The Parrying FAQ for Street Fighter III - Third Strike (SF3:3S) --------------------------------------------------------------- Test Version (2.0) 24/01/01 --------------------------- Written by Hon wai Yip, London, UK. GameFAQs User ID: thehy For the Sega Dreamcast and Arcade Versions. To be viewed with Wordwrap on fullscreen. ------------ Introduction ------------ Welcome to the test version of this FAQ. 'Parrying for SF3:3S - Test Version' has been written as a pre-test concept before it's final release. This FAQ is aimed at players of intermediate level of play at SF3:3S who need help to parry or to improve their existing parrying capabilities on the game's many moves, most notably its multi-hit moves. Whilst this FAQ is for intermediate-expert players, some beginners may find this FAQ suitable for basic/easy move parrying, or for those who have a knack for rapid learning. ------------------------------------------------------- Why write a Parrying FAQ and a brief history of SF3:3S? ------------------------------------------------------- It may seem strange at first that anyone would want to, let alone be able to write an FAQ on such a difficult topic as parrying. When I exposed my intentions of writing a Parrying FAQ albeit, "teach" parrying, a friend of mine responded with the abrupt "Bloody Hell!" and many "good luck's" from others. Teaching one to play a character and to perform combos may seem difficult yet possible to most. But teach someone to parry? I thought I was going a little crazy myself but I was determined to do something no one in the SF3:3S world has done (well... at least not to my knowledge). I remember one of my testers responding to the statement "You may be thinking why I'm not writing a Parrying FAQ myself" with "I don't want the hassle". I admit I agree that there is a phenomenal amount of such "hassle" involved with producing this test FAQ let alone the final version. For the past week, I have joined the avid fans of SF3:3S in the message forum for the Dreamcast version at It is the first game for which I have donated much to in a forum. A shame as it may seem that this game is less recognised as it deserves to be, it is nonetheless in my opinion one of the most, if not most difficult Vs. Fighting games to master. London, UK. spawns a lot of avid Vs. game players most notably the Capcom Vs. Marvel series and Capcom Vs. SNK. Both of which are great games in their own right but do not possess the knack for the need to become more skilled. It is SF3:3S' unique parrying system that makes it more 'complete' than the other Vs. games, requiring the player to become very skilled by adopting the talent for parrying. Reasons for SF3:3S being paid less attention to is because players do not adopt parrying thus become bored of the game. Combos are also harder to pull off and the game feels slow paced. With the absence of these factors, SF3:3S has become what most call 'just another Street Fighter' albeit SF2 like and I quote from an inexperienced player: - 'This game doesn't feel like Alpha 3' Of course it doesn't. These players migrate to other Vs. games where combos are easier, moves more flashier and the game paced faster. Take Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, the combo system is universal (LP, LK, LP, LK, HP/HK --> Super/Special). With so many characters, most become almost useless to play compared to others. But with SF3:3S, all characters are no less inferior as they are superior to any other. I own both Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 and Capcom Vs. SNK, they are both very good games don't get me wrong but they just don't last as long to me. Respect however must be given to those who enjoy mastering these faster paced games. Unfortunately, not so many players favour SF3:3S as much as the other Vs. games thus it is a shame that SF3:3S players are almost obsolete in London, UK. Despite all the hardships that have occurred writing this, I am proud to say that my self-indulgence is your good fortune. Read on! -------------------------------- The Parrying Timing System (PTS) -------------------------------- I have created a system for parrying to aid the reader in correctly time their parries. Here is the parry system: - 1. The timing for parrying is based on real-time, e.g. on a scale of 0 - 1 where 1 = 1 second. 2. Because SF3:3S runs at approximately 60 frames per second, it can be assumed that each frame would take on average 0.016 seconds to animate. Because 1/100 of a second is too small to make much significance in timing (else parrying would be near impossible), the scale will be measured in 1/10 of a second with the exception of whole fractions and special circumstances e.g. 0.25s and 0.05s. 3. Details for parrying multi-hits will consist of a series of numbers or variables. These variables correspond to the 0 - 1 scale to help time the parrying. The first number denotes the timing for the 2ND hit of a move since the first hit depends on each move i.e. how can we time when to parry a fireball from its execution? This is left to your individual skill with the exception of selected moves. Each parry is encapsulated with the pipe character "|" e.g. |0.2|0.2| Sample parry: - Shinku Hadoken: - |0.2 (first number, second parry)|0.2|0.2|0.2| This means parry the first hit then followed by a further parry of 0.2 (the first number) seconds later, a third parry 0.2s later, a fourth parry 0.2s later a final parry 0.2s later. Note: this does not mean parrying a Shinku Hadoken takes less than a second since the frames for parrying will take up a fraction of time too. 4. All timings have been timed with a stop-watch and are accurate to 1/10 (1/100 in some circumstances) of a second as explained in point 2 with the exception of whole fractions e.g. 0.25 (1/4s) ------------ How to Parry ------------ Parrying a move means "blocking" the move whilst giving you a split second to counter attack. Parrying can be achieved by tapping forward to parry high attacks and for air parrying. Parrying can also be achieved by tapping down to parry low attacks. ----------------- Types of Parrying ----------------- There are essentially three special types of parrying in addition to normal universal parrying. These include 'Air Parrying', 'Red Parrying' and 'Point- Blank Parrying'. Air Parrying ------------ This occurs when you meet an attack whilst airborne. You parry all attacks in this situation by tapping forward. Red Parrying ------------ This occurs when you parry a multi-hit move having blocked some of the hits. E.g. parrying the second hit of an EX Hadoken having blocked the first results in a Red parry, so termed because you flash red instead of blue when parrying. Point-Blank Parrying -------------------- This occurs with Super Arts only. Some Super Arts that are executed within point-blank range leave no time after the pause of a Super Art execution for you to parry. To parry a Point-Blank Super Art, you MUST have performed the appropriate Parry one frame BEFORE the execution of the Super Art. Look out for instructions in the timing of some parrying. ----------------------------- Common problems with Parrying ----------------------------- 1. Parrying often fails because the player is too reluctant or afraid to parry. 2. Multi-hit parrying often fails because each consecutive parry is slowed down. E.g. many have commented abut the difficulty of parrying more than 2-hits of a move, here is a sample fault in timing: - Shinkuu Hadoken: - |0.2|0.3| Parrying fails on the third parry where the player has delayed it 0.3 instead of 0.2. This is a common psychological reaction. Remember reactions are automatic and not your own fault, this FAQ is here to help you train on your reactions and timing. 3. Multi-hit parrying often fails obviously because the player does not know the correct timing. DOs and DON'Ts of Parrying -------------------------- DO DON'T -- ----- a) Be brave to parry Be pessimistic or afraid b) Use the aid of a stopwatch Expect this FAQ to be a with this FAQ Bible c) Develop your own knack Treat this FAQ as a Bible for timing despite those given d) Use the Blocking Training Expect miracles at first mode on the Dreamcast version e) Try muting the sound and/or Do it if it doesn't help music to cure problem 2. you f) Get help from a fellow Hog all the parrying player on Normal Practice mode g) Practice, practice, practice Give up! -------------------------------------------- Parrying Moves, Special Moves and Super Arts -------------------------------------------- This section details the timing needed to parry the vass array of moves in SF3:3S. Each character has his/her own section on how to parry their moves. As part of this test release, the characters featured are Alex, Sean, Ibuki, Necro, Urien and Akuma. Each move has it's own subsection with subheadings like LP or EX which simply denotes the version of the move being executed, e.g. LP means the Light Punch version of the move. Moves not mentioned are either only 1-hit easy parries, their EX versions only do 1-hit or simply cannot be parried i.e. grabs. Key: L: Light M: Medium H: Hard P: Punch K: Kick EX: EX Version B: Back D: Down F: Forward U: Up : A grab move, CANNOT parry. : Advisable to counter attack at this stage of parrying. 0.05: Because the timing is so small, parry as fast as you can. Pound the pad/joystick! Note: You may see in some circumstances the prefix or postfix of the tags for numbers e.g.: - | 0.4 | This means you can apply the tag before AND after the 0.4 parry. Move Properties: Each move has one more combinations of unique properties e.g. those that are anti-air move, and will be given acronyms: - +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Properties | Explanation | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<1> | Need parry only once (for otherwise multi-hitting supers). | | | An anti air move. Can be air-parried. | | | The first hit is a grab and cannot be parried. | | | This move is to be parried low if possible. | | | No Timing Difference: applies to supers where repeated | | | pressing of buttons determine how many hits are produced. | | | No matter how fast the buttons are pressed, follow normal | | | timing procedures explained. | | | The first hit is to be parried point-blank. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Move Speed ---------- Some moves and Super Arts have a speed rating. This is measured by how long it would take the move to travel one whole screen length. The speeds are given to move and Super Arts that generally travel across the screen i.e. Charge moves like Chariot Tackle and Super Arts like Hyper Tornado. The speed ratings are there to help you get a general feel for when to expect to parry the first hit of the move. Depending on the strength of the button used to execute a move speed rating may vary, check their descriptions for more details. _ _ _ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ _ _ [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|__|| Alex ||__|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Special Moves | |------------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |<> | |Properties: | | | | | |LP: - Parry as soon as Alex begins to say 'Flash'. | |MP/HP: - Parry 0.2 after Alex says 'Flash'. | | | |EX: - As LP (for first hit)|0.1| | | Total: 2 Parries | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Speed: ALL 0.4 | |Properties: | | | | | |The timing to parry this is crucial, Alex does a crouch then Elbow | |Slashes. Parry when Alex is in the last frame/or next to you in his | |crouch position i.e. just about to Elbow Slash. | | | |EX : - | 0.4| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | |<> | |Properties: | | | | | | |0.1| | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Super Arts | |---------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |I. Hyper Bomb | |------------- | |Properties: | | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |II. Boomerang Raid | |Properties: | |, | | | | 0.5 |0.5 |0.5 || | | | |Total: 4-Parries | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |III. Stun Gun Headbutt | |---------------------- | |Properties: | | | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _ _ _ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ _ _ [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|__|| Sean ||__|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Special Moves | |------------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |<> | |Properties: | |Speed: LP/MP/HP: 1.0, EX: 0.6 | | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Properties: | |< | | | |EX: |0.4| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Speed: ALL 0.8 | |Properties: | | | | | |LK: |0.25| | |MK: |0.25|0.25| | |HK: |0.25|0.25|0.25| | |EX: |0.25|0.25|0.25| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Properties: | | | | | |Parry as soon as Sean cries out. | | | |EX: |0.1| | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Super Arts | |---------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |I. Hado Burst | |------------- | |Properties: | | | |Speed: 0.3 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |II. Shoryu Cannon | |----------------- | |Properties: | |, | | | |From Ground: | | 0.15 |0.5|0.15.....(until Sean is in the air) | | | |Total: 2 Hits from first Dragon Punch, 13 Hits max from second Dragon | | Punch. | | | |Note: You must time accordingly as you are most likely to encounter this| |Super Art in the air. It is difficult to determine how many hits will | |land depending on how far into the Shoryu Cannon Sean is when you start | |parrying and how many times your opponent pounds the punch button. | | | |Timing for alternate button mashing speed: | |A lot of the feedback I have got from Version 1.0 of this FAQ mentions | |the differences in timing for Sean's Shoryu Cannon and I thank you for | |querying this. After much experimenting I have come to s solution to | |tackle this: - | |1. When parrying Shoryu Cannon on the ground, the timing is 0.15 no | | matter how fast or how many times your opponent presses the punch | | button. A shoto/short characters will parry 3-6 hits, taller ones | | will parry 3-9 hits. Basically, when parrying on the ground keep to | | the 0.15 successive timings until Sean no longer makes contact. | |2. Parrying in the air is harder but NOT impossible. The timing is the | | same if your opponent is rapidly pressing the punch button, 0.15. If | | he/she stops then the timing is 0.4. If you parry one of the early | | hits of the second Dragon Punch, parry another 0.4 later if the punch| | button is not being pressed (you can see/hear the other player do | | this), you only need to parry two hits in this case. If however, | | your opponent stops pressing the buttons after a few hits, rest | | assured that it is VERY unlikely you will need to time the 0.4 since | | the delay of the next hit will result in Sean missing contact with | | you. He would be too high by then to hit. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |III. Hyper Tornado | |------------------ | |Speed: 0.45 | |Properties: | | | | | |Parry this just before Sean makes contact with you because it has | |a longer contact than expected. BUT parry HIGH not low, only the Sean | |Tackle is to be parried low despite Hyper Tornado looking like a Sean | |Tackle. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _ _ _ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ _ _ [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|__|| Ibuki ||__|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Special Moves | |------------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |<> | |Properties: | | | | | |You only need to parry the EX version once as the delay between the two | |daggers are so minute that one parry will take them both out | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Properties: | | | | | |LK/MK/HK/EX: |0.2|0.2| (No. of hits may vary but max 3 hits point blank)| |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Properties: | | | | | |MK: | 0.4 | | |HK: | 0.4 |0.4 | | |EX: | 0.4 |0.4 | 0.4 | | | | |: Warning, this move can be done as an alternative LOW attack. DO | |make use of opportunities! | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Properties: | | | | | |LK/MK/HK: |0.33| | |EX: |0.33| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Properties: | | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |<> | |Properties: | |<1>, | |Speed: LP/MP/HP: 0.8, EX: 0.4 | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Super Arts | |---------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |I. Kasumi Suzaki | |---------------- | |Properties: | |, | |First hit is 0.1 from execution then: | | | |0.05..... (until finished) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |II. Yoroi Doshi | |--------------- | |Properties: | |, | | | |If this is executed point-blank, you can forget about parrying except | |for the Fireball version if Ibuki is not close enough. Despite the | |Fireball blasting out in your face, it is NOT a therefore | |you have time to parry. The timing for the first hit is about 0.1 after | |the unpausing from the Super Art execution frame of animation, then : - | | | | 0.1 x 12 | | | | Total: 13-Hits | | | |Note: You can hit Ibuki out of the Fireball Yoroi Doshi AFTER execution.| |With most characters you must execute a fast attack (within 0.1s time) | |if in range e.g. D+LP if in range and already in crouching position | |since the ducking frames take time. This must be done IMMEDIATELY after | |the game unpauses from the Super Art execution frames. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |III. Yama Shigure | |----------------- | |Properties: | |<1>, , | | | |This Super is unless you are at the tip of the HP version | |i.e. almost a screen's length. You MUST parry low but only need to be | |done once to cancel out the Super Art. Here are the Yama Shigure | |distances depending on the strength of P used in terms of screen length,| |courtesy of gman3x16: - | | | |LP: 0.25 | |MP: 0.50 | |HP: 0.75 | | | |Tip of HP: The timing is immediately when the game unpauses from the | |Super Art execution frame. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _ _ _ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ _ _ [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|__|| Necro ||__|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Special Moves | |------------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Electric Blaster | |---------------- | |Properties: | | | | | |LP: <1> | |MP: 0.2 up to 21 times (including first parry) | |HP: 0.2 up to 23 times (including first parry) | |Note: If your opponent is pounding the punch button for the MP/HP | |versions don't expect to go anywhere for a while as the number of | |parries show. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tornado Hook | |------------ | |Speed: LP/MP/HP: 0.8, EX: 0.6 | |Properties: | | | | | |LP/MP: |0.2| | |The timing for the first hit is as soon as Necro begins to swing his | |arm. | | | |HP: |0.25|0.25| | |The timing for the first hit is 0.1 after Necro begins to swing his arm.| | | |EX: |0.25|0.25|0.2|0.2| | |Same first hit parry time as LP/MP. | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Flying Viper | |------------ | |Properties: | | | | | |Parry this when Necro leaps to his max height i.e. when his head reaches| |the height of the timer. This applies for all P strengths. | | | |EX: |0.25| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Rising Cobra | |------------ | |Properties: | | | | | |LK: Parry when Necro pulls his leg back as far as he can, i.e. when it | | is pointing almost vertically up. | | | |MK: Parry 0.1 later than LK. | | | |HK: Parry 0.15 later than LK (0.05 later than MK). | |EX: Same as LK then |0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Snake Fang | |---------- | |Properties: | |, | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Super Arts | |---------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |I. Magnetic Storm | |----------------- | |Properties: | |, , | | |0.2| up to 13 times (including first parry) | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |II. Slam Dance | |-------------- | |Properties: | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |III. Electric Snake | |------------------- | |Properties: | |, (See below) | | | |The timing for parrying varies depending on how far you are from Necro: | | | |Less than 60% screen distance: | | Must be parried then: | | |0.1|0.1| | | | |Between 60%-90% screen distance: | | Allowed to parry straight after execution of super then: | | |0.1|0.2| | | | |From 90%+ of screen distance: | | Allowed to parry straight after execution of super then: | | |0.1|0.1| | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _ _ _ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ _ _ [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|__|| Urien ||__|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Special Moves | |------------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Chariot Tackle | |-------------- | |Properties: | |Speed: LK/MK/HK: 0.6, EX: 0.4 | | | | | |The easiest way to time this as correctly stated by Chunli89 is to start| |parrying when Urien covers 50% distance to get to you then: | | EX: | 0.35| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Metallic Sphere | |--------------- | |Properties: | |Speed: LP/MP/HP: 0.6, EX: 1.1 | | | | | |EX: |0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Violence Knee Drop | |------------------ | |Properties: | | | | | |LP: Parry 0.05 BEFORE Urien says "Destroy!" | |MP: Parry as Urien says "Destroy!" | |HP: Parry 0.05 AFTER Urien says "Destroy!" | |EX: Parry as soon as Urien flies above your head/peak height then: | | |0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Deadly Headbutt | |--------------- | |Properties: | |, | | | |Yes! This is to be parried point-blank. That's why it's so "Deadly". | | | |EX: |0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Heel Drop (HK) | |-------------- | |Properties: | | | | | |Parry when Urien's leg is completely vertical i.e. perpendicular to the | |ground. This does 2 hits if you are nose-to-nose with Urien, the timing | |is: | | |0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Foot Stab (F+MK) | |---------------- | |Properties: | | | | | |Parry when Urien raises his knee. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Super Arts | |---------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |I. Tyrant Slaughter | |------------------- | |Properties: | |Speed: 0.5 | | | | | | | 0.4 |0.4 |0.4 |0.4| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |II. Temporal Thunder | |-------------------- | |Properties: | |Speed: 1.0 (Starts at 3.0 upon execution speeding up to 1.0) | | | | | | |0.2|0.2|0.2|0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |III. Aegis Reflector | |-------------------- | |Properties: | |Speed: LP/PPP: 1.0, MP: 0.7, HP: 0.6 | | | | | |Depending on the strength of punch used, Aegis Reflector does not | |materialise until is has travel a certain screen length, see below for | |details on materialisation and area of effect of each Reflector: | | | |Number are in terms of screen length: | |+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | ||Reflector Strength| Distance until Materialisation| Travels up to| | ||------------------|-------------------------------|--------------| | ||LP | Point Blank | 0.33 | | ||MP | 0.33 | 0.60 | | ||HP | 0.66 | 0.80 | | ||PPP | Point Blank | 0.33 | | |+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | |Begin parrying according to the above table then: | | | | |0.2|0.2|0.2|0.2|0.2| | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _ _ _ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ________ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ _ _ [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|__|| Akuma ||__|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] [[_[_[_[__[___[____[____|____|___||||||||||___|____|____]____]___]__]_]_]] +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Special Moves | |------------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Gou Hadou | |--------- | |Properties: | |Speed: LP: 0.7, MP: 0.6, HP: 0.5 | | | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Shakunetsu Hadoken | |------------------ | |Properties: | |Speed: LP: 0.4, MP: 0.66, HP: 0.75 | | | | | |MP: |0.2| | |HP: |0.2|0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Gou Shoryuken | |------------- | |Properties: | | | | | |MP: |0.2| | |HP: |0.2|0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Tatsumaki Zankukyuaku | |--------------------- | |Properties: | | | | | |MK: | 0.3|0.2| | |HK: | 0.3|0.2|0.2|0.2| | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Super Arts | |---------- | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |I. Messatsu Gou Hado | |-------------------- | |Properties: | |Speed: 0.45 | | | | | | |0.2|0.2|0.2|0.2|0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |II. Messatsu Gou Shoryu | |----------------------- | |Properties: | |, | | | | |0.2|0.3|0.2 |0.3|0.2|0.2| | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |III. Messatsu Gou Rasen | |----------------------- | |Properties: | |, | | | | |0.2|...until finished/out of contact | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Sungokuratsu | |------------ | |Properties: | |Speed: 0.8 | | | |------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Kongoukokuretsuzan | |------------------ | |Properties: | |<1>, | | | |You can only parry this if there is a 0.2 - 0.3 screen distance between | |you and Akuma. Any less than 0.2 and you'll have to block. | | | |Parry as soon as Akuma slaps his hand on the ground. | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Completes the Test version of the 'Parrying FAQ for Street Fighter 3: Third Strike'. I hope that it has been successful in helping you achieve further parrying abilities. If you have opted to Test Read this FAQ, please give me feedback based on these factors: a) Content Layout b) Ease of use and understanding of text and Parrying Timing System (PTS) c) Usefulness of the PTS d) Usefulness and ease of understanding of acronyms e) Overall usefulness of this test FAQ Please offer feedback to or at the related GameFAQ message forum. Credits ------- Capcom, Europe. for English character move names Capcom, Japan. for Imported copy of Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Special Thanks to: - Mike Messenger, Adam Grigg and Lee Cheung for proof reading this test FAQ. Rebirth Gamer and shaolin stylez for recommending Microsoft Word and bringing up important issues. gman3x16 for bringing up VERY important issues and huge support. Chunli89 for correcting me on SF3:3S' frame rate (60fps not 30fps) and bringing up important issues. Testers, contributors and supporters: - Mike Messenger Adam Grigg Lee Cheung Rebirth Gamer shaolin stylez Chunli89 gman3x16 StriderHiryu zerogun2 KDTC Gunblade C0rpse kal_el SuperNova Hugh Jass Ultimate Weltall Disclaimer ---------- * This FAQ 'Parrying for Street Fighter 3: Third Strike' has been written by and is under sole ownership of Hon wai Yip. This FAQ should only appear in * DO not replicate this document without prior permission from the owner. * DO not distribute this document outside of without prior permission. * DO not disassemble or edit any material in this FAQ. * The Parrying Timing System (PTS) and the Point-Blank parry term were created by Hon wai Yip on the 1st of January 2001. * This FAQ is NOT to be used for profitable means beyond distribution by Hon wai Yip and his affiliates. * This FAQ is NOT to be sold to any party beyond distribution by Hon wai Yip and his affiliates. * Any references to material included in this document must include references to the owner/creator, this includes the PTS and it's affiliated keys and acronyms. * Plagiarism is a crime. If you can't write it, don't copy it. Parrying FAQ for Street Fighter 3: Third Strike Copyright 2001 Hon wai Yip. This document is protected under the International Copyright Law.