============================================================ Enter The Matrix. Complete Walkthrough and Hacking Guide QuickFaq Version 2.5 Produced By Dead Rabbit ============================================================ All help is welcome, feel free to mail me at deadrabbit@hotmail.com but please make sure it isn't included here first. Please include the platform you are playing on, put the game title in the subject. ============================================================ Contents ============================================================ 1) Data Log 2) Introduction and Basic Terms 2.2) Special Thanks 3) Drive Content 3.1) A: 3.2) B: 3.3) V: 3.4) Ram: 3.5) Logos: 4) Guide to weapon drops 5) Sparks Training Construct 6) Special Code Information // Secrets 7) Speed guide to open Multiplayer Mode 8) Ghost / Niobe Game Walkthrough 8.1) Post Office 8.2) City Driving 8.3) City Rooftops 8.4) The Airport 8.5) The Aqueduct 8.6) The Sewers 8.7) The Chateau 8.8) Under The City 8.9) The Zen Garden 8.10) The Freeway 8.11) The Power plant 8.12) Chinatown 8.13) The Skyscraper 8.14) Onboard The Logos 9) The Obligatory Legal Bit (If you want a copy just ask!) ============================================================ 1) Data Log ============================================================ 16.05.03 Inception Date, This is pretty much final though. Addition of new codes when available. 20.05.03 Addition of decodes, more secrets etc. 21.05.03 Addition of a complete walkthrough, call me crazy ! Niobe only just now, Ghost update VERY shortly.. 23.05.03 Ghost Walkthrough details added. 30.05.03 General update, codes added ??.??.?? Will update when have more ============================================================ 2) Introduction and Basic terms ============================================================ Welcome to yet another quick-faq, It started quick as hacking only, I since gave in to the call and created a complete walkthrough. This FAQ specialises on the Hacking side of the Matrix, As such does touch on the game itself. Yet now does hold a full guide for the in-game itself. This guide is based on the XBOX version, however no doubt it is cross platform. Enjoy with an open mind. There are NO details of patches / bugs / fixes regarding the PC version. No technical support here im afraid.. GAME ------------------------------------------------------------ * Not sure where to head, just follow your arrow, on harder difficulties it will appear after a time limit to give you a hand. * Experiment with different 'states' ie door opening, normal action and they turn the knob, run and they elbow barge the door through, use focus and they kick it in. Try different directions when you fight also ie press throw to throw or use back and throw to sweep their legs and punch them away (smiths special move..) This works for Niobe, yet is different for Ghost, characters also have different moves. * Try to fight as much as possible to build up focus faster, if you are in a hurry disarm them as you pass, this will often stop the threat. * In a firefight make good use of strafe. * Don't be afraid to waste time, or wait for your character to heal and recooperate focus. Especially on harder levels, you may need to. HACKING ------------------------------------------------------------ * BEGINNERS - type HELP then enter, this will then tell you what this command will do, it will also give an example, if you are not sure just try. use HELP DIR, this will tell you about DIR and what it does. Now type DIR to open it in your command prompt bar on the left. Use this to make life easier and select DIR then what you want to look at using the command prompt bar also. * All uppercase wording are commands you can use / write. If you have ever used DOS or the like this is probably quite straight forward. Hacking is all about experimentation (and a couple of tricks up your sleeve!). * Once you have typed a command, it will then be in the left column to use. this will save typing. * Always use DIR to explore new drive/ folders when you open them. Please mail me if you find this guide hard to understand, I have attempted to make it as simple as possible. ------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2) Special Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------ * Larry and Andy Wachoski, for good reason ! * Again thanks to neoseeker.com for inspiration love you guys ! * My sister for making it possible to see reloaded at the cinema a day before anyone else in the country ! * All those who have helped me in the past, and those who have yet to help.. * Thanks to anklecutter for Persephone's phone number ! Thanks to leoking13 for decode information.. An inpressive matrix hack from grandthefteggo, thanks. More website secrets from Jae, Nick P.and Sinuouser * I could write anything here,so, if you were not afraid what would you do ? ============================================================ 3) Drive Content ============================================================ 3.1) A: Drive ------------------------------------------------------------ Folder - dir a:\system REBOOT This will reset all that has been achieved. (hacking) (I don't advise ever using this, as it wipes all your progress, some people will try to use it to clear cheats / disks etc. however if you have more than one save with something activated - this will not work. The best thing, and fastest is to reset the machine itself,) HELP This can be used before a command, it will explain its use CLS This will clear the screen LOGIN This opens up the B: drive, Use password 'GUEST' Alternatively use FREEMIND or COWBOYCURTIS and receive a message from Morpheus, use 1-5 to play fragments. Caution - You can only login once (unless you reboot) DIR This will show all folders / files in an area, select using the command prompt bar on the left. EXIT This followed by 'Y' will quit READ Use this to open a text file, once they have been found use the command prompt to select the text you want. ECHO Use echo to write a string of words. ie. ECHO [ENTER TEXT] Folder - dir a:\tools VIBRATION Use to make a vibration [1-100] for fun BEEP To make notes sequence [1-8] for fun CHEAT Enter a cheat code using this command, codes are stored later in this faq. Folder - dir\text NOTEZ.TXT Changes virtual drive password to frozenfish (use READ) MANUAL1 Information of portkey technology (use READ) MANUAL2 Address for www.omegahardwaresolutions.com (use READ) website = Business terminated PASSWORD crack the codes at the websites : (use READ) www.thematrix.com - (23631BE6) hidden on this site is access to www.hackthematrix.com, further info on this later. www.danielinstitute.com - leads to an alternate enterthematrix site, register with Atari to get codes emailed to you. see secrets section for more.. ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.2) B: Drive ------------------------------------------------------------ Folder dir\id list of in game characters that have been seen in game - unseen are locked Also opened by progression. Use VIEW command : swata.img Armoured swat neo.img Neo abel.img Abel ajack.img Agent Jackson ajohn.img Agent Johnson asmith.img Agent Smith athomp.img Agent Thompson axel.img Axel ballard.img Ballard bane.img Bane cain.img Cain cujo.img Cujo dman.img Doberman kmaker.img Key Maker mero.img Merovingian morph.img Morpheus police.img Police guard.img Guard seraph.img Seraph soren.img Soren sparks.img Sparks swatst.img Swat standard swatse.img Sewer swat swatsn.img Swat sniper trinity.img Trinity twins.img Twins vlad.img Vlad Folder - dir\guns list of in-game weapons that have been picked up - unused are locked also unlocked by progression (use VIEW to open) mp5.img MP-5N m95snip.img M95 Sniper Rifle 9000s.img 9000 S 92fs.img Beretta 92Fs 380.img .380 Mustang com.img RO635 infinity.img 1911 .45 cal m16.img M16 Commando cross.img Antique Double Crossbow 50ae.img .50AE 18c.img 18C Auto pistol glaunch.img 40mm Grenade Launcher c4.img Demolition charge gren.img Grenades (flash,stun,offensive) 33sg1.img 33SG1 Sniper Rifle g36.img G36 w/AG36 ump.img UMP gp25.img GP-25 Chloro-bromo m240.img M240 Machine gun mac11.img MAC-11 590shot.img 590 Entry shotgun sg552.img SG-552 Commando p229s.img P229s ssshot.img Street sweeper shotgun Folder - dir\fmv list of cutscenes that have been viewed in game - unseen are locked Alternate character fmv stays locked (use PLAY to view) 0.fmv Opening sequence - 'red or blue' 1.fmv The last transmission - 'reality is a bitch' 2.fmv Axle's dust off - '72 hours' 3.fmv Meeting of captains - 'anything for an entrance' 4.fmv The keymaker - 'bring it to him' 5.fmv GHOST: Persephone - 'back off' 6.fmv NIOBE: Persephone - 'taste of tears' 7.fmv Zion - 'its good to be home' 8.fmv NIOBE: Deadbolt - 'something to eat that requires teeth' 9.fmv GHOST: Trinity joins in - 'sneaky' 10.fmv GHOST: Trinity loses - 'celibacy is hands on job' 11.fmv Seraph and Choices - 'I must apologise' 12.fmv Operator - 'i cant watch this' 13.fmv Hell on the highway - 'go kick his ass' 14.fmv A plan in motion - 'time is always against us' 15.fmv GHOST: Sniper run - 'we should be okay!' 16.fmv Meltdown - 'kaboom?' 17.fmv Broken lines - 'it didnt work' 18.fmv GHOST: Oracle - 'only as a friend' 19.fmv NIOBE : Oracle - 'do i know you?' 20.fmv Smart sentinels - 'when will it end' 21.fmv Closing and teaser trailer Folder - dir\maps list of levels that have been played - others locked Also opened via progression, (use VIEW to check details) Full details of map use and drops later in faq B2SW.IMG - Drainage Canal - JXTRR10 B5APN.IMG - North Concourse PNSRZ10 B5APT.IMG - Airport Tunnels - RKHMS10 B3CW.IMG - 2nd Floor West - JDZMT10 B3CS.IMG - Courtyard - ZKHBD10 B6SK.IMG - Skyscraper - RHFTQ10 B6CT.IMG - Warehouse - ZSZQH10 B5PP.IMG - Transformer Field - JDHQL10 B1PO.IMG - 2nd Floor Po Boxes - B1AXXF2 Folder - dir\cars list of cars in game, unseen are locked Also opened via progression, (use VIEW to check details) police.img Chevy Cop Car 2001 fbird.img Pontiac Firebird HO Custom 1967 agents.img Chevrolet Caprice Classic 2001 coupe.img Cadillac Coupe de Ville 1960 swat.img GMC Yukon XL 2001 Folder - dir\tools tools is locked - enter password to crack this password enter a 5 digit binary number (zeros / ones) each attempt will tell you how many are correct and haw many are in the right place, this is more trial and error than anything. once you have the correct amount of 0/1's just rearrange them. VIEW Use to look at img files on b: drive VIRTUAL Enter password FROZENFISH to access, then complete puzzle before timer runs out if you complete the puzzle as blue, neoblue.bat will run warning you,(careful.wav) telling you to take the red backdoor. you must type TRACEKILL before the timer runs out. complete the red puzzle however and get neored.bat (welcome.wav) you can now access V: drive __]__ ___/___ /] ]` the correct symbol looks a little like the one above.. TRACEKILL Use to kill a trace program (if you fail VIRTUAL).. DROP This drops weapon in the matrix - use VIEW map to get codes more details later in faq PLAY Use to play unlocked fmv footage DECODE Use to get passwords from codes off internet sites / emails etc ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.3) V: Drive ------------------------------------------------------------ Folder - dir\tools ROOTSEARCH This gives root admin password - THISISNOTREAL Also opens v:\root folder DIAL Use to call a hardline number, secret numbers noted later in faq Call Trinity on number below for PORTKEY code Folder - dir\root MAIL Use rootadmin password to get mail - phone numbers 001 949 555 0112 001 714 555 0187 001 213 555 0142 - Morpheus 001 310 555 0111 - Trinity with code 942 PORTKEY To use a communications port (enter key number) use code 942 to gain the CRACKer file on you v: drive CRACK Use this and password that trinity gave you - 8RAM (aghr22m5) to open RAM: Drive ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.4) RAM: Drive ------------------------------------------------------------ Folder dir\trinity TRAINING To force a training program into the matrix, Use this to access (*.dsk) files in program folder HANDSHAKE This will allow you to talk to sparks, use EMP.exe when he says he will give you a special bonus (in the loading section) neo will advise to follow the white rabbit. SYSTEM WILL SHUTDOWN You will also now have access to Logos drive. READBIO Shows your stats for the saved game.. Use this to read (*.bio) files Folder dir\prog *.dsk files are kept here for training, more info later in faq sword.dsk Folder dir\bio *.bio files are kept here use READBIO to check information ------------------------------------------------------------ 3.5) Logos: Drive ------------------------------------------------------------ Folder dir\sparks EMP Sparks has disabled this command Folder dir\art This holds preproduction art file (x31 *.img files) Use VIEW to check them out ============================================================ 4) Guide to weapon drops ============================================================ By using the Hacking system it is possible to drop weapons from the construct directly into the matrix. It is fairly straight forward - Firstly use VIEW to check each map, on the bottom right is a code Now use DROP [enter code here] to activate the change in the matrix Now quit and save, when you replay a level the bonus weapons will be there. Note : a DROP will not survive a reset, you will need to hack again. Map B2SW.IMG - Drainage Canal Code JXTRR10, Level Waterway Weapons Mac 11, SS Shotgun, Grenades Actual Location Found near the ambush near the end of the area Map B5APN.IMG - North Concourse Code PNSRZ10 Level Ghost Only, North point (Airport) Weapon M240 Actual Location Found on the desk to the right when you see the chopper outside Map B5APT.IMG - Airport Tunnels Code RKHMS10 Level Niobe only, Jackson in steam (Airport) Weapons M16, MP5, Grenades Actual Location Take a right at the junction, then next right then left down the small opening Map B3CW.IMG - 2nd Floor West Code JDZMT10 Level Niobe Only, Persephone room (The Chateau) Weapons 1911 pistol, SS shotgun, Ump, Entry Shotgun Actual Location Found in the last left room after Vlad, near end of area Map B3CS.IMG - Courtyard Code ZKHBD10 Level Ghost only - Secret Passage 2 Weapon Crossbow, UMP, Entry Shotgun Actual Location Found at the start of the area Map B6SK.IMG - Skyscraper Code RHFTQ10 Level Vertigo (skyscraper) Weapon .50AE Pistol Actual Location Found at start straight ahead Map B6CT.IMG - Warehouse Code ZSZQH10 Level Hard Line Pursuit (Chinatown) Weapon 40mm grenade launcher Actual Location Found at start of area Map B5PP.IMG - Transformer Field Code JDHQL10 Level Transformer field Weapon 18C Auto Pistol, SG-552, G36, Grenades Actual Location Found Straight ahead at start of area Map B1PO.IMG - 2nd Floor Po Boxes Code B1AXXF2 Level Got It! (Post Office) Weapons Entry Shotgun, MP5 Actual Location Found on the shelf near the Osiris package ============================================================ 5) Sparks Training Construct ============================================================ Sparks Training (door one) ------------------------------------------------------------ * Once you complete the game (either character) wait til the end of the credits a code will be shown for a short period (see below). When you enter this it will open sparks training construct. From the load screen tap right to enter this. * Only one door is open initially. go to the wall and press the left button to start (red one on the far wall) the first training. * Pick up weapons from the wall rack and kill swat before they reach the line. Once you have completed a high score of 20 plus on the training the 2nd door will be open. * You can also now take part in the second training. Press the 2nd button on the right (green). * Use the sniper rifle to shoot the platform under the feet of the guards, so they fall, do this for a score of 20 plus. This is the 1st room clear. Sparks Training (door two) ------------------------------------------------------------ * Now make your way through the second door in the hallway and take out the swat on the way. Go through the door at the end. * You will now be in a room with a cage in the centre, Straight ahead you will see a large metal door - this is to the 2nd training room. (only open once you complete training two) * If you take the low door opening to the right. Take out the 2x swat high up on the level (climb up if you wish) Continue through to the next room on the right hand side back wall. In the room of boxes are more swat, like a survival mode they will come from the 2x side rooms with increasing numbers. When you are bored leave the room. * In the 2nd training room, through the double metal doors are 2x buttons again. Press the right red one to start training three. * Within the time limit kill 20 plus swat guys, this will unlock training four. This is the easiest just use sweep and keep them at bay. * Now press the left green button. (training four) * Training four requires you to knock off as many swats as you can within the time limit.. in 3 minutes try to sweep then kick swat off the side. Or jump kicks work well, dont fall off yourself or training is over. * Complete the final training (20 plus swat) and unlock...? ============================================================ 6) Special Code Information / secrets ============================================================ Secret Phone numbers: ------------------------------------------------------------ Persephone's number - 001-949-555-0101 (anklecutter) Cheat codes (only working ones noted here): ------------------------------------------------------------ Use CHEAT [code here] to activate, repeat to disable cheat. I don't condone the use of cheats, yet as part of the guide here they are They are really for replay value i.e Infinite focus, Dont spoil the game for yourself.. 1 3 d 2 c 7 7 f Opens sparks training construct (loading section) d 5 c 5 5 d 1 e Opens multiplayer mode (loading section) 1 d d f 2 5 5 6 Infinite ammo 0 0 3 4 a f f f All weapons 7 f 4 d f 4 5 1 Infinite health f f f f f f f 1 Invisibility 6 9 e 5 d 9 e 4 Infinite Focus 7 8 6 7 f 4 4 3 Increased speed for logos Decode codes: ------------------------------------------------------------ Use DECODE [enter code here] to activate All these codes DO work, however depending on your progression they may not be recognised. H A B X G W T 7 Z R Z C 7 C I R S 7 K E Z I R N L - take your game further D C A Y O E 7 V D S Z Z C K O - red solution E C H U M X B I A O E F - swordplay E A B X M S X A M A 7 E U N G D - virtual drive I A D Y S F N Y C - sparks Training files *.dsk: ------------------------------------------------------------ Complete the game with either character to get sword.dsk once activated this will take the place of throw, caution you cannot kill some Merovingian as it can also take place of the stake. reset the game itself to remove the training program. Websites : ------------------------------------------------------------ www.omegahardwaresolutions.com - business terminated ?! www.danielinstitute.com - another way into enterthematrix site, sign up with atari to get codes emailed to you. Try entering the site pressing the yellow button in the top right. Click on the message once the page has loaded and move your cursor to get to the picture underneath. Select the monitors to get access to pictures / messages from shiny. Either move the cursor over the squares or click on the boxes to clear them. www.thematrix.com - another route to whatisthematrix site, if your quick a link to http//:hackthematrix.warnbros.com can be found, here is a keyboard with buttons allocated to certain words. If you select one of these it will ask for a code, using the same code that is on the site in the code box will bring up video clips and such like. Dated but fun none the les. Similar to www.whatisthematrix.com near mainframe on the top right is a 'code' button, just another register ? High Bandwidth only - Look to the top right of the page, you should see a yellow round button - this states 'options'. Press it, this will open a panel. To the right of 'low bandwidth' is a metal square, press this to reveal a green button. Press this for 'binary access' A large panel will drop with ZION83N6 printed on it, now click on access panel 3 to open it. Use the switches to enter code 01101111 press enter to get to the Hexidecimal key. Thanks to grandthefteggo for this one.. Only one code so far: 1010-0011-1011-0001-1010-0100-0010-1000 (A3B1A428) This will allow access to the Nebuchadnezzzer model builder. ============================================================ 7) Speed Guide to get Multiplayer Mode ============================================================ For any deeper information check the above FAQ.. Type any uppercase LOGIN, password GUEST, this will open B: DIR B:\TOOLS, this is locked enter password, see above to decipher VIRTUAL, password FROZENFISH - complete the red puzzle shape to get access to V: Use ROOTSEARCH to get password. Type PORTKEY 942 to gain direct access to Trinity. Then CRACK 8RAM, you can know access RAM: HANDSHAKE, then EMP at Spark's request will shutdown the system with multiplayer available. Use the load screen to pick level, keep tapping left to get to multiplayer mode The Subway Morpheus vs Agent Smith The Dojo Niobe Vs Trinity The Pit Seraph Vs Ballard The Ballroom Niobe Vs Ghost The Bedroom Cujo Vs Vlad The Atrium Sewing Woman Vs Janitor The Alley Firebird man Vs PoliceCar Man ?! Is there is more to multiplayer - watch the trailer to see niobe vs swat in the dojo ?! Just not open yet ? More training ? MUTLTIPLAYER IS NOT AVAILABLE ON PC VERSION ============================================================ 8) Ghost / Niobe Game Walkthrough ============================================================ This guide is based on the level rather than the character as some are repeated They are in chronological order. If one character only, it will be noted. In this guide Niobe is the primary character. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.1) The Post Office ------------------------------------------------------------ Weapons : SMG 9MM 9000s Pistol 92Fs Pistol 18c Auto Pistol .380 Pistol Entry Shotgun MP5 Enemies: Guards Police 8.1.1) Closing Time Fairly straight forward, head straight ahead and take out the guard, keep going and hit the button for the elevator [cut scene] now turn left to the newly open door. Take out the guard here also. Go through the door. 8.1.2) Behind The Scenes Head straight forward past the lockers and take your right near the end (taking care of the guard on the way) then turn left, go to the back wall, then right again towards the door. Through the door - follow the corridor. watch out for a guard coming up from behind. Go through the door on the right hand side. Head to your right and take out the guards here, Go down the bottom end and take a left. All the way down then left again (clear this area too) then your first right. Now head left all the way to the back wall (with a locker on) more guards are here. Now head left to the locker on the far wall. Go through the opening (another two guards) and dive/kick through the window on the left side of the corridor. Press the RED button in here on the right hand side [cut scene]. Go back through the window and head back the way you came, get to the locker near the green and white brick wall and turn right, then left through the new opening you made. take out the guard and go to the door on the far left. Turn to the right after the door and take out the guards. Head through the left area past all the computers. On the far left back desk is a MEDIKIT. Go through the opening to the right and head left down the corridor. Take the last door on the right. Taking out the guards on the way, follow the wall to the right, then turn left, head towards the last office cubicle in front of you. Turn left again before you enter it (just after the wall) head forwards and take to door on your right after the office cubicle. Follow the corridor to the right. Go through the last door on the right. 8.1.3) Epicenter Jump onto the fence cage in front of you and climb over it. Keeping an eye out for guards, go straight ahead. When you get to the wall at the end turn right, at the corner turn left and head straight up again. In the next sorting area go to the top right hand corner, through the gap, go straight ahead to the shuttered door at the end of the area. Take out the guards on the way. [cut scene]. 8.1.4) Unexpected Arrival The elevator opens to trouble, deal with the police first in this area. Head up and turn left at the end, take out the police behind the fork lift, this will crash into the wall starting a fire (and all the sprinklers). Keep following the corridor to the left and left again. Taking care of all the police. On top of a box at the next corner leading to the right is a MEDIKIT. Follow the right turn and right again through the gap. Head all the way forward into the caged area. [cut scene]. You are now high up, the easiest way is to ignore the police below and focus straight ahead to the opposite side of the cage entrance (if you do find yourself down below you can use the caged area wall to climb up) turn to the left and jump along the vent pipe you are stood on or it will break (if it does break hold focus and grab the edge) Keep heading away from the caged area along the right hand side. Get on top of the room to the right and jump through the skylight. 8.1.5) Redirected Head through the door in front of you once you take out the police. Make your way through the caged storage area to the opening on the left hand side. Turn right and pick up the pistols from the table in front of you. Use your focus and shoot the police on the other side of the cage. Head round to the left through the next cage area and turn right after the yellow barriers. Head straight forward. [cut scene]. Head towards the new area straight ahead. Either climb the cage or break through the office glass to get to the other side. Zig zag your way past all the boxes. Keep your eye out for police on your way. Run under the low shutter at the end. NIOBE - Turn left and take out all the police in the next area. Head up the stairs at the end and onto the belt. [cut scene] GHOST - Go through the door on the left, turn right and gp all the way to the end. Turn left and enter the cubicle. Turn left again and go through the door. To the left is a window (another way into this room from the other offices) kill the police in here. Head right and when you can get over to the left area of the floor. Go through the door here, near the yellow barrier. Go back through the caged area and through the door. There is a MEDIKIT in here, press the red button on the right side then turn left so your facing back on yourself and take the door at the end of the area. Take the door to the right. 8.1.6) Backtracking (GHOST ONLY) Head all the way down the slopes and take out the police, open the door here. Turn left, you need to head back through the sorting area. Head forward and right at the first machine, go all the way to the end, as far as you can , then turn right. Now head to the left hand opening and go through. Turn left again and head through the area ahead. Get to the back right corner of the room, then climb the fence to the left. At the bottom of the slopes infront is a door to the right, take it. 8.1.7.) Got It! The pick up you need is straight ahead in the left most PO BOX. But first if you have activated the DROP hack pick up all your weapons from the shelf on the right hand side. A MEDIKIT is here also. When you get to the PO BOX a [cut scene] will trigger. Head straight ahead past the next column and turn right and run towards the lift. Take out all the police to open the lift doors. Stay away from tear gas for obvious reason. When you emerge from the lift head towards the front doors of the building. Try to open either one to trigger the shutters. Now enjoy a lobby type fight. Clear the area of police. If you need a breather hide in the toilets on the left hand side of the lobby. When the area is clear head back towards the lift where a shutter is in the way. Take the door to your right. Go through the next door ahead then through the opening to the right in the next room. Head up the stairs and through the door. Then up more stairs and another door. Yes more stairs and a door at the top. Take them. 8.1.8) Big Distraction [cut scene] Either make your way down the stairs to ground level, Or if you are impatient focus jump off the edge. Go straight ahead and turn right. This level is very linear, just keep going straight anyway you can, taking out all the police on the way. Finally after getting back through the demolished sorting area, you will get to a door on your right. Go in and take the stairs. Go through the door at the top. 8.1.9) Breakout! Open the door to the left, go through and take out the police that will emerge from behind you. Straight ahead are a couple of MEDIKITS on the desk. Keep moving as police will continue to come from behind. Take the other door in this room. Head through the storage room to the door at the other end. You need to head around to the left to another door when you enter this area. Use your focus and RUN as the police will keep re spawning and alot will be shooting at you ,open the door to trigger the [cut scene]. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.2) City Driving ------------------------------------------------------------ As Niobe when you drive remember to change your view, although it is more cinematic the default view is restrictive (good fun though). The chase view will make life easier for you 8.2.1) Get To The Hardline (NIOBE) Go straight ahead and through the speed trap ! Stay on the right side of the road and up the embankment. When the road joins up again get on the left hand side watch for an overpass above the road, head left of the column holding it up to cut the corner (ghost will advise you to take this left) Follow the road, keep an eye out for a police car coming out of a right junction, this is the right you need to take. Keep following the road ahead, keep on the left and turn down the street to the left after the orange building on the corner. Again follow the road. You will reach a roadblock (survive for 2 mins section) head straight ahead and circle round to the right and head back the way you came, at the orange building circle round it to the right through the alley. Now head back towards the roadblock (the secret to survive is to keep moving) repeat this if you need to until it says roadblock cleared now head straight through. Head across the bridge. [cut scene]. 8.2.1) Get To The Hardline (GHOST) As gunner you have two roles, clear the path infront of civilians and take out any police cars that show up. Apart from that you are along for the ride. Luckily as Ghost there is no survival section. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.3) City Rooftops ------------------------------------------------------------ KEEP MOVING ! Use focus jump to get further. Weapons: .50AE Enemies: Police Agent 8.3.1) Answer The Phone Run straight ahead towards the ladders in the distance, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Climb the ladders and continue forward to the next set. Climb them to the top. [cut scene] Turn left but keep on the right side of the roof, jump to the ladders on the next building in front of you. Climb up and follow the roof round to the right. Get onto the next rooftop (step) and make your way to the top right corner to jump to the next building, Head straight forward, then right when you get to the wall. Jump to the next roof and turn left. Take out the two police infront to build up you focus. Head right over the corrugated, sloped roof. Jump off the end of the roof to the damaged wooden floor of the next building. You will fall through, from the level you land on jump across the building to the ledge in front. Make your way right and jump to the ladder in front. (If you do fall to the lowest level of the building go through the opening to the right and follow it round to the opening opposite the ladder. Jump to it) Climb to the top, here an agent will drop onto the next building. Head to the top left edge of the building you are on and again jump diagonally to the damaged wood section, Drop to the next level and take out the police. Ignore the MEDIKIT to the right of the stairs if you can - he is coming. Head up the stairs and right out the door. Head straight towards the ladder jumping the gap on the way Get to the top and jump to the sloped roof, then jump to the next building (look familiar ?) Climb the ladder to the right (yes the first one) [cut scene]. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.4) The Airport ------------------------------------------------------------ New Weapons: Stun Grenades Flash Bang Grenades M16 33SG Sniper Rifle M95 Sniper Rifle SG - 552 M240 - Get this for Ghost using the DROP hack - think of it as a helicopter buster. As there are two choppers for you to knock out I suggest conserving ammo for these encounters. New Enemies: Standard Swat 8.4.1) Check In (NIOBE ONLY) [cut scene] Focus jump straight ahead over the balcony, turn 180 degrees and head behind the check out to the left hand side. 8.4.2) The Belts (NIOBE ONLY) [cut scene] Head left and press the GREEN button on the wall to open the shutter, head through, continue straight to the next button and do the same again. Go straight forward to the stairs and up to the control room, take out the swat on the way. Press the RED button in the control room to start the belts. Make sure you clear the room or the swat will turn the button off when you leave the room. Head up the stairs on the right side of the room to get some STUN GRENADES. Follow the walkway and go through the door at the end. Open the next door and take out the swat guys. Focus run across the walkway, kick the end door through. Go through the next door, take out the swat ahead and head a little way up the walkway jump off it onto the first conveyor belt on the right, run with it to the orange hole in the wall.. 8.4.3) Jackson In Steam (NIOBE ONLY) Open the door on the right side of the room, Head forward past the pipes, Take out all the swat, beware of the steam. If you have activated the DROP hack the head right at the junction, take out the swat on the stairs but carry on. Take the next right, then the small opening on the left near the end (kill the swat guard) collect your goodies. Go back to the stairs where you fought the swat, head down them and go straight ahead, keep going straight ahead at the junction to the centre core (MEDIKIT down below in the centre). Take the right exit out the area and head straight forward up the stairs (you should see 3L) turn left at the top of the stairs - still taking out all the swat teams that keep coming. Take the 2nd right that should read 1R - 7R, this is the corridor you need. Follow the corridor left then right. 8.4.4) Jackson In Steam 2 (NIOBE ONLY) [cut scene] RUN ! Use focus to get a bit of distance between you and Agent Jackson, Keep running and follow the tunnel ahead, take out any swat as quick as possible. Dont take the lower floor passage as it takes time to climb back up, you also still take damage from above. There is a MEDIKIT at the end of the passage however. The high walkway seems to have a similar problem. Eventually you will reach a ladder at the end, climb up it. 8.4.5) Hangars (NIOBE ONLY) Turn left and run to the far wall, take out the four swat when they come round the corner Turn right and follow the hangar to the other side. Turn to the right and look at the plane. Head towards the front of the plane and climb the scaffolding. At the top silently strangle the sniper. Jump from the scaffold to the top of the plane and run towards the tail end. Jump onto the scaffold at this end (MEDIKIT here) and climb to the top again. Climb up the boxes and jump onto the walkway. Take a right and open the door on your left. Make your way through the corridor and take the left door at the end. On the walkway head further left to the yellow ladder. Climb down and use your sniper rifle (if you have one) to take out the swat, then activate the lift button (on the right front of the lift) as it lowers, jump to the wing of the plane, run along and open the plane door (it is possible to just skip the next bit and jump to ground level - your choice). Take out the swat inside as you head towards the front of the plane. On the left side is another door to exit the plane. On the scaffold take out the swat high up, than make your way down to ground level. Head towards the back of the hanger to make your way to the other side as before, as before four swat will come round the corner for you. Run along the back of the hangar to trigger the [cut scene] 8.4.6) The Bowels (NIOBE ONLY) On this level you can use the Sniper rifle (night vision sight) to make your way through, Follow the small tunnel and turn right after the door to take out the swat sniper. Pinch his gun and make your way up the corridor. The next sniper is just after the second narrow section of corridor, where the corridor starts to turn left. The next is just after the next narrow part of corridor. Keep going until the next narrow part as 3x swat guys will run towards you. 3x more are behind them. Keep your distance and stand your ground, or run in and disarm them all. As you get closer to the stairs 3x more will run down at you, be careful. Remember to use the walls. At the top of the stairs are 2x guys that will through grenades. Make you way up. At the top use the left opening (tarmac access) [cut scene] 8.4.7) Catching A Plane (NIOBE ONLY) [cut scene] Clear the room of swat, use the cover as much as you can. You are heading to the back right of the room, to a yellow ladder. At the top turn right to climb up another ladder [cut scene] head through the door on the left. Run over the walkway then through the next door, shoot from the walkway at the swat below dont go past the steam. Head left to the ladder and slide down it. Then down the next. Head towards the plane. [cut scene]. 8.4.8) Agent On Board (NIOBE ONLY) When you start note the button on the right of Axel, head towards the front of the plane, defeat the swat and make your way round the cargo netting in the middle of the plane , on the left is the rack with green parachutes on, pick them up. Head to the back of the plane, on your way are some boxes, on the top is a MEDIKIT, if you find you need it later. when you get to Axel [cut scene] Before you do anything press the green button on the left side of the back of the plane, this will open the rear, now turn around and face the Agent. Make sure he is never armed, now make you way to the edge of the plane. Use focus to knock him down, then drop kick him out of the plane. [cut scene] Note : You will receive a message stating a focus increase bonus, You get this regardless throughout the game, yet this is the only place it will advise you. Some people are concerned that if you fall out the plane when you get this message - it wont show next time. Don't worry you will get it message or not. 8.4.1) Concourse (GHOST ONLY) Head round to the right to the security desk. clear the area anyway you wish. Now carry on . Clear the area around gate E1, Go behind the desk for a MEDIKIT. Take the first left to head through the toilets, take out the swat at the other end. Follow the back corridor and go through the male toilets. More swat are waiting at the other end. Clear the area around gate E2 and again take the first left, this time through a customs area. Open the door at the end. 8.4.2) North Point (GHOST ONLY) Head forward through the open door, This is an ideal place for a flashbang if you have one, either way clear the room. Pick up the stun grenades from the back right corner. Now head down the small opening on the right hand wall. Throw a grenade next to the windowed area on the right side. You can now get through. Jump past the window and clear are E3 of guards. Head all the way to the end and take out the guards. Take the left opening to lead you to area E4. If you activated the DROP hack command then your weapon cache is behind the desk in this area. There is also a MEDIKIT here. Swat will come out of the surrounding areas, take care of them. Head all the way forward to the next area where the chopper is waiting for you. Move towards the window. 8.4.3) North Point 2 (GHOST ONLY) As you face the window there is a monument structure in front of you and two walls coming inwards on the left and right. Get close to the right hand wall, this will protect you from the helicopter fire. This boss like others follows a pattern. First it will strafe left past the window shooting, stay next to the right wall to avoid being hit. At the far left of its run it will turn 180 degrees and start heading back right, this is your chance. Use focus to get as much time as possible and get to the window, open fire with preferable the M240 (DROP hack) if you have it if not then the MP5. The M240 Will take the chopper down in seconds! If however you are stuck with the MP5 then you have some work to do. Try to get at least 2 full clips into the chopper as it heads to the right. Now turn around, If you have any grenades wait 1 second then through them towards the Pentium 4 sign on the wall. This is the third part, 4x swat guys will fast rope down through the ceiling. Take them out as best you can, try to keep your focus up by fighting, the grenade will help. When you have head back to the right hand wall where you started. The pattern will start again. Repeat this about 3 times to finish it off. Once the chopper is down, some swat will open the back right side of the room, take them out and go through. Past gate W4 and through the shop. Take out the swat at the far end asap while they are in a group. At the far end head up the stairs 8.4.4) Monorail (GHOST ONLY) Head up the stairs to the first right. If you look down to the left walkway you will see a firefight there. Help by taking out the swat and the gate infront of you will open. Head all the way up the walkway taking out the swat as you go. Head down the stairs and to the end. 8.4.5) Revolving Restaurant (GHOST ONLY) [cut scene] Turn around and head up the stairs as you need to initially clear the area of swat. Make your way to the top, with the swat gone face the bar, then turn left. If you focus jump straight ahead you will get to the Piano. Stand on top and turn around. You must fight off the swat from here until the ladders come around again. [cut scene] 8.4.6) Terminal (GHOST ONLY) Take out the swat straight ahead, focus jump over the barrier to get to the lower area. Once you have cleared the area the shutter on the first floor will open. Kill the swat that have just entered and go through the new opening. Open the right hand shutter and make your way to the right. Taking out the swat as you go. Stay on the right hand side and take the last opening to the left at the end for the escalators. Turn right and head up them taking out more swat. At the top make your way round to the right. Head all the way forward taking out the swat and head towards the open door at the far end of the upper area. 8.4.7) Control Tower (GHOST ONLY) [cut scene] Head straight forward and silent kill the sniper. Use the sniper rifle to clear the stairway below of swat (near the door on the 3rd level), ignore those on the roof. It will now tell you to make a move downstairs. go. Turn around and take the yellow stairs. Switch your weapon to take out the swat as you descend. Go through the open door ahead when you see it. Silent kill the swat on the left of the balcony. Get back up to the top of the tower again. 8.4.8) Control Tower 2 (GHOST ONLY) [cut scene] As soon as you get control look left at the plane, zoom right in with your sniper rifle and use focus to give you time. Now start shooting at the front wheels of the plane, you are successful when you get a [cut scene] now for a tough fight. Switch to the best automatic weapon you have. If you still have ammo for the M240 you are laughing. Get yourself into a corner with the best view of the control tower you can and keep an eye out for the agent in the chopper. As soon as he appears slam on focus and keep moving and shooting him (cartwheel etc.) Repeat this about 3 or 4 times to defeat him (only once though with the M240) Head down the stairs when you can [cut scene] ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.5) The Aqueduct ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.5.1) Retrieving Axel (GHOST ONLY) Ghost gets to drive as well ! This mission is in three parts, due to the driving physics this can be a little annoying at times though. Other parts are fun. Go straight ahead down the Aqueduct. If you hit a bump at a bad angle, let of the acceleration for the landing until you right yourself. Avoid the boxes if you can. If the [lane gets too far ahead you will fail the mission, so keep moving. Dont worry about passing the plane and getting ahead, just keep going forward. Once Axel has jumped out the plane you can relax for this bit, you can even take your time on this bit. Stay out of the water and keep making your way forward. This is where other swat vans will chase you, not too much of a threat. Just keep your speed up. Keep an eye out for arrows telling you which route to take. ie the first set of three small yellow arrows will lead you through the gate to the left. If you do miss them, just back up and take the route. There are some sharp 90 degree turns here, try not to break, just release the accelerator and slide round them. You will reach the final part, chasing after the car. Stay as close as you can. Just watch them and follow the route they take. Dont be afraid to break and stay behind them. (Instead of overtaking.) Get to the part where there are two tunnels splitting the aqueduct and get in one for the [cut scene]. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.6) The Sewers ------------------------------------------------------------ New Weapons: SS Shotgun Offensive Grenades Demolition Charges 2x MP5 2x Mac 11 New Enemies: Sewer Swat 8.6.1) Abyss Head straight forward along the pipe and follow it round to the right. Jump over the wall and carry on straight. Keep following it round to the right and climb up the ladder at the end, again follow the path round to the right and up the slope. At the end turn around and climb higher up the slope. Then use the stairs to double-back again. Climb up onto the generator at the top, then climb the ladder above it. Run along the ledge then make your way right around the pipe to climb the ladder that is attached to it. At the top take out the swat nearby, also the ones on the opposite walkway to help Ballard. Keep making your way along the walkway to the ladder at the far end. Get your Sniper rifle ready, When you get to the top Ballard will be under fire again, turn around and use focus to buy yourself some time. Two snipers are on the highest level on the left walkway, near the part which is connected to the ceiling. There is also a sniper on the same level as Ballard to the left again, just round the far corner of the shutter, If your not sure look for the bullets to give them away. Now head towards the area where you took out the two high snipers, in the centre you will find a ladder leading down. Slide it. Head out and to the right, past the ladder you will see Ballard, walk towards him. 8.6.2) Abyss 2 [cut scene] Take out your sniper rifle to clear the area, First kill the swat just near the phone, then as you face the centre structure a swat is on the far right walkway and one on the far left. Now looking at the centre aim high to see a sniper on the top level aiming at you, take him out. Head back and use the phone. [cut scene] With your new grenades, take out the fan at the end of the walkway and go through Follow the pipe. 8.6.3) Pumped Head left down the pipe, then take the last right. Drop down into the area and take out the swat in the room to the right, go through an make your way round right again and clear the next room. Head through this one and take the left corridor. Follow the corridor round and clear out more swat. Stay next to the left wall and follow it to the ladder, climb up . Head to the wall at the end and make your way right staying on the top level. Jump the gap straight ahead and keep moving to drop down the other side, as a few swat are now far behind you. Follow the arrow to the ladder on your left, climb it and go near the steam to change the objective. Now turn to your left and make your way back towards the way you came, towards the swat, jump back over the gap and go straight forward, dropping down the gap slightly to your left, the caged door infront is now open (under the generator), head through and down the hole. Head straight forward and keep to the left wall, past the water. Get to the last opening on the right, here climb up onto the shelving on the right, and up onto the ledge, take out the swat nearby. Drop down to the left , near the pipe. Head forwards through the opening. Take out the swat on the way and turn right and right again to find a small ledge between walls, climb on this then climb up to the left hand side. Turn left and look at the RED pipe on the ceiling, that is what you are following, jump and make you way to the far end of the room. Drop down to the machine that the pipe is connected to and press the RED button. This will cut the steam. Make your way back to the beginning of the room, yet take the right before the end (the other end of the RED pipe leads here, in this room follow the ladder up. Now go straight forward following the right hand wall round to the left, get to the hole in the floor. 8.6.4) Ice And Corrupt Ice and Corrupt are under fire, take out the swat nearby, now follow the ground level as far as you can to find another swat guy. Ice will tell you to climb up. Now make your way towards the start, near the first swat guys is a ledge, now on your right hand side. climb it. If your having trouble put your gun away. Now turn right and climb onto the small ledge next to the large generator, next climb onto the generator itself. Turn right and walk along to trigger a small [cut scene]. When you get up take out any nearby swat and take the left opening next to the damaged spinning mechanism. head through here taking out any swat in the way follow the corridor through to a ladder, take this ladder up. Ice and Corrupt are in for it again. Head left then left again, follow the area round to a small ledge on the right, climb this then climb up to the higher level. Right infront of you is a large spinning mechanism, Take a look at the base which isn't moving, There are 3 pieces of it that stick out, all the same colour orange as the mechanism. Change to 1st person view and shoot at the first one directly next to your feet. They are waist height and have little white lights on. When you hit them they will disappear make you way round and get all three. Now take out any remaining swat while the mechanism destroys itself. Now facing the mess you have just made turn to your left, jump into the pipe you have opened. 8.6.5) Waterway [cut scene] Drop down into the pipe and head left, run up to the swat and silent kill him, run and follow the pipe further and take out swat number two. Now take a right and head up the ladder. Go left and over the bridge, take out the swat on the way, Run and focus jump off the ledge in front to get to the wall on the other side (this cuts out some of the stairs) now make your way down casually or focus jump back across to get to the bottom. Follow the path and kill the swat on the walkway. Slide down the ladder on the left side of the walkway. Now turn 180 degrees and head away from the ladder to the far wall, pick up the flashlight. (it looks like a gun, but is an add-on, Also a word of warning for those of you who cheat, you may have difficulty picking it up) now when you have your gun out, it will be lighter. Head slowly back to the ladder, as soon as the red grenade is dropped by the ladder back off until it explodes. Take out any swat that come down, go to 1st person and try to take out the ones high up also. Now climb back up the ladder and carry on. Follow the corridor the pipe on the left, go through that and follow the swat guy to the right, stay on the upper level. As soon as you see them throw a grenade to take them all out in one go, now carry on forward to the grate at the end (drop to the low level) Wurm will wave, wait for him to leave then shoot the two swat that appear behind him. Now turn around (this can be tough) get back on the high level using the ladder on your left. If you have used the DROP hack then check behind the pipe above the grating to the left for your weapons cache. Now stay on the left side and make your way towards the other far end of the tunnel, due to the restrictive view of the tunnel, you are either attacking on a wide angle (open) or on a tight corner. Take your time, and dont feel bad for hanging back and recharging (the getaway anyone !?) after each team of swat. When you get to the far end try to grenade the large group of swat. The tunnel splits in two at this end, take the right opening to continue. Focus jump across the broken gap, then drop down the other side of the pipe. 8.6.6) Waterway 2 If you like take a left and a left, this will take you down to the swat you just jumped past and a MEDIKIT. Again make you way along the high left side of the tunnel, take you last opening on the left. Then right down the stairs, Now take a right, then a right and follow the narrow tunnel. Drop into the larger area and take out the swat Now head right around the edge of the hole to the far side and slide down the ladder, more swat for you at the bottom. Go through the only exit to the left. Take out the lone swat above the plank to the left, then climb up to where he was. Emerge from the broken pipe and stay next to the right hand wall once you have cleared away the swat. Keep making you way around the room, once you have crossed the white pipe, jump and grab hold of the red pipe above, shimmy along over the water, they will drop automatically so keep moving. When you get to the ledge drop down into the broken pipe below. Follow it along to a left hand pipe. Go down this and kill the swat on the left at the bottom. Now travel along the opposite way. Climb up the ladder. Follow the path all the way to an enclosed room. Take out the surrounding swat - then go down the hole in the centre. 8.6.7) Breathing Room Follow the tunnel all the way to its end then take the right hand opening, head forward until there is an explosion. Now turn right and head forward to take out the sewer swat, turn right again to head towards the newly opened room, drop down the hole in the centre. Follow the tunnel again, it will open to absolute chaos. Grenade happy sewer swat are everywhere, head left up the tunnel on the right hand side is a grate (up some stairs) with a MEDIKIT behind. Nearby are stairs to the left - take them, then right up more stairs. Make your way along the next fan area taking out the swat on the way. When you get to the far side, take the small tunnel on the right hand side. You will get to another fan area similar to the one before, make you way to the damaged area up ahead. Either make your way carefully across the left edge or focus jump the gaps in the middle to get to the back wall (watch for two swat guys hiding behind the built up walls). Take the opening on the back left. Make your way through the next room round to the right again taking out the swat on the way. Take the tunnel at the end and run through, when it opens up, drop down to the left and take out more swat during your descent. At the bottom of the area drop down the hole. Then down the next one. 8.6.8) Malachi And Bane Make your way straight forward and up the ladders ahead, now left and along the pipe, get onto the ledge and make you way right, after taking out the swat jump onto the RED pipe above and shimmy along to drop onto the red boxes. Take out the swat nearby, now head left towards the ladder at the end. Dont climb down Turn right and focus jump to the platform just left of the pipe. You should land near the barrels, now jump diagonally into the pipe itself (through the break in the railings.) Drop down from the pipe to the next area. Head right through it taking out the swat, then right again, Then left and left again to exit the area. Head all the way through the pipe. 8.6.9) Malachi And Bane 2 [cut scene] Turn left to see the ladder, go round the far side of it to climb up. Make sure you have your sniper rifle out. Kill the swat at the top, then shoot the one opposite. To keep everyone alive use your focus the best you can, swat guys come from far left, far right and from the top (centre walkway) keep taking them down asap. I find the M95 Sniper rifle the best as has a faster rate of fire, easier for head shots, Trust your judgment take the head shot and move onto the next target. From the left, swat can come in groups of 2x. Kill about each swat about 2-3 times to finish this area [cut scene]. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.7) The Chateau ------------------------------------------------------------ New Weapons: Wooden Stake. 1911 Pistol UMP Crossbow New Enemies: Vlad Cujo Doberman - to take out the 'vampire' programs here keep attacking until they are stunned, your character will automatically stake them at this stage. Experiment with different types of stake moves. 8.7.1) Great Hall (NIOBE AND GHOST) [cut scene] 8.7.2) Shadows (NIOBE ONLY) Follow the path of the halls left, left then right. [cut scene] 8.7.3) The Attic (NIOBE ONLY) [cut scene] Head straight forward through the opening, take out the three vamps then kick Vlad about until [cut scene] Now head straight ahead and take the left opening, take out the vamps on the way but keep going straight until you reach the far back wall, now turn left, keep going and take your first right, A secret door will be open here. Walk through it. 8.7.4) Persephone Bedroom (NIOBE ONLY) Turn to your right and walk up to the red chest of drawers, Persephone's number is on here. Now make your way towards the bed and take the white door on the right nearby. Head all the way through to the room at the end, Pick up the weapons and make your way back to the bedroom. Take out the two vamps first, Now work your magic on Vlad. The second white door in the room is now open, take it. Head through and open the next door infront. Now follow the corridor round to the left, If you have activated the DROP hack take the last white door on your left. in here are your goodies and a MEDIKIT. Go back into the hall and take the double doors at the end. Press the button for the lift (right hand side) and walk in. 8.7.2) West Wing (GHOST ONLY) Head straight ahead through the room (over the table if you wish) and through the double doors at the far end. Take out the vamps in the kitchen. Head over to the left hand opening. Then left again. Take out the vamp that appears in here. Now go through the door he has opened. Take out the vamps in this room on the right. head into the elevator to the right of the pool tables. 8.7.3) Atrium (GHOST ONLY) Go through the door to the right, follow the corridor to the atrium and take out the vamps here. Head all the way through and take out the next vamp in the next room Now head through the passage that has opened behind the bookshelf on the left wall. 8.7.4) Secret Passage (GHOST ONLY) Head forward and fall through the floor, Go straight ahead and climb the right hand wall at the end. At the top take out the vamp who comes through the wall. Go through the opening and climb to the top of the wall infront. Climb up higher, then drop down into the attic space. Keep fighting vamps on here until the window is blown open. Keep away from the edges of the room as they catch fire. Jump through the new opening. 8.7.5) Secret Passage 2 (GHOST ONLY) If you have activated the DROP hack all the weapons will be by your feet to the right. To your left is a broken ledge jump head here [cut scene] then jump to the next balcony. Here is a MEDIKIT and two vamps for you. After they are sorted jump to the next balcon to the right. One more balcony then enter the french window to the left. Take out the vamp here and use the back right opening. Follow the corridor and down the stairs to another museum type area. Kill the vamps here too. Head all the way through and down the next corridor to a third area. Kill another couple of vamps and take the large opening at the back right side of the room. Again another area with more vamps, exit using the double doors they came in from. [cut scene] 8.7.6) Merovingian's Office (NIOBE AND GHOST) Head down the hall and through the open white door to the right, take out the vamp, go through the door he came in, turn right down the corridor and open the double white doors to your right. Run in [cut scene] Take out the vamp that comes in. Now head back out into the corridor and take the newly opened left white door. Another vamp will burst in, sort him out then go through the door he opened in front of you. Take a right up the stairs then turn left, open the door in the corner on your right. Run into the cinema and head towards the projector, past all the chairs. Now turn around and fight the vamps. Head back under the screen to see the two doors you passed are now open on your left. Go in and run to the door at the end. 8.7.7) Garage Hallway (NIOBE AND GHOST) Take your first right and silent kill the vamp looking the other way (do you recognise this place from the film - running keymaker..) take out his mate while your at it. Make your way to the far end and turn right, get to the door. 8.7.8) Return To The Greathall (NIOBE AND GHOST) Run through the door that opens infront of you 8.7.9) The Dungeon (NIOBE AND GHOST) [cut scene] Make your way down the spiral staircase (anti clockwise) then turn right, head through the opening in front. Down the stairs and into the hall. Take out the two vamps here, in the far right and left corners are MEDIKITS. Get to the back of the room to find more stairs leading down. Get into the circle arena to fight CUJO When he gets to about half damage he will send a few of vamps at you and shoot from afar, take these vamps out asap and CUJO will come back for a beating. Directly opposite where you came in is the exit, climb out of the arena and climb up into the opening. Make your way up the stairs. 8.7.10) Cain And Abel (NIOBE AND GHOST) Follow the route of the dungeon, through the gates and onwards [cut scene] open the door and you will pick up the alternate character, now head out the door and back the way you came. [cut scene]. As Cain and Abel are werewolf programs you cannot kill them. Instead attack them to do so damage and force them near the prisoners in the cells, they will hold onto Cain and Abel. Now pick up your partner again and make a run back to the start of the level. [cut scene] ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.8) Under The City ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.8.1) Twins In Pursuit (NIOBE) Fairly straightforward, keep moving as fast as possible, keep your eye on the arrow, a sharp left takes you to the exit. [cut scene] 8.8.1) Twins In Pursuit (GHOST) Only one job on this level, Keep looking ahead and keep the way clear infront. Shoot any civilian cars ahead to keep the speed up, ignore the twins. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.9) The Zen Gardens ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.9.1) Trinity And Ghost (GHOST ONLY!) Enjoy yourself and fight Trinity. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.10) The Freeway ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.10.1) Chase Morpheus (NIOBE) Same again, keep moving, use ghost whenever agents get close. [cut scene] more of it, use ghost to clear police out the way. 8.10.2) The Truck (NIOBE) [cut scene] More driving more police, when you get to the semi, keep it in sight it will slow down to meet you eventually. [cut scene - best one no less!] 8.10.1) Chase Morpheus (GHOST) Take out the police ahead until [cut scene] now face backwards and just keep shooting at the agents to keep them at bay. Take out any police on the way. You will finally get a [cut scene] and the agents will leave your trail. Now concentrate your fire forwards at any police that get near. [cut scene] Continue taking out the police. 8.10.2) The Truck (GHOST) [cut scene] Keep taking out police again, stay looking ahead. When you get near the truck, try not to hit civilian cars as debris slows you down and Niobe will drive round them. Keep going you will eventually reach the truck. [cut scene] ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.11) The Power plant ------------------------------------------------------------ New Weapons: G36 GP-25 Launcher New Enemies: Armoured swat 8.11.1) Reactor Foundation (NIOBE ONLY) Make your way along the large tunnel, as you reach the door take out the guard. Clear the next area of guards and make your way to the top right end of the room Go through the opening and follow it round to the end. Make your way down and take out all the guards. Head to the far end and take both the ladders up. Turn to the right and climb up the cage. Head forwards and take out the other guard, at the end is more cage to climb. At the top wait for ghost to take out the lights. Now go to the opening and stay close to the left wall, go along the edge then climb up higher on more cage. At the top, turn right and focus run jump over the gap and off the edge [cut scene]. Ghost will help, but you must take out the ground swat. Turn left and start there. Keep going straight and then go right through the opening Take out the three swat here, hiding behind concrete pillars. Follow it round to the right, the right again. The ladder you need is on your left hand side. Turn left and run across the bridges in front of you. At the end turn left and go to the edge ( there is a MEDIKIT on the far right of the ledge you stand on). Look at the door on the ground floor and slightly to the right, Jump down there. Now go through the door / opening and follow the slope down. 8.11.2) Reactor Foundation 2 (NIOBE ONLY) Carry on down the slope and turn right, in the next area take a right after killing the swat, follow the tunnel area till it opens out to a place with pillars, take out the swat behind them. Make your way left through this area, then take the opening on the right at the bottom. Again follow the passage round until you get to a fluorescent lit room. take the left opening out of here and climb up the ladder. Take the right hand exit out of this area, then immediately turn left, Due to the snipers here get behind cover quickly. Now focus run forward along this area between bits of cover and the snipers on your right wont hit you. Run round to the right then into the left opening. Follow the passage again to another sniper area, yep, Focus run again and get behind cover, take out any swat on your side. Make your way up then left ( behind a pillar straight ahead is a MEDIKIT if you need it) take the right opening. Follow this passage way to the exit. The pit area you enter at the other end is full of swat for you to take care of. take a left then your first right. There are many ways through the pit, once you get to high ground you can see them. If you decide to get to high ground before clearing the area make use of focus run to keep you alive. There is either a set of ladders take your first right, then right again to see them. Or from where you are looking up the pit, there is a rectangle block of concrete on your left, make your way round it to find a lower part, climb onto that, then onto the block itself. You can now either jump left to the ladder area, or right to a concrete path that will lead to the end of the pit. Jump from the path to the wooden plank (slope) when you see it, keep running along the high area and along another plank to get to the other end of the pit. Head towards the left hand door. 8.11.1) Reactor Construction (GHOST ONLY) Like Niobe head along the open tunnel roound to the right, as you reach the door take out the guard. Clear the next area of guards and make your way to the top right end of the room. Go through the opening and follow it round to the end. Now Climb up the ladder. Make your way over the concrete bridge and follow the edge round and down, take out the guard here. Cut through the small door opening and turn left. then right, head over to the far right edge near the caging. The left part of the caging is missing so focus jump from here over to the ledge ahead. Head left past the ladders and focus jump to the left to get to the generator. Press the green button to get [cut scene]. Now focus jump back to the ledge you came from, to the far left side of it and grab hold of the ladder, climb up and then up the ladder you passed earlier. At the top head right, follow the corridor round. [cut scene] You know need to sniper the snipers ! The first is dead ahead infront just zoom in, the second zoom out and he is on the walkway just slightly to the right, the third is high left on a yellow ledge. The last one is is even higher up and slightly right above the third. Niobe now needs covering fire from swat on the ground. Look straight ahead and down for the first. He runs from left to right, the second is behind the corner of the wall on the right. They respawn so keep at them. When you get the all clear head along the ledge to the left. Change your weapon if you wish and take out the swat here. Climb up the caging to the right. Clear the swat here at the top and cover Niobe again. Get you and your rifle to the ledge. Here she makes a run round the far end of the room (right to left) take out the swat on the far left of the pit, they are on the same level as her. Get to the left of the ledge and climb the caging that sticks out when you get the all clear. At the top head straight along the ledge and climb higher up more metal bars. Run round to the right and climb up. Make your way over more structure then, make your way down and to the right. Keep Heading down and take out the swat here. Now drop down the hole in the floor to the left. Head through the opening behind you and follow the tunnel. 8.11.2) Reactor Construction 2 (GHOST ONLY) Follow the tunnel through until it open out, if you were cautious you would see the heads of swat guys over the edge of the inner wall, either focus run round the edge of the room or take them out as you go. When you get to the other side, follow more tunnels. Climb up the crates to the top and turn left. Run and focus jump to the platform ahead. Focus jump again over the gap, now drop down to the right. Turn around and head through the opening to the right. Follow the tunnels up the stairs and focus jump right to the crates, focus jump again to the concrete structure ahead. Jump from structure to structure, forward then right at the end, stay on the right side and jump into the opening on the right where the ladder leads. Follow more tunnels until they open out. Make your way around to the right and stop behind the last pillar in the centre, use this for cover, pop out with focus to take out the four swat high up. Climb up the crates and to where they were. Head forward and drop down to the lower level, take out the swat there. Follow the area round to the right. 8.11.3) Nuclear Shipping [cut scene] NIOBE from inside the control room - take the right exit, then turn left and make your way to the shutters, the top left (left of shutter one is the door) [cut scene] GHOST from outside the control room - head to the end of the building to the left and look left to the container in the middle of the area, head towards the rear of it and climb up onto the small container, now jump up onto the large container itself. Make your way towards the front and silent kill the sniper on top. Now head towards the exit door - the far left shutter one is just right of the door. Go through the door, Now focus run right across the room, disarm any swat on the ground level and stay near cover. Kick the door at the far end open. 8.11.4) Transformer Field If you have activated the DROP hack the weapons cache will be directly infront of you. When you get through the door, the next area has a large structure in the centre, head towards it and use the stairs that circle the outside to get to the top. Take out the few swat on the way. At the top press the green button to get a [cut scene] and the Chloro-bromo launcher (be careful with this one!) Now dont be tempted to just jump over the barrier, its fun but you die. Take the long way, at least at first and go down the walkway. Run down halfway then dive off at the corner - the swat will be straight ahead. Use your new toy, at this distance you will be fine. Now turn to your right to the open doorway and make your way over there. Head round the structure and straight ahead to a couple of swat, take them out then turn right and run up the corridor. Ignore the room on the right, just keep going 8.11.5) Transformer Field 2 I wont bore you with this level, it is lay'ed out quite linear, just make your way through, taking out all the armoured swat (who refuse to die) on the way. At the first junction you get to the arrow will tell you to go left, There is nothing to the right. Be careful in the area full of pillars, they hide everywhere. Shortly after is a left turn although the arrow states to go straight, there are a couple of swat here and a MEDIKIT. The next Junction is a reverse, the arrow says left, but you can carry straight on, straight is a swat and another MEDIKIT. When you get to the end, climb up the ladder. [cut scene] 8.11.6) Generator Turbine (NIOBE ONLY) Stay on the high beam an follow it round to the left, then right, Focus jump to the roof of the control tower, now climb the ladder infront of you up the side of the generator. There is another ladder infront of you, slide down that one. Run backwards down the stairs directly behind you. (This is the fastest way, there are many ways to do this level however. ie drop down and silent kill the sniper, use his rifle to clear the control room, then jump left and take the walkway round to the control room) [cut scene] from facing the controls turn left and take that route down lower, take out the swat here. Pick up any weapons / ammo from this floor that you need then take the right hand door. Turn left and run to the door straight ahead on the other side of the room. Make your way through both areas and come out into a corridor, turn right and run up that way. Take the last door on the left. Follow it round to the right , just keep going. 8.11.7) Generator Turbine 2 (NIOBE ONLY) Go through the door nearby [cut scene] now head round to the right, (in the office here is a MEDIKIT) Keep going all the way down, when you get past reactor 2 (the door number on the left) the next office has a MEDIKIT. Carry on and enter door 1 Keep going through all the doors until you get to a ladder, climb it. Follow the gantry round and climb the next ladder. One final short ladder for you then plant the bomb. Take out the swat that drop in and slide down the ladder. Make your way over the other side of the walkway and down the slopes. Jump over to door 2 when you can. Go through the doors and take out the swat, then climb the ladder over on the left. Follow the walkway to door 3, carry on the walkways to get to the highest area. Focus jump to the central area when you have taken out the swat. Slide down the ladder infront, turn around and go through door 4. Some choice now, take the middle walkway and run for the door at the far end. After door 5 make your way to the top area and into the middle again, clear out the swat and climb down the ladder infront of you. Make you way down the final walkway and through the doors, keep going for a [cut scene] 8.11.8) Core Control (NIOBE ONLY) [cut scene] 8.11.9) The Core (NIOBE ONLY) Make your way right along the walkway, Keep going all the way round until you get to the stairs leading down, keep taking out the swat as you go. Keep going til more stairs, then you will find the walkway leads to the centre core, start making your way back up the inner walkway, climb the ladders when you reach them. Follow the gantry to the right, and up the stairs. Keep moving and taking out swat (a lot I know) more stairs will lead you higher. Take the next set of stairs when you can. Run along the last bit of walkway..well done. 8.11.6) Nuclear Waste Sector (GHOST ONLY) [cut scene] Head straight forward into the first room and take out the swat, watch out for the flammable tanks, use them to take out swat, but make sure you are no where near. Continue to the wide doors on the other side of the room. Go through the small area ahead, then through another set of wide doors. The next area again is full of tanks and swat, take out the tanks on your way round to clear the swat with the fire as they hide round objects. In the glass area on the high right is a MEDIKIT. Another set of wide doors at the end, take these through another small area, take out the swat here then move on. Another large room, use the tanks again and make your way around the right side, climb up onto the black walkway on the right and over to the wide doors to exit. Head through the last small area ahead. 8.11.7) Nuclear Waste Sector (GHOST ONLY) Go through the doors in front. Go through the next large area, similar to one before use the tanks again, work your way through and take out more swat, again through a wide door to a smaller area, Get through this one and open the door. In the next area climb up onto the computer units straight ahead and drop over them to the walkway. Again use the tanks to make life easier. Clear the swat and get through the far door. Yep another smaller area here for cleaning, take care of the swat and continue on. After the door climb up the ladder ahead. Make your way over the walkway, again use the tanks to take down the swat. At the end of the walkway focus jump to the opposite walkway ahead (towards the wide door) take this walkway all the way left for a MEDIKIT. Take the door ahead to move on. Another smaller area, then after the door a big firefight for you. Take the ladder to the left, at the top shoot the tanks in the back wall. The run round to the right, up the small stairs taking out the swat as you go. Shoot the far tanks on the right to clear the room. [cut scene] 8.11.8) Core Control Room (GHOST ONLY) [cut scene] Another sniper section for you, First sniper is just right of the central core, look for a piece of walkway that is just and end. due to the colours you may need to zoom a little to see them. Second one is directly ahead and down, look at the piece of walkway that is left of the stairs. Finally is a guy over on the left, he is on the walkway just near the door on the left hand side. Now turn around and head towards the opening behind you, throw in a grenade as soon as you see a swat guy and use the wall for cover. This should take care of them, if not pop in the room and finish the remainder. Niobe will need help again so run back. Niobe is making a move from the very right, upwards on a walkway. Swat are heading from the top right of the screen (watch for their bullets). One is on the same level as Niobe, a second is where you shot the first guy, on a small part of gantry below, a third is below him on another similar piece of gantry. Again turn around and take on the swat team. If you need focus go in and fight them / waste time. Afterwards again Niobe needs cover. This time she is on the left, Use bullets and focus to find them, they are on the right walkway across from the door. For the last time swat will come in the control room. Clear the room. [cut scene] 8.11.9) Core Control Room 2 (GHOST ONLY) Take out more swat from the room and stay away from the tear gas. Make sure you damage the computer servers in the centre of the room. Head down the stairs (left or right side of the room) and clear the swat away. MEDIKIT here in the centre. An agent will appear. Head back upstairs. Use focus and hit the agent into a damaged server. [cut scene]. 8.11.10) Agent Escape (NIOBE ONLY) [cut scene] Go straight forward and into the vents ahead. drop down the shaft [cut scene] take out the swat, turn around and run straight forward. Head towards the shutter / elevator at the far end. Turn around again and run the opposite way when the elevator stops. Focus run to avoid explosions and dive at the window at the end ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.12) Chinatown ------------------------------------------------------------ New weapons: 2x .50AE 40mm Grenade Launcher New Enemies : Agent Smith Seraph ?! Information : There is more than one path through many of these levels, some are similar, some more diverse. If you find a better / faster way through - mail me. 8.12.1) Seraph's Tea House [cut scene] Fight against Seraph, at about a quarter energy left you will win You will go to the skyscraper next before returning to Chinatown. 8.12.2) Smiths Trap Turn around and open the door, turn right and right again, head down the stairs. Keep turning right and going down stairs until you see the red door infront of you. Open this to get to the street. Run right to the bottom of the alley, then turn left. Keep going straight ahead, there is a slight bend in the next alley. Get to the end then take a left, then right then a left, run all the way down here. turn left and run some more. At the end a quick right then left. You will see a white door ahead. Go through another like it then turn right, keep running straight, you will see an agent appear ahead and a red door open on your right, take the red door. Open the next one that follows it, now run to the base of the stairs and get up them. Climb to the top of the building. Now turn left and drop off the other side. 8.12.3) On Foot Drop down to the street and run left, go round the obstacles but keep going straight, at the end turn right down the alley, turn right again and go down the stairs, follow the tunnel. When you get up the stairs at the other end run to the back of the police car and get the grenades, kill the police on the way. This will change the objective. Run to the right, then left at the end and through the red door , then the 2nd red door. Run right and take out the cops on the way. Go through another red door at the end of the passageway. Run right through the tire shop and take the white door on the right. Now run left up the street until you can take a right run all the way. Past the agent and take your next left. Get to the fire escape on the left of the street and climb up to the very top. Open the door at the top, then the white door infront. Turn to your right and open the door you see there. 8.12.4) Hard Line Pursuit If you have activated the DROP hack command, your weapons will be by your feet, Run ahead and right down the stairs, turn right and drop down the hole under the barrel, take the red door out of the room. Run right along the street then left, take out the police here. Keep running until you get to the phonebox. You will see a swat setting a demo charge here - so keep moving. Run towards the swat van, dodging bullets, it will explode so take the ladder nearby on the left hand side. At the top you can get a grenade launcher if you don't have one already. Run to the right, use the grenade launcher to get the agent out the way if you wish, but jump off the edge to ground level - yet keep running in the same direction. Turn left at the end. Run all the way down and to the right hand side, keep on the right and follow the wall when you get to the waterfront. Stay on the right and jump / climb the boxes to get past the fence. Cut through the alley up ahead. Turn right then left then climb up and jump over the fence. 8.12.5) The Virus Spreads Go through the door to the left to enter the slaughter house. Head right up the stairs, then left up more stairs. Turn right and run to the back red door, past the agent. Outside turn right and run along the waterfront again. Focus jump forward off the edge, keep moving forward, jump the wall and run right. Get to the end and run left down the alley, then left again when you can. At the barrels go through the opening to the left, head right through the fish house, take the right opening to get out of there. Turn left and run straight ahead, after the small bridge run right towards the building. Kick the green door in on the left. 8.12.6) The Church Run up the stairs ahead, go straight forward on this floor to the end, then turn right to the stairs, right again up another set, then another. Now turn right and go straight to the end, then left through the narrow passage, then left again. Finally right up some more stairs. At the top turn right and focus run left towards the next building, focus jump the gap and stay on the left side of the building, run all the way round the building to the otherside. Where there is another plank, jump to the next building (i find focus jumping quicker and more fun than running along the planks) again make your way around it, then drop down the other side, now focus jump towards the plank connected to the next building in line. Run straight ahead through the damaged building in front. Come out the other side and jump more planks.Take a small left then right and go through another run down building. Jump across two more gaps to get to the red door at the end. Go in another small left then right will take you a corridor where you can see an opening. Take the left passage and run up the stairs (although for a bit of flair you can get to the opening and climb up. Now focus jump up to the next building. Using the surrounding buildings focus jump back to a point higher up on the stairs!) At the top make your run to the right towards the wooden steps at the end. [cut scene] ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.13) The Skyscraper ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.13.1) Vertigo Move ! Turn right and make your right again (if you activated the DROP hack then all the weapons you gained will be here), following the line of the corridor, leap over the crate in front and head towards the opening ahead. Turn left slightly to get through the next opening, then jump and climb up the crates to get right. Jump off the top of the crates to get left round the barriers, go past the barrel and make your way right round the edge of the office. Turn right and cut through the room, now turn left at the end to continue. When the agent appears infront, dive left through the window and open the door. Run right up the stairs, turn left and jump out the window onto the scaffold. Run alongside the building, past the agent shooting out the windows, keep running until you see the caution sign, focus jump through this. Keep running along the wooden planks round the building. An agent Smith will fall and break the one you stand on. Run through the open window to your right and then jump back out the window on the opposite wall. Run right, then left then right along the planks, focus jump here off the edge, straight forward ( dont take the slope) turn around and run into the open window. then up the slope and out the other side. Run straight ahead and down the slope. When you get to the bottom either keep moving round the edge of the building / or use the insides as a shortcut to avoid being shot. Keep moving til you get to an up lope (near an agent) Make your way all the way up to the top and focus jump forward off the edge, towards the side of the building [cut scene] run right and open the door. In the office head towards the back left of the room, an agent will break the wall, nip past him and through the opening. Run to the lift. You will now go back to Chinatown.. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.14) Onboard The Logos ------------------------------------------------------------ 8.14.1) Tunnels Of The Real (NIOBE) What can I say, keep moving, keep firing, you can't go wrong on this level ! 8.14.2) The Rabbit Hole (NIOBE) Same again yet on this one, you barely have to move, never mind fire. 8.14.1) Tunnels Of The Real (GHOST) You have to do a little more work as GHOST, primarily face to the rear of the ship and shoot away at the sentinels. If the radar above shows activity to the left side of the ship (the front) change view and take care of them (although this is rare and not often many) generally keep firing backwards until [cut scene] 8.14.2) The Rabbit Hole (GHOST) More of the same Im afraid, keep at it until [cut scene] Finally the last stretch. Use your guns to keep the bomb from the ship, just keep shooting to the rear until [cut scene]. ============================================================ 9) Legal Bit ============================================================ If your reading this then you've probably gone to far ! Please do not use without my permission, Use can be granted under the agreement that nothing shall be changed. The above and all contents herein are copyright to myself. I being known as Dead Rabbit. Misuse and/or alterations of this body will be perceived as violatory. With this in mind further proceedings on my part; if I so wish; may be applied for. Copyright 2003 DnA Productions Other than that hope this helps, enjoy ! Look out for my other FAQ's including, Dead or Alive X and Kung Fu Chaos ============================================================ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------