............................................................................... * ***** ***** *** *** * * * * * * * * * * *** *** * ******* * * * * * ******* * ******* ****** ****** * * * * * * * * * *** * * **** * **** * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * ********** *** *** * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * *** *** * ***** * * * * * ******* ****** * * ******* * *** * *** * ***** * **** * * ******* * *** * *** * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * **** * **** * ***** * * **** ******* ****** * **** ******* * * AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS... Copyright (C) 2002-2003 A.J Mathieson 29/12/2002 Version 0.9 nitro_rules@hotmail.com Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Walkthrough Playstation 2 +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*++*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*++*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ CONTENTS +*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+**+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*++*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ 1) >>Basics<< 2) >>Walkthrough<< 3) >>In Depth Monster Strategy<< 4) >>Exploring Hogwarts<< 5) >>Mini Tasks<< 6) >>Items and Spells<< 7) >>Wizard/Witch Cards<< 8) >>Copyright/Contact Information and Thanks<< Version 0.8- There's still a lot missing from the 'Mini Tasks' and the 'Wizard/Witch Card' Section. Once I've completed both of those it SHOULD be the final version Version 0.9-After being slightly lazy, finally done some more cards, almost completed mini games and finished off a couple of my own sentences for once. Final Version-Everything completed. Finit. ********************************************************************************* Basics ********************************************************************************* INTRODUCTION: This walkthrough was written mainly for GameFAQ's. It's aim is to explain how to complete the game whilst showing how to find all secret items and passageways (and hopefully I've got them all here) and help you to win the house cup. Although I think it's pointless to have the basics here, it seems to be a standard feature so here they are: CONTROLS: Analogue Stick> Used to move around/Direct broomstick. X> Used to Select/Talk/Inspect items/Accelerate broom etc. Triangle, Square, Circle> Used to cast spells/Use items (Depending which you've equipped) R1> Target enemies. R2/L2> Shuffle through menus/Peer round corners. Select> Consult Rememberall. Start> Pause game. BASIC OF WALKTHROUGH: Also the basics of the walkthrough. Each day will have a description of how to complete the tasks that are NECESSARY to end the day, any other tasks are explained under 'mini tasks'. Each day is headed off with a line of + and each task starts a new paragraph with capitals so it's easier to search through the rubbish. Anything in '<>' is my own personal comments. FDR= Fill, Drink, Refill at the Wiggenweld pot. Saving: You can save anywhere in the game though there's little need to as when you die you're taken back to where you were when you died. However at points where I feel you should save I have put '***'. Directions: ALL directions to places (eg. mini games) will start from outside the Entrance Hall unless it says otherwise. Finally, I am writing this walkthrough as play it for the first time so I know where to explain in detail. However if there is a point where I have not explained fully and you need help or have helpful information e-mail nitro_rules@hotmail.com. ********************************************************************************* Walkthrough ********************************************************************************* Hopefully that's all very simple. Once you've chosen 'new game' the loading screen will appear. While you are waiting, you might as well put the kettle on, watch a couple of DVD's and then read the whole contents of your local library. By the time you've done all that, the game will be loaded :) The game begins at the Weasley's house, which brings us to... Day One ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When Mrs Weasely has scolded all the boys , Ron asks you to help de-gnome the garden, but first you need to practice your spell. Cast Flippendo on the glass jar near the gate (with the help of R1) and get your first Bean. You need these beans to buy things so grab them as soon as you see any...sometimes they disappear. Now try hitting the target on the left, the twins tell you your not strong enough to hit the bell... yet. Follow the Weaselys into the barn. Now you have to hit the gnomes, just target them and cast loads of Flippendo's, it's all simple stuff. If you hit any grain bags, beans will appear so grab them. After going out of the barn, you get to duel a mad washing machine. Try to dodge the bubbles because they hurt you, . You can use (x) to dodge but it didn't really help me much, just move side to side to avoid. If the door opens go mad with Flippendo's, then, when the bar on the bottom right is full the Washing Machine is beaten. Fred gives you a frog, this can heal you fully again. You can aim at it to knock it out, once you've eaten it, go to the shed on the left of the Washer. Walk against it to climb up, then climb through the window. Now you'll be at the top of the barn, grab your first wizard/witch card. Every ten of these will increase your stamina bar so they're important. You can also shoot the bags to get more beans. When your done, follow the boys through the gate into the garden. DE-GNOMING GAME: To throw the gnomes, aim and cast Flippendo on them, when you see stars going round thier heads pick them up with (x) and run to the wall. Press and hold (x) and some arrows will appear. You have to hold (x) to swing, the longer you hold the faster Harry spins. Try and spin until just before Harry gets dizzy, I reckon he gets dizzy on the 8th spin. So once you hear the swishing noise seven times let go on the GREEN arrow. If you hit one of the targets you will recieve a witch/wizards card and if you throw farther than Fred your score will be recorded and you'll recieve a card (my record's 135). Once you've thrown enough gnomes Mrs Weasely will interupt the fun and tell you it's time for bed . However you can stay out as long as you want collecting beans (shoot the bushes in the garden and the toolbox in the barn when it moves) or throwing more gnomes. Once your done press select, R2 to the page with tasks on and press (x) to 'end the day'. (Note: to get a higher score, start with your back facing the wall, this will mean you spin more before you hear the swishing noise seven times) End the day once you have 4 cards, because you can't go back to get them later. Day Two +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BORGIN, BURKES AND KNOCKTURN ALLEY: The next day begins in Knockturn Alley, and starts in Borgins' shop. Explore the shop, opening cupboards etc. will grant you more beans. When your satisfied, enter the large black cupboard at the top of the shop and a scene will begin. You see the Malfoy's enter with a book and it looks very useful. When your free to roam again you can go and get it BUT you must creep otherwise the hand from the Adams family will attack you. To creep simply push the anologue stick a lot gentler than usual. Once you get the book you will receive the spell 'Lumos'. Assign it to a button and then go through the black doors again. It's now a passageway, follow it until you get to a dark room (it's very dark in there). Use your new spell which will highlight a magical wall you can push. Push it and you enter a new room to find lots of lovely imps to welcome you. Aim and Flipendo the imps whilst dodging the jars they'll roll at you. Again you must fill the bar before you can continue. Climb over the cupboards when you've done that and you'll see an imp in a cage. Remember throwing the gnomes? Well you have to do that with the imps now, when you've got one, take it right up to a cage and throw it in, the cage with lock itself. A card will appear, grab it and also Flipendo the glass jar in the bookshelf to reveal a frog. Then climb atop the middle cage and onto the ridge. To the right you'll find a jar of beans and a chest containing an owl treat, then to left to find a perch. When next to it call Hedwig and give her an owl treat. She'll drop a ladder for you. Atop the ladder is a loft. The loft is very dark and someones done a terrible job with the flooring so it's time to put Lumos to use. After a while when Lumos has died out, the gaps in the floor will glow green and so you can avoid spaces that have gaps all around. Its best to go forward and then to the right. When you find a hole, go just left of it using Lumos, there should be a card there in a chest, now crawl in the hole and go through the right door (as opposed to the wrong one:). At the bottom of the steps you'll find a pile of boxes, go to the wall on the right and Harry will assume side-stepping position. You can now squeeze through the gap and run to the end of the alley. Theres a door but it's locked, grab the box next to it and pull it away revealing a yellow switch. Press that, then you have to go back near the shop. Past the huge pile next to the steps a door has opened. Go through it and claim a wizard/witch card from the chest then press the new switch. Run back to the 'locked' door at the end of the alley. It's open now, push the box away and go through it. Your now in Knockturn alley...spooky. Run forward and then to the right past a huge white building that may look familiar. You'll see Ginny and Mrs Weasley who give you your tasks for the day. STANDARD BOOK OF SPELLS: They want you to go to Flourish and Blotts first so it's best to. Follow the Weaselys or if they're too slow for you just run to the end of the street to a yellow shop full of books and go inside. Talk to the owner, you already have a sickle so buy the book, now you have the ability to 'charge'. The book will explain, but it simply says you must hold down the button to charge a spell, but you can't hold too long or it won't work. When you release the spell will be cast. You can practice in the shop, and also look in the bookshelves for beans. . Once you have 50 stop looking because you can't carry anymore. Once outside smash the barrels, you'll get another sickle. You'll also have more details about todays tasks, it's time to get Ginny's equipment. GINNY'S QUILL: The closest shop is Gambol and Japes which is down the stairs next to the barrels you just smashed. Inside you'll find the twins, on the left side theres some bookcases, use Lumos and then push the right one to reveal a hole, there you'll find a chest containing a witch/wizard card, now go downstairs, theres a doorway on the left of the counter so go through it. Now you'll see something familiar. This time you can make sure you hit the bell, a charged Flippendo will do the trick. Charge until the end of your wand goes purple and release. A grate will open when you hit the bell so crawl through it. Theres a lot of barrels in here, smash them all, for some contain money. Ginny's quill is next to the fireplace. You should have about 6 sickles when you leave. You can buy things from this shop so BUY EVERYTHING even though theres still... POTION VIAL: The potion vial costs eight sickles, which means you need a bit more money. Outside the joke shop Gambol and Japes, go right back to that big white building you saw earlier called 'Gringotts'. When you are facing it turn right and you will see some more barrels. As before these conatin money; grab it all. (Note: don't grab any of the money until you've smashed ALL the barrels in sight, then you will be able to get a sickle from EVERY barrel, the reason for this is the barrels will provide as much money as you need to complete the task. Because the stink pellets weren't necessary if you'd bought the vial first you wouldn't have got any more money.) Now go back up the alley opposite Gringotts. The first shop on the left is the one you need. Once inside, talk to the owner and buy the vile. Fill it up with health potion (use it if your health is low and fill it up again) You can use the vial by assigning it to a button just like a spell. GINNY'S SCALES: Outside the Apocathery, the shop opposite is the Magical Menagerie, this is where Ginny lost her scales so go in. Smash through the barrels, the owner hears you and tells you to get lost because he's such a nice man. This is where you can practice something your going to need to use futher on in the game a LOT. Go through the iron bar door and the man will have another go at you. Ignore him though, your going to have to sneak around. There are three golden rules in the 'green sneaking code' for sneaking about: 1). Stop and watch where everybody walks to, they will go in a routine. 2). Sneak around using Harry's side-step against the wall manouvere (with R2 and L2 to look around corners) and spells to distract hunters to go the other way. 3). If about to be caught use Expilliamus to block the spell and RUN. Unfotunately you do not have Expilliamus yet and so you will have to be sneaky. Go through the bookshelves trying to avoid him, if he's coming close to you use Flipendo to distract him (he'll run to where the spell hit and not where it came from). If he see's you theres nothing you can do but run. Hit the yellow button on the top right corner and go through the door on the top left. In here theres a chest with a card and Ginny's Scales. Unfortunately your going to have to sneak to get out again but it shouldn't be too much trouble. GINNY'S SPELLOTAPE: Go right, back to the book shop (the yellow thing). Past it is a small archway, go through that and right to a door that leads to the Leaky Cauldron. The large hairy man you spy is Hagrid (by the way, he's a friend of yours in case you didn't know). Talk to whoever you like, then shoot the barrels that block a doorway Run for the sickle only to fall into some kind of cellar. Push the yellow switch opposite you and go through the freshly opened door. Follow the path out to meet your faveourite friends...it's the cage task again. First go to a wall where theres two pipes, one of which is blocked by a web. Crawl through the other to find a chest with a nice card. Then go out and round the imps up into thier cages and retrieve another card to the left of the top cage. (If you got both the cards from the De-Gnoming game you should have about 8 by now). Now you have to run up the hall with the rolling barrels. To make sure you don't get squashed, move up to the hall until the camera turns so you can see the whole hall without getting hit. Watch the barrels nearest to you and run out when one passes and do a zig-zag pattern to avoid the rest. Up here you'll find a door. The floor in the next room has gone so you have to side-step to the other side. Push the big box onto the stone floor and jump down yourself. Grab the box and push it all the way to the other side. Climb up the box and up the stairs you go. Use Lumos to reveal a movable wall...move it. Then low and behold Ginny's Spellotape. Your back in the pub, you can grab that naughty sickle and meet Ginny and Mrs Weasely outside the book shop you must know by now. MEETING GILDEROY: Go meet the Weaselys, they'll thank you, tell you how wonderful and kind you are and give you a card. There'll be a note about increasing your stamina bar, and hopefully you'll only need one more card to do that. Now you need to go back into Flourish and Blotts where a scene with Gilderoy occours. Back outside, you can explore but there isn't much to do. When you're finished meet Ron outside the Leaky Cauldron. Talk to him and then you're off in the flying car only to crash into a mad, moody old tree. RESCUING RON: Go down the path that spirals round the tree, to jump over gaps simply run to them and the computer SHOULD do the jumping for you...once on the ground theres only one way to go, left. Small tentacles (or roots?) explode from the ground to whip you, a perfect Flipendo will send them back where they belong. Once you've gotten past the first one, jump over two roots into a large area. At the base of the tree (very left) is a chest with a frog to tide you over, try to avoid the yellow mushrooms though for now. Now continue going forward until you can't anymore, on the right will be a ridge you can go up. You'll see a large tentacle, wait for it to move back before crossing. In front of the next one is a yellow mushroom, pick it up and shot it away, then side step past the tentacle when it's safe. You'll meet more small tentacles here so be carefull. Jump over the gap and walk along till you see another mushroom. Throw it away and continue. Once you can climb back down go right for a chest with a frog and then left to the exit. Flipendo the vines and they'll move allowing you to leave. Move along until you see a tree crashing behind you, guess what? More imps. This time you can't cage them though and you'll have to dodge the things they throw at you. Flipendo as many DIFFERENT imps as you can until the bar fills up. Then hit the imp that runs onto the tree opposite the one that fell behind you. It will explode and your then free to move ahead. Get your card from the chest (your bar should increase now) as a tree rolls onto the ground. Go back and climb onto it. Facing away from the chest you've just opened climb right first. Follow the path that will lead to a chest bearing a frog. Now go left this time where you'll find a perch. On the right side you'll see two puffapods, remove them and you'll be able to side-step to a new area, follow it where there will be a chest with a card. At the perch, Hedwig will give you a note about Gytrashes...which is useful as you're just about to fight them. Go into the exit left, Lumos equipped. Here you'll see the scary doggies. Cast Lumos, a beam will then emitt from your wand, wave it at the dogs until they die. Once that's done, Flipendo the vines on the other side from where you came in and crawl through. Cast Flipendo the imps here, they SHOULD retreat one by one into the bushes but I have the sneaky suspision they keep getting regenerated :S. When there's only a few left however, go to the Wiggenweld pot, on the left is a ledge and you can jump across the gap to reach a chest with a card. Now go back to the Wiggenweld pot. Once your there, fill, drink and refill (FDR) so your fully replenished. You'll need to be...it's time to rescue Ron. Flipendo the vines ahead of the pot and enter, now you fight the Whomping Willow. Ron asks if theres a weak spot, there is and it's right behind him. Avoid the huge branches that will attack you, keep focused on them. When one opens it's palm you should see a blue ball. Aim and Flipendo it, this will give you a clear shot at the eye behind Ron. Aim again and go mad with Flipendo's until it starts shaking poor Ron all over. Repeat this until the tree dies. Ron will thank you, then follow him to the exit. 15 GRYFFINDOR COMMON ROOM: Now you can go where you like, the grounds of Hogwarts are vast but theres not much to see yet. Ron will show the way to the entrance hall, once you know where it is you can explore the grounds. Hit small tree's you see who will give you cauldron cakes if your health is low, or beans if you haven't reached your limit. Enter the door Ron is in front of. You can now either follow Ron or search Hogwarts. There are cards and other items you can collect from classrooms but there are only certain places you can go. Once you are ready, go to Gryffindor common room which is at the very top of the moving stairs. Once in that door, go right twice till you see a portrait Ron is in front of. Enter here. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fred and George's Shop +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Fred and George's shop can be accessed through the reading room in Gryffindor tower. Percy is patrolling however, the best way to get past him is to go to the first gap between the bookshelves (when he's looking another way) and cast Flipendo down through the room. He'll got to look. Now run round the bookshelves to the red/brown portrait and say the password. Now your are in Fred and Georges shop! Which is...a toilet. However there are lots of important items here. Some cost more than 50 beans, and so you will only be able to buy them when you can carry more than 50. All cards cost 30 beans and you will need to buy them all...however there is an easy way to get beans. EASY BEANS: One easy way to get beans. When you go to your flying lesson and land to finish it you will see an entrance far past Madam Hooch. Go to it to see three trees shaped like stars. Keep hitting them in different orders and they'll grant you beans...they may run out when you get close to your limit. Once you've bought what you want from the shop there is a secret passageway to go through. Go to the right where there is a series of toilets. Theres a card hidden on the right of the doorway. Then go to the fifth toilet on the right. In here there appears to be nothing, but push the wall to reveal a hole. Go through this passage till you reach a small hole. Crawl through it and you will be in the reading room, however all you have to do is run forward to the door and exit. Now go to the common room and the tasks are finished. Phew! What a long day... Day Three ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FLYING LESSON: Go down into the common room, your first lesson today is flying, a chance to practice your skills with the broom. You can talk to people throughout the school whose comments will be updated as the story goes on. Follow Ron out all the way down to the Entrance Hall, and out into the grounds. From there he will show you to where your flying lessons are held. (Note: Crowds of three are likely to be card traders, you must trade with them in order to get every card). In case you lose Ron, from outside the Entrance Hall turn right and go down that path. Turn right again at the end of it out into a courtyard. Make a note of the trees you see on your left as you enter. *** Flying Controls: It's very simple really, down on the analogue stick to go up. Up to go down etc. Like flying a plane. Hold down (x) to move. Easy. FLYING EXAM: Madam Hooch will ask for a simple demonstration and a practice run. It's quite easy as the school brooms a really sloooowwww. Make sure you learn it now because once you've done that she'll ask you to take the exam. I think it's best to do it good the first time. The best mark is distinction, it will get you 90 house points and you need at least 86 rings to get it. Once the exam has been marked you can attempt it again. If she still gives you a bad grade you can at least hit her with Flipendo again and again and again... Once you've finished the lesson, look at the path behind Madam Hooch, follow it on Madam Hooch's right till you see three trees shaped like stars. These are the magic tree's I spoke of earlier, hit them alternately for as many beans as you can carry. (Though sometimes it seems like they've run out keep hitting the different trees. When you get to about 46 beans, they may run out completely.) For more detailed information about flying see the FAQ by Artic Rabite. There we have the end of day three, which went in a flash compared to day two. Day Four ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MARAUDING WITH MONSTERS: Or should I say night three? Go into the common room and Hermonie will drag you over to a tapestry where Nevilles stuck. To release him we need a severing charm and to get a severing charm we need a book. The first stop is the library, only it's not going to be easy to move around anymore, the prefects are out and if catch you...they take house points. Go out of the potrait of the fat lady, just around the left corner is a prefect. Good job you don't have to deal with him. Nip right where theres a bookshelf on the wall, press (x) near it to crawl under and you'll find yourself in a passageway. Continue through it, down the stairs to a wall. Press the yellow switch at the end and the 'wall' will move. Go through, you are now on the fourth floor, the library is on the second. (Note: This section conatins lot's of sneaking around. There are many ways to dodge the prefects, I have written plans for all of them but I think you should try to make your own two, just remember to follow the golden rules, see Ginny's scales.) *** You shall find yourself in the library reading room which is full of bookshelves and this is lucky as it's crawling with prefects. If you lose points and can't bear to see them gone, reload your position. An easy way is to move behind the left bookshelf on your side of the room and cast Flipendo down to the right side of the room. the prefects will all run to where the spell hit. Slowly edge around the bookshelf your hiding behind to the left wall and run the full length of the room, then go right into the library door. Have Lumos ready as there's loads of ghosts here and they will make you drop your items if they attack you. Right in front of you past the desk is a sparkling pedestal. Go to it to retrieve Marauding with Monsters by Gilderoy Lockhart. Read it if you must, but theres only a few vital bits of information hidden in a load of rubbish. Now you have to go back through the reading room. *** SEVERING CHARM: This way is slightly more difficult as the blonde prefect likes to search the first row...but fear not I do have a plan. First apply golden rule number one. Watch where they go, blondie goes to the left and stays for a second, that's our chance to move. Now apply rule number two, use spells. Aim a Flipendo right down the middle column and hastily retreat to the library door. (During this never go past the arch way.) Wait till you see all THREE gathered where your spell hit. Now dash to the right wall and run like a hare on speed. Once outside, your safe for now. Make your way to the bottom of the stairs. *** Notice much saving^ for theres prefects in the Entrance Hall too. As soon as you enter theres a Ravenclaw in front, that means you have to move before he turns around. Watch him, he goes right down the corridor and stops. When he's stopped make your move to the stairs. By this time the Gryffindor that was moving down stairs has gone to the bottom left. Now there's nothing for it but to leg it (run like mad) to the doors. *** Yes, more prefects outside. If you didn't save for the others, save for these because they're harder. First run to the right and edge along the wall till your on the right side of the entrance to the tunnel. Wait for the dumb prefect to run out of the tunnel completely passing you, now enter the tunnel. Run straight to the Herbology Greenhouses, there may be few prefects but theres Gystrashes as well. When in the greenhouses, go right then left until you reach a dead end. To your left are three fat Horklumps Lockhart talks about. Simply Flipendo one, pick it up (when it's spikes are gone) and throw it away. Crawl into the greenhouse to find our old friends are back, and no I'm not talking about imps...its the tentacles. You know what to do with these. Move round until you find a card and then a pedestal. It's not a Lockhart book it's a Miranda Goshawk book complete with severing charm. Make a stop at the pot (centre of greenhouse). DFR. Now it's time to go back for poor Neville. Exit Herbology. RESCUING NEVILLE: *** Theres just as many prefects on the way back, if not more. Run to the tunnel avoiding the dogs. (they'll be waiting in the fog) but I'd rather face an evil, deadly ghost dog than a prefect on the hunt. Wait in the foggy area where you can see the tunnel entrance until he goes. He'll head right along the ridge, once he's a good way along it, make your move. Head toward the tunnel. Once inside run through stopping dead at the end. You should be able to make out a prefect with glasses just oustide the Entrance Hall. It's that dumb ravenclaw that never saw you, maybe he should have wore contacts. He'll move to the left, you'll move forward and you'll move fast if you know what's good for you. If your lucky you'll make it to the doors without him batting an eyelid...what an idiot. *** Unluckily, the prefects in here are far from idiots. The Entrance Hall is bright and they'll see you easily. There are three, one walks across the landing and one is in the dungeons at the moment but he'll be out in a second, as will the last one whose near Filch's office. Every time they catch you they'll take away five house points. This is going to be a VERY close call. First run to the right side of the staircase as SOON as you are able to move. Now wait. You see a hufflepuff through the stair bars. Send a Flipendo somewhere near the doors you've just come through. Only wait for the hufflepuff to run and inspect it, once he's started moving dash up the stairs. The ravenclaw should see you but ignore his 'HEY YOU' and run as fast as you can to the grand staircase. Now give yourself a pat on the back and run all the way up to the seventh floor. Only you don't get all the way there. Looks like you're in trouble after all that sneaking about you've done. Oh well. I like this scene though, it reminds me of those televised story readings I watched as a kid...Ahem...anyway, when you get control again you'll be on the third floor, make your way up to the seventh. In the door, theres a prefect, but he's a lone Gryffindor and won't take points since you are in Gryffindor tower. Just shoot a Flipendo down the far right column and run down the far left...simple. Now into the potrait. If you feel like, visit the shop. (It can only be visited at night) You know what to do with Percy. Now to the tapestry and the cause of all this fuss. Assign Diffindo and use it without charge. ( Because it is free...never mind) Neville expresses his thanks and everyone heads off to bed. Theres a nice shiny card left for Harry and a new room to explore. In the room is another card. You can now explore the castle, but there are prefects remember. Once your done, consult the rememberall or simply run to your dormitory. Day Five +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Defence against the dark arts! Now we get to meet Lockhart and isn't everyone excited. Simply run down to the fifth floor where Dumbledore let you go, and into the classroom Hermione should be waiting outside of. LOCKHARTS CHALLENGE: After a scene, you will find yourself in a dungeon. Run forward into the large circular room. On the right is a yellow switch, push it. Balls will come out of the fire. They won't attack you yet. First two balls will come forward, change into spikes and then attack you once. A third ball will then attack also, then they'll move back into the crowd and the process will be repeated. You must hit the balls when they are in ball form and not spike form. It is possible to hit them when they're in the crowd but hard as they're constantly moving. Hit them when they come forward. Gradually they will become faster at changing into spikes, when this happens aim for the middle ball. Kill them off. The two stone walls will move out. Facing the room entrance, go up the right side first. There is a Wiggenweld pot. FDR. Now go back and up the other side. Here will be a new dungeon where our small annoying friends make another appearance. If you desire throw them into the burning furnaces, if not just ignor them. On your right as you enter will be a yellow switch, push it. A huge spikey ball will come down. Now run to the top right corner and go up the ridge till you are stopped by a white wall. You can see the spikey ball from here, aim, hold for about two seconds and cast Diffindo. The ball falls and the wall moves. New switch revealed, push it. You'll run into some new imps but leave them. Run past to a new wall. Do the same with this ball. A cage is revealed. Now run back and get an imp you left close by. Throw it in the cage and push the switch. Move on. This time when you let the ball fall the wall will drop too low. Run back round the ridge to the ground, on your way, grab one of the imps you left and throw it off the ridge. Run to the right side (facing the entrance) with an imp and throw it in the cage. Climb up and push the switch. The wall moves up, push the new switch to release the final ball and continue. This bit is slightly harder as the wall blocks your way. Its easy if you aim and stand at the very edge though. If your health is low open the chest that's revealed to obtain a chocolate frog. If not save it for later, enter the door on your right. Here are large swinging spikes . On your right are two blocks on ropes. Diffindo the ropes (aim and charge slightly). Now the spikes will slow down, but it's still dangerous. Like the tentacles wait for each one to pass before you move. Through the next door is a hot lava room. run right to the end of it where you can climb on a ridge. Make sure you stand where the floor isn't black. Flipendo the black fire breathing heads to give you time to run past them. (charged Flipendos give you more time). Do this for all of them making sure you stand where the floor isnt charred because that's where the flames can't reach you. Make your way along the edge, at the end there'll be a chocolate frog on your left and the exit on your right. Through this door is our old spikey friend. Diffindo it and it will make a hole in the floor for you to jump down. Now your back in the circular room. I suggest a quick FDR at the wiggleworms pot (on the right), then enter the new doors where a boss is awaiting you. Walk off the edge so you hang there and press (x) to drop. (don't jump or you might land in the lava). Run across the walkway to retrieve your new spell: Expelliamus. Unfortunately the big beast wakes up, so assign your Expelliamus to a button as you'll need it. When it throws balls at you use Expelliamus just as it's about to hit you to knock it back at the gargoyle. Sometimes the gargoyle will block too so you'll need to be ready to Expelliamus it again. Once the beast is defeated, climb back up through to the circular room, FDR is you wish and then head up the steps back to Lockhart. DUELING: Now the teachers ask you to duel Malfoy. This can be hard but there is an easy way. Try a few attempts, if you cannot beat him use the following method. Move toward the line so you're closer to Malfoy. Wait till he cast a spell at you and Expelliamus it back. As soon as you've cast Explelliamus go mad with Flipendos. If he blocks it block it again yourself and keep shooting Flipendo's in between. Once you've got him five times a scene will begin. QUIDDITCH PRACTICE: Your still in Lockharts classroom so exit. Go to the Entrance Hall, Ron will show you to the Stadium if you don't know the way. (From the Entrance Hall follow the path through the tunnel, then at each of the following forks take the left path). Wood will take you through a test run and explain the basics of the game. Then you will have to face Hufflepuff, whether you win or lose you'll recieve house points and a Nimbus 2000, depending on your time you will be given a grade. If you lose you will get 30 house points, win an you'll get 70. Now you'll have your own broom! and you can fly around the Hogwarts grounds at your pleasure, your can't fly inside Hogwarts however but there's still loads of places to go to. If you want to improve your Quidditch time simple go back to the stadium. (Note: you can find Ron in the square garden near the Entrance Hall, if you talk to him he still thinks it's time for lessons). End of 'Day' Day Six ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HOGWARTS:A HISTORY: Go down to find Hermione next to the tapestry. Here we go...another Midnight Mission Impossible. Not to mention the prefects. I suggest you pay a visit to the Weaselys shop and buy as much as you can to get rid of all your beans first. Now go out of the portrait. Remember the secret passageway? Its on the right under the bookshelf. Take that to get to the fourth floor, go down to the second and into the library reading room. *** Straight away there's a prefect down the middle column, so run behind the left bookshelf, send a Flipendo at the right wall. now run to the left side of, the bookshelf your hiding behind, wait till they go and inspect the right wall then run down the left side of the room and turn to run to the top right hand corner where there's a different yellow door labelled Library Annex, go through. This is a lot harder, theres a longer route and much more prefects so... *** First run to the bookshelf in front so you can see the prefects. The Hufflepuff runs away from you but the Ravenclaw moves forward. Wait till the Ravenclaw moves away from you then head to the first column you see and almost follow the Ravenclaw to the left side. He'll then move down the ride side of the bookshelf so you move up the left. When the camera changes to plan mode go right to the wall and down so so you are at the bottom of the far right book shelf, send a Flipendo to the left and go back up to hide again. Wait till you see them all gone, now run up all the way to the portait. Enter it. Move right to the ladder, you can search the many bookshelves for cakes or beans but when your done take the ladder up. You need to side-step along the shelf but be wary of books flying back into thier places, only move when its safe. If you fall, search for cakes. There are foor side-stepping floors before you reach a door. Go through to the next door, your in the restricted section. On the far right next to a gooey door you'll find a chest with an owl treat. Take it to the far left where theres a perch, you know what to do. Hedwig will drop a ladder down next to the gooey door, go up it. Now go to the wall, and run back to the side with the ladder to leap over above the gooey door. Leap to the next two bookshelves and you'll see a stone platform. Theres a rope blocking it so use Diffindo. Now jump in the middle to reach it, run to the end, Diffindo the rope and leap over the remaining bookshelves to reach the book. You could read it but I wouldn't bother because you'll hear it later. DUELS AND SKURGE: A new door opens, go through it, it's facing the one you use to come in. Get some cakes from the bookshelves on the right and have Flipendo ready. Now go through the archway to meet an insane bookshelf. Keep Flipendo-ing it so it gradually backs away and try to avoid books it will throw at you. Once you've made it back off to a certain point it will keel over. Grab the white block next to it, pull it back to where the bookshelf first was, then push it left to the end of the black and white path. Get some more cakes, then climb up the white block and onto the bookshelf. This bit is very annoying, it made Harry lose his beans and me lose my marbles. You have to Flipendo the books that block the way, when they fall jump to the next shelf and so on. Watch out for ghosts though, they will attack you and make you drop things. Use Lumos when you can to keep them away. The only advice I can think of is as soon as you've cast Flipendo cast Lumos before jumping. Also don't try and jump until the camera angle suits you. (A good way of changing the camera angle is to walk off the edge of the bookshelf you want the camera behind, hang there until it moves and then climb back up). Open the book to recieve Skurge. Use your new spell to remove the green goo around the room, this will reveal shelves you can use to restock. Now go back to the huge gooey door next to Hedwig's ladder. Skurge away the goo and enter. Go down the hallway and enter a new room. First go through the room on the left of the yellow door using Skurge, watch out for the ghost. Now there'll be a scene. Make your way through the rooms. After you press two switches Crabbe will enter, equip Expelliamus and Flipendo and go out to meet him for a duel. There is more points in this round, but use the same tactics as you did for Malfoy, when he's down continue through the rooms. Two more switches and Goyle will appear, equip your spells and do exactly what yo did with Crabbe. Malfoy will go off in a sulk, now you can go through the large yellow door. Skurge the next archway clean, now grab the white block and pull it through the archway next to the wall. Climb up, Skurge the levers and exit. Now Lumos the room and push the stone wall thats revealed, you are in the library reading room but you simply have to run to the door at the top of the screen. Now make you way to the seventh floor and up to Hermione. She'll read Hogwarts: A History to you and you can now end the day, but spend all your beans first ready for... Day Seven ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Transfiguration is on the first floor, enter the classroom Ron stands in front of. McGONOGALLS CHALLENGE: Again it is you who takes the challenge of the class, this should look pretty familiar. When you enter the dungeon, walk to the edge and drop down. Theres a circular switch on the floor, walk over it once to open a locked door. Now run to the right. Skurge you way in, it's a good idea to have Lumos equipped. Push the gooey lever, now go all the way left and do the same there. Return to the circular switch you pushed and run down the alley next to it where a door has been opened, enter. Follow the passageway and go through the door to a grey room. Go up the right side and then Skurge the archway on the left, Lumos reveals a wall, push it. Outside, climb the wall you've just pushed out and continue to climb til you reach a large square platform. Jump onto the platform which is opposite the wall you've just climbed up. Continue to leap the platforms until you reach one where the gap is far too large, side-step along the wall here. Repeat this till you reach a door with goo, Skurge it and enter. Now you'll see a circular room with the book in the middle. Wait till the floor is created, then run to get it. Congratulations, you now have Avifors. Equip it instead of Skurge, now test it on the broken statues you see in the room. The first one will land on a switch which lowers a stone you can climb up on the left of where the spellbook stood. Climb it and Avifors the other. This lowers the right stone. Climb that shift the last statue and enter the doorway. In here grab the frog in the chest and climb the stairs. Now go right, back into the first room. Go left first and use your new spell. On the statue over the other side of the gap. Now go back and try the other way on that statue. Now side step along, Avifors any statues. At the end Flipendo the huge metal wall. Flipendo the wall on the other side and the beast wakes up. Equip Expelliarmus and use the same tactics as the first Gargoyle. I suggest taking a position on one of the two brigdes that lead to it. Once its dead use Avifors on it, it will then open the door for you... Now make your way up to the class. CARRY 100 BEANS: On your way down, stop on the second floor. Just right of the bloody message is a tapestry. Rip it, there are lots of nice things in here but I'm only interested in one for the walkthrough. Take the first left you see and go up the stairs. Take the doorway on the right just at the top of the stairs and turn left. Go up these stairs and turn right to find a chest in goo. Skurge it off, to find a bean bag that allows you to carry 100 beans. You will also recieve 100 beans. Now exit the way you came and head for the Quidditch Stadium. QUIDDITCH MATCH: You might want to... *** as this match can only be attempted ONCE. Theres nothing much I can say here, just try and keep focused on the rings and not the other players, the commentary will tell you whats going on so listen to it carefully. You may need about three boosts before the snitch can be caught but once you've got near it its a sure win. You're now free to do what you like and end the day as you please. Day Eight ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It's nightime and Hermione wants to meet you in the toilet Go to the Weasely's shop first though, remember, you should have 100 beans. I suggest buying the Alohomora charm thereby completing your spell list...almost. It's looks really good when you charge it :). MEETING MALFOY: Now using the secret passageway, go to the second floor and meet Hermione. She'll transform you into Goyle... it reminds me of Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde. Anyway we have to go to the dungeons which is in the Entrance Hall, so go there first. Once you enter, get caught by the prefects...yes you read right. They'll take points of Slytherin, it's also a good chance to practice golden rule number 3, Expilliamus the prefects spells. . They'll only take points from you about 4 times, now you can't get caught. Wait till the Slytherin is at the second set of stairs now run to the middle ones. Wait and you'll see a prefect downstairs. Don't move till he passes the stairs. Now run to where he just came from. No one will bother you here, simply make your way to the next dungeons to meet Malfoy. BACK TO THE TOILET: You see Harry having a fit, then it's time to dodge the prefects again. Don't bother saving, they won't take anymore house points away (thanks to 'Goyle') As there are no points to be lost, just go mad and run for it, use spells to distract them and block their spells with Expelliamus. Make your way to the second floor. Everyone goes to bed, and when you're done with whatever you need to do, you can too. Day Nine +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Today is Flitwicks lesson and a new 'challenge'. You know how to get the second floor by now, just go out onto the grand staircase and run down 5 floors... works a charm. FLITWICKS CHALLENGE: After the scene you'll find yourself in the familiar crawl space, where there will be a fiery dungeon. As before, hang from the ledge and drop down, go to the gargoyle right in front of you. Unlike other dungeons, you have to fight it at the start. There'll be a dueling line this time so you won't be able to get close, if you've been fighting the gargoyle's from far away anyway this won't be a problem, but if you've been blocking the spells close up, just treat it like another duel. Once it's dead, go through the newly opened door and up the stairs at the end of the passage. Go through the door that will open for you, you'll now be in a large red room, with a cross shaped platform in the middle. On your little platform, hang and drop on your left side so your down in a small quarter of the room facing a new gargoyle...yes another one. but don't worry, this gargoyle will fall in three hits. Now the gate will open behind you, exit after you Avifors whats left of the beast. In the next room crawl up the ledge to your right. Now you'll be on the cross shaped platform, from the middle of it go to the right arm, you should see another small room with a gargoyle. Drop into it. Do exactly the same here, beat the gargoyle, Avifors whats left and climb up the ledge in the room behind you. Now the door at the top of the cross platform is open so go through it. The Incendio charm is in the middle, (this time there is NO FLOOR so don't drop in :). Instead go along the path to it. Flipendo the black fire breathing head once you've got the book and go back to the circular ledge. Now you must light each of the Hogwarts square statues (there are four) but they won't stay lit. You'll have to be fast to get them all lit then run through the door quickly, when one flame dies out the door will close again. I suggest a fully charged Incendio for the first one, then a small charge (hold for about one second) for the rest, run throught the door quickly. Follow the tunnel and it will lead back out into the first room of the dungeon. First go down the right side, there is a Hogwarts statue so light it, the stone pillar will fall. (Note: you can now kill fire crabs because you have Incendio. Flipendo them so they're on thier back and cast Incendio till it disappears. I realised later it tells you this in Marauding with Monsters but since I didn't read it I'm sure some other people won't have.) Now go into the doorway it's just reavealed, Incendio the head that isn't on fire, there should be a quick scene. Both large fires should now be on the left side of the room. Go to where you lit the Hogwarts statue, you should see two black hogs. Light the right one, (facing the doorway you've just come from and cast Flipendo on it so it's head face upwards (no charge is needed on the spells, you need to be quick). Do the same for the left one. Now quickly run back up the stairs and to the far right. Now leap over the platforms you've just raised quickly. Once your across push the switch. Drop down and go back to the doorway where the fire crabs were. Light the other hogs head so the large flame moves again. Now run to the left side of the room and do exactly the same thing. Once you've pushed both switches you're free to leave and if you bought the Alohmora spell from the Weasely twins...congratulations you now have all the spells :). QUIDDITCH MATCH: Again there's not much I can say to help you here but perhaps you should... *** Phew...for me this was a LONG game, there isn't really any advice or strategy I can give without repeating myself but I did figure out some other good ways to win. Firstly the other seeker will be far behind at the beginning of the game, when he/she? tries to get past you give them a quick bash out of the way, that should sort them out for a while. Also try to save your boost for difficult parts of the course, eg. when theres loads of hoops round the goalposts because during a boost you don't have to make sure you get through them. Once you've won, you can retire for the day. (Note: if you do go flying, look out for more Hogwarts statues, lighting them with your new spell will earn you cards.) Day Ten ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Okay, I suspect this is close to the end of the game but I'm not sure, you get the diary now at least. Tom Riddle looks suspiciously like Goyle but whatever. Before you set off to Hagrid's, I suggest you collect 100 beans and buy a vial from the Weasely's shop. You can also find one in the Entrance Hall, facing away from the exit go to the left tunnel below the stairs. At the end there's a chest, use Alohomora on it to get the third and final vial. Now you have three you can fill up. On the second floor on the right of the bloody message is a tapestry, rip it and go through, in the doorway to your right is a Wiggenwled pot. Fill all three vials. HAGRIDS HUT: Finally you get to visit Hagrid. The prefects are always in the same routine, so if you want a planned escape see the second paragraph of 'SEVERING CHARM' on Day Four. That will direct you from the Entrance Hall. I however, getting reckless in my old age simply run past them blocking thier 'Locomotomortis' amd shooting Flipendo in every direction. . (Note: Don't bother trying your broom, it won't work.) Once your at Hagrid's (Left of the Herbology Centre, if in doubt follow the spiders) a scene will begin with Hagrid, Dumbledore and Mr. Malfoy. Now you have to follow the spiders, they'll lead behind Hagrid's Hut and into the... FORBIDDEN FOREST: Since you can only come in here once, make sure you get all the cards. Follow the trail, green spiders will jump at you, Incendio them. Once you get to a cliff notice the tunnel on the left blocked by a web, Incendio will get rid of this for you. In here is a chest containing a card. Go through the tunnel and out into a clearing. Incendio a web to your left now go down that path. Yellow spiders are here and they spit venom, Incendio them. Follow on the ground till you reach a cliff, there'll be a chocolate frog there. Now go up the hill. Incendio the large web and drop down the new hole. Now you'll see Aragog and a scene will begin. Afterwards run down the ledge, take a U-turn right to find a chocolate frog, now go back up and follow the path. Turn left between two ledge to recieve a card. Now go right and burn the web. Follow this path till you see a chest above you on the right. To get to this run onto the left ledge and leap across to get a frog. Now continue down the path. You will see Aragog and what looks like a dead end. Burn the left part of Aragog's web. Go up the steps. Now turn left, when you reach a dead end jump to the other side. After another jump climb left first, up the stairs and along there'll be a chest with your third card. Now get back down and go right. In here be very careful, do NOT tug the strings otherwise more spiders will appear. If you can't be bother being careful be reckless, but don't make things too messy or you'll be surrounded by a huge mob of spiders. Up the left hill is a chocolate frog, go straight forward, Incendio the web and leave. In this tunnel you'll find yet another frog. The path is very linear now, just follow it till you reach a chest...yes it's another frog. Now go left to see Aragog once again, you know what to do. He'll fling spiders in anger, move the puffapods on the right out of the way to continue. Side-step along the ledge watching out for red spiders, they're not as predictable as books etc. Go up the ledge, burn Aragog's web, move along there to the bush, there's a chest hidden in it. Grab the card and make your way again. Now continually burn Aragog's web till there's a scene. Uh oh...now you have to fight Aragog. The way to beat it is hitting it's belly when it rears up with Incendio whilst avoiding it's charges and spit. Once it's beaten there'll be a scene...it's Ron's turn to rescue you now. Everything's finished now so you can 'end the day'. Day Eleven +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It's the final Quidditch match today! You oppenent is Slytherin and you MUST beat them if you want the house cup, only problem is they've got those Nimbus 2001's. There'll be a scene on the stairs, wonder what Hermione's understood? QUIDDITCH MATCH: Anyway, make your way down to the stadium and... ***! This match wasn't so bad, apart from the fact I seemed to be a bludger magnet. The track of hoops is harder also. Malfoy's Nimbus 2001 shows it's edge in speed so keep trying to bash him when he's close, that should slow him down. Everything else I'ves already said When you've WON Dumbledore will present you with a Quidditch cup. . You can now end your day. Day Twelve +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go down to the common room for a scene where Harry and Ron talk longer than all the other scenes put together. They realise about the Basilisk...ah the end is near. Go down to the second floor and into the girls bathroom. Go into the toilet section for a scene. THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS: Ron doesn't follow you sadly, . You will now fight the big boss: the basilisk. A sword will be thrown down for you, I suggest you use it. The basilisk is a bit dumb, you're going to have to run right near it's nose for it to smell you. Once it does it will rear it's head leaving it's belly exposed. Aim and attack then. Your sword will be thrown away from you so you'll have to get it again. Four hits does the basilisk in, Riddle does the "Noooo...how could i die?" scene and then it's all finished. Well, not quite...there's still the small matter of 'house cup', if you beat Slytherin in the last match you'll most probably have more points, however if you haven't a quick scroll down to 'mini tasks' will set you right. I think you should... *** as this is the last time you'll be able to. You can explore Hogwarts freely now , also the Weasely's shop is constantly open. When you want to see the final ending, simply enter the Great Hall and give yourself a pat on the back, you've now completed the game, happy watching:) ******************************************************************************** In-Depth Monster Strategy ******************************************************************************** Gystrashes Spells Needed: Lumos These are hardly a boss, but they have thier own special battle so I decided to put them in. It's fairly easy, make sure Lumos is equipped and cast it. The beam will stay for a few seconds so get close to a Gystrash and wave the beam over it until it fades, then run back. Keep casting Lumos as often as possible as they will sometimes charge you from behind. The fastest way to kill them is to get them both under the same beam at once and corner them under it so they can't run. A charged Lumos will give you a wider beam, but leaves you vulnerable to attack. If you cannot get them cornered, hit the same one until it disappears leaving only one to keep an eye on. Whomping Willow Spells Needed: Flipendo The boss has three parts: the eye, and two arms. At the start the arms will attack and you must avoid them. When they punch the ground the ripples can still harm you even if you haven't been crushed. Stay as far back as possible. When one branch opens it's palm (?) aim and cast Flipendo at the sphere. Only one is needed. Now you must aim and cast as many Flipendo's as you can manage at the eye until you can no longer hear it hitting. Now this time the branches will grab Mr Weasely's car and try to pound you with it. Whilst it does this helpful birds fly past and drop cauldron cakes for you. Don't get so eager to grab one that that you get accidently crushed though, wait till it's safe to get them. The branches will punch the ground again, then open thier palm. Continue this until the bar is filled, it may only last three rounds. It is also useful to have a full vial equipped during this fight. Gargoyle(s) Spells Needed: Expelliamus That is the only spell you'll need. This is basically just a chance to practice your new spell. Flipendo's are no use here so just concentrate on the attacks it throws at you. A quick Expelliamus at the beginning shows you how long it takes Harry to finish the spell. With this in mind, cast it when the ball is about an inch from you just in time for Harry to knock it back. You need not move around unless it throws two balls at you in one. Stay rooted to your spot (preferably directly facing the gargoyle) and Expelliamus the balls back at it. After about 7 hits, the gargoyle will start blocking as well so be prepared to Expelliamus the ball three times. The gargoyle will block only twice, the third time you send the ball at it will be a hit. Each time it's blocked the ball gets bigger so keep this in mind as your timing the spells. You will need to do this only about 3 times at most before the gargoyle is dead. Malfoy (and other duels) Spells Needed: Expelliamus, Flipendo Well, I suppose Malfoy is a kind of monster. There will be a line in the middle so move towards it but not so close you can't see what's in front of Harry. Be ready to Expelliamus any spells away from you. It will be like a game of volley ball except the ball gets bigger and explodes when it hits something. As soon as youve blocked any spell cast as many Flipendos as possible before something comes at you again. Hopefully, the Flipendos will distract your opponent and they will be hit by the spell you've just blocked. Just block, Flipendo, block Flipendo. It's as simple as that but be wary when balls hit the floor around you as the ripples can hurt you and you'll lose a point. Only then do you move. -- If you use expelliarmus when the opposing person uses flippendo on you and use diffindo directly after the person will not e able to move and they will usually get hit by the flippendo you deflected back at them...you have to do this before the fire ball thongy gets to them though so you have to be ready with diffindo. Submitted by Amanda (atrim01@hotmail.com) -- Aragog Spells Needed: Incendio This big hairy spider is rather difficult to avoid, but it can be done. When it charges at you don't run away from it, run to the side otherwise you'll just get flattened. That's all this battle really is, dodge the spit, the charges and the big ripples. When Aragog raises up, go mad with Incendio's. If you die, it will just bring you back and Aragog will still have the same amount of damage done to it...you just can't lose really... Basilisk Spells Needed: I dunno what it's called but it's a sword. This battle is very easy when you know what to do. Grab the sword, mind you don't touch the great big snake there, that's the ticket. Apparently Harry isn't very smelly so run in front of it's nose for it to notice you. It will then rear it's head up into the sky . Aim and cast...the sword...thing. If it connects a powerful beam will hold between the sword and the snake, use the analogue stick to move the beam onto the diamond shape, that's where the big money is. You'll see it hitting, then the snake will pull away and so will your sword. It's on one of the three platforms. Grab it and do the same thing three more times till the snake dies. Oh...and when you see shadows on the floor, that means a big rock's going to fall there so I'd move if I were you. ******************************************************************************** Exploring Hogwarts ******************************************************************************** Your complete guide to finding all the secret areas and items inside Hogwarts when you feel the urge for a bit of exploring. Without further ado, let's begin with the Entrance Hall... ENTRANCE HALL The very first door on your left is a broom cupboard, which is completely irrelevant as there's nothing to see, do or find in there. (So why is it there!? they won't have put it in for no reason...there MUST be some use for it! If you find out anything PLEASE e-mail as it's driving me slowly isnane...WHY?!) The second door on your left is far more useful, it leads to the dungeons. It can only be opened at night, or on the last day of term. It's not worth much fuss because it only contains one chest in the large room full of bookshelves. You need Incendio to open it and it contains a card. The next left turn is under the stairs. At the end there's a chest you need Alohomora to open, it conains a potion vial. The final left turn is up the stairs, follow the corridor through a door. Chest-Incendio-Card. First right is the Great Hall, no need to go in there. Second right is locked. The right above the stairs leads to the Grand Staircase of course. Nothing for it but to try the right side under the stairs...locked...ah well. Time for the first floor. FIRST FLOOR Classroom 1a conatins a card and a chest that contains a card. (Note: Going in spare classrooms at night will mean you'll have to sneak as the Adams Family hand from Borgin and Burkes makes it's appearance again). Classroom 1E contains a card and a chest that needs to be Skurged clean. In that chest is an egg...uh...I mean a card. Theres a locked door, then Classroom 1C, in there the chests have been opened. . In Mcgonogalls room there's a chest with a web, Incendio it. Then there's a passage with three locked doors and a Skurge chest. Nothing more. SECOND FLOOR Moving on things get more interesting, sort of...In the girls bathroom there's a card in the second toilet on the left and a ghost, but even if she was an item I wouldn't pick her up. Then the next left is a tapestry with a nice secret passage. On the right theres a chest with beans in, a Wiggenweld pot and an Incendio chest. Containing...a card. Then as you go up the left way and on the stairs...theres a card. Moving up the steps, in the right chamber and up the stairs...is a card. Just right of that is a chest with bag that gives you 100 bean carrying capacity. Then going back down the small stairs and on the right is a jar of beans. Back at the top of the large stairs and to the left is a hole, but it's not important yet. Now out of the secret passage is the library reading room. Through there is the library. Up the left stairs and through the tapestry of a goat is a chest. The door after it contains a chest. Both chests hold cards. Then there's a locked door and that's it...exciting. Up the right staircase is something more interesting...no really. Theres a broken statue, but if you use Avifors it will move and you can now reach a new door with a chest and a card Further up there's a doorway that looks like it's come out of the ghostbusters movie, Skurge it but watch out for the ghost :( >. In here is something different, a chest containing a card. That's the library, I'm not doing Library Annex etc because it's in the walkthrough so there :P. Back on the second floor there's the charms classroom. In there is an Alohomora chest that hold a card. Charming...there's another tapestry of a goat next to the charms classroom. Theres a chest there but I've forgotten what's in it so I'll leave you to be suprised (with another card probably). That's pretty much the second floor. THIRD FLOOR Straight off there's a tapestry on the left and an Alohomora chest. I tell you what why don't you try and guess what's in it and if you're right you'll be rewarded with a card in the chest. To the left leads to the second floor. Moving inwards, Lockhart's classroom contains a Skurge chest and an Alohomora chest. (Also I've had an idea, everytime I DON'T say what's in the chest, it will mean there's a you-know -what in it. Because if I have to type that word again in this section, I'm going to gradually drive myself insane.) In classroom 3D everythings been swiped. You, of course can't go into Dumbledore's office. FOURTH FLOOR First there's a locked door, classom 4F contains a chest but I don't know if it's already open or if I opened it earlier and forgot. You can crawl under the bookshelf on the right near the glass jar, but I showed you it in 'second floor'. You can also push the first bookshelf on the left near the entrance, but you should know that if you've read the walkthrough. I didn't tell you that after you go up the stairs and into a small chamber on the left there's an Alohomora chest, but you prbably noticed. That's it. FIFTH FLOOR A locked door, then in classroom 5B, there's an opened chest. This is confusing me, I purposely didn't open any chests until I wrote this, so I dunno. Check it out yourself, If the chest on your game isn't opened then I guess I'm going daft. There's another locked door, so really not much on the fifth floor then. SIXTH FLOOR Classroom 6A has been swiped (but I'd check it anyway...don't trust me). Classroom 6B " " " " THE MILLIONTH FLOOR Or does it just feel like it? No, it's the... SEVENTH FLOOR Classroom 7A has a Skurge chest and an Incendio chest. There's nothing else to look for so save yourself the hassle, unless you haven't got the card in the secret passageway from the Weasely twins' shop. See Walkthrough, Fred and Georges' shop. That's it really. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Apology: I had a nightmare about giant wizard/witch cards chasing me last night but apart from that I'm fine now. I took the opportunity to read 'Exploring Hogwarts' and realised I was being just a tad sarcastic about everything i saw. Sorry about that, I wrote it at 1am in the morning and was sick of the sight of cards. Hopefully it won't bother you though as I can't be bothered to write it again. Also, the above only explains the ins and outs and where to find every item of Hogwarts, I didn't do the grounds, but if some request it I will do that too. Oh yeah, I also realise the tapestry is a unicorn not a goat but so. ******************************************************************************** Mini Tasks ******************************************************************************** These little tasks are not necessary to complete the game but can earn valuable house points and cards. You can do most of these at any point. Notice board ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ People often leave notes on the notice board about things they've lost and it's up to you to find them. Read the noticeboard to find out which item you need to find next (Note: you do not need to read the board to then find the item) Found items will earn house points and cards. All directions will begin from the Entrance Hall. (outside) VIAL CASE: Go down to the Entrance Hall and out into the grounds. Follow the path in front of you straight, it will lead you through a tunnel. The path will then turn cream coloured. Continue down it, at the fork go right and right again. Follow the path till it takes you to a large door that leads to the Whomping Willow. Now go left, in the corner next to a wall of the herbology houses will be a case. MERIT BADGE: From outside the Entrance Hall, take the path that curves right. Follow it past a door then take the next right into a courtyard where flying lessons are held. Follow the path till you reach Madam Hooch, then run in the direction she is facing till you reach a wall, the badge will be slightly to your left. (In case Madam Hooch turns around, she usually looks at the big wall with windows. I don't think she turns, but hey...she stands there all day so I guess she has to be allowed some movement.) TELESCOPE: Turn down the right path, you will come to an entrance to a square patch of grass. Go inside to a square tree. Turn at this tree till you can see a door opposite you, now mount your broom. Fly directly upwards so your in the middle of two sets of towers. Fly straight towards the right one and you'll see a balcony, on that balcony is the telescope. NEVILLES TOAD Follow the path through the tunnel, at the two forks take the right path then the left one to the Herbology Greenhouses. On the right side of this you'll see a sparkly toad hopping around. Take it like you would a chocolate frog. MEASURING SCALES. Its behind Hagrid's hut if you know the way...if don't from ouside the Entrance Hall then... Take the path that goes through the tunnel. At the fork go left until you see spiders running across the path, follow them to the hut. It's in the tree's behind it. WIZARDS HAT: Take the path through the tunnel, turn left along it as if you were going to the Quidditch Stadium. You should see a small patch of trees on the left of the path...that hat's in there. DRAGON HIDE GLOVES: Go to where your flying lessons are held (right path, then take the right after you pass a door.) From the path walk to Madam Hooch, now facing her turn left to see a large wall, mount your broom and fly over it. (it's on the same side as the three magic tree's shaped liked stars.) Once your over it, you SHOULD see a lake on your right . On the bank is a small walkway, the glove is on that. GADDLING WITH GHOULS: (Took me ages to find this damn book). Again go to where flying lessons are held (see above). Remember the three star shaped trees? Go to the archway they stand outside of. Go through it but just as you exit, mount your broom and make a U-turn left, there's a square patch where you'll find it. HOLIDAYS WITH HAGS: This was a nightmare, much less a holiday for me to find, until I realised it was right in front of my face. Go throught the tunnel and turn right along the wall. It's a pink book. TARANTULA: I was pleasantly suprised at how easy this was :). Just go through the tunnel, take the right then left path. On the left side of the Herbology Greenhouses is a hole to crawl through. Get the tarantula through there just like you caught Nevilles Toad. People Who Can't Be Bothered To Write On The Notice Board +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Even when you've gotten everything on the noticeboard, there are still some things lost around Hogwarts, only these people can't be bothered to write a note so you have to first find them, then find their item...yeesh. (Note: After you talk to the people, you have to accept the task with X, don't be like me who spent hours looking for robes, then realised the reason I couldn't see them was because I hadn't accepted the challenge :s) LOST ROBES Person: Go through the tunnel, turn right. (If only they were all that easy to find.) Item: Go through the tunnel, turn left and follow along this side of Hogwarts till you reach the lake, the robes are on the left side of this bank. REMEMBERALL Person: Go through the tunnel and follow the yellow path on the left till you see a dirty track that leads to Hagrid's hut, the boy is on that path. Item: Walk to the tunnel but turn left along the wall. Next to a tree is the rememberall. POTION JAR Person: Turn down the right path, keep going untill you pass a door, then take the next right. Follow the path to see a boy. Item: Go through the tunnel down do the Herbology greenhouses and to the left side of them. The potion jar is small and green, and it's just in front of the tree next to the greenhouse wall. A LITTLE RACE Person: Through the tunnel, down the left path to the Quidditch stadium is a boy. Race him by running around the small cluster of trees and back to the stadium. DAILY PROPHET Person: Turn down the right path till you reach a square area, in the corner opposite you is a boy. Item: Through the tunnel. It's on the right side of Hagrid's hut (the white little house left of the Greenhouses). NEVILLE AGAIN AND HIS BITS OF CHINA Person: Neville, Neville, Neville...to find him go right, when you pass a red door, take the next right. Run past Madam Hooch to another archway, go right along this wall to reach him. Dear, dear...he was practising a spell and it's all gone to pot. Item: Go to the tunnel, fly above it. There's a lot of shiny things. MANDRAKE ROOTS Person: Run forward, if you can't find him you're as bad as Neville. Item: It's off to Hargid's hut again. . They're in the forest on the right. That's it, all the people. You'll get a key to confiscated items for your trouble, but make sure you've traded with all the card holders before you open it. Gnome Throwing Games +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FIRST GAME: 5 Beans This game can be accessed before the last day of term, but I think the others can only be found on that day. To get to this game, start outside the Entrance Hall. Turn down the right path, you will come to an entrance to a square patch of grass. Go inside to a square tree. Turn at this tree till you can see a door opposite you, now mount your broom. Fly up onto the roof above this door, to your left is a balcony. Fly to it and you'll see a boy. Land and speak to him. Remember to bring 5 beans or more To win you must beat the record which is ten. You can beat the record by getting gnome through the blue and purple ring. Always stand in the same place. Take the gnome to the balcony that juts out, stand in the middle: +++++++++++++++ + + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++ * + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Purple Ring: To get the gnome through the purple ring, swing till you hear the swishing noise FOUR times and let go when the arrow is pointing towards it. You will recieve five points Blue Ring: To get the gnome through the blue ring, swing til your hear the swishing noise FIVE times and let go when the arrow is pointing towards it. You will recive ten points. This will make your total 15 and you have broken the record. You will gain a card. The boy will disappear after you've won once. For the rest of the gnome throwing it's too complicated to make a direct plan of how to beat the game, so I've only written the location. SECOND GAME: 10 Beans Fly above the tunnel, turn right to see two squar towers. The boy is in the one closest to you. THIRD GAME: 20 Beans To get to this, fly above the tunnel. The boy is in the small turret on the right. FOURTH GAME: 30 Beans Go right along the path, after you pass a red door turn right. Follow this path till you meet a tunnel. Fly above it, then fly to the next turret on the right. FIFTH GAME: 50 Beans (Cor that's expensive) Turn around so your facing the door, now fly directly upwards to the very top until you see a boy. LAKESIDE VERSION This is hardly a game, more like a bit of fun. To get to it, first go to the Quidditch staduim, the lake bank on the left of it where there are three bushes is where you can find it. It's just like the Weasely's De-gnoming except you don't get a score and this time you get to see them drown...how nice but if you do an exceptional throw (and it's going to have to be as good as the one that beat Fred...)you'll get a chest. If you want some help doing that see Day One of the Walkthrough, it'll be under 'de-gnoming'. Up On the Roof...Broom Racing +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These games can only be found on the last day of term. BROOM RACING#1 Cost: 5 beans. This is my fave rooftop game, to get there, instead of taking the path INTO the tunnel, fly over it on your left is a small area with a Slytherin. BROOM RACING#2 Cost: 10 beans. Take the right path, continue along it past a brown door. Then turn on the next right. Follw this path till you reach an archway, the game is on top of that. BROOM RACING#3 Cost: 20 beans. Take the right path out into a square patch of green, next to the tree, turn so the door you can see is on your right. Above the roof you're facing there's a gap between two buildings, fly to it and you'll see a boy. BROOM RACING#4 Cost: 30 beans. Follow the path through the tunnel. Mount your broom here, turn right and fly round the permimetre of the catsle. As the lake comes into view, notice a bridge on the right. Fly along it till you see a boy standing outside what looks like a church entrance. BROOM RACING#5 Cost: 50 beans. Turn and walk along the left path until you reach a square tower. Fly above this tower and then to the one on the left of it. You can win them three times on each game before they disappear. It's much like Quidditch, if you lose, the course will be the same so try again and this time you'll know the way. The circle on the bottom left tells you whether your first or second place during the race. You don't have to go through all rings to win, but as they are the main body of the course it's best to stick to them. (Note: These two types of mini games have varying stages of dificulty, you can only find the more difficult versions after you've beaten the easy versions. E.g. To find broom racing game#3, you'll need to beat the first and second.) ******************************************************************************* Items and Spells ******************************************************************************* Here I have listed every spell and item, what they do and where to find them. Items +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WIZARD/WITCH CARD Used: To increase stamina bar by every ten collected. Found: In empty classrooms, after completeing tasks and on Hogwarts students. BERTIE BOTTS EVERY FLAVOUR BEANS Used: To buy from Fred and George Weaselys' shop. Found: In trees, bookshelves, jars and almost anywhere basically. CHOCOLATE FROGS Used: To regain health Found: In Chests and jars. STINK PELLETS/NON EXPLODABLE LUMINOUS BALLOONS Used: To distract prefects Found: Fred and George Weaselys' shop, Gambol and Japes (Stink Pellets only) POTION VIALS Used: Hold health potion. Found: Apocathery, Fred and George Weaselys' shop. CAULDRON CAKES Used: To regain small amounts of health. Found: Trees, bookshelves, jars etc. SICKLES Used: To buy items in Diagon Alley. Found: In barrels. NIMBUS 2000 Used: To fly around Hogwarts grounds. Found: Given by Wood after Quidditch practice. EEYLOPS PREMIUM OWL TREATS Used: Given to Hedwig to make her do things for Harry. Found: In chests, usualy near an owl perch. SPELLBOOKS Used: To gain information or new powers/spells. Found: During quest. (Alohomora Charm is bought from the Weasely Twins' shop) HOUSE POINTS (well...they're kind of an item...) Used: To win the house cup! Found: By completing tasks, finding lost items and winning Quidditch matches. Spells ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FLIPENDO Action: Knockback Jinx, stuns enemies. Found: Already given. Description: Good old Flipendo can be used on basically anything. Helpfull during boss battles and duels and pushes switches. LUMOS Action: Wand Lighting Charm, lights area with wand for a few seconds. Found: Borgin and Burkes. Description: Lumos is very helpfull down dark alleys. It's also usefull against annoying ghosts. DIFFINDO Action: Severing Charm, tears cloth or rope. Found: Herbology Greenhouse Three Description: This spell is good for ripping tapestries to reveal secret tunnels in the castle and is usefull in puzzles. EXPELLIAMUS Action: Disarming Charm, knocks spells away from you. Found: In Lockharts challenge, Day Five. Description: Essential in duels and usefull in boss fights. It's also good against annoying prefects. SKURGE Action: Scouring Charm, cleans up sticky messes. Found: Library, restricted section. Description: This charm can unblock doorways and open chests covered in ecoplasm. AVIFORS Action: Transfiguration Spell , turns broken statues into birds. Found: In McGonagalls challenge, Day Seven. Description: Can be useful to move broken statues out of the way. INCENDIO Action: Fire-making Charm, makes fire... Found: Flitwick's Challenge, Day Nine. Description: It's good for making monsters disappear instead of just being knocked and coming back which is very annoying. Also gets rid of webs. ALOHOMORA Action: Unlocking Spell, unlocks non-magical locks. Description: No it doesn't open locked doors because they're magically locked, it does however break locks on chests which is almost as good. SWORD THING Action: Sword Spell, attacks nasty 'chamber of secrets' monsters. Description: I know, I know...it isn't really a spell but it's used like one so it deserves a place here. This spell is only used in the last boss fight and is very powerful. It shoots out a big white beam...cool. ******************************************************************************** Wizard/Witch Cards ******************************************************************************** A WHOLE complete list of ALL the Wizard/Witch cards, theres 101...now that's a lot of typing. I made this for people who can't be bothered to find all the cards but still want to know what it says on Dumbledore's card etc. (Note: This is just what it says on each card, if you want to know where to find them look at the guide by gamefreak614.) #1 Merlin. Mevieval dates unknown. Most famous wizard of all time. Sometimes known as the Prince of Enchanters. Part of the court of King Authur. #2 Cornelius Agrippa 1486-1535 Celebrated wizard imprisoned by the non-magical for his writings. #3 Elfrida Clagg. 1612-1287 Chieftainess of Warlock's Council. #4 Grogan Stump. 1770-1884 Popular Minister for Magic. Appointed 1811. #5 Gulliver Pokeby. 1750-1839 Expert on magical birds. First to identify meaning of Augurey song. #6 Glanmore Peaks. 1677-1761 Famous slayer of the Sea Serpent of Cromer. #7 Hesper Starkey. 1881-1973 Witch who studied the use of phases of the moon in potion-making. #8 Derwent Shimpling. 1912-Present Ate an entire Venemous Tentacula for a bet and survived though is still purple. #9 Gunhilda of Gorsemoor 1556-1639 One-eyed, hump-backed witch famous for developing a cure for dragon pox. #10 Burdock Mulidoon 1429-1490 Chief of Wizard's Council, 1448-50 #11 Herpo the Foul Ancient Greek First known creator of the basilisk. #12 Merwyn the Malicious Medieval dates unknown Created the invention of many unpleasant jinxes and hexes. #13 Andros the Invicible Ancient Greek Alleged to be the only known wizard to produce a Patronus the size of a giant. #14 Fulbert the Fearful 1014-1097 Famous for being so cowardly he never ventured out of his house. Died when a defensive charm backfired and the roof fell in. #15 Paracelsus Medieval dates unknown Very little is known of this mysterious wizard. #16 Clodine Medieval dates unknown Irish Druidess who discovered properties os moondew. #17 Morgan Le Fay Medieval dates unknown King Arthur's half sister. Dark soceress. Enemy of Merlin. #18 Llric the Oddball Medieval dates unknown Highly eccentric wizard who is famed among other things for wearing a jellyfish for a hat. #19 Newt Scamander 1897-Present Celebrated author of 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. #20 Wendelin the Weird Medieval dates unknown Alleged to have enjoyed being burnt at the stake so much that she allowed herself to be captured fourteen times in various disguises. #21 Lord Stoddard Withers 1672-1769 Breeder of flying horses. #22 Circe Ancient Greek Lived on Island of Aeaea. Expert at turning lost sailors into pigs. #23 Glenda Chittock 1964-Present Popular presenter of the W.W.N (wizarding wireless network) programme the 'Witching Hour.' #24 Adalbert Waffling 1899-1981 Famous magical theoretician. #25 Perpetua Fancourt 1900-1991 Witch who invented the Lunascope. #26 Almerick Sawbridge 1602-1699 Famous for conquering the river troll that was terrorising those trying to cross the Wye River. River troll in question believed to be one of the largest ever to exist in Britain with a weight of one tonne. #27 Mirabella Plunkett 1839-unknown Famous fo falling in love with a merman in Loch Lomond while on holiday. When her parents forbade her to marry him she transfigured herself into a haddock and was never seen again. #28 Tilly Toke 1933-1991 Gained Order of Merlin First Class for saving the lives of non-magical tourists during the Ilfracombe incident of 1932, when a dragon swooped down on a beach full of sunbathers. #29 Archibald Alderton 1568-1623 Famous for blowing up the hamlet of Little Dropping in Hampshire whilst attempting to magically mix a birthday cake. #30 Artemisia Lufkin 1754-1825 First witch to become a Minister for Magic. #31 Baflour Blane 1566-1629 Established the Committee on Experimental Charms. #32 Bridget Wenlock 1202-1285 Famous Arithmancer. First to establish the magical properties of the number seven. #33 Beaumont Majoribanks 1742-1845 Pioneer of Herbology and collector of many rar and magical flowers. Discorvered Gillyweed. #34 Donaghan Tremlett 1972-Present Bass player with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. #35 Bowman Wright 1492-1560 Famous for developing the Golden Snitch. #36 Jocelind Wadcock 1911-Present Chaser for Puddlmere United Quidditch Team Record for highest number of goals scored during British season this century (against Ballycastle Bats, 1931). #37 Cassandra Vablatsky 1894-1997 Celebrated Seer and author of 'Unfogging the Future'. #38 Chauncey Oldridge 1342-1379 First known victim of Dragon Pox. #39 Gwenog Jones 1968-Present Captain and Beater of only all-female national Quidditch Team, the Holyhead Harpies. #40 Carlotta Pinkstone 1922-Present Famous campaigner for lifting the International Confederation pf Wizards Statute of Secrecy and telling the non-magical that wizards still exist. Ms Pinkstone had been imprisoned several times for her blatant and deliberate use of magic in public places. #41 Godric Gryffindor Medieval dates unknown Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four Hogwarts houses. #42 Crispin Conk 1795-1872 Sent to Azkaban for continuing to keep sphinxes in his back garden despite repeated warnings. #43 Cyprian Youdle 1312-1357 Only Quidditch referee ever to be killed during a match. The originator of the curse was never caught but believed to have been a member of the crowd. #44 Delvin Whitehorn 1945-Present Founder of the Nimbus racing broom company. #45 Dunbar Oglethorpe 1968-Present Chief of Q.U.A.B.B.L.E (Quidditch Union for the Administration and Bettement of the British League and it's Endeavours). #46 Miranda Goshawk 1921-Present Famous spellbook writer. #47 Edgar Stroulger 1703-1798 Inventor of the Sneakoscope. #48 Salazar Slytherin Medieval dates unknown Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave his name to one of the four Hogwarts houses. #49 Elladora Ketteridge 1656-1729 Witch who discovered the use of Gillyweed when she nearly suffocated after eating it and recovered only when she stuck her head into a bucket of water. #50 Musidora Barkwith 1520-1666 Composer of the unfinished Wizarding Suite which features an exploding tuba. It's performance has been banned since it's last performance in 1902, when it blew the roof out of Ackerly Town Hall. #51 Etherled the Ever-Ready Medieval dates unknown Famous for taking offense at nothing and cursing innocent bystanders. Died in gaol. #52 Felix Summerbee 1447-1508 Inventor of cheering charms. #53 Greta Catchlove 1960-Present Author of 'Charm Your Own Cheese'. #54 Gaspard Shingleton 1959-Present Celebrated inventor of the Self-Stirring Cauldron. #55 Honria Nutcombe 1665-1743 Founded the Society for the Reformation of Hags. #56 Gideon Crumb 1975-Present Plays bagpipes with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. #57 Gifford Ollerton 1390-1441 Famous giant-slayer. Killed the giant Hengist of Upper Barnton. #58 Glover Hipworth 1742-1805 Inventor of the Pepperup Potion cure for the common cold. #59 Gregory the Smarmy Medieval dates unknown. Famous originator of Gregory's Unctuous Unction-potion to persuade the drinker that the giver is thier very best friend. Alleged to have wormed his way into King Richard's confidence and thus made his fortune. #60 Laverne De Montmorency 1823-1893 Inventor of many Love Potions #61 Havelock Sweeting 1634-1710 Unicorn expert. Helped set up unicorn reservations throughout Britain. #62 Ignatia Wildsmith 1227-1320 The witch who invented Floo Powder. #63 Herman Wintringham 1974-Present Plays lute with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. #64 Jocunda Skyes 1915-Present Famous for flying across the Atlantic on a broomstick- the first person to do so. #65 Gondoline Oliphant 1720-1799 Famous for studies of life and habits of trolls. Clubbed to death in the Cotswolds while while sketching. #66 Flavius Belby 1715-1791 Only wizard ever to survive a Lethifold attack. #67 Justus Pilliwickle 1862-1953 Celebrated Head of the Department of Magical Law enforcement. #68 Kirely Duke 1971-Present Plays lead guitar with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. #69 Bertie Bott 1935-Present Inventor of the Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. #70 Leopoldina Smethwyk 1829-1910 First British witch to referee a Quidditch Match. #71 Queen Maeve Medieval dates unknown Legendary witch who trained young sorcerors in Ireland prior to the establishment of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. #72 Helga Hufflepuff Medieval dates unknown Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four Hogwarts houses. #73 Mospus Ancient Greek Soothsayer who vanquished the Seer Clachas in a contest of thier powers. #74 Montague Knightley 1506-1588 Wizard Chess Champion. #75 Mungo Bonham 1560-1659 Famous wizard healer. Founded Saint Mungo's Hospital for Magical Ailments and Injuries. #76 Myron Wagtail 1970-Present Lead singer of the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. #77 Norvel Twonk 1888-1957 Died saving a non-magical child from a runaway Manticore. Posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin, First Class. #78 Orsino Thruston 1976-Present Plays drums with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. #79 Oswald Beamish 1850-1932 Pioneer of Goblin Rights. #80 Beatrix Bloxam 1794-1810 Author of Toadstool Tales, a series of childrens books since banned because they have been found to cause nausea and vomiting. #81 Quong Po 1443-1539 Chinese wizard who discovered the uses of the powdered Fireball eggs. #82 Rowena Ravenclaw Medieval dates unknown Co-founder of Hogwarts. Gave her name to one of the four Hogwarts Houses. #83 Roderick Plumpton 1889-1987 Seeker for England Quidditch Team. Holds British record for fastest capture of the Snitch during game: three and a half seconds. #84 Roland Kegg 1903-Present President of English Gobstones Team. #85 Blenheim Stalk 1920-Present Expert on the non-magical and author of many books including 'People Who Notice,' a study of awareness of magic in the non-magical. #86 Dorcas Wellbeloved 1812-1904 Founder for the society of distressed witches. #87 Thaddeus Thurkell 1632-1692 Famous for producing seven Squib sons and turning them all into hedgehogs in disgust. #88 Celestina Warbeck 1917-Present Popular singing soceress. #89 Alberta Toothill 1391-1483 Winner of the All-England Wizarding Duelling Competition of 1430. Famously overcame the favourite , Samson Wiblin with a Blasting Curse. #90 Sacharissa Tugwood 1874-1966 Pioneer of Beautifying Potions. Discovered pimple-curing properties of Bubotuber Pus. #91 Wilfred Ephlick 1112-1199 First wizard to be gored by an African Erumpent. #92 Xavier Rastrick 1750-1836 Flamboyant wizard entertainer who vanished unexpectedly while tap-dancing to a crowd of three hundred in Painswick and was never seen again. #93 Heathcote Barbary 1974-Present Plays rhythm guitar with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. #94 Merton Graves 1978-Present Plays cello with the popular wizarding band The Weird Sisters. #95 Yardley Platt 1446-1557 Serial goblin-killer. #96 Hengist of Woodcroft Medieval dates unknown Driven away from his home by non-magical persecutors, Hengist is supposed to have settled in Scotland where he founded the village of Hogsmeade. The Three Broomsticks Inn is alleged to be Hengist's old home. #97 Alberic Grunnion 1833-1882 Inventor of the Dungbomb. #98 Dymphina Furmage 1612-1968 Famously abducted by pixies while on holiday in Cornwall and lived in mortal dread of them thereafter. Failed to persuade the Ministry of Magic to have all pixies humanely destroyed. #99 Daisy Dodderidge 1467-1555 First landlady of the Leaky Cauldron. #100 Harry Potter The boy who lived. #101 Albus Dumbledore Currently Headmaster of Hogwarts. ************************************************************************************ Copyright/Contact Information and Thanks ************************************************************************************ This document is owned by A.J Mathieson and is protected by international copyright law. You may: Copy/Print this document for personal use only. Post this document on your website but you must first request so by e-mail. You may not: Alter/Edit any part of this document. Change this document to any other format. Publish/Take any part of this document without permission of Author. Author of Document: A.J Mathieson; Suzuhiko E-mail: nitro_rules@hotmail.com If you have any questions, corrections or anything you would like to submit please e-mail me. Credit will be given for ANY information I change/use by the name you give and your e-mail address (unless you request me not to). I thank gamefreak614, because I'm lazy and without their FAQ I wouldn't have found the cards :). I would also like to thank GameFAQ's, Sony and J.K Rowling for the constant source of entertainment and information and anyone who gave me money as a christmas present this year (as it will most probably have gone towards this or some other game I've bought). Copyright (C) 2002-2003 A.J Mathieson.