+=================================================+ | ____________________ | | \ Kirby's Air Ride / | | \ Vehicle Faq / | | \ / | | _____/ Ver. 2.0 \_______ | | / \ | | / by Nadnerb, Copyright 2005 \ | | /________________________________\ | +=================================================+ Contents: I.) Introduction II.) Version History III.) Vehicles A.) Compact Star B.) Warp Star C.) Slick Star D.) Swerve Star E.) Formula Star F.) Turbo Star G.) Shadow Star H.) Rex Wheelie I.) Wagon Star J.) Bulk Star K.) Weelie Scooter L.) Wheelie Bike M.) Wing Star N.) Jet Star O.) Rocket Star IV.) Special Vehicles A.) Flying Warp Star B.) Hydra C.) Dragoon D.) Meta-Knight E.) King De-De-De V.) Top Ride vehicles A.) Free Star B.) Steer Star VI.) Copyright Junk +----------------------+ | Introduction | +----------------------+ This is my guide for the awesome game that is called "Kirby's Air Ride". This guide will cover every vehicle in the game, from Compact Star to King De-De-De. The best positive and negative comment about each vehicle was added. I hope this guide helps you! +----------------------+ | Version History | +----------------------+ 1.0 Finished the layout and began to plan out the vehicles. (unpublished) 1.1 Began to work on the vehicles, updated plans for special vehicles. (unpublished) 1.2 Added Comparisons. (unpublished) 1.3 Almost done with the vehicles, preparing for special vehicles. (rejected) 1.5 Minor tweaks, Special Vehicles completed, preparing for the Top Ride vehicles. (Published) 1.6 Done the Top Ride vehicles and started to plan a giant update... (Published) 2.0 Much more information added, comments inserted. +----------------------+ | Vehicles | +----------------------+ Anyhow, time to get to the point! +======================+ | Compact Star | +======================+ Advantages: Good steering, very easy to control Disadvantages: A bit on the slow side, but still good on most courses and events Description: A small star packed together that can win it's share of races with the right driver and the right upgrades on city trial. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: A Gliding: B- Speed: C Comments: "This is a fair vehicle, it is just a bit slow for my taste" "I truly wish you didn't have to start on this for city trial" +======================+ | Warp Star | +======================+ Advantages: Faster than the Compact Star and much more rounded off Disadvantages: Harder to steer than the Compact Star, it is also a slippery vehicle (be prepared to use lots of boost going around corners) Description: A larger and faster star than Compact Star, however it is faster. It could use some turning to finetune it's skills. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: B+ Gliding: B- Speed: B "This is one of my favourite vehicles, I like it much more than compact star" "I don't see how anyone can seriously enjoy this, it is one of the most horrid vehicles ever!" +============================================+ | Comparison One | +============================================+ In the first comparison I will compare Compact Star with Warp Star. Compact Star Warp Star Steering: A > B+ Gliding: B- = B- Speed: C < B The stats say that Warp Star is better than Compact Star, however I do not agree with that because steering is very important to me. +=====================+ | Slick Star | +=====================+ Advantages: Very, very fast. Disadvantages: The incredibly bad steering makes this vehicle IMPOSSIBLE to control Description: A good vehicle, however with 13 turn patches it barely makes a dent in the horrible turning that haunts this vehicle. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: F Gliding: C Speed: A- "Sure, this vehicle is a bit frustrating. I still think you should give it a chance!" "Are you supposed to ride this monstrous THING?" +====================+ | Swerve Star | +====================+ Advantages: Great speed on courses where you don't have to turn much Disadvantages: Different way of turning, you need to boost. The gliding also lacks somewhat Description: A different kind of vehicle, capable of going at high speeds when on straight courses. Ability: Has to boost to change directions or turn .:Ratings:. Steering: B (the new way is pretty good, actually!) Gliding: C+ Speed: B+ "The new steering is a major plus. I recommend this vehicle!" "You should steer with a joystick, not a stupid A button!" +===========================================+ | Comparison Two | +===========================================+ Slick Star Swerve Star Steering: F < B Gliding: C < C+ Speed: A- > B+ Looks like Swerve Star is better by my means of comparison, but again I advise you not to trust me. I must agree with this one comparison, though +===================+ | Formula Star | +===================+ Advantages: Extreme speed, if you can keep it going you can ZOOM by everyone at the beginning Disadvantages: Gliding and turning took a little sacrifice to let the top speed be so great and almighty Description: A fast vehicle, good on many courses if you know what your doing with it. Hard to control in tough situations. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: C+ Gliding: C+ Speed: A "This vehicle proves that pure speed can outdo steering and gliding any day!" "Want a vehicle that couldn't make a 140 degree turn? Try this one!" +==================+ | Turbo Star | +==================+ Advantages: Very balanced, no real flaws Disadvantages: Nothing exceptional, except for the sharp turning problems Description: One of my favorite vehicles, for the sole fact it is very well balanced and made to please people. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: B- Gliding: B+ Speed: B "Now balance can be your friend!" "Turbo Star leads to fear. Fear leads to hate. Hate leads to hatred. Hatred leads to suffering." +=========================================+ | Comparison Three | +=========================================+ Formula Star Turbo Star Steering: C+ < B- Gliding: C+ < B+ Speed: A > B Well, here we seem to have a winner. However, in your case it would depend on fast or well balanced. +================+ | Shadow Star | +================+ Advantages: Good offensive capability, above average speed Disadvantages: Low turning capabilities, hard to control sometimes during winding courses like Sky Sands Description: A strong hitter that moves with efficency, recommended. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: B- Gliding: B+ Speed: B+ Ability: None "Offensive, slick and deadly all in one great package!" "The offense is good... if you can turn to face them!" +===============+ | Rex Wheelie | +===============+ Advantages: Very fast and offensive, a good pick if you can handle it Disadvantages: Very hard to steer, lacks somewhat when gliding Descripton: A good vehicle on most courses, espescially Drag Race 3 and Nebula Belt. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: C Gliding: C- Speed: A- "Awesome, this motorcycle flies around!" "Are you supposed to steer this thing?" +========================================+ | Comparison Four | +========================================+ Shadow Star Rex Wheelie Steering: B- > C Gliding: B+ > C- Speed: B+ < A- Well, it truly depends on whether you are a risk taker or a calculated driver that ensures that you will do good. +==============+ | Wagon Star | +==============+ Advantages: Fairly fast and it can take quite a lot of damage Disadvantages: It cannot boost or glide very well Description: A stable vehicle that can be quite fast when you get used to not being able to boost. Ability: Not being able to boost .:Ratings:. Steering: A- Gliding: C- Speed: B+ "Amazing! The boosting deficit is more of a plus than a minus!" "This thing MIGHT just fly if you could deactivate gravity." +==============+ | Bulk Star | +==============+ Advantages: It can take a TON of damage in the derbies Disadvantages: Having to boost to give it fuel, being slow and not gliding at ALL Description: A vehicle that is generally bad in all aspects, but is good at being bashed up Ability: You have to boost to give it fuel .:Ratings:. Steering: B Gliding: F Speed: C- "Good for battles, I enjoy it because of the awesome endurance!" "This is the slowest vehicle ever. I hate it and it shouldn't've been added." (Is shouldn't've a word?) +=====================================+ | Comparison Five | +=====================================+ Wagon Star Bulk Star Steering: A- > B Gliding: C- > F Speed: B+ > C- So far the biggest stat wipeout ever. It is the first vehicle I jumped on besides compact star and my least favorite vehicle. +===============+ |Wheelie Scooter| +===============+ Advantages: Goes far when gliding, good speed Disadvantages: Awkward controls, sometimes hard to make sharper turns Description: A great bike for you to drive around anywhere, and is great on jumps. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: B Gliding: A- Speed: B+ "Wheelie Scooter is really well balanced, it can outdo any other wheelie anyday." "I'd much rather go flying off a cliff in a Bulk Star than ride this!" +==============+ | Wheelie Bike | +==============+ Advantages: Fast, able to land a good hit Disadvantages: Steering can be3 tough on this different style of vehicle Description: A fun vehicle, good at busting things up. Enjoyable Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: B- Gliding: B+ Speed: A- "Much better than it's new and hyped up counterparts, truly enjoyable." "This vehicle sacrificed gliding and steering for speed. That's not a smart choice." +=====================================+ | Comparison Six | +=====================================+ Wheelie Scooter Wheelie Bike Steering: B > B- Gliding: A- > B+ Speed: B+ < A- Both are magnificent vehicles, I advise you to use both if you like one. They are actually very similar. +=============+ | Wing Star | +=============+ Advantages: Great gliding, goes far in the air Disadvantages: Slow on the ground, needs liftoff to obtain great speeds Description: A good vehicle, espescially on flying activities. However, in event of a race it lacks somewhat. Ability: None .:Ratings:. Steering: B+ Gliding: A Speed: C+ "I can fffffllllllyyyyyy!" "The Wing Star is a disgrace, barely more than a Jet Star!" +============+ | Jet Star | +============+ Advantages: Fast in the air, can maneuver quite well Disadvantages: Fairly slow on the ground, sometimes bad at makings turns Description: A fair vehicle if you can launch yourself into the air. Ability: Gains speed in the air .:Ratings:. Steering: B Gliding: A- Speed: B+ "Now I don't have to worry about slowing down when in the air, this one will trudge on!" "WOW! Now I can gain speed for the 3 or 4 seconds I am in the air! That's fantastic!" (I am pretty sure he was being scarcastic...) +==================================+ | Comparison Seven | +==================================+ Wing Star Jet Star Steering: B+ > B Gliding: A > A- Speed: C+ < B+ Well, this turns out quite well actually. I prefer Wing Star over Jet Star and think that Wing Star's speed is inexcusable. That's the end of the comparisons for the basic vehicles. +-------------------+ | Special Vehicles | +-------------------+ +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ |Flight Warpstar| +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ Advantages: Great flying and great defence help this balanced vehicle Disadvantages: Speed is below average, so is turning. Can get into mishaps in fights Description: An adaption of the warpstar, an awesome flier that can rise almost straight up. Ability: Able to rise in the air, go straight up .:Ratings:. Steering: B Gliding: A Speed: B- "A great enhancement from the regular Warpstar, gliding ROCKS now!" "This is a pathetic attempt to discredit the Warpstar. It is totally unneeded!" +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ | Hydra | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ Advantages: This vehicles speed is demonic, it can outdistance any opponant around mid-race. Uses fuel VERY slowly. One hit on any opponant riding any normal vehicle will be blown up in one hit. Disadvantages: Has to boost to go, if it wipes out it will have to be boosted. Description: A speed demon that has a defense equal to a warp star with 15 health upgrades. Very offensive, very deadly. Ability: Has to boost to go .:Ratings:. Steering: B Gliding: A- Speed: A+ "Hydra wins all my races!" "Another vehicle like the Bulk Star. Charging for fuel is a bad idea." +~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ | Dragoon | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ Advantages: Extreme flight, be prepared to fly thousands of feet in air glider and high jump Disadvantages: Speed and turning are the main flaws in this vehicle, not bad but not as good as Hydra's. Anything involving gliding will be an instant win if you are riding Dragoon. Description: It's flight makes it seem like an angel and the steering and speed can turn it into a devil in cases involving bombs and Hydra Ability: Awesome flying .:Ratings:. Steering: B Gliding: A+ Speed: B- "The only vehicle that's better than Wing Star!" "Give UP people. How can you like this freak of nature!" +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ | Comparison Eight | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ Hydra Dragoon Steering: B = B Gliding: A- < A+ Speed: A+ > B- Hydra has a higher total mark points but they are quite equal. I enjoy Dragoon more but typically find Hydra better. Hydra can destroy someone with a single quick spin. +~~~~~~~~~~~+ |Meta-Knight| +~~~~~~~~~~~+ Advantages: Automatic attack is nice, speed is great and gliding is quite good Disadvantages: Not being able to boost and steering are weak points Description: A pretty good ride, if you can handle the major speed loss from hitting walls. Ability: Automatic attack, cannot boost .:Ratings:. Steering: B Gliding: A- Speed: A- .:::::::::::: .::No comments::. ::::::::::::::: +~~~~~~~~~~~+ |King DeDeDe| +~~~~~~~~~~~+ Advantages: Automatic attack is quite useful here and speed is fine Disadvantages: The steering is okay, and the gliding is bad. Description: Poorly balanced, yet acceptable if you feel you can control him. Ability: Automatic attack .:Ratings:. Steering: B Gliding: B- Speed: B+ .:::::::::::: .::No comments::. ::::::::::::::: +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ | Comparison Nine | +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+ Meta-Knight King DeDeDe Steering: B = B Gliding: A- > B+ Speed: A- > B+ Well, I couldn't have thought this could go this way, I would've thought DeDeDe would have got a point at least. I altogether agree that metaknight is better, as he is one of my favorite people. +-------------------+ | Top Ride Vehicles | +-------------------+ +~~~~~~~~~~~+ | Free Star | +~~~~~~~~~~~+ This vehicle will turn in the direction that you tilt the Control Stick. It will turn up if you point it up, etc. This vehicle is my preferred choice, I find it easier to steer like this because it doesn't always head forwards, and is easier to stop it from hitting walls. +~~~~~~~~~~~+ | Steer Star| +~~~~~~~~~~~+ This vehicle is different from the Free Star. It will automatically move forward and won't stop. To control it you must tilt the joystick either Left or Right, no steering gradually. All your turns will be sharp, but it can be gotten used to and can even work to your advantage in the water level! +------------------+ | Copyright Junk | +------------------+ This faq is property of Nadnerb, 2005. I hope this helps and that the later versions should be done soon. Do NOT publish this without my permission, unless you are one of my "people interviews" or you have written and submitted an amount of knowledge to me.