Sakura Wars (サクラ大戦) Chapter 4 Translation v.1.10 2002.05.12 ================================================================= Translation 2002 By Kayama This is a translation of the fourth chapter of the game 'Sakura Wars' for the Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast systems and contains some Japanese text in Shift-JIS encoding. Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its entirety for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved. This translation may be found at the following location: - primary location === Disclaimer ========== This work is not authorized by SEGA, RED, or any other company. I do not profess to be fluent in Japanese. I do not guarantee a 100% accurate translation. All Sakura Wars games are copyright Sega, Red, and/or Overworks and all other copyrighted works are trademarks of their respective companies. === Update History ========== v.1.10 2002.05.12 - Added scenario B, Iris's mini-game, and more LIPS choice results. v.1.00 2002.05.10 - Finished the chapter. === Chapter 4 Translation ========== {Rasetsu} Uwohhhhhh!! Curse you, Imperial Floral Assault Group...... How dare you...... How dare you do such a thing to Brother!! For Brother...... I, Hakugin no Rasetsu, shall take revenge without fail! * * * * * {Kanna} O-Omiiyaaa! {1} {Sumire} O-Oh, my Lord Kan'ichi. {Kohran} ......Knowing those two, they're probably up to something interesting. {Iris} Hey, hey, Kohran. Do you know what day it is tomorrow? {Kohran} You gotta be quiet, Iris. They're in the middle of rehearsing their lines right now. {Maria} Iris, be still! Listening to others' lines is very important too. {Iris} ............That's no fun. {Kanna} You're saying it the wrong way! {Sumire} This way will do just fine. {Kanna} It sounds odd no matter how you think about it! Have you got a screw loose or something!? {Sumire} And how about you - would you please cease shaking the entire set every time you move! {Kohran} There you go, it's started. Who knows which one of 'em will win. It's the biggest fight of the century! {Iris} Hey, hey, Maria. You know, tomorrow...... {Maria} ......Iris. Side conversations are strictly forbidden when we're rehearsing lines. {Iris} That's no fun. I'll go see big brother! {Sakura} Ah! Iris! Where are you going in the middle of rehearsal!? Wait! {Iris} No way! Bye-bye! Chapter 4 Rampage! Rampage! Great Big Rampage! {Ohgami} Boy oh boy...... Just when I thought I wasn't going to be doing any ticket clipping, I've got all these vouchers to sort through...... And here I thought I'd be able to relax until next week, when the 'Love is a Diamond' performance starts...... {Yuri} Please don't complain so much. You're almost done, aren't you? {Ohgami} Yeah, I suppose you're right...... ......All right! Finished. Kasumi, will this do? {Kasumi} Yes, that'll do just fine. Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Ohgami. {Ohgami} Thank goodness, it's finally over. Well, I'll be going now, so, please excuse me. {Yuri} Mr. Ohgami, thanks for the hard work! {Ohgami} My work is done, so I guess I'll go back to my room and get some rest...... {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami! {Ohgami} Hey, Sakura. What's the matter? {Sakura} Um, Mr. Ohgami...... Have you seen Iris? === LIPS 4-1 ==> - a - Yeah, I've seen her. - b - No...... I haven't seen her. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Yeah, I've seen her. {Sakura} Really? Where did you see her? {Ohgami} Let's see...... Now where was it......? {Sakura} ......Have you really seen her? {Ohgami} ......I'm sorry. I guess I was mistaken. {Sakura-} ......I see...... Really, where could she have gone, I wonder...... < a - - b > {Ohgami} No...... I haven't seen her. {Sakura} ......I see...... Really, that Iris, where did she go off to? < b - - time up > {Sakura} ............So you don't know. That Iris, where did she go off to...... < time up - <== LIPS 4-1 === {Ohgami} Did something happen with Iris? {Sakura} Yes...... She took off somewhere while in the middle of rehearsing our lines. {Ohgami} Well, knowing Iris, I'm sure she'll turn up where you least expect it. {Sakura} ......That's true. Well, if you see Iris, please tell her to come back to the stage. Ah...... By the way, Mr. Ohgami, are you free tomorrow? The truth is, I'm thinking of really cleaning up the room for the big props - would you be willing to help? === LIPS 4-2 ==> - a - I'll think about it. - b - Sure. I'll join you. - c - ......Sounds like a pain. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} I'll think about it. Tomorrow, if I have time, I'll help you out with the cleaning. {Sakura} I see. In that case, if it looks like you do have some free time, please come to the large prop storage room. < a - - b > {Ohgami} Sure. I'll join you. As of right now, I don't have any plans. {Sakura+} Thank you very much! In that case, tomorrow, I'll be waiting in the large prop storage room. < b - - c > {Ohgami} Cleaning the large prop storage room? Sounds like a pain...... {Sakura-} ......If you don't want to, that's just fine. I won't have you go out of your way to help me...... < c - - time up > {Sakura} ......Well, you only need to come if you have the time, so, please come to the large prop storage room to help. < time up - <== LIPS 4-2 === {Iris} Big brother! {Sakura} Huh......? This voice, is that Iris? {Iris} Eh-heh-heh...... Big brother! === Iris Click-LIPS ==> - Look at Iris's face > {Ohgami} (She seems to be in a rather good mood.) < Look at Iris's face - - Look at Jean-Paul > {Ohgami} You've always got Jean-Paul with you, haven't you. {Iris} Yup! Because he's my friend. We're always together. < Look at Jean-Paul - - Talk to Iris > End Iris Click-LIPS <== Iris Click-LIPS === {Iris} Hey, big brother. Tomorrow, let's go on a date together! {Ohgami} Ehh? A date!? {Sakura} A date!? {Iris} Come on...... You don't mind, do you, big brother? === LIPS 4-3 ==> - a - All right. I'll go out with you. - b - What should I do...... - c - I'm sorry, I can't make it tomorrow. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} All right. I'll go out with you. It's not often that I go out with you, after all. {Iris+} Yay! Thanks, big brother! Iris is so happy! === If you didn't agree to help Sakura clean tomorrow ==> {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami, you turned down my invitation...... So if it's Iris who's asking, it's all right then? {Ohgami} Ehh!? That's not true...... <== If you didn't agree to help Sakura clean tomorrow === {Iris} Noooo!! Sakura, don't take big brother away! After all, tomorrow is Iris's birthday! {Ohgami} Eh!? Is that so? {Sakura} ......If that's the case, you should have said so sooner...... Mr. Ohgami...... if that's how it is, why don't you go with Iris tomorrow? {Iris} That's right, it's just like Sakura says! All right! Tomorrow I'm going on a date with big brother! {Sakura} ......Now then, I'll be going back to the stage, so please excuse me. {Now skip down to "After Sakura has left" below.} < a - - b > {Ohgami} What should I do...... {Iris} You don't mind, right, big brother!? Come on, it's settled! After all, tomorrow is Iris's birthday! {Ohgami} Eh!? Is that so? {Iris} Yes! That's why big brother should be with Iris tomorrow. Right? It's all right, right? Let's go on a date together! < b - - c > {Ohgami} ......I have business to take care of tomorrow, so I can't go out with you. {Sakura} .................. {Iris-} Ehhh!? That's no good! After all, tomorrow is Iris's birthday! {Ohgami} Eh!? Is that so? {Iris} Yes! That's why big brother should be with Iris tomorrow. Right? It's all right, right? Let's go on a date together! < c - <== LIPS 4-3 === === LIPS 4-4 ==> - a - All right, let's go! - b - I can't go after all. - c - Sakura, do you mind if I go? - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} All right, let's go! Your birthday comes only once a year, so I'll go out with you. {Iris+} Yay, all right! Thanks, big brother! {Sakura} ......Good for you, Iris. Mr. Ohgami...... I'll ask you to help clean some other day. ......After all, a birthday is a special day that only comes once a year. {Ohgami} ......I'm sorry, Sakura. {Sakura} It's all right. But I expect you to make this up to me someday. ......Well, Iris. You don't have to worry about the rehearsal, just get to sleep early tonight. {Iris} Okay! Sakura, thank you! < a - - b > {Ohgami} ......I really can't go, after all. I have business to take care of. {Iris} Big brother............ Big brother, you hate Iris...... {Ohgami} N-no, Iris...... {Iris} Enough! Big brother, you idiot! {Ohgami} Iris...... {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami...... Perhaps you should've gone with her? {Ohgami} But...... {Sakura} ............ ......Well, I've got rehearsal to finish, so...... Please excuse me now...... {Ohgami} Her birthday, huh...... Maybe I was a little cruel to Iris...... ......Tomorrow, I'll go apologize to Iris...... < b - - c > {Ohgami} Sakura, do you mind if I go? {At this point, Sakura's response depends on how high her trust of you is. If it is particularly high (i.e., if she is number one in your ranking of Flower Troupe members), she will be reluctant to let you go.} === If Sakura's trust in you is not extremely high ==> {Sakura} ......Mr. Ohgami. Please go with Iris tomorrow. You could clean anytime, but a birthday only comes once a year, after all. {Ohgami} Sakura...... {Iris} That's right, it's just like Sakura says! All right! Tomorrow I'm going on a date with big brother! {Sakura} ......Now then, I'll be going back to the stage, so please excuse me. <== If Sakura's trust in you is not extremely high === < c - <== LIPS 4-4 === === After Sakura has left === {If you have agreed to go out with Iris outright, i.e., if you have chosen choice A in either LIPS 4-3 or 4-4, the dialogue continues here. Otherwise, if you refused, or asked Sakura her opinion in the matter, skip down to "The next day" below.} {Iris} Hey, big brother! I want you to choose the outfit I'll wear tomorrow with me! {Ohgami} Eh? You can't go in that outfit? {Iris} No! Because it's our first date! I have to get all dressed up! So you go to the costume room and help Iris pick out an outfit! === LIPS 4-5 ==> - a - It's late, so let's not bother with it. - b - I wonder if I'd know what's good...... - c - Leave it to me! - time up - = - a > {Jump to "The next day" below.} < a - - b > {Ohgami} Hmm...... I wonder if I'd know anything about clothes...... {Iris} It'll be all right! Hurry up and let's go, let's go! < b - - c > {Ohgami} Leave it to me! I'll choose the outfit that suits you best! {Iris+} Really? That's my big brother! We can really count on you! Then, let's go! Hurry, hurry! < c - <== LIPS 4-5 === {Ohgami} We're here in the costume room...... But are we going to pick out your outfit from all these clothes? {Iris} Yes. Iris has brought her outfits from her room here. Now then, pick out an outfit that would look good on me, big brother! === Iris's mini-game ==> ~ Kigaema-show ~ ~ The let's change clothes-show {2} ~ Spin the slot machine ten times, and get 150 points or more! I'm counting on you, big brother! 開始 Begin play Directional pad Spin the drum 操作練習 Learn how to play (Saturn) (Dreamcast) A-button X-button Stop B-button A-button Stop C-button B-button Stop Notes: In the Saturn version, the 'A' button stops the left-most wheel, 'B' stops the middle wheel, and 'C' stops the right-most wheel. In the Dreamcast version, these correspond to the 'X', 'A', and 'B' buttons respectively. As an added secret, you can press the 'L' and 'R' buttons or triggers in rapid succession while the wheels are spinning to catch Iris in mid-change. It's considerably easier to pull off on a Saturn pad than on a Dreamcast controller. <== Iris's mini-game === === If you scored 150 points or more ==> {Iris+} Big brother, you've really got a lot of sense about this, haven't you. Iris was surprised. {Ohgami} Is that so? I'm glad you liked the clothes I picked out. {Iris} Yes. Thanks to you, I was able to decide what outfit to wear tomorrow. <== If you scored 150 points or more === === If you scored less than 150 points ==> {Ohgami} I'm sorry, Iris. It looks like you didn't really like the outfits I picked out all that much, did you? {Iris} That's not true. Big brother tried his hardest to pick something out, after all. After trying all those outfits, Iris picked out what she's going to wear tomorrow. <== If you scored less than 150 points === {Ohgami} Which outfit is that? {Iris} It's a secret! You'll just have to wait until tomorrow! Well, Iris is going to bed for today. She doesn't want to oversleep tomorrow. Come meet Iris at her room tomorrow, okay, big brother? See you, bye-bye. {Ohgami} I wonder what sort of outfit Iris will wear tomorrow...... Even more importantly, I've got a date with Iris tomorrow, huh...... I wonder just what will happen...... === The next day === {At this point, the story branches off in two different directions. Either you have agreed to go on a date with Iris (henceforth referred to as "Scenario A") or you have declined the date (referred to as "Scenario B"). If you have declined the date, skip down to "Scenario B: Didn't go on a date with Iris" below.} ### Scenario A: Date with Iris ##> {Ohgami} So today I agreed to go on a date with Iris...... I believe she told me to come to her room to meet her. All right, I guess I'll go. *** Free movement 4-1A *** - Areas covered - First floor: - Large prop storage room (大道具部屋) - Gift shop (売店) - Secretarial office (事務局) - Manager's office (支配人室) Second floor: - Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) - Kohran's room (紅蘭の部屋) - Sumire's room (すみれの部屋) - Terrace (テラス) - Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) (end free movement 4-1A) === Large prop storage room (大道具部屋) ==> {Sakura} Ah, Mr. Ohgami. {Ohgami} Hey, Sakura. What are you doing in a place like this? {Sakura} How about you, Mr. Ohgami. Weren't you going on a date with Iris? {Ohgami} Ah...... Well, that is...... {Sakura} Heh-heh-heh, it's a joke. Since we've had this short string of vacation days, I'm going to clean out this room and the stage. === LIPS 4-6 ==> - a - Good luck with the cleaning. - b - Shall I help you with the cleaning? - time up - = - b > {Ohgami} Shall I help you with the cleaning? I'm sure it would be tough for you all by yourself. {Sakura} Eh...... B-but, you're going on a date with Iris today, aren't you. {Ohgami} It'll be all right to be late, if it's only just a little while. {Sakura} Is-is that so? In that case, I'll take you up on that offer...... I would appreciate your help, please! === Sakura's mini-game ==> ~ O-Souji Shichau zo! ~ ~ I'll Clean You Up! ~ Come, Mr. Ohgami, it's time to clean. Let's take care not to run into any boxes and sweep our way to the end of the room! 開始 Begin play Directional pad Move left or right 操作練習 Learn how to play A-button B-button <== Sakura's mini-game === === If you made it all the way to the end ==> {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami, thank you very much! {+} Thanks to you, the floor is totally clean now. {Ohgami} Why, a little something like this is nothing. And thank you for your hard work, Sakura. {Sakura} Cleaning's usually such hard work, but with you it was a lot of fun. <== If you made it all the way to the end === {Sakura} Now then, please go see Iris, quickly. {Ohgami} Whew...... That was really quite a good workout. Now then...... I really wasted a lot of time. I guess I'll head over to where Iris is. < b - <== LIPS 4-6 === <== Large prop storage room (大道具部屋) === === Gift shop (売店) ==> {Tsubaki} Ah, Mr. Ohgami, good day. === Gift shop Click-LIPS ==> - Talk to Tsubaki > {Tsubaki} The title of the performance we're putting on this time is "Love is a Diamond!" Miss Kanna and Miss Sumire share dual lead roles, but...... Those two get along like cats and dogs, so I just hope nothing happens...... {3} {Ohgami} That's true...... < Talk to Tsubaki - - Look at the bromides > - Look at any bromide for the first time > {Tsubaki} You wish to purchase a bromide? Thank you very much! - Looking at a bromide > {Tsubaki} That's Miss ______'s bromide. It'll be 50 sen. The customers have to have their share too, so please don't take more than one right now. < Looking at a bromide - - Take Iris's bromide > {Tsubaki} You'll be buying that? Thank you very much! Almost all the people who buy little Iris's bromide are elderly people. I wonder if they're worried about what others will think of them? They all look so embarrassed when they buy it. < Take Iris's bromide - - Look away from the bromides -> end Look at the bromides < Look at the bromides - - Leave > {Ohgami} Well, good luck with the work. {Tsubaki} Did you find that useful? Thank you for your patronage! {Ohgami} ......I guess I'll go someplace else. < Leave -> end Gift shop Click-LIPS <== Gift shop Click-LIPS === <== Gift shop (売店) === === Secretarial office (事務局) ==> {Yuri} My, Mr. Ohgami. Welcome. === Secretarial office Click-LIPS ==> - Look at Yuri > {Yuri} Is there something you need with me? - Talk to Yuri #1 > {Yuri} Lately, I've been hearing the sounds of explosions coming from Kohran's room. I wonder if she's making another strange machine. I can't wait to find out. {Ohgami} What do you suppose she's making? {Yuri} I have no idea...... She said something about brains and sweat or something, though? {Ohgami} Wh-what could it be......? < Talk to Yuri #1 - - Talk to Yuri #2 > {Yuri} Mr. Ohgami, are you getting along well with Miss Kanna? {Ohgami} Getting along well...... What do you mean? {Yuri} Well, you know what a hearty personality Miss Kanna's got, right? Although she doesn't mean anything bad by it, there are some who have a little trouble with it. I don't know about other people, but I'm sure she gets into a lot of trouble with Miss Sumire. Well, now all the Flower Troupe members are assembled together. So please do your best, Mr. Ohgami. {Ohgami} Yeah, thanks. < Talk to Yuri #2 - - Talk to Yuri #3 > {Yuri} Ever since that whole affair that went on, Miss Maria's really changed. {Ohgami} Is that so? {Yuri} Yes, it is. She's gotten a lot more sociable towards other people than she used to be. She even smiles when members of the audience ask her for an autograph...... Before she always seemed to do it out of obligation...... What do you suppose has happened to her? {Ohgami} Who knows...... What do you suppose, indeed? < Talk to Yuri #3 - - Talk to Yuri #4 > === If you've been getting along well with Sakura lately ==> {Yuri} Mr. Ohgami, lately it looks like you've been getting along pretty well with Sakura, doesn't it. {Ohgami} Is-is that so? {Yuri} Miss Sakura sure is popular with all sorts of people. She does seem really easy to get along with. <== If you've been getting along well with Sakura lately === < Talk to Yuri #4 - < Look at Yuri - - Look at Kasumi > {Kasumi} Something I can help you with? - Talk to Kasumi #1 > {Kasumi} This month's "Love is a Diamond"...... Have you seen it yet? {Ohgami} No...... I've been so busy. {Kasumi} This time it seems the play exists almost for Miss Kanna and Miss Sumire's sake. {Ohgami} ......Now that you mention it, what roles are the others performing? {Kasumi} Including little Iris, they've all got supporting roles. {Ohgami} And that's why Iris was so bored by it...... {Kasumi} So it would seem. Mr. Ohgami, we're counting on you to handle little Iris. < Talk to Kasumi #1 - - Talk to Kasumi #2 > {Ohgami} What's next month's performance? {Kasumi} In August we're putting on "The Journey to the West." Miss Kanna's playing Songoku. {4} {Ohgami} "The Journey to the West," huh. The standard fun-filled drama, I guess. {Kasumi} The children will be having their summer vacation, too...... I'm sure we'll have lots of families coming together and filling up the place. I'm just worried we might get a few lost children. < Talk to Kasumi #2 - < Look at Kasumi - - Leave > {Yuri} What, leaving already? {Ohgami} Yeah, I'll come by again sometime. Sorry to disturb you. < Leave - <== Secretarial office Click-LIPS === <== Secretarial office (事務局) === === Manager's office (支配人室) ==> {Ohgami} ......Hm? I can hear a voice talking inside...... {Yoneda} Hello...... Look, I've told you countless times already! ......We have already submitted a report from our end concerning that matter. The allegation that Tachibana Maria made use of her Kohbu without permission is not true. That was a diversionary tactic I devised. Maria followed my orders and defeated the Kuronosukai leader. I don't think you'll find any problem if you look at the results. ......Investigative committee? Sure, let them do whatever they please. But you be sure to tell them - that I have no intention of handing Tachibana Maria over to them for questioning. ~{after knocking}~ {Ohgami} It's Ohgami...... Do you mind if I come in? {Yoneda} Ohh, Ohgami. It's open. {Ohgami} Chief, what was that phone call about just now? {Yoneda} Hah? What'd you say? {Ohgami} Well...... right now, about Maria...... {Yoneda} I haven't made any phone call. Ohgami, you're not drunk, are you? {Ohgami} But I was sure I...... {Yoneda} Ahh, you're so persistent! I plan to take a nap right now! Don't interrupt! {Ohgami} Ah, yes, sir...... In that case, please excuse me. ......I guess I'll go someplace else. <== Manager's office (支配人室) === === Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) ==> {Ohgami} Miss Ayame...... Is she there, I wonder? Miss Ayame, pardon the intrusion. {Ayame} Ah, Ohgami. Welcome. Is there something you need? I've just been writing a report. {Ohgami} Is that so...... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you so suddenly...... {Ayame} I don't especially mind. I'd just finished it...... While you're here, Ohgami, is there anything you'd like to ask me, as Flower Troupe Captain? === Prompt 4-1 ==> - a - About the battle status report. - b - About the damage report. - c - No thanks. = - a > {Ohgami} Please, let me hear the battle status report regarding the influence on our surroundings in the previous battle. {Ayame} There wasn't much great damage to the surrounding area. {Ohgami} Fortunately, they were just warehouses. {Ayame} That man who was against us...... Setsuna, was it? That's the first time, isn't it, that we've defeated a leader of the Kuronosukai without him escaping on us. Alhough with an enemy as quick-moving as that, we did have a bit of trouble...... He would have worn down our squad members quite fiercely, so it was fortuntate that we ended things quickly. I suppose that's about all there is regarding the situation in the previous battle. ......Is there anything else? {Ohgami} No, thank you very much. {Return to the beginning of prompt 4-1.} < a - - b > {Ohgami} Please let me hear the Flower-Troupe's damage report from the previous battle. {The following dialogue is dependent on your activity in the previous battle.} --- If you did not lose any squad members in battle --> {Ayame} Damage to the Flower-Troupe was extremely light. You did quite well, Ohgami. Let's just say your concern for your squad members and your judgment were both correct. {Ohgami} ......Ye-yes, ma'am! Thank you very much! <-- If you did not lose any squad members in battle --- {Return to the beginning of prompt 4-1.} < b - - c > < c - <== Prompt 4-1 === {Ayame} Ah, that's right, about Maria...... I've noticed, Ohgami. {Ohgami} Eh? Noticed what? {Ayame} That girl...... has started calling you "Captain" instead of "Ensign," hasn't she. {Ohgami} Ah...... Now that you mention it...... {Ayame} That means Maria's finally accepted you. And she's gotten a lot more gentler to people too. Maria will continue to change. And you, Ohgami, have a great influence on that. {Ohgami} ......Is-is that so? ......You're making me blush. {Ayame} ......Hm-hm. And one more thing, Ohgami? {Ohgami} ......Yes? {Ayame} I've heard the news from Iris. You've got a date with her today, right? {Ohgami} Y-yes. {Ayame} Hang in there, Ohgami. <== Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) === === Kohran's room (紅蘭の部屋) ==> {Ohgami} Is Kohran in her room, I wonder? ~{after knocking}~ {Ohgami} It's Ohgami...... Kohran, are you there? {Kohran} Ah...... Ohgami-han! Wait just a second, I'll open up right now...... Ah, oh nuts! {Ohgami} Uwahh! Wh-what was that!? {Kohran} *Cough*...... *cough*...... O-Ohgami-han...... Is there something you need...... with me? {Ohgami} Ko-Kohran? What in the world happened to you? {Kohran} I was making a new invention...... and then you came...... And when I went to open the door...... I tripped...... over the wires...... === LIPS 4-7 ==> - a - A-are you all right? - b - What were you making? - time up - = - b > {Ohgami} ......Wh-what were you making? {Kohran} The lie-detection device "Mr. Truth"...... {5} {Ohgami} Wh-what is that? What would you use such a thing for? {Kohran} Who knows...... What would I use it for? ......I don't even know. {Ohgami} ......Haah? {Kohran} Coming in useful when you least expect it is what inventions are for! You never know when a lie-detection device will prove necessary. That's exactly what it's there for. < b - <== LIPS 4-7 === {Kohran} Well, Ohgami-han...... I've got to finish my work, so if you'll excuse me...... {Ohgami} When a lie-detection device will prove necessary, she says...... Will there ever be such a time? <== Kohran's room (紅蘭の部屋) === === Sumire's room (すみれの部屋) ==> {Ohgami} Is Sumire...... in her room, I wonder? ~{after knocking}~ {Ohgami} It's Ohgami...... Sumire, are you there? {Sumire} My, is that you, Ensign? Come in, it's open. {Ohgami} Well then, forgive the intrusion. Hey there, Sumire. What have you been up to? {Sumire} I've been writing a letter. July is called the "month of writing," after all. {6} Ah, that's right. I have a little something I wish to ask you, Ensign...... When you have begun a letter with "haikei," what do you write in the closing? {7} === LIPS 4-8 ==> - a - You write "keigu." - b - You write "kashiko." - c - You write "o-shimai." - time up - = - b > {Ohgami} I believe...... you write "kashiko." {Sumire+} Yes, yes, that's what it is! I've been trying to remember all this time...... thank you for the help. Still, Ensign...... To think you would be so knowledgeable on the matter...... To be perfectly honest, I'm somewhat impressed. {Ohgami} Ha-ha-ha, thanks. I'm glad I could be of some help. < b - <== LIPS 4-8 === {Sumire} I have the rest of this letter to write, so...... Ensign, thank you very much. {Ohgami} Well then, please excuse me. I guess I'll go someplace else. <== Sumire's room (すみれの部屋) === === Terrace (テラス) ==> {Ohgami} Hey, Maria. {Maria} ......Captain. All this sunlight is really making it look quite like summer. That reminds me - in Japan, you seem to have the custom of the "Tanabata," don't you. {8} That Tanabata comes the day after tomorrow...... What sort of things do you do then? === LIPS 4-9 ==> {9} - a - We put up hina dolls. - b - We put up tanzaku. - c - We put up kadomatsu. - time up - = - b > {Ohgami} We decorate bamboo grass with tanzaku. And then we each write a wish on that tanzaku. {Maria+} Now that you mention it, I believe I did hear something like that from Miss Ayame. A wish, you say...... Captain, what would you write about on your tanzaku? === LIPS 4-9-1 ==> - a - I'd write about the Flower Troupe. - b - I'd write about Maria. - c - I'd write about myself. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} I'd write about the Flower Troupe, I guess? I'd wish for everyone to live in health and happiness. {Maria+} I see, that sounds just like you. If I were going to write my wish, I'm sure I would write the same thing. Captain, thank you very much for teaching me all these things. Now then, please excuse me. < a - <== LIPS 4-9-1 === < b - <== LIPS 4-9 === {Ohgami} The Tanabata, huh...... Well, it is already summer...... Oh, now that I think about it, I completely forgot about Iris. I'd better go to her quick. <== Terrace (テラス) === === Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) (end free movement 4-1A) === {Ohgami} Iris...... I wonder if she's waiting. It's Ohgami...... Iris, are you there? === If you went to Iris's room right away ==> {Iris} Good morning, big brother. So you came to pick me up, huh! <== If you went to Iris's room right away === === If you spent a lot of time before going to Iris's room ==> {Iris-} ......Big brother! You certainly are late! {Ohgami} I-I'm sorry. I just got caught up getting ready...... {Iris} Ohh...... Well, today is Iris's birthday, so I'll forgive you this time. <== If you spent a lot of time before going to Iris's room === === Iris Click-LIPS 4-2 ==> - Look at Iris's outfit > {Ohgami} You've got a different outfit on today, haven't you. === If you helped Iris pick out an outfit last night ==> {Ohgami} Did looking through those outfits last night help you decide? {Iris} Yes! This is the one I liked best. <== If you helped Iris pick out an outfit last night === {Iris} Say, big brother. Does this outfit look good on me? === LIPS 4-10 ==> - a - It's really cute. - b - It's not too bad, is it? - c - I prefer your usual outfit. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} It's really cute. It looks very nice on you, Iris. {Iris+} Really!? Thanks, big brother...... Iris is really happy! I put it on just for you, big brother. I'm so glad you like it! < a - - b > {Ohgami} It's not too bad, is it? It looks nice on you. {Iris+} Thanks, big brother. Iris likes this outfit too. < b - - c > {Ohgami} I prefer your usual outfit. {Iris-} Ehh!? And here I picked this outfit just for you...... Big brother, do you hate this outfit? {Ohgami} Ah, no...... That's not what I meant...... {Iris} ......It's all right, big brother. More importantly, let's go, quickly! We won't have any time left! < c - <== LIPS 4-10 === < Look at Iris's outfit -> end Iris Click-LIPS 4-2 <== Iris Click-LIPS 4-2 === {Ohgami} Now then, shall we get going? {Iris} Yes, let's go, let's go! Big brother, this way, this way! Quickly! * * * {Ohgami} The steam railway's just about to arrive. {Iris} Hey, hey, big brother. Where are you going to take me? === LIPS 4-11 ==> - a - How about shopping at the Nihonbashi department store? - b - How about a motion picture in Asakusa? - c - How about the Ueno Zoo? - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} How about we do some shopping at the Nihonbashi department store? Iris, I'll buy you something. {Iris+} Really!? Hooray! What're you going to buy me!? ......Ah, but...... {Ohgami} What's the matter, Iris? {Iris} Um, big brother...... Iris wants to try going to Asakusa. {Ohgami} Asakusa? < a - - b > {Ohgami} How about we see a motion picture over in Asakusa? {Iris+} Yeah! If we're going to Asakusa, I'll do anything! {Ohgami} What...... so you wanted to go to Asakusa? < b - - c > {Ohgami} Should we go to the Ueno Zoo? Apparently, they seem to have this rare animal there called a "kangaroo." {Iris} Yay, the zoo! Let's go, let's go! ......Ah, but...... Um, big brother...... Iris wants to try going to Asakusa. {Ohgami} Asakusa? < c - <== LIPS 4-11 === {Iris} Yeah. Kohran says when she was at the Hanayashiki she used to go to Asakusa a lot. She says they have a lot of shops and it's really fun there. So, come on, let's go to Asakusa! {Ohgami} I got it. In that case, shall we go to Asakusa? {Iris} Yes! Let's go right away! * * * * * {Ohgami} Well, we've arrived in Asakusa. Iris, where would you like to go? {Iris} Iris will go wherever big brother wants to go. {Ohgami} In that case...... Now where should we go? === Prompt 4-2 ==> - a - Let's take a walk in the park. - b - Let's go to the motion picture house. - c - Let's go buy something. = {Ohgami} In that case, let's talk a walk in the park. {Iris} Yes! Let's go, let's go! Ah! There's a fountain there! Let's try going over there! Big brother! Say, big brother...... I have a favor to ask...... {Ohgami} What's that? {Iris} Iris wants to walk with big brother like we're girlfriend and boyfriend. {Ohgami} (Girlfriend and boyfriend......) === LIPS 4-12 ==> - a - Hold hands. - b - Walk arm-in-arm. - c - Carry her on your back. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} All right, in that case, how about we walk holding hands? {Iris+} Okay, big brother! Don't you let go. {Ohgami} Iris, how about we take a little break here. {Iris} Yes, okay. But, big brother, don't you let go of my hand. {Ohgami} I got it, I got it. {Iris} Oh, yes...... Say, big brother...... {Ohgami} What is it? {Iris} How old...... do you think Iris is today? < a - - b > {Ohgami} In that case, let's walk arm-in-arm. {Iris} Eh!? Really!? Eh-heh-heh...... My heart is pounding. {Ohgami} Ah...... but, your arm...... it won't reach, huh...... {Iris} Ah............ ......You're right. In that case, big brother...... could you hold my hand instead? {Ohgami} Yeah, sure. We'll wait until you're a little bigger before we walk arm-in-arm. {Iris} Iris wants to grow up fast, so she can walk arm-in-arm with big brother...... {Ohgami} Iris, how about we take a little break here. {Iris} Yes, okay. But, big brother, don't you let go of my hand. {Ohgami} I got it, I got it. {Iris} Oh, yes...... Say, big brother...... {Ohgami} What is it? {Iris} How old...... do you think Iris is today? < b - - c > {Ohgami} In that case, I'll carry you on my back. {Iris} On your back!? {-} Big brother! Why would a boyfriend and girlfriend carry each other on their backs?! Big brother, you think Iris is a child! {Ohgami} I-I'm sorry, Iris...... I didn't mean it that way...... {Iris} Ohh! I've had it with you, big brother! {Ohgami} Wait just a second, Iris! You'll get lost! {Iris} Iris isn't a child! She won't get lost! {Ohgami} Iris! Wait! I'm sorry...... It's my fault. {Iris} ......Big brother. Today is Iris's birthday, you know. {Ohgami} Yeah...... {Iris} So...... how old do you think Iris is today? < c - <== LIPS 4-12 === === LIPS 4-13 ==> - a - 8 years old? - b - 10 years old? - c - 12 years old? - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Hmm...... Eight years old? {Iris-} I am not! Iris isn't such a child! Iris is ten years old today! She won't always be a child forever! {Ohgami} I-I'm sorry...... ......I'm sorry. Forgive me, Iris. {Iris} Okay. As long as you've got it now. ......Say, big brother. Should we go someplace else now? < a - - b > {Ohgami} Hmm...... Ten years old? {Iris+} Bingo! That's my big brother! So you really did know. So now Iris's age begins with a ten, just like Sakura and the others! {10} {Ohgami} Begins with a ten, huh, well, certainly...... there's no mistaking that it begins with a ten. {Iris} Oh, yes! ......Say, big brother. Do you want to go someplace else now? < b - - c > {Ohgami} Hmm...... Twelve years old? {Iris+} Ehh!? Does Iris really look that old? Iris is ten years old today. {Ohgami} Is that so...... I'm sorry I got it wrong. {Iris} No, it's all right. After all, that just means I look that much more grown-up, right? {Ohgami} I-I suppose so...... {Iris} Yes! ......Say, big brother. Do you want to go someplace else now? < c - <== LIPS 4-13 === {Iris} Iris is tired of this place! {Return to the beginning of Prompt 4-2, sans choice A.} < a - - b > {Ohgami} All right. Let's try going to the motion picture house. {Iris} So many people...... What is this place? {Ohgami} It's a motion picture house. It'd be the Tei-Geki's rival. {Iris} So what is it? {Ohgami} Hmm...... It's a place where they have moving photographs, and they put on a story...... I guess? Right now...... it looks like they're showing something called "The Great Find of the Century, the Arrival of the Mysterious Beast!" {Iris} Iris wants to see it! Iris wants to see it! That'd be okay, right!? {Ohgami} Sure, sure. Well, shall we go inside? === If you haven't gone to both the park and the shop yet ==> {Ohgami} ......What's this? There's still about an hour before they begin the next showing. There's no point in waiting around here...... Iris, let's go someplace else. {Return to the beginning of Prompt 4-2, sans option B.} <== If you haven't gone to both the park and the shop yet === {If you already have gone to both the park and the shop, skip down past the end of Prompt 4-2.} < b - - c > {Ohgami} Well then, let's go shopping. {Iris} Yeah! Iris want's to go to that place that's selling jewelery over there! {Ohgami} Ehh!? Wa-wait, Iris. I can't afford jewelery! {Iris} Don't worry about it, just hurry, hurry! {Shop owner} Hey there, young man and you, young lady. welcome. Well, go ahead and take a good look. {Ohgami} Oh...... he's just selling small accessories. I thought it was a jewelery store...... {Shop owner} Say, young man...... Why don't you buy something for the young lady? {Iris} Yay, buy something, buy something! {Shop owner} Really, you do seem to get along well. Is she your sister? === LIPS 4-14 ==> - a - She's my daughter. - b - She's a friend from work. - c - She's my girlfriend. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} No, my daughter. {Iris-} Big brother! Why is Iris big brother's daughter!? {Ohgami} I-I'm sorry. It was just a light joke. {Iris} Ohh! This is our big date - don't go saying weird things! {Shop owner} Big brother, huh...... so you are brother and sister, then? Of course, you don't really look it, though...... {Iris} We are not! Big brother is Iris's boyfriend! {Shop owner} B-boyfriend? {Ohgami} Ah - Iris!? < a - - b > {Ohgami} No...... she's a friend from work. {Shop owner} A friend from work......? Hehh, so what sort of work does a girl like this do? {Ohgami} Uhh...... W-well, that is to say...... {Shop owner} Well, it doesn't matter! You take a good look around before you leave! < b - - c > {Ohgami} No...... My girlfriend. {Shop owner} G-girlfriend!? Really? I must say I'm impressed with those foreigners, they sure are way ahead of us...... {Iris} ......Big brother. {+} Thank you...... Iris is so happy...... < c - <== LIPS 4-14 === {Shop owner} Now then, young man! Come on and buy something for that lovely girl of yours! === Accessory shop Click-LIPS ==> - Look at the left-most display case > {Shop owner} I recommend that hairpin there. Perhaps it'll go much better with that young lady's blonde hair than you might think? < Look at the left-most display case - - Look at the middle display case > {Shop owner} I recommend that decoration for her hair there. Why don't you try putting it on the young lady in place of that ribbon? < Look at the middle display case - - Look at the right-most display case > {Shop owner} If you don't buy that pendant, you can't call yourself a man! Come on, brother. I'll make it cheap, so how about it? < Look at the right-most display case - - Buy from the left-most display case > {Shop owner} So you'll be buying this hairpin, then. Thanks for your patronage! {Ohgami} ......Iris. Happy birthday. Here's a present. {Iris+} Big brother, thank you! {Ohgami} Do you like it? {Iris} Yes! Iris will make this her treasure! < Buy from the left-most display case -> End Accessory shop Click-LIPS - Buy from the middle display case > {Shop owner} This hair decoration, then? Here you are, thanks for your patronage! {Ohgami} ......Iris. Happy birthday. Here's a present. {Iris+} Big brother, thank you! {Ohgami} Do you like it? {Iris} Yes! Iris will make this her treasure! < Buy from the middle display case -> End Accessory shop Click-LIPS - Buy from the right-most display case > {Shop owner} This pendant, right? Brother, you've got some eyes on you! Thanks for your patronage! {Ohgami} ......Iris. Happy birthday. Here's a present. {Iris+} Thank you, big brother...... Iris was just thinking she wanted this! Iris is so happy!! {Ohgami} So you like it? {Iris} Yes! Iris will make this her treasure! < Buy from the right-most display case -> End Accessory shop Click-LIPS <== Accessory shop Click-LIPS === {Iris} ......Hey, big brother. Where are we going next? {Return to the beginning of Prompt 4-2, sans option C.} < c - <== Prompt 4-2 === === If you didn't go to the motion picture house last ==> {Ohgami} Oh...... It's almost time for the motion picture to start. Well then, Iris, shall we go see the motion picture? {Iris} Yeah! {Ohgami} All right, we're right on time. Iris, shall we go inside? {Iris} Yay! Iris's heart is pounding. <== If you didn't go to the motion picture house last === {Ohgami} Iris, let's sit here. It's dark, so be careful. {Iris} Hey, what sort of story is it? {Ohgami} I don't know either. But I'm sure it'll be an interesting one. {Man} ............Ahem. {Iris} Hey, big brother. Who's that person? {Ohgami} That man's called the "benshi" - he's the person who explains the story. {11} There's no voice in a motion picture, so the benshi tells the story to go along with what's on the screen. {Iris} Hmmm...... {Ohgami} Oh...... It's starting. {Benshi} Now then, this is a certain laboratory, deeeep, deeeep within the mountains. It is in fact the place where a lone scientist has immersed himself in a certain experiment. {Ohgami} (They sure do give it a lot of atmosphere......) Hm!? {Iris} ............ {Ohgami} (Iris has grabbed ahold of my hand...... Is she afraid?) === LIPS 4-15 ==> - a - Hold her hand. - b - Say something to her. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} (In that case...... I'll hold her hand too.) {Iris} .................. {Ohgami} (Huh......? Iris let go of my hand of her own accord......) {Iris} I......Iris isn't a child, so she's not afraid of something like this. < a - - b > {Ohgami} Iris...... are you all right? We could go outside. {Iris} I......I'm just fine. {Ohgami} Well, okay, then, but...... you don't need to force yourself. < b - - time up > {Ohgami} (......For now, I'll guess I'll just keep an eye on her......) < time up - <== LIPS 4-15 === ............!! No...... No...... {Ohgami} Iris!? Are you all right? {Iris} No...... I'm scared...... {Ohgami} Iris! Calm down! {Iris} No, stay away!! {Ohgami} Iris!? {Iris} NOOOOO!! {Ohgami} Uhgyaaaaaaaahh!? {Woman} Wh-what's going on? An earthquake!? {Ohgami} Iris!! Please! Calm down! {Iris} Noooooo!! {Ohgami} This isn't good...... At this rate, the whole building's going to...... Iris! It's dangerous here! Let's get out of here!! Ahh, the motion picture house is...... How could this happen...... This power of Iris's...... What in the world is this......? {Now jump down to "Eyecatch 4-1".} <## Scenario A: Date with Iris ### ### Scenario B: Didn't go on a date with Iris ##> {Ohgami} ......Yes? Hey, Sakura. What's the matter? {Sakura} Um...... I'm going to clean the large prop storage room...... So if you wouldn't mind...... I'd like your help...... === LIPS 4-16 ==> - a - Sure. I'll help. - b - I still want to sleep...... - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} ......Sure. I've got the time to spare, so I'll help you out. {Sakura+} Thank you very much! Now then, let's go right away! * * * {Ohgami} So you're going to clean up this place, huh. It looks to be a pretty tough job. {Sakura} I suppose you're right. If you include as far as the stage, it's a pretty large space to clean. If we weren't on break from our performances, we wouldn't really be able to seriously clean it all. There are lots of things lying around, so please be careful. === Sakura's mini-game ==> ~ O-Souji Shichau zo! ~ ~ I'll Clean You Up! ~ Come, Mr. Ohgami, it's time to clean. Let's take care not to run into any boxes and sweep our way to the end of the room! 開始 Begin play Directional pad Move left or right 操作練習 Learn how to play A-button B-button <== Sakura's mini-game === === If you made it all the way to the end ==> {Sakura+} Thanks to you, the floor is totally clean now. {Ohgami} Why, a little something like this is nothing. And thank you for your hard work, Sakura. {Sakura} Oh, no. Thanks to you, Mr. Ohgami, we finished that in no time. <== If you made it all the way to the end === {Sakura} Now then, I'll be taking care of the little things, so...... Mr. Ohgami, thank you for your hard work. {Ohgami} Whew...... I really worked up a sweat. I guess I'll go back to my room and change. * * * {Ohgami} ......All right, now that I've changed my shirt I feel a lot better. Now then...... What should I do now? < a - <== LIPS 4-16 === {Ohgami} (Who could that be? They sure seem to be pretty noisy about it......) Yes...... Wh-what in the...... Everyone, what are you all gathered here for!? {Kanna} Don't give me that! Take a look at this!! {Sumire} Mm, honestly, what are you looking so dumbfounded for!?! Please take a look at this! {Kohran} Ohgami-han. How do you expect to explain this!? {Iris} Good-bye. Iris is going to live on her own. I'm ten years old today. Don't come looking for me. Big brother, you idiot! Iris. {Ohgami} Wh......what is this? {Maria} Captain...... You don't have any idea where Iris could have gone? We tried looking for her in the theatre, but...... we can't find her anywhere. {Kanna} Captain! If you're lying to us we won't stand for it! === LIPS 4-17 ==> - a - I do know. - b - I don't know! - time up - = - b > {Ohgami} I don't know! She did invite me on a date, but I don't know where...... {Sumire} Is that true!? If you are lying to us, we shall not stand for it! {Ohgami} L......lying, you say...... Trust me! < b - <== LIPS 4-17 === {Kohran} Now, hold on! I've prepared just the thing for an occasion like this! {Sumire} And just what is it? {Kohran} You'll know once you see it! Now, Ohgami-han, give me your head for a second. {Ohgami} Wh-what are you doing!? Wh......what is this......!? {Kohran} My newest invention! The lie-detection device "Mr. Truth!" {Kanna} A lie-detection device, you say!? Sounds pretty amazing! {Kohran} It operates quite easily! Just by answering a question, it can tell whether you're lying! {Sumire} As always, building strange things appears to be your forte. {Sakura} Um...... what does this "self-destruct mechanism" here mean? {Kohran} Just what it says. If you tell a lie, it's set to explode! It's only natural to receive an appropriate punishment if you tell a lie. {Ohgami} W-wait just a second! I didn't hear anything about that! {Kohran} Now then, let's get started, shall we? As a little test of Mr. Truth, we'll start with an easy question. Are you Ohgami Ichiro? === LIPS 4-18 ==> - a - Yes! - b - No! - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Yes! {Kohran} So first off, you've cleared the easy one. If you had said "no" here, it would have exploded. {Ohgami} Hey, Kohran! I'm begging you, take this thing off of me! < a - <== LIPS 4-18 === {Kohran} Now then, here comes the second question! {Kanna} Wait just a minute! Let me give the next question! {Kohran} Wa-wait a second, Kanna-han! {Kanna} Now, don't worry about it, don't worry about it! We're still testing it, right? ......Now then, here's the second question. Do you like tomboyish women? === LIPS 4-19 ==> - a - Yes! - b - No! - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Yes! {Kohran} It's not exploding...... I guess it's not a lie. {Kanna+} I see...... So the Captain likes tomboyish women...... {Sumire} Now my confidence in this machine has sunk even further. Is it truly functioning properly? {Kohran} Hmm...... With that last question, I've begun to get a little worried myself. Ah...... The power wasn't on in the machine! No wonder it wouldn't work! {Kanna} Aw, is that all...... That sure is disappointing. < a - <== LIPS 4-19 === {Kohran} All right. Now then, let's get right down to the main issue. {Sakura} .................. {Kohran} Do you know where Iris is? === LIPS 4-20 ==> - a - Yes! - b - No! - time up - = - b > {Ohgami} No! {Kohran} ............It's not exploding. {Maria} If he said he doesn't know, and it didn't explode, then...... {Sumire} That would imply he truly does not know...... How uninteresting. {Kanna} So the Captain doesn't know after all...... Nuts, well there's nothing we can do about that. Let's go, everyone. {Ohgami} All I did was tell the truth - what kind of attitude is that? < b - <== LIPS 4-20 === {Ohgami} Boy oh boy...... What a terrible situation that was...... Still...... I'd like to know where Iris is myself. For now, I'll try looking for her inside the Tei-Geki. *** Free movement 4-1B *** - Areas covered - First floor: - Large prop storage room (大道具部屋) - Gift shop (売店) - Secretarial office (事務局) - Manager's office (支配人室) Second floor: - Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) - Kohran's room (紅蘭の部屋) - Sumire's room (すみれの部屋) - Terrace (テラス) - Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) (end free movement 4-1B) === Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) ==> {Ohgami} Miss Ayame! Err...... Iris's...... {Ayame} ......I've heard. She doesn't seem to be anywhere. {Ohgami} ......I'm sorry. If only I had gone with Iris...... {Ayame} ......There's no point in saying such things now. Let's look for Iris. {Ohgami} Yes, ma'am. <== Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) === === Salon (サロン) ==> {Sakura} Ah, Mr. Ohgami...... have you found Iris? {Ohgami} ......No, not yet. {Sakura} ......Perhaps it was too much of a shock to her when you refused the date yesterday? If that's the case...... I feel responsible too for making that invitation to you...... {Ohgami} ......Right now, this isn't the time to be worrying about responsibility or anything like that. Finding Iris comes first. {Sakura} ......Yes. <== Salon (サロン) === === First floor audience seating (一階客席) ==> {Maria} Captain...... Have you found Iris? {Ohgami} ......No luck. I haven't seen her anywhere. {Maria} I see...... There may be an unexpected clue that could help us left in Iris's room. Iris wasn't in here. I'll be looking in another room. <== First floor audience seating (一階客席) === === Manager's office (支配人室) ==> {Voice} *Snore*, *snore*...... {Ohgami} Manager Yoneda...... appears to be asleep. <== Manager's office (支配人室) === === Secretarial office (事務局) ==> {Ohgami} Yuri, Kasumi, have you seen Iris? {Yuri} No! ......Mr. Ohgami, Iris seems to be missing, doesn't she. I just heard, myself. I wonder where she could have gone...... {Ohgami} I see...... So you two don't know either...... {Kasumi} There's no point in simply worrying about her. Let's go look for her too. {Ohgami} ......Please. <== Secretarial office (事務局) === === In the basement hallway ==> {Ohgami} How's it look, Kohran? Did you find Iris? {Kohran} No luck. I've looked all over the basement, but...... she isn't anywhere. Ohgami-han, why don't you try Iris's room later? There may be some kind of clue left behind there. {Ohgami} Iris's room, huh...... <== In the basement hallway === === Dressing room (楽屋) ==> {Yuri} Mr. Ohgami...... Have you found Iris? {Ohgami} No...... not yet. {Yuri} ......Mr. Ohgami. Earlier, Iris came to see me. She asked me if I knew any good date spots...... Could she have possibly gone out alone? {Ohgami} .................. {Yuri} And when you talk about outside, Teito's pretty big. If only we could find a clue...... {Ohgami} A clue, huh...... <== Dressing room (楽屋) === === In the prop storage room (道具部屋) ==> {Kanna} Captain...... have you found Iris? {Ohgami} No luck. I haven't found her yet. {Kanna} I see...... She doesn't seem to be around here either. Well, I'm going to go look someplace else. {Ohgami} Iris...... Where did you go? <== In the prop storage room (道具部屋) === === Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) (end Free Movement 4-1B) === {Ohgami} Iris...... Where did you go? ......That's it. There may be a clue inside Iris's room. She sure has a whole lot of stuffed animals...... All right. I hate to have to do this to Iris, but I'm going to have to look for some kind of clue. === Iris's room Click-LIPS ==> - Iris's bed > {Ohgami} On the bed...... there's a stuffed animal, and...... hm? < Iris's bed -> end Iris's room Click-LIPS <== Iris's room Click-LIPS === {Ohgami} This...... is a picture diary! {Iris} Tomorrow is Iris's birthday. I'm going on a date with big brother in Asakusa. Iris is going to get all dressed up, so big brother will surely melt in her hands. And in front of the park fountain, we'll kiss. Eh-hee. {Ohgami} Asakusa......? I see! So Iris planned to go on a date with me to Asakusa! So if we can't find her anywhere inside the theatre...... She may have gone all the way to Asakusa by herself! All right! If that's the case, I've got no choice but to go to Asakusa myself! * * * {Ohgami} I should be able to get all the way to Asakusa along the steam railway's Ginza line without switching trains. Wait for me, Iris. I'm coming for you now! * * * {Ohgami} Whew...... I've finally arrived in Asakusa. Well, it sure is a city of pleasure. They've got a motion picture house and an amusement park - and there sure are a lot of people here today...... ......I believe she wrote "the park fountain" in her picture diary. Which would mean - over there, I guess...... * * * {Ohgami} ......She's not here. Was this not the place? Ah...... Iris!? {Iris} ..................!! {Ohgami} Iris...... So this is where you were. {Iris} Big brother, you're not worried about Iris! You don't like Iris! {Ohgami} ......Don't say silly things. I was really worried that you might've gotten lost. {Iris} Iris isn't silly! She's not a child! I hate big brother! {Ohgami} Ah...... Iris...... Calm down! {Iris} I hate you...... I hate you...... I hate you!! {Ohgami} Uwaaah! Th-the fountain!! Stop, Iris! Stop iiit!! <## Scenario B: Didn't go on a date with Iris ### ~ {Eyecatch 4-1} ~ {Yoneda} You damn fool, Ohgami! You were with her all that time - what's the meaning of that whole mess!? {Kohran} Uh-oh...... Sounds like Ohgami-han's really taking a beating...... === Scenario A ==> {Kanna} ......An entire motion picture house was blown down...... It's not so surprising. <== Scenario A === === Scenario B ==> {Kanna} She destroyed a park fountain in broad daylight...... It's not so surprising. <== Scenario B === {Sumire} Just a moment! Will you not be still!? I can not hear a single thing like this! {Ohgami} I'm terribly sorry. I was negligent in my supervision. {Iris} .................. {Maria} If you had made the slightest wrong move, it could have been a disaster. You think hard about that. {Iris} Hmph, Iris didn't do anything wrong. {Maria} Iris...... Do you understand what you've done? {Iris} No way. ......Iris didn't do anything wrong! {Maria} If you use your power carelessly it could be very dangerous. {Yoneda} Now, big sister Maria, you shouldn't be so tough...... Yelling is bad for your skin. {Maria} That will not do! I feel it is necessary to deal with Iris accordingly! === LIPS 4-21 ==> - a - This is all my responsibility. - b - Iris, you apologize too! - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} ......This time, the responsibility is all mine. If there'll be a punishment, I'll accept it. {Maria-} Ensign! It is precisely because you spoil her like that that things like this happen! {Ohgami} But...... Iris is still a child, isn't she. {Iris} Iris is not a child! < a - - b > {Ohgami} Iris, you apologize too! When you've done something wrong, you have to apologize! {Iris-} Iris hasn't done anything wrong! < b - - time up > {Maria-} What's the meaning of that attitude!? Ensign, please pull yourself together! {Ohgami} So you say...... {Iris-} .................. < time up - <== LIPS 4-21 === {Ohgami} Ah!! Wa-wait, Iris!! {Kohran} ......What!? Someone's running this way. {Kanna} H-hey! This could be dangerous...... {Sumire} Ahhhh! {Ohgami} Y-you three...... Were you eavesdropping!? {Kohran} Ah...... If you're looking for Iris...... {Kanna} She ran off...... {Sumire} Towards...... her room...... {Ohgami} ......Just what is it I should do? === LIPS 4-22 ==> - a - Chase after Iris. - b - Go back into the Manager's office. - c - Help out those three. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Iris, wait! * * * {Sakura} Ah, Mr. Ohgami...... {Ohgami} Sakura...... Have you seen Iris? {Sakura} She seemed to be running at incredible speed...... into her room...... {Ohgami} I see...... Thanks. < a - - b > {Ohgami} Iris...... apparently went to her room...... {Maria} Ensign...... Iris extremely detests being treated like a child...... For that reason, I took care not to treat her like one, but...... {Yoneda} Ohgami...... If you do the talking, Iris may just lend you an ear. Your talents as the Captain are being called upon. I expect you to get the job done. {Ohgami} Yes, sir...... {Yoneda} If you understand, then get yourself to Iris's room already. I'm counting on you, Ohgami. < b - - c > {Ohgami} (That's right...... If I pour hot water on them, they might turn back to normal......) H-hey, you three! Are you all right!? {Kohran} ......O-Ohgami-han...... We'll be all right, so...... {Kanna} You chase after...... Iris...... {Sumire} I'm sure...... she must have locked herself...... up inside her room...... {Ohgami} ......I understand. * * * {Sakura} Ah, Mr. Ohgami...... {Ohgami} Sakura...... Have you seen Iris? {Sakura} She seemed to be running at incredible speed...... into her room...... {Ohgami} I see...... Thanks. < c - - time up > {Ohgami} ......Just what is it I should do? {Kohran} ......O-Ohgami-han...... Iris...... {Kanna} Chase after...... Iris...... {Sumire} I am sure...... she locked herself up in her room...... {Ohgami} .................. {Ohgami} ......I understand. * * * {Sakura} Ah, Mr. Ohgami...... {Ohgami} Sakura...... Have you seen Iris? {Sakura} She seemed to be running at incredible speed...... into her room...... {Ohgami} I see...... Thanks. < time up - <== LIPS 4-22 === {Ohgami} (Will Iris...... let me in her room?) ~{after knocking}~ {Ohgami} Iris, it's Ohgami...... Will you open up? {Iris} .................. {Ohgami} Iris...... {Iris} No! Iris hasn't done anything wrong! {Ohgami} What a fix I'm in...... At this rate she won't listen to what I say. {Kanna} Captain! Leave this to us! {Kohran} Ohgami-han. You know the expression, "when you can't push, try pulling"? Rushing in head-on isn't always the right plan of attack! Leave it to me! {Kanna} Don't get ahead of yourself, I'm first. Look, Iris wants to get big fast, right? If it's coming from me, who's bigger than anyone else, I'm sure Iris would listen to what I have to say. {Sumire} ......Honestly, this is why creatures with only one brain cell are so pathetic...... Just who in their right mind do you believe would want to become like you, with muscles even inside of her head? {Kanna} What'd you say? {Sumire} What Iris admires is the glamour of a mature woman. In other words, a woman such as myself...... {Kohran} ......There's no point in arguing about this. How about you decide who's qualified for the job, Ohgami-han? === LIPS 4-23 ==> - a - Ask Sumire. - b - Ask Kanna. - c - Ask Kohran. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} All right, Sumire. I'm counting on you. {Sumire+} Iris! I understand very well the feeling of wanting to grow up quickly. I'll teach you of a grown-up's make-up that can make you beautiful. So open up this door. {Iris} .................. {Ohgami} Ah...... It's opened!? {Sumire} There is nothing to it. Now then, I shall proceed to talk Iris out of this. ......I'm going to turn on the lights. {Iris} .................. I can be pretty if I put on make-up? I can grow up fast? {Sumire} What is with that gloomy face of yours...... If you are going to be like that, then it will simply be a waste no matter how much make-up you put on. When you put on make-up, the most important thing is a smiling face. Do you understand, Iris? {Iris} So if I put on make-up...... with a smiling face, I'll be able to grow up? {Sumire} Of course! So, go on, smile...... {Iris} .................. {Kanna} (Ho-ho-ho-ho...... That went quite well.) (Persuading Iris is a simple matter when the great Sumire is put to the task.) {Iris} ............!! {Sumire} ......? What is the matter, Iris? {Iris} Sumire...... You're lying. You liar...... Sumire, you liar...... Liar! Liar!! {Sumire} Ah...... Iris...... It was a joke, a joke...... W-wait just a moment...... {Ohgami} ............? {Kohran} Wh-what's going on!? {Ohgami} Su......Sumire!? {Sumire} It was of no use...... Evidently Iris...... can read one's mind. {Kanna} Wh-what!? Are you serious!? {Kohran} If that's true, then our hands are in the air! {Sumire} Ensign...... If you attempt to impress upon her with half-hearted feelings, Iris will only injure you. Right now, I believe leaving her to herself would be best. {Kanna} ......Nothing we can do about it. Let's pull out of this one too. < a - - b > {Ohgami} All right, Kanna. I'm counting on you. {Kanna+} Leave it to me. I'll be sure to talk Iris out of it. Iris, it's me. You say you want to get big real fast? When it comes to getting big, you just leave it to me. I'll teach you a really good way. {Iris} .................. {Ohgami} Ah...... It's opened!? {Kanna} Geez, it sure is dark in here...... I'm turning on the lights. {Iris} .................. I can really...... I can really get bigger fast? I can really become an adult fast? {Kanna} Now, don't get so excited. First, you've got to eat Kanna's special deluxe lunch. It's a little spicy, but if you eat enough of this, you'll get bigger in no time. {Iris} ......Really? If I eat this, I'll really...... be able to grow up fast? {Kanna} Of course! So, don't hold back, just dig in! {Iris} .................. {Kanna} (Excellent...... it worked.) (Human beings are bound to calm down when their stomachs are full. It'll fix up a bad mood.) {Iris} ............! {Kanna} ......? What's the matter, Iris? Aren't you gonna eat it? {Iris} Kanna...... You're lying. You liar...... Kanna, you liar...... Liar! Liar!! {Kanna} Ah...... Iris......? W-wait a second! We-we can talk things out...... {Ohgami} ............? {Kohran} Wh-what's going on!? {Ohgami} Ka......Kanna!? {Kanna} Heh-heh-heh, I'm really beat. That Iris, it looks like she can read people's minds. {Kohran} Wh-what? Then trying to convince her with mere words would just be a waste! {Sumire} ......In that case, even I would likely have no luck. {Kanna} Captain. Right now, trying to persuade Iris half-heartedly will only have the reverse effect. Right now just leaving her alone would be best. {Kohran} Well, let's get out of here too. Ohgami-han, I think it would be best if you didn't try to push things, either...... < b - - c > {Ohgami} All right, Kohran. I'm counting on you. {Kohran+} All right, leave it to me! I'll be sure to talk her out of it! Iris. It's me, Kohran. You want to grow up real quick, don't you? If that's the case, then if you just drink this secret medicine that's been handed down for over four thousand years of Chinese history, you'll turn into an adult in no time. {Iris} .................. {Ohgami} Ah...... It's opened!? {Kohran} Now, Ohgami-han, you just sit there quietly and watch. What a dismal room this is. ......I'm turning on the lights, Iris. {Iris} .................. ......Hurry up and leave that medicine, and get out. {Kohran} Now, wait just a second...... There's a special way you've gotta take this medicine. Otherwise it won't have any effect at all. When you swallow this...... you've gotta fill your heart with happy feelings. {Iris} Happy......? {Kohran} That's right...... So I can't give this to you now. It'd be a waste of expensive medicine. {Iris} .................. {Kohran} (All right...... That worked!) (First I've got to get her to smile. Good fortune passes through the gate of smiles. Smiling is the fundamental key to emotion!) {Iris} ............! {Kohran} ......? What's the matter, Iris? Hurry up and give us a smile. {Iris} Kohran...... You're lying. You liar...... Kohran, you liar...... Liar! Liar!! {Kohran} Ah...... Iris......? W-wait a second! I-I'm against physical violence! {Ohgami} ............? {Sumire} Wh-what is going on!? {Ohgami} Ko......Kohran!? {Kohran} Ah...... It's no good. Iris can read people's minds. She saw right through what I was thinkin'. {Kanna} Wh-what!? Are you serious!? {Sumire} ......In that case, even I would likely have no luck. {Kohran} Ohgami-han, just trying to persuade her on the outside has rather the reverse effect. Right now, all we can do is leave her alone until she calms down...... {Kanna} ......Nothing we can do about it. Let's pull out of this one too. < c - - time up > {If you don't choose one of the three, one will be chosen for you, and at that point, the dialogue continues according to the corresponding LIPS choice.} < time up - <== LIPS 4-23 === {Ohgami} .................. What...... should I do? === LIPS 4-24 ==> - a - Go back to your rooom. - b - Try talking to her once more. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} ......Right now, I can't possibly persuade Iris...... ......I guess I'll go back to my room and think about what to do. {Ayame} ......Ohgami. < a - - b > {Ohgami} ......As Captain, I can't afford to give up. I'll try talking to her one more time. {Ayame} Ohgami...... Wait just one minute. < b - - time up > {Ohgami} ......What should I do? {Ayame} ......Ohgami. < time up - <== LIPS 4-24 === {Ohgami} Miss Ayame...... {Ayame} Ohgami...... You seem to have quite a problem on your hands. {Ohgami} Yes...... How can I possibly get Iris to listen to what I have to say? {Ayame} ......It's a difficult problem. Kohran and the others see Iris as a child...... But Maria, on the other hand, tries to treat her as an adult...... Ohgami, what do you think? === LIPS 4-25 ==> - a - I think Maria is right. - b - I think Kohran and the others are right. - c - I don't think either of them are right. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} I...... think Maria's way of thinking is right. Iris really hates being treated like a child...... {Ayame} That's true...... Certainly, Iris extremely detests being treated like a child...... But that's because right now, she's at the age between childhood and being an adult. She's trying her very hardest to be an adult...... You mustn't forget that. ......All that's left is for you to think about what you should do and take that action. Hang in there. < a - - b > {Ohgami} I...... think Kohran and the others are right. Iris really is a child. No matter how you may try to treat her like an adult, I think you're bound to get some resistance. {Ayame} That's true...... Certainly, Iris is a child. That is correct. But...... The fact that she is becoming an adult right now is certain, too. {Ohgami} An adult? {Ayame} That's right...... Because of that, Iris is suffering from a complex from the fact that she's a child. If you don't try to understand that, you'll never be able to open Iris's heart, Ohgami. < b - - c > {Ohgami} I...... can't really see either side as being correct. {Ayame} .................. ......If you understand that much, then there's nothing left for me to say. Whatever comes next depends on your actions. Hang in there. < c - - time up > {Ohgami} .................. {Ayame} That's true...... This is a difficult problem. For now...... let's just leave Iris be. All that's left, Ohgami, is for you to think about what to do. < time up - <== LIPS 4-25 === {Ohgami} Miss Ayame...... ~ {Eyecatch 4-2} ~ {Iris} Big brother!! Big brother, you're so warm...... * * * {Iris} ............! ......It was...... a dream. ............Big brother. Iris...... really wants...... Really wants...... to grow up fast...... * * * {Ohgami} ......Morning already. I wonder if Iris has calmed down. Iris............ ......Iris. It's me. {Iris} ............! {Ohgami} Will you listen to what I have to say? {Iris} .................. === LIPS 4-26 ==> - a - Let's do that date over again. - b - Cut it out already! - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Iris...... Are you free this Sunday? Let's have another date, and do it right this time. {Iris} No! {Ohgami} ......Why? {Iris} Because...... even Iris goes out with big brother, we can't walk arm-in-arm...... And you wouldn't have any fun because Iris is a child. {Ohgami} That's not true, Iris. {Iris} That's a lie! {Ohgami} It's not a lie, Iris! < a - - b > {Ohgami} Iris, cut it out already! Just how much of a nuisance to you plan to be to everyone before you're satisfied?! {Iris-} So it's true. {Ohgami} What is!? {Iris} You think Iris is just some excess baggage. Everyone thinks that. {Ohgami} That's not true! Eveyone's truly worried about you! {Iris} That's a lie, you think Iris is in the way because she's a child! You hate her! {Ohgami} That's not true. Everyone loves you, Iris! {Iris} ......Big brother too? {Ohgami} Of course. < b - <== LIPS 4-26 === {Iris} Then...... kiss me! {Ohgami} Ki-kiss!? {Iris} Hurry! {Ohgami} (......What should I do......?) === LIPS 4-27 ==> - a - Kiss her. - time up - = {Both choices evidently yield the same result.} <== LIPS 4-27 === {Ohgami} .................. {Iris} Ahh......!? {Ohgami} Wh......what's the matter, Iris!? {Iris} ......Big brother, you're lying...... You don't love me! You don't even want to kiss me...... Iris can read what's in big brother's heart. You really do think Iris...... is just a child...... after all! {Ohgami} I-Iris...... {Iris} Liar! {Ohgami} Iris! .................. ............She's gone. ............! Wh-what!? {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami!! {Ohgami} Sakura! What...... in the world!? {Sakura} Terrible news! Iris went outside in a Kohbu!! {Ohgami} Wh......what!? If Iris goes out into the city the way she is now, it could be disastrous! Anyway, let's go to the command room! {Yoneda} We've run into quite a problem...... I never would expected Iris to go out into the city in a Kohbu...... {Ayame} She left in the new unit that was just shipped here from the Hanayashiki. {Maria} Chief...... Just where did Iris go? {Yoneda} Apparently she's headed towards Asakusa. Take a look at this. {Sakura} I......Iris!? {Kohran} She's moved the Kohbu all that way on her first time out! Wh-what incredible power! {Yoneda} You are to head out for Asakusa at once and bring back Iris. I'm counting on all of you! {Sumire} Wh......what is this? {Ayame} Chief! {Yoneda} Ayame! What's happened all of a sudden!? {Ayame} It's the Kuronosukai! We've just received information that Masou Kihei from the Kuronosukai have appeared in Asakusa! {Sakura} Wh-what!? {Kanna} Damn it! Why now, of all times!? {Maria} That being the case, at the very least it's fortunate that Iris is also headed for Asakusa. Upon recovering Iris, we can defeat the Kuronosukai. {Yoneda} All right. Head for Asakusa! I'm counting on you, Ohgami! {Ohgami} Yes, sir! (All right...... We're moving out......) {Ayame} ......Wait, Ohgami. {Ohgami} Miss Ayame............ {Ayame} Ohgami...... I'm sure you must know...... the reason Iris left. {Ohgami} ............ {Ayame} Now, Ohgami. Which part of Iris do you think is her strong point? {Ohgami} Eh......? {Ayame} Cheerful, and innocent...... That pure honesty that allows her to admit when she likes something...... Don't you think that "childishness" is Iris's strong point? For that reason, there's no need for her to force herself to grow up and try to be an adult...... Ohgami...... Tell that to Iris. The only one who can teach her that...... Ohgami...... is you. Now, everyone's waiting. Ohgami! Give the order to move out! === LIPS 4-28 ==> - a - Imperial Floral Assault Group, move out! - b - We will rescue Iris without fail! - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Imperial Floral Assault Group, move out! {Sakura+} Yes, sir! Our objective is the Kaminarimon in Asakusa! {12} {Kanna+} Iris, just you wait for us! {Sumire+} With our very own hands, we shall, without fail...... {Kohran+} ...rescue Iris! {Maria+} The Imperial Floral Assault Group is moving out! < a - - b > {Ohgami} Is this clear, everyone!? We will rescue Iris without fail! {Kanna+} Leave it to us! {Sumire+} This time we shall not fail! {Maria+} Iris, we're coming to get you now...... {Kohran+} So don't do anything reckless! {Sakura+} Let's go, Mr. Ohgami! To rescue Iris!! < b - - time up > {Ayame} What's the matter, Ohgami!? Pull yourself together. {Ohgami} Y-yes, ma'am...... All right. Imperial Floral Assault Group, move out!! < time up - <== LIPS 4-28 === ~ {Eyecatch 4-3} ~ {Rasetsu} Hah-hah-hah...... Burn, burn! 'On-kiri-kiri-basara-un-batta On-kiri-kiri-basara-un-batta On-kiri-kiri-basara............' {Iris} Eeeeei! {Rasetsu} Wh-who are you!? Where did you come from!?! {Kohran} Nice job, Iris. We won't do anything to you, so come here. {Sumire} Little Iris. You're such a smart girl. Come, come over here. {Kanna} There, there. That's a good girl, come on over here. {Sumire} We have you now! Be still. {Kohran} You can't get away anymore! {Kanna} Come on, be a good girl! {Iris} All of you...... You're all...... liars! {Sumire} Ah...... My beautiful machine - wh-what have you done...... {Maria} Captain! What do we do!? === LIPS 4-29 ==> - a - I'll rescue Iris! - b - Defeating the enemy takes top priority! - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} No...... All right! Everyone, fend off the enemy! I'll stop Iris! {Kohran} Yeah, but, she's attacking us too! {Maria} It's too dangerous! {Ohgami} Still, if this keeps up, neither Iris nor the people of the city will come out of this easily...... ......I have to do it. {Iris+} ......!! {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami! I'm going with you! * * * {Ohgami} Iris! Wait! {Iris} No! Stay away!! {Ohgami} Sakura. First, let's get ahold of Iris. Then we can try talking to her. {Sakura} Yes, sir! === At the end of Sakura's first turn ==> {Sakura} Iris! Stop! {Iris} No!! <== At the end of Sakura's first turn === === At the end of Ohgami's first turn === {Ohgami} Iris! Stop! {Iris} Nooooooooooo!! {Ayame} Ohgami. {Ohgami} Miss Ayame!? {Ayame} Right now, Iris is excited. Being treated like a child was apparently quite a shock to her. If you don't stop her from going out of control soon, it won't be just the city - her heart will break as well!! But even so, trying to push her too hard will only have the reverse effect. Iris no longer trusts people because she's been lied to by everyone...... {Ohgami} ......What should I...... What should I do!? {Ayame} It'll be all right. As long as you remain true to yourself...... all right? Hang in there, Captain. <== At the end of Ohgami's first turn === === At the beginning of Iris's third turn ==> {Iris} Everyone...... Everyone's a liar!! <== At the beginning of Iris's third turn === === After successfully surrounding Iris on two sides === {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami, quickly! I'll open the hatch now!! Iris! {Iris} No! === LIPS 4-29-1 ==> - a - Persuade her - b - Scold her - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Iris...... listen to me! Yes, I did lie. I can't think of you as a grown woman the way you are now. {Iris} So it's true...... Because Iris really is a child...... {Ohgami} But I...... enjoyed going out with you. I really had fun with you. {Iris+} ......Bi-big brother...... {Ohgami} No one knows what'll happen in the future...... That's why I guess this is all we can do right now. {Iris+} Big brother............ It's not a lie...... {Ohgami} ......Now, open the hatch...... < a - <== LIPS 4-29-1 === {Iris} Big brother!! Big brother...... Big brother! * * * {Ohgami} Now, Iris. Let's go!! {Iris} Yeah!! {Maria} Iris...... Thank heavens...... {Sumire} Honestly, this girl, making us worry...... {Kanna} This'll be your first battle. Hang in there, Iris! {Kohran} All right! Now the whole Flower Troupe is together! {Ohgami} Let's take it once more from the top!! {All} Imperial Floral Assault Group, go forth! {Maria} Captain. The enemy leader is in the Asakusa Temple on the other side of the Kaminarimon. {12} Let's take him down all at once. {Kohran} It doesn't look like it'll go so easily. The Kaminarimon that's in the way is shut. {Ohgami} There's nothing we can do about it. ......I don't really want to have to do it, but let's destroy the gate and make our way through. {Kohran} It'd be impossible under the Kohbu's power. The Kaminarimon suffered a bitter experience, having been burned down, so it was rebuilt with SHIRUSUUSU steel! {13} Neither a Kohbu attack nor cannonfire from the Shougei-maru would have any effect on it. {Ohgami} What? Then we can never get inside!? {Kohran} Don't get excited. The mechanism used to open the Kaminarimon should be on the inside. {Ohgami} The enemy seems to be occupying the area. But how do we get there......? The Kohbu can't leap over that fence! {Iris} Then that's where Iris comes in! < a - - b > {Ohgami} Let's take care of the enemy first! {Kohran} Captain!! What are you going to do about Iris!? {Maria} Ah! Sakura! Captain, Sakura's unit has...... {Sakura} I'll take care of Iris! The rest of you, take the enemy! {Iris-} Ooh-ooh...... Big brother, you really don't care about Iris!! {Sakura} Iris! Wait! {Maria} Captain. The enemy leader is in the Asakusa Temple on the other side of the Kaminarimon. {12} Let's take him down all at once. {Kohran} It doesn't look like it'll go so easily. The Kaminarimon that's in the way is shut. {Ohgami} There's nothing we can do about it. ......I don't really want to have to do it, but let's destroy the gate and make our way through. {Kohran} It'd be impossible under the Kohbu's power. The Kaminarimon suffered a bitter experience, having been burned down, so it was rebuilt with SHIRUSUUSU steel! {13} Neither a Kohbu attack nor cannonfire from the Shougei-maru would have any effect on it. {Ohgami} Then there's nothing we can do about it. Everyone, first destroy all the Wakiji!! < b - <== LIPS 4-29 === === Battle 4-1 Start === {The circumstances of this battle depend on your response to the previous LIPS prompt. If you chose option A, you will fight with all your squad members, and you simply need to get Iris to the switch that opens up the gate, after which you need to defeat Rasetsu. If you chose option B, you will not have Sakura or Iris during the entire battle (including the fight with Rasetsu), and you will have to defeat all of the Wakiji before you can fight the boss.} === At the beginning of Rasetsu's first turn ==> {Rasetsu} Damned insects, you can't do anything if you're not all gathered together. The regret that our brother suffered when he was defeated by you...... I, Rasetsu, shall vindicate him of it! Taste well the wrath of the Kuronosukai! Now then, Ohgami...... Before I send you to the depths of the underworld, I have one thing I want to ask you...... Which of your squad members is the most important to you right now?! {Here, Rasetsu will use his technique to teleport whichever squad member you choose directly next to him. If you choose no one, Ohgami's unit will be transported instead. Fortunately, if you do choose a particular squad member, you will receive a bonus to that member's trust in you.} === LIPS 4-30 ==> - a - Sakura - b - Sumire - c - Someone else - time up - = - b > {Sumire+} E-Ensign!? {Rasetsu} Sumire, huh. Hm-hm-hm...... I understand. {Sumire} Ahh!! What has happened!? < b - - time up > {Ohgami} ...... {Rasetsu} ......I see...... So as far as you are concerned, the Flower Troupe means only so little...... {Ohgami} Uwah, what's happened!? < time up - <== LIPS 4-30 === <== At the beginning of Rasetsu's first turn === === At the beginning of Rasetsu's second turn ==> {Rasetsu} Hah-hah-hah! With my art of summoning, I shall send every last one of you to the depths of the underworld! You too will all know the suffering of having your comrades killed!! {Ayame} Ohgami! Hurry and open the Kaminarimon! {Ohgami} Understood! <== At the beginning of Rasetsu's second turn === === If you have chosen option A in LIPS 4-29 and Iris has reached the switch to the Kaminarimon ==> {Iris} So I just need to flip this switch, right? Here I go! {Ohgami} All right! The gate's been opened! All units, charge! {Rasetsu} Nnnh...... That being so, I shall drown you all in a sea of blood with my ultimate technique. <== If you have chosen option A in LIPS 4-29 and Iris has reached the switch to the Kaminarimon === === If you have chosen option A in LIPS 4-29 and have defeated all the Wakiji ==> {Ayame} Ohgami! We're going to activate the steam dispensing device that opens and closes the Kaminarimon now! These measures are a bit rough, but...... here we go! {Ohgami} All right! The gate's opened! All units, charge! <== If you have chosen option A in LIPS 4-29 and have defeated all the Wakiji === === After defeating Rasetsu === === If you chose option A in LIPS 4-29 ==> {Rasetsu} Owaaaaaaaaahhh!! {Iris} All together...... {All} Victory...... pose! ~ {Eyecatch 4-4} ~ {Iris} ......Ah-ha-hah...... Hee-hee...... {Sakura} .................. Say, Iris...... May I ask you one thing? {Iris} Eh!? {Sakura} When you leapt into Mr. Ohgami's arms...... did you feel anything? {Iris} ............ {Kohran} Iris. The Captain's calling you. {Iris} Okay! {Sakura} You seem pleased. {Iris} We're going to do our date over again! So long, I'm going! {Sakura} .................. {Iris} Oh, yes. When I leapt into his arms...... It kinda felt really warm. And then...... {Sakura} Hmm? {Iris} What happened after that - is a secret! So long! <== If you chose option A in LIPS 4-29 === === If you chose option B in LIPS 4-29 ==> {Ohgami} All right, we've done it!! Victory pose...... {Sakura} Wait!! {Iris} Nooooo!! {Ohgami} What awaited us when the battle was over...... were a dizzy Sakura in a worn-out Kohbu... and Iris, fast asleep underneath...... And...... an utterly destroyed Kaminarimon...... ~ {Eyecatch 4-4} ~ {Sumire} Honestly, why should someone as beautifully elegant as myself...... haah - have to clean up after this? Just whose fault is this, anyway? {Iris} Mm...... Uhhnn......! {Sumire} Oh no......! {Iris} Huh? Where is this place!? What happened? {Ohgami} Eh...... You don't remember anything!? {Iris} ......Iris remembers she was crying in her room, but...... But for some reason, it feels like all the bad things have been swept away somewhere. {Ohgami} I-I see...... Well, that's good...... {Iris} Huh? What's the matter, big brother? Eh? Eh? You look so funny. {Ohgami} Hah, haah...... Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha-ha...... <== If you chose option B in LIPS 4-29 === === Next episode preview (次回予告) === {Sakura} Yes, here in the stage wing...... {Onscreen text} The Journey to the West {4} The Imperial Opera Troupe Summer Performance {Sakura} ......Miss Kanna and Miss Sumire are rehearsing for the play. {Kanna} A punch! And a kick! To the body! To the chin! {Onscreen text} Songoku Kirishima Kanna {Sumire} Ohh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho......! {Onscreen text} Madame Youki Kanzaki Sumire {Kanna} Eei! What a pain you are! {Onscreen text} The great masterpiece that all the fans have been expectantly dreaming of! {Both} Next time, on Sakura Wars... {Sumire} "Bloom with the Flowers!" {Kanna} "With the Maiden's Willpower!" {Sakura} A storm of romance...... ahh!! {Kanna} Ah, I'll look after the lot of ya! {Sumire} That sounds quite odd indeed. ~ {Eyecatch 4-5} ~ === Translation Notes ========== {1} Omiya and Kan'ichi are the lead characters in the story of "Konjiki Yasha." Kan'ichi is the young student, played here by Kanna, while Omiya, played by Sumire, is his childhood sweetheart. See the translation notes for chapter 3 for further information. {2} A pun. The title of the mini-game in Japanese is "Kigaema-shou" (着がえまショウ). Literally, this would mean "Let's change clothes," but the "shou" is written in katakana, which would be the loanword for the english "show." {3} Literally, "like a dog and a monkey" (犬猿の仲). Whereas in the west cats and dogs are generally assumed not to get along, in Japan, it is believed that dogs and monkeys generally do not get along. {4} "The Journey to the West" (西遊記), known as "Saiyuuki" in Japanese or "Hsi Yu Chi" in Chinese, written in the late 16th century, is described as "China's most beloved novel of religious quest and picaresque adventure" which focuses on the monkey spirit, Sun Wukung (孫悟空), or Songoku in Japanese, the role Kanna plays, "a mischievous monkey with human traits...accompanies [a] monk-hero on his action-filled travels to India in search of Buddhist scriptures" (Spence, Jonathan D., 'The Search for Modern China'). For further information, see . {5} The name of the device is "Makoto-kun." "Makoto" (真) means "truth." {6} The old Japanese name for the seventh month, "Fuzuki" or "Fumizuki" (文月), literally means "the month of letters" or "the month of writing." {7} The standard opening and closing words for writing formal letters in Japanese come in pairs and correspond somewhat to "Dear ~" and "Sincerely" in english letters. The most common formal pair is "haikei" (拝啓) and "keigu" (敬具), the latter being the first choice in the subsequent LIPS prompt. Additionally, "kashiko" (かしこ) is sometimes used by women in closing the letter (the second choice in the LIPS prompt). The third choice, "o-shimai" (おしまい) simply means something like "the end," and would not be used in a formal letter. Since this is a stricly Japanese custom, it doesn't translate well into english. {8} In the myth of the 'Tanabata,' as adapted to Japanese, the poor but hard-working cowherder Hikoboshi (彦星) falls in love with the weaver princess of the stars, Orihime (織姫). Unfortunately, their love causes them to forget their work, which angers Orihime's father, Ten-Kou, the god of the sky, who forbids them to see each other again. However, they become sad, and as a result, continue not to work. So Ten-Kou, out of compassion, arranges a compromise; he will allow them to see each other once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month, if they work hard enough, to which the two agree. This day became known as the 'Tanabata' (七夕), which is celebrated as a day of festival in Japan. {9} "Hina Dolls" (雛人形) are dolls put on display during the "Hina Matsuri" (literally "doll festival"), which is a festival day celebrated for girls. "Tanzaku" are slips of colored paper on which poems or wishes are written (see also Kohran's mini-game in chapter 2). "Kadomatsu" (門松) are pine and bamboo decorations put on display at New Year's. {10} This was a little difficult to translate well. Ages in Japanese can be generalized according to which group of ten they fall under (as they would be in english, with one being in one's twenties, thirties, forties, etc.). Unlike in english, however, one might also say one is in one's "tens," i.e., one's age is between ten and nineteen, inclusive. The closest corresponding english expression would be "in one's teens," but that only covers from age thirteen to age ninteen, and Iris has just turned ten. {11} "Benshi" (弁士) is the name for the narrator of Japanese silent films. The history of the benshi and his role in Japanese cinema is an interesting one. As Noel Burch writes in his essay "Approaching Japanese Film," the function of the benshi was to "[read] off the diegesis." He points out that early Japanese silent films "scarcely... contain the signs of their narrative at all." The grapheme, or the actual moving picture on the screen, served primarily to emphasize the phoneme, the benshi's narration, rather than to tell the story itself. Indeed, as Charles Inouye points out in his essay "In the Show House of Modernity," "...when a section of a film wore out, it was sometimes replaced with footage from a completely different movie, with little regard to the details of continuity... as long as the benshi could supply the necessary ligatures, the implausible narrativity of the film... could be patched over by external narration." So unlike his western counterpart, the benshi had a much larger role in Japanese silent film, and as a result there even exist a few benshi in Japan today. {12} "Kaminarimon" (雷門) literally means "Thunder Gate." {13} According to the "Sakura Taisen Genga & Kettei Shiryou Shuu," "SHIRUSUUSU Steel" is a mixture of iron and lead that is resistant against spiritual and mystical energy, but it is extremely heavy. Unfortunately, no official romanization was given. {-eof-}