****************************************************************************** Geist A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ Version 1.0 E-mail: cyricz42 at yahoo.com ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. FAQ 3. Basics 3A. Controls 3B. Menus/Displays 3C. Hints/Tips 4. Walkthrough 4A. Chapter 1 - Volks Lab 4B. Chapter 2 - Containment 4C. Chapter 3 - Separation 4D. Chapter 4 - Medical 4E. Chapter 5 - Escape! (Part 1) 4F. Chapter 5 - Escape! (Part 2) 4G. Chapter 5 - Escape! (Part 3) 4H. Chapter 6 - Gigi 4I. Chapter 7 - Captured (Part 1) 4J. Chapter 7 - Captured (Part 2) 4K. Chapter 8 - Rourke (Part 1) 4L. Chapter 8 - Rourke (Part 2) 4M. Chapter 9 - Volks 5. Collectibles 5A. Possessed Objects 5B. Ghost Collectibles 5C. Host Collectibles 5D. Text Logs 6. Multiplayer 6A. Modes/Rules of Play 6B. Arenas 6C. Hosts/Objects 6D. Secret Hosts 7. Standard Guide Stuff 7A. Legal 7B. E-mail Guidelines 7C. Credits 7D. Version Updates 7E. The Final Word ****************************************************************************** 1. INTRODUCTION ****************************************************************************** Hello, and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for N-Space and Nintendo's new FPS game, Geist for the Nintendo GameCube! In this walkthrough, you'll learn how to guide scientist John Raimi through his "spiritual" journey, as well as find all the elusive "collectibles" in the game, as well as a few things said on the game's multiplayer. ****************************************************************************** 2. FAQ ****************************************************************************** Q: What is this game? A: Geist is a new FPS developed by N-Space Inc. and published by Nintendo. It's different from most other FPS games in the sense that your character becomes a "spirit" during the course of the game, at which point he'll be able to possess objects, animals, and people, and use them to his advantage as he tries to unravel the story. Q: What is this game rated? A: Geist is rated M for Mature by the ESRB, containing the added notes of Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, and Violence. The first and third will be visited several times throughout the game. The Partial Nudity is only in one area of the game, where you have to enter a women's shower room and there is one woman showering, but covered in soap bubbles. Q: How many blocks on the Memory Card does this game use? A: This game uses 2 blocks on the card. Q: I missed some collectibles! Can I go back? A: Through the main menu, you can revisit any chapters (and parts of chapters) you've completed, but you have to exit the game you're currently playing before you can do that, meaning you'll go back to your last checkpoint when you start again. Q: How do I poison the soup in Chapter 5? A: You need to possess the Chef (use the oven, then point the fan at him, then fling plates), then, as the Chef, go to the storage room and find Rat Poison, then go to the small cupboard behind the kitchen and find the Soup Mix on the shelf. From there, use the pot of water on the counter near the soldiers. I may put more questions here later. ****************************************************************************** 3. BASICS ****************************************************************************** Most of this stuff is available from your manual, but we all know how much some people hang onto those, much less read them, these days. ============== 3A. Controls = ============== Controls follow the standard console FPS setup, where the Control Stick moves your character forward, backward, and side to side. The C Stick allows your character to look up/down, and turn left/right. This control scheme is changeable through the options. A Button: The basic action/interact button. If a ghost, this will allow you to slip through small specially-marked holes, drain plants for energy, or possess hosts. If you're an object, you can perform your special action. If you're a mobile host, like an animal or human, you can use the A button to interact with your environment, such as talking to people or opening doors. B Button: Used to exit a possession of an object or body. Y Button: Only used as a human with a weapon. If the weapon is down, press Y to raise it. Pressing Y while the weapon is up will reload it. Holding down Y while the weapon is up will lower it. L Button: When a ghost, you can use this button to "jump" and float in midair for a time. When a person or animal, this can be used for a special function, which may also be jumping, incidentally. R Button: Fires equipped weapon (and automatically raises it if it's down). Z Button: Fires secondary weapon if your host is equipped with one. START/PAUSE Button: Access the Pause Menu and skip cinematics after they've been viewed once. Control Pad UP: View current mission objectives. Control Pad LEFT: View current area's map. Control Pad RIGHT: View your current inventory. Control Pad DOWN: View the game stats. ==================== 3B. Menus/Displays = ==================== Main Menu Select Single Player to begin the game. Select Multiplayer to access the MP menu (discussed in its section). Select Options to view the Options menu. --- Control Options (accessed when starting a new game) Style: Shade is the standard style, which uses the Control Stick for movement, and the C Stick for looking. Wraith has the Control Stick use forward and backward movement and turning, and the C Stick use the rest. Advanced Controller Configure: Invert Pitch: Toggling will reverse the Y-axis when looking up/down. Swap Control Sticks: Switch the stick functions. Rumble: Toggles the controller's rumble function. --- Pause Menu (accessed during gameplay) Resume Game: Get back to the action. Options: Access the Options menu. Restart Level: Returns you to the last "checkpoint", and offers to save your collectible progress. Save Menu: Manually saves up to your last "checkpoint". Quit to Main Menu: Returns you to the main menu, and offers to save your progress. --- Options Menu Screen Mode: Switch between 4:3 and 16:9 (widescreen). Brightness: Adjust screen brightness. Rumble: Toggles the controller's rumble function. Subtitles: Toggles whether subtitles appear during cinematics (available only on the title screen options). Music Volume: Changes volume of the background music. Effects Volume: Changes volume of the sound effects. Audio Mode: Change between Mono, Stereo, and Surround sound. Control Options: Access the Control Options above. --- Main Game Display In the lower-left corner of the screen is your health, either as a host or a ghost. Losing all your host's health means you lose that host, and you'll often lose the game if your host is considered "essential". Losing all your spiritual energy as a ghost means you lose the game, as well. If you have a weapon, then you'll also see an ammo meter above your health. In the lower-right corner are your current A and B button actions, which depend on your situation and what you're standing in front of. In the upper-right corners are your L, R, and Z button functions, which will change depending on what you are. Finally, the center of the screen has your crosshair and HUD. If you're in front of an interactible object or being, the HUD will flash a graphic saying what you can do with it (look, talk, operate, possess). If you're armed with a weapon, you'll also have a crosshair, which is green normally, blue if you're looking at a friendly (or an object), and red if you're looking at an enemy. If you're fired upon, you'll also receive red flashes on the screen denoting the origin of the attack: above if in front, below if behind you, and left and right. ================ 3C. Hints/Tips = ================ Remember that, as a ghost, your health steadily decreases. Drain energy from nearby plants to keep your own energy up, and don't be afraid to hop into an object for a second if you're running low for a quick recharge. Possession is a matter of frightening your host in the case of animals and humans. In general, the former is more easy to frighten. However, not every living object in the game needs to be possessed. In fact, there are a ton of people and animals you can't possess, so before you think about possessing someone, check to see if there are objects in the area you can use to frighten him/her. If not, the odds are you won't need that person. Try not to attract suspicion unless you have no other choice. If an armed guard, keep your weapon lowered near your comrades and they won't get suspicious. Avoid dogs, because they get nervous if you're near them, in a host or not. In early areas, don't worry too much if your host gets killed, as there are often "spares" nearby for you to repossess to get through the area. Later on in the game, though, as you possess people with their own "identities", you'll need to keep them alive, so fight smart and watch for health packs. All weapons in single player have unlimited ammo. Seems unrealistic, sure, but it's one less thing to worry about, so all you really need to be concerned with is if you have enough ammo in the current clip. Make sure to reload ****************************************************************************** 4. WALKTHROUGH ****************************************************************************** I will point out all collectibles and text logs as we progress through the walkthrough, so you can use this as a means to go through the game and get everything. All sections are separated as they are in the "Chapter Select" screen on the Main Menu. =========================== 4A. Chapter 1 - Volks Lab = =========================== You are John Raimi, one of the leading minds in biology and chemistry. You are brought in with the CR-2 Agency on a mission to Volks Corporation in Southern France for two purposes, extracting your friend Thomas Bryson from a covert mission, and discovering just what Volks is up to in his secret labs. You'll be airlifted into Volks. Don't worry about hostiles, just yet. Commander Juliao will brief you on controls and the like for a bit, then you'll automatically bust in and find Bryson. He'll tell you about Inventory, and now it's time to retrieve the data. - Text Log 1-1: "Computer Workstation" - Check just about any computer in the lab. - Text Log 1-3: "Mysterious Ooze" - Examine any of the bright blue tubes. - Text Log 1-5: "Large Fan" - Look up at the ceiling of the lab. - Text Log 1-6: "Strange Dead Creature" - Head up the stairs on the north side of the room and check the box. - Text Log 1-7: "Severed Tentacle" - Head up the stairs on the south side of the room and find it on a table. Head on down the stairs at the east side of the room and hit A at the microscope to access it with your PDA. Keep hitting A to examine the object and you'll download the virus data. Head back up the stairs and the alarm will be set off. Follow the grunts out the lab and down the passage. *CHECKPOINT* At the end of the passage, Juliao will tell you about that gun you brought with you, so pull it out with the Y button. Your Auto Mag has 8 shots before needing to reload. It's not particularly powerful, but the bad guys you'll face here are actually exceedingly weak. As you round the corner, Juliao will suggest you crouch, so do so (press L) and make your way around this area, fending off the grunts as best as you can. Their shots won't hurt too much, so take some time to aim so you can drop them in one shot. - Text Log 1-2: "Computer Workstation" - While you run through here, check the desks or the computers near the next set of blue ooze capsules. Continue through the hallways, blasting bad guys and healing as necessary. Medpacks are everywhere, so don't be too stingy with yourself. Once you pass a broken blue ooze canister, you'll need to speak with Juliao to unlock the next door. Heal yourself and move on. *CHECKPOINT* Aw. Poor red-shirt. MINI-BOSS: TENTACLE CREATURE This odd creature hangs from the ceiling, spitting blue energy at you. Keep moving in your small area and you should have little trouble dodging the blasts. Whenever the creature opens its mouth (and the crosshair turns red) is your cue to shoot. Just keep pounding him with simple shots, and you'll drain its health bar soon enough. As it gets lower, the creature will fire more shots in a row between roaring at you, so stay sharp. - Text Log 1-4: "Mysterious Ooze" - Check the blue stuff in the hole in the floor. - Text Log 1-8: "Dangerous Hole" - Check the hole the creature retreated into. Once the creature takes off, cross the bridge and follow Juliao the rest of the way out. Um. Uh oh. ============================= 4B. Chapter 2 - Containment = ============================= Well, it's safe to say the extraction didn't go as planned. After your little "treatment", you're now placed in a new setting. Listen and follow your instructions. Drain a plant, then possess the Rabbit. ~RABBIT~ (HOST 2-1) Special Ability (L): Hop Notes: Don't get too used to this guy, he's a short-timer. Now, drop out of the rabbit (press B) and uh, huh? *CHECKPOINT* Meet Gigi. She pulled you out of that training simulator. Follow her. - Text Log 2-1: "Containment Unit" - Check the machine Gigi just blew up. - Text Log 2-3: "Computers" - Check the computers in front of the pods. Follow Gigi to the hole in the wall and press A to "slip" through to a sealed room. Walk up to the mirror and Gigi will show you what you look like and tell you about possessing objects. There are a bunch in this room to play with. - Object 2-1: "Trapped Rat" - In the corner of the room, right where you slipped in. You can't do anything in it but look around, though. - Object 2-2: "Mop Bucket" - Near where Gigi stands, press A to play with the handle. - Object 2-3: "Antique Shooting Gallery" To the right of the mirror, press A to practice your sharpshooting. - Object 2-4: "Dynamo" - Near the far wall. Rapidly press A to charge it up and light the bulb. - Object 2-5: "Schwalk Ale" - On the floor in the middle of the room, you can actually roll around with this using the Control Sticks, and press A to shake it up and explode. - Object 2-6: "White Paint Bucket" - On the shelf near the door. Press A repeatedly to make it explode. - Object 2-7: "Blue Paint Bucket" - On the shelf near the door. - Object 2-8: "Yellow Paint Bucket" - On the shelf near the door. - Object 2-9: "Explosive Container" - On the wall opposite the door. Press A to make it explode. The last one is the important one, as it busts open the wall and allows you slip out of this room (after floating up to it by pressing L). In the next room, you'll find your first human target. First, you need to scare him to be able to possess him. Gigi will take the trash can while you take... - Object 2-10: "Phone" - On the wall nearby, press A to make it ring, and then A again to feed a scary garbled message through it. Gigi will back you up on the trash can and freak him out. Now, hop out of the phone (press B) and possess the custodian. ~CUSTODIAN~ (HOST 2-2) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: Has limited access to the doors in the area and no real abilities. You're using him as a meat bag. Pick up the phone if you wish to hear someone talking about suspicious people. Guess you better play it cool, eh? Head out of this room, down the hallway, and open the door at the far end. You're now in the PC room. - Host Collectible 2-1: Walk underneath the stairs in this room (from the left side) and follow this small passage all the way to the end. Ignore the scientists, here. Head up the stairs and follow the catwalk past the first door and all the way around to the far door. Go straight ahead to the next door. You'll spook a soldier, but he'll calm down quickly enough. It's time for a body with some more power to it. Remember your containment pod that Gigi trashed? There's another one to that pod's right. Jump out of the custodian, and go into the: - Object 2-11: "Containment CPU" - Next to your containment pod. Press A to make it explode. This makes the guard's aura yellow and he'll investigate, coming close enough to: - Object 2-13: "Trash Can" - Next to the pod you just blew. Press A to make the garbage fly up and burn. The guard is now properly spooked. Hop in. ~ASSAULT RIFLE SOLDIER~ (HOST 2-3) Weapon: Assault Rifle (60 shots) Special Ability (L): Zoom Notes: Your first combat host. Still, keep your gun down until you absolutely need it. No need to raise suspicion. Note the memories you just saw. *CHECKPOINT* Now, you can return to the PC room. Speak to the only remaining scientist there and he'll unlock the computers for you. Head to the computers and look for a flashing red "folder" icon. The furthest left will show you that Bryson is still here, needing to be extracted. The middle will show a map of the facility. The furthest right computer gives you a code to open the locked door on the upper floor. Use the panel next to that door and type in the code to leave this area. Make sure your gun is down so the guard doesn't get suspicious (hold Y for a few seconds to lower it), and move on to the next room: the kennels. While Gigi mentions that dogs can sense when you're in a body, they won't attack you or anything. - Host Collectible 2-2: Hit the switch on the far wall to open the kennels, then turn right and enter the leftmost kennel to find the collectible. - Ghost Collectible 2-1: Drop out of the soldier and enter the slip-hole in southwestern-most kennel. Float all the way to the end of this tunnel to find the teddy bear. Once done here, proceed to the next room. This will be a check-in station to see if you're possessed. You cannot pass through the barrier as just a ghost, and getting too close to the dog in a host will alert the guards. There's no way around this, so it's time to break cover. Get to a good spot and start blowing away the soldiers. If your soldier croaks, head to the south end of the room to find a new soldier to possess, then clean house. Pass through the barrier and up to the next door. The next room has a dog that immediately senses your presence, so shoot your way through this room, taking out all the guards. Use the explosive crates to your advantage, either shooting them or possessing them. Just be sure to hide your host behind a corner before dispossessing so he doesn't get too hurt. - Host Collectible 2-3: Behind the crates in the south side of this room is another collectible. Head through the southwest door to move on. Shoot the first guard, then hop out and head around the corner. - Object 2-12: "Ammunition Rack" - A rack with four explosive cylinders. Press A for boom time. Use the Ammo Racks to take out the other two guards, then hop back in and proceed, shooting the last guard at the end of the hallway. Heal up and head through the door. *CHECKPOINT* BOSS: CORD At this point, losing your host means losing the game, so just a heads-up. Cord has two attacks, a blaster-type gun, and grenades. He also has a riot shield to fend off any bullet attacks. Watch him as he moves. He always stops before he throws a grenade, and thats when you need to shoot him. If you hit him before he throws, he'll drop the grenade in front of him, then crouch down. Dispossess, and jump into the grenade. Roll it at him and press A to blow it at his feet to hurt him hard. Four shots and three grenades (or a combination thereof) will make him retreat, and you'll win the fight. *CHECKPOINT* - Text Log 2-2: "Plaque" - It's the big thing in the middle of the room. You probably used it for cover. - Object 2-14: "Seraph Statue" - In the room you fight Cord. You can turn the statue with the Control Stick. - Object 2-15: "Grenade" - Cord uses these as you fight. You can move in them, and press A to make them explode. - Host Collectible 2-4: Use the Statue and turn it 180 degrees so it points at the nearest wall. Panels will open up, giving you access to the collectible. All right, now head through the door Cord retreated through, watching out for resistance all along the way. Gun down all the soldiers, and hop into the elevator. Use the button inside to go down a floor. Gun down all the soldiers in this next hallway, and head up to the tram station. - Ghost Collectible 2-2: Hop out of your host and drop all the way down the canyon to the water below. The bear is down here. Use the slip-hole to return to where your host is. Activate the tram call button and four more guards will pop out behind you. Take them out, hop in the tram and pull the lever inside. Take out the two guards on the far side and continue to the end of the passage. Locked door, eh? Open the nearby valve in the pipe. Hop out of the host and through the new slip-hole, ending this chapter. ============================ 4C. Chapter 3 - Separation = ============================ (Previously Found: Object 3-4 "Explosive Crate") You're getting closer now to where you'll find Bryson, but you currently have no host to get around in. First, let's examine the area. - Text Log 3-1: "Dog Fan" - Suspended above the enclosed pen. - Text Log 3-2: "Dog Bed" - Phantom's doggie butt is on it. - Text Log 3-3: "Tools" - In the southwest corner of the room. - Text Log 3-11: "Generator" - In the southwest corner of the room. - Text Log 3-26: "Spool" - The shelves full of cables in this room. - Object 3-1: "Dog Bowl" - In Phantom's pen. Press A to shake it, then A again to make all the food jump out. - Object 3-2: "Security Camera" - On the wall near Phantom's pen, just above the fence. All you can do is look, though. - Object 3-3: "Halogen Lamp" - On a stand in the southeast corner of the room. Pressing A will make it buzz, but to no avail. So, jump into the Dog Bowl and scare Phantom and you'll be able to possess him. ~PHANTOM~ (HOST 3-1) Main Action (A): Bark Special Ability (L): Jump Notes: Phantom isn't supposed to be out of his pen, so if anyone but the first guard catches you, it's back to the beginning. All right. Time to get out of this room. There are two ways through this area. To get all the Collectibles, you'll have to partially go both ways: 1: Climb up on all the shelves in the northeast corner to the vent at the top. It's tricky but doable. Head through the vent system and you'll end up in the room with the next guard you have to scare, which is several paragraphs down. - Host Collectible 3-3: In this upper vent area, you'll end up in a small room before the main vent system. Underneath the pile of broken vents is the collectible. If just going for 100%, you can turn back at this point. 2: The "main" route is to speak to the guard. He'll open the door for you. You'll now have access to a couple of rooms beyond, but beyond the ghost barrier, the guards will stop you and send you back. What to do? - Text Log 3-4: "Rat Hole" - Examine the small hole near the rats. - Text Log 3-5: "Pumping Machine" - It's the big machine right near the barrier. - Host Collectible 3-2: In the room before the barrier, hop into the vent in the southeast corner to find this collectible. Bark at the Rats and you'll scare them. Time to take them for a ride. ~RAT~ (HOST 3-2) Special Ability (L): Squeak Notes: They can fit in tiny spots, but can't climb over a few inches. Enter the nearby rat hole and crawl through the tunnels. - Host Collectible 3-1: In this tunnel, take the right-hand junction all the way to the end to find another collectible. Exiting the tunnel puts you beyond the ghost barrier, but you can't go far in this form, nor can you go very far as a ghost before hitting doors or small vents. What you need to do here is hop into one of the Explosive Containers, wait for one of the guards to get close, and blow him to kingdom come. Do this for both guards and you can return to the Rat, back along the hole, and back to Phantom, who can now pass through this room unchallenged. - Text Log 3-6: "Cracked Wall" - Just past the ghost barrier, examine a crack on the southeast wall with one pipe visible. - Text Log 3-27: "Cover Crate" - The last two (non-explosive) crates near the slip-hole. - Text Log 3-7: "Floor Grate Pipes" - In the room beyond the slip-hole, check the floor near the door. - Text Log 3-8: "Cracked Wall Steam" - In the room beyond the slip-hole, check the exposed wall in the southeast corner. - Text Log 3-9: "Hall Air Vent" - In the room beyond the slip-hole, check the vent while in Phantom or a Rat. - Text Log 3-28: "Spark Lights" - In the room beyond the slip-hole, check the light in the ceiling. - Text Log 3-37: "Control Room" - The sign on the wall near the door. Enter the vent and you'll end up in the Steam Room. The guard won't send you back to your pen, so you're safe here. - Text Log 3-10: "Steam Shelves" - Either of the two shelves here. - Text Log 3-29: "Power Box" - Near the fire extinguisher. - Object 3-5: "Ladder" - On the wall near the guard. Press A to make it tip over. - Object 3-6: "Fire Extinguisher" - On the wall opposite where the guard starts. Press A to spray it in a wild manner. - Object 3-7: "Pressure Gauge" - On the pipes in the middle of the room. Repeatedly tap to raise the gauge and make steam shoot out. All right, to frighten the guard, here, you'll need to use the Ladder first, then the Fire Extinguisher, then the Pressure Gauge. He's ready to go, now. This is the same type of Assault Rifle Soldier as before, so I won't run a new Host section. Exit the room (finally, someone who can use a door). You'll find you're in the Explosive Container hall from before. Turn right and head through the next two doors. - Object 3-8: "Fire Sprinkler" - It's easy to miss, but in this next room is a sprinkler on the ceiling. Press A to drench a guard. You won't do any better than annoy them, though. In this next room, the green door in front of you is inaccessible to anyone but an Engineer, so turn right and down the red-lit hallways. At the fork, turn right again and fall out of your soldier and through the slip-hole. Well, you've found the engineer. Now, it's time to get him. Explore this room, thoroughly. - Text Log 3-12: "Lab Equipment" - The computers in the back of the room. - Text Log 3-13: "Coffee Mug" - A coffee cup, sitting near the Laptop. - Text Log 3-17: "Burned Fuse" - One of the two bad fuses on the workbench. - Text Log 3-30: "Pool" - Hop into the water near the robot arms and look down. - Object 3-9: "Robot Arms" - The suspended yellow arms. Press A to use the arms to spray someone. - Object 3-10: "Laptop" - The computer near the robot arms. Press A with someone nearby and you'll create a "virus" of sorts. - Object 3-11: "Computer Monitor" - Monitors in the back of the room. Press A to fiddle with the desktop. It doesn't scare, though. - Object 3-14: "Fuse" - The only good fuse on the desk. All you can do with it is roll it. Okay, so hop in the Robot Arms and spray the Engineer and he'll rush over to the Laptop to try to fix them. Hop in the Laptop and you'll take over and really rile him up. Now, you can possess him. ~ENGINEER~ (HOST 3-3) Special Ability (L): Sprint Inventory: Engineering All-Purpose Multi-Tool Notes: After possessing him, he'll be afraid of the robot arms and won't go near them. He's able to access green-lined doors. Okay, head to the next room and push the lift button. Awww. It bwoke. Open the nearby gate and you can access the Fuse Room. - Text Log 3-14: "Essence Vat" - A vat near the west wall. - Text Log 3-31: "Encased Coils" - A power box on the north wall near the fuse box. - Ghost Collectible 3-2: Possess the Explosive Container in this room and blow it to reveal a slip-hole. You'll end up inside a large stone head and you'll find another bear. - Text Log 3-15: "Big Head" - Either look out the eyeholes once inside it, or check it from the outside once you ride up the lift, later. Examining the fuse box will show a damaged fuse. There's one back in the Hydroponics Room, but you can't get close enough in this body. Solution? Dispossess and possess the Fuse. Roll it as far through the room as you can, then repossess the Engineer and pick it up (he can get close enough). Now, carry it back to the Fuse Box and you'll have fixed the lift. Hop in, push the button, and we're on our way. Use the panel beside the green door and you'll activate the retinal scanner. Now, we're back in the red hallway. Run all the way down through the door, and back to the first green-lined door. Pass through it. Watch as Rourke chews out Cord. Watch thingies do stuff. The thing you need to pay attention to is that catalyst laser. - Text Log 3-16: "Control Panel" - Any of the computers in the Control Room. - Text Log 3-38: "Reactor Room" - The sign on the door on the left. - Object 3-12: "Catalyst Laser" - The big laser pointing into the rift. Possess the laser and you can move it around. Aim it at each of the four blue cylinders surrounding the rift. After zapping one, a techie will try to wrest control from you. Fight him and shoot all four cylinders and you'll mess up their game. Bryson is safe for now. Now, you have to try to make the rift collapse by getting to the Reactor Room. Jump back into your Engineer and head through the marked door. *CHECKPOINT* - Text Log 3-18: "Mop Bucket" - The two buckets in the room ahead. - Object 3-13: "Gun Camera" - The gun turret in the ceiling. Activate the gun turret with the nearby console and possess it. Gun down all the boys in blue in this area. There will be a soldier in green left behind the box nearby and he'll be freaked out. Possess him. ~GRENADE SOLDIER~ (HOST 3-4) Weapon: Assault Rifle (30 shots) Secondary: Grenade Launcher Special Ability (L): Crouch Notes: Nice of this guy to position himself so that you can possess him without risk of killing him. You'll enjoy using those grenades. Now, you can open the door to the next room. - Text Log 3-32: "Creaky Boards" - Examine the boards just past this door. The guard standing across from you is FAR too jumpy. Put him out of his misery now and it'll be time for a fight. Move slowly down the stairwell, always looking further ahead and letting your grenades be your greeting. - Ghost Collectible 3-1: About halfway down this stairwell, look towards the center of the room. The bear should be floating in the midst of the stairwell. - Text Log 3-19: "Stair Pipes" - Pipes at the bottom of the stairs. Once the place is cleaned out (the music will stop), dispossess the guard, and retrieve the Engineer. Bring him all the way down to the door at the bottom and you'll head on through to the Decon Room. - Text Log 3-20: "Decontamination" - The shower above you. - Text Log 3-33: "Decontamination Drain" - The drain below you. Open the doors and take the hazard suit in the case. ~HAZMAT ENGINEER~ (HOST 3-5) Weapon: Rivet Gun Special Ability (L): Crouch Notes: Not a combat unit, of course. The Rivet Gun is mostly for the puzzles that are to follow. Good luck. Okay, head through the door and you'll meet another engineer. He'll tell you to help him with the riveting that needs to be done in the area. - Text Log 3-21: "Ground Fog" - The fog in the early part of the area. - Text Log 3-34: "Work Lamps" - The lights in the area. - Text Log 3-35: "Gate Sign" - The signs flanking the gate past the riveting challenge. What you have to do here is examine a panel with holes in it. Once you do that, you'll be given an example of where you have to rivet (and in what order). You just have to match that order. You can look at the order several times by hitting B to back out. What I find works best is to assign each hole a number. They're easier to remember than a spot on a panel. Anyway, the first panel has two rivets in six holes. The second panel has four rivets for seven holes, and the third panel has six rivets for nine holes. Finish that, and you can move on to the next area. - Host Collectible 3-4: The collectible is in the lockers at the end of this room. To get it, you have to rivet ALL nine remaining panels in this area, after the gate. Once you do that, the locker will be openable. You'll be detoxed, here, as you enter the Reactor Room. In this room are four of a new type of guard. Cord is in the locked room at the other end, and there are two gun cameras in the area. - Text Log 3-22: "Computer System" - Check any of the monitors attached to large machines. - Text Log 3-23: "Ooze Tanks" - Check the tanks near the door you entered. Okay, move your Engineer relatively out of harm's way (in a corner or something), and possess the nearby Pressure Gauge. Setting it off will scare the guards here, so take one (any one). ~HEAVY GUARD~ (HOST 3-6) Weapon: Heavy Machine Gun Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: This guy will only be used for this battle. He's pretty tough, though. You'll need to keep your Engineer alive throughout all this, so keep that in mind. Start taking shots at your fellow guards. Once you kill one guard, Cord will notice. BOSS: CORD (REMATCH) Not only do you have Cord to worry about, but the other guards left alive, and two gun cameras. Of course, you can use these things to your advantage. Do as much damage to the other guards and Cord as you can with the guard you have, then once your host dies, take control of one of the gun cameras and continue to batter at Cord. If you lose that gun, go to the other one. Just keep hammering him and he should go down pretty quickly. If you're left with no other choice, you'll have to try to use your Engineer's rivet gun, but I don't recommend it. Once Cord is nailed to the floor, take his keycard. Now, you can open the door to the control room by using the slot next to it. Use the lever on the wall to shut down the reactor. - Text Log 3-36: "Reactor Control" - The monitors in the control room. - Text Log 3-24: "Holographic Projection" - The hologram in the middle of the room after you pulled the lever. Okay. Time to blow this taco stand. Dispossess your poor host and hop through the grating that just opened up. Glide down this tunnel. You'll hit a cutscene, shortly, in which something unprecedented happens. Nothing you can do about it right now. Just continue down the tunnel. - Text Log 3-25: "Ruins" - Look out the window at the end of the tunnel. Slip through the hole at the end of the tunnel to finish this chapter. ========================= 4D. Chapter 4 - Medical = ========================= All right. You've prevented Bryson from being separated, as well as preventing any future separations. Now, you have to find Bryson and get him out of here, perhaps finding your body along the way. Having witnessed the cutscene, you'll materialize in a shattered passageway. - Ghost Collectible 4-1: Float straight past the hole to the next part of the passageway. You'll find the teddy bear at the end. Drop down the hole and slip through the rocks. You'll speak to Gigi for a moment, then disturb a nest of bats. - Object 4-1: "Floodlight" - A light on the wall in the cave. - Object 4-2: "Floodlight" - A light on the floor in the cave. Possess the light on the floor first, then power it on. Then, possess the light on the wall, aim it at the hanging bats across the room, power it on, and make it explode. You'll disrupt the sonar of the bats with your sound and they'll flap around scared. Possess one of them. ~BAT~ (HOST 4-1) Basic Action (A): Flap Wings Notes: You can fly! You can fly! Flapping pushes you forward, so aim in the right direction before you let 'er rip. Fly upwards towards the cave network, then across to the man-made structures. There's a custodian standing there, so flap your little self into his hair to fluster him. Do it once more after he moves and he'll be yellow. He'll cower next to a manhole cover. - Object 4-3: "Manhole Cover" - Near where the custodian ends up. Press A to flip it. Use the cover to turn the custodian red, and then possess him. Y'know, this MAY be the same custodian as before. He's had a rough night, eh? - Text Log 4-17: "Sign" - The sign on the door leading out of this room. - Ghost Collectbile 4-2: Possess the Manhole Cover near the door and flip it to create a slip-hole. Slip through to find the room with the bear. Head through the door and you're inside, now. Now, what's this joker doing? Talk to him to get him to move away. Before you do anything scandalous, let's check that rack of clothes nearby. Looks like one of the uniforms is that doctor's we saw in the cutscene. Explore this area some more. Note that you can only go so far in the hallway. There's really nothing of import in the custodian's room off to the side. - Text Log 4-1: "Dirty Clothes" - The hamper near the exit of the Laundry Room. - Text Log 4-2: "Washing Machine" - The three working washing machines in the far end of the room. - Text Log 4-6: "Junk" - Shelves in the Custodian's room. - Text Log 4-7: "Boxes" - Boxes in the Custodian's room. - Text Log 4-18: "Sign" - Outside the Laundry Room from the corridor. All right. You know you want to, so look through the hole, and now live every young man's fantasy and slip through the hole into the women's shower room. - Text Log 4-3: "Towel Rack" - The towels near the mirror. - Text Log 4-4: "Paper Towels" - The dispenser near the sink or the lockers. - Text Log 4-5: "Trash Can" - Any of the trash cans in the locker room. - Text Log 4-13: "Shower Bag" - The small bag next to the mirror. - Text Log 4-14: "Clothes Hamper" - Around the corner from the Towel Rack. - Text Log 4-15: "Soap" - Near the sinks. - Object 4-4: "Showerhead" - Any of the showerheads in the shower room. Press A to activate them. - Object 4-7: "Bathroom Mirror" - The big mirror on the wall just outside the shower room. Press A to break it, then A again for a chilling reflection. Okay then. Hop into the showerhead near Bubble Girl (yes, that is her name), and let 'er rip. She'll run off and it's just you and the lady doctor. Fire up three more showerheads and she'll FINALLY get miffed enough to leave the room. Now, hop in the mirror and you'll see one of the better scares in the game. Anna's good and freaked now, so hop in. ~ANNA RICHARDSON~ (HOST 4-2) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: Anna's not much in just a towel. She'll have a natural fear of men in this situation. - Host Collectible 4-3: Open the locker across from the other girl in the shower to find this one easily. Now, checking Anna's open locker, you'll see that the custodian picked up her clothes for cleaning. Head back to the Laundry Room and whoa! That's one host you won't be using again. Grab the uniform off the wall. ~ANNA RICHARDSON~ (HOST 4-3) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: No longer afraid of men in her snappy work uniform, Anna's ready to walk confidently through her workplace. Certainly things are going pear-shaped, now. - Text Log 4-8: "Sign" - This sign is near the ceiling near the Dead Guard shown below. - Text Log 4-9: "Lamp" - This lamp is in the floor in the corridor. - Text Log 4-40: "Dead Bubble Girl" - Your showermate is now down for the count right where she stood. - Text Log 4-41: "Dead Janitor" - The dead custodian near the uniforms. - Text Log 4-42: "Dead Pervert" - The soldier is now found outside the locker room, apparently determined for one last peep. - Text Log 4-46: "Dead Guard" - He died as he lived, in the corridor. Well, now that we've searched the place and found no one alive, proceed straight down the hallway all the way to the end. There are doors on either side of you, and a locked one at the end. First, take the door on your right. Quickly grab the Fire Extinguisher on the wall to your right. It will be your only weapon for a while. It has an infinite charge in it, but if you use it for too long, it will need a while to charge back up. Quickly douse the two beasts called Imps that are in this area to kill them. Also, spray out the fire. - Text Log 4-43: "Dead Med Tech" - On the floor in this room. - Text Log 4-49: "PC" - In the far corner of this room where the fire is. - Text Log 4-52: "PC" - In the other corner of this room. - Text Log 4-53: "PC" - Closer to the door in this room. Head across the hall to the other door. Kill the Imps and fire here as well. - Text Log 4-44: "Dead Guard" - On the floor in this room. - Text Log 4-48: "PC" - In the corner with the fire. - Text Log 4-50: "PC" - In the corner near the door. - Text Log 4-51: "PC" - In the corner opposite the fire. All right. This place is (more or less) clear. Head back along the hallway and turn right at the next door and you'll enter the construction area. *CHECKPOINT* - Text Log 4-10: "Statue" - Either of the busts of Volks in this room. - Text Log 4-11: "Construction Area" - Any of the lifts in this room. - Text Log 4-19: "Sign" - On the door leading to the Morgue. All right. Can't go left. Elevator's locked down. You can go right, but you won't get far without the Morgue Key. Try slipping through the locked door at the far end. - Object 4-5: "Keypad Lock" - On the other side of the door leading to the Surgery wing. Possess and press A to get the guard's attention so he'll enter the proper code. Once you get the code, go back through the door and enter it using Anna. Pass on through the door to the Surgery Wing. Now, you can bypass the barrier and move on. - Text Log 4-20: "Sign" - Past the Keypad Lock and further down the corridor, leading to the Surgery area. - Text Log 4-21: "Sign" - In the same area is the sign for the ICU. You can't pass by those guards, so you'll head down to the Surgery area. Go all the way down the hall to the end and you'll find the room Bryson's in. Imps will pop up here and take the nearby guards out. Once they're gone, enter the area and examine Bryson. - Text Log 4-16: "Bryson" - He still needs his counteragent for the virus. Now, return to the hallway and douse the fire. Grab the nearby Extinguisher if you didn't get one, yet. Proceed all the way down this hall to hear the Imps take over. In the next hall, douse the Imps. - Text Log 4-47: "Dead Guard" - Check any of the three guards that have just been killed by the Imps. Go through the door those guards did such a good job of guarding, then through the next one. You're now in ICU, where there's a Med Tech preventing you from getting the Morgue Key, as well as some failed Spectral Operatives on beds nearby (and one in a cell). - Object 4-6: "Heart Monitor" - Lying next to the patients' beds. Press A rapidly to fake a flatline. ~FAILED OP~ (HOST 4-4) Notes: All you can do with the guy up and about is to bang on the window to get the Med Tech's attention. So, you have two options. Either possess the Failed Op and pound on the glass, or possess the Heart Monitor. The latter gives you a bit more time. Either way, it'll get the Med Tech moving and you'll be able to repossess Anna and have her grab the Morgue Key. Now, retreat all the way back to the main construction room, cleaning out any Imps in your way as you go. First, go back to the bloody corridor near the locker room. Head left and down to the small offices and now open the door at the very back to access a new office. - Text Log 4-54: "PC" - In the southwest corner of the room. - Text Log 4-55: "PC" - On the south wall of the room. - Text Log 4-56: "PC" - In the northwest corner of the room. - Host Collectible 4-1: Right in the middle of this room. Also, you can play with the phone, if you want to hear some goofy messages (obviously an Easter Egg left by the dev crew). Head for the doors to the Morgue. Make your way down the stairs, cleaning out fires and Imps as you go. Head in the first side door to reach the Morgue Office. - Text Log 4-12: "Fax Machine" - In the Morgue Office. - Text Log 4-22: "Gurney" - These are the beds just outside the office. - Text Log 4-23: "Box" - On the floor to the right of the fax machine. - Text Log 4-24: "Box" - On the desk to the left of the fax machine. - Text Log 4-25: "Box" - Wooden boxes to the right of the sink. - Text Log 4-26: "Cabinet" - Cabinet above the fax machine. - Text Log 4-27: "Files" - Above the table on the left side of the room. - Text Log 4-28: "File Cabinet" - Filing cabinets on the floor. - Text Log 4-29: "Tub" - On the table to the left of the sink. - Text Log 4-30: "Monitors" - Piled up on the left side of the room. - Host Collectible 4-2: Right in front of you on the floor. Geez. Text jackpot, eh? Anyhoo, head back out and continue down the hallway and into the morgue itself, dousing fires and Imps alike. - Text Log 4-31: "Fuse Box" - On the wall just outside the Morgue. - Text Log 4-32: "Sink" - On the walls in the Morgue. - Text Log 4-33: "Corpse" - The corpse on the open slab. - Text Log 4-34: "Table" - The embalming tables next to each other. - Text Log 4-35: "Table" - The autopsy table in the center of the room. - Text Log 4-36: "Preservatives" - A canister next to the freezer door. - Text Log 4-37: "Bin" - A biowaste bin near the tables. - Text Log 4-38: "Cabinet" - The glass cabinets in the corner of the room. - Text Log 4-39: "Box" - Boxes under the cabinet on the far wall. - Host Collectible 4-4: Inside the fridge. This one appears to respawn every time you play as an odd glitch. Phew. Okay, unlock the freezer using the Morgue Key and grab the Serum. Make your from the Morgue ALL the way back to the Surgery room where Bryson is (watching out for Imps in the corridor before the Surgery room). Use the Serum on him. *CHECKPOINT* All right, Bryson's up, we're ready to get out of here, AND we got a hot new look for Anna. ~ANNA RICHARDSON~ (HOST 4-5) Weapon: Submachine Gun (80 Shots) Secondary: Grenades Special Ability (L): Crouch Notes: Combat ready, Anna is now a force be reckoned with. - Text Log 4-45: "Dead Pantsless Guard" - He's behind Bryson. Okay, time to retrace your steps back to the big construction room. The alert has been sounded, so your way back will be infested by both Volks guards and Imps. Just before the keypad lock is a barrier that you need to use a grenade to remove. In the construction room, watch for the one guard that's on top of the construction lift in the center of the room, as well as the several dotted around the place. As usual, you'll know you're done with the situation when the music stops. Hop in the elevator, wait for Bryson, and press the button to head on up. Once you reach the top, Bryson will get wise to the whole plot, before being swallowed by a Creature (a relative of the previous one?) BOSS: HYDRA Sporting a snail-like shell, this creature sits in the center of the room, hiding behind its claws as its spits energy at you. Fire at its head constantly, trying to get shots in as it bobs around. Be careful when it starts firing multiple blasts one after another. Back up against the wall to maximize your dodging chances. Sometimes, it will crawl into its shell. At that point, throw a grenade into the hole when the claws aren't guarding it and you'll cause major damage. Later, it will hide in its shell and then start rolling around the arena. Watch for whether it's rolling in the outer or inner part of the circle so you can avoid it, then toss a grenade in when it stops. Late in the battle, it will fire a constant beam that you'll have to run away from to keep from getting hit. Keep pounding at it, and you'll drain its health. This is a long and tough battle, but keep at it. Once you drive off the Hydra, it will spit out Bryson and you'll have completed this chapter. ================================== 4E. Chapter 5 - Escape! (Part 1) = ================================== (Previously Found: Object 5-3: "White Paint Bucket") (Previously Found: Object 5-4: "Yellow Paint Bucket") (Previously Found: Object 5-12: "Security Camera") (Previously Found: Object 5-15: "Grenade") All right. You're still in Anna's body and now it's time to find the way out of here, contact CR-2, and arrange for some backup, possibly while finding out what Project Z is about. Bryson will relax at the elevator for a bit, letting you scout on ahead. Head on through the door. Shoot out the four guards in this area. - Ghost Collectible 5-1: To your left is a conveyor belt with boxes on them. Several are labelled (BOOM or FRAGILE). Shoot up all destroyable boxes, then look down from the catwalk to see a platform with some boxes on it. Dispossess and float down and you'll find the bear on it (if you don't see it, just move around until you find the "hand" icon). - Object 5-13: "Exploding Gas Canister" - Drop all the way down off the lift to find the canisters down here. Rapidly tap A and they'll explode. To leave this area, use the slip-hole in the corner. Head through the far door to the next room. There are a couple guards on the floor and one in the control room above. There's a door up here, but you can't access past the small room beyond it. - Text Log 5-1: "Lockers" - In the small room behind the control room. - Text Log 5-2: "Coatrack" - In the small room behind the control room. - Text Log 5-3: "Pane of Glass" - One of the three glass panels in the control room. Hope you didn't shoot them all out trying to get rid of the guard. - Text Log 5-4: "High-Tech Panel" - Either of the two panels that doesn't have the crane control - Text Log 5-5: "Crane Control Panel" - The panel with the lever. - Host Collectible 5-2: In the back right of this room is a closed garage door with the collectible sitting right in front of it. Operate the lever on the crane control panel to start some crates moving in front of you. Head around the catwalk to where you can get closest to the containers before they travel out of the room. Time to say bye to Anna. - Object 5-1: "Moving Container" - Once you get them moving, hop in, and they'll carry you around to the pantry area. - Ghost Collectible 5-2: Exit the container soon after you leave the Cargo Room and explore this small back storage area. Behind a fence is the second bear. Okay, once you reach the end of the ride, hop out and you're in the pantry. - Text Log 5-6: "Storage Shelf" - Any of the shelves in this room. - Text Log 5-7: "Folding Chair" - The chair sitting in front of the TV. - Text Log 5-9: "Pile of Junk" - Boxes near the door leading out of the pantry. - Object 5-2: "Vintage TV" - Near the rats. Press A to turn it on, then press A again once the rats converge to turn on the Animal Planet, IN 3D!!! Use the TV to scare the rats, then possess one. Head through the rat hole and out into the next room. - Text Log 5-8: "Rat Poison" - Make sure you examine this as a rat, otherwise it won't count for the log. - Text Log 5-10: "Generator" - The generator by the door. - Text Log 5-11: "Oil Barrels" - Piled around the room. - Text Log 5-12: "Small Shelf" - The shelf in this room. - Text Log 5-13: "Filing Cabinet" - The cabinets in this room. Head out the slip-hole to reach the main hallway of this area. There are three other rooms accessible from this main hallway: the Radio room (which you can't slip to), the Mess Hall, and the Lounge. You have two people to possess here, and you can take care of them in either order, really. Let's start by going to the Mess Hall (up the stairs nearby). - Text Log 5-14: "Tray Window" - Found around the corner of the kitchen. - Text Log 5-15: "Condiment Stand" - Found near the stairs. - Text Log 5-16: "Recycle Bin" - Next to the Condiment Stand. - Text Log 5-17: "Dish Station" - In the kitchen around the right of the ovens. - Text Log 5-18: "Pot of Water" - In the small area between the soldiers and the cook. - Text Log 5-19: "Deep-Fat Fryer" - Below the wall-mounted fan near the ovens. - Text Log 5-20: "Empty Shelf" - Shelf next to the cook (not really all that empty). - Text Log 5-21: "Buffet Counter" - Trays in front of the soldiers. - Text Log 5-22: "Cash Register" - At the far end of the counter. - Object 5-5: "Oven" - Near the cook. Rapidly press A to heat up the food so it burns up. - Object 5-6: "Wall-Mounted Fan" - Near the oven. Press A to turn it on and move it so that it points smells at people. - Object 5-7: "Stack of Plates" - Near the fan. Press A to start tossing plates. Okay! Hop in the oven and ruin the cook's souffle, then hop in the fan and blow the smoke over to him so he'll smell the problem. While he's checking the oven, hop into the plates and toss one at him. He'll hide behind the oven, so wait until he peeks out again and nail him once more, and you've got him! ~CHESTER MACINTIRE~ (HOST 5-1) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: Armed with nothing but a fantastic sense of the culinary. - Host Collectible 5-1: Run up the stairs in the back of the mess hall and down to the dead end on the right. - Host Collectible 5-3: Go through the door in the kitchen and back to the pantry. The collectible is on a stack of boxes. Gigi will mention that Bryson's up. Don't mind the soldiers' insistence that you feed them. Ungrateful slobs. Head up the stairs and towards the door on the far left. Open it to find Bryson. He now needs you to do three things: 1. Get rid of the soldiers in the mess hall. 2. Go to the radio room and contact CR-2. 3. Get into the data room to find out about Project Z. Starting with #1. First, leave the Mess Hall and walk back to the Rat Poison room (turn right at the bottom of the stairs, then right again). Grab the container on the floor. Now, head back to the Mess Hall, and then back to the small room behind the kitchen (not all the way to the pantry). On the shelf to your left is a can of soup. Pick that up. Now, go back to the pot of water near the serving trays and "use" it to get the ball rolling. Wait a few moments and the soldiers will soon be down for the count. Now, to Objective #2. Leave the Mess Hall and turn left at the bottom of the stairs to get to the Radio Room area. Ride up the elevator. Walk up to the radio transceiver and set the frequency to 104.1 (use the Control Stick to adjust a digit, and A to confirm). You'll automatically make the call. Objective #3 will require a new host. Head down to the Lounge (the one room you haven't visited, yet). There's a scientist walking around, here. Take this opportunity to explore the Lounge, nearby Men's Room, and the Lobby beyond. - Text Log 5-23: "Game Consoles" - Below the big TVs in the lounge. - Text Log 5-24: "Bookshelf" - Any of the shelves in the lounge. - Text Log 5-25: "Ladies' Room" - The door opposite the men's room. Hmmph. Didn't stop us last chapter. - Text Log 5-26: "Checkerboard" - On the table between the restroom doors. - Text Log 5-30: "Calendar" - On the wall to the left of the lobby door. - Text Log 5-31: "Note" - Also on the wall to the left of the lobby door, to the right of the Calendar. - Text Log 5-32: "Towels" - The towel dispenser near the sinks in the restroom. - Text Log 5-33: "Urinal" - The dirty-looking urinal in the restroom. Yuck. - Text Log 5-27: "Gaping Hole" - Out in the Lobby area, any of the red misty holes. - Text Log 5-28: "Paint Cans" - Out in the Lobby area, the cans lying around. - Object 5-8: "Wall-Mounted TV" - On the walls of the Lounge. Press A to turn them on, but you'll get no reception. - Object 5-9: "Soda Machine" - On the wall near the Lobby Door. Press A to jiggle and cause cans to pop out. - Object 5-10: "Soda Can" - On the floor of the lounge after shaking the machine. Move with the Sticks and press A to blow itup. - Object 5-11: "Sink Faucet" - In the restroom. A classic. If someone's using it, press A to make the faucet run with blood. - Host Collectible 5-4: In one of the stalls in the restroom. All right. Possess the Soda Machine, then roll one of the cans up to the scientist and blow it in his face. Once he's in the restroom, use the sink on him. Ah, good stuff. Hop in. ~VOLKS SCIENTIST~ (HOST 5-2) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: This fellow has access to the Data Room. Just what you needed. Okay, head all the way back to the cafeteria and up to Bryson, who's near the retinal scanner. Use it, and head on inside. Bryson will head for another computer while one near you will start to blink. Access it. Hey! That's mine! That's got some of my favorite parts! So, now you know Volks' plan behind Project Z and it appears that someone "moved in" while you were out. Run back to the Lounge and out to the Lobby (look up several paragraphs if you haven't cleared the Mess Hall of soldiers, yet). Once the two of you get to the Lobby, your cover will be blown. A nearby gun turret will waste your host, and you'll pop out, so return the favor, possess the gun camera, and blow away the three guards, here. Bryson will make his way down the hall, and through the next door. He'll smash the keypad. Follow him to this super-combat room. *CHECKPOINT* - Text Log 5-29: "Overhead Crane" - A big crane in the middle of this room. - Text Log 5-34: "Destroyed Keypad" - The keypad Bryson smashed to prevent the bad guys from following. - Object X-XX(unlisted): "Helicopter Gun Turret" - On the top floor. Use much like the Gun Cameras of past chapters. - Object 5-14: "Grenade Crate" - On the second floor. Press A to dump the Grenades. - Object 5-16: "Electrical Box" - On the bottom floor, near the crane. Press A to overload it so the crane drops its payload. - Object 5-17: "Missile" - The crane's payload. Use the Sticks to aim, then press A to set it flying. You can use the Sticks to control it in flight, but you're better off aiming before firing at this point. It explodes on contact. Okay, now Bryson will need your assistance to get him out of here, and you without a host, eh? Well, you'll just have to improvise. Possess the nearby Helicopter Gun Turret on this floor (doesn't count as an Object for this chapter for some reason) and gun down the guys here. Bryson will move ahead, and the next set of bad guys will be out of reach, so hop out and down to where the soldiers are. Nearby are some Exploding Gas Canisters, so use them to blow away each of the two groups of soldiers. Bryson will move further ahead still, and another two guards will crouch near a Grenade Crate. Possess it and dump the grenades. Take a Grenade and blow up the two bad guys. Now, Bryson will be on the bottom floor. You can use Grenades, if you wish, but it's slow. The better option is to drop to the bottom floor, and use the Electrical Box near the Crane to drop the crate on one guard, then take a Missile and aim at the guards. With luck you'll get them both in one shot, otherwise take another Missile. With all these guards down, Bryson will make it to the next room, and be pinned down by guards and guns again. Possess one of the Gun Cameras and waste all the guards, then either shoot out or possess the other Gun Camera and you'll be good to go. Bryson will hop on a nearby motorcycle. - Object 5-18: "Motorcycle" - Hop in repeatedly press A to get the engine going. Get the motorcyle revved up, and we're on our way! ================================== 4F. Chapter 5 - Escape! (Part 2) = ================================== This is considered a separate section in the Main Menu, so it's a separate entry, here, although timewise it's relatively brief. You'll start in the Motorcycle. You can hop out any time, and catching up to the bike is pretty easy given your time-sense as a ghost. Don't leave just yet, though. First, steer the bike between the gaps in the first two lines of mines set up in your way. Then, hop out and float to the end of the room, where a couple of guards are. Hop in the Explosive Containers near each of these fellows and blow them away. Then, hop back in the bike and move it past the third line of mines. At this point, you'll see two guards on bikes, then a truck with a gatling gun. - Object 5-19: "Gatling Turret" - On the back of the truck, use as you would all other guns up to this point. Take control of the gun and blast the two bike troopers. Shortly, you'll come upon a car that will give chase, so fire on that one, as well. Next up come a trooper on foot (but he's hardly an issue), then another bike trooper, then another car, then two more bikes, then another two bikes. As an aside, it's possible to position Bryson so he plows over some of the bike troopers. He doesn't get damaged by it, and it saves you having to shoot them down, but it's a bit tricky. *CHECKPOINT* For the final push, you'll have two bike troopers and a large truck. Take out the bikes, then start hammering away at the fuel tanks on either side of the truck, then pound at the front grille. The truck always blows up at the same point in the "course", so don't worry about causing enough damage. If you've got it on fire, it should be enough. As an aside, you can also use the Explosive Containers on the road to damage the truck, but leaving the Gatling Turret is risky, because it will fire in your absence. Once the truck is toast, you'll reach the helipad. ================================== 4G. Chapter 5 - Escape! (Part 3) = ================================== Time for evac, but first, you'll have to clear out the landing zone. Bryson says two anti-air units (maybe more). There are actually four to take out, and you'll need a new host to do so. There's also a timer on this section, because the incoming chopper can't get Bryson's radio signal. This timer will, naturally, move more quickly when in the real world, as opposed to as a ghost, so make sure you spend as little time as necessary in objects. What you have to do is go to each of the four anti-air towers and remove all the resistance there. Once you do that, you'll be able to take a Mine Soldier (who will get riled up with the commotion, anyway), and blow up the towers. Let's start by going to the right. It's an easy one. Possess the Turret, take the out the nearby soldiers, then possess the Container and blow the Turret. Now, head up the path behind the tower to reach the second tower. This one has three guards and five guns. What you should do is first possess the gun on the other side of the tower from the one with the Explosive Containers, take out the guards and one of the turrets that you can see. Next, possess one of the other two remaining turrets (not the one you just possessed, nor the one under the containers), and take out the one you just possessed, and the one underneath the center of the tower. Lastly, take the turret over the Container, blow away the one you possessed just now, then hop in the Container and blow that last turret away. For the third tower (which is further north), you have three turrets and two guards. Possess one of the "non-Container" turrets and kill the guards (also see if you can kill the one up by the Helipad), then take the Container Turret, blow the other two turrets away, and blow the Container. Last tower, to the west, is easier. Two guns and two guards. You can even just start with the Container Turret and have enough juice in you to blow both the guards and the other turret away, the bust the Container. All clear except for that poor frightened guy near the helipad, near the gate you entered by. Show him he's not alone. ~BENNY LUXA~ (HOST 5-3) Weapon: Proximity Mine Secondary: Detonation Special Ability (L): Sprint (USE IT) Notes: This soldier is used to blow up the towers in the area. If, by ill chance, you left some turrets or guards alive, you'll have to rely on mines to get rid of them, and it's not easy. Head to each of the four towers, now, and call the elevator down, ride up, and place a mine on the missile unit. Detonate as soon as you're down the elevator. After the first mine, the alarm will sound, and any remaining bad guys will know you're in Benny. After the third mine, three extra soldiers will show up, and you'll have to take them out with mines (they're grouped together, so one well-placed shot should do it). After the fourth tower, the helicopter will land. You'll decide you want to stay to get your body back, then something bad happens. Hop into the slip-hole near the entrance of this area to ride up to the top. Well, looks like this guy can both see you and move a heckuva lot faster than you, even while you're a ghost. Hmm. Give chase down the path. The chapter will end, here. ====================== 4H. Chapter 6 - Gigi = ====================== Someone's using your body as a time-share. You'll try to get it back in this chapter, and you'll learn quite a bit about the reason all this weird stuff is going on in this place. - Text Log 6-34: "Large Door" - Examine the door you just came through. Continue down the path. You'll see your body make a getaway, blowing up a bridge in the process. Continue along the canyon. There are some rocks at the end that you can climb up, so do so. Note the slip-hole in the ornate wall nearby. - Ghost Collectible 6-1: Continue walking up the rocky path until you reach the ruined bridge. The bear is right in front of you. Slip through the hole and you'll enter a cavern. - Text Log 6-1: "Large Mirror" - Examine the reflecting mirror, here. Slip through another hole to enter this very old house. You'll start in a pantry. Beyond is a food storage room, then the kitchen. - Text Log 6-2: "Pantry Shelves" - The shelves with boxes on them. - Text Log 6-5: "Storage Barrels" - The barrels in this room. - Text Log 6-3: "Old Freezer" - The metal door in the next room. - Text Log 6-6: "Old Canned Food" - The shelves in the next room. - Text Log 6-7: "Large Kitchen Table" - The large table with pots and pans hanging over it. Head out either of the doors to the main hall. - Text Log 6-4: "Bathroom Stalls" - In the restroom in the southeast corner. - Text Log 6-9: "Crack in the Wall" - A crack at the west end of the dining room. - Text Log 6-27: "Large Dining Table" - In the dining room to the north. - Text Log 6-35: "Locked Door" - The door in the northwest corner. - Text Log 6-36: "Medium Stone Door" - The door at the east end of the hall. - Text Log 6-42: "Stone Statue" - The statue in the center of the hall. Float onto the table in the dining room, then over the crack to the Linen Room. - Text Log 6-8: "Linen Shelf" - The shelves in this room. - Object 6-1: "Antique Clock" - On a desk near the room's door. Press A to make the bear rear up, and A again to stab the spear. So, hit the bear in the little button on its belly and you'll open the stone door at the end of the hall. Continue up the stairs all the way to the next slip-hole. You're now in the Library/Parlor/Grand Hall area. The parlor is to the east, and the library to the west. - Text Log 6-10: "Diary Entry" - Southeast corner of the Library (book pile). - Text Log 6-11: "Diary Entry" - Closed book at the top of the northeastern steps in the Library. - Text Log 6-12: "Diary Entry" - West wall of the Library, on shelf just north of the west podium. - Text Log 6-13: "Diary Entry" - Southeast corner of the Library (open book on shelf above book pile). - Text Log 6-14: "Diary Entry" - North end of the Library, on the floor near the north podium. - Text Log 6-15: "Diary Entry" - Northeast corner of the Library (open book on a shelf). - Text Log 6-23: "Tall Bookshelf" - The shelf to the right of the Oil Painting. - Text Log 6-30: "Fireplace" - In the Parlor on the far wall. - Text Log 6-34: "Large Stone Door" - The big door on the north wall. - Text Log 6-40: "Power Generator" - In the Parlor near the entrance. - Text Log 6-49: "Small Stone Statue" - Any of the five statues circling the center one. - Object 6-2: "Oil Painting" - On the south wall of the Library. Entering it will show you the room behind it. - Object 6-4: "Grandfather Clock" - On the east wall of the Library. You can use the Control Stick to change the time and press A to set it. - Object 6-6: "Statue With Crystal" - The central statue. Turn it with the Control Stick and press A to send light once you charge it. - Ghost Collectible 6-2: Search the south side of the Parlor, behind the desk, to find the bear. In addition, there are three open books, one on the west podium in the Library, one on the north podium, and one on the floor near the pillar. These will tell you about a sunlight puzzle. Look at the Oil Painting. Note the time: 10:05. Go the Grandfather Clock and set the hands to 10:05 (remember, you're looking out from the inside, so flip your perspective). Press A when done and the painting will slide back to reveal a secret study. - Text Log 6-16: "Finger Painting" - On the wall in the study. - Text Log 6-17: "Chemistry Set" - On a shelf in the study. - Text Log 6-18: "Antique Vase" - The vases in the study. - Text Log 6-19: "Old Globe" - On the desk in the study. - Object 6-3: "Musical Clock" - Pressing A will start a musical game. See below. Possess the clock and play Geist Geist Revolution. When the meter passes the directional arrow, press the Control Stick in that direction. Do this four times and sunlight will hit the center statue in the middle room. It can be really annoying because the game requires you to hit at EXACTLY up, left, right or down on the Control Stick. Hitting a diagonal will fail you. Anyway, once finished, possess the central statue. If you've read the three books in the library, you'll know you have to make a star shape. On each book are symbols on the bottom corners of the pages. These go in sequential order, starting with the round symbol, then the triangular one, then the "X" symbol, then the "T" symbol, then the curly one. What this means is to rotate the statue and charge the southwestern statue first (the one with the round symbol). After that, charge the eastern one, then the western one, then the southeastern one, then finally the north one, which will open the door. Head on through and into the slip-hole. Now, we're in the third and final area of the house. You begin in a dead garden. Note the green light coming from one of the rooms nearby. - Text Log 6-26: "Large Dead Tree" - Right in front of you. - Text Log 6-37: "Rusty Merry-Go-Round" - Next to the tree. - Text Log 6-41: "Old Metal Slide" - Next to the tree. - Text Log 6-45: "Abandoned Swing Set" - Next to the tree. Head on up the other open pathway to the bedrooms. The first set of rooms are Gigi and Alex's. The next hallway leads to Giselle's room. - Text Log 6-20: "Alex's Bed" - Bed in Alex's room. - Text Log 6-21: "Alex's Books" - Books in Alex's room (on the shelf). - Text Log 6-25: "Child's Desk" - Desk in Alex's room. - Text Log 6-33: "Glass Globe" - Globe in Alex's room. - Text Log 6-38: "Wooden Model Ship" - Either ship in Alex's room. - Text Log 6-24: "Children's Books" - The bookshelf in Gigi's room. - Text Log 6-28: "Doll Cabinet" - The cabinet in Gigi's room. - Text Log 6-29: "Wooden Doll House" - Near the window in Gigi's room. - Text Log 6-31: "Gigi's Bed" - Bed in Gigi's room. - Text Log 6-22: "Old Bathtub" - Bathtub in Giselle's bathroom. - Text Log 6-32: "Giselle's Bed" - Canopy bed in Giselle's room. - Text Log 6-39: "Old Toilet" - Toilet in Giselle's bathroom. - Text Log 6-47: "An Antique Vanity" - Vanity in Giselle's bathroom. - Text Log 6-48: "Chair by the Window" - Chairs in Giselle's adjoining sitting room. Head into Gigi's room to hear her story. Got it? Good. Kinda sad, but Volks can't be left to plunder the rift, nor take over the world. Follow Gigi into Giselle's room and slip through the hole in the wall. *CHECKPOINT* Okay, back to the action. You're in an old subway station. There are some Imps and a couple of trucks here. - Text Log 6-44: "Deserted Subway Car" - A subway car at the far end of the room. - Text Log 6-46: "Volks Truck" - The truck with the guy inside. - Object 6-5: "Engine" - Hop in and rapidly press A to get her started. So, fire up the Engine and you'll mow down some of the Imps in the area and frighten off some others. The soldier here is already quite frazzled without you adding to the problem, so take him over. ~SHOTGUN SOLDIER~ (HOST 6-1) Weapon: Shotgun (8 shots) Secondary: Double Shot Special Ability (L): Crouch Notes: Your combat body for this area. You won't have him for too long. The Double Shot is a bit slower, and uses two shells, but it's more powerful. Take out all the Imps in this area, and heal up. Walk up to the subway. - Host Collectible 6-1: Miss these? Since this is your first host in the Chapter, and we're almost done, they're all close together. The first one is on the far side of the locked car. Just walk past the door and around the other side to find it. Watch for Imps in front of you in the first car. In the second car, watch for Imps in front of and behind you. Open the door to the third car and head to the end. MINI-BOSS: TENTACLE CREATURE (PART 2) Hey, look who's back! This is actually pretty easy, because you have the cover of the subway car. Just wait until it gapes open its mouth and hammer it with a double blast. Draining over half of its health will make it run off. - Host Collectible 6-2: From the car you used to hide from this guy, step out, and look down and to your right. It's wedged in a little nook. - Host Collectible 6-3: In the very next car, at the back end, on the left, near the closed door. Continue through the cars, hammering Imps. Once you reach the end: MINI-BOSS: TENTACLE CREATURE (PART 3) Same deal, here. Hide behind the pillars and let him have it. If you can get nice and close once he's opens his mouth, a double blast will knock away a full fourth of his health. Once you empty the health, it'll take off yet again. Head on up the stairs, crossing over at the broken junction, and you'll face a new foe: Spiders. Spiders cannot be harmed while invisible, and only become visible when they attack, either to charge you or spit green stuff at you. Four well-placed shotgun blasts (or two double blasts) will floor a Spider, so take care and aim well. There are a total of four in this room. - Host Collectible 6-4: Head back down the right-hand stairs and you'll find this at the rubble. Hop in the elevator at the far end and ride up. Head through the ghost barrier. *CHECKPOINT* Uh oh. These guys are as fast as you, can see you, and just expunged you from your host. Are we having a bad day? You have to run through this area without croaking, and there are barriers dotted all over the place, so here's the best path through. Head west past the first junction (you start facing west), then turn south at the second junction, then turn west when you hit the wall, then north and float over the gap. Head through the cracked open double door, then continue west, over the entire gap, then turn north, over the next gap. Turn west, then north again down the ramp. Hey, look! It's your body! Oh no! Call Admiral Ackbar, 'cause it's a trap! =================================== 4I. Chapter 7 - Captured (Part 1) = =================================== (Previously Found: Host 7-2: Heavy Guard) (Previously Found: Object 7-1: Missile) (Previously Found: Object 7-2: Grenade) (Previously Found: Object 7-3: Electrical Box) Well, caught again, eh? And, once again, you're in a simulation. Now, instead of being given the basic runaround, you'll be going through a simulation of how the Spec Ops will take over the Paris Summit. All right. First thing's first. Hop in the Sniper guy in front of you. ~VOLKS SOLDIER~ (HOST 7-1) Weapon: Sniper Rifle (5 shots) Secondary: Infrared Scope Special Ability (L): Zoom Function (Two Stage) Notes: The infrared lights up targets as green. Pushing the L Button down partially goes to the first stage of zoom, and all the way goes to full zoom. Don't really need to explain it, do I? Start pecking at the targets. First are three soldiers in front of the building. More are progressively added as you move through the simulator. Your voice-over gives you a warning about snipers, so watch the buildings carefully, even at 90 degrees to your right or left. Once you taken out all your enemies, you will be told about the dignitary leaving his vehicle. Shoot down the unarmed man in the group of men, and you'll finish this part. There are also two Health Packs on the pillars near you if you need them. *CHECKPOINT* For the next simulator, you have to keep anyone from exiting the building. You have two hosts to use, a Heavy Guard on the upper balcony, or, right in front of you: ~VOLKS SOLDIER~ (HOST 7-3) Weapon: Rocket Launcher (6 shots) Special Ability (L): Jump Notes: Slow rate of fire, but he's really good at cleaning out groups. I suggest starting with the Launcher guy, but really, either soldier can complete this mission. Using the Launcher just makes groups easier. Be sure to aim at the ground, not your enemy, because the former is easier to hit. The first wave has only six guys. The second wave has ten. The last wave has eleven, and they're quite spread out. *CHECKPOINT* You've now been placed in an office setting. There's only one host here, and you have to keep him alive until the end stairwell. ~SUMMIT AGENT~ (HOST 7-4) Weapon: Sub-Machine Gun (80 shots) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: Pretty light, but you're not here for the long haul. Okay, ready? I'm gonna give you the quickest way through. Gun down the first two guys immediately, then head straight through the door. Take the third left (that's past the doorway, and then the hallway) around the corner, then duck into the first door on your left. Pass straight through this room, and head left again. Open the door and run straight ahead to the end. Of course, during all this time, you'll be facing plenty of bad guys, but keep your head down and just mow down the ones in your way and you should make it. Slip through the hole at the bottom, then possess the Electrical Box and press A to shut down the elevator. Slip through the other hole in this room and possess this new Agent. Now, gun down the guy near you, pass through the door, and run straight ahead. Turn right at the end of the room, then run straight until you get to the next hallway. Run straight ahead to the barricade, then slip through the door to the left of the barricade and that's it. You'll take a lot of fire, but if you move fast, it should be over quickly. Now, you need to get to the dignitary. First, shoot the elevator cables from the nearby window, then dispossess and glide down to the dignitary, who doesn't appear to count as a host. Run straight to the elevator shaft and whee! All right, this last mission has you needing to possess the last dignitary, not kill him. This particular Agent has Grenades, which you can use on locked doors to break them down. In this area, it'll be a good idea to move slowly and eliminate everyone, since busting down doors will take valuable time. Looking at the map, you're at the east-most area, and your target is in the southeastern-most room. You'll pretty much need to loop around the entire area to make it to the dignitary. At the last door, back away, blast it open, then dispossess, and possess the dignitary to finish. ~DIGNITARY~ (HOST 7-5) Notes: I seem to have picked this guy up AFTER finishing the simulator. Doesn't matter really. All you use them for is dropping them down a hole. =================================== 4J. Chapter 7 - Captured (Part 2) = =================================== Geez. Back here again, eh? No Gigi to back you up, either. You're going to need to intercept Volks' plan, and the first thing to do, is see this Spec Ops conference. - Text Log 7-14: "Ladder" - In the Maintenance Room next door. - Text Log 7-15: "Dead Soldier 1" - The first dead guy in front of you. - Text Log 7-16: "Dead Soldier 2" - The second dead guy in front of you. - Text Log 7-17: "Stack of Paint Cans" - On the shelf in the north end of the Maintenance Room. - Text Log 7-18: "Old Rusty Motor" - In the northeast corner of the Maintenance Room. - Text Log 7-19: "Stack of Boards" - In the southwest corner of the Maintenance Room. Quite obviously quivering in the nearby Maintenance Room is an Engineer. Hop in him to get some legs. Now, head up the stairs to the long corridor above. To the far west is a dead end. To the east are three doors. Two are nearby, one leading to the Power Room, the other to the Weapons Lab. The last one leads ahead and out of here. - Text Log 7-6: "Large Metal Door" - The door at the east end of this corridor. - Text Log 7-20: "Containment Room Trapdoor" - The trapdoor at the west end of this corridor. - Text Log 7-21: "Weapons Lab Room Sign" - The sign on the north door a ways down the corridor. - Text Log 7-34: "Power Room Sign" - The sign on the south door a ways down the corridor. - Ghost Collectible 7-2: At the west end of the corridor, near the trapdoor, behind a console. Okay, head into the Weapons Lab and you'll witness a conversation between three scientists. Apparently, my weapon can beat your weapon. Anyway, your new objective is to get the power up and running again. - Text Log 7-7: "Scientific Tool Array" - The big robot arms in the middle of the room. These must be examined before the power's back on. - Text Log 7-22: "Weapons Lab Boxes" - Any of the boxes stacked up in this room. - Text Log 7-24: "Supply Cabinet" - In the northwest corner of the room. - Text Log 7-25: "Sticky Note" - On a PC in the southeast corner of the room. - Text Log 7-26: "Sticky Note" - On a PC in the southwest corner of the room. - Text Log 7-31: "Lab Equipment" - One of the microwave-like mechanisms on the lab benches. - Text Log 7-32: "Microscope" - Any of the microscopes on the lab benches. - Text Log 7-33: "Lab Manuals" - A white book in the central lab table. Head back up to the long corridor, then to the Power Room door. The left-hand door leads to the unpowered elevator. The right-hand door leads to a staircase leading down. From here, you'll enter another Decon Room like back in Chapter 3. - Text Log 7-1: "Unpowered Equipment" - Examine any of the elevator buttons before turning the power back on. - Text Log 7-35: "Hazmat Filter" - The showerhead at the top of the Decon Room (you may need to float to it). - Text Log 7-36: "Hazmat Sign" - The sign next to the door leading to the hazardous area. - Text Log 7-39: "Fuse Box" - Check the box on your right after exiting the staircase. - Ghost Collectible 7-1: Near the bottom of the staircase, dispossess and float across the black support beams in the corners of the room. The third is next to a duct that has the bear. Grab the Hazard Suit and head on into the subway tunnel. - Text Log 7-37: "Vent Shaft" - Either of the two vents in the tunnel spewing green gas. - Text Log 7-38: "Map of the Subway" - On the wall near the rubble-filled doorway. Well, looks like we'll be testing the Rivet Gun's combat capabilities. In the tunnel are a total of three Imps and four Spiders. It'll be tough with a lousy weapon, but they can be killed. Follow the tunnel to the end, then open the only working door. - Host Collectible 7-3: At the end of the subway tunnel, look behind the pillar to the right of the Power Room door. *CHECKPOINT* Head on through to the generator room. Ride up the elevator to find the Power Room technician. He'll tell you that you need to start six relay switches in the proper order, and in the proper amount of time, before you can power up the generator. The six switches are on the walls of this room, so head down and look for the one with the flashing blue light, then hit it, and look for the next one with the light, and so on. Although you don't have a lot of time, it shouldn't be difficult at all. Once finished, head back up to the guy. Oh, ick. - Text Log 7-5: "Body Parts" - What's left of the guy. Hit the power switch near the guy, then the second one nearby that's flashing, then the third one, and you'll discover who killed your cohort. MINI-BOSS: TENTACLE BEAST (ROUND 4) Yes, once more into the breach, and this time you have a lousy weapon. Also, for this final battle with Mr. TB, he'll pop around in different holes in the ceiling, so keep sharp when he ducks into his hole, because he's moving. Other than that, it's the same deal. Avoid his shots and shoot him in the mouth. Once he's drained of health, it'll be the last you see of him. Hit the three power switches again to turn the power back on for good this time, and head out of the Power Room. *CHECKPOINT* Now, head all the way back to the Weapons Lab. The Subway Tunnel has more Imps and Spiders, and you'll need to deposit your suit in the Decon Room. After that, you can take the elevator up, if you wish, then head to the lab. The scientists have gone back to work, now, and if you want to survive what's up ahead (beyond that large metal door in the corridor), you'll need something special. *CHECKPOINT* Walk on down to the bottom of the room. - Object 7-4: "Scientific Tool Array" - Hop in press A to go postal on the scientists. Having somewhat freaked the scientists, they've all retreated to their respective rooms. Each scientist (as they boasted before) has a new weapon you can use to make life easier. Here's how they break down: 1. This is the only door with a slip-hole in the southwest corner. 2. This door is on the southeast corner. Knock on it, and the scientist will open it, but bar your way. Dispossess and float through him. 3. This is the door on the north wall. The scientist will open the small window to respond to your knock, and you need to slip through it. What you'll need to do is scare a scientist completely using the Object in his room, then walk up to the rack by the door and collect your new weapon. You can possess and control all three Scientists, but can only take one with you on your journey. Here are all the Objects and Logs for these rooms: - Text Log 7-2: "Hydra Beam Gun" - On the rack in the north room. - Text Log 7-3: "Imp Flamethrower" - On the rack in the southwest room. - Text Log 7-4: "Tentacle Cannon" - On the rack in the southeast room. - Text Log 7-23: "Password-Protected Computer" - Any PC in a lab room without a sticky note. - Text Log 7-27: "Sticky Note" - On several computers, such as the one in the upper area of the southwest lab room. - Text Log 7-28: "Weapons Lab Computer" - A few turned on computers in the lab, such as on the south wall of the main room (talks about virus scanners). - Text Log 7-29: "Weapons Lab Computer" - A few turned on computers in the lab, such as in the southeast corner of the main room (talks about "jargon"). - Text Log 7-30: "Weapons Lab Computer" - The computer in the southwest corner of the main lab (talks about movie reviews). - Text Log 7-40: "Lab Whiteboard" - In any of the lab rooms. - Text Log 7-41: "Empty Lab Tank" - The tank in the north lab room. - Text Log 7-42: "Lab Tank with Hydra" - In the southwest lab room, in the tank. - Text Log 7-43: "Lab Tank with Tentacle" - In the southeast lab room, in the tank. - Object 7-5: "Filing Cabinet" - In the southwest lab room. Press A to open the cabinet, and again to start flinging files. - Object 7-6: "Severed Tentacle" - In the southeast lab room. Press A twice to slap with it. Slap at a beaker, and then the scientist. - Object 7-7: "Microscope" - In the north lab room. Press A to release the slide, again to shake it, and once the scientist comes over, press A again to mess with the culture. ~PYRO RESEARCH SCIENTIST~ (HOST 7-6) Weapon: Imp Flamethrower Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: The flamethrower has limited range, but its constant stream gives it good power. ~EXPLOSIVE RESEARCH SCIENTIST~ (HOST 7-7) Weapon: Tentacle Monster Gun Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: The cannon has a low rate of fire, but a spread explosion and decent stopping power. ~ELECTRICAL RESEARCH SCIENTIST~ (HOST 7-8) Weapon: Hydra Beam Gun Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: One shot alone has little power, but the beam gun's multiple shots do add up. So, pick whichever one you want. My personal favorite is the Hydra Beam Gun, but that's just me. Once you pick your scientist, run back up to the corridor and through the large door at the east end. The soldier there will make sure you've got something good with you. Now, note the fighting that's going on out here. I suggest not getting involved. Why? Because if you hit one of the soldiers, they'll start shooting at you, in addition to the demons. Wait until one side wins. If it's the demons, then clean up the rest. If it's the soldiers, then just move on nonchalantly to the far end of this large room and through the door. Continue on through the next corridor, use the retinal scanner, and watch the next fight draw to a close. This is the Main Hub room, which leads to the other main areas in the facility. - Text Log 7-8: "Locked Double Doors" - The doors on the east wall. - Text Log 7-10: "Command Room Directions" - Sign on the south door. - Text Log 7-11: "Conference Room Directions" - Sign on the east door. - Text Log 7-12: "Containment Room Directions" - Sign on the west door. - Text Log 7-13: "Security Room Directions" - Sign on the north door. - Host Collectible 7-1: - Hop up the rubble on the south side of this room to the upper catwalk. Walk around clockwise and you'll find this in the west part of the hub. There's only way to go: slip through the north door. Pick any soldier in this room. They're all pretty perturbed. ~VOLKS SOLDIER~ (HOST 7-9) Weapon: Sub Machine Gun (80 shots) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: Simple soldier. Nothing big here. - Host Collectible 7-4: Look in the alcove in the southwest corner of the room. Let this room get cleaned out, the head through the far door. At the bottom of the ramp, kill the Spider and tap the two red folders on the computer screens to open the way to the Command Center. Head back into the Main Hub and into your Scientist. Now, go south towards the Command Center. Use the retinal scanner to open the way into the next room. - Text Log 7-9: "Malfunctioning Equipment" - Check the retinal scanner on the south side of the door. Head down either of the stairs to tango with two Spiders and about six Imps. Leave by the door on the lower floor. Follow the path all the way down, killing Spiders along the way. - Host Collectible 7-2: On the path on the way down is this collectible. At the bottom of this path, you'll meet an old friend. BOSS: HYDRA (REMATCH) The Hydra now has a bunch of junk objects for a shell, and you'll need to remove them. It does nothing but roll around throughout the grid-like arena, and it will try to track you down, so try to stay out of its sight. There are two ways to damage it. First is with that weapon in your hands. The second way is either shooting or possessing Explosive Containers in the area. The latter is probably the smartest. Wait for it to get close to one, then jump out and use the time-sense to get to the Container first, then blow it. Either way, this battle will last a while. Here's a tip I received from "Vannie": "A totally cheap method that you might want to consider sharing with other gamers. I kept dying trying to run around and fight it, with the boxes and just my gun. In my third attempt I found this girder onlong the Western wall, right after the turn along the southern wall, where you can stand and the Hydra will just roll past you. even if you hurt it and it spews that gas out, it won't even hurt you. And since you're firing on the Hydra from that position, it'll just keep rolling back toward you in one giant circle. It takes a little while, but you don't lose a single bit of health." Once you finish your opponent, leave this area using the slip-hole in the southwest corner. You'll now be in the Conference Room. Watch Volks' moving speech. ================================= 4K. Chapter 8 - Rourke (Part 1) = ================================= (Previously Found: Object 8-4: Catalyst Laser) (Previously Found: Object 8-5: Computer Monitor) All right. Now, you know you have to stop Volks (and whatever has control of him), and to do that, you'll need to take possession of one of the two people who have access to the helipad. Volks is out, leaving you with the option of Rourke. Okay, believe me when I tell you there is NOTHING of interesting in the Conference Room. Float down to the stage, then down to either side of it to find a passage underneath. Follow it all the way to a slip-hole. In this next area, follow the path away from the door, down to the only door with a slip-hole. Inside, you'll find Rourke and his secretary. - Text Log 8-1: "Desk" - The secretary's desk in the corner near the bed. - Object 8-1: "Bed" - The bed near Rourke's desk. Press A for a classic type of scare. One of the best, in my opinion. The bed only spooks the secretary, so take what you can get. ~BETH WATSON~ (HOST 8-1) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: Well, it's not Rourke, but at least you can open doors, now. Now, you can explore most of this place. Head for the door across from you with the guard near it. This is the check-in area, but you can't go far in it. - Text Log 8-11: "Locker" - The lockers in this room. - Text Log 8-12: "Check-In Area" - The desk without a guard. - Text Log 8-13: "Check-In Area" - The desk with a guard. - Text Log 8-14: "Monitor" - The monitors above the desk without a guard. - Text Log 8-15: "Monitor" - The monitors above the desk with a guard. - Host Collectible 8-1: Behind the staff check-in desk is this collectible. Head out the only other door in the place and down the stairs to Level 2A. The dog trainer we saw so many Chapters ago is down here looking for her rat. - Text Log 8-9: "Shelf" - These are the shelves behind the fence down here. You'll need to dispossess to look at them. Continue past her and take the right door at the end of the hallway to the Storage Room. - Text Log 8-5: "Locker" - Any of the lockers down here. - Text Log 8-7: "Shelf" - The shelves in the fenced area in this room. - Text Log 8-8: "Shelf" - The shelves in the room with the rats. - Text Log 8-10: "Dog Food" - The bags of dog food in the rat room. - Object 8-2: "Rattrap" - Any of the traps in this room. Shake with A. If you get a rat, press A to trap them. - Host Collectible 8-2: Behind one of the vents down here is a collectible. As you can see, Juliet is down here, the only white mouse. Using the Rattrap will scare all the rats in the room. *CHECKPOINT* Now, your objective is to get Juliet through this maze of traps back to her trainer. It seems easy until you realize these little furballs have a natural attraction to the baited traps, meaning that, unlike the "fear repellant" some other hosts have, rats are actually DRAWN to them, so you need to steer them away. Alternatively, take one of the brown rats and use him as a punching bag. Have him trip any three traps that are in your way the most and he'll die, but you'll have cleared the way for Juliet. ~JULIET~ (HOST 8-3) Special Ability (L): Squeak Notes: Just like any other rat, small enough to fit through holes and has a natural attraction to a baited trap. Once you get Juliet through the mess of traps, take her through the hole. You'll notice that the trainer has now moved, so continue past where she was and further up the hole near the stairs so you can climb all the way to the top. Next, you'll have to get through two doors, and you can only do that when a guard is walking through it, so be patient. Eventually, you'll reach the check-in room, and find the trainer. She'll take you to her room. Okay, now that you're in a cage, there's nothing much else to do, so hop out. - Text Log 8-2: "Cage" - The cages piled up in the room. - Text Log 8-3: "Wash Area" - The hoses in the back area. - Text Log 8-4: "Shelf" - The shelf in the trainer's room. - Text Log 8-6: "Table" - The table Juliet's cage is on. I think you need to be in the trainer for this to work. - Object 8-3: "Work Light" - Near the parrot cage. Press A to make it explode. Take over the Work Light and blow it up. This will freak out the Parrot and partially scare the trainer. Now, hop into the Parrot. ~EDGAR~ (HOST 8-2) Notes: All he can do is speak, but then, that's all you need. Have Edgar face the trainer and talk to her twice. That'll spook her good. Hop in her, now. ~KIERA WELLS~ (HOST 8-4) Inventory: Cage Key and Dog Biscuits Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: Use the Biscuits with the R Button. Have Phantom heel with the Z Button. Okay, now for the most tedious part of the game. You have to open up the cage and lure Phantom (A Button) twice with the biscuits. Once you get him on your leash, you need to go to the Control Room and bring him to Rourke. *CHECKPOINT* So, keep tossing biscuits in front of Phantom to get him to move forward. Don't worry about the "ammo" count, you have an infinite number. Bring Phantom all the way to the Check-In Station, and then down the paths all the way to the Control Room. Once you reach Rourke, he'll freak and start shooting you. Press A to release Phantom, who will go up to Rourke. He'll turn red, and finally, you can possess him. ~COMMANDER ROURKE~ (HOST 8-6) Special Ability (L): Sprint Notes: For the moment, Rourke's defenseless, despite his supreme control over everyone. - Text Log 8-16: "Control Panel" - Any of the panels in this area. - Ghost Collectible 8-1: Enter the slip-hole near the Catalyst Laser. The bear's on one of the pieces of wreckage. You'll need to float onto a piece of rubble, then float over from there. All right. Now that that's taken care of, head back to that door you appeared near when you started this chapter and head on through. Hop in the elevator. ================================= 4L. Chapter 8 - Rourke (Part 2) = ================================= Now that you're in Rourke's body, it's time to get to your own body, which shouldn't be too far from Volks. Get ready for some ACTION. - Host Collectible 8-3: Run around the outside of the elevator to the right and you'll find it. Head out the door and a guard will speak to you about "your" new custom armor. Sounds promising. Follow him down the corridor and to the end. Enter the room. - Text Log 8-17: "Mysterious Armor" - Examine any of the suits in the racks. - Text Log 8-18: "Trashcan" - Either of the trashcans in here. - Text Log 8-19: "Lockers" - The lockers along the walls. - Text Log 8-20: "Armor Status Monitor" - Any of the green monitors in here. Pick up the armor on the wall. Aw, yeah. ~COMMANDER ROURKE~ (HOST 8-7) Weapon: Custom Spirit Hunter Gun (120 shots) Secondary: Anti-Spirit Grenade Launcher Special Ability (L): Boost, press and you'll activate the boost, and you'll have "ghost speed" for about five seconds. Takes time to charge back up afterwards. Notes: You'll be using this equipment for a good long time, so get used to it. Make liberal use of the boost in combat situations to minimize damage. The grenades you use are both concussive and anti-spirit, so they'll work on both humans and otherwise. They also fire pretty rapidly. Okay, leave this room and head to the main security room behind the next door. - Text Log 8-21: "Crashed Computer" - Any of the computers with the Blue Screen of Death. - Text Log 8-23: "Security Screens" - Any of the large monitors on the walls. - Text Log 8-24: "Office Chair" - The chairs in this room. - Text Log 8-25: "Log Files" - Any of the yellow folders on the desks. - Text Log 8-26: "Security Screens" - Any of the computers not displaying blue. You can't leave by the other door without disposing of all the guards in this room, so do so. It's not easy, as the five of them are well-positioned to receive even a surprise attack, so go into boost immediately after the first kill and work your way around as quickly as possible. Once all five are down, leave by the door. Crane Room: Now, you'll be under fire for most of the rest of this area. What I suggest is to leave Rourke at the entrance and scout the room as a ghost so you'll know what to expect. In this next room, there are four guards on the left side, one on the back set of crates, and another by the far door. Take them all out as efficiently as possible. - Text Log 8-22: "Storage Containers" - Singular crates in this room. - Text Log 8-27: "Mysterious Ooze" - The ooze running through the pipes. - Text Log 8-28: "Overhead Crane" - The crane hanging in this room. - Ghost Collectible 8-2: On the further set of the two piles of crates. Body Storage Room 1: In this room, the guards will mostly rush you, so boost and shoot them to take them out before they get you, the let it charge while waiting for more to come. There are six guards in this room, and one of them has grenades that can really hurt you. Exit by the other door once finished. - Text Log 8-29: "Locked Screens" - Computers in this room. - Text Log 8-30: "Body Storage" - The central containers moving bodies. Storage Room: There's a guard behind the crates in front of you, another on the right side of the room, a third on the second set of crates, a fourth in front of the far door, and a grenade soldier in the middle of the room. Waste them all, and move on. Garage: A very open room. Two guards across the room from you, another to your right, and a grenade soldier on the lower floor. Do your best. - Text Log 8-31: "Vehicle Lift" - The unoccupied lift in this room. - Text Log 8-32: "Volks Truck" - The truck on the lift in this room. - Host Collectible 8-4: Right next to the truck in this room. Body Storage Room 2: Once again, let them come to you and take cover. There are six normal guards, here. Leave by the far door. *CHECKPOINT* Okay, this is where it gets difficult. You'll now have to take out those Elite Guards that hounded you in Chapter 6. They can boost as you can, use the same AS Grenades to throw you out of Rourke, and they can just shoot you. For the most part, though, they'll try to knock you out of Rourke first, then shoot you with their AS guns. There are four guys on the ground floor to begin with, then four on the second floor (go up either of the southern ramps). To get to the top floor, head to the northern ramps and take out the three elites on the ramps, then go up either ramp to the top floor, to take out another three. *CHECKPOINT* Your body will congratulate (hey, thank you very much) and then head off through the door marked as the helipad. Follow him. *CHECKPOINT* The thing in your body will dispossess, then possess a crane at the top of area and prepare to drop the big metal something-or-other on your body. You liked that body, so dispossess, and FINALLY grab your body. ~JOHN RAIMI~ (HOST 8-5) Weapon: Custom Spirit Hunter Gun (120 shots) Secondary: Anti-Spirit Grenade Launcher Special Ability (L): Boost Notes: Yup. Just the same as Rourke. You'll be in this body for the rest of the game (thankfully), but you can still dispossess if you feel the need. - Text Log 8-33: "Water Tower" - In the corners of this area. - Object 8-6: "AC Unit" - Around this area. Does NOTHING other than leave your body vulnerable to be killed, but there it is. You'll probably die trying to pick it up. BOSS: ROURKE Two birds with one stone, eh? The Wraith uses Rourke's boost quite well, so this will be a very tough fight. Your best bet is to just shoot Rourke with the primary fire. If he starts boosting, boost as well and move away from him, because he's trying to get into an advantageous position. Use Explosive Containers if you think it will help (don't possess, just shoot) and don't forget the Health Packs near the doors. BOSS: WRAITH Once Rourke dies for good, the Wraith will pop out. It moves very fast, like any other ghost, so you'll need to boost to get a good bead on it. The only thing that will harm it are your AS Grenades, so use those. The only way the Wraith attacks is by possession. Either it will possess containers and blow them up, or possess you and try to drag you into a hazard (like whirling fan blades). To push him out, you need to tap A rapidly or risk damage. Lay down a constant field of AS Grenades and it will more than likely get caught in several. Keep your health up, and it will go down, eventually. After sending the Wraith to the beyond, you'll notice helicopters flying overhead. You'll automatically head for the far door and end this chapter. ======================= 4M. Chapter 9 - Volks = ======================= (Previously Found: Object 9-2: Electrical Box) (Previously Found: Object 9-3: Ammunition Rack) (Previously Found: Object 9-4: Helicopter Gun Turret) (Previously Found: Object 9-5: Missile) Time for the final crunch. Rourke may be dead, and you may have your body back, but Volks is still at large, and the Spec Ops are getting ready to lift off to their mission at the Paris Summit. You'll immediately start facing an airborne helicopter, holding a cargo of Spec Ops. - Object 9-1: "Missile Turret" - On the far end of the helipad. Aim and shoot with A. Causes heavy damage. BOSS: HELICOPTERS The first chopper is easy. Simply hop into the Missile Turret and blow it to kingdom come. The second chopper will destroy the turret, but at least you won't have to worry about it flying off. Hide behind the capsules in the center of the pad, and peck away at it with your gun. The boost will help, too. Activate it, then jump out and let the chopper have it and you'll knock off a good amount of health. Sooner or later, it will go down. *CHECKPOINT* BOSS: SPEC OPS The chopper will crash, but the ghosts will be loose. The only thing that works is AS Grenades, so let them fly. Three direct hits should kill each ghost. You'll start by facing one at a time, then soon you'll be getting more than one. In addition to possessing you and dragging you into the fire, they'll also try to blow Ammunition Racks or use the Helicopter Gun Turret on you. Take out all twelve ghosts to win. *CHECKPOINT* Immediately after finishing off the last of the ghosts, four guards will rush out to challenge you, so blast them. Heal up if there's a Pack left, then head through the doors. There are three more guards over here, so waste them. - Text Log 9-1: "Path" - The rubble to your right, opposite the other way out. Note the slip-hole in the door. You can use this to scout ahead in the next room. Note that there are two guards on the upper window to the right, a rocket launcher soldier far opposite the entrance of this room, and a ghost below him. - Ghost Collectible 9-2: On a ledge to your left as you enter. Easily accessible. - Host Collectible 9-2: Past the ghost in the lower corridor, at the dead end. Ladder Room: Enter the room, and blast the ghost from long-range using grenades, then step into the room and quickly boost so you can nail the rocket launcher guy before he fires. He'll have a ghost you need to remove, as well. The last two guys shouldn't be too hard, in any capacity. Leave via the far door. Tunnels: The first guard here will start shooting long before he can see you, so boost around the corridor and cap him. The next two guards are in the storage rooms at the bottom of the set of stairs, so boost quickly down to be able to get them. - Host Collectible 9-4: In the right-hand of these two storage rooms, behind a barrel. Move on to the big spiral staircase. There are three guards on the way up, here, so boost and get the drop on them. Head through the far door. Passage: There are three guards in here, but they should be easy to knock off if you boost quickly enough. *CHECKPOINT* Courtyard: Tough room. There are two guards in the left alcoves, two in the right, and two rocket launchers on the platforms above. Boost quickly to take out the four ground floor guards, then hide and shoot at the two launchers. Once they're all kaput, two guards will come out of the far room, so take them out. Also, take out a ghost hanging out on a high ledge nearby. - Text Log 9-2: "Pot" - Any of the standing pots in this room. - Text Log 9-3: "Pot" - The tipped-over pot on the right side. - Text Log 9-4: "Bench" - The tipped-over bench in the grass as you enter. - Ghost Collectible 9-1: Head to the far room on the ground floor to find the ruined library. The bear is on a balcony in the far left corner. Naturally, you'll need to float. - Host Collectible 9-1: Also in the ruined library, mentioned above, on the lower ground. Head to the rubble in the back to climb out. Start climbing up the rubble to the upper area. You'll find two guards up here popping out to say hi. Head up the stairs in the southeast corner, and take out three more guards before reaching a suspension bridge. - Host Collectible 9-3: Go past the suspension bridge and out the window in the northwest corner. The collectible is on a ledge. Cross the bridge quickly, because there are two rocket launcher soldiers and a guard at the far end. The guard also has a ghost in him, so be careful. Once they're all dead, head left at the end and down the corridor to another spiral staircase. Don't worry. That was the last of the soldiers. Only bosses from here on out. Head to the top of the staircase and out the door. *CHECKPOINT* BOSS: TWIN GOLEMS These fellows waddle around on their stone legs trying to step on you. When they move slowly, they give out shockwaves that hurt really bad. They can also move quickly to try to knock you over, but that's actually easier to avoid than the shockwaves. When you're far, they'll fire eye blasts that will probably hit you unless you're moving. The way to beat these guys is to look for the sections on their body where blue light is leaking. These spots you need to hammer with your primary fire and expose. There are eight spots on each golem (this is from your point of view): the left knee, the right shin, the right hip, the right shoulder, the chest, the left arm, the back, and the face. Once all eight spots are exposed, the golem will stop and glow. You need to hit the exposed spots now with AS Grenades. If you hit one enough times, you'll drain about half of its health before it restores its armor (which is a quarter altogether, the life bar is for both golems), but realistically, you're looking at about three times per golem. Focus on one golem and make sure you take it out before going after the other, because it's a lot easier going against just one. Continue shooting, grenading, and running, and you'll eventually take both golems down for the count. Phew. Head out by the demon-headed door and heal if needed. *CHECKPOINT* BOSS: VOLKS This is the big time, kids. Volks rides around in his floaty wheelchair, either shooting a machine gun at you or firing missiles. First thing's first. Take out that ghost floating around so it can't possess you. Here's how it goes down. Watch Volks as he floats. He tends to try to move into a good position to shoot you. Watch him closely. Immediately after he begins shooting, activate the Boost and get out of the way. If he was firing the machine gun at you, deactivate a safe distance away and wait for the next volley. If he fired missiles, get a safe distance away, then dispossess and grab one of the missiles. Use the C Stick to steer it back into Volks. You'll knock off a fourth of his health. Immediately head back to your body (you'll be facing it as you fall out of the missile), because knocking off a fourth of Volks' health releases a ghost, so head back to your body before the ghost can push it into the flames. Now, do the same thing, wait for a missile, then steer it into him, get back to your body and destroy the ghost. After the third time, you'll have to deal with two ghosts. Once you hit Volks a fourth time, he'll be defeated. *CHECKPOINT* FINAL BOSS: VOLKS' DEMON Now, it's time to destroy the evil that plagued Volks since his childhood. The controls are a different setup, here. The C Stick still lets you look around, but the Control Stick now has you moving up and down and circling around the Demon. Press R to fire spectral blasts. The Demon attacks by flinging the barrier rings surrounding it at you. Your job is to fire at the Demon through chinks in this armor. You won't cause it damage, but repeated fire will cause it to fade, revealing four blue "chunks" and a beating heart. First, destroy these four chunks, then start hammering the heart. This goes for three waves, for every third of his health you reduce. As you get him weaker, he'll fling more rings at you at a time, and his heart will fire back at you. After the third pounding of the heart, the beast will be no more. Congratulations! You've freed the spirits of Alex and Gigi and saved the world from Project Z! Now, go play some multiplayer. ****************************************************************************** 5. COLLECTIBLES ****************************************************************************** Here is collected a listing of all the stuff in your Game Stats. I haven't listed Possessed Hosts because nearly all hosts are required to beat the game, and they're all covered in the walkthrough. ======================= 5A. Possessed Objects = ======================= Unlike Hosts, it's much easier to miss Objects throughout the game, so here's the list for completion sake. Remember, you don't need to possess EVERY object, just every DIFFERENT object. All cans of yellow paint are the same, for instance, even across chapters. I've ordered these in the chronological order you should find them, which isn't necessarily the numerical order. Chapter 2: 2-1: "Trapped Rat" - These first nine items are all in the room where Gigi teaches you about possession. Just snoop around and you'll find them all. 2-2: "Mop Bucket" ^ 2-3: "Antique Shooting Gallery" ^ 2-4: "Dynamo" ^ 2-5: "Schwalk Ale" ^ 2-6: "White Paint Bucket" ^ 2-7: "Blue Paint Bucket" ^ 2-8: "Yellow Paint Bucket" ^ 2-9: "Explosive Container" ^ 2-10: "Phone" - Gigi will point it out to you. 2-11: "Containment CPU" - In the room you started in, only you can only access it when you come back with a host. 2-13: "Trash Can" - In the containment room, once you come back with a host. 2-12: "Ammunition Rack" - In the corridor after the crane room, before fighting Cord. 2-14: "Seraph Statue" - In the room where you fight Cord. 2-15: "Grenade" - Cord drops these if you shoot him just before he throws it. Chapter 3: 3-1: "Dog Bowl" - In Phantom's pen. 3-2: "Security Camera" - On the wall near Phantom's pen, just above the fence. 3-3: "Halogen Lamp" - On a stand in the southeast corner of the first room. 3-4: "Explosive Crate" - Found in Chapter 2. 3-5: "Ladder" - These next three are in the steam room. 3-6: "Fire Extinguisher" ^ 3-7: "Pressure Gauge" ^ 3-8: "Fire Sprinkler" - It's easy to miss, but this is in the room with the first green-lined door you'll find. There are two soldiers in the room. 3-9: "Robot Arms" - These four are in the Hydroponics room, with the Engineer. 3-10: "Laptop" ^ 3-11: "Computer Monitor" ^ 3-14: "Fuse" ^ 3-12: "Catalyst Laser" - In the Control Room. 3-13: "Gun Camera" - Just past the Control Room. Chapter 4: 4-1: "Floodlight" - The light on the wall in the cave with bats. 4-2: "Floodlight" - The light on the floor in the cave with bats. 4-3: "Manhole Cover" - Found in the section near the custodian. 4-4: "Showerhead" - Found, naturally, in the shower room. 4-7: "Bathroom Mirror" - Found just outside the shower room. 4-5: "Keypad Lock" - Found in the construction area leading to the Surgery Wing. 4-6: "Heart Monitor" - Found in the ICU room, near each of the three Failed Ops. Chapter 5: 5-13: "Exploding Gas Canister" - A couple of places. One is on the bottom floor of the first catwalk room (float down and slip back up), and another is in the big three-level room when you try to escape with Bryson. 5-1: "Moving Container" - In the Cargo Room, once you activate the panel. 5-2: "Vintage TV" - In the pantry. 5-3: "White Paint Bucket" - You probably got it in Chapter 2, but it's in the Rat Poison room. 5-4: "Yellow Paint Bucket" - You probably got it in Chapter 2, but it's in the Rat Poison room. 5-5: "Oven" - In the kitchen, behind the cook. 5-6: "Wall-Mounted Fan" - In the kitchen, near the oven. 5-7: "Stack of Plates" - In the kitchen, near the fan. 5-8: "Wall-Mounted TV" - These four are all in the Lounge and restroom. 5-9: "Soda Machine" ^ 5-10: "Soda Can" ^ 5-11: "Sink Faucet" ^ 5-12: "Security Camera" - On the wall on the top floor of the "Bryson Escape" room. You may have picked this up in Chapter 3. 5-14: "Grenade Crate" - In the "Bryson Escape" room near the third group of soldiers. 5-15: "Grenade" - In the Grenade Crate. You probably got this in Chapter 2. 5-16: "Electrical Box" - Near the crane in the "Bryson Escape" room. 5-17: "Missile" - In the aforementioned crane. 5-18: "Motorcycle" - Bryson uses it to escape. 5-19: "Gatling Turret" - On the back of the truck that chases you on the motorcycle. Chapter 6: 6-1: "Antique Clock" - In the Linen Room, required to open the first stone door. 6-2: "Oil Painting" - On the south wall of the Library. 6-4: "Grandfather Clock" - On the east wall of the Library. 6-6: "Statue With Crystal" - The central statue in the Library area. 6-3: "Musical Clock" - In the secret study in the Library area. 6-5: "Engine" - In the truck after escaping the Volks house. Chapter 7: 7-1: "Missile" - In the training sim, but you should have picked it up in Chapter 5. 7-2: "Grenade" - In the training sim, but you should have picked it up in Chapter 2. 7-3: "Electrical Box" - In the training sim, but you should have picked it up in Chapter 5. 7-4: "Scientific Tool Array" - In the Weapons Lab, after you've turned the power on. 7-5: "Filing Cabinet" - In the southwest Weapons Lab room. 7-6: "Severed Tentacle" - In the southeast Weapons Lab room. 7-7: "Microscope" - In the north Weapons Lab room. Chapter 8: 8-1: "Bed" - In Rourke's office. 8-2: "Rattrap" - In the Storage Room. 8-3: "Work Light" - In the Trainer's Room. 8-4: "Catalyst Laser" - You already possessed it in Chapter 3. 8-5: "Computer Monitor" - You had a chance in Chapter 3, but you can go for it again here. Again, these are used in the Control Room. 8-6: "AC Unit" - On the roof during the fight with Rourke. Chapter 9: 9-1: "Missile Turret" - On the far side of the helipad. 9-2: "Electrical Box" - You already possessed one in Chapter 7 (maybe in Chapter 5). 9-3: "Ammunition Rack" - You had a chance in Chapter 2, but if you missed it, there are some around the helipad. 9-4: "Helicopter Gun Turret" - You had a chance in Chapter 5, but if you missed it, on the crashed helicopter. 9-5: "Missile" - You had a chance in Chapter 5, but if you missed it, Volks fires these at you. ======================== 5B. Ghost Collectibles = ======================== There are two of these ghostly teddy bears in every chapter besides the first, and they can only be picked up if you're a ghost. They tell the tragic story of the Volks/Tallant family, and will extend your spiritual life meter. Chapter 2: 2-1: In the kennels, use the slip-hole in the southwestern-most kennel, then follow the tunnel to the end. 2-2: In the room with the cable tram (after the fight with Cord), dispossess your host and drop down to the canyon floor, where you'll find the bear in the water. Use the slip-hole to get back to the tram. Chapter 3: 3-1: This occurs after #2 below, actually. Once you're past the Control Room and fighting your way down the big stairwell, you'll find this bear floating in the center of the room about halfway down. 3-2: Possess the Explosive Container in the Fuse Room (where you replace it to repair the lift) and blow it to reveal a slip-hole. You'll end up inside a large stone head and you'll find another bear. Chapter 4: 4-1: Right at the beginning of the chapter, float straight across the hole to the end of the opposite passage. 4-2: After possessing a bat and reaching the area with the custodian, possess and flip the manhole cover near the door to create a slip-hole, which leads to the bear. Chapter 5: 5-1: In the room right after the beginning room, there is a conveyor belt to your left with a bunch of boxes on them, some labelled (BOOM or FRAGILE). Shoot up all destroyable boxes, then look down over the edge of the catwalk to see a suspended platform. Dispossess and float down and the bear is on that platform. 5-2: After possessing the Moving Containers early in the chapter, hop out as soon as you leave the Cargo Room to find a small back storage area. The bear is behind a chainlink fence down here. Chapter 6: 6-1: After your body blows up the bridge, instead of slipping through the hole into the old house, continue following the path up the rocks to where the bridge used to be and you'll find the bear there. 6-2: In the second section of the house (with the Library and Parlor), go to the far southeast corner of the area, behind a desk, you'll find the bear. Chapter 7: 7-1: While going down the spiral staircase towards the Power Room, you'll see black support beams running from the central structure to the walls. At the bottom are three on the same level. Float from one to the next and you'll reach a duct where the bear is. 7-2: After returning to the real world and possessing the Engineer, go up to the long corridor and down to the Containment Room trapdoor. Behind the nearby console is the bear. Chapter 8: 8-1: After entering the Control Room, use the slip-hole near the Catalyst Laser. You'll end up in the Separation Ruins. Float onto a piece of wreckage to get some height, then float over to the bear hovering over the wreckage. 8-2: After getting Rourke's armor and shooting up the Security Room, the bear is in the Crane Room after it, on one of the piles of crates. Chapter 9: 9-1: From the big Courtyard, go straight across to find the ruined library. The bear is on a balcony on the far side that you'll need to float to. 9-2: In the second room after the helipad (has a broken ladder in it), easily accessible on a nearby ledge. ======================= 5C. Host Collectibles = ======================= There are four of these chevrons in every chapter besides the first, and they can only be picked up if you're in a host. They are used to unlock stuff in Multiplayer. If you find these in one game, they will remain "found" for good unless you remove your game file from the memory card. Check the Multiplayer section below to find out what things you can unlock with your Collectibles. Chapter 2: 2-1: In the first room after possessing the custodian, walk under the stairs from the left side and along this tight passage to the end. 2-2: In the kennels, use the switch to open the doors, then find the collectible in the northeastern-most one. 2-3: In the first room after you break cover, which has a crane in it, look behind the crates on the south side of the room. 2-4: In the room where you fight Cord. Possess the Seraph Statue and turn it 180 degrees so it's pointing the nearest wall and panels will open to give you access to the collectible. Chapter 3: 3-1: As a Rat, enter the Rat Hole and take the right-hand junction in the tunnel all the way to the end. 3-2: As Phantom, in the room before the barrier, hop into the vent in the southeast corner to find this collectible. 3-3: From Phantom's pen, take him onto the system of shelves next to it and jump up to the vent system. In the next room, you'll find a stack of broken vents. The collectible is underneath that stack. 3-4: Once you don the Hazmat suit, you'll have to rivet three panels to move on in the area. To get the collectible, rivet the remaining nine panels in the area, and check the lockers. Chapter 4: 4-1: After finding the Morgue Key, go back to the bloody corridor near the locker room and laundry room and head to the offices in the west section. The back office is now unlocked and has the collectible. 4-2: This is found in the Morgue area, in the office side room, right in the middle of the floor. 4-3: This collectible is in the women's locker room, in the locker across from the other girl. 4-4: This is in the fridge in the Morgue (not the freezer room, the actual fridge). Chapter 5: 5-1: In the Mess Hall, head up the stairs, and to the dead end all the way on the right. 5-2: In the Cargo Room, head towards the garage door in the back right of the room. It's in plain sight. 5-3: In the Pantry, but you must be there as either the scientist or the chef. 5-4: In the restroom off the Lounge, in one of the stalls. Chapter 6: 6-1: Before hopping on the subway, walk over and past the cars to the other side of them, and you'll find it behind the locked car. 6-2: Before or after driving away the Tentacle Beast for the first time, exit the car you're in and look down and to the right to find it. 6-3: In the next car after the first Tentacle Beast fight, look to the left at the far end. It's right near the door. 6-4: After climbing the crushed stairs (and fighting the Spiders), go back down the other stairway and find this at the end of the rubble. Chapter 7: 7-1: In the Main Hub room, climb up the rubble on the south side and walk around the catwalk clockwise to find this near the west part of the room. 7-2: On the path down the Command Center, before you fight the Hydra. 7-3: Before entering the door to the Power Room, looking around the pillar to the door's right. 7-4: In the Security Room, in the southwestern alcove behind a crate. Chapter 8: 8-1: In the Check-In Area, behind the staff check-in desk (near the guard). 8-2: In the Rat Room, look behind one of the scattered vents. 8-3: After going up the elevator as Rourke, go around the elevator to the right to find it. 8-4: In the Garage (fourth combat room as Rourke), to the right of the truck on the lift. Chapter 9: 9-1: From the big Courtyard, go straight across to find the ruined library. It's on the lower floor, there. 9-2: In the second room after the helipad (has a broken ladder), you'll find this at the end of the lower corridor, near where a ghost floats. 9-3: In the big Courtyard, go up to the third floor, near the suspension bridge, but don't cross. Instead, go past it to the window on the wall and hop out to find the collectible on the ledge. 9-4: In the tunnels after the Ladder Room, in the right-hand of the two storage rooms halfway through, behind a barrel. This is before climbing a long set of spiral stairs. =============== 5D. Text Logs = =============== While the Text Logs have numbers, I've listed them in chronological order to make them easier to find. They serve no purpose for unlocking anything, so this is just for "completionist" sake. Chapter 1: 1-1: "Computer Workstation", check just about any computer in the main lab. 1-3: "Mysterious Ooze", examine any of the bright blue tubes in the main lab. 1-5: "Large Fan", look up at the ceiling of the main lab. 1-6: "Strange Dead Creature", head up the stairs on the north side of the main lab and check the box. 1-7: "Severed Tentacle", head up the stairs on the south side of the main lab and find it on a table. 1-2: "Computer Workstation", while you make your escape, check the desks or the computers near the next set of blue ooze capsules. 1-4: "Mysterious Ooze" - After fighting the Tentacle Creature, check the blue stuff in the hole in the floor. 1-8: "Dangerous Hole" - After fighting the Tentacle Creature, check the hole the creature retreated into. Chapter 2: 2-1: "Containment Unit" - Check the machine Gigi blows up, either when you escape or when you return to the room. 2-3: "Computers" - Check the computers in front of the pods in the containment room. 2-2: "Plaque" - In the room where you fight Cord, right in the center. Chapter 3: 3-1: "Dog Fan" - These first five are all in the first room. 3-2: "Dog Bed" ^ 3-3: "Tools" ^ 3-11: "Generator" ^ 3-26: "Spool" ^ 3-4: "Rat Hole" - Examine the small hole near the rats in the second room. 3-5: "Pumping Machine" - It's the big machine right near the ghost barrier in the second room. 3-6: "Cracked Wall" - Just past the ghost barrier, examine a crack on the southeast wall with one pipe visible. 3-27: - "Cover Crate" - Near the slip-hole, two non-explosve crates. 3-7: "Floor Grate Pipes" - These next five are all in the room just beyond the room with explosive crates (there's a slip-hole here). 3-8: "Cracked Wall Steam" ^ 3-9: "Hall Air Vent" ^ 3-28: "Spark Lights" ^ 3-37: "Control Room" ^ 3-10: "Steam Shelves" - These two are both in the steam room. 3-29: "Power Box" ^ 3-12: "Lab Equipment" - The following four are all in the hydroponics room. 3-13: "Coffee Mug" ^ 3-17: "Burned Fuse" ^ 3-30: "Pool" ^ 3-14: "Essence Vat" - A vat near the west wall of the Fuse Room. 3-31: "Encased Coils" - A power box on the north wall of the Fuse Room near the fuse box. 3-15: "Big Head" - It's in the Fuse Room. If inside collecting Ghost Collectible 3-2, you can look out the eyeholes, or you can view it when walking past it after fixing the lift. 3-16: "Control Panel" - Any of the computers in the Control Room. 3-38: "Reactor Room" - The sign on the door in the Control Room. 3-18: "Mop Bucket" - Just after the Control Room. 3-32: "Creaky Boards" - After possessing the Grenade Soldier, look down when passing through the next door. 3-19: "Stair Pipes" - Pipes at the bottom of the large stairwell fight. 3-20: "Decontamination" - The shower above you in the Decon Room. 3-33: "Decontamination Drain" - The drain below you in the Decon Room. 3-21: "Ground Fog" - The fog in the early part of the hazardous hallway. 3-34: "Work Lamps" - The lights in the hazardous hallway. 3-35: "Gate Sign" - The signs flanking the gate past the riveting challenge. 3-22: "Computer System" - In the Reactor Room, check any of the monitors attached to large machines. 3-23: "Ooze Tanks" - In the Reactor Room, check the tanks near where you entered. Chapter 4: 4-17: "Sign" - This is the sign on the door leading from the cavern area to the medical wing. 4-1: "Dirty Clothes" - The hamper near the exit of the Laundry Room. 4-2: "Washing Machine" - The three working washing machines in the far end of the Laundry Room. 4-6: "Junk" - Shelves in the Custodian's room (near the Laundry Room). 4-7: "Boxes" - Boxes in the Custodian's room. 4-18: "Sign" - Laundry Room sign near the Custodian's Room. 4-3: "Towel Rack" - These six are all in the women's locker room. 4-4: "Paper Towels" ^ 4-5: "Trash Can" ^ 4-11: "Shower Bag" ^ 4-12: "Clothes Hamper" ^ 4-13: "Soap" ^ 4-8: "Sign" - This sign is near the ceiling near Dead Guard 4-46 below. 4-9: "Lamp" - This lamp is in the floor in the bloody corridor. 4-40: "Dead Bubble Girl" - In the locker room after getting your uniform. 4-41: "Dead Janitor" - The dead custodian is near the uniforms. 4-42: "Dead Pervert" - Outside the locker room after getting your uniform. 4-46: "Dead Guard" - This guard is found in the bloody corridor. 4-43: "Dead Med Tech" - These four are found in the room with the Extinguisher. 4-49: "PC" ^ 4-52: "PC" ^ 4-53: "PC" ^ 4-44: "Dead Guard" - These four are found in the room opposite the above room. 4-48: "PC" ^ 4-50: "PC" ^ 4-51: "PC" ^ 4-10: "Statue" - The busts in the big construction room. 4-11: "Construction Area" - The lifts in the construction room. 4-19: "Sign" - The sign on the door in the construction room that says "Morgue". 4-20: "Sign" - The sign on the door leading to the Surgery wing from the outer corridor. 4-21: "Sign" - The sign on the door leading to the ICU from the outer corridor. 4-16: "Bryson" - On the operating table in the Surgery room. Examine him before getting the counteragent. 4-47: "Dead Guard" - After visiting Surgery for the first time, check any of the three guards that had just been killed by the Imps. 4-54: "PC" - These three PCs are in the back office in the bloody corridor, unlockable after you get the Morgue Key. 4-55: "PC" ^ 4-56: "PC" ^ 4-12: "Fax Machine" - These ten items are all in the Morgue Office, on the way down to the Morgue itself, except for the Gurney which is just outside it. 4-22: "Gurney" ^ 4-23: "Box" ^ 4-24: "Box" ^ 4-25: "Box" ^ 4-26: "Cabinet" ^ 4-27: "Files" ^ 4-28: "File Cabinet" ^ 4-29: "Tub" ^ 4-30: "Monitors" ^ 4-31: "Fuse Box" - Just outside the doorway to the Morgue. 4-32: "Sink" - These eight items are all in the Morgue. 4-33: "Corpse" ^ 4-34: "Table" ^ 4-35: "Table" ^ 4-36: "Preservatives" ^ 4-37: "Bin" ^ 4-38: "Cabinet" ^ 4-39: "Box" ^ 4-45: "Dead Pantsless Guard" - After changing to Rambo Anna, examine the guard you just frisked. Chapter 5: 5-1: "Lockers" - In the small room behind the Cargo Room control room, also accessible from the cafeteria. There's also a set in the men's restroom. 5-2: "Coatrack" - In the small room behind the Cargon Room control room, also accessible from the cafeteria. 5-3: "Pane of Glass" - In the control room in the big Cargo Room. They can be shot out or blown with a grenade, so be careful not to shoot all three. 5-4: "High-Tech Panel" - In the control room in the big Cargo Room. 5-5: "Crane Control Panel" - In the control room in the big Cargo Room. 5-6: "Storage Shelf" - These three are in the pantry. 5-7: "Folding Chair" ^ 5-9: "Pile of Junk" ^ 5-8: "Rat Poison" - It gets pointed out to you as you exit the rat hole. Make sure you examine it as a rat, or it won't count. 5-10: "Generator" - These four are in the Rat Poison room. 5-11: "Oil Barrels" ^ 5-12: "Small Shelf" ^ 5-13: "Filing Cabinet" ^ 5-14: "Tray Window" - These nine items are all in the Mess Hall/Kitchen. 5-15: "Condiment Stand" ^ 5-16: "Recycle Bin" ^ 5-17: "Dish Station" ^ 5-18: "Pot of Water" ^ 5-19: "Deep-Fat Fryer" ^ 5-20: "Empty Shelf" ^ 5-21: "Buffet Counter" ^ 5-22: "Cash Register" ^ 5-23: "Game Consoles" - These eight are in the Lounge and nearby restroom. 5-24: "Bookshelf" ^ 5-25: "Ladies' Room" ^ 5-26: "Checkerboard" ^ 5-30: "Calendar" ^ 5-31: "Note" ^ 5-32: "Towels" ^ 5-33: "Urinal" ^ 5-27: "Gaping Hole" - These two are in the Lobby area beyond the lounge. 5-28: "Paint Cans" ^ 5-29: "Overhead Crane" - A big crane in the middle of the "Bryson Escape" room. 5-34: "Destroyed Keypad" - Near the door where you start in the "Bryson Escape" room. Chapter 6: 6-34: "Large Door" - Examine the door you entered through. 6-1: "Large Mirror" - In the cavern after the first slip-hole. NOTE: The following are all in the first section of the house. 6-2: "Pantry Shelves" - In the pantry. 6-5: "Storage Barrels" - In the pantry. 6-3: "Old Freezer" - In the food storage room. 6-6: "Old Canned Food" - In the food storage room. 6-7: "Large Kitchen Table" - In the kitchen. 6-4: "Bathroom Stalls" - In the restroom in the southeast corner. 6-9: "Crack in the Wall" - A crack at the west end of the dining room. 6-27: "Large Dining Table" - In the dining room to the north. 6-35: "Locked Door" - The door in the northwest corner. 6-36: "Medium Stone Door" - The door at the east end of the hall. 6-42: "Stone Statue" - In the center of the main hall. 6-8: "Linen Shelf" - The shelves in the linen room. NOTE: The following are all in the second section of the house. 6-10: "Diary Entry" - Southeast corner of the Library (book pile). 6-11: "Diary Entry" - Closed book at the top of the northeastern steps in the Library. 6-12: "Diary Entry" - West wall of the Library, on shelf just north of the west podium. 6-13: "Diary Entry" - Southeast corner of the Library (open book on shelf above book pile). 6-14: "Diary Entry" - North end of the Library, on the floor near the north podium. 6-15: "Diary Entry" - Northeast corner of the Library (open book on a shelf). 6-16: "Finger Painting" - On the wall in the hidden study. 6-17: "Chemistry Set" - On a shelf in the hidden study. 6-18: "Antique Vase" - The vases in the hidden study. 6-19: "Old Globe" - On the desk in the hidden study. 6-23: "Tall Bookshelf" - The shelf to the right of the Oil Painting. 6-30: "Fireplace" - In the Parlor on the far wall. 6-34: "Large Stone Door" - The big door on the north wall. 6-40: "Power Generator" - In the Parlor near the entrance. 6-49: "Small Stone Statue" - Any of the five statues circling the center one. NOTE: The following all appear in the third section of the house. 6-26: "Large Dead Tree" - Right in center of the area. 6-37: "Rusty Merry-Go-Round" - Next to the tree. 6-41: "Old Metal Slide" - Next to the tree. 6-45: "Abandoned Swing Set" - Next to the tree. 6-20: "Alex's Bed" - Bed in Alex's room. 6-21: "Alex's Books" - Books in Alex's room (on the shelf). 6-25: "Child's Desk" - Desk in Alex's room. 6-33: "Glass Globe" - Globe in Alex's room. 6-38: "Wooden Model Ship" - Either ship in Alex's room. 6-24: "Children's Books" - The bookshelf in Gigi's room. 6-28: "Doll Cabinet" - The cabinet in Gigi's room. 6-29: "Wooden Doll House" - Near the window in Gigi's room. 6-31: "Gigi's Bed" - Bed in Gigi's room. 6-22: "Old Bathtub" - Bathtub in Giselle's bathroom. 6-32: "Giselle's Bed" - Canopy bed in Giselle's room. 6-39: "Old Toilet" - Toilet in Giselle's bathroom. 6-47: "An Antique Vanity" - Vanity in Giselle's bathroom. 6-48: "Chair by the Window" - Chairs in Giselle's adjoining sitting room. NOTE: These last two are after you escape the house. 6-44: "Deserted Subway Car" - A subway car at the far end of the first room, before actually entering the subway cars themselves. 6-46: "Volks Truck" - The truck you see with the soldier inside. Chapter 7: 7-14: "Ladder" - The following six are all in the first two rooms of the area after you finish the simulator (Containment Room and Maintenance Room) 7-15: "Dead Soldier 1" ^ 7-16: "Dead Soldier 2" ^ 7-17: "Stack of Paint Cans" ^ 7-18: "Old Rusty Motor" ^ 7-19: "Stack of Boards" ^ 7-6: "Large Metal Door" - The door at the east end of the long corridor. You must examine it before the power comes back on. 7-20: "Containment Room Trapdoor" - The trapdoor at the west end of the long corridor. 7-21: "Weapons Lab Room Sign" - The sign leading from the corridor to the lab. 7-34: "Power Room Sign" - The sign leading from the corridor to the hallway to the Power Room. 7-7: "Scientific Tool Array" - The big robot arms in the middle of the weapon lab. These must be examined before the power's back on. 7-22: "Weapons Lab Boxes" - Any of the boxes stacked up in the Weapons Lab. 7-24: "Supply Cabinet" - In the northwest corner of the Weapons Lab. 7-25: "Sticky Note" - On a PC in the southeast corner of the main Weapons Lab. 7-26: "Sticky Note" - On a PC in the southwest corner of the main Weapons Lab. 7-31: "Lab Equipment" - One of the microwave-like mechanisms on the lab benches in the Weapons Lab. 7-32: "Microscope" - Any of the microscopes in the Weapons Lab. 7-33: "Lab Manuals" - A white book in the central Weapons Lab table. 7-1: "Unpowered Equipment" - Any of the elevator controls in the subway area. You must examine this before the power comes back on. 7-35: "Hazmat Filter" - The showerhead at the top of the Decon Room (you may need to float to it). 7-36: "Hazmat Sign" - The sign next to the door leading to the hazardous area. 7-39: "Fuse Box" - Check the box on your right after exiting the spiral staircase down to the Power Room. 7-37: "Vent Shaft" - Either of the two vents in the subway tunnel spewing green gas. 7-38: "Map of the Subway" - On the wall near the rubble-filled doorway early in the subway tunnel. 7-5: "Body Parts" - What's left of the guy who was helping you turn the power on in the Power Room. 7-2: "Hydra Beam Gun" - On the rack in the north Weapons Lab room. 7-3: "Imp Flamethrower" - On the rack in the southwest Weapons Lab room. 7-4: "Tentacle Cannon" - On the rack in the southeast Weapons Lab room. 7-23: "Password-Protected Computer" - PCs in a Weapons Lab room without a sticky note. 7-27: "Sticky Note" - On several computers, such as the one in the upper area of the southwest Weapons Lab room. 7-28: "Weapons Lab Computer" - A few turned on computers in the main lab after the power's turned on, such as on the south wall of the main room (talks about virus scanners). 7-29: "Weapons Lab Computer" - A few turned on computers in the main lab after the power's turned on, such as in the southeast corner of the main room (talks about "jargon"). 7-30: "Weapons Lab Computer" - The computer in the southwest corner of the main lab (talks about movie reviews) after power is restored. 7-40: "Lab Whiteboard" - In any of the Weapons Lab rooms. 7-41: "Empty Lab Tank" - The tank in the north Weapons Lab room. 7-42: "Lab Tank with Hydra" - In the southwest Weapons Lab room, in the tank. 7-43: "Lab Tank with Tentacle" - In the southeast Weapons Lab room, in the tank. 7-8: "Locked Double Doors" - The doors on the east wall in the Main Hub. 7-10: "Command Room Directions" - Sign on the south door in the Main Hub. 7-11: "Conference Room Directions" - Sign on the east door in the Main Hub. 7-12: "Containment Room Directions" - Sign on the west door in the Main Hub. 7-13: "Security Room Directions" - Sign on the north door in the Main Hub. 7-9: "Malfunctioning Equipment" - After passing through the Command Center retinal scanner, check the scanner on the south side of the door. Chapter 8: 8-1: "Desk" - The secretary's desk in the corner of Rourke's Office. 8-11: "Locker" - The lockers in the Check-In Room. 8-12: "Check-In Area" - The desk without a guard in the Check-In Room. 8-13: "Check-In Area" - The desk with a guard in the Check-In Room. 8-14: "Monitor" - The monitors above the desk without a guard in the Check-In Room. 8-15: "Monitor" - The monitors above the desk with a guard in the Check-In Room. 8-9: "Shelf" - These are the shelves behind the fence down in Level 2A, near where you first find the trainer. You need to be a ghost to get through the fence. 8-5: "Locker" - Any of the lockers in the Storage Room or Trainer Room. 8-7: "Shelf" - The shelves in the fenced area in the Storage Room. 8-8: "Shelf" - The shelves in the room with the rats. 8-10: "Dog Food" - The bags of dog food in the rat room. 8-2: "Cage" - The cages piled up in the Trainer Room. 8-3: "Wash Area" - The hoses in the back area of the Trainer Room. 8-4: "Shelf" - The shelf in the trainer's room. 8-6: "Table" - The table Juliet's cage is on. I think you need to be in the trainer for this to work. 8-16: "Control Panel" - Any of the panels in the Control Room. 8-17: "Mysterious Armor" - These four are all in the Custom Armor room. 8-18: "Trashcan" ^ 8-19: "Lockers" ^ 8-20: "Armor Status Monitor" ^ 8-21: "Crashed Computer" - These five are in the Security Room. 8-23: "Security Screens" ^ 8-24: "Office Chair" ^ 8-25: "Log Files" ^ 8-26: "Security Screens" ^ 8-22: "Storage Containers" - Examine any solitary crates in the Crane Room or Shipping Room. 8-27: "Mysterious Ooze" - Any of the ooze running through the pipes. 8-28: "Overhead Crane" - The crane hanging in the first room after the Security Room. 8-29: "Locked Screens" - Computers in the Body Storage Rooms. 8-30: "Body Storage" - The big containers containing moving bodies in the Body Storage Rooms. 8-31: "Vehicle Lift" - The unoccupied lift in the Garage. 8-32: "Volks Truck" - The truck on the lift in the Garage. 8-33: "Water Tower" - The towers on the roof during the Rourke fight. Chapter 9: 9-1: "Path" - In the first room after the helipad, the rubble on your right. 9-2: "Pot" - Any of the standing pots in the big Courtyard. 9-3: "Pot" - The tipped-over pot on the right side of the Courtyard. 9-4: "Bench" - The tipped-over bench in the grass as you enter the Courtyard. ****************************************************************************** 6. MULTIPLAYER ****************************************************************************** The multiplayer experience is for one to four players, with up to eight combatants in the game at any one time (human or AI). To begin with, all human players press A on their controllers to join in, then pick their control scheme. Once all players have joined in, press START. ========================= 6A. Modes/Rules of Play = ========================= There are three types of Multiplayer games available for play. Possession Deathmatch: This is the "standard" mode of play. Everyone's a ghost, and the object is to possess hosts in the area and use them to kill your opponent's host. You earn a point by killing a host when another player is controlling it. You lose a point every time a player kills your "vulnerable" host. Hosts become vulnerable for two seconds after you eject yourself from them. This is, naturally, in place to prevent people from jumping out of hosts before they die to avoid the enemy getting a point. Also, killing yourself with deduct you a point. Capture The Host: Similar to "Capture the Flag", kind of. In the arena is a base, and the object is to possess a host and take it to the base. Doing so will score you a point. Additionally, you can score further points by killing other hosts, BUT those points can only be officially "earned" once you return that host to the base. For example, if you take a host, kill three others, then go to the base, you get four points, but only once you hit the base. If you die before you hit the base, all those points are lost. Hunt: This is a specialized mode of play for two teams. One team plays as Hosts, the other as Ghosts. The object of the Host team is to use their anti-possession weapons to kill Ghosts. The object of the Ghost team is to possess a Host and drag them to any of the hazards marked on the map (holes, electricity, fire). Each player has a preset number of lives. The first team to lose all their lives loses the match. --- Advanced Settings These are advanced options for Multiplayer. Aim Assist: If on, then you'll auto-target enemies, to hit them more easily when moving. (Default: On) Radar: If on, then you'll be able to see the radar, including hosts in the area, and important spots. (Default: On) Friendly Fire: If on, then shots on friendly team members will hurt. (Default: Off) 3-Player Screen Layout: "Even" leaves a black square in the lower-right corner. "Wide" gives the third player a wide screen across the bottom. (Default: Even) Kills To Win (PDM and CTH): Points necessary to win the game: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 50. (Default: 7) Lives (HUNT only): Available lives for each player: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 50. (Default: 7) Time Limit: Game time limit: 1 minute, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, and unlimited. (Default: 5 minutes) Stealth Mode (PDM and CTH): If on, then players will not be able to differentiate occupied hosts from unoccupied on the radar, nor will they see icons over a player's host, denoting who it is. (Default: Off) Power-Ups (PDM and CTH): If on, the power-ups described in the section below will be available. (Default: On) Possessable Objects (PDM and CTH): If on, gun turrets and explosive containers can be possessed. (Default: On) Special Characters (PDM and CTH): If on, then any characters earned through collecting Host Collectibles in Single Player available for the arena used will be employed (see Secret Hosts section). (Default: On) Key Mode (CTH only): If on, then a Key found in the Arena is required to access the base to drop off a host. (Default: Off) Cycle Base Colors (CTH only): If on, then you can only drop a host off at the base when it's your color. (Default: On) Color Cycle Time (CTH only): The number of seconds a base stays a certain color: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7. (Default: 3) Exponential Kill Points (CTH only): If on, then killing multiple people will earn you more points the more people you kill, as opposed to just one per person. (Default: Off) --- Players/Teams Once you finish your settings, you'll have the opportunity to set up the teams and bots. First, each player selects what team color they're on, then their handicap, between -2 and +2, which determines how resistant to damage their hosts are. Once the players are set, you can set bots, too, by selecting any open slot. Instead of handicap, you'll select how difficult an opponent they are: Easy, Normal, Hard, or Extreme. Once all that's done, press START to begin. --- Power-Ups There are seven different power-ups available for play. Hijack - (blue person insignia with blue arrows) This is the only power-up that appears as a ghost. Take it and you can press A to take another character's host if you get within range. No one gets/loses any points, but it's handy if you wish to take a powerful host that someone else has. All the rest of these power-ups only appear when you're in a host. Anti-Hijack - (blue person insignia with red arrows) Collect this and opponents won't be able to use Hijack on you. Health - (red cross) Collect this to restore any health you lost as your current host. Speed - (green arrows) Collect this to double your host's speed for a limited time. Jump - (yellow arrows) Collect this and your host will be able to jump higher, if it has the jump ability. Attack - (purple sunburst) Collect this and your damage to other hosts will be increased. Defense - (orange shield) Collect this and your damage taken will be decreased. ============ 6B. Arenas = ============ There are multiple arenas to battle in, with more available for unlock if you find the proper number of Host Collectibles in the Single Player game. There are two types of Arenas in the game: the type set up for Possession Death Match and Capture the Host, and the type set up for Hunt. --- PDM/CTH Arenas Base - A simplistic military-like area, with a central structure and rocky tunnels surrounding it. Standard set of combatants and a healthy amount of power-ups. There's a Rocket Launcher soldier on top of some pipes in one corner, which you'll need a Jump Power-up to reach. Subway - Set in the subways beneath the Tallant House and Volks complex, this area consists of three decent-sized rooms connected by small passages in the center, and long subway tunnels on either side. There are a large number of Mine Soliders in here. There also seems to be a smaller number of power-ups compared to other areas. Arena - A very compact arena based on two levels. Small number of everything: hosts, power-ups, reload stations. Probably the best thing to find here is the Heavy Gun host on the second floor that you need to jump across support beams to reach. Raid - A compact arena based around an open central area with low partitions. Most of the hosts are in alcoves along the sides. There are good number of power-ups here, but the best host available is a Heavy Gun on the third floor, which mostly just requires a longer walk to get to. Office - (2 Host Collectibles) A large area with many different combat situations. There are wide-open areas with pillars, some areas with cubicle walls, some tunnel-like areas (including the small catwalk where you first fought the Tentacle Creature), and dual-level areas. Included in this mix are a few Sniper hosts, several Rocket Launcher hosts, and a standard number of power-ups scattered about. Storage - (4 Host Collectibles) A maze-like arena on two levels. Plenty of ramps allowing access to the two levels, and lots of storage crates to hide behind. There are also a couple of locked doors, leading to surprises that you'll need the special characters in this area to find. Medical - (8 Host Collectibles) This area consists of some hospital-type rooms, but it's actually largely connected to a cave system that goes around the outside of the area, which is very hilly, allowing for lots of cover. There are also some very well- placed Gun Cameras. Helipad - (12 Host Collectibles) As you can expect, this area is based around the helipad. It's in the middle, with two rather tall bunkers on either side. Each bunker has multiple levels, with elevators to carry you to the highest ones. The bunkers themselves have most of the powerful hosts: Snipers and Rocket Launchers. Summit - (20 Host Collectibles) This based around the Paris Summit building. It has a large, open main room with pillars, with a whole mess of side passageways, leading up and down. It also has quite a few slip-holes leading to other passages if you need to make escapes, although that's hardly necessary if you're a ghost. Complex - (24 Host Collectibles) Almost a carbon-copy of the area where you fight the Elites in the game, this area is three levels, the upper two being connected by x-shaped catwalks. There's not much truly special to it; it's just a nice open place. Boss - (28 Host Collectibles) Set in a modified version of the final room in the game. This is one big open, temple-like room. There's a lower pit in the center, and side passages around the edges. There's also a big suspension bridge in the middle, accessible from the side stairwells, near which a Rocket Launcher is standing. Catacombs - (32 Host Collectibles) Set in the ruined area of the medieval monastery, this area is mostly small rooms connected by hallways. Of special note here are a few Missiles scattered around, making for some nasty tunnel chases. Climbing up some fallen rafters can lead you to a Rocket Launcher host. --- HUNT Arenas Combat - This area is mostly flat and enclosed. There are two acid pits in the center, and hazards in four of the six alcoves (spikes, electrical wires), and also a large fan in the corner. Probably the safest place would be the center or one of the two non-dangerous alcoves. Arena - Situated in a similar Arena as the PDM/CTH one. The lower floor has a spike pit and a chopping fan pit. Alcoves on the ground floor have live wires, and halfway up the ramps to the second floor are radioactive barrels. A relatively safe spot would be the second floor, although there are holes in the walkway strategically placed above the pits. Raid - (16 Host Collectibles) Similar-ish to the PDM/CTH arena of the same name. The middle area has a toxic vent, and alcoves on the ground floor have live wires and radioactive barrels. There's also a live wire on the second level, but the ramps up there are oddly free of hazards, so the higher levels would most definitely be the safest place to be, if you can keep from falling off. Dead Garden - (18 Host Collectibles) Modeled after the Dead Garden in the Tallant House, the commanding feature is the large tree in the middle, which is on a raised platform accessible by ramps. The tree itself has two spike traps on it, and around the tree platform are three spike pits, a fan, and a live wire. However, these hazards are pretty well spaced-out, so this area kind of favors the hosts. Heaven - (26 Host Collectables) Modelled after the first simulator in the game (with the playground and rabbit). This is basically a field dotted with holes. The only real "hazard" here is falling into a hole, or off the perimeter edge. This area also tends to favor the host, unless the ghost can disorient the host by backing into a hole. =================== 6C. Hosts/Objects = =================== All the basic hosts in Multiplayer are soldiers or hazmat-suits armed with the standard set of weapons. ~PDM/CTH GHOST~ L Ability: Dash Notes: You can't be killed by conventional means, but your health will steadily decrease. You are visible to others when they are in ghost form, but not when they're in a host. I suppose a cheap way to ensure a win is to just hide as a ghost when ahead in score for the last thirty seconds or so of a game. Oh, and it goes without saying, but you don't slow down time as a ghost in multiplayer. ~HUNT GHOST~ L Ability: Dash Notes: If you remain still, then you're invisible, except for your icon above your head. Your health will not decrease automatically, but you are vulnerable to weapons. Press A to possess a host, then use your limited control to steer him to a hazard. You also have control over your host's grenades by pressing Z, which is useful if you wish to throw one away from you to stall for reload time. --- Soldiers All soldiers have the "L Ability" of jumping. Their armor is all roughly the same. ~SMG SOLDIER~ Weapon: Sub Machine Gun (80 shots) Total Ammo: A LOT (over 800) Notes: I went through eleven clips and still didn't drain this guy's ammo, so that's something. Seriously, though, that's about it for this guy, because his gun doesn't pack that much of a punch, and his accuracy at range is lousy. ~ASSAULT RIFLE SOLDIER~ Weapon: Assault Rifle (30 shots) Secondary: Grenade Launcher (1 shot) Total Ammo: 270 bullets, 6 grenades Notes: Careful using grenades, because you automatically reload after each one. Otherwise, this guy's pretty decent in power and range. ~HEAVY GUN SOLDIER~ Weapon: Machine Gun (60 shots) Total Ammo: 200 shots Notes: This guy moves a bit slower, but his gun has a LOT of power to it. Compared to other hosts, he has a relatively small amount of ammo, and his reload time is really long. ~SHOTGUN SOLDIER~ Weapon: Shotgun (8 shots) Secondary: Double Blast Total Ammo: 48 shots Notes: Decent, but he does fire slowly. A close-up double blast will floor most anyone unless they have Defense. ~MINE SOLDIER~ Weapon: Proximity Mine Secondary: Detonate Total Ammo: 6 mines Notes: Explosions are always fun, but only six mines makes this guy short on ammo. Plus, of course, the fact that you have to throw, then detonate (or wait) to make the kill. Lain mines can also just be shot at a distance. ~SNIPER SOLDIER~ Weapon: Sniper Rifle (5 shots) Secondary: Zoom (two stages) Total Ammo: A LOT (over 100) Notes: Snipers are usually a matter of taste, camper vs. not. If you feel you've got a good perch and are a steady hand to aim, take it, but you have a slow rate of fire with the bolt-action rifle. ~RPG SOLDIER~ Weapon: Rocket Launcher (3 shots) Total Ammo: 8 rockets Notes: He's high power, high range, and highly explosive, but slow to move, fire, and reload. Also, only eight rockets. ~HUNT SOLDIER~ Weapon: Anti-Spirit Pistol Secondary: Anti-Spirit Grenade Notes: You have infinite shots in the pistol, and your grenade takes time to reload, but it does cause more damage. All things equal (zero handicaps), it takes five shots to take down a ghost, and a little more than three grenades. When a ghost is close, your vision will swim to let you know he's close to possessing you. If he does possess you, you'll partially lose control of yourself, so either rapidly press A to force out the ghost, or aim a grenade at your feet, which does you no harm. Note that you can still shoot and jump while possessed. --- Objects Unlike hosts, you can dispossess objects any time you wish and not worry about them being vulnerable. Also, an icon will not appear above you while you possess it (even if Stealth Mode is off). However, being shot to destruction while inside one will still count as a kill. ~EXPLOSIVE CONTAINER~ Notes: Either possess and blow or shoot from a distance. I generally suggest the latter, since getting a guy to come near you for you to blow yourself up is a very rare occurence. ~GUN CAMERA~ Notes: The chaingun on the camera has unlimited ammo, but it's not very resilient. I suggest using these only for long-range attacks, not when an enemy has a bead on you. ~MISSILE~ Notes: These are tough to use properly, because they're so fast, but it's often because of this speed that you can properly use them to sneakily derail an enemy. Try not to use these against bots, because they're unusually good shots against missiles. ================== 6D. Secret Hosts = ================== These hosts all come in packs of two: an animal, and a combat host which you need the animal in order to reach. All secret hosts have unlimited ammo. --- At 6 Host Collectibles, the following two characters can be used in the Storage arena. ~RABBIT~ L Ability: Jump Notes: This guy has about a three-foot jump, which can get you on top of crates, and he has a small size for fitting in vents. There are two in the area. One can get you in range of a Mine Soldier or a Rocket Launcher Soldier with some careful hopping, and the other, if you pass through a couple of vents and jump carefully on rafters, can lead you to the other secret character here. ~RAIMI~ Weapon: Auto Mag (8 shots) L Ability: Jump Notes: The pistol has a lower rate of fire than automatics, but it's got unstoppable power. He's also rather fast. --- At 10 Host Collectibles, the following two characters can be used in the Medical arena. ~BAT~ Notes: Find the bat in the cave area off to the side of the main buildings. Press A to flap your wings. He's entirely useless, except for going across the building area to the vents on the far side, where you'll find the other character. ~TOWEL GIRL~ Weapon: Wet Towel L Ability: Sprint Notes: The towel is a one-hit kill, but you have to get right up to your enemy to use it, so this is kind of a sub-par special character. It's can be considered useful as a psychological distraction, though. --- At 10 Host Collectibles, the following two characters can be used in the Helipad arena. ~RAT~ Notes: Find the rat on the highest floor of one of the two bunkers, the one with the elevator in the back of it. Take the Rat, go up the nearby ramp, then down. Go to the cans near the door and find the rat hole behind it, and you can access the other secret character. ~CHEF~ Weapon: Plates L Ability: Jump Notes: He doesn't need to reload, and his plates fire quite fast, each one causing a killing hit. The only real issue is that he throws them frisbee- like, so they don't move very fast, and they can veer off course after a time. --- At 22 Host Collectibles, the following two characters can be used in the Summit arena. ~ROACH~ Notes: Go to the smaller open room in this arena (you'll be able to see Volks on a ledge). Go up the ramp in the room, then you'll find the roach in a crack near the ledge with Volks. Use it to follow the crack. ~VOLKS~ Weapon: Rocket Launcher L Ability: Sprint Notes: Infinite rockets, but still a slight down-time in between firings. The sprint makes him move VERY fast. All in all, a solid character. --- At 30 Host Collectibles, the following two characters can be used in the Boss arena. ~IMP~ L Ability: Jump Notes: Hey! Finally a combat animal! There are actually more than one of these in the area. Grab it, run up to an enemy, and press A to detonate and cause it major damage, but sadly, not enough for a killing blow. Also, going up one of the staircases on the edge, you can find an Imp in a crack in the wall. Use it to climb up the small passage and reach the other secret character. ~ANNA~ Weapon: Sub Machine Gun (80 shots) Secondary: Hand Grenade L Ability: Sprint Notes: Pretty much the same Rambo Anna as in the main game, except she sprints instead of crouches. Her grenades are thrown faster than the Assault Rifle's firing, so use that as your main weapon, since you've just got the standard SMG as a primary weapon. ****************************************************************************** 7. STANDARD GUIDE STUFF ****************************************************************************** =========== 7A. Legal = =========== This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2005 Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format. Please don’t post this on your site unless you have express consent by me. I’ve put a lot of time into this. Give me some credit. Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamewinners.com www.cheatcc.com www.cheatplanet.com www.ign.com www.neoseeker.com www.gamerstemple.com I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ. They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the Geist guides, but, trying to keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I trust. ======================= 7B. E-mail Guidelines = ======================= If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines... - Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide. - Make sure it has something to do with Geist. I don't want spam, chain letters, offers for friendship. Compliment me on the FAQ all you want, though. - Make sure you say "Geist" at one point in your e-mail. I have more than one FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I kill the last boss?" doesn't tell me much. - Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile. ============= 7C. Credits = ============= N-Space for opening the world to a new style of FPS. Nintendo for publishing it. ===================== 7D. Version Updates = ===================== Version 1.0 - 9/15/2005 - Done and done. Enjoy! ==================== 7E. The Final Word = ==================== What a cool new way to play. I was impressed with this game, even if the graphics and mechanics are a bit dated.