::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: S : H : A : D : O : W : M : A : N :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: D : A : R : K : : S : O : U : L : S :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (and that's all the ASCII art you get here) Version 1.0 January 2010 Copyright by Lurlock :::::::::::: :: NOTICE :: :::::::::::: This document is hosted on Gamefaqs.com. They are currently the only site authorized to display this document. If you are interested in hosting this on your site, you may contact me to ask for my permission. If you find this document in whole or part on any other website, please notify me so I can get all medieval on them. :::::::::::::: :: Contents :: :::::::::::::: The four-letter codes on the left make it easy to jump straight to the section you're interested in. Just type it in your search bar and you'll skip right down to it. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: INDN :: 1. Introduction :: :: ITMS :: 2. Items :: :: :: a. Tools :: :: :: b. Gads :: :: :: c. L'Eclipser :: :: :: d. Retractors :: :: GLSS :: 3. Glossary :: :: DKSL :: 4. Dark Souls :: :: BYPL :: a. Bayou Paradis, Louisiana :: :: MSQN :: b. Mordant Street, Queens, NY :: :: GCJT :: c. Gardelle County Jail, Texas :: :: DSSL :: d. Downstreet Station, London :: :: MGPC :: e. Deadside - Marrow Gates / :: :: Paths of Shadow - Prophecy Chamber :: :: WTOL :: f. Wasteland - Temple of Life :: :: ASGW :: g. Asylum - Gateway :: :: ASCP :: h. Asylum - Cathedral of Pain :: :: ASEB :: i. Asylum - Engine Block :: :: TOFT :: j. Temple of Fire (Toucher) :: :: ASCW :: k. Asylum - Cageways :: :: ASPR :: l. Asylum - Playrooms :: :: TOPM :: m. Temple of Prophecy (Marcher):: :: ASLD :: n. Asylum - Lavaducts :: :: TOBN :: o. Temple of Blood (Nager) :: :: ASUC :: p. Asylum - Undercity :: :: FRAQ :: 5. FAQ :: :: CNTC :: 6. Contact :: :: LEGL :: 7. Legal :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [INDN] :: Introduction :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Welcome to my FAQ. First off, I feel I should make clear what this FAQ is NOT. It is NOT a complete walkthrough. If that's what you're looking for, there's two excellent guides right here on Gamefaqs which I suggest you take a look at. This guide is specifically written to be a reference for people who don't want a complete walkthrough, and would rather figure out most things on their own. The souls are broken down by area, and each entry prefaced by the item or items (if any) you will need to acquire each of the souls, along with a brief description of what you need to do to get them. I try as much as possible not to spoil the game by revealing the solutions to puzzles not directly related to the souls. I don't mention the presence of monsters unless it will help to locate them (or it's a particularly nasty surprise you should look out for). I don't tell you how to find all the items you will need (other than what map they're found it, which can be for the most part figured out just by looking at the map that comes with the game). I also don't make mention of other items not needed in the search for souls, unless it helps to locate them. Mainly, this guide serves as a checklist if you've searched everywhere and just can't track down that last soul in an area. Each soul is given its own individual entry in roughly the order you'll encounter them within an area. (In some cases I mention souls early which you can see but can't get until you've acquired a certain item or Soul Power. This is more a matter of convenience than anything else.) Your mileage may vary, of course, and the order in which you collect the souls may bear little resemblance to what I've laid out here. I've tried as much as possible to get you to each of the souls in a relatively expedient manner with minimal back-tracking, but that's unavoidable in some cases. I'm sure somebody else out there has a more efficient way of collecting them than mine, but this should be good enough to help you find any given soul in an area. ::::::::::::::::::::: :: [ITMS] :: Items :: ::::::::::::::::::::: The following are required in order to acquire all 120 Dark Souls, along with the minimum level which you must attain to get them, and the map in which they are located. (If you want more specific directions to the items, I again refer you to the complete walkthroughs hosted here.) ::::::::::: :: Tools :: ::::::::::: (Yes, 4 of these are technically weapons, not just tools. But I've never felt the need to use them as such, so I list them all under Tools.) Baton . . . . . Level 2 (Temple of Life) Engineer's Key . Level 2 (Gateway) Poigne . . . . . Level 4 (Temple of Fire) Flambeau . . . . Level 5 (Paths of Shadow) Marteau . . . . Level 8 (Temple of Prophecy) Calabash . . . . Level 9 (Temple of Blood) :::::::::: :: Gads :: :::::::::: Toucher . . . . Level 3 (Temple of Fire) Marcher . . . . Level 6 (Temple of Prophecy) Nager . . . . . Level 8 (Temple of Blood) :::::::::::::::: :: L'Eclipser :: :::::::::::::::: La Lune . . . . Level 3 (Paths of Shadow) Le Soleil . . . Level 5 (Paths of Shadow) La Lame . . . . Level 7 (Paths of Shadow) (The first two parts are useless until you get all three.) :::::::::::::::: :: Retractors :: :::::::::::::::: Retractor I . . Level 4 (Cageways) Retractor II . . Level 5 (Playrooms) Retractor III . Level 9 (Undercity) (Rectractors will not help you get any souls until Level 7, however, since you also need L'Eclipser. In addition, each Retractor leads to one Prism, which grants you access to a section of the Engine Block. I have not made mention of the Prisms, because the Retractors (and L'Eclipser) are what you really need to get them, and they are already listed.) :::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [GLSS] :: Glossary :: :::::::::::::::::::::::: I will be using these terms liberally throughout the FAQ, so here's some brief definitions. Some of them are official names, but others are just terms I use because I don't know if there is an official name for them. * Baton - A tool/weapon which allows you to teleport between Baton altars in a level. Found in the Temple of Life. * Baton altar - A small altar with some symbols on it and a glowing oriface into which you can insert the Baton to teleport to another location in the same map. There are always exactly two of them (if any) in each map location, and you can teleport both ways. Note that there is one pair to be found Liveside, in Bayou Paradis. These are the same as the Deadside ones, except that they are not glowing, and you need to have completed L'Eclipser to use them. * Bloodflow - Places where blood flows down a vertical wall or the inside of a pipe. You need the Poigne to climb them. * Bloodpool - Basically, almost all the water in Deadside is supposed to be blood. Or, I guess, a mixture of blood and water, since pure blood you couldn't see through. I'll refer to this alternately as water or blood, because it's weird to talk about an "underblood passageway". * Calabash - A bomb which can be used to blow up Calabash panels. You can set the Calabash anywhere on the panel, it doesn't need to be right in the center. (This can be helpful if you need to use one in an enclosed space, because being too close to a Calabash when it blows spells instant death, even with all the Gads.) I suppose you could use this as a weapon as well, but I've never seen much need. The delay time and potential to kill yourself in the process make it rather impractical for this purpose. Found outside the Temple of Blood. * Calabash panel - A large square block with a distinctive pattern in it set into the floor. Use the Calabash to destroy them and access the areas below. * Coffin gate - A coffin-shaped gate with a weird anchor-like shape in front of it. Usually referred to by their level, e.g. "a Level X coffin gate". This is the soul power you will need in order to open it, which you do by using the action button in front of the anchor-shape. (The same button used to sheathe your weapons - seems obvious, but that stumped me for a bit the first time.) The purple markings on the panels around the gate indicate its level, which corresponds to the second purple ring inside your stat meter. * Engineer's Key - A large key worn as a glove, which when inserted into a Key terminal activates some nearby mechanical device, usually a door, but many other things as well. Found in the Asylum: Gateway area, and only used elsewhere throughout the Asylum. * Fire block - A pushable block with a bright orange fire-insignia on each side. You can't touch these without the Toucher Gads, but once you have them, you can push them once, to reveal a hidden location. * Fire ledge - A ledge which is on fire. You need the Toucher Gads to hang from these, but once you have them, they're like any other ledge. * Fire pillar - A cylindrical protrusion usually found on narrow walkways with fire on top. With the Toucher Gads, you can hang from them like a ledge, then shimmy around to the other side. * Flambeau - A tool/weapon which you can use to burn through Flambeau canvases. Found in the Paths of Shadow after Level 5. * Flambeau canvas - A piece of tough fabric stretched over an opening, with a symbol of a flame on it. You need the Flambeau to burn through these. * Gads - Upgrades found in each of the three temples that allow you to respectively touch, walk on, and swim through fire without being harmed. See Toucher Gads, Marcher Gads, Nager Gads. * Govi - An orange, pulsating shape on little legs, containing a Dark Soul. The vast majority of Dark Souls will be found in Govis. You will need to use the Shadowgun to open them, and then collect the soul. You cannot open Govis with the regular Pistol, so the eight Govis in Bayou Paradis cannot be opened until you complete L'Eclipser, allowing you to enter Liveside as Shadowman. Don't worry if you accidentally shoot open a Govi that you can't reach yet. Even if you leave and come back later when you have the necessary means to get to that Govi, it will still be there. * Key terminal - A small post with a keyhole found throughout the Asylum areas. You need to use the Engineer's Key in them to do various things, usually open a door or operate some sort of machine. * L'Eclipser - A magical dagger comprised of three parts, La Lune, Le Soleil, and La Lame. Finding it and having Nettie perform a certain ghastly ritual with it enables you to visit Liveside with your Shadow Powers intact. This is needed in order to defeat the five serial killers, and thus access three sections of the Engine Block. Despite rumors to the contrary, L'Eclipser may not be used as a weapon. * La Lune - One part of L'Eclipser. Found in the Paths of Shadow at level 3. * La Lame - One part of L'Eclipser. Found in the Paths of Shadow at level 7. * Le Soleil - One part of L'Eclipser. Found in the Paths of Shadow at level 5. * Lava / Magma - Whatever the technical differences between them may be in real life, here I distinguish between them in the following manner: Lava is a brightly-glowing liquid which you must get the Nager Gads in order to swim through. Magma is solid molten rock which you must get the Marcher Gads in order to walk over. Touching either of these without the proper gads will result in instant death. * Marcher Gads - An upgrade that allows you to walk on molten magma without instantly dying. Found in the Temple of Prophecy. * Marteau - An item/weapon which is used to open Marteau gates by hitting the three nearby drums. Found in the Temple of Prophecy. * Marteau drum - One of a set of three drums that you must hit with the Marteau to open the nearby Marteau gate. * Marteau gate - A passageway blocked by three horizontal bars. There will always be three Marteau drums in the near vicinity which you can hit with the Marteau to open the gate. Note that the three bars will always open in the same order (top, bottom, middle), regardless of the order in which you hit the drums. And while it may look as though you can crawl through with just one or two of them open, well, Shadowman doesn't crawl for anyone. * Nager Gads - The last and most powerful of the Gads, allowing you to swim through liquid lava without being instantly killed. Found in the Temple of Blood. * Poigne - A claw-shaped object which allows you to climb up bloodflows. Found in the Temple of Fire. * Puzzle room - This is a general term I use to refer to any room with one clear entrance and exit, with obstacles either in the form of monsters, jumping puzzles, traps, switches to open doors or activate machines, etc. The key point here is that there's one exit, and no branching paths. Since the purpose of this FAQ is to give you directions to find each of the souls while still letting you figure stuff out on your own, I will not be giving the solutions to every puzzle room in the game, only those directly involved in acquiring nearby souls. In particular, certain areas will be completely ignored, such as the Liveside areas where the five serial killers live. There's one soul at the end of each of them when you kill the guy, and three of them lead to the Engine Block where there's some more, and that's all I'm going to give you on these. * Retractor - A medical device used to crack open the chest of body. These are used to form portals between Liveside and Deadside. There are three of them in the game, found in the Cageways, the Playrooms, and the Undercity within the Asylum. The three corpses which form the portals are all found in the Cathedral of Pain. They may be opened in any order. There are also two more corpses here which have already been opened up. * Shadow Power - Sometimes referred to simply as "Level", this is your level of power based on the number of souls you have collected. The chart below tells you how many souls you need for each level. Your Shadow Power determines which coffin gates you can open. The purple ring on your stat bar must have at least as many notches filled as the number on the coffin gate in order to open it | Power | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |-------|---|---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|-----| | Souls | 1 | 3 | 7 | 15 | 23 | 35 | 51 | 71 | 95 | 120 | * Toucher Gads - An upgrade that allows you to push fire blocks, and climb on fire ledges and fire pillars without being burned. Found in the Temple of Fire. * Truesoul - A giant hulking bipedal beast, usually found in the Engine Block area, but a few can be found elsewhere. They are generally first seen inside cages, which you must push a switch in order to open. (Some of the cages will open by themselves when you walk over a certain trigger location.) These are the largest and toughest creatures in the game aside from Legion. They fire purple homing missiles at you and will try to stomp on you if you get too close. They leave behind a Dark Soul when you kill them. * Warp point - This is where you appear when you use the Teddy Bear to get to a location. You must find each Warp point on foot first. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [DKSL] :: Dark Souls :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: Notes:: * For each area, a soul level requirement will be provided at the top of the section. This is the requirement just to be able to get into an area. In addition, most souls require certain items to acquire, many of which will not be available until a higher level. The levels required for each item are listed above. They will not be listed in the individual entries below. The only time an additional level requirement will be listed for an individual soul is if you need a soul power higher than that of the rest of the area just to open a coffin gate and access another part of the level. Any additional level requirement should be implied by the items required. (E.g. If a soul requires the Calabash, you can assume its requirement is Level 9, since you can't get the Calabash until Level 9.) * Only the primary items needed to acquire a soul will be listed. Obviously, in order to get to the necessary soul level to acquire the Calabash, you will need to have found several of the other items as well (and likewise for most of the higher-level items), but only those needed in the immediate vicinity of the soul will be listed. * If L'Eclipser is listed as a requirement, you must have all three parts of it, and you must have visited Nettie in Bayou Paradis to perform the ceremony allowing you to access the Liveside areas as Shadow Man. * Retractors are available at Levels 4, 5, and 9, but they will not help you acquire any souls until Level 7, when you have completed L'Eclipser. The three Liveside areas which require them can be done in any order, and each will access a different section of the Engine Block area. Two parts of Gardelle Jail can be accessed without Retractors, and will net you one soul each, but these will not grant you access to the Engine Block. Thus, 4 of the 5 Liveside souls (not counting Bayou Paradis), and 3 of the 4 Engine Block areas can be accessed at Level 7, but you will have to be Level 9 in order to get the final Retractor to gain access to the last one. * Unless otherwise noted, all souls will be found inside Govis. There are three other ways to acquire them. A few are found loose (mostly in the Playrooms area). Several require you to defeat Truesouls (mostly in the Engine Block, but a few elsewhere in the Asylum). And five are acquired by killing each of the five serial killers. You will need L'Eclipser in order to kill them, even though you can meet them before you have it. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [BYPL] :: Bayou Paradis, Louisiana :: Level: 0 :: 8 souls :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: L'Eclipser From your starting point, the first branch to the right goes into a small cave, the Govi is right out in plain view with two Cadeaux in front of it. You will also see this soul if you go right after falling through the collapsing bridge. 2.) Required: L'Eclipser Further down the path is a beached boat in a shallow pond. There is a hole in the side of the boat away from the main path. When you first see it, you won't even be able to get in since you need a gun to break the wooden slats covering the hole. Once you do, you can enter the boat, whereupon you will fall through a hole into an underground cave. (Oddly not underwater, even though the boat is sitting in a pond.) Follow the path, and it will eventually lead to an opening with the Govi right in plain sight. 3.) Required: L'Eclipser From this opening, jump down one level, and you'll find another opening on your right. Follow this path and you'll eventually get to a swamp with some gators. There's a small building, with a lake on the other side. In the middle of this lake, there's a little shack that you have to swim underwater to find the entrance to. Inside is a Govi (and a Shotgun). 4.) Required: L'Eclipser On the right side of the lake from the building where you entered is a little river which goes underground through a series of underwater passages. Make your way through them (there's no easy way to give directions here, but keep searching and you should find it) to a platform you can jump out of the water onto. Follow the path up to a rope strung over a ravine to a bluff with two buildings on it. A Govi is inside the building on the right. 5.) Required: L'Eclipser, Baton Back down the path from where you saw the boat, you will pass two buildings. The second one (where there is a rope to climb up a cliff) has the soul inside, but it's behind a grill so you can't get to it. To get in, you'll need to use the Baton on the altar in the graveyard outside Nettie's house. 6 & 7.) Required: L'Eclipser These two are inside Nettie's house, on either side of the altar in the main room, in plain sight. 8.) Required: L'Eclipser, Calabash Use the Calabash on top of the large tomb in Nettie's graveyard. Inside is a path leading down to a small crypt with the soul inside. Watch out for the dog hiding down there. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [MSQN] :: Mordant Street, Queens, NY :: Level: 2 :: 1 soul :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: Retractor, L'Eclipser Kill Avery Marx (The Home Improvement Killer) to get this soul. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [GCJT] :: Gardelle County Jail, Texas :: Level: 2 :: 3 souls :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: L'Eclipser Kill Marco Roboerto Cruz (Lover Boy) to get this soul. 2.) Required: L'Eclipser Kill Milton T. Pike (Video Nasty Killer) to get this soul. 3.) Required: Retractor, L'Eclipser Kill Doctor Victor Karl Batrachian (The Lizard King) to get this soul. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [DSSL] :: Down Street Station, London :: Level: 2 :: 1 soul :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: Retractor, L'Eclipser Kill Jack the Ripper to get this soul. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: Deadside - Marrow Gates :: :: :: :: [MGPC] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Level: 0 :: 4 souls :: :: :: Paths of Shadow - Prophecy Chamber :: :: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * These are actually one area, even though there are two warp points. 1.) Required: Poigne When you first enter via the Marrow Gates warp point, there is a blood-flow just to your left, behind a rock formation. The soul is clearly visible on top. (Just behind here is the Level 10 coffin gate that you won't be able to open for a looong time.) 2.) Required: Poigne After passing through the Marrow Gates, follow the path on the left until you come to a broken stone bridge. If you fall down from this bridge and look to your left, there is a blood flow with a soul at the top. 3.) Required: nothing After passing through the first coffin gate (Level 0), you will find yourself in a circular room. This is where the Prophecy Chamber warp point is found, and also where you pick up the Prophecy book. Following the spiral ramp around the edge of the room, and jumping across the gap in the stone bridge at the top, you will see the soul. This will be the first soul you can actually collect in the game. Make note of the fire block behind it. 4.) Required: Toucher Gads Once you have the Toucher Gads, go back to the location of the previous entry and push the fire block to open a passage with another Govi behind it. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [WTOL] :: Wasteland - Temple of Life :: Level: 1 :: 13 souls :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: nothing When you pass through the door in the tent by the edge of the blood pool (which you need to rotate the notched wooden panel inside to get to), you'll see the Govi on your left across a magma floor. You can't cross this without the Marcher Gads, but you can get to it from the other side. Jump across the smaller magma area ahead of you and follow the path to a large open area. There is a ramp on the wall to your right, leading up to a large pillar with a canopy on top. Jump from here to another walkway, and follow this to a cave entrance leading to another open area. From here, stick to your left-hand wall until you find another cave entrance. This will lead to the Govi. 2.) Required: nothing Back in the second open area you found on the way to the last soul, if you look up, you'll see a tent up on stilts. Go underneath the tent to find a ledge leading up to a series of walkways and ledges which will eventually take you to the entrance to the tent. The Govi is inside. 3.) Required: nothing Back again in the larger open area, near the cave entrance you used to get to the last two souls, you'll see a divot on the wall. If you found the rope- switch (on the wall at ground level in this room), there will be a rope leading from this to another entrance across on the opposite wall. Follow this rope to a cave with various platforms on the walls. On your left as you enter is a ledge that you can jump up to that leads to a small cave in the wall (guarded by one of those weird little two-headed creatures), and there is a Govi inside. (Further along this path is the Asson. You don't need it for anything, but might as well get it.) 4.) Required: nothing As you were crossing the rope to get to the last soul, you should have seen another cave entrance to the left of the one you entered. To get to it, go back down to ground level in the large open area, walk about half-way up the walkway ramp on the wall, and you will see another ledge leading upwards in the opposite direction. (It's hard to see if you aren't looking for it.) Go through the cave at the top and into the next area, and you'll see a Govi on a far ledge which you can't reach yet. There are two other cave entrances here, one at ground level and one higher up. They both lead to the same area. At ground level here is a rope-switch, which extends a rope back in the area you were just in, which you can use to get to the Govi. 5.) Required: Nager Gads If you enter the cave behind the last soul and follow the path through another small open area and into a section of the Temple of Life, you'll see another Govi across a lava pool. You'll need the Nager Gads to get it though. 6.) Required: Toucher Gads Just to your left as you're looking across the lava at the last Govi, there's a fire block. Push it to reveal a passage to another Govi. 7.) Required: Toucher Gads From the entrance to the Temple of Life, take the jump to the right, cross the platforms in the magma, jump the magma gap ahead of you, get to the platform with spikes popping out of it and turn right, crossing another magma gap. Then turn to your right to see the fire block. Push it to reveal a Govi to your left. (And a cadeaux to your right.) 8.) Required: Poigne From the entrance from the Paths of Shadow, get to the room with the three bloodfalls into a pool with little islands. As you enter, look for the bloodfall on your right, and climb it. Follow the path to a tent which has a Govi inside on some scaffolding. (Incidentally, this is directly above where you get the Asson. You could go down there if you wanted, but you probably don't.) 9.) Required: Poigne From the three-bloodfall room again, take the blood fall on the left, nearest to the entrance. Follow the path on the left of the fall to a room with a large blood lake and two pillars in it. On a walkway between the pillars is another Govi. Jump across the platforms around the outside of the room to make your way up there. 10.) Required: Poigne From the room where you got the last soul, dive into the water below, and look for a cave entrance in the floor at the bottom. Follow the underwater passage to emerge in another clearing, with a large spire in the middle that has a windmill on top. Climb the platforms to the top of the tower to find a Govi on a deck up there. 11.) Required: Poigne Keep going up the top of the tower from where you found the last soul, enter the shack at the top, and push the button you'll find in there. This activates the windmill, which will provide power that you'll need in a minute. Now go back down into the water, and through the tunnel back into the room with the two pillars. Get out of the water and go through the leftmost of the two doorways. Follow the path to another clearing with various wooden platforms over a lake, one of which is moving back and forth on a wire. (It would not be moving if you hadn't activated the windmill in the other area.) Ride the platform to a series of other platforms in order to reach the Govi. (This room is also where you'd end up if you'd taken the third of the three bloodfalls mentioned before.) 12.) Required: Marcher Gads From the entrance to the Temple of Life, head in a generally forward and right direction, (with the Marcher Gads, there's several routes you can take, because being able to walk on the magma opens up all kinds of shortcuts) and you'll eventually come to a path through the magma that leads to a Govi in a back corner room of the temple. Sorry this isn't more specific, but there's several routes that work, and it's not that hard to find. 13.) Required: Marcher Gads From where you found the last soul, go back into the magma and walk straight forward, and you'll soon see another Govi on a platform to your right. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [ASGW] :: Asylum - Gateway :: Level: 2 :: 12 souls :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: Marcher Gads When you jump down to the right side of the drawbridge while facing the Asylum, and follow the pipeline around the corner, you'll see the Govi sitting on a ledge over a magma field. Come back with the Marcher Gads to get it. 2.) Required: nothing Continuing along the path from where you saw the previous soul (it's a fairly linear series of jumping-puzzle rooms over lava), you'll eventually come to a room with two duppies in it. This is at the end of a hallway with several other rooms on either side containing assorted baddies. At the other end of this hallway, you'll turn left and enter a room with exits on either side. Take the exit to your right and you'll be in a room with two Govis, one on the ground and one on some crates that you can't reach. Don't worry about the higher-up one right now (see #8), you'll get to it later. 3.) Required: Engineer's Key In the room where you first get the Engineer's Key (you fall in from the duct in ceiling), you can see the Govi outside the window next to a the shuttle that leads to the Cathedral of Pain. (A bad guy should be shooting at you as you see it.) You'll need to use the key in the terminal in this room to open the large door that leads out to the shuttle area, which is just outside the only door in this room, also locked with the Engineer's Key. 4.) Required: Engineer's Key On the other side of the shuttle area, there's a curved hallway which leads past a large round room with a Govi on a high ledge you can't get to (see #6). If you go through this room, you'll be in a smaller room behind the entrance door to the Asylum. (You can use the key to unlock the door.) However, if instead of going into these rooms, you continue down this hallway, you'll come to a room with a Govi in it. 5.) Required: Marcher Gads From where you found soul #1, follow the path behind the Govi, up several ramps, and you'll eventually come to a T. Take a left to find another Govi in plain sight. 6.) Required: Marcher Gads Turn around and go back the other way at the T, and you'll reach a room where you can go right or left. Go left for now, and you'll find yourself on a balcony above one of the entry rooms. On the left side of the balcony is the Govi you saw on the way to #4. 7.) Required: Marcher Gads Go back to the room where you had a choice of right or left, and take the other exit this time. You come out on a walkway, where you can see the soul saw while getting #2 again, below you. Don't get it yet (see #8), you can't jump back up here, and it's a long walk back. Instead, follow the walkway into the next room. The walkway here goes straight or left. Choose the straight path for now, and follow it to another room with a Govi in it. 8.) Required: Marcher Gads You can take the other walkway that was to your left before - it just leads to a place where you can use the Engineer's Key to unlock a door leading to an area you've seen before. Might be a useful shortcut later, but it doesn't net you any souls. Anyhow, go back out the way you came in, and NOW you can jump down to the Govi you saw on the way to #2 and #7, as you've gotten all the others on this path. 9.) Required: Toucher Gads or Marcher Gads Make your way back to the Warp point by any route. (There are many - easiest of course is the Teddy Bear.) Now, facing the gateway, drop down on your left side this time, and follow the path. There's a room with a series of pipes over magma with fire pillars on it. You can either use the Toucher Gads to get around the pillars, or wait until you have the Marcher Gads and just skip this whole thing by walking over the magma. Either way, get to the other side of the room, and follow the path, and you'll get to a room with a Duppie in a cage (meaning you just have to listen to him moan, because you can't kill him). There are doors on either side of this room at the other end. A Govi is in plain sight just past the door on the right. (One of the Cheats can be found in this room - check out the rafters.) 10.) Required: Toucher Gads or Marcher Gads Back in the caged Duppie room, take the other exit that was to your left. Follow the path (past another caged Duppie), and you'll see another Govi in plain sight near a metal fence. (You might have seen this from the other side from the magma room.) 11.) Required: Toucher Gads or Marcher Gads Continue past the last soul, and there will be paths to the left and right. Go left for now, and follow the path some more, and you'll come to another T. Take a right, and there's a Govi at the end of the hall. (There's nothing interesting down the stairs to the left.) 12.) Required: Toucher Gads or Marcher Gads Back at the first of the two T's in the previous entry, this time take a right. Follow the path up some ramps and you'll eventually come to a place where there's a big metal beam going across an area that's outside the building. Hanging from that beam is a platform with a Govi on it. Use the boxes here to jump onto the beam, and walk carefully out to the platform and drop down. (Don't fall here, it's a long walk back.) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [ASCP] :: Asylum - Cathedral of Pain :: Level: 2 :: 2 souls :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: nothing After getting off the shuttle from the Gateway, look to the left to see an opening that leads down a few flights of stairs to what looks like a sewer, but with magma instead of sewage. The Govi is on the opposite side from you, but you can make the jump if you're fast. 2.) Required: Marcher Gads From the location where you found the last one, jump down into the magma. (You can also get here by jumping off the ledge from the shuttle station.) Follow the magma down a series of passageways, under two shafts with spinning spikes, and then climb up on top of the second shaft and follow it back to the end. Climb up to the ledge and take a right. Follow the path up some stairs, and enter the room across from the first flight of stairs to find a Govi in a side room. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [ASEB] :: Asylum - Engine Block :: Level: 4 :: 11 souls :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * This area is divided into four unconnected sections. They will be designated here by the area from which you enter them. There are no souls to be found in the section accessible from the Cageways. The other three sections (which can be done in any order) are accessed by using the Prisms found by killing serial killers (specifically Jack the Ripper, the Home Improvement Killer, and the Lizard King) in Liveside. Thus, while you can access this area as early as Level 4, you will need to be at least Level 7 to access two of the sections (in order to have completed L'Eclipser, required to kill them), and Level 9 for the third (in order to find the third Retractor). All of the souls in the Engine Block area are found by killing Truesouls, rather than in Govis. Also worth noting is that there are no Cadeaux whatsoever in any of the Engine Block sections. Downstreet Station Section - 3 souls :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: nothing After getting out of the main room (it's a fairly simple puzzle involving the Engineer's Key), pass through some more rooms, including a passageway over magma which is MUCH easier if you have the Marcher Gads, you'll emerge eventually in a large room standing on top of 4 Truesoul cages (fortunately only one of which contains a Truesoul). Get to the ground level and push the switch on the panel to open the cage, and kill the Truesoul for its soul. 2.) Required: nothing Exit through the door at ground level and you'll eventually come to an outdoor area with a Truesoul in a cage sitting at a skewed angle in the middle of it. The cage will open automatically as you approach, so watch out. Kill the Truesoul and take its soul. 3.) Required: nothing Leave through the door behind the cage and you'll soon be in another room with a caged Truesoul. Go up the ramp to the platform behind it and push the switch to open the cage. Lather, rinse, repeat on the Truesoul to get the last one. (This battle is made slightly more annoying by the presence of a machine-gun sniper up on the high rafters in this room. You might want to take him out first.) Mordant Street Section - 2 souls :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: nothing After getting past the puzzle in the main room, you'll emerge on top of a couple of Truesoul cages. One of which contains a Truesoul. Across the room are two more cages, and one more Truesoul in those. There's a room with a control panel, but ignore it for now. Walk towards the Truesoul in the further pair of cages, and the other Truesoul's cage will automatically open behind you. Kill it for the soul. 2.) Required: Engineer's Key Now, go to the control panel, and use your Key on the terminal there. This will open the other Truesoul's cage, and you know the rest. (If opened this cage first, you'd end up fighting both of them at once, and that can be a pain.) Gardelle Jail Section - 6 souls ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * You'll need the Engineer's Key to get anywhere in here, but if you don't have it by now, I'd be shocked. 1 & 2.) Required: nothing From the entrance, go through several rooms until you come to a control room with a switch that opens two cages containing Truesouls. Kill them both to claim the souls. 3.) Required: nothing Continue through the rooms until you reach another room with a caged Truesoul. Keep your eye on it, though, as it will open on its own as you try to go up to the area where you see the control panels. Kill it for its soul. 4 & 5.) Required: nothing In the control panel room, press the switch and a Truesoul cage (sans Truesoul) will be ferried into the room. Get inside the cage, and it will take you past an open area (with a Truesoul in a cage you never actually get to fight) to another room. Get out of the cage and then look behind it for a door. Inside are two free-floating Dark Souls in machines like those you saw in the Playrooms area. Grab them and leave. 6.) Required: nothing Back in the room where the cage dropped you off, push the switch at the top of the ramp (not the one in the control room) to open up another Truesoul cage underneath you. Kill it and take the soul. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [TOFT] :: Temple of Fire (Toucher) :: Level: 3 :: 11 souls :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: nothing In the room with the two bloodfalls, go up the spiral stairs on the outer walls (choose the spiral without the spikes in the corners), and go to the door before the last stairway on this spiral. Once inside, you'll be at the top of a smaller wooden spiral of walkways going down, and you can clearly see the Govi in the room one level down from the entrance on the opposite side. (Another Govi can be seen on top of a pillar in the room directly above this, but you can't get that one yet. See #6.) 2.) Required: nothing After raising all five levels of the pyramid in the main room and turning off the flames at the top, climb to the top of the pyramid and the Govi is right there. (Three other Govis are visible on ledges in this room, but none of them are accessible until later.) 3.) Required: Toucher Gads From the room where you get the Toucher Gads, head to the left corner on the opposite wall from where you came in, and push the fire block. Follow the path through the puzzle room and you'll eventually come out to one of those four Govis you saw in the walls on the way to the Gads room. 4.) Required: Toucher Gads Also from the Toucher Gads room, head to the right corner where the burning ledge is, and climb across the ledge to the opening in the wall. Follow the path through the two puzzle rooms, and you'll reach another of the four Govis mentionned just above. 5.) Required: Toucher Gads, Shadow Power 4 From the room with the two bloodflows, follow the spiral with the spikes in the corners all the way to the top, and enter the passageway here. You'll need to push the fire block to get through. Inside, you will find a level 4 coffin gate. Once you open it, you'll find the Poigne, which you will also need. After getting the Poigne, climb up the bloodflow to your left, and you'll see the Govi on a far ledge in front of you. Make a good leap off the edge of this bloodflow to reach it. (If you miss, you can climb back up the bloodflow to try again, but it's a long climb.) 6.) Required: Poigne If you enter the room with the two bloodflows from the pyramid room, go to the bloodflow on your right and climb it. (The one on the left will get you two Cadeaux.) Follow the path at the top of the flow to reach a Govi on top of a pillar in a pit below you. Jump carefully, it's a long way back around if you miss. (There's two more Cadeaux on the other side.) 7.) Required: Marcher Gads From the Warp point, turn around and enter the skin door behind you. Proceed into the SECOND obstacle room (not the little room with two jumps between the two obstacle rooms), and jump down onto the magma. (If you jump down in the other two rooms, it's lava, and will kill you if you don't have the Nager Gads yet.) Just to the right and left of the door way down at the floor level are two passageways in the magma. Enter the right one for now (you could go either way, it makes no difference, but I'm doing the right path first), follow the path through a puzzle room to reach another of the four Govis in the walls mentionned in #3 and #4. 8.) Required: Toucher Gads, Marcher Gads Drop down from the where you found the last soul, and you'll be back in the same obstacle room. Take the other passageway now, and you'll go through another puzzle room (you'll need the Toucher Gads to push a fire block in here, but you've almost certainly got them by now), and you'll come out at the last of the four Govis in the walls. 9.) Required: Calabash, Toucher Gads From the Warp point, enter the door behind you, and in the first obstacle room, you'll see a Calabash panel in the floor right at the beginning. Blast it, and then drop down and follow the path (you'll need to push three fire blocks, but if you somehow have the Calabash and not the Toucher Gads, I'd like to know how...) and you'll eventually reach a Govi way up in an alcove above the top of the big pyramid. (You may have seen this from below, but you had to wait a long time to get the tool needed to get up here.) 10.) Required: Nager Gads From the Warp point again, enter the door behind you and get past the first obstacle room, then drop down into the lava in the little room between the two obstacles. Swim through the passage on your left and you'll be in a puzzle room involving some swinging hammers and a rope switch - I'll let you figure it out. In the next room, there's a maze with a rope switch at the end that allows you to drop into a hole in the center of one the walls. (You'll see what I mean.) You can actually do this without bothering with the rope (and resulting Blood Sisters) if you can figure out how to jump on top of the maze instead of going through it. Anyhow, drop down the hole, and follow the path, and you'll arrive at one of the two Govis on either side of the pyramid in the main room. 11.) Required: Nager Gads, Baton Go back to the little room after the first obstacle room from the Warp point, and this time drop down and swim to the right. You'll surface, and find another pool to dive into, and eventually you'll come to a Baton altar at the bottom of the pool. But wait, you can't use the Baton altar while swimming, can you? Correct you are. So surface from the pool, and go down the hall. There's a HUGE button on the left, which opens a door further down. Follow the path some more and you'll see a very shallow lava pool with another huge button on the wall. That will cause this lava to rise, but the lava around the Baton altar will drain. Turn around and go back the way you came. (Or you could now continue past this room, through various obstacles, and find yourself in pretty much the same place with nothing to show for it but a health ball in an urn...) Anyhow, use the Baton on the now-exposed altar, and you'll be on a ledge with the last Govi in view just a short jump away. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [ASCW] :: Asylum - Cageways :: Level: 4 :: 11 souls :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: nothing When you first arrive at the Cageways (via the Paths of Shadow, not from the warp point), before you get on the train, enter the tower nearby. Inside it, a circular ramp leads up to a Govi. This is the only soul on this end of the tracks. * Since you need the Engineer's Key to operate the train in order to access the remainder of this map, the rest of these entries will assume that you have it. It's probably difficult (if at all possible) to get this far in the game without it anyhow. 2.) Required: Toucher Gads When you get off the train, look straight ahead to see some metal ducts over a magma field. There are three Fire Pillars in the way on the ducts. You can get around the first two with fancy footwork, but the third you will need to have the Toucher Gads to climb around. Enter the door on the other side to reach a room with two cages moving around over some walkways over more magma. Get across these walkways to reach the Govi on the other side. 3.) Required: Toucher Gads In the same room as the last Govi, you'll see a second Govi in an open cage hanging on the left side from where you entered. The opening is on the far side however. To get to it, climb onto the railings around where the first Govi was, and use them to jump onto one of the moving cages. As it passes by the U-shaped pipe hanging in the ceiling, jump onto the pipe and from there onto the top of the cage with the Govi in it. Jump from there onto the nearby platform, and then you can shoot the Govi and jump back into the inside of the cage to collect the Dark Soul. (This is much easier to do if you've collected the Marcher Gads and don't have to worry about a lethal mis-step on any of those jumps.) 4.) Required: Toucher Gads Go through the door next to the last Govi and go up the stairs until you get to another large room. From the entrance, a Govi is in plain sight right in front of you on some crates. You can reach it with some fancy jumping across the pipes, but if you miss, don't worry, you can also get here by climbing on the rope from another platform at the other end of the room. (Watch out for the chainsaw-weilding baddies down there, though. I don't usually mention enemies in this guide, but three of those tough bastards in very cramped quarters can be a real pain.) 5.) Required: Toucher Gads In the same room, there's another Govi inside an open cage hanging from a rope. You can actually get it by using some unorthodox glitching of the game's physics. Get to the platform at the other end of the rope, and climb across the rope until you reach the cage, and keep pushing forward, and you'll fall off the rope and onto the very bottom edge of the cage, partially intersecting with the wall. Take out your Shadowgun now and shoot the Govi open. Then (and this is important) sheathe it so you have both hands free. Carefully inch your way around to the open side of the cage, and if you're lucky, you will fall down and grab onto the bottom of the cage with both hands, and you can pull yourself up into it to collect the soul. The way you're SUPPOSED to get it, however, is to find the well-camoflaged ledge on the wall where you entered this room, and ledge-climb until you've got your back to the cage and jump in. Using alternate camera angles helps. And you should shoot open the Govi from another angle before you attempt it, because I've found it's difficult to jump backwards into the cage while the Govi is still intact. 6.) Required: Toucher Gads There are two exits from the room you found the last two souls in (not counting the one you entered through). Take the higher of the two (the lower exit leads eventually to the same room, but you come in from the other side, and it requires more jumping), and follow the path to a room with four moving platforms going up and down a slanted wall. You will emerge just above one of these platforms. Jump from there to the platform on your right, and then down to the ledge below it. Climb up the stairs, and then at the top, look over the railing. The Govi is on a lower ledge just below it. 7.) Required: Toucher Gads You probably noticed a second Govi in this room, on top of an out of reach pillar. A rope leads to it, but there's a cage in the way. No worries. Go to the nearby small room and operate the switch to make the cage start moving back and forth. Time yourself so you have enough time to climb across the rope to the pillar before the cage knocks you down. Alternatively, DON'T push the switch, and leave the cage where it is. If you climb onto the railing, you can then jump from there onto the top of the cage, and from there drop down and grab the rope on the right side. You can even walk ON TOP of the rope if you're careful, and drop down from there. As always with any sort of tricky jumping, it's easier if you sheathe your weapons first. 8.) Required: nothing Back in the room with the train, there is also a little trolley cart that leads to the Engine Block. Don't get in it, but instead use the railings to jump on top of it. From there, jump over the magma to the ledge with the door behind it. Make your way through a series of rooms (you can grab one of the Retractors in this area), and you'll eventually reach a platform with a railing, and some stairs leading down, from which you'll see a Govi in a cage to your left. Go down the stairs and shoot it and jump into the cage to grab it. * If you went into the easily accessible door from the train room, (which is more straightforward and doesn't require jumping the trolley) you'd find the next three souls in reverse order, #11, #10, and #9. But you wouldn't be able to get #8 this way, and you'd still have to go back and around the other way, both for soul #8 and the Retractor. This order involves less back-tracking. 9.) Required: nothing In this same room as the last soul, there is another Govi on a platform in the corner. To get to it, climb up the stairs in this room to a platform, and jump across the two hanging cages to reach the Govi. 10.) Required: nothing From the ground level exit in this room, go through to the next room, and if you look around, you'll see another Govi on a high pillar in the middle of the room. To get there, look to your left from the door you came from, and there's a switch. Push it to start the cages on the ropes above you moving back and forth. You can use the stairs or some nearby crates to get onto the platform next to the switch panel, and from there, some fancy rope-climbing to get from there to another platform, and again from there to yet another, which is close enough to the Govi's platform that you can jump up to it. 11.) Required: nothing You'll probably by now have seen a cage on a rope going into and out of this room via a pair of automatic doors. You can't open the doors yourself, so wait for the cage to be on its way out, and follow it through. On the other side of the doors, a Govi is sitting in plain sight near the ramp. (There is absolutely no reason to push the lever in this room. It just opens up two doors with some monsters and no useful items - not even Cadeaux.) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [ASPR] :: Asylum - Playrooms :: Level: 5 :: 10 souls :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: nothing From the warp point, turn around and exit the door behind you. Go through this room and up the ramps in the next, and go through the door at the top of these ramps. Past this room, you will come out on top of a bridge going over the pool of water where the warp point is. Jump down off the bridge, but instead of going in the water, get onto the ledges around the sides, and follow them around to your right to a series of hallways leading to a room. As you enter, you may see a Govi through a window below and to your left, but this isn't the one we're after yet. (See #10) Instead, go past the clear pipes to your right and find a ramp leading down in the corner. Kill the bikini-dogs down there and take the Govi they're guarding. 2.) Required: Poigne Back in the water room, look at the pipe on the opposite side from the hallways you just took. Swim to it and enter, dodging the fan blades, and climb up the blood flow on the wall of the pipe. Follow it down until you get to a room with two pools divided by a wall. You can get the Govi on the right side of this room. There are two more on the other side, but you can't get those from here. (See 3&4) 3&4.) Required: Poigne Again in the water room, look at the blocked pipe at the bottom of the pool on the side with the pipe you climed up for #2. Shoot the blockage to clear it, and then follow the pipe until you get to a room where you can surface. Take the path to the right here, and you'll eventually find another pipe. You'll need to climb the bloodflow in this pipe, which will take you to the other side of the pool you saw in #2. There are two Govis here for the taking. 5.) Required: Engineer's Key Back where you surfaced in a room for #3&4, there is a small room on the other side of the hallway you took containing a switch that opens a hatch nearby. Go back in the water and you can come up through that hatch. Follow the path and you'll find two rooms where you have to use the Engineer's Key to raise the water in one by lowering it in the other, enter the pipe in the wall of the room to the left (where the water was lowered). Follow the path and you'll eventually come to a hallway with a nursery. Go all the way to the door at the end of the hallway and follow the passageway to enter a room with a Govi in plain sight on your left. 6.) Required: Engineer's Key On the other side of the door from the last soul, there's a door leading to a room with another loose soul in a machine. 7.) Required: Engineer's Key Back in two water rooms, this time take the pipe in the room on the right, where the water was raised. Follow this path through several rooms until you get to a small room with a door on the left and a ramp on the right. Take the ramp and go through the door up there to a small hallway with a locked door. Push the nearby lever to open the door and collect the Govi inside. 8.) Required: Engineer's Key Back at the room with the door and the ramp, take the door this time, and you'll be in a large room with a loose soul inside some sort of machine. Climb up into the machine and grab it. (Incidentally, this is also the room with the Violator vending machines, so remember it when you get some Accumulators.) 9.) Required: Marcher Gads Near where you picked up #5, there's another door on the same wall as the one you came in through. Enter this door and follow the path to a room with a lever. Push the lever to open a cage in a room releasing a Truesoul. You can see this room through a screen from the lever room. Now go back to where the door was, and drop down to the lower level. Go to the hallway in the corner and exit through the door there. Go left and into the door at the end of the hallway. Continue through this hall to find yourself on the outside of the screened area containing the Truesoul. Enter the door on your right (using the lever to unlock it if you haven't already), and then climb into the oven on the right. (This is where you'll need the Marcher Gads.) Enter the vent underneath the hood, and turn right to enter the Truesoul's chamber. Defeat the Truesoul to claim the dark soul. 10.) Required: Marcher Gads Back in the vent, this time take the other direction, and drop into a room with a Govi in it. This is the one you saw through the window while on your way to #1. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [TOPM] :: Temple of Prophecy (Marcher) :: Level: 6 :: 13 souls :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * Note: The Temple of Prophecy has a lot of branches and multiple pathways to get to the same locations. The order you get the souls in may be wildly different from mine. My aim was to reach the Marcher Gads as quickly as possible, since they're required for several of the souls. I'll do my best to describe each room in such a way that if you encounter them in a different order, you'll still be able to figure out which ones I'm talking about. 1.) Required: Poigne In the first room with a statue, you'll see the Govi in the statue's right hand (your left). On the side of the statue is a button. Push it to activate the bloodflows in this room (and throughout the Temple), and then climb up the flow between the statue's legs (gross?) in order to jump up onto it's arm and collect the soul. 2.) Required: nothing Exit through the door you didn't come in through, and follow the path through a few puzzle rooms. Ignore the Govi you see in one of them - you can't get it until you get the Marcher Gads. (See #10) Eventually you'll come to another statue room, and this one has a Govi it its lap. Find the rope-switch in this room (between the two doors) and push it. Climb up the platforms to the rope and climb across it into the statue's lap. 3.) Required: Toucher Gads, Poigne In the next room, you'll see an alcove with a fire block inside it on the right. Make your way over and push the block to open a passageway into another room. There's a Govi on a high ledge here. To get there, push the four buttons lowering the statue heads above you, then climb the bloodflow and make your way around the room to the Govi using a variety of jumping and ledge climbing. 4.) Required: Poigne Climb up the bloodflow again, and exit via the door at the top. After a series of rooms, you'll find yourself in a room with a platform in the middle and a large weighted pole on a pillar on top, with a spiral ramp going to the top of the platform. At the bottom of the platform is a button which will rotate the pillar and pole 90 degrees clockwise. You can hit it repeatedly to get the pole where you want it. Where you want it is pointing at another button higher up on the wall. Climb to the top and use the pole to get to the button and press it, lowering a statue head on the other side. Rotate the pillar again to make it point at the Govi that was just revealed behind the head, and use the pole again to get there. (You can also get to this room by climbing the bloodflows in one of the first rooms on all sides of an octagonal pillar, and then jumping to a nearby ledge.) 5.) Required: Toucher Gads From this room, enter the other ground-level entrance to see a fire block, and push it to reveal a passageway. Follow a few rooms - you'll see another inaccessible Govi in a cage in one of them. (You'll need the Marcher Gads - see #12). Eventually you'll wind up in a square room with some ramps going around it blocked by statue heads. Push the 4 buttons to lower the heads, then climb the ramps to a Govi at the top of the room. 6.) Required: nothing Take the exit from here and follow the path through several rooms - you'll pass yet another inaccessible Govi in a cage. (See #10). You'll then come to a maze with some Flambeau canvasses in it. (You can find one of the cheats here.) Exit the upper door in the maze room and follow the path. You'll emerge in an open area with a Govi on a high ledge to your left on a bloodflow, and a tent to your left. You could get that Govi right now, but you'll have to backtrack a bit. First, go into the tent and follow the path to pick up your Marcher Gads. These will be needed to get most of the other souls here. Once you get them, go back the way you came in, and NOW you can get that Govi on top of the bloodflow. 7.) Required: Baton From this room, exit via the skin-door and you'll come to a room with two slopes on either side with a massive swinging hammer going between them. Climb up the platforms to the top (either side), and you'll see a bridge between the two sides with a Baton altar on it. Use your Baton to teleport to a room behind the first Govi you saw on a high ledge as you first entered the Temple. (Be sure to push the block in the next room - this will give you a shortcut to use later.) 8.) Required: nothing Baton your way back into the room with the slopes, and go out the door at the opposite end from where the Baton altar bridge is. You'll come to another statue room, this one with its hands held up against its chest. Jump platforms to reach two buttons on either wall. The first moves the statues arms out to the side and the second opens a panel in its chest, revealing a Govi. Jump across one of the arms to get to it. 9.) Required: nothing Exit through the other door (on the right), and you'll go through another puzzle room (much easier if you're following my directions and have the Marcher Gads already), and you'll come to a room you've seen before from the other side, with a large cage containing a Govi. (See #10) For now, jump onto and over the cage to the next door, and come to a room like the statue rooms, but instead of a statue, you'll see a Govi on top of a large ramp. You can't climb the ramp as such, but to the left of it, there's a pole-switch sticking out of the wall. Get over there and jump onto the pole, and hang on until it slides to the bottom. This will turn the ramp into stairs. You'll have a short time to run to the other side of the room, up a ramp with a ledge leading onto the platform at the bottom of the stairs, and then jump up the stairs to reach the Govi. 10.) Required: Marcher Gads Go back out the door you came in through, and back out to the room with a Govi in a cage that you saw on the way to #6 and again to #9. Jump down into the Magma, and into the cage from below. 11.) Required: Marcher Gads Exit through the door at the bottom magma-level in this room, and you'll find yourself back in the room where you got the Marcher Gads. Go past the Gads- machine to the door on the opposite side, to find yourself in another room you've been in before, on the way to #2. There's a Govi on a high pillar here, but push a switch at its base and the pillar will lower down to where you can jump on it and take the soul. 12.) Required: Marcher Gads Go back to the Marcher Gads room, and this time you want to go through the door which you have to jump over a lava pit to get to. It can be a tricky jump, but it's possible. (Shoot the urns first so you have a clear spot to land.) You'll arrive at another room you've seen, this one on the way to #5. There's a Govi in a cage with a bridge leading out to it. On one side, you'll see a pole-switch. Jump up and pull it down, raising the cage around the Govi. Drop down into the magma, and quickly make your way to the ramp, then turn around and jump onto the Govi platform. (Ignore the bridge leading to the platform - you can't get there in time, and those panels will drop if you run on them.) 13.) Required: Calabash In the first room leading down from the warp point, you'll see a Calabash panel in the floor. Use the Calabash to blast it open, revealing a Govi below. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [ASLD] :: Asylum - Lavaducts :: Level: 7 :: 9 souls :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * I highly recommend getting the Marcher Gads before even attempting this area. While you CAN get a few souls without them, it's MUCH more difficult that way. 1.) Required: Engineer's Key Assuming you don't have the Marcher Gads yet, make your way from the entrance until you reach a large area with magma sewers. You'll have to ride on two moving platforms in the walls to jump onto a tall lavaduct (Like an aquaduct with magma. Heh.) Go around the duct and jump DOWN from the other side (back down to near magma-level on the ground). Follow the walkway and you'll find one passageway you can walk on without stepping on magma. On one side is a key terminal, which opens up two doors on either side of the tunnel. Enter the door opposite the terminal (the one on the same side has some Cadeaux). Follow the path to a room with a Govi near a switch. 2.) Required: nothing Push the switch near the last Govi to open up the door here, where you can see two more Govis behind glass that you can't get to yet. (See #4 and #9) Go up the stairs to find the warp point, making sure to push the switch activating the large rotating platforms over the lava vat. Get onto one of the platforms as it goes past, and ride it to the next opening, where there is a Govi in the corner. (Note: You can also reach the warp point if you'd taken the higher jump from the lavaduct mentionned in the last entry, but you'd miss out on soul #1 that way.) 3.) Required: nothing Get back on the platform and ride it down to the next area. From here, take the stairs down and follow the passage to a room with a Govi on a high stack of crates. You can't get there yet (See #8), so keep going around the exit to your left. You'll come to a room with some platforms on a slope that you need to do some fancy jumping to get up to one of those shafts with spinning blades. Avoid the blades underneath, then climb up and avoid them again from above. Turn right at the wall and follow the path and you'll come to a room with lots of tall stacks of crates, one of which has a Govi on it. Jump across to reach it. Do NOT miss these jumps. The stacks are all too tall to jump back onto from the floor, so you'll have to go all the way back around again, up the slope and under and over the spinning blades, etc. 4.) Required: Marcher Gads Go back out to where you needed to use the Engineer's Key for soul #1. In this tunnel is a passage without walkways, where you'll need to use the Marcher Gads. Follow the path to another room with a Govi that you saw through the glass after getting the first soul. Another switch opens the door that leads back into the same room as the first one. 5.) Required: Marcher Gads Back again in the room with the lavaduct, there's a passageway in the magma underneath the path of one of the moving platforms on the wall. Follow it to find another room with a Govi behind glass and a switch to operate the locked door. 6.) Required: Nager Gads, Engineer's Key From the warp point, jump right in the lava and swim down to the first passage on your right. Follow the passage, and when it splits, go right. Enter the room here and use the Engineer's Key in the terminal inside the room to open up the hatch in the ceiling. Climb through it, and go up the stairs to see an opening to a large warehouse of crates. Ignore the warehouse for now (unless you're collecting Cadeaux) and look for an opening in the ceiling nearby. Jump up into it, and you can climb on a ledge that leads to a balcony above the warehouse. Go down the path at the other end of the warehouse and you'll find a Govi in a windowed room. 7.) Required: Nager Gads, Engineer's Key Retrace your steps back to the lava, and when the path branches, go right. You'll emerge in another circular lava-vat. Swim to your right and find the next opening here. (You may have to wait for the rotating wall to move enough.) Take this passage, and you'll come across another one of those rooms where the Engineer's Key will open the ceiling hatch. Climb out, and make your way past a few rooms (not too many branches in path here), and you'll find yourself on the walkway around the lava-vat you were just in. Follow the walkway around to your left, and there's a Govi just sitting out there for the taking. 8.) Required: Nager Gads, Engineer's Key From the last Govi, drop down into the lava again and swim to the right until you get to the next opening. Surface there and find yet another room with a hatch in the ceiling opened by your Key. Climb through here and you'll find a room with a couple sets of stairs and a large locked door. There's a switch in a control room that opens it. Go through, and you'll see the Govi on top of some crates behind a railing, which you saw on the way to #3. Jump over and get it. 9.) Required: Nager Gads, Engineer's Key Retrace your steps back to the lava vat, and swim right again until you get to the next opening. Follow this passage, and when it splits, go right. This will take you back to the first lava vat. Keep swimming to the right in the vat for your next opening again, and you'll find a fourth room with a hatch in the ceiling to be opened with the Key. Climb up and go down some stairs for the last Govi, which you saw through the glass on the way to #2. You can open the door with the switch if you want. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [TOBN] :: Temple of Blood (Nager) :: Level: 8 :: 8 souls :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.) Required: Poigne From the Warp point, get down to the platforms just above the lava, and jump to the one on the left. Push the button to lower the statue head above you. (Do the same on the right side for good measure - doesn't help you now but you'll need it later.) Now go back up the slope and use the ledges to get to the upper right as you're facing the slope. Climb the ledge over to where the statue head was, and the climb up and follow the path. You'll find a room with four exits arranged in a circle on one wall, and a rotating wooden disc with a notch in it so that only one exit can be open at once. Right now it's the bottom. On the opposite wall is a button which will move the disc 90 degrees clockwise. Push it three times (after dealing with the Blood Sisters) to open the right hand exit. Go through it, and follow the passage to a room with two more Sisters and a button to push. There's a Govi visible on the other side of a grate here. Push the button, activating the Bloodflows in this and another room, and go back out the way you came in. Now push the button to rotate the disc 2 more times to open the left door. Go through here, and follow the path to another room similar to what you saw through the grate. On the right is a block you can push that will fall into a hole. Go through into the next room and you'll be in the room with the Govi. Climb up the Bloodflows on the pillar to the top, and you can jump down from there to get to the Govi. 2.) Required: nothing From the room you found the last one, go through the only other exit from this room, and follow the path until you see a rope switch in front of you. Push it. Now go down the other direction, and you'll be in a hallway with lots of spinning sycthe blades. Follow it around, and you'll see where the rope was created by the switch. Deal with the Soul Sister here, and climb across the rope to the waiting Govi on the other end. (There's another Govi visible on the platform to your left, but you can't get there without the Nager Gads. See #7). 3.) Required: Calabash There's a room with eight Calabash panels in the floor. If you have the Calabash, you've already seen this room as you had to come here to lower two statue heads in order to get up to where you got the Calabash. You can see a Govi on a pillar through a screen in this room. Facing the Govi, place a Calabash on the second panel back from the screen on the left side. This will open up an underground tunnel (containing a Blood Sister) that leads to the room with the Govi. 4.) Required: Flambeau, Baton, Marteau, Calabash From the Warp point, make your way across the slope to your left side, and enter the door set into the slope in the corner. Follow the passage past a spinning blade, and use your Flambeau on the two canvases in a row here, and you'll enter in a room from which you can see a Govi in plain sight, but inside a cage so you can't get to it. You'll need to use all your tools to get this one. Look to your right and you'll notice a Marteau gate. As usual, you need to hit three drums with your Marteau, but the problem is that one of them is behind a Flambeau canvas, and another is on top of a platform you can't reach. Fortunately a nearby Baton altar will take you up there. Once you've hit all three drums and opened the gate, follow the passage around and it will drop you on top of the cage. Use a Calabash to blast open the panel here. (Hint: Set the Calabash in the corner, and then wait on the opposite corner to avoid blowing yourself up.) You'll then drop into the cage where you can get the Govi. You'll need to use another Calabash to get out, followed by the Flambeau again. Watch your energy to make sure you can do all this. 5.) Required: Marcher Gads From the Warp point, go across the slope the right side instead, and climb onto the ledge where the statue head was. Shimmy over until you can climb up and then follow the path downwards. You'll find yourself facing a series of puzzle rooms all involving jumping over lava. Try not to fall in and die. At one point there will be a Govi on a ledge in a room, with some vertically spinning sycthe blades* in the wall that you have to shimmy past on the ledge. Ignore that Govi for now (see #8), and continue through. There's another puzzle room involving scythe blades and a rope-climb, and then you'll find yourself in a room with two statues on your left and a magma flow to the right with some horizontal scythe blades in the wall. Drop into the magma, and find the Govi at the other end of it. *Note: This is the point at which certain emulator versions of the game fail. You cannot get past the scythe blades because there is some sort of invisible wall preventing you. If you're using a console, or a version which doesn't have this bug, you can continue through here. Otherwise, you'll need to use your emulator's cheat system to give yourself the Nager Gads a bit early in order to swim past. 6.) Required: Marcher Gads Go back along the lava and find a tunnel leading under the room with the statues. It will emerge in the room where you will get your Nager Gads. But first, you'll have to push all the buttons in the room, kill a couple of Blood Sisters, and somehow avoid falling into the lava and dying. Once you do, go claim your prize of Nager Gads. As soon as you do, you will automatically jump down on the other side into the lava, right in front of the entrance to a cage containing a Govi. (You've seen this cage several times, as it's right in the middle of the Warp point room.) 7.) Required: Nager Gads Remember where you found soul #2? No? Go ahead and look back, I'll wait. Okay, now you remember? Go back there. Now there's another Govi that you couldn't reach before, but now you can. To get there, jump down into the lava. Now, what you're SUPPOSED to do is swim to the left, get out onto a ledge and push a button which lowers the lava, then walk back to the right side of the pool, dodging spikes which you can't see well because of the lava, and push another button which raises it to the level of the ledge with the Govi. But there's a glitch here which lets you skip a step. If you swim directly to the second switch on the right, it may seem as though you can't push it because it's under lava. But if you swim to the surface in front of the button, you can push it, even though you don't seem to be in the right place. 8.) Required: Nager Gads Jump down from the ledge with the last Govi and exit via the skin door. (Don't waste your time on those Marteau drums, there's nothing there but health and energy.) You'll find yourself back in the room with the two statues from #5. Continue straight through (resisting the urge to go back to the Nager Gads room and search the lava there - there's nothing there at all), and you'll eventually get back in the room with the vertical scythe blades and the Govi on a ledge. Swim through the arch underneath the Govi, and you'll be in a room with a spiral of platforms going up the walls, with horizontal scythes in the walls all the way up. Make your way to the top and you'll see the Govi through the archway here. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [ASUC] :: Asylum - Undercity :: Level: 9 :: 3 souls :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: * I highly recommend you have the Flambeau before you attempt anything in this area. It's very dark, almost pitch black in places. It's certainly possible to do without, but MUCH more difficult. I'd also recommend playing at night or in a darkened room, because even with the Flambeau, it can be very hard to see anything if there's any sort of glare at all on your screen. 1.) Required: Engineer's Key It's hard to give directions in this section without giving everything away, so I'm going to let you figure some of this out on your own. There are two tall cylindrical rooms with large rotating platforms that you have to activate using the Engineer's Key. From the second of these, get to the topmost rotating platform, and find an entrance in the wall that isn't the one you came in through. Follow this and you'll come to a room with some stairs and a stained glass window in the ceiling. Go down the stairs and follow the path to the left to reach a Govi. 2.) Required: Engineer's Key Go back to the room with the rotating platforms (the second one again), and this time look for an entrance accessible from the lower of the two rotating platforms which takes you eventually to a room where there's a vertical shaft and rapidly spinning spikes. The third Retractor is found near here. You can find a switch nearby to turn off the spinning shaft, or just take your chances and jump down. Either way, you'll land in a room where there is a Govi nearby. You can see this room from the other side of a fence early on, but you can't get to the Govi this way. 3.) Required: Engineer's Key In the last outdoor area here, you'll see a rope going up from the side of one tower to another. One end of it is low enough to reach. Climb it to the other building. From here, it's a long series of walkways, jumping to nearby towers, entering some towers to go up stairs and emerge at a higher level, etc. At one point, you'll need to use the Engineer's Key to open a door and find yourself inside a caged section of one of the two rooms with the rotating platforms you saw above. Here you'll need to use the Key again to open another door and reach a higher ledge outside. It's hard to give specific directions here, but it shouldn't be that hard to find. Eventually, you'll wind up at a tower with a spiral ramp going down to room with a Truesoul cage in it. The cage will open automatically as you approach, so watch out. Kill the Truesoul and take its soul. ::::::::::::::::::: :: [FRAQ] :: FAQ :: ::::::::::::::::::: Q.) You missed a soul (or souls)! A.) No I didn't. There are exactly 120 souls in the game, no more, period. However, there is a glitch that sometimes occurs which allows you to pick up the same soul more than once. It seems to happen when you use the Teddy Bear to go back to the warp point in the area you are currently already in. It doesn't happen every time, and I haven't figured out what makes the difference between a soul respawning or not, so it's hard to exploit, but it does happen. If you have more than 120 souls at the end of the game, this is probably why. Don't e-mail me telling me how many souls over 120 you've got. I'm well aware of this bug. Q.) But if you add up all the soul counts, it equals 124! A.) This is because the "Deadside - Marrowgates" and "Paths of Shadow - Prophecy Chamber" warp points are actually both in different parts of the same map. There's two souls before the first coffin gate, and two after. You'll notice if you look that picking up a soul in either location increases the counts for both. So you're counting those 4 souls twice. Q.) You didn't mention all the items! A.) That's because this is a Dark Souls FAQ, not an items FAQ. Any items not required for finding all 120 Dark Souls are not listed. This includes the Asson, the Enseigne, the Violator(s), pretty much everything found Liveside, and the various books. (The Shadowgun/Pistol and Teddy Bear you get no matter what, so they're also not listed.) Also not listed are Cadeaux, unless they're near a soul and might help identify a location. (I may do a Cadeaux FAQ later, but that's a lot more work.) Q.) I'm missing two Warp points! Where are they? A.) Not related to Dark Souls, but a common question. There will always be two blank spots on your Warp point list. Even with cheats you can't activate those. There are 17 Warp points to be found, 4 Liveside and 13 Deadside, and that's it. Q.) Can you win the game without getting the Nager Gads? A.) Yes, but just barely. It depends on the order in which you used your Retractors. The number of souls accessible in through each Liveside Retractor trip (including serial killer and Engine Block sections) are: Gardelle Prison: (not counting the sections that don't need Retractors) 7, Downstreet Station: 4, Mordant Street: 3. If you did Downstreet Station and Mordant Street first, the maximum number of souls you can get without the Nager Gads is 95, which is exactly what's needed to get the Calabash and the third Retractor (in the Undercity). This means you'll need to find each and every soul available without the Nager Gads or Calabash in order to get to Level 9, which you need to finish the game. If you did Gardelle Prison as one of your first two Retractors, it's easier, since there's a bunch of souls in the Gardelle Engine Block section. The absolute maximum number of souls that don't require the Nager Gads, Calabash, or Level 9 Soul Power access is 98 (using Gardelle Prison and Downstreet Station Retractors). After you get level 9, you can then get the Calabash and the third Retractor from the Undercity, meaning your total maximum will be 108. You'll need 12 more for that second Violator, but all the rest require Nager Gads. I'm guessing the reason you're asking this is that there's an unfortunate bug in some emulator versions of this game that makes it impossible to get to the Nager Gads without cheating. (There's a room in the Temple of Blood with vertical scythe blades spinning in the wall which you have to ledge-climb past or fall into the lava. The first emulator version I played, there seemed to be an invisible wall that prevented you from getting past the blades.) ::::::::::::::::::::::: :: [CNTC] :: Contact :: ::::::::::::::::::::::: If you must contact me, please read the following caveats first. 1. Make sure the answer is not already there. The information in this FAQ is well-organized enough that it shouldn't be hard to determine if the information exists already or not. 2. Keep in mind the stated purpose of this FAQ. It is not a complete walkthrough, and I am intentionally not giving away the solution to every puzzle and maze in the game. If that's what you're looking for, there's other FAQs out there that do this very well. 3. Don't bother me with spelling/grammar issues. I generally make an effort to use proper spelling and grammar at all times (which is more than I can say for a lot of FAQs I've seen), but everyone can make mistakes. Unless the error is serious enough that you can't understand what I'm saying, don't waste my time with it. 4. There are only 120 souls. Don't e-mail me telling me that you've found more. See the FAQ above for the explanation for this. 5. Use the terms "Shadowman" and/or "Dark Souls FAQ" in the subject-line of your e-mail. If you don't, I will probably ignore it. 6. Please make an effort to use proper spelling and grammar when contacting me, and keep the 1337-5P33K to a minimum. Avoid the use of texting-style shorthand or acronyms. If it takes me more than a single read or I have to look stuff up on UrbanDictionary to understand what you're saying, I will probably ignore you. 7. No spam. I'm not interested in any project you're involved in, anything you want to sell, any investment opportunity you may have, or any enhancements to any part of my anatomy thank you very much. If you send me anything like that, I will ignore and permanently block you. 8. No hate mail. I'm doing you a service here. If it doesn't meet your exacting standards, telling me how much I suck isn't going to help anyone. If you have a specific grievance, please let me know, but don't just insult me without offering a reason. I will ignore and probably block you. 9. Fan mail is cool and all, but I don't particularly need to get a bunch of e-mails that just say "You rock!". Unless you have something specific to tell me, I don't need to hear it. I'll probably just ignore it. 10. Don't be annoying. I'm a busy man, I've got other stuff to do. If I start getting way too many e-mails from you, even if they don't break any of the other caveats, I may block you just for some peace and quiet. How much is too many will be a matter of judgement, and I'll probably first offer a warning if you're causing me grief. 11. Don't expect an immediate response. As I said, I have other things to do, and I may not get around to replying right away - particularly if your question requires some work to look into. (I don't have like 500 save games for every possible combination of items/soul power that you can have at one time, so if your question involves doing a certain something in a specific order, it may take a while to figure it out.) If I don't respond right away, please do not send me another e-mail asking why I didn't respond. Provided you didn't break one of my other rules, I will probably reply eventually, but don't hold your breath. That said, you may contact me at lurlock@yahoo.com. ::::::::::::: :: CREDITS :: ::::::::::::: I did most of this entirely on my own, but the FAQs by marshmallow and RMurtha hosted here on Gamefaqs were very helpful in some places. If you're looking for a more thorough walkthrough, I highly recommend either of their guides. Thanks to Nintendo, Sega, and Sony for providing the consoles and Acclaim for creating this game. Thanks also to Gamefaqs for hosting thousands of excellent game guides. ::::::::::::::::::::: :: [LEGL] :: LEGAL :: ::::::::::::::::::::: This document is Copyrighted by Darrel Hoffman (a.k.a. Lurlock) on January 2010. You may not reproduce any part of it without my written consent, nor post it on any website. etc. (Feel free to link to it, but do not post it anywhere else.) All Rights Reserved. This document is hosted on Gamefaqs.com. They are currently the only site authorized to display this document. If you are interested in hosting this on your site, you may contact me to ask for my permission. If you find this document in whole or part on any other website, please notify me so I can get all medieval on them. Copyright January 2010, by Darrel Hoffman, All Rights Reserved