================================================================ E N T E R T H E |\ /\ ______ ____________ ______ __ | \ / | | __ | \__ ____| | _ | | | \ \ / / | \_ / | | \_/ | | | | |_| | | | _\_\_/_/ | \_/ /| | | _ | | | | |^| \ | | / _ \ |_|\ / | | |_/ |_/ |___| |_| \__\ |__| /_/ \__\ \__/ |/ ================================================================ B O S S F A Q ================================================================ Last updated 6/30/03 By Dandude776 ========================================= T A B L E O F C O N T E N T E N T S ========================================= 1. Version History 2. Introduction 3. FAQ Notes and Basic Strategies 4. Ghost FAQ 4.1 SWAT Helicopter 4.2 Agent Helicopter 4.3 Cujo 4.4 Cain and Abel 4.5 Trinity 4.6 Agent 4.7 Seraph 5. Niobe FAQ 5.1 Agent 5.2 Vlad (Part 1) 5.3 Vlad (Part 2) 5.4 Cujo 5.5 Cain and Abel 5.6 Seraph 6. Strategy Summaries 7. Fighting Agents (NEW!!) 8. Outro and Thanks 9. Contributor Info 10. Contributor Credits 11. Legal Stuff ================================= 1. V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y ================================= Version 1.0 - 5/26/03 - Ghost and Niobe done. Version 1.1 - 5/27/03 - Update regarding Vlad and the sword glitch, plus the new contributor recognition section (Thanks to brynjarr for being the first contributor!) Version 1.2 - 5/29/03 - Just got a lot of contributor stuff (Thanks to everyone who contributed!), so I'm just adding new strategies and correcting mistakes. Version 1.4 - 5/30/03 - Contributor strategy, corrections, and Strategy Summaries Section added Version 1.5 - 5/31/03 - I can't believe I actually forgot a boss! Power plant Agent added to Ghost, and FAQ Notes/Basic Strategies Section added Version 1.6 - 6/1/03 - Just some little corrections, contributor strategy and e-mails, and some new Weapon Drop info for the SWAT chopper, Cujo, and Cain and Abel Version 1.65 - 6/2/03 - Contributor stuff (still... need... MORE!!!), M240 info for Agent Chopper, and small Agent on Board update. Version 1.66 - 6/4/03 - Just 2 new e-mails that I'm adding. Updates won't start up again until Tuesday, because I'm away this weekend. Keep writing though! I still need more Contributor-Strategies (Thanks AGAIN to Pajamas88 for another grammatical error)! Version 1.7 - 6/9/03 - I'm back again, so here are some new updates: more grammatical corrections (thanks to Pajamas88), sword-glitch info for Vlad (thanks to christoph_wilson_yey), a cheap new attack (thanks to sean.corbell), and some new strategies (thanks to Matt Moses). There may be some mistakes (credit missing... etc.) because I'm really tired. E-mail me if you notice anything weird. Version 1.71 - 6/12/03 - Just some contributor stuff, little changes all over the place. If anyone has an idea for a new section, just e-mail me! Version 1.8 - 6/14/03 - Just some little corrections (Thanks to Pajamas88 for the typos... as usual). Also, a little info on fighting Agents (Thanks to morisond for the suggestion). If you have any tips on fighting Agents, e-mail me. Once again, I'm trying to think of adding some new sections, so if you have an idea, e-mail me. Finally, I'm done with Enter the Matrix (Waiting for Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne), so updates are going to slow down. But keep sending new strategies, as I only have about 5! Version 1.81 - 6/16/03 - Some new Agent tips, including ways to kill them! Also, the Agent section's layout has been changed and I added in categories so it's easier to find a tip you need. The game's been out for over a month now, so updates are going to slow down a lot. Version 1.82 - 6/17/03 - Just some new tips for fighting Niobe's Power Plant Agents that I forgot about, new focus-growing info, and a good combo attack. Also, I'd like to add that if you have anything to tell me, please e-mail me instead of instant messaging me. Thanks in advance, everyone Version 1.83 - 6/19/03 - Just thought I'd add in that besides the grenade launcher, Agents are also killed by the GP-25 Chloro-Bromo. Also, I added in the fact that you cannot cheat during the Agent on Board fight. That's all Version 1.85 - 6/24/03 - Just thought I'd add in an extra tip for fighting the Agent Helicopter, and correcting something wrong that I wrote about killing Smith. Contributions have just about stopped, meaning that this FAQ is just about done! If you have any final ideas/strategies, you better e-mail them to me before the updates stop coming! Version 1.86 - 6/30/03 - Well, I guess I was wrong about this FAQ being done! I finally got some new contributor strategy so obviously I'm adding that in. Also, a little correction. Also, I'm fixing up the layout a bit. Finally, for those of you who misread the Contributor Info section, I'm reinstating these rules: Don't instant message me, don't ask me for help in sections of the game besides bosses, and make sure you put Enter the Matrix (Or something similar) in the subject! More info in the Contributor Info section. Thanks in advance! =========================== 2. I N T R O D U C T I O N =========================== Hello! My name is Dandude776 and this is my Enter the Matrix, Boss FAQ! It's Memorial Day, and I'm bored out of my mind, so I wrote this FAQ. As everyone OBVIOUSLY knows, bosses are the best part of any game, and Enter the Matrix has some awesome bosses. However, some of these bosses are very tough, and I had some free time on my hands, so I decided to make this guide and help all those in need. Yes, I do have too much free time. One cool thing about this game is that Niobe and Ghost each have a few bosses that only they fight, although for some reason, Ghost's bosses seem cooler to me. Once note about the FAQ: add 1 to each difficulty if you're playing on hard mode, and subtract 1 from each difficulty if you're playing on easy mode. Also, I just copied and pasted the same strategies for the bosses that both Ghost and Niobe fight. Any new user- submitted strategy will be greatly appreciated, so please e-mail me. My e-mail address is Dandude776@aol.com. Check the contributor info section for more details. Anyway, enjoy the FAQ! I hope it helps you beat this awesome game! =========================================================== 3. F A Q N O T E S & B A S I C S T R A T E G I E S =========================================================== These are just some notes about the FAQ and basic strategies to use on every boss. *Add 1 to each boss's difficulty if you're playing on Hard Mode *Subtract 1 from each boss's difficulty if you're playing on Easy Mode *Focus a lot when fighting bosses: They increase accuracy, agility, and strength *Don't be afraid to run from a boss and regain focus if you're in trouble (thanks to xtreme_xboarder for correcting my mistake. YOU DON'T REGAIN HEALTH DURING BOSS FIGHTS) *Try to fight enemies in hand-to-hand combat if at all possible. Fighting without weapons will increase your focus-meter over time, which is helpful in later boss fights (most of the later bosses fight hand-to-hand) *Your maximum focus increases every time you kill an Agent (Thanks to kerbeck) *Fight each boss at least once on your own before using the FAQ, and learn each boss's patterns and attacks *Focus-throws are very useful for killing every boss besides the SWAT chopper and the Agent Chopper (thanks to Matt Moses) *If you want to be cheap and suck a lot of the fun out of killing bosses, just mash the action button while facing a hand-to-hand boss to block and counter all of their attacks (thanks to sean.corbell) *Throughout the FAQ, "focus" and "bullet-time", mean the same thing, just in case you didn't know *For hand-to-hand bosses, use this excellent combo (Thanks to Sk8er_punk_16): Back + Punch (Don't focus) Back + Punch (Don't focus) Back + Punch (Focus) Back + Punch (Focus) Forward + Kick (Focus if you want) *CONTRIBUTE! If you have anything to say, tell me! I know I say this a lot throughout the FAQ, but I could really use some Contributor stuff. If you have a different method for beating a boss, tell me, and I'll put it up here! ===================== 4. G H O S T F A Q ===================== I personally prefer Ghost over Niobe, but then again, there aren't many differences beside the driving segments. Ghost's bosses are cooler, because he gets to battle against helicopters. Now, on with the fights! ================================== 4.1 S W A T H E L I C O P T E R ================================== Level: Airport Part: North Point 2 Recommended Weapons: MP5, 92FS Pistols, Stun Grenades M240 Difficulty: 6/10 Here we go: the first boss. The SWAT team helicopter is actually pretty difficult for the games first boss enemy, but once you get used to the patterns (thanks to CoBlaze for the correction), this fight's a breeze. First of all, I hope you've been conserving your MP5 ammo, as you'll need it badly. Also, it's very important to bring in some stun grenades. The helicopters pattern is to make one pass while firing the machinegun, turn around, fly back WITHOUT FIRING, and hover over the room while 4 SWAT team guys rappel down. To win, you have to get out of the safe zone and fire at the helicopter while it has the gun facing away from you. Basically as soon as the fight begins, turn left and rush behind the curved part of the wall for cover from the helicopter's machinegun. When you're about halfway to the curve, focus, otherwise the bullets will hit you hard. Once you're behind the curve, stand at the edge, and load your MP5. As soon as the bullets stop, rush around the bend and towards the window. Now, quickly get into 1st person view, focus, aim at the chopper, and fire like there's no tomorrow. Make sure to strafe so you can stay pointed directly at the chopper, and don't forget to focus because it increases your accuracy. Keep firing until the chopper flies behind the fountain. You should be able to get in one or 2 full clips. Now get out of 1st person view, and rush back to the curve while throwing a stun grenade towards the center of the room. If you time it right, the grenade will explode as soon as the SWAT guys fall, hopefully killed them. If some of them survive, switch to the 92FS pistols to conserve MP5 ammo, and wipe them out. I like to do focus-cartwheels (Focus+Fire+Strafe+Jump), but it's your choice. If you do cartwheel, spin over behind the fountain barricades, and wait to see if anyone is still left. If it's 2 or more, do another cartwheel, but if it's just one, come out and do some kung-fu. Luckily, the SWAT Helicopter does not attack during your fight with the sentries. Once they're gone, quickly pick up the ammo, switch back to the MP5 and duck behind the curve again. You'll have to repeat this process a few times before you destroy the helicopter. One thing to watch out for is accidentally using your MP5 on the guards. If you run out of ammo, your best bet is to not attack the helicopter for the next run, and then kill the guards for more ammo. If you have trouble killing the guards, consider trying to use the MP5 against them. As long as you collect more ammo than you lose, you'll be fine (Thanks to Mxtream23). The good thing about this battle is that you can always rest to regain focus behind the curved wall. As soon as the helicopter goes down, be ready because a small SWAT team will break through the door near the curved wall, and they may catch you by surprise. *UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL STRATEGY* (Thanks to MetroidFanatic for this one) This is it: Contributor strategy number 2! Keep em' coming! Well, as obvious as it may seem, I found that you left out an easy and obvious way to beat the SWAT helicopter. It helps IMMENSLEY if you hold the strafe button while holding bullet time. Running just in front of the helicopter's bullets, and hitting him easily without being hit is easy. Plus you can let your Bullet Time recharge on the run back to the other side. Cutting the time of defeat almost in half. *WEAPON DROP STRATEGY* (Thanks to I Hate Robots) Contributor strategy #3 has arrived! This one employs the great weapon-drop hack, and makes the SWAT chopper much easier to beat. Keep e-mailing me new strategies! To make the fight easier, you must first go to the "hacking" option. Unlock drive B (see another hacking FAQ for details), and unlock the "drop" feature. This feature allows you to drop weapons around the map. Type in "DROP PNSRZ10". This drops an M240 heavy machine gun with 150 rounds into the north point level, the short level that preceded the boss fight (the level where you break through the customs room). When you escape the customs room and enter the large concourse area, look for a desk with a few computers on it on the left side of the room. The machine gun is there. If you enter the boss fight with the M240 (or PARA if you've ever played counter strike :)) you can use your strategy, but you can cut down the helicopter in the first or second pass. It makes the fight much easier! *FOUNTAIN BARRICADE STRATEGY* (Thanks to me!) I was just messing around during this fight and found a new strategy. When the battle begins, instead of running behind the wall, just hide behind the fountain on the right. Unbelievably, the fountain is impervious to the SWAT Helicopter's chain gun. How convenient! You may need to crouch before you find the safe spot. Then just use the normal strategy (Pop out and focus-shoot in 1st person). ==================================== 4.2 A G E N T H E L I C O P T E R ==================================== Level: Airport Part: Control Tower 2 Recommended Weapons: SG-552 MP5 M240 Entry Shotgun Difficulty: 3/10 (with SG-552 or M240), 9/10 (without SG-552 or M240) *M240 NOTE* If you still have left over ammo for the M240 heavy machine gun, use it here t rip up the chopper fast. For info about the M240 heavy machine gun, check the SWAT Helicopter strategy above. Hopefully you have the SG-552 right now! As you can tell from the difficulty, not having the SG-552 makes this boss insanely hard. During the sniper-section from before, the SWAT guard on the catwalk was carrying this great weapon. If you picked it up, congratulations! This boss is a piece of cake! When the battle begins, run backwards and hide behind the pillar on the left. Back up against the wall and peek out the left side. When the agent flies down to blast you, pop out and let the SG-552 rip. You'll blow up the Agent's chopper in a few seconds! Yay! Battle finished! Unfortunately, you may not have the SG-552. OK, the battle is much more difficult, but it is still beatable. The MP5 is your weapon of choice, and the Entry Shotgun is a good backup. You need to use the same strategy for the beginning: run backwards behind the pillar, and pop out with the MP5 to attack. Keep firing until the Agent flies away. Now the Agent will pop out on another side to attack. Here's the pattern: 1 ____________________ | _ S _ | 3 | |_|C B|_| | 2 | A | | _ _ | | |_| |_| | |___________________| The S is where you start, the 1, 2, and the 3 show the Agent's positions, and the A, B, and C show where you should stand during each attack. As I said, you should start out moving to spot A in order to avoid the Agent who hovers at point 1. Pop out and fire on the LEFT SIDE. That's important, because moving out on the right will put you right in the Agent's line of fire. Once the Agent flies off, rush over to point B, which will be on the right. You'll have to repeat the same attack, and then move to point C where the pattern repeats. After point C, move back to point A and start over. The tricky part of this battle is that after one time through the pattern, a SWAT guard will come up the stairs. Continue to hide behind the pillar, and shoot at the guard. If the Agent moves, make sure you do too, as the guard might distract you until the Agent finishes you off. Once the guard is down, make for the Agent to move before running over to grab the extra ammo, which you will need. Eventually you'll win, and the Agent will blow up. *PILLAR-TO-PILLAR STRAFE-AND-FIRE METHOD* (Thanks to Wesley) Here's one more strategy to use if you don't have the SG-223 or M240: Instead of just waiting behind a pillar, and leaning out to fire, as soon as the Agent drops down, run over behind another pillar while still firing. The Entry Shotgun works wonders in this situation. Also, if you have trouble running and gunning, try doing a Focus-Cartwheel instead (Strafe+Focus+Jump+Fire). *STAIR STRATEGY* (Big thanks to Jackass051 for this detailed strategy) Need help fighting the Agent? Here's a detailed method, courtesy of Jackass051! For the agent helicopter just walk over to the right side of the spot where the stairs get covered up (you previously see it before you shoot the plane's tire), stand your ground, and just (focus) shoot the helicopter. DO NOT MOVE AND STAY IN FIRST PERSON AIMING. I put 'focus' in parentheses because you really don't have to, but sometimes it's a good idea. If you stand on the covered stairs spot where I said before, then the helicopter's gun does not have a good angle to shoot you at. There is a metal bar (that holds the glass together) that blocked the bullets and that really helped a lot (since I was on the covered stairs!). If you don't blow up the Agent the first time and he goes to the other side, just focus-fire until you finish him off. ============ 4.3 C U J O ============ Level: Chateau Part: The Dungeon Recommended Weapons: Crossbow, Sword Difficulty: 6/10 *WEAPON DROP NOTE* (Thanks to me!) After I Hate Robots e-mailed me about the weapon drop for the SWAT helicopter, I remembered to check for other useful weapon drops, and found 2 particular nice ones for the Chateau. This one works only for Ghost: Type (in hacking) "Drop ZKHBD10". This will drop a crossbow and some other nice weapons in the Secret Passage section. The crossbow will give you 2 extra shots for your bow, which can be used to kill the dobermen Cujo sends at you easily. Cujo can be a pain, but he's really just a souped up version of those undead freaks you've been facing up to here. He's is good with counterattacks so be ready. Also, it's good to come into this battle with a fully-loaded crossbow. Get up close to Cujo and do lots of focus-attacks. A good tactic is to use sweep kicks (Down+Kick), and then kick him while he's down. Try to get him close to the wall of the pit so you can do the great wall kicks (just focus+kick while near a wall). Continue beating him up, until he jumps out of the pit and releases three more dobermen to attack you. If you've beaten the game you can activate the sword (hacking mode, read a hacking FAQ for details) and now is a great time to use it. The sword is steel, and can therefore be used to kill Dobermen in one slice (!), so you can waste these three easily. Unfortunately, the sword doesn't kill Cujo in one hit, although it does do big damage (Big thanks to xtreme_xboarder for reminding me about the sword). If you don't have the sword, use the crossbow to quickly kill two of the dobermen, and then move in the kill the last one. As usual, just keep punching him until he gets dizzy, and then stake him! If you used up the crossbow in an earlier fight, you'll have to fight all of the dobermen at once. The best way to win is move around so that all three are in front of you (don't get surrounded!). Then, so some big focus- kicks to knock them all down, and focus on killing one at a time. If the other dobermen interrupt you, just kick them out of the way, and keep working on one freak. Keep moving while attacking the three dobermen, because Cujo will take out a sub-machinegun that he's not afraid to use. If you stand still, Cujo will pump you full of lead, which is not good. Therefore, it's good to focus as much as possible so it's easier to dodge Cujo's bullets. Once all three dobermen are down, Cujo comes down again, but this time he's even faster. Try to rush him and get in a big combo. Once his health-meter is empty, you just have to stun him and then stab him through the heart to finish the job. ============================== 4.4 C A I N A N D A B E L ============================== Level: Chateau Part: Cain and Abel Recommended Weapon: None Difficulty: 2/10 *WEAPON DROP NOTE* (thanks to me!) After I Hate Robots e-mailed me about the weapon drop for the SWAT helicopter, I remembered to check for other useful weapon drops, and found 2 particular nice ones for the Chateau. This one works only for Ghost: Type (in hacking) "Drop ZKHBD10". This will drop a Street-Sweeper-Shotgun and some other nice weapons in the Secret Passage section. While the shotgun doesn't work on all of the other undead exiles you've been facing up till now, it can be used well against Cain and Abel. When you're lined up with a cell-door, just fire the shotgun to knock them both back. If you're lucky, one will get caught. *THROWING STRATEGY* (thanks to Matt Moses) Matt Moses sent me this great technique which makes beating Cain and Abel much easier: When you're lined up with them and a cell, instead of kicking, just focus throw. This is rarely countered, and makes it easier to knock them into the cell. This isn't a real fight, because Cain and Abel are both invincible, but you still have to deal with them. These two guys will gang up on you and constantly surround you, so try to get your back up against a wall, so can get them both at once. Because these guys are indestructible, the goal of the fight is to try and incapacitate them so you'll have time to escape with Niobe. And lucky for you, the other prisoners in the jail are pissed off about Cain and Abel imprisoning them. Try to line it up so that Cain and Abel are in between you and one of the cells. Give them a tough, focused, kick, and if you were lined up right, the prisoner inside the cell will grab either Cain or Abel and hold them up against the bars! Once this happens, move over to another cell and kick the remaining guy into the door. Once both guys are restrained, pick up Niobe and rush for the exit. If you took to long to restrain the second guy, they may catch up to you and force you to repeat the process. Eventually, you and Niobe will escape. ================== 4.5 T R I N I T Y ================== Level: Zen Garden Part: Trinity and Ghost Recommended Weapons: None Difficulty: 5/10 This fight is fun. It's pretty much just you and Trinity in your Zen garden, so fight like mad. Trinity isn't that tough, and the fasted way to win is just to rush her and pound her with combos. Kicks are good, because Trinity can easily block your punches. Also, watch out for Trinity's counterattacks. Just keep focusing for better attacks, and rush Trinity a lot. If you have trouble connecting your strikes, roll around and attack from the backside. Basically just use the same strategy you used against Cujo and you'll be fine. Also, try leading Trinity to other areas of the garden, because you can wreck just about everything! Take that garden down! *LAME, WIMPY STRATEGY* (Thanks to Rabies for reminding me about this) If you REALLY can't beat Trinity (who is fairly easy), just stand there like an idiot and let her wail on you. You still get to move on to the next stage, and you get to watch a cool FMV! If you've already beaten Trinity before, try the stage again and let her win so you can watch the FMV. If you're too lazy to beat Trinity, use this lame strategy. ============== 4.6 A G E N T ============== (THANKS TO cott_matthew FOR REMINDING ME ABOUT THIS GUY) Level: Power Plant Part: Core Control Room 2 Recommended Weapons: Offensive Grenades, UMP Difficulty: 5/10 *THROWING STRATEGY* (thanks to Matt Moses) Matt Moses sent me this great technique which makes beating the Agent much easier: When you're lined up with them him and a sparking control panel, instead of kicking, just focus throw. This is rarely countered, and makes it easier to knock them him into the electricity. First off, thanks to cott_matthew for reminding me about this Agent. Now you may or may not count this as a boss, but I do. Anyway, the easiest way to "kill" this Agent comes before he arrives. While the SWAT teams are attacking you before this, throw a few Offensive Grenades to them, and rip up the place with the UMP. Hopefully you'll blow up some of the control panels and you'll see them start sparking. Once all of the SWAT guys are down, the Agent will enter the room. If you've already played as Niobe and beat Agent on Board, then you know how these guys fight. To knock him down, just keep focus kicking him and using sweep-kicks. Eventually the Agent will fall. As soon as this happens, start kicking him towards one of the sparking control panels, and when the Agent gets up kick him into the sparks. He'll get electrocuted, and the fight will be over. ================ 4.7 S E R A P H ================ Level: Chinatown Part: Seraph's Tea House Recommended Weapons: None Difficulty: 7/10 Oh yeah, like fighting someone will really help to see if they're worthy of meeting the Oracle. Eh. Well, you have to deal with this guy anyway, whether you want to or not. Seraph is a real kung-fu master, and he counters and blocks much better than Trinity. Also, the arena is much smaller, so you can't really run away to rest. As soon as the battle begins, focus and run over to Seraph. He won't be prepared, so you can give him one or two good, focused kicks. Make sure that you kick him while he's down. Now, focusing is very important during this battle, because Seraph will counter many of your moves. Try to do lots of wall kicks, and always make sure to follow up each attack with a combo. Like with Trinity, punches are a little to slow, so kicks will be your main attack. And again, if you're having trouble, roll around to his backside (focus+action), and attack from the flank. Try not to push Seraph up against a wall, because there he will fall down and be able to get up and counter strike. You can get longer combos if Seraph is still standing. By the time Seraph's health gets low, he'll get really angry, so be ready. Eventually you'll beat him. *COUNTER-ATTACK STRATEGY* (Thanks to Olivier Berneche) Here it is: The first Contributor strategy! Want to get your strategy up here?! Then e-mail it me! Anyway, here's Oliver Berneche's great strategy for putting the smack down on Seraph: I've found a new way to beat Seraph quite easily: The fact is that he is just too good, only some hits in a damn long combo seemed to land, and when he counter-attacks, you are not ready to block the hit. Here's the trick: just stand in front of him and just block/use the action button each time he starts to punch/kick/grab you (even easier if you press randomly the focus button to slow his moves). This way, the combat ends quickly (counter-attacks just deals too much damage to him, since he strikes hard; in normal mode, less then 10 will suffice) and with this technique I have just been hit once. Now you can meet the Oracle without sweating! *ENDING NOTES* (Thanks to white_smoke for telling me about the alternate ending) After submitting the first version of this FAQ I realized that I forgot something, so here it is: If you lose to Seraph, you DO NOT have to fight him again. Instead, you will skip both the Vertigo level and the Chinatown level. Essentially, you skip to the hovercraft stage, totally missing a great part of the game. Therefore, I encourage you to reset and try Seraph again until you win. With practice, you can take the tea-house tyrant down and get to play through two of the game's coolest levels. HOWEVER: if you really want to experience all that this game has to offer, you should copy your save and purposely lose to Seraph on one game. This will enable you to see a SLIGHTLY different ending to the game. ============= 5. N I O B E ============= I don't know why, but I don't like Niobe as much as Ghost. I just don't enjoy the driving segments as much as the shooting ones, and for some reason, Ghost's levels seem a little cooler. Oh well. Niobe fights a few different bosses from Ghost, but hers aren't as cool (no helicopter fights!). Oh well, they're still good. Enjoy the FAQ! ============== 5.1 A G E N T ============== Level: Airport Part: Agent on Board Recommended Weapons: MP5 Difficulty: 4/10 *NO-CHEATING NOTE* I was checking out the ETM Board (On GameFAQs) today, and found someone having a problem with Axel blowing up at the start of this stage, so I thought I'd add this in: You CANNOT cheat for before this fight. For those of you who don't know, using the unlimited health, unlimited focus, or unlimited ammo cheats, causes a bomb to appear at the start of select levels. Normally you can just dodge the bomb, but in this case the bomb will drop next to Axel, killing him and ending the mission. The morale of the story: Don't cheat. This Agent isn't that difficult, but don't worry, as you'll get to deal with the more difficult Agent Smiths later. Note the plural on Smiths (burly brawl, anyone?). Now back to the fight at hand. Because Agents are pretty much indestructible, the goal of this fight is to kick the Agent off the plane (Thanks to Pajamas88 for the correction). Lucky for you, this is a cargo plane whose back opens up! Now, when the battle begins you'll see that the back door is shut. However, there's a shiny green button on a pedestal nearby. Now what could that do? Let's find out! Unfortunately, the Agent begins right in front of the button. Run towards him while firing the MP5 to make him dodge it ("Dodge this." "Okay!"), and then focus-kick him in the face! Ha! While he's down press the shiny green button to open up the hatch, and run over there. After a second, the Agent will come to get you. When he arrives, use the MP5 again, and once again kick him. This time though, kick him while he's down to bounce him towards the edge of the hatch. Unfortunately, this plane has no pilot, so on normal and hard mode turbulence will cause the Agent to bounce back into the plane. On easy, you can just shove him out. Continue repeating this until you eventually kick the Agent out of the plane, and then sit back and watch the movie. *HEALTH NOTE* If at any time during the battle you need health, remember that in the front of the plane (with all the boxes and crates) there is a med kit. Run up and grab it if you ever need it. ================================== 5.2 V L A D ( P A R T O N E ) ================================== Level: Chateau Part: The Attic Recommended Weapons: None Difficulty: 4/10 After dealing with three vamps, this crazy goth will join the fight. Man, is he creepy. The trick to beating him is to do lots of sweep-kicks and wall-kicks. Don't punch or kick without focusing, because he'll just counter attack you. After you attack him a few times, back off to dodge his counters, and then move in again. Sometimes, he will just stand still to draw you in before he charges. Just move in, circle, and whack him. After hurting him a little, he'll run off, and wait for a rematch. Don't worry, he'll be back. ================================== 5.3 V L A D ( P A R T T W O ) ================================== Level: Chateau Part: Persephone's Bedroom Recommended Weapons: None Difficulty: 4/10 This fight is basically the same as last time, except now you can see Vlad's health-bar. Use the same strategy: sweep kicks, wall kicks, and dodges. Also, if he tries to punch you, counter him. Just keep circling him and evading his attacks before you move in for the kill. After a while you will whittle him down and he'll start charging you more often. Since the room is so large, don't be afraid to back off and regain health and focus. Eventually, he'll get dizzy and you can stab him. *GLITCH CAUTION* (Thanks to Brynjarr) DO NOT finish Vlad off the second time with the sword, if you do the game will glitch heavily and when you try to finish him off with the stake (like every other baddie) it won't work, and instead you'll continually use the sword. The only way to solve this is to quit and not use the sword at all. This doesn't happen with any other bosses as far as I know. For those of you who don't know, the sword is a secret weapon that you unlock after beating the game once. It is normally a great weapon which kills bad guys quickly, but in this case you should not equip it in Hacking mode before fighting Vlad (thanks to Pajamas88 for YET ANOTHER typo correction). Unlike other weapons, the sword is not equipped, and is used automatically when ever you use certain attacks. Therefore, if you were using it in earlier sections of the Chateau, make sure you save and reset before fighting Vlad. Then just load the fight and take him down. *WAYS TO AVOID THE VLAD-SWORD GLITCH!* (thanks to christoph_wilson_yey for being the first to tell me this, and sean.corbell for telling me this again shortly afterwards) Here are two ways to avoid the sword-glitch by killing Vlad with the stake: 1. Run around behind him and try to throw him. Most of the time, you will end up doing a leg-sweep instead, and finishing Vlad off with the stake. 2. Do lots of throws. Eventually, you will automatically leg-seep and execute the stake thrust. ============ 5.4 C U J O ============ Level: Chateau Part: The Dungeon Recommended Weapons: Crossbow, Sword Difficulty: 6/10 *WEAPON DROP NOTE* (Thanks to me!) After I Hate Robots e-mailed me about the weapon drop for the SWAT helicopter, I remembered to check for other useful weapon drops, and found 2 particular nice ones for the Chateau. This one works only for Niobe: Type (in hacking) "Drop JDZMT10". This will drop a crossbow and some other nice weapons in the Persephone's Bedroom section. The crossbow will give you 2 extra shots for your bow, which can be used to kill the dobermen Cujo sends at you easily. Cujo can be a pain, but he's really just a souped up version of those undead freaks you've been facing up to here. He's is good with counterattacks so be ready. Also, it's good to come into this battle with a fully-loaded crossbow. Get up close to Cujo and do lots of focus-attacks. A good tactic is to use sweep kicks (Down+Kick), and then kick him while he's down. Try to get him close to the wall of the pit so you can do the great wall kicks (just focus+kick while near a wall). Continue beating him up, until he jumps out of the pit and releases three more dobermen to attack you. If you've beaten the game you can activate the sword (hacking mode, read a hacking FAQ for details) and now is a great time to use it. The sword is steel, and can therefore be used to kill Dobermen in one slice (!), so you can waste these three easily. Unfortunately, the sword doesn't kill Cujo in one hit, although it does do big damage (Big thanks to xtreme_xboarder for reminding me about the sword). If you don't have the sword, use the crossbow to quickly kill two of the dobermen, and then move in the kill the last one. As usual, just keep punching him until he gets dizzy, and then stake him! If you used up the crossbow in an earlier fight, you'll have to fight all of the dobermen at once. The best way to win is move around so that all three are in front of you (don't get surrounded!). Then, so some big focus- kicks to knock them all down, and focus on killing one at a time. If the other dobermen interrupt you, just kick them out of the way, and keep working on one freak. Keep moving while attacking the three dobermen, because Cujo will take out a sub-machinegun that he's not afraid to use. If you stand still, Cujo will pump you full of lead, which is not good. Therefore, it's good to focus as much as possible so it's easier to dodge Cujo's bullets. Once all three dobermen are down, Cujo comes down again, but this time he's even faster. Try to rush him and get in a big combo. Once his health-meter is empty, you just have to stun him and then stab him through the heart to finish the job. ============================== 5.5 C A I N A N D A B E L ============================== Level: Chateau Part: Cain and Abel Recommended Weapon: None Difficulty: 2/10 *WEAPON DROP NOTE* (thanks to me!) After I Hate Robots e-mailed me about the weapon drop for the SWAT helicopter, I remembered to check for other useful weapon drops, and found 2 particular nice ones for the Chateau. This one works only for Ghost: Type (in hacking) "Drop JDZMT10". This will drop a Street-Sweeper-Shotgun and some other nice weapons in the Persephone's Bedroom section. While the shotgun doesn't work on all of the other undead exiles you've been facing up till now, it can be used well against Cain and Abel. When you're lined up with a cell-door, just fire the shotgun to knock them both back. If you're lucky, one will get caught. This isn't a real fight, because Cain and Abel are both invincible, but you still have to deal with them. These two guys will gang up on you and constantly surround you, so try to get your back up against a wall, so can get them both at once. Because these guys are indestructible, the goal of the fight is to try and incapacitate them so you'll have time to escape with Ghost. And lucky for you, the other prisoners in the jail are pissed off about Cain and Abel imprisoning them. Try to line it up so that Cain and Abel are in between you and one of the cells. Give them a tough, focused, kick, and if you were lined up right, the prisoner inside the cell will grab either Cain or Abel and hold them up against the bars! Once this happens, move over to another cell and kick the remaining guy into the door. Once both guys are restrained, pick up Ghost and rush for the exit. If you took to long to restrain the second guy, they may catch up to you and force you to repeat the process. Eventually, you and Ghost will escape. *THROWING STRATEGY* (thanks to Matt Moses) Matt Moses sent me this great technique which makes beating Cain and Abel much easier: When you're lined up with them and a cell, instead of kicking, just focus throw. This is rarely countered, and makes it easier to knock them into the cell. ================ 5.6 S E R A P H ================ Level: Chinatown Part: Seraph's Tea House Recommended Weapons: None Difficulty: 7/10 Oh yeah, like fighting someone will really help to see if they're worthy of meeting the Oracle. Eh. Well, you have to deal with this guy anyway, whether you want to or not. Seraph is a real kung-fu master, and he counters and blocks much better than anyone you've fought so far. Just remember all that you learned while fighting the Agent, Vlad, and Cujo, and you will win. Also, the arena is much smaller, so you can't really run away to regain health. As soon as the battle begins, focus and run over to Seraph. He won't be prepared, so you can give him one or two good, focused kicks. Make sure that you kick him while he's down. Now, focusing is very important during this battle, because Seraph will counter many of your moves. Try to do lots of wall kicks, and always make sure to follow up each attack with a combo. Punches are a little to slow, so kicks will be your main attack. And again, if you're having trouble, roll around to his backside (focus+action), and attack from the flank. Try not to push Seraph up against a wall, because there he will fall down and be able to get up and counter strike. You can get longer combos if Seraph is still standing. By the time Seraph's health gets low, he'll get really angry, so be ready. Eventually you'll beat him. *COUNTER-ATTACK STRATEGY* (Big thanks to Olivier Berneche for this) Here it is: The first Contributor strategy! Want to get your strategy up here?! Then e-mail it me! Anyway, here's Oliver Berneche's great strategy for putting the smack down on Seraph: I've found a new way to beat Seraph quite easily: The fact is that he is just too good, only some hits in a damn long combo seemed to land, and when he counter-attacks, you are not ready to block the hit. Here's the trick: just stand in front of him and just block/use the action button each time he starts to punch/kick/grab you (even easier if you press randomly the focus button to slow his moves). This way, the combat ends quickly (counter-attacks just deals too much damage to him, since he strikes hard; in normal mode, less then 10 will suffice) and with this technique I have just been hit once. Now you can meet the Oracle without sweating! *ENDING NOTES* (Thanks to white_smoke for telling me about the alternate ending) After submitting the first version of this FAQ I realized that I forgot something, so here it is: If you lose to Seraph, you DO NOT have to fight him again. Instead, you will skip both the Vertigo level and the Chinatown level. Essentially, you skip to the hovercraft stage, totally missing a great part of the game. Therefore, I encourage you to reset and try Seraph again until you win. With practice, you can take the tea-house tyrant down and get to play through two of the game's coolest levels. HOWEVER: if you really want to experience all that this game has to offer, you should copy your save and purposely lose to Seraph on one game. This will enable you to see a SLIGHTLY different ending to the game. ======================================= 6. S T R A T E G Y S U M M A R I E S ======================================= Here's the newest addition to my FAQ: the Strategy Summaries Section! Here I will just write short summaries for beating each of the bosses. Basically, you can just check here if you need a quick tip for beating a boss and don't have time to read the full strategy. Here they are (in the order they appear in the normal strategy): =================================GHOST============================== 1. -------------------------SWAT HELICOPTER------------------------- *Focus run to the curved wall ahead and constantly use it as a rest area *Pop out and focus-blast the chopper with the MP5, in 1st person, when it flies to the right (it will have its chain gun facing the wrong way). Remember to strafe while firing so that you have a good angle for shooting the chopper *When it flies out of view, go back to the wall and be ready to throw a stun grenade out into the open to kill the dropping SWAT team *Use the 92F Pistols to kill the SWAT team, and repeat this strategy *ALTERNATIVE: Get up close against the window and when the SWAT Chopper comes out, just fire, focus, and strafe at the same time. (Thanks to MetroidFanatic) *ALTERNATIVE: Use the weapon drop. Go to hacking and type "DROP PNSRZ10" to drop an awesome weapon. See the full strategy for more details (Thanks to I Hate Robots) 2. ------------------------AGENT HELICOPTER------------------------- *If you have the SG-552 or the M240 (See weapon drop strategy above), just use it to blow the Agent away *If you don't have the SG-552/M240, run back and to the left, behind the pillar *When the Agent flies down, lean out the left side of the pillar and shoot with the MP5 or Entry Shotgun *When the Agent disappears, run to the column to the right and face the window to the right *Repeat the MP5/Entry Shotgun attack when the Agent comes *Turn around 180 degrees, and run straight to the pillar ahead (you'll be facing the window to the left of the first attack, and behind the second attack *Repeat the MP5/Entry Shotgun attack when the Agent comes, and then repeat this strategy *When a lone SWAT member comes, shoot him, and then grab the ammo when the Agent flies out of view *ALTERNATIVE: Run from pillar to pillar while firing at the Agent (Thanks to Wesley) *ALTERNATIVE FOR THE ABOVE ALTERNATIVE: Cartwheel from pillar to pillar while firing at the Agent 3. ------------------------------CUJO------------------------------- *Attack him with the sword if you have it *Just focus kick of the walls, sweep-kick him, and counter his attacks *When he leaps out of the pit, crossbow 2 dobermen, and sword/kill the last *Keep moving to avoid Cujo's shots *When Cujo jumps down, repeat the attack *ALTERNATIVE: Use the weapon drop. Go to hacking and type "DROP ZKHBD10" to drop an extra crossbow in the Secret Passage. Use the extra ammo to kill the dobermen fast. See the full strategy for more details (Thanks to I Hate Robots). 4. ---------------------------CAIN & ABEL--------------------------- *They're not real bosses since you can't kill them *Shoot/Kick/Focus-Throw (Thanks to Matt Moses) them against the cell doors *When the prisoner holds one, repeat against the other *Grab Niobe once they're both incapacitated and run *ALTERNATIVE: Use the weapon drop. Go to hacking and type "DROP ZKHBD10" to drop a Street-Sweeper-Shotgun in the Secret Passage. Use it to blast Cain and Abel into the cell-doors. See the full strategy for more details (Thanks to I Hate Robots). 5. -----------------------------TRINITY----------------------------- *Just do focus moves *Sweep-kicks are good *Counter her attacks *Focus dodge to here back and attack *ALTERNATIVE: Don't do anything! Just let Trinity fry you and watch the movie before moving on (Thanks to Rabies) 6. ------------------------------AGENT------------------------------ *While fighting the SWAT team beforehand, blow up the control panels *When the Agent comes, focus kick him towards one of the sparking panels *Counter his attacks and keep pushing him to the sparks *Finally, kick/Focus-Throw (Thanks to Matt Moses) him into the sparks to electrocute him and finish the battle 7. -----------------------------SERAPH------------------------------ *Small space + kung fu master = Hard battle *Do wall kicks and sweep kicks *Focus dodge his attacks *Counter A LOT *Just focus to slow his attacks and whack him *Alternative: Stand there like a dope! Let Seraph beat you and watch the movie before skipping to the hovercraft stage. You miss a big chunk of the game though. =================================NIOBE============================== 1. ------------------------------AGENT------------------------------ *Focus kick him out of the way *Press the green button to open the hatch *Just rush the Agent and kick him towards the hatch *When he's down, keep kicking him *Once he's at the hatch, kick him out *On normal and hard mode, turbulence bounces the Agent back in so repeat the fight *Cheating Note: Do not cheat on this fight. Cheating causes a bomb to appear at the beginning, which blows up and kills Axel 2. ------------------------------VLAD 1----------------------------- *Wall kick him a lot *Focus dodge him *Counter his attacks *When he sways to persuade you to come near, circle around and hit him *Watch out for his charges 3. ------------------------------VLAD 2----------------------------- *Same strategy as above *Stake him when he runs out of health and gets dizzy *GLITCH WARNING: Don't use the sword in this fight. If you kill Vlad with it, the game will glitch up (Thanks to brynjarr) *AVOID THE GLITCH: If you have the sword, check the full strategy for ways to avoid the glitch. 4. ------------------------------CUJO------------------------------- *Attack him with the sword if you have it *Just focus kick of the walls, sweep-kick him, and counter his attacks *When he leaps out of the pit, crossbow 2 dobermen, and sword/kill the last *Keep moving to avoid Cujo's shots *When Cujo jumps down, repeat the attack *ALTERNATIVE: Use the weapon drop. Go to hacking and type "DROP JDZMT10" to drop an extra crossbow in Persephone's Bedroom. Use the extra ammo to kill the dobermen fast. See the full strategy for more details (Thanks to I Hate Robots). 5. ---------------------------CAIN & ABEL--------------------------- *They're not real bosses since you can't kill them *Shoot/Kick/Focus-Throw (Thanks to Matt Moses) them against the cell doors *When the prisoner holds one, repeat against the other *Grab Ghost once they're both incapacitated and run *ALTERNATIVE: Use the weapon drop. Go to hacking and type "DROP JDZMT10" to drop a Street-Sweeper-Shotgun in Persephone's Bedroom. Use it to blast Cain and Abel into the cell-doors. See the full strategy for more details (Thanks to I Hate Robots). 6. -----------------------------SERAPH------------------------------ *Small space + kung fu master = Hard battle *Do wall kicks and sweep kicks *Focus dodge his attacks *Counter A LOT *Just focus to slow his attacks and whack him *Alternative: Stand there like a dope! Let Seraph beat you and watch the movie before skipping to the hovercraft stage. You miss a big chunk of the game though. ================================= 7. F I G H T I N G A G E N T S ================================= I got an e-mail from morisond suggesting that I add a little section about Agents, so here it is. As this is a new section, and I'm positive that tons of people have their own strategies for dealing with Agents, I'm begging people to contribute. Please? Also, note that these tips only apply to grounded Agents (Not the Agent Chopper). Anyway, here are some tips and info about Agents: ------------------LEVELS AGENTS APEAR IN---------------- -ROOFTOP - Answer the Phone (Thanks to PSZ1211) -AIRPORT - Agent on Board, and Jackson in Steam 2 (Niobe only) -POWER PLANT - Core Control (Ghost only) -POWER PLANT - Agent Escape (Niobe only) {Thanks to cott_matthew} -------------------FIGHTING WITH AGENTS----------------- -Try to avoid confrontation by knocking down an Agent (Focus-kick) and then running like mad -If you must deal with an Agent, run towards him while firing a gun. The Agent will dodge the bullets, but will not be able to shoot at you while he dodges. Once you get close, focus and just attack like mad. -Try slicing Agents with the sword. It will not kill them, but it will knock them down so you can make a run for it --------------------KILLING AGENTS---------------------- -You can defeat the Agent on the Rooftop stage by knocking him off the edge of the roof -You can defeat the Agent in the Airport stage, "Agent on Board", by knocking the Agent off the plane. See the boss strategies for more detailed info -You can defeat the Agent in the Airport stage, "Jackson in Steam 2" with the following method: When the stage begins you will be next to a pillar. Focus run forward while whipping out a gun and then turn and shoot the pillar. The pillar will explode, hopefully taking the Agent with it. (Big thanks to exarcun634 for that info) -You can kill an Agent by hitting them with either a grenade from the 40MM Grenade Launcher, or a chloro-bomb from the GP-25 Chloro-Bromo -You can defeat the Agent in the Power plant (Ghost) by knocking him into a sparking control panel. Check the boss strategies for more detailed info -------------NIOBE'S POWER PLANT AGENT BATTLES---------- -First off, thanks to cott_matthew for all of these tips -At the start of the stage "Agent Escape" (Niobe only), and Agent appears and begins attacking. You can either run for your life, or use grenades/chloro-bombs to kill him. If you do kill him, you'll gain his very powerful gun -Later in the stage, you run down a catwalk as bombs explode around you, and 3 Agents attack -You can either try to use grenades/chloro-bombs to kill one or two, knock them down and run, or try to throw them into the exploding bombs -Hurry up when fighting the trio of Agents, as the toxic gas will rapidly deplete your health -Don't forget that you have infinite focus, thanks to Sparks (The operator in the game, not a contributor), so use it well! -Thanks again to cott_matthew who sent me an e-mail with these detailed tips ---------------------AGENT SMITH------------------------ -Smith appears in the following levels: SKYSCRAPER - Vertigo Every CHINATOWN stage except for Seraph's Teahouse -Don't get near Smith. He has a brutal slamming attack that deals about 15% damage each hit -Don't get cornered by Smiths in skinny alleyways, or tight quarters -If you do get cornered, you have very little chance of surviving. It's too hard to knock down a Smith, so try to focus run up nearby walls to get past a few Smiths. Unfortunately, they like to pick you up and pass you back to the corner -If you want to kill a Smith, hit him with 3 grenades from the Grenade Launcher, he will die. However, if you hit him dead on with the grenade he will continue running and gunning. Therefore, try to aim a little to the side so that the grenade still blows up and Smith is caught in the explosion. This will knock him down so you can launch again and finish him. (Thanks to exercun634, and commieboy for backing it up) -On Vertigo and some of the Chinatown stages, you can knock Smiths off the sides of buildings, which is kind of fun (Thanks again to exercun634) **********WHOOPS!!!************ -In the last update, I stated that you could kill a Smith with the sword. That was a mistake. YOU CANNOT KILL A SMITH WITH THE SWORD! Slicing him will only make him fall down and sometimes drop his gun. Just slice him and run. (Thanks again to exercun634, for correcting my misinterpretation of what he told me before) ==================================== 8. O U T R O A N D T H A N K S ==================================== And that's it! Thanks for reading my FAQ! If there's anything at all you want to say about my FAQ, e-mail me! The info is down below in the Contributor Information Section. And now, here are some people I would like to thank: -Me, for playing this great game and writing this FAQ (I'm so modest, aren't I) -The Wachowski Bros. for creating the Matrix (Thanks to Kirby0511 for the correction) -Shiny and Atari for making this great (although glitchey) game -My Playstation 2 for being a great system, and allowing me to play this great game -My Gamecube for allowing me to play Metroid Prime, one of my favorite games -My DELL for being a great computer (Not like a lame Mac) -GameFAQs for being a great website -Any other websites that asked to use my FAQ -Anyone who read this FAQ -Anyone who submitted to this FAQ (Names are down below) -Metroid Prime for having cooler bosses than any other game (Meta-Ridley is the bomb) -The Simpsons for keeping me laughing while I sit here updating the FAQ -Warcraft III for keeping me busy while I'm bored -Memorial Day, for giving me a day off from school to rest and write this FAQ ========================================================= 9. C O N T R I B U T O R I N F O A N D C R E D I T ========================================================= If you have anything to say regarding my FAQ, e-mail me! Please! The more contributions, the better this FAQ will be! The only way to become a contributor is to contribute! My e-mail address is: DANDUDE776@AOL.COM ----------------STUFF TO E-MAIL ME--------------- -Suggestions for new sections (I need some good ideas for stuff to add) -New strategies for Ghost and Niobe (If you beat a boss with a different method than the ones posted on this FAQ, tell me about it and get your strategy up here! Of course, you'll get credit and you'll be able to help people for whom my strategies didn't work) -Anything that you think would make this FAQ better (layout changes, etc.) -Thanking me for this FAQ! -Constructive comments (no burns!) -Corrections for mistakes -Glitches and cautions (Involving bosses and boss fights) -Asking permission to use my FAQ for something -If you find a website using my FAQ besides the websites listed below in the Legal Stuff Section -Anything else that has to do with bosses in Enter the Matrix! Anything you can think of! Come on! ------------------STUFF NOT TO DO---------------- -Don't e-mail me Spam or viruses! (Obviously!) -Don't ask questions about other parts of the game (I'm happy to help you with bosses, but please don't ask for help anywhere else. That's what the other FAQs are for!). I don't mean to be rude, but I really can't help you beat the rest of the game. -Don't instant-message me! -Don't send me e-mails without a subject! -Don't e-mail me about something totally off topic! -Don't put this FAQ on your website without my permission! -Don't plagiarize! ========================================== 10. C O N T R I B U T O R C R E D I T S ========================================== This is a hall-f-fame for everyone who contributed to my FAQ! Thanks a lot to everyone on this list! If you want to get up here, you have to contribute!! Finally, without further wasted space... The Contributor Credits!!! -Brynjarr: for info about Vlad and the sword glitch -xtreme_xboarder, for reminding me about the sword during the Cujo fight -xtreme_xboarder (again), and correcting by regenerating health comment -mjsteels, for being cool and thanking me for writing my FAQ -Pajamas88, for correcting my typo in the Agent On Board section -Pajamas88 (again), for reminding me to change the last updated date -Pajamas88 (yet again!), for correcting my typo in the Vlad (Part II) section -Pajamas88 (number 4!), for correcting my typo in the Version History section -Pajamas88 (FIVE?!), for correcting another typo in the Version History section -Olivier Berneche, for his great Seraph strategy -Kirby0511, for correcting my misspelling of the Wachowski Bros -MetroidFanatic, for his SWAT Helicopter strategy -Cott_matthew, for reminding me about the Power Plant Agent -Cott_matthew (again), for his detailed tips for fighting the group of Agents in the Power Plant -Warmachine090, for being cool and sending me a friendly e-mail -I Hate Robots, for his "SWAT weapon drop" strategy (which reminded me to add the weapon-drop strategies for Cujo and Cain and Abel) -White_smoke, for telling me about the alternate-ending you get for losing to Seraph -Christoph-wilson-yey, for his strategy for avoiding the Vlad glitch -Matt Moses, for his focus-throw strategies -Sean.corbell, for his cheap attack -CoBlaze, for correcting my typo in the SWAT Helicopter strategy -Rabies, for reminding me that you don't need to beat Trinity to progress -Mxtream23, for telling me that it's okay to use the MP5 during the entire SWAT Chopper fight, as long as you keep your ammo high -Morisond, for suggesting that I add in an Agent-fighting section -Exercun634, for info about killing Agents -Exercun634 (again), for correcting my mistake about killing Smith with the sword -Commieboy, for backing up the grenades-kill-Agents strategy -Sk8_punk_16, for his great combo -kerbeck, for telling me that your focus-bar grows when you kill Agents -Lwysner, for reminding me that chloro-bombs work just as well as grenades when fighting Agents -Wesley, for giving me his "strafe between the pillars" strategy for the Agent Helicopter, which reminded me to add the "cartwheel between the pillars" strategy -PSZ1211, for telling me that an Agent appears in the stage Get to the Phone, and not the stage Reach the Hardline -Jackass051, for his extremely detailed strategy for the Agent Helicopter. That's it so far! C'mon everybody, e-mail me! Anything will be greatly appreciated. ========================= 11. L E G A L S T U F F ========================= This FAQ is copyright, Daniel Markowitz, 2003. All rights reserved. It may only be used on the following websites: www.GameFAQs.com www.cheats.de/index.shtml? www.neoseeker.com www.CheatCodes.com. www.ign.com Just note that GameFAQs will always have the lasted version. Do not use any or all of it without my permission. All of the text is owned and was written by Daniel Markowitz. You may print it out if you want, but don't turn it into a strategy guide and sell it, unless you send me the profits! That would be okay! If you are want to use my FAQ on your website, you must ask my permission first, and you may not alter or change the text in anyway. All in all, if you really want to use it for something (litter box for your pets... whatever.) besides just a personal FAQ, ask me first.