~`*`*`'~-.,_,.-~'`*' Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen '*`'~-.,_,.-~'`*`*`~ Naruto: Feirce Fighting Ninja Competition A Small Translation Guide ^_^ (note: not perfectly accurate, yet) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =~`$`~`$`~`$`~[ Table of Contents ]~`$`~`$`~`$`~ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 1 -___= Verision Summary 2 -___= Small overview 3 -___= Menu translation (ver 0.2b) 4 -___= Tips 'n' Tricks 5 -___= Speach Translation 6 -___= Name those characters *`'~-.,_,.-~'`*`'~-.,_,.-~'`*`'~-.,_,.-~'`* LEGAL STUFF: The Guide may not be reproduced or used within any other site without my permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide is copyright : Roy S Storey *`'~-.,_,.-~'`*`'~-.,_,.-~'`*`'~-.,_,.-~'`* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ 1. VERSION SUMMARY ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- 0.25a - First version released, work still to be done, but reasonable for now -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ 2. SMALL OVERVIEW ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Naruto is an ongoing Anime in Japan, and is quickly gaining popularity. This game is based upon that anime and has characters reaching as far up as episode 19. Since this game was released quite early, we miss out such playable characters as Hyuga Hinata, Sharigan Saskue, Gai-sensei and many more. Also for the same reason, sakuras hair is still long, i later episodes she has it cut short. Anyway, the game depicts the character extremely well. How they move in the anime is how they move in the game. The cell-sahding effect i pulled off awesomely and all the characters look like they should do, even why'll speaking, there is no flaws. The game is a quick and easy to pick-up fighter, it has unique qualities and features not seen within other fighter games. Because of this, i feel the game rises above some of the more average Tekken or Virtua Figher games. Well since this is a "Small" overview, i shall stop here. Untill i feel like writting more. lol ^_^; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ 3. MENU TRANSLATION ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: - ver 0.2b -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- (Section possible thanks to Michiro Furuta, aka TheunknownX1) -- Yellow ________________ Arcade Mode Orange ________________ 2 Player Vs. Mode Pink __________________ Vs. Com Mode Red ___________________ Survival Purple ________________ Time Trial Mode Blue __________________ Training Mode Light Blue ____________ Story Mode Light Green ___________ Bonus Section (Omake) Green _________________ Game Settings -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ Menu Explainations ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: Arcade Mode = Choose a character and battle through the game. 2 Player Vs. Mode = 2 Players choose a character (can be the same) and battle eachother. Vs. Com Mode = Choose a character and then select the Computers character and battle. Survival = Choose any character and see how long you can last. You will battle all the characters (not at once) and whatever damaged gained by them will be charried over to the next match you have with that character . .(example: you fight Kakashi and have half your health left, next fight is against Haku, your health will be full, say you beat Haku and then your up against Kakashi again. Your health will be half because of the previous match you had with him) Time Trial Mode = See how quickly you can beat through you opponents to the end. (much like Aracde mode, but timed). The faster the better ^_^ Training Mode = Choose a character choose the coms character and then practice away. Com's settings can be adjusted during training Story Mode = Make your way thru the game as Uzumaki Naruto. It follows the same feel of the anime and you will reach the final battle which is Zabuza. After beating him, the story is over. Unless you fail to loose. Then you will be challenged by Rock Lee. Bonus Section = Where all your hard earned rewards are collected. While playing you will gain certain bonuses, usually pieces of a picture or unlocking the sound test. Come here to find out what you've won (so to speak) Game Settings = Here you can set-up the game to how you wish -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MENU: Game Settings -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Options -Play Data -Sound Settings -Memory Card -Default (Settings) Return/Back -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Options Sub-Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Difficulty _________ 1 2 3 (4, unlockable thru Survial Mode) -Number of Rounds ___ 1 2 3 5 -Round Time _________ 30 60 90 -Attack Power _______ 1 2 3 (4, go to omake section) -Vibration __________ on/off Return/Back -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Play Data Sub-Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Score ranking -Survival consecutive win ranking -Time attack time ranking -Character usage % Return/Back -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sound Settings Sub-Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Sound Type _________ stereo mono -BG Music ___________ on off -Sound Effects ______ on off Return/Back -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Memory Card Sub-Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Auto save __________ on off -Load -Save Return/Back *`'~-.,_,.-~'`*`'~-.,_,.-~'`*`'~-.,_,.-~'`* -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- MENU: Bonus Section (Omake) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Character Info -Picture Gallery -Sound Section -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Character Info Sub-Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Beat the game with each character to unlock there profile (not secret chaacters do not have profiles, tis a shame) -Uzumaki Naruto -Uchiha Sasuke -Haruno Sakura -Hatake Kakashi -Iruka -Haku -Momochi Zabuza -Rock Lee -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Picture Gallery Sub-Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- By playing the game you unlock more and more pictures ^_^ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sound Section Sub-Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -BGM (Background Music) -SE (Sound Effects) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SE Sub-Sub-Menu -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Ingame Sound Effects -Character Speach -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ 4. TIPS 'N' TRICKS ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- .:.: TheunknownX1 Tips 'n' Tricks :.:. try to be quick with counter (replacement technique) becuase if you get fast enough with that, you can counter their counters countering your counter. combos are always nice too so if youre playing with your good character be sure to know their combos play smart, dont just run in to the enemy thinking your combo with do major damage, they might counter it ESPECIALLY IF YOURE PLAYING DIFF 4 the smart thing to do is plan it. wait until they attack and at the last second run in ALSO, DO NOT USE SPECIALS!!!!!! this is a mistake EVERYONE MAKES. specials may seem cool or fun to do but it uses up your chakra bar which isnt good. without chakra, you cant counter. countering is VITAL FOR DIFF 4. if you lose on 4 and wonder so much its probably becuase you cant counter and therefore you die quicker, or enemy like zabuza side steps and smashes you with his huge sword. specials are only alright if you are about to kill them. also do not mash all the buttons in the combo at once. right as the first move is done, tap the next button. and as that is at its halfway point tap another button. its all in a rythmic fashion. sidestepping (r or L) is your friend. if you do it righ at the perfect moment youll avoid an attack and go to the other side of the enemy. it is also helpful for dodging attacks and shurikens/kunais .:.: Yuuichi's Tips'n' Tricks :.:. Being Quick with Countering/Replacement technique is a vital key. But, if you are sent flieing across the arena, let yourself reach quite a distance the quickly tap either [L] or [R], activating the replacement technique. This will fool your opponent as they will be too busy watching you fall and won't expect you to recover at the last minute ^_~ . This trick works well against human players, but can't be used too often or else they will click on and it won't be effective. So, use it sparingly ^_^ Just as you are about to hit the floor (when hit in the air and falling) press [a] or [b] as you come close to the flor, and you will preform a backwards roll, stopping you from collapsing to the ground and wasting time getting up (which also can leave you open for skilled player to attack your ass). This technique only works if your falling back fist . . if your falling face fist (facing the ground) you will just hit it and collapse. Sorry ^_^ Be sure to know your characters biggest or most powerful combo. This may save you in a tight spot, as both com players and human players open up when they think its a small combo, allowing you to get a few hits in. Also big combos, even when being protected, can cause some damage. So if your opponent is low on health and keeps defending, don't worry, they'll eventually die. When someone pulls off a Special attack, you have a split seond or so gap. use this gap to quickly dodge left or right ([L] or [R]). tap about 5 times just to make sure. This should allow you to avoid the initial blow which sets the whole special move off ^_~. NOTE: this does not work on Zabuza or Kakashi , there moves are directed at you, so for these two, jumping up in the air, and then using a double jump to make sure you miss it. Zabuza will be the hardest to avoid. If your opponent uses counter (Back + [A]). and you are not going to hit them at the time. Wait till the move is just being released (example: Kakashi pulls out his book and reads it. Just when hes begining to put it away. ATTACK). Give them either your biggest combo, or if you have a full chakra meter, unleash your special attack. They will not be able to avoid it. -- More tips comming soon -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ 5. SPEACH TRANSLATION ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Uzumaki Naruto -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Yatta Ikuzo! Alright Lets Go! -Saa aete zenbu yasei Now .. Lets get Wild -Chikuso! Damn it! (to put mildly ^_^) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Uchiha Sasuke -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -Ikuso! Lets Go! -Koitsu (?) Bring (it) -???? I am an avenger -Doushte o sounamonkana (?) Why what a distaster (?) -- Need help in this section. I'm not all that great at ranslating, and i recognise word by sound, but don't know them throu type T_T -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ 6. NAME THOSE CHARACTERS ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: - ver 0.2b -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You might Notice certain characters in the background of some levels. This section aims to name them for you ^_^ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Entrance to Village -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Konohamaru - Lil kid who keeps poofing in a cloud of smoke and re-appearing in other places Hyuga Hinata - Shy girl who stands behind one of the trees -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ramen Store -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Akimichi Choji - Fat-ass who always eats ^_^ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Genin School -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Crowd of Genins - i haven't made out anyone in particular yet ^ ^; -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ SPECIAL THANKS ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thank you to the following people or places: - eBay.co.uk = The place i purchased this game, and at a very good price ^_^ - www.gamesfaqs.com = For being so kind as to place my guide online - Michiro Furuta aka TheunknownX1 = For allowing me permissioin to use some of his info -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.[ Tiny Note ].:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The translation made throughout this guide are from my own knowledge and other sources (TheunknownX1). I am no expert in japanese, and thus the translations will not be entirely accurate. But i belive they are close enough to be understood. If any of you know better and feel i have translated something incorrectly, please e-mail me: Roy-Master@Smashbros.fsnet.co.uk , please make sure you add "Naruto trans guide" in the subject line, or else i may delete it by accident. ~_~; This Guide was made to be small and simple, and basically help you whom don't know japanese very well, to understand the game a lil, allowing you to move your way around, and play it to the full ^_^. I understand quite alot of this guide is taken from TheunknownX1, and i have merely edited it to be aimed more towards the navigation of the game. thats quite true, but i have also cleaned up a few menu translations and added a few extras of my own. You could veiw either mine or TheunknownX1's guide, and gain roughly the same information. Yet mine would be easier to find the menu navigation, which is, lke i said, "its aim". ^___^ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Yuuichi - Roy-Master@Smashbros.fsnet.co.uk TheunknownX1 - radicalnights@aol.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-