____ | _ \ _ _ | | \ (_) __ (_)_ __ ___ ___ _ __ | | | | |/ _ `| | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ | |_/ | ( (_) | | | | | | | (_) | | | | |___ /|_|\__ |_|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_| ( )_| | \____/ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | __ _ __| | ___| | |_| |_ | | | |/ _ \| '__| / _ |___ _| | |/\| | (_) | | | | (_) | | | |__/\__|\___/|_| |_ \___'_| |_| ___________________________________ / \ |=====================================| |======Digimon World 4 Walk-through======| |===================By=====================| / |=======Summerdude========| \ |=====================================================| / |======PS2======| \ |=========================Version=========================| \__________________________________________________________/ \__________________________________/ \__________/ \/ ____/\____ _____________/__________\__________ __________/___________________________________\____________ / \ |===========================================================| \ |==================Version=================| / |=======================================================| \ / |================1.9================| \ / |================================| |===========================| \_________________________/ This is a Digimon world 4 walk-through. If you see something wrong with my FAQ/Walkthrough tell me through my email adress ( K3wlguy_33@yahoo.com ) and remember to follow the guidlines. I will take action. If you make a contribution, I will be sure to add you to the credits. E-mail me if you have one. I will soon make a full walk-through and add more to it. If you are looking for a certain thing, you can hit Ctrl+F to search for a certain word. I would appreciate it if everyone had something to say, and if they would put their thoughts and advise here. Another tip- If I say "Press X" I am talking about the PS2 version. For the other two you would need to press A. This walk-through is based on the PS2 version so make sure you read this. The Story --------- The digital world has been at peace under the management of the host server Yamato. Recently, access to the real world was terminated and a mysterious server was discovered. The Digimon exploration team that was sent in to investigate the problem hasn't returned! As a member of the Digital Security Guard (D.S.G.), its up to you to find out what is causing these problems and prevent a digital disaster. The Digimon are counting on you! (from booklet) Copyright --------- Copyright © 2005 Dillan Stanley Summerdude This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. --- Future Updates --- - Finish my walkthrough - Adjust this guide to make it look better - Delete spaces and add more words - Redo this guide with a new style Updates ------- 1.0 - Finished Death Valley Finished Dry Land Finished Evolution guide 1.1 - Added more to recent questions More tips Added side-quest section. 1.2 - More tips More questions and answers Completed some of Venom Jungle 1.3 - Gave guide new look Added new part to side-quest section Finished more of Venom Jungle and boss strategies 1.4 - Added more to the side-quest section Added details 1.5 - Finished Venom Jungle Started on new section Completed small section on Machne Pit 1.6 - Finished new section Added some contributions Fixed more details 1.7 - Added more contributions Added long awaited signature wepon section Huge amount of details added 1.8 - Added another guide Rewording walkthrough Reordered whole guide 1.9 - Made small guide to Mecha Nest --- Next planned update --- I will usually make small adjustments and submit with a new version, but I predict I will make a big adjustment February. I might finish my walkthrough or get part of Machine Pit done. - February 2006 Contents -------- 1 Walk-through 1.1 The beginning 1.2 Death Valley 1.2a Enemies 1.2b Goblin Pass 1.2c Humid Cave 1.2d Goblin Pass again 1.2e Abyss of Greif 1.2f Cliff Dungeon 1.2g Goblin Pass again 1.2h Goblin Fortress 1.2i Terminal Area 1.2j Abyss of Greif again 1.2k Dome Base 1.2l Doom Dome 1.2m Terminal Area 1.3 Dry Land 1.3a Enemies 1.3b Mummy Dessert 1.3c Sand Labyrinth 1.3d Terminal Area 1.3e Mummy Dessert again 1.3f Greif Wasteland 1.3g Ancient Ruins 1.3h Mummy Dessert again 1.3i Storm Train 1.3j Power Plant 1.3k Greif Wasteland 1.3l Station X 1.3m Virus Lab 1.3n Terminal Area 1.4 Venom Jungle 1.4a Enemies 1.4b GekoGeko Land 1.4c Geko Path 1.4d Terminal Area 1.4e GekoGeko Land again 1.4f Mangrove forest 1.4g Vine Tunnel 1.4h GekoGeko Land again 1.4i Mangrove forest again 1.4j GekoGeko Land again 1.4k Vein 1.4l Terminal Area 1.4m Mangrove forest 1.4n Venom Swamp 1.4o Dread Note 1.4p Dread Bridge 1.4q Terminal Area 1.5 Machine Pit 1.5a Enemies 1.5b Battle Arena 1.5c Mecha Nest (This is all I have right now) 2 Starters 3 Digivolutions 4 Specialists 4.1 Wepon Types 4.2 Signature Wepons 5 Other help 6 Boss strategies 6.1 Blossomon 6.2 Mammothmon 6.3 Mecha Rouge 6.4 Apokarimon 6.5 Skull Greymon 6.6 Scorpiomon 6.7 Malo Myotismon 6.8 Shogun Gekomon 6.9 Mecha Rouges 6.10 Diaboromon 6.11 Lucemon 6.12 Others (by GamemazterZ) 7 Side-quests (Normal Mode) 7.1 How to unlock 7.2 Where the Digi-Elves are 7.3 What to do 7.4 Tips 7.5 Trading Hall items 7.6 Hard Mode 7.7 Very Hard Mode 8 Tips 9 Recent Questions 10 Other maps by other people 11 Weapon Section 12 Other People's Sections (Contribute sections) 13 Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============== 1 Walk-through ============== 1.1 The Begining ---------------- Right now you are about to start the game Digimon World 4. Get ready, because this one isn't like any other. Select "Chose your character" and pick a Digimon. Read "Starter Digimon" on this walk-through to figure out what kind of Digimon you want. Once you pick, you get to chose your name. Move your directional pad right and left to chose a different letter. Move it up and down to chose to make it capital, numbers, or sybols. Once you pick, you will be transported to a blue platform. There are 3 portals. The one on the upper left is the outside gate, you can't go in there yet. The one on the upper right is a heal portal, it heals you when you have low health. The one on the lower left is the commanders room. After talking to the Digi-Elf, jump into the commander's room. Once you are there, there will be four stairways. Go up the upper right one. Keep going that way until you find the commander. After talking to him get out of the commanders room. (go back into the portal) Now go into the outside gate portal. You are about to enter Death Valley. 1.2 Death Valley ---------------- 1.2a Enemies ------------ Goburimon (Main Monster) Orgemon Numemon Sukamon Kokatarimon (Just a few) 1.2b Goblin Pass ---------------- You will be at the practice stage now. This is to get you firmiliar with the controls. If you are still confused, you can look at the Controls section in " Section 8 -Other Help- ". After finishing The practice stage, you will unlock this new area. Wander around and you will find a portal eventually. ( This place isnt that big ) Go into the portal. It will ask you if you are sure to leave, and say yes unless you want to practice more. You will be transported into a new area, Goblin Pass. You will start out on a blue platform. Go forward and you will see a beeping signal. The beeping signal looks weird, but go click on it and you will talk to Leomon. You really don't have to do this, but it will get you more firmiliar with the game. Next go north a little and you will see a group of goburimon. Kill them and move on to the bridge at your right. You won't be able to get passed the rocks, so hit the rocks in the way and go on. When you see another bridge, don't cross it. Destroy the 2 rocks but be careful, there are falling bombs above. You have a choice of going up or down, after you destroy rocks, you can go either way, but go left. Now go passed any enemies and down the path until you see a cave, and you will fight some goburimon and orgemon. Now it would be a good idea if you aren't about level 4, to start training, because the digimon in this area are kind of hard. You should explore goblin pass, but be careful not to die. 1.2c Humid Cave (level 3-5) --------------------------- Walk up a little, you will see a Numemon. Kill him, but keep a distance because if you touch him you will get hurt. If you are too far away from him he will shoot his slime balls at you. Continue on, wandering around. You will fight many enemies, and find many doorways. In some areas, you will find yellow doors. To get passed these doors you will have to kill all the enemies in your area. Make sure to use items when you need them. (press L to look at items) If you wander and find a blue door, you can open it by stepping on a red switch or clicking on one the one on the wall. (Just touch a red switch) If the door is all red, that means it is un-openable. After a long adventure you will find some stairs going downward. Go down them and you will be in a new area. The main point of most dungeons is going north, it is kind of obvious don't you think? This cave and a few others are different than that though. You will find a platform with a green plus sign. This is a health restore platform. Step on it to get full health. Continue onward to find a strange arena type area. This area is where you will fight the boss. The boss is a Blossomon...After beating it, get the key laying on the ground, then go past the new door and destroy the chests. Get some items, then go in the blue portal. It will send you back to the Terminal area. (the place with the health portal) 1.2d Goblin Pass ---------------- Go to death valley again and go to the area where there is falling bombs. Destroy both sets of two rocks, then instead of going down, go up. Move onto the pile of rocks and destroy them. Kill the Goburimon that are passed the rocks and move onto Abbys of Greif. 1.2e Abyss of Greif ------------------- The Goburimon here are a little harder so it would be a good idea to train here. Move along. The first thing you see is some rocks that are breakable. Do not break them, you will do that later. Kill the Goburimons and venture on. Keep going left until you see a blue arrow that is glowing on the ground, it is an emergency portal. If you stand on the arrow, It will glow when you stand on it. If you use a gate disk on it, you will be sent back to the beginning, but if you go onto the emergency gate you will be sent back to abyss of grief (There are more than this one). There are many ways to get to Cliff Dungeon, But if you don't want to see any Oregmon, go across the bridge, go left and destroy rocks. You will encounter one Oregmon after the rocks, be careful because he is a lot harder than the last one. After passing him by or fighting him, go left again until you get to another cave. You are about to fight a Sukamon, you probably fought him in humid cave, but he's harder here. Block at the right time and you will be ok (especially when they charge fast at you) 1.2f Cliff Dungeon (level 5-7) ------------------------------ This is a lot like Humid Cave except longer. The Digimon are stronger here and there are a lot more. When you are on the first floor,the point is to go north then you will find your way. When you are near the second floor, you will encounter a trap. Somewhere there is a door, which is hard to see, so try defeating all the Sukamon and you will see the opening. On the second floor, you will find another emergency gate. (the trap on the first floor is near an emergency gate) Go through until you find a new type of Digimon. These are my favorite because they are good experience. I'm not sure but I think there is third floor. There is a blue signal on the ground that looks like a mail. Click on it to get a map! This is very useful, especially in long dungeons. After you get to Mamathmon, kill him, and get the key. Now go break the chests and go in the portal. Now you have two ID keys. Your next quest is to save Leomon. 1.2g Goblin Pass ---------------- Ok, after leaving the portal, go heal, save, shop, and other stuff. When you are ready, go inside the portal. Now, you are back in Goblin Pass. Kill the Goburimon, cross the bridge, and instead of destroying the rocks, go up. Be careful though. There are guns that fire at you constantly. You have to attack them two times to destroy them. After destroying the guns, go past and step on the red switch. Now go in the cave and you will enter the goblin fortress where you will save Leomon. The first area you will go in is the guard room. (This is a good place to train until about level 15 if you need to train) 1.2h Goblin Fortress (level 6-9) -------------------------------- Your first step is to fight about 20 Goburimon. You will get loads of experience in this area. After killing about 20 of them, two doors will open, you have to go in both, so go north first. You will enter a new room with about 20 more Goburimon. Kill them all and go down. Break the boxes and go back up, you will fight more Goburimon in the middle. After Killing 20 more, go right, and you will enter the next destination...Rotating Hall. Go in and you will be in a room that looks the same. Kill the 20 Goburimon and go right. You will find a ramp that goes up. Go up the ramp to find 3 or 4 Goburimon. Kill them, and go on to 2 huge boxes! Attack them about 5 or 6 times and they'll break, continue this until you reach a different area with a black wall. Go into the black wall and you will enter the X Digimon Lab. Go on until you see an electric wall. Go to a computer and Press A on it. You have disarmed the electric wall, and will now fight a boss. His name is Mecha Rouge. After you beat him, go past (don't worry if he doesn't drop a key, hes not supposed to) to Leomon, talk to him and he will go with you to the Terminal Area. Now You Have completed your first mission. Your second mission is next!(If you want you should train in the guard room, after finishing it you can go into the rotating room and come back in) 1.2i Terminal Area ------------------ Enter the commander's Room and talk to Ophimon. He will give you your second mission and a gate key. Now go to Goblin pass. (Make sure you have shot pistols in your equipment, you will need them) Next go to Abyss of Greif. 1.2j Abyss of Greif ------------------- Right when you enter kill the Goburimon, but after killing them go back and destroy the rocks (I said you would do that later on) There will be rolling barrels rolling at you. Jump over them, and make your way up the hill, be careful though because they hit hard. Once you get to the top of the hill, you will be able to destroy the chests that blow out those barrels. Attack them and move on. There will be Goburimon to kill after. Look to the right and there will be some pillars to jump across. If you fall off you will end up somewhere else with 1hp remaining. Go down and destroy rocks, get back to the pillars. (do not heal yet, you might fall again and that would waste a hp disk) after getting past the pillars, immediately heal. (there will be a spawned Goburimon waiting to kill you) Even if you kill the Goburimon, if you move on you will fight another boss, The Second Blossomon. Don't worry, he is as easy as the other one. After Killing the Blossomon, move on and you will find a boat. Get on it (switch to shot pistols and get a friend) You are going to cross the Numenume River. You can't use HP or MP disks here, so i advise you to block. If you want to start any side quests you need to rescue all 10 Digi-Elves. You need to shoot them each about 5 times. Beware because there is Numemon guarding them. 1.2k Dome Base -------------- Go North and you will find Goburimon and Kokotarimon. They can put to sleep so be careful. After you go into a huge fight and kill the enemies, you should go up and destroy the bushes instead of going inside dome base. After getting through all the bushes, go to another emergency gate to heal, shop, save, and come back. You might need to face all of them again, if you do go inside Dome Base by standing on the red switch, just like you did to enter goblin fortress. 1.2l Doom Dome (level 10-13) ---------------------------- This is the last dungeon for Death Valley, so it will be the hardest. There are crossbows that hit you hard so be careful entering. This dungeon is different from the others and longer. It is confusing so stay alert. Bring a lot of Hp disks. You will need them because these Digimon are stronger and come in high amounts. Get to the second floor and look for a map. If you don't find one its ok because the boss is nearby. There are Sukamon and Oregmon, the toughest yet. When you are adventuring, you will find a lot of those bat guys. They are a lot harder, but still sort of easy if you are level 10-13. On the second floor you will come by Sukamon then two switches. Attack the Sukamon and activate the switch. You will come by an MP heal portal. It is A Purple plus sign instead of green. Then, you will come to a green one. Usually this means that you are near the boss. Well, that's right you are about to jump some pillars, fight some Sukamon, you can use your MP Techniques to kill them without getting hurt, except when they start charging. Do the same for the Oregmon. once you kill them, go back to where the pillars started, and you will fight more Oregmon. Now, go to the end of them, and there will be a red, glowing portal. This means It is the final Boss. Go in. If you need help, go to the boss strategies section. Kill the boss and get the chests. After that, you can go into the portal. Now you have almost completed Death valley. 1.2m Terminal Area ------------------ Go into the commanders room and talk to Ophiomon. While he is granting you, an alarm will go off and you will need to fix the problem. First go to the Central Area. Now go North of Card Keeper and eventually you will find it up there. Ophiomon would have given you an ID pass which you can now use the computer. Now you should go to the Chip shop. Across it is some stairs. Go up them and find the computer near Metal Etemon. Activate it, and go inside the area it opens up. Go inside the Portal to enter Security Controls. Now activate the 3 computers 1 by 1 with the one that works on top, then on bottom, then in the middle. Now you have summoned Serephimon. Talk to Ophiomon and Serephimon (next to Ophiomon now). Now you have unlocked Dry Land!! 1.3 Dry Land ------------ 1.3a Enemies ------------ Mummymon (Main Monster) Scorpions Spike Plants Minoturomon Arukenimon (Just on side-quest) 1.3b Mummy Dessert ------------------ You will start out on a blue platform, just like you did in Death Valley. Now go across the bridge and you will fight 3 Mummymon. Kill them, and go left. (see map of Mummy Dessert 1) Go and kill another 3 Mummymon, and a Tyranomon will come. This might be hard for a level 15, so try to attack him from the side, or from the back. Now keep going down, and fight 2 more Mummymon. after killing them, you can keep going, or you can go down. Later you will need to go down, so right now keep going the way you were going. Break the huge rocks, and fight 2 more Mummymon (you will fight these more than you fought Goburimon in Death Valley). Jump down and you will see a purple, metal bridge. Go in it, and you will be in Sand Labyrinth. 1.3c Sand Labyrinth (level 15-18) --------------------------------- This Dungeon is a lot different from the others. There are more switches and Tricks. You will fight a lot of Mummymon here as well. Go in and fight your first set of 4 Mummymon. When your fighting them, you won't notice it now, but if you go deeper, you will notice that when you fight, you are hitting real slow. The deeper you go, the slower you hit. If you talk to Leomon, he will tell you, if you walk in with a dagger, when you are all the way to the end, you will be holding a maul. (That is as weak as a dagger) So attack, then run, Because you attack REAL, REAL, slow. Eventually you will walk in a room with two fires and 4 Mummymon. The Mummymon are infinite here, so go up until you see 2 switches. Activate both of them, and go in the room. You will see an electric tower. Destroy it because it sends those Mummymon spawning. Go back in the room and destroy the Mummymon. Now a new door will open. Near the end, you will fight 2 Minotarumon. They shoot cannons at you, so be careful. Attack them, and after they hit the ground, they will run to a place in the corner of the room. Don't let them get in there. Attack them in the way because if they get in there, they will re-charge their health and get stronger missiles. Soon, you will fight Skull Greymon. Kill him, get the key, and go past him to the portal that sends you back. 1.3d Terminal Area ------------------ If while at the Sand Labyrinth, you gain to level 16, go in the Central Area and go to the Digi-Lab. You can digitally evolve to a new kind of rookie. Now go save, shop, and what ever you need to do, then return to the outside gate. 1.3e Mummy Dessert ------------------ Ok, go up to those Mummymon, and kill them. Go left and fight more Mummymon. (just like before) Go To the area where it splits. Go down this time and past the Mummymon. This time go up to the purple platform. Fight a lot of Mummymon and go up. Jump down the platforms to get to Greif Wasteland. 1.3f Grief Wasteland -------------------- When it shows the title screen and you see the purple spider, don't worry because you only have to fight it if you are doing the side-quest. Now you will enter and fight more Mummymon. When you start there will be two ways. Go down to two cactus and attack them. They shoot out those red spikes that it has. It will come back alive so go past them. Now you will come to another training area where there are more spawning scorpions. After you are done training, go destroy the rocks and enter Ancient Ruins. 1.3g Ancient Ruins (level 16-19) -------------------------------- You are cursed again so remember to use the strategies for Sand Labyrinth. At first you will come to some Mummymon, then more Mummymon who are endless. Just go find switches and destroy the towers that make them spawn. There is a new enemie, Pharomon. He will disappear and stuff to make you frustrated. He has horrible aim, but his defense is awesome. Once you are about at the second floor, it will become a lot harder. You will have to go from the left side to the right side often. You will also find some quicksand. If you are on the top, don't go down because you will be taken down and back to land with one health remaining. After figuring out the puzzle, you will be in the middle to the south. Kill enemies to open the door to your next boss, Scorpiomon. Kill him and go inside the portal. 1.3h Mummy Dessert ------------------ Kill Mummymon on your way to the metal platform. Now go left instead of up. Kill more Mummymon and you will see a switch. Jump the platform and click on the switch. Go back to the starting area and you will go right this time. Go down the rocks and kill those scorpions. Once you are done, go destroy the boxes and jump up to find some guns. Destroy them, and move past to a huge train. 1.3i Storm Train ---------------- You have to find a directional way to pass this place. You can not pause the game, or use MP attacks or use items. You have to use that red hammer thing. Once you get to the first sign, don't attack it. The directions for the Storm Train are up, up, right, up, right, left, hit red thing, hit red thing. When you come to the lighting, don't get in the way. Just block and You will make it without dying. Remember to attack the guys that land on the train and to block because you can not heal. After following the directions, you will come to Power Plant. 1.3j Power Plant ---------------- You can now pause it, heal and use MP techniques. You also have your weapon back. At first you will see a lot of electric light bulbs. Destroy them and move on. You will see a portal. This time it actually doesn't lead you to the Terminal Area. It leads you back to Mummy Dessert. From there you should go to Grief Wasteland. 1.3k Grief Wasteland -------------------- Keep heading down until you get back to the area with scorpions. (Near the entrance to Ancient Ruins) Don't go into Ancient Ruins, but go past it. Head down the Rocks and you will be in a very small maze which you can only go one way. LOL, cross the bridge and keep going. Don't go to the area with Scorpions unless you want to train. Destroy the rocks and go in the gate platform. (You will die unless you destroyed all the light bulbs at Power Plant. Kill everyone you fight at that place and go past to another gate. You will see Leomon, and past him is a big power signal. If you find all 4 and destroy them, you can go into Station X. One is to the right of Station X, and the other 3 are on the left side. Step on the red switch thing and enter Station X. 1.3l Station X -------------- You probably might take a while to pass this part. It took me like 4 days. I kept dying at the very beginning where these huge guns fire at you. All you have to do is get behind the rocks to hide. Keep moving on until you get to the end of that very hard part. Now go to the entrance of the Virus Lab. If you keep following the path, you will eventually get there. 1.3m Virus Lab (level 19-23) ---------------------------- This is very confusing and hard. You will come to some fire and it will stop. Jump over it when it stops because it comes back after like a second. These traps are harder and hurt a lot more than the ones in other dungeons. You will come across some blue lasers which you will cross when it disappears. Those lasers hit hard! This dungeon is a lot like the Acient Ruins because you go back and forth often. When you get near the end you will come to the most fun part! There are moving platforms which you jump on while they are moving. Jump to the other end to the next portal. The portal leads to Malo- Myotismon. Defeat him and Destroy the Chests. Go into the next portal and you will be sent to the Terminal Area. 1.3n Terminal Area ------------------ Hurry to save and get back to the Terminal Area. Go up to the commander's room. Talk to Serephimon and Ophiomon. Go down and to the Central Area. Leomon is across the bank Keeper and you will talk to him. Put what you need in the bank and go back to the Commander's room. Talk to Serephimon and he will give you a new mission. You will need to investigate in a new place. You got Venom Jungle. You have completed Dry Land!! 1.4 Venom Jungle ---------------- 1.4a Enemies ------------ Otamon (Main Monster) Gekomon (Main Monster) Tortmon Marine Devimon Poison Plants 1.4b GekoGeko Land ------------------ When you start you will be on a blue platform. (as usual) Go right and fight an Otamon. These guys come in groups and are real easy and good experience. Now keep going right until you find stairs that go DOWN. Take them and you will find two different paths. If you go down, you will find a friend who greets digimon with ways of spraying them with poison liquid. If you go up, you will battle more digimon and find your way. After going up, go right. You will find a path that takes you to a cave. 1.4c Geko Path (level 30-33) ---------------------------- You will start out in a place that looks completely different from the others, but really it is the same thing. You will fight some Gekomon in groups who hypnotize you if you are far away or not attacking you. You will also fight more Otamon who come in groups of high ledges. You will find your way to a dead end once or twice. The only solution not to get into a dead end is to keep going up. That almost occurs in every Dungeon. The "Geko Path" will lead you to a security portal. Just ahead is the healing portal. Get into it and heal. (You should have Petty Heal Lt by now so heal while fighting him) Now you are in the hands of Shogun Gekomon. If he decides to let you win, get his key and go inside the portal back to the Terminal Area. 1.4d Terminal Area ------------------ Check out Metal Etemon's Junkshop. Around now is a good time. Go down to the Shop Area and across from the Chip Shop, there will be some stairs. Go up the stairs where you activated one of the computers and talk to Metal Etemon. He will want 1000 bits for his shop. Give him 1000 bits and go back to the Terminal Area. Go into the portal back to Venom Jungle. 1.4e GekoGeko Land ------------------ Head down and instead of going right, go left. You will be taken to a metal platform with a lot of Otamon. Kill them and go more left. There will be a Leomon there. You don't need to talk to him. Go down and there will be a platform. Enter it and you will take a ride to a new destination, Mangrove Forest. 1.4f Mangrove Forest -------------------- When you enter, go down some stairs to the forest. I am serious, this is as confusing as being lost in the forest. But that is for later. For now it is pretty easy. After going down the stairs go west. Head on the west side and you will find another path leading to another dungeon. This may seem easy, but at Venom Jungle you fight a lot more bosses. Go inside the cave to a cave called Vein. 1.4g Vine Tunnel(level 32-35) ----------------------------- When you walk in you will start fighting as usual and be split into two sections. If you go right you will find a couple of chests. If you go left you will find some more enemies and a green slimy wall that jiggles when you touch it. It can only be destroyed by a Fire Power Medal or a fire attack. You will come across a couple of these. Along somewhere you will find some big monsters. These blue monsters attack you with their long arms and are very strong. They are named Marine Devimon and are very strong and good at self-defense. It would be smart to dodge and get past them. They jump out of the water and attack you suddenly. Take off your fire power medal because they are strongest against fire. There are tricks everywhere so be cautious. After going through the vine wall, you will find some more chests and some more digimon. You should definitely be used to this by now. You will find another vine wall, there are a couple of these here. Get past it and go right. You will come to some chests. There are a lot of chests and monsters in this dungeon so you could gain some levels here even if you are done with it. At the last floor, when you enter there will be a security portal. Go left and kill Otamon to open some doors which can be opened by defeating all of them. If you go up there will be some Mech. dogs which are sort of hard. After getting past all the Mech. dogs and all the monsters, you will find the entrance to a new boss, or should i say some new bosses. They aren't all that new, you will recognize them when you take them down. Defeat the 3 new Mecha Rouges and go into the portal with your new key and stuff from the chests. 1.4h GekoGeko Land ------------------ When you get there you will fight more guys. Kill them and go down those rocks you went down when you were at the first cave. This time instead of going inside the cave (when you get there) go down when you get to the cave and find some more guys to fight. After killing some of them, you will find a switch. If you want to get all 7 of them really fast you should go as far east as you can go. Then start following down the path of switches. There are seven switches and some of them are sort of tricky. You will find about 4 on the easy side but then you have to find the tricky ones. They are all in order, but still kind of hard. Some of them are behind poison plants which you need to destroy by using your magic attacks. After activating all 7, go back to the entrance of GekoGeko Land and go to Mangrove Forest. 1.4i Mangrove Forest -------------------- Near the entrance go down, but don't go onto the swamp. Go right and find some guns. Destroy them and you will see a computer. Click on the computer to activate what it does. (You need to activate all 7 switches to do this) After you are finished return to GekoGeko Land. 1.4j GekoGeko Land ------------------ Go right and up some rocks instead of down. Run around until you find the rocks that point up. Jump up the rocks to find a nice spot where there is a hidden security portal to the left if you want to save or something. Go past and you will find a cave which will be blocked by a lake if you don't activate the computer. Go inside the cave and you will enter Vein. 1.4k Vein (level 36-38) ----------------------- This one is four floors long but it is kind of easy. It is sort of similar to the other dungeons you have faced before like the first dungeon. Sometimes you will find monsters like Otamon who are good experience and Gekomon, who are annoying, spawning out of the ground usually. If you want to get past this dungeon, I am sorry but you have to take them all down. It won't be that hard for the Otamon though. It might take a while so be patient, and remember the strategies for the other dungeons and you will get through this fast. You will need to because if you turn it off you will need to activate the switches and the computer all over again. If you come across any of the vine walls that look weird you need to destroy them with your fire magic or use a fire power medal. You will fight those guys again with the long arms who are very annoying and you need to kill them. Remember to take off your fire power medal because he is strongest against fire. Go through all the Otamon and Gekomon and follow the path. You will soon find your new boss named Diaboromon. After killing him go down get the key and chests and leave into the portal. 1.4l Terminal Area ------------------ Before you go back to GekoGeko Land go to MetalEtemon and buy a Filter Board (If you haven't got one yet). If you haven't donated any money to him yet then donate 1000 bits, go somewhere else where the game will load(like go to Central Area), come back to the shopping area and then ask him to buy a Filter Board. Now head to the Terminal Area, and then back to the Outside World Gate and go back to GekoGeko Land. 1.4m Mangrove Forest -------------------- Head down the stairs and the camera view will change, head south. You will encounter a lot of Otamon, Gekomon, Tortomon, and those poison spraying plants. Head north east then north. On the way you will fight a lot of digimon so use healing MP techniques or use HP discs. At the way north of the maze-like forest, you will see another bunch of stairs. Jump up the stairs and you will come across a Gekomon. You can't kill him so don't waste your time. Talk to him and he will let you past for getting all 3 IDs. Now head forward to the Venom Swamp. 1.4n Venom Swamp ---------------- Here you will appear on some stairs. Jump down and you will be drained of life from the purple poison if you don't have a Filter Board equipped. Now equip filter board (bought from Metaetemon) to prevent your life from being drained. Head west. This is just like the forest maze except it is wider and less confusing. As you go you will encounter some Marinedevimon. Watch out for there long range swiping attack as they can make you unable to hit them. Keep heading west and then north west. You come across yet another set of stairs. Jump up and go to the next area. 1.4o Dread Note --------------- You will come to a place with more of those poison spraying plants and some enemies. Go up to see one of the plants and shoot it with a gun or mp type moves. Kill the first plant, keep going north west on the giant log and kill the second plant. Get off the log. Now you will face some of those little digimon and some purple guns. Keep moving forward to the west. Jump the stairs and this fire blasting cannon will try to shoot you. These cannons also appeared in the Undead Yard. After it pauses firing then jump up to t hit it about 2 times then jump back down, and repeat until it is destroyed. You might encounter more so use the same strategy to destroy the next cannons. If you keep going you will come to a road split, except on stairs. Go forward to get to an Emergency Portal. Use a gate disc in it. Go back and heal (if necessary), shop, save, etc.... Now go back to the emergency gate and go back to Dread Note. Now go back to the road split (stairs), and go on the other route. You might run into some more cannons. Keep going and you will come to a place with a giant laser cannon, (be careful as you make contact with it's laser it will take out about a 1/4 of you life) found in the center and purple guns surrounding it. Hit the giant laser cannon about 5 times to destroy it. Destroying them will give you a good chance of decreasing your life a lot. Keep going and you will come to more cannons. Move ahead to a platform with another one of those giant laser cannon. This time electric bolts shoot at you from your left and right and there are no purple guns. After destroying the cannon you will have to keep moving forward to repeat this again twice. When you are done, go and you will come to a place with many enemies. You will have to destroy every enemy to activate the switch. Now go stand on the switch to open the gate to Dread Bridge... 1.4p Dread Bridge(level 39-41) ------------------------------ Just think a little, you are about to face a 30 minute dungeon. Hah this is the longest dungeon and the most confusing. None of these digimon are hard here, which is great because you don't need 2 hard things in one dungeon. Here's my tip. This is a maze so sometimes you will need to go backwards. Try not to go backwards a lot because I remember doing that and it took even longer. If you come across an enemy, that's good because it means you have come to a new place. If you see any security portals, i suggest you take them because this is the longest and hardest dungeon yet. After a long journey, you will come to some platforms that move. Go onto the platform but be careful not to fall off. After going past, you will come across your next boss, Lucemon. After you defeat Lucemon, get the chests and go inside the portal. It (like usually) will take you to the Terminal Area. 1.4q Terminal Area ------------------ You should save, and do whatever you need to do. This is your last quest so get ready to finish off Venom Jungle and move on. Go talk to Ophiomon after that and he will tell you something about Machine Pit. Now you have completed Venom Jungle. It would be smart to change to a lightning power medal, because there are some areas where you need it. Now Go back into the Terminal Area and depending if you want to continue, go inside the portal to your new destination, Machine Pit. 1.5 Machine Pit --------------- 1.5b Battle Arena ----------------- This is your last and hardest section of the game. It isn't that long though. This is totally different for once! You don't start out on a blue, boring platform! This one is either red or pink. Its your opinion. Well anyway back to the game! Go forward and you will see some things on the ground that pop up. These are bombs. When you go forward, you will come up to a very disturbing area. Just go to the right and dodge the 1000 bullets firing at you and activate the switches. Now without getting hit with any guns, or getting killed by Mech. Dogs, go all the way to the left. They will still fire at you but now you get to activate the other two switches. Don't worry that's all the switches. Now go forward and you will see a new walk-way. Go walk over there and you will come to somewhere familiar. It's the battle arena! Except this time the Infermon and Mech. Dogs are a lot stronger than when you went there for a side-quest. Just like before there will be those pink platforms. Look for some of them that go up again. If it takes you somewhere else with guns, go back. You will go there later. Look for more because if you activated the switches, there will be 4. Two of them I already told you about. #1 you aren't supposed to go there yet. #2 you came from there. The other two lead to dungeons. There is Mecha Nest and Electic Mine. Electric Mine is harder so just go to Mecha Nest for now. 1.5c Mecha Nest --------------- This is the first of the three dungeons you need to get into. There are a lot of traps, but you can do it. This won't be as hard as the other two. Keep doing the strategies I give you in the other dungeons and you will be fine. Theres not as many floors as you could be challanged as, and this dungeon should be queite easy. When you get to the end, you will come to the HP portal. This means you will fight the Mecha Rogues, but be careful, there are three of them. Use my strategie. After defeating the Mecha Rogues, grab the key and you will be taken back to Terminal Area. ================= 2 Starter Digimon ================= Digimon Starting Stats ---------------------- ---Starters--- ~Agumon~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 180 MP Max ~~~~ 50 Strength ~~~~ 70 Defence ~~~~ 115 Wisdom ~~~~ 55 Spirit ~~~~ 60 Speed ~~~~ 65 ~Veemon~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 160 MP Max ~~~~ 70 Strength ~~~~ 60 Defence ~~~~ 115 Wisdom ~~~~ 65 Spirit ~~~~ 55 Speed ~~~~ 70 ~Guilmon~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 160 MP Max ~~~~ 80 Strength ~~~~ 55 Defence ~~~~ 120 Wisdom ~~~~ 70 Spirit ~~~~ 65 Speed ~~~~ 60 ~Dorumon~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 170 MP Max ~~~~ 60 Strength ~~~~ 65 Defence ~~~~ 110 Wisdom ~~~~ 60 Spirit ~~~~ 70 Speed ~~~~ 55 ---Digivolutions--- ~WarGreymon X~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 240 MP Max ~~~~ 80 Strenghh ~~~~ 100 Defense ~~~~ 115 Wisdom ~~~~ 70 Spirit ~~~~ 80 Speed ~~~~ 90 ~Clavis-Angemon~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 180 Mp Max ~~~~ 110 Strenght ~~~~ 70 Defense ~~~~ 120 Wisdom ~~~~ 100 Spirit ~~~~ 90 Speed ~~~~ 80 ~Waregarurumon X~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 200 MP Max ~~~~ 100 Strenght ~~~~ 80 Defense ~~~~ 115 Wisdom ~~~~ 90 Spirit ~~~~ 70 Speed ~~~~ 100 ~Hercules Kabuterimon X~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 240 MP Max ~~~~ 80 Strenght ~~~~ 100 Defense ~~~~ 115 Wisdom ~~~~ 70 Spirit ~~~~ 80 Speed ~~~~ 90 ~Metalgarurumon X~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 220 MP Max ~~~~ 90 Strenght ~~~~ 90 Defense ~~~~ 110 Wisdom ~~~~ 80 Spirit ~~~~ 100 Speed ~~~~ 70 ~Beelzemon BM~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 200 MP Max ~~~~ 100 Strenght ~~~~ 80 Defense ~~~~ 115 Wisdom ~~~~ 90 Spirit ~~~~ 70 Speed ~~~~ 100 ~Alphamon~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 220 MP Max ~~~~ 90 Strenght ~~~~ 90 Defense ~~~~ 110 Wisdom ~~~~ 80 Spirit ~~~~ 100 Speed ~~~~ 70 ~Blackwaygreymon~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 180 MP Max ~~~~ 110 Strenght ~~~~ 70 Defense ~~~~ 120 Wisdom ~~~~ 100 Spirit ~~~~ 90 Speed ~~~~ 80 ~Imperialdramon FM~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 200 MP Max ~~~~ 130 Strenght ~~~~ 90 Defense ~~~~ 120 Wisdom ~~~~ 120 Spirit ~~~~ 110 Speed ~~~~ 100 ~Imperialdramon PM~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 240 MP Max ~~~~ 110 Strenght ~~~~ 110 Defense ~~~~ 110 Wisdom ~~~~ 100 Spirit ~~~~ 120 Speed ~~~~ 90 ~Gallantmon CM~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 220 MP Max ~~~~ 120 Strenght ~~~~ 100 Defense ~~~~ 115 Wisdom ~~~~ 110 Spirit ~~~~ 90 Speed ~~~~ 120 ~Susanomon~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stat Name ~~~~ Amount of Stat ability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HP Max ~~~~ 260 MP Max ~~~~ 100 Strenght ~~~~ 120 Defense ~~~~ 115 Wisdom ~~~~ 90 Spirit ~~~~ 100 Speed ~~~~ 110 Agumon ------ A powerful dinosaur type of Digimon that can breathe fire. Agumon specializes in fire Mp Techniques. Since it excels at blunt combat skills, it is best to equip Agumon with axe- type weapons. This Digimon is from the first Digimon series. Veemon ------ An easy-going Digimon that excels in short range combat, Veemon specializes in the lighting type of MP Techniques. With powerful slash skills, Veemon is best equipped with sword-type weapons. This Digimon is from the second Digimon Series. Guilmon ------- A wild Digimon that enjoys fighting. Guilmon specializes in the fire variety of MP Techniques and superb in stab skills. It is best to equip this Digimon with dagger-type weapons. This Digimon is from the third Digimon series. Dorumon ------- Based on the interface on its head, Dorumon may be a prototype Digimon created for experimental purposes. This Digimon specializes in ice MP techniques and excels at bashing-skills equip it with a bash weapon to utilize its strength. This is the newest Digimon. +=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~= =Here's section 5 and 6. I used their real names not their game names+ +=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~= =============== 3 Digivolutions =============== Agumon ------ ---Normal Mode--- WarGreymon X - Defeat all 279 Monsters in Undead Yard HerculesKabuterimon X - Complete Item Road Dorumon - get to level 16 ---Hard Mode--- ClavisAngemon - Defeat all 302 Monsters in 30 Minutes for Undead Yard Alphamon - Complete Card Retreive with 1hp remaining WereGarurumon X - Finish Seal the Souls with 10 minutes remaining Beelzemon X - Finish Item Road BlackWarGreymon X - Finish All Side Quests ---Very Hard Mode--- Gallantmon CM - Do Item Retreive by getting the kind of Item the Digimon wants Imperialdramon FM - Clear Card Retreive with 1hp remaining Imperialdramon PM - Finish all Side Quests Susanomon - Complete Seal the Souls with a Defence ROM Delta. Veemon ------ ---Normal Mode--- ClavisAngemon - Complete Undead Yard WereGarurumon X - Complete Item Road Guilmon - Get to level 16 ---Hard Mode--- WarGreymon X - Complete Undead Yard in 30 minutes MetalGarurumon X - Clear Item Road Alphamon - Bring back item that Digimon wants in Item Retreive Beelzemon X - Complete card Retreive with 1hp remaining HerculesKabuterimon X - Finish Seal the Souls with 10 minutes remaining BlackWarGreymon X - Finish all Side quests ---Very Hard Mode--- Gallantmon CM - Complete Item Retreive by getting the Item the Digimon wants Susanomon - Complete Card Retreive with 1hp remaining Imperialdramon PM and FM - not sure yet Guilmon ------- ---Normal Mode--- HerculesKabuterimon - Complete Undead Yard WarGreymon X - Complete Item Road Agumon - Get to level 16 ---Hard Mode--- Alphamon - Complete Item Road WereGarurumon X - Complete Undead Yard in 30 Minutes MetalGarurumon X - Bring back item that Digimon wants in Item Retreive Beelzemon X - Complete card Retreive with 1hp remaining ClavisAngemon - Complete Seal the Souls with 10 min remaining BlackWarGreymon X - Complete all Sidequests ---Very Hard Mode--- Gallantmon CM - Bring back item that Digimon wants in Item Retreive Imperialdramon FM - Complete Card Retreive with 1hp remaining Imperialdramon PM - Complete all Sidequests Dorumon ------- ---Normal Mode--- WereGarurumon X - Complete Undead Yard ClavisAngemon - Complete Item Road Veemon - Get to level 16 ---Hard Mode--- HerculesKabuterimon X - Complete Undead Yard in 30 minutes Beelzemon X - Complete Item Road Alphamon - Bring back item that Digimon wants in Item Retreive MetalGarurumon X - Complete Card Retreive with 1hp remaining WarGreymon X - Complete Seal the Souls with 10 min remaining BlackWarGreymon X - Complete all Sidequests ---Very Hard Mode--- Gallantmon CM - Bring back item that Digimon wants in Item Retreive Imperialdramon FM - Complete Card Retreive with 1hp remaining Imperialdramon PM - Complete all Sidequests ===================== 4 Digimon Specialists ===================== 4.1 Special Types of weapons ---------------------------- Here is a list of all the weapons that a digimon is special with. You use this weapon with it at the beginning of the game because your digimon will be best with these type of weapons. Dorumon - Bash - Kamuri Maru Alpha Agumon - Blunt - Blunt Axe Guilmon - Stab - Dino Tooth Alpha Veemon - Slash - Long Sword Alpha ClavisAngemon - Stab - Dino Tooth Alpha WereGarurumon X - Slash - Long Sword Alpha HerculesKabuterimon X - Blunt - Blunt Axe WarGreymon X - Crush - Crush Arm MetalGarurumon X - Shot - Shot Pistols BlackWarGreymon X - Crush - Crush Arm Alphamon - Bash - Kamuri Maru Alpha Imperialdramon FM - Shot - Shot Pistols Imperialdramon PM - Slash - Long Sword Alpha Beelzemon X - Shot - Shot Pistols Susanomon - Slash - Long Sword Alpha 4.2 Signature Weapons --------------------- You need to have your tech level at 2500 to wear these weapons. You can find them in different places but no one knows the "one" real place it is found. I hope this helps. Veemon - Light Bringer Guilmon - Data Destroyer Dorumon - Hyakki Yako Susanomon - Orochi Slayer HerculesKabuterimon X - Nightmare Lance WereGarurumon X - Dark Shadow Imperialdramon PM - Omega Blade ClavisAngemon - Stargazer Gallantmon CM - Invisible WarGreymon X - Kaiser Knuckles BlackWarGreymon X - Demon Arm Beelzemon X - Nosferatus MetalGarurumon X - Executor Imperialdramon FM - Dbl Positron Alphamon - Plasma Blade Ways that people have found Signature Weapons --------------------------------------------- ---Dark Jedi567 says--- Using the action replay to get max bits, I gave Metal Etemon 999,999 bits and they appeared in his shop. ---SilverTyrannomon says--- Probably a lie, given that he actually ASKS for more than that a couple of times. ---Calvin0 says--- I have found one. Dorumon's signature weapon, just got it today. I beat all the boss in hard mode without ending the game or reseting the game. After the credit, I go to Goblin Pass, to the bridge where there is a dropping bomb traps, go toward to the bridge and it will appear 2 Goburimon and 1 giant Numemon. Kill the giant Numemon and it will drop you a signature weapon plus 4000 experience. All thanks to Comacoma ---Jimlwk says--- Ok, I have personally confirmed the trick as I just got my WereGarurumon's signature weapon. However, it's not great compared to a 4-mod doom-bringer I already had. So its up to you guys to decide whether to obtain the weapon. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ Special thanks to ZeedMillenniumon for help with digimon names on section / ( 3 and 4. ) / ------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ ============ 5 Other Help ============ ---Check it out!--- Get ready. The Digimon are back and they're ready for another new adventure! In Digimon World 4, a freak security breach has terminated the connection with the Real World. In the process of searching for the cause of the breach, researchers stumbled upon a mysterious new world. It's up to you, The Digital Security Guard, to investigate this new discovery. You must uncover the secrets behind the problem and return peace to the Digital World. In this four player action RPG, you will get to play as your favorite Digmon from the TV show. Fights will take place in real-time thanks to an enhanced battle system, unlike the usual turn-taking fights. By mastering skills and techniques, you can unlock special Digivolved digimon. Play as the most popular Digimon from the TV series! Action and adventure - Digimon-style for up to 4 players! Featuring a new enhanced battle system, with real time battles. Unlock special Digivolved Digimon by mastering skills and technique. ---Differences from digimon world 3--- -Play the latest digimon in the TV series. -This game is multi-player instead of 1 player only. -You actually get to battle instead of using your attacks taking turns. -Unlock different digimon by doing other things. -There are side-quests which are for you to complete as a quest to get stronger and unlock new digimon. -You get to use different types of weapons. -When you die, instead of getting game over and starting from the last saved spot you will get to go back to the Terminal Area with the digimon you were using a minute ago. -You are the digimon, not the trainer. ---Different from digimon world 2--- -You can not catch digimon in this game. -No taking turns. -You walk around everywhere. -Not all digimon you see are bad. -Battles don't turn into a big scene. -No game over. -Different weapons. ---Different from digimon world 1--- -You are the digimon, not the trainer. -Different bosses. -Digimon have shields. -Battles don't turn into big scenes. +=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~= = Here are the results to see what digimon world 4 is like. + +=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~=+=~/\~= Similarities with other games--- Digimon world 1- You see digimon walk around. Digimon world 1- There is no taking turns. Digimon world 1, 2 & 3- There are digimon. Digimon world 1 & 3- There are cards. Digimon world 3- There are four main areas. Results--- Most alike digimon world 1. Least alike digimon world 2. Status effects -------------- If you open the status menu, you will see a thing that shows what stage you are in. Here are some of them that you will encounter from enemies or your- self. Venom = a cross-bone Power Up = mark with an arrow pointing up and is colored red. Power Down = mark with an arrow pointing down and is colored yellow Speed Down = mark that is colored yellow Curse = mark with a skull or sun icon and is colored red Faint = stars revolving above the head of the digimon or enemy From Booklet = Information ---Venom--- Gradually decreases your life until you die. When this status effect is in your Digimon's body, it will eat its life by 3-5% of your life. If you don't use a HP Disk or Cure Diskwhile you have this and your life is low, you will be dead as it continuously drains your life until you die. It will wear out in just a minute. Number 1 in its deadly effect. ---Power Up--- Increases HP and strength during the effect's time. You can also give this Effect in your partners (2-4 players) when you're near at them. ---Power Down--- Weakens your HP and strength during this effect is present. ---Speed Down--- Slows down your speed. Affecting the haste of your attacks and movements while this effect is in you. Your partners will never get this effect even you and he are stick together. Also enemies can take this; and Veemon is the only digimon, as far I as I know, can only learn this MP tech. ---Curse--- Slows down your movement, weakens your attack and evading abilities. Second of the worst nightmare in the game. This status is the only thing I hated most including the poison. You will always get this effect in the dungeons in Dry Land whatever you do. Note: It wears of in healing pools. ---Faint--- This status effect is sometimes tricky and will bring you a damage if you don't know that the enemy is undergoing Faint. Stars will start to pop above the head of the digimon who's fainted. You will not know the enemy is fainted if your not looking for the stars-icon. If you pass through or step above them without knowing that they will stand after a second, then you sustain damage. Controls -------- ~Playstation 2~ ---In Main Lobby--- X - Talk to someone with this button. Walk up to someone and hit X to talk to them. O - Jump. Jump into the portal to get to the Outside Gate, or just jump up some stairs. Square - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. Triangle - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. L1 - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. L2 - This button does nothing in this game. R1 - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. R2 - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. Select - This button does nothing in this game. Start - This button is used to Pause the game. If you need to look at your Technique level, you can click on here and go to Technique. You can pause it to look at your stats, or how far you are from gaining a new level. You can pause it and the game will completely stop. Control Stick 1 - You can move with this control. If you need to get somewhere like if you need a side-quest done, you can move with this control. Control Stick 2 - This control does nothing in this game. ---Outside World--- X - You can attack with this button. Pressing A rapidly is how you keep attacking. You can attack rocks that are in your way, or boxes. You can attack guns that try to attack you, and you can attack other Digimon of course. If you press X next to a map, you get the map. If you press X on top of an item, you pick up the item. O - You use this button to jump. If you ever need to jump over some barrels, here is your button. Jump over a lot of stuff. Square - This button is used for shielding. If you are about to get hit, hit this button and a magic shield will surround you for a second. Triangle - This button is used for if you are about to die. Hit this button, and depending if you have an item in your inventory, it will automatically use the best heal item you have and you will be healed. L1 - This button is used to look at your inventory. L2 - This button does nothing in this game. R1 - This button is used to look at your MP techniques and to use them if you want. R2 - This button opens the status window. Start - This button is used to Pause the game. If you need to look at your Technique level, you can click on here and go to Technique. You can pause it to look at your stats, or how far you are from gaining a new level. You can pause it and the game will completely stop. Select - This button does nothing in this game. Control Stick 1 - You can move with this control. If you need to get somewhere like if you need a side-quest done, you can move with this control. Control Stick 2 - This control does nothing in this game. ~Controls for Xbox~ ---Main Lobby--- A - Talk to someone with this button. Walk up to someone and hit X to talk to them. B - Jump. Jump into the portal to get to the Outside Gate, or just jump up some stairs. X - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. Y - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. L - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. R - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. Select - This button does nothing in this game. Start - This button is used to Pause the game. If you need to look at your Technique level, you can click on here and go to Technique. You can pause it to look at your stats, or how far you are from gaining a new level. You can pause it and the game will completely stop. Control Stick 1 - You can move with this control. If you need to get somewhere like if you need a side-quest done, you can move with this control. Control Stick 2 - This control does nothing in this game. ---Outside World--- A - You can attack with this button. Pressing A rapidly is how you keep attacking. You can attack rocks that are in your way, or boxes. You can attack guns that try to attack you, and you can attack other Digimon of course. If you press X next to a map, you get the map. If you press X on top of an item, you pick up the item. B - You use this button to jump. If you ever need to jump over some barrels, here is your button. Jump over a lot of stuff. X - This button is used for shielding. If you are about to get hit, hit this button and a magic shield will surround you for a second. Y - This button is used for if you are about to die. Hit this button, and depending if you have an item in your inventory, it will automatically use the best heal item you have and you will be healed. L - This button is used to look at your inventory. R - This button is used to look at your MP techniques and to use them if you want. Start - This button is used to Pause the game. If you need to look at your Technique level, you can click on here and go to Technique. You can pause it to look at your stats, or how far you are from gaining a new level. You can pause it and the game will completely stop. Select - This button does nothing in this game. Control Stick 1 - You can move with this control. If you need to get somewhere like if you need a side-quest done, you can move with this control. Control Stick 2 - This control does nothing in this game. ~Controls for GC~ ---Main Lobby--- A - Talk to someone with this button. Walk up to someone and hit X to talk to them. X - Jump. Jump into the portal to get to the Outside Gate, or just jump up some stairs. B - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. Y - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. L - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. R - This button does nothing here. But if you go into the Outside World you can use it. Start - This button is used to Pause the game. If you need to look at your Technique level, you can click on here and go to Technique. You can pause it to look at your stats, or how far you are from gaining a new level. You can pause it and the game will completely stop. Control Stick - You can move with this control. If you need to get somewhere like if you need a side-quest done, you can move with this control. ---Outside World--- A - You can attack with this button. Pressing A rapidly is how you keep attacking. You can attack rocks that are in your way, or boxes. You can attack guns that try to attack you, and you can attack other Digimon of course. If you press X next to a map, you get the map. If you press X on top of an item, you pick up the item. X - You use this button to jump. If you ever need to jump over some barrels, here is your button. Jump over a lot of stuff. B - This button is used for shielding. If you are about to get hit, hit this button and a magic shield will surround you for a second. Y - This button is used for if you are about to die. Hit this button, and depending if you have an item in your inventory, it will automatically use the best heal item you have and you will be healed. L - This button is used to look at your inventory. R - This button is used to look at your MP techniques and to use them if you want. Start - This button is used to Pause the game. If you need to look at your Technique level, you can click on here and go to Technique. You can pause it to look at your stats, or how far you are from gaining a new level. You can pause it and the game will completely stop. Control Stick - You can move with this control. If you need to get somewhere like if you need a side-quest done, you can move with this control. Title Screen ------------ ---Game Start--- Press The X or A button to start the game. ---Options--- Set game options. Use the directional pad to select options. ---Dungeon Camera--- Change the dungeon camera perspective. "Near" will position the camera close to the character and "Far" will position the camera away to see the surrounding area. ---Light--- Switch the brightness of the game screen. "Soft" is normal brightness and "Hard" will create darker shadows. Calling a digimon ----------------- If you have saved Digimon from a previous game, select "Call Digimon". Select the memory unit or hard disk, then select which data to call. To the Digital World -------------------- Once the Digimon have been prepared, press the START button to log into the Digital World! Reading the screen ------------------ Press the Left trigger to open /close Item Window. Press the Right trigger to open /close MP Techniques Window. Press the Black button to open /close Status Effects Window. Slam Attack ----------- While guarding, swiftly double tap the right thumbstick in the same direction. You will be able to push away enemies by crashing into them, so use this attack when enemies try to surround you. Emergency Recovery ------------------ Press triangle. A recovery technique that automatically uses the strongest Item to restore health. Spiral Attack ------------- Circle the left thumbstick 360 degrees and press the X button. Damage surrounding enemies by using a spiral attack. The attack is most effective on weak enemies. MP Techniques and Items ----------------------- MP Techniques are powerful techniques that use the Digimon's magic power. You will not be able to perform the technique unless you have the corresponding number of MP units for he attack. ---Steps to use MP Techniques--- 1. Press the Right trigger to open the MP Technique Window. 2. Press the directional pad up or down to select the MP Technique you wish to use. 3. Press X to perform the MP Technique. There are many varieties of MP Techniques such as attacks and recoveries. ---Using Items--- Steps to use Items: 1. Press the Left trigger to open the Item Window. 2. Press the directional pad up or down to select the Item you wish to use. 3. Press the X button to use the item. ~Terminal Area~ Transport methods: Passageways ----------- Use the passageway to go to another area. When changing areas, a message will appear, select "Go to destination" and press the X button. Gate Circle ----------- To go to the Commander Room or other servers, use the "Gate to Commander Room: or "Gate to Outside Worlds" portals. When you stand in the gate, a message will appear, so select "Go to destination and press the X button. Heal Circle ----------- When you step inside, HP and /or MP will automatically recover. Call a Digimon -------------- Invite another player to join you. Commander Room -------------- This is where you'll find the D.S.G. Commander Ophanimon. and where you'll be informed of your missions. The Digi-Elves in the Commander Room will explain the mechanics of the home server and game system. Emergency gate -------------- When you use the Gate Disk at the Security Hole, you will return here. At this time, since the Security Gate and Emergency gate are connected, you will be able to continue the game from the Security Hole just once. Connection the the Emergency Gate will not be saved, so beware. Home Server Stuff ----------------- Save Keeper ----------- Save Here. Card Keeper ----------- Open Booster Packs to collect cards. X Data Keeper ------------- Use X Data obtained on the field to power up. Bank Keeper ----------- Store Items and BITS. Digi Lab Attendant ------------------ Exchange weapons or Digivolve. Appraiser --------- Get items found on the field appraised. Weapon Shop ----------- Buy WUs to put into weapon slot. Armor shop ---------- Buy Boards to attach to the PC armor. Chip Shop --------- Buy Chips to strengthen weapons /armor. Disk Shop --------- Buy Disks to recover HP and MP. Junk Shop --------- Run by Metal Etemon. ---Emergency Gate Circle--- When using the Gate disk at the Security Hole, you can go back one time to the original location. Commander Room Gate Circle -------------------------- Go to the Commander Room from here and listen to Opharimon's instructions. ---Gate Circle--- Make your way to the battle field from here. ---Start Point--- Transfer point from other servers. It will appear here at the start of the game. ~Central Area~ DigiLab Attendant ----------------- Talk to the Digi Lab Attendant to Digivolve or change your equipment. Digivolve Digimon ----------------- If you have learned Digivolve Techniques, a Digimon list will appear. Select the Digimon you wish to Digivolve to and press the X button to confirm. You will not be able to Digivolve unless you have learned Digivolve Techniques. When you Digivolve, your specs will change and you Armor Units will be detached from the Armor Units will be detached from the Armor Slot and Sub Slots. Your Weapon Units will be reset and the most powerful weapon that can be equipped with your new form will be equipped. Once you are done Digivolving, check the status screen to adjust your equipment. Remove Equipment ---------------- Remove Weapon Units from the Weapon Slot and place them back into the Devise Folder. Once you are done customizing your Digimon, exit the Digi Lab and select "Initiate Digimon Change" from the menu. This will activate your changes and return you to the Central Area. Exchange Weapon Untit (WU) -------------------------- Chose and configure your WUs. Equip Weapon Unit ----------------- Select the Weapon Slot you wish to equip, and then choose the desired Weapon Unit. If there is an existing WU in that slot, it will be replaced with the new one. Edit Slot --------- Equip Weapon Units or Armor Boards with Mods to improve your performance. Appraiser --------- If you have Items marked with the symbols "????????," talk to the Appraiser. Select the unknown item and pay the required BITS to find out what the item is. Bank Keeper ----------- If your inventory is full, you will not be able to pick up any new Items! Deposit BITS and Items in the bank to prevent this from happening. Anything you deposit at one bank can be retrieved at any other bank. ---Deposit--- First select if you want to deposit an Item or BITS. Select the Items or how much to deposit and press the X button. ---Withdraw--- First select if you want to withdraw an Item or BITS. Select the Items or how much to withdraw and press the X button. X Data Keeper ------------- Sometimes you will obtain the mysterious X Data. You can use this to increase the power of your Digimon or your Chips. ---Increase Digimon Parameters--- Select which parameter you wish to increase. The amount of X Data needed is different for each parameter. ---Increase Ability Chip Parameters--- Select the Ability Chip you wish to strengthen. The amount of X Data needed is different for each parameter. Note: There are some Chips that cannot be strengthened! Save Keeper ----------- ---Save Game Data--- Select whether to use the PS2 Memory Unit or Hard Disk. Select an area to save game data. If you save to an area where data already exists, the previous file will be overwritten, so beware. Saves are done separately for each Digimon. If Digimon World 4 data does not exist, it will be necessary to create a game file. This software corresponds to the PS2 Memory Unit and Hard Disk. To save, over 12 blocks of space is necessary. Card Keeper ----------- You may occasionally find Booster Packs in the Outside Server. Booster Packs contain Digimon cards that you can collect. The card Keeper will let you open Booster Packs or view which cards you already have. View Booster Packs ------------------ Open the Booster Packs you have collected and view your collection. View Album ---------- View all collected cards. ~Shop Areas~ In this area you'll find many different shops in which to spend the BITS you collect during your adventures. Armor Shop ---------- Armor Boards, which strengthen Digimon abilities, can be purchased here. There are two types of armor: one type equips onto the Armor Slot, and the other equips onto the Sub Slot. Make sure you purchase items accordingly. Depending on the Armor Board type, different abilities can be strengthened. Disk Shop --------- HPP Disks and Gate Disks are sold here. Each type is important so if you have enough BITS to buy them, it may be a good idea to keep a few in stock. You should have at least one Gate Disk so you can return to the home server in an emergency. Weapon Shop ----------- Buy Weapon Units here, based on your Digimon's skills. There are Items which you cannot equip if your Digimon's skill level is too low for that type of weapon. Chip Shop --------- You can buy and sell Bhips that strengthen Digimon abilities here. Chips can only be equipped to weapons units and Armor Boards with Mods. They can have major effects on your stats, so if you obtain an Item with Mods, be sure to equip it with Chips. Junk Shop --------- Managed by MetalEtemon, this shop offers special and handmade Items in addition to its regular stock. You won't know what you'll receive, but you may acquire a rare Item! At the Junk Shop, you'll probably have to pay BITS several times to get an Item made. Using the Shop Area ------------------- A list of Items will be displayed; select the Item you wish to purchase. To sell Items in your possession, first select whether you would like to sell the Item from the Devise Folder or the Disk Folder. Then, select the Item you want to sell. Outside Server -------------- The adventure takes place in the Outside Server. Here you will encounter and battle carious enemies, and obtain items and BITS. Rules in the Outside Server --------------------------- The Outsdie Server is separated into different areas, and it will be necessary to clear them in order. Defeat the enemy Digimon that you come across in order to progress further in the game. Beat the last boss to clear the stage! If you would like to return to the home server during the journey, use a Gate Disk. Stage Gimmicks -------------- ---Treasure Boxes--- Attack and destroy the treasure boxes to obtain Items and BITS. ---Shrubs /Rocks--- Attack and destroy shrubs and rocks. Destroy them in one blow by using charge attack. ---Gimmicks to Move Forward--- There are some gimmicks where you must meet certain conditions in order to move forward. ---Id /Keys--- There are some door switches that require IDs or Keys. Defeat the area boss to obtain an ID or a Key. ---Doors /Bridges--- If you defeat all the enemies in an area, there are places where doors or bridges may appear. If you cannot move forward, look around for switches and make sure all enemies have been defeated. When HP Reaches 0 ----------------- ---Single Player--- When all Digimon's HP reaches 0, you will return to the home server and leave a Back-Up Chip at your last location. All BITS you hold will disappear and your EXP will decrease. If you re-enter the outside server and use a Raise Disk or use the MP Technique "Raise" on the Back-Up Chip, you will be able to recover all your BITS and some EXP. You can only leave behind one Back-UP Chip, so if you are defeated before recovering it, you will lose the BITS and EXP it contained. ---Multi-Player--- In multi player mode, any other Digimon left standing can use a Taise Disk to restore a player with 0 HP. If no one has a Raise Disk, then the remaining BITS and EXP rules apply as described above. Status Screen ------------- Press START button to look at status screen. -Player name and level -Digimon name -Current HP /Max HP -When HP Reaches 0, you will be returned to Home Server. -Current MP /Max MP -Digimon Ability Values -BITS in possession -EXP points necessary to advance to the next level Ability Values -------------- ---Strength--- Increases damage when using Weapon Units. ---Defense--- Decreases damage from enemy Weapon Units. ---Wisdom--- Increases MP Technique effects. ---Spirit--- Increases accuracy of Weapon Units and increases ability to evade enemy. ---Fire Resist--- Decreases damage from Fire related attacks. ---Ice Resist--- Decreases damage from Ice related attacks. ---Wind Resist--- Decreases damage from Lighting related attacks. ---Dark Resist--- Decreases damage from Lightning related attacks. ---X Data--- Amount of X Data in possession. ~Equipment Window~ In these sections, you can view your current skill levels in various techniques. Equipment --------- ---Weapon Slot--- Chose your active Weapon Unit among your three weapons or change which Chips are inserted into the Mods. To change to a weapon not already in one of your Weapon Slots, you must go to the Digi Lab in the Central Area. ---Armor Slot--- Equip Armor Boards here. You will also be able to change the Chips that are inserted into the Armor Boards. ---Sub Slot--- Equip V Armor Boards and change Chips here. Techniques ---------- ---Digivolve Technique--- Check the Digivolve Techniques you have learned. You will also be able to view which skills each Digimon excels at, as well its MP Techniques. An up-arrow indicates a skill the Digimon excels at, and a down-arrow indicates a skill the Digimon is not good at. ---Technique--- Check the level of Skills you have, to make sure you can use certain Weapon Units. ---MP Techniques--- Check which MP Techniques you have learned. Folder ------ ---Devise Folder--- This is your Weapon Unit, Armor Board, and Ability Chip inventory. ---Key Folder--- Items necessary for certain events are stored here. You cannot give them away or break them. ---Disk Folder--- This folder stores Disk Items, Booster Packs, and Key Chains. You can break an Item to get rid of it, or give an Item to another player. ---BITS Folder--- The BITS you collect are stored in this folder. You may give another player BITS through the BITS Folder window. ---Items list--- Weapon Unit (WU) ---------------- ---Blunt Axe--- A starter ax used by Digimon with blunt combat skill. Slash Sword--- A starter sword used by Digimon that excel at slashing skills. Stab Dagger--- A starter sword best used by Digimon with stabbing skill. Bash Katana--- A starter katana to equip Digimon with bashing skills. Ability Chips ------------- ---Assult Ram--- Critical rate goes up. ---Dread Ram--- Converts damage to MP ---Drain Ram--- Converts Damage to HP ---Power Medal--- Fire, ice, thunder, darkness; increases strength ---Speed Chip--- Increases Speed. ---Spirit Chip--- Increases Spirit. ---Wisdom Chip--- Increases Wisdom. Armor Board ----------- ---Element Core--- For the Main Slot; reduces damage. ---Armor Board--- For the Sub Slot; increases protection. Disks ----- ---HP Disk--- Recovers HP ---MP Disk--- Recovers MP ---Gate Disk--- Return to the Home Server ---Raise Disk--- When used on a Back UP Chip, you will be able to recover lost BITS and EXP. ---Basic Battle System--- Digimon World 4 has a different battle system than Digimon World X even though they are a lot alike. But that doesn't really matter. NOTE: Make sure you bring HP and MP disks to make sure you don't die because it is a big deal and you might want to gain some tech levels. NOTE: Remember usually always that whenever you are leaving a certain dungeon or something with a gate disk, that all the monsters will be reset, but the traps will stay. The trap can be reset if you died or something then returned to that place to meet the trap. NOTE: Always bring at least 1 raise disk and gate disk when you exit the Main Lobby. I recommend you bring at least 2 or pick up another one if you use one. If you are going to a hard dungeon, bring at least 3 or 4. Just incase you are in an area where you might die use the gate disk. If you die you can use the raise disk on your back up chip. NOTE: Run away from gang battles unless you want to die and meet Reepermon. (Except for Goburimon Fortress, that's a special occasion) But instead of dying and expecting Game Over you won't. There isn't a game over in this game. Instead of that you will be returned to the Home Server with all of your money lost. (but at what cost... what cost!?!?!) NOTE: If this were a game where you could fight the other player (and its not) and you were level 20 and he was level 30, you could win. This game has no RPG taking turns crud in it. All you need is skill to beat your enemies. ~Sub Slot~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of boa | Level needed | Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Achilles Board | 1 | Increases HP. | | Atlas Board | 1 | Increases MP. | | Meteor Board | 1 | | | Fire Board | 1 | Increases Fire Defence. | | Ice Board | 1 | Increses Ice Defece. | | Bolt Board | 1 | Increases Electric Defence. | | Dark Board | 1 | Increases Dark Defece. | | Armor Board | 1 | Increases Defence. | | Beast Board | 1 | Increases Strength. | | Rock Board | 1 | | | EXP Board | 1 | Gives more EXP after | | killing a monster. BITS Board | 1 | | | Mana Board | 1 | | | Resist Board | 1 | | | Filter Board | 1 | Prevents Being hurt while | | in poisonous water. Tails of Chaos | 93 | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chips ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name of chip | Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wisdom Chip | Increases Wisdom. | Spirit Chip | Increases Spirit. | Speed Chip | Increses Speed. | Fire Power Medal | Increases attack and gives some fire when | you fight. Ice Power Medal | Increases attack and gives some ice when | you fight. Electric Power Medal | Increases attack and gives some | electricity when you fight. Dark Power Medal | Increases attack and gives some dark- | mysterious attack when you fight. Drain RAM | Steals some HP when fighting. | Dream RAM | Steals some MP when fighting. | Assualt RAM | Increases attack ratio. | Resist ROM Fire | Increases Fire Resist. | Resist ROM Ice | Increases Ice Resist. | Resist ROM Lightning | Increases Lightning Resist. | Resist ROM Dark | Increases Darkness Resistance. | Defence ROM | Perminantely increases defense. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================= 6 Boss Strategies ================= ---Blossomon--- This is your first boss. Since you are really weak try staying away from him and using your MP Techniques. When he falls to the ground, do not attack him. The shot would be wasted and go through him. Make sure to bring plenty of MP disks and HP disks. ---Mammothmon--- This is the second boss of the game. Use the same strategies for Blossomon. Be careful of when he charges at you. He hits very hard. He can blow out ice from his trunk, so be careful when you get near him. ---Mecha Rouge--- Depending on your level, this boss will be really easy, or not. If you are about level 7 or 8, this boss will be a piece of cake. Right when you get to him, start pounding at him right away with your melee attacks. He will soon be beaten. I know for a fact you wont't need to watch your health AT ALL. If he starts flying really fast, you can't get him so do not start chasing him. If you are under level 7 do the same thing, but you might need to watch your health. ---Apokarimon--- The first couple of times I tried fighting this boss, I died a lot because I did not know what to do. The fourth time I tried this, it went by really fast. All you have to do is destroy those spike balls surrounded by him. Be careful when he throws out balls of fire. Do not step on anything that has strange lights on it. Once you destroy the spike balls, jump up to him and pound him hard. If he pounds his fist into the ground, dodge them, because they hurt you badly. ---Skull Greymon--- On this fight he will blow missiles that follow you. They go kind of slow, so its easy to block. If they hit you, it will hurt a lot since they go so slow. Just attack him until he shoots the missile, then block since you can't attack him while he is shooting. You can attack him since he doesn't really defend himself. ---Scorpiomon--- This fight might be a little hard. Don't go and try attacking him, because he shoots little balls of fire next to him. Just keep using your magic. Hit him constantly and he can't attack you. If you miss a shot, he will summon some lighting which will strike you even if you run. So keep using your magic and you will be fine. ---MaloMyotismon--- He will fly around and attack you from there, but you can't attack him until he gets to the ground. So run around in circles to dodge his attacks and wait until he comes down. Attack him until he goes back up flying. Keep repeating this and you will beat him. When he lands, you need to jump over the vibration because it hurts you. When he is on the ground he will attack you for a few seconds then stand still. That is when you attack him. Remember to use Petty Pwr Down if you have it, Petty Bind would keep him from flying. Hope you win! ---Shogun Gekomon--- This guy is easy and I have a strategy for you that I use every time I do the side-quest when you battle him. Ok he puts you to sleep often so be careful. Once you start walk up to him and start attacking him right away. After you are done he will jump down and send vibration that will hurt you. After that he will sleep for about 5 seconds. Now is your time to use Heal Lt. and after charge your attack. When he gets up he will sing and make you fall asleep and attack you. That's why you charge. When he starts singing for about a second, let go of your charge. You will hit him and he will get up. Then you start attacking him again until he sends those vibration waves at you again. Keep repeating this and you will defeat him. ---Mecha Rouges--- You would think this will be a new fight when you enter the door. It is but you are fighting 3 of the same Mecha Rouges. Each one is harder than before so get a friend to help you out on this part. There is a security portal somewhere near here which you can grab a friend to revive you if you die. Go take them all down by pounding on them and healing when you need to. If you thought the last one was the only Mecha Rouge, you are wrong. These are the main boss in this game and you will learn more about them at the end of the game. ---Diaboromon--- Here it is. One of the weirdest kind of bosses. Be careful when fighting him because if you don't watch your health he can be a pain and kill you with a lot of pain. He has very long arms that he attacks you with and he blows fire at you which is very painful and deadly if you don't be careful. These attacks can kill you in two seconds and that is why you should watch your health. Attack him when he isn't looking and hit him hard constantly and you will win. Good Luck! ---Lucemon--- This boss is a little different from the rest. For this boss digimon you can't just go up to it to attack it. First you must destroy the sphere that it is holding. Watch out for it's claw attack from it's feet and it's poison breath. Just keep hitting the sphere until it is destroyed and then attack as much as you can. You will have to repeat this about 3 times to defeat it. While you are still trying to destroy the sphere it will frequently fly away and then fly across the stage and leave bombs in it's trail that explode with very wide range, so watch out for those too. As the boss's remaining life become weaker it's strength will become stronger. ~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~ Here are some boss strategies from GamemazterZ. ~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~/\=+=/\~ A. Blossomon(Humid Cave)HP- 250-350 Type- Grass Weakness- Fire Recommended Attacks- Long distance Attacks: 1.Flower Slash-She just slashes at you with her claws. 2.Flower Spin-She spins and causes some damage! I thought Blossomon was hard the first time I faced her. She is the first boss and I felt kind of nervous facing her, but come on she's a flower. What I did is I kept using the charge attack and that did some decent damage. There are a lot of different ways to beat her. I was playing multi player with my friend and he was using the shot pistol which work really good so I suggest using the shot pistol method. She does this spin attack after she goes into her (bad mood) which I like to call it so keep using your MP attacks on her or the shot pistol and she'll be done in no time. B.Mammothmon(Abyss of Grief)HP- 300-350 Type- Ice Weakness- Fire Recommended Attacks- Long Distance Attacks: 1.Heavy Ram-He charges at you 2.Icey Breath-He breaths ice at you This boss is twice as hard as Blossomon. He does a lot more damage than Blossomon. He has two attacks his charge attack were he runs from one side of the room to the other side. His second attack is his icy breath. After he hits the wall he uses this move. My suggestions are to attack him with long ranged attacks. You can use some melee attacks also but beware you most likely will be attacked. Use your melee attacks after he runs into the wall. And bye,bye Mammothmon. C.Mecha Rogue(X Digimon Lab)HP-350-400 Type-??? Weakness-??? Recommended Attacks-Melee(close attacks) Attacks: 1.Power Ray-A powerful beam attack 2.Quick Strike-A quick effective swipe 3.Aerial Beating-An aerial attack where he attacks you while he is flying Mecha Rogue is not so easy. The thing that annoys me is when he starts to fly. You have to attack him when he is walking around, but be aware he likes to stab and shoot beams at you. Just attack him with melee attacks run, heal and do it all over again. D. Apokarimon(Doom Base)HP-400-450 Type- Dark Weakness- Anything Really Recommended Attacks- Melee Attacks: 1.Blizzard Blast-A icy breath that knocks you back 2.Fireball Shower-An attack where big fiery balls fall on top of you. 3.Shadow Ground Wave-A wave of darkness that is Apokarimon's most powerful and annoying attack. Apokarimon can be very difficult if you don't know how to defeat him. He can do some pretty high damage with his attacks. How you defeat him is the trick. You see those spike balls that surround the platform? Just keep hitting those until you've destroyed all of them. If you don't, every time you go onto the platform you will receive damage. Just hit him with your melee attacks until he is defeated. E.SkullGreymon(Sand Labyrinth)HP-500 Type- Dark/Fire Weakness-Dark Recommended Attacks- Melee Attacks: 1.Shadow Missles-Shoots following missiles. 2.Fire Breath-a fiery breath attack. SkullGreymon is not as difficult as you think. All you have to do is keep attacking him with your melee attacks and he shouldn't give you any problems. F. Scorpiomon(Ancient Ruins)HP-550-600 Type-Lightning Weakness-??? Recommended Attacks-Melee Attacks: 1.Thunder Bolt-Shoots a bolt of lightning at you 2.Tail Swipe-Swings his tail at you Scorpiomon is a very easy boss to defeat. He has some pretty powerful attacks. Keep attacking him with close ranged attacks and he is done with. G.MaloMyotismon(Virus Lab)HP-700 Type-Dark/Lightning Weakness-Dark Recommended Attacks-Melee/Long Distance Attacks: 1.Lightning Strike-he shoots little bolts of lightning at you 2.Darklight Beam-Shoots two beams in two different directions I suggest you use my technique to defeat MaloMyotismon. What I did was kept jumping around the room to avoid the lightning attack then when he landed and did the ground wave thing I just ran to the farthest corner. Then he does this vicious move when he sends out two big beams that can do some pretty harsh damage. It is very hard to dodge but, you have to get in between the two beams it gave me some problems but no worries. After he does that go up to him and show him who is boss by using melee attacks. H.ShogunGekomon(Geko Path)HP-800 Type-Water Weakness-Lightning Recommended Attacks- Melee/Distance Attacks: 1.Horn of Snooze-a wave that puts you to sleep ShogunGekomon is very annoying. Not hard but annoying. He just walks around and then he uses his horn to put you asleep. You cannot wake up until he attacks you which can be kind of frustrating. Just attack him when you can and don't worry his attacks don't do that much damage. Keep attacking and healing and never forget to WATCH YOUR HEALTH. I. Mecha Rogue 4(Vine Tunnel)Same as Mecha rogue Now this is an exciting battle. It can be tough though. Do you remember Mecha Rogue? Well he is back with three of his clones. Don't worry they are not that hard to defeat. Just watch out because a bunch of Mecha Rogues flying around the room is no laughing matter. This battle you need to watch your health. Just use your melee attacks and Mecha Rogue 4 will be done with. J. Diaboromon(Vein)HP:900 Type- Dark/Water Weakness-Dark/Lightning Recommended Attacks-Melee Attacks: 1.Dark Swipe-he hits you with his long arms Diaboromon isn't that hard to defeat, but he can do some damage. Watch out for those long skinny arms of his and keep using melee attacks on him and Diaboromon is defeated. K. Lucemon(Dread Note)HP:950 Type-Dark Weakness-Dark Recommended Attacks-Melee Attacks: 1.Bomb Drop-he drops bombs across the whole room 2.Darkness Spray-he shoots purple stuff at you I was really confused when I faced him. I didn't know how to beat him, but I soon found out how. The way you beat Lucemon is to attack the rock that he is carrying. Once you destroy it you can attack him. This is a long battle. The rock will keep coming back. He can also do some heavy damage on you. He does this move where he drops bombs on you just avoid those. Then when you are close to him he will shoot out this purple stuff and it can hurt you so just watch your health. Keep destroying the rock and attacking Lucemon and he will be gone. L. LordKnightmon(Electric Mine)HP:1000 Type:Dark Weakness:Dark Recommended Attacks:Melee Atacks: 1.Aerial Attack- attacks you airborne 2.Poison Trail- leaves a poisonous trail behind him LordKnightmon is a difficult boss to fight. First of all he can poison you which to me is the most annoying thing in this game. Then he is flying around the room. Just make sure you are carrying some cure disks so you can heal yourself from the poison. Attack LordKnightmon with your close combat attacks and LordKnightmon will be done with. M. Mecha Rogue 5(Mecha Nest)HP:1050 Type:Dark Weakness:Dark Recommended Attacks:Melee/Distance Attacks: 1.Doom Sheild- a shield that protects him 2.Slash Wave- a deadly ground wave This is just Mecha Rogue but more powerful. You need to watch out for his slash wave attack and just hit him with your weapon. He also uses this shield that protects him from your attacks. He will be done with after a few round of your attacks. N. Mecha Rogue X Form 1(Black Core)HP:1100 Type:Dark Weakness:Dark Recommended Attacks:Melee Attacks: 1.Strong Slash- a strong slash 2.Meteor Spin- an attack where he looks like a meteor than explodes This is the 2nd hardest form of Mecha Rogue X to me. He is not hard to hit but, he is very frustrating. You will see him disappear to a pillar on the sides. Then there will be Mecha Rogues there and if they get into the purple portal they will get stronger and harder to beat. If you beat the Mecha Rogue X f1 and there are the Mecha Rogues on the field he can take over there bodies so before you beat up on Mecha Rogue X (the blue guy) defeat the gray Mecha Rogues. O. Mecha Rogue X Form 2(Black Core)HP:1300 Type:Grass/Dark Recommended Attacks:Distance/Melee Attacks: 1.Poison Ring- a ring that will poison you 2.Stuck Beam- a beam that stops you from moving 3.Drill Spin- drills that spin and attack you after you are stuck Now this guy is just plain ugly. I have no idea what it is. But he is very tough. You have to attack him until he has purple rings around him then run to the edge of the platform. Then he will send out little drills that can make you become stuck which will keep you from moving. Then the drills will attack you. The only thing that annoyed me was when he poisons you. When he has the purple rings around him run. Just watch out for the drill and the purple rings and attack him when you can. In this battle blocking is helpful. Block when he sends out the little drills. P. Mecha Rogue X Form 3(Black Core)HP:2000 Type:Dark/Lightning/Fire Weakness:Dark Recommended Attacks:Distance/Melee Attacks 1.Fire Wave- a huge wave of fire 2.Beam Wave- a huge wave 3.Shadow Balls- little balls that attack you 4.Whip Attack- a whip attack I found Mecha Rogue X form 3 to be very hard. He has a handful of attacks and they do a lot of damage. What I did was stayed close to him attacked when I could then I healed when it was needed. You will need to heal a lot in this battle. Just stay close, attack his stomach and block. After you defeated him congratulations you have beat the game. Enjoy the really cool credits and good luck in hard mode! =========================== 7 Side-quests (Normal Mode) =========================== 7.1 How to unlock ----------------- ---Barbarian Cave--- Talk to Digi-Elf. ---Summoning of Gekomon--- Talk to Digi-Elf a few times. ---Legendary Collosium--- Talk to Digi-Elf a few times and activate switch in Grief WasteLand. ---Undead Yard--- Get two digivolutions and talk to the Digi-Elf. ---Seal the Souls--- Defeat the Last boss in Dry Land. ---Card Retreive--- Collect 25 different kinds of cards. ---Item Retreive--- Talk to a different Digi-Elf to do a side-quest, then talk to this one. ---Item Road--- Beat the game once. ---Trading Hall--- Trade with Prince Mamemon 5 times. ---Final Quest--- Complete all other side-quests. 7.2 Where the Digi-Elves are ---------------------------- ---Barbarian Cave--- Go up the stairs in Terminal Area. Turn left and there will be four Digi-Elves. Talk to the one on the lower-left. ---Summoning of Gekomon--- The Digi-Elf is across from the Armor Shop. ---Legendary Collusium--- The Digi-Elf is across from the Data Keeper. ---Undead Yard--- Go up the stairs in Terminal Area. Turn left and there will be four Digi-Elves. Talk to the one on the upper-left. ---Seal the Souls--- Go up the stairs in Terminal Area. Turn left and there will be four Digi-Elves. Talk to the one on the lower-right. ---Card Retreive--- Go up the stairs in Terminal Area. Turn left and there will be four Digi-Elves. Talk to the one on the upper-right. ---Item Retreive--- The Digi-Elf is across from the Card Keeper. ---Item Road--- The Digi-Elf is across from the Card Keeper. ---Trading Hall--- Talk to Prince Mamemon who is across from the Bank Keeper in the Central Area. ---Final Quests--- The Digi-Elf is across from the Card Keeper. 7.3 What to do -------------- ---Barbarian Cave--- Get passed all the Digimon and defeat Mamothmon. ---Summoning of Gekomon--- Destroy all the Digimon before the time runs out.(You need to do this 3 times) ---Legendary Collusium--- Get Past all the Digimon until you get to the end.(You need to do this 3 times) ---Undead Yard--- Defeat all 279 Digimon before the time runs out. ---Seal the Souls--- Put figure on table and escape in 15 minutes. ---Card Retreive--- Get to the end and defeat the boss without healing. ---Item Retreive--- (I forgot and I will try it to remember) ---Item Road--- Get to the end while getting chests that you come across. ---Final Quest--- Do not know yet 7.4 Tips -------- ---Item Road--- This mission is a lot like all the different one's. You know what to do. It is not a problem. Don't worry about the chests though. They won't affect anything, they are just there for the fun of it. This is going to be straight forward. All you need to do is to beat the boss. To activate this quest, go to the area where you open Booster packs, and go up. There will be a lot of Digi-Elves there but you need to talk to one of the ones directly north of the Card Keeper. Go back to the Terminal Area and into the portal. You will notice that nothing has changed and that it will say the four stages; Death Valley, Dry Land, Venom Jungle, and Machine Pit. Enter Machine Pit anyway and instead of just Elec. Mine and Mecha Nest, there will be Item Road. Have fun getting your digivolution. In the "How to activate" section it will tell you that you need to beat the game at least once to activate this side-quest. ---Undead Yard--- If you just bought the game a week ago, this is it. The time when you will gain a new character. This is every beginners goal. If you want it fast, you will get it fast. You can do this as fast as possible. I have two solutions for you. First you can get a friend, and both of you as about level 25, now is the time for you to do it. If you have no friends who like Digimon, the next solution is for you to get to level 32 or so and try it 1P mode. Look at the Tips section for areas to train. You will fight 279 Monsters in normal mode, and 302 monsters in hard mode. If you want the digivolution, you will have to kill all 279 monsters in 30 minutes. It is easier than you think. You will need to find 3 hidden doors to find all the Digimon. the first door is a little north east of the starting place. It is in a three-way crossing. attack the door to make it a four-way crossing. Go in and kill some bat dudes. The other door is next to the electric floors. It is just a little north (Like 2 feet away) of the last electric floor. The third one is on the second floor. On the end of the first floor you should have 156 monsters defeated. If you need help, look at the end of the FAQ list and it will show KuasanagiBlade's maps of Undead Yard map 1 and Undead Yard map 2. After getting to the second floor, you will fight scorpions for a while. You will be taken to an area where you can drop down. Don't go down there, just keep going down the path. You will find more scorpions. After killing them, go back to the first area where you fought those scorpions. After killing the third wave of scorpions, go down the area where you can drop down. You will be taken to a new area with the portal. Don't go in the portal because you didn't kill all the monsters yet. Go past the portal and you will find the third hidden door. It will lead you to a spawning tower. If you want to win, don't attack it. Go down to fight a wave of Mummymon and after killing them you will probably be exited. Not much longer until 279 guys. Go down to fight more scorpions and after killing them all you should have 276 monsters down. Go down the area and You will fight a Pharoamon! (You will fight 3 of them and will probably take 1 minute for each of them unless you get lucky) After killing all 3 Pharoamon, you will have 279 monsters. Go back a little until you see a turning. There will be a wall that takes you back to the Terminal Area. (See KuasanagiBlade's maps to figure out where the wall is) Congratulations! You have got a new digivolution. (See digivolution guide for info on your digimon) Don't worry if your time remaining isn't that large because the time stops after you defeat all 279 monsters. If you have one second left you won't lose. Have fun will your new digivolution. ---Undead Yard - Normal Mode--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For this side quest try to be at level 20-30. Now when you enter move forward and go to the right to a room where you will face 15 Mummymons. Do not use a weapon with a Fire Power metal mod equipped as when they get burned and they attack you it will do about double the damage of their normal attack. Now when you're done go back to the left because if you go up then you will encounter a locked door. Keep going left and then you will turn, go up and then face another 15 set of mummies. Then go to the right to kill 15 more mummies and then the door on the south will open. Do not go there for it will take you back to the first room where you faced your first Mummymons in the side-quest. Now go up and you will turn twice but will still be going up. When you come to a t-junction there will be a hidden door to your right. Destroy it and go in to kill 20 of those little stingray guys. Go back out and then go up. Kill all the 15 mummies and go back down to the t-junction and head to the left. You will see an Agumon but just keep going left to some more coffins then a room 20 Mummymons. When you kill them all and the door on the left of the room opens, don't go there. Instead go down and you will face another set of 20 Mummymons. Go to the left when you're done and you will see some electric flooring. Right after you go Past one and you are facing north, there is a hidden wall on your left. Destroy it and go on the path to another room with 20more of the stingray guys. After you are done go back to the entrance of the hidden door and go up. Kill the 15 Mummymon that spawn from the corner. Now go up again and you will come to another t-junction. Go right and go destroy the treasure chests to get items. You do not have to do this. Now go back to the t-junction and go up to a large room to kill 2 Minoturomons. When you are done you can go to the second floor but make sure you have killed exactly 156 enemies before doing so. In the second floor there are a total number of 123 enemies. Move forward and destroy the rock obstacle. Now you will go to an arena with 20 of the scorpion digimon. Kill them and go the left but don't jump little cliff yet. Keep going left to another arena with 30 more of the scorpion digimon. After you are done go back to the first arena to kill 10 more there. Next jump the little cliff. Go down to a machine that produces enemies and a Guilmon standing next to it. Do not destroy it. Keep going down to kill 30 Mummymons. Now go down more and you will come to the portal that takes you back, but don't go in it yet. Instead go to the middle of the southern wall and destroy it. Now you will come to yet another arena with 30 more of the scorpion Digimons. When you kill them all go to the left to kill 3 Pharoamon one at a time. When you are done killing the last Pharoamon a box will pop up saying "All monster have been destroyed, head back to Recieve your reward." Now do what it says and go back to the portal. Go in it and get back to the DGS base to Recieve your award from the digi-elf. ---Seal the Souls--- It should be pretty easy to get there if you don't run into any of those big digimon that use their long arms to attack you very fast. The main point is to get to the top. After you get to the top, you can go right and you will find a room with a blue table. If you are doing this on hard mode for the digivolution, just get a good weapon (About 1600 tech) and a strong digimon. If you are doing normal mode, you have 15 minutes to get out of here and then you will complete the side-quest. If you are doing hard mode, you will have 15 minutes, but if you really want the digivolution you need to do this in five minutes. After killing some digimon on your way at the beginning, you can get through pretty easy. At the very end you need to kill those guys with the long arms. They double team you, so make sure you have a strong weapon and be ready to heal a lot. If you kill them in less than 5 minutes and get out you just gained yourself a digivolution. If you are doing V. hard mode, I am not sure (I didn't put this in the digivolution faq because I'm not sure) I think to get the digivolution you need to sacrifice a Defence ROM delta instead of the strange figure. ---Item Trading--- There are items that you can get by doing this side-quest and here are some of them and how to get them. I hope this comes useful when you want a good item. This isn't all of them but I will find more. Strange Figurine => Main Agumon => Crusher A Crusher A => Top Right Agumon => Grand Blade B Grand Blade B => WereGarurumon => Beast Board A Beast Board A => Veemon => Astral Core A Astral Core A => Main Agumon => Omega Raptor A -------------------------------------------------- Strange Figurine => Main Guilmon => Victor Sword A Victor Sword A => WereGarurumon => Sword Break A Sword Break A => Main Agumon => Bolt Board A Bolt Board A => Dorumon => Soul Burn A Soul Burn A => PrinceMamemon => Meteor Force A -------------------------------------------------- Strange Figurine => Main Guilmon => Victor Sword A Victor Sword A => Top Left Guilmon => Mighty Talon B Mighty Talon B => Main Guilmon => Armor Board A Armor Board A => Top Right Agumon => Dragoon A Dragoon A => PrinceMamemon => Photon Edge A -------------------------------------------------- Strange Figurine => Main Guilmon => Victor Sword A Victor Sword A => Top Left Guilmon => Mighty Talon B Mighty Talon B => Main Guilmon => Armor Board A Armor Board A => Top Right Agumon => Dragoon A Dragoon A => WereGarurumon => Infinity A (More to come) ---Card Retreive--- Here the cards that you can get to activate this quest in order. 1. Agumon 2. Agumon(Action Pose) 3. Veemon 4. Veemon(Action Pose) 5. Guilmon 6. Guilmon(Action Pose) 7. Dorumon 8. Wargreymon 9. Weregarurumon 10. Alphamon 11. Beelzemon 12. Imperialdramon PM 13. Imperialdramon FM 14. BK Wargreymon 15. Gallantmon 16. Metalgarurumon 17. Susanomon 18. Apokarimon 19. MaloMyotismon 20. Lucemon 21. Goburimon 22. Kokatorimon 23. Numemon 24. Sukamon 25. Ogremon 26. Blossomon 27. Mammothmon 28. Arukenimon 29. Tyrannomon 30. Mummymon 31. Minotaurumon 32. Pharohmon 33. SkullGreymon 34. Scorpiomon 35. Tortomon 36. Otamamon 37. Gekomon 38. MarineDevimon 39. ShogunGekomon 40. Diaboromon 41. LordKnightmon 42. Imperialdramon 43. Infermon 44. Megadramon 45. Raremon 46. Leomon 47. MetalEtemon 48. Orphanimon 49. Seraphimon 50. Prince Mamemon (Special Thanx to GamemazterZ for this info) 7.5 Trading Hall Items ---------------------- ---Weapons you get by trading Strange Figurine--- Long Sword B - Trade with the Guilmon in the main hall Dyno Tooth B - Trade with Dorumon Battle Hawk B - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall Kamikiri Maru B - Trade with Veemon Beam Magnum B - Trade with the Agumon at the top right Mighty Talon B - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left ---Trade those items for--- 1- Beast Board a - Trade Long Sword B with the Agumon in the main hall 1- Ice Board a - Trade Long Sword B with Dorumon 1- Bone Blade a - Trade Long Sword B with the Guilmon at the top left 2- Dbl Rapier a - Trade Dyno Tooth B with the Agumon in the main hall 2- Atlas board a - Trade Dyno Tooth B with the Guilmon at the top left 2- Kamikiri Maru a - Trade Dyno Tooth B to Agumon at the top right 3- Meteor Board a - Trade Battle Hawk B with Veemon 3- Dbl axe a - Trade Battle Hawk B with the Guilmon in the main hall 3- Dyno Tooth a - Trade Battle Hawk B to the Agumon at the top right 4- Cipher Core B - Trade Kamikiri Maru B with Dorumon 4- Grand Blade a - Trade Kamikiri Maru B to the Agumon at the top right 4- Dark Board a - Trade Kamikiri Maru B to the Guilmon in the main hall 5- Element Core B - Trade Beam Magnum B with Veemon 5- Achilles Board a - Trade Beam Magnum B with the Guilmon at the top left 5- Bolt Board a - Trade Beam Magnum B to the Guilmon in the main hall 6- Armor Board a - Trade Mighty Talon B with the Agumon in the main hall 6- Fire Board a - Trade Mighty Talon B with Dorumon 6 Brave Core B - Trade Mighty Talon B with Veemon ---Other Weapons--- 1 - Kamuri Maru Y - Trade Strange Figurine to the Guilmon in the main hall to get Long Sword B - Trade with Dorumon to get Ice Board a - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Kamikiri Maru Y 2 - Grand Blade Y - Trade Strange Figurine with the Guilmon at the top left to get Mighty Talon B - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get Armor Board a - Trade Armor Board alpha to Veemon to get Grand Blade Y 3 - Rage Hammer a - Trade Strange Figurine with the Agumon in the main hall to get Battle Hawk B - Trade with Veemon to get Meteor Board a - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Rage Hammer a 4 - Kurogane Maru B - Trade Strange Figurine to the Agumon in the main hall to get Battle Hawk B - Next trade with the Agumon at the top right to get Dyno Tooth a - Trade with Veemon to get this weapon 5 - Mighty Talon Y - Trade Strange Figurine with the Guilmon at the top left to get Mighty Talon B - Trade with Dorumon to get Fire Board a - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left corner to get Mighty Talon Y 6 - Hook Katar a - Trade Strange Figurine with the Guilmon at the top left to get Mighty Talon B - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get Armor Board a - Trade Armor Board alpha with the Agumon at the top right to get Hook Katar a 7 - Battle Hawk Y - Trade Strange Figurine with the Agumon in the main hall to get Battle Hawk B - Trade with Veemon to get Meteor Board a - Trade with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Battle Hawk Y 8 - Van Blade B - Trade Strange Figurine with the Agumon at the top right to get Beam Magnum B - Trade with Guilmon at the top left to get Achilles Board a - Trade with Dorumon to get Van Blade B 9 - Long Sword Y - Trade Strange Figurine to the Agumon in the main hall to get Battle Hawk B - Trade with the Agumon at the top right to get Dyno Tooth a - Trade with Dorumon to get Long Sword Y 10 - Bone Blade a - Trade Strange Figurine to the Guilmon in the main hall to get Long Sword B - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Bone Blade a 11 - War Sword B - Trade Strange Figurine to the Guilmon at the top left to get Mighty Talon B - Trade with Veemon to get Brave Core B - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get War Sword B 12 - Dyno Tooth Y - Trade Strange Figurine with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Long Sword B - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get Beast Board a - Trade with Dorumon to get Dyno Tooth Y 13 - Red Moon B - Trade Strange Figurine to Dorumon to get Dyno Tooth B - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Atlas Board a - Trade with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Red Moon B 14 - Light Blade a - Trade Strange Figurine to Dorumon to get Dyno Tooth B - Trade with Agumon at the top right to get Kamikiri Maru a - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get Light Blade a 15 - Beam Magnum Y - Trade Strange Figurine to the Agumon at the top right to get Beam Magnum B - Then trade with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Bolt Board a - After, trade with Veemon to get the weapon Beam Magnum Y 16 - Sword Cannon a - Trade Strange Figurine to the Agumon at the top right to get Beam Magnum B - After, trade with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Bolt Board a - Then, trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Sword Cannon a ---Strong Weapons--- 1 - D Slayer Y - Trade Strange Figurine with Dorumon to get Dyno Tooth B - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Atlas Board a - Trade with the Agumon at the top right to get Dbl Axe Y - Trade Dbl Axe Y with the Agumon in the main hall to obtain D Slayer Y 2 - Victor Sword Y - Trade Strange Figurine with the Agumon at the top right to get Beam Magnum B - Next trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Achilles Board a - After, trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get this weapon Victor Sword Y 3 - Slasher a - Trade Strange Figurine with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Long Sword B - Trade with Agumon in the main hall to get Beast Board a - Trade with Agumon at the top right to make Slasher a yours 4 - Crusher Y - Trade Strange Figurine with the Agumon at the top right to get Beam Magnum B - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Achilles Board a - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get Victor Sword Y - Trade Victor Sword Y with Dorumon to get Achilles Board B - Trade Achilles Board B with Veemon to make Crusher Y yours 5 - Blaster Gun Y - Trade Strange Figurine with the Guilmon at the top left to get Mighty Talon B - Trade with Veemon to get Brave Core B - Trade Brave Core B with the Agumon at the top right to get Blaster Gun Y 6 - Pain Scimitar a - Trade Strange Figurine with Veemon to get Kamikiri Maru B - Then trade with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Dark Board a - After, trade with Dorumon to get this weapon Pain Scimitar a 7 - Denji Prince Y - Trade Strange Figurine with Veemon to get Kamikiri Maru B - Trade with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Dark Board a - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get Dbl Rapier Y - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Resist Board a - After, trade with the Agumon at the top right ---Items to obtain--- 1 - Resist Board a - Trade Strange Figurine to the Guilmon at the top left to get Mighty Talon B - After, trade with Veemon to get Brave Core B - Then, trade with the Agumon at the top right to get Blaster Gun Y - Next, trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get it 2 - Resist Board a - Trade Strange Figurine to Veemon to get Kamikiri Maru B - Next, trade with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Dark Board a - Then, trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get Dbl Rapier Y - After, trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get it 3 - EXP Board a - Trade Strange Figurine with Dorumon to get Dyno Tooth B - Trade with the Agumon at the top right to get Kamikiri Maru a - Then, with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Bone Blade Y - Finally, trade with Veemon to get this item EXP Board a 4 - Mana Board a - Trade Strange Figurine to the Agumon in the main hall to get Battle Hawk B - Trade with the Agumon at the top right to get Dyno Tooth a - Trade with Dorumon to get Long Sword Y - After, trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get it 5 - Rack Board a - Trade Strange Figurine with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Long Sword B - Trade with Dorumon to get Ice Board a - Trade with the Guilmon at the top left to get Kamikiri Maru Y - Finally, trade with Veemon to get it 6 - BIT Board a - Trade Strange Figurine with the Guilmon in the main hall to get Long Sword B - Trade with the Agumon in the main hall to get Beast Board a - Trade with Dorumon to get Dyno Tooth Y - Then, trade with the Agumon at the top right to get it ---Notes and tips--- NOTE: Make sure you don't have any items in your folder or any items that you are wearing because it might affect what item you will get in this side-quest. NOTE: Make sure to either sell them or put them in the bank because the digimon will want what you already have. Tip: To do the side-quest over and over again to make sure you have all the items that you want: After getting the item and returning to the Terminal Area, don't go talk to the digi-elf again, but instead put your item in the bank and save it. Turn off the power and turn it back on. You will have to do the side-quest again but you will still have the item that you had. Now talk to the digi-elf again and he will ask you to do the side-quest again. Now you can get a new item of your choice. 7.6 Side-Quests (Hard Mode) --------------------------- ---Barbarian Cave--- Talk to the Digi-Elf on the lower left. ---Undead Yard--- Get 5 different digivolutions. ---Card Retreive--- Get 30 different kinds of cards. ---Seal the Souls--- Complete Dry Land. ---Summoning of Gekomon--- Talk to the Digi-Elf. ---Legendary Collosium--- Talk to Digi-Elf. ---Item Retreive--- Talk to any other Digi-Elf and accept to help, then talk to this one and accept to help him. ---Item Road--- Beat the game once. ---Trading Hall--- Trade with Prince Mamemon 8 times. ---Final Quest--- Complete all other side-quests. 7.7 Side-quests (Very Hard Mode) -------------------------------- ---Barbarian Cave--- Talk to Digi-Elf. ---Undead Yard--- Get 8 different digivolutions. (I think so) ---Card Retreive--- Get 45 different kinds of cards. ---Seal the Souls--- Complete Dry Land. ---The Summoning of Gekomon--- Talk to the Digi-Elf. ---Legendary Collosium--- Talk to the Digi-Elf. ---Item Retreive--- Talk to any other Digi-Elf and then talk to this one and agree to help them out. ---Item Road--- Beat the game once. ---Trading Hall--- Trade with Prince Mamemon 8 times. ---Final Quest--- Complete all other Side-Quests. ====== 8 Tips ====== /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / 1. When you are level 12, you get a new technique, either petty bind, petty / power down, or petty power up. Petty bind binds enemies. Petty power //////// down makes enemies lose strength, health, and defense. Petty power up / gains you and whoever is standing next to you strength health and //// defense.(wears off)////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2. MP is the power to hit people with magic from long range. (Ice, fire,/ and bolt) HP is your health points.////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / 3. When you buy an item there are little letters that represent symbols / Alpha = First = a /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Beta = Second = B / Gamma = Third = Y ////////////// Delta = Fourth = Upside down Q / Epsilon = Last = E ///////////// /////////////////// //////////////////////////////// 4. For your digital evolutions: ////////// Train at Goblin Fortress until level 15./////////// Train at Scorpios in Mummy Dessert until level 30./ Train at Otamon until level 45.////////////////////////////////// Beat the game and train at Goblin Fortress until level 60 or so./ Train at scorpions until about level 70-85.////////////////////// Train at Otamon until about level 85-90.//////////////////////// Beat the game and move on to Goblin Fortress in very hard mode./ Train at Goblin Fortress until about level 110 or so.//////////////// Train at Scorpios until about level 130.(You can keep training here)/ Train at Otamon for a longer time./////////////////////////////////// Train anywhere. You are strong enough now./ /////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / 5. If you are about to die, don't keep fighting. Run and heal. Always remember / to heal, especially on bosses.//////////////////////////////////////////////// / /////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6. Don't keep all the items you have. If you have useless items, sell them./ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / 7. When you get 9 key chains, go to trade with Prince Mamemon so you can get / more later.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / //////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 8. To gain your Heal Tech, go to the purple portal thing that recharges your // MP. Keep healing until you get 0 MP. Now recharge your MP and do it again / you are satisfied with your Heal Tech.///////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 9. When you come up to small guns, they will shoot 3 times and stop for a\\ second. Let them shoot 3 times, then attack them and run. After they shoot\ another 3 times, destroy them and move on.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 10. When you need 1hp left at the end for the side-quest Card Retreive,\\\\\ instead of falling in Goblin Pass, you should finish like most of the side-\\\\ quest, then when you finish all the scorpions, go inside the quicksand and you\ will come out with 1hp left.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 11. The max stat is 9999 for all your stats except health and magic points.\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 12. The triangle button is for emergencies and gives you the best heal item\ that you have.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 13. Modded equipment is better than any other colored weapon except orange and\ pink. Look for mod equipment more than colored you can do this by seeing which\ weapon costs more.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 14. If you are having trouble raising your MP Techs, buy an auto controller\ and let it do the work for you.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 15. If you donate as much16. you can to Metal Etemon at once, in stead of\\\ giving him little by little, you will get great items fast like spirit core\ and stuff.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 16. If you use a raise disk on your back-up chip you will get all of your\ money but not all of your experience so be careful.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ====================== 9 Qestions and Answers ====================== Q: When my * tech turns red, what does it mean? A: It means you have to gain a level before gaining the tech any more. I advise you to use 2 or more different kinds of weapons instead of one so you can use another when one of the tech for the weapon turns red. Q: How do I get past the green slimy wall in Venom Jungle Caves? A: Use petty fire on it or get a fire power medal and attack it. When you get to Machine Pit you will come across something like this where you will need petty bolt, or an electric power medal. Q: How rare are crowned enemies? A: You can only fight them when you are in an area where only one of them comes out.(In a corner or something) You have about 1 out of 5 of a chance to get them instead of some other digimon. Q: How do I digivolve? A: You can get digivolve tech by either reaching level 16, or by doing side- quests. After you get a digivolve tech, you go to the Digital-Lab and you will have a choice to digivolve or change your weapon.(Across from Bank in Central Area) Q: Why does only player one get the digivolution? A: It is player one's game. If player two becomes player one, and you get to that part, you will get the digivolution for him. Q: Why wont my bash grow when I use a DBL Axe? A: Bandai made a typo, and DBL Axe really gains Blunt. Q: Why can't I pick up any more items? A: Your inventory is full. Go to any item shop and sell your stuff that you don't need. Don't put the stuff you don't need in the bank because your bank has an inventory also. Q: What do Key Chains and Back Packs do? A: If you trade 9 Key Chains with Prince Mamemon 5 times, you unlock a side- quest. They aren't Back Packs, they are Booster Packs. Take them to the Card Keeper to get some cards. Q: How do I get a signature weapon? A: No one is sure of one certain way, but there are different ways the get them. You can get them by killing "Crowned enemies" or by killing Mecha Rouge X on different modes and getting the chests. No one knows a certain way yet. Q: If I fail a side-quest, can I try it again? A: Yes, even if you complete a side-quest you can try it again. I don't think you can retry Trading Hall through. Q: What do Power Medals do? A: They gain your strength. If you have a Fire Power Medal, you can hit a fire attack when you fight. Q: Can you get all the rookie Digimon with one Digimon? A: You can get all the rookie Digimon, but if you digivolve to Agumon, then try getting Wargreymon by doing Undead Yard, it will get you nothing unless you have never done Undead Yard. Q: Why can't I equip a Power Medal? A: You need a weapon with mods. On the explanation part it will show you if it has any mods. Q: Do I have to rescue all 10 Digi-Elves to do a side-quest? A: No but if you want to do all 10 side-quests of course you need to save them all. Q: What does the switch in Goblin Pass do? A: It puts a chest in an area near the security portal where you need to break the wall. Q: When do I get a new MP tech? A: You get one of them at level 12, one of them at level 22, and the last depends on your skills. Q: Where do you save? A: You save at the save keeper in the Central Area. Q: I did the side-quest, but I didn't digivolve. Why? A: You need to go to the Digi-Lab near the bank. Q: What is the highest level you can get to? A: Bandai says its 999. But the rumor is that it is 255. Q: Is this game worth it? A: You can see the ratings by going to www.gamespot.com then going to Digimon World 4 and it will show that this game got a 4.3. If you want to know how that compares to the other games, go to Digimon World, 2, and 3 to see their ratings. Q: What happens to my items when I die? A: You get to keep your items when you die, but you lose your money and some experience. Q: Do i restart at level 1 when I am doing hard mode? A: No, you only lose your progress, and other stuff. Q: Does Prince Mamemon ever stop trading? A: After a while he does. Q: If I digivolve to HerculesKabuterimon will I lose Guilmon? A: No, if you go back to the Digi-Lab you can digivolve back to him. Q: What do I do with a ????????? A: You can take it to the Apprasial Keeper and he will tell you what the item really is for some money. Q: How do I get into the side-quest? A: Go to the Outside Gate and you will find that you can go to Battle Arena now. Go there and look for those pink platforms. There are a lot of them but look for the one that rises up and jump on it. Go up and there will be a wall which you can go through. Q: What is a mod? A: It is a part of your weapon /armor where you can add some extra items to them depending what kind of chip you have. Each mod represents another place to put your chips. Q: Will there be a digimon world 5? A: In my opinion, yes. As many ratings for Digimon World 4 were very low, I think bandai will want to bring up ratings with a new game. I think if they made a digimon world 5, it would be big news and their profits would go up. Bandai is too smart to ignore this. Also there are a lot of mysterious digimon waiting to be put inside a game. ============================= 10 Other maps by other people ============================= Digi-Elf Locations Map by Squirtle304 ------------------------------------- http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/digimon_world_4_home_server.gif Death Valley Maps by Squirtle304 -------------------------------- http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/digimon_world_4_death_valley.gif Undead Yard Floor 1 Map by KusangiBlade --------------------------------------- http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/digimon_world_4_undead_yard_f1.gif Undead Yard Floor 2 Map by KusangiBlade --------------------------------------- http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/digimon_world_4_undead_yard_f2.gif Humid Cave Floor 1 Map by World4Digimon --------------------------------------- http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y228/CoolTrainerEricP/HELLO.jpg ================= 11 Weapon Section ================= ~Weapon Directory~ (* = a special weapon) ---Blunt--- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Weapon Name ~~~~ # of Tech Needed ~~~~ How to acquire +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Blunt Axe* ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Begin a new game with Agumon Battle Hawk ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Dbl Axe ~~~~ 210 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Van Blade ~~~~ 810 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Rage Hammer ~~~~ 1080 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Crusher ~~~~ 1400 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Hekatoncheir ~~~~ 1680 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Destroyer ~~~~ 2020 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Fang Smasher ~~~~ 2200 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Soul Burn ~~~~ 2510 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Meteor Force ~~~~ 2600 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Judgement* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Orochi Slayer* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Nightmare Lance* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---Slash--- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Weapon Name ~~~~ # of Tech Needed ~~~~ How to acquire +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Slash Sword* ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Begin a new game with Veemon Long Sword ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Bone Blade ~~~~ 210 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade War Sword ~~~~ 810 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Slasher ~~~~ 1080 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Victor Sword ~~~~ 1400 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Tri-Edge ~~~~ 1680 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Phatom ~~~~ 2020 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Dark Crimson ~~~~ 2200 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Onslaught ~~~~ 2510 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Doom Bringer ~~~~ 2600 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Light Bringer* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Dark Shadow* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Omega Blade* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---Bash--- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Weapon Name ~~~~ # of Tech Needed ~~~~ How to acquire +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Bash Katana* ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Begin a new game with Dorumon Kamakiri Maru ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Grand Blade ~~~~ 210 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Kurogane Maru ~~~~ 810 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Pain Scimitar ~~~~ 1080 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Denji Prince ~~~~ 1400 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Sword Break ~~~~ 1680 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Yasha Glass ~~~~ 2020 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Strider ~~~~ 2200 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Ankokuten ~~~~ 2510 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Infinity ~~~~ 2500 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Hyakki Yako* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Plasma Blade* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---Stab--- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Weapon Name ~~~~ # of Tech Needed ~~~~ How to acquire +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Stab Dagger* ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Begin a new game with Guilmon Dyno Tooth ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Dbl Rapier ~~~~ 210 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Red Moon ~~~~ 810 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Light Blade ~~~~ 1080 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Rune Blade ~~~~ 1400 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Apocalypse ~~~~ 1680 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Light Ring ~~~~ 2020 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Flame Rose ~~~~ 2200 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Dragoon ~~~~ 2510 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Photon Edge ~~~~ 2600 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Data Destroyer* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Stargazer* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Invisible* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---Shot--- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Weapon Name ~~~~ # of Tech Needed ~~~~ How to acquire +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Shot Pistol* ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Begin a game Beam Magnum ~~~~ 90 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Sword Cannon ~~~~ 1020 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Blaster Gun ~~~~ 1620 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Sphere Nova ~~~~ 2160 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Omega Raptor ~~~~ 2580 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Nosferatus* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Executor* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Dbl Pistron* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ---Crush--- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Weapon Name ~~~~ # of Tech Needed ~~~~ How to acquire +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Crush Arm* ~~~~ 1 ~~~~ Begin a game Mighty Talon ~~~~ 90 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Hook Katar ~~~~ 1020 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade D Slayer ~~~~ 1620 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Nova Blade ~~~~ 2160 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Drill Bunker ~~~~ 2580 ~~~~ Drop from enemy/Buy at shop/Trade Kaiser Knuckles* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown Demon Arm* ~~~~ 2500+ ~~~~ Unknown +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ WAYS TO GET SIGNATURE WEAPONS--- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ---Method by Comacoma--- This method was proven by a bunch of people. We should all give special thanks to Comacoma for revealing this method that we have been waiting for forever! It might take a while to do this and is very annoying if you aren't the right level. Get to at least level 100 and then try attempting this. You need your "special talent" tech at least to 2500. Then you have to beat all the bosses in a certain order without switching off the PS2 console. After beating all the bosses, go to the switch in goblin pass and you will fight 2 Goburimon and a giant Numemon. Defeat him and you will get your signature weapon. Defeat the bosses in this order. - Blossomon - Humid Cave - Mammothmon - Cliff Dungeon - Apokarimon - Dome Base - Skull Greymon - Sand Labyrinth - Scorpiomon - Ancient Ruins - MaloMyotismon - Virus Lab - ShogunGekomon - Geko Path - Mecha Rogues 2-4 - Vine Tunnel - Diaboromon - Vein - Lucemon - Dread Note - LordKnightmon - Electric Mine - Mecha Rogue 05 - Mecha Nest - Mecha Rogue X Form One - Black Core - Mecha Rogue X Form Two - Black Core - Mecha Rogue X Form Three - Black Core NOTE: You must do this in HARD mode. Even if you die, you can return to the boss and defeat him again. As long as you don't turn of your PS2 console. You might notice that Mecha Rouge isn't there. You don't have to defeat him because if you return to the X Digimon Lab he won't be there unless you haven't beaten him before. Just like normally only player one will get it. He will get the signature weapon so don't fight about it because second player can't wear it any way. Do this with second player to get his signature weapon. NOTE: If you try this again instead of getting a signature weapon again (first player) you will get something else. ---Method by Squirtle304--- First of all you really need to do is get some good weapons (above 2000 tech). You can go to the weapon section to find a good weapon there. You need to go to Trading Hall in Very Hard Mode. Make sure to put all items in your bank and all you need to do now is go there and trade with a couple Digimon. If you trade with which Digimon its a problem. If you go to Justice Gundam's Trading Hall Map, you will see that there are two extra traders. Those 2 are the ones to get the signature weapons. ================================================ 12 Other People's Sections (Contribute sections) ================================================ Digivolve Table --------------- Requirements Agumon Veemon Guilmon Dorumon Normal Mode: Undead Yard- WarGreymon CL-angemon H-Kabuterimon Weregarurumon Defeat all 279 enemies within the time limit and return. Hard Mode: Undead Yard- CL-angemon WarGreymon Weregarurumon H-Kabuterimon Defeat all 302 enemies with over 10 minutes remaining and return Hard Mode: Sealed Shrine- Weregarurumon H-Kabuterimon CL-angemon Wargreymon escape from dungeon with 16:00-10:00 minutes remaining Very Hard Mode: Must have Susanomon IPdramon FM Susanomon IPdramon FM equipped "Defence ROM" and escape from the dungeon with 10:00-16:00 minutes remaining Hard Mode: Captive Dungeon- Susanomon Beelzemon Beelzemon MetalGarurumon After destroying (Alphamon) Anomarokarimon remaining HP is 1% Hard Mode: Captive Dungeon- Susanomon Beelzemon Beelzemon Metalgarurumon After destroying (Alphamon) Anomarokarimon remaining HP is 100% Very Hard Mode: IPdramon FM Susanomon IPdramon FM Susanomon Captive Dungeon-After destroying Anomarokarimon remaining HP is 1% Hard Mode: Dungeon of Metalgarurumon Susanomon Wargreymon Susanomon Doom- During a conversation after returning, you had a "Sword Cannon" Very Hard Mode: Dungeon Gallentmon CM Gallentmon CM Susanomon Gallentmon CM of Doom-During a conversation after returning you had a "Blaster Gun" Normal Mode: Item Road- H-Kabuterimon Weregarurumon Wargreymon CL-Angemon defeat Shogungekomon and return home Hard Mode: Ietm Road- Beelzemon Metalgarurumon Susanomon Beelzemon Defeat Shogungekomon and return home Hard Mode: destroy all BLWarGreymon BlkWarGreymon BLWarGreymon BlkWarGreymon LordKnightmon and return Very Hard Mode: destroy IPdramon PM IPdramon PM IPdramon PM IPdramon PM all LordKnightmon and return By- Zansriker ========== 13 Credits ========== I thank God, for letting me live to make this faq Gamefaqs, for letting me make this faq People, on boards for showing me how to make a faq My brother, for telling me things I forget (we beat the game together) Bandai, for making this game Squirtle304, for special permission to post his maps Game_boy87, for help with submitting things KusangiBlade, for permission to use his maps Jimlwk, for some good tips ZeedMillenniumon, for help with names of Digimon on section 5 and 6 GamermazterZ, for a lot of info and 2 mini sections. Comacoma, for revealing how to get signature weapons. Lance_Striker, for a section World4Digimon, for his section on Humid Cave map B_Wargreymon77 for a tip on controls Anyone who contributes to this faq by Summerdude, K3wlguy_33@yahoo.com Copyright © 2005 Dillan Stanley Websites who are aloud to post on their site: www.gamefaqs.com www.supercheats.com www.cheatcc.com s10.invisionfree.com/Digiscape by Summerdude, K3wlguy_33@yahoo.com Copyright © 2005 Dillan Stanley