============================================================================ Plot FAQ for Enter The Matrix ============================================================================ For Playstation 2 Computer Entertainment System Version : Final By : StoneKotr (Francis Bilodeau) Created : May 29, 2003 Last Update : June 21, 2003 My E-Mail : stonekotr@hotmail.com MSN Messenger : stonekotr@hotmail.com My Home Page : www.geocities.com/stonekotr My nickname on the GameFAQs Board : StoneKotr =========== Legal Stuff =========== This Plot FAQ is created for personal use only. It is prohibited to use this FAQ on your commercial web page, magazine or game guide without advising me. You are also not allowed to rip off any segment of my FAQ without advising me by e-mail. I worked hard for this and I don't want to see someone says that he has done the whole FAQ. I also changed my policy about posting this FAQ on your site. Due to previous experiences, you can't post my FAQ to your site until the version is the Final one. I make it this way because some sites doesn't update the FAQ as I update it and it's very difficult to follow the track of my FAQ after that. When you see at the top of the FAQ that the version is the Final one, just e-mail me and TELL me that you are putting this FAQ on your home page and you need to GIVE me the URL. If all the requirements are fulfilled I will reply to you and ONLY then you will be able to post the FAQ on your site. Thank you for you cooperation. ============= E-Mail Policy ============= Well, I guess I have no choice to make this section because my FAQ is a little more popular than I thought. Anyway, I get a lot of questions that are already answered in the FAQ and lots of questions that are not even related to the game. So, before sending me an e-mail and be ignored, read here. DON'T SEND ME : ------------- - Questions that are already answered in the FAQ. - Questions that are not even related to the game. - Don't send me false information. - Bad comments about my FAQ or how good you are at this game. - Viruses, in a day I get at least one e-mail containing a virus. SEND ME : ------- - Questions that are not answered in this FAQ, I'll be happy to help you. - Suggestions to make this FAQ a better FAQ. - Mistakes that are in my FAQ (You will be credited). - Things that I missed, it is really apppreciated and you will be credited. Please put the game you are talking about in the topic, because it will be a lot easier for me to see which game you are talking about. You can send me questions in English or French, not any other languages. ============== Introduction ============== Greetings everyone, welcome to my third FAQ project and my first project for a complete Plot FAQ about a game. I am starting to gather experience in the FAQ writing domain because I already made FAQs about WWF Smackdown! : Just Bring It and Final Fantasy X. As always, I ask you to be patient with me. I don't have a lot of time to put in this FAQ so don't get too mad if I don't answer your questions. I always answer questions within a week (7 Days), so if I didn't answered you, it's because you haven't followed my E-Mail Policy stated above. Enough about this and on with the content. You can find in this FAQ most of the Plot related stuff about Enter The Matrix. So you will find how this game is related to the movie and how the game helps to set up Revolutions. You won't find any tips or walkthrough to beat the game here. There are FAQ/Walkthroughs for that. If you have any questions or suggestions about adding more deepness to this FAQ, feel free to cooperate by sending me an e-mail! ========= History ========= Version Final 2.0 : ------------------- Greetings again everybody, welcome the a small, but worthy update of my Plot FAQ. As promised, I have updated with the e-mails that YOU, the readers have sent me, and I got a lot of them! I posted the best theories on Revolutions here, also, I have answered some questions, they are in the F.A.Q. section. Enjoy this update and stay tuned for more! Version Final : ------------- Well, it was a fast FAQ, that's all I can say. I believe there is everything in here that is useful for any person who haven't played the game. You'll know exactly all there is to know about this game if you read through this. I'll still update for your theories on Revolutions or your questions though. So you can send them to me at my e-mail adress stated above. Also, be sure to watch the Animatrix that hits the shelves on June 3 2003! - Completed my theory on Revolutions. (01/06) - Reformated and corrected the FAQ. (01/06) Version 1.0 : ----------- Well this is the first real version of the FAQ, the Script of Enter the Matrix is completed. This is the first section of the FAQ. Now, I'll all I have to do is complete the next three sections, which shouldn't be too long. See you soon! - Completed the Script of the Enter the Matrix (31/05) Version 0.1 : ----------- This is basically a Beta version of the FAQ (maybe it won't even get posted). I only completed the script of the FMVs for Ghost and Niobe. There will be a lot more to come in the next few updates, just look at the Table of Contents for that. - Completed the main script of the game for the same FMVs of both characters. - There is still one FMV left for Niobe. - There is still four FMV left for Ghost. =================== Table of Contents =================== I. Script of Enter the Matrix II. Theories on Revolutions III. Frequently Asked Questions IV. In the next update... V. About this FAQ VI. Credits VII. Final Words =============================== I. Script of Enter the Matrix =============================== The name of this section speaks for itself. Here you can find the complete story of Enter the Matrix. The FMV scene are scripted, so you will know exactly what there is to know about Enter the Matrix. The rest of the game is resumed in my own words. Of course, you will find a lot of spoilers here, so if you haven't played the game yet, you'll get spoiled! Here we go... Start a new game to see the first FMV. * Note : Sparks is the Operator of the Logos. He wasn't introduced in The Matrix : Reloaded. ----------- FIRST FMV ----------- -The Matrix Screen inside the Logos- Sparks : Look at them. Like flies to cow pies, crawling over every drop we ever used. Ghost : We don't have a lot of time. Sparks : A lot of time? Wrong? We don't have a little time. -Pause- Sparks : Look, I don't mean to be Mr. Nay Say but do you really think you've got a chance in hell of getting to that thing before they find it? Ghost : I don't know. But that won't stop her from trying. Sparks : Come on, Ghost. It's crazy! Ghost : Sparks, how long you been operating on this ship? Sparks : Three years. Ghost : Then you ought to know by now, when she makes up her mind you have one choice. You go with her or you get the hell out of her way. -Pause- -Niobe's piloting the ship- -Ghost is joining Niobe- Ghost : We've scouted the post office. Niobe : Is the drop still clean? Ghost : Niobe, this won't be easy. Niobe : Thadeus was my friend. I knew him. He never used a drop before. He didn't trust them. Whatever is in that box cost Thadeus his life and the lives of his crew. And I have a feeling if we don't get to it first, it's going to cost us a whole lot more. So, are you red or blue on this? Ghost : You know me, Niobe. It's not a choice. It's a way of life. -Pause- -Sparks is plugging Niobe and Ghost in the Matrix- Sparks : Because I know how valued my opinion is on this ship, I won't bother to tell you that I think it's insane for you not to wait for a support team. And for the record, when I cart your bodies back to Zion, do you prefer cremation or the gardens? Ghost : Sparks, your faith in us remains a source of personal inspiration. Sparks : Well, I am what I am and I do what I can. Niobe : Then, can you shut up and hit the button? Sparks : Your wish, Captain, my Captain, is my keystroke, colon, double backlash, execute, command. ------------------ END OF FIRST FMV ------------------ Either if you are Niobe or Ghost, there isn't much of a story here. Once you get the package, you'll need to answer a phone call to get out of the Matrix. You'll get pursued by an Agent in the process. Once you finally complete the level, you'll wake up in the real world... ------------ SECOND FMV ------------ -In the Logos- Sparks : You OK? Niobe : Man, reality can be a bitch. Ghost : Tell me about it. Sparks : You want a shot? Dr. Fellgood can fix you up. Niobe : Right now, all I want to know is what's on that disk. -The scene switch to a guy running to commander Lock- Guy : Sir! We just received an emergency broadcast from the Logos. Lock : She did it! Guy : Yes, sir. The last transmission of the Osiris. -The scene switch to the transmission from the Osiris- Thadeus: This is Thadeus, Captain of the Osiris. It is 18:03 on 12-14 and I fear this will be our last transmission. Less than two hours ago, we were pinned between two search units near BZ-218. We tried to outrun them on the surface when our sensors went completly berserk. We didn't believe what our equipment was telling us, until we ran smack into the middle of it. An army. Their army. It's massive. Hundreds of times the size of anything we've fought. Lock : Oh my god! Sparks : Oh shit! Thadeus: We are under heavy pursuit and have sustained critical damage. We are going to attempt an emergency broadcast in the Matrix. After that, all we can do is hope that somehow this disk reaches Zion, and if it does, it is not too late. -End of the transmission- Niobe : Drop down to Zion broadcast. I want this data transmitted immediately. Emergency encryption. -Scene swith to Commandant Lock- Lock : Lieutenant? Guy : Yes, sir. Lock : Is the Logos still in contact? Guy : Yes, sir. Lock : Get me Captain Niobe. -Scene switch to the Logos- Sparks : Live feed from Zion. Jesus, it's Deadbolt himself. Niobe : Give me that. Lock : Captain, you and your crew are to be commended. What you have done may prove to be the turning point in this war. Niobe : Do you have a plan, Commander? Lock : Right now, I want every ship to return to ZIon. Full protocol, as fast as humanly possible. I leave the recall in your hands, Captain. Niobe : Yes sir, Commander. Lock : And, Captain, Niobe. Please be careful. Niobe : As careful as I can be. ------------------- END OF SECOND FMV ------------------- What you have learned from this FMV is basically that the package you got was the discovery of an army digging to destroy Zion. With that in mind you need to jack in the Matrix to make a secret rendez-vous to tell the other captains this dangerous situation. You'll find yourself at the airport where you learn that a strong police force are after another group of rebel. They even captured one of their members named Axel. The captain of the group is named Soren and he'll need your help. Niobe decides to go after Axel and Ghost needs to protect Soren and his other team members. After succesfully protecting Soren, Ghost learns that they'll bring Axel in a plane and fly away. So he takes a car to follow the plane. Meanwhile, Niobe gets inside the plane to free Axel. She is a little bit too late and the plane flies away with her and Axel. An agent also appears onboard after he took the body of the pilot. She eventually gets a parachute for Axel who jumps down the plane. Niobe defeats the agent by throwing him outside the plane and she jumps off the plane with no pilot. The plane is crashes in the city and Ghost retrives both Axel and Niobe. Then, they get to a subway to find an exit. ----------- THIRD FMV ----------- -Scene happens in a Subway, a phone rings- Ghost : All right, Axel. That's your dust-off. Axel : You know, there's a lot of guys that wouldn't have done what you did. I thank you for it. Niobe : You would have. Ghost : It was that, or kill you. Axel : I'm just glad fate brought you to the airport. Niobe : I'm not sure you'll agree with that tomorrow. Just tell Soren : midnight. He'll know the place. Axel : Okay. -Axel answers the phone and disappears- -Ghost replaces the phone- Ghost : He is fast, I will say that. -Ghost answers the phone and disappears- -A strange man appears- Man : 72 hours... 72 hours. Niobe : What did you just say? Man : That's exactly how long Zion lasted last time. Niobe : What do you mean, and who are you? Man : Me? Nobody, just a spectator enjoying the ride. Hahaha... 72 hours. -Scene switch to the people meeting at the rendez-vous- -Niobe and Ghost arrives- Guy : You are here. Guy(2) : Niobe, Ghost. Guy : They're waiting. Ghost : Has everyone arrived? Guy : All but the Nebuchadnezzar. Niobe : Figures. Anything for an entrance. -Niobe is meeting the other captains- Niobe : Captains. Soren : Captain Niobe, my crew and I appreciate what you did for us back there. Niobe : How is he? Soren : He's alive. Happy to be alive. Ballard: Let's get going, because you know Morpheus is not going to show until we get started. Capt(1): I agree. I don't like us all being in the same place for too long. Why don't you tell us what this is all about, Niobe? Niobe : The Machines are digging. -Scene switch to the machines who are digging- -Scene switch to the Logos- * There is a jump in time here. In Reloaded, when this scene is happening we see Neo fight three agents. Sparks : Oh shit, no! -Scene returns to the captains- -Morpheus is there- Guard : It's the feds! Niobe : Get to your exits! -Everyone leaves- ------------------ END OF THIRD FMV ------------------ You'll find yourself in the sewers with either Ghost or Niobe, depending on which character you took. Before either of them will be able to get out of the Matrix, they'll need to help their fellow comrades who are having some troubles. After saving some of them, both Ghost and Niobe will be trapped together in a dead end where an Agent is firing at them. Hopefully for them, the KeyMaker opens a secret door from the "dead-end" and they get away with him. They are safe from the Agent and the next FMV shows up. ------------ FOURTH FMV ------------ -Scene switch to the Logos- Sparks : Where'd they go? -Scene returns to Niobe, Ghost and the KeyMaker- -They're in the programmers hallway- Niobe : Where are we? KeyMkr : The Matrix is structured like a building. It rests atop a foundation that is built upon a substructure. We're standing in a programmers' maintenance passage. It is how I escaped. Ghost : Escaped? KeyMkr : I have been held captive in a chateau in the mountains by an exile named the Merovingian. He imprisoned me for my keys. -Scene switch to the cell of the KeyMaker, it's a flashback- Merov : You will find I lack the virtues of both tolerance and patience. Au travail. -Scene returns in the programmers maintenance passage- KeyMkr : But even he cannot keep me from playing my part in what will come. My purpose, I have seen, is entwined with your own. Niobe : What purpose? KeyMkr : It's a very special key, meant only for the One. Will you bring it to him? Ghost : What does it unlock? KeyMkr : The future. -Two men enters the programmers maintenance passage with guns pointing on Niobe- Abel : Anyone moves, and her brains are a Jackson Pollock. Cain : Drop it! (Talks about the gun of Ghost) -Ghost throws is gun- Cain : Hehehe. Abel : I see we're just in time. You didn't think we left that door unlocked by accident did you? -Cain takes the key meant for the One- Cain : Ah! I think he did. Look at his face. It's just like a human. KeyMkr : This mustn't happen. Abel : It already has. -Both Abel and Cain returns to the chateau- KeyMkr : You must stop them! They'll ruin everything! Niobe : What is so important about that key? KeyMkr : The key is integral to the path of the One. Ghost : Why don't you just make another one? KeyMkr : Once it is used, it cannot be used again! They will bring about the end of everything! ------------------- END OF FOURTH FMV ------------------- At the Chateau, both characters splits up. You will find an explanation of both characters paths here. -------------- NIOBE'S PATH -------------- Niobe tries to find the stolen key and Ghost tries to get a good reception with Sparks from the roof. Niobe begins her exploration but she soon gets trapped by Vlad, a vampire program. Vlad attacks Niobe from behind and she lose consciousness. She wakes up in a strange place all tied up. Fortunately for her, she frees herself and attacks Vlad. After winning the battle, the KeyMaker frees Niobe from the locked place she was trapped into and he shows her the way to a mysterious secret passage leading to Persephone's bedroom. But she suddently gets attacked yet again by Vlad. After winning what will be Vlad's last battle, she heads to the Merovingian's Office. Here, she gets an important phone call by Sparks. You will learn that your fellow friend was captured by Abel and Cain. Niobe heads to the library where she meets Persephone. ----------- NIOBE FMV ----------- -Persephone was awaiting Niobe's arrival- Perse : I've been watching you. You're looking for your friend. But you will never find them. -Niobe points a gun toward Persephone- Niobe : Then you're gonna help me. Perse : I can have this room full of my husband's men in a heartbeat if I wanted to. But that wouldn't serve either of us, would it? Niobe : What do you want? Perse : A long time ago, I did not even know what that question meant. Now, it is all I ever think about. I see that you care for your friend a great deal. If they were to die, you would feel such terrible pain. To be honest, I do enjoy the taste of tears. But there is something I enjoy so much more. -Persephone approches Niobe- Perse : You have it. Buried deep inside you. Hidden, perhaps from yourself. But I see it, there. Creating such heat. Niobe : Back off. Perse : You are in love, are you not? If you want me to help you, all you must do is kiss me, as though you were kissing them. Niobe : What? Perse : If you kiss me as if you were kissing your true love, I'll tell you where your friend is. Niobe : How about I shoot you in your kneecaps instead? Perse : You are not afraid to kiss a woman, are you? Niobe : You're not a woman. You're not even a human. Perse : It's just a little kiss... Or maybe, you'd rather let your friend die. Niobe : Fine. -Niobe gives a quick kiss to Persephone- Perse : Oh God, that was awful. I wish you had shot my kneecaps instead. Niobe : OK, wait. Perse : Don't waste my time. -Niobe gives a deep kiss to Persephone- Perse : Yes. That's nice... Your lover is a man. What's his name? Niobe : Jason. Perse : No. No, it's not. But I'll bet Jason knows... Come with me. -Persephone opens a secret passage, Niobe walks in the new area- ------------------ END OF NIOBE FMV ------------------ Niobe heads in the Dungeon where she fights Cujo, the prison guardian. After deafeating him, she finally finds Abel and Cain, who are holding Ghost captive. You'll also see the evil Merovingian who is destroying the key destinated to the One. When the three men leaves, Niobe gets Ghost's body on her back and she gets away. Before leaving, you'll see the KeyMaker in his cell. He apologize because your paths were not meant to cross yet. He gives a key to the crew to escape the dungeon. Niobe and Ghost exits through the parking lot where the Twins were awaiting them. Eventually, you get away from them in a car to find a phone to get back in the Real World. After a hot pursuit, Niobe finds the exit... ------------------- END OF NIOBE PATH ------------------- -------------- GHOST'S PATH -------------- Ghost needs to head to the top of the chateau to get a good reception with Sparks. Once he gets to the roof, Sparks contacts Ghost, but the reception is still not good. Before the reception gets cutted, Sparks tells Ghost to head to the office. When he gets there, Ghost finds that he his in the Merovingian office and he learns that Niobe is in trouble. Sparks will tell you that she has been captured by Abel and Cain. Ghost heads to the library where he meets Persephone. ----------- GHOST FMV ----------- -Persephone was awaiting Ghost's arrival- Perse : I've been watching you. You're looking for your friend. But you will never find them. -Ghost points a gun toward Persephone- Ghost : Then you're gonna help me.รง Perse : I can have this room full of my husband's men in a heartbeat if I wanted to. But that wouldn't serve either of us, would it? Ghost : What do you want? Perse : A long time ago, I did not even know what that question meant. Now, it is all I ever think about. I see that you care for your friend a great deal. If they were to die, you would feel such terrible pain. To be honest, I do enjoy the taste of tears. But there is something I enjoy so much more. -Persephone approches Ghost- Perse : You have it. Buried deep inside you. Hidden, perhaps from yourself. But I see it, there. Creating such heat. Ghost : Back off. Perse : You are in love, are you not? If you want me to help you, all you must do is kiss me, as though you were kissing them. Ghost : What? Perse : If you kiss me as if you were kissing your true love, I'll tell you where your friend is. Ghost : I could beat it out of you. Perse : I like the sound of that, too. But a kiss will do. -Pause- Perse : Are you going to let your friend die over a silly kiss? -Ghost points down his gun- Perse : You have to make me believe. -Ghost gives a deep kiss to Persephone- Perse : Oh. Oh my... Unrequited love. Such longing for something you will never have. -Ghost looks troubled- Perse : How deliciously tragic. Ghost : Now, tell me where my friend is. Perse : For a kiss like that, I won't even tell my husband you're coming. -Persephone opens a secret passage, Ghost walks in the new area- ------------------ END OF GHOST FMV ------------------ Ghost heads in the Dungeon where he fights Cujo, the prison guardian. After deafeating him, he finally finds Abel and Cain, who are holding Niobe captive. You'll also see the evil Merovingian who is destroying the key destinated to the One. When the three men leaves, Ghost gets Niobe's body on his back and he gets away. Before leaving, you'll see the KeyMaker in his cell. He apologize because your paths were not meant to cross yet. He gives a key to the crew to escape the dungeon. Niobe and Ghost exits through the parking lot where the Twins were awaiting them. Eventually, you ge t away from them in a car to find a phone to get back in the Real World. After a hot pursuit, Niobe finds the exit... ------------------- END OF GHOST PATH ------------------- * Note, since the key was destroyed by the Merovingian, the KeyMaker needs to make another one for Neo. We see that in Reloaded where Neo is about to get to the Source at the end of the movie. ----------- FIFTH FMV ----------- -Scene begins in the Logos- Sparks : Operator. Niobe : Is the exit clean? Sparks : As vestal as my bunghole. Niobe : I'll see you soon. -Scene switch to Niobe and Ghost in the Matrix. A phone is ringing- Ghost : Captain. Niobe : After you. -Ghost answers the phone and disappear- -Niobe puts the phone back and answers it- -Scene switch to the Zion terminal control- Woman : This is Zion control to the Logos. Gate 3 is standing down. Your path is cleared to Bay 2. Welcome home. -Scene swith to Niobe piloting the ship- Niobe : Thank you, Control. It's good to be home. Ghost : Damn good. -Ships enters Zion- Niobe : Look at that. Almost a full house. Ghost : No Neb. Niobe : If I was Morpheus, I wouldn' be in a hurry to get back here. Ghost : What do you think the commander will do? Niobe : I don't know, but I'm staying as far away from that as I can. ------------------ END OF FIFTH FMV ------------------ We don't see it, but we are transported an hour or so later, where Ghost and Niobe splitted up and both got in their rooms. Depending on which character you chose, you'll get different FMVs, both are scripted here. ----------- NIOBE FMV ----------- -Somebody knocks on Niobe's door, it's Lock- -Niobe opens the door- Lock : I need a moment with you. Niobe : I literally just walked in. Lock : Please? -Lock enters, both are sitting down on chairs- Lock : I presume that you were present during this latest act of insubordination? Niobe : I was. Lock : You were in charge of the recall. How could you let this happen? Niobe : What do you expect me to do, shoot him? Lock : Yeah, you'd save me the trouble. Niobe : Jason, you can have my testimony at the debriefing. Lock : I don't want your testimony. Niobe : What do you want? Lock : Your help. Niobe : All right. Lock : Tell me why. Why does he do it? Is it because of us? Niobe : No. It has nothing to do with you or me. Morpheus does what he believes he has to do. Lock : Then I'll do what I have to. Niobe : You can't. Lock : Why? Niobe : Because you need him. Lock : The hell I do! Niobe : Jason, can you honestly tell me what went through your mind when you saw the tape from the Osiris? Excactly. I thought the same thing. Anybody from this city would. Every damn one of them. Except him. Morpheus believes we will win this war. He makes other people believe it, too. And that's why you need him. Lock : What about you? Do you need him? Niobe : All I need is a hot shower and something to eat that requires teeth. Lock : Thank you for your candor, Captain. Niobe : Any time, Commander. -Both get up- Lock : Can I see you tonight? After the gathering? Niobe : Of course. -Lock kisses Niobe- Lock : Is something wrong? Niobe : No. Nothing. I'm... I'm just tired. I'll see you tonight. Lock : All right. ------------------ END OF NIOBE FMV ------------------ ----------- GHOST FMV ----------- -We see Ghost in his room, laying down on his bed, he's plugged in is own personnal training program. Trinity enters the room and she joins him in his training program by using the second plug next to Ghost- -The scene switch to Ghost's training program, it's a chinese garden- -Ghost is standing upside-down on a rock- Ghost : Ow! -Ghost fells down the rock- Trinity: You call that concentration? Ghost : I didn't think you'd have the guts to come back here after the last ass whippin' I gave you. Trinity: That, dear brother, was an act of pure mercy having beaten you now... how many times? Gosh, I guess I lost count when it hit double digits. Ghost : That, dear sister, was typical of the codding members of my sex must bestow upon members of your sex... to cajote them into playing. Trinity: Oh yeah, that's it. You've done it again. You'll eat those words and half the rocks in this garden. Ghost : Come on, Trin! Make me. -The player is forced to fight Trinity- -After a while Ghost wins- Trinity: Damn, you are good, Ghost. Ghost : You're not bad, just a little distracted. Trinity: Yeah... I suppose so. Made a mess of your garden. Ghost : I kinda like it. Trinity: Ghost, can I ask you a serious question? Ghost : Of course. Trinity: Do you believe that Neo is going to end the war? Ghost : Yes, I do. Trinity: So do I... but I can't explain how or why. Ghost : Kierkegaard reminds us that belief has nothing to do with how or why. Belief is beyond reason. I believe because it is absurd. Trinity: You think it's crazy to believe it? Ghost : To believe what? That a single man can defeat an entire race of machines and end a war that has endured for over a hundred years? Of course. It's complete lunacy and that's why we must believe it will happen. Faith, by its very nature, must transcend logic. -Both unplugs from the garden, they are in Ghost's room- Trinity: When are we going to find you a girlfriend? Ghost : Like Augustine, I'm dedicated to a higher purpose. Trinity: What's that? Ghost : Onanism. Trinity: Is that why so many saints are blind? Ghost : Celibacy is a hands-on job. -Both smiles- Trinity: Thank you, Ghost. Ghost : Any time. -Trinity gets out of the room- ------------------ END OF GHOST FMV ------------------ Either if you have chosed Niobe or Ghost, you will get the same FMV up to this point. ----------- SIXTH FMV ----------- -Scene switch to the Oracle, she's in a room. -Seraph enters- Oracle : Thank you for coming so quickly. Seraph : You have no need to thank me. I am forever indebted to you. Oracle : It is now I who needs your help. -Scene switch to Ballard- -Seraph approches Ballard from behind- -Ballard senses him and points a gun at Seraph's head- Ballard: Who the hell are you? Seraph : I am Seraph, Guardian of the Oracle. Ballard: Is that right? Seraph : I can take you to her. But first, I must apologize. Ballard: For what? Seraph : For this. -Seraph attacks Ballard, after a while, Seraph suddently stops- Seraph : Good. You do not truly know someone until you fight them. Come with me. Ballard: Only thing you know about me is that I was about to kick your ass. -Scene switch to the Oracle and Seraph- Oracle : Time has grown so short. The shadow has already begun to spread. Seraph : Does the One know? Oracle : No, not yet. -Scene switch to Agent Smith, taking the control of Bane- Bane : Oh God! Smith : Smith will suffice. -Scene returns to the Oracle and Seraph- Seraph : Will he succeed? Oracle : There are so many factors. Between here and there, there are so many choices, and so much fear. -The Zion gathering passes, the scene switch to Lock and Niobe in a room- Lock : Niobe, I have something to tell you. It's a strategy to counterattack the machines using the ship's EMPs. Niobe : How many ships? Lock : All of them. Except yours. Niobe : What? Lock : I convinced the Council that the Logos was too small, the EMP too weak, to have an impact. Niobe : That's not true. Lock : Maybe. But it's done. Niobe : Jason, I'm a Captain, same as every Captain. Lock : No, you're not the same. You're the woman I love. Niobe : It's not right. Lock : I'm sorry, but I had to. I couldn't let you go, Niobe. I just couldn't. -Scene returns to the Oracle- Oracle : The truth is, that the path of the One is made by the many. -Scene returns to the Council and Captains meeting- -The Oracle is still speaking in the background- * This scene was in Reloaded, it is where Niobe accepts to search for the Neb. Woman : Are there two among you who would answer such a call? Oracle : Each of us has our own steps to take. Our own choices to make. Niobe : Captain Niobe of the Logos will answer the Councilors' call. Oracle : And if but one fails, all fail. -Niobe, Ghost and Sparks are boarding the Logos- -Ghost and Sparks stares Niobe- Niobe : What? -Pause- Niobe : I told you, all we're going to do is jack in, contact the Neb, find out what's happening and jack out. Any questions? No? Good. Then move like you got a purpose. -Both Ghost and Niobe are plugged in the Matrix- -Niobe calls Link, the Neb operator- Link : Operator. Niobe : Link, this is Niobe. We've been sent to bring you in. I need to talk to Morpheus. Link : Believe me, Niobe he needs you. Niobe : Where is he? Link : Just follow the sirens. Niobe : Let's go. ------------------ END OF SIXTH FMV ------------------ You'll find both Niobe and Ghost in the Matrix in pursuit of a truck where Morpheus fights an Agent on it. You'll eventually catch up with the truck and follow it from a very near point. The mission will then end and you'll see another FMV that was seen in the movie. ------------- SEVENTH FMV ------------- -Morpheus falls on Niobe's car- Niobe : You ain't done yet. Niobe : Go kick his ass. -Morpheus defeats the agent. The truck rans into another truck, but Neo saves the KeyMaker and Morpheus- -Scene switch in the Logos where Sparks unplugs Ghost- Sparks : Ghost, can you help me out here? She promised and you heard her. Jack in, find the One, jack out. End of story. Ghost : What happened? Niobe : It's Morpheus. He just called. Sparks : He says he needs your help. Can you imagine what that means? Our help? He's got Neo, why does he need you? -Pause- Sparks : I know you're both listening to me about as much as you're listening to this pole here, so I'll just tell you what I think. I think you just spent eigth of you nine lives getting out of there, and if you turn around and go right back in, I don't think you're just pushing your luck, I don't think you're crazy... I think you have a death wish! A major, full-on Bronson! -Pause- Sparks : And since your lives obviously mean nothing to you, I ask you to try to think of something that does have meaning. Namely, my life. Ghost : Sparks, shut up. Sparks : Yeah, sure, why not? Ghost : It's your call, Captain. -Scene switch to Commander Lock in Zion- Lock : Has there been any word from the Logos? Man : No, sir. No word from the Vigilant or the Nebuchadnezzar. Lock : Damn it, Niobe. What are you doing? -Niobe and Ghost shows up at Morpheus meeting- Morph. : Niobe, Ghost. I thank you for coming. Forgive me my urgency, but as you know, time is always against us. -Scene switch to the Hammer (it's the ship that finds Morpheus and his crew at the end of Reloaded)- Man : Bays One through Five fully armed and loaded. Captain: Good. We should be in position inside the hour. Man : Captain, can I ask you a question? What do you really think of this plan? Captain: If we stay out of each other's EMP range, if the line holds and if we're very, very lucky, I think we got a chance. And most of the time, that's all you get. -Scene switch to Commander Lock who is looking at a projection- Man : The latest progections from seismic. Lock : How long? Man : Less than three hours. -Scene switch to Bane who is cutting a third line in his hand...- -------------------- END OF SEVENTH FMV -------------------- What Ghost and Niobe have to do here his exactly what they did in the movie : make that powerplant explodes so that Neo can find the Source. It will shut down the electricity allowing him to open the Source door. However, it is a lot harder than it was the movie. After the mission is done, both Niobe and Ghost will have placed the required bombs to make the powerplant explodes succesfully. They both get away alive and well just in time to see... ----------- EIGHT FMV ----------- -The powerplant explodes, both Niobe and Ghost wakes up in the Logos- Niobe : I can't believe it. Ghost : We did it. Sparks : Did what is the question. Niobe : What do you mean. Sparks : I mean it didn't work. Whatever was supposed to happen, didn't happen. Something's gone wrong. -Scene switch to various dead bodies in a ship... at the end we see Bane who is alive and well- -Scene switch to The Hammer (it's the ship that finds Morpheus and his crew at the end of Reloaded)- -An alarm rings- Captain: What was that? Man : I think it was an EMP. Captain: How? Man : No idea, but right now we can't reach 11, 4, or 7. -Scene switch to Commander Lock- Opera. : Sir! We've just lost contact with the Icharus! Lock : What! Opera. : and the Novalis, and the Caduceus! Lock : How is that possible? Man : I don't understand it, sir, but the line is broken. Lock : God damn it, what the hell is happening? -Scene returns to the Logos- Sparks : One minute, everything's fine. The next, all hell breaks loose. Now there's no sign of Morpheus, Trinity, or Neo. Ghost : Everyone's gone. -Phone rings in the Logos- Niobe : Well, then who's that? Sparks : I don't know. Niobe : Well, answer it. -Sparks answers the phone- Sparks : Operator. Seraph : Is this the Logos? Sparks : Maybe. -Niobe takes the headphones- Niobe : This is Captain Niobe of the Logos. Who is this? Seraph : My name is Seraph. I bring word from the Oracle. You must come at once. -Niobe or Ghost heads at the meeting- ------------------ END OF EIGHT FMV ------------------ Here, you will get a different FMV if you have chosed either Ghost or Niobe at the begining of the game. After you faced and defeated Seraph, one of the two characters will meet the Oracle. You will find the meeting for both characters here. ----------- NIOBE FMV ----------- -Niobe meets the Oracle- Oracle : Niobe. Niobe : Do I know you? Oracle : You know me, though you may not recognize me. Niobe : Are you telling me that you are the Oracle? Oracle : I know this won't be easy for any of you. Change never is. I wish the face you remember was the face that I was still wearing. But that face is gone. Niobe : If you are the Oracle, tell me if I believe you are. Oracle : You don't right now, but you will. Niobe : Are you going to tell me something to make me believe you? Oracle : Come on Niobe, you know that I can't do that. Niobe : Why not? Oracle : Because I can't make you do anything. Niobe : At least you sound the same. Oracle : As I said, you may not recognize the face, but who and what I am beneath remains the same. Niobe : Can I ask what happened? Oracle : The Merovingian warned me that if I made a certain choice, it would cost me. He is, among other things, a man of his word. Niobe : What was the choice? Oracle : The same one you yourself will have to make -- the choice to help Neo or not. Niobe : Then Neo is alive? Oracle : Yes. He touched the Source and separated his mind from his body. Now he lies trapped in a place between your world and ours. Niobe : Can we free him? Oracle : Trinity can. But she will have to fight her way through hell to do it. Niobe : Can I help? Oracle : That's why I called. I cannot tell you what is going to happen. All I can do is hope that if you are given the chance, you will find the courage to do what you can. Niobe : You once told me you knew everything you needed to. Oracle : I do. I know everything from the begining from this path to the end. Niobe : I don't understand. Oracle : Even I can't see beyond the end. Niobe : The end. Are you trying to tell me the world is going to end? Oracle : Yes, if we cannot save it, it will end. Niobe : You mean Neo? Oracle : I mean we. The path of the One is made by the many. I have a role to play, just as you have yours. -Seraph enters the room- Seraph : It is time. Oracle : You must go now. Niobe : Wait. I need more information. How will I know what to do? Oracle : There is an old Chinese proverb I've always liked. "The heart never speaks, but you must listen to it to know." You'll know, Niobe. You always do. -Niobe leaves with Seraph. Both exits in the Programmors maintenance corridor- Seraph : I wish you luck and courage. Niobe : Thanks. Same to you. -Seraph leaves Niobe.- -Niobe walks only to get busted by Smith- Smith : Damn. Not who I was hoping for. But perhaps you can help me find him? Niobe : You're an Agent? Smith : Oh no, no. Not any more. Niobe : Then what are you? Smith : Me? I suppose you could say I am the Alpha... -Another Smith enters- Smith2 : Of your Omega. -Another Smith enters- Smith3 : I am the beginning... -Another Smith enters- Smith4 : Of your end. ------------------ END OF NIOBE FMV ------------------ ----------- GHOST FMV ----------- -Ghost meets the Oracle- Oracle : You must be Ghost? Ghost : Who are you? Oracle : I am the Oracle. Ghost : If that's true, then what's my response to that postulate? Oracle : Truth is an event, and only through experience can the veracity of a truth be verified. Ghost : William James. Oracle : You're asking me to prove it? Ghost : Can you? Oracle : I can tell you that I only remember bits and pieces of my past. I don't remember your face, but I remember your heart. You asked me one question, if she would ever love you? I told you, only as a friend, as her brother. Yes, I remember that smile. I recall asking what you were thinking, but I can't remember what you said. Ghost : I thanked you. Oracle : Why? Ghost : Because I felt freed. Oracle : From what? Ghost : Expectation. -The Oracle smiles- Ghost : Can you tell me what happened to you? Oracle : Two programs that I trusted sold the termination code of my original shell to the Merovingian. Ghost : Why did they do that? Oracle : For love. For the life of their child. Ghost : You knew about it, and yet you let it happen? Oracle : I had to. Ghost : Why? Oracle : Because the child is important. I can't tell you why, but I believe one day, the child will change both our world and your world forever. Ghost : Is that why you called for me? Oracle : No. I am trying to prepare those that stand in the front lines of our coming trial. We stand upon the edge of a precipice, the fall from which we will not return. Each of us must find courage, when we are most afraid to do what we must. That is our only hope. -Seraph enters the room- Seraph : We must go. Ghost : Thank you. Oracle : Ghost, you still love her, don't you? Ghost : As much as she loves another. Oracle : That is a hard path to walk. Ghost : Nietzsche said it best "One must want nothing to be different -- not forward, not backward, not in all eternity. Not only bear what is necessary, but to love it." Oracle : Armor fati. You're a good man, Ghost. If somehow we do survive, if the path does continue, I hope it is made by others like you. -Ghost thanks the Oracle- -Seraph and Ghost exits to the programmers maintenance corridor- Seraph : I wish you luck and courage. Ghost : Same to you. -Seraph leaves Ghost- -Ghost walks only to get busted by Smith- Smith : Damn. Not who I was hoping for. But perhaps you can help me find him? Ghost : You're an Agent? Smith : Oh no, no. Not any more. Ghost : Then who are you? Smith : Me? I suppose you could say I am the Alpha. -Another Smith enters- Smith2 : Of your Omega. -Another Smith enters- Smith3 : I am the beginning. - Another Smith enters- Smith4 : Of your end. ------------------ END OF GHOST FMV ------------------ After the FMV, either Ghost or Niobe (depending on which character you chose) will be in a hot pursuit against an army of Smiths. You'll eventually get in a church in ChinaTown where you answer a phone to get out of the Matrix. ----------- NINTH FMV ----------- -The scene is happening in the Logos- Sparks : Niobe, I'm really struggling here. I'm trying to keep up but I'm losing the plot. There's way too much weird shit going on around here, and nothing is going like it's supposed to go. I mean doors that go nowhere and everywhere. Programs acting like humans. Multiplying Agents. And now, picnicking sentinels. They were gunning straight for us, then all of a sudden, they just stopped. Niobe : Just out of EMP range. Sparks : What are they doing? Niobe : I don't know. But I got a feeling whatever happened to Soren is about to happen to us. Ghost : Sparks, I want the ship's guns online right now. Sparks : Oh when, when will it end? ------------------ END OF NINTH FMV ------------------ After the FMV, you'll have the control of the Logos where you need to get away from the Sentinels. The characters will get to an unknown place where they'll successfully hide from the Sentinels. The problem is that they don't know where they are... The game ends on this note, with another FMV. But this one is a trailer of the next movie, the Matrix Revolutions. So enjoy it, and see you at the movies in November! ============================= II. Theories on Revolutions ============================= You can post your intelligent theories on the Matrix Revolutions here. Just send me an e-mail at stonekotr@hotmail.com. Theory on The Matrix Revolutions -------------------------------- By StoneKotr : From what is known by now, we know that Neo used a power outside the Matrix to destroy the Sentinels that were attacking him at the end of Reloaded. Most people wanted to believe that Zion was, in fact, a Matrix within a Matrix. Well, I am completly against that theory because it doesn't make sense to me. The fact that everything was a big lie since the beginning is totally unreal. In Enter the Matrix, the Oracle explains that Neo touched the source and seperated his mind from his body to save his friends by destroying the machines. Unfortunately for him, that "shutdown" command caused him the coma. Now Neo lies in a world between the real world and the Matrix. The Oracle also states that Trinity shall save Neo, which she shall do, because if she don't, there will be no way to save the people in the Matrix (remember the scene with the Architect where Neo had to reload the Matrix to save the people within the Matrix). Now, we know that Neo will be somehow saved and reinserted in the Matrix so he'll need to face his last nemesis. Agent Smith. We see a little preview of that scene in the trailer of Revolutions where Smith fights Neo in the rain. Neo is the One. Smith is Many. Neo brings the life. Smith brings Death. My guess here is that Neo will win the battle and put an end to Smith. Then, to save the Matrix, Neo will have to become the Matrix itself. If he does this, then he can still be alive, everyone inside the Matrix will still live and Neo would become like a god, but he will loses everything that makes him human... +++++++++++ Here's a theory I found on the net a while ago, it's pretty good and I strongly suggest that you take the time to read it! This goes deep, so follow me if you will: The original Matrix starts with Trinity and Cypher talking, the screen shows "Trace Program" and the date "2-18-98". The movie ends with Neo making a phone call, the trace program is initiated and the date reads "9-18-99"... 19 months have passed! If you watch the movie again, you'll see that the time sequence implies that they found Neo shortly after that initial conversation (a few months after 2-18-98 at most). Significant? Yes; I propose that Reloaded and Revolutions (which we know occur one after another), take place between 2-18-98 and 9-18-99. Here's why: Only a few months could have passed from the time Morpheus and the crew 'free' Neo to the time Neo is killed and revived in the hallway. Why? for one, Neo's hair barely grows in that time and that's not a trivial observation (it's also obvious that Neo grew out his hair in Reloaded which occurs roughly 6 months after he's unplugged). We also know the W brothers don't put insignificant things into their movies - the fact that they obviously signal to us that 19 months have passed from the start of the Matrix to the time Neo makes that phone call is there for a reason. In Reloaded, Neo says that "I wish I knew what I was supposed to do". The phone call scene in the Matrix, Neo is very sure of what he is supposed to do, "I'm going to hang up this phone and show these people what you don't want them to see... a world without you, without controls and boundries". Why would he have forgotten what to do between M1 and M2? he didn't, that last scene in M1 occurs after Revolutions! Finally, at the end of M1, Neo states that "I can feel you now, you are scared". At the end of Reloaded he says, "Something is different, I can FEEL them now". One more thing. A game directed by the W brothers called Matrix online is due in '04 and the timeframe takes place after Revolutions... and the matrix is alive and well in the game. My guess is that there is no MWAM, they don't destroy the Matrix because they can't unplug everyone at once and we'll see Neo make that very same phone call at the end of Revolutions! +++++++++++ This theory is sent by Mark Ford, blkjedi954@yahoo.com... The theory that Zion is a matrix within a matrix is the most plausible and most sensible theory out there. First of all, let's us look at the evidence. The most obvious is when Neo is able to disable the sentinels outside the known matrix, in the alleged real world. Another indication is when Neo is speaking to the Architect. The Architect mentions that an intuitive program "stumbled upon a solution whereby nearly 99% of all test subjects accepted the program, as long as they were given a choice, even if they were only aware of the choice at a near unconscious level." - talking about the matrix. But he also addresses Zion. Architect - "While this answer functioned, it was obviously fundamentally flawed, thus creating the otherwise contradictory systemic anomaly, that if left unchecked might threaten the system itself. Ergo, those that refused the program, while a minority, if unchecked, would constitute an escalating probability of disaster." The systemic anomaly - the people that rejected the original matrix - was inherent in the matrix and would always exist. Thus the creation of Zion to house these anomalies. Architect - "While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control." The matrix is about control a prison for your mind. The original Matrix could not contain these anomalies so Zion was created with a level of intricacies that coaxed the mind into believing that it had been freed. The mind cannot rationalize being freed twice so it was forced to accept the second matrix. - "it (anomaly) is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control." The machines are more clever than you think. Lastly.. the most poignant of the evidences presented is Bain. There is no way a program can come over into the alleged "real world" and take over someone's mind. Remember Agent Smith mentions to Neo before the 100 Smith fight scene, that "Because of you, I am no longer an agent of this system." He says "this system" which leads me to believe that he now has the capacity to jump from system to system like a program a virus. We all know that the only way Agent Smith would be able to jump from the Matrix into the "real world" was if the "real world" was in fact NOT real but another system, another Matrix another prison for your mind. +++++++++++ This theory is sent by Mile Dobkin, MikeDob@cdw.com... Whats up dude... Thanks for meticulously writing down the scripts of the game, it has brought me great insight that has led me to come to the conclusion, that The real world IS a Matrix within a matrix.. In the Animatrix, "The second renaissance Part 2" there is a scene at the end with a young boy playing in the snow of the "real world" post destruction. 2 humans let their child play in the snow of a post apocalyptic earth, ravaged by destruction, littered with radiation, constantly patrolled by human killing machines... I think not. This leads me to believe that the child nor the parents are human. Matter of fact his parents look like agents. Also when the child tries to run away from his parents the anime cuts to him in a energy pod like the rest of the humans. Read below for the explanation as to why he was in a pod. This fits well with the plot of the game. The oracle states in Ghosts FVM w/her that the reason her appearance was changed was because two programs saved their child at the expense of betraying her. The two agents in the doorway are those two programs and the kid is their child. When he tried to run away from his parents they decided that this world is to harsh for him, they should insert him into the main Matrix and give him new parents... ones that look less aggressive and a world that is less barren and destroyed even if it is at the expense of not being able to see him or raise him. Why does this work? Why didn't the agents parent the child in the Main Matrix like regular parents? Because what would happen if they had to go on an emergency mission when they were with their child at the zoo? They would switch to another body and some stranger would drop dead next to their kid and he would be alone. The great thing about the Matrix within a matrix is privacy, especially on the surface. No Zionists go to the surface, and the machines don't mess with them because they are machines as well. They could live a happy life with their child, unless he didn't accept that as reality. Now I move on to a "the Kids Story". We see the same child all grow up. He has forgotten most of his child hood when he was playing in the snow, and forgotten his real parents... the agents. All he knows is something is not right with the world. That feeling comes from his toddler years when he saw first hand the destroyed earth (which is fake...a safety net..a matrix within a matrix.). That's the reason he was able to self substantiate himself. Also since agents cannot have sex like regular people, they would have to combine their personalities to make him...essentially the boy is a program within a human body...I'll explain the significance later. Now the question remains, if the boy is the child of two agents, wouldn't he also be a program? He was. When he was in the safety net he was a program, however when he started to reject his reality, the only choice his parents had was to implant his personality and mind into a live toddler in the matrix. That is why the toddler looks nothing like the kid (brown VS blue eyes, blonde hair vs Brown hair). That is why the kid is so important, because if the humans fight the machines in Zion the cycle will continue and it will be rebuilt and destroyed , Neo will be reinserted making the anomaly even more of an anomaly, and the cycle will go on endlessly...the humans will never win. However if the Boy realizes that Zion is also a matrix... and self substantiates himself into the "real real world" then they can finally defeat the machines. Also the boy has the mind of two agents, therefore he is connected to the matrix just like Neo is...but in a different way. Once he realizes his power he may be able to communicate with the machines...and ask them to free the people in the matrix so humans and machine can live together. A Mediator of sorts. The machines won't kill him because of his mind, the humans won't kill him because of his body...a perfect happy ending. What do you think? +++++++++++ This theory is sent by Mark Luban, lubanFamily@sbcglobal.net... You mentioned that you didn't like the matrix within a matrix theory (me neither), but you didn't give an alternate explanation. I have one: When Neo destroyed Smith at the end of the first Matrix, coding from Neo got imprinted onto Smith that (from the coding combination) allowed Smith to commandeer human flesh. Also, coding from Smith got imprinted on Neo that allowed him to control (or at least short-circuit) sentinels. If there is in fact a matrix within a matrix, then why does Smith look like Bane when he takes over his body and enters the "Real World," and not like Smith. If it's a matrix within a matrix, Smith should still have Smith's body. Remember, residual self-image? I think that Revolutions will be based around the premise that Neo has 24 hours to save Zion from the attacking 250,000 unit machine army. I think Smith is only significant in the fact that he wants to kill Neo(only because he wants revenge because Neo killed him and thus made him no longer an agent), and then will pose as an obstacle. One addition to my theories: You'll notice in one of the Matrix Revolutions trailers that Morpheus makes a comment: "He fights for us." Many think this refers to either a Machine called Runner (his backround is described in the Animatrix Episode: Matriculated), or to Neo. However, if you've seen the Animatrix Episode: Kid's Story, you'll know the backround of Kid. Even if you haven't seen it, Kid makes an appearance in the Matrix Reloaded when he offers to take Neo's bags when they arrive in Zion. I think it is Kid who fights for the rebels, as opposed to Runner or Neo. There's anoher possibility: Seraph, the program written by the Oracle to protect her from the Merovingian, is the one who fights for the rebels. This is plausible because I read somewhere that Seraph is much more significant in the Matrix Revolutions than he was in the Matrix Reloaded. One last thing that it seems everyone else has forgotten about: If you've played Enter the Matrix (obviously you have), you'll remember the FMV sequence where Niobe speaks with the "spectator along for the ride." How does he know about the matrix? This man also makes a half-second appearance in the Matrix Revolutions trailer, so he is clearly in the movie. I think he'll have some significance too. +++++++++++ Theory sent by Jean-Philippe C, jp_castonguay@hotmail.com... I felt that in the conversation with the arch. of the matrix that the oracle was a creation of his, in order to destroy the matrix once again. As you can tell she instructs Neo the path, but to me it's the path that leads him to the arch. in order for the arch. to explain the process of life or death (save a selected few to reconstruct Zion after its fall / or go back to the matrix and die). Having said this. I think the only reason Neo will contradict the arch., by not dying after he re-enters the matrix, is because throughout the movie we are hinted that he is somewhat human inside the matrix (ie. bleeding hand after blocking the sword). Which brings me to my next and final point I would like to make. At the end of the Matrix (1) when Neo enters Agent Smith to "destroy" him, we are told in Reloaded that something happened to Agent Smith in the process which "unplugged" him from the other agents. Every cause has an effect and every action has a reaction, and what happened to Neo is still unexplained, but it can be speculated that this is the reason he is somewhat human in the Matrix and can also explain the reasoning behind the "EMP" he set on the sentinals, which put him in a coma. I think that the same reason why Agent Smith entered the real world, is why Neo has powers outside the Matrix. +++++++++++ Theory is sent by Juan Lara, jlara@ats-pr.com... Neo is the first human plugged into the matrix, in essence he is the "projector" of the code that runs the Matrix. In a sense he dreams the dream all humanity is plugged into. We know Neo has the code embedded in his persona, and while his consciousness has been altered, he is still irrevocably human. We also know that the machines could not make a Matrix in which the human mind could live. The Architect stated it would take a lesser mind (Human?) to create a Matrix acceptable to Humans. If the "mother and father programs" created the code for the Matrix, what if they installed it into a human, plugged that "one" in, and used his mind as a filter to project the "reality" of the Matrix in a way a human mind can accept. We also are told that humans must have a conscious state to be of use to the Matrix and therefore, Neo must also "live" within this reality or he would be useless in the projection of the Matrix. Kind of a dream within a dream. This would explain why Neo has his powers so strongly, can read the code within the Matrix, has powers outside of the Matrix, and also be wanted by the Architect to disseminate the primary code and reboot the Matrix. This would apparently force that Zion is also not real, a concept I'm not to happy with although we are told it has been destroyed 5 times at least and the "Bum" in the game tells us the last one lasted 72 hours. But maybe Neo can enter and exit the consciousness of the Real World in a way akin to what Smith has done to cross over. (suggestions on this welcome I can feel myself grasping at thoughts here). That would allow Zion to be "Real" yet also allow Neo to have an affinity or "feel" the machines as we saw in the ending moments of the movie. So in short, Neo is the human "Filter" through which the Matrix is projected and assimilated by the Human Mind. In that sense I agree with you totally, Neo does stay in the Matrix on some level, he keeps it going. Finally, with the Matrix online being a continuation, canonized by the brothers, that takes place after the three movies, I assume that the Matrix is not shut down at the end of Revolutions but that Neo must still maintain it so we can awaken all human minds within. +++++++++++ Well that was the best reflexions on what we think will happen in Revolutions, feel free to participate by sending me your own thoughts and please correct your grammar! ================================== III. Frequently Asked Questions ================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. How often do you update ? A. Well, it's hard to say. With my homeworks and all, I don't really have the time to work on the FAQ, but when I have a minute, I am working on it. College takes a lot of my time and I have a life outside FAQ Writing so I am able to work maybe one or two hours per day on this FAQ. Updates will occur more often on weekends so log on to gamefaqs.com to see the latest update! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Can I play as Neo ? A. This is an example of e-mail that gets deleted quickly... First of all, you have a two things against my e-mail policy. First, this question is about gameplay and my FAQ is about the Plot, only the plot! Not anything else, understood? Second, this is a question that can be answered everywhere, so it usually gets deleted quickly... and no, you can't play with Neo as of now... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. What are your thoughts on what the oracle told ghost about a couple of programs that have a child that will be important the future? A. I really don't know about this, and I didn't bother to think about it! I'm really concentrated on what will happen to Neo... If you read the new theories on Revolutions, you might find your answer. Feel free to send your comments to answer is question more deeply! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Is there a way to watch the FMVs without playing each level? I have almost solved it but I wanted to go back and see just the clips. A. Of course there is one. Once you have completed the game, you can see the movies in the hacking mode. I suggest you read the Hacking FAQ on GameFAQS to see how to get to see them succesfully. Good luck! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. I don't understand! I read your FAQ, but I don't get the same conversation with Trinity as you have! Also, I didn't got to meet the Oracle with either characters! A. That's because you lost to Trinity and/or to Seraph. If you lose to them, the events in the game will change a little bit. The FAQ is made if you WIN all the way. If you lose, there's a few points of variant dialogue - notably, if Ghost loses to Trinity in the garden you get a slightly different conversation, and the story continues as before. If Ghost or Niobe loses to Seraph, you get a different scene where he refuses to take you to the oracle, you jack out and chat to Sparks, and then "Tunnels of the Real" starts up. One note - don't save after losing to Seraph, or else "Vertigo" disappears from your level list, and the Oracle FMV from your FMV folder. You have to go beat Seraph again to unlock them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================== IV. In the next update... =========================== Well, the Plot FAQ is completed. If there is another update, it'll be in the Frequently Asked Questions or the Theories on Revolutions sections. Stay tuned! =================== V. About this FAQ =================== You can see this FAQ at : http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.geocities.com/stonekotr --- FAQ STATS --- Total ----- 32 Pages 12,019 Words 52,922 Characters 1784 Lines --- Game Stats --- 1st Game : 05:18:28 2nd Game : 04:14:49 FAQ Size (Total) : 74 KO Number of E-Mails I got : 55 in English 0 in French ============= VI. Credits ============= * Special thanks to everybody who supports me and this FAQ. * Special thanks to CJayC, the GameFaqs big boss for his great job. * Special thanks to the Wachowski Brothers for creating the Matrix universe. * Special thanks to Warner Brothers for publishing the movie. * Special thanks to everybody that participate in the Theory of Revolutions. * Thanks to asriel777 from the GameFAQs board for the information about the destruction of the One Key by the Merovingian. * Thanks to Conliffe, Ciaran(LIT), C.Conliffe@Liberty-IT.co.uk for telling me about the name of the unknown ship, the Hammer and for answering F.A.Q. number 5. ================== VII. Final Words ================== I would like to dedicate this FAQ to a very special friend of mine, which, I think, is a person who is different from my other friends. Instead of believing in what could happen in a distant future, you live in the present and you live for what happen at the moment. I thank you for teaching me that philosophy. I'm sure you will become one of my closest confident if we can see and talk to each other more soon. "Live for the moment, not for hopes that may never happen." Now, it has been fun making this FAQ folks, I hope you have enjoyed it has much has I have enjoyed making it. I'll tell you this, if you have any kind of talent, share it with others by making a FAQ. It his so much fun playing a game for others, you have to try this once. It his possible that you will see me in another FAQs, because I enjoy making them. Well, that's about it, so goodbye everyone ! Enter the Matrix Plot FAQ By StoneKotr Copyright 2003 All rights reserved |END OF FAQ|