWER< and flame the door to get rid of the webs. Once they are gone, go through this door. -If you were poisoned, or hurt during the last boss battle, head down this room to Chris' right. Use the >BLUE HERB< and the >GREEN HERB< if you need. Now continue down this room, and examine the panel near the single door. Put the >FLAME-THROWER< here. Go through this single door. -Run down this room, until you get to another hole in the ground, and a crank panel. Use the >HEXAGONAL CRANK< three times on it. Once you have, exit the inventory and the boulder will come crashing down. Quickly run into the space you revealed. After the boulder is gone, head over to where it came from. Grab the >FIRST AID BOX< from here. Now head back to the space you revealed, and go through this single door. -Oh, a puzzle! Head over to the statue which looks out of place. Push this towards a spot in the wall where the colour looks more redish. When you do, head over to the crank panel, and use the >HEXAGONAL CRANK< on it. Now push the statue towards the circle object in the middle of the room. This will turn it around. Push it off, then push it on again. Once its facing the right way, push it towards the space next to the other statue. Once its in place, a space will open up. Investigate it. Its a >CYLINDER< we need to add on to the >SHAFT<. Exit this room the way you entered. -Run down this pathway, past the boulder, and out through the other door. -Grab the >FLAME-THROWER< off the panel, and head down this path. Exit this area through the double doors. -Run straight out this room via the double doors across the room. -Run down this path, until you see a hunter. Kill it. Head over to the panel, and place the >FLAME-THROWER< on it. Exit this area for the last time via the single door. -Run down this room, and open up the Storage Chest: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS CYLINDER SHAFT -Combine the >CYLINDER< and the >SHAFT<. Now, head back towards the ladder, and out the door besides it. -Run through this room, and down the stairs to Chris' left. Exit this room via the single door. -Run around the elevator, until you get to the space where the panel is, and use the >CYLINDER SHAFT< on it. Enter the numbers '4,2,3,1' when asked. This will bring up the elevator! Head over to it, and ride it down... -Jump off the elevator, and go through the white metal door... -Run down this path, and you'll hear a door open. When you get to a 2-way junction, go to the left. You will see that thing again! Quickly turn around and then take the right path. This is called 'faking'. I'll use this throughout this area. Anyway, run down this path, until you get to another junction. Head into the small passage on YOUR left. Go through the single door here. -Run down this room, until you get to some boxes. Jump up them all, and grab the >FLASH GRENADE< some >HANDGUN BULLETS< and some >MAGNUM ROUNDS< up here. Jump back down, and continue your way through this room. You'll see a large box and an elevator. Push this large box onto the elevator, then examine the panel besides the elevator. Push the switch - Pity we can't take the elevator down also :). Exit this area the way you entered. -Go out this small passage, and fake south. Once Lisa sees you, quickly head through the North passage. Run around here, and down the stairs. Exit this area through the single door. -Run down this room, until you see a Storage Chest: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS -Keep heading down here, until you get to a ladder. Climb down here. Now, you will see the elevator, and the box! Push the box left of the screen, then push it North, into the small hole. Examine the panel nearby, and push the switch. The box will get crushed. Jump down, and pick up the >BROKEN FLAME- THROWER<. Jump out this hole. Run around the elevator, and climb up the ladder. Go through the white metal door again. -Run down this room, and up the stairs, and fake left. Run down the right passage, and you should see a switch on the wall which blends in with the wall colour. Pull it. Continue your way down here, and run down the stairs. Pick up the >RED HERB< and the >GREEN HERB< if you like. Continue running down here, until you see a panel. Use the >BROKEN FLAME-THROWER< on it. Go through this door. -What a freaky room! Run through this room, and down into the water. Watch out for the snakes here. Run down here, until you get to yet another room. Grab the >JEWELRY BOX< off a nearby shelf. Also grab the >DAGGER< off the bed. Now climb up the small ladder, and go down the passage to Chris' right. Grab the >GREEN HERB< and the >BLUE HERB< here. Head back towards the ladder, and continue down this passage. There's a huge ladder here. Climb it. ______ _ _ (_____ \ (_) | | _____) )_____ ___ _ __| |_____ ____ ____ _____ | __ /| ___ |/___) |/ _ | ___ | _ \ / ___) ___ | | | \ \| ____|___ | ( (_| | ____| | | ( (___| ____| |_| |_|_____|___/|_|\____|_____)_| |_|\____)_____) _______ (_______) _______ ____ _____ _____ | ___ |/ ___) ___ (____ | | | | | | | ____/ ___ | |_| |_|_| |_____)_____| 2.5 -You remember this room!? We are back in the cabin! Run down this path, and jump up onto the floor. Head towards the storage chest: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS JEWELRY BOX LAST BOOK VOLUME 1 LAST BOOK VOLUME 2 METAL OBJECT -Now, examine the >JEWELRY BOX<. Open it, and get the >STONE RING<. Read the >DOCUMENT< inside. Now combine the >STONE RING< with the >METAL OBJECT<. Now examine the two last books, by turning them around so you can see the pages. Examine them like this to get the >WOLF MEDAL< and the >EAGLE MEDAL<. Head through the doorway, and save if you like. Run down the small stairs, and out this room via the wooden single door. -Run down this pathway, and down the stairs. Run down this grassy path, avoiding the zombie. Exit this area via the gate. -Run down this path, up the two sets of stairs, past the running waterfall, and out this area via the single door. _______ _ (_______) (_) _ _ _ _____ ____ ___ _ ___ ____ | ||_|| (____ | _ \ /___) |/ _ \| _ \ | | | / ___ | | | |___ | | |_| | | | | |_| |_\_____|_| |_(___/|_|\___/|_| |_| 2.6 -Run up the small set of stairs, and out this area via the blue door for the final time... -Examine the panel besides this door - Remember putting this here? Well, we need it back, so grab this >STONE & METAL OBJECT<. Run down this pathway, and out the other side via the gate. -Run out this small passage, and go through the second door on your right. -Run down this passage, and straight up the stairs. Head right, ignore the first door, and go through the second door you see. -Run all the way down this corridor, and out the other side via the single wooden door. -Run down all the sets of stairs, and go behind the stairs when on the ground. There is a small set of stairs under them. Anyway, you should see some gates here. Examine them, and you'll hear some screams. Use the 2 >STONE & METAL OBJECTS< on the gates, then enter them. ***NOTE: We are at the last stage of the game, so I recommend you are all geared up!*** _______ _ _ _ (_______) | (_) | | _ | |__ _____ _ _____| |__ ___ | | | _ \| ___ | | | (____ | _ \ /___) | | | | | | ____| | |_____/ ___ | |_) )___ | |_| |_| |_|_____) |_______)_____|____/(___/ 2.7 -Run down the steps here, and open the Storage Chest. Grab an >INK RIBBON< from it, and Save. Run back down, and put it back in the Chest, cause we are about to finally face Lisa! Run down all the stairs here, until you get to a wooden pathway. Run down this, and exit this area via the single metal door. -Run down the stairs, then down the ladder. Wesker will be down here, trying to kill Lisa. Quickly go to the pillar on your left, and push it off. Now, avoiding Lisa, push the pillar on the right off. Now go to the next pillar, and quickly push this off. Wesker will continue shooting, it doesn't matter if he gets knocked off. You'll see why later. Quickly run to the next pillar - The final pillar... Push it off... This will reveal Lisa's mother from the coffin... She will be so depressed, she will jump off the ledge... No more Lisa Trevors! Run and talk to Wesker... If he is alive. Now go over and check the coffin - Here you will get a >DOCUMENT<. Now, exit this whole area via the opening where the gate just went up, after you defeated Lisa... Run down this corridor, and up the elevator, into the next area. -Jump off the elevator, and ignore the huge door to your left. Instead go over to the large pond. Here run around, until you see a statue like figure on the side of the pond. Here you should use the >EAGLE MEDAL<. Now run around until you see a second statue. Here use the >WOLF MEDAL<. Now the water will drain from the pond, and reveal a stairway. What are you waiting for!? Head back towards the other statue, but instead go down the stairway, and go down the elevator... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ START DISK TWO... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Open your GameCube disk drive, and carefully take Disk one of Resident Evil out. Put it in the case, and carefully grab Disk two. Insert Disk two into the disk holder, and close the cover. Let the GameCube do the rest. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ -Before we do anything here, this is the LAST area of the game, and its harder than other areas. Zombies here turn into Crimsons VERY quickly - Around 15-20 minutes or so... This means we have to be either quick, or have a lethal inventory... Don't bother about burning them - There isn't any Keroscene Refills here... Anyway, continue one down this pathway, and go down the nearby ladder. -Grab the >INK RIBBON< from the ground, and save your progress. Now head over to the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory to: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS -This is the final part of the game, and I suggest you save every time you come through this room because zombies here turn into Crimsons VERY quickly here. Exit this area via the double doors. -Run down this corridor, and shoot the zombie. Try to blow his head off. Continue down this corridor, and shoot the zombie here also. There are 3 >GREEN HERBS< here. Pick them up, and combine them. Now take a left around the corner, until you see a door and a desk. The door is locked. So check out the desk. There's a >MO DISK< here. Pick it up ONLY if you want a good ending. If not, totally ignore it. Now run back to where you came from, and this time take the stairs down. Go through these large gates. -Run down the small passage to Chris' left. Shoot the zombie here. Run down this passage, until you get to a set of double doors. Go through them. -Head towards the small cabinet besides the operating bed and grab the >MAGNUM ROUNDS< here. Continue through this room, and go through the doorway into the frozen area. This part of the room is freaky... Grab the >FIRST AID BOX< on the cabinet, and the >FLASH GRENADE< which is further down. Go out this frozen area, and head towards the computer on the desk. Read the >DOCUMENT< besides it. Now operate the computer. Enter the Login Name: JOHN and the Password: ADA. Now select 'B-2F'. You will be asked for another password. Enter 'CELL'. This area will now be unlocked. Now select B-3F. You wont be asked for a password this time. Once you're finished on this computer, get out of it. Now exit this room the way you entered. -Run down the small passage on Chris' right. Exit this area via the large gates. -Run up the stairs, and around the fence surrounding the stairs. Go through the double doors here to the Save Room. -Organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS -Head back out this room the way you entered, not forgetting to save of course. -Run down this corridor, then turn around the corner where 'B2' is written on the wall. Go through the double doors here. -Grab the >FIRST AID SPRAY< off the table, then grab the >MO DISK< off the nearby shelf - Its sparkling, so you should see it IF you want to pick it up that is. Now go over to the number pad on the wall. Enter the numbers '8462'. A little area will be revealed. Head over to it, but before you do check out the cabinet besides the small room you just opened to get some >SHOTGUN SHELLS<. Now go into the little room you just opened, and examine the sparkling object on the table. This is the >LAB KEY<. Take it. Now examine all the TV screens, and you will be asked to view Kenneths Video. Do so. So thats how he died... Exit this area the way you entered it. -Run down this corridor, straight past the 'B2' printed on the wall. Down the stairs, and through the large gates. -Run down the small passage on Chris' left. Ignore the first set of double doors, and examine the single door. Unlock it with the >LAB KEY<. Don't go through this room, but unlock the double doors next the single door. When asked to, discard this key. Enter this room. -Run down this small passage, and push the shelf as far as it can go. Grab the >SHOTGUN SHELLS< on the left shelf, and jump up onto the ledge. Climb through the vent. There's nothing in this room, so quickly go onto the small cupboard, and climb through the other vent. The body bag here looks... Hmmm... Anyway, jump down from the small ledge, and Head down this room. Grab the >FLASH GRENADE< off the computer desk. Now, use your >MO DISK< on the 'Security System' *CoughGameCubecough* If you want a good ending. Continue down this room. Push the shelf here, and a thing will come up behind you! Kill it! Quickly push the shelf out the way, and go through the double doors here. -Go through the single door on Chris' left. -Run down this corridor, ignoring the double doors. Go through the single door. -Grab the >FIRST AID SPRAY< off the table, and the >INK RIBBON< off the table also. Grab the >MAGNUM ROUNDS< off a nearby chair, and some >SHOTGUN SHELLS< on the ground. Now open the Storage Chest, and organise your inventory: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS ***MO DISK*** ***MO DISK*** -Only take the >MO DISKS< if you want a good ending remember. Save and exit this room. -Head down the corridor to the left. Run down the steps, and through the large double doors. -Go down the path to Chris' right. Kill the 'Chimera' here. Continue down this path, until you get to a panel. Grab the >FUEL CAPSULE<. Exit this room the way you entered. -Run up the steps, and down the path to Chris' left. Ignore the double doors, and go through the single door. -Go down the path to Chris' right. Then down the small passage left of the double doors. Go through the green double doors here besides the gate. -Ignore the >FIRST AID BOX< on the ground for now. Run down this corridor, until you get to the second green door. Go through it. -Grab the >MAGNUM ROUNDS< from the sink. Go further into this room, and kill the zombie here. Grab the >DOCUMENT< on the shelf. Now use a >MO DISK< on the 'Security System'. That is of course if you want to. Now head over to the large object with the 'WARNING!' sign above it Examine it, and place the >FUEL CAPSULE< in it. Once it fills it up with fuel, you MUST NOT RUN! I REPEAT, DO NOT RUN! If you run, you get blown up and die cause the >FULL FUEL CAPSULE< is shock sensitive. Exit this room the way you enter. -WALK down this room, and grab the >FIRST AID BOX< on the ground, and exit through the green double doors. -WALK down the small passage on the right of the gates. Walk past the double doors, and through the single door. -WALK down this corridor, ignoring the double doors. When you get to the single door, go down the path to Chris' right. Down the steps, and through the large double doors. -WALK down the path to Chris' right. Continue down here, until you get to the panel. Use the >FUEL CAPSULE< on it. Phew! Now we can run! Go back to the double doors, and this time down the path straight across from it. Go around, until you find a single door - Watch out, as a Chimera will jump from the vent above this door. Go through this door. -If you want to set the >MO DISK< on the 'Security System', go straight down this pathway from the door, then use it. Thats the final one. Anyway, run all the way around this room, and out through the double doors. -Run around this room on the left catwalk. Operate the panel between to poles. This will start the power up. Exit this area the way you entered. -Run around the room, and out via the single door. -Run straight down this path, and out via the green double doors. -Run down this path, up the stairs, and go through the single door. -Head over to the storage chest, and organise your inventory: MAGNUM REVOLVER MAGNUM ROUNDS FIRST AID SPRAY FIRST AID SPRAY -Note that the >FIRST AID SPRAYS< can be >FULL GREEN HERB MIXTURE< also. Make sure you SAVE, as we are about to fight the final boss! Exit this room. -Run down the corridor to Chris' right, until you get to a large elevator. Examine the panel on the right of the elevator. Push the switch. Now, Rebecca will finally meet Chris. After the scene, you will go up in the elevator. -Run straight down this room, and out via the electronic single door. -You'll see Wesker! Wesker will turn, and raise his weapon at Chris. Turns out that Wesker works for Umbrella, and has developed these monsters! They are all creatures of his work! He'll say he killed the others, and will then shoot Rebecca! He will show Chris his ultimate creation! A HUGE MONSTER! This monster will get angry, and bust out. He'll slash Wesker, and send him flying! He'll leave you to fight him alone! Quickly run around the room, and shoot him non-stop! So much for an 'ultimate life form'. This guy took 5 Magnum shots! Anyway, head around the room to where Wesker's body lays. Examine his body to get a >DOCUMENT<. Now head back to Rebecca, and examine her - If you did everything I told you about getting a good ending, she'll be alive! Head all the way around the room again, and examine the computer panel. Push the switch to unlock the single door. Go back around the room, and out this single door. -Run straight down this room, and into the elevator. -Rebecca will tell Chris that there is still a bunch of T-Virus in this mansion. Chris will tell her to blow it up! Anyway, run down this room, and take the left corridor. Exit through the single door. -Run straight through this room once the scene ends. Watch out for the 2 Chimera's that bust out the vents. Now, if you want the good ending with the >MO DISKS< follow the row of stars - If not, exit this area through the gates, and I'll meet you at the end of the stars. If you want to get the good ending, go through the green double doors beside the gate. *********************** GETTING GOOD ENDING... *********************** -Run straight down this room, until you see a large cream coloured door. Examine the panel besides it, and switch all 3 levers. Go through these large double doors. -Run down the large set of stairs, then continue down this corridor, until you get to a single door. Examine it, and it'll say the door is unlocked. Go through it. -Its Jill! Thankfully, she's fine. You'll exit this room. -Run down this corridor, and up the stairs. Exit this area through the large double doors. -Run straight down this room, and exit through the green double doors. -Go out this area for the final time via the large gates. ******************** BACK TO MAIN GAME... ******************** -Run up the stairs, then around the fence surrounding the stairs. Exit through the double doors. -Head over to the storage chest, and organise your inventory: MAGNUM REVOLVER MAGNUM ROUNDS FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM -We are NOW at the end of the game, so save. Climb up the ladder. -Go through the door that Jill is facing. -Ignore ALL the items in this room, and just continue down it. Brad will contact you via radio. He'll say this is your last chance to get out! Continue down this room, down the catwalk, and pick up the >FUSE UNIT< at the end of the catwalk. Head down this room, and place the >FUSE UNIT< in the nearby space. The countdown will start! Jill and Rebecca will meet up with you, but monsters will start to ambush you. They will tell Chris to hurry up, and don't worry. You'll go in the elevator... -Pick up the large silver box here. These are >SIGNAL ROCKETS<. Once you grab them, use them straight away. This will signal Brad that you are alive. Once Jill and Rebecca get out the elevator, Tyrant will come smashing through the roof. He will knock Jill out the way. Quickly shoot him, so he doesn't kill Rebecca. Once he tries to attack you, run away. Repeat this process, by protecting Rebecca, and when he attacks, run away - He will take about 10 Magnum shots. When he's had enough, Brad will drop the >ROCKET LAUNCHER<. Pick this up, equip it, and fire it at Tyrant! Hopefully, it'll blow Tyrant up! If not, keep using it! Finally... This nightmare is over... You'll be lifted to safety by the helicopter, with Jill and Rebecca (If you got the good ending). Congratulations, you have finished Chris' senerio! Great work! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ MY TIME FOR CHRIS SENERIO... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ 20 Hours, 10 Minutes and 12 Seconds... Why was is so long? Because I wanted to get EVERYTHING right for this walkthrough... Not cause I suck at this game... it was because I had to type and play... Anyway... Great job once again! Now, if you've completed Jill's senerio, you have finished the whole Resident Evil! If not, you have to complete it as Jill! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ BRIEF SUM OF STORY...CONTAINS SPOILERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ A mansion is standing silently in the middle of the woods... They have nothing to loose, except their lives. They open the mansion doors, and enter. Here they find their first creature, and Wesker is suddenly gone. Delve more deeper, and you will find more creatures... After a close call, thanks to Barry, you encounter another enemy - A mutated dog. Soon, you will encounter the Lisa Trevors, and boy isn't she happy. Soon after, Barry will tell you he is a traitor, and point his gun at you. You will grab it off, but without any time, Lisa Trevors will encounter you. In the lab, you will not only find that Wesker was a traitor, but he also has the ultimate life form, Tyrant. Soon after all this, you will face Tyrant on the roof, soon followed by safety... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FILES... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ F1. (Something handwritten. It's not dated) x F2. Barry's Photograph x F3. Body Disposal x F4. Book of Curse x F5. Botany Book x F6. Crumpled Memo x F7. Family Picture & Notes x F8. FAX x F9. Keeper's Diary x F10. Letter of a Researcher x F11. Mail from the Chief of Security x F12. Observation Note x F13. Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment x F14. Plant 42 Report x F15. Researcher's Will x F16. S.T.A.R.S. Manual x F17. Security Protocols x F18. Suicide Note x F19. Trevor's Diary x F20. V-ACT ------------------------------------------- F1. (Something handwritten. It's not dated) ------------------------------------------- Nothing's changed. I never thought that this room I designed as an experiment would pay off like this. I can hide here safely for a while, because nobody knows about the secret behind this painting. Not even Sir Spencer. Painting of a mansion... In the back of the art room. ---------------------- F2. Barry's Photograph ---------------------- We love you daddy From your sweet daughters, Moira and Polly ----------------- F3. Body Disposal ----------------- Special instructions when disposing dead bodies. We have new information regarding those "beings". They may appear to be dead but in fact they are able to come back to life. However, there are ways to prevent them from becoming active again. Currently there are two known methods to cease their resurrection. 1. INCINERATION 2. DESTRUCTION OF THE HEAD If further methods are discovered, they will be notified immediately. Meanwhile to those of you who still have the will to live, oil has been placed on the first floor of the mansion. Take as much as you need. You'll need something to light it with, which you'll need to find by yourself. ------------------ F4. Book of Curse ------------------ The four masks, a mask that speaks no evil... a mask that smells no evil... a mask that sees no evil... a mask that cannot speak, smell, or see evil... When all four fall into place, evil will awaken ---------------- F5. Botany Book ---------------- BOTANY --Uses of Medicinal Herbs-- It is a well-known fact that there exist many plants that are credited with medicinal healing powers. Since ancient times, mankind has been healing wounds and diseases using various plants. In this book, we will sample three herbs that are a native of the Arklay Mountains and briefly outline each of their medicinal qualities. Each herb has a distinct color and a distinct medicinal quality. The green herb recovers physical strength. The blue herb neutralizes natural toxins. However, the red herb has no real effect by itself. We have found that mixing green and red herbs results in a magnified effect. We will outline the effects of red herbs when mixed with other herbs when we have more data. Meanwhile feel free to experiment on your own, for true knowledge is best acquired through own experience. ------------------ F6. Crumpled Memo ------------------ Today Sir Spencer told me to hide something where no one could find it. Well, I had this idea. I figured if I could somehow have it protected by a dangerous animal like the vicious canine that lives here, no one would be able to get near it! As far as I can tell, the mutt is always hanging around the second floor balcony on the west side of the terrace, and he ought to come running at the sound of a dog whistle. This is where you come in. The thing is, I reckon you're the only person that can get near that damn dog without risking a serious mauling. Which means only you can put this collar on him. The object that Sir Spencer wants hidden is concealed inside. You're the only person I can trust with this. Of course, you'll get something out of it as well. Remember that certain item that you've always wanted to get hold of? Well, in exchange for your services, I just might be able to get it for you. This could work out well for both of us... Jon Toleman --------------------------- F7. Family Picture & Notes --------------------------- Nov. 10, 1967 - Progenitor virus administered -Jessica Administered virus: Type-A Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation Virus fusion: Negative Action: Disposed -Lisa Administered virus: Type-B Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion. Body modification: Observed constant results. Status: Continue protective observation. -George Action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967) (There's a journal left by someone.) Nov. 14, 1967 I feel dizzy after that shot they gave me. I don't see Mom. Where did they take her? She promised that we would escape together. Did she escape alone and leave me behind? Nov. 15, 1967 I found Mom. We ate together. I was very happy. But she was a fake. Not my real Mom. Same face but different inside. Have to find Mom. Have to give face back to mother. I got Mom's face back. Nobody can have my Mom except me. I attach her face to me so she doesn't go away. Because Mom sad when I meet her without her face. Nov. 17, 19 7 from inside box, scent of mommy. maybe true mother there. stone box hard. It hurt. steel rope in the way. can't see mother becuz 4 stones. 19 dadddy atached first momm atached scond iNside reD and sLimy whiTe and haRd not true moM wheRe dunno dadd found mum again whne atachd momMy she moved no more she screaming why? Jst want to b with her 4 mom where? I mis yuo -------- F8. FAX -------- To: Sanitation Division Attn: Manager of Sanitation From: Raccoon Disaster Contingency Committee The contents of this fax are confidential and intended for the named addressee only. Any copying, or disclosure of the contents of this fax to any third party is strictly forbidden by the sender. After reading the contents of this fax, must be destroyed immediately. We expect significant increase in the damage done by the recent T-Virus' outbreak than initially estimated. There are several concerns. First concern More than half of the researchers have been infected by the T-Virus and died. It has also been reported that almost all of the survivors of this accident are starting to show symptoms of the T-Virus infection. Second concern Our Secret Security Patrol Team has also been completely eradicated. Therefore, our most secret research is in danger of public disclosure. Quick actions are demanded to prevent mass media coverage. Third concern There is a high possibility that most of the specimens are running loose inside the compound. We expect many casualties to follow. However yet unfortunate, these casualties underscore the success of our research results. Actions must be taken to prevent our research results from being made public. We suspect the first official intervention will come from the State Police and S.T.A.R.S. We strongly recommend taking measures against them first. ------------------- F9. Keeper's Diary ------------------- May 9, 1998 Played poker tonight with Scott and Alias from Security, and Steve from Research. Steve was the big winner, but I think he was cheating. Scumbag. May 10, 1998 One of the higher-ups assigned me to take care of a new creature. It looks like a skinned gorilla. Feeding instructions were to give it live animals. When I threw in a pig, the creature seemed to play with it...tearing off the pig's legs and pulling out the guts before ti actually started eating. May 11, 1998 At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up. Scared the shit out me, too. He was wearing a protective suit. He handed me another one and told me to put it on. Said there'd been an accident in the basement lab. I just knew something like this would happen. Those bastards in Research never sleep, even on holiday. May 12, 1998 I've been wearing the damn space suit since yesterday. My skin's getting grimy and feels itchy all over. The goddamn dogs have been looking at me funny, so I decided not to feed them today. Screw 'em. May 13, 1998 Went to the Infirmary because my back is all swollen and feels itchy. They put a big bandage on it and told me I didn't need to wear the suit anymore. All I wanna do is sleep. May 14, 1998 Found another big blister on my foot this morning. I ended up dragging my foot all the way to the dog's pen. They were quiet all day, which is weird. Then I realized some of them had escaped. Maybe this is their way of getting back at me for not feeding them the last three days. If anybody finds out, I'll have my head handed to me. May 16, 1998 Rumours going around that a researcher who tried to escape the estate last night was shot. My entire body feels hot and itchy and I'm sweating all the time now. I scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh just dropped off. What the hell's happening to me? May 19, 1998 Fever gone but itchy. Today hungry and eat doggie food. May 21, 1998 Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty. 4 / / Itchy. Tasty. ---------------------------- F10. Letter of a Researcher ---------------------------- June 8th, 1998 My dearest Ada. By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be the person you once knew. The results of my test came out today, and as I suspected, it came out positive. I feel like I am teetering on the edge of reason just thinking about my impending doom. I would give anything not to have to become one of them. As far as I know, you are not infected. I sincerely hope things do not reach such a desperate pass, but if it has turned out that you are now the last person remaining alive, I want you to get the material from the Visual Data Room. Then, activate the Self-Destruct System in the Power Room, and escape from here. Please do everything in your power to make this whole accident public. If everything is still running normally, you should be able to release all the locks using the Security System. I have set up the terminal in the small security room so that you can log in to the system using my name and your name as the password. You will need another password to release the lock of the door in Basement Level Two where the Visual Data Room is located. As a safety measure I have coded that password into an X-ray picture; a roentgenogram. I know you, and I'm sure you will be able to work it out without any trouble. There is just one more thing... and it is my last request. I hope you never have to lay eyes on me in this state, but if you do happen to run into me in my hideous form, I beg you to put me out of my misery. I hope you understand. Thank you, Ada. Yours truly. John ------------------------------------- F11. Mail from the Chief of Security ------------------------------------- CONFIDENTIAL Attn: Chief of Security Date: July 22, 1998 2:13 X Day is drawing up on us. Execute the following procedures within one week. Prompt actions are demanded. 1. Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the estate, and obtain B.O.W.'s raw combat data against S.T.A.R.S. 2. Collect two embryos of each mutated specimens as samples, excluding the Tyrant. Dispose of the Tyrant. 3. Ensure complete disposal of the Arklay Laboratory including all personnel and test animals. Disguise their deaths as an accident. When the above procedures are executed, report to headquarters for further instructions. If for some reason you are unable to execute the procedure by the deadline, report immediately. In case of emergency situations, report directly to the extension number 5691. Good luck. Umbrella Headquarters. Umbrella Inc. ---------------------- F12. Observation Note ---------------------- The discovery of the G-Virus was in fact 21 years after the administration of the primogenitor virus. The "Prototype Parasite" which we had delivered from a laboratory in France was administered to the sample specimen. The sample specimen took in the parasite without showing any signs of adverse reaction. The lack of any reaction was an unsolved mystery. But now everything is clear to me now. The "Prototype Parasite" was incubating in the sample specimen's body for 21 years. Then from that incubating state the prototype suddenly mutated. ("Evolved" may be a more appropriate word to describe it.) This observation gave me more insight in my research. Through further modification and testing, I was able to derive a method to create the "G" that surpasses the performance of the "T". This was the breakthrough that would change the future of the B.O.W.'s history. I can't wait to see the look on Alexia's annoying face when I finally announce my research. But unfortunately I'll have to wait a few more years to completely verify my findings. William Birkin -------------------------------------- F13. Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment -------------------------------------- The similarities in the cellular characteristics of the rapidly growing plant infected by the Tyrant Virus have been reported in previous papers. However, while repeating these experiments, an interesting new fact became clear. We learned that a chemical in the UMB family, UMB No. 20, contains a compound that is toxic to the cells of the plant. We have given UMB No. 20 a new name: V-JOLT. If calculations prove correct, when V-JOLT is applied directly to the root of the plant, the entire plant should be dead within 5 seconds. The V-JOLT can be made by simply mixing the VP and UMB chemicals in a specific ratio. However, extra care must be taken when handling these UMB chemicals. They have been known to generate toxic gases if mishandled. The characteristics of each UMB chemical are as follows: UMB No. 3 red Yellow-6 yellow UMB No. 7 green UMB No. 10 orange VP-017 blue V-JOLT dark brown --------------------- F14. Plant 42 Report --------------------- Four days have passed since the accident. The plant at Point 42 is growing at an amazing rate. Although there are many unknown aspects about this plant, we know that in comparison with the other group of plants, the T-Virus has had a substantially stronger affect on this one. The T-Virus has drastically morphed its host's anatomy as well as its size. Looking at its current state, it's difficult to imagine its original appearance. Nowhere on Earth will you find anything like it. We've also found that PLANT 42 has two main sources of acquiring its necessary nutrients. One source is through its root. Somehow it has rooted itself down into the basement. Immediately after the accident, a scientist went mad and destroyed the Aqua Ring. Ever since, the basement has been like a pool. There is a high possibility that it's one of the chemicals in the water that's promoting the PLANT 42's rapid growth. However, we have yet to determine the specific chemical. A bulb-like body of the PLANT 42 has been sighted hanging from the ceiling of the first floor. We are sure that it used the air ducts to reach the first floor. Numerous long tentacle-like vines are protruding from the bulb. We believe the vines are the second means of acquiring its nutrients. When the PLANT 42 sense prey, it uses the tentacle-like vines to capture its prey. After doing so, suckers on the vine drain the prey of its blood. We've also noticed that it has some intelligence. When it captures its prey or when it's inactive, the vines twine around the door to stop possible intruders. Unfortunately, several of our scientists have already fallen victim to this PLANT 42. When we heard the stories from the survivors, they all observed one thing in common: When the uniform petal-like flaps open and reveal its vital internals, it has a tendency to become more aggressive. One witness reported that it was as if it was trying to protect itself. Why it behaves the way it does is still unknown. May 21, 1998 Henry Sarton ----------------------- F15. Researcher's Will ----------------------- June 3, 1998 My dearest Alma. Let me first apologize for not being able to call you. A man wearing sunglasses didn't permit any phone calls. Sorry Alma. I sit here trying to think of where to begin, of how to explain in a few simple words all that's happened in my life since we last spoke, and already I fail. I hope this letter finds you well, and that you'll forgive the tangents of my pen; this isn't easy for me. Even as I write, I can feel the simplest of concepts slipping away, lost to feelings of despair and confusion -- but I have to tell you what's in my heart before I can rest. Alma, please believe that what I'm telling you is the truth. The entire story would take hours for me to tell you, and time is short, so accept these things as fact: last month there was an accident in the lab and the virus we were studying leaked. All my colleagues who were infected are dead or dying, and the nature of the disease is such that those still living have lost their senses. This virus robs its victims of their humanity, forcing them in their sickness to seek out and destroy life. Even as I write these words, I can hear them, pressing against my door like mindless, hungry animals. Alma, I have tried to survive only to see you again. But my efforts only delayed the inevitable; I am infected, and there is no cure for what will follow -- except to end my life before I lose the only thing that separates me from them. My love for you. In an hour I'll have entered my eternal sleep where there is peace. Please understand. Please know that I'm sorry. Martin Crackhorn ----------------------- F16. S.T.A.R.S. Manual ----------------------- If you have changed your controller type to TYPE-B or to TYPE-C, please keep in mind that the contents explained here correlates with controller TYPE-A. -- How to view your STATUS SCREEN -- Press the Y Button during the game. (You will not be able to view the STATUS SCREEN during Cut-Scenes or while being attacked.) In the STATUS SCREEN you'll be able to do the following things. - Equip Weapons - Use items - View maps - Read files -- How to VIEW MAP -- In the STATUS SCREEN select MAP from the menu bar, or simply push the Z Button during the game. If you have not obtained a map, only the places you have explored will be displayed. -- How to READ MAPS -- uncolored room(s): Unexplored room(s). orange room(s): Room(s) with still items left. green room(s): Explored room(s) without any items left. red door: Locked door. white door: Unlocked door. blue door: Door you've been through. -- How to PUSH THINGS -- When there is a movable object, face the object in the direction you want to push it and press the Control Stick (+ Control Pad) in the direction you are facing. -- CLIMBING ON & CLIMBING DOWN -- Walk up to an object that's waist high of the character, and then press the A Button. (You can climb on movable objects as well.) To CLIMB DOWN from an object, press the A Button while standing on the edge of the object. -- How to EQUIP WEAPONS -- In the STATUS SCREEN select the "weapon" you want armed, then select the "EQUIP" command. (Even if you have a weapon you must EQUIP it in order for you to attack.) -- ATTACKING STANCE -- Hold down the R Button. (The player will take an attacking stance towards the closest enemy.) -- How to ATTACK -- While holding down the R Button, press the A Button. (You can attack the enemy with the weapon you have equipped.) -- 180 DEGREE TURN -- While pressing down the Control Stick (or the + Control Pad), press the B Button. (This can also be done using the C Stick alone.) -- EXAMINE AN ITEM -- From the STATUS SCREEN select an ITEM and then select the EXAMINE command. (The details of the item will be displayed.) --EMERGENCY EVADE-- Using DEFENSE ITEMS such as Daggers, will allow you to escape momentarily when grabbed by an enemy. (However, you will not be able to escape when the enemy grabs you from behind.) To equip a DEFENSE ITEM, go to the STATUS SCREEN, and then select an ITEM from the DEFENSE ITEM menu. Then select the EQUIP command. If your DEFENSE ITEM mode is set to MANUAL in the Controller Settings, you must press the L Button to use the DEFENSE ITEM. ------------------------ F17. Security Protocols ------------------------ LEVEL ONE Heliport/ For executive use only. This restriction does not apply in the event of an emergency. BASEMENT LEVEL ONE Passage to Heliport/ Entry is prohibited unless accompanied by a Consultant Researcher or the Chief of Security. Unauthorized persons entering the heliport will be shot on site. Elevator/ The elevator stops during emergencies. BASEMENT LEVEL TWO Visual Data Room/ For use by the Special Research Division only. All other access to the Visual Data Room must be cleared with Keith Arving. Room Manager. BASEMENT LEVEL THREE Prison/ Sanitation Division controls the use of the prison. At least one Consultant Researcher (E. Smith, S. Ross, A. Wesker) must be present if viral use is authorized. Triple Lock Door/ Entry into the room is limited to the sole person who deactivates the lock with all of the Pass Codes. Accessing the exclusive Output Terminals located in each section of the Senior Researchers deactivates the lock. Power Room/ In this room nitro compound is used as the primary fuel source of power. Access is limited to Headquarters Supervisors. This restriction may not apply to Consultant Researchers with special authorization. Pass Code Output Terminals/ Use and access of the Output Terminals is limited to authorized Senior Researchers. BASEMENT LEVEL FOUR Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after the administration of T- Virus... ------------------ F18. Suicide Note ------------------ June 22, 1998 I had to do it. We ran from those things -- helping each other to survive. But Robert started to show the symptoms. I had to do it. Those damn things are pure evil. There was no other way. He would have done the same if it were the other way around. After I put him out of his misery I had to just leave him in the bathroom. Now I'm probably the last one... How could this happen? I'll never forgive myself for being part of this project. Eventually I'll get what's coming to me, though. There's no way to escape from this nut house. It's just a matter of time now. Everything is set. All I need is a little courage to get it done. Knowing that I'll leave many things undone is regret beyond words. But, this is better than just waiting to turn into one of them. Please understand and at least let me end my life as a person. (There's a message on the back.) Linda, please forgive me... -------------------- F19. Trevor's Diary -------------------- Nov. 24, 1967 Eleven days have past since arriving on this estate. How did I end up like this? A guy in a lab coat came with a plate of skimpy meal and said to me, "Sorry to put you through this, but it's for security reasons." That's when it hit me. It all makes sense now. There are only two people that know the secret of this mansion, Sir Spencer and myself. If they kill me, Sir Spencer will be the only person that knows the secret. But for what purpose? It doesn't matter now. It's too dangerous here. My family... I hope they are all right. I've decided to escape... Jessica, Lisa, I pray you are safe. Nov. 26, 1967 How could I be so careless? I lost my favorite lighter -- the one Jessica gave me for my birthday. Now it's going to be that much harder to get out this dark place. Nov. 13th, the date when my fate was sealed. My aunt was hospitalized just three days before that. Jessica and Lisa said that they were going to visit her. I wish I could be there with them. But wait, even as I'm writing my memory is coming back to me more vividly. Just before I passed out, I remember the men in the lab coats said something like, "Most likely your family is already..." I pray for their safety. Nov. 27, 1967 Somehow I managed to get out that room. But getting out of this mansion won't be as easy. I have to get past all the booby-traps. Tiger eyes, Gold Emblem... I have to try and remember for my own sake. Nov. 29, 1967 I can't get out. I have tried every possible way to escape but only to be faced with the reality that I'm trapped. I've been everywhere. The laboratory with the large glass tubes filled with formaldehyde and those dark, wet and eerie caves... What can I do? At first I didn't want to believe my eyes. But that familiar high- heeled shoe in the corridor... It was like reflex. One name came to my mind, Jessica! I don't want to believe they share the same fate as me. No! I can't give up hope. I have to hope they're alive. Nov. 30, 1967 I haven't had anything to eat or drink for the past few days. I feel like I'm going crazy. Why is this happening to me? Why do I have to die like this? I was too obsessed with designing this ghastly mansion. I should have known better. Nov. 31, 1967 It was a dark and damp underground tunnel. And another dead end. But even in the darkness something caught my eye. Carefully, I lit the last match, I had to see what it was. A grave! But deeply engraved into the stone was my name! "George Trevor" At that instant, it all became clear to me. Those bastards knew from the beginning that I'd die here and I fell right into their trap. But it's too late now. I'm losing it. Everything is becoming so far away. Jessica... Lisa... Forgive me. Because of my ego, I got both of you involved in this whole damn conspiracy. Forgive me. May god justify my death in exchange for your safety. George Trevor ----------- F20. V-ACT ----------- There is now evidence that when the host loses consciousness, the body goes into a dormant state. During this time the virus becomes active and rapidly transforms and reconstructs the basic composition of the body. The host eventually mutated into a humanoid creature. (We call them V- ACTs) Its speed and amazing muscular development are particularly noteworthy. After transformation, it becomes more agile and aggressive. Already four of our researchers have died from trying to feed it, turning the place into an instant blood bath. (Ever since this tragic and barbaric accident, we have decided to call its kind "Crimson Heads") That dangerous and precious prototype specimen can't be left there. We have to figure out a way to deal with it. Termination is definitely not an option. We finally decided to freeze the specimen and confine the body inside the basement of the backyard cemetery. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ WESKERS REPORT 1 ...CONTAINS SPOILERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ My name is Albert Wesker. I aspired to become a leading researcher at Umbrella Inc. A pharmaceutical enterprise who covertly conduction Bio Organic Weapons, better known as B.O.W., for development. But at the leader development training ground situated in Raccoon City, I met a brilliant and talented researcher who decided to take a different path; William Birkin. In time I shifted my position to S.T.A.R.S., a special forces unit of the Raccoon Police Department. Umbrella, for crisis management reasons of their illegal Bio Organic Weapons development had many of it's people working in the police department. I became the leader of S.T.A.R.S. and conducted all sorts of intelligence activities for Umbrella. As I continued to serve I devised my own plans and waited for the right moment to execute them. Then at last, opportunity knocked. - 1998 - July - 7.24 - The freak murder incidents had occurred in the forest near the mansion started it all. The mansion was Umbrella's secret BOW laboratory and it was clear that the indevelopment T-Virus was the cause of the murder. Initially, Umbrella instructed me secretively to keep S.T.A.R.S. out of the case, but with the heightened emotions of the citizens S.T.A.R.S. had no choice but to move in. That was when my next order was given. Dispatch S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion, dispose of them, then report the situation to headquarters so that their combat with the B.O.W. could be used for data analysis allowing Umbrella a comprehensive portrait of the B.O.W.'s combat abilities. From the 2 S.T.A.R.S. teams I first pitched in the Bravo Team. As expected, the top elite of S.T.A.R.S. gave all they had and became useful sample data. Then following, I geared up the Alpha Team to "search and rescue" the lost Bravo Team. The members of the Alpha Team also proved their worth and as expected many died. There were 5 Survivors from the initial 11 S.T.A.R.S. members. From the Alpha Team were Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Barry Burton. And from the Bravo Team were Rebecca Chambers and Enrico Marini. It was time to begin executing my plans. In the midst of the whole affair I could take Umbrella's ultimate Bio-Organic Weapon, the Tyrant, and join forces with an opposing corporation of Umbrella. To buy into that opposing corporation I would need the actual combat data of the Tyrant. The surviving privileged members of S.T.A.R.S. were just the perfect bait. I decided to have one of them play the Judas and draw them to the Tyrant. That Judas was Barry. Barry was the strong truth and justice kind and cherished his family more than anything. His type is easy to manipulate. I just took that most important thing away from him. My only miscalculation was the high potential of Chris and Jill. But with the family man Barry playing Judas the scheme went as planned. Then the winds turned unexpectedly. I had to eliminate Enrico who found out what was behind it all. I used Barry to get to him. After I successfully got rid of that nuisance I awaited the sample specimen that Barry would bring to me in the Tyrants room. I injected the virus I obtained from Birkin in advance. If I made Umbrella believe I was dead, it made it far more convenient to sell myself to the opposing corporation. According to Birkin the virus had profound effects. It would put my body in a state of temporary "death." It would then bring me back to life with super human powers. Therefor I unleashed an awesome Tyrant from its slumber and let it attack me. As my consciousness faded away I was certain that the whole scheme would end in success. Never did I imagine that S.T.A.R.S. could slay the evil creation. I lost the Tyrant and the plan I devised which cost me my humanity ended in failure. Now anything and anyone who stood in my way would be terminated. It's been that way for a long time and it always will be. At all costs I had to make STARS pay. - September - Two months had passed since the mansion incident. To regain everything I had lost in my new organization I joined hands with Ada Wong, a female agent who was also sent to spy on Umbrella. I knew in my bones that the key developer was William Birkin, but what he didn't know was that Umbrella did not play games... with anyone. Eventually, Birkin would be assassinated, and the G-Virus would be in the hands of Umbrella. But the salvage team led by Hunk was ahead of us. By the time they got to Birkin, he'd already injected himself with the G-Virus... he became his own creation, and decimated them. Soon after, the T-Virus carried by rats spread throughout Raccoon City, and Umbrella faced its worst scenario. - 9.28 - The good citizens became zombies, and the city had headed for its devastating fate. Humans were no match against zombies. In the chaos, Umbrella Europe applied a new type B.O.W., called "Nemesis". The Nemesis would hunt down and destroy the surviving member of S.T.A.R.S., Jill. It became imperative that our organization would also obtain the Nemesis data. - 9.29 - To cover up the whole affair, Umbrella jettisoned a Tyrant to take care of Leon and Claire, who were trying to unveil their secrets. Then, a new revelation. Birkin used to hide the findings of his studies in his daughter Sherry's pendant. It was very possible that the G-Virus was there. While Umbrella was busy with their cover up, we had to capture Sherry before they did. I sent Ada undercover to seek the location of Sherry. I, the "dead man" on the other hand, had to work in the shadows. A spy's obligation and priority is in the mission, to carry out the mission like a machine without any emotional interference. But through her interaction and involvement with Leon S. Kennedy, there'd been an affection growing inside her. My instincts sensed danger, something had to be done, quickly. My instincts did not disappoint me. Even though Ada almost had her hands on the G-Virus, which Leon had acquired from Sherry, that affection of hers drove her to her death. But she was still of some use. I had to save her life. My people hurried to retrieve the G-Virus that Leon threw away. But Hunk, the only survivor of Umbrella's salvage team, was there before us. - 9.30 - Our only option left was to bring back Birkin, the monster, as the sample specimen and have him finish off Leon and Claire in order to obtain his combat data. Although Birkin lost the battle to Leon and Claire, we succeeded in gathering samples of the G-Virus from his dead body. - 10.1 - In the morning the government bombed Raccoon City in an attempt to stop for the viral outbreak. This was, of course, their feigned reason. Later, Claire left for Europe to find her lost brother Chris, and Leon joined forces with a underground anti-Umbrella organization. Sherry is safe in our hands. I would never underestimate Birkin. There's something about this little girl... ***Thanks to http://www.newblood.com for this detailed translation of Wesker's report 1!*** +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ WESKERS REPORT 2 ...CONTAINS SPOILERS +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ------ Part 1 ------ When I first visited that place, I was 18 and it was summer. Twenty years ago. I still remember the smell when the helicopter landed and the rotar caused the wind to stir. From the air, the mansion seemed normal but from ground level, something was different. Birkin, who was 2 years younger than I, seemed only interested in the research files he had as usual........ 1978 July 31(Monday) Two days ago, the two of us were assigned to that place. Everything could have been planned out from the beginning or it could have all been a coincidence. The only person to know the truth is most likely, Spencer. Spencer at that time was using the Arklay labs for the research on the t-virus. As soon as we got off the helicopter, the president of the lab stood in front of the elevator. I don't remember the guy's name. It didn't matter what was said officially, from that day on that lab was ours. We were assigned to be chief researchers at the facility. This of course, was Spencer's will. We were the chosen ones. The two of us ignored the president as we entered the elevator. We had already been briefed about the layout of the area as well as Birkin's, and with no bad intentions we ignored everyone as usual. Usually, when someone sees our actions, they would react quickly. But the president didn't react at all. At the time, I was only a youngster so it didn't bother the president. The president understood what Spencer was thinking and didn't take notice of someone like me. While the three of us were on the elevator, Birkin kept his eyes on the research files. The files contained information about a new firo-virus found 2 years ago in Africa called Ebora. Even now there are thousands of people researching the Ebora. But the people are always divided in half -- one group dedicated to saving people from the virus, and the other to kill people with it. It is known if a person is infected with the Ebora, that the chance of dying is 90%. It has the quality to destroy the physical structure within 10 days and even now, a cure hasn't been found. If used as a bio-weapon it would display incredible destruction. But because making a bio-weapon is against the law we would not use the virus as a weapon. But I'm certain that someone out there would use this as a weapon. So to prepare for a case of that nature it is good to do research on it now. But the line between finding a cure and making a bio-weapon is thin. This is because the actual research conducted do not differ at all between the two. So one could say that they are reseaching for a cure and be making a bio-weapon. But Birkin was not interested in either cause. He just wanted to research the Ebora itself. There was little known about the virus at the time. They did not know that the virus would die within a few days by itself, and would die instantly when hit by sunlight. They were also unaware of the speed that it would kill its host. It kills the host so quickly that there is virtually no time for the virus to infect another person. The virus has to physically touch another person in order to infect them and therefore can easily be quarantined. But that brings me to the following thought... What if a person that was infected with the Ebora virus could stand up and walk around? That infected person would have a disrupted chain of thought, and what if they could infect others that weren't infected? What if the DNA of the Ebora and the RNA had a direct impact on the DNA of a human? Due to those factors, would the person be harder to kill? The person would be dead from a human's point of view, but would still act as a bio-weapon spreading the virus. It is forunate that the Ebora had features like this. We would be the only ones to possess this knowledge. Umbrella, with Spencer as the head was a organization created to do research on viruses with these qualities. As a cover they tell the world that they are a company researching cures for these viruses. But the truth was that they are a bio-weapon development organization. The finding of the original virus which restructures the human DNA was the start of everything. Using the original virus as a base, an enhanced virus would be made to be a bio-weapon. This was the T-virus plan. The original virus was an RNA virus and would cause abnormalities that would enhance a person. Birkin planned on combining the two viruses to make an enhanced virus. The sample of the Ebora had already been brought to this reserach facility. We had gone through many elevators and had finally reached the destination. Upon entering, even Birkin was impressed by the sight. This was our first encounter with that woman. We were not told anything about that woman. Everything relating to her was kept top secret and the data was not to be leaked to the outside. Information obtained from records showed that she had been here since this lab was created. She was 25 years old at that time. But what her name is and why she is here is a mystery. She was a test subject for the research on the T-virus. The research began on November 10, 1967. For 11 years, she had gone through the tests with many viruses. I heard Birkin whisper something. Whether those words were cursing/swearing or praising I do not know. We had come to a place we could never leave. We didn't know whether we were to take the research to it's completion or if we would end up like her. For us we, only had one choice. The woman who lied on the pipebed had moved something within both of our minds. Is this also a part of Spencer's plan? ------ Part 2 ------ On this day, a ten-year old girl was deployed to Umbrella's Arctic facility as a Head Researcher. Her name was Alexia Ashford. At that time, I was twenty-one and Birkin was nineteen. Ruefully, the rumor of "Alexia in the Arctic" occupied our topics at the Arkley Facility. The Ashford House was a legend among long-time employees. Whenever our research didn't go well, the unskilled old researchers would say, "If only Professor Edward were still alive..." Certainly, Edward Ashford was one of the founders of the "starting virus" and might be the greatest scientist ever since he established the T-virus plan. However, Edward died soon after Umbrella was founded. It has been thirteen years since his death. After all that time, I wondered what we expected from Ashford House. To tell the truth, the Arctic Facility that his son established, had not developed anything for thirteen years since Edward's death. His granddaugter Alexia's brain might not be good enough. However, after that day, our useless older scientists began to say instead "if only Alexia were here..." I believed these old men didn't have any future because they judged people solely on the name of their family or their blood. That's why they could not work without any direction and could not ever get promoted when they were old enough to have one leg in the coffin. However, I remained sensible. If I was too hot about this issue as a manager, the Arkley Facility's T-virus development would run late. Under these circumstances, if we didn't judge the situation calmly, we would not succeed. At that time, I thought that if I used these old men well, the results of our research would show progress. I also thought the scientists were suitable for the very dangerous experiments because they were so old. After all, If I didn't use my workers efficiently, I wouldn't be such a higher manager. However, Birkin was now a problem. His reaction to the Alexia rumors were miserable. Although Birkin would never admit it, he was proud of becoming the youngest manager at sixteen. However, a ten-year-old girl had just broken his pride completely. It was the first time Birkin had ever been defeated. He couldn't admit that a young girl from a famous family had defeated him. Indeed, he was just a child. Although Birkin had an immature mind we needed him to get over it, because our research had been in the second phase for three years. At this point of the T-virus development, the production of the "Human biological weapon" the so called "Zombie" was stable. There was not 100% virus infection to DNA. There are so many kinds of chemical differences among people. If a group of people reveived the infection from a "Zombie", ten percent of them would not get infected. We can't change this result even though we continuously studied the DNA. If 90% of people got the infection, this would be enough to be a weapon. However, Spencer's opinion was different. Our boss wanted an independent weapon that killed 100% of the people. However, for what? Originally, the advantage of biochemical weapons was that they were cheap to develop. However, our research into the "Human biological weapon" was getting expensive. If Spencer wanted to get money the ordinary way, he would not have chosen such a method. If he used this as an ordinary weapon system, he would get enough money. However, if he continued to study it as an independent weapon, it would be too expensive. Why does he continue this research even though it costs so much? I would understand if he aimed at a monopoly of all military industry to change the general idea of war. So I still don't know Spencer's real intention. Apart from Spencer's real intention, what Birkin considered an ideal "Human biological weapon" was what he attached as a weapons importance to the battle field of that time. He tried to create that weapon by not only changing the T-virus DNA but also incorporating other creature's DNA information. He devised a Human biological weapon for battle that destroys people who are armored or recieved a vaccination for the virus. This experiment was called the "Hunter" in later times. However, that experiment had to stop for a while to protect our main experiment. Birkin felt it meaningless to compete against Alexia. He began to act like losing was standard behavior. He stayed at the facility twenty-four hours a day and continuously experimented on casual ideas with no plan. I tried to use other researchers to extract as many biological samples as possible before the experiment bodies died. However, I could not catch up with the speed of Birkin's experiments. The facility head supplied new experiment bodies and acted like nothing was wrong. However, those bodies were dying continuously. That place was like hell. However, the "woman experiment's" body was the only one who survived that hell. She was already twenty-eight. That is, she has been in this facility for fourteen years. She might not have any thinking ability as a human since getting the "Starting virus". If she had her mind, her only hope would be death. However, she survived. I wondered why she was the only one who survived for such a long time because the data of her experiment was not any different from the other bodies we experimented on. Until we solved this mystery, we needed more time ------ Part 3 ------ 1983 December 31 It has been the 6th winter since I worked at this Arklay facility. During the last two years, we had made no real progress with our research and time passed by. But this had come to an end. We had recieved word that Alexia had died. The reason was the virus that Alexia herself created, the (T-Veronica virus). It seemed like the 12 year old Alexia was too young for such dangerous research. I had heard rumours that Alexia had injected the T-veronica virus in herself but this I could not believe. She probably couldn't handle her father's death one year ago and made a simple error in her research. Later, the research at the Antarctica facility was continued by Alexia's twin brother, but no one had expected anything from him. In the end, the Ashford family couldn't bring any results and would crumble down. Like I had stated earlier, the Ashford family was a legend and will stay as a legend only. With Alexia's death, Birkin had changed back to what he was before. Now there was no one who could surpass him, and all the researchers had to acknowledge him. But it was still a taboo to talk about Alexia infront of him. Even when I tried to get a sample of the T-veronica virus, he had strongly objected. I had to put aside finding out about the research that Alexia had done for now. I had come to realize Birkin had not changed at all, when everything around him had changed. But I had a much bigger problem on my hands. Our facility was located in a very dense forest. I went out walking into the woods many times but because this facility was in the near center of the forest, we would never encounter any other humans. The only way to get here was by a helicopter. It was a needed precaution dealing with a bio-weapon. Since if by chance, the virus is leaked out, it would prevent the chances of spreading. But a bio-weapon isn't so simple. The virus can also affect non-human beings as well. A virus isn't always limited to affecting only one kind of organism. For example, the Influenza virus not only affects humans, but birds, pigs, horses and even seals. In each of these species, not all who come in contact with the virus are affected. Seagulls and chickens are, but all other birds are not. Also, the same virus may have different effects on different species. The problem lies in how the T-virus can affect many different life forms. During the time when Birkin made himself useless, I had done my own research on the T-virus. I had discovered that the T-virus can affect most life forms out there. Not only mammals but plants, bugs, and fish can also be affected. Everytime I walked in the woods, I always thought to myself, why did Spencer choose this place? There are many different forms of life in these woods. What would happen if the virus were to leak out? If only an insect were infected, it is small in size and probably would not go through a big mutation. But insects could spread the virus at an incredible rate. If this were to happen, how far would the T-virus spread? If it were a plant that was infected, the plant itself could not move and would seem safe. But what about the seeds the plants give out? It would be very dangerous for such a case to happen. Now that I think about it, it was a smart move for the Ashfords to locate their facility in Antarctica. But here it almost seems like someone wants the virus to spread. But that could not be possible. What is Spencer trying to make us do? This issue was far too great and I could not discuss this with any other researcher. The only one who I could talk to was Birkin, but he probably wouldn't be interested. I need more information. I had started to realize my limits as a simple researcher. To find out what Spencer was truly thinking, I needed to get to a position where I could obtain more information. For that I would throw away all my current positions. But I cannot do this quickly. I could not let Spencer notice my plans for if so, everything would be over. I had continued to do research with Birkin so that no one would detect my intentions. During that time, that 'woman test subject' was forgotten. A "failure" that just lived on. Until that day, 5 years later....... ------ Part 4 ------ The 11th summer had come since we started working at this facility. I was 28 at the time. Birkin had become a father to a 2 year old girl. The wife was a also a researcher at the facility. It was natural that people who conducted research at the same facility fall in love and have children. But a normal person would not be able to continue research at this place. Everyone who is still here is crazy. We had gone into phase three of our plan in the ten years. A programmed life, to be used a soldier, a bio-weapon for combat. This bio-weapon was to be called the "Tyrant". But this project had a huge problem from the start. Finding a test subject for this Tyrant was easier said than done. There were very few who were qualified enough to become the Tyrant. This was due to the nature of the T-virus. Any human could be used to make a zombie or a hunter but their intelligence would be lost in the process. A certain amount of intelligence was needed to create a Tyrant. Birkin had created a different way of creating the Tyrant to compensate for this problem. But only a very small amount of people could be used for this different way. In the simulation, only 1 out of 100000000 mutated into a Tyrant, the rest became zombies. If our research continued, we could create a different kind of T-virus that was compatible with far more people. But for this to happen we needed another test subject. But even if we searched through all of America, we would only find ten or so people that were compatible. Other research facilities had encountered the same problem. We ran into a wall even before our research began. But we had recieved word that the Europe facility had devised a plan to conquer this problem in phase 3. This was the Nemesis project. I had urged Birkin to get a sample of the project to further our own research. Although Birkin had strongly opposed, I convinced him otherwise. Until we found a compatible host our research would not proceed forward, and Birkin had to accept this. We had received the package a few days later with a number of precautions written on it. The package brought to heliport was in a small box labeled "Nemesis Project". To gain this sample from the France facility required quite there effort, and credit for this accomplishment went to Spencer for backing us up. Birkin took no interest in the package till the end but had at least admitted to tests. The sample was new and was for test purposes. A biological life form created by manipualting DNA. That was the what the Nemesis was. The intelligence was the only thing enhanced and this lifeform alone, could not do anything. But once it finds a host, it becomes a parasite and would take over that host and would cause it to have incredible combat ability. The host for the weapon and the parasite would be made separately and later the intelligence of the parasite and the body of the host would be combined to create a bio-weapon. If this were to succeed it would overcome the problem of the intelligence and we could create a bio-weapon. But the problem was when the parasite takes over the host. In the research files, the only information recorded was the death of each host once taken over by the parasite sample. Within 5 minutes of the parasite taking over, the host would die. But we were already aware of the danger that lied in the prototype. If we could prolong the time the host would survive, we would gain the credit to the "Nemesis project". That was my plan. The host would be that women test subject. Her incredible life rate could survive longer against the Nemesis prototype. And even if it failed, nothing would change on our side. But the test had created a result I had not expected. The Nemesis prototype that tried to enter her brain had disappeared. At first, we could not tell what had happenned. We did not expect her to consume the Nemesis. That was the beginning. Something was happenning inside that failed experiment. We had decided to start research on her from scratch. In the past ten years, we had conducted every bit of research possible on her, but we had decided to throw all those files away. Within the 21 years that she lived, something was beginning to show. Only Birkin had begun to notice the change. Indeed, something had begun to change inside her. But that was something totally different from the T-virus project. Something new and would bring a new idea to us. The project which changed our destiny, the "G-virus project" ------ Part 5 ------ It had been 17 years since I first came to this place. Every time I come here, I remember the smell of the wind from that day. The buildings and the surroundings all looked the same as before. On the heliport, I could see Birkin. It has been a long time since I've seen him. Four years have passed since I left Arklay labs. 4 years ago, when Birkin's G-virus project was authorized, I requested to be transferred to the secret (intelligence) service. This was easily authorized. Most people saw it as a natural change, going from the research profession to another field. In reality, the research conducted on the G-virus was far above my level. Even if I wasn't out to discover what Spencer was truly thinking, I could feel my limits as a researcher had reached their peak. Even as the wind blew, Birkin didn't take his eyes off of his research files. He came to Arklay quite often, even though he was not employed here anymore. Not too long ago, an underground lab under Racoon City was built. This was the place that Birkin's G-virus project would take shape. To be honest, I didnt think that Spencer would authorize "G". I thought this because "G" was considered far from being a weapon, and had too many unknowns about it. "G" was slightly different from "T-virus" because the host would spontaneously react to the virus at a repetitive rate. It was very easy for a mutation to occur since the DNA would be open to a virus. But this is isolated to the virus itself and not the host's DNA. Even if the virus could cause some form of change, it would be rare for the host's DNA to become mutated. Enter an ouside force such as radiation, and it would be a different story. But in the case of "G" it was different. Even without an outside force the "G" would keep mutating the host until death. Something very similar in nature did exist within the T-virus though. When a bio-weapon is put in a specific area, the virus inside the host would cause some form of mutation. This has already been confirmed. But for this an ouside force was always needed. But the "G" has no need for such an element. No one can predict the pattern of the mutations. And even if we could think of a way to stop the mutation, the virus would just improvise. 7 years ago Birkin discovered this in that woman. At first look the woman appeared to have no physical changes. But inside of her various mutations had occurred, each consuming every kind of virus we injected her with, and had continued to live on. Over a period of 21 years, it had mutated so much that it would even consume the Nemesis. The G-virus project was to take this mutation to highest point possible. But this could lead to the "Ultimate life form" or it could end in complete disaster.....could this be called a weapon? What was Spencer thinking when he authorized this project? Even when I moved to the secret intelligence service I could not find out anything about Spencer's train of thought during these 4 years. Spencer hasn't been to Arklay labs in a while now. Almost as if he is expecting something to happen there. Spencer was slowly drifting away from me, just as an oasis in a desert. But my chance will come soon enough. Thats if I can live until then. The elevator took Birkin and I to the highest level in the lab. To that place where we first saw that woman. There, we met the new research leader, John. He had come from a Chicago lab and was an excellent researcher, but he was too normal to work in a place like this. He had started to question the motives of the research, and had repeatedly questioned the superiors. This news reached my ears in the secret (intelligence) service. If information had been leaked out, he would be the first to go? This was the general opinion amongst the masses. We both ignored John and started the clean-up of that woman. We had to kill her. When she had consumed Nemesis she started to regain some intelligence and exhibited some preculiar behaviors. The behavior would worsen. She would ripped off another womans face and would wear it herself. According to the records she showed the same behaviors when she was first injected with the original virus. Recently three researchers had been killed as a result of her behavior, and this is what prompted her immediate termination. Because the "G project" was progressing so well, we had no use for her. Her death was confirmed over the course of 3 days, and her "dead body" was carried somewhere by the president. After all was said and done, no one knew who she was or why she was here. But this was also true of any of the other test subjects. If she had not been here the G-project would not have existed. Both Birkin and I would had be in completely different situations. I had this on my mind as I left the Arklay labs. How far was Spencer planning on taking this? (the "incident" would happen 3 years later) ***I didn't translate this myself. I got this from Resident Evil Fan website: http://www.residentevilfan.com, which is an excellent website for all RE freaks! Check it out! Also, thanks to the webmaster for letting me use this*** +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ SECRETS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Unlike other Resident Evil games, Resident Evil Remake has a few secrets and cheats that are very worth while! +-+GRENADE GLITCH (UNLIMITED GRENADES)+-+ <<>> 1. Put all items in Storage Chest. 2. Put Grenade Launcher in upper-left item slot. 3. Put any Grenade Ammo you want in upper-right item slot. 4. Close chest. 5. Open up your inventory. 6. Equip the Grenade Launcher. 7. Open chest. 8. Select the Grenade Rounds from your inventory. 9. Press A two times. 10. Move cursor to the Grenade Rounds inside chest. 11. Press A two times. +-+COSTUMES+-+ Jill's second costume : Clear the game once on either Easy/Normal/Hard. Jill's third costume : Clear the game twice on either Easy/Normal/Hard. Chris' second costume : Clear the game once on either Easy/Normal/Hard. Rebecca's costume will also change. Chris' third costume : Clear the game twice on either Easy/Normal/Hard. You can find the costumes in the room where the statue is, where you find the Mansion Map. Its a painting of the mansion. You need the Closet Key to open it. +-+INVISIBLE MODE+-+ You can obtain Invisible Mode by beating the Real Survivor Mode. Invisible Mode is when all the enemies throughout the game, even bosses, are Invisible. You can't see them... Only a challenge for great RE gamers... +-+REAL SURVIVOR MODE+-+ Beat the game in under 5 Hours on Normal/Hard. In this mode, Storage Chests will NOT be linked together. +-+ONE DANGEROUS ZOMBIE MODE+-+ Clear the game twice with Jill And Chris. A zombie will chase you around the mansion, but when you shoot him, he will blow you up since Grenades are wrapped around his stomach. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ ***SPOILERS*** Q: I keep running out of bullets... How can I prevent this? A: REmake is a game where you need to conserve ammo... So, instead of shooting anything you can see, first of all try and run around it. Try and avoid. There is always another way to the room you are going to! Q: I've finished the game, and I have started to play on 'Once Again', yet I see no Closet Key in my inventory. Why? A: The closet key is in the Storage Chest - Any Storage Chest. Q: A zombie keeps on following me through the mansion! Why!? A: This is ODZ mode. Sadly, you cannot disable it. The zombie goes away after you have been in the residence though... Q: Who is Lisa Trevors, and why isn't she in the original? A: Lisa Trevors was a test subject from age 14. Her father was a scientist, and her mother was also a test subject to the T-Virus. But, they turned into something else. That crap all over Lisa is her mother face, sewed onto her face. I don't know why she isn't in RE1, but Capcom certainly did a great job introducing her! Q: Should I give Barry his Magnum back or not. A: Yes. If you don't you will get a bad ending... And I don't like seeing Barry die... V_V Q: Whats all this talk about "WESKERS REPORT" crap? A: Weskers Report 1 & 2 answer a lot of questions in Resident Evil... Its recommended you read them - You'll understand the game more... They can be found on google.com, search for them there. Q: I'm shit scared of RE... Can I switch off blood or something? A: No. Why are you scared in the first place? Anyway, when I play Resident Evil, I have my computer on while typing the walkthrough, with a MP3 playlist on - It makes me relax more. Q: Is there any room where zombies do not turn into Crimsons? A: Yes actually. 2 that spring to mind - The Drug Room corridor, and the kitchen. Doesn't matter how many you kill, they don't come alive there! Q: Why did you write this guide? A: Because I wanted to. Q: Where can I get the Resident Evil books from? A: Try http://www.simonsays.com. If you want to ask a question, e-mail me at punishment466@hotmail.com. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= RESIDENT EVIL: UMBRELLA CONSPIRACY... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= 'Resident Evil: The Umbrella Conspiracy' is a novel written by S.D. Perry, author of Timecop, Virus, Xena: Warrior Princess, and the Resident Evil book series. Resident Evil: Umbrella Conspiracy keeps the thrilling sensation from the game, into the novel. You'll shudder as you read - As the book is a very good novel of Resident Evil. The Resident Evil books come in many series, the first being 'Resident Evil: Umbrella Conspiracy'. The next novel is 'Resident Evil: Caliban Cove'. This book answers many questions which are not answered through all the RE games, though it does contain some spoilers. The price for this book is $6.50 US, $8.50 CAN, and around $15.00 AUS. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ E-MAIL POLICY... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ *********** WHAT TO DO: *********** - E-mail me questions about the game, which are not answered during all sections of this walkthrough. - E-mail me suggestion about how to improve my Walkthrough. - E-mail me compliments about this Walkthrough, as sometimes I need them. - E-mail me any comments you have about this game. - E-mail me comments about my website, regarding RE. - E-mail me errors that are in the walkthrough, but please make sure you copy the complete sentence, and point out where its wrong. - Make sure you have the subject as "RESIDENT EVIL REMAKE" if not, it will not be opened. *************** WHAT NOT TO DO: *************** - Do not e-mail me either hate speech or flames. They are quite stupid, and in the end the only person who is laughing is me, with my friends, as we look and pity your stupidity. - Do not send me a virus, because they suck. And quite frankly, I have one of the most updated Virus Scanner out. So, its useless. - Do not send me spam - I don't want my penis enlarged, nor do I want a free mobile. - Do not send me casual e-mails like "omg liek hi!~1 wats ur asl!~!/" Because I wont reply, and they're annoying. - Do not send me e-mails which are not in English. I barely know Spanish, and I am now studying German, but it doesn't make me an expert on reading German or Spanish e-mails, so just send me an e-mail in plain old English. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ OTHER STUFF... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ - Have a spare pair of pants whilst playing this game. - Turn the volume DOWN. - Look behind your back every 2 minutes or so. - Have a trusty old Magnum next to you. - Don't open the door - It may be zombies, or Jehovah Witnesses which are even worse! - Its good that you have a potty next to you. - Don't try and put floppy disks in your GameCube - Only MO DISKS fit! +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ CREDITS... +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Jeff (CJayC/Ceej/Ceejus) Veasy for putting the guide up on the site. Other webmasters for putting my guide on their site. Other FAQ writers who inspired me. My computer for not freezing up ONCE when writing this FAQ for a change... Nintendo for such a great game system. Capcom, for creating Resident Evil. My parents for putting up with me. Coffee for keeping me up all night. Speed, for keeping me awake and feeling like doing everything (^_^) And my dog. She cost me fricken $650... No... Thats not how it goes... It goes YOU! For reading this guide! And finally, all of the Australian (And all others at that) Soldiers fighting in the war in Iraq. Our thoughts are with you. +-+Thats all. Good bye, hope you enjoy the world of Resident Evil...+-+ This guide is copyright of Matthew Stenson (punishment 01). Capcom and the Resident Evil games are trademarks of Capcom Ltd. (C) 2003. _______ _______ _______ (_______)(_______)(_______) _____ _____ _ _ _____ _____ (_____) | ___) | | | || ___) (_____) | |_____ | |___| || | _ |_______|_)_____(_)_| (_)