Geist Collectible List I. Table of Contents (TOC) I. Table of Contents (TOC) II. Version history (VHIS) III. About (HOWTO) IV. Collectibles a. Possessable objects (POBJ) b. Ghost Collectibles (GHC) c. Host Collectibles (HSC) d. Text Logs (TLOG) V. Peculiarities (VERYODD) VI. Credits (THANKIES) VII. Added Note (BYTHEWAY) II. Version history (VHIS) 0.15 - Started on the guide. 0.25 - Added the Ghost Collectibles section. 0.50 - Added the Host Collectibles. - Fixed some spelling mistakes (Namely Collectables into Collectibles). - Changed some of the sentences around. 0.60 - Added Text Logs for Levels 1 and 2. 0.65 - Added Text Log for Level 3. (Incomplete) - Changed the Hydra beast to Tentacle beast in some of the Locations. (The Hydra Beast was the one in the shell. Oops.) - Changed location of a Host Collectible in Level 6. - Changed Host/Ghost Locations on Level 7. - Changed a couple possessable objects on Level 7. - Added missing items in the "Added Note" section. 0.70 - Changed Version numbers. - Added Text Log for Level 4. - Changed Ghost/Host Collectibles in Level 9. 0.75 - Added Text Log for Level 5. - Adjusted the Location for the Halogen Lamp in Level 3. 0.80 - Added Text Log for Level 6. - Added two new names in the Thank you list. - Added a new section: Peculiarities 0.85 - Added Text Log for Level 7. - Added two missing Log files. 0.95 - Added Text Logs for Levels 8 and 9. - Added a missing log file. 0.97 - Added Two missing Log files. 1.00 - Added final Log file. 1.01 - Wow, lot of spelling and grammar mistakes. - Also added extra info on some items. 1.02 - New things in the Peculiarities section. III. About (HOWTO) Chamelion's second FAQ is about the possessable game called Geist, in which you play a rogue spirit trying to find a friend and, later, the body you have been stripped of. Throughout the game you'll find objects to possess and items to collect, but the most frustrating section is the text log. The Collectibles and Objects have been taken directly from a topic on the GameFaqs forums, but the text locations are mine and will most likely be a help to everyone. Note that I did not add Possessable Hosts. That's because that, by the time you finish the game, you will have had possessed all of them. Different segments do different results, such as collecting all Spirit Items maxes out your spirit bar, but as this is for finding the objects, and not the rewards, they will not be listed here, unless requested. To find a certain object do a search (Control+F) and type in the letters listed after the name in the topic above, plus (LV#) to go immediately to the beginning. In some cases, especially the log files, they are so numerous that they are cut off in segments, so you may want to add a multiple of 10 after the LV# (I.E. TLOGLV330 to jump me to the 30th item in the Logs list of Level 3). Enjoy! IV. Collectibles A. Possessable Objects (POBJ) These objects are mostly used to scare available hosts into submission, and usually will be listed as to how they contribute to the scare (Scare tactic). They will also be listed in order as in the game, and where to find them (Location). Level 1 (POBJLV1) --Since you are not a ghost on the first level, there are no objects to possess. Level 2 (POBJLV2) 1. Trapped Rat Location: In the storage room Gigi takes you to, look on the floor to the right of the door to find the rat. Scare tactic: Nothing, sadly. All you get is the view from the rat. 2. Mop Bucket Location: In the storage room, look for a yellow bucket near the mirror. Scare Tactic: The handle of the bucket goes forward and back. 3. Antique shooting Gallery Location: To the right of the storage room's mirror is what looks like a pinball machine. It is actually an old shooting machine. Scare tactic: Target practice. Use the Action button to fire metal pellets at various targets. 4. Dynamo Location: Near the explosive crate in the storage room is a machine that looks like a cyndrilical drum attached to a light bulb. Scare Tactic: Rapidly tap the Action button to spin the wheels of the Dynamo, creating electricity and, eventually, activate the light bulb. 5. Schwalk Ale Location: In the storage room, on the floor near Gigi (where she appears after possessing and using three objects). Scare Tactic: You can roll around with it, but press the action button and it explodes into a shower of soda. 6. White Paint Bucket Location: On the two shelves flanking the door to the Storage room are three paint buckets. One of them has white paint dripping out of it. Scare Tactic: Hit the action button a few times to make the contents expand, denting the lid, and eventually make it explode, sending the lid flying, and spattering paint on the wall. 7. Blue Paint Bucket Location: On the two shelves in the storage room is a paint bucket with blue paint seeping out. This is the only location to find the blue paint, so make this one count. Scare Tactic: Same as the White Paint Bucket's action. 8. Yellow Paint Bucket Location: On the two shelves in the storage room is a paint bucket with yellow paint. Scare Tactic: Same as the Blue and White Paint Buckets' actions. 9. Explosive Container Location: Many areas in the levels, but the key one is the one in front of the cracked wall. Scare Tactic: It explodes, killing anyone nearby and shattering all glass. In the first box you possess it also breaks away some of the wall. 10. Phone (POBJLV210) Location: On the wall in the hallway with the Custodian. Scare Tactics: There's two. The first causes it to ring that wakes up the guard. The second causes the custodian to hear a spooky garbled message that makes him stagger backwards and into the awaiting Gigi. 11. Containment CPU Location: In the Containment Room (where you started in the first place) it's the box below the rightmost containment pod. Scare Tactic: It explodes in a similar fashion as to how Gigi helped you escape. This alerts the guard patrolling the area. 12. Ammunition Rack Location: In the hallway before fighting Cord, there are two sets of four metal cylinders bound together. Scare Tactic: Like the Explosive Container, it detonates, sending nearby guards flying. 13. Trash Can Location: Sitting in front of the stairs leading to the farthest Containment Pod. Scare Tactic: As with Gigi's Scare on the trash can, a bunch of papers float out of the trash can and burst into flames. (only works if the guard's nearby) 14. Seraph Statue Location: In or after the battle with Cord, look in the back to find this statue. Scare Tactic: No action-based scare but move the statue around and you may find a secret area. 15. Grenade Location: While fighting Cord, if you shoot fast enough when he preps to throw a grenade, he'll drop it. He'll drop another one while he's fleeing and you can spot it in the T intersection of the hallway past this battle. Scare Tactic: Like the soda can you can roll around with it and make it explode with the Action button. Level 3 (POBJLV3) [Note: Phantom's Room refers to the Storage Room Phantom is in, while Phantom's Pen is referring to the fenced-in area he's put in.] 1. Dog Bowl Location: In Phantom's Pen, look down at the silver bowl surrounded by a blanket. This one is difficult to see. Scare Tactics: Two. The first one shakes the bowl to alert the dog (pause for a moment to watch him paw at the dish). The second one causes the dogfood to suddenly burst out and scare him into a barking frenzy (and yet it doesn't alert the guard...). 2. Security Camera Locations: Two are found so far. There may be more. The first one is on a column next to the fence serving as Phantom's pen. The other one is over the archway in the Hydroponics room that leads to the Fuse Box room. Scare Tactic: None, pathetically. All it's best used for is to keep an eye on things. 3. Halogen Lamp Location: Behind the guard in Phantom's Room. Scare Tactic: Rather useless. Use the action button to make the lamp "buzz" and start to short out. Do it a couple times and you hear a sparking sound with the "buzz". Neither will spook the guard, unfortunately. 4. Explosive Container Locations: There are about three in the Rat Hallway (where the two guards patrol) and a number of them in the stairwell to the reactor room. Scare Tactics: Action button, boom and bye-bye soldiers. 5. Ladder Location: In the steam room (where Phantom eventually should wind up) the ladder is resting on a corner, behind the guard... Scare Tactic: The ladder will fall down and barely miss the guard ("Sonuva....") 6. Fire extinguisher Locations: Two of them. One between the electrical boxes in the steam room, and one in the hallway before the Hydroponics room. Scare Tactic: Both will flare out the hose spraying a cold mist at nearby guards. The one in the steam room spooks the guard, but the one in the Hydro-hall only agitates them a little. 7. Pressure Gauge Locations: Two. One is in the Steam Room, on the pipe column in the center, facing the electrical boxes. The other is attached to one of the Ooze containers in the Reactor Room. Scare tactics: Rapidly tap the Action button to raise the needle until it hits the red area. In the steam room the pipes behind the guard (who must have been scared by the ladder and extinguisher, otherwise it only spurts steam) suddenly shoot steam out at him and cause one of the electrical boxes to short out. The one in the reactor room doesn't have to go all the way before a green gas (probably toxic) seeps out of the floor grate in the room, making the four guards standing on it to move. 8. Fire Sprinker Location: The hardest-to-find object is in the tiny hallway leading to the Control Room. Stand in the middle and look up to find the sprinkler. Scare Tactic: Just another annoyance object. When a guard goes under it, the sprinkler activates and drenches the poor guy with water. (Note: Another sprinkler is in a later level, in the Morgue hallway above some flames. It is not listed, however it's just something to note.) 9. Robot Arms Location: Hanging on a ceiling track in the Hydroponics room. There are two, one for each side. Scare Tactic: I don't know how the robot arm tends to move by itself but you can rotate it around and move it up and down, until you see the Engineer. The Action button makes it spray water on him, making him uneasy and rushes off to the computer to turn them off. When that happens the object can't be used anymore. 10. Laptop (POBJLV310) Location: Sitting in front of the pillar on the other side of the bridge in the hydroponics room. Scare Tactics: If the Engineer is not in front of the monitor, all the screen does is flicker. If he is there, however, a number of pop-up ads will appear, and the Engineer will be confused as to why he can't close them. Eventually the robot arms will approach him, grab him, and shake him roughly before letting him go, and chase after him as he flees. 11. Computer Monitor Locations: One sitting on the far end of the table in the Hydroponics room, two in the Control Room (one to the right of Rourke, one to the left of the left engineer). Scare Tactics: It cycles in four "clicks". First click brings up a closeup of a viral cell. The second one closes that and brings up what must be a financial program. The third one closes that and brings up a window with three x-rays of... something. The fourth one closes it and remains in desktop mode. 12. Catalyst Laser Location: In the control room, in the middle of the glass wall. Scare Tactic: The laser's already on so you don't have to worry about that part. Just move the laser around until it either hits the three tanks on the left (which emits a green gas) or one of the blue cylinders surrounding the rift. When one explodes an engineer will come over to try and control it, so you'll have to fight for it while destroying the other three. 13. Gun Camera Locations: Three of them. One is in the hallway after the Control Room, which has to be activated by a console. The other two are in the Reactor room and only activate by killing one of the guards. Scare Tactic: For all three of them, press and hold the Primary Fire to send a flurry of bullets at your targets. Your targets may fire back, however, and if that happens your monitor may get a bit fuzzy. 14. Fuse Location: On the table in front of the toolbox, in the Hydroponics room. Scare Tactic: No action available. All you can do is roll. (roll to the edge of the bridge and get the Engineer to pick it up.) Level 4 (POBJLV4) 1. Floodlight Location: In the cave of bats (okay, okay... the BAT CAVE) it should be the one on the wall. Scare Tactic: Turn it on, then hit Action again to make the light explode, scaring the bats. 2. Floodlight Location: In the... Bat Cave it's the one on the floor. Scare Tactic: Turn it on, turn it off. That's all that can do. (Note: Both Floodlights may be backwards. In other words, Floodlight 1 could be the one on the floor and floodlight 2 is the one on the wall.) 3. Manhole Cover Locations: Two of them. One is surrounded by a chainlink wall, the other one is next to the door leading to the Laundry room. Scare Tactics: The one next to the door has a hidden access point. If you use the action button the manhole pops off and lands slightly off of the hole it was covering, but allows you to enter the sewer. The one the fence surrounds pops up and lands in the hole, even if the Custodian is not there. 4. Showerhead Location: In the ladies' shower room (naughty naughty!) Scare Tactics: Four ways. Possess and use the one the Bubble girl is near, to make the water go on, hit her, and make her run. Use any other three to make the Towel girl (Anna) edgy ("Stupid showerhead" and "What's going on?"), then after the third one ("I'm outta here.") She leaves the shower. (note: If you try to turn on any of the other showers with the bubble girl still nearby, Anna goes over the that shower and turns it off, then returns to painting her toenails.) 5. Keypad lock Location: In the hallway to surgery, next to the door leading to the construction area. Scare Tactic: Causes the keypad to malfunction and alert the guard, who comes over and sets it again by pressing a certain number code (this is the access code you need). 6. Heart Monitor Location: In the ICU room are three monitors, each next to a failed seperation experiment strapped to the bed. (you can possess the men but nothing can be done.) Scare Tactic: Rapidly hit the Action button to make the Heart Monitor malfunction and, eventually, go "dead" (although the man strapped to it does not die; it's just a trick on the doctor). 7. Bathroom Mirror Location: Just outside the showers is a large intact mirror. Scare Tactic: This only works if the towel girl (Anna) is next to the shower bag. Activate it once to horribly crack the mirror, alerting the girl. Activate it again and see a rather spooky cutscene (something a woman does NOT want to become!). Level 5 (POBJLV5) 1. Moving Container Location: In the cargo room, activate the switch on the tower to make four or five crates come along a ceiling track. Scare Tactic: None. It's just there to move solid and ghostly things around on the track. 2. Vintage TV Location: In the pantry, between two shelves of food. On a small stack of boxes. Scare Tactics: Two. The first turns the TV on and alerts the rats. The second one dispalys a KEYUUUUUUTE kitty cat... awww.... then it suddenly bursts out of the TV in a ferocious rage and scares the rats with a roar! O.O (my favorite scare of all :D) 3. White Paint Bucket Location: In the storage room is a paint can on a ledge in the back. Scare Tactic: As with the other Paint cans, pressing the Action button makes it, eventaully, explode. 4. Yellow Paint Bucket Location: In the storage room, next to the rat hole. Scare Tactic: Same as the other Paint cans. 5. Oven Location: In the kitchen, across from the frying station. Scare Tactic: Hit the Action button repeatingly to make the oven super-hot and burn the food. Only it doesn't catch the cook's attention. Darn. 6. Wall-Mounted Fan Location: In the kitchen, above the Deep-Fryer. Scare Tactic: Activate it to turn the fan on, then swivel it around. If you face the cook while the oven's burning, you'll finally attract his attention. 7. Stack of Plates Location: In the kitchen, on a shelf in front of the dishwashing station. Scare Tactic: It lobs plates a short distance. If the cook's been alerted to the oven, however, the plates will fly farther, and two hits on him will make him vulnerable. 8. Wall-Mounted TV Locations: There are two, both in the Lounge, both on corners to the left and right of you when you first enter the room. Scare Tactic: Both can be turned on and all you get is a fuzzy screen. What its purpose is, otherwise, I can't tell. 9. Soda Machine Location: In the back (front? I'm not sure) of the Lounge, next to the Ladies' restroom. Scare Tactics: Two. The first shakes the machine and causes the upper shelf of sodas to fall. This alerts the scientist. The second ejects a number of well-shook cans and scatters them on the floor. 10. Soda Can (POBJLV510) Location: On the floor of the Lounge after activating the Soda Machine twice. Scare Tactic: Roll it around, use the Action button to set it off. Set it off near the scientist to spook him and send him to the restroom. To wash his face, not use it, dummy. 11. Sink Faucet Location: After scaring the scientist to the restroom, they're the faucets to the sinks in the same room. Scare Tactic: The water turns to blood, but the scientist doesn't notice for a few minutes, then looks at himself in the mirror, and freaks out. (This is only for the sink the scientist is using; otherwise the possessed faucet turns on and off the water.) 12. Security Camera Location: During Bryson's Escape, you'll be in a room with a crane in the middle, and three levels. On the top level (where you start) is a camera mounted above some crates. Scare Tactic: Like the other cameras, nothing. 13. Exploding Gas Canister Location: On the top floor in the crane room (with the security camera) is a tank that looks like the kind you inflate balloons with. There is one behind three guards, and one next to the other two guards. Scare Tactic: Rapidly tap the Action button to make it explode, killing the soldiers in the process. 14. Grenade Crate Location: On the top floor of the crane room is a box that looks like it's going to fall over. It's balanced on a stack of crates near the first descent ramp. Scare tactic: It falls over, spilling the grenades to the floor. 15. Grenade Location: After tipping the crate over they're on the floor near it. Scare Tactic: As in Level 2, roll and boom. Roll and boom. 16. Electrical Box Location: At the bottom of the crane room is a box on the floor, possibly near the crane holding a box. Scare Tactic: Triggering the switch drops the crate, killing a guard and scattering missiles. 17. Missile Location: On the floor after the box the crane is holding falls. Scare Tactic: Hit the action button to send it flying, then control it (hard to do) until you aim for your intended target. It explodes on impact. 18. Motorcycle Location: In the last room of Bryson's escape. After dispersing the first wave of enemies he will rush over and hop on it, only it won't start. Scare Tactic: Repeatingly hit the action button to start the motor. Once it's done revving up Bryson (and a cut-scene) will take over and drive off to the location point and the next section of that Level. 19. Gatling Turret Locations: Five plus. One is in the room after the Lounge, next to the door. Another is in the Crane Room, between the third and second floors. The next two are in the room with the motorcycle, facing the door. The fifth one, the key one, is in the back of a truck while you're helping Bryson Escape on the motorcycle. In the Helipad section, there's a number of them protecting each of the missile towers. Scare tactic: All of them fire the same way as the turrets in Level 3. Level 6 (POBJLV6) 1. Antique clock Location: In the abandoned house, in the linens room (float over the hole in the wall to enter it), on a table. Scare Tactic: Activate it, then wait for the bear to rise on its haunces to launch a spear at the red dot on its stomach. 2. Oil Painting Location: In the Grand Statue Room is a section of a library. On one wall is this large portrait of -- well, the description tells you. Scare Tactic: None. However you can see a secret room behind the painting. 3. Musical Clock Location: In the secret room, on the desk. Scare Tactic: It's a timing mini-game. Hit the correct direction on the controller and succeed in four consecutive rounds to open a window in the Grand Statue Room. 4. Grandfather clock Location: Also in the library area, on the wall between the two doorways. Scare Tactic: You can rotate the hands and activate a chime. Set the clock to a specific time (see the painting) and chime it to access the secret room. 5. Engine Location: In the garage, look for the car with the open hood. Scare Tactic: Repeatingly hit the action button to start the motor up, make the car squish some imps, and crash into the wall. This spooks out the driver. 6. Statue with Crystal Location: in the center of the Grand Statue Room. Scare Tactic: Move the statue around with the control stick and use the Action Button to fire a beam of light at a nearby statue with the crystal (only if the musical clock game is complete). Level 7 (POBJLV7) 1. Missile Location: In the second part of the training level, if you possess the man in front of you, you can fire possessable rockets at your targets. Scare Tactic: In reality, these are just projectiles and probably better off not possessing them. 2. Grenade Location: In the third part, after killing the delegate, possess the Secret Agent. His secondary fire is that he throws grenades. Scare Tactic: Again, not worth it. 3. Electrical Box Location: In the third area of the Training sector (possession of delegates), you have to dispossess your first host and enter a slip stream. Find the Electrical box in this room. Scare Tactic: It's reported that the elevator has shut down, trapping the delegate. 4. Scientific Tool Array Location: Main Laboratory area. It's the device with four mechanical arms in the middle of the room Scare Tactic: Once the power's back on, activate this to send the claws out, and the scientists to their rooms. (Note that the following three are specified to the scientists in how you have to enter: Door partly open, viewing slider open on the upper floor, and viewing slider left partly open. The first two need a host to "open" the door and alert the scientist, while the third can just be slip-streamed.) 5. Filing Cabinet Location: In the room with the scientist that opens the viewing slider, against the wall on the lower level. Scare Tactic: The filing cabinet flies open and, after hitting Action again, a bunch of papers fly out, circling the spooked scientist for a moment. 6. Severed Tentacle Location: In the room with the scientist that partly opens the door. It's strapped to a table next to the large tank on the lower floor. Scare Tactics: Two. The first knocks a beaker off the table, alerting the scientist. The second (where you can move) causes the tentacle to SLAP the scientist. Do it a couple times to make him vulnerable. 7. Microscope Location: In the room with the scientist that leaves the viewing slider open. It's on the table next to the large tank on the lower floor. Scare Tactic: Three ways. The first opens the clasp. The second makes the slider jump and alert the scientist. The last one, once the scientist settles, is the one that fully scares the scientist (you see what the scientist sees). (Sometimes, though, the microscope swivels the viewing scopes around, which really does nothing. You have to wait for the scientist to start looking into the microscope to scare him.) Level 8 (POBJLV8) 1. Bed Location: In Rourke's Room, on the wall to his right. Scare Tactic: The sheet slowly rises to become a phantom. Rourke's secretary, Beth, will notice it first and doesn't believe what she's seeing, until the "phantom sheet" spooks her enough to flee the room. Rourke... sadly looks up and doesn't even notice the phantom. 2. Rattrap Location: Scattered everywhere in the storage room. The target one is with the rats. Scare Tactic: Two. The first one shakes the trap and alerts a rat, who comes a little bit too close to the trap. The second one... SNAP! Scares all the other rats. (A clever trick is that, after scaring the rats, use all but the white rat to set off up to three traps to make it easier for Juliet, the white rat, to bypass.) 3. Work Light Location: In the Trainer's room, mounted on a wall next to the parrot. Scare Tactic: It gets so hot it explodes, spooking both the girl and the Parrot (the latter into possession-availability). 4. Catalyst Laser Location: Still in the same place in the Control Room. Scare Tactic: Why bother? It's not useful anymore. 5. Computer Monitor Location: Same places in the Control Room as in Level 3. Scare Tactic: Same effect as in Level 3. 6. AC Unit Location: On the roof while battling Rourke and the unknown demonic ghost. Scare Tactic: Just something to add to the "Possessed Objects" as it does nothing but greatly increases the chance to have your body get killed. Level 9 1. Missile Turret Location: On the Helipad roof, just off the helipad. Scare Tactic: Used to blow up the cargo helicopter. Aim and fire. (takes about three missiles to down.) 2. Elecctrical Box Location: Sitting next to the door that you came in from, on the Helipad roof. Scare Tactic: It's broke so it can't be activated. (or it does but I didn't see what happened.) 3. Ammunition Rack Location: At the egdes of the Helipad roof. Scare Tactic: Just explodes. Nothing much. 4. Helicopter Gun Turret Location: Sticking out of a wing on the downed helicopter. Scare Tactic: Shoots the same way as it did in Bryson's Escape. Although it's better off left alone since it makes your host body vulnerable. (You'll end up destroying it later, anyway.) 5. Missile Location: Volks shoot these at you while fighting him. Scare tactic: Unlike the other missiles these have already been fired so all you have to do is steer it at Volks. B. Ghost Collectibles (GHC) In Levels 2 through 9 there are two ghost items (shaped like Gigi's teddy bear) hidden in each level. You can faintly see them in a host, but you can only get them as your ghost form. Each item you obtain will reveal a journal entry from almost 90 years ago and also boosts your spirit stamina a little. Level 1 (GHCLV1) --You're not a ghost yet, so finding these are nearly impossible. Level 2 (GHCLV2) 1. In the kennel, look for a slip stream in one of the dog pens. Dispossess, enter the stream, and head to the end of the tunnel to find the Collectible. 2. When you get to the tram area, before boarding the tram, disposess and float over the railing and head down to the bottom of the cavern to find and collect the Collectible. To get back up, look for the slip stream against the wall, just at water level, to return to the tram area. Level 3 (GHCLV3) 1. In the Hydroponics/Fuse box rooms look for an explosive crate set against the wall. Enter and destroy it, revealing a slip stream. Slip through it and you'll find yourself on the inside of a stone face, with the ghost Collectible Near the right eye. 2. When in the Reactor Stairs area, after clearing the stairs of guards, dispossess and float your way to the bottom, staying focused on the central area. You'll eventually find the ghost Collectible about halfway down. Level 4 (GHCLV4) 1. When you emerge out of the tunnel into the cave there's a gap that indicates a broken section of the tunnel. Float over this gap and head to the end of the other part of the tunnel to find the Collectible. 2. Near the door to the Laundry room, in the cave, is a manhole cover. Possess and pop it, then dispossess and enter the slip stream. In the sewer below the manhole cover is the Collectible. Leave either by the slip stream or by the grating overlooking the small pond. Level 5 (GHCLV5) 1. This one's tough to find. In the first room beyond the lift is a cargo area with two conveyor belts each containing numerous crates. Some of them are red and contain the word BOOM on them, some have the word "Fragile" on them, and a couple have a caution stripe on them. Those are the boxes you should destroy, and once you do, look for a lift near the bridge, dispossess, and float down to it. If you've destroyed all the boxes the Collectible should be there. 2. When you possess one of the cargo crates hanging on a track, if you dispossess early (like when the crates go into the red hallway), the hallway you're in contains a chainlink fence. Go through it and look in the small alcove to find the item. (You can NOT do this if you've arrived at the pantry.) Level 6 (GHCLV6) 1. In the canyon area you will have seen a cutscene where your possessed body destroys a bridge. Look for a ramp (or a pile of rocks) leading up to a ledge, and follow it around until you go through a tunnel and, eventually, at the area where the bridge was. Right at the edge of the ledge is the Collectible. 2. In the Grand Statue Room there's a section where the library is. On the other side is a parlor area. If you head there and look behind the counter at the corner, the Collectible is tucked away there. Level 7 (GHCLV7) 1. While heading down the stairs to the subway, take note of some horizontal support beams connected from the corners to the center pillar. Near the bottom, disposess and float to the beams, and look to find the next one, and float to it. Repeat this until you arrive at the duct with the Collectible. 2. In the Large Corridor with the doors to the Weapons Lab and the Generator rooms, head down the side with the trapdoor, dispossess, and look behind the control panel that operated the trap door to find it. Level 8 (GHCLV8) 1. When you're back in the control room a new slip stream has appeared next to the cannon. Slip in there and you'll appear in the Seperation Chamber. The ghost Collectible is located on top of the ruins, near its edge, but you have to "climb" for it. 2. While possessing Rourke and heading for the roof (second part), It's on top of a stack of crates in the first storage room. Level 9 (GHCLV9) 1. In the library ruins, float your way over to a ledge, then to the balcony to find the Collectible. 2. In the second room after the helipad (called the ladder room), climb the ladder, and follow the tunnel path to the collectible on the ledge. C. Host Collectibles (HSC) In levels 2 through 9 are four Collectibles that look like a Silver V inside a Gold V (Volks' symbol). Collecting two of these unlocks a Multiplayer option, either a level or two special characters (usually a creature and a human). Level 1 (HSCLV1) --As in the Ghost Collectibles there aren't any to find. Level 2 (HSCLV2) 1. In the computer room, head to the stairs that would take you to a gantry (or catwalk to some) but don't go up it. Instead, walk around to the side and go under it, and you'll find a pathway between the consoles to find the first collectible. 2. In the Kennels, walk to the switch next to the door and operate it to open all the kennels -- don't worry, the dogs are more afraid of you than you to them. Turn to your right and enter the leftmost pen to pick up the collectible. 3. In the room with the crane (The room after passing the possession checking area) Look behind a set of crates across from the door leading to Cord's room. 4. After the Battle with Cord, possess the statue and turn her around so that she's pointing to the wall. Two secret panels will open up, both leading to the same collectible. Level 3 (HSCLV3) 1. Using Phantom, enter the rat hallway and scare the rats in the first area. Then possess a rat and enter the rat hole, and at the intersection go right. You'll arrive at a dead end where the collectible has been stored. 2. In the same hallway, in the room with the Pump, there's a small vent containing the Collectible. Phantom is the only one that can grab it. 3. If you take the upper path in Phantom's Pen (via spool shelves) you'll come across a room with a couple rejected ducts. Look in one of the ducts on the floor to find the collectible. 4. In the hallway to the Reactor Room, it's located in a locker. However you need to complete all of the riveter puzzles to open the door. Level 4 (HSCLV4) 1. Once you obtain the morgue key, return to the hallway with the three file rooms (also known as the "spooky" hallway to me). You can now open the previously-locked door and enter the file room and find the collectible. 2. Enter the Morgue Office to find this one on the floor. 3. In the Locker Room, open the locker across from the bubble lady (who now wears a towel) to find this one stashed away. 4. In the Morgue, open the refrigerator to find a banana, an apple, and the collectible. (Note: this one keeps reappearing, so it's most likely a glitch but it still is counted in the logs.) Level 5 (HSCLV5) 1. In the Cafeteria, go to the hallway at the top of the stairs and head to the right to reach a dead end and the collectible. 2. In the cargo room, head for the garage door and pick it up on the floor in front of it. 3. In the pantry, it sits on a stack of boxes. You'll have to return here as either the scientist or the cook to officially get it. 4. In the restroom, enter the open stall that's next to the ladder to find it. Level 6 (HSCLV6) 1. In the subway area, go between the first two Subway cars and walk along the thin ledge to find it. 2. Before fighting the Tentacle boss (the creature that constantly pops out of holes in the ceiling) at the subway, it's in a nook to your right, just outside the closed train car. 3. After defeating the same boss, in the next subway car, look to your left before opening the door. 4. When you reach the top of the subway stairs, turn around and enter the right-side stairs to the dead-end area to pick up the Collectible. Level 7 (HSCLV7) --Luckily, none of these collectibles are during the Training portion of this level. 1. In the cross-shaped room (AKA the Intersection), run up the rubble on the ground to reach the hole in the catwalk, turn right, and follow the catwalk clockwise to find the collectible. 2. Before fighting the Hydra for the last time, look in a hole to your right, on the sloping path. 3. In the Subway, look behind the pillar to your right before entering the door to the Generator Room. 4. In the security room with the guards, look for it behind a crate on the left-side alcoves. Level 8 (HSCLV8) 1. In the check-in room, look for it behind the staff-side check-in desk. 2. In the rat room (where Juliet is) look behind a vent that's on the floor to find the collectible in hiding. 3. After leaving the elevator as Rourke, go around the right side to find it. 4. When Rourke approaches the garage maintenance room, look between a tool box and the vehicle to find the collectible. Level 9 (HSCLV9) 1. In the Ruined library, look on the ground. 2. In the second room after the helipad (AKA ladder room), go into the lower corridor and find it in the dead end. 3. When you get to the suspension bridge in the Courtyard, ignore it and head to the window past it, slowly step out, and collect the collectible. 4. Before entering the spiral stairs to the Courtyard, There is a room with two storage rooms near the door. Enter the one on the right and look behind the barrel to find it. D. Text Logs (TLOG) In all levels there are examinable objects that are logged into your Collection status. These aren't... quite... essencial to the game but if you're a perfectionist, like me, then it's worthy to look EVERYWHERE for these. Most of them are hard to find, so that's why this section's here. Level 1 (TLOGLV1) 1. Computer Workstation Location: Any of the computers in the laboratory. 2. Computer Workstation Location: Three areas. In the large room after the Lab, examine either of the desks you find, or in the room after that (with a large tank of fluid) examine the machine on the far corner. 3. Mysterious Ooze Location: In the Laboratory are two containers of Ooze. Examine the one on the left (if you face the microscope). 4. Mysterious Ooze Location: After defeating the Creature (Known as the Tentacle creature), head to the edge of the hole and look down, and examine the glowing blue ooze. 5. Large Fan Location: In the Lab, look up at the ceiling and locate the fan that's above an archway. 6. Unknown Dead Creature Location: Go up the platform that doesn't have anyone on it, and examine the glass box with the creature (an Imp) sealed inside. 7. Severed Tentacle Location: Go on the platform with the scientists and examine the tentacle on the table. 8. Dangerous Hole Location: After defeating the Tentacle, stand on the middle of the bridge, look up, and examine the large hole. Level 2 (TLOGLV2) 1. Containment Unit Location: On your first or second visit to the Containment room, examine the broken device below the pod you were in. 2. Plaque Location: While or after fighting Cord, examine the slab of rock sitting on the floor near the two stairs. 3. Computers Location: In the Containment Room, examine either monitor that's in front of the large machines attached to the containment pods. Level 3 (TLOGLV3) (Phantom's Room is referring to the storage room he's in, while Phantom's pen is the fenced-in area.) 1. Dog Fan Location: In Phantom's Pen, examine the large fan in the back. 2. Dog Bed Location: Examine the bed Phantom is/was sleeping on. 3. Tools Location: Examine the red box in the corner of Phantom's Room. 4. Rat Hole Location: Possessing either a rat or Phantom, enter the rat hall near Phantom's Room and examine the small hole in the wall. 5. Pumping Machine Location: Just a little bit away from this Rat Hole is a room with a Host Collectible and a large machine that you can examine. 6. Cracked Wall Location: In the Rat Hall with the guards, examine the broken segment of the wall that has one pipe sticking out. (One pipe, not two.) 7. Floor Grate Pipes Location: In the Rat Hall, with a Slip Stream, examine the grated portion of the floor. 8. Cracked Wall Steam Location: In the Rat Hall with the Slip Stream, examine the portion of the wall that has a bunch of debris in front of it. 9. Hall Air Vent Location: In the Rat Hall with the Slip Stream, examine the vent as either Phantom or a Rat. (Note: This only works if you have not yet entered the Steam Room. 10. Steam Shelves (TLOGLV310) Location: In the Steam Room (where the two vents wind up), examine the shelf that is against the corner, between the two vent ducts. 11. Generator Location: In Phantom's Room, examine the machine next to the door. 12. Lab Equipment Location: In the Hydroponics Room, examine the machines on the left side of the table in the back. 13. Coffee Mug Location: Examine the mug next to the Laptop in the Hydroponics Room. 14. Essence Vat Location: In the Fuse Room, examine either of the vats sitting next to the chain-link wall. 15. Big Head Location: In the Fuse Room, after fixing the lift and riding it, turn left and examine the large face on the wall. If you've collected the Ghost Collectible in the Hydroponic Room, examine either eyehole. Either of these methods count the same one. 16. Control Panel Location: Examine any of the computer stations in the Control Room. 17. Burned Fuse Location: Examine either of the two fuses to the left and right of the toolbox in the Hydroponics Room. 18. Mop Bucket Location: In the Turret Hallway, after the Control Room, examine either of the yellow buckets. 19. Stair Pipes Location: At the bottom of the stairwell, examine the pipes in the area under the stairs. 20. Decontamination (TLOGLV320) Location: In the Decontamination Room, look up and examine the showerhead. 21. Ground Fog Location: In the Reactor Hallway (with the rivet challenge), examine the green fog before completing the Rivet challenge. 22. Computer System Location: In the Reactor Room, examine the machines with the computers attached to them (not, however, the section with the monitors by themselves). 23. Ooze Tanks Location: In the Reactor Room, examine either large tank flanking the door to the Decontamination room. 24. Holographic Projection Location: After shutting down the reactor, examine the holograph that has appeared in the middle of the Reactor Room. 25. Ruins Location: In the tunnel leading to the end of the stage, examine the broken window that's overlooking the seperation Chamber. 26. Spool Location: In Phantom's Room, examine the large shelves. 27. Cover Crate Location: In the Rat Hall examine the LAST two crates on your right. 28. Spark Lights Location: In the end of the Rat Hall, look up and locate a broken light fixture. 29. Power Box Location: Examine either of the boxes flanking the Fire Extinguisher in the Steam Room. 30. Pool (TLOGLV330) Location: Examine the water under the Hydroponics Bridge. You may have to float over the railing and look straight down. 31. Encased Coils Location: Examine the two machines behind and a little to the right of the Fuse Box in the Fuse Room. 32. Creaky Boards Location: In the stairwell to the Reactor room, when you first come in through the door, stop and look down, and examine the boards over the gap. 33. Decontamination Drain Location: In the Decontamination Room, look down and examine the grate on the floor. 34. Work Lamps Location: In the Reactor Hall, examine any of the standing lamps. 35. Gate Sign Location: In the Reactor Hall, examine either of the signs flanking the gate. 36. Reactor Control Location: In the Control area of the Reactor Hall, examine the console below the switch that activates the gun cam turrets. 37. Control Room Location: Examine the sign at the end of the Rat Hall 38. Reactor Room Location: Examine the sign next to the door in the Control Room. Level 4 (TLOGLV4) 1. Dirty Clothes Location: In the Laundry Room, examine the bin full of clothes sitting next to the rows of washing machines. 2. Washing Machine Location: In the Laundry Room, examine the three Washing Machines that are working (have bubbles coming out). 3. Towel Rack Location: In the Shower Room, examine the towels hanging off the pegs in the hall. 4. Paper Towels Loation: In the Locker Room, examine the towel dispenser near the lockers or near the sinks. 5. Trash Can Location: In the Locker Room, examine the trash can in the corner next to the lockers. 6. Junk Location: In the Custodian's Office, examine the shelves on the right. 7. Boxes Location: In the Custodian's Office, examine the pile of boxes on the table on the left. 8. Sign Location: In the hallway past the Laundry room (for certain reasons this will be called the Spooky Hallway) either dispossess and pass the guard, or get Anna in her doctor's uniform, and head down the hall, past the two halls on the right,look up, and examine the broken doorway. 9. Lamp Location: In the Spooky Hallway examine the light on the floor at the intersection. 10. Statue (TLOGLV410) Location: In the construction area, examine either bust of Volks. 11. Construction Area Location: Examine the device known as a scissor lift to the left of the elevator in the Construction Area. Thansk to my dad for the name of the machine. 12. Fax Machine Location: In the Morgue Office, examine the machine nestled on the table, and between two boxes. 13. Shower Bag Location: In the Shower Room, examine the duffel bag on the bench. 14. Clothes Hamper Location: In the Shower Room, head to the Locker Room, and look for a bin in an alcove in the wall on the right. 15. Soap Location: Examine any of the soap dispensers on the mirror in the Locker Room. 16. Bryson Location: Before grabbing the bag needed for him, examine him on the operating table in the Surgery Room. 17. Sign Location: Examine the sign next to the door to the Laundry Room in the Bat Cave. 18. Sign Location: Examine the sign next to the Laundry Room in the Spooky Hallway. 19. Sign Location: Examine the sign next to the Mourge door in the Construction Room. 20. Sign (TLOGLV420) Location: Examine the sign next to the keycode-required door in the Construction Room. 21. Sign Location: Examine the sign next to the three guards in the Medical Hallway. 22. Gurney Location: Examine the gurnerys at the bottom of the Morgue, in the small hallway. (the one on fire at the stairs does not count) 23. Box Location: In the Morgue Office, examine the cardboard boxes next to the table with the fax machine. 24. Box Location: In the Morgue Office, examine the lone white box to the left of the fax machine. 25. Box Location: In the Morgue Office, examine the Wooden boxes next to the desk containing the fax machine. 26. Cabinet Location: In the Morgue Office, examine the cabinet above the Fax Machine 27. Files Location: In the Morgue Office, locate the cabinet with an open glass door and examine it. 28. File Cabinet Location: In the Morgue Office, examine the cabinet between the boxes and the computer desk in the back. 29. Tub Location: In the Morgue Office, examine what looks like a casserole dish sitting on the desk next to the computer. 30. Monitors (TLOGLV430) Location: In the Morgue Office, examine the pile of monitors on the desk near the door. 31. Fuse Box Location: Examine the box to the right of the doorway leading into the main part of the Morgue. 32. Sink Location: Examine the sink between two tables, or the two on the wall next to the doorway, in the Morgue. 33. Corpse Location: Examine the body sticking halfway out of the Morgue shelves. (What is the proper name, anyway?) 34. Table Location: Examine either table against the wall in the Morgue. 35. Table Location: Examine the large table in the middle of the Morgue. 36. Preservatives Location: Examine either the jug on a table enxt ot the Morgue Shelves, or the container sitting next to the Freezer Door. 37. Bin Location: Examine the bin on the floor between the Morgue cabinet and the embalmin table. 38. Cabinet Location: Examine either the cabinet in the corner, or next to the Bin in the Morgue. 39. Box Location: Examine the boxes on the ground near the cabinet in the corner in the Morgue. (Before I continue, the next 8 Logs are actually in the game. I did not make these up) 40. Dead Bubble Girl (TLOGLV440) Location: After retrieving Anna's Doctor uniform, return to the Locker Room and examine her body in front of her locker. 41. Dead Janitor Location: After possessing the Towel Girl Anna, head to the Laundry Room. When you get to Anna's uniform, look over by the wall in the alcove to find the Janitor against the wall. 42. Dead Pervert (Again, I did not make this up) Location: After retrieving Anna's uniform, head to the Locker Room. His body is on the ground in front of the door. 43. Dead Med Tech Location: In the File Room with the Extinguisher (the right room), after dousing the fire, examine the body on the floor. 44. Dead Guard Location: In the empty File Room (the left one), after dousing the fire, examine the body on the ground. 45. Dead Pantsless Guard Location: After Reviving Bryson and changing clothes, examine the body on the ground against the wall to your left in the Surgery room. 46. Dead Guard Location: After retrieving Anna's uniform, return to the scary hall and, between the lamp and the broken sign, examine the body. 47. Dead Guard Location: After entering the Surgery the first time, turn back around and exit to the Medical Hall, eliminate the Imps, then look at any of the three bodies on the ground in front of the ICU room. (Note: I forgot the exact location of which PC gives which so The last nine list only what room they're in) 48. PC Location: Empty File Room. 49. PC Location: File Room with Extinguisher. 50. PC (TLOGLV450) Location: Empty File Room. 51. PC Location: Empty File Room. 52. PC Location: File Room with Extinguisher. 53. PC Location: File Room with Extinguisher. 54. PC Location: File Room with the Host Collectible 55. PC Location: File Room with the Host Collectible. 56. PC Location: File Room with the Host Collectible. Level 5 (TLOGLV5) 1. Lockers Location: In the small locker room (Where you meet Bryson later in the game), examine the set of small lockers on one side. Alternately, examine another set of these lockers in the Mens' Restroom of the Lounge. 2. Coatrack Location: In the small locker room, examine the pegs where the coats are hanging. 3. Pane of Glass Location: In the Cargo Room, you may be tempted to toss a grenade at the guard in the tower. Before you do so, find a safe spot from him, dispossess, and head to the tower and examine any of the three windows. (If you throw a grenade you most likely will wind up breaking all of the glass. This is also the safest way to log it wihtout shooting out the glass as well.) 4. High-Tech Panel Location: In the cargo room, examine either panel to the left or right side of the tower's control panel. 5. Crane Control Panel Location: In the Cargo room, examine either monitor to the side of the crate switch in the tower's control panel. 6. Storage Shelf Location: In the pantry, examine any of the shelves. 7. Folding Chair Location: In the pantry, examine the chair near the rats. 8. Rat Poison Location: As a rat, go through the rat hole then, when you emerge to the storage room, you'll automatically face the can. Examine it. (If you try to examine it as any other host, you'll get a different message, then the ability to pick it up. The Log only counts the rat's view of the poison. 9. Pile of Junk Location: In the pantry, examine the stack of boxes near the door. 10. Generator (TLOGLV510) Location: In the Storage Room, examine the machine in front of the yellow paint can. 11. Oil Barrels Location: In the Storage Room, two by the generator and one by the shelf Examine any of them. 12. Small Shelf Location: In the storage Room, examine the shelf across from the rat hole. 13. Filing Cabinet Location: In the Storage Room, examine the stack of cabinets to the right of the shelf. 14. Tray Window Location: In the cafeteria, if you come in from the stairs, turn left and head to the wall in the back and examine the open window with a conveyor belt just behind it. 15. Condiment Stand Location: In the Cafeteria, examine the condiment dispensers on the table directly behind the stairs (as in counting the stair's bottom as the front). 16. Recycle Bin Location: In the Cafeteria, examine either trashcan flanking the Condiment stand. 17. Dish Station Location: In the Kitchen, examine the small alcove to the right of the two stoves. 18. Pot of Water Location: Before grabbing the Tomato Soup, examine the "casserole dish" of water on the counter facing the guards. 19. Deep-Fat Fryer Location: In the kitchen, examine the wire baskets under the wall-mounted fan. 20. Empty Shelf (TLOGLV520) Location: In the Kitchen, examine the (actually-not-so-empty) shelf next to the sink where the cook is washing his hands (or something to that extent). 21. Buffet Counter Location: In the Kitchen/Cafeteria, examine the serving troughs that are next to the guards. 22. Cash Register Location: In the Kitchen/Cafeteria, examine the register at the end of the buffet counter, by the opening. 23. Game Consoles Location: In the Lounge, examine either shelf below the TVs. 24. Bookshelf Location: In the Lounge, examine any of the four shelves flanking the two TVs. 25. Ladies' Room Location: In the Lounge, examine the door leading to the Ladies' Room. 26. Checkerboard Location: In the Lounge, examine the board on the table near the restrooms. 27. Gaping Hole Location: In the Lobby (after the Lounge) examine either of the two holes with the Caution tap around it. 28. Paint Cans Location: In the Lobby, examine the paint cans on the floor near the wheelbarrow. 29. Overhead Crane Location: In the Crane Room, after dropping the crate the crane was holding, scan the crane. 30. Calendar (TLOGLV530) Location: In the Lounge, examine the piece of paper on the left side of the bulletin board. 31. Note Location: In the Lounge, examine the pieces of paper on the right side of the bulletin board. 32. Towels Location: In the Mens' Restroom, examine the towel dispenser next to the sinks. 33. Urinal Location: In the Mens' Restroom, examine the far-left urinal... the... dirty-looking one... Ick. 34. Destroyed Keypad Location: in the Crane Room, after you see Bryson destroy the keypad, follow and, once you enter the slip stream, turn around and examine the keypad. Level 6 (TLOGLV6) The Pantry refers to room you come in from the Slip Stream; The food Storage refers to the next room that follows. The parlor is the room across from the library, where there is a Ghost Collectible; the sitting room is the room next to Giselle's Bedroom that overlooks the Dead Garden. 1. Large Mirror Location: In the cavern after the canyon, float down to a window with a nearby Slip Stream, turn around, and examine the mirror reflecting light from a hole in the top of the cavern. 2. Pantry Shelves Location: In the Pantry, examine the shelves in the small room. 3. Old Freezer Location: In the Food Storage, examine the large metal door next to the door leading to the smaller pantry. 4. Bathroom Stalls Location: In the Restroom area, examine any of the stalls. 5. Storage Barrels Location: In the Pantry, examine the barrels on the bottom of the shelf or at the corner in the smaller room. 6. Old Canned Food Location: In the Food Storage, examine the shelf next to the doorway to the Pantry. 7. Large Kitchen Table Location: In the Kitchen, examine the table in the middle of the floor, with the pots and pans hanging above it. 8. Linen Shelf Location: In the Linen room, examine the shelves on the wall. 9. Crack in the Wall Location: In either the Dining Room or the Linen Room, examine the hole in the top of the wall. (there's another hole in the Food Storage/Kitchen wall, but that does not count.) [The following six Text Logs will have dates included, and would be continuing from after you collect and read all the Ghost Collectibles. They are all located in different parts of the library, as well. Directions are also listed as if you're looking at the library from the Grand Statue Room.] 10. Diary Entry [July 10, 1917] Location: Examine the stack of books in the corner near the portrait. 11. Diary Entry [May 3, 1921] Location: Examine the book lying on the floor in front of the right-side archway. 12. Diary Entry [November 19, 1927] Location: Examine the bookshelf to the right of the central podium. (It's either the middle shelf or the bottom shelf.) 13. Diary Entry [June 24, 1930] Location: Examine the top shelf of the bookshelf above the book pile. 14. Diary Entry [June 24, 1930] Location: Examine the book on the floor above an open book, both located on the right side of the library. 15. Diary Entry [October 3, 1930] Location: Examine the bookshelf that has the same open book (see above) lying on the floor. 16. Finger Painting Location: In the Secret Study, examine the piece of paper on the wall above the small bookshelf. 17. Chemistry Set Location: In the Secret Study, examine the small bookshelf. 18. Antique Vase Location: In the Secret Study, examine any of the red Vases in three of the corners. 19. Old Globe Location: In the Secret Study, examine the globe on the desk. 20. Alex's Bed (TLOGLV620) Location: In Alex's bedroom, examine the messy bed. 21. Alex's Books Location: In Alex's Bedroom, examine the long shelf against the wall. 22. Old Bathtub Location: In Giselle's Bathroom, examine the bathtub. 23. Tall Bookshelf Location: In the Library, examine the bookshelf to the right of the painting. 24. Children's Books Location: In Gigi's Bedroom, examine the shelf with a vase containing a dead plant. 25. Child's Desk Location: In Alex's Bedroom, examine the large desk opposite the bookshelf. 26. Large Dead Tree Location: In the Dead Garden, examine the tree in the middle of the room. 27. Large Dining Table Location: In the Dining Room, examine the table in the middle of the room. 28. Doll Cabinet Location: In Gigi's Bedroom, examine the cabinet next to the doorway. 29. Wooden Doll House Location: In Gigi's Bedroom, examine the large house next to the windows. 30. Fireplace (TLOGLV630) Location: In the Parlor, look for a small alcove on the wall, roughly across from the generator and light. 31. Gigi's Bed Location: In Gigi's Room, examine the well-made bed. 32. Giselle's Bed Location: In Giselle's Room, examine the canopy bed. 33. Glass Globe Location: In Alex's Bedroom, examine the large floor globe near the window. 34. Large Stone Door Location: In the Grand Statue Room, examine the door behind the statue that the possessible statue faces intially. (This must be done before finishing the puzzle.) 35. Locked Door Location: In either the Main Hall or the Linen Room of the Abandoned House, examine the door that leads to the Linen Room. 36. Medium Stone Door Location: In the Abandoned House, examine the stone door that the statue is facing. (This must be done before completing the clock puzzle.) 37. Rusty Merry-Go-Round Location: In the Dead Garden, examine the spinning Merry-Go-Round. (If you listen closely you'll also hear Gigi's giggle.) 38. Wooden Model Ship Location: In Alex's Bedroom, examine either ship on the bookshelf. 39. Old Toilet Location: In Giselle's Bathroom, examine the toilet next to the sink. 40. Power Generator (TLOGLV640) Location: In the Parlor, examine the SIDE of the box sitting on the floor next to the floor lamp. (Examining the front does nothing.) 41. Old Metal Slide Location: In the Dead Garden, examine the slide. 42. Stone Statue Location: Examine the statue in the Abandoned House's Main Hall. 43. Large Door Location: In the Canyon, where you start, turn around and follow the tunnel to a dead-end and examine the door. 44. Deserted Subway Car Location: In the subway, after passing the opening in the fence, examine the gap between the two cars, or examine the right Subway Car. 45. Abandoned Swing Set Location: Examine the Swing Set in the Dead Garden. 46. Volks Truck Location: Examine the empty truck in the garage (the truck with the hood down, if you're not sure). 47. An Antique Vanity Location: Examine the large vanity in Giselle's Bathroom, next to the Slip Stream. 48. Chair by the Window Location: In the Sitting Room, examine either easy chair near the window. 49. Small Stone Statue Location: In the Grand Statue Room, examine any of the statues with a wierd symbol (Greek symbol?) at the bases. You MUST examine these before completing the Statue Puzzle. Level 7 (TLOGLV7) None of these Text Logs are in the Assasination-training segment. Note that some of these Logs need to be scanned before the power is restored, and other need to be scanned after the power is restored (Either Way means that it can be scanned either with the Power Off or On). Logs 2-4 are the weapons their respective scientists can pick up, so you need to scan them in ghost form first. 1. Unpowered Equipment [Power off] Location: At the Stairwell/Lift to the Generator room, examine any of the buttons that would operate the lift. 2. Hydra Beam Gun [Power on] Location: Enter the room with the scientist that, if you try to open it, he peeks out through the viewing slider. Dispossess and enter the Slip Stream, then examine the weapon on the wall just to the left of it. (This room will later be known as the Weapons Lab - Hydra Room.) 3. Imp Flamethrower [Power On] Location: Enter the room with the scientist that left his viewing slider partly open, via the Slip Stream. Examine the weapon on the wall. (This room will be known as the Weapons Lab - Imp Room.) 4. Tentacle Cannon [Power On] Location: Enter the room with the scientist that, if you try to open the door, he partly steps out and leaves the door ajar. Dispossess and go through him (aaah, the advantages of a ghost...) and examine the weapon on the wall. (This room will be known as the Weapons Lab - Tentacle Room.) 5. Body Parts [Power Off] Location: After completing the generator challenge in the Generator Room, ride the lift and examine the hazmat hood and oxygen tank lying in the place of where the co-worker was. 6. Large Metal Door [Power Off] Location: In the Long Corridor, head down the path (if you come from the stairs, go right) and examine the large door at the end. 7. Scientific Tool Array [Power Off] Location: In the Weapons Lab, examine the device in the middle with the four arms. (When the power's on, this is the possessible Object #4.) 8. Locked Double Doors [Power On] Location: In the Intersection (With Host Collectible #1), examine the doors next to the Conference Room sign. 9. Malfunctioning Equipment [Power On] Location: After going through the door to the Command Center from the Intersection, turn around and examine the eye-scanner next to the door. 10. Command Room Directions [Power On] (TLOGLV710) Location: In the Intersection, examine the sign next to the Locked (single) Door. 11. Conference Room Directions [Power On] Location: In the Intersection, examine the sign next to the Locked Double Doors. 12. Containment Room Directions [Power On] Location: When you first enter the Intersection, turn around and examine the sign. 13. Security Room Directions [Power On] Location: In the Intersection, examine the sign next to the door with the Slip Stream. 14. Ladder [Either Way] Location: In the Maintenance Room (just outside the Containment Room), examine the ladder in the corner. 15. Dead Soldier 1 [Either Way] Location: In the Containment Room, examine the body of the guard in front of the machine. (best to do this while still in ghost form, since the Engineer's too scared to enter.) 16. Dead Soldier 2 [Either Way] Location: In the Containment Room, examine the body of the guard in the middle of the floor. (Again, best done in ghost form.) 17. Stack of Paint Cans [Either Way] Location: In the Maintenance Room, examine the stack of paint cans on the top shelf. (You may need to dispossess and float a little to get it.) 18. Old Rusty Motor [Either Way] Location: In the Maintenance Room, examine the machine next to the shelves. 19. Stack of Boards [Either Way] Location: In the Maintenance Room, examine the pile of boards on the floor in front of the ladder. 20. Containment Room Trapdoor [Either Way] (TLOGLV720) Location: In the Long Corridor, if you go to the left from the stairs, you'll hit a familiar dead end. Look down and examine the door on the floor. 21. Weapons Lab Room Sign [Either Way] Location: In the Long Corridor, examine the sign on the door to your left if you're coming in from the stairs. 22. Weapons Lab Boxes [Either Way] Location: In the Weapons Lab, when you reach the bottom, examine the boxes in the corner near the stairs. 23. Password-Protected Computer [Power On] Location: In Any Weapons Lab rooms, examine the computer in the upper area that does not have a sticky note on it. In Weapons Lab - Imp, you can also examine the computer that the scientist is looking at in the bottom area. 24. Supply Cabinet [Either Way] Location: In the Weapons Lab, examine the cabinets next to the Weapons Lab - Imp door. (With the Exception of Log #27, the next five logs may be examined by other computers in the Weapons Lab and the Weapons Lab rooms. These list the first location that I found them.) 25. Sticky Note [Either Way] Location: In the Weapons Lab, face the pillar of blue ooze flanked by two desks. From there, examine the second computer on the left. 26. Sticky Note [Either Way] Location: In the Wapons lab, facing the ooze pillar, examine the second computer on the right. 27. Sticky Note [Power On] Location: In the Weapons Lab - Imp Room, examine the computer with the sticky note on it in the upper area. 28. Weapons Lab Computer [Power On] Location: In the Weapons Lab, facing the Ooze pillar, examine the computer to the left of the pillar. 29. Weapons Lab Computer [Power On] Location: In the Weapons Lab, facing the Ooze pillar, examine the computer on the right. 30. Weapons Lab Computer [Power On] (TLOGLV730) Location: In the Weapons Lab, facing the Ooze pillar, examine the computer on the far right. (This is the only location for this type of log.) 31. Lab Equipment [Either Way] Location: In the Weapons Lab, examine any of the computer-like boxes on the center table. They can also be found in the Weapons Lab Rooms, covered by a tarp on a table in the corner. 32. Microscope [Either Way] Location: In the Weapons Lab, examine the microscope on the center table. In the Weapons Lab rooms they can also be found covered in tarps. However, the one in the Weapons Lab - Hydra lower area, the microscope is, in fact, a possessable object and can not count. 33. Lab Manuals [Either Way] Location: In the Weapons Lab, look carefully on the center table to find and examine a white book. In the Weapons Lab Rooms, they're easily found by looking on the counter at the top area. 34. Power Room Sign [Either Way] Location: In the Long Corridor, coming from the stairs, examine the sign next to the door on your right. 35. Decontamination Vent [Power On] Location: After returning to the Decontamination Room from restoring the power, look up and scan the showerhead. 36. Hazmat Sign [Either way] Location: In the Decontamination Room, examine either sign flanking the door to the subway area. 37. Vent Shaft [Either Way] Location: In the Subway tunnel, while going through it, examine either the pipe on the right spewing green gas, or, at the hump, look up and examine the vent spewing green gas. 38. Map of the Subway [Either Way] Location: When you first enter the Subway tunnel, there is a platform with a ramp on one side. At the end of the platform is a torn map on a podium that you can examine. 39. Fuse Box [Either Way] Location: In the Stair/Lift area, at the bottom of the stairs, examine a box connected to the wires of the light in the ceiling and the broken light on the ground. If the power is on, it'd be the box that's sparking. 40. Lab Whiteboard [Power On] (TLOGLV740) Location: In any of the Weapons Lab Rooms, go to the bottom area and examine the board across from the tank. (The scientist in the Weapons Lab - Hydra Room is examining it.) 41. Empty Lab Tank [Power On] Location: In the Weapons Lab - Hydra Room, examine the bottom or middle area of the center tank. 42. Lab Tank with Hydra [Power On] Location: In the Weapons Lab - Imp Room, examine the bottom or middle area of the center tank. 43. Lab Tank with Tentacle Monster [Power On] Location: In the Weapons Lab - Tentacle Room, examine the bottom or middle area of the center tank. Level 8 (TLOGLV8) The text log items are split in two parts: The first part, up to log #16, are found in the first stage, up to when Rourke enters the elevator. The other half is found during the trek from the elevator to, and including, the roof. 1. Desk Location: In Rourke's Room, examine the desk with books on the wall. 2. Cage Location: In the Trainer's Room, examine either stack of cages by the door. 3. Wash Area Location: In the Trainer's Room, examine either of the hoses in the small alcove at the end of the room. 4. Shelf Location: In the Trainer's Room, examine the shelf next to the parrot, or the shelf behind Juliet's Cage. 5. Locker Location: In the Storage Room, examine the lockers in the far corner, near the stairs. Alternately, in the Trainer's Room, examine the lockers next to the cages. 6. Table Location: in the Trainer's Room, examine the table Juliet's cage rests on. 7. Shelf Location: In the Storage Room, examine either shelf in the fenced-in area. 8. Shelf Location: In the Storage Room, examine the shelves in the rat area. 9. Shelf Location: In area L2A (where you first meet the trainer in this level), dispossess and go through the chain-link fence, and examine either shelf. 10. Dog Food (TLOGLV810) Location: In the Storage Room, examine the pile of bags in the Rat Area. 11. Locker Location: In the Checkpoint Room, examine either set of lockers behind the counters. 12. Check-In Area Location: In the Checkpoint Room, examine the monitors on the counter without the guard behind it. 13. Check-In Area Location: In the Checkpoint Room, examine the monitors on the counter with the guard behind it. 14. Monitor Location: In the Checkpoint Room, examine the monitors above the counter without a guard. 15. Monitor Location: In the Checkpoint Room, examine the monitors above the counter with the guard. 16. Control Panel Location: When you're back in the Control room, examine any of the monitors. (At this point, the remaining logs are as Rourke in the second stage.) 17. Mysterious Armor Location: In the Armor Room, examine any of the suits of armor on the wall. 18. Trashcan Location: In the Armor Room, examine either trash can next to the benches near the door. 19. Lockers Location: In the Armor Room, examine the lockers to the right of the door when you first enter. 20. Armor Status Monitor (TLOGLV820) Location: In the Armor Room, examine the green monitors next to the Mysterious Armor. 21. Crashed Computer Location: In the Security Room, examine any of the computer monitors that have a blue screen on them. 22. Storage Containers Location: In either the Crane Room or the Shipping Room (first and third rooms after the Security Room, respectively), examine the black boxes sitting by themselves. Scanning the stack of black boxes does not count. 23. Security Screens Location: In the Security Room, examine the large monitors before all of them are shattered. 24. Office Chair Location: In the Security Room, examine the chairs in the middle area. 25. Log Files Location: In the Security Room, examine the manilla folders in the middle area. 26. Security Screens Location: In the Security Room, examine the computer monitors that have moving text on them. 27. Mysterious Oooze Location: In either the Crane Room or the Shipping Room, examine the pipes on the wall. 28. Overhead Crane Location: In the Crane Room, examine the large crane in the middle of the room. 29. Locked Screen Location: In the Body Storage Rooms (second and fourth rooms after the Security Room), look in the small alcoves and examine the computer monitor with the volks Logo on them. 30. Body Storage (TLOGLV830) Location: In the Body Storage Rooms, examine the machines that are moving the bodies. 31. Vehicle Lift Location: In the Garage, examine the raised lift that does not have the truck on it. 32. Volks Trucks Location: In the Garage, examine the truck on a raised lift. 33. Water Tower Location: On the Roof during the battle with Rourke/ghost demon, head to the corners of the upper area and examine the tower on either side. Level 9 (TLOGLV9) [Note: All four of these can be easily overlooked because it looks like part of the environment. What I first went though this level, I missed all four of them and had to go again to find three of them.] 1. Path Location: In the first ruined room after the Helipad, examine the doorway full of rubble. 2. Pot Location: In the Plaza (with the large suspension bridge), examine the pot between two pillars on the left. 3. Pot Location: In the Plaza, examine the upended pot resting next to the pile of rubble serving as a ramp. 4. Tipped-Over Bench (actual name?) Location: In the Plaza, just when you enter, look directly in front of you and a little to the left to find a bench on the ground. Scan it. V. Peculiarities (VERYODD) These are just some observations that, in my opinion, don't make sense... Anyone else finding something odd can E-mail me and state them. --Geist literally means "ghost" in German. --In Level 4, if you open the lighter-colored lockers in the Locker Room, you'll find a Samus Helmet in the upper shelf of one, and a GameCube console in another. --In Level 4, when you get to the hallway after the Laundry room, and did not get Anna's Doctor's uniform, if you dispossess and go to the hall with the broken sign, you'll see an arc of blood on the floor that later has a Dead Guard. --When Phantom leaves his room and into the Rat Hall, it shows the doors closing behind him but the area is as if it was in Phantom's view; whereas in a later level, when you help the Trainer find Juliet, it's in the view of a human host and not the rat's (which is roughly in shades of blue in a rat's view). --Considering how long trees take to grow, how did it get so big in the Dead Garden while the children where there? --It's unusual that the engineer you possess in Level 7 is afraid of the spider creatures in the Containment room, but not in the Subway tunnel. I mean, yeah, he has the rivet gun, but he should be afraid of them there as he was in the Containment room. --The Containment pod CPU in Level 7 is repaired, but the one Gigi destroyed is missing, even though both CPUs were broken in the same style. --Gigi's Bedroom has the windows broken, yet Alex's Bedroom and the Sitting room's windows are still whole, even though everything else that had a glass panel were also broken. --It never was explained as to what the blue ooze's purpose was. Was it to power the complex? --In the Dead Garden, you can go through the abandoned Swing Set and none of the other playground equipment. --In the Weapons Lab - Imp room, the scientist is looking at, or possible even using, a computer that, when examined, says that it's been unused for a while. --The Hydra's in the Weapons Lab - Imp Room and the empty tank's in the Weapons Lab - Hydra Room? That's the most peculiar one of all. --In Level 7's Security Room, you can shoot out all the monitors, but if you examine the ones at the different stations, they're still treated as if they weren't affected by the loss of the screen. (Referring to Logs 21 and 26.) --In Level 1, shooting at Juliao or any of your team members won't hurt them, yet bullets can go through them. --At the end of Level 1, Parker becomes possessed and lets out a groan to alert the others. While you're possessing someone (except in the catwalk room of Level 2) and they let out a scream, no one notices. (The scientists in the Catwalk room will approach your host if you possess in there.) --When Raimi's body and spirit are seperated in the cutscene after Level 1, Raimi's body goes limp, indicating unconciousness. However, when you get to repossess, then later, de-possess him, he remains standing. --(exact quote) "In some areas, characters can walk through closed doors. This does not happen always, but when somebody goes through a door, because of a script, and the door is in a certain state of opening or closing, he won't care if it's open or not." (Okay, so there was a little editing, but you know what I mean) VI. Credits (THANKIES) --DSUltimateForm for providing the Host/Ghost Collectibles --JonathanLeung for providing the possessable objects. --Kaotikflow328 for the Gate Sign. (and also for reminding me who found this and the two text log items following.) Also for finding the Pane of Glass and the Locked Door. --DocDragon for the Large Fan and the Coffee Mug. --Peter Reich for Level 5's Overhead Crane, Level 7's Decontamination Vent, and Level 9's Tipped Bench. Also for confirming that The missing log for Level 9 is NOT the back of Volks' chair. --Peter Seidel for some of the Peculiarities. Namely the word "Geist" itself, and the information after the Level 7 Security Room mention. VII. Added Note (BYTHEWAY) If I made any mistakes whatsoever in the FAQ please let me know. Thank you. (E-mail at with the Subject Geist Collectibles.)