Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation The COMPLETE Guide! Written by: Hyuaki Hay ************************************************************************** Table of Contents: I. Copyright and Contact Information II. Story III. Walkthrough IV. Credits ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** I. Copyright and Contact Information Okay, short and not so sweet. Do not copy from this guide without my permission. Do not make people pay money to use it. Should you use a small portion of this guide in a work of your own, give me credit. Anyway, I wrote this for free so I want it to remain free. This guide is copyright April 28, 2004; and it is protected by international copyright laws. This FAQ was written by Ty "Hyuaki Hay" Nungester. Now say you have a question or something that you want to add to this guide. Email me at and if it is not already covered I will put it into the guide giving you full credit for the find. As I said if your question or addition is already covered in here then I will ignore it. It may take a while for me to answer any questions that you have because I can only check my email 1-2 times per week. Thanks for reading. April 28, 2004: Original release. Still need 18 secrets but otherwise the game is complete. ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** II. Story (Taken directly from instruction manual.) Prophecy I Semerkhet, high priest of Horus, forewarn that he who removes the Amulet shall have released Set. He who walked abroad with the Jackals at the dawn of man shall once again violate the earth. Set, Ruler of Evil, will again be Free at the turn of a distant Millennia. At his heel plagues and locusts. Harvests fail under the broken skies. And Set sayeth: "I am the shadow across the sun; I am the bringer of plagues. My wrath will consume all lands, and shall be ceaseless." The Beginning The daughter of Lord Henshingly Croft, Lara was brought up in the secure world of aristocracy. Wanting for nothing, she was surrounded by servants, social events and high society. Lara attended Wimbledon High School for Girls from the age of 11. Now that she was 16, her parents decided that Lara should broaden her education by studying for her A levels at one of England's most prominent boarding schools. An adventurous soul, Lara found the idea of being sent away from home an exciting prospect. By chance one day Lara came across a copy of National Geographic on the hall table. The front cover featured a familiar name - Professor Werner Von Croy. A respected archaeologist, Von Croy had once lectured at Lara's school to pupils and parents alike. The experience had a profound effect on Lara, triggering a desire for travel to remote locations in search of adventure. In some ways Von Croy had become an inspirational figure for Lara. As Lara read further, she learned that Von Croy was currently preparing for an archaeological tour across Asia, culminating in a potential new discovery to be made in Cambodia. Unable to contain herself, Lara burst into the room, thrust the article in front of her parents and without hesitation demanded she accompany Von Croy on his expedition. Lord Croft could hardly disagree that travel was an education in itself. As Lara argued the case further, he found himself walking over to the desk and penning a letter to Von Croy, introducing himself as an influential society figure and offering financial assistance in exchange for his daughter's place on the expedition. Von Croy's reply assured the Henshingly Crofts that the territories were friendly and that he had ample experience to look after both his and Lara's well being. Lara's company as an assistant would be welcome, as was the offer of such a generous check. He remembered Lara from his lecture - her incessant yet insightful questions had made quite an impression upon him. And so it was agreed by all that Lara would accompany Von Croy for the duration of the tour... Once the game begins, listen carefully to Von Croy. His teaching and advice will prove invaluable on your travels... ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** III. Walkthrough Okay, for my friends joining me for another adventure, welcome back and enjoy the ride. You know my style on writing. For those of you who are entirely new to my writing, well, hello, and thank you for coming. This is mostly for my new friends, but all should read this as well. I am not telling you what the controls are for this game. Please go through Lara's Mansion to learn them. I will break up each level by the secrets in it. I will not tell you what weapons to use and when, I'll leave that up to you. A little tip though, save the stronger weapons for the bosses and such. Also I will not mention any items throughout the game except for what you need to find to beat the game (keys, artifacts, guns). And any directions that I give throughout the game are from the direction that you last entered the room/area, unless otherwise mentioned. Most important of all... HAVE FUN!! Now let's begin. Oh, and be sure to explore everywhere for items. I have not found all of the secrets in this game. If you find any that I have not found, please email me and in the update you will get credit for the find. ========================================================================== Angkor Wat ========================================================================== This is really just a training level and you cannot get lost. There are however several secrets that you can get in here. Listen to everything that Von Croy tells you and it will go easy. When you begin you will see some stairs leading into a tunnel. Just to the left of these stairs, you will see a smaller stairway. At the bottom of the smaller stairway you will find a GOLDEN SKULL. That is SECRET #1. Now follow Von Croy down the hall. Once you round the corner you will go down some more stairs. Stay on the stairs until Von Croy sets off the trap. Now walk into the room on the other side of the trap and Von Croy will teach you how to jump. Go over the edge of the ledge that you are supposed to jump off of and you will land in water. Look in the water for a GOLDEN SKULL. That is SECRET #2. Now take and climb the stairs around either side and then jump across the gap to catch up to Von Croy. Up ahead a wild boar will attack. Keep running and let Von Croy take care of it. At the top of the path you will come out into a large area with some waterfalls. Get onto the lower level of the area and head to the far right corner from where you entered to get another GOLDEN SKULL. This is SECRET #3. Now go back up top and listen to everything that Von Croy tells you. He will teach you to do the "jump and grab" and "running jump" here. Then in a moment he will teach you to grab a crack in the wall and shimmy then pull yourself up. Run through the tunnel to the other side and you will come into a large room with a good deal of water in it. Get into the water and go to the deepest part. In that area you will find a GOLDEN SKULL on the bottom. This is SECRET #4. In the water still search the opposite side from where you entered for an opening. In this opening follow it to the end and you will find some goodies. Now swim back to the main part of the chamber and climb out onto the opposite bank. Flip the switch that you find here and then follow Von Croy into the next hallway. He will open the locked door ahead and then follow him some more. You will next come to where you have to climb a ladder built into the wall to flip another switch so that you can open the path ahead. Follow this path around to the top and then you will have to monkey swing across the entire length of the room. Follow the path leading from the room and you will be outside. Walk around the corner to the right and there will be 2 wild boars that attack in this area. When you reach the back side of the building the path to the next area is in front of you. But first go and check the corner to your right. Here you will find a GOLDEN SKULL. That is SECRET #5. Now go through that path to the next area and go down some stairs. When you reach a room that has 2 statues and a gong outside of it enter the room and go to the right side. Here you will find another GOLDEN SKULL. That is SECRET #6. Up ahead you will see a crawlspace and Von Croy will tell you how to crawl so that you can flip a switch in the next room. In the crawlspace you will see a path that goes forward and one to the left. Take the path to the left and at the end you will find another GOLDEN SKULL. That's SECRET #7. Now take the other path in the crawlspace and watch Lara claim her famous backpack. Once that's done flip the switch and then go back to Von Croy. Go down the tunnel and at the bottom sprint and dive to get under the far away door. Follow the trail on the other side to the top. Now get onto the ledge beside the wall to either the left or right. In the corner of the ledge you will find the last GOLDEN SKULL. That's SECRET #8. Now go to the stairs ahead. If you got all of the secrets you will take the left path. If you missed 1 or more you will take the path to the right. The only difference is that the one to the right has a little pool of water in case you fall. Follow the tunnel to the room below and climb into the crawlspace to the left and go out the other side. Run around the ledge and to the right. Do a running jump and grab onto the rope in the center of the room and press R2 to get some momentum. Jump off on the other side. Up here flip the switch and then go through the tunnel to the exit. ========================================================================== Race For the Iris ========================================================================== There is really no need to cover this level of the game. It is all of your standard Tomb Raider traps with kiddy gloves on. This is a race in name only. It doesn't matter if you win or lose the race. Follow Von Croy into the tunnel. On the other side do a standing forward jump to get over the spikes and then do a running jump to clear the next set. You will now run through a short tunnel and do a running jump and grab on the other side. Enter the door that you find to the right and then turn to the left. Wait until the door opens and enter. Run across the collapsing bridge and just as you get to the final section of the bridge jump and hold in both the grab and jump buttons. If you jumped too early you will grab the ledge in front of you and pull yourself up. If you jumped just right, you will land on the top of the slanted ledge ahead and be able to jump into the tunnel ahead. Follow the path and jump over the rock ahead and enter the door to your right. You should now be ahead of Von Croy. Follow the trail and you will soon come to a room where there are some stairs leading down on your left. Run straight ahead and do a running jump and grab to clear the spike pit. Then jump over the next pit in the same manner. You will soon come to a room with a bridge and a rope. Cross this room and enter either entrance to the room beyond. In this upper room enter the door that you find on the right side that way you don't have to drop down into the pit and deal with the wild boars and climb the opposite wall. Run around the ledge up top and enter the mouth of the statue. You will land in a cave beneath. Turn right and head up the path. Take the first left to the end of the level. Or you can take the second left, same results. ========================================================================== The Tomb of Seth (pronounced Set) ========================================================================== Now this is where the game truly starts. Your training is over. You will have help for the most of the level in the form of your guide (not me, in the game). Now remember to keep your eyes peeled for items because I won't mention them unless I am specifically sending you out of your way for them. From the beginning go into the small ditch next to where your guide began the level. In this ditch you will get the SHOTGUN. Now running through the level here drop into the next 2 ditches to kill a couple of scorpions. You will then notice that you can either go left or right. Go left now. After that keep running forward until the camera cuts away. Kill the jackal then run past the center pillar so that it passes on your left. You will soon find a ledge along the wall that you can climb onto. Then jump to the next higher ledge to get SECRET #9. Go back to the floor and enter the obvious door that your guide opened for you. In the room below, kill the 2 scorpions then go to the "windows." Reach inside the 2 that are in line with your guide and in one you will get a LARGE MEDIKIT and in the other you will flip a switch. Now take the path that goes down to the room below and at the far side collect the EYE PIECE. Follow your guide into the next room and climb onto the center structure. Now grab onto the bottom of the rope and use the R2 button to get some momentum. Make sure that you are facing the left wall and when you are moving fast enough, jump off of the rope landing in front of the door to the upper area. Inside grab onto the right wall but wait until the moving blades move over you before you climb up. Use the look button so that you can see. Once the blades are past, run up and climb the ledges that are on the right side of the tunnel. This is SECRET #10. If follow the path all the way around to the top and then into the hallway on the other side, at the end you will find 3 jackals and the UZIS at the end. Then just slide down the slope without the fire. Once that is done you can rejoin your guide ahead. Now go back into the other room and slide backwards down the slope. Let your guide enter the room at the bottom of the steps before you so he can set off the trap. It would be a cool death though... Anyway, at the other end get the other EYE PIECE. Now in the inventory screen combine both EYE PIECES to get the EYE OF HORUS. Go back into the room above and you will find a very large round door where you can place the EYE OF HORUS to enter beyond. In this next room kill the 2 jackals that come out to play and follow the tunnel into the sphinx room. Take the left path down the stairs and enter the room you find there. In the room below your guide will open the door for you by setting the oil on fire. In the tunnel beyond that when you reach the intersection go right. Don't worry about your guide. In the room that you come to there is an exit on the right side so take it. Follow it upstairs to where there is a chain running from the floor to the ceiling. Pull on the chain and your guide can enter the room below. He will light the oil. See how there are some tiles in your room glowing? Jump on them only. Make your way to the far side of the room where you will get THE TIMELESS SANDS. Now follow the tunnel in front of you down and back into the sphinx room. Your guide will join you shortly. From where you come out if you look to the left you will see a lit torch. Go to it and then follow the wall to the right. Go past the doorway that is on the left and go into the corner ahead. Climb the ladder and flip the switch that you find at the top. Go back down the ladder and enter the gate at the bottom for SECRET #11. Now go down that doorway that you passed a moment ago and follow it all the way to the locked room at the bottom. You will kill 3 scorpions along the way. Your guide will open the way and then he will leave you. It's so hard to find good help these days... So continue along and in the room at the end you will see a statue on the far side of the room. Go to the statue and place THE TIMELESS SANDS into it's hands. Your room will fill with sand. Kill the scorpion that is in the room now. Go back up to the sphinx room and enter it's mouth. Follow this tunnel to the exit of the level. ========================================================================== Burial Chambers ========================================================================== You begin the level on a slope. When you land in the room below flip the switch that you find to your left. Now turn and run through the open door at the other end of the room. You will go down another slope and at the bottom grab THE HAND OF ORION. Now jump into the corner that is in front of you and to the left. Here you will get SECRET #12. Move along the path through the next room past some statues. You will then come to an area where spikes pop out from all the walls and then retract. Watch them a couple of times to get the timing down and then jump through them. Around the corner ahead shoot the urn to the left and get the item inside. Now move along and jump over some more spikes like the last batch. You will land on a slope. At the bottom insert THE HAND OF ORION into the lock for it and the blades in the next room will begin to move. Line yourself up with the ledge in front of you and wait until the blade just gets past you then jump forward. As soon as you land jump to the left and grab the SHOTGUN. Now drop to the floor. Climb back up to where you entered the room. Do you want those SHOTGUN SHELLS in the distance? Line up a jump the same as you did last time and then do a running jump over to the SHOTGUN SHELLS. Now hop backward with the grab button held in and you will grab the edge of the ledge. Now shimmy either left or right until you are in front of the exit to the room. Yes, now Lara can shimmy around corners. This would have made the last game so much easier... When you are in front of the next room, pull yourself up and then backflip into the hallway there. Run up the hall and you will enter a room with a large sarcophagus in the center. Stay close to the walls and gather some items. Now follow the hallway through to the next room still staying away from the sarcophagus. In the next room you will find a SMALL MEDIKIT. Take and drop off of the ledge in front of the small medikit and enter the room down there. Here is SECRET #13. Now go back to the room with the large sarcophagus. Approach the feet of it and Lara will climb up and take off the AMULET OF HORUS. Now go back into the room you were just in with 3 sarcophagi and they will open. 2 of them contain sleeping mummies the third one is empty. Take the statue in the center and push it onto the symbol on the floor. Now approach the mummy on the right and wake it up. Lure it out of it's sarcophagus and enter. Follow the tunnel behind the sarcophagus and do a safety drop over the edge of the tunnel and land in a cavern below. Why do the mummies sound like they're gagging on a chicken bone? Anyway run along the cavern and you will soon see a building with 2 golden pillars. Head toward that building. As you get close to it, 2 dogs will attack you. You will not be entering that building yet, but soon enough. After the dogs are dead take the path to the left of the building (your left facing it) and go up the trail. You will soon come to where the path branches off to the left and straight. Before you reach that along the right side you will see a place where you can drop down into a lower area. Do so and get SECRET #14. Now get back up onto the trail and take the left fork. Run across a bridge and enter the room ahead. There are 2 dogs in here waiting. Go to the top of the room and at the end of the tunnel do a safety drop to the next tunnel down. At the end of this tunnel also do a safety drop. Turn around and climb the block on your right. Now turn around and do a running jump to the block on the opposite side and slightly up the wall. From here jump up into the dark niche in the wall and get SECRET #15. Go back to the bottom of the room and climb the ledges on the right side. At the end jump to the lone block and then do a running jump to the blocks on the other side. Climb the high block that looks like a ladder and at the top you will find a switch to flip. Now go back down and back to the front of the room. The grate at the entrance to the room on the bottom is now open. Enter here and follow the tunnel to another switch. Flip it and the room spins onto it's side. Now go back out into the main chamber and slide down the wall. Do a safety drop into the hole on the bottom of the room and claim THE HAND OF SIRIUS. Follow the only tunnel out of the room and climb the ladder. You are now back in the main chamber. Climb the block with the star designs on it and then do a running jump to the block beyond. Pull yourself up and crawl under the spikes. Stand in the middle of the block and jump to the lower block in front of you with slopes on either side. Running down this small tunnel, hold in the grab button and run straight off of the edge. You will grab the side of the wall so that you can climb down. At the bottom enter a room with 2 sleeping mummies and a chain. Pull the chain and dodge the mummies. Climb the ladder on the other side and back into the main chamber again. Backflip to safely land on the floor behind you. Now climb the nearby ledges and use THE HAND OF SIRIUS in the lock. A rope will drop down behind you. Do a running jump to get it and then jump off into the corridor with the artifact you are after here the SCARAB TALISMAN. From here head down the tunnel behind the pedestal. As soon as you round the bend in the tunnel 2 dogs will attack you. After they are dead head into the room beyond that and another dog will attack you. Follow the tunnel to the end and drop back into the large cavern. Turn right and head back up to where the fork in the path is. This time go straight. Climb the ladder at the end and destroy the 2 urns up top. Enter the room that is up there and get THE GOLDEN SERPENT off of the pedestal. Once you grab it gates will drop down sealing the room and the 2 mummies will wake up. Dodge the mummies and go through the opening in the right wall, from where you entered. Go down the slope and land in the room below. As you land, turn to the left then when you stand up sprint to the far left corner (current position) so that you avoid the spikes. When the sand gets high enough climb out of the room and follow the tunnel ahead until you find a hole in the floor. Do a safety drop to the ground below and you will be back in the large cavern. From here go to the building with the 2 golden pillars and enter here. Follow the hallway all the way to the back and insert both the SCARAB TALISMAN and THE GOLDEN SERPENT into the locks. Once you do this the mummy in the room will wake up so keep running around the room. When the room gets to the top climb out via the hole in the ceiling and follow the tunnel to the end of the level. ========================================================================== Valley of the Kings ========================================================================== When you begin the level kill the 6 thugs. They attack in pairs of 2. When they are dead go around and get all of the items they dropped. One of them will drop the IGNITION KEY to the blue jeep. Before you get into the jeep go to where you entered. Now go to the niche to the left that the thugs were coming out of. In here you will find SECRET #16. Now go and use the IGNITION KEY to get into the jeep and get moving. The other jeep will be tossing grenades at you as you get close so stay back. The grenades will damage you not the jeep. There is only one way to go so you can't get lost. At the top of one of the hills you will get to run over 2 thugs. After you get to the top of the next hill after that stick to the right wall and go up the ramp to the ledge above. Run over the thug up here and immediately hit the brakes! Get out of the jeep and go back down the side you just drove up. Walk to the edge of the large pit and do a safety drop over the edge. Climb down the wall a little bit and then work your way to the right so that you are under the cliff. Now climb up as high as you can to the bottom of the opening then let go and immediately grab on again while pressing up and crawl. Here is SECRET #17. Now go back to the jeep and get into it then go down the other side. When you come across the next thug hit the brakes. Now follow the ledge around to the right and drive across the narrow bridge and follow this path to another thug and the exit. ========================================================================== KV 5 ========================================================================== Get out of the jeep in the first room and gather the items. Now get back into the jeep and follow the other one. He will still be tossing grenades like at the beginning of last level. Just follow the jeep along and you will soon come to an open area where a thug is on a high ledge with wooden supports holding him up. Crash into the supports and send him to the ground. Now run him over. Continue the way you were going and as soon as you go through the small arch to the next area get out of the jeep. Turn around and climb back around the other side of the arch. Enter the crawlspace that you find to the right as you originally came through and this is SECRET #18. Now get back in the jeep and drive forward. Take the first left that you come across and crash into some more wooden beams. Run over the thug that drops to the ground and get out of the jeep. Climb the scaffolding on the right side via the opening and head right in here. Round the bend and climb over the block. A thug will come up to play. When he is dead drop through the hole in the end and follow the underside of the scaffolding to some items and SECRET #19. Now go and climb to the top of the scaffolding and you will find a rope that you can do a running jump to. Grab on and press R2 to get some momentum and jump off on the other side. Turn right and look up the wall. See what looks like a half wheel? Go to it and jump and grab it; it is a switch. Now go and get back into the jeep and drive through the now open gate below. Drive into the narrow tunnel and a spike ball will be rolling down the right side so go left. Then another will come down the left side then the right again. Also there will be a couple of grenades coming down for you to dodge. Dodge the pits in the road and when you get to where there are 2 pits park between them and get out. Drop into the larger one and climb down. You will soon notice a crawlspace so get underneath it and then let go and grab again. As you grab push crawl + up and you will enter the crawlspace. This is SECRET #20. Now go back to the jeep and get back in. You will soon be caught back up to the other jeep. Keep on his bumper for the rest of the level especially when you get out into the desert. He will lead you to the end of the level. ========================================================================== Temple of Karnak ========================================================================== As you begin the level climb the blocks that are beside and behind your jeep. You will soon enter a "courtyard" type area. As you enter kill the 2 scorpions in here. Now enter the area to the left. Enter the center opening and climb over the block. Then drop down the hole you find and enter the crawlspace. Inside kill the scorpion and destroy the urn for an item. Then enter the next room and kill 3 more scorpions and destroy 4 more urns for more items. This is SECRET #21. Now go back to the courtyard. Enter the center opening from where you began the level. Continue through this area until you see Lara look up at an upper area. Climb the block to the right to get up there. Up here flip the 2 wall switches that you find and you will get a SHOTGUN and CANOPIC JAR #1. Now go down to the floor and enter the water. Go all the way to the bottom and follow the underwater passage to a closed door. Line Lara up with the door and then press action to open it. Follow the passage to where you can go up for air and then get out. This is SECRET #22. Now get back into the water and go the way you were going. In the next room search the upper left wall for a hole you can barely squeeze through and in here is SECRET #23. Now go back to the courtyard again. Enter the only area that you have not entered yet. Take the left entrance and kill the scorpion. Now follow it all the way into the large room beyond. In here kill the scorpion in right empty pool. Then claim the SMALL MEDIKIT. Now climb back out and monkey swing across the pool. On the other side climb up onto the raised structure and flip the switch in the center. Now turn around and drop onto the stair area. Kill the scorpion on the way to the switch ahead. Flip the switch that you just opened. Now go back to where the bowl was in the room a minute ago and do a safety drop into the area below. Get the LARGE MEDIKIT off of the block ahead. Now go behind the right statue and insert the CANOPIC JAR #1 into it's back. The exit to the level will now be open. Go through the crawlspace in the right wall and follow it all the way back to the courtyard. Now enter the center opening again and go through the door to the right as you enter. End of level. ========================================================================== The Great Hypostyle Hall ========================================================================== Climb the ledge to the left and go outside. Outside go left again and kill the 2 scorpions and get some items. Now go across the area to the doorway and enter. In the next room go to the left side and follow that path until you get to a cut scene. After the cut scene do a running jump across the chasm and grab the other side pulling yourself up. Enter the doorway on the right in the next room ignoring the crawlspace. In this next room just follow along to a slope. That's all there is to this level. ========================================================================== Sacred Lake ========================================================================== Climb onto the top of the ledge in front of you as you begin. Now turn left and go outside. Go forward until the path dead ends at an intersection. There are some bats to the right but it is unnecessary to even approach them. If you stay away they will not bother you. However, there is a crocodile to the left that wants to play. When the crock is dead head down the left path and once you reach the wall you will find a crawlspace. Enter the crawlspace. On the other side continue until you come to another crawlspace. On the other side of that one climb up and into an area with a small square area surrounded by water. Kill the 2 scorpions out here then explore the water for items. Once you are done with that, head back to the main area. On the way you will kill another scorpion. Once you reach the main area turn left (with your back to the crawlspace) and run forward until you are on a ramp leading into the water. There are 3 more crocodiles in the water and if you wait you will be able to kill them all without entering the water and swimming. If you do need to get them to chase you then get back to land ASAP. Now take and swim to the small beach across from the ramp leading into the water. Run along the shore here until you can enter a room that will be to the left. Enter the room and head straight toward the back. Kill the bats and do a safety drop down the hole in the back of the room. When you get to the room below you will see a white pole in the distance. Walk forward and eventually you will wind up on a slope going down. At the end of the slope jump and grab onto the pole. Now shimmy up a little bit and there is another pole to your right. Put your back to the pole and make sure that you are a good distance above the ledge at the bottom of the second pole. Now jump. You will land on the ledge at the bottom of the second pole. Shimmy up and backflip to the ledge in the wall behind you. Climb into the crawlspace behind you and follow the path to a room with a chain in it that you have to pull. Once you pull the chain 2 crocodiles will be released into the water of the main pool. Now go back through the crawlspace to the room with the poles. Jump back to the first pole and then shimmy all the way down. Enter the water below and get the goodies and a breath of air. Now take and swim all the way along the underwater passage until you reach a dead end. Now swim straight up and you will be back in the main pool area. Get on shore and kill the 2 crocodiles then enter the gate to the center structure. Inside stay under the water and go under the ledge across from the entrance. Beneath the ledge you will find a switch. Flip it and then go get a breath. Now swim down and enter the underwater passage that you just opened in the center. At the bottom you will find a door like in the last level. Just put Lara in front of the door and press action and she will open it. Swim through the tunnel beyond squeezing through the cracks. When you reach an intersection to go either left or right, go left. Then at the next fork you can go either straight or right. Go right and catch your breath in the room there. Now go back into the water and take the straight branch this time. Search the center of the ceiling of the room with the giant mirror for an opening that you cannot see. Lara will break the surface of the water when she finds it. Climb out of the water into the hidden tunnel and follow it to a room at the end where you will then claim CANOPIC JAR #2. Now take and go back through the water until you are in the center structure of the main area again. Catch your breath and then enter the other underwater passage in here and exit the level. ========================================================================== Temple of Karnak II ========================================================================== As you begin the level you are still in the same underwater tunnel that you finished the last level in. Climb out into the area above the tunnel and then climb up the ledges and drop into the large room below. Now you may recognize this room from your last visit here. If you don't, don't worry. Run toward the pillars in front of you as you land and enter the first door that you find on the left. Now go to the niche in the wall on the right and place the CANOPIC JAR #2 in the niche. The bowl you lowered last level will now tip over and begin spilling water into the water. Go back into the room you were in a moment ago and run across the water. Climb onto the ledge with the large statue and enter the tunnel behind it. At the end of the tunnel climb up the right side and into another hall. Go forward and drop through the doorway onto a ledge below. From here you can kill 3 crocodiles. Once all of the crocodiles are dead get into the water and swim through the small opening below the cage. Follow it to a small room at the end. In here flip the switch and then go back into the open area. Get the HYPOSTYLE KEY and the SUN GODDESS off of the pedestal in the now open cage. Now head back through the level and exit the level in the same way you exited it in to the Hypostyle Hall the first time. Along the way you will have to kill 4 to 5 gunmen on your way out. ========================================================================== The Great Hypostyle Hall II ========================================================================== Okay now a good bit of the first part of the level is on familiar turf. So go to the area of the level where there is a crawlspace in the far wall and a doorway that leads to the Secret Lake. Along the way you will have to kill 4 ninjas. The way to beat them is to stay out of the reach of their swords. Fire at them until they bring out their sword and start twirling it around. When they do that put your guns away and then pull them back out and commence firing. The ninjas will eventually die. Go through the crawlspace and the hallway afterwards. When you come to the door at the end use the HYPOSTYLE KEY in the lock to open the door. In the large room after that you will be attacked by 2 ninjas. One of them will drop some UZIS for you to use. Staying on the bottom floor, go through the next room where you will find a ninja and into a third large room in the back. Back here kill the ninja on the floor and then climb onto the ledges on the far right side of the room and get onto the high ledge. Jump up and pull the switch on the wall. Now take and monkey swing through the upper opening in the center of the room. When you get to the second room monkey swing over to your current left side and cross the trapdoor that you just raised. When you get to the ledge over here drop off and kill the ninja who is monkey swinging behind you. Climb onto the top of the ledges and onto the center platform. Walk across and shoot shoot the large brown boulder on the top of the pillar. After it falls drop down to the floor and go into the hole it created. Take and follow the tunnel that you can walk through (the other has goodies). Follow this tunnel all the way to the end. At the end look up and you will see a ladder that you can jump up to. At the top of the ladder go forward into the room and go to the center mechanism. Turn the mechanism 1/4 turn clockwise. Follow the tunnel to the second room. In here turn the mechanism 1/2 circle. In the last room turn the mechanism 1/4 turn counter-clockwise. Now go back through the rooms to the ladder. In the lower hallway there enter the room that you ran past and pull the chain in there. Now climb onto the top of the center pillar and claim the SUN DISK. Now combine the SUN DISK with the SUN GODDESS to get the SUN TALISMAN. Go through the trapdoor on the far side of the room to end the level. ========================================================================== Sacred Lake II ========================================================================== Some of this level will be on familiar territory. Let's begin. From the tunnel that you begin in, follow it until you are outside. If you explored the Sacred Lake the last time you were here you will recognize this area. If not, kill the scorpion and then get on the center area. Place the SUN TALISMAN on top of the pointed thing and 3 doors will open. Enter the one to the right to get a SMALL MEDIKIT. Now go back out and enter the left entrance saving the middle door for last. In the left area jump onto the pole and slide down. Get all of the items that you can find here and then enter the water on one side of the area. At the back of the water you will find a closed underwater door. Open it and follow the tunnel to a room in the back and SECRET #24. Now go back to the pole and climb up. Keep your eyes open for a ledge that you can backflip to from the pole. From this ledge line up a running jump to make it back to the central area. Now take the middle door. This will take you to a large room. In this room climb the rubble that you find and then jump to the monkey swing above. Make your way to the small opening in the wall on the other side. Ignore the bats along the way. Once you get to the other side you can turn around and kill them from the small hole in the wall. Now go up the small incline here and enter the opening to the left and get the item in here. Now go and enter the opening in the right side and at the back turn around and jump and grab the ledge above. Then pull yourself up. Walk out into the middle of the ledge and look to the left. You have to do a running jump and grab to reach that ledge over there. Once you are on that ledge walk to the edge look into the left of the other room there. See that nearby opening in the left wall? Get onto the platform below you and then you will have to do a running jump and grab to get onto the ledge. When you pull yourself up you will have to kill 2 bats in the next room. After they are dead drop down and stay on this side of the room. Now go to the nearby right corner and do a safety drop onto the block below. From this block go straight across the room and enter the smaller room to gather the items there. Once this is done go outside via the doorway in the larger room then run to the door on the opposite side of the courtyard to end the level. ========================================================================== Tomb of Semerkhet ========================================================================== Destroy the vases in the room where you begin to get some goodies. Then go to the other end of the room and slide down the slope. When you get to the bottom you will be in a very long room and there also are a horde of scarabs running toward you. Run forward toward the center of the room and then grab onto the monkey swing on the ceiling and monkey swing to the end of the room. Now slide down the ramp here and then jump onto the pole in front of you and go down 1 floor. You will find a flame with a pedestal here. Walk towards it and you will find a stick. Set it on fire and you have a torch. Now go back to where the pole is and drop through the hole to the bottom level. You will find 2 switches down here, one on each side of the room with the third being blank. When you land on the floor, drop the torch en route to the first switch. Now turn and run to the next one. Repeat this process and keep an eye on your health. There are scarabs down here and they will take your health down fast. Once you have flipped all 3 switches get back on the pole and go back to the middle floor where you got the torch. Now look around for an open door with 2 vases beside it. Shoot the left vase for an item. Now enter the newly opened room and Once you enter the door behind you will close. Go to the red panel on the left wall and open it. Follow this path until you drop into a room below at the end. This is the Senet room. You will be in here off and on for a while. Now turn so that you are facing the senet board and still on the top level. Look at the left wall and you will see a ladder going up. Go over to the ladder and climb it. At the top of the ladder you will get SECRET #25. Go back down the ladder and go to the floor. Head to the opposite side of the room from the ladder and go into the hallway beyond. You will find A ladder going up and into another area. Go up and follow this path until you wind up in a large room with 2 pools of water in it. You will find 2 Jackals in here. Once they are dead go to the back of the room where there are 3 switches. The trick to these switches is that periodically they will shoot out flames. Watch them and you will soon learn the timing to get past them. Flip the left one, then the right one, then the center. Once they have all been flipped a path to the next area will open on the right. Go in here and you will land in a pool of water. Climb over the edge and you will see 6 switches with flames as before. Here is the order that you need to flip them. EXIT 1 2 6 4 3 5 ENTER That should help you get through this room. When you are leaving you have to climb up the ledge on the opposite side from where you entered and be careful. If you mess up you are dead. You will find a monkey swing that will take you out of the room and back to the larger one that you were in a moment ago. When you get into the larger room you will find a pedestal on your right and in front of you that you need to climb. Once you are on top of that turn around and jump to the ledge in front of you. Flip the flame switch that you find up here and then go to the opposite side from where you climbed up. Do a safety grab over the edge and shimmy right until you can climb up onto the ladder. Follow the ladder around the side and eventually you will find a niche in the wall. Climb in the niche for SECRET #26. Now climb down the ladder and drop to the floor and you will land safely. Take and go down the slope in the center of the room and get THE RULES OF SENET. Now go back to the Senet room. From where you enter cross the game board and climb the ladder on the other side. Up here is your control area for the game of senet. It's simple to play. First you spin the rollers on the left. For each white mark that is facing you when they stop that is 1 space that a piece can be moved. If you get all black then that is considered a 6 so you move 6 places and get a bonus spin. If one of your pieces lands on an Ankh, then you get a bonus spin. To move a piece, after you roll, step onto one of the colored squares on the floor. The goal is to get all of your pieces off of the board before your opponent. If you land on a square occupied by your opponent then the piece that was already there goes back to it's starting position. When you get to the end of the board you need an exact roll to get your piece off of the board. This game is very easy to win and a little more challenging to lose. Also this determines the path that you take through the rest of the level. If you win you get the easy and boring path to the end, lose and you get the fun and challenging path. I prefer losing since you pick up some secrets along the way. IF YOU WIN... You will notice that all of the Ankh symbols will raise up out of the board. Now go down to the ground floor and follow the hallway up to the doorway to the upper level of the Senet room. Jump across the Ankh symbols and go through the doorway at the end. In here go either left or right and down the stairs at the end. When you are on the next level down you will come to where there is a large door that will open as you approach. Once the door opens 2 Jackals will be released. Once they are dead head down the stairs and shoot the right vase. Inside you will find an item. Now head down the stairs here and you will be in a large room with 2 Jackals and a hole. You know what to do. In the lower room that you land in run as fast as you can to the pole on the other side and climb it. The reason that you need to run is that there are scarabs waiting to meet you. Climb the pole out of the room and on the next floor shoot the left vase for an item. Now turn around and enter the larger room here. Don't worry about the Jackals in here for the moment. Go through the large room and on the other end you will find a tunnel leading to another pole. Climb up the pole and jump into the room you find on the left. Now that you are on a safe area you can kill the bats. From this room, take and jump across to the other alcove in the pole chamber. In this room you will find 3 Senet pieces and 3 beams of light. First take the red piece and put it at the end where there are 2 beams of light. Now take one of the green ones and put it across from the red one. Now place the other green one across from the other green one and the red piece needs to be placed on the red square with the light beam. Now the Jackals in the other room are awake. Go back to that room where the Jackals are and once they are dead go through the tunnel and at the end turn right and enter the room with the red carpet to end the level. IF YOU LOSE... Go to the bottom level of the Senet room and you will find some openings in the floor next to the game board. Drop through the hole that is to your right as you enter the main floor of the senet room. Slide down the ramps until you get to the second slope. Make sure that you go down backward here. At the bottom grab on and then drop onto the slope that is directly below you. Now slide down this new slope and you will see a doorway near the bottom. Jump into the doorway and inside you will get SECRET #27. On your way out just get onto the slides and go all the way down until you see a pole and then jump onto it and slide down. At the bottom of the pole kill a couple of bats and then turn and look at the rest of the room. Now looking at the length of the room, go to the ledge that is to your right. From this ledge look at the width of the room and you will see a red door in the center of the room. Jump onto the first rope and then jump over to that red door. Push the door open and claim SECRET #28. NOTE: If you managed to get SECRET #27 then you will be on the side of the room where you can go ahead and get CARTOUCHE PIECE #1 without ever touching the ropes hanging in the center of the room. I personally think that this makes this room much easier. Back in the room, turn so that you are facing the red door and sidestep left until you are next to the ramp. Now jump left and grab the end of the slope and drop to the floor. Climb the ladder up to the middle level and enter the crawlspace that you find. When you leave the crawlspace, you will find a Senet piece across the room from you. Go to it and then pull it forward until you can get behind it. Now push it up between the hammers. Once you get it in place backflip away. Go to the remains of the piece and get CARTOUCHE PIECE #2. Now go back to the large room and climb to the top level and jump onto the first rope as you did when getting SECRET #28. Now turn and face the second rope. Turn so that you are facing the second rope and you cannot see it, then jump to it. Now turn right and jump up onto the ledge here. Run up the hallway and kill a pair of Jackals in the room that you come to. Take the Senet piece in the back and pull it up between the hammers and then flip the switch to smash it. Claim CARTOUCHE PIECE #1. Now combine CARTOUCHE PIECE #1 with CARTOUCHE PIECE #2 to get the BA CARTOUCHE. Now go into the large room again and make your way carefully to the floor of the room. Use the BA CARTOUCHE in the lock to the door under SECRET #28. In the new room head to the right. At the end of the ledge jump and grab the switch. Now when you are on the bottom notice the crawlspace. Leave it for now. Now quickly run to the other end and climb up the right pole. At the top backflip onto the ledge behind you. Take the Senet piece up here and move it a couple of places without ever stepping on the tile with the black diamond in it. Now go back to the floor and go through the crawlspace you saw earlier. When you come out you are in the large room with 2 ropes again. Go back into the room you just opened and flip the switch again. Now run back across the floor and climb the pole again and push the Senet piece the rest of the way across the floor. Jump back when you have it between the hammers. Go forward and claim the RA CARTOUCHE. Use the RA CARTOUCHE to open the other door in the large room with 2 ropes. Run up the stairs in front of you and follow them to a large room. You will notice the entrance to another room on the right side. Go there ASAP! You will have a pissed off Fire Spirit chasing you the whole way. There is no way to hurt it so dodge it as best you can. In the room on the right you will find a switch. Flip it and you release a Water Spirit. Now the Fire Spirit will leave you alone. Go back into the Fire Spirit room and go to the entrance and turn around. Jump onto the rope and then swing and jump to the second rope. They say that third rope is a charm, or it is in this level anyway. Jump onto the ledge that is completely opposite the entrance to this room and you will trigger SECRET #29. Now jump back onto the third rope and jump onto the ledge that is on the left as you entered the room. Walk to the back of the upper area here and kill the bats as you come across them. At the back of the area, jump to the pole and climb up the pole. Put your back to the wall you were facing and when you get above the ledge backflip onto the ledge behind you. There is a switch to the left of the ledge, jump to it and flip it. You will safely land on a ledge below. Now jump back onto the pole and climb it again and again get off on the ledge. Now, facing the wall, go around the back to the left. Walk onto the raised panel and reach into the switch hole and you will get another stick. Go back to where the switch is and jump to the lower ledge again. Now toss the stick to the ground then do a safety drop to the bottom level and find the stick. Remember the flames in the Fire Spirit room? Go and use that to set the stick on fire. Now head to the back area that you just left again and search the walls and you will find 2 torches that you can use the stick to light. This will open a trapdoor in the floor. Drop into it and walk along until you hear the lovely sound of SECRET #30. If you want, you can turn back, but this is fun. Look down the tunnel and you will see a circle of blades that will go out and in. Watch it a few to get the timing down and then do a sprinting dive through it. You will find several items in the back area. Also as you are leaving scarabs will begin to swarm the area and some trapdoors under the blade trap will open. Go back into the large room. Now go once more to the ledge above the last pole. Now jump to the ledge on the other side of the room and follow it to where you can climb into a room above. If you turn and look above the hole that you just climbed out of you will see a switch. Flip it. The Ankh symbol is now raised up. Climb onto the top of the Ankh and you will notice a hole in the cieling above the Ankh. Climb in here for SECRET #31. Now drop back down to the Ankh and follow the tunnel to the end of the level. ========================================================================== Guardian Of Semerkhet ========================================================================== From where you start the level, go to the sarcophagus in front of you and drop through the hole on the other side of it sliding down into a small corridor. Follow this tunnel to the end and along the way you will come to 2 blade traps. Walk up to them as close as you can and just after they open back up for a second, press the roll button to get past them without taking any damage. At the end of the tunnel you will slide into a room that is yet further down. In this larger room which I will call the map room (if you need an explanation for the name, just look around), go to the left side and climb into the hallway and then crawl through the opening to the right. In the room that you crawl into, go up to the wheel and pull it about 5-6 times and then run and jump along the platforms to get through the room. On the way you will come to where a door is sliding down, to get past it sprint and then dive under the door. Make sure that you do not stop in this room once you start moving until you get to the ledge that has the pedestal because there are blade traps all over the place. At the back of the room go to the back side of the pedestal and claim the GOLDEN VRAEUS. Once you have it drop to the floor and work your way back to the other side of the room. Do not step into the indented areas on the floor because they contain blade traps. At the back of the room you will find an opening leading to a ladder. Once you are back at the top of the room, make your way back to the map room. Back in the map room, go to where you originally entered the room and place the GOLDEN VRAEUS into the lock. Now a machine in the room will activate and a pyramid will open. Go to the open pyramid and claim the GUARDIAN KEY. Now take the GUARDIAN KEY and use it in the lock on the wall next to the trapdoor in the floor. Once the trapdoor is open enter the tunnel below and go down the slope. In this lower area your ultimate direction is to go through the wooden door to the left. But to do that you need some help. Go to the right and after you round the bend in the hallway you will see a wall switch in the distance. Go and flip it, or if you are too slow then your help that you need to open the wooden door will come to you. Meet Phil (I don't know it's real name but this fits). Go into the area that Phil was trapped in and as soon as you go through the door into his area you will notice a flame to your right. You need to remember this flame. Sprint all the way down Phil's area until it dead-ends into a room with 2 unlit torches. In the center wall reach into the hole and you will pull out a STICK. Take the stick back to the flame it mentioned earlier and then return here. Light the torches and a door in this room will open. Go into this room and you will get SECRET #32. In the room at the end you will find 3 pillars with items on them that have blade traps in them. Also, there will be a spike trap that drops down into the center of the room. Once all of that is done, go back to Phil's area. When you are back on the outside of Phil's door, run to the corner ahead where you can see the 2 monkey swings on the ceiling. Grab onto the left one (same side as from where you originally slid down to this area), and monkey swing most of the way down the hall until you find a small crawlspace in the wall. You will be attacked by some bats on the way, but ignore them. Enter the crawlspace and at the end you will find SECRET #33. The beauty with getting this secret is that sometimes Phil will have already broken down the door that you need broken down before you get back. Once you have gotten all of the items out of here go back into Phil's hall and drop to the floor. Now go to the wooden door to the left that I spoke of earlier. If Phil hasn't already broken the door then you need go get him to break it. To do so stand in front of the door facing the door and then listen to Phil's footsteps and when he is getting close side jump either left or right. After the door is broken go into the new area. In the large room at the end of the new area you will find 3 pillars with faces on them. You must get Phil to smash the faces. Use the same method as for the door. Once all the faces are smashed enter the doorway to the right. At the back of it climb the ladder and go to the upper floor. Up here head out and to the left. You will find a side room up here with some goodies inside and a blade trap. Now go back outside onto the upper ledge, and go to the room that is directly opposite the one you just left. You will need to climb into this room. This is SECRET #34. There are blade traps in here and you can only get one of the items because the others will burst into flame. Choose wisely... Now make your way back down to the ground floor where Phil is. Enter the left door and climb the ladder at the end to finish this level and say goodbye to Phil. ========================================================================== Desert Railroad ========================================================================== In the boxcar that you begin in you will notice that there are 2 switches on the floor, however, only 1 has the handle that you need to operate it. This whole level is about getting that one handle. Flip the switch that you can operate and you will open the door to the next boxcar. Jump diagonally to the next trailer and open the door to enter. Go into the first 2 rooms on the left and shoot the boxes for goodies. Now coming out of the second room turn left and draw your guns because as you approach the rear of the car, a ninja will attack. All of the enemies in this level are ninjas. Jump onto the third trailer with the low tarp and as you get to the middle of it you will see 2 ninjas get onto the flat trailer in front of you. After that go to the 5th trailer (wooden colored one). Once you are on top of it, go past the skylight and you will be attacked by 2 more ninjas 1 on this car and 1 on the next. Explore inside the 5th trailer if you want where you will find a ninja and some goodies. Once you are done in here jump and climb up the ladder to the 6th trailer. Go on to the 7th trailer, with the high tarp, and jump to it. Now go to either side and do a safety grab over the left or right side and shimmy all the way to the other end, then pull yourself up. Now jump and climb the ladder onto the 8th and final trailer. When you are on top, go to the rear of the trailer and you will be attacked by another ninja. When he is dead go to the back and do a safety grab over the edge. You will see an opening in the back, drop and enter. This is SECRET #35. Now when you exit, climb back out and up. Now go to the current right side of the trailer, and do another safety grab over the edge. Shimmy along until you find another opening in the trailer. Once you find the opening you know what to do. Inside you will find some items, and a CROWBAR. Use the CROWBAR on the switch in here without a handle, and use it. Now you will be attacked by another ninja. From here you must get back to where you started the level. You know what to do to get there so get moving. You will encounter several ninjas on the way and when you get ready to go to the first trailer where you began, Take a step back from the edge, and jump while holding in the grab button and you will make the jump. After you land go inside and use the CROWBAR on the switch without a handle and you will open another door on the trailer. Run to the new door and you will end the level. ========================================================================== Alexandria ========================================================================== You begin the level in a train depot. Head in the only direction that you can. When you get to the steps, there will be a couple of scorpions in dark area beside the steps. Once they are dead go up the steps and into the courtyard area. In here you will see a bad guy running along, but ignore him for now. Go into the 2 story building with the columns and arches. Once inside go to the second floor where there will be a cut scene. After the cut scene, get the LASERSIGHT and the rest of the items off of the table next to where you came in. Now go out onto the balcony and turn left. Here you will have to kill a few baddies including one on the ground. Still on the balcony and facing to the left, jump to the building in front of you. Now face the building to your right and do a running jump and grab onto the edge of the roof. Still holding onto the roof, shimmy to the right around the corner until you are above a switch. Drop onto the switch, flipping it, and then enter this building. Inside you will find another baddie and enter the back area to get SECRET #36. Now go back outside and turn right. Now head down the alley to the right. Follow the alley to the end of the level killing another baddie on the way. ========================================================================== Coastal Ruins ========================================================================== Okay, just so that you know this will be the level hub for the next several levels. Meaning that they will branch off of this level. Here we go. Run along the path until you come to where there are 2 palm trees. Enter the archway behind the second palm tree. Shoot out the door to the "Egyptian Adventure" and enter. When you enter and the path splits, take the left. Then around the corner it will split again. Notice the area here with the metal bars. You'll be back. Go left and into the lower hallway. You will find a room with a picture beside the door and another room further down the hall that is boarded off. Open that room and go in carefully. This room is a trap puzzle that you must solve to get the CROSSBOW. As soon as you can, drop off of the side of the stairs and look into the mirror across the room. See those lowered spots in the mirror's floor? Do not step on those spots in your floor or you are dead. Make your way over to the corner where the CROSSBOW is and then do a running swan dive jump to get it. Once you have it make your way back across the room to the stairs in the same manner in which you came. Now that you are out of the room, it's time to go on. With the door to the crossbow room to your back, follow the hallway around to the left. Next you will come to a room with a pyramid and a sarcophagus. There are 2 hallways in this room leading to a lower area. Take the right one and go down the slope. You are now in another trap. The platform you are on will fall in a short time. Equip your CROSSBOW and the EXPLOSIVE ARROWS. See those targets in the distance? Jump straight up into the air and let one fly. Destroy all the targets and the trap is disarmed. Go to the floor and get the TOKEN that the carving spits out. Climb out the crawlspace and go back into the other hall. Enter the room with the picture beside the door. In here put the TOKEN into the slot in the wooden pole to activate the flute player. Climb the rope into the upper area and get the BROKEN HANDLE off of the floor. Now go into the alcove where there are 3 hooks in the wall. Use the CROWBAR to pry the left one out. Now you have a WALL HOOK. Combine the BROKEN HANDLE and the WALL HOOK to get the HOOK AND POLE. Now go back to that barred in room area and use the HOOK AND POLE to get the GATE KEYS. Go back out to the main area where the palm trees are and turn right. Head down this way and enter the right arch and go down the stairs. Enter the water at the bottom and climb out. Jump and enter the crawlspace. On the other side of the crawlspace, you will enter a tall room. Drop down to the floor and climb the ladder that is beside you. At the top, follow the path to the outside until you get a cut scene that shows you a view of the area. Climb the hill here and enter the building that is the highest of the three that were shown. There is the one that you just came out of, the one that touches the water, and then there is the one that you want to go to. Once you are in the building equip the CROSSBOW with EXPLOSIVE ARROWS. Because there are a couple of skeletons here to greet you and this is the best way to kill them. Once the skeletons are dust, climb to the very top of this area. At the top, jump across the gap and you will find a gate. Use the GATE KEY to open the gate to the Catacombs. ========================================================================== Catacombs ========================================================================== Run forward into the room in front of you. Now enter the room to the right. Notice how the floor sinks? We need to fix that. Go to the face switch in here and press it. Now go back to the Coastal Ruins. ========================================================================== Coastal Ruins II ========================================================================== From where you exit the Catacombs, work your way back down to ground level in this building. Now notice that large hole in the floor where a boulder is being suspended by a rope? Go down the ladder to this bottom area. Down here you will find a STICK lying on the ground. Pick it up and go to the flames that are nearby. Be careful not to get too close. Once the STICK is flaming, go to the rope that is holding up the boulder. Get directly under the rope and then jump to set the rope on fire. In a few seconds the boulder will fall. Now enter the crawlspace that the boulder was guarding. On the other side use the CROWBAR to open the gate and enter the Lower Catacombs. ========================================================================== Catacombs II ========================================================================== Run forward until you see the pillar in the center of the walkway. Pull the pillar onto the dark section of floor tile. Now go back to the Coastal Ruins. ========================================================================== Coastal Ruins III ========================================================================== From where you come out of the lower section of the Catacombs, go back up to the upper entrance. ========================================================================== Catacombs III ========================================================================== Now you are back in the first part of the Catacombs that you entered. Go back into the room with the sinking floor and pull the pillar here out of the room along the pathway, and all the way into the end of the path in the first room. As soon as you get the pillar into place, a door will open and a spirit will be released. This one will not set you on fire or anything, but each time it touches you, it will steal some life. Run through the newly opened door and down the short hall. The next room that you come to will have a big hole in the floor with a pole sticking out. In this room land on the floor and head through the door to the right. Run up the stairs in this hall and into a room with a good deal of vases and stuff. In here you will find a "cross" type object. Stand in front of this cross and eventually the spirit will hit it and be destroyed. Now that the spirit is gone go back to the room with the hole in the floor and the pole. At the bottom of the pole head to the other end of the room and the wall at the end will rise up. Flip the switch located in here and you will reveal yet a bigger room. See those 2 ropes hanging from the ceiling? Get onto the second rope and look at the left wall. See that crawlspace there? Go to it and get in. This is SECRET #37. Crawl through the other side of the crawlspace and then drop down the ledges to the floor. Run up the stairs and through the hallway. Now drop down the chute and into the water below. You are now in a very large room with many ledges positioned throughout. Eventually you will have been on every single ledge in here. Climb up the stairs next to where you entered the area. At the top of the stairs get onto the "L" shaped ledge and use an explosive arrow to kill the skeleton in the center of the room. Now face the right wall. See that switch in the corner? Go to it and flip it. Now there are 2 more ledges in front of you along the right wall to the room. Jump across these until you are on a ledge below the monkey swing. Kill another skeleton and then swing across the room via the monkey swing. Once on the left side of the room flip the switch and then dive back into the water avoiding the spirit you have released. Swim back to the right side of the room and go between the 2 ledges that you brought out a couple of minutes ago and swim into the small underwater room. In here is another cross. Just wait. Once the spirit is dead, go back to the stairs in the room and then jump to the center platform. From the center platform jump to the one just in front of it. Now you will see the other 2 ledges that you brought out from the last switch. Jump to the left one then the right one. From the right one, jump to the ledge in the archway to the next area. Still on the ledge in the arch, jump into the small niche to your left. Now take and shimmy along the ledge until you find a floor under you. Go through the passage here until you are in a decent sized room with more ropes (yay). Wait until you see the 2 skeletons and have dealt with them before you do anything else. Now take and jump onto the nearby rope. Swing onto the right ledge. From here jump to the central pillar and claim the TRIDENT. Now jump to the left ledge. If you don't care about items then head up the ladder that you find to the right of your current position. Otherwise climb onto the ledge in front of you and get the LARGE MEDIKIT. Also you will have to kill another skeleton. At the top of the ladder, you will find another skeleton and another TRIDENT. Now climb the pole into up. At the top of the pole, jump off and head down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, you will be in a familiar room. With another skeleton. Once it's dust, go down the pole in front of you into the very large room below. At the bottom of the pole you will encounter another skeleton (what are these people Jerry Springer rejects?). Anyway go to the end of the platform that you are on and turn to the right. See that ladder in the wall? Jump to it and go down to the floor to greet yet 2 more skeletons. Once they are disposed of, head in the direction of the pool of water. Next to the pool you will find a ladder in the wall. Climb the ladder and follow the tunnel up here into another room. Take the first left. As soon as you enter this area a skeleton will pop out at you. When it's done, head to the back of this room and take a right. You will next see another doorway on the right. In here you will find some vases, a non-moving skeleton and a ladder. Climb the ladder to the top. Up top you will have to kill 2 skeletons en route to the other side of the room. On the other side of the room to the left you will find another ladder taking you yet further up. At the top, look around on this ledge and you will find another TRIDENT. Now looking out at the entire room see that rope in the distance to the far right? Go to it. Once on the rope, jump onto the ledge that is just in front of you. Now turn and face the doorway next to you. Jump to it with the grab button held in so that you will land inside. Climb up the pole inside. In the room above climb the ladder to the hallway above. At the end of the hallway you will find the last TRIDENT. Before you get it (unless you wish to use up precious ammo) place your back to the ladder on the other side of the pillar where the TRIDENT is. Now grab it and then quickly turn around and scramble up the ladder. Run along the hallway at the top to end this level. ========================================================================== Coastal Ruins IV ========================================================================== In the area where you begin, kill the skeleton. Now use the CROWBAR on the 2 gates. Now you will be outside. Run down the path in front of you and enter the Catacombs again via the upper entrance. ========================================================================== Catacombs IV ========================================================================== In the Catacombs once again, head to the large underground chamber with the 2 ropes hanging from the ceiling. This is the same room in which you earlier found SECRET #37. Now head to the far end from where you entered on the ground. Enter the large door that is next to the pool of water. Follow the hallway to the next area. ========================================================================== Temple Of Poseidon ========================================================================== Run forward until you find a ladder going down. Notice the nearby cross that says that there's at least 1 enemy in this level. Now go down the ladder to the area below. Down here you can go in any of 4 directions. You will also notice a huge hole in the floor in the center. Ignore that for now. So with your back to the ladder, enter the hallway to the right. At the end of this tunnel you will come to a 2 story room. Kill the 2 skeletons in here and drop to the floor below. Turn around and enter the niche to the left. You will find a crawlspace and SECRET #38. Then proceed to the other side of the room on the top story still. In the next room you will notice a huge stone face with a crawlspace under it. Go through the crawlspace and follow it to the end. In the room beyond that you will see a statue of Poseidon in the distance. Go to it. Use a TRIDENT on the statue. Now water will be flowing from the face. Now go back to the main room where you can go 4 different directions. This time go through the corridor that is directly opposite the last one (across the hole that is). At the end you will find another stone face. Climb up the pole in front of it. On the next floor up you will find another statue of Poseidon. Go to it and on the way you will have to kill another skeleton. Use another TRIDENT on the statue. Now go back to the main room. This time head to your right. You will soon come to the familiar face. At the face turn left and look for a ladder. At the top, you will find another statue of Poseidon. You know what to do, killing another skeleton in the process. Now back in the main room go to the ladder in the center that you came down earlier. And don't waste any time. You have a spirit on your tail. Go to the cross that you saw earlier. Once the spirit is gone, go back downstairs and go the only direction that you haven't been in yet. When you get to the face look to the left. You will see a crawlspace. Do not walk up to it. See that tile with the dark mark in the center? Can you say barbeque? Walk until you are about a step away from the tile then hop back and do a running jump and grab to the crawlspace. Pull yourself in and go through. When you get to the other side you will see another statue of Poseidon. When you are done here return to the main chamber killing some skeletons on the way. Remember that hole? Dive in. At the bottom you will find a doorway. Follow this path until you can get out of the water. Now you are in a room with 2 staircases. It does not matter which one that you take they both go the same place. At the top you will have to kill another skeleton. In the room at the end you will have 2 spirits after you. Destroy the large vase on the right to reveal a cross. Once the spirits are gone go to the wall switch on the other side of the room (across from you) and push it. Then head through the room to the left to the sarcophagus at the end. Open it and inside you will get the LEFT GAUNTLET. Now take either newly opened doorway to a back passage. Look up in the center and you will see a crawlspace. Follow the crawlspace to the end of the level. ========================================================================== The Lost Library ========================================================================== Head along until you enter a large room with 7 doors on the bottom floor. There will be 3 to the left and right and a large door in front of you. Go to the middle door on the left and enter it. In the next room you will find a pole that you can slide down. Slide all the way down to the bottom avoiding the blades as best as you can. At the bottom, run along until you find another pole going up. On the next floor up run into the large room that is before you. Once you enter here you will meet an axe man (it must be murder for these guys to get into any public venues like sports or anything else. Can you imagine the screener's face at the airport?); the only way to kill these guys is to shoot that gem in their chest. These are the main enemies for the level as well. Once he's dead go up to the pillar that is in front of the entrance and use the CROWBAR to pry off the GOLDEN STAR. Once you have that now it's time to get some more. Look at the left side of the arch next to the wall and you will find a ladder. Climb it and at the top follow the walkway into another area. In this large area you will have to kill 2 axe men. You will also notice that to the left of the entrance is a gate that you can't open yet. In the room that the second axe man comes from you will find a ladder going to a lower area. In this lower area you will encounter a very tough axe man who gets onto a horse. The only strategy I have is to shoot him in the chest as much as possible. When he's dead you will get the HORSEMAN'S GEM. After he is dead explore the large room to the left of where you entered. Look at the slanted platform and you will see a door and some weight type objects on cables. Shoot the bells using the CROSSBOW with the LASERSIGHT equipped. Inside this niche you will get SECRET #39. Now go back up to the gate on the other floor that you couldn't open. Use the HORSEMAN'S GEM in the lock next to it and it will open. Go inside and pull on the chain. Now head back to the area where you met the first axe man with the large wheels. Head to the back of the room and go either left or right. It does not matter (I prefer left). Dodge the swinging chains and enter the room at the end. In this back room lift up the wooden trapdoor and go for a swim. Underwater look for an open gate and swim through it. When you emerge from the water, collect the 2 GOLDEN STARS. Now head back to the room with all the doors at the beginning of the level. This time go to door #6. I'll show you: 7 3 6 2 5 1 4 That should make it easier. Now it's time for an astronomy puzzle. First take the 3 GOLDEN STARS and place them in the locks throughout the room. Now take the planet with the blue stripe and place it on the circle in the very center. See how that planet got a little circle above it? That means that it is in the correct place. Get all of the planets to do that and the puzzle is solved. It's pretty simple. Now follow the hallway and along the way you will find a door on the left. Open it if you want, it's door #3 from the main room. At the end of this hallway is the "Flaming Snake Puzzle of Death and Fear to All" (I just had to say that). Easy solution to this, pick any snake and flip the switch, then move counter-clockwise and flip all of the snakes on. When you get the last one flipped on, some stairs in the center will rise up and a fire spirit will begin chasing you. Climb the stairs into the upper floor. Now along the way you will find a small pool of water, get in and soon the fire spirit will die. Just follow along the corridors until you come to a door you open and it puts you on the top floor of the main room. Go and enter the leftmost door on the other side of the room (your back is to the door that you just walked out of). In here as soon as you enter the room, a fire spirit will begin chasing you, so head to that pool of water you used a moment ago. When it's dead go back to the room that you were in when you picked up your "friend". Get the PHAROS PILLAR off of the pedestal. Now go back into the main room and head 2 doors over and enter. At the back of this room you will find a slide going down. Near the bottom you will see a ladder in front of you. Jump and grab it and climb up. You will be on top of one of the lion heads. Look to the right and you will see some goodies on a ledge to the right. Do a running jump to get over to them. This is SECRET #40. Go down and at the bottom as soon as you regain control jump forward and then side jump either left or right to avoid the boulder. Now kill the axe man in here also. Once he's gone, go back to the ramp that the boulder came down and go as far up it as you can. At the top, look to the left and you will see a switch. After you have flipped it climb the ledges in the center of the room and then jump onto the ledge next to the wall. From here enter the doorway that is nearby. When you emerge from that you will be facing the top of the lion's head. Jump to the top near the chain and pull it. Now make your way back down to the ledge in the center of the room. From this ledge jump and pull yourself into the lion's mouth and crawl down it's throat. Climb the pole at the back and up into the next room. In here you will find 2 doors. Go through the one to the left as you are facing them. In this next hallway you will find a stick that needs to be set on fire. In the room next to that stick step on either of the floor grates and you will see fire. When the stick is burning keep going in the way you were headed a moment ago. In the chamber at the end toss the burning stick onto the wooden panels to get rid of them and then drop into the hole in the bottom. Pick up the scroll on the floor that Lara keeps looking at. This is the MUSIC SCROLL. Once you have it leave this room. You just opened up door #4 on the first floor. Now go back upstairs via the fire serpent room of death and enter the main room. Enter the door to your left as you come out. Place the MUSIC SCROLL on the podium and run through the door you just opened. When you are at the chain pull it and then go down to the main floor. Head through the large door to end the level. ========================================================================== Hall of Demetrius ========================================================================== Run along until you are in a large 2 story room. Once you are in here go through the doorway to the left. At the top of the hall, there will be a cut scene. When that is done you will be on the first floor. Wait for the 3 ninjas to come down to you and kill them. When they are dead, go up the path to the right of where you entered to get the PHAROS KNOT. Once that is done go back up to tunnel to the left where Von Croy met you. Up top go up to the lamp with the scratches on the ground and move it. You will open up a hidden door. Follow the path behind the door to end the level. ========================================================================== Coastal Ruins V ========================================================================== You will fall into a pool of water. Also as you fall you will get SECRET #41. Climb out and explore this area for items. Make sure that you grab the BROKEN GLASSES. Now on this raised platform there is a ladder. Climb it to the top and make your way out onto the beach. Once you are on the beach get into the water and keep your eye open for an underwater opening in the rocks to your right hand side. When you find that opening enter it. Now that you are in an underwater cave you are looking to go to the Temple of Isis. The best way to find that is to keep an eye on the blue seaweed. Go in the direction in which the seaweed is waving and you will get there without a problem. ========================================================================== Pharos, Temple Of Isis ========================================================================== You begin in a large underwater cavern. There is a hammerhead shark in here to keep you company, but ignore it. Look at the top half of the large temple in front of you. See how there is what looks like a wooden door in the middle above a larger door at the bottom. Also at the left and right of the upper door there are 2 openings. Enter the right opening and use the PHAROS PILLAR in the lock there. Now go and enter the one on the left. In here use the PHAROS KNOT. Now go back outside and swim to the bottom of the temple and enter the large door at the bottom. Inside the temple keep going up the stairs and you will come to a room with 2 pools and a skeleton. Enter the hole in the floor at the back of the room where the skeleton was. Follow the water passage into a room with 3 underwater doors. Open the one on the right as the other 2 go nowhere. When you are once again on dry land enter the room with the pool that is in front of you and from the left a harpy will attack. Once it is dead go up the stairs that are to the left of where you entered. In this room you will see a statue of Isis. Go to the back of the room and on the right side climb the pillar in the corner. Use the CROWBAR on the BLACK BEETLE in the wall. This will release a horde of scarabs. Now go to the other pillar on the left side and do the same to get a BROKEN BEETLE. Now go to the center of the room and climb the 2 new pillars and push the wall switch at the top of each. This will open a hole in the floor in front of Isis. Enter this hole and go to the other side of the room where you can see a slanted pillar up next to a ledge. Jump and grab onto the pillar. Once you pull yourself up backflip off of the pillar to land on the ledge. Push the wall switch and collect the WINDING KEY. Now go back to the main room where you killed the harpy. There will be a skeleton waiting for you. When it's dust enter the room that is to your left as you re-entered the room (center). Go through the room at the top until you are in a room with a black pyramid and 3 holes in the floor. There is also a skeleton in here. You have to enter all of the holes. I suggest that you go from right to left in here. In all 3 rooms you will need to slide down a ramp to enter the room below. At the end of each ramp jump forward and make your way quickly to the other end of the room and get out of the water before the flames reach it. In each room you will get a BLACK BEETLE and a BROKEN BEETLE. In the left room get only the beetle on the back wall. Now that you have 3 BLACK BEETLES go back to the room where you killed the harpy. Head up the only set of stairs that you haven't been up yet and follow the hallway to the exit. ========================================================================== Cleopatra's Palaces ========================================================================== Run forward into the large room with the fountain. Go to the small staircase on the other side of the room and in that area you will see a ramp going up to the next floor. Now depending on where you step, you will or will not get a skeleton to attack. Anyway, go to the wall panel with a face on it and use the CROWBAR to open it up. You will find a hidden passage behind it. Head down the passage to the next face and repeat. In the room at the end there is a hole in the floor. Drop through the hole onto a ramp. Near the bottom of the ramp jump towards the left. Keep walking to the left wall and climb out A.S.A.P. Where you climb out, use the CROWBAR to get another BLACK BEETLE. Now turn around and do a running jump to the ledge behind you. Walk to the end and look at the large flat area on the back side of the room from where you entered. Do a running jump to that back area. Now turn around and do a running jump and grab to where you entered. Now climb up and out then go back to the Temple of Isis. ========================================================================== Pharos, Temple Of Isis II ========================================================================== Go to the room with the black pyramid. Use the 4 BLACK BEETLES in the locks on the pyramid. From the inside of the pyramid get the MECHANICAL SCARAB. Combine the MECHANICAL SCARAB with the WINDING KEY to get the MECHANICAL SCARAB WITH KEY. Now go back to Cleopatra's Palaces. ========================================================================== Cleopatra's Palaces II ========================================================================== As you enter the large courtyard area with the fountain enter the water. On the right side go to the bottom and you will find a passage leading to another area. Follow this passage to the other side and get out into a small enclosed room. In this room you will find a wall switch. Activate it and then go back to the fountain. From here get out of the water and go to the stairs that you used earlier; just across from the entrance. This time stay on the ground level and go all the way to the back of the area. You will find a scarab picture on the floor. Use the MECHANICAL SCARAB WITH KEY on that picture. The scarab will set off the spike traps that are ahead of you. Whenever you see that picture of the scarab for the rest of the level you have to use that. When you reach the next room you can go either left or straight. Go left. In the room at the end open the sarcophagus and claim the LEFT GAUNTLET. Also once you enter a pair of blades above the door will begin swinging. Once you claim the gauntlet a skeleton will attack. Kill it and then go back down to the room below. Now take the straight path. Head down this path until you eventually reach a large room with columns in it. Looking around the room you will see a staircase with a hallway to the right of it, and there is a hallway with birds painted onto the walls with a closed door on the right side. Head down the hallway with the painted birds, and as soon as you enter the hallway go back into the room with columns. Kill the harpy that appears then go down the hallway the rest of the way. In this back area you will see a sunken place in the floor (if you flipped the switch near the fountain). Blow up the box in the little niche to get some more EXPLOSIVE ARROWS. Now climb up and just ahead and to the left you will find a double door with a high wall switch. Flip the switch and then jump onto the newly raised block nearby. From this block find the crack in the wall and use it to shimmy to the right until you can stand up. Once you reach the back area where you can stand up do so and enter. At the back of this upper area you will find the same blade and sarcophagus set up as before. Open the sarcophagus to claim the RIGHT GREAVE. Once you have it a skeleton will attack. Now go back down to ground level and go back to the room with the birds painted onto the walls. Enter the room that is now open in this hall and claim the PHAROS KNOT from the sarcophagus. Back in the column room, find the staircase with the hallway just to the right of it. Go down this hallway and you will find a small staircase in the room behind the column room. At the top of the staircase use the PHAROS KNOT in the lock to open a very large room. Climb onto the block in the center of the room with the SMALL MEDIKIT on top of it. Now there will be a GOLD LARA that is right in front of you. Do not let anything damage it, or you will receive the same damage! Ahead and to the left you will find a tall block next to the wall with a monkey swing above it. Get on it and monkey swing across the room. This will put you on the middle level of the room. From here you can kill one of the harpies at the top of the room. Once it is dead do a running jump across the room and land on the other ledge on the other side of the room. From here go right and climb into the high opening. In here blow up the skeleton that you find and kill the harpy in the middle of the room. It will likely try to go down and damage Gold Lara. Don't let that happen. Now after all of the pests are dealt with, jump to the suspended platform in the center of the room. Look to the left and right sides and you will see a switch hanging suspended on a block on each side. Jump from the side of the suspended platform on each side to flip the switches. One switch will release another harpy that will go after Gold Lara. With it dead go back up to the top of the room and enter the rooms behind the switches. In one of these rooms is a skeleton. With it dead claim the HATHOR EFFIGY and the ORNATE HANDLE from the 2 rooms. Now combine the 2 items to get the PORTAL GUARDIAN. Use the PORTAL GUARDIAN on the pole next to the other door on the upper level of this room. Inside kill the skeleton and follow the path until you are in the throne room. In here kill Cleopatra's Guards which will fight only one at a time. With them dead, enter the rooms that they were guarding and claim the LEFT GREAVE and BREAST PLATE. Now enter one of the holes in the throne room floor and follow the path to end the level. ========================================================================== City of the Dead ========================================================================== You start out the level beside your motorbike. There is a gunman to the left on a ledge. Kill him and go up to where he was to get the REVOLVER. Now go back to your bike and get on. Drive forward until you come to an intersection where you can go either left or slightly to the right and forward. Take the latter of the choices. Also along the way you will run over 3 gunmen. Now get off of the bike and run up the left path from the intersection. When you near the archway sprint forward until you run smack into the building in front of you. Turn left and walk forward into the red archway that you will find on your right hand side. The reason that you want to stay up next to the building is so you can't be shot at by the guns. When you find the red archway enter it and you will find the GRENADE GUN. Now go back outside and get in front of the archway that you entered this part of the level from. Since you can't be shot because you are next to the building you have time to look around. See that building with what looks like gravestones in front of it to the right of the arch you entered through? Run over to that building and use action to kick in the door. Now inside you will find a dead body lying on top of a grate. Move the body and go back to where your bike is. Near the bike you will find a block that you can climb on with a crawlspace above it. Go through the crawlspace and follow the tunnel to a switch. Flip the switch to open the grating in the corner. Climb out and you will find yourself in the room with the dead body you moved. Turn around and jump into the crawlspace above the grating that you moved a minute ago. Follow this tunnel to another switch, flip it. Go back to your bike. Look around and you will find some roadblock signs on a platform nearby. If you parked the bike next to the block with the crawlspace, then you're in a great spot. Drive the bike quickly over the small hill to the left and land on the platform with the roadblock signs. Drive past the signs on the platform and the floor will collapse. Drive through this tunnel until you burst out of a wall. Get off of the bike for now and go back into the tunnel. Find the niche in the wall with the reddish light and drop down the hole. When you land in the water below, climb out. Kill the bats that you find in this area and then slide down the ramp to the lower area. Down in this square area you will find a dead body and a LASERSIGHT. Search the walls for a crack you can use to shimmy around. Once you find it shimmy to the right until you can climb up onto the upper ledge. Turn around and equip the REVOLVER + LASERSIGHT and shoot the swinging blue sphere. Do not shoot the thing in front of it unless you want to be attacked by angry bugs. Once you shoot the swinging blue sphere a ice spirit will be released. Drop to the floor and run up the stairs until you again fall into water. The current will take you to a nearby underwater passage. Swim through the passage until you can climb out onto dry land again. Drop back into the square area with the dead body and again climb the stairs. In the room at the top the water is now ice. Go across the ice and flip the switch that is under the lit torch. Now go back to the square area. You will find a new doorway down here. Go through it until you reach a chapel type area with bats. Kill the bats and then search for a large dark blue door. Use the CROWBAR to open the door and collect SECRET #42. Back out in the hallway climb the ledges that are nearby until you are in a crawlspace. Turn around and crawl to the edge and then hang outside over the street. Shimmy right until you get to an area where you can stand up. Turn around and do a running jump and grab to the wall switch across from you. When you drop to the ground a gunman will come from behind the gate you just opened. Kill him. You should recognize this area as it is where you began the level. Go get your bike and come back to this area. Drop down the small drop and you will be near a winding staircase. Kill the gunman that is at the bottom so he won't bother you. Now take the bike clear to the top of the area where you will notice a ramp. Jump over the gap with the bike and go on forward until you reach an area with a wooden ramp. Get off of the bike and explore the back area where you will find a switch guarded by bats. Flip the switch and then get on the bike and drive forward. This will take you back to the staircase. Take the bike to the top again but ignore the ramp this time. Park the bike in the dirt area and go back down the staircase until you get to the part where you raised a block with the last switch. Climb the block and go through the passage until you are facing a building with a broken gun on top. Do a running jump and grab and get on top of the building. Go through the open door here to the other side. On this side equip the REVOLVER + LASERSIGHT again. Do you see that red barrel between the 2 guns in the distance? Shoot that barrel and then get out of sight of the guns. When the guns are gone get on the edge of the roof and step onto the ledge sticking farthest out. Do a running jump and grab to the ledge that is across the street from you. Search the rooftop over there for a switch. Once you flip it go back to your bike. Now take the bike to where the machine guns were shooting earlier when you were in this area. Turn right and follow the path to the end of the level. ========================================================================== Chambers of Tulun ========================================================================== Drive down the ramp in front of you and make a hard right running over the gunman in front of you. Now get off of the bike and look to the right of where you came down the hill. You will see a gunman high up on the wall. Kill him for your safety. Now take and park the bike in front of the opening to the building so that it is facing the main length of roadway. Enter the building and look around as soon as you enter. See those 2 ledges to the left and right of the entrance? Remember them, you'll be using them in a few minutes. In the center section of the building on the left side you will find another GRENADE GUN. Now walk out the back side of the building. There may or may not be a giant bug attack you from your right. Now get on the stone step area at the back of the building. Look up at the awning above you and you will see a place where you can grab on. Here's a hint: For the stone step area place yourself as close to being in front of the roadway leading away from the area, and then jump up and grab. On the ledge, enter the doorway and follow the pathway to a room where you will get SECRET #43. Now go back outside to the ground level. Find the back entrance to the building and with your back to the building follow the roadway around the building to the left. As you round the corner Max will show up. You don't want to be near Max. Max is mean. Bullets don't hurt Max. Run back through the building and climb onto either of those platforms I mentioned earlier. Now from either of them do a running jump and grab onto the ledge in front of you. Walk into the main room of the building while staying on the ledge. Turn to the left and you will see a crack in the wall that you can use to shimmy to the right. When you can stand up, do so. Now turn and grab onto the ladder in front of you and make your way around to the other side of the ladder. Drop down onto the walkway on the other side of the ladder from where you were. Follow this walkway until it dead ends in a room at the back. Climb up onto the roof of the building. Now walk out onto a sloped section of the roof. See that switch on the roof? Leave it alone for now. See the rope in the center? You need to get there. So see the sloped ledge in front of the rope? Jump over to it (or the ledge that is next to it then jump onto the sloped ledge). Now jump onto the rope. Get a few good swings in to build up momentum and from where the switch is, go into the area that would be the left. When you land here kill the giant bug and get SECRET #44. From here do a running jump to land on the ledge that you used to enter the main room on the middle level. Make your way back up top and this time use the rope to get into the other area. You may or may not have another giant bug attack along with a gunman. This is where you will be coming in a minute. Now drop back to the ledge below and go to the switch. Flip the switch. Now you need to hurry as you don't have much time. Go over to the second area of the roof that you jumped into where the gunman was. Enter the hole in the roof and slide down and outside of the building. Get on your bike and speed around the corner ahead taking a very hard left. Stay on the left side of the road and jump the ravine. Pull up to the stone step that you used earlier. Now get off and sprint around the side of the building where Max came from. Over there you will find a large wooden wheel. Pull it 3 or 4 times and enter the door that opens nearby. In the back climb the ladder to the tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the end of the level. ========================================================================== Citadel Gate ========================================================================== From where you begin drop to the ground in front of you and go up to the wounded soldier. This is Sgt. Azziz. After your conversation with him run forward along the road until you see the Beast. Do not attempt to fight the Beast as you will die. Do not get hit by the fireballs as you will die. You will see that there is a path that is directly in front of you and you have to run in front of the Beast. Be careful. Now that you are past the Beast keep an eye on the right hand walls. Look for a section that you can climb over. On the other side there is a crocodile. When it is dead go up to the crawlspace and another crocodile will come out. After it is dead enter the crawlspace to get some goodies. Now check the walls in this area for a place where you can climb over. Drop to the ground on the other side of this wall and you are in a small room with 2 sarcophagi. On one side of the room you will notice that there are 3 switches. Flip the middle one. Now go and find the raised section of the floor and then jump and grab the ledge above. On this upper ledge flip the switch and then drop back down to the ground. Now take and flip the other 2 switches. Enter the hole in the ground that is the farthest away from you. In the back of this hole you will notice that there is a switch that needs a lever so use the CROWBAR on it. Now climb out and enter the other hole. In the back of this hole flip the switch and climb back out and enter the newly opened door. There are a couple of bats in this tunnel. At the top you will have to fight a few more bats and then do a running jump to the rope in the center of the area. Swing on the rope until you can jump onto the ledge that is directly opposite the ledge you just came from (the one you are gunning for is on the very far wall). Turn to the left and jump along the 4 ledges that you see. Now jump onto the ladder on the wall and go around the corner. Go to the bottom of the ladder and get off. Now turn around and jump and grab the ledge behind you. Look at the crack in the wall in front of you. See the part where it gets wider? Now take and jump to the ledge that is just below that part. Oh, and you will have to kill 2 giant bugs while you are doing all of this ledge jumping. After you are on this ledge look further on down the alley and you will see another ledge on the other side of the road. Jump to it and then jump into the doorway that you will see at the end. Follow the tunnel to the end and then jump to the right once you reach the end. Out here you will have to kill a bat and 2 giant bugs. The place that you need to land is near the wrecked jeep. At the back of the jeep you will find a NITROUS OXIDE CANNISTER. Now turn and you will see another wrecked car in the distance. Jump towards it. From here you have to go back to Sgt. Azziz. Yes, you have to run back by the Beast again as well. Once you reach Azziz, exit the level the way you entered. ========================================================================== Chambers of Tulun II ========================================================================== Drop down the ladder to the ground. Now run around this enclosed area until you find a place where you can climb out. Once you reach the ground outside you have to get past Max again. But he's a couple of fries short of a happy meal. Run to where you parked your bike the last time you were here. If you parked it where you should have then it is by the stone step. Get on the bike and drive up the hill in front of you that you have never explored yet. ========================================================================== Trenches ========================================================================== When you arrive in the open area get off of the bike and you will see a large palm tree in the distance off to your right. Go to the palm tree and enter the area behind it. Follow the road here until you get to a room where a sentry gun will begin firing on you. In this room get behind the boxes and crouch down. After doing that crawl around the room until you reach an area in the boxes where there is a window facing the gun. Get out the REVOLVER + LASERSIGHT and shoot the white fuel tank on the back of the gun. Once the gun is gone climb onto the highest box and do a running jump to the ledge across the room. Climb up onto the ledge and drop down the hole to a lower area. In this back area run along the hall until you reach a crawlspace to the left. Crawl through dodging the steam the best that you can. On the other side a gunman will be shooting at you. Once the gunman is dead explore this area for a place where you can climb up. From this new perch, use your REVOLVER + LASERSIGHT to destroy another sentry gun. After the smoke clears also kill the gunman that you can see just past where the sentry gun was. Now take and go back out to where you entered the crawlspace and go to where the second sentry gun was and head down this hallway. At the end of the hallway you will find another crawlspace leading off to the right. Go through the crawlspace while dodging the steam and you will get the WEAPON CODE KEY. Now go back through the crawlspace and in front of you there is a crack in the wall that you can use to shimmy to the other side. Once you are safely on the ground near the active sentry gun, run towards the wrecked jeep behind you. Back here kill the gunman and then use the CROWBAR on the engine to get the VALVE PIPE. Combine the VALVE PIPE and the NITROUS OXIDE CANNISTER to get the NITROUS OXIDE FEEDER. Now go back to the bike the same way you got here and equip the NITROUS OXIDE FEEDER to the bike and then go back to the Chambers of Tulun. ========================================================================== Chambers of Tulun III ========================================================================== From where you enter go back to near where the ravine you jumped in this level is. Now turn around and face the stone stairs. Go up the stairs using the Nitro boost to land on the upper area. Get off of the bike and enter the nearby door. Kill the gunman inside. Now go down the slope you find in here. Inside this room there are 3 directions you can go. To your left there is a tunnel going downwards. In front is a tunnel leading to a back room. To your right is a ramp going up. Take the tunnel in the middle. In the back room kill the gunman and get the unlit torch. Now go back to the center room you were just in and take the tunnel that goes down. Near the end of the tunnel you will meet another gunman. After he is dead follow the tunnel to a door that you can kick open. Kill the gunman inside and then light the torch with the fire. Go back to the center room and go up the ramp that you have not been up yet. Go up to the fire sensor and press action to hold the torch up to it. This will set off the sprinklers. Enter the door up here that opens. Inside flip the switch that you find to the left. Now go back to the room where you got the torch and climb up the boxes. Turn around and do a running jump and grab onto the upper ledge. Drop down into another room. Shoot the box on the left and then use the REVOLVER + LASERSIGHT to shoot the lock off of the locked gate. Inside this room reach into the hole in the wall and get the ROOF KEY. Now go back to the Trenches. ========================================================================== Trenches II ========================================================================== Back in the Trenches get off of the bike. Now you have probably noticed that there are 2 sets of stairs to the left and 1 set to the right. Go up the large set to the right. As soon as you are up the stairs look at the right wall for a place where you can climb up. Once you are up here turn right again and look at the ceiling panel in front of you and it will look like it has a handle on it. Jump up and grab it and you will open up a trapdoor. Climb into the crawlspace that it reveals. From here crawl into the next crawlspace on the other end. This one leads back outside. Use the REVOLVER + LASERSIGHT that is in the crack beside you. Now take and shimmy left along the crack until you are safely above the ledge that is just past the streetlight. From here get onto the nearby monkey swing and use it to cross the street. Once you are on the other side, enter the room there and kill the gunman. In this room use the ROOF KEY to unlock and open the door. Now do a running jump and grab across the street and grab the crack in the wall that is across from you. Shimmy left until you can climb up into the crack. Walk to the back of this area and you will find a window. Use the REVOLVER + LASERSIGHT to shoot the bright red button in the distance. You must shoot the light or nothing will happen. It's a pain. After you shoot the light go back to the street and get on your bike. Go to the 2 staircases to the left and go up the right one. Now I recommend walking up it first so you can see where you are going. You want to use the nitro while going up the stairs and also up the ramp so that you land on the very high area at the top. Once you are up here, get off the bike and climb the ladder to end this level. ========================================================================== Street Bazaar ========================================================================== Drop down the ladder in front of you and go to talk to the soldier that is lying on the ramp. Get the MINE DETONATOR BODY from the soldier. Now go to the table nearby and get the HANDLE. From there go behind the car and get the CAR-JACK BODY. Combine the CAR-JACK BODY and the HANDLE to get the CAR-JACK. Now go to the red button on the wall and press it. Go through the door that is to your right. Climb the ladder to the top. At the top walk forward until you see a monkey swing in the next room. Jump forward and grab it. Swing over to the right and enter the crawlspace that you find in the wall over there. In this room go onto the higher area and go to the brick wall that's sticking out. Use the CAR-JACK on it to open the gate above. Now out on the rooftop go to the area behind where the lightening is striking. Move the box that is behind where the lightening is striking and put the machine with the funnel looking thing on the spot where it's striking. Now the lightening will blow up a part of the bridge nearby. Go to the bridge and do a running jump and grab onto the ladder across the way. Shimmy to the left until you are above safe ground. Now turn around and you will see an area off to the side with slopes on both sides. Do a running jump into this area and at the back you will get SECRET #45. Now jump back to where you were after you got off of the ladder and enter the nearby hole in the wall. Slide down the slopes to an area below. Find the headless body at the bottom and you will get the MINE POSITION DATA. Combine the MINE POSITION DATA and the MINE DETONATOR BODY to get the MINE DETONATOR. Now when you go back up Phil's brother Bill is here. Go to where all of the boxes are piled in the corner and get Bill to charge them. After he does so a hallway will be revealed. Follow it to the top and kill the gunman at the top. Now go through the door he was guarding and it will take you out of here. ========================================================================== Trenches III ========================================================================== Run down the alley that is in front of you as you land. Now you should recognize where you are. Find the area with the 2 sets of stairs and go up the left set. At the back look to the right and you will see a giant sand pile. Climb up beside the sand pile and you will see a part of a block sticking out of the sand. Climb on it and now aim a running jump toward the lower part of the blacktop area and you will be up with your bike then. Now climb the ladder to get back to the Street Bazaar. ========================================================================== Street Bazaar II ========================================================================== Drop back down to the floor in this familiar room. This time go through the other door to the outside. Kill the 2 gunmen out here and go through the other door that you find on the ground. Back to the Trenches. ========================================================================== Trenches IV ========================================================================== Use the MINE DETONATOR to blow up the mines in the minefield. Cross it and press the red button on the wall. Now you can go and get your bike. When you come back through with it run over the gunman and go over the hill in front of you to get out of this level. ========================================================================== Citadel Gates II ========================================================================== Drive around the corner to the left and then use the nitro to clear the ravine. Turn right and you will see a familiar wrecked car. You know where you are now. Run over the 2 crocodiles around the corner. Go to Sgt. Azziz to end the level. When you near the Beast, be sure to use the nitro. ========================================================================== Citadel ========================================================================== Run forward until a cut scene starts. After it has ended run through the doorway to the left. In this room notice how the rope is hanging very low you'll be using that in a few minutes. But now continue on to the stairs in the back of the room. At the top of the stairs follow the tunnel into the room with the switch at the end. Flip the switch and grab the unlit torch. Light it and go back to the room where the rope was low. Set the rope on fire by jumping the flame into it. Now go back to the first room with the large wooden doors that are now open. There is also a hole in the floor. Enter the hole and follow along until you come to a very large room with staircases in it. There will also be a cut scene of a baddie running around. Jump to the ledge that is directly to your left. Now there is a large doorway just to your left. Climb up and jump to the staircase in that side room and go to the top of it. Now take and monkey swing until you are in front of the crawlspace in the wall. Enter the crawlspace and get SECRET #46. Now drop out of the crawlspace landing in the water below. Go through the underwater opening into the staircase room and climb out of the water. Work your way back up into the room to the large doorway with the staircase in it again. This time walk to the inner edge of the doorway and then turn and do a safety grab over the edge. Now take and drop to the crack in the wall below you. Shimmy right around the corner and drop to the next crack down. Shimmy right until you can climb up into the crawlspace in the end and then drop into the room on the other side. In this room with water on the floor, find the other crawlspace and climb through it. On the other side of it drop to the slope below you and jump back off of it. Keep the jump button held in so that you will do another jump as soon as you land. Once you are in the air the second time hold in the grab button so that you will grab the ledge. Now shimmy left until you can stand up. Once you can stand, do a running jump and grab to the ledge in front of you. Climb the stairs here until you are at the switch that you saw in the cut scene a few moments ago. You will kill 2 gunmen along the way. At the top flip the switch and kill the new gunman that shows up. Now walk to the hole in the floor that is to the left of the switch and do a safety drop below. Run through this hallway and downstairs until you are in a large room with 4 tables in the center of the room. To solve this puzzle look at the top of each table and it has the cardinal direction marked on the top (north, south, east, west). Use your compass to set each one on the appropriate marker on the floor. Once all 4 are in place the western door will open. Go through this door and move along until you are in a room with a hole in the floor and water below that. Drop into the water. Now there will be a hole to the left, in front of you, and to the right as you are facing them. Go through the hole to the left and swim all the way until it dead ends in a room. You will find a switch on the ceiling of this room. Once you flip it swim back to the center and get some air. Now go through the right tunnel. Get out of the water when you can. You will find a open door and a closed door in this room. Of course go through the open one and you will go back to the compass room. Now this time take the east tunnel down until you arrive in a room with 2 gunmen and a switch. Flip the switch and then go back to the compass room. Go back through the northern entrance and get back into the water tunnel. Swim back to the room with the pipes in it and this time enter the tunnel you haven't been in yet. Flip the switch in here and head back towards the compass room the way you just came. At the end of the tunnel that used to be flooded pull the chain and kill the gunman in this room. Go through the now open door that was closed. Run along until you come to a dead end. Search the right wall for a crawlspace and go through it. On the other side as soon as you touch the floor 2 crusaders will begin to try and attack you. You cannot kill them no matter what you do. Run up the wooden ramp that goes up and wait at the part where it is sealed off. When the crusaders get up there wait for them to begin to attack and then get out of the way. They will open up the way for you. Now run beyond them and climb into the room above. In this room run forward until you can drop down on the left side between some torches. Go forward until you find an opening on the left. Walk up to the hole in the floor and do a safety grab over the edge. You will see a crawlspace below you, drop to it and pull yourself in. Follow this tunnel here until you can climb into a room above that. This is SECRET #47. Dodge the 2 crusaders in this room and slide down back into the large cavern you were in a moment ago. This time when you drop down between the torches just run forward to end the level. Also you will regain the AMULET OF HORUS. ========================================================================== The Sphinx Complex ========================================================================== Run forward from the beginning and kill the 2 gunmen that are up ahead. The second gunman will drop the SILVER KEY. Use it in the nearby door lock. In this next area there will be 2 ninjas. Once they are disposed of climb onto the sandstone walls that they were on. From each wall you will find a ledge next to each wall with a switch on it. Flip each switch and then run to the newly opened door. Kill the ninja that attacks as you near the door. Now you are at the Sphinx. There is a large hole to the left and right of you. Go to the right hole. See those ledges that are in the hole and you can stand on them? Use them to get across. When you are ready to go back to regular sand, do a running jump to the wall of the pit that is not as sloped and climb up. As you climb out notice the garage door that is to your right. Now go to the next pit and tackle it the same way. As you land on the first ledge of the pit a gunman will attack from ahead, so kill him. Now make your way out of the pit and onto the sand on the far side. Kick open the metal door and enter the building there. In this room you will see a floor shelf that is blocking a crawlspace with a grate. Move the shelf by pushing it and then shoot the grate. Crawl through and shoot the grate on the other side. In this next room kill the gunman. Shoot the boxes in here to get the METAL BLADE. Now move the 2 floor shelves in this room and you will get SECRET #48. Go to the button on the wall beside the door and press it to open the door. Kill the 2 gunmen out here. Now this time head toward the front of the Sphinx. That means left from where you came out. When you get to the spot where you originally entered this part of the level go to the left pit and tackle it the way you have tackled all of the rest of them. Now you are at the front of the Sphinx. Go to the tombstone that is between it's paws and a cut scene will take over. Go back out front and head to the right. You will encounter another pit. Tackle it the same as the rest. Head towards the rear of the Sphinx and kill the 2 gunmen here. Now shoot all the boxes to get the WOODEN HANDLE. Combine the WOODEN HANDLE and the METAL BLADE to get the SHOVEL. Now climb over the Sphinx leg and go back to the tombstone again. Use the SHOVEL in the muddy area there. After that drop into the hole and run through the tunnel in front of you. ========================================================================== Underneath the Sphinx ========================================================================== Run forward into the room ahead and as you enter the gate will close behind you. In front you will notice 3 stone blocks on the wall with Mike and Joe in front of you. Near the entrance to this area you will notice a room on either side with a gate and a switch outside of it. You have to lure Mike and Joe into these rooms and lock them in. For help, just think of how you handled the others. Once they are locked up, while facing the blocks go left. As you are walking Lara will look at a SCRAP OF PAPER on the ground. Go get it. Now back at the blocks you have to press them in a certain order to open each room. Press them right, left, middle. This will open the far left room. Go through and be wary of the holes in the floor. Kill the bats in here. You will see 4 areas with different colors of light coming out of them. Use the BINOCULARS and press the action button for light and you will see the button sequences to open the rest of the necessary doors to this level to get the keys. Go back to the 3 stone blocks. Press the blocks right, middle, left. Go and enter the new room on the left. Kill the bats in here and don't fall into the pit. At the end you will find 3 crawlspaces that you need to go through. Enter the right one first and use your FLARES. The key to getting through these areas alive is if you see a wooden looking platform that looks funny, don't cross it. At the end of the right one you will find a switch. Now go through the left crawlspace and do the same. At the end of this one you will find the STONE OF MAAT. Now go back out and enter the middle crawlspace. Inside go right and follow this until the floor falls out from beneath you. Get the GRENADE GUN to activate SECRET #49. Now go back to the 3 stone blocks. Press them middle, left, right. Go and enter the newly opened room on the left. Again dodge the pit and kill the bats. When you get to the lower area kill the 4 crocodiles. Once they are dead flip the 5 switches down here and then enter the hole in the center of the room to get the STONE OF KEPRI. Now go back to the 3 stone blocks again. Press them left, middle, right. Enter the new room on the right. You know the bats and pits business. At the end you will find many many switches. Face the ones on the left and press the third one. Next face the center ones and press the center one to get the STONE OF RE. Do not mess with the rest. Go back to the 3 stone blocks. Press them middle, right, left. Enter the new room on the right. More bats and pits. At the end is a water filled series of tunnels. I will instruct you this way: When you reach an intersection where you can go multiple directions, I will say what way to go to get where you need to be. It is easy after you do this a couple of times. I recommend saving frequently here. Enter the water and go right, left, straight, and up into the room at the end. Flip the switch in here and now to go back to the entrance for a reference point. So to go back there it is straight, left, up, up. You are now back at the entrance. Now to go for another swim. Go right, right, up. You are now in another switch room. You know what to do. Now back to the entrance. Go down, left, up, up and you are out. Now it is middle, right, right, right, up. Another room with a switch to flip. Go back to the entrance. Go with the glyph on the wall at your feet, left, left, up, left, up. Back at the entrance. Now for another swim. I know it's getting old, but it's almost over. This time go left, and right to find another switch room. Flip it and go back to the entrance. It's so close I don't need to give directions this time but it will be down then up. Now here's the doozy and you will revisit one of the switch rooms but that's ok. It's middle, right, right, right, up for air. Now go (with the glyph at your feet) right, left, up, up, and to the final switch room. Also get the STONE OF ATUM. Now to get out of this puzzle! Go left, at this intersection make it so there is a path to your left and in front of you. Take the one in front of you. Then up. Now go back to the room where you got the combinations to these rooms and use the 4 stones in the appropriate locks and enter the room beyond. Monkey swing through the hallway and then enter the room at the end. This is another trap. Get the 4 HOLY SCRIPTURE pieces and the gate on the other end of the room will open. You need to be fast or dead. In the room beyond walk through the room so that the blade traps won't harm you. On the other side of this room monkey swing across another chasm. Now when you land kill some more bats and then follow the path to the end of the level. ========================================================================== Menkaure's Pyramid ========================================================================== Run forward in the tunnels and you will eventually see some climbable ledges on the left. Climb them and at the top you will find a trapdoor that leads outside. Jump up and grab onto the trapdoor handle to open it. Quickly climb outside and you will have to kill a giant scorpion. Use the GRENADE LAUNCHER or something else powerful like that. Once it is dead go forward and look to the left and you will see another giant scorpion killing a soldier. Waste'em both. Now turn to the right and you will see a hole in the ground. Do a running jump to either the left or right sides it does not matter. Somewhere over there you will have to kill another giant scorpion. To the right over there you will find another hole that you need to jump across. Walk as far out as you can then do a running jump to the sandy outcropping. When you turn around you will have to kill yet another giant scorpion and a giant bug. When both are dead, walk over to the next giant hole that is to your right. Stand on the outcropping and place the hole to your left. See that very grabbable stone outcropping ahead? Do a running jump and grab it. Pull yourself up and you will begin to slide down the other side. Jump and you will land safely on the sand on the other side of it. Now you will have to kill another giant bug. Jump across the rest of the hole and search the stone building for the door that you can open. Inside use the REVOLVER + LASER SIGHT to kill the giant scorpion before it kills the guard. If you save him you will get the ARMORY KEY and THE GUARDS KEYS. Now go back outside to the last hole that you jumped over. Again place the hole to your left and walk forward to the wall in front of you. Jump up and grab onto the stone/sand wall and shimmy left until you cannot shimmy any more. Now take and drop down. Now you need to climb the pyramid. You can figure this one out as it is simple. On the pyramid you will need to kill 2-3 giant bugs. At the top when you get to the entrance (really the middle) use THE GUARDS KEYS to open the door. Go down the tunnel to end the level. ========================================================================== Inside Menkaure's Pyramid ========================================================================== Run forward dodging the pendulums and kill the bat. In the first room kill the bats in here and then begin to go down the stairs. Equip a weapon with the LASERSIGHT and as you are going down the stairs look up and you will see a star in the distance. Shoot the star. In the room below are 2 mummies and a bat. Kill the bat and then hop onto the inside of the large container. In there you will find a hole leading down. Take it. At the bottom you will find the classic rope over the spike pit deal. On the other side there is another bat and 2 more mummies. Take the right path first. Here you have to cross another spike pit with 2 ropes above it. On the other side run up the ramp and flip the switch at the top. Now you have to cross the same spike pit again. On the other side this time take the left path. You have to cross another 2 rope spike pit. Run up the ramp at the end of this and climb into the chamber above. In here kill the Egyptian Guard and use the CROWBAR to pry the WESTERN SHAFT KEY out of the star. Now go back up to the first room of this pyramid, the one with the staircase. In here you will find a new opening in the wall. Light a flare and go down the tunnel. When you round the corner at the bottom listen for the sound of blades clanging. When you hear that sound duck. Once the blades are past feel free to run the rest of the way through the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel you will find another trapdoor that you have to pull open. Outside again, kill the 2 giant scorpions that show up. Now there are 2 smaller pyramids that are pretty close together. Run down the alley between them and look at the left pyramid. See how it looks like a block has been taken out of it? Walk up into that spot and press the wall button. Now get back out there. Another giant scorpion has arrived. When it's dead, walk up to the ravine and examine the pyramid that is the right of the 2 close together ones. You can climb right up the side of this one easily. At the top turn around and do a safety drop onto the ladder below. At the bottom you will find a spike pit that you can do a running jump to get across. All of the pits in this area are very easily crossed. Just look for a way to get across them. At the end you will go past a hallway to another room. At the end of the original hallway you will find a rope to pull. Now go back and monkey swing through this other hallway. At the end in the room you will find a gate and a long slope. Jump inside the gate to the right and as you near the spike pit jump forward again and you will land on a flat area. Do a safety drop into the pit and get the UZI for SECRET #50. Now take and climb out and go through the other hole in the floor and walk up the tunnel to get out of here. ========================================================================== The Sphinx Complex II ========================================================================== Run uphill and climb out of the hole. You should now know where you are. Turn right and go over to the edge of the ravine. Look to the left and on the other side you will see a metal door. Go to that metal door and use THE GUARDS KEY to open it and leave this level. ========================================================================== The Mastabas ========================================================================== From where you begin head to the left. A jackal will attack from that way. Now continue to head towards the left and you will see a truck. Kill the jackal over here and get the JERRYCAN from between the gas pumps. Now turn around and take head back to the center. Take the first left that you encounter. Open the door that you find on the left and then enter that area. Open the trapdoor that you find and enter. NOTE: Almost all of the tunnels in this level are full of jackals. I won't mention them while you are in the tunnels. I will mention them when you are topside. In this tunnel at the intersection go to the left. Follow this until you dead end in a room with torches. You will notice 3 lions heads in here. Get out a weapon with the LASERSIGHT and shoot the gems in their mouths. Once all 3 have been shot the door will open and a couple of mummies will come out. Kill them if you like. Inside here get the SMALL WATERSKIN. Now go back to the intersection and take a left to get headed in the direction you were going earlier. When the tunnel dead ends climb out into the outside again. As you leave the enclosure there is a ravine to each side so be careful. There is a walkway leading off to the right and behind you. Kill the jackal over there and then from that edge of the right ravine, look over the ravine and you will see ledges to the left and to the right. Get as close as you can to the ledge on the right and do a running jump. Shoot the wooden beams blocking the door and then open the door to this room. Kill the jackal and the bats inside. Now open the trapdoor and enter another set of tunnels. Follow along to the intersection and go right there. At the end you will find another lions head room. Do your stuff and then the door at the back will open. Get the BAG OF SAND while dodging more mummies. Now go back to the intersection and turn right. Run along until you come to a dead end and climb out into another above ground enclosure. Kill the bats and open the door. Shoot the obstruction and turn left. Go to the far left of this side of the ravine and look to the right. See where there is a very small patch of land at the corner of the building that is to your right? Do a running jump to that patch of land and then do another running jump to the area to the right of that. Enter the enclosure and kill the scorpions. Open the trapdoor and go underground again. Go right at the intersection and get the unlit torch. Now go the other direction and you will wind up in a room with jackals and bats and lions heads. When you get the back door open enter. Kill the bats in this back room. Now take the SMALL WATERSKIN and go to the pool of water behind the 3 pillars and fill it up. From the front go to the left pillar and use the SMALL WATERSKIN on it. Use the BAG OF SAND on the right pillar. Empty the JERRYCAN on the third. Light the stick on fire and then set the gasoline from the JERRYCAN on fire. The door to the left will open. Go in and just use grenades to kill the mummies and fix the lions heads. Use the CROWBAR to pry the NORTHERN SHAFT KEY from the wall. Now the other room in the area will open. It's another lions head room and 2 jackals will attack from the tunnel on the other side. After the lions heads are fixed head up the tunnel. At the dead end climb out. Outside kill the scorpion and move out of the enclosure. Turn left and walk over to the ravine. Get as far to the left as you can. Now do a running jump to the ledge over on the left side of the ravine. This time do a running jump and grab to the ledge that was on your right as you made the first jump. Over here open the door and inside kill the bats. Now open the trapdoor and go underground again. This tunnel has scorpions. Run along until you find another dead end to climb out of. Outside yet again, kill the jackal you find and destroy the barrier in front of the door. Open the door and enter. Kill the bats. Open the trapdoor. Go left at the intersection. Kill the jackals and the bats in the lions head room then fix the lions heads. Once the door is open, go into the room beyond. In here you will see 3 statues of monkeys that refer to the old proverb. (See no, speak no, hear no evil.) Go to the third statue (right) and use the CROWBAR. A good monkey will appear and flip a switch you cannot reach. The door to the right will open into another mummy and lions head room use explosives. Use the CROWBAR to pry the SOUTHERN SHAFT KEY from the wall. The door to the left of the monkey room is now open. Enter and it is another lions head room. Run down the tunnel in the back and go right at the intersection. Follow this to the end of the level. ========================================================================== The Great Pyramid ========================================================================== I suggest using your REVOLVER + LASERSIGHT for most of this level. Run up the tunnel until you can climb outside and then do so. Leave the enclosure and when you are in the open kill the gunman behind you. You can also kill the gunman in the distance in front of you. At the ravine jump to the area that is to the left. Turn around and kill the gunman on the ledge opposite you. Enter the door on this side and kill the gunman inside. Also kill the giant bug. In the center of this room you will find a hidden trapdoor. Enter here and go down the ladder to get SECRET #51. Now back topside, go through the other doorway and destroy the barrier. Open the door opposite and enter. Kill the gunman inside. Do not open the trapdoor. Go through the other door to the outside. Now go to the building in front of you and run to the front of it to the left. Blow up the barrier and open the door. Inside you will find 2 giant bugs and some goodies. Now go back outside and walk to the edge of the chasm. Walk to the part that is sticking furthest out. Now do a running jump and grab to the ledge that is in front of you. Turn left and slide down the slope. Now do another running jump and grab to the ledge in front of you. Walk up onto the block. Turn to face the top of the pyramid and you will be able to kill a giant bug. Now climb up 3 blocks (levels of the pyramid). Turn right and walk as far over as you can. Do a running jump and stop where you land so that the boulder won't kill you. The walk as far forward as you can then jump forward 2 times to set off another boulder trap. Stay back and you will live. Climb up another block then jump right another 2 times. Walk as far to the right as you can. Do another running jump and you will slide down the pyramid. Walk up to the very base of the pyramid so that the boulder won't kill you. Now drop to the ledge below and then do a running jump and grab to the ledge across the chasm. Turn left and kill the giant bug and then do a running jump to the ledge that it was on. From here jump back to the pyramid side by doing a running jump and grab. Get onto the ledge in front of that. Now jump to the ledge that has the LARGE MEDIKIT. Turn to the upper left to where you can see the level ledge in the pyramid. Jump to it and then backflip to the ledge you were on to avoid another boulder. Jump diagonally to the upper left 2 times. Now turn to the left and do a standing jump. Kill the giant bug and then go up 2 blocks. Turn right and do 2 standing jumps. As you land on the second one backflip to avoid another boulder then jump back. Climb up 2 blocks and then walk a few to the left. Kill the 2 giant bugs that you can see then get on that ledge. Walk as far left as you can. Do another running jump and then slide down the side of the pyramid for a while. When you stop turn left and do a running jump to the next safe block. Once you land kill the giant bug then do a standing jump to the left. If you look at the row below you, you will see a block that you can land on without sliding. Do a diagonal jump to the bottom left to land there. Now do a diagonal jump to the upper left. Now diagonal lower left. Now diagonal upper left. Kill the giant bug and then climb up 3 blocks. Do another diagonal jump to the upper left. Now do 2 standing jumps left and then a running jump to the left to end the level. ========================================================================== Khufu's Queens Pyramids ========================================================================== You know something, I think that now you have enough experience to spot a simple trail and judge the types of jumps that you need to use unless I think it is a tricky one. From here on, I will tell you where you need to go and give you a basic explanation. When you begin the level run forward and you will find some soldiers fighting some giant scorpions. Either kill them all or wait to take on the leftovers. Now look at the building to the left. You will see that there are 2 lower entrances to this building. Enter the left one to get some goodies and then go and enter the right one. In the right room use the ARMORY KEY to open the back part of the room. This is SECRET #52. Now go back outside and you will have to kill another giant scorpion. Go up to the edge of the chasm and go to the left side. Jump to the side of the chasm where you can land between the 2 pyramids on the left. When you land kill the giant scorpion. Now jump to the ledges on the other side of the chasm where the Great Pyramid is. You will have to kill a giant bug. Work your way across the ledges and then jump back to the side of the chasm with many pyramids. Kill the giant bug and giant scorpion that you come across and then go into the area where they were. Take the stone block and push it all the way to the back where a door will open in the pyramid to the left. Enter it and open the trapdoor. Go down the ladder. At the bottom it's easy to navigate this area. There are little scorpions in here also. But to get through go right at every intersection and turn left at every corner. Soon you will end up in a room with 3 scorpions and a Egyptian Guard. Once all are dead use the CROWBAR to pry the EASTERN SHAFT KEY out of the wall. Now the way out of here is open. Here is what you do at each intersection that you come to. 1. Straight 2. Right 3. Left 4. Left 5. Right Now climb back out and into the open. Now go back to the Great Pyramid side of the chasm and go to the left along some more ledges. When you are on the last ledge a giant bug will attack. Take and climb up a couple of blocks on the pyramid and then from here it is all diagonal jumps to the upper left. When you hit the first multiple block open area stay where you land so that the boulders will let you live. Then keep moving in the direction that you were moving. When you get to the entrance to the pyramid 2 giant bugs will attack. Use THE GUARDS KEYS to open the pyramid. Run down the hallway to end the level. ========================================================================== Inside the Great Pyramid ========================================================================== Go down the hallway until you reach a path off to the right. In the process you will have to kill a gunman and a ninja. Take the right path and you will come across another gunman. Head beyond him into a room with both a lower and upper entrance and some slopes. Kill the ninja and bats in here then take the lower entrance to the next area. In the hallway there will be 2 moving pillars that you need to dodge (very similar to pendulums). In the room behind that kill the 3 jackals and enter the stone container. Get the unlit torch and light it. Now light all of the rest of the torches in the room. The door on the left side will open. Flip the switch inside and then go back to the room with both the upper and lower entrances. Also after flipping the switch 3 more jackals will enter the stone container room. Take the upper entrance in the room. In this room use the 4 SHAFT KEYS in the locks and flip the switch. Now go back to the stone container room and the area to the right is now open. Flip the switch inside. Now go all the way back to the first hall that you began the level in. You will have to kill 3 jackals on the way. In that hallway kill the 2 gunmen. Now work your way down the hallway to the room at the end. You will have to kill a few bats and another gunman on the way. In the room at the end kill the bats and then go down the shaft in the center climbing down the ladder. Enter the branching tunnel near the bottom of the shaft and follow it to the end of the level. ========================================================================== Temple of Horus ========================================================================== NOTE: This is the final level of the game. Also when it comes to the waterskin puzzles, after each puzzle make sure that both waterskins are empty. Run into the room in front of you and to the left you will notice a large beast behind bars. It's not your friend. Head towards the scales on the other side of the room and Lara will look at the wall above the fountain. It says you need 2 liters of water. Grab the LARGE WATERSKIN from the floor. Go into the water and fill the LARGE WATERSKIN and then combine the LARGE WATERSKIN with the SMALL WATERSKIN. Go over the scales and pour the LARGE WATERSKIN into the vase to balance the scales. Enter the room below. In the room ahead you will find a pole. Shoot the bats that are in the room. Now get onto the pole and spikes will shoot out of the walls and retract below. Get the timing down on the spikes and then slide past them. In the room below kill the bats that come down. Now go forward into another scale room. This time you need 4 liters of water. Fill the LARGE WATERSKIN and combine it with the SMALL WATERSKIN. Now empty the SMALL WATERSKIN and then empty the LARGE WATERSKIN into the small one. You have 2 liters in the small one and none in the large. Now fill the LARGE WATERSKIN and combine the LARGE WATERSKIN with the SMALL WATERSKIN. You will then have 3 liters in the SMALL WATERSKIN and 4 liters in the LARGE WATERSKIN. Go and empty the LARGE WATERSKIN into the vase on the scale. Enter the room below and repeat from the room above. When you are in the third scale room you only need 1 liter of water. Fill the SMALL WATERSKIN and combine it with the LARGE WATERSKIN. Now fill the SMALL WATERSKIN and combine it with the LARGE WATERSKIN. You only have 1 liter in the SMALL WATERSKIN. Empty the SMALL WATERSKIN into the vase on the scale. The room below is now open. Go to the end of the tunnel and jump forward and grab onto the wall. Climb down to the bottom and get off onto the ledge to the right. Jump into the water below and swim around until you find a place where you can climb onto the center island in this cavern. Now before you do anything else, look around. To Horus left you will see a room that you can enter. Also to his right you will see another room. Place the HOLY SCRIPTURES on the pedistals. Now walk up to Horus. Okay, Horus is back and he's pissed! He will be firing at you. Get into the water and find the AMULET OF HORUS. Get into the water and find the ledge to the southwest of the room. Climb out and then climb the ramp and enter the room at the top. Flip the switch in here. Now swim to the north side of the room and you will find another ledge at the bottom of another ramp that you can climb onto. At the top of this ramp go into this room and flip the switch. Now get back into the water and climb the southwest ramp again. Go to the end of the ramp and do a running jump to the ground in front of the ramp. (By the way, you never need to get onto the center island again.) Go to the back left edge of this area and do a running jump and grab to the small ledge sticking out of the wall. Climb onto the ledge and then do another running jump to the ledge in front of you. Climb up these blocks as high as you can and then look back the way you came. You will see a ledge in front of you. Do a running jump and grab to it. At the back of this ledge there is a stalactite in front of you. Go up to the edge and get next to the wall. Now aim a running jump over toward the left. If you aimed right you will land safely on the ledge. Go to the other end and then do another running jump to the crawlspace in front of you. Go through it. On the other side, climb out and run along the ledge to the end. Now turn left and do a running jump and grab onto the textured wall and shimmy right. Notice that when you are in the blue light you can't be hurt by Horus. When you get into the light, climb up and you are on the ledge that you were on earlier. Now take and climb up the wall until a cut scene takes over. Now that Horus is no longer a problem, it's time to get the hell out of here. When you go up the stairs you will have to dodge 3 moving pillars. After you are past them and in the large room, go to the left wall and stay on that side. Do a running jump and grab across the spike pit. When you pull yourself up, run to the edge of the next spike pit. Do another running jump and grab across the pit. When you climb up this time go to the right side of the room. Jump across another spike pit. See that tunnel in front of you that is dark? Go to it and you're done baby!! ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** IV. Credits and Special Thanks Thanks to the people that made this game. Thanks to those who host my FAQs. Thanks to Nebloof for listening to my gripes and being a sounding board. Thanks to the Dillons for the help that they've given. Thanks to me for writing this. Thanks to you for using this. Have a nice day! Now for a little shameless self promotion. Here's the other FAQs I've done: Spider-Man (N64)(Insomnia FAQ) Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen (PSOne) Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 (PS2) Metal Gear Solid (PSOne)(Insomnia FAQ) Spyro the Dragon (PSOne) Tomb Raider (PSOne) Tomb Raider 2 (PSOne) Tomb Raider 3 (PSOne) Tomb Raider 4 (PSOne) **************************************************************************