_____ _ _ _ | ___| | | | | (_) | |__ __ __ ___ | | _ _ | |_ _ ___ _ __ | __| \ \ / / / _ \ | || | | || __|| | / _ \ | '_ \ | |___ \ V / | (_) || || |_| || |_ | || (_) || | | | \____/ \_/ \___/ |_| \__,_| \__||_| \___/ |_| |_| _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | ___ _ __ | | __| | ___ | |/\| | / _ \ | '__|| | / _` |/ __| \ /\ /| (_) || | | || (_| |\__ \ \/ \/ \___/ |_| |_| \__,_||___/ by me frog cskull@frogdesign.com FAQ/Walkthrough For GAMECUBE Rated E (Everyone) Created on: 12/12/03 Last updated on: 01/01/04 Version Final LEGAL INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |MAJOR NOTE: This FAQ will be hosted by ONLY GAMEFAQS.COM, IGN.COM, | |NEOSEEKER.COM, AND GAMENOTOVER.COM! NO! YOU CANNOT PUT THIS ON YOUR SITE! No| |matter how many times I say don't, WAY too many people take my FAQs without | |my permission. I have grown to trust only these four sites, who haven't | |actually stolen any type of work from people. Even if you want my FAQ, sorry| |but thanks to some certain sites, only these four are allowed to host it. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note that if you DO steal my FAQs, you will regret it. Seriously regret it. Stealing someone's work without asking is something that FAQ writers get really pissed off at. Stealing someone's work and crediting someone else for it is PLAGIARISM! That is a SERIOUS viloation and I assure you, you'll pay dearly if you plagerize any of my work. VERSION HISTORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 01/01/2004- Final The full, complete version of this FAQ. 12/17/03- .5 I got the Blaze Ruins done, along with Linear's skills and weapons. 12/12/03- .3 A new guide begins! Got everything up to Blaze Ruins done, and got the first ten levels of the Tower of Despair complete, as well as the basic chapters. By the end of the week, I should have a bunch more stuff added. ===================--------------------====================-------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Table of Contents %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------==================== (01) Introduction (02) Characters (03) Game basics (04) Controls (05) Walkthrough (06) Tower of Despair (07) Equipment (08) Items (09) Cyframe skills and weapons (10) Contact (11) Credits ===================--------------------====================-------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Introduction %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------==================== Hello, me frog here. I was bored, so I decided to do a nice FAQ/Walkthrough for Evolution Worlds. This guide will cover EVERYTHING in the game (yes, every last thing). From the skills you can learn, to the items, to getting through, to basics. Evoulution was a popular series for the Dreamcast, containing Evolution 1 and 2. This game is basically those two games combined. Evolution Worlds contains a quarter of Evolution 1 and all of Evolution 2. Before I get down to the next section, I'd like to explain the headers: ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% CHAPTER/NEW SECTION %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== This means that there is a new chpater/section listed. No chapter/section header will be in all caps, and I am not numbering the chapters. Why? Because as I add more and more chapters to this guide (and that will happen), I'll have to be constantly changing chapter numbers. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | DUNGEON HEADER | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This marks a new dungeon. You'll see one for each dungeon. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> NEW FLOOR <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< This marks new floors. I will describe each floor separtely, so you'll know you're on another floor when you see this. =-=-=-=-=-= BOSS HEADER -=-=-=-=-=- These will be found throughout the game as boss headers. You will see the name of the boss in place of "Boss Header" ~~~~~~~~~~ SUB HEADER ~~~~~~~~~~ These can be found everywhere, and can be used for very different purposes. --------------------------- Sub-sub header/Enemy header --------------------------- You'll rarely see these, but they are a sub header inside a sub header. You can also see them for enemies. That's it for the headers. Also, sometimes I'll simply list things in CAPS. That can be some crucial information for you, but it isn't as important as most of the other things. You'll mainly find them after I list new dungeons, where I list the special items you gain. Okay, now that you are all farmiliar with the headers, it's time to move on to the next section! ===================--------------------====================-------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Characters %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------==================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mag Launcher ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our hero here. Mag Launcher is a descendant of the famous Launcher family, who contains special talents as an adventurer. His father was a great adventurer, and his blood runs in Mag's veins. Mag has a positive additude almost all the time, and he'll never give up on something. Mag is the main character, so he'll never leave your party. He has a powerfl Cyframe that deals a lot of damage to enemies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Linear Cannon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Linear showed up at the Launcher mansion three years ago, holding a letter from Mag's father. "Mag, please look after Linear until I return." That's what the letter said. Linear is extrememly shy, and when she talks, it's only to Mag or Yurka. Linear will never leave your party also, unless something happens to her (which occurs twice during the game). She specializes in healing powers, and can restore HP or revive characters during battle. ~~~~~~~~ Gre Nade ~~~~~~~~ Gre is the humble servant of the Launcher family, and serves Mag. He always trys to encourage Mag, and works hard at making him a great adventurer like his father. Gre is not a permanent member in your party; you must ask him to join you but even then, you can switch him out. He is able to boost Mag's parameters, and lower enemies'. He can also heal a bit, something that proves to be very useful. If you bring Gre along on your adventures, you won't lose any money when you complete assignments. ___If you bring Gre along on your adventures, you won't lose any prize money when you complete assignments___ ~~~~~~~~~ Chain Gun ~~~~~~~~~ Chain Gun comes from the Gun family, who rivals against the Launcher family. Although she can be mistaken for a boy for her short and violent temper, she is a girl (obviously). Chain has admired Mag for ages, although she refuses to show it. Chain does not instantly join your party; you have to ask her to accompany you during assignments. She also carries a Cyframe, and specializes in attacking multiple enemies at once. ___If you bring Chain along, you'll lose a small portion of the prize money___ ~~~~~~~~~~ Pepper Box ~~~~~~~~~~ Pepper is new to Pannam town, but she meets Mag almost as soon as she arrives. She is, as the game describes her, a "foxy babe" that is very attractive. Pepper joins you early on, and you'll have to ask for her help before she can fight with you. She also uses a Cyframe, and later in the game, she gets the ablity to heal party members, something useful when Linear isn't around. ___Bringing Pepper along causes you to lose a bit of of your prize money, more money than you'd lose with Chain___ ~~~~~~~ Carcano ~~~~~~~ You meet Carcano about a quarter through the game, as your enemy. He is a bandit in Museville who always tries to steal rare artifacts from the society. Carcano doesn't actually join you until VERY late in the game, so you'll only get to use him once or twice. Still, he is a great member that should not be ignored once he does join you. He proves to be very useful in helping Mag later in the game. Without him, Mag could've never completed a specific task. ___Bring Carcano along with you, and you'll lose quite a bit of your prize money___ ~~~~~ Yurka ~~~~~ Who is Yurka? No one knows for sure. He is a mysterious character who seems to have an interest in Linear, and knows more about her than Linear does herself! He doesn't really take sides; he's somewhere in between. Yurka appears about halfway through the game, and he'll talk only to Linear. Mag doesn't actually meet him until later in the game. Yurka will never join your party; he's just one of those main characters that the game can't get along without. ~~~~~~ Eugene ~~~~~~ Eugene is the prince of the 8th Imperial Army, and has been searching for Evolutia, the legendary Cyframe, for years. He invades Mag's house and kidnaps Linear, and that's where you have to go and defeat him. Eugene is an evil man who wants nothing but power and Evolutia so he can rule the world. ~~~~ Nina ~~~~ Nina is Mag's friend, who gives him assignments early in the game and helps Mag understand things a little better later in the game. She admires Gre for his bravery, and always talks about him to Mag. Nina will never join your party; she is one of those sub characters that every game has. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Professor Whitehead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Professor Whitehead gives you assingments in the second part of the game. He seems to be wanting something for Yurka, but what does he want? Even HE doesn't know what the things Mag fetch really do. Whitehead is pretty nice to Mag, although he doubts his abilities early in the game. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Game basics %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== ~~~~~~~~~ The Story ~~~~~~~~~ You are Mag Launcher, a descendant from the famous Launcher family, who are known to be famous adventurers. Like all other adventurers, Mag is out to seek Evolutia, like his parents were before they disappeared on an adventure. One day, three years ago, Mag opened his door to find a young girl, named Linear. In her hand, she held a letter from Mag's father. "Mag, protect this girl Linear." was all that it said. Now Linear comes to help Mag on his quest for Evolutia, until they run into the 8th Imperial Army, which reveals a secret that holds the power of changing the world. Mag defeated the army and set off to Museville for bigger adventures... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Assignments ~~~~~~~~~~~ The Society in each town hires adventurers to seek out hidden treasure, or "appraisal items" that are located in ruins. Here, you can accept assingments, which is done automatically. In the Museville Society, you can also sell and fuse Appraisal items. Appraisal items sell for big bucks, but some can be combined and sell for more money. Talk to the person on the left side in Museville (Keeno) who is located inside the Society for Appraisal item info. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Imporant places in Pannam Town and Museville ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are many different places in Pannam Town and Museville that become important to your success. Pannam Town is small, and doesn't contain some of the things that Museville has. In fact, Pannam Town has only two important areas, while Museville has five. ---------------- Adventurer's Hut ---------------- Located in Pannam Town and in Museville This is where you'll find equipment and weapons for your characters. In Pannam Town, it also sells items since there is no item shop located somewhere. You are also able to sell things here, though they don't normally sell things for a high price. You'll be going here a lot, since it has many important things. If your defense is low, you can buy an item here with a high defense rating, and sell your spare equipment, for example. --------- Item Shop --------- Located in Museville In Museville, the Adventurers's Hut doesn't sell items. Instead, you'll go to the item shop for items. The Item Shop has a very nice select of items for a cheap amount of dinale, like Naolin+ and Naolin Gold and Herbs. It also has everything the Adventurer's Hut in Pannam Town did. ------------ Cyframe Shop ------------ Located in Pannam Town and in Museville This is, without a doubt, the most important place in the game out of all the others listed here. You can upgrade your cyframes for Mag, Chain, Pepper, and Carcano here. You'll be saving your money basically for this, since you can make your cyframes more powerful here. Powerful cyframes mean powerful attacks, you see? ----------- Fruit Stand ----------- Located in Museville A little boy named Ricardo sells rare fruit here. It may not be of any great use, but some of the stuff can be useful for you, especially when the amount of HP and FP you have increases. He doesn't have the same types of fruit every time, so check after each dungeon to see if he has something different. ------------ Lottery Shop ------------ Located in Museville The lottery shop is a neat little place where you can get rare items and certain things that cannot be found anywhere else. You must use Prehistoric Coins that you gain from dungeons to participate in the Lottery. You must have five Prehistoric Coins to buy on of three tickets: Red, Blue, or Yellow. Once you buy a ticket, this is how you can check to see if you've won: save your game and reload it. Check back with the lottery girl and you'll be able to know what ticket was the winner. If you don't win, you'll still recieve a nice item. If you win, you'll get one of thiese prizes: NOTE: The prizes listed here are in the order that you get them. Luck Booster SP Ultralight Frying Pan Pure Gold Mask Evasion Booster SP Maid Uniform Source of Defense Inner Suit Pupularity Pendant Modern Gun Once you win all nine items, you won't be able to buy anymore lottery tickets, making you either drop your Prehistoric Coins or selling them at the shop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dungeon Information: Traps, interfererences, and items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are four things that make up a dungeon: Traps, "interferences", items, and monsters. The monsters will be covered later, but for now I'll list everything else. Note that you can use a special item called the Trap Search, which uncovers all traps on the floor so you can see what trap you're about to step on. It makes traps easier to avoid also. NOTE: There are two types of dungeons. The first type can be found in the first two dungeons and in the Tower of Despair. Each time you enter the dungeon, the layout of the area changes, causing you to explore differently. The second type has a set layout, and it's the same each time. The items are in the same locations, the exit is the same, the enemies, etc. ----- Traps ----- You can tell where a trap is located in an area because the ground will be a different color. Not a completely different color, but you should notice. Still, it's wise to travel on the sides of walls, since traps are always located in the middle. If you travel on the sides of hallways, you'll always avoid traps. There are nine different traps in this game, each located in each dungeon: ~~~ALARM~~~ Step on an alarm trap (looks like a red and yellow target) and all enemies near you will suddenly be aware of your prescense and come toward you. This can be annoying, since some enemies can suddenly come from behind, therefore surprising you. Be ready for enemies coming near you, so look at your map and turn to face the red marks. ~~~ENEMY APPEARANCE/ENEMY LEVEL UP~~~ When you step on this type of trap (it looks like a Target logo), two different things can occur. The more rare occurance is an enemy appearing right on top of you. The enemy will usually surprise you, since it doesn't spawn instantly so you'll be moving away from the track. You'll simply have to fight the enemy. The other trap instantly makes all enemies on the floor you're on gain one level. This can be a good thing if you're looking for experience, and a bad thing if your characters are in bad condition. ~~~GAS~~~ Gas traps look like a gold circle with seven holes in it. Step on these and special gas will hit your characters. This gas causes random status ailments. The three things that gas can do you: paralyze, put you to sleep, or blind you. If you are put to sleep, rapidly press A to wake up. If you are paralyzed, you simply have to walk it off. When you're paralyzed, you are unable to run or jump. If you are blinded, then the whole screen will darken and you won't be able to see anything (even your map) for a few seconds. If you are attacked by an enemy during this time, the effects that the gass caused will carry over to the battle. ~~~LAND MINE~~~ This looks like a red circle with yellow rectangles sticking out of it. If you step on a land mine, it'll explode and cause damage to all three of your characters. It should be avoided at all costs. This is a special type of trap that will reset itself after you step over it. That means that if you step over the area again, you'll be hurt once more. If you accidentaly step on one, continue forward. ~~~LASER~~~ This is another dangerous trap that damages your party. The laser looks like a bunch of blue squares, and will shoot a beam out of the ground and hit your characters. Like the Land Mine, it'll reset itself after it goes off, making it very frustrating. ~~~RESTORE FP~~~ This is a good trap. If you step on it, it'll restore all of your party's FP, allowing you to use powerful skills again. These are very rare, but don't hesitate to use them unless you have very high FP. If you do, save it for later. This trap has a big green circle, then four smaller green circles. ~~~RESTORE HP~~~ This is a good trap also. It'll restore all HP, so if your characters are weak, you'll be able to continue on again. Very nice. Don't use this if you have high HP. Restore HP traps have a big yellow circle, then four smaller yellow circles. ~~~RESTORE HP & FP~~~ This is the best trap there is. It'll restore everything, making seem like when you first entered the dungeon. It has a big blue circle, then two small yellow circles and two small green circles. ~~~SPIKES~~~ Spikes don't look like a discolored spot on the floor. Instead, look closely and you'll notice little silver points in the ground. Step over these and spikes will be instantly activated, harming your party. Once you step over them, they'll go up and down regularly for the rest of the time that you're on that floor. There are spikes in hallways too, sticking out of walls. To avoid these spikes, walk on the opposite side of the hallway that the spikes are sticking out of. ------------- Interferences ------------- Interferences are not nessicarily a bad thing. Most things can be helpful, others are just there to get in your way (though you can quickly get rid of them), and some can really piss you off. ~~~CRATES~~~ Wooden crates are found everywhere in dungeons, from the very first one to the final dungeon. If you see one, switch to Mag and press A. You'll destroy a crate by doing so. Most of the time, crates contain some nice items. There are rare occasions where an enemy will pop out, though. ~~~PILLARS~~~ Pillars are like crates, since they can contain items. Again, make Mag the leader and press A to destroy a pillar. Not all pillars look the same. In soome dungeons, they are big stones. In others, they are simply tall rectangles. Enemies also hide in pillars. ~~~SAVE POINTS~~~ Before a boss in each dungeon, you'll find a save point. These are blue, glowing circles on the ground. Step into one and you'll be asked if you want to save. Say yes and you can save your game. In some dungeons, save points are located in multiple areas of the dungeon, but that only happens in two different dungeons. You can also save when you hit the top of a floor, but you'll automatically quit once you do. ~~~ESCAPE POINTS~~~ An escape point looks like a save point, except it is green. Step into one and you'll be able to retreat to a town. Don't worry about having to do the whole dungeon over again; once you reach the top of a dungeon, you can re-enter any of the floors you've been to. ~~~DOORS~~~ There are two types of doors: light red and dark red. A light red door can be opened simply by pressing A. You'll find these in a lot of different places, and they are just there to get in your way if you're running from an enemy or something. A dark red door requires you to activate a floor switch or find a key somewhere else in the dungeon. Also, some red doors will open only if you defeat every enemy in the room. ~~~FLOOR SWITCHES~~~ Floor switches are on the ground and they look like a green circle. Step on one to open up a nearby door that was locked prviously. You must press B to jump on a floor switch, or the door won't open. ~~~TRAPPED ROOMS~~~ These rooms are special areas in dungeons. If you enter these rooms, a door will automatically lock you in and you'll be forced to defeat all the enemies inside before you can exit again. Only enter these rooms if there is a special item inside that you want, or if you want the experience. ~~~SECRET ROOMS~~~ Secret rooms are, well, secret. Therefore they will not show up on the map, even if you get a map of the dungeon. I'll tell you where you can find secret rooms in each level, but there is also a special item you can get in the game that makes your controller rumble whenever you get near a secret area. Sorta like the Stone of Agony in Orcarina of Time. If you are near a secret room, press A to open it. Secret rooms usually contain appraisal items or Prehistoric Coins. ~~~HOLES~~~ Holes can be good and bad. They look like a little dirt mound with a black circle making up most of it. If you fall down these holes, you'll end up in a different area on a lower floor of the dungeon. Some holes will just make you fall down to a regular room in on a lower floor, and you'll have to make your way back up again. Other holes will drop you down to areas that you couldn't reach anywhere else. These areas usually contain maps, Appraisal items, or rare items. ----- Items ----- There are five types of items: regular items, Appraisial items, Prehistoric Coins, maps, and upgrade items. ~~~REGULAR ITEMS~~~ Regular items can be found almost anywhere, as long as it's in a chest, pillar, or wooden crate. You'll see those quite often. Regular items are things such as Naolin, Somnol, or Line Up Whistle. You find regular items in almost every big room in a dungeon, and even some in hallways. ~~~APPRAISIAL ITEMS~~~ There are exactly 200 different Appraisial items in the game, and they sell for high dinale. You won't find any Appraisial items until you reach Museville, but you'll start to get a lot there. You can find Appraisial items in both the Tower of Despair and in the regular dungeons. In the Tower of Despair, the Appraisial items you get each time through is random, so you'll have to go through the tower a few times before you can get all of the items. The items you get in the dungeons are always the same. You can talk to Keeno the reasercher, who will buy your appraisial items. Some Appraisial items can be combined by Keeno to form rare items, which sell for even more. Always check to see if something can be conbined before selling it. ~~~PREHISTORIC COINS~~~ Prehistoric coins are unlike regular items because you'll just find them on the ground instead of them being in chests, pillars, etc. You can just run into them to pick them up. If you bring five Prehistoric Coins to the Lottery Shop in Museville, you'll be able to buy a lottery ticket. You can also get Prehistoric Coins from battles, too. ~~~MAPS~~~ Maps are special items that are only useful for one dungeon. You'll get a map for each of the dungeons in Museville, and they can be very helpful since they can tell you where things are. I'll tell you how to get the map in each of my guides for a dungeon. You'll always want to pick it up; it'll help you keep your sense of direction. ~~~UPGRADE ITEMS~~~ Upgrade items consist of an Upgrade Kit or Cyframe Parts. They can be found in chests, and they are both extremely useful. An Upgrade Kit adds an extra slot to the Cyframe users, but to only one user so choose wisely. Parts are different types of things you can add to your Cyframe to learn new moves. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monsters, experience, and TP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Without monsters, you don't have an RPG. Simple, isn't it. There are many different types of enemies here, and they are all different. Each type of monster has their own set of moves, and they never add anything to that set or take away anything from that set. You'll see monsters wandering around in dungeons. If you touch them, you'll enter a battle. Touching a monster from behind it is sneaking up on a monster. If you do that, you'll get a couple of extra hits at the beginning of the battle. If you touch a monster's side or front, you won't get any extra hits. If a monsters sneaks up on you, THEY'LL get the first couple of his in battle, which is never good. When a monster spots you, an "!" mark will appear over its head. It'll charge toward you, which means that it is aware of your prescence. It becomes very hard to sneak up on it now. You can try to outrun the monster, but it'll follow you for a bit before it finally stops chasing you. When you're fighting multiple monsters, you'll want to make sure a character that can heal is in your party. It's very important to have one that can heal, since usually all of the monsters will hit you before your party gets the chance to attack again. Chain is a great character for taking out multiple enemies, since his attacks are based solely on that. Bring him along whenever you're entering a dungeon with lots of enemies. The max amount of monsters you can be fighting at once is four. Each time you win a battle, you'll gain EXP. Of course, any true RPG fan knows about EXP. If you get enough EXP, you'll level up. Leveling up raises all of your parameters, making your characters stronger. For the first two dungeons and for the Tower of Despair, the levels of monsters varies depending on what level Mag is. For the regular Museville dungeons and for Eugene's ship, the levels of the monsters are always the same, so you'll have an advantage over them if you're a higher level. The number of EXP you gain after the battle depends on: -the level of the monsters you're fighting -how many monsters you are fighting -whether you're in the Tower of Despair or not -whether the monster is a boss or not If you're in the Tower of Despair, you'll get almost NO experience, since the ToW is basically for TP. You'll gain more experience if you're fighting multiple monsters. If the levels of the monsters you're fighting are lower than your party's level, than you won't get as much experience as you would if you were fighting an enemy with a higher level than yours. TP is probable one of the most important aspects of the game. Like experience points, you gain TP after each battle, and like experience points, it depends on how many enemies your fighting, their levels, etc. However, in the Tower of Despair, you gain more TP than usual, and don't gain that much experience. You use TP to learn new skills, which I'll explain later. If you save TP, you can learn powerful skills. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skills and Talents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Skills and Talents are things that help you through the game tremendously. Without them, you wouldn't make it past the fourth dungeon. Each part of your character's Cyframes (excluding Gre and Linear, who have all of their parts from the beginning) has about six or seven skills you can learn. You only know one at first, and the one after that will be in grey writing. It'll tell you how much TP it costs to master the skill. If you get the required about of TP, you can learn that skill and use it in battle. Then the next skill will be revealed, and you'll be told how much TP it costs to learn it. The more skills you learn, the higher the amount of TP each skill costs. Learn to use skills well in battle. Talents are something different. They require no TP, and they power up the more you use them. You can only use talents once every few battles, and they are extremely useful. For example, if you use Gre's Concentrate talent, you can boost Gre's max HP a few points for one battle. If you use it a lot, it'll level up and you'll be able to boost his HP even more in a single battle. ~~~~~~~~~ HP and FP ~~~~~~~~~ HP is pretty much common in every single video game, although it is shown in different ways. HP is basically your life, your hit points. As long as you have at least one hit point left, you can continue fighting. When your HP hits zero, you'll be knocked out and will be unable to fight unless another character revives you with and item or skill. If all characters have zero hit points, the game ends and you'll have some money added to your debt. There are some moves and skills that can heal HP, which you should use whenever your character's HP gets low. If they start to kneel, that means that they are in critical condition, and should be healed instantly. FP is something different. You use FP to use skills. Each skill costs a certain amount of FP. The more powerful the skill is, the more FP it costs. Each time you do a regular attack, you'll gain a small amount of FP back. There are no FP restoring skills, but there are FP restoring talents and FP restoring items. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cyframe parts and slots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For Mag, Chain, Pepper, and Carcano, you'll need to have powerful Cyframes to be able to attack. You can get different parts in dungeons and in the Tower of Despair, and you can also get Upgrade Kits. Equipping new parts is easy. Just go to the Equip option in the pause menu, and select your character's Cyframe. Highlight a slot and select the parts that you want to add or replace. Some parts cannot be used by a certain character. For example, Mag cannot use Wind Parts for his Cyframe. Sometimes, you'll want to keep the parts that you already have, but you'll also want to add a new part. As long as you have additional slots, then you'll be able to add new parts. But what if you don't have additional slots? You can find Upgrade Kits in dungeons/the Tower of Despair, and those allow you to add new slots to your Cyframe. You can't just do it on the spot, though. There is a Cyframe shop in each town, and it is probably one of the most important places in the game. If you go there, then you can pay some dinale to add a slot to your Cyframe. Remember, you must have an Upgrade Kit to be able to add a slot. You can also level up parts at the Cyframe shop. Leveling up parts allows your Cyframe to grow more powerful. All Cyframe parts start at level one, and that won't get you very far in the game. Save all your dinale for level ups. You can level up each part to a max level of six. Level up Cyframe parts costs money. At first, it won't cost that much money. But the higher the level of your Cyframe grows, the more money it'll cost. Be sure not to spend all of your dinale on useless things, and sell anything you can afford to lose. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Battle positions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Positioning your characters in battle is a very important thing, mainly because it affects their attack, their defense, their speed, and their critical hit chances. Before I show you the chart, keep in mind that any projectile weapon (like Gre's rifle), does the same amount of damage from anywhere, so keep people like Gre in the back at all times. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Position | Attack power | Defensive strength | Extra speed | Critical hits | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front | High | Low | High | Average | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Middle | Average | Average | Average | Low | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back | Low | High | Low | None | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I suggest placing Linear in the back, and Mag in the front. People who deal high damage should be in the front, while people who heal status effects or HP should be in the back, as well as missle users. I never place anyone in the middle. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Walkthrough %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== This is the main point of the guide. I'll tell you how to get thorugh everything here, save for the Tower of Despair, which I'll explain in a later chapter. Before I begin, let me tell you how I'll lay out the Museville dungeons. Since Museville is the only area with dungeons that aren't random, I can provide a map, a list of items, the traps, and everything else here. Let's say this is floor one of a Museville dungeon: NOTE: This is not a real floor. It's just made up to be used as an example. --------- | 4 | | | ----------------------- --- --- | | | | | | | ------- | | 3 2 | ---- | | | -------- ----------------- | | | | | 1 | | | You should notice the numbers in each room. If you want in-depth information on that room, then scroll down until you find that number. For example, if you want info on room one or room two: ~~~~~~~~ Room One ~~~~~~~~ I'll list information to get through an area here. Since hallways are usually empty, this has nothing. ~~~~~~~~ Room Two ~~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- I'll describe where the items are and what they are here. ----- Traps ----- Here, I'll list what traps you will find in the ro om. ------- Enemies ------- I'll list the locations of enemies, what enemies they are, and what direction they're facing here. ----- Guide ----- To get to room three, head to the left when you enter the room. And that's it, basically, except that I'll have guides for rooms three and four also. The room with the E is also the exit. I'll have the rooms numbered in the order that I want you to go to them in. The room with the E should always be the last room, since it is EXTREMELY important to visit all rooms before the final room. If you're in a hurry, you can just use the map to head to the final room. Okay, now let's start the guide! +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | The Tutorial | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You'll instantly start out in a battle. You'll have Mag and Linear fighting. This battle is basically a tutorial, and therefore should be no trouble whatsoever. When you complete the battle you'll see Mag and Linear talking. Mag will comment on how that was a piece of cake. Mag will comment on how the treasure must be nearby and they'll run up to some strange wall. Mag will comment on how the wall has to be a trap and Mag will step on a strange switch. A laser will appear and hit the wall. Everything will start to shake and Mag will start to run but Linear will remain behind. Mag will grab her and they'll flee. They'll be talking and something will suddenly jump over Mag. They'll notice that there is a mural and Mag will determine that the treasure is on top of the picture. Chain will appear and will taunt Mag and Linear. They'll talk about the treasure, and how Mag's Cyframe could've never made it up to the top. Chain will continue to taunt Mag and talk about how he saw Mag and Linear running. They'll continue to talk and insult and all that crap. Mag will seriously dis Chain and Chain will comment on how they should be HELPING each other. He'll depart. Mag and Linear will be running to the mansion and Mag will comment on how he can picture Gre's face. They'll enter and Gre will give Mag a lecture. Watch the rest of the conversation. Cut to the Society where "Foxy Babe" :) will be talking to the recepsionist. She'll talk to Mag a little and introduce herself as Pepper Box. She'll tell Mag to talk to her if he ever needs help. Mag and Linear will talk to Nina and you'll get your first assignment. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Getting prepared at town | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You now take control of Mag for the first time. Choose who you want this time. There is no specific person you'll want. I always bring Gre, but it's your choice. Gre is in the mansion, Pepper is near the saloon, and Chain resides near the bus. You can walk around town if you wish, but there is no real big things that are there. Don't buy anything, since you can get everything at the first dungeon for free. When you're ready, go to the Sea Otter Seaplane near the mansion and depart! +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Blaze Relics | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ---Floors: 6--- ---Reward: Santa Maria--- ---Dinale: 1500--- ---Dungeon type: Random--- ~~~~~~~ ENEMIES ~~~~~~~ ------- Big Ben ------- Level: Vaires ~~~Moves~~~ Attack move: Bite Poison move: Poison Bite -------- Claymore -------- Level: Vaires ~~~Moves~~~ Poison move: Poison Web Sticky Web: Paralyze ------------- Redback Widow ------------- Level: Varies ~~~Moves~~~ Paralyze move: Paralysis Web Push move: Knock Back Web -------------- Popo Tribesman -------------- Level: Varies ~~~Moves~~~ Attack move: Shield Bash Poison move: Poison Dart ~~~~~ Guide ~~~~~ There are only four types of enemies here, and they are all easy. This is a very simple dungeon, containing only six floors. The dungeon is randomly generated so I can't give you an exact guide on how to get through it. Remember to look at your map so you can figure out how many rooms you haven't been in. Search every nook and cranny here for treasure and fight every enemy you see. You need the experience. A good tactic would be to sneak up behind some enemies before they notice you and you'll be able to go a couple of extra turns at the start of the battle. Also remember to smash crates. Most of them have some items that might be useful to you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: MANDASKUS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level: 10 ~~~Moves~~~ Push all move: Dash Attack all move: Earthquake Attack move: Squash Woah this guy is messed up. Okay, even though he looks like a huge dinosaur, he doesn't have that much higher defense than the others in the dungeon. It is still higher, so your attacks aren't going to do as much damage. Use your Crash Hammer with Mag and just use Linear to heal HP. Remember, you'll probably have TONS of Naolins and Naolin+ items, so use them too. Remember to attack with Linear after each time you heal. Otherwise, she'll run out of FP and you'll have to stick to items. If you are using Gre, use Mag Only the first turn to power up Mag. Then use Store Up from there on. If you have Chain or Pepper, use their Cyfame to attack Mandaskus. Although they deal some pretty nice damage, Mag deals the most damage out of all of them. None of your characters should faint here as long as you keep Linear active by using her healing spells. Remember to watch your FP, too, so that you don't suddenly run out. All characters should level up once you defeat Mandaskus. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Back to Town | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Talk to Nina and collect your prize money. When you have control of Mag, head back to the Launcher mansion and be prepared for a LONG cut-scene. You'll learn more about Linear and then you'll go to bed. The next cut-scene will have Mag getting out of bed. Gre will mention the 8th Imperial Army and Mag and Linear will go out to meet Eugene, the prince of the 8th Imperial Army. You'll learn more about Evolutia. Mag will eventually beat it and Eugene will ask for Linear 0_0 Anyway, Mag will head back and you'll see Eugene talking to a Lieutenant about Cyframe emissions. You'll now see Mag, Linear, and Gre again. They'll talk about Linear and then there will be a cut back to Eugene. The operator will comment on how a massive energy reaction just occured. Eugene will appear by Linear, holding a bunch of flowers. He'll scare Linear and Mag will appear. Linear, Mag, and Eugene will all talk and Eugene will figure something out. He'll leave and order the Lieutenant to kidnap Linear. Now you'll see Mag and Linear again, and the cut-scene will finally end. Go and get your next assignment from the society. When you're ready, depart for the ruins. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Heaven Relics | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Bring Gre along here; you'll need his skills ---Floors: 11--- ---Rewards: Santa Maria--- ---Dinale: 2500--- ---Dungeon type: Random--- ~~~~~~~ ENEMIES ~~~~~~~ -------- Aysheaia -------- Level: Varies ~~~moves~~~ HP absorb move: French Kiss Push forward move: Suck in -------- Bacterio -------- Level: Varies ~~~moves~~~ Attack move: Head Butt Attack all move: Gas ------ Gambus ------ Level: Varies ~~~moves~~~ Attack move: Gnaw Attack move: Tail Slap --------- Peripatus --------- Level: Varies ~~~moves~~~ Attack move: Strange Light FP absorb move: Steady Kiss -------------- Popo Tribesman -------------- Level: Varies ~~~moves~~~ Attack move: Shield Bash Poison move: Poison Dart ---------- Protocalus ---------- Level: Varies ~~~moves~~~ Sleep move: Sleep Needle Poison move: Poison Needle ------------- Redback Widow ------------- Level: Varies ~~~moves~~~ Push move: Knock Back Web Paralyze move: Paralysis Web --------------- Rhamphorhynchus --------------- Level: Vaires ~~~moves~~~ Two ally move: Vacuum Cut Stats lower move (Luck and Evasion): Droppings ~~~~~ Guide ~~~~~ You REALLY need to focus on defeating enemies here. The boss battle will be pretty difficult if you don't level up, and there are tons of enemies here for you to fight, so don't worry. Also make sure you take every item out of chests here. Those Cyframe parts are important, since you'll need powerful Cyframe attacks in later battles. Stick with using Linear to heal, and save all of your Naolins. You'll need them a lot in the next battle. Since the dungeon has eleven floors and they are big, make sure to double-check before you go up the stairs. It might be tedious, but you need every healing item and Cyframe kit you can get. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Rafrecian =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level: 16 ~~~Moves~~~ Attack move: Feast Attack all move: Tentacle Paralyze all move: Paralysis Pollen Blind move: Remove Potion Heal move: Recovery Push forward move: Suck In Make sure you've been saving those Moibls here. Rafrecian loves to paralyze, which is extremely frustrating. By now, Linear should have the "Welcome Home" skill, which revives characters. Use that whenever needed. Gre should also have "Get a Grip!" which raises attack. That can be useful so use it on all characters. Use your most powerful hammer moves with Mag, and don't think about FP. Since you should have a couple of items that heal FP, there shouldn't be any need to worry. The Rafrefcian's Recovery move heals it's HP by about 125 to 150 HP, which can extend the length of the battle. As long as your moves are pretty powerful, the recovery move shouldn't give you any trouble. Make sure that Linear is also able to cure Blind. Remove Potion can be very frustrating, since your characters can miss a lot. Basically, just attack with Mag, power status up with Gre, and heal with Linear. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Back at town | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Return to the Launcher mansion to find out that that bastard Eugene has taken Gre hostage. Mag and Eugene will talk a little and then Mag and Lniear will flee. They'll run to the Sea Otter and then the whole army will appear. Mag will try to fight them all on his own (umm... yeah, smart...) He'll actually do pretty well until a stray bullet will hit him and nearly knock him and Linear out. Mag will look at Eugene for a moment, then he and Linear will faint. When Mag wakes up, he'll learn from Gre that Linear is gone. They'll talk a little more and Mag will get ready to leave for the Kronprinz 1. Pepper and Chain will appear, and they'll offer to come along. Gre will offer to come, also. Now ready yourself with many Naolins. Once you're totally ready, board the seaplane. REMEMBER THAT ONCE YOU LEAVE, YOU'LL NEVER SEE PANNAM TOWN AGAIN! You'll be off to a better place with cooler crap. So say goodbye to your little town. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Kronprinz 1 | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ 8th Imperial Army Ship SPOILERS! You'll see a cut to Eugene talking to Linear. You'll then find out that Liner is Evolutia herself. Linear will be scared to death at finding this out and then you'll see a cut-scene of Gre's excellent flying abilities dodging tons of cannon fire. You'll crash land onto the Kronprinz 1 and everyone will make it out safely. Mag will come and survey the area END SPOILERS Mag will comment on how they might've overdid it, and Gre will suggest that some people should stay behind due to some soldiers approaching the Sea Otter. You'll then get the chance to choose who you want to go with. The choice isn't permanent. You can come back and switch anytime. Also, you can heal ALL HP and FP here, so come back whenever you feel a little worn down. Now get ready to fight the 8th Imperial Army! This dungeon, unlike the past two, is not randomly generated. Instead, it remains the same every time, so I'll be doing a better guide on how to get through this dungeon than the past two. ---REMEMBER--- Your cargo has all the items you have. Don't forget to gather up on those Naolins you've been saving. Although you can heal at the Sea Otter, you might need the Naolins during battle. ~~~~~~~ ENEMIES ~~~~~~~ ------------ Bomb Soldier ------------ Level: 16 ~~~Moves~~~ Attack move: Grenade Bomb move: Rollin' Bomb ---------------------- Heavy Firearms Soldier ---------------------- Level: 15 ~~~Moves~~~ Attack move: Machine Gun Push all move: Push Gum ---------------- Infantry Soldier ---------------- Level: 13 ~~~Moves~~~ Blind all move: Flash Ball ------------- Rifle Soldier ------------- Level: 14 ~~~Moves~~~ Attack move: Giver Agility down move: Sticky Ball -------- PKW. III -------- Level: 18 ~~~Moves~~~ Charge up move: Charge up Charge up all move: Fire Attack move: Machine Gun ~~~~~ Guide ~~~~~ When you begin, run down the steps. If you go across and up the steps, there will be a save point to your right. Use it. Run back down the steps and go down the steps in the center to get to the next room. You'll then come to a hallway. Proceed a few steps and you'll be greeted by two soldiers. Use your most powerful attacks on them, with no regard to the amount of FP used. Use your Naolins if necessary. When you defeat them proceed down the hallway a bit more. You'll be greeted by two more soldiers. They'll surprise you, so they'll get the first move in. Do the same as you did with the two Rifle Soldiers, and use your most powerful skills. You can always restore FP, so never worry. Once you're done with them, head back to the Sea Otter. You have a tough fight against a difficult enemy ahead, so it's good to have all your energy up. It won't be a bad idea to save either. Remember when you are in the first room, the door on your left leads to the Sea Otter. The moment you enter the third room, the PKW III will pop down. Use your most powerful Cyfame moves here, and if you have Gre, boost your party's attack. If you are using Chain, use his talent to increase his attack. Don't forget your Naolins either. Try not to use a TON of Naolins though, since the upcoming TWO boss battles will make you want to have them. Surprisingly, the PKW III doesn't do that much damage, but it has a TON of health. It also has impressive speed, so it'll be attacking a couple of times a turn. Once you have finally defeated it, return to the save room and then the Sea Otter to heal. Return back to the third room and enter the door on your right. Do down the royal hallway and up the stairs. You'll enter a cut-scene with Eugene. They'll taunt each other a little and you'll enter a boss battle with Eugene. =-=-=-=-=-=- BOSS: Eugene =-=-=-=-=-=- Level: 19 ~~~Moves~~~ Cancel effects move: Ancient Light Blind move: Sternenhaufen 1000 HP recover move: Minnaolin Royal Charge move: Pistol Attack+ move: Hail the Empire Charge move: Charging Up Gun Make sure Gre is with you here, since his power to heal can come in handy. The third character should just be the one that does the most damage, due to the fact that Eugene has very high HP. The Naolins you have should be used wisely here, since you have a second, more difficult fight with Eugene coming up. Use your Trip Hammer with Mag (you do have it by now, right) to cause 500+ damage to Eugene. If Gre has the move Critical, use that before Mag does any moves since it'll make his moves an instant critical hit. The Minnaolin Royal move heals 1000 HP for Eugene, extending the battle. This'll make you have to use more FP. If you have any FP restoring items, use them wisely, but use them if you run out of FP. Use Gre to heal Sternenhaufen if you have the move to cure it. That move can be very frustrating, since it'll cause you to miss more often and waste FP. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once you've defeated Eugene he'll compliment you and then threaten you... then run off (wuss). Mag will say how they must chase him down. You will now be unable to return to the Sea Otter or to the save point. However you will find a save point up ahead and you should notice that once you finish the fight with Eugene, your party will be fully healed. Go down the path you came through and you'll be treated to a cinema scene, with Eugene on one side of a bridge with Linear, and Mag and his party on the other side. They'll shout to each other across the bridge about Linear. Eugene will blow up the bridge and Mag will escape. Mag will say how it's weird for Eugene to be destroying his own ship. Ge will say that he's glad everyone is safe. Gre will mention that he saw another route. When you get control of Mag, go through the door near you (not the stairs). Go across the brdige here, and then you'll reach a bigger area. Go around the structure to hit a save point. Save and go across the other bridge and through the door. Go down the hallway and you'll trigger a cut-scene. Mag will start to untie Linear, and some doors will open. Eugene will appear in his freaky robot thingy. Get ready for one last battle with Eugene! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Prince Eugene =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level: 20 ~~~moves~~~ Attack move: Knock Down Attack move: Nail Attack all move: Entrichwaffle All sleep move: Fire Rollin' Bomb 1500 HP recover move: Naolin 1500 Cancel effects move: Ancient Light This guy is surprisingly easy. You'll want to make sure that Mag is in the front, and your remaining two characters are in the middle row. Eugene will probably strike first. Once he's done, use Gre (you still have him, right?) to increase the attack of your people. Again, with no regard to FP, use the most powerful Cyframe moves you have with Mag. Feel free to use Naolins freely here, because this is what you've been saving the for. Prince Eugene seems to use Nail a lot, but it only does 40-60 damage, so no worries. When you run out of Naolins, start using Gre to heal your party. You shouldn't run out of healing items if you've been saving them. Don't forget your FP healing items, also. Mag will need all the FP he can get, so use them all on him. Prince Eugene rarely uses Naolin 1500, so you don't have to worry about that. A frustrating move is Fire Rollin' Bomb. Make sure you have some Sommols with you to cure sleep. This battle, while very long, is pretty simple as long as you keep your characters alive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mag will rescure Linear and an explosion will occur. Mag will remain to untie Linear and the other two will look to find a way out. When you get control of Mag rush down the stairs and through the door. Go forward a bit and Mag will spot a lifeboat. Suddenly, Eugene will shoot Mag. Eugene will talk more about Linear and order her to get on the boat. Linear will shake her head and then he'll shoot her. Eugene will threaten Linear and Mag will knock Eugene into the water with his Cyframe. Then Mag will faint and the warship will explode. Chain, Pepper, and Gre will notice the explosion and Linear will show herself as Evolutia. Linear will speak (yes, speak), and ask Mag if he's okay. The scene will end. Cut to a mysterious character, staring at you with evil eyes. He'll mutter Linear's name and the scene will black out. Mag will talk a little and Gre will say that they got in debt more since the Sea Otter broke down. Mag will invite Linear to go to the society and Linear will speak again (0_0) +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | The train to Museville | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Gre and Linear will be on a train and Mag will be running behind it. Mag will leap onto the train (like he could ever catch up in real life). Watch the cinema scene here. You'll learn that Mag was invited to Museville to take assignments there. An alarm will go off. Watch the scene and run up to the front car. It'll be Chain and you'll talk a little. Damn, and you were hoping it would be a battle, wouldn't you? Talk to Chain and he'll say that the alarm was blaring before he got onto the train. Hmmm... Start to head back and you'll hear a crash. You'll see an outside view of the train and one of the karts will be lit on fire. The train will come to a sudden (and noisy) stop. The screen will blacken... You'll meet Carcano here, and he'll say that he's a bandit known for not letting prey escape. You'll enter a battle here. ------- CARCANO ------- This guy is extremely easy, and you should have no trouble at all defeating him. They are very weak, so just use regular attacks and you should do fine. You'll get almost no EXP here, but the battle lasted three seconds anyway. Heh, like an interactive cut-scene... sorta... Carcano will vanish. When you get in control again, head to the back car again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You'll learn about Appraisal items here. The screen will blacken and you'll arrive in Museville. Nina will leave and Gre will make arrangements at the hotel. You now have a chance to explore the area. This place has a fruit stand, a lottery shop, the hotel, the society dormitory, the Cyframe Upgrade Shop, an Adventurer's Hut, and an Items Shop. It also has the super-cool Tower of Despair. First, it's time to do a little exploring. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Exploring town | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ There are items hidden everywhere in crates and such, so don't forget to press A near all the crates you see. The crate to the right of the restaurant doors contains a Naolin. Go to the train station now. Go to the right side, and press A on one of the crates to get a Venomol. The crate directly opposite of that has a Purol. Next, go to the museum, which is in the northern area. There are bushes in front of the entrance. The third bush on the right side has a nice Naolin+. Go to the right of the museum and follow the path to the garage door. In a crate is a Mokana Ampolule. Next to the truck, there is a create with Musty Herbs.Now return to the hotel. Talk to the recepsionist here and store all items but a few Naolins, Santa Marias, the Red Viper, and some FP healing items. There will be a cinema scene here, so simply sit back and watch it. When you awaken, you'll be in the lobby again. Watch the cinema and head to the society museum (it hasn't moved since you visited it last time) Enter the museum and talk to the woman on the right. She'll tell Mag to go see Whitehead so go up the stairs and through the door. Enter the door on your right and you'll meet Whitehead. Whitehead will introduce himself and assign you to a search in Blaze Ruins. Whitehead will give Mag 1000 dinales, but don't spend anything yet. Before you head to the ruins, it's time to take a little trip to a new area: the Tower of Despair. Head to the west area of town (use your map), and you'll find the entrance to the Tower of Despair area. First, head to the hotel and get Chain or Gre. Now go to the Tower of Despair (see next chapter). Once you clear it, get ready to head off on your first Museville assignment! +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Blaze Ruins | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~5 floors~~~ ~~~Trapped areas: 1~~~ ~~~Secret areas: 3~~~ ~~~Cyframe parts: Boomerang Parts, Upgrade Kit~~~ ~~~Rare items: Old Doll, Map of Blaze Ruins~~~ -----------------+ Appraisial items:| Broken Telescope | Thick Cable | Motherboard _a_ | Cloudy Lens | Huge Glove | -----------------+ Treasure: Lapis Orb Dinale: 3000 ~~~~~~~ Enemies ~~~~~~~ --------- Escargoid --------- Level: 12 ---moves--- Defend move: Hide in Shell Poison move: Poison Bite ---------- Flycatcher ---------- Level: 11 ---moves--- Absorb HP move: Suck Blood Confuse move: Sonic Wave ------------ Flying Mouse ------------ Level: 13 ---moves--- Blind all move: Blinding Light Attack two people move: Double Sonic ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 1 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< __________________________________________________ | 4 | 3 | 5 | | ______________ _____________ ____________ | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | |7E| | | | | | | __| |____ | |____| |__ | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | |_____ ______| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--| | 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9| | | | | | | | | ----- ----- | | | |___________| | | | | 6 | --- --- ---- ------ ------- | | | | | | | | | | 8 | | S | | | |____ ______| | | | | | | |__________| | | | | | | | | | ----------- | |_________________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- First chest: In the first pillar on the left. Contains either a Huge Glove or Mokana Ampoule. Second chest: In the second pillar on the right. Contains a Red Viper. Third Chest: In the third pillar on the left. Contains a Naolin+ Fourth Chest: In the third pillar on the right. Contains either a Naolin or a Cloudy Lens. ------- Enemies ------- There is an Escargoid located in the second pillar on the right, and another Escargoid located in the third pillar on the left. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Make sure to smash all the pillars as you go down the hallway. Straight ahead is room two. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is an Escargoid on the far left, and a second Escargoid on the far right. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Take either that path on the left or the path on the right here, but ignore the stairs. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A single Escargoid rests in the center of the hall. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head to the left side, and use A to open the door. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is an Enemy Search in the middle of the second hallway. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You can't open the red door from where you are, so just head back to room three and open the door on your right this time. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ~~~~~~~ Enemies ~~~~~~~ One Escargoid in the middle of the second hallway, and a second one later down the second hallway. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You simply need to turn down the two hallways to the big room. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ NOTE: This is where you land if you fall in the hole from room four on the second floor. ----- Items ----- A single Naolin lies in the upper left corner of the room. ------- Enemies ------- In the hallway from that is accessed by the north section of the room, there is an Escargoid. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You have two choices of paths to take here, but niether contain anything important. ~~~~~Room 7: Stairs~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ NOTE: This can only be accessed from dropping down the hole on the second floor in room 4, and that hole is accessed only from the hole in room 9 on the third floor. ----- Items ----- There is a Loop in the upper left corner of the room. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Step on the floor switch behind you to open the door, and then enter the hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is an Old Doll in the middle of the hallway. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply head straight through the door. You'll find yourself in rrom four. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 2 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ---- | | | 7 | | | | | | | | | ----------------------------------- | | | _____ 1 __ _________3_______ | | | | | | S| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--+ +----------+ +--+ | | | | | | | | | | |___ ___| | | --- --- | 2 | |4 | | | | | | | | 8 | | | | | |__________| | | | | |_____________| | | | | | | --- --- | | ---------+ | | _| ---------+ 5 | |E_ 6 _________ | |_________| |__________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are two Escargoids here, one on each side. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Take either the left or right path behind you to the second room. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: In the far back, in the left hand corner, smash the pillar for a Mokana Ampoule. Chest two. In the far back, in the right hand corner, smash the pillar for either a Broken Telescope or About Face Whistle. ------- Enemies ------- When you enter the room, you'll see two Escargoids here, right in front of you. Punching the bottom left pillar will cause an Escargoid to spring out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you've colleted everything, simply head back to rrom one then turn left to the hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A single Escargoid is located in this hallway. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head straight, past all of the enemies, until you hit the next hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll find one Escargoid halway down the hall. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap in the center of the hallway, so stick to the side. ----- Guide ----- Just head straigth down into room 5. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is one Escargoid in the center of the area. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- WATCH OUT FOR THE HOLE IN THE CENTER! It drops you down to the first floor, and you won't end up in an area that is inaccessible from any other way. Otherwise, just go to the hallway on the right. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- One Escargoid rests here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply head straight down to the next room. ~~~~~Room 7: Nothing in here, the stairs are just ahead~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ NOTE: You can only get to this from a hole in room ten on the third floor. ----- Items ----- Run forward a bit and you'll find the Map of Blaze Ruins. A little after that is a Battle Poncho. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head straight down the hallway, collecting the items. ~~~~~Room 9: There is nothing here, so just drop down the hole~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 3 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ________________________________________ _ | ____________________7_______________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- --- | | | +----- --+ | | | | |10 9 | | 8 | | | | +----------+ |___________| | | | | | | | | | |______ | | | | | | | |5| 6 | | | | |______| | | -----------------+ | | ____| | | ____2______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |3| ---- -- | 11 | +--- --+ | | | | |_ _| | |__ | ---- 4 | |_E_| | 1 S| | ____ | | --+ |_| |_________| |____________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ Room 1 contains absolutely nothing. Just move forward to proceed. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Flycatcher here, in the main part of the room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just proceed forward to the next hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar at the end of the hallway to find a chest containing either a Naolin or a Motherboard _a_. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the item, turn to the left to room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Right when you enter the room, a Flying Mouse should charge at you. ----- Traps ----- To get an FP Restore, step on the blue square in the center of the room. ----- Guide ----- This room is pretty much completely empty, so just head left to the next room after you restore your FP. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ------- Enemies ------- Right when you enter, a Flying Mouse will charge at you. A little past the gas trap, there will be an Escargoid. At the very end of the hallway, there is a second Flying Mouse that you should be able to sneak up on. ----- Traps ----- A gas trap rests in the center of the hallway. ----- Guide ----- After entering the secret room, go straight down past the enemies and trap to the next hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** NOTE: To enter your first secret room, run alongside the right wall in room 5 with Mag as the leader. Stop and press A while up against the wall in random spots in the first part of the hallway to destroy a section and reveal a secret room. ----- Items ----- There is one Prehistoric Coin lying on the ground. Press A to piok it up. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just grab the coin and head back out. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The only thing in this hallway is a single Flycatcher, located at the very end. Its back is to you, so you should be able to surprise it. ----- Traps ----- There is one HP Restore located in the center in the final part of the hallway. ----- Guide ----- Go down, enter the trapped room if you want, and continue going down. Turn left into room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** Once you enter this room, you will not be able to leave until all enemies are defeated. ----- Items ----- In a single chest in the center of the room, you can find either a Boomerang or Naolin. ------- Enemies ------- A Flying Mouse should charge at you just as you enter the room. There is a second Flying Mouse and a Escargoid behind the chest. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply defeat all the enemies, grab the item, and leave. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the back corner, there is a Fireball. Smash the pillar to get it. ------- Enemies ------- Right as you enter, an Escargoid should charge at you. Smash the pillar behind it and a Flycatcher will appear. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and defeat the enemies, then enter the hallway on your right. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ NOTE: First, drop down the hole in the north area to get some good items. When you get back up here again, proceed. ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You can sneak up on a Flycatcher when you enter the room. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap near the end of the hallway. ----- Guide ----- When you get back up again, head south instead of north, to the final room. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: There is a Quick Attack in the bottom-right hand corner of the room. Chest two: You can find a Naolin in the upper-left hand corner of the room. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the items, go up the stairs to the final _real_ floor in this dungeon. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 4 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _______ | | _ __________________________| | | | | ___________11___________ 12 | | | | | |__ __| | | | | | | __| |_____| | | | |__ 9 _____10| _ | | | | __|E|__ __| |__ | | _____ | | | | | | | | | | | 13 | |8| | 6 | | 15 | | | | | |_ _| |__ __| |__ __| | | | |____ | | | | | | |__5_ | | |______________| | __| |__ | | |________14________|___ | |_____|_|_____________________| | | 3 ____________4________________ 7 | |__ __| | | | | _ |_______| | | ___|S|_ | | | | | ------- | |_2______ 1 | | | |_______| ~~~~~Room 1: This room has absoultely nothing, so just continue~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Again, nothing here, so just follow the path to room 3~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You can sneak up on a Flycatcher here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You have two options for paths, but take the path on the right first. We'll come to the next path later. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Run forward a little to find an Escargoid running around. ----- Traps ----- Almost right when you enter the room, you'll run into a gas trap, so watch out. ----- Guide ----- First, go to the secret room (rooms 5 and 6), and then go straight down the hallway and open the door to reach room 7. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET AREA*** To get to this secret area, you need to do almost the exact same thing as you did on the third floor. Run up against the left wall, near the enterance. Stop and randomly press A in places to crash through the wall and into the secret area. There is nothing in room 5, so just run up to room 6. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Just like in the last secret room, there is a single Prehistoric Coin lying on the ground, so pick it up with A. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just run in, grab the item, and head to room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a single chest in the middle of the room, with eitiher a Naolin+ or Red Viper. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply run in, grab the item, and run out. Head back to room three and take the northern path this time to end up at room 8. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Move forward a little and you'll see a Flying Mouse. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply head forward, past the enemy, to the big are with the split paths. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ There are three different paths you can take. Two are VERY shot and the other is the main path. ----- Items ----- Chest one: The path on the left leads to an Escape Incense. Chest two: Go straight up to find a chest with an Insecticide. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Watch out for the gas trap right in the center of the splits. ----- Guide ----- Once you've grabbed the items, turn to the right and open the door to be led to the next hallway. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- When you were getting the items in room nine, there was a Flying Mouse on the other side of the door driving itself mad trying to get past the door and to you. The moment you open the door, it'll spring onto you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Going past the enemy, follow the path to the next hallway. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Right at the start, there is a Flying Mouse waiting to attack you. Near the very end of the hallway, there is another Flying Mouse. It is facing away from you, so you can surprise it. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head straight down the hallway, and open th edoor at the end to get to room 12. ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Flying Mouse rests near the beginning of the tiny hallway. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- There is nothing here, so just head to the right and go down the hallway to the next room. ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the center to find a chest with either a Thick Cable or a Purol. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Flycatcher to the left of the pillar. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After smashing the pillar, enter the final hallway. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll come face-to-face with a Flycatcher here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Go down this final hallway and take a right at the end to enter the final room. ~~~~~Room 15: There is absolutely nothing here, so just go up the stairs~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Final floor <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _________________ _____ | |________________| | | 1 ____________2 _ 3 | |______ ________| | | |_____| |S| | | +-+ | | | | | | _____ | | | |___|4| | 5 ___| | ______________ |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 | ___ | | | |_____________| |_____________| | |______________|_ 8 _________ 7 ______6________| |_| |___| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just turn to the right and enter the hall~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Nothing, so just go straight across to room 3~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- You'll find an Upgrade Kit in the center of the room. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply enter, grab the kit, and head back to the hallway. ~~~~~Room 4: Go to the secret area, then head straight down~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** Like the other two, you must smash a hole in the wall. Here, the room is located around the center of the left wall (right wall if you have the camera behind Mag). ----- Items ----- Just like the other two, this room holds one Prehistoric Coin. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the coin and head out to room six. ~~~~~Room 6: Nother here so head down to Room 7~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Here, you have a final chance to save and then return to town. So use the save point, and then go back to town and heal (you can go straight up to this area again) so you're ready for the boss. ~~~~~Room 8: Hit the button on the left to open the door to room 9~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 9: BOSS~~~~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- BOSS: Storm Bird =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level: 19 ---Moves--- Push all move: Gust Attack all move: Wind Breath All sleep move: Mystery Sound Good job, you made it to the first boss of the easiest dungeon (except for the first, of course). If you were able to defeat Prince Eugene, who was at level 20, you can easily defeat the Storm Bird since it's at level 19! Mag should have super-powerful hammer moves by now, so use the most powerful ones. Linear should also be able to heal someone to full health and revive someone to full health, so save her FP for times when you really need it. Make sure you have the Mokana Ampolules with you just in case Mag or Linear run of FP. You did bring Chain like I told you to, right? If you did, then she should first use her talent and then start attacking. The Storm Bird itself isn't that much of a threat except for Mystery Sound. If anyone falls asleep, instantly use Linear to wake them up again. She instantly has Wakeup Touch, so don't worry if you haven't taught her any Status Restoration skills. The Storm Bird should only take you two or three turns to defeat, so don't worry if you don't have any reviving or healing items or stuff like that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just when you think you've beat the boss, it'll come back again. But a mysterious character will blast it with their Cyframe. It turns out to be none other than Pepper! She's finally arrived! So she'll talk to Mag a little and then Mag and Linear will grab the treasure and some really strange thing will happen. Anyway, Mag'll bail and you'll be back at the Society Museum. Whitehead will be very impressed with you. Mag will give the Lapsis Orb to Whitehead and then you'll have to go downstairs and get your dinale. So do that and watch the scene. Then go back to the hotel and tell the receptionist that you want to hit the sack. The next scene it'll be night and Linear will be playing her orcarina outside. Gre and Chain will listen from inside (THAT loud? Lord...) Gre will explain to Chain how Linear came to live with them and Mag will walk in. Gre will leave and then Mag and Chain will turn in also. You'll see Linear again, but it'll be in the morning. Linear will bend down to heal a flower, and a mysterious character, the same one you saw earlier, will appear. The mysterious character will talk to Linear as if he knows all about her and Linear will back away as the character will approach the flower. He'll introduce himself as Yurka and he'll tell Linear that it's all right if she doesn't remember him (WTF?). Yurka will vanish, but not before promising that he'll see Linear again. Okay before we go on, we're going to do some trading to get a useful item! Okay you DID get the Old Doll at the Blaze Ruins, right? If not, go back there and get it now! Anyway, once you have it, go to the Adventurer's Hut and speak to Sancho. He'll notice your Old Doll and offer to trade it for a Fashionabole Change. Do so and head to the item shop. Talk to Banderas and he'll ask you for the Fashionable Chain in return of the Meisssen Ornament. Finally, head to the Lottery Shoph and talk to Anita. She wants the Meissen Ornament, and in return she'll give you the Dowsing Stone. This is a special item that rumbles every time you get near a secret area, causing your controller to rumble. If you didn't turn rumble on at the beginning, go to "System" in the menu and do so. You can always use this guide, too, but the Dowsing Stone gives you more accurate locations to where the secret areas are. Now it's time to go to the Lottery Shop and spend those INSANE amount of Prehistoric Coins you got at the lottery. Choose a ticket and save and reload. When you reloaded, ask her when the next drawing is and the drawing will be held. She'll do the drawing and you might win something. Now sell all of the items you don't think you'll neend. You'll need the money to power up Cyframe parts. That's what we're doing next. Go to the shop and power up any parts that you think might need powering up. Do this until you have no dinale left. Now, go to the Society and talk to Whitehead. You'll get your next assignment, which is to the Forest Depths. Now, it's time to head to the Tower of Despair. Choose Pepper, since she is great for attacking and you'll need her skills and talents despartely later in the game. Then go to floors 11-20 in the Tower and then go to the Forest Depths after making any of your own preparations! +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Forest Depths | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~10 floors~~~ ~~~Trapped areas: 1~~~ ~~~Secret areas: 6~~~ ~~~Cyframe Parts: Lightning Blast Parts, Spinner Parts, Upgrade Kit~~~ ~~~Rare items: Map of Forest Depths~~~ ----------------------+ Appraisal items: | Broken Gear | Oblong Pottery | Reeled Tape | Bent Parasol | Extinct Plant Seedling| Black Box | Star-Spangled Cloth | Golden Cup | Rusted Rod | Poison Flower Seeds | Small Valve | ----------------------+ Reward: Selene Orb Dinale: 5000 ~~~~~~~ Enemies ~~~~~~~ -------- Crawfish -------- Level: 12 ---Moves--- Attack move: Double Claw Attack move: Blow Bubbles --------------- Escargoid Grand --------------- Level: 16 ---Moves--- Attack move: Gigantic Press Attack two move: Spin Attack ---- Lynx ---- Level: 20 ---Moves--- Raise attack move: Sharpen Claws Block skills move: Silence Voice ------- Ostwind ------- Level: 16 ---Moves--- Attack move: Random Peck Attack move: Run through ------ Statue ------ Level: 18 ---Moves--- Push back move: Blow Wind Block skills move: Curse --------- Man Eater --------- Level: 14 ---Moves--- Attack move: Digestive Jices Heal move: Photosynthesis ------------- Poison Flower ------------- Level: 18 ---Moves--- Poison all move: Poison Pollen Poison Flower Spawn move: Release Seeds ---------- Totem Pole ---------- Level: 22 ---Moves--- Attack move: Electrocute Attack two move: Lightning Attack ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 1 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _________________________ _| ____ ____ |_ _| _| | | |_ |_ _____| 7 _| | | |_ 6 |_____ |E________| | 5 | |_________| | | | | ______________________| |______________________ | | | 2 | | | | _______________________ _______________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_ | | _| | | |_ |1| _| | |_ 3 |_ | | _| 4 _| |_ | | | | _| | | |S| | | | | | | |___| |___| ~~~~~Room 1: This is simply a long hallway. There is nothing here, but the grass that's located in the center slows you down~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There are boulders here, which is very annoying. These things can take a HUGE chunk out of your HP, usually by 100 points. To get past them, do a zig-zag motion as you're going to your destination. If you are running in the same path as the boulders, you simply need to run away. ----- Guide ----- Go to the left, avoiding the boulders by zig-zagging, and then take a left at the end to enter the hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the corner at the end of the room, you'll find some useful Herbs in a chest. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply go in a diagonal direction down the strange hallway and grab the item in the corner. Now go to room 2, and run against the boulders all the way to the other side, where you need to make a right turn. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the corner at the end of the room, you'll find a chest containing either a Red Viper or Spinner Parts lv. 1. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You'll want to do the same thing as before, going down the strange hallway and grabbing the item. You'll have to go against the path of the boulders here, so zig-zag again. Take the path that is directly opposite of room 1 (it should be on your right). ~~~~~Room 5: There is nothing here, so go straight and take a right at the end~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- You can find a Naolin in the corner of the room. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is very similar to rooms 3 and 4, so just repeat what you did there. Go to the room opposite this one once you're done. ~~~~~Room 7: Nothing here, so just head up the stairs to floor two~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 2 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ___________________________ | _____2______ |__________ __| |__ | ____4_ _| | |_ | | | | | 1 S| | 3 | | | |_______| | | | | |________ _| | | _ | | |5| __|E|__ | | | | | | |8| | | | 12 | | | | | |___ _| | | __| | | |___________________| |_____| | | ____________7______________ 6 | | | |_____| | | |9| ____ | | | | | |_________| | | |___10____ 11 | |_| | | |____| ~~~~~Room 1: This contains nothing, so head to the hallway next~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: This is an empty hallway, so head to the end and open the door~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: A chest straight ahead of you contains a Fire ball. Chest two: A bit north after the first chest is an Escape Incense. Chest three: In the lower right-hand corner of the room, you can find a Hardhat. ------- Enemies ------- A Man Eater will charge at you when you enter the room. There is a second Man Eater to the right of the first one. A final Man Eater rests north of the second one. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Wow, the first _real_ room in the dungeon. Anyway, this is the area you land when you fall from four different holes scattered throughout, so if you always jump in them, expect to end up here. Okay, the door on your right needs to be opened from the inside, so we'll come back to that later. For now, open the door that's straight ahead of the area you came from. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smashing the pillar at the end of the hallway will produce a chest containing either a Small Valve or Naolin. ------- Enemies ------- Near the beginning of the hallway, you'll come face-to-face with an Escargoid Grand. If you smash the pillar at the end of the hall, a Man Eater will jump out at you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head straight down the hallway, grab the item, and head to the next hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Man Eater resting near the middle of the hallway. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head straight down to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Here, you'll find a Random Trap in the center of the floor. You can see it and if you step on it, a trap (good or bad) will be randomly selected. ----- Guide ----- Once you enter, go through the area on your right to get to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- About three-quarters down the hallway, you can find a Man Eater waiting for you. ----- Traps ----- A gas trap is located around the middle of the level. ----- Guide ----- First, take the first turn to the right you see to get to room 8. When you're done with that, head all the way down the hallway to reach room 9. ~~~~~Room 8: You'll find nothing here, except for a floor switch that opens the door you couldn't open earlier~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the box at the end to find a chest with a Naolin Gold. ------- Enemies ------- Right when you enter the hall, you'll find a Man Eater. If you go to the left a little, there will be another Man Eater. ----- Guide ----- Go to the secret room. When you're back, go all the way up the hallway to room 12. ~~~~~Room 10~~~~~: Nothing here, simply head straight up~~~~~ *****SECET ROOM***** NOTE: You should be able to tell where this secret room is due to the Dowsing Stone that you have. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the top-left hand corner, you'll find a Prehistoric Coin lying on the ground. There is a chest on the top-right hand corner with a Source of Health lying in it. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item, and head all the way north to room 12. ~~~~~Room 12: Nothing here but the stairs, so head straight up to the next floor~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 3 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _______________________________________ |_________________4_____________________| _____________ | | _______ | | | | | | | | | | ____| |____| |_____| | |____ 1 ____ 2 _____ | | | | | | | |__ __| | | | | |S| |_____________| | | | | |3| | | _________________ | | | | | | _______ | ___ | | | | | | |---| | | | _| |__| ___|---|___ |___| | |E 6 __ |-----------| _____| | | | |___--5--___| | |_______| | |---| | | |___| | | | |_________________| The whole area with ------ is a wall. You can't go through, you must go around. ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just head to the right. The room on the left is VERY short and contains nothing at all.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: North of your entrance, over the first hole, is a chest with a Matchlock. Chest two: Northeast of the first chest, there is a second chest with a Bandana. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Sticking out of the walls in some places are spikes. Stay away from them if you don't want to get hurt. ----- Guide ----- First off, ignore the four holes in the floor. They all lead to the same place that I told you about on the second floor. You'll simply have to work your way back up here again. Just head across the entrance to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ NOTE: There is access to a HUGE secret room here, so make sure you get to that area first. ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A little forward, you'll come across a Land Mine, which you need to avoid. ----- Guide ----- After looting the secret room, go south and turn right at the end. Open the door to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** NOTE: Right when you enter room 3, punch the left wall to expose this secret room. ----- Items ----- At the very end of the hallway you'll find, not a Prehistoric Coin, but a crate. Smash it to expose a chest containing a Black Box. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- You'll find an oh-so-wonderful HP and FP Restore trap here. ----- Guide ----- Simply head all the way down the hallway, grab the item, and head back out, all the way down to the hallway to room 5. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate to find a Naolin. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Man Eater to the right of the trap. Go a little further on that same path to find an Escargoid Grand. A little past the second trap you'll find a Man Eater. The final enemy is a new one: A Poison Flower. ----- Traps ----- A wonderful FP Restore waits for you next to the crate. On the other side of the wall, there is a dangerous Gas Trap. ----- Guide ----- Go around the whole thing, until all enemies are defeated and you have all the items. Then enter the final room. ~~~~~Room 6: There is nothing here, so just head up the stairs~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 4 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _________________ _| |____________________ |_________6_____ | |E 11 ____ __10_________| | | |_____| | | _ | | | |_________ | | _______| | | _______ 9| | | |___5___ | | | | | | | _____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__| |_ |4| | | | | |2 __ 1 S| | | | | | | | | | | | | |8| | | | | |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____________| |__________________| |______ |________________3_______________________|__7_| ~~~~~Room 1: Like pretty much all other first rooms, nothing here.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- An angry Crawfish will charge at you the moment you enter the hallway. ----- Traps ----- There are two gas traps, one on the north side of the hallway, and one close to the south side of the hallway. ----- Guide ----- Head all the way south to the next hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You can sneak up on a Man Eater near the beginning of the hallway. ----- Traps ----- A gas trap lies near the end of the hallway. ----- Guide ----- First, take the first left you see. When you're done with all of those rooms, continue down to the end of the hallway to the secret room (I'll tell you where it is later). ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Man Eater is wandering the area here. If you go up a little more, you'll find a second Man Eater. ----- Traps ----- Be careful, near the end of the hallway you'll find a Land Mine. ----- Guide ----- As you go north up the hallway, you should notice a path to your left. Take it and you'll be in room five. When you come back here, go all the way to the end of the hallway and turn left to be in room six. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- You'll find an Escape Incense in a chest here. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply grab the item and go back to room four, and head to room six from there. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar at the end of the hall to reveal a chest containing either a Somnol or Bent Parasol. ------- Enemies ------- An Escargoid Grand is waiting for you near the beginning of the room. A little further up the path, there is a second Escargoid Grand waiting for you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the items and defeating the enemies, you'll have to make the trip back to room three. From there, you'll need to go to the very back of it to get to the secret room. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** Revealing this secret room is easy. You simply have to go to the way back of the hallway in room three, and then use Mag to smash the very back part of the hallway wall open. ----- Items ----- Past the door, you'll find a single chest with a Naolin+ in it. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you break open the wall, there will be a door that you have to go through. Open it, grab the item, and head to the second path on the left to get to room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- At the beginning of the hall there is a Man Eater. Past the first trap you'll encounter a second Man Eater. Joy. ----- Traps ----- There is one trap here, which is near the beginning of the room. It's a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Head straight up, but don't go up all the way. When you come to the first path to the right, take it. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Here, you can find a chest with either a Trap Search or an Enemy Search. The chest is inside a crate at the end of the hall. ------- Enemies ------- A Man Eater rests near the start of the hall. If you go down more, you'll find a second Man Eater. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Go down the path, and defeat the enemies. Grab the item and go back to room eight. Now go all the way up the hallway into room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- At the end of the hall (on the right side), there is a chest with some Herbs. ------- Enemies ------- You'll find a Escargoid Grand on the right side of the hall, just at the entrance. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Go down on the right side of the hall to grab the item. Then turn around and go past the entrance to this room into the final room. ~~~~~Room 11: Nothing here but the stairs, so go up~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 5 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ____ | |_ ______| 1 S| |2 ____ | _______ | | |____| | | | | | 8 | | | |__ __| | | | | _____| |________________|_|____ | ______________3____________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |4| ____ __| |__ | |_______| |___________| | | _______ 5 _____6_____ 7 | | | |____| | | | | |__ __| | | | | | | | | |_| | | ______________ | | | | | | _| |_________| | |E 10 __________9| | | |______________| ~~~~~Room 1: Not surprisingly, nothing here. Continue forward to room two~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There are two traps here, one good and one bad. The first trap is pretty much RIGHT at the beginning of the room, so people usually step on it. It's a laser, and remember that lasers reset themselves so be careful if you backtrack. The next trap is a little later on, and it is an HP Restore trap, good if you accidentally stepped on the laser. ----- Guide ----- Head forward, after the two traps, to get to room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- On the left side, there is a Poison Flower shortly after the trap. Go a little more further down that path to encounter another Poison Flower. ----- Traps ----- A gas trap makes its home on the left side of the hallway, right in front of an enemy. Near the end of this area, right past the secret room entrance, is a land mine. ----- Guide ----- Since this area connects two different paths that eventually join, we're going to have to choose one of them. Take the path on the right first, into room four, since you can get through faster if you take that path. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- At the very end of the hall, there is a crate. Smash it to reveal a chest with a Chameleon Color. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Poison Flower right at the beginning of the hall. Go a little further, almost to the end, to encounter another Poison Flower. You'll encounter one last Poison Flower near the end of the hall. ----- Traps ----- There is the God of Traps (TM), an HP and FP Restore, shortly after the first Poison Flower. ----- Guide ----- Go down the whole hallway, and get the item. Then backtrack a tiny bit and take the path near the chest. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- You'll find a Sparkling Circlet in the middle of the room. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Open the door in the small hall to enter a normal-sized room. You'll land here if you fall in a hole higher up, so you might see this place again. Grab the item and move on. ~~~~~Room 6: Nothing here except a few rough grass spots that can slow you down~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap in the upper-left hand corner of the room. ----- Guide ----- Well, you'll have to go to a familiar area here to enter a secret area that we missed out on last time we were in the room. When you enter room seven, you'll find nothing but you'll have to take a path to the left. Hey, guess what? We're back in room three! There is a secret area very close to you, which is also room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET AREA*** To enter this wonderful, oh-so-original secret room, just run against the wall of room three until your controller rumbles (you did get the Dowsing Stone, right?). Then bust the wall open. ----- Items ----- Guess what? *SHOCK!!!* There's a Prehistoric Coin lying on the ground! Who saw that one coming? ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Exit the room once you've gotten the coin and go back to room seven and then take the opposite path. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Right when you enter, there will be a Man Eater waiting for you. When you turn the corner, there will be a second Man Eater. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You simply need to follow the path given to you and defeat the two enemies. The final room is just ahead! ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There are two pillars, one in each side of the upper area. Smash them both to reveal two chests. The one on the left contains either a Backward Curse or Extinct Plant Seedling. The one on the right contains Poison Flower Seeds. ------- Enemies ------- A Man Eater and an Escargoid Grand are wandering around in the center of the room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After defeating everything and grabbing the items, head up the stairs to floor six. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 6 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ______________________________ | ______ __8____ _______ | | | __| |__ | | | | | | | 9 | | | ___| |___ | | |_______| | | | | |7| 10-- | | 11 | | | | | |_____ _| | | ____ | | ____ |E| | |____| |______| |___| | |______ 6 ______ 4 ___ 5 | |____| | | |____| ______ | | | |_ | | | 1 S| |3| | | | | |__ _| | | | | | | | |________________________| |____________ |_______________2_________________________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- You'll find a gas trap in the center of the floor here. ----- Guide ----- Simply go to the left and into the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll be introduced to a new enemy, the Totem Pole, near the beginning of the hallway. Shortly after that there will be a Statue. Go all the way down to the end of the hall and you'll find an Ostwind. ----- Traps ----- You'll find a gas trap at the very beginning of the hall. ----- Guide ----- Go down all the way, skipping the path to the left, and defeat the enemy. Then go back to the path you saw and take it go get to room three. ~~~~~Room 3: Nothing big here, so just open the door and go to room four~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ NOTE: This is basically a single spot, but there are four areas this leads to so it gets it's own "room" section. Snaps for this little spot. ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You'll be taking all three of these paths eventually, so get used to this spot. First, you'll want to go to room five but BE CAREFUL! It's a trapped room so if you're in bad condition, don't go there. Anyway, room five is the right path. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** Once you enter this room, the doors will close and the room will fill with poison, instantly poisoning all of your characters whenever they enter battle. Figures they'd pull something like that. Anyway, use Linear to cure the poison instantly. ----- Items ----- The chest in the very center of the room contains 200 dinale. ------- Enemies ------- There are a bunch of enemies here (duh, it's a trapped room). There is a Totem Pole in the corner, a Lynx near the chest, and then a second Totem Pole on the right side of the room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you're done with all the enemies, have Linear use Serious First Aid just in case any of your characters lost HP due to the fighting. Then return to room four and take the path directly across from you. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a crate to the left of you when you enter. Smash it to find a chest with a Naolin+ ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- For all of you people who charge straight into a room (yes, I know some people who do that), DON'T this time. There is a huge hole in the center of the floor dropping you back to room six on floor five. Just go around it to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Lynx is pretty much RIGHT behind the door that you came from, so sneak up on it. Turn the corner to find an Ostwind waiting. Go a little further, and past the trap you'll find another Ostwind. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap halfway down the hallway, and then there's a random trap at the very, very end of the hallway. ----- Guide ----- You need to simply follow the only path given, which isn't that long. Avoid the first trap, but I'd step on the second. You'll find yourself in room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Almost right near the entrance, there is a Totem Pole. Go a little further, past the two paths to the right, and there will be an Ostwind. ----- Traps ----- Near the end of the hallway there is a gas trap, so stick to the sides of the hallway. ----- Guide ----- There are two other paths you should take before going down to the complete end of the hallway. First, take the first path to your right; that's room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center of the room is a chest with Rubber Shoes. ------- Enemies ------- The moment you enter the room you'll be face-to-face with a Totem Pole. ----- Traps ----- Don't go anywhere near the walls, since spikes are going in and out of almost every spot in them. ----- Guide ----- Once you've defeated the enemy and grabbed the item, you'll need to go to go and head back to room eight. Take the second path on the right next. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- An Ostwind is waiting for you at the end of the room. ----- Traps ----- A nice FP Restore is at the beginning of the room. ----- Guide ----- First off, if you open the door, you'll be back in room four with the four-path split. If you missed anything on this floor, go back there and get it. Otherwise, go back to room eight and take the final path to the right, which leads to the final room. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- On the right side of you is a chest with Ordinary Thongs. Diagonally across from that is a crate. Smash it to reveal a chest with either a Forward Curse or Purol+ ------- Enemies ------- When you enter this room, there will be a Totem Pole waiting for you on the left side of the room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is the final room of the floor, so get anything you need and head up the stairs to floor seven. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 7 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____________ ___________________________ |___________10| |6 _________________________| | | | | __| |__ __| |__ ________| | | | _ |11______ 9 | | 5 | __|S|__ | | |__ __| |__ __| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _| |_ |8| |4| | 1 | | | | | | | | | |_12 _| __| |_ __| |__ | | |E| | | | | | | | 7 | | 3 | | | |__ __| |__ __| | | | | | | |__ __| | | | | | | | |________| |________________| | |_______________2_______________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Stepping on the trap here will cause all enemy levels to go up by one. I consider that good, but hey, each to their own. ----- Guide ----- Head straight, stepping on the trap if you wish, into the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- An oh-so-beautiful Statue is waiting for you just around the corner. At the very end of the hall, there is an Ostwind. ----- Traps ----- Right when you turn the corner, there will be a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- There are two paths you can take, and I am telling you to take the first path the first time you go down the hallway. It'll be to your right. When you are done with all the rooms in that section, go back down to this room and head all the way down the hall, to the second path. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the upper-left hand corner, there is a chest containg either Herbs or a Lightning Rod Pack. ------- Enemies ------- In the center of the room lies a totem pole. ----- Traps ----- Avoid the right wall, since spikes stick out of the whole thing. ----- Guide ----- Head straight, past the enemy, and open the door to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- At the beginning of the room, there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Head straight down and open the door to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Totem Pole at the top part of the room. ----- Traps ----- At the beginning, there is a gas trap, so don't charge into the room. Also, there are spikes sticking out of the right wall. ----- Guide ----- Pass the enemy and open the door that leads to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the back to find a chest with either a Golden Cup or a Map Search. ------- Enemies ------- An Ostwind lies near the back of the hallway. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head to the very back, collect the item, and then return to room two. From there, go to the back and into room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ------- Enemies ------- A wonderful statue waits for you in the top right corner of the room. ----- Traps ----- A dangerous Land Mine is in the center of the floor. On the left side, there are spikes, so be careful. ----- Guide ----- Run across, jumping over the trap, into the next hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Statue here, waiting to get you. ----- Traps ----- Make sure you run over the HP Restore here, which is very valuable. ----- Guide ----- Go straight down the hallway and into room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Some Leather-Soled Sandals are in the middle of the room. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There are spikes sticking out of the wall here, so avoid the right wall. ----- Guide ----- Okay, there are two different paths you can take here. One's to the left and the other is straight up. The one that's to the north leads to room nine, and the other to room ten. Of course, we're going to room nine first. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate at the end to find a chest with a handy Blue Moss. ------- Enemies ------- Pretty much RIGHT at the start is a Lynx. A little further down the hall is an Ostwind. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Go up, grab the item, and return to room eight. Take the other path you have to get to room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ostwind near the end of the hall. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head down, turn to the left, and go to the final room. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A single Land Mine is at the beginning of the room. ----- Guide ----- Avoid the trap, and head up the stairs to floor eight. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 8 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _| |________________________________ |E 12 ________________11____________ | |_____| | | | | | | ______________________________________________| | | ________ ___________5__________________ __| |_| | | _____ | | | | | | | | | | |_ 8 _| | | |4| _____ |_|__ _| |__ __|S|__ | | | _ | |7 _ | | | | | | | | |_| |_______| |_| | | 10 | | 1 | __| |__ |__ __| |_ __| |__ __| | | | 6 | | | | | | 3 | | | |9| | | |__ __| |__ ________| | | | |________| |____________| |_______________| |_ |2______________________________________________| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, just proceed forward to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- At the very far end of the hallway, smash the pillar to reveal a chest containing either a Naolin Gold or a Rusted Rod. ------- Enemies ------- Right at the end of the first part, before you turn to the left, there is an Ostwind. A little past the first turn to the left, there is another Ostwind. Keep going down the hall, past the second turn to the left, and there is a Totem Pole. At the very end of the hall, smash the pillar and a Totem Pole will jump out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is a huge hallway that leads to three separate paths. You can end up getting past this floor quickly if you take the third path, but why would you want to do that? Anyway, after you make the turn to the left, head down to the very end to grab the item. You should pass three different paths to the left when traveling down the hall. After grabbing the item, take the first path. When you have done everything in rooms three, four, and five return here and take the second path. After you've looted all the rooms there, take the final path, the one that leads to room ten. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a random trap in the center of the floor, so take a risk and step on it. You might get off happy :) ----- Guide ----- Just head straight to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Near the end of the hall, there is an Ostwind. ----- Traps ----- Stick to the sides when running, or you'll run over some spikes and be damaged. Not good :( ----- Guide ----- Head down the hall and into room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- If you turn to the left, there is a chest that contains wither Wind Blast Parts or, if you have those Parts already, Leather Shoes. ------- Enemies ------- If you head to the right, and go down a while, you'll run into a Lynx. ----- Traps ----- There is a beautiful gas trap that is to the left of you when you enter. ----- Guide ----- When you've gotten everything in the room you can either choose to take the upper path, through the door, and head to the exit but you'd want to do that...why? Just head back to room two and take the second path to the left. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Near the top of the room, there is a crate on your right. Smash it to reveal a chest with a Seasoned Frying Pan. Chest two: To the left of chest one, there is another chest with either a Purol+ or Red Viper. ------- Enemies ------- There is a wonderful Totem Pole in the center of the room. To the right of that, an Ostwind is waiting for you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This room is HUGE and there are two paths you can take. Each path leads right back to this room, so it doesn't really matter which one you choose. However, the path on your left leads to absolutely nothing, so let's take the right path. ~~~~~Room 7: Nothing here, but this is an area that leads to a secret room~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** To get to this secret room, enter room seven and go around until your controller rumbles. Smash the wall near the area where your controller rumbled. ----- Items ----- There is a Prehistoric Coin (surprise, surprise) lying in the middle of the room. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head in, grab the Coin, and head back out, all the way to room two. Take the final path on your left to get to room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a dangerous set of spikes in the center of the floor, so stick to the sides. ----- Guide ----- Go across the hall and into room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A random trap lies here, so step on it if you wish (I always do). ----- Guide ----- Past the random trap is a hallway that leads to room five. There, you'll want to go all the way to the end and open the door. ~~~~~Room 11: Nothing here, so head all the way down the hallway and into the final room~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the very center to reveal a chest with either Oblong Pottery or a Red Viper. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the item, head up the stairs and up to the ninth floor. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 9 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ | |_ ________| S| | ______ 1 | | | | | | | |_____| | | ______________________________________ | | | __________________6_______________ | | | | | ___________ __________ | | | | | |__| | | | | | | | | |__ | | | | | |2| |7| | 8 |____| 9 | | | | | | | | ____ | | | | | | | |___________| |__________| |5| | | | | | | | | | | ____ | | | | | |_| |_ | | | | |___ 10 E| ___ | | | | |____| | |___| | | | |_4_____ | | |________________________________________| | |____________________3_______________________| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so continue on to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Right at the beginning there is an Ostwind waiting for you. Right after the second trap, there will be a Lynx wandering around. A little after you open the door, a second Ostwind will be waiting for you. ----- Traps ----- The first trap you'll encounter will be shortly after you make the turn to the left. It's a gas trap. Go a little further down to run into an Enemy Spawn trap, which will cause an enemy to fall on you. ----- Guide ----- This is a LONG hallway, and halfway through there's a door. Open it, fight your way through the enemies, and turn left at the end to enter room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- An Oswind is waiting for you right after the first trap. A little after the second trap there is another Ostwind. Go further down and you'll see a third Ostwind. ----- Traps ----- Right near the start there is a Land Mine, so jump over it. A little further down there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Go all the way down the hall, fighting the three enemies, and turn left at the end to enter room five. You'll only be in room five for a TINY bit, so turn left when you see a path to the left to enter room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is an Upgrade Kit in the center of the room for you to grab. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head in, grab the item, and head back out to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Near the beginning of the hallway you'll spot a chest containing a Happy Ending. ------- Enemies ------- Right near the beginning of the hallway there is a Statue. At the very, very end of the hallway there is an Ostwind. ----- Traps ----- You'll want to step on the first trap, since it's a wonderful FP Restore. The second trap is good (in my opinion) also, since it raises enemy levels. Hey, that means more experience! ----- Guide ----- Head all the way down the long hallway, and then turn left to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Statue is waiting for you near the beginning of the hall. Past the door is a Lynx. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head all the way down the hall, past the door, and turn left at the end to enter room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ostwind about halfway down the hall. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap near the beginning of the hall. ----- Guide ----- First off, this is the access to a HUGE secret room. So go there, and then head all the way down the hall and into the final room. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** The entrance to one of the best secret rooms in the game is right at the beginning of room seven. Smash the left wall near the area where your controller rumbles. ----- Items ----- There are two crates in the upper left corner, so smash them both to reveal chests. The one on the left contains a Forward March Whistle. The one on the right contains either a Bomb or Reeled Tape. ------- Enemies ------- A Lynx is waiting for you near the middle of the room. Near the bottom right corner of the room is an Ostwind. Another Ostwind lies next to the first one. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is one big room. In the upper right hand corner of the room, there is a door. Open it to get to the best room in the dungeon. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Four lovely chests make their home here. Chest one: Head north, right when you enter to find a chest containing a Naolin+ Chest two: Go to the bottom left hand corner of the room to find the Map of Forest Depths. Chest three: North of the MoFD is a chest with either a Mokana Ampoule or a Naolin+ Chest four: In the way back, in the upper right hand corner, there is a chest with either a Star-Spangled Cloth or a Lightning Ball. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- First off, avoid the two holes here since they drop you back to room five of floor eight. Instead, grab the items, and then head back to room seven. Go all the way to the end of the hall and turn left to get to the final room of the dungeon. ~~~~~Room 10: Nothing here, so just head up the stairs.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Final Floor <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _________________________ | __________6__________ | | | _________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 9 | | | | | | | | | |4| |____ __________| |7| | | _| | | | __ | | |_ | | | | |_| | _|8|_ | | | 5 _| | |_ _| | | |__| | |______| |____________| | |________ 3 ______________| _____ | | _| |_____| | |S 1 ______2| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just continue to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Again, nothing, so head up to room three.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 3: Nothing, but take the path to your left. We'll come back later.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 4: This is the entrance area to a secret room. Other than that, just head straight up the hallway to room six.~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** To get to this secret room, smash the left wall where your controller rumbles in room four. ----- Items ----- Wow! A Prehistoric Coin! Who saw that one coming? ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the coin and head out, all the way up the hall in room four, until you reach room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest will be right in front of you, and it contains either a Naolin+ or Naolin Gold. Chest two: The second chest is near the end, and it holds a Red Viper. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head all the way down the hall and turn left to get to room seven. ~~~~~Room 7: Nothing here, so head down the hall to room three again. Take the path to room eight now.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You have a final chance to save and return to town here, so first return to town to heal and then get back here and save. Once you're ready, go up and hit the floor switch to open the door to room nine, which contains the boss. ~~~~~Room 9: BOSS~~~~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Blocker =-=-=-=-=-=-= Level: 25 ---moves--- Attack move: Chest Beam Paralyze move: Spiral Upper Blind all move: Smoke Bomb This guy looks stoned :) Okay, poor joke. Anyway, Mag should be at level 29 by now, and Linear and Pepper should both be a couple levels higher than level 25. This means that Blocker will be very easy. When you start, you'll want to use Strength Spell to upgrade Mag and Pepper's attack (they are both on the front row, right?). Pepper should use her talent (it should be at least at the Pepper Flash level by now). Have Mag save his talent for when he really needs it. If you've been using Pepper's healing talent with Mag, it should be either Console or Nurse by now. Nurse will restore pretty much all of Mag's HP, and Console should restore a TON. Have Pepper use Super Beam once she's used her talent. Also, make sure that Blocker doesn't blind anyone. That can cause you to lose a major amount of FP without even hitting Blocker. Linear should be able to cure blindness by now. Also, Linear should be able to cure paralysis, one of the most annoying things you'll ever have to deal with. Blocker's Chest Beam causes a massive amount of damage (400-500), so you'll want to have Linear ready just in case you need to heal quickly. As long as Linear keeps everyone alive, and as long as Mag keeps using Sledgehammer, this battle should be VERY easy. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Preparing for the Crypt Maze | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Mag will open the chest and a weird thing will happen again (with the images and crap). Then Mag will return to Whitehead's office and give him the Selene Orb. Whitehead will tell Mag to get his reward downstairs, so head to the front desk and collect your dinale. The moment you recieve the dinale and leave, you'll see Whitehead talking to a mysterious person, although basically anyone would be able to tell that it's Yurka. Whitehead will ask about some remaining keys and Yurka will not speak. Then the game will reveal that Yurka is speaking, and he'll comment on how he needs someone... hmm... When you have control of Mag again, go to the hotel and hit the sack for the night. The screen will fade again. Linear will be playing her orcarina and then Yurka will appear floating in the air. He'll float over to Linear and they'll talk a bit. Yurka will then kill a plant with his strange powers. Linear will heal the plant and make many others sprout. Yurka will talk to Linear for a while and then leave. Mag will come out and warn Linear about catching a cold. It'll be morning and you'll gain control of Mag. First off, it's time to buy some lottery tickets using the Prehistoric Coins you got at the Forest Depths. You should have about ten coins, which is good enough to buy two tickets. You should have already won at least one thing, so see if you can win another cool thing by the lottery. Once you've used up all of your Prehistoric Coins, go back to the hotel and store any extras that you might have. Now it's time to go to the shop and sell any items that you might not need. I usually sell EVERYTHING except for those special things. Now, if you don't want to add any parts to your Cyframes, go and deposit those Upgrade Kits at the hotel. Now, go back to the Society Museum. Check with Keeno the researcher to see if any Appraisal items you have can be fused. Sell fused items, but don't sell any non-fused items since you might be able to assemble them later. Since you've been selling lots of crap, you should have at least 8000 dinale with you, which is enough to start making your preparations for the Crypt Maze. First, go up to Whitehead and get your next assignment (the Crypt Maze). Before you go, Whitehead will also hand you an Adventure Backpack. This handy item gives you 35 slots to carry items, five more than before. Head to the restaraunt and get Pepper to go with you on your adventures. Now head to the Cyframe Upgrade shop. It's time to level up those Cyframe parts. Power up some of Mag's Cyframe parts (preferably the Hammer parts) but save at least 1500 dinale for items. Now head to the Adventurer's Hut. It's time to buy some new equipment for the gang. Check if there's a new, powerful frying pan for Linear. If so, buy it. Also buy the latest armor so your characters can have some more defense. The next thing we need to do is head to the Tower of Despair, and go up to floor thirty. This is important, since the Recovery Blast Parts is the special item at the top. This allows Pepper to heal people, meaning that when Linear is out of your party (which will happen again), Pepper can help. Once you're out of the Tower, sell all spare items and then go to the Cyframe upgrade shop and begin to upgrade Pepper's Recovery Blast Parts. Once you are out of dinale (and there's no easy way you can get some more), it's time to head off to the Crypt Maze! +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Crypt Maze | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~15 floors~~~ ~~~Trapped areas: 2~~~ ~~~Secret areas: 5~~~ ~~~Cyframe Parts: Light Parts, Ice Blast Parts, Upgrade Kit~~~ ~~~Rare items: Map of Crypt Maze~~~ ----------------------+ Appraisal Items: | TH-f3 | Tachyon Theory Book | Blue Capsule | Blue Tub | Broken Plug | Broken Fight 182 | Broken Camera | Book on Making Ethane | Broken Cooking Stove | Clogged Tube | Chestnut's Thorn | Crystal Offering Vase | Fish Print | Frog | Foot Pedal | Crab Signboard | Glass Fruit | Havoc's Propeller | Small Screw | Small Chip | Small Knob | Small Motor | Small Bottle | Red/Blue Eyeglasses | Ice Crystal | Large Engine | Monitor Crystal | Metal Pole | Pictorial Fauna Guide | Thin Plate | Round Target | Shiny Disc | ----------------------+ Reward: Amber Orb Dinale: 10000 ~~~~~~~ Enemies ~~~~~~~ -------- Chestnut -------- Level: 20 ---Moves--- Attack move: Thrust Attack all move: Swelling Thorn ---------- Ex Monitor ---------- Level: 33 ---Moves--- Absorb FP move: FP Absorption Poison all move: Poisonous Attack ---- Hind ---- Level: 29 ---Moves--- Attack move: Beam Shower Attack two move: Drop Bomb -------- Massdont -------- Level: 22 ---Moves--- Raise agility for enemies move: Macro Activataion Lower agility move: Macro Slowdown -------- Conodont -------- Level: 19 ---Moves--- Raise agility move: Micro Activation Lower agility move: Micro Slowdown ----- Havoc ----- Level: 22 ---Moves--- Paralyze all move: Hyper Electromagnetic Field Confuse all move: Strange Jamming ------- Monitor ------- Level: 30 ---Moves--- Attack move: Flame Attack move: Freeze ------ Shadow ------ Level: 25 ---Moves--- Lower agility for all move: Drag In Paralyze move: Terrorize ------- Rocknut ------- Level: 24 ---Moves--- Counter-attack move: Counter-attack Raise defense move: Harden ---------- Rhinoceros ---------- Level: 32 ---Moves--- Attack move: Deadly Blow Attack move: Horn Screw ---------- Super Horn ---------- Level: 32 ---Moves--- Raise attack move: Power Charge Attack all move: Rampage ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 1 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ___________________ | | | | | | | 3 | | | | ____ ____ | / / | | \ \ / / | | \ \ / / |2 | \ 4 \ / 6 / ____| |____ \ \ / / | | \ \_____ ___/ / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | | 7 | | | __| | |__ _| | 1 ||E1 | E2| | | |_________| | | | | | | |____ ____| | | | | |S_| NOTE: The game map calls this whole floor one huge room. However, to make it easier, I've separated it into smaller rooms. ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the first pillar on your left to find the TH-f3. ------- Enemies ------- Move forward a little and you'll encounter a Massdont. Near the back, there is another Massdont. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is a HUGE room with tons of pillars, but all but one of the pillars contain nothing. Simply move forward to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- I don't include ice in the regular traps since it's only found in the Crypt Maze. Basically, you'll shoot across the area, since it's so slippery. ----- Guide ----- You basically can't control anything here, since the ice rockets you across the hallway whether you like it or not. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- A Naolin Gold rests in the only chest here. ------- Enemies ------- A Conodont lies here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- There are two paths you can take here, one on each side. We're taking the path on the right first. When you're done, go to the path on the left and take that one. ~~~~~Room 4: Nothing here, just head down to room five.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate near the corner to find a chest with a Snowball. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and head down the stairs. This really leads you to only two rooms in BF2, but one has an Upgrade Kit, so it's all good. The two rooms are listed as room one and room two in the BF2 guide. ~~~~~Room 6: Nothing here, so just head down the hallway and into the final room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Massdont resting here, waiting to get you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The stairs here lead to the real meat of BF2, so head down them. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 2 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _______________ _______| |________ |9 _____ 8 ______ | _| |_ |_______________| | | | | | | |_ 10_| | | |E| ____ ____ | | | |___| |__ |7| | 2 ___ 1 S1| | | |____| |____| | | | | __ __| |__ |S2| ___________ | | | |___| |______| 6 | | 3 ___ 4 ______ | |____| |____ ____| |_______| | | | | ______________| |________ |____________5____________| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just continue on to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the back of the room, there is a handy Upgrade Kit. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the Kit, and head back to BF1. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Massdont will greet you as you enter the room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After you defeat the enemy, head down the hall and into room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Luckily for you, this room is made up entirely of ice. So when you are sliding forward, make sure not to miss the hallway to your right. Enter it to get to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Go down all the way to the end on the left side and smash the crate. Open the chest to get either a Small Knob or Map Search. Chest two: At the complete opposite end, there is a chest containing a Naolin+. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Massdont near the beginning of the room. ----- Traps ----- Right before the first chest, there is a gas trap. Right before the second chest, there is another gas trap. ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the items, head out to room four again and go all the way north, to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the center to find a chest with either a Blue Tube or Quick Guard. ------- Enemies ------- Wandering around the pillar is a Massdont. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and head to the left to room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Near the beginning, a Massdont is flying around. A little after the HP Restore trap, there is another Massdont. ----- Traps ----- Don't we all love HP Restores? Hey, speaking of HP Restores, that's the first trap! And the second trap is a lovely gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Go up and turn left, into room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- This entire room is made up of ice, but there's nothing that can mess you up. ----- Guide ----- Simply slide across the room and to room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Chestnut is near the beginning of the hall. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Go up, turn to the left, and head straight into the final room. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are two enemies on both sides of you when you enter the room. Both enemies are Massdonts. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After defeating the two enemies, head down the stairs to BF3. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 3 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _______________________________________________ | _________________ _________________ | | | | | | | | | ___ ________| |________ ___ | | |6|__| |_|8 ______ ______10|_| |__|7| | |E1 9 ___| | 5 | |___ 11 E2| | | | |___| ____| |____ |___| | | | |____________| __ __ |____________| | |________________| |__ __| |________________| | | | | _ | | __|S|__ |4| _ | | | | | | | | | | __| |__ | 1 |_________________| |_______| | | ______________2____________ 3 | |_______| |_______| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- South of the start lies a chest with some Glass Slippers. ------- Enemies ------- Here lies a Massdont, and a Chestnut. ----- Traps ----- In the very center of the floor, there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Grab the Slippers, defeat the enemies, and then head on to room two. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A hallway made up of ice. What else is there to say? ----- Guide ----- Slide down the whole hallway to get to room three. When you're done with room three, come back here, but take the turn to the right to enter room four. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The crate in the lower right hand corner contains a Naolin. Chest two: Smash the pillar in the small hallway to reveal a chest with either an Ice Crystal or Mobiol+ ------- Enemies ------- There is a Rocknut in the little hallway in this room. Also, destroying the pillar in the little hallway causes another Rocknut to jump out. ----- Traps ----- The trap in the center of the floor makes all enemies on the floor level up by one. Good or bad? You decide. ----- Guide ----- Grab all of the items in here, and then run to room four, which you can get to from room two. ~~~~~Room 4: Nothing here, so just head straight up to room five.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The whole room is made up of ice, so you'll have to slip around while trying to get to certain hallways. ----- Guide ----- This room is linked to four other rooms. We are first going to head to the room that you can get to by going into the little hallway near the bottom left-hand corner. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Rocknut is wandering around here. A little bit further down, you'll encounter a Chestnut. A little past the trap you will encounter a Massdont. ----- Traps ----- The wonderful trap here is a Land Mine, near the end of the room. ----- Guide ----- When you pass the trap, head all the way across, past the ice, and you'll be in room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Near the end, you'll encounter a pillar that prevents you from going on. Smash it to reveal a chest with a Backward Curse. ------- Enemies ------- Right at the start you'll see a Massdont. A little past the trap, and there will be a Rocknut. ----- Traps ----- Near the start, there is a Land Mine. ----- Guide ----- This room is similar to room six. Just go through, following the path, until you come back to room five. Here, take the path in the upper left-hand corner to get to room eight. ~~~~~Room 8: Nothing here so just follow the path to room nine.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 9: Again, nothing but some stairs that lead to only one room of BF4. Go down, and when you're done with the area, return to room five and go to the room opposite you.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 10: Nothing here, so just follow the path to room eleven.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 11: Nothing, but the stairs are here that lead to the main part of BF4. Start at room two when you go to the BF4 guide.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 4 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _ _____ | | | |__ | | | 1 S1| | | _____ |_____| | | __| | | | |S2 2 | | | |_ _| _ | | | | _|E|__ | | _| |_ | |_______________| |_______________| | | 9 _______________10 _______________ 3 | |_ __| | | _____ |_ _| | | _____ | | | |_______| | | |______| | | | | 5 _______| | |7 ______ 8 | | | |_____| |4| | | |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | |__________________| |_________________| | |_____________________6____________________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the crate on the left for a Naolin Gold. Chest two: Smash the crate on the right for a chest with either a Venomol or Havoc's Propeller. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Massdont right behind the pillar. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply defeat the enemies, grab the items, and head back up to BF3. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest right next to the stairs contains an Ichthyol. ------- Enemies ------- A Rocknut rests near back. In the little hallway, there's a Chestnut. ----- Traps ----- Head into the little hallway to find a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Go into the little hallway and go down to room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a lovely FP Restore here. ----- Guide ----- There are two paths you can take here. The path on your right leads to room ten, and the path south of you leads to room four. Guess which path we're taking? ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Rocknut about halfway down. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- There is a path to a secret room here. Once you've looted it, go down the hallway and turn right. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** This secret room can be accessed by the right wall in room four. ----- Items ----- Oh my god! A Prehistoric Coin! SO RARE! ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the coin and head back to room four. From there, go to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Past the first door, there will be a Rocknut wandering around. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head all the way down the hallway, opening the doors as you come to them. Skip the path to the right when you see it (that's room ten); we'll be going there soon. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll run into a Rocknut about halfway down. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Heading down the whole hallway will lead you to room nine. But we don't want to do there yet, so open the door on your right and head to room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the crate in the center to reveal a chest with a Thin Plate. Chest two: Northwest of chest one is another chest, which contains Jungle Boots. Chest three: Southeast of chest two is one last chest containing either a Mokana Ampoule or Red Viper. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply grab all the items and head back to room eight. From here, head to room nine. ~~~~~Room 9: This has the exit, but we're not going there yet. Step on the floor switch and go through the door to room ten.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the northern section to reveal a chest containing either a Green Monitor or a Naolin+ Gold. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Massdont right where the door opens. In the north section, there is a Rocknut waiting for you. In the south section, a Chestnut waits for you behind the door. ----- Traps ----- This whole room is pretty much made up of ice, but it's nice since you can get to areas quicker. ----- Guide ----- Grab the items and defeat the enemies, then head back to room nine and go down the stairs to basement floor five. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 5 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____________________________________ _____| | | ___ 3 | | | |__ ____________ ____________ __| | | | | | | | | |2| | | _| |_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 7 | | | _| |_ | | |_____| | | | | |4| |6| | 1 | | | | | |_ _| | | | | |S| | |___________________________| | |______________5________________| _|E|_ _____ | |______________| | | 10 ______9_______ 8 | |_____| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing in here, so just head north to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Again nothing, so follow the path to the biggest room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Rocknut and a Massdont make their home on the slippery ice. Make sure the ice doesn't make them run into you from behind or you'll be at a disadvantage. ----- Traps ----- Almost the whole room is made of ice, so you'll have to slide most of the time. ----- Guide ----- Since you'll be going full speed on the ice, you might miss the paths that you can take on the right. Make sure to enter the first path on the right to get to room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Rocknut is wandering the area here. ----- Traps ----- This WHOLE room is ice, so you'll slide around when getting to room five. ----- Guide ----- Let the ice move you down the hall, and turn left into room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Rocknut here, so slide into it to begin your fight. ----- Traps ----- Again, the whole room is made of ice. ----- Guide ----- Slide down the path, and turn left into room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Conodont rests here. A little further down is a Rocknut. ----- Traps ----- Icy room here. ----- Guide ----- Slide up to room three. From here, take the middle path (on your left) and step on the floor switch to get to room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the pillar on your left to grab either a Glass Fruit or Chameleon Color. Chest two: Smash the pillar on your right to get the Round Target. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After you get the items, step on the blue target, which is a teleporter. This teleporter will send you to room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the first pillar on your left to get a chest with a Fish Print. Chest two: Smash the second pillar on your left to get a chest with an Ice Protection Pack. ------- Enemies ------- The first pillar on your left contains a Massdont. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the items, head forward into the hallway. ~~~~~Room 9: Nothing here, so just continue straight into the final room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the crate here to reveal a chest with a Naolin+ Chest two: The visible chest here contains some Secret Shoes. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the items and head down to BF6. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 6 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ___________________________________ | ______________7_______ ______ | | | | | | | | | _____ _| |_ | | | | | |______| | | | | | | 5 ______ 6 | | | _|E1| | | |_ _| |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | 14 | | | _| |_ _____ | | |_ _| | | | |______| | | |--10 | | |8| | 3 ______ 4 | | | | | | | |_ _| |_____| | | _____ | | | | | | | |__| |__ | |--13 | | _| |_ _____ | __ 15 E2|| | | | | |______| | | | |_____| | | | | | 1 ______ 2 | | | __| |_ | | |_ _| |_____| | | | __ | | | |S| | | | |12| | | |_______________________ | |_________| |__| | |_|__________9____________| |_______11_________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The entire room is made up of ice. ----- Guide ----- Take the path to your right, into room two. ~~~~~Room 2: The only thing here is a teleporter that takes you to room six. It's convenient if you want to skip all the goodies. But wait..... why WOULD you want to skip them?~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll meet your first Shadow here, which are little ghosts. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The pillar is just there to get in your way, so ignore it. There are two paths you can take here. Take the path to the right first. When you come back, take the other path available. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: In the middle of the floor, there is a chest with either a Naolin Gold or Red Viper. Chest two: Smash the crate on the left to reveal a chest with either a Mokana Ampoule or Tachyon Theory Book. Chest three: Smash the crate on the right to reveal a chest with either a Purol or Book on Making Ethane. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing all of the items, return to room three and take the other path to reach room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The whole room is made up of ice. ----- Guide ----- Slide over to the right to reach room six. ~~~~~Room 6: Nothing here but a teleporter that takes you to room two. Go up to room seven.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Shadow waits for you just past the first trap. ----- Traps ----- Beware of the gas trap here. ----- Guide ----- When you enter room seven, go to your left, down, and turn left at the end to enter room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to reveal a chest with Naolin+ Gold. ------- Enemies ------- The first enemy here is a Chestnut. Shortly after you see the Chestnut, you'll meet a Shadow. Smashing the pillar causes a second Shadow to jump out. ----- Traps ----- The two traps you'll encounter are both gas traps. ----- Guide ---- Run all the way down the hallway here. It may seem like you've hit a dead end, but you haven't. There's a secret room... ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** To get to this secret room, smash the back wall in room eight. ----- Items ----- Prehistoric Co... ah, forget it. ---No enemies--- ---No traps-- ----- Guide ----- Run in, grab the Coin, and rush out back to room seven. Take the opposite path this time to get to room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the second pillar to reveal a chest with Blue Moss. ------- Enemies ------- The first enemy you'll encounter will be a Chestnut. ----- Traps ----- Beware of the gas trap here. ----- Guide ----- Skip the path to your left for now and go all the way down to the end and turn left to enter room eleven. ~~~~~Room 11: Nothing here, so just go forward to enter room twelve (the square).~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the crate on the left to reveal a chest with Chestnut's Thorn. Chest two: Smash the crate on the right to reveal a chest with either a Chameleon Color or a Large Engine. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After opening the chests, go up the path into the hallway, which is room thirteen. ~~~~~Room 13: Nothing here, so just head straight up to room fourteen.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center of the room is a chest with a Beret. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After opening the chest, head downstairs to the first part of BF7. The first part covers the first nine rooms. ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Shadow spends its time wandering around this room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Defeat the enemy, then head down the stairs to reach the second part of Basement Floor Seven. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 7 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ____________________ _____ | | _____ | |__________| |____| | | 4 ____3_____ 2 |____ 1 | |_ _| | | |_ _| | | |____________________| |S1 | | | | | | ___________ _____ | | | |______| | | | | 12 __11__ 10 | |5| |_ _______| |_ _| | | | | |S2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _| |_ 13--| | _____ _____ | | | | | |____________| | | 6 | | | | 7 _____8______ 9 | |_____| | | |_____| |_____| | | | | ___| |______ _____ | |_____________| | | 14 _____15 _____ 16 | |____________| _| |_ |_____| | | | 17 | |_____| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the middle contains an Ichthyol. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- It looks like there is nothing but the chest here. Why did we come here then? Well, this is the entrance point to eight secret rooms! ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** To the left of the start, there is a little hallway. Smash the back to reveal the first of eight secret rooms. ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the first pillar on your left to reveal a chest with a Frog. Chest two: Smash the first pillar on your right to reveal a chest with a Broken Plug or Ancient Eye. Chest three: Smash the second pillar on your left to reveal a chest with a Line Up Whistle. Chest four: Smash the second pillar on your right to reveal a chest with a Bomb. ------- Enemies ------- Smash the first pillar on your left to reveal a Shadow. Smashing the first pillar on your right causes a Havoc to jump out at you. Smashing the second pillar on your right causes a Shadow to appear. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the four lovely items, just head south into room two. ~~~~~Room 3: Nothing here, so head straight into room four.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest in the middle of the floor contains a Naolin Gold. Chest two: Smash the pillar to reveal a chest with either a Wind Protection Pack or Small Screw. ------- Enemies ------- Smashing the pillar in the corner will cause a Shadow to jump out at you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the items, turn left to the hallway, which is room five. ~~~~~Room 5: Nothing in this long hallway, so head straight down to reach room six.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 6: Nothing here but a teleporter, which takes you to room seven.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 7: This only has a teleporter which takes you to room six. Just head south to reach room eight.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 8: Nothing in this hallway, so head south to reach room nine.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center of this room is a chest with a handy Upgrade Kit. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing this, head all the way back to room one. From there, go back up the stairs and make your way to room fifteen in BF6. ~~~~~Nothing here, so just turn left into room eleven.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Shadow is near the beginning of the room. ----- Traps ----- Let me put it this way: It's an absolute GOD. ----- Guide ----- Just head south in this small hallway. ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The whole room is made up of a slippery, low temperature substance known as the glare crust. (It's ice, what did you think it was?) ----- Guide ----- The path to room thirteen is on the left slide, so slide over to it. ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The first enemy you'll see is a Chestnut. Near the end, there will be a Shadow. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head south to the next room. That was an epic struggle. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Ice. Whole room. ----- Guide ----- Slide to your left and you'll come to room fifteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Shadow here. ----- Traps ----- RIGHT at the beginning there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Head south, to room sixteen. Keep in mind that this is a trapped room, so skip it if your characters are in bad condition. ~~~~~~~ Room 16 ~~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** ----- Items ----- In the center of the room is a chest with 500 dinale. ------- Enemies ------- The moment you enter, three Shadows will charge at you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Defeat the enemies, grab the cash, and return to room fifteen. Take the other path to get to the final room. ~~~~~~~ Room 17 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- It's all ice. ----- Guide ----- Hey, is this our first floor with seventeen rooms? Anyway, just slide into the stairs to get to BF8. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 8 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ________ _____ _| |_______| |__________ |E 17 ___16__ 15 ________ | |________| |_____| | | _______________________________ | | | _____________7_____________ | | | | | _____ _____ | | | | | | | |________| | | | | | | | | 13 ___12___ 11 | | | | |--14 | | |_____| |_ _| |8| | | | | | | | | | | | | _____ | | | | | | |6| | |__________| |______| |___| | | | | 10 _______________9___________| | | |_____| | | __________________ | | | ______3______ | _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | |____________| |_ | | | 5 _____4______ 1 S| | 2 | |_____| |_____| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here but a teleporter and a path to room four. Step on the teleporter to be sent to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a Prehistoric Coin in a little corner here. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the coin and head into the hallway, which is room three. ~~~~~Room 3: This is just a hallway that allows you to get back to room one (although you can just use the teleporter). At the end, hit the switch to open the door. You're back in room one.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- All ice here. ----- Guide ----- Slide down to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A random trap rests in the center of the room. ----- Guide ----- Step or don't step on the trap, and then turn right, which will lead you to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Near the end you'll encounter a Shadow. ----- Traps ----- Big, icy area. ----- Guide ----- Slide all the way down to the end, which is the small patch of "dry" land. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The first enemy you'll encounter will be a Hind. Go a little further down to encounter a second Hind. ----- Traps ----- On the first little area of "dry" land, there is a Land Mine. Then you'll slide on some ice. Next there is an Enemy Level Up trap and some more ice. The final trap is an FP Restore. ----- Guide ----- Stick to the sides when sliding to avoid sliding straight into traps. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- First, there's a Land Mine. Then it's all ice. ----- Guide ----- Simply slide down to room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Shadow is to the left of the start. ----- Traps ----- The first trap is an FP Restore. YAY! Go to the right and continue for a while to encounter a second trap, which is an Alarm trap. ----- Guide ----- Go all the way south and open the door to enter room ten. Once you're through with that room, go back and take the first path to the right that you see. Once you're done with the series of rooms there, go back here and go all the way south and turn to the right to enter room fourteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Shadow bouncing around this room, waiting for someone to come in so it can show off its horrendous and supernatrual moves...only to realize that they suck. ----- Traps ----- Mr. Freeze would like this room. ----- Guide ----- Head in, defeat the Shadow, and head back out to room nine. From there, go to room eleven. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Destroy the crate in the center to reveal a chest with a Pictorial Fauna Guide or some Blue Moss. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and head to the left to get to room twelve. ~~~~~Room 12: Nothing here, so just head down to room thirteen. Note that thirteen is a trapped room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** ----- Items ----- In the center of the room, there is the Ice Blast Parts lv. 1. ------- Enemies ------- A Shadow will charge at you right when you enter. There is also a Havoc and a Hind. ----- Traps ----- The whole room is made of ice. ----- Guide ----- Defeat the enemies, grab the item, and go all the way back to room nine. From there, go to room fourteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Near the end, there is a Hind. ----- Traps ----- Two gas traps are here, one near the start and one near the end of the room. ----- Guide ----- Head down the hallway and turn left at the end. Go straight to enter room 15. ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the center to find some Old Opera Glasses or an Escape Incense. ------- Enemies ------- Smashing the pillar in the center of the room will cause a Havoc to jump out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and continue on to room sixteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 16 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A hallway of ice. ----- Guide ----- Slide into the final room. ~~~~~~~ Room 17 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the first crate on the right to reveal a chest with a Small Bottle. Chest two: Smash the second crate on the left to reveal a chest with either an Ancient Eye or Venomol+ ------- Enemies ------- A Shadow is floating around here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the items and then head down to BF9 ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 9 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____________ _____________ | ___2_____ | | ___18____ | | | | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | |__ | |__________| | __| | | 1 S1| | 3 ___ 5 ___ 17 | |E1 19 | |_ _| |_ _| | | |_ _| |_ _| | |_________| | | | | |_________| | |______4______| | 6| |_____20______| _____ __| |__ _____ | | | | | | | | _____| |_____ | | | 9 | | ___ 7 ___ | | | | |___|8| | |16-| |___| 15 | | _____| |________| |_____ | |_ _| |_ _| | | _________________ | | | | __| |__ | | 10-| | |S2 21 E2| | |--14 _| |_ |_______ _______| _| |_ | |____________| |_____________| | | 11 _____________12_____________ 13 | |_____| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just head to the right to get to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Near room three, you'll find a Hind. ----- Traps ----- On opposite sides of the room are two gas traps. ----- Guide ----- This is one of two paths that you can take to get to room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Bust open the crate to reveal a chest with a Naolin+ or Herbs. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- While it may seem like there's no good reason to head to room four, there is. So skip the door for now and head there. Once you're done with room four, head back here and open the door to get to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The first trap you'll encounter will be a gas trap. The second trap here is the almighty HP and FP Restore trap. ----- Guide ----- Once you've restored your HP and FP, head back to room three and open the door to get to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- This whole are is made of ice. ----- Guide ----- Slide halfway down and then turn to the right. Hey, cool! You're in room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Shadow will charge at you right when you enter. ----- Traps ----- Two traps next to each other. Looks suspicious, doesn't it? Let's just say that they'd make an HP and FP Restore trap if they were to be fused. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest in the center here, with Light Parts lv. 1. ------- Enemies ------- A Hind makes its home here, as well as a Shadow and another Hind. ~~~~~Room 8: An empty hallway, so just follow it to room nine.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- A single chest here contains the Source of Luck. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and head south, into room ten. ~~~~~Room 10: A short hallway that leads you to room eleven.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate and you'll spot a chest with an About Face Whistle. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- There is a teleporter here that leads you to room thirteen, so you can skip room twelve altogether. However, we aren't going to do that. ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The whole hallway is made of ice. ----- Guide ----- Remember this place. You'll end up very close to here, when you are in room twenty-one, so you can use this hallway to go back to any places you missed. But you shouldn't have missed anything if you're using this guide :) ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate and you'll reveal a chest with a Chameleon Color or Trap Search. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The teleporter leading to room eleven is here. For now, just head north to room fourteen. ~~~~~A small hallway leading to room fifteen. Just go north.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smashing the pillar reveals a chest with a Blue Capsule or Naolin. ------- Enemies ------- A Hind is floating around the pillar here. Smashing the pillar causes another Hind to fly out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Well it's time to take the journey back up to room five so we can get to room seventeen. Head to the path on your left (from the area you entered), and that's room sixteen. ~~~~~Room 16: A small hallway. Open the door at the end and you'll be in room seven. Head to room seventeen from there.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 17 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to reveal a chest with either a Fireball or Shiny Disc. ------- Enemies ------- A Chestnut is in the corner of this room. Smash the pillar causes another Chestnut to fly out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You can take two paths to room nineteen, but we're take the path to the left, which is room eighteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 18 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The first trap is an HP and FP Restore [insert heavenly music here]. The second trap is a Land Mine [insert hellish music here]. ----- Guide ----- Just follow the hallway to room nineteen. ~~~~~Room 19: Nothing here but some steps that take you to the first three-fourths of floor ten. I suggest going down the steps now, since there is nothing for you at room twenty.~~~~~ NOTE: Once you go down these steps, skip ahead to floor ten. Follow the guide from room one to room seven, then go back to this floor and look at the guide for room twenty-one. ~~~~~~~ Room 20 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The two traps here are a gas trap and a Land Mine. ----- Guide ----- The only reason I'm covering this floor is because I'm supposed to cover all of floor nine. There is NO reason for you to visit this area. ~~~~~~~ Room 21 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Hind floating in front of you when you emerge from BF10. Go a little farther down and you'll spot another Hind. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Go all the way across the room and down the stairs. You'll be in the fourth part of BF10. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 10 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _ _____ | | | | ____| |__________| |____ | ________ |__ | |--------| 1 S1| | 3 2 |--------| | | |________| | |_____ ______ ______| | | | | | | | 4 | _____| |______| |______ __ | ________ | _E2|_ | | | 5 | | | | | | | | 10 | |_ ________| |______| |_ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | |6| _____ __________ | | | |__| |__ __| |_______| | |____ 7 E1| |S2 8 ________9| |_____| |__________| NOTE: Due to the fact that the game shows rooms one through seven as a complete square, it becomes close to impossible to figure out the locations of the enemies and in what rooms they are in. Therefore, I will simply list all of the enemies beforehand, and then list the items. Also, there will not be a "guide" part for each section, since it is difficult to determine when you leave a room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enemies in rooms one through seven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hind Hind Hind Hind Havoc Havoc Chestnut Shadow Shadow (smash a pillar in room three) ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate to reveal a chest with a Backward Curse. ----- Traps ----- A gas trap is near some ice. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to reveal a chest with the Broken Cooking Stove. ---No traps--- ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to reveal a chest with a Broken Camera or a Naolin Gold. ---No traps--- ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ----- Traps ----- The trap here is a gas trap. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate to reveal a chest with either some Herbs or a Psychol+ ---No traps--- ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ----- Traps ----- There is a Land Mine near the end of the hall here. ~~~~~Room 7: Nothing here, so head up the stairs and you'll find yourself in room twenty-one of BF9. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest in the middle of the floor here. Inside is a Naolin Gold. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head straight, and open the door at the end. You'll be in room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Shadow here, near the end of the hallway. ---No traps--- ~~~~~Room 10: Nothing here, so just head down the stairs to BF11 ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 11 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _____ _____ | |_____________| |___________| | | 11 ______10_____ 9 _ ___6___ 7 | |_ _|___________ |_____| | | __|_ _| |______12_______| |5| |___8__| _____ _____ _| |_ _____ | |_____| | ____| |_____| | | 24 __25_ 26 | | __ 3 __2__ 1 | |_ _| |_ _| | | |_ _| |_ _| | | |E| |4| | | |S| | | |_| | |--13 | | _____ | | _____ | | | |________| |________| | | |--23 | 15 ______14___________ 16 | | | |_____| _____ |_ _| | | _ | |_______| | | | | | | 18 _______ |--17 _| |_ 21--| | |_____| _| |_ | |______________| |_______________| | | 22 ____________20__________________ 19 | |_____| |_____| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll meet your first Monitor here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- From the start, head to the left to reach room two. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap in the center of the hallway. ----- Guide ----- Simply head south, past the insane amounts of absolutely nothing, to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor here, so sneak up on it if you can. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You can go to four different paths here. I suggest skipping room four and taking the path north to room five. ~~~~~Room 4: This just contains a teleporter that sends you to room twenty-one. But you're not cheap, so you aren't going in it, are you?~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No traps--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A hallway of ice. ----- Guide ----- Slide down, but stick to the right side of the wall since you will run straight into a trap otherwise. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- An Ex-Monitor hangs around here. ----- Traps ----- RIGHT at the beginning is a gas trap. Head to the right and you'll come to an Alarm. ----- Guide ----- When you get to room six, head right and go south. You'll come to room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the center to reveal a chest with either a Mokana Ampoule or a Red Viper. ------- Enemies ------- There is a single Ex-Monitor here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- I suggest you skip room eight and head back to room six. From there, make your way to room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Almost all of this area is made up of ice. ----- Guide ----- There is a dead end with a teleporter here, that leads to room twelve. But why would you want to skip some rooms? ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest in the center of the room with a Winged Hairband. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head straight after you get the item and you'll come to room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A hallway containing strange blocks of some type of frozen water. Hmm... ----- Guide ----- Slide all the way down to room eleven. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Monitor here, waiting to ambush you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head to the left after defeating the enemy to enter room twelve. ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor on the ice here. ----- Traps ----- Almost the whole room is made of ice. ----- Guide ----- At the end of the room is simply a teleporter that takes you back to room eight. Hey, we only went in this room due to the enemy, okay? Anyway, make your way back to room three now, and head south to hit room thirteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Hallway o' ice. ----- Guide ----- Slide down to room fourteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor here ----- Traps ----- To the left of the start is a Land Mine. ----- Guide ----- First, head right and you'll be in room fifteen. When you're done with that room, head all the way down and you'll be in room sixteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate here to find a chest that was inside. It contains wither a Crystal Offering Vase or a Forward March Whistle. ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor in the middle of the floor. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the item and defeating the enemy, head all the way south until you hit room sixteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 16 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the very center contains a Billowy Dress. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the dress and head to the right to reach room seventeen. ~~~~~Room 17: This simply links three different paths. First, head to the center of the hallway and turn right. Go south the reach room eighteen.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 18 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the center to reveal a chest with a Naolin Gold or Naolin+. ------- Enemies ------- An Ex Monitor is er... monitoring this room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and head back to room seventeen. Take the only path you haven't taken to reach room nineteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 19 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the center to reveal a Foot Pedal. ------- Enemies ------- Smash the pillar in the center and an Ex-Monitor will pop out. Hey, it can't monitor the room if it's trapped in a pillar. What the hell was it doing there? ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the item, head to the right to reach room twenty. ~~~~~~~ Room 20 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Before the ice, there is an Ex-Monitor. After the ice, there is a second Ex-Monitor. ----- Traps ----- First, there is a big patch of ice covering most of the hall. On each side of this ice, there are two normal traps. They are both lasers. ----- Guide ----- Skip room twenty-one and head all the way south to room twenty-two. ~~~~~Room 21: This has nothing but a teleporter that takes you to room four.~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 22 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the center to get either a Small Chip or Wind Protection Pack. ------- Enemies ------- Another Ex-Monitor here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and head right, which takes you to room twenty-three. ~~~~~~~ Room 23 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll slide right into a Monitor here. ----- Traps ----- This is another one of those INSANELY rare icy hallways. ----- Guide ----- Just slide on down to room twenty-four. ~~~~~Room 24: Nothing, so head to the right when you enter and you'll reach room twenty- five.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 25 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A gas trap rests in this small hallway. ----- Guide ----- Head south, past the gas trap, into the final room. ~~~~~Room 26: Nothing here, so just turn to your right and head down the stairs to BF12 ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 12 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _________________________________________ | _____ _________ ___6_____ _____ | | | _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 8 | | 7 | | 10 | | | | | |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| | | | | |_| |_| |E| | | | | | | | |____ ____| | |9 ____| |____ 5| | | _ _ | | | | _|S|_ _| |_ _| |_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1 | | 3 | | 4 | | | | | |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____| |_________| |_________| |_____| | |________________2________________________| ~~~~~~~~~~IMPORTANT NOTE: Almost all of the rooms here are completely made of ice. Instead of saying it four separate times, I am saying it here. It is done for the sole purpose of quick transportation when you're traveling to get to different rooms.~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A room of ice. How original. ----- Guide ----- Simply run forward and you're in room two. ~~~~~Nothing here, so just head to the left a little and turn left again and you're in room three.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the back to reveal a chest with a Naolin Gold or Item Search. ------- Enemies ------- You'll be introduced to the Super Horn here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Walk in, grab the item, and go to room four, which can be accessed by means of room two. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Head to the far back and you'll find a chest with Light Blade Parts lv. 1 or some Herbs. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head back to room two and go left. Smash the pillar to continue to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar halfway down to reveal a chest with either a Metal Pole or the Source of Defense. ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor near the end. Also, smash the pillar in the little hallway to reveal another Ex-Monitor. Hey, how the hell do those enemies get in the pillars anyway? ----- Traps ----- At the very end of the room, there is an Alarm. ----- Guide ----- After grabbing item, slide all the way down. Stick to the sides, unless you want to active an alarm. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A gas trap is at the very end here. ----- Guide ----- Skip the first path to the left (that's the exit; we always go there last, remember?) and head down to the second path on the left to reach room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the back to reveal a Naolin+ or a Bomb. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- BOTH traps at the beginning are Land Mines, so avoid them at all costs. ----- Guide ----- After looting this room, head down and take the third path on the left to get to room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the back for the special item, the Map of Crypt Maze. Very handy. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- One of those Land Mines catch you back in room seven? Never fear! HP Restore trap is here! (Heh, I sound like a commercial advertiser). ----- Guide ----- Once you've cleared this room, slide on to room nine. Remember, stick to the sides so you don't run into the trap. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar halfway down the hall to get the Red/Blue Eyeglasses. ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor wandering around here. ----- Traps ----- Slide into this trap. At the very end of the hall, you'll find an FP Restore. ----- Guide ----- Now it's time to backtrack, all the way to room ten. Remember, that's the place we skipped when we were at room six. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- An Ex-Monitor watches over this area. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Defeat the enemy, then slide down into the stairs leading to BF13 ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 13 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _ _| |_ ____| |___________________________ | __ 9 ___________10______________| | | |_ _| | | | | _ | |--11|8| | | _ | | _| |_ _| |_ _|S|_ | | | |_____| |_____| |__ | | | 7 _6___ 5 __4__ 1 __| | | |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| | | | | | | | | | | |_| |_| | | | | _| |_ | | ____________________| |__ _| |_ |_______3____________ 2 __| | | |_____| | 12 | |_ _| |E| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar here for a Backward Curse. ------- Enemies ------- A Rhinoceros is wandering around here. ----- Traps ----- Ice. Bleh. ----- Guide ----- First, grab the item, then head south of where the start is and go down the hallway to reach room two. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to reveal a chest with a Blaze Shield. There is another pillar that contains either a Monitor Crystal or Chameleon Color. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Rhinoceros here. Also, smashing one of the pillars causes an Ex-Monitor to pop out. ----- Traps ----- Ice floor, except for the little hallways. ----- Guide ----- Slide your way over to the right when you enter to get to room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Right at the beginning there's an Ex-Monitor. ----- Traps ----- Well this is rare. Three traps, one after the other, all Land Mines. Stay away, stay away... ----- Guide ----- At the very end is a teleporter that takes you to room ten. Hey, we were here for the enemy and the enemy only. Head back to room one and take the other path to reach room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A HP Restore trap makes its home here. Yay... ----- Guide ----- Head down the hallway, healing your HP by the trap, and you'll reach room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- On the left side is a chest with a Tuxedo (not THE Tuxedo... just a tuxedo). On the right is a crate. Smash it to reveal a chest with either a Naolin or Venomol+. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Icy room, except for the two tiny hallways. ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the items, head south to reach room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap in this hall, so stick to the sides. ----- Guide ----- Run past the trap and into room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The room is full of ice. ----- Guide ----- The moment you enter, head right to reach room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- At the beginning of the hall is an Ex-Monitor. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head north to reach room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar here to get the Crab Signboard or a Wind Protection Pack. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- [insert lots of ice here] ----- Guide ----- You'll want to first head right, to room ten. Once that's cleared, head all the way back, and you'll be in room eleven. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Not surprisingly, an Ex-Monitor is around this area. ----- Traps ----- There are three gas traps at the end (all three of them poisoned me...odd...). ----- Guide ----- Except for the enemy, there's no reason to go here. Turn back, and take the path opposite of you when you're back in room nine to reach room eleven. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There's a Mobiol+ or an Escape Incense in a crate near the end. ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor near the end here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just follow the path given to you and you'll reach the final room. Almost there! ~~~~~Room 12: Nothing here, so head down the stairs to BF14.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 14 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _____ | | ____| |___ | 12 | | __ 13 _ | |_ _| 14--| | |_____| | |__________| | | | 10---| |____11______| _| |_ _| |_ _____ | | | |_____| | | 15 | | 7 __8__ 9 | |_ _| |_ _| |_____| | | | | | | _|E|_ | | _____ | |_| | | |__| |___ 16--|___ 17 | |6___ 5 _ | |_____| |_____| | | |4| _|S|_ _| |_ | |_____________________| | | 1 __________2__________ 3 | |_____| |_____| ~~~~~~~~~~BIG NOTE: Due to the fact that there is so much ice on this floor, I will not list the ice in the traps anymore.~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is an HP Restore trap near the exit of this room. ----- Guide ----- When you enter, turn to the left to get to the exit. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Super Horn about halfway down the hall. ----- Traps ----- At the very end here, there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Slide down the hallway, and stick to the side so you don't run into the trap at the end. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar on your left to reveal an Escape Incense. Smash the pillar on your right to reveal either a Small Motor or Enemy Search. Smash the crate to reveal a Red Viper. ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor patrolling the area. Smashing the pillar on the left causes an Ex-Monitor to jump out at you. Smashing the pillar on your right will cause a Super Horn to jump out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the items and head to the right to get to room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap near the start of the hall. ----- Guide ----- Follow the path given to you and open the door at the end to reach room five. ~~~~~Room 5: Nothing but ice here, so slide over and open the door to reach room six.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 6: This hallway has nothing, so follow the path and open the door at the end to reach room seven.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is an Ex-Monitor in the center of the room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just slide to the right to reach room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar blocking your way to reveal a chest with the Broken Fight 182. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The pillar is blocking your way, so smash it to continue to room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the center here contains 100 dinale. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Super Horn near the start. ----- Traps ----- In the upper left-hand corner, there is an FP Restore. Joy! ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and head back to room seven. From there, open the door to room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A gas trap rests here, so stick to the sides of the walls. ----- Guide ----- Near the beginning, there is an entrance to a secret room. Once you've looted the place, go all the way up the hallway to reach room thirteen. ~~~~~Room 11: This is a SECRET ROOM which is accessable from the beginning of room ten. There's nothing in room eleven, so continue on to room twelve.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Grab the Prehistoric Coin in here. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the coin and head back to room ten. From there, head to room thirteen. ~~~~~Room 13: Nothing, so head straight across to room fourteen.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap near the beginning of the room. ----- Guide ----- Follow the path given, and open the door at the end to reach room fifteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There's a Super Horn here. Oh yay. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head straight across and open the door to reach room sixteen. ~~~~~Room 16: Nothing here, so just follow the path to room seventeen. You'll have to open a door at the end.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 17 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the middle to get a Naolin Gold. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply grab the item and go down the stairs to the final basement floor. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Final Floor <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ___________________________ | ___________2___________ | | | | | ___| |___ ___| |___ | | | | | | | | | 1 | | 3 | | | | | _______ |___ ___| |___ ___| | | |S| | |______| | |4 _|__ 5 | | | | | | | |_______| __| |__ |__ 6 __| | | ___| |___ | | | | | 7 | | | |_________| ~~~~~Rooms 1, 2, and 3: All made of ice and they all have nothing in them. Follow the path to room four.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 4: Nothing here, but there's a path to a secret room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** ----- Items ----- Prehistoic Coin. Oh goody. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Walk in, grab the coin, and walk out. ~~~~~Room 6: Exit town to heal and then come back and save before you face the boss.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 7: BOSS~~~~~ =-=-=-=-=-=-=- BOSS: Pomornik -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Level: 37 ---Moves--- Attack move: Vice Press Attack all move: Freeze Volley Heal move: Auto-Repair Function This guy should be pretty easy if you haven't been skipping monsters. If you haven't, Mag should be at around level 39, and Linear and Pepper should be at level 37. You've been saving Peper and Mag's talents for the boss battle right? You should. Use Pepper's talent to do serious damage to Pomornik. Linear should first use Super Spell if she has it (she should by now). Then she should start healing. Have her use Serious First Aid whenever your characters have lost at least four hundred HP. When you REALLY need it, use Pepper's Nurse talent on Mag to heal all his HP. If you have upgraded Mag's hammer parts like I keep telling you to, then it should be at level six. That's enough to take out Pomornik in a few hits. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Preparing for Pine Village | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ When you defeat the boss, Mag will open the chest and the strange scene will occur. You'll return the Amber Orb to Whitehead and Mag will be sent down to the first floor of the Society to collect his reward. You'll get 10000 dinale, but Pepper will take 4000 of it. Leave the Society and hit the sack at the hotel. During the night, Mag will notice Linear on the balcony. Linear will mention Yurka and tell Mag she'll introduce him to Yurka. Oh, and notice how close the moon is. Dude, I got a Majora's Mask feeling there. Also note that this is the first "real" conversation Linear had with someone. When you wake up, head straight to the Society to get your next assignment. But you're introduced to some bad news. Seems Carcano (remember him? You beat his ass earlier) has stolen all of the Apprasial items that you've collected. Luckily for you, Whitehead had planted a bug in the trasure, so they found out that Carcano's hideout is in Pine Village. Now go to the hotel and deposit EVERYTHING. We'll make our preparations after you visit the Tower of Despair. So grab Pepper and head off to floor forty. You'll get the Cosmo Gun for Gre. However, since you aren't using Gre, sell it. Now go back to the hotel and get all items but the following: -Prehistoric Coins -Blue Moss -Upgrade Kits -Santa Marias -Special Vipers Go and sell EVERYTHING else. That should net you TONS of dinale. Now it's time to go back to the hotel and withdraw ALL of the Prehistoric Coins you have. You should have at least twenty-five (I had thirty-two). Go to the Lottery Shop and spend them all on lottery tickets. You should win at least one thing. If you've won everything already, then you can sell them at the shop for 100 dinale each! That's a lot of cash. Now go to the Adventurer's Hut and buy the High-Heat Frying Pan for Linear. It costs 1000 dinale. Sell the frying pan you had before (I had the Brand New Frying Pan). Now go back to the Cyframe Upgrade Shop and upgrade Pepper's Recovery Blast Parts UNTIL THEY HIT LEVEL THREE ONLY! That's all you need for now, since you have Linear with you. You know what we're gonna do with the rest of our dinale? (You should have at least 9000 dinale left; I hade 10,500 left.) Nothing! You've made enough preparations for now, and you'll need a TON of dinale before the dungeon after Pine Village. I would tell you to take Gre along on this assignment, so that you can keep all of the reward money, but we need to level up Pepper. So save now and head to Pine Village to start your next assignment! +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Pine Village | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You'll be walking in what looks like an old village or town. Linear will say that she feels like she's being watched and Pepper will tell Mag that they should explore a bit. You now have control of the gang. You can't commit suicide so don't try to walk off the edge. Head to your right and climb the stairs. At the top, head to your left. Climb the ladder in the center and go through the door. Wa la, you're in Carcano's office. He'll drop you guys down to Basement Floor Three. He'll then tell his henchmen to keep Mag and the gang alive and the henchmen will run off. You'll gain control of Mag, and start your journey back up to Carcano's office. ~~~3 floors~~~ ~~~Trapped areas: 1~~~ ~~~Secret areas: 1~~~ ~~~Cyframe Parts: Mind Parts, Recovery Blast Parts~~~ ~~~Rare items: Map of Bandit Hiedout~~~ ----------------------+ Appraisal items: | Antique Glass | Spores | Broken Cyframe | Spoiled Canned Goods | Broken Ice Axe | Small Engine | Dirty Bottle | Small Blue Car | Fungus | Shoe With Wheels | Glass Cylinder | Rusty Claw | Gold Disc | Rounded Metal Triangle| Leaden Mine Ore | Round-Bladed Scissors | Must Device | Rainbow Color Feather | Old Corkscrew | ----------------------+ ~~~Rewards: Bandit Symbol, Bandit Backpack, Carcano as an ally~~~~~ ~~~Dinale: 12000~~~ ~~~~~~~ Enemies ~~~~~~~ --------- Burgessia --------- Level: 26 ---NO MOVES--- --------------- Paladin Lobster --------------- Level: 30 ---Moves--- Poison move: Poison Bubbles Push back move: Knock Back ---------- Saber Lynx ---------- Level: 34 ---Moves--- Spawn Saber Lynx move: Call For Help Attack move: Fang Attack ------ Fungus ------ Level: 36 ---Moves--- Paralyze move: Paralysis Spores Heal move: Friendly Spores -------------- Death Mushroom -------------- Level: 32 ---Moves--- Heal move: Recover Spores Blind all move: Darkness Spores ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 3 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _____ _____ _____ | | | | | | | | | 9 | | 6 | | 4 | | 3 | |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| | | | | | | | | _| |_ _____| |________| |________| |________ _____ | |_____| |_____| | | 8 __7__ 2 (HUB) __12_ 13 | |_ _| |_____ ________ ________ ________| |_ _| | | | | | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | | 10 | | 5 | | 11 | | | | | |_ _| |_____| |_____| |__S__| | | |E| | | |1| | |--14 | | | | | | ____________________| | |15__________________ | | | _____ | | | | __| |___| | | | |E2 18 ___ | | | |_____| | | _| |_ | | | |________________| | | 16 ______17__________| |_____| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- On all four corners, there are spikes so stay in the center. ----- Guide ----- Head straight and open the door. Go down the hallway to reach the "hub" area of this floor, which is room two. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are four enemies here, and they're all Death Mushrooms. Death Mushrooms are pretty simple to defeat. ----- Traps ----- The first trap is an HP Restore trap. Good enough. A little further down is a Land Mine to the left. Oh goody. Go a little further and there will be an HP and FP Restore trap. DON'T step on this one yet. Chances are you're at full health, or close to it. Before you go up to Basement Floor Two, step on this trap. ----- Guide ----- This "hub" area leads to eight different rooms. The room in the very back leads to Carcano's office, but to open it you'll need the Bandit's Key. You get that at the very end of the dungeon. For now, go across the room you started in to reach room three. ~~~~~Room 3: Nothing in here but a handy save point. Who doesn't like a save point? Head back to room two and go to the second room on the north side. That's room four.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center of the room is a chest with a nice Special Viper. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the Viper and head to the next room on your left. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a single Death Mushroom here. ----- Traps ----- The north and south traps are gas traps, and the east and west traps are Alarms. ----- Guide ----- Defeat the enemy here and then head in the room opposite this one. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the center to reveal a Broken Cyframe. ------- Enemies ------- A Burgess is sliding around here. ----- Traps ----- Both traps are Land Mines. ----- Guide ----- Head back to room two and turn to your left. Head all the way down the hallway to reach room seven. ~~~~~Room 7: A small hallway here, nothing major.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center of the room is a chest with a Naolin+ Gold. ------- Enemies ------- There is a single Burgessia here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you've grabbed the item, turn to the right and go down the small hallway to hit room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Open the chest in the center for the Gorgeous Sandals. ------- Enemies ------- There's a Death Mushroom in the corner. ----- Traps ----- In the lower right-hand corner, there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Head down all the way, past room eight and down the hallway, and you'll hit room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the center for the Spoiled Canned Goods. ------- Enemies ------- You'll meet a Paladin Lobster here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Climb the ladder up to BF2 ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest here contains the Mind Parts lv. 1, something good for Mag. There is also a Prehistoric Coin here. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Step on the floor switch to open the door. When you hit BF2, go to the "hub" and enter the third room on the left to get to room eleven of BF2. ~~~~~Room 12: Once you have the Bandit's Key, you can open the door to reveal this hallway. You are very close to Carcano.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Step on the trap in the center, which is a handy HP Restore trap. ----- Guide ----- Go to the right when you've healed and you'll be in a hallway, which is room fourteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Death Mushroom in this hallway. ----- Traps ----- There are two gas traps here, one right after the other. ----- Guide ----- You can choose to take the stairs right at that moment, but you'd miss out on some Appraisal items. Just turn left the moment you see the turn to reach room fifteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Death Mushroom here. A little further down is Paladin Lobster. ----- Traps ----- Both traps in this hallway are painful Land Mines. ----- Guide ----- Follow the path and turn left at the end. Go straight and you'll eventually end up in room sixteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 16 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the crate in the center for the Leaden Mine Ore. Chest two: The other crate in the room has a Broken Ice Axe. ------- Enemies ------- There are two Death Mushrooms here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Nothing to this room. Grab the Appraisal items and turn to the right to get to room seventeen. ~~~~~~~ Room 17 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A single Death Mushroom wanders around near the trap. ----- Traps ----- Speaking of traps, there's a Land Mine here. Yay... ----- Guide ----- Head straight and turn left. You'll be in room fourteen. Go up and turn left to enter room eighteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 18 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There are spikes sticking out of the walls. What are you doing near the walls anyway? ----- Guide ----- Just head straight and climb up the ladder to reach room fourteen of BF2. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 2 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ | |___ | 5 _ | _____ _____ _____ |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | 7 | | 9 | | 11 | |4| |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| | | | | | | | | _____ | | _____| |________| |________| |________ _____ | |_|_|_| |_____| | | 2 __3__ 6 (HUB) _____ 12 | |_ _| |_____ ________ ________ ________| |_____| | | | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ _E2|_ | | | | | | | | | |___ | 1 | | 8 | | 10 | | 13 | | 21 _ | |_ _| |_____| |_____| |_ _| |_____| | | |S| |E1 | | |1| | |--20 | | _____ __| | | |____________________| | | 17 ________18__________ 19 | |_ _| |_____| | | _____ | | __| |____ | | |S2 14 __ | | | |_____| | | _| |_ | | | |_______________| | | 16 _______________15| |_____| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center of the floor is a chest with either Recovery Blast Parts (just in case you didn't go into the Tower of Despair... wait... why DIDN'T you go into the Tower of Despair?) or a Red Viper. ------- Enemies ------- One Death Mushroom patrols the area. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head straight, and go down the small hallway, to reach room two. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the center here contains the handy Map of the Bandit Hideout. ------- Enemies ------- A Saber Lynx is waiting for a victim in this room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the map, head to the right to get to room three. ~~~~~Room 3: Nothing here, but this is the entrance to a secret room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** To get to this secret room, smash the center section of the left wall in room three. There's nothing here, so just go straight up to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- FOUR Prehistoric Coins here, one in each corner. That's the kind of secret room I like. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the coins and head back to room three. Go all the way down the hallway to reach room six, which is the "hub" of this floor. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Four enemies in here also. One is a Death Mushroom, but all others are Saber Lynxes. ----- Traps ----- Five traps in here. The first and third are gas traps. The second is an HP Restore trap. The fourth is an Alarm. The fifth is a Land Mine. ----- Guide ----- Another "hub" are here. Again, this place leads to eight rooms, but they can all be accessed this time, unlike Basement Floor One, where you could only access six the first time through. First, head into the first room on your left (the directions make sense if you're standing right at the start, facing the room). ~~~~~Room 7: This has a huge hole which drops you to the start of the dungeon. Once you have the Bandit's Key, drop down this hole for a shorter route to the locked door.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** You have to defeat everyone here. Oh yeah, the moment you enter the room fills with poison. Linear should know Refresh Everyone by now, which cures everyone of poison. ----- Items ----- The chest in the center contains an Antique Gun. ------- Enemies ------- Walking around the chest are two Saber Lynxes and a Death Mushroom. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once the door opens again, head to the second room on the side opposite the one you're on. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: In the upper left-hand corner, smash the crate for an Antique Glass or Mobiol+ Chest two: In the upper right-hand corner, smash the crate for Shoes with Wheels or a Whirlwind Ball. Chest three: In the lower left-hand corner, smash the crate for a Small Blue Car. Chest four: In the lower right-hand corner, smash the crate for an Item Search or Rusty Claw. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After looting this excellent room, head straight down to the room opposite you. That's room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Past the hole is a chest with a Lead Ball. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Drop down the hole here to be taken to room eleven in BF3. That room has some nice crap that you don't want to miss. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the center contains a useful amount of 500 dinale. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head in, and then head to the very back of the "hub" room. Open the door and go down the hall to be in room twelve. ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the center to reveal a chest with either a Rainbow-Color Feather or Quick Parry. ------- Enemies ------- A single Death Mushroom is here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the item, go to the only room that you haven't gone to that accessed by the hub. From where you are, it'll be the first room on the left. ~~~~~Room 13: Nothing here but the ladder that takes you to Basement Floor One. ~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center of the room is a crate. Smash it to get some Blue Moss. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the Moss and head forward to reach the hallway, which is also room fifteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Saber Lynx in the second half of this hall. ----- Traps ----- Both traps are Land Mines. ----- Guide ----- Follow the path, sticking to the sides of the walls so you aren't stepping on the Land Mines. ~~~~~~~ Room 16 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate to the left of you to get a Dirty Bottle. Smash the crate above you to get a Quick Life. ------- Enemies ------- In this room there's a single Saber Lynx. ----- Traps ----- In the little hallway there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the helpful items, turn to the right and go down the hallway to reach room seventeen. ~~~~~~~ Room 17 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate to get either a Naolin Royal or Round Metal Triangle. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Death Mushroom in this room. It sometimes wanders into room eighteen, though. ----- Traps ----- RIGHT at the end of the room there is a Land Mine (when I say RIGHT I mean right before room eighteen). ----- Guide ----- Grab whatever item you get in the crate and then take the only path you haven't taken. That'll lead you to room eighteen. ~~~~~Room 18: Nothing here at all, so just run down to room nineteen.~~~~ ~~~~~Room 19: Nothing again. Occasionally, a Death Mushroom will wander in, but it usually stays in room twenty.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 20 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Death Mushroom here. Sometimes, you'll find it in room nineteen, but that's rare. ----- Traps ----- There is a Land Mine here. ----- Guide ----- Nothing to this room. Just jump over the Land Mine and turn to the left at the end to hit the final room. ~~~~~Room 21: Nothing here, so turn to the right and climb up the ladder. Almost there! (I'm telling myself that since writing this guide takes so damn long.)~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 1 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _____ | | | | _________ | 4 | | 15 | _| |___ |_ _| |_ _| |E 18 _ | | | | | |_________| | | | | _______| |______________________ | | | |___| | | | |3 ___ 2 | | |--17 | | |___________________________ __| _|S2_ | | | | | | | |__| | | | _| |_ | 16 ____| | | _______________ | | |_____| | |___| |___ | 1 | |_____ 5 _ | |_ _| |_______________| | | |S| |6| |1| | | _| |_ _____ | |________________| | | 7 ______8_________ 9 | |_ _| _____ |_ _| | | | |______| | _| |_ | 11 _____10 | | | |_____| _| |_ | 14 |________________| | | ______13________ 12 | |_____| |_____| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest here (smash the crate) with either a Chameleon Color or Musty Device. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Run forward and open the door to get to room two. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate near the end to get the Fungus Spores. ------- Enemies ------- Two Paladin Monsters and a Death Mushroom roam this area. ----- Traps ----- Oil is split along the middle section of the floor. It is exactly like the ice in the Crypt Maze. There is also a Gas trap and HP Restore. ----- Guide ----- Run all the way down to the end here and open the door to reach room three, which is a hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Fungus here. Yay. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- First head north and open the door to room four. Then go south and turn left to get to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the chest in the center there is an Iron Frying Pan. Equip it to Linear if you wish (it dramatically lowers agility, while raising attack). ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Walk in, grab the Pan, and then go all the way down room three to get to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Super Lynx wanders around here. ----- Traps ----- Eighty percent of the floor is littered with oil. ----- Guide ----- Just slide down to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a Land Mine here, so be careful. ----- Guide ----- Just follow the path given. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the center for the Round-Bladed Scissors. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Super Lynx here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the item, head to the left to get to room eight. ~~~~~Room 8: Nothing, so continue down to room nine.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a Land Mine here, so be careful. ----- Guide ----- Just head to the right when you enter the room. ~~~~~Room 10: Nothing here, so turn right to get to room eleven. Once you're done with that room, turn left and go all the way down to get to room twelve. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center, there is a lovely Bandit's Key. Now you can start your way back to Carcano. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the key and simply head to room twelve. Oh, so difficult. ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a Small Engine in a chest inside a crate here. ------- Enemies ------- A Super Lynx rests here. ----- Traps ----- There is an FP Restore in the center. ----- Guide ----- Step on the trap, grab the item, and head right to reach room thirteen. ~~~~~Room 13: Nothing, so head down the hallway to reach room fourteen.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate to get either the Gold Disc or the Source of Health and Spirit. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Super Lynx in the room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- When you're done with this room, head back to room two. From the entrance to room two, head to the left to reach room fifteen. ~~~~~Room 15: Nothing but a big hole that drops you all the way to the entrance of the dungeon. Which is just where we want to go.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 16: Nothing, so just head straight to reach room seventeen.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 17: Again nothing. Just go straight up and turn to the left to reach room eighteen.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 18 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll find a Funugs here (there's only what, three Funguses in the whole dungeon?). ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head straight up to reach the final room of the dungeon. ~~~~~~~ Room 19 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest to the left of you when you start is Green Moss. SAVE THIS FOR THE FINAL DUNGEON! In the upper left-hand corner, there is a Forward March Whistle. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- There is a save point here, so SAVE and climb up to face Carcano! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Carcano and Bandit Henchmen -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ------- Carcano ------- Level: 40 ---moves--- Push back all move: Drill Attack Push forward all move: Wire Hook --------------- Bandit Henchmen --------------- Level: 34 ---moves--- Attack move: Killer Punch Heal move: Relax You'll talk with Carcano a bit and Mag will suggest that Carcano just return the items. Fat chance. The moment you fight, use Pepper's talent. It should be at Pepper Flash. Use it on Carcano. Notice that he'll groan about fifty times before actually taking damage. For Linear, play her orcarina to cause some serious damage to everyone. When you need to heal, just use Serious First Aid. Mag is your main damage causer. If you use Sledgehammer (the 109 FP hammer move), you can cause INSANE damage to all three enemies at once! That should instantly take out the henchmen and give Carcano critical status. This battle really isn't that hard as long as you keep your characters alive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Preparing for the Society Dungeon | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Carcano will tell Mad that he underestimated him. He'll then return the stolen items to Mag, which will confuse the henchmen. He'll tell 'em to shut up :) Mag will grab the items. Carcano will ask Mag if he'd like to spend the night at Pine Village, but Mag will decline. Then he'll offer that Mag needs something to eat, but Mag will decline again. He'll then tell Mag that he can wander around until they go home. But then someone... something... will whisper Mag's name. Wanna take a wild bet on who it is? Mag will get all confused and then Mag's name will be muttered again. Mag will look outside for whoever was calling him. Run up to the entrance of the fort and Yurka will appear. He'll tell Mag he was waiting for him. Yurka will tell Mag to stay away from Linear. Mag will ask Yurka who he is and then Yurka will talk a little more and then throw some fireball at Mag. Linear will appear and Yurka will leave. Mag will walk back to Carcano and Linear will follow. Mag and Linear will stop talking and Carcano will suggest again that Mag stays the night. They will and Carcano will tell Mag that he's welcome anytime. Then Carcano will give Mag the Bandit's Symbol, so you can come to Pine Village without getting attacked. The other is a Bandit's Backpack, which lets you carry up to forty items! Yuo can now wander around town and buy some crap. One of the shops sells Appraisal items that you can't get anywhere else but there! When you're ready, leave two and you'll automatically return to Whitehead. Mag will hand him all the Appraisal items (there are four, but didn't we get only three?) that Carcano stole. He'll then tell Whitehead that Carcano has become a good person. Now go down to the receptionist and pick up your nice reward. You'll get 7200 dinale (Pepper will take 4800 of it), which is still a great sum. Now it's time to head back to the hotel to take a well deserved break. But when you leave..... cut to Whitehead talking to Yurka. Whitehead will say that he now has all four "keys". Cut back to Mag. Head to the hotel and hit the sack. You've earned it after falling down three floors in an area infested with mushrooms. WTF, no cut-scene with Linear during the night? But wait there's one during the morning. Linear will be in the rain, holding her orcarina, and Yurka will appear. Yurka will work his ass off trying to convince Linear that Mag um... sucks. He'll then try to tell Linear that as long as she's with Mag, Mag is in danger. Yeah, right. He'll then tell Linear that she has to vanish from Mag's sight. Linear will drop her orcarina and then the screen will fade. Cut to Gre running to Mag. He'll be extremely worried because Linear has vanished. Gre will give Mag the orcarina and Chain will walk in. Gre will tell Chain that Linear has disappeared. Chain will say that she saw Linear walking toward the Society Museum with someone else. Hmmm... Now you, Chain, and Gre will have to head to the Society Museum. Cut to Yurka and Linear standing before a portal in Whitehead's office. Whitehead will mutter about unraveling the prehistoric mysteries blah blah blah no one cares. Yurka will then shoot Whitehead with a fireball and Yurka and Linear will enter the portal. You're with Mag again. Rush to the Society and up to the front door. You'll find out that the door is locked. Oh goody. Chain will claim that he can bust through. He probably could, but Mag won't let him. Mag will rush to Carcano. Hey, he broke into the Society before when stealing the Appraisal items! Mag will ask Carcano how he broke in and Carcano will not tell Mag. Carcano will come with Mag to break into the Society. When they arrive at the Society there will be Pepper. She'll say she tried to get into the Society but it was locked. Mag will explain to her what happened. Carcano will rush over to the right side and use his Cyframe as a grabbling hook to get to the top. He'll enter a vent and then unlock the door from the inside. So you'll have control of Mag now, so rush into the Society and up to Whitehead's office. Whitehead will shout at Mag not to go near the portal. Whitehead will explain to Mag why he was sent here, and he'll mention Yurka. Whitehead will tell Mag that Yurka stole the keys and disappeared into the portal with Linear. You'll have control of Mag again. You can go into the portal now if you want. But why would you? Besides you have Gre and Chain. Like THAT's a good party. Head outside and choose Pepper and Carcano to come along. That's right, Carcano is available now. He's great, although he's sorta a little lower level than your other dudes. Oh well, he's still great. Now go up to Keeno and have all Appraisal items that can be combined assembled. Now sell as many Appraisal items as you dare. Remember that Appraisal items carry on to your next game, but if you just want to get the cash to make preparations, I'd sell stuff. What I did is sold all Appraisal items that I KNEW couldn't be assembled, then sold all my assembled ones. That gave me about 13000 dinale. You should now have at least 25000 dinale by now (I had 31000). That is enough to make all preparations you need. Okay, our first stop is the Cyframe upgrade shop. Upgrade Pepper's Recovery Blast Parts to the max level. That will cost you exactly 10000 dinale (assuming that you upgraded it to level three before, like I told you to). Now Pepper is pratically Linear, which is great. So you don't have to worry about that many healing items. Now upgrade Mag's Hand parts to level four. Your hammer parts should already be at the max level (they should've been for a while). Level four is all you need for the Hand Parts. Now upgrade Carcano's drill parts to level five. That should cost you around 6000-7000 dinale. You should have at least 4000 dinale left, which is pretty good. Also, has Mag learned all the moves for his hammer and hand parts? If not, make sure you teach them all to him in the Tower of Despair. Pepper needs to have learned all Recovery Blast moves, but she should've learned them all long ago. Carcano should instantly have Drill Attack and Penetration Drill, and he should be able to learn Drill Mixer AND Rock Bringer. Teach them both to Carcano. You'll learn the other two in the Tower of Despair. And you DO have the Luck Booster SP from the lottery shop, right? That can go into one of your Cyframe slots to increase that character's luck by twenty! Carcano already has all five slots available, so give him the Luck Booster SP. If you aren't planning to add any more slots to any of your characters, then it's time to sell those Kits! Yep, they sell for 1000 dinale each! Very useful. That netted me 5000 dinale, and you should have at least three. The next thing you want to do is head to a shop and sell all items but these: -Blue Moss -Green Moss -Santa Marias -Special Vipers -Quick Lives -Prehistoric Coins You should've gotten a hell of alotta Prehistoric Coins, so it's time to bust out those lottery tickets! You should win at least one new thing (I won THREE new things) since you should have at least twenty tickets. Once you've run out of Prehistoric Coins, sell any leftovers you might have. Now go to the Adventurer's Hut and buy the latest armor for Mag, Pepper, and Carcano. They should have some pretty good stuff, so don't miss out on this opportunity, okay? Okay now check your dinale. Do you have lots of cash left over? Hey we aren't letting that cash go to waste! Head over to the Cyframe Upgrade Shop if you have some more dinale and upgrade Carcano's Drill Parts and Mag's Hammer Parts. When Carcano's Drill Parts and Mag's Hammer Parts are at MAX level, start to level up Pepper's Laser Parts. Now go to the hotel and deposit EVERYTHING. We want no items at the moment. Okay, you have to make one last trip to the Tower of Despair now. You'll reach the top here, and we need to get TP for Carcano! There is an evil boss at the top, along with some Source of Attack. While at the Tower, use Carcano's Give Spirit talent on Mag until it's leveled up to The Usual. Now it restores a TON of FP for Mag. Once you complete the Tower of Despair, you'll get a whopping 2500 dinale. Yup, Pepper takes 10000 of it and Carcano takes a whopping 12500 of it. Oh well. Anyway, time to sell all those items you got at the Tower. Once you're done doing that, go to the item shop. Without Linear's status restoration powers, we don't have anything to heal poison/paralysis/sleep. Buy three Somnol+, three Mobiol+, and three Venomol+ Okay, now this is all you should have in your invetory- -All Blue Moss you've collected -All Green Moss you've collected -All Special Vipers you've collected -All Quick Lives you've collected -At least three Mokana Ampoules -Three Escape Incenses The Escape Incenses are just in case you get into a jam in the dungeon and have to retreat. It'll happen... trust me. Now make sure that Mag, Pepper, and Carcano all have Cute Dolls or Santa Marias as one of their accessories. They instantly revive you and fill up your HP and FP to the max. Now you need to decide who to give the Source of Attack to that you got from the Tower of Despair. I gave it to Mag, simply because he's the main damage dealer of the gang and the more damage he deals, the better. Okay, now check if you have any leftover dinale. If so, return to the Cyframe Upgrade Shop one last time, and power up Pepper's Laser Blast parts to the maximum level. Then use all leftover cash to power up Carcano's Wire Parts. Now you're ___FINALLY___ ready to enter the Mystery Dungeon. Go up to Whitehead's office and enter the portal to enter room one, floor one. Good luck! +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Society Dungeon | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ First off, I have to establish two things. Whenever you use an Escape Incense to get out, enter the portal that's in the Society lobby. NOT the one in Whitehead's office, which will only take you to floor one. Also, the pillars here don't look like regular pillars. They look like tall blocks with a red line running down the center. ~~~~24 floors~~~ ~~~8 trapped areas~~~ ~~~6 secret areas~~~ ~~~Cyframe Parts: Axe Parts, Bolwing parts, Homing Blast Parts, Propeller Past, Vacuum Parts, Roller Parts, Shovel Parts, four Upgrade Kits~~~ ~~~Rare items: Map of Mystery Dungeon~~~ ----------------------+ Appraisal items: | Small Metal Rod | Sooty Pot | Spider Bolt | Transparent Capsule | Two Rings | Unexploded Shell | V-205 | Z Boson Fusion Book | Antique Doll | Backward-Running Clock| Beige Aromatic Wood | Big Shiny Disc | Color Monitor | Golden Portrait | Gun Pod Part | Jet-Black Plate | Junk Board | Large Screw | LX-a7 | Motherboard _b_ | Old Empty Cartridge | O-Parts | Red Capsule | Red Cloth | Rod With Buttons | Small Chip | Self-Destruct Circuit | Bird-Men's Scribbles | Broken Arm | Broken Aromatic Wood | Broken Bottle | Broken Cane | Broken Trolley Wire | Broken Monitor | ----------------------+ Rewards: None Dinale: None ~~~~~~~ Enemies ~~~~~~~ ---------- Allosaurus ---------- Level: 53 ---Moves--- Raise attack move: Run Amok Absorb FP move: Crunch ------- Big Arm ------- Level: 50 ---Moves--- Attack all move: Steel Fist Paralyze all move: Steel Hand -------- Bomb Pod -------- Level: 38 ---Moves--- Suicide move: Self-Destruct Lower agility move: Birdlime Bomb ------ Gangut ------ Level: 45 ---Moves--- Attack move: Fire Emission Attack two move: Fire Shot ------------ Giant Spider ------------ Level: 60 ---Moves--- Attack all: Random Fire Attack all: Final Weapon ------- Gun Pod ------- Level: 42 ---Moves--- Paralyze all move: Bullet Spray ------ Hummer ------ Level: 40 ---Moves--- Confuse two move: Confusion Gas Put two to sleep move: Sleep Gas ------- Kinburn ------- Level: 56 ---Moves--- Random party rank move: Tornado Push two back move: Gale ------------- Ornithusuchus ------------- Level: 48 ---Moves--- Attack move: Sauroclaw Push two back move: Tail Whip --------- Patroller --------- Level: 36 ---Moves--- Attack move: Search and Destroy Absorb FP Move: Absorb Energy --------- Press Arm --------- Level: 49 ---Moves--- Push two back move: Swing Press ------ Spider ------ Level: 52 ---Moves--- Attack all move: Metal Pressure Attack two move: Big Ball --------- Staghound --------- Level: 46 ---Moves--- Confuse two move: Confusion Spell Spell block two move: Ghost Shell ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 1 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _________ _________ | | | | | |_____________| | | 7 _____ 6 _____ 5 | | | | | | | |___ ___| | | |___ ___| | | _| |_ | | | | | | | | | | | 10 | |4| |8| |_ _| | | | | |E| | | ___| |___ ___| |___ | | | | | |_____________| | | 9 ___ 2 ___ 3 | | | | | | | |_________| | | |_________| | 1 | |_ _| |S| ~~~~~Room 1: There is nothing here, so just head straight up to reach room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: This is just a hallway connecting rooms three and nine. Nothing special about it, and it's completely empty. Head to the right to reach room three.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar on the right to get a Backeward Curse or Forward Curse. Smash the pillar on the left to get an LX-a7. Smash the pillar on the lower right to get the Self-Destruct Circuit. ------- Enemies ------- Here it is. Your first enemy of the Society Dungeon. Yay... It's a Bomb Pod, a little further down is a Hummer. Smash the pillar on the lower right and another Hummer will pop out. Smash the pillar on the upper right and one more Hummer will pop out. There is one last Hummer in the pillar on the upper left. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing all of the goodies in this room, head to the left to get to room four, which is a hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a single Hummer in this room. ----- Traps ----- The first trap here is a gas trap. The second trap spawns a random enemy. I suggest stepping on that one, just for the experience. ----- Guide ----- Head straight up, avoiding the first trap, to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There are three pillars in this room. Chest one: Smash the pillar to the right of Mag when you start to get the Source of Defense. Chest two: Smash the pillar right above chest one to get a Naolin Gold or Red Viper. Chest three: Smash the pillar to the left of chest two to get a Large Screw or Motherboard _a_. ------- Enemies ------- A Hummer will pop out of the upper-right pillar when you smash it. The pillar on the left contains another Hummer. Hey, have you noticed that all but one of the enemies we've encounter has been a Hummer? Hmm... ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You'll want to enter the hallway to your left once you've looted the room. You'll be in room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Another enemy spawn is right at the start. Yay. The second trap is near the end, and it's a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- If you take the path to the left here, you'll be in room ten, which takes you to floor two of this dungeon. But why would you want to do that? You need all the experience you can get before you fight the bosses. Yes, that was plural. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest in the center contains Shovel Parts lv. 1 Chest two: In the lower right-hand corner, smash the pillar for a Broken Arm. Chest three: In the upper right-hand corner, smash the pillar to reveal a cehst with a Chameleon Color or Navigator. Chest four: In the upper left-hand corner, destroying the pillar reveals an Antique Doll or Typhoon Shield. ------- Enemies ------- Smash the lower right pillar to reveal a Hummer. Wow, surprise, surprise. ----- Traps ----- What's with these enemy spawns? There's another one in this room. ----- Guide ----- Why are there always three pillars in the exact same location? Oh well. Take the path to the left once you've defeated the enemy and gotten the items and you'll be in room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Both traps here are gas traps. ----- Guide ----- Simply head straight down the hall to reach the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest in the center contains a Bill. Chest two: Smash the pillar on the lower right to get a Red Capsule. Chest three: Smash the pillar located in the upper right-hand corner to get a Line Up Whistle. Chest four: Smash the pillar located on the left side and you'll net yourself a Forward March Whistle. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you've looted this room, you need to return to room six. From there, head to room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest in the center containing an Upgrade Kit. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the Upgrade Kit, head straight and climb the stairs to get to floor two. You're 1/24 of the way to the top! YEAH! ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 2 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _____ | |___________| | | 8 _____9_____ 11 | |_ _| _| |_ |_ _| | | | | | |--12 _____ | | | 10 | | | _____ | |_| | |_____| | |_| | | 6 __7| _|S|_ |___ 13 | |_ _| | | |_ _| | | | | | | _| |_ | 1 | _| |_ | |____ | | ____| | | 5 __ 4| |_ _| | __ 14 | |_____| | | | | | | |_____| | | | | 15-| | _| |_ | | _| |_ | |__| | _| | | 3 ___2| |E 16 | |_____| |_____| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest on the left has a nice Prehistoric Coat. Chest two: The chest on the right has a Blaze Shield or Heavy Blade Parts lv. 1 ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The trap right in front of you at the start is a useful FP Restore trap. ----- Guide ----- Head forward, grab the items, and open the door. You'll be in room two. ~~~~~Room 2: Nothing here, so just follow the path to room three. Stick to the sides though, or you'll step on a trap as soon as you enter room three.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Bust the pillar open to reveal an Ichthyol or Red Cloth. ------- Enemies ------- A Hummer! Wow! Oh yeah and pucnh the pillar and out will bust a... ah you know what it's gonna be. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap RIGHT at the start. ----- Guide ----- After you grab the item and defeat the enemies, head to the right to enter room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap here. ----- Guide ----- Follow the path, avoiding the trap, and you'll enter room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to get either the Source of Something or Sooty Pot. ------- Enemies ------- There are two Hummers, one out in the open and the other inside the pillar. ----- Traps ----- There is a random trap in the little hallway. ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the item, turn to the right and enter the little hallway. Go down it to enter room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a Naolin Gold in a pillar here. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the Gold, head to the right to reach room seven, which is a hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Okay it starts with H-U-M. ----- Traps ----- A gas trap lies here, waiting to ambush you. ----- Guide ----- Just follow the hallway, past the trap, and you'll be in room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to get a Junk Board. ------- Enemies ------- A Hummer likes to wander around these parts. Smash the pillar spawns not a Hummer but a Bomb Pod. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Turn right after grabbing the item and you're in room nine. ~~~~~Room 9: Nothing here, but this is the path to a secret room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** Smash the center section of the right wall to reveal a secret room. ----- Items ----- Not one, but TWO Prehistoric Coins here. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Walk in, grab the coins, and leave. Oh, difficult. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in here for a chest with either some Herbs or a Color Monitor. ------- Enemies ------- A Hummer. Again. How original. Oh yeah smash the pillar to spawn another Hummer. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The exit to this room is to the right (like in all the other rooms), so head there once you get the item. ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There's an Alarm near the end, but there aren't many enemies near here anyway. ----- Guide ----- A normal hallway with nothing special. ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- All these pillars are getting annoying. Smash the one in here to get a Broken Monitor. ------- Enemies ------- For the 50000 time, you'll spot another Hummer. It's in the pillar here. ----- Traps ----- In the little hallway, there is a gas trap. Yay... ----- Guide ----- Turn to the right to enter the little hallway, and head down that hallway to reach room fourteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The pillar here has an Old Empty Cartridge. ------- Enemies ------- There is another Hummer in the pillar here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head to the right and you'll instantly be in room fifteen. ~~~~~Room 15: There's nothing here so head down to the end of the hallway and open the door. You'll be in the final room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 16 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The only pillar in here has a Mokana Ampoule. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the item and head up the stairs to reach floor three. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 3 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _______________________________| |_ | _______14____________________ 15 E| | | |_____| | | _| |_ _____________ _____ ______ | |______| |______| |___| | | 12 ______ 11 ______ 10 ___ 9 | |_ _| |_____________| |_____| |__ _| | | | | | | | | | |__________________________ | | |___________13_______________| |8| | | | | _____________ _____ _| |_ _____ _| |_____| |____| | | | |_ 5 _____ 6 ____ 7 | | 4 | |_ _________| |_____| |_____| |_ _| __| | | | | __| _| |_ _| |_ _____ | |____| |____| |_ | 3 ____ 2 ____ 1 S| |_____| |_____| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing in here, so just move forward and open the door to reach room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center of the room is a pillar. Smash it for a Jet-Black Plate. ------- Enemies ------- IT ISN'T A HUMMER! IT ISN'T A HUMMER! It's a Gun Pod! But bust open the pillar and you get the usual... ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- If you want to skip a trapped room (room four), then go to the right and down the hallway to enter room five. But why would you want to miss experience? Go straight up if you are going to the trapped room. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You can sneak up on the Hummer in here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Taking the path to the right leads you to a trapped room. Your party should be in good condition though, so I see no problem with going to the room. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- A single Prehistoric Coin is lying on the ground. ------- Enemies ------- Only two Hummers in here, no problem. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After clearing this room, head back to room two. Take the path to the left and follow the hallway to get to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The only enemy here is a Bomb Pod, and it likes to hang around near the back of the room. ----- Traps ----- There is a trap in the very center of the room, and it's a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Nothing to this room. The little hallway in the back has nothing, so don't bother going there. Just head straight on through the door and down the little hallway to reach room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the chest that's lying out in the open, there's either a Red Viper or Mokana Ampoule. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Gun Pod and a Patroller here. No Hummers. Wow. ---Not traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just run forward and past the enemies and open the door. Go down the small hallway to enter room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Nothing but a random trap in the center of the floor. ----- Guide ----- The moment you enter, turn left and you'll be in room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a single Gun Pod here. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap in the center here. ----- Guide ----- This is one of those extremely simple hallways. Just go straight up, past the trap, and you'll enter room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- One Patroller... patrols this area. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After defeating the enemy, turn left and go down the small hallway. You'll be in room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is one Gun Pod waiting for you here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you defeat the Gun Pod, go down the small hallway. Open the door and you'll find yourself facing room eleven. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: In the very center, there's an Upgrade Kit. Chest two: Smash the lower right pillar for a Small Metal Rod. Chest three: Smash the lower left pillar for either a Whirlwind Ball or Small Chip. Chest four: Smash the upper right pillar for either a Motherboard _b_ or Naolin Gold. Chest five: Smash the upper left pillar for the Source of Health and Spirit. ------- Enemies ------- There is one enemy here, which is a little Bomb Pod. Nothing to worry about. But there are enemies in the pillars. Smash the lower left pillar to reveal a Gun Pod. Smash the lower right pillar to reveal a second Gun Pod. The upper left pillar has one last Gun Pod, and the upper right pillar has a Hummer. ----- Traps ----- There is only one trap in this room, and it is to the left of the first chest. It's a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Hmmm... this is a nice room. Anyway, after defeating the five enemies and grabbing the five items, head straight up and go up the small hallway. You'll be in room twelve. ~~~~~Room 12: Nothing in this room, but it leads to rooms thirteen and fourteen. Unless you didn't do what I said and took Gre, go to room fourteen and skip room thirteen.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- At the VERY end of the hallway, there is a Sniper Scope Gun for Gre. But we aren't using Gre, are we? ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head down the _LONG_ hallway to get to the item, then head all the way back up and go to room twelve. Take the path opposite you to get to room fourteen. ~~~~~Room 14: Nothing here, so just head down the long hallway and open the door at the end to reach the final room.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 15: Again, there's nothing here. Turn to the right and climb up the stairs to reach the next floor.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 4 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _ _____ _|S|_ __| | | | | _ 18 | | 1 | 17---|| |_____| |_ _| _ || | | _|E|_ || _____ _____ _| |_ _____ | |_||| |___|-----|___| |___| | | 16 ___ 4 ___ --3-- ___ 2 ___ 7 | |_ _| |_____| |-----| |_ _| |_ _| | | | | | | _| |_ _____ _____ _| |_ _| |_ | | | | | |___| | | | | 15 | | 13 | | 6 ___ 5 | | 8 | |_ _| |_ _| |_____| |_____| |_ _| | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ _____ _____ _| |_ | |___| |___| |___| |___| | | 14 ___ 12 ___ 11 ___ 10 ___ 9 | |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just continue on straight down to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Nothing again, but this leads to four different areas. For now, we're gonna go to the right, so head down the hallway.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 3: This looks like a pitch black hole and, well, it is. But do you notice that weird looking pole? Stand in front of it, face the hole, switch to Carcano, and press A. You'll use Carcano's Drill Parts to go across the hole.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest on the right has some Shoulder Pads, and the chest on the left has the Propeller Parts lv. 1 ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You COULD step on the floor switch and then end up going straight up to floor five, but you'd miss out on a TON of stuff. For now, just head back to room two and take the path to your left. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a random trap here, so step on it if you want. ----- Guide ----- Turn to the right the moment you enter this room. The next room is TRAPPED but you should be in good condition. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are two Gun Pods and two Hummers here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you defeat the enemies, head back to room two. Take the available path to the right next to get to room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is an enemy spawn trap here. ----- Guide ----- Just head to the right the moment you enter and you'll be in room eight. That was hard. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- A single gas trap rests in the middle here. ----- Guide ----- Just head straight, jumping over the trap, and open the door to get to room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a Broken Bottle in the pillar here. ------- Enemies ------- Inside the pillar is a Gun Pod. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After you defeat the enemy and grab the item, head to the right to get to room ten. This is a trapped room, but you have to go there. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** This is different from the other trapped rooms because there's no enemies. The doors close on you, and you have to activate a floor switch to escape. ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The two traps in here are gas traps. ----- Guide ----- Step on the floor switch and go through the door that opens (not the one you came through) to reach room eleven. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There are spikes in each corner, so just head straight. ----- Guide ----- Head straight to avoid the spikes. Go through the hallway to reach room twelve. ~~~~~Room 12: Nothing in here so head straight to reach room fourteen. We're skipping thirteen, since it has nothing. ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There are three traps in here, and they're all laser traps. Fun. ----- Guide ----- No point in being here, but if you did go in here, just step on the floor switch to escape. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar here to get either an Inferno Ball or Brown Aromatic Wood. ------- Enemies ------- There are two Patrollers here. Yay. Also, when you smash the pillar, a Gun Pod leaps out at you. ----- Traps ----- At the beginning of the room, there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Nothing's blocking your way here, so just head to the right and go through the door to reach room fifteen. ~~~~~Room 15: Nothing here, so just head straight and open the door to get to room sixteen.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 16 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to get either an Item Search or an Enemy Search. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The stairs are right in front of you but if you want a Prehistoric Coin, then don't go up yet. Instead, turn right into the hallway, which is the entrance to a secret room. ~~~~~Room 17: Smash the wall in the center of room sixteen (in the little hallway) to reveal this hallway. Just follow it to room eighteen.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 18 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a single Prehistoric Coin here. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Walk in, grab the coin, and return to room sixteen and head up the stairs. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 5 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _____ | |_______________________| | | 2 ________3_ |____4____ 5 | |_ _| | | |_____| | | ______| |______ | | | _____6_____ | _| |_ _| |_ _| |_ | | | | | | | 1 | | 7 | | 11 | |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| |S| | | | | _____ _| |_ _| |_ _____ | |___| | | |___| | | 9 ___ 8 | | 12 ___ 13 | |_ _| |_____| |_ _| |_____| | | | | _| |_ ____________| |_ | | _| | | 10 | |E 14 | |_____| |________________| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing in here, so just head straight up and go down the hallway to reach room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the center here to reveal a chest with a Naolin Gold. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After you grab the item, just turn to your right and go straight to reach room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The only trap in here is a nice HP Restore. By now, you probably have about a quarter of everyone's HP gone, so this is a nice time to use this trap. ----- Guide ----- This is the entrance to a secret room, so after you visit the room take the path that the game shows. ~~~~~Room 4: SECRET ROOM To get to this room, run to the back of room three (don't take the turn) and smash the wall. The first part is a hallway, nothing to it.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- One Prehistoric Coin rests here. Yay. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Run in, grab the coin, and return to room three. From where you are at room three, turn left to get to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A single Patroller watches over this hallway. ----- Traps ----- The first trap you see is a gas trap. The trap to your left is a random trap. ----- Guide ----- You have two paths you can take, but we're taking the path on the right first, k? ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to get a Gun Pod Part. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Hummer running around in here, and smashing the pillar will reveal a Gun Pod. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The entrance to room eight is right across from the entrance to this room, so just head straight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Hummer and a Gun Pod here. ----- Traps ----- Stepping on the trap in the middle triggers an Alarm, so that'll ruin your chances of sneaking up on the enemies in here. ----- Guide ----- Head down and open the door at the end of the hallway to reach room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to get a Golden Portrait. ------- Enemies ------- Smashing the pillar causes a Gun Pod to pop. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Easy room, just head to the left once you're in and you're in the next room. Keep in mind that the next room is a TRAPPED ROOM! ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** ----- Items ----- There is a single Prehistoric Coin in the middle of the floor. ------- Enemies ------- There is a single Patroller in here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you defeat the Patroller, return to room six and take the path you haven't taken. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the center contains an excellent Prehistoric Mask. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head straight (after grabbing the Mask), and open the door. ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Pretty much the MOMENT you enter the room a Bomb Pod greets you. There is another Bomb Pod in the corner. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap in the center. ----- Guide ----- Just turn to the left when you enter the room and you'll be in room thirteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate to get a Psychol+ ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is an enemy spawn trap in the center. ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the item, return to room twelve and open to the door to head to the final room. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Hummer in the corner. ----- Traps ----- There is a nice FP Restore trap near the left in the center of the hall. There is also an Enemy Level Up trap, but it really isn't of use since it's in the final room. ----- Guide ----- This is the final room of the floor. Simply run to the back after restoring your FP and climb the stairs. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 6 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _______________________________ | ____ _______7_____ ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |6| |5| |8| |9| | | | | | | | | _| |_ | | | | _| |_ | |__| | | |__| | | 4 ____| |____ 10 | |_ _| |_ _| | | _____ | | | |____ | | ____| | |2 ____|-----| 3 |-----|____ |--11 | | |_____| | | | | _| |_ | | | | _| |_ | 12 | | |_ |_ _| | 1 S| |E| |_____| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the center to get a Backward-Running Clock or a Forward March Whistle. ------- Enemies ------- Smashing the pillar in the middle of the room will cause a Gun Pod to jump out at you. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is an easy room. Just head to the right when you enter and you'll be in room two. ~~~~~Room 2: Nothing in here but a path to room three and room four. First turn to the right and use Carcano to grapple over to room three.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest on the right contains a valuable Cute Doll. Mag and Pepper should already have an instant reviving item, so equip this to Carcano. Chest two: The other chest contains the valuable Homing Blast Parts for Pepper. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You'll notice that there is another pole that can take you even further. This just takes you to room eleven, but you'll end up skipping seven rooms if you do that! Now who wants to skip seven rooms? So just go back the way you came and open the door to reach room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are two Gun Pods here, waiting for someone. ----- Traps ----- There is a Laser trap in the center here. ----- Guide ----- You have two different paths to take here. Both of them contain enemies, so you should take both. The first path we're taking is to the right. Simply open the door and you're in. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a single Gun Pod in this hallway. ----- Traps ----- There is one trap at the beginning, and it's a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Once you follow the path up, you'll be in room seven. Simply head to the left and then head to the left once more and you're in room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is only one enemy here, and it's a Gun Pod. ----- Traps ----- The single trap in here is an Enemy Spawn. ----- Guide ----- We only came here for the enemy, so go back the way you came to get to room seven again. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A single Bomb Pod is in this area. Easy enemy. Near the very end is a Gun Pod. ----- Traps ----- Right next to room five, there's a gas trap. Go a little further to find a random trap. ----- Guide ----- At the end of this room, you'll have another option of which path to take. I suggest going to room nine, since room eight has no enemies, just traps. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The first trap here is a random trap, so step on it if you're a risk taker. The second trap is a lovely laser. ----- Guide ----- Head down the hallway and turn to your left at the end. Open the door and you'll be in room ten. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The only enemy in here is a Bomb Pod. Hey, experience is experience, no matter how small the amount. ----- Traps ----- The only trap in here is a dangerous Land Mine. Goody. ----- Guide ----- Head straight down the hallway and open the door at the end. You're in room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate in the center to get a Red Viper. ------- Enemies ------- The only enemy that makes its home in this room is a Gun Pod. ----- Traps ----- There is a single trap just before the door, and it's a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- This is a small room, so head down and jump over the trap. Open the door to get to room eleven. ~~~~~Room 11: Nothing to this room. Just a little passageway between rooms twelve and three.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 12: This room is completely empty, except for the stairs taking you to floor seven.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 7 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _________________________________________ | ________________14___________________ | | | | | | | _____ _____ _|E|_ | | | |__| |___| |___ | | | | |____ 13 ___ 12 _ | | 17 | | | |_____| |_____| | | |_____| | |--15 | |--11 | | _____ _____ | | | | ___| |__| |___| | | | | _ 9 __ 10 _____| | | | | |_____| |_____| _| |_ | | ______________| | |8| _____ _____ | ____________ 16 | | |_| |__| |___| | |_ _| |___ 7 __ 6 ___ | |E| |_____| |_____| | | _ | | _|S|_ | | | | |5| | 1 | _____ | | |_ _| | |______________| | | | | 4 _______3______ | | | |_____| | |____| | |_______2| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing in this room, so just head straight to enter room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Again, nothing. Follow the path and turn right twice to be in room five. However, you're only in there for a short time. Take the path to the left when you see it.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is one Gun Pod in this area. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is a long hallway, but there's nothing but the enemy here. Just head straight. Keep in mind that room four is a trapped room. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** ----- Items ----- The chest in the center contains some powerful Omega Boots. ------- Enemies ------- There are two enemies here. The first is a Hummer and the second is a Gun Pod. Hey, when was that last time we saw a Hummer? ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After the room is cleared, grab the boots and go back down room three. You'll be in room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The only thing in this room is a single Gun Pod. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- If you head all the way up the hallway, you can get to the exit. But there are no shortcuts under my rules and you're gonna follow my rules. Take the second path to the left on this hallway (the first led to room three). ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is one Gun Pod in this room. ----- Traps ----- The trap in the center of the floor here is a Laser trap. ----- Guide ----- Just head straight, passing the trap, and go down the small hallway. You'll hit room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: In the center of the room is a chest out in the open. It contains either a Mokana Ampoule (good) or a Naolin+ Gold (better). Chest two: Smash the upper-left pillar to get a V-205. Chest three: Smash the lower-left pillar to get an About Face Whistle. Chest four: The pillar on the lower-right has a chest with a Transparent Capsule or a Naolin Royal. ------- Enemies ------- It seems that there are no enemies but there are. Smash the upper-left pillar to reveal a Gun Pod and the lower-right pillar has a second Gun Pod. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the four items in this room and defeating the enemies, take the path opposite the one you came through. Open the door at the end and you're in room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a single Laser trap in the center of the floor here. ----- Guide ----- This is a small hallway, so go up and turn to the left at the end. Open the door and you're in room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is one Hummer wandering around in this area. Hey, isn't Hummer a weird name for a bomb machine? ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Run forward and open the door. Go through the small hallway and you'll enter room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest out in the open here has some Spring Slippers. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Gun Pod here. That's all. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Go to the room straight across from here. That's room eleven. ~~~~~Room 11: There is a small hallway here that has nothing. Just follow it to room twelve.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The only thing that makes this room worth pointing out is the random trap in the middle of the floor. ----- Guide ----- Head straight up, past the trap, and go down the little hall into room thirteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are two enemies in here: A Gun Pod and a Hummer. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is a simple room. Defeat the enemies and open the door. You'll be in a LONG hallway, which is room fourteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The first part of this hallway has a Gun Pod. Halfway down the second part of the hallway, you'll encounter a second Gun Pod. At the very end of the hallway is a final Gun Pod. ----- Traps ----- There are three traps in the second part of the hallway. They go in this order: Gas, Enemy Levels, Alarm. ----- Guide ----- This hallway, while long, is fairly straightforward. Just turn right at the end to get to room fifteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 15 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The last Bomb Pod of the floor is here. ----- Traps ----- There is a single Gas trap in this room. ----- Guide ----- Nothing to this hallway either. Just head down and open the door at the end. You're in the final room. ~~~~~Room 16: This room is empty, so just head straight up the stairs to the eigth floor.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 17 ~~~~~~~ NOTE: This room is only accessible from the third room of floor eight. ----- Items ----- There is a single Prehistoric Coin in the middle of this room. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Let's treat this like a secret room. Walk in, grab the coin, and walk out. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 8 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< |2| |1| _|E|_ _____ _|E|_ | | | | | | | 7 | | 5 | | 3 | |_ _| |_ _| |_ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |____ | | _ | | |____ 4| | |_ __|S|___ | | | | |_ 2| | | | |________ | | | | | | |________ 6| | | | | | | ___| |_______| |_______| |_| | | | | 1 | | | |____________________________________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are four enemies here. Three of them are Gun Pods, and the last one is a Hummer. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- There certainly isn't very many things in this room, even though it's one of the biggest rooms in the game. There IS a path to three other areas though. Anyway, after defeating all the enemies, take the first turn to your right (assuming you have just entered). ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is only one enemy here, a Gun Pod. ----- Traps ----- The one trap in here is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- This is one small hallway, so just follow it on to room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the crate here to get a Navigator. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- If you want a Prehistoric Coin, then take the stairs. If not, return to room one and take the second path to the right to get to room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar in the hallway to get a Rod with Buttons or a nice Mokana Ampoule. ------- Enemies ------- Smashing the pillar in the hall causes a Hummer to jump out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- There is a pillar blocking your path halfway down so you'll have to smash it. Once you're done with the enemy that appeared, continue on to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The single chest in the center here contains Axe Parts lv. 1 ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the Axe Parts, return to room one and take the final path on the right. ~~~~~Room 6: Nothing here, so just follow the hallway and open the door at the end to reach the final room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The last enemy of this floor is a Bomb Pod. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Simply head up the stairs to the next floor. Whew, you're one-third to the top! ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 9 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ ____________________________| |_ | ______________8___________ 9 E| | | | |___ |_____| | | | 1 _ | | | |_ _| | | ___________ | | |S| | |_____| _______ | | | |2______ | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 | |____________ |7| | |_______| __________4 | | | |___________| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ____________ ____________ | | | |_| |____| |_______| | |___ ____ _________| | | | | | 6 | | 5 | | | | | |____________| |____________| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just head to the right to reach room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Again, nothing. Rush to the end and opent he door to reach the first "real" room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- A Hummmer wanders around these parts. It can be anywhere in this room, but it's usually around the front. There is also a new enemy, the Staghound, and a Gun Pod. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap to the right of the entrance. ----- Guide ----- Walk around the square block in the center and you'll spot the exit on the other side. Open the door to reach room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Near the end of the hallway you'll spot a Bomb Pod. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just follow the hallway down, taking the turns when you need to. Open the door at the end to reach room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is one chest here. It contains either a Naolin Royal (nice) or a Blue Moss (EXCELLENT). ------- Enemies ------- There are three enemies in this room, scattered around. Two of them are Staghounds, and the third is a Gun Pod. ----- Traps ----- The only trap in here is a gas trap, but it's in some little location somewhere near the chest so you shouldn't accidentaly step on it anyway. ----- Guide ----- This is a HUGE room. After grabbing the crap and defeating the enemies, go to the upper-right area on the opposite side of the entrance and open the door to get to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar that's closer to the north area to reveal a chest with either the Source of Defense or a Beige Aromatic Wood. ------- Enemies ------- Same enemies as last time, two Staghounds and a Gun Pod. But smashing the pillar that contains the item reveals a Hummer, too. ----- Traps ----- The only trap in here is stuck in some odd location. It's a laser trap, but you should end up having to go near it anyway. ----- Guide ----- This is just like the last room. Grab the item, defeat the enemies, and head to the upper-right to get to room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Before the door, there is a Bomb Pod. After there door, there's a Staghound. ----- Traps ----- The first trap in here is a laser trap. Beyond the door is another trap, which is a nice FP Restore trap. ----- Guide ----- Just head straight up. Near the end, you'll encounter a door. Open it and continue heading straight. Turn right at the end and you'll be in room eight. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The only enemy in this hall is a Hummer. ----- Traps ----- Near the end of the hall is a laser trap. ----- Guide ----- You should know these types of hallways by now. Just head forward and open the door at the end to reach the final room. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest out in the open with a Firefly Mushroom. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the nifty Firefly Mushroom, head up the stairs to get to floor ten. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 10 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< __________________ _____ | ___ __7_____ | _| | | | _| |_ | | |S 1 | | | | | | | |_ _| | | | 9 | | | | | | | |_ _| | | _____| | | | |E| | | _____ | ___ 2| | | __| |___| | | | | | | | |__ ___ 6 | | | | | |8| | | |_____| | | | | | | |5| |3| |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |______________| |______________| |________ |___________________________4________________| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The Source of Evasion is lying in a chest in the center of the floor. ------- Enemies ------- A single Hummer lies in this room. Aren't they a little weak now? ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The first room of EVERYTHING is easy, and this is no exception. Head to the right to enter room two. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to find a chest with a Broken Trolley Wire. ------- Enemies ------- Smashing the pillar will also cause a Staghound to jump out at you. ----- Traps ----- There's a trap RIGHT at the start, so the moment you step on it, and enemy will appear. ----- Guide ----- You passed a split to the right while going to get your item. Go back to that split and take it. That's room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The only enemy here is a Staghound. Pure joy. ----- Traps ----- There are two traps here. The first trap is in the first part of the hallway, and it's a laser trap. After you turn left, you'll come across a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- The door at the end opens and leads to room four, so take it. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The only chest here is inside a pillar at the very back of the hallway. Smash the pillar to collect either a Mokana Ampoule or Naolin Gold. ------- Enemies ------- Near the pillar is a Gun Pod. Smashing the pillar spawns a Staghound. At the VERY end of the hallway is another Staghound. ----- Traps ----- After turning left, there is a laser trap. Go up a little and you'll spot the next trap, which is a lovely gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Big hallway here. After grabbing the item, head all the way to the back. Take the first turn to the right you see to get to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Near the back, there is a Staghound. ----- Traps ----- There is a gas trap right before the Staghound, so be sure to avoid it if you don't want to enter the fight in bad condition. ----- Guide ----- Hit the floor switch in the corner to open the door directly across from it, which is room six. BE CAREFUL AS YOU ENTER! Why? Read the traps for that room... ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the pillar on the lower-left to get a Forward Curse. Chest two: The chest that's right out in the open contains a nice Gaia Circlet. Chest three: Smash the pillar on the upper-right to get a Broken Cane. ------- Enemies ------- Smashing the pillar on the upper-right causes a Staghound to fly out. ----- Traps ----- The floor is LITTERED with spikes. RIGHT when you enter there are some spikes, and if you look carefully, there are spikes almost everywhere. It's dangerous in this room, so leave as soon as you get everything. ----- Guide ----- Grab the items and get the hell outta there before you get stabbed. Head all the way up the hallway (room five) and turn left to get to room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Right before the entrance to room nine, there are some spikes. When you're heading to room nine, be sure to jump over them. ----- Guide ----- If you don't care about two enemies, then just go straight to room nine. Otherwise, go to room eight to gain some experience. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The final enemy of the floor is a Gun Pod. Oh, how difficult. ----- Traps ----- The only trap here spawns an enemy. That's good. ----- Guide ----- After defeating the enemies, head back to room seven and go to room nine from there. ~~~~~Room 9: Nothing here, so just head up the stairs to get to the eleventh floor.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 11 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _____ _____ | |_______ | |______________________| | | 9 _____ | | 10 _________11___________ 12 | |_____| | | |_ _| |_ _| |8|___| | | | |_____| | | | | | | | _ | | _____ | | _|S|_ |7| _| |_____| | | | | | |E 14 _____ |--13 | 1 | | | |_____| | | |_ _| | | | | | | | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ | | | |______________________| | | | | 6 _________5____________ | | | |_____| |_ 4 _| | | | | | | | | | | _| |_ | |______________________________________| |___ |_2______________________________________ 3 ___| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: There's nothing here, so just head forward to room two. BE CAREFUL as you enter. There's spikes right at the start.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar at the end of the first part of the hallway to reveal a cehst with either a Purol+ or Backward Curse. Not particually useful items, but oh well. ------- Enemies ------- At the end of the first part of the hallway, you'll meet your first Press Arm. After the conveyor belt, there is another Press Arm. ----- Traps ----- I call the first part of this hallway the Hallway to Hell (TM). Why? Well first off there's three spike set sticking out of the ground RIGHT at the start. So you'll have to be very careful not to step over them. Oh, but that's not all. There are spikes sticking in and out of walls. You have to be EXTREMELY careful there or you can leave this hallway with 500 HP less than you had when you started. Oh and that's not all. After the conveyor belt, there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Well, I told you how to get past the first part of this hallway in the traps section. You'll have to destroy the pillar to continue after that. The second section is a big blue conveyor belt. These things go FAST and if you try to run against them, you won't go anywhere. This one is going against where you want to go. So how to get across? Jump. If you keep jumping, you'll eventually get to the other side. It's a slow process, but it's the only way. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the small dead end in the back, there's a single chest with a Naolin Royal. ------- Enemies ------- There is another Press Arm in this room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the Royal, go to the area on your right. The little hallway is part of room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are two enemies in here, and they are both Press Arms. ----- Traps ----- The trap in the little hallway is a laser trap. Inside the main room, there's a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- First, go down the little hallway. When you get to the main room, just head to the left to get to room five. ~~~~~Room 5: Nothing but a conveyor belt headed in your direction.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll meet a Gangut here. Also, there is a Press Arm. ----- Traps ----- The one trap in here is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- After defeating the enemies, head to the right and get on the conveyor belt, which is room seven. ~~~~~Room 7: Another conveyor belt moving in your direction, but this is also the entrance to a secret room.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 8: SECRET ROOM To get to this room, stand against the left wall in room seven and press A repeatedly. The conveyor belt will take you to the spot, which is near the top. There's nothing in the first room, it's only a hallway.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest here with Vacuum Parts lv. 1. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you have the parts, let the conveyor belt in room seven take you to room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest in the upper left corner with a Fire Resistance Ring. ------- Enemies ------- There are two Press Arms in here. ----- Traps ----- The trap in the center is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- After defeating the enemies, turn to the right to get to room eleven. ~~~~~Room 11: Another belt. Just run on it to reach room twelve in on time.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The only chest here contains a Quick Attack. ------- Enemies ------- You'll meet your second Gangut in this room. Also in here is ANOTHER Press Arm. There seems to be a lot of those on this floor. ----- Traps ----- There is a target trap in the center. When I stepped on it nothing happened and the game told me "I got lost". Weird. ----- Guide ----- You'll have to get to the area with the conveyor belt that's going against you. ~~~~~Room 13: Jump against the force of the conveyor belt. When you reach the middle, turn to the right to get to the final room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 14 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: Smash the left pillar for the Source of Spirit. Chest two: Smash the right pillar to get the Two Rings or a Special Viper. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Grab the items and climb up the stairs. C'mon, you're almost halfway done! ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 12 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _ __________________________________ | | | ______________________________ | | | | | ______________________ | | | | | | | __________________ | | | | |___| | | | | | | | | ___ | | | _____ | | | | | | | | | |_| |_ | | |3| | | | | |2 _ 1 S| | |___| | | | | | | | |_____| | ___ | |4| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__________________| | | | | | | | |______________________| | | | | | |______________________________| | | | |__________________________________| | | _____ _____ | |_| |_______________________________| |_ | _ 5 ______________6________________ 7 E | | |_____| |_____| | | | | |_| NOTE: Due to the fact that you're pretty much going to have to visit every little corner, all "squares" are marked as one room. Basically, the only "squares" are rooms two and three. This makes it easier for me since I can combine areas, therefore making this take up less space. ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest in plain sight holds an Upgrade Kit. Chest two: The chest inside the pillar contains a Venomol+ ------- Enemies ------- Smashing the pillar causes a Press Hand to pop out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You just need to head straight and you'll be in room two, which is the first "square". ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Since the enemies like to wander around the "squares", I can't point out the general location. However, I can tell you that three Press Hands populate this area. ----- Traps ----- If you took the path to the left when you exited room one, you're encountering a laser trap. If you took the path to the right, you're encountering a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- First, go around the whole square to defeat all the Press Hands. Once that's done, THEN you can go through the little hallway to room three, which is the next "square". ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Again, I can't tell you the general locations of the enemies. There are four Press Hands wandering around this square. ----- Traps ----- Taking the path to the left will lead you to a gas trap and a Land Mine. Taking the path to the right leads you to a random trap and a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Same as before. Take out all enemies first, then go to the hallway that leads you to room four. ~~~~~Room 4: Nothing here but boulders rolling down. There's nothing hard about them. Wait till two roll buy, then simply run downstream and turn left when you get the chance to. You're in room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is a random trap in the center of the floor. ----- Guide ----- This is obvious. Head straight and open the door. You're in room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Press Arm in this hallway, but that's it. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Pratically the whole room is made up of a conveyor belt going against you, so you'll have to use the jump method. Open the door at the end and you're in the final room. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest in here with a Navigator. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- It's fairly obvious. Grab the Navigator and head up the stairs. Halfway done! ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 13 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _ _|E|_ ___| |______________________________ | _ 10 ______________11______________| | | |_ _| _ _____ | | _| |_ | |_____________________| | |9| | | | _________4___________ | | | | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | |___ | | | | | | | _| | | | | 8 | |_ | | 1 | ___| | |5| ____________| | | _ | | | |2 __________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _| | | | | | |7| |_ _| |_ | | | _____ |_ _| | | _| |_ | | | |_| | |S| | |_| |____| | |___ 3 | |___ 6 ____ | |_____| |_____| |_| ~~~~~~ Room 1 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The first trap is a Land Mine. Go a little further down and there will be an enemy spawn. ----- Guide ----- There are two paths you can take. We're going to take the first path, so head to your first left and open the door. ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Near the start of the room is a Press Arm. A little further down is another Press Arm. ----- Traps ----- There is an Alarm near the end, but there are no enemies nearby, so it doesn't matter if you step on it. ----- Guide ----- Head forward, turn left, and then head forward a little more. When you see a door to your left, open it. You'll be in room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The only thing in here is a chest in the center with Bowling Parts. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you get the parts, return to room one and go up a little more. Take the second left to get to room four. ~~~~~Room 4: There's nothing here, so just head straight down. Stop before you enter room five.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 5: More boulders here. The small alcoves in the wall keep you safe when the boulders roll buy.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the center has a Hot-Blooded Headband for you to take. ------- Enemies ------- There is a single Staghound in this room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- It looks like you could go straight to room eight, but the door is locked. So you're going to have to take the long way. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The only thing in this room is a Gangut. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is a very small hallway with pratically nothing, so getting to the other side is no problem. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the second pillar on your left to get an Unexploded Shell. Smashing the pillar on the upper right gets you a Z Boson Fusion Book. Smashing the pillar on the upper-left gets you an Item Search. ------- Enemies ------- There are a bunch of enemies here. The first is a Press Arm out in the open. The second pillar on your right has a Big Arm. The pillar in the upper-left corner has a Gangut. Finally, the pillar in the upper-right corner has a Press Arm. ---No traps--- ------- Enemies ------- After defeating everything and grabbing everything, head all the way up and open the door on the left to reach room nine. ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The two enemies here are a Gangut and Press Arm. Yay. ----- Traps ----- A nice HP Restore trap is here. You are probably a little worn out by now, so it's a good time to step on it. ----- Guide ----- Go straight and turn right, and then open the door to reach room ten. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The only trap here is an enemy spawn trap. ----- Guide ----- If you want Prehistoric Headgear (trust me you DO want it; it's as powerful as hell) then cross over to the door and open it to be in room eleven. ~~~~~~~ Room 11 ~~~~~~~ ------- Enemies ------- Near the back is a Press Arm. ----- Traps ----- This is the Hallway to Hell Version 2.0 (TM). It isn't AS hard, but it can still piss you off. First off, there are a bunch of spikes sticking out of the left wall, so run along the right wall. Then there's spikes alternating between the left and right walls, so you'll have to be very careful again. ----- Guide ----- Once you're done, head back to room ten and go up the stairs to the final "real" floor before the first boss. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 14 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ | |___ | 1 _ | |_ _| | | _ |S| | | _____ _|E|_ | |_| | | | | _ 3 | | 14 | | | |_____| |_ _| _____ _____ |2| | |_______| | | |_| | | _______ 13 | | 4 _ | | | |_____| |_____| | | | | | | _____ _____ | | | |_| | | |_| |--11 | _| 5 | | 12 _ | | | |_____| |_____| | | | | | | __| |_________________| |__ _____ _____ | _______________________ |_| | | |__| | 6 | _ 10 | | 7 __ |_______________________| | |_____| |_____| |_______ _______ _______| _| |_ _| |_ | | | | | 8 | | 9 | |_____| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just head right when you start to reach room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There's one Big Arm here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is like a mini-HUB area, since it links to five different rooms. You'll want to visit these rooms in order, so start with the first one on the left. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a pair of Kung Fu Shoes in the corner here. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- There is one random trap in the center. ----- Guide ----- Once you're done here, leave this room and go to the first room on the right. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a chest in the center with a Naolin Royal. ------- Enemies ------- A single Big Arm runs around here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Return to room two. It seems like there's no other rooms on the sides but what about a secret room... ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** Walk against the left wall in room two until your controller rumbles. Smash the wall where it does rumble. ----- Items ----- There is a single Prehistoric Coin in this room. Those are always handy for the lottery. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you're done here, go back into room two one last time. Walk to your right and open the door to get to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The enemies like to wander around this area, so I can't give specific locations. There are two Big Arms, a Pull Arm, and a Staghound. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You could describe this area as another mini-HUB area, since it connects to six different areas. You'll want to go to the rooms in order, starting with the first room on the left. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There is a Line Up Whistle in the pillar on the left, and a Chameleon Color in the pillar on the right. ------- Enemies ------- There are two Pull Arms here. One is in plain sight, and the other is inside the right pillar. ----- Guide ----- There's nothing in room eight, so skip it. Instead, go straight to room nine, which is two rooms ahead of this one. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- ALL four traps are Land Mines. Oh, goody. ----- Guide ----- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOIN' IN HERE? I TOLD YOU TO SKIP THIS ROOM! Fine, I'll tell you how to get out anyway. Simply step on the floor switch and the door will open. Now listen to me from now on, k? ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest that's right out in the open contains a Naolin+ Gold. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Exit this and go to the next room in line. If you are weak, remember that the next room is TRAPPED! ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ***TRAPPED ROOM*** The moment you enter, the room will fill up with poison gas. This is where those Venomol+ items come in handy. ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Big Arm, a THREE Ganguts, and two Pull Arms. That's a hell of alotta experience. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After getting your 6500 or so experience, go out to room six and enter the next room in line, which is the final room that room six leads to. ~~~~~Room 11: This is just a hallway connecting to four rooms (including the one you came from). For now, just enter the room on the left.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 12 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest here contains a Rune Cape. Exciting. ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- In the upper-right corner, there is a Laser. What are you doing in the upper-right corner anyway? ----- Guide ----- If you want a Firefly Mushroom (those are always good to have), then head to room thirteen, which is located in the back of room eleven. Otherwise, go straight to room fourteen. ~~~~~~~ Room 13 ~~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar to get a Firefly Mushroom. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Walk in, grab the Mushroom, and head to room fourteen, which you passed while heading here. ~~~~~Room 14: Just climb up the stairs. CONGRAGULATIONS! You are VERY close to the first boss!~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 15 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ __________________________________| | | ________________2_______________ 1 | | | _____ |_ _| | |__| | |S| | |__ 4 | | | |_____| | | | | |3| _____ | |__| | | __ 5 | | | |_____| | | | | | | _| |_ |_ _| | | | | _____ | |___| |_ |_____ 6 E| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing in this room, so just head left to the next room.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Nothing here either. Turn left at the end to reach room three.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Near the end, in a little alcove, smash the pillar to reveal a chest with Blue Moss. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This leads to three rooms, and I suggest you tackle them all in order since they have GREAT items that will seriously help you. There is also a save point at the end, but notice that there is no chance to escape. You'll have to use one of your own Escape Incenses to get back to town (you can still return up here, remember?) to fully heal. You NEED to do that. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** This room is near the beginning of room three, on the left side. ----- Items ----- A valuable Prehistoric Pendant is here. Equip it to Mag or Pepper. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you've grabbed everything, return to room three and head off to the next room in line. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There are AWESOME items here. Smash all the pillars and grab everything from the chests: A Naolin+ Royal, a Green Moss, a Naolin Royal, and either a Naolin Gold or Mokana Ampoule. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing everything, save and return to town, and then head to room six. ~~~~~Room 6: You ready? Double check. You have- -Lots of Blue Moss -At least two Green Moss -Each character is equipped with either a Santa Maria or Cute Doll -You have a couple of Special Vipers in your invetory -You have at least one Firefly Mushroom -You have at least one Quick Life (you won't use that for this boss battle) -the best armor you can have -Mag's Hand and Hammer Parts are at the MAX level -Pepper's Recovery Blast Parts are at the MAX level -Carcano's Drill Parts are at the MAX level Okay then! Head up to floor sixteen! ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 16 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< NOTE: I'm not doing a map for this floor, since there are only two rooms. Head forward a bit and you'll instantly trigger a cut-scene. Yurka will use the four keys you got (but you only got three!) to open a door and Yurka will tell Linear to go on ahead. Linear will do so and then Yurka will walk over to Mag, Pepper, and Carcano. Yurka will babble on about Linear and Yurka at the final stage for Evolutia. Then you'll engage! =-=-=-=-=-= BOSS: Yurka =-=-=-=-=-= Level: 59 ---Moves--- Attack all move: Natural Disaster Absorb HP move: Absorb Life Lower Agility for all: Time to Freeze Solid Blind all: Spellbound Blindness Well, here you are... all the preparations for this battle and you're finally in it. Yurka has some EXTREMELY powerful attacks, so you'll want to make sure you have at least 900 or so HP at all time. Also, these are the recommended levels for your characters: Mag- level 56+ Pepper- level 54+ Carcano- level 47+ Mine were a little higher, but this will do. When Pepper isn't healing, she'll want to use her Super Beam attack. Don't use it all the time, since Pepper will run out of FP and you'll be in a bit of a jam when you need healing. Pepper should also use Pepper Flash (if it isn't at Pepper Flash by now, what the hell have you been doing?). Keep Mag doing some of his most powerful Hammer moves (Bottom Hammer is recommended). Natural Disaster does about 900-1100 damage to everyone, so you're in some serious **** if he does that to you twice. If Pepper isn't going to be able to move before Yurka moves again, then use the Naolins that you got at floor fifteen. Carcano needs to keep doing Tower Bringer, since it does 2500-3000 damage to Yurka each time. Whenever Mag runs EXTREMELY low on HP, use Pepper's Nurse talent to heal pretty much all of it. When he runs low on FP, Carcano's The Usual talent will restore it all for Mag. You can also use different types of Moss, which is a good idea. Start off with the Blue Moss, since we want to save Green Moss for the second boss battle. You are in trouble if Yurka blinds you. Make sure that you have some items that heal blindness. When you win, you get a hell of alotta experience that should make each of your characters level up by TWO. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Preparing for the Society Dungeon part two | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Mag will demand to know where Linear is and Yurka will explain EVERYTHING... from the beginning of the time. From the Prehistoric Civiliztion. He'll explain about how the Prehistoric Civilization crated Yurka to destroy all and Linear to cure all... and then Ulticannon, to fuse Linear and Yurka. Yurka will then run off with Linear to an even higher location. Mag will try to use the teleporter thingymbob, but it won't work. Suddenly, Whitehead will appear with Gre and Chain and will have with him a portable transporter. Now you can go back to the Society from floor sixteen, as well as switch out with Gre and Chain. But wait... why would you want to do that? o_0 There isn't that much preparations you need to do for the next part of the dungeon. Go and sell all unneeded items, as well as any Appraisal items you want to sell. Then go to the Cyframe Upgrade shop and upgrade Pepper and Carcano's Laser and Wire Parts as much as you can. You're then ready to take on the second part of the Society Dungeon! +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Society Dungeon part two | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 17 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _________ | | | |_______ | 1 _____ 2| | | | | |___ ___| | | |S| | | | | ______________| |_____ __| |__ __| |__ __| _______ |__ | __|-------|__ | | |-------------| | | |-------------| | ____________| |-------| |__________ |4 __________ ________ 6| | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | | | | | | | | | |__ __| | | ____| |____ |__ __| ____| |____ | | |__ __| | | | | |_____ ______________| | | | 5 | | | | 7 | | | | | | | |___________| | | |___________| ____________ | | | | | | | |_____| | | 9 ______8| | | |____ _____| |E| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just continue on to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 2: Again, nothing. Simply follow the hallway to a HUGE room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- All four enemies here are big, scary Ornithosuchus. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Notice the big hole in this room. There is a hole like that in every room from now on. If you fall in it, you'll fall into the hole on the lower level, then fall into a hole on a lower level, etc. You'll eventually end up at floor sixteen. However, you can just teleport to the Society, then select the highest floor you've been to from there to prevent you from having to climb up everything again. For this room, you'll want to first head to the right to get to room four. ~~~~~Room 4: Nothing here, so just follow the path to room five.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest out in the open contains some Safety Glasses. The chest inside the pillar has a Forward Curse. ------- Enemies ------- There are two Ornithosuchus here. Hey, isn't that a cool name? ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the items and defeating the Ornithosuchus (I LOVE typing that), head back to room three. Go all the way across the room and open the door to get to room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- At the halfway point, you'll encounter a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- Not really much to say here. Just follow the path to room seven. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest out in the open contains a Bird-Men's Scribble. Chest two: Smash the left pillar to get a Quick Guard. Chest three: Smash the right pillar to get a Thunder Shield. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you have the items, return to room three and head all the way to the bottom. Go through the door there and you'll be in room eight. ~~~~~Room 8: Nothing here, so follow the path to the final room.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 9: Again, nothing here but the stairs that lead to the eighteenth floor.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 18 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ ___________________________________| |_ | _____________ 5 _________________ 7 E| | | | | |_____| _| |_ | | | | | | | 6 | _____| |_____ |_____| _|-------------|_ |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |--------4--------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |-----------------| |----- ------ | | __________| |__________ | ___________________ | | | _ | | | | _|S|_ | | _____ | | | | | |____| | | | | 1 | | |____ 3 | | | |_ _| | | |_____| | |________| |________| | |___________2___________| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing important in here, just head to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Near the top, there are two "random" traps. ----- Guide ----- After entering the secret room, head up north and stop in front of the HUGE hole. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** To get to this secret room, smash the right wall on the east side of room two. ----- Items ----- One Prehistoric Coin, please. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Like I said in the last guide, head to the north part of room two after this and stop in front of the hole. ~~~~~Room 4: OH SHOOT! YOU'RE DOOMED! How to get across, you ask? There's a floating platform that moves that you can hop on.~~~~~ ~~~~~Room 5: This just connects rooms six and seven, so first go to the left and open the door at the end.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: The chest out in the open has Roller Parts lv. 1 Chest two: Smash the pillar to reveal a chest with Naolin+ Royal. ------- Enemies ------- Two Orthinsuchus are here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the useful items, go back to room five and go across to the final room. ~~~~~Room 7: There's nothing here, so just climb the stairs to floor nineteen.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 19 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _| |______ |S 1 ____ | |_____| | | _ _______________ | | _|E|_ _|---------------|_ |2| | | |-------------------| | | | | |---------6---------| | | | | |-------------------| | | | 7 | |-------------------| | |_ | | | |_ |_ | |_ _| |_ | | | | | | | | | | | _| |_ _| |_ | | | | | | | | | 5 | | 3 | | | |_ _| |_ _| | |_____________| |_______________| | |______________________4____________| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing is inside here, so just head on to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You'll meet your first Allosaurus here. Those things are worth 900+ experience points! Go a little further down to encounter another Allosaurus. ----- Traps ----- Both traps here are dangerous laser traps. ----- Guide ----- There is a HUGE hole that's on the right side, so stick to the left to avoid the traps and the hole while running down to room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The only chest here has an Antibacterial Gauze. ------- Enemies ------- There are two more Allosauruses here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Head straight after this room and you'll be in a HUGE hallway. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- Wandering this hall are three Allosauruses. Near the very back, there is an Ornithosuchus. ----- Traps ----- There are two traps here. The first is a gas trap, and the second is an enemy level up trap. ----- Guide ----- If you want a couple of good items, then take your first right you see. Otherwise, go all the way to the end to reach the final room. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are two Allosauruses in this room. ----- Traps ----- The trap in the center here is a laser. ----- Guide ----- Head straight and up the hallway to the end. That's room six. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the back, there's two chests, one right after the other. The first has a Naolin Royal and the second has Titanum Shoes. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- You can wait for a platform to take you to the other side of the pit, but nothing is coming so head back to room four and go to room seven from there. ~~~~~Room 7: There's nothing here, so just head straight up to floor twenty.~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 20 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ___________________________ | __________3____________ | _____ | | | | | |___| | | | | 2 _____| | | |_ _| |--------------| | | | | |--------------| |4| _| |_ |--------------| | | | | |--------------| | | | 1 | |--------------| | | |_ _| |--------------| | | |S| |--------------| | |__ | | |__ | _ | | _| |_ _|E|_ _| | | | | | |8 _| | 5 | | 10 | | | |_ _| |_ _| _| |_ | | | |_____________| |______________| | |_______9_______ 7 _______6________| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so just head down the hallway to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There are THREE Allosauruses here. That's what, 3000 experience? ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the experience, head to the right to enter room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- In one of the corners, there is a random trap. ----- Guide ----- Remember the conveyor belts? There's one here, and it's going against you. Use the jump method to make it across. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The traps here are somewhat "disguised" so it can be hard to tell where they are. All three traps spawn enemies though, so it might be a good idea to step on them. ----- Guide ----- If you don't want to fight the enemies, stick to the left wall. To your right is a huge hole that will drop you down to the seventeenth floor. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the center has a Spacesuit. ------- Enemies ------- There is one Allosaurus in this room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Nothing to this room. Just head straight to reach room six. ~~~~~Room 6: This is just an empty hallway, so follow it to room seven.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest in the center here has either a Mokana Ampoule or Naolin Royal. ------- Enemies ------- Only one enemy in this room, an Allosaurus. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Skip room eight since there is nothing there and go straight to room nine. ~~~~~Room 8: If you wanted to go here, there is nothing but a conveyor belt that takes you right into the huge hole. Use the jump method to escape if you get stuck here.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 9 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is one Allosaurus near the conveyor belt. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The first part is a conveyor belt going in your direction, which is no problem. Just go forward after that to reach the final room. ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The only there in here is a gas trap at the beginning of the room. ----- Guide ----- The stairs are here, so just climb up to floor twenty-one. Only three more "real" floors left in the game! ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 21 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ | |_ | 11 E| _____ |_ _| | |____ | | | 9 __ | | | | | | |_____________________________| | | | |_______________10________________| |_ _| |--------------------- | | |--------------------- _| |_ |--------------------- | |_____ |--------------------- | 2 _ _||_-------------------- |_ _| | |__|--------------------- | | | __ ----------3---------- _| |_ | | |--------------------- ___ | | | | |--------------------- ___| | 1 | |4| |---------------------| |_ _| | | | |-----------------| |S| | | | 7 | | | |____| _| |_ | | _____ | |_|_|_| | | 5 __6__ 8 | |_____| |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here, so head north to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You're introduced to a new enemy here, the Kinburn. There is also an Allosaurus. ----- Traps ----- The only trap in here is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- You can go straight to room nine, but why would you do that? Go to the right when you enter and you're in a tiny part of room four. Stop right in front of the pit and jump on the platform. It'll take you to room three. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- At the very back of the hallway is a Cursed Gun. It's SUPER powerful for Gre but, oh yeah, we don't use Gre. RIGHT?!? Still, it sells for tons of dinale. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After grabbing the gun, jump back on the platform (be sure not to fall off) and hop off at the end. You're back in room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Near the beginning (you're past this part already) there is a gas trap. ----- Guide ----- A simple hallway with nothing in it, so just head straight down. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is a Kinburn and a new thing (Giant Spider) here. ----- Traps ----- There is an enemy level up trap in the center. Good or bad? Your choice. ----- Guide ----- Nothing to it, just head to the left. ~~~~~~Room 6: There's access to a secret room here.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** Smash the center of the left wall in room six here. ----- Items ----- There is a single Prehistoric Coin in this room. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Leave the room once you get the coin and continue down the hallway. The next room is STACKED with items. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash all the pillars in here for some awesome items: the Source of Attack, and Upgrade Kit, some Cosmo Fruit, a Special Viper, and O-Parts lv. 1 ------- Enemies ------- Smash the upper left pillar to reveal a Giant Spider a.k.a. experience god. The upper right pillar also has a Giant Spider. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Once you have all the awesome items, head all the way back to room two and get to room nine from there. ~~~~~Room 9: Nothing here, so just head north to room ten.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Room 10 ~~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The first two traps are an HP and FP Restore trap. Nice. The third is a target trap, but it tells me that I got lost. o_0 ----- Guide ----- Just follow the path, making sure to avoid the right side since it's a huge hole, to the final room. ~~~~~Room 11: Nothing here at all but the stairs. Two more "real" floors to go!~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 22 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _____ _| |___ |S 1 _ | |_____| | | | | | | | | | | | | |2| | | | | --------------------------- | | --------------------------- | | --------------------------- | | --------------------------- | | _____ --------------------------- _| |_ | |____---------------------------| | | 5 _______________4_______________ 3 | |_ _| _____ _____ |_____| | |____| | _| | |______ 6 | |E 8 | |_ _| |_ _| | |________________| | |_________7__________| ~~~~~Room 1: Nothing here at all, so just head forward to the next room.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is an Inburn first. A little farther down is an Allosaurus, and then a second Allosaurus. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is an easy hallway that you simply need to follow. ~~~~~~ Room 3 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- There's a chest in the center of the floor here with a Bandit's Scarf. ------- Enemies ------- Another Giant Spider rests here. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- This is a small room. Just head to the right when you defeat the enemy to be in room four. ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- Three sets of spikes are in the center of the floor here. Stick to the left wall to avoid them. ----- Guide ----- There is a huge pit here that drops you to floor seventeen if you fall in. You don't want that to happen, so stick to the left wall. An added bonus that you get by sticking to the left wall is that you won't hit any spikes on your way to room five. ~~~~~~ Room 5 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- In the center here, there is a Naolin+ Gold. You are saving these healing items for the final boss battle, right? ------- Enemies ------- One Giant Spider to go, please. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- A simple room. The hallway (room six) is accessed by turning left here. ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The only enemy in this room is a Kinburn. ----- Traps ----- Stepping on the trap here triggers an Alarm. ----- Guide ----- There's only one real path you can take, and it's fairly straightforward. Just be sure not to step on the trap if you want to surprise the enemies. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- The chest here has Super Alloy Clogs. ------- Enemies ------- Only enemy in this room is a Kinburn. Not too hard, right? ----- Traps ----- There is a laser trap here. Avoid it at all costs, since your characters are probably a little worn out by now. ----- Guide ----- It's another small room, with nothing blocking your way to room eight. Just turn right. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- The last enemies of the floor are two Kinburns and Giant Spider. Goody. ----- Traps ----- There is one gas trap in this room. Near the end, there is another trap: a wonderful FP Restore. ----- Guide ----- This is a very small hallway, and it is fairly simple to get through. ~~~~~Room 9: Empty room, except for the stairs. C'mon, you're almost there!~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Floor 23 <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< _ _|E|_ | | | 9 | | | |_ _| | | _______________________ _| |_ | ___________________ | | | | |-------------------| | | 8 | | |-------------------| | |_ _| | |-------------------| | | | | |--------4----------| | | | | |-------------------| | | |_________| |-------------------| | |3 ________________________ ______| _____ | | _| |________| | | | |_ 5|________ 7 | _| |_ _____ | | |_____| | |__________| |_ _| |_ | 2 __________ 1 S| | | |_____| |_____| | 6 | |_____| ~~~~~Room 1: Empty room, just go up all follow the hallway to room two.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 2 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- You're introduced to a new enemy, a Spider. There is also a Giant Spider here. ----- Traps ----- A laser trap is in the center. ----- Guide ----- You can go to the right and enter room three. ~~~~~Room 3: Empty room, but you can go straight to room eight if you want to be cheap. But don't, just turn to the right when you see the path to enter this floor's "square".~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 4 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Chest one: At the end of the first part of the square, there is a chest with some valuable Blue Moss. Chest two: Halfway down the second part, there is a chest with an Upgrade Kit. Chest three: At the end of the second part there is the Map of the Mystery Dungeon. A little late to be getting the map, isn't it? ---No enemies--- ----- Traps ----- The first part of this square has two gas traps. The second part has spikes sticking out of the floor. The third part has a Land Mine and a Laser. The fourth part has a single gas trap and a random trap. ----- Guide ----- BE VERY CAREFUL IN THIS AREA! There are no walls on the inside part, and there is a huge hole in the middle. Stick to the outside (you can also avoid traps that way) so you don't risk falling in. ~~~~~Room 5: This room is empty, but it's the access to a secret room. We'll go to that room after we visit the room in plain sight.~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Room 6 ~~~~~~ ---No items--- ------- Enemies ------- There is one Giant Spider in this room. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- The only thing in here is the Giant Spider, so return to room five and get to the secret room from there. ~~~~~~ Room 7 ~~~~~~ ***SECRET ROOM*** To get to this secret room, smash the center of the right wall (assuming that you're returning from room six). ----- Items ----- Four lovely Prehistoric Coins are here. ---No enemies--- ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- After you grab the coins, go all the way back to room three. From there, open the door to the next room. ~~~~~~ Room 8 ~~~~~~ ----- Items ----- Smash the pillar here to get a Spider Bolt. ------- Enemies ------- There is a Giant Spider and a Kinburn in this room. Smashing the pillar also causes a second Kinburn to pop out. ---No traps--- ----- Guide ----- Just head forward and open the door to room nine. ~~~~~Room 9: Head forward and open the door to the FINAL FLOOR!~~~~~ ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Final Floor <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< NOTE: Due to the size of this floor being so small (it has only four rooms), I will not be making a map. You'll first want to turn right and run to the right, making sure that you don't fall down the hole. When you reach a pole, switch to Carcano. Stand in front of it and press A to be sent to a floating platform in the middle of the huge pit. The chest there contains some Mecha-Phage armor, which is some of the most powerful armor in the game. Grapple back to the main area and continue on down to the final room of the game. Collect the three items in the chests and then return to town. Yeah, we need to make a couple of preparations. First off, sell everything you don't need. If you feel like selling Appraisal items, sell 'em. Then go and check to see if you have the following items: -at least five Naolin Golds -at least three Naolin Royals -at least three Naolin+ Golds -at least one Naolin+ Royal -at least five Blue Moss -at least two Green Moss -at least two Firefly Mushrooms or Ichthyol -at least one Cosmo Fruit -at least three Special Vipers -at least one Quick Life -at least three Mokana Ampoules -at least two King Coconuts -at least five Somnol+ If you've been saving the healing items that you've gotten at the Society Dungeon, and you have saved the items that I told you to save, you should have all of these, probably more. You can find Naolin Gold, Naolin Royal, Naolin+ Gold, Mokana Ampoules, and Somnol+ all at the item shop. You can find King Coconuts at Ricardo's Fruit Stand. Now, do you have any leftover dinale? If so, power up a few more Cyframe parts to whoever needs it. Hey, the high the level, the better! Okay, only a few more things. Check Mag's talents. If he does not have the two talents Nurse and The Usual available, then you haven't been practicing them! You'll need to go back to the Society Dungeon and use them until they are at that level. Also, does Pepper know Pepper Flash? If she doesn't, you need to practice her talent also. Carcano's talent doesn't really matter, since it only steals items. Now, you can't go into the final battle without being at the proper level, right? Here are the recommended levels: Mag- level 63 Pepper- level 60 Carcano- level 55 It isn't going to kill you if your characters are a level lower. If they are two levels lower, you need to go back to the Society Dungeon and train. Just keep doing floor twenty-three over again to get some good experience. Okay, now you're ready to fight the final boss. Return to floor twenty-four, SAVE YOUR GAME, and then climb the stairs to reach the top of the tower. You'll see a strange machine coming out of the ground. It will clow and absorb energy. It'll then shoot a laser out at then the screen will fade. A closer look will show that Linear and Yurka is inside. Ulticannon will fire at the group and Mag will run forward, despite Pepper and Carcano's warnings. Mag will take out Linear's orcarina and begin to play, although he sorta sucks. Ulticannon will fire at Mag, but miss every time. WTF is up with that? Mag will finally convince Linear to stay with Mag, so she'll bust out of Ulticannon. Smart girl :) Ulticannon will try to fuse Yurka will absolutely nothing, and Ulticannon will transform into some weird monster. Carcano and Pepper will make some comments about how this is messed up. A closer look at Ulticannon and HOLY **** that's messed up. Linear will want Mag to save Yurka, but Yurka will save that all he can do is destroy. You see, Yurka is a little pissed off that he's stuck in this weird transformation and Linear is by Mag's side! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FINAL BOSS: Ulticannon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Level: 65 ---Moves--- Attack all move: Sublimation of Humanity Sleep all move: Temptation to Sleep Randomly change group ranks move: Gravity Free Lower defense move: Life-Weakening Beam Cancel added effects move: Return to Nothingness Well, you're in the final boss battle. This is a TOUGH battle, even if you're at the proper levels and even though all the other bosses (except maybe Yurka) were easy. I told you to make sure Pepper Flash is available, but even it is you might not ever get a chance to use it. Ulticannon will force Pepper to work to death healing everyone. Carcano needs to use Tower Bringer NON-STOP unless he needs to use a healing item. Mag definitely needs to use Bottom Hammer, which is a powerful move. Ulticannon's Temptation to Sleep move is EXTREMELY dangerous. If any of your characters falls asleep, they could be out. If Pepper falls asleep, YOU'RE IN TROUBLE. Make sure that your Somnols are ready when you need them. Life-Weakening Beam can be especially dangerous if Ulticannon keeps his focus on a single character. He can lower their defense so much, they can be taken out in a single hit! Also, Ulticannon's regular move can attack all three characters. Gravity Free is one move that isn't THAT dangerous. It is still dangerous, but not as much as the others. It can deal about 500 damage, but changing ranks doesn't really matter. Whenever your characters drop below 1300 HP, have the group use a powerful healing item to restore it. If you wait too long, you will be in huge trouble. Sublimation of Humanity is ___VERY___ dangerous. This attack all move deals about 1000 damage to each character, sometimes more. Remember that you only have one chance to use Mag's talent. You need to decide between restoring HP and restoring FP. I'd go with restoring FP, but only when Mag's HP is VERY low. That shouldn't happen for a while, but it'll end up happening. Don't be afraid to use Mosses. You might think that you'll run out quickly, but you have plenty for this fight. Start out with the Blue Moss first, and THEN use the Green Moss. Once that's out, you'll have to resort to using Mokana Ampoules. Ulticannon should be dead by the time you run out of Moss, so you won't have to worry about running out of FP. Even when Ulticannon's health starts to flash, it still has a good deal of HP left, so don't start to slack. Fortunately, he can't restore HP, so you should be able to end the battle shortly after his health gets low. DON'T try to take Ulticannon out with Pepper if he starts to flash. Always use her to heal, unless everyone is at perfect health (and that isn't going to happen). Once he's out, you receive an INSANDE amount of zero experience. But hey, you beat the game! ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Ending <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< Ulticannon won't do any cool explosion when you kill him. He just... leans over. But then purple electricity will form and Ulticannon will start to rise in the air. Purple beams will start to fly out, and then Yurka will float down to the ground. Yurka will ask for Linear's forgiveness. Yurka will say his last words and Linear will begin to heal Yurka, but Yurka will stop her, saying that it will have no effect since he was made only for destruction. Mag will tell Yurka that they could be friends, and Linear will say that everyone's friends. Pepper and Carcano will even say some things too. Yurka will then disappear into the sky and vanish. Did he die? I dunno. The next scene is with Mag and Gre. They'll be by the train, waiting to leave, and Gre will say that they have some unfinished business. Mag will explain a little more about Evolutia to Gre and then Whitehead will show up. He'll tell Mag that he's welcome anytime, and Gre will tell Mag to get Linear. You now have control of Mag, so head to the hotel. Mag will notice Linear by the tree. He'll hand Linear here birthday present. So THAT'S why he was late last time. Then the screen will fade. Watch the credits and then you'll see the train moving. Everyone will be talking from inside, and Mag will say that he got a letter when they left the hotel. Gre will say that it's probably a thank you. Oh I bet it is ;) Just watch, it's pretty funny. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Tower of Despair %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== The Tower of Despair is a strange dungeon with a layout that changes every time you enter. There are fifty floors and there is no super-cool item at the top. Nope, just an evil boss waiting to kill you. Also, you gain almost NO experience points here? So why go to the Tower, you ask? Well, it's the TP. You'll gain MASSIVE amounts here, so you can learn all of the skills so you'll be very powerful when you get to the final dungeon. You can't go through the whole thing at once (it would take forever anyway). Only ten floors are available at first, and as you clear more dungeons, more floors become available. Every tenth floor there is a cool item for you to grab. Since the layout here is random, I'll just list the enemies for each of the ten floors and the special item at the top. +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Floors 1-10 | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~~~~~ ENEMIES ~~~~~~~ ------- Big Ben ------- Level: Varies ~~~Moves~~~ Attack move: Bite Poison move: Poison Bite -------- Claymore -------- Level: Varies ~~~Moves~~~ Paralyze move: Sticky Web Poison move: Poison Web -------------- Popo Tribesman -------------- Level: Varies ~~~Moves~~~ Attack move: Shield Bash Poison move: Poison Dart ------------- Redback Widow ------------- Level: Varies ~~~Moves~~~ Paralyze move: Paralysis Web Push move: Knock Back Web SPECIAL ITEM (10th floor): Megaphone Parts OR Upgrade Kit +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Floors 11-20 | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ -------- Aysheaia -------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Absorb HP move: French Kis Pull forward move: Suck In ------ Gambus ------ Level: Varies ---Moves--- Attack move: Gnaw Attack move: Tail Slap --------- Peripatus --------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Confuse move: Strange Light Absorb FP move: Steady Kiss --------------- Tatar Tribesman --------------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Confuse move: Strange Dance Sleep move: Sleep Dart SPECIAL ITEM (20th floor): Heavy Blade Parts +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Floors 21-30 | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ------------- Archaeopteryx ------------- Level: Vaires ---Moves--- Attack move: Wind Slash Push back move: Flapping Wings -------- Bacterio -------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Attack move: Head Butt Attack all move: Gas ---------- Protocalus ---------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Sleep move: Sleep Needle Poison move: Poison Needle ----------------- Rhamphorhynchusus ----------------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Attack two move: Vacuum Cut Lower Luck/Evasion move: Droppings SPECIAL ITEM (30th floor): Recovery Blast Parts +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Floors 31-40 | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ------- Brummar ------- Level: Vaires ---Moves--- Paralyze move: Shock Howl Attack and push move: rake --------- Ferdinand --------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Attack move: Hellcrusher Paralyze move: Freezing Breath ---- Hoom ---- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Attack all move: Sweep Paralyze move: Crush ----- Phage ----- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Paralyze all move: Germ Gas Absorb FP move: FP Absorption SPECIAL ITEM (40th floor): Cosmo Gun +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Floors 41-50 | +====--------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ---------- Mechapahge ---------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Attack all move: Discharge Self-destruct move: Self-Destruct -------------- Mecha Calinoid -------------- Level: Varies ---Moves--- Blind move: Virus of Darkness Confuse move: Virus of Confusion ------ Milski ------ Level: Vaires ---Moves--- Attack all move: Earthquake Push back move: Mega Sweep ------------ Shadenisks 2 ------------ Level: Varies ---Moves--- Push back move: Blow Away Attack two move: Giant Bomb ------ Izmael ------ Level: Varies ---Moves--- Attack all and change ranks move: Hellshower Attack farthest characters move: Prehistoric Cannon NO SPECIAL ITEM ===================--------------------====================-------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Equipment %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------==================== This lists all the Headgear, Bodywear, Footwear, and Misc. equipment. It excludes weapons, since only Linear and Gre have them (they'll be covered in the next chapter). NOTE: All equipment is listed in alphabetical order ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Headgear <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Atk. | Def. | Eva. | Luck | Description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Mask | --- | 50 | --- | --- |Mask with a face drawn on its surface| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel's | --- | 32 | | 5 | Cute hairband that goes well with | Hairband | | | | | shiny hair | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandana | --- | 20 | 2 | --- | Soft cloth that covers the entire | | | | | | head | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandit Scarf | --- | 49 | --- | 3 | The legendary bandit's accoutrement | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beret | --- | 22 | --- | --- |Close-fitting hat; prevents paralysis| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burr Helmet | --- | 42 | --- | --- | Combat helmet with burrs on its | | | | | | surface (damages attacking enemy) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Camo Helmet | --- | 26 | --- | --- |Miltary helmet painted in camelflouge| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cat Ears | --- | 34 | --- | --- | Has the same pattern as the cat suit| | | | | | (effects unknown) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Circlet | --- | 13 | --- | --- | A cute and charming circlet | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dust Mask | --- | 20 | --- | --- | Prevents confusion | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiberglass | --- | 12 | --- | --- | Mad of lightweight, flexible | Helmet | | | | | fiberglass (resists damage) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frilly Ribbon| --- | 8 | --- | --- | A cute and pretty ribbon | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaia Circlet | --- | 50 | --- | --- | Circlet emblazoned with a crest | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gym Headgear | --- | 26 | --- | --- | Reversible gym headband | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hairband | --- | 20 | --- | --- | Fashionable hairband with a small | | | | | | design | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardhat | --- | 12 | --- | --- | Helmet that protects from falling | | | | | | objects | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Headgear | --- | 9 | --- | --- | Familiar headgear with goggles | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hot-Blooded | 8 | 42 | --- | --- | Headbond for the hot-blooded warrior| Headband | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunter's Gear| --- | 30 | --- | --- | Headgear made for a great adventurer| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Hat | --- | 19 | --- | --- | Hard, sturdy leather hat (prevents | | | | | | confusion) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Rod| --- | 30 | --- | --- |Helmet with a lightning rod attatched| Helmet | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mystic Ribbon| --- | 38 | --- | --- | A ribbon made of unknown material | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Powergear | 2 | 16 | --- | --- | Boosts concentration and fills you | | | | | | with power | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistoric | --- | 41 | --- | --- | Circlet from a prehistoric | Circlet | | | | | civilization | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistoric | --- | 60 | --- | --- | Headgear from a prehistoric | Headgear | | | | | civilization | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistoric | 5 | 55 | --- | --- | A mask from a prehistoric | Mask | | | | | civilization | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistoric | --- | 56 | --- | --- | A ribbon from a prehistoric | Ribbon | | | | | civilization | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pure Gold | --- | 32 | -15 | --- | A mask crafted of pure gold | Mask | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Safety | --- | 51 | --- | --- | Speciall treated glasses that can | Glasses | | | | | resist damage | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarlet | 6 | 48 | 4 | --- | Bright red bandana | Bandana | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silk Ribbon | --- | 12 | --- | --- | A pure white fashionable ribbon | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silver Mask | --- | 12 | --- | --- | A silver mask in the shape of a face| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sparkling | --- | 24 | --- | --- | Circlet that sparkles in the light | Circlet | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special- | --- | 52 | --- | --- | Silk hat for the sophisticated | Ordered Silk | | | | | gentleman | Hat | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit | 2 | 28 | 3 | --- |Bandana that improves fighting spirit| Bandana | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel Mask | --- | 30 | --- | --- | A hard, sturdy steel mask | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Straw Hat | --- | 12 | --- | --- | Finely woven straw hat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tortoise | --- | 34 | --- | --- | A masterpiece made of tortoise shell| Shell Barette| | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winged | --- | 22 | 3 | 2 | Sturdy harband with a winged shape | Hairband | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Armor <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Agil.| Def. | Eva. | Luck | Description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adventurer's | --- | 10 | --- | --- | Handmade jacket for an adventurer | Suit | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Corset | --- | 34 | 10 | 8 | A must-have for those aiming for a | | | | | | trim figure | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Astro Suit | --- | 61 | --- | --- | Heavy, prehistoric suit | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandit Suit | 2 | 52 | --- | --- | Clothes worn by bandits | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle Poncho| --- | 19 | --- | --- | Full-bodied combat cape | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beautiful | --- | 49 | --- | --- | Special clothes for dressing up | Kimono | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Billowy Dress| --- | 29 | --- | 2 | Dress with pretty decorations | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Butler | --- | 50 | --- | --- | A chic black uniform for a butler | Uniform | | | | | (Prevents sleep) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cammies | --- | 38 | 2 | --- | Freely moving camouflage uniform | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cape | --- | 9 | 3 | --- | Dashing cape that flutters in the | | | | | | breeze | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cat Suit | --- | 46 | 5 | --- | Cat costume for lithe movement | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coat | --- | 12 | --- | --- | A fine tailcoat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Duckling | --- | 28 | 5 | --- | Apron with a duckling applique | Apron | | | | | (prevents skill-blocking) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fashionable | --- | 52 | --- | --- | A dress for going out on the town | Dress | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flak Jacket | -2 | 40 | -2 | --- | Bulletproof vest | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flight Suit | --- | 35 | --- | --- | Imported flying suit for those who | | | | | | dream of flying | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gym Suit | 2 | 21 | 2 | 5 | Clothes for a good workout | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunter's | --- | 28 | --- | --- | Sturdy jacket favored by | Jacket | | | | | adventurers | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inner Suit | 3 | 36 | 7 | --- | Tight fitting women suit | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Guard | --- | 55 | --- | --- | Equipment that covers arms and body| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jean Jacket | --- | 38 | --- | --- | Jacket made of denim cloth | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather | --- | 54 | --- | --- | A one-piece leather jumpsuit | Jumpsuit | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Vest | --- | 57 | --- | --- | Practical work clothes with many | | | | | | profits | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maid Uniform | --- | 32 | --- | --- | Uniform for a maid doing housework | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mecha-Phage | -8 | 70 | -20 | --- | Armor made from a Mechaphage's | Armor | | | | | Shell (reduces lightning damage) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Metal | -5 | 58 | --- | --- | Protector that fits close to the | Protector | | | | | body | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Arms | --- | 32 | --- | --- | Mechanized arm gear | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistoric | --- | 56 | --- | --- | A coat from a Prehistoric | Coat | | | | | civilization | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Coat | 5 | 34 | --- | --- | A coat that improves quickness | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rune Cape | 3 | 55 | 10 | --- | Embroided with tiny symbols | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sailor Suit | --- | 26 | --- | --- | White sailor suit with a red ribbon| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See-Through | 5 | 25 | 10 | 10 | Jacket with good movement but poor | Jacket | | | | | defense | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoulder Pads| 8 | 50 | --- | --- | Shouolder pads for protection | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spacesuit | -5 | 64 | -5 | --- | One-piece suit | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuxedo | --- | 37 | --- | --- | Tuxedo made of fine cloth | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Footwear <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Atk. | Def. | Agil | Eva | Description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antibacterial| --- | 21 | --- | --- | Sturdy sandals with antibacterial | Thongs | | | | | properties (prevents paraylis/poison)| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boots | --- | 11 | --- | --- | Sturdy and stiff boots | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Butlers Shoes| --- | 42 | --- | --- | Handmade shoes just for butlers | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cat's Foot | --- | 40 | --- | 2 | Cat costume shoes with toe pads | Shoes | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ceramic Shoes| --- | 32 | -1 | -2 | Specially treated porcelian shoes | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coated Shoes | --- | 39 | --- | --- | Shoes treated with various coatings | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Courtesan | --- | 28 | --- | --- | Spectacular lustrous sandals | Sandals | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cyboots | 2 | 20 | --- | --- |Boots that resonate with Cyframe power| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explorer Shoe| --- | 19 | --- | --- | Shoes ideal for an explorer | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glass Slipper| --- | 27 | --- | --- | Glass slippers only Linear can wear | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gorgeous | --- | 32 | --- | --- | Beautifully designed sandals | Sandals | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heels | --- | 13 | --- | --- | Low heels let you walk easily | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Clogs | --- | 42 | -3 | -12 | Iron clogs that make you tenacious | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jungle Boots | --- | 31 | --- | 3 | Handy boots with many uses | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kung Fu Shoes| --- | 35 | 3 | --- | Soft and comfortable shoes for combat| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather Shoes| --- | 9 | --- | --- | Shoes in an understated color | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leather-Soled| --- | 26 | --- | --- | Makes you feel magnanimous by walking| Sandals | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luxury Thongs| --- | 31 | --- | --- | Luxury decorated sandals | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max Shoes | --- | 54 | 5 | --- | Very light-feeling shoes | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Omega Boots | --- | 45 | --- | 4 | Cool boots that perk you up with wear| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ordinary | --- | 16 | --- | --- | Convenient sandals for wearing | Thongs | | | | | anywhere | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Panzer Shoes | 5 | 48 | --- | --- | Resembles Panzer Beetles in shape | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protection | --- | 56 | --- | --- | Sturdily made slippers | Slippers | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Queen Heels | --- | 39 | --- | --- | Extremely high heels | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rivet Shoes | --- | 22 | --- | --- | Shoes with a big rivet in the middle | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rubber Shoes | --- | 17 | --- | --- | Galoshes (reduces lightning damage) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandals | --- | 10 | --- | --- | Cute, casual sandals | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Shoes | --- | 34 | --- | --- | Recommended for those of short statue| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slippers | --- | 15 | 2 | --- | Remember not to let your heels touch | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Society | --- | 34 | --- | --- | Slippers used at the Society | Slippers | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Solid Pumps | 2 | 40 | --- | --- | Pointy-toed pumps | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spring | --- | 44 | --- | --- | Slippers with built-in springs | Slippers | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Squishy | --- | 14 | --- | --- | Sandals the squish when you walk | Sandals | | | | | (prevents confusion) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steel Shoes | --- | 28 | -1 | -10 | Heavy shoes made of steel | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super! Alloy | --- | 48 | -5 | -15 | Makes you preserve (prevents changes | Clogs | | | | | to formation) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Titanium Shoe| --- | 40 | --- | --- | Shoes made of titanium | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Clogs | --- | 38 | -2 | -10 | Clogs that make you tenacious | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Accessories <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name |Luck| Description | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acupuncture Needle |----|Stimulates pressure points in body: prevents paralysis| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alarm Clock |----| Automatically wakes sleepers (prevents sleep) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almost-Broken Light |----| Light automatically restores blinds (30% chance it | | | breaks when used) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antibacterial Gauze |----| Poison-preventing antibacterial gauze | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill |----| Protects you from curses when carried;no skill-blocks| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bow Tie | 6 | Wine-red starched bowtie | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cute Doll |----| Breaks instead of you if you fall in battle | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dice | 7 | Dice with engraved numbers | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Face Badge |----| A small badge (boost FP by 50%) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Resistance Ring|----| Ring that gives resistance to fire | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Four-Leaf Clover | 7 | A four-leaf clover as a press flower | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy Ending | 12 | Makes you happy just by looking at it (boosts luck) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Holy Contacts |----| Prevents blindness | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Resistance Ring |----| Ring that gives resistance to ice | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lead Ball |----| Prevents changes to formation (-3 agility) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Rod Ring |----| Ring that gives resistance to lightning | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Locket | 5 | Locket worn by Mag | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucky Pendant | 9 | Pendant said to make you happy | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Old Lucky Charm | 20 | Old looking charm that is slightly dirty | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phermone Pendant | 20 | Boosts luck with women | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pocket Watch | 5 | Gre's gold-filgreed watch | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Popularity Pendant | 15 | Boosts luck with men | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quakers the Duck |----| Small stuffed animal duck (prevents confusion) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Santa Maria |----| Revives a character once in combat | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Resistance Ring|----| Ring that gives resistance to wind | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Items %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> SOURCE OF... items <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |Target| Result | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health & Spirit Source| One | Boosts maximum HP and FP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of Agility | One | Boosts agility parameter | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of Attack | One | Boosts attack parameter | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of Defense | One | Boosts defense parameter | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of Evasion | One | Boosts evasion parameter | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of Health | One | Boosts maximum HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of Luck | One | Boosts luck | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of Something | One | Boosts random parameter | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source of Spirit | One | Boosts maximum FP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Dungeon Items <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |Target| Result | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chameleon Color | N/A | Camouflages you so you can't be seen by enemies | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enemy Search | N/A | Shows you all enemies on the floor you're on | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Search | N/A | Shows you all the items on the floor you're on | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Map Search | N/A | Shows you the map of the floor you're on | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Navigator | N/A | Shows you EVERYTHING on the floor you're on | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trap Search | N/A | Shows you all the traps on the floor you're on | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> HP and FP Restore items <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |Target| Result | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Grass | All | Aromatic grass that restores 1000 HP and FP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avocado | One | A rare fruit that restores 800 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Moss | One | Nutritious moss that restores 50% of FP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coconut | One | A refreshing fruit that restores 200 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dried Maple | One | Dried fruit that restores 350 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Green Moss | One | Rare moss that restores 100% FP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herbs | One | Healthy herbs that restore 300 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Coconut | One | A mythical coconut that restores 1300 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lemony | One | A sour fruit that restores 140 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lil Naolin | One | Restores 50 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mokana Ampoule | One | Small vial that restores 100 HP and 80 FP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musty Herbs | One | Damg medicinal herbs that restore 150 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin | One | Restores 200 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin Gold | One | Restores 600 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin Royal | One | Rare Naolin herb that restores 1200 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin+ | All | Medicine that restores 200 HP to everyone | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin+ Gold | All | Medicine that restores 600 HP to everyone | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin+ Royal | All | Rare Naolin+ that restores 1200 HP to everyone | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin-Like Herb | One | Naolin-like herb that restores 10 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peach | One | Sweet fruit that restores 450 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pineapple | One | Thorny fruit that restores 650 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rasberry | One | Wild berry that restores 120 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Small Nut | One | Small nut that restores 60 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snow Fruit | One | Snow-white fruit that restores 80 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zaboca | One | Tasty fruit that restores 160 HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Status restoring items: Normal <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |Target| Result | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purol | One | Purifies the entire body: Cures skill blocks | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somnol | One | Refreshes and wakes you up: Cures sleep | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purisommonol | One | Purifies and refreshes: Cures sleep/skill blocks | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychol | One | Calms the nerves: Cures confusion | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visuol | One | Clears the eyes: Cures blindness | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychovisuol | One | Calms and clears eyes: Clears blindness/confusion| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobiol | One | Stimulating smelling salts: cures paralysis | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venomol | One | Herbs mixed to remove poison: Cures poison | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobivenomol | One | Stimulating antitoxin: Cures paralysis/poison | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purol+ | All | Purifies the entire body: Cures skill blocks | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somnol+ | All | Refreshes and wakes you up: Cures sleep | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purisommonol+ | All | Purifies and refreshes: Cures sleep/skill blocks | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychol+ | All | Calms the nerves: Cures confusion | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Visuol+ | All | Clears the eyes: Cures blindness | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychovisuol+ | All | Calms and clears eyes: Clears blindness/confusion| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobiol+ | All | Stimulating smelling salts: cures paralysis | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Venomol+ | All | Herbs mixed to remove poison: Cures poison | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mobivenomol+ | All | Stimulating antitoxin: Cures paralysis/poison | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Status Restoring Items: Powerful <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |Target| Result | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmo Fruit | One | Rare cure-all: Restores HP and FP and cures all | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firefly Mushroom | One | Mushroom that cures everything but fallen | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ichthyol | One | Medicine know as the Savior: cures all but fallen| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Viper | One | Revives and restores 25% HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Viper | One | Revives to full HP | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Items for battles <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< NOTE: "F" stands for friends "E" stands for enemies So if I said "All F" it means "All friends" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |Target| Result | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Face Whistle |All F | Blows whistle to line up on back rank. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Eye |One E | Blocks enemy's skills | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backward Curse |E Rank| Moves enemies one rank backward | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blaze Shield |F Rank| Reduces fire attacks (combine two Fire Protection| | | Packs) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb |E Rank| Little bomb | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Ball |E Rank| Inflicts fire damage when thrown | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Protection Pack |F Rank| Reduces fire attacks | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forward Curse |E Rank| Move enemies on rank forward | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forward March Whistle |All F | Blow whistle to line up on front rank | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freeze Shield |F Rank| Reduces ice attacks(combine two Ice Protection | | | Packs) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giga Bomb |All E | Huge bomb made by combining Mega Bombs | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Ball |E Rank| Inflicts major ice damage when thrown | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Protection Pack |F Rank| Reduces ice attacks | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferno Ball |E Rank| Inflicts major fire damage when thrown | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insecticide |One E | Exterminates bugs | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Insecticide Bomb |All E | Exterminates bugs (combine two Insecticides) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Ball |E Rank| Inflicts lightning damage when thrown | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Rod Pack |F Rank| Reduces lightning attacks | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line Up Whistle |All F | Blows whistle to line up on same rank | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March in Place Curse |E Rank| Moves enemy either way (combine Forward and | | | Backward Curse) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mega Bomb |E Rank| Powerful ancient bomb | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Backward Curse |E Rank| Moves enemy to back rank (combine two Backward | | | Curses) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Forward Curse |E Rank| Moves enemy to front rank (combine two Forward | | | Curses) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Attack |One F | Boosts attack parameter once in combat | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Guard |One F | Boosts defense parameter once in combat | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Life |One F | Boosts maximum HP by 15% once in combat | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Parry |One F | Boosts evasion parameter once in combat | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Speed |One F | Boosts agility parameter once in combat | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snow Ball |E Rank| Inflicts ice damage when thrown | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Ball |E Rank| Inflicts major lightning damage when thrown | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunder Shield |F Rank| Reduces lightning attacks (combine two Lightning | | | Rod Packs) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Typhoon Shield |F Rank| Reduces wind attacks (combine two Wind Protection| | | Packs) | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V Formation Whistle |All F | Blows whistle to make a V Formation | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whirlwind Ball |E Rank| Inflicts major wind damage when thrown | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Ball |E Rank| Inflicts wind damage when thrown | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Protection Pack |F Rank| Reduces wind attacks | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Additional Items <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name |Target| Result | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prehistoric Coin | N/A | Use five Prehistoric Coins for a lottery ticket | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upgrade Kit | N/A | Adds an extra slot to your Cyframe | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Appraisal Items <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ---------------------------------------------------------- Name | Found | ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Broken Plug | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 2. Broken Light | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 3. Pretty Stone | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 4. Small Knob | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 5. Thin Plate | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 6. Broken Cooking Stove | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 7. Blue Tube | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 8. Small Blue Car | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 9. Old Opera Glasses | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 10. Small Chip | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 11. Green Monitor | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 12. Color Monitor | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 13. Small Metal Rod | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 14. Switch Box | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 15. Archaeophange Fossil | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 16. Broken Cyframe | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 17. Motherboard _a_ | Blaze Ruins | ---------------------------------------------------------- 18. Motherboard _b_ | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 19. Reeled Tape | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 20. Detective Novel 1 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 21. Detective Novel 2 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 22. Adventure Novel 1 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 23. Adventure Novel 2 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 24. Adventure Novel 3 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 25. Adventure Novel 4 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 26. Adventure Novel Finale | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 27. Adventure Novel Sequel | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 28. Love Story 1 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 29. Love Story 2 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 30. Love Story 3 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 31. Love Story 4 | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 32. Love Story Finale | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 33. Suction Device | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 34. Propane Stove | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 35. Smiley Doll | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 36. Huge Glove | Blaze Ruins | ---------------------------------------------------------- 37. Crystal | Pine Village shop | ---------------------------------------------------------- 38. Frog | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 39. Shiny Disc | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 40. Big Shiny Disc | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 41. Propane Tank | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 42. Perforated Tank | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 43. Small Engine | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 44. Large Engine | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 45. Book on Making Ethane | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 46. Astral Projection Book | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 47. Plasma Generation Book | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 48. Tachyon Theory Book | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 49. Z Boson Fusion Book | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 50. Sooty Pot | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 51. Broken Hand Mirror | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 52. Black Box | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 53. Broken Telescope | Blaze Ruins | ---------------------------------------------------------- 54. Crystal Offering Vase | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 55. Rainbow-Color Feather | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 56. Cloudy Lens | Blaze Ruins | ---------------------------------------------------------- 57. Automatic Calculator | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 58. Automatic Computer | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 59. Pole With a Net | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 60. Broken Magic Book | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 61. Forbidden Page | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 62. Forbidden Magic Book | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 63. Unexploded Shell | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 64. Hourglass | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 65. Backward-Running Clock | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 66. Astronomical Telescope | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 67. Spoiled Canned Goods | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 68. Bent Parasol | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 69. Blue Capsule | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 70. Red Capsule | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 71. Transparent Capsule | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 72. Graphite Stone | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 73. Ice Crystal | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 74. Leaden Mine Ore | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 75. Sound Recorder | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 76. Slate Shard (Top Right)| Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 77. Slate Shard (Top Left) | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 78. Slate Shard (Bottom) | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 79. Slate Tablet | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 80. Broken Gear | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 81. Seaside Portrait | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 82. Flowered Portrait | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 83. Golden Portrait | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 84. Pollywog Picture | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 85. Hoop | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 86. Small Bottle | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 87. Pictorial Fauna Guide | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 88. Large Gun Barrel | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 89. Broken Trolley Wire | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 90. Bouncy Ball | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 91. Small Motor | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 92. Junk Board | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 93. Scratch 'n Sniff Glass | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 94. Precious Necklace | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 95. Magnetic Necklace | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 96. Les Paul | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 97. Fried-Egg Medal | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 98. Rounded Metal Triangle | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 99. Instant Adhesive | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 100. Red/Blue Eyeglasses | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 101. Rotary Engine | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 102. Thick Cable | Blaze Ruins | ---------------------------------------------------------- 103. Thin Cable | Blaze Ruins | ---------------------------------------------------------- 104. Old Fountain Pen | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 105. Crab Signboard | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 106. Bird Signboard | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 107. Musty Device | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 108. Round Target | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 109. Broken Arm | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 110. Glass Cylinder | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 111. Smashed Photograph | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 112. Foot Pedal | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 113. Small Valve | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 114. Large Valve | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 115. Broken Gearbox | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 116. Broken Motor | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 117. Cockroach Fossil | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 118. Claymore's Web | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 119. Hoom's Claw | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 120. Statue's Shard | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 121. Fungus Spores | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 122. Poison Flower Seeds | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 123. Self-Destruct Circuit | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 124. Gun Pod Port | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 125. Olnitosks' Fang | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 126. Old Empty Cartridge | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 127. Chestnut's Thorn | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 128. Havoc's Propeller | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 129. Monitor Crystal | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 130. Spider Bolt | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 131. Two Rings | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 132. Red Cloth | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 133. Star-Spangled Cloth | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 134. Net-Covered Box | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 135. Wind Generator | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 136. Long Scissors | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 137. Old World Map | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 138. Small Ship | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 139. Silver Platter | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 140. Mystery Cube | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 141. Large Bell | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 142. Cat Sculpture | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 143. Broken Ice Axe | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 144. Ancient Marker | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 145. Rusted Rod | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 146. Rusty Claw | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 147. Brown Aromatic Wood | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 148. Greenish Aromatic Wood| Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 149. Beige Aromatic Wood | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 150. Broken Camera | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 151. Telephoto Camera | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 152. Broken Cane | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 153. Broken Round Pottery | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 154. Oblong Pottery | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 155. Pottery Shard | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 156. Clogged Tube | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 157. Round-Bladed Scissors | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 158. Small Card | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 159. Glass Fruit | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 160. TH-f3 | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 161. LX-a7 | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 162. V-205 | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 163. Broken Fight 182 | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 164. Faded Film | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 165. Metal Pole | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 166. Antique Glass | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 167. Antique Doll | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 168. Metal-Bristled Brush | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 169. Extinct Plant Seedling| Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 170. Silver-Colored Button | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 171. Jet-Black Plate | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 172. One-Sided Glass | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 173. Children's Book | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 174. Adult Book | Buy in Pine Village shop | ---------------------------------------------------------- 175. Broken Bottle | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 176. Mechanical Earmuffs | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 177. Wheeled Chair | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 178. Permanent Light | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 179. Rod With Buttons | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 180. Board With Wheels | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 181. Restored Round Pottery| Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 182. Small Screw | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 183. Large Screw | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 184. Shoes with Wheels | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 185. Paper w/ Black Marks | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 186. Gold Disc | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 187. Dark Sunglasses | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 188. Clock w/ No Hands | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 189. Dented Can | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 190. Fish Print | Crypt Maze | ---------------------------------------------------------- 191. Bird-Men's Scribbles | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- 192. Golden Cup | Forest Depths | ---------------------------------------------------------- 193. Ruby Ornament | Buy in Pine Village shop | ---------------------------------------------------------- 194. Sapphire Ornament | Buy in Pine Village shop | ---------------------------------------------------------- 195. Cat's Eye Ornament | Buy in Pine Village shop | ---------------------------------------------------------- 196. Big Balloon | Tower of Despair | ---------------------------------------------------------- 197. Old Corkscrew | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 198. Dirty Bottle | Bandit's Hideout | ---------------------------------------------------------- 199. Mythical Liquor | Rare (must be combined) | ---------------------------------------------------------- 200. O-Parts | Society Dungeon | ---------------------------------------------------------- ===================--------------------====================-------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Cyframe skills and weapons %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------==================== Here, I'll list the skils and talents of the Cyframes, as well as Gre and Linear's weapons. NOTE: Everything is listed in alphabetical order. SECOND NOTE: All descriptions are from the game itself. ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Mag Launcher <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bowling Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Enemies targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Shot | 54 | One | Blow up enemey (to back rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great Bomb | 63 | Two | Blow up enemies (to back rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cycle Bomb | 84 | Three | Blow up enemies (to back rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Divine Bomb | 110| All | Blow up enemies (to back rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultimate Bomb | 142| One | Blow up enemy (three explosions (to | | | | back rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hammer Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Enemies targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Hammer | 23 | One | Hit the enemy over the head with a | | | | hammer (one rank back) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crash Hammer | 28 | One | Pound enemy from above with a hammer | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swing Hammer | 34 | One | Knock enemy upward with a hammer swing| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strike Hammer | 52 | One | Powerful downward strike with a hammer| | | | (to back rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trip Hammer | 65 | One | Killer hammer attack from above | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottom Hammer | 80 | One | Repeatedly pound one enemy with a | | | | hammer | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sledgehammer | 114| All | Crushing attack with a huge hammer | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~ Hand Parts ~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Enemies targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Punch | 20 | One | Attack enemy with a Cyframe punch | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Snap | 26 | One | Special attack by snapping the enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Combo | 31 | One rank | 1-2-3 Punch and upper combo attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mach Punch | 36 | One | Lightning fast punch attack on enemy | | | | (Mag to front rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dive Punch | 44 | One | Dive at enemy and hit with a shockwave| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Rave | 75 | All | Powerful rave attack on the enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Knuckle | 75 | One | Pound enemy with giant Cyframe fist | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Reverse | 84 | All | Rend the ground with the Cyframe (to | | | | back rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~ Light Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Friends targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Penlight | 10 | One |Shine light on friend to cure blindness| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bright Light | 20 | All | Shine light on friends to cure | | | | blindness | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spotlight | 28 | One | Raises either attack, defense, or | | | | agility | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mirror Ball | 45 | One | Rotating mirror ball ups parameters | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel-Light | 60 | One | Light with auto-restorative effects | | | | (restores HP for a limited time) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Megaphone Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Enemies targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Echo Voice | 15 | One | Attract enemy's attention to protect | | | | friends | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Startle Voice | 20 | One | Causes enemy to lose turn | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damage Voice | 25 | One | Cause damage by shouting near enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silent Voice | 40 | All |Blocks skills of enemies with megaphone| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Voice | 45 | All | Megaphone at maximum volume paralyzes | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spinner Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Enemies targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magna Spin | 15 | One | Unleash yo-yo attack at the enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loop-the-Loop | 17 | Circle | Attack in a large circle | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinwheel | 25 | One | Unleash yo-yo to spin enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brain Twister | 33 | Area | Unleash forward and spin in enemy area| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barrel Roll | 30 | Triangle | Huge triangular spinning attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~ Talents ~~~~~~~ Mag's Talents are different than others. For Mag, the talents you have depend on who's in your party. ~~~With Gre~~~ Effect: Boost Mag's agility parameter Level One: Flatter Level Two: Cheer ~~~With Chain~~~ Effect: Boost Mag's attack parameter Level one: Tease Level two: Provoke Level three: Really Provoke ~~~With Pepper~~~ Effects: Heal Mag's HP Level one: Cheer Up Level two: Console Level three: Nurse ~~~With Carcano~~~ Effects: Heal Mag's FP Level one: Give Spirit Level two: Give Courage Level three: The Usual ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Linear Cannon <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Health Recover ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Friends targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Little First | 15 | One | Restores a bit of HP to one friend | Aid | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Aid | 28 | One | Restores some HP to one friend | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serious First | 35 | All | Restores some HP to all friends | Aid | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome Home! | 40 | One | Revives a fallen character and | | | | restores 20% of HP | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major First Aid| 45 | One | Restores all HP to one friend | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome Home, | 60 | One | Revives a fallen character and | Dear! | | | restores all HP | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intensive Care | 100| All | Restores all HP to all friends | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Status Restoration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Friends targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wakeup Touch | 10 | One | Cures one friend of sleep or blindness| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antidote Touch | 10 | One |Cures one friend of poison or paralysis| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unblocking | 15 | One | Cures one friend of skill blocking | Touch | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refresh | 24 | All | Cures blindness, poison, and paralysis| Everyone | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Touch | 31 | All | Cures sleep and confusion | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energize | 31 | All | Cures confusion and blocking | Everyone | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restorative | 42 | All | Restores all status of all friends | Touch | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Spells ~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Friends targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Protection | 28 | One rank | Casts a spell to up Defense | Spell | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Strength Spell | 28 | One rank | Casts a spell to up Attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quickness Spell| 28 | One rank | Casts a spell to up Agility | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prevention | 30 | One rank | Casts a spell to prevent status | Spell | | | abnormalities | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Spell | 50 | One rank | Casts a super spell to up Attack/ | | | | Defense/Agility | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~ Prayers ~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Friends targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You Go First! | 60 | One | Gives your place in line to another | | | | friend | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Give You |None| One | Gives 1/2 of your FP to another friend| Spirit | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Give Me Spirit |None| One | Gets 1/2 of the FP of another friend | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Give You |None| One | Gives 1/2 of your HP to another friend| Health | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Give You More|None| One | Gives 80% of your HP to another friend| Health | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Give You Life|None| One | Gives your life to revive another | | | | friend | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~ Orcarina ~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Enemies targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sad Melody | 13 | One | Play a melody to cause unseen | | | | misfortune | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inviting Melody| 13 | All | Play a melody to lure enemy one step | | | | ahead | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shivery Melody | 15 | All | Play a melody to push enemy one step | | | | back | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry Melody | 31 | One rank | Play a melody to cause terrible | | | | misfortune | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slow Melody | 40 | One | Play a melody to slow enemy movement | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boastful Melody| 47 | One | Play a melody to hasten status changes| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Melody | 73 | All | Play a melody to to cause unthinkable | | | | misfortune | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~ Talents ~~~~~~~ Effect: Talk to enemies and convince them to leave the battlefield Level one: Talk to Them Level two: C'mon Please Level three: Persuade Them ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Frying Pans (weapons) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Atk. | Agil.| Eva. | Luck | Description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frying Pan | 10 | --- | --- | --- | Scratch resistant, non-stick frying | | | | | | pan | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucky Frying | 18 | --- | --- | 10 | Cute frying pan that puts you in a | Pan | | | | | good mood | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seasoned | 25 | --- | --- | --- | A frying pan the feels better with | Frying Pan | | | | | more use | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brand New | 33 | --- |Down 3| --- | A shiny, brand new frying pan | Frying Pan | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gourmet | 42 | --- | --- | --- | A luxorious frying pan | Frying Pan | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High-Heat | 50 | --- | --- | --- | Heat-resistant frying pan for deep | Frying Pan | | | | | frying | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ultralight | 55 | 20 | 20 | --- | Very light frying pan for easy | Frying Pan | | | | | cooking | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Iron Frying | 64 | -10 | -10 | --- | Hefy, but very powerful, frying pan | Pan | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legendary | 100 | --- | --- | --- | The ultimate frying pan | Frying Pan | | | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Gre Nade <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ~~~~~~~ Manners ~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Friends targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wake Up! | 10 | One | Call to friends and wakes them up | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buck Up! | 15 | One | Fire up friends and cure confusion | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheer Up! | 20 | One | Encourage friends and restore some HP | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get a Grip! | 28 | One |Instruct friends and boost their attack| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sit Up Straight| 25 | One | Cures paralysis | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stand Up! | 40 | One |Revive fallen friend and restore 25% HP| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Perfect! | 40 | All | Cure all status abnormalities | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~ Cuisine ~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Enemies targeted | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mushy Soup | 28 | All | Lowers defense of enemies who eat it | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phage Casserole| 28 | All | Lowers attack of enemies who eat it | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny Veggie | 32 | All | Enemies who eat it get sleepy | Soup | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Escargot Pasta | 35 | All | Lowers luck of enemies who eat it | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matango Steak | 47 | All | Lowers agility of enemies who eat it | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roasted Sea | 60 | All |Lowers parameters of enemies who eat it| Urchin | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~ Store Up ~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Store Up Little| 27 |1 enemy | Store up for one turn and attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Store Up More! | 32 |1 enemy | Store up for two turns and attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Store Up a Lot!| 38 |1 enemy | Store up for three turns and attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Store Thoroughly|45 |1 enemy | Store up for four turns and attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the END| 53 |1 enemy | store up for five turns and attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~ Custom ~~~~~~ NOTE: For the target, all targets refer to Cyframe users. Gre or Linear won't be affected by these moves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Critical | 38 | One | Makes next attack a critical hit | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boost | 43 | One | Raises Cyframe level by one in combat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spec. Machining| 51 | One | Optimizes Cyframe to stop ability drops | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speed Up | 62 | One | Lightens Cyframe and shortens wait time | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto Charge | 85 | One | Increases FP recovery after each | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy-Saving |140 | One | Lowers FP consumed by Cyframe skills | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Power |160 | One | Raises Cyframe to MAX level in combat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~ Mag Only ~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Encourage | 35 | Mag | Raises all parameters slightly | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Won't Let You| 40 | Mag | Lets Mag evade one enemy attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After You | 80 | Mag | Eliminates Mag's wait time | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rouse | 60 | Mag | Rouses Mag to up all parameters greatly | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incite Anger | 70 | Mag | Incites Mag's anger and ups his attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morning Call | 80 | Mag | Wakes up and revives fallen Mag to full HP | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~ Talents ~~~~~~~ Effect: Boosts max HP for one battle Level one: Concentrate! Level two: Do Concentrate! Level three: Open your eyes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guns (weapons) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name | Atk. | Agil.| Eva. | Luck | Description | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Outmoded Gun | 15 | --- | --- | --- | Antique Gun that's been cared for | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Matchlock | 25 | --- | --- | --- | Gun that takes quite a while to fire| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunting Gun | 36 | --- | --- | --- | A gun used for hunting prey | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modified Gun | 50 | --- | --- | --- | A well-customized gun | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antique Gun | 58 | --- | --- | --- |Really old gun in excellent condition| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shotgun | 66 | -3 | --- | --- | Large gun with quite a kick. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sniper Gun | 73 | --- | -5 | --- | Gun fired by looking through scope | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cosmo Gun | 85 | --- | --- | --- | A rare and legendary gun | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modern Gun | 98 | -5 | -20 | --- | Gun w/ the latest high-tech gizmos | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursed Gun | 120 | 6 | 6 | 6 | Gun engraved w/ prehistoric symbols | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Chain Gun <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ~~~~~~~~~ Axe Parts ~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Axe | 25 | E Rank | Attack enemy line and blow to front rank | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Axe | 31 | E Rank | Attack enemy line and blow to back rank | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chain Wave | 40 | E Area | Rotate an enemy area and blow away | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front Cyclone | 57 | All E | Attack all enemies and blow to front rank | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Cyclone | 62 | All E | Attack all enemies and blow to back rank | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~ Blade Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Blade | 20 |1 enemy | Double attack on a single enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line Double | 26 |E Rank | Double attack on an enemy rank | Blade | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V Blade | 38 | V-shape| Attack the enemy in a V-Shaped sweep | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Blade | 54 | All E | Drop from above and attack all enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyper Air Rave | 60 | One E | Lift enemy into the air for intense attack. | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boomerang Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rush Cutter | 20 | One E | Attack one enemy with a quick slash | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moon Cutter | 25 |Semicir.| Attack enemy semicircle with a slash | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Circle Cutter | 30 |E Circle| Attack enemy circle with a slash | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zigzag Cutter | 38 |E Rank | Zigzag slash attack through enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Screw Cutter | 49 | All E | Slash through all enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Heavy Blade Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Blade | 25 | One | Attack enemy with a powerful slash | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line Once Blade| 34 |E Rank | Attack a line of enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slash Blade | 53 |L-shape | Attack the enemy in an L-shaped sweep | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Blade | 67 |All E | Attack all enemies while moving slowly | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyper Strike | 72 | One | Charge one enemy and attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~ Jet Parts ~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Attack | 22 | One E | Tackle an enemy (To front rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reverse Attack | 22 | One E | Tackle an enemy from behind (To back rank) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Tackle | 33 | One E | Tack an enemy (moves enemy 1 rank back) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reverse Tackle | 33 | One E |Tackle enemy (moves enemy one 1 up)(to back rank)| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dash Charge | 44 | One E | Tackle (enemy to back) (Chain to front) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reverse Charge | 44 | One E | Tackle (enemy to front) (Chain to back) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Light Blade Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triple Blade | 18 | One E | Mount three quick attacks on enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line Triple | 26 | E Rank | Mount three attacks on a line of enemies | Blade | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W Blade | 30 | W-shape| Attack enemy quickly in a W-shaped sweep | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick Raid | 43 | All | Attack all enemies while moving quickly | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyper Typhoon | 40 | One | Mount a hyper-speed attack on one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Murasame Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High Speed Slash| 33 | One E | Attack enemy with a high-speed slash | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Moon Slash | 45 | One E | Attack and paralyze an enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supersonic Slash| 65 | All | Attack enemy with a supersonic slash | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thrashing Slash | 60 | All | Give enemy a trashing slashing attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sabre Slash | 40 | One | Slash enemy and absorb the damage | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mighty Slash | 100| One | Slash enemy with all your might | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~ Wing Parts ~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speed Wing | 20 | Chain | Boosts Chain's Agility in combat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Through Wing | 20 | Chain | Boosts your own Evasion in combat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- High-Speed Wing| 35 | Chain | Greatly boosts your own Agility in combat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard Wing | 30 | Chain | Boosts your own defense in combat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eternal Wing | 43 | Chain | Boosts all of your parameters in combat | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~ Talents ~~~~~~~ Effect: Ups attack for one battle Level one: I've Had It! Level two: Can't Stand It! Level three: Chaps My Hide! ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Pepper Box <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fire Blast Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Shot | 20 | One E | Attack enemy with a fire blast | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burst Cannon | 35 |E Area | Attack enemy with a huge fire blast | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Burning Typhoon| 48 | All E | Attack all enemies with a fiery tornado | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Homing Blast Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Point Homing | 32 | One E | Homing attack with a single blast | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twin Homing | 45 |2 E file| Homing attack with two blasts | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyper Homing | 50 |3 E file| Homing attack with three blasts | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Random Homing | 63 | All E | Homing attack on all enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Homing | 82 | All E | Accurate homing attacks on all enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homing Rush |120 | One E | Multiple homing attacks on one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ice Blast Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cold Shot | 20 | One E | Attack enemy with a ice blast | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cold Cannon | 35 | E Area | Attack enemy with huge ice blast | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freezing Temp. | 48 | All E | Attack all enemies with a icy tornado | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Laser Blast Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Smart Laser | 25 | One E | Laser beam attack on one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Laser | 30 |2 E File| Laser beam attack on two enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Triple Laser | 35 |3 E File| Laser beam attack on three enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Beam | 58 | One E | High power super-beam attack on one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All-Range Laser| 72 | All E | Laser beam attack on all | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grand Beam | 96 | All E | Maximum power beam attack on all enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lightning Blast Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma Shot | 20 | One E | Attack enemy with a lightning blast | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma Cannon | 35 |E Area | Attack enemy with a huge lightning blast | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Electric Torna.| 48 | All E | Attack enemies with a lightning tornado | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recovery Blast Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin Blast | 25 | One F | Restores a little HP to one friend | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Naolin | 30 | One F | Restres a lot of HP to one friend | Blast | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naolin+ Blast | 35 | All F | Restres a lot of HP to all friends | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Naolin | 40 | One F | Restores all HP to one friend | Blast | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viper Blast | 50 | One F | Revives a friend and restores 25% of HP | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Viper | 55 | One F | Revives a friend to full HP | Blast | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pepper's Talents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Effect: All-or-nothing attack; may be big damage to one enemy Level One: Pepper Attack Level Two: Pepper Crash Level Three: Pepper Flash ><><>----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ><><><><><><> Carcano <><><><><><><> <><><----------------------------------------------------------------------<><>< ~~~~~~~~~~~ Drill Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drill Attack | 36 | One E | Mount drill attack on one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Penetration | 40 | E Area | Mount drill attack on enemy area | Drill | | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drill Mixer | 48 | One E | Drive drill at one enemy with a huge spin | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rock Bringer | 65 | One E | Repeatedly drill one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tower Bringer | 93 | One E | Shoot enemy into air for aerial drill | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Drill |130 | All E | Blast enemy with a huge drill | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~ Dryer Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blow Smoke | 35 | E Area | Blows smoke with a dryer (blinds enemies) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blow Cold | 42 | E Area | Blows cold wind with a dryer | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blow Heat | 42 | E Area | Blow hot wind with the dryer | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blow Wind | 42 | E Area | Blow fierce wind with the dryer | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blow a Fuse | 42 | E Area | Short-circuit dryer and blow lightning | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Propeller Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Suck You In! | 30 | One E | Suck enemy in with a propeller | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blow You Away! | 30 | One E | Blow enemy away with a propeller | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take That! | 37 | One E | Mount a propeller rotary attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How About That!| 50 | One E | Generate a whirlwind with the propeller | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is IT! | 68 | All E | Generate a huge tornado attack | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spinner Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roller Press | 45 | E Area | Drive roller to suppress an enemy area | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Press | 52 |2 E File| Drive roller to suppress two enemy files | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mega Press | 64 |3 E File| Drive roller to susppress three enemy files | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giga Press | 80 | All E | Drive roller to suppress all enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Roller |100 | All E | Drive roller to flatten all enemies | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shovel Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Act Hole | 32 | One E | Dig hole around an enemy and drop it in | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trance Hole | 32 | One E | Dig hole around an enemy and drop it in | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Hole | 32 | One E | Dig hole around an enemy and drop it in | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep Hole | 32 | One E | Dig hole around an enemy and drop it in | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poison Hole | 32 | One E | Dig hole around an enemy and drop it in | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dust Hole | 45 | All E | Dig big hole and drop all enemies in | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vacuum Parts ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Draw | 0 | One E | Use Cyframe to absorb FP of prey | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Draw | 13 | One E | Use Cyframe to absorb HP of prey | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Draw | 40 | One E | Absorb attack from intended prey | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard Draw | 40 | One E | Absorb defense from intended prey | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Speed Draw | 54 | One E | Absorb agility from intended prey | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~ Wire Parts ~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill | FP | Target | Effect | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wire Hook | 20 | One E | Throw wire and hook one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wire Push | 20 | One E | Throw wire and push one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wire Catch | 25 | One E | Throw wire and really hook one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wire Drive | 25 | One E | Throw wire and really push one enemy | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wire Whip | 40 | All E | Fire wire at all enemies and hang 'em | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carcano's Talents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Effect: Steal item from enemy Level One: Gimme Level Two: I'll Take That Level Three: Smash'n Dash ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Contact %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== My e-mail address is cskull@frogdesign.com. There are a few things that you can e-mail me about, and few things that you can't. First the things that are okay. Information on the game. No this does NOT mean full dungeon guides, because if it isn't there I haven't gotten to them yet but I will. It means additional TIPS on beating a dungeon or correcting information that I messed up. Secrets are _TOTALLY_ accepted. Suggestions for the FAQ. Something like, "Why don't you add such and such in your FAQ. NOT "Why don't you totally re-do your FAQ because it sucks!" That is just plain rude and annoying. If you don't like my FAQ, tell me things to make it better! The things that you CAN'T e-mail me about are... Spam. This is the NUMBER 0NE thing that you must not send. I get at least twenty spam e-mails a day and I don't need yours it doesn't help. Please don't send any. Asking permission to use this FAQ. No, you can't, so don't bother. Only four sites, which I have listed at the top of the guide, can use this FAQ. Praise/Hate mail. Yes I appreciate it if you praise my FAQ. No I don't appreciate it if you send me an e-mail saying, "Your FAQ is the biggest piece of **** ever created! It sucks!" Those two things just fill up my inbox and it really annoys me. Spelling/Grammar mistakes. I used to get about ten e-mails a day saying, "You spelled these two words wrong." or something like, "You used inappropriate grammar in this chapter." Please people! I can find those on my own! And that wraps up the contact. Once again my e-mail is: cskull@frogdesign.com ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Credits %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== CJayC: His aweseome game site, and for posting this guide on it. Ubi Soft: They created this awesome RPG, one of the best I've played Nintendo and Sega: Sega, for agreeing to allow this to come to the Gamecube, and Nintendo for publishing it. Versus Books: Their awesome guide provided me with some equipment info. REST OF FAQ COMING SOON! __ / _| _ __ ____ ___ | |_ _ __ ___ __ _ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | _|| '__| / _ \ / _` | | | | | | || __/ | | | | | (_)| | (_| | |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| \___/ \__, | __/ | |___/ You can check out all of my other work at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/11408.html This FAQ is copyright 2003-2004 me frog ---------------------------------END OF DOCUMENT--------------------------------