Sakura Wars (サクラ大戦) Chapter 3 Translation v.1.01 2002.05.07 ================================================================= Translation 2002 By Kayama This is a translation of the third chapter of the game 'Sakura Wars' for the Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast systems and contains some Japanese text in Shift-JIS encoding. Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its entirety for non-profit purposes only. All other rights reserved. This translation may be found at the following location: - primary location === Disclaimer ========== This work is not authorized by SEGA, RED, or any other company. I do not profess to be fluent in Japanese. I do not guarantee a 100% accurate translation. All Sakura Wars games are copyright Sega, Red, and/or Overworks and all other copyrighted works are trademarks of their respective companies. === Update History ========== v.1.01 2002.05.07 - Added more LIPS choice results to scenario B. v.1.00 2002.05.07 - Finished the chapter. v.0.90 2002.05.06 - Completed up to the sixth eyecatch (immediately after the second battle). v.0.80 2002.05.05 - Completed up to the fifth eyecatch (immediately before the second battle). === Chapter 3 Translation ========== {Tenkai} Confound it! To think that the damned Floral Assault Group would get in my way yet again! {Setsuna} ......Lord Tenkai...... ......I have an ingenious plan with which to be rid of the Floral Assault Group, once and for all. {Tenkai} Hohh...... An ingenious plan, you say......? {Setsuna} The Floral Assault Group's strength lies in the leadership abilities of its Captain, Ohgami Ichiro, and Tachibana Maria. So in other words, if we were to be rid of these two...... {Miroku} But surely...... you would not be able to manage such an act so easily...... {Setsuna} ......I have gotten ahold of some very interesting information regarding Tachibana Maria...... If I were to use that, then surely............ {Tenkai} Hohh...... Fine then, Setsuna. On this occasion I shall leave things up to you...... Show me you can crush the Floral Assault Group with all due skill! {Setsuna} Yes, Lord!! I humbly ask that you leave it to me...... Hm-hm-hm............ Within each person lies a terrible past none wish ever to be pressed to encounter again...... Now then, Tachibana Maria...... How shall we bring that out in you? Chapter 3 I am not Fit to be Captain!? {Yuri} As of this time, the Imperial Revue Company Flower Troupe's performance of 'Cinderella' has come to a close. Thank you truly for your attendance today. We urge all of you from the bottoms of our hearts to come visit once again. {Ohgami} Boy, oh boy....... I'll finally be released from ticket-clipping. Now then. For the time being, I guess I'll go somewhere. * * * {Ohgami} Ah, why, it's Maria. Hey, Maria! {Maria} ............ {Ohgami} Huh? Maybe she couldn't hear me? Hey, Maria! {Maria} Ah............ Ensign............ {Ohgami} What's the matter, Maria? It's not like you to get so distracted like that. {Maria} .................. Ensign...... This may seem like a rather untoward question, but...... {Ohgami} O-okay...... What is it? {Maria} Ensign, do you often...... have dreams of the past? === LIPS 3-1 ==> - a - Now that you mention it...... I often do. - b - I don't have any very often. - c - If it's dreams of girls you're talking about...... - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Now that you mention it...... I do often have them. Dreams of back when I was in the military academy, dreams of when I first came here...... But...... what's the matter, that you'd ask something like that......? {Maria} Oh, no....... it's nothing. < a - - b > {Ohgami} Hmm...... Dreams of the past I really don't have very often. But...... what's the matter, that you'd ask something like that......? {Maria} Oh, no....... it's nothing. < b - - c > {Ohgami} If it's dreams of girls you're talking about...... I have them a lot. {Maria} Is that so. ............How nice for you. {Ohgami} ......Eh? {Maria} You don't have any dreams...... that feel as though they pierce your very bosom...... you don't have any such dreams as terrible as that? {Ohgami} Maria...... Is something wrong? {Maria} Oh, no....... it's nothing. < c - - time up > {Maria} I'm sorry............ I'll be on my way...... < time up - <== LIPS 3-1 === {Ohgami} H-hey, Maria...... ......I wonder what could be wrong. Maria's not her usual self at all. {Kasumi} Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Ohgami. {Ohgami} Ahh, Kasumi...... Thanks for all the hard work. {Kasumi} ......Mr. Ohgami. You were speaking with Miss Maria just now, weren't you. {Ohgami} ......Yeah. But...... somehow it seemed like she really wasn't paying much attention to the conversation...... Maria didn't seem like herself. {Kasumi} Mr. Ohgami...... I've just heard this from Yuri a moment ago, but...... During today's performance, Miss Maria apparently got her lines wrong. To think that Miss Maria would make such a mistake...... it's rather unbelievable, isn't it? === LIPS 3-2 ==> - a - I wonder what's happened to her...... - b - Do you have any idea? - c - Everyone makes mistakes. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Hmmm...... What do you suppose has happened? Maria would never get so depressed that she'd mess up her lines...... {Kasumi} Does it bother you, Mr. Ohgami? {Ohgami} Well...... she is a comrade in the same squad...... {Kasumi} Hm-hm...... And nothing more? {Ohgami} Hey, hey...... Don't tease me like that. < a - - b > {Ohgami} Kasumi...... Do you have any idea what it might be? {Kasumi} No, not particularly...... I'm sorry. {Ohgami} I see............ < b - - c > {Ohgami} Well, everyone makes mistakes. This is Maria we're talking about...... There's no need to worry that much about it, is there? {Kasumi} I suppose so...... but Miss Maria hasn't been well at all lately. < c - - time up > {Ohgami} ............ {Kasumi} Mr. Ohgami, doesn't it bother you? {Ohgami} Of course it does, but...... hmm. < time up - <== LIPS 3-2 === {Kasumi} It's times like this...... that I wish Miss Kanna were here...... {Ohgami} Kanna? {Kasumi} Ah...... You haven't yet met Miss Kanna, have you, Mr. Ohgami. Miss Kirishima Kanna is one of the oldest members of the Flower-Troupe, together with Miss Maria. I'm sure that, for all those years they've been together, surely she'd be able to provide some sort of help. {Old man} Ahh, excuse me, Miss. I'd like tickets for the next performance...... {Kasumi} Ah, forgive me. I'll show you the way at once. Well, Mr. Ohgami, please excuse me. {Ohgami} ......Well, my work is done, so I guess I'll head off somewhere. Maybe I'll go see Maria and see if I can't talk with her a little more. *** Free movement 3-1 *** - Areas covered - First floor: - Gift shop (売店) - Dining hall (食堂) (automatic event) - Secretarial office (事務局) {end Free movement 2-1b} === Gift shop (売店) ==> {Tsubaki} Ah, Mr. Ohgami, good day. The performance we're putting on this time is 'Cinderella!' Right on the heels of last month, once again Miss Maria's role as the prince suits her all too well, doesn't it! {Ohgami} (But it's Maria that's......) {Tsubaki} Mr. Ohgami? Is something wrong? {Ohgami} Uh, no...... it's nothing. === Gift shop Click-LIPS ==> - Look at Tsubaki's face > {Tsubaki} Is there something the matter with my face? < Look at Tsubaki's face - - Look at Tsubaki's outfit #1 > {Tsubaki} I can't stand it when it's so wet and my clothes stick right to me. {Ohgami} You're right about that. I'm having enough trouble just wearing this necktie. {Tsubaki} *Sigh*, I wish the summer weather would hurry up and clear up. < Look at Tsubaki's outfit #1 - - Look at Tsubaki's outfit #2 > {Tsubaki} Still, I have to wonder if Miss Maria doesn't feel hot in the summer wearing clothes like that. < Look at Tsubaki's outfit #2 - - Look at the bromides > - Look at any bromide for the first time > {Tsubaki} You wish to purchase a bromide? Thank you very much! - Looking at a bromide > {Tsubaki} That's Miss ______'s bromide. It'll be 50 sen. The customers have to have their share too, so please don't take more than one right now. < Looking at a bromide - - Take Kanna's bromide > {Tsubaki} You'll be buying that? Thank you very much! When it comes to Miss Kanna's bromide, almost all the kids bug their parents to buy it for them. < Take Kanna's bromide - - Look away from the bromides -> end Look at the bromides < Look at the bromides - - Leave > {Tsubaki} Thank you for your patronage! Please come again! < Leave -> end Gift shop Click-LIPS <== Gift shop Click-LIPS === <== Gift shop (売店) === =!! Dining hall (食堂) (automatic event) !!> {Ohgami} ......It looks like someone's eating over there with a ferocious appetite...... There doesn't seem to be anyone else there...... I guess I'll head someplace else. {Yuri} Why, Mr. Ohgami. Welcome. === Secretarial office Click-LIPS ==> - Look at Yuri > {Yuri} Is there something you need with me? - Look at Yuri's eyes #1 > {Ohgami} (They're gleaming with curiosity.) < Look at Yuri's eyes #1 - - Look at Yuri's eyes #2 > {Ohgami} (Yuri's passion for gossip is pretty famous, after all......) {Yuri} Oh, yes, Mr. Ohgami. Do you happen to know any rumors? < Look at Yuri's eyes #2 - - Look at Yuri's face #1 > {Ohgami} (She's got a small, well-featured face. She'd put even a professional model to shame.) < Look at Yuri's face #1 - - Look at Yuri's face #2 > {Ohgami} (Surprisingly, Yuri doesn't seem to use much makeup. Well, she doesn't need it to begin with, so......) {Yuri} What's the matter, Mr. Ohgami? You've been staring at my face all this time...... Ha-hah, you've fallen for me, haven't you! {Ohgami} Now, now, don't tease your elders! {Yuri} Heh-heh-heh...... Sorry, Mr. Ohgami. < Look at Yuri's face #2 - - Look at Yuri's outfit #1 > {Ohgami} (That's a rather fashionable outfit.) < Look at Yuri's outfit #1 - - Look at Yuri's outfit #2 > {Ohgami} (Sort of like what bus guides are wearing these days?) {Yuri} What's the matter, Mr. Ohgami? {Ohgami} Oh, you've got a lovely outfit. ......I was just thinking that. {Yuri} Oh, thank goodness! So you noticed? Truth be told, I paid for this outfit myself. {Ohgami} Heh...... < Look at Yuri's outfit #2 - - Look at Yuri's brooch #1 > {Ohgami} (It's a brooch, holding the scarf around her neck in place.) < Look at Yuri's brooch #1 - - Look at Yuri's brooch #2 > {Ohgami} (I wonder what it's made of. It couldn't be...... a jewel?) {Yuri} ......Curious about the brooch? That's right, I got this real cheap at a bargain! {Ohgami} ............Ah, I see...... < Look at Yuri's brooch #2 - - Talk to Yuri #1 > {Yuri} Say, you know, Mr. Ohgami, I was just thinking this while I was watching backstage earlier, but...... {Ohgami} Eh, what? {Yuri} ......Miss Maria looked a little pale, didn't she. At first, I thought it was just the makeup or the lighting, but it doesn't really seem like it...... could it be she's not getting enough sleep? {Ohgami} (Maria, huh...... What is the matter with her, really?) < Talk to Yuri #1 - - Talk to Yuri #2 > {Ohgami} Hey, Yuri. How've you been? {Yuri} Not good at all, Mr. Ohgami. It's this damp weather! Won't it ever let up? {Ohgami} Well, it is the rainy season......{1} There's not much you can do about it. {Yuri} The laundry won't dry, either...... I tell you, it's only the umbrella salesmen that are making any kind of profits. {Ohgami} Yeah, what with the rain, we don't get too big an audience...... {Yuri} Mr. Ohgami, did you know this? Over in Europe there are places where they have a roof over the sidewalk. It seems they can be all right even when it's raining. *Sigh*, I wish they'd hurry up and put something like that here in Teito...... < Talk to Yuri #2 - - Talk to Yuri #3 > {Yuri} Oh, that's right, Mr. Ohgami. Have you heard about Miss Kanna? {Ohgami} Kanna...... I believe I've heard the name before......? {Yuri} It's Miss Kirishima Kanna! She's been a Flower-Troupe member since way back when, and she'd gone to Okinawa. She got held up way behind schedule, but she should be arriving here real soon. {Ohgami} Heh...... {Yuri} She's amazing. Since she's so strong, she's popular with the kids, and she's dependable...... {Ohgami} ......What sort of person is she? {Yuri} That's...... something you should find out for yourself, Mr. Ohgami. {Ohgami} I suppose you have a point there...... < Talk to Yuri #3 - - Talk to Yuri #4 > {Yuri} Oh, that's right! Mr. Ohgami, lately a white dog's been visiting the courtyard. It seems Miss Sumire gave it something to eat. She likes animals more than you might expect, huh. {Ohgami} Heh...... So Sumire did that...... You really can't judge someone by their appearance, huh. {Yuri} Well, Mr. Ohgami. Appearance, huh - just how have you been looking at Miss Sumire? {Ohgami} W-well...... er...... you got me there. < Talk to Yuri #4 - - Talk to Yuri #5 > {Yuri} Mr. Ohgami, lately you seem to be getting along pretty well with Miss Kohran. {Ohgami} Is-is that so? {Yuri} I don't quite understand...... what makes Miss Kohran so popular myself...... < Talk to Yuri #5 - - Talk to Yuri (all additional times) > {Repeats Talk to Yuri #1.} < Talk to Yuri (all additional times) - < Look at Yuri - - Look at Kasumi > {Kasumi} Something I can help you with? - Look at Kasumi's eyes #1 > {Ohgami} (She has peaceful, calm eyes.) < Look at Kasumi's eyes #1 - - Look at Kasumi's eyes #2 > {Ohgami} (She makes sure to look the other person right in the eye when she talks to someone, that Kasumi does.) < Look at Kasumi's eyes #2 - - Look at Kasumi's hair #1 > {Ohgami} (Such smooth hair, without a hint of curl.) < Look at Kasumi's hair #1 - - Look at Kasumi's hair #2 > {Ohgami} (It really is beautiful hair...... She must really devote herself to it every day.) < Look at Kasumi's hair #2 - - Look at Kasumi's outfit #1 > {Ohgami} (Japanese clothes really suit Kasumi.) < Look at Kasumi's outfit #1 - - Look at Kasumi's outfit #2 > {Ohgami} (She's so gentle-mannered, yet she doesn't seem to let her guard down at all...... Does she have some training in the martial arts?) < Look at Kasumi's outfit #2 - - Look at the ribbon in Kasumi's hair #1 > {Ohgami} (A ribbon in her hair, huh...... It suits her well.) < Look at the ribbon in Kasumi's hair #1 - - Look at the ribbon in Kasumi's hair #2 > {Ohgami} (Perhaps it's mature Kasumi's "charm point?") < Look at the ribbon in Kasumi's hair #2 - - Talk to Kasumi #1 > {Kasumi} Ah, oh yes...... The audience has praised our most recent performance quite well! {Ohgami} I see! Well that's good. {Kasumi} Our 'For the Sake of Love' last time was received well too, but...... {Ohgami} ......The stage got destroyed right in the middle of it, yeah...... {Kasumi} Well, leaving our last performance aside, Miss Sakura's really giving her all after getting the role of Cinderella...... {Ohgami} That sounds like her. {Kasumi} And Miss Kohran's wicked stepsister and Miss Sumire's stepmother both suit them very well...... {Ohgami} Hmm...... Those two may have been born for the parts. < Talk to Kasumi #1 - - Talk to Kasumi #2 (and all subsequent times) > {Ohgami} Our performance this month was 'Cinderella,' but...... what'll we be doing next month? {Kasumi} Next month's program will be 'Love is a Diamond.' {Ohgami} What's that? {Kasumi} Mr. Ohgami, are you familiar with 'Konjiki Yasha?' {2} {Ohgami} Yeah, that I know. {Kasumi} 'Love is a Diamond' is a modernization of 'Konjiki Yasha.' {Ohgami} Hmmm...... A modernization, huh. I can't wait to see it. < Talk to Kasumi #2 - < Look at Kasumi - - Leave > {Yuri} What, leaving already? {Ohgami} Yeah, I'll come by again sometime. Sorry to disturb you. < Leave - <== Secretarial office Click-LIPS === <== Secretarial office (事務局) === === Manager's office (支配人室) ==> {Ohgami} It's the manager's office. Do you suppose Manager Yoneda's in? {-knock-} {Ohgami} Excuse me...... It's Ohgami. {Yoneda} Ohh, Ohgami. It's open. {Ohgami} Pardon me. {Yoneda} Hey, Ohgami. It's not often that you stop by my place, is it? So...... what do you need with me? === LIPS 3-3 ==> - a - Talk about Maria. - b - Talk about the Kuronosukai. - c - Make small talk. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} It's about Maria...... She doesn't seem her usual self lately...... {Yoneda} Hohh...... So you've finally gotten to the point where even you're thinking about things like that. {Ohgami} How can you be so carefree about it!? What I wish to discuss with you...... {Yoneda} Is Maria, right? If you've already noticed, then there's no need to go out of your way to come talk to me about it, is there? If you're the Captain, you should be able to work things out with your squad members yourself! {Ohgami} Bu-but............ {Yoneda} Ahh, get out of here already! Your gloomy face is spoiling the Sake! {Ohgami} Ye-yes, sir! * * * {Ohgami} ......If I'm the Captain, I should be able to work things out myself, huh...... < a - - b > {Ohgami} Manager Yoneda...... About the Kuronosukai...... {Yoneda} The Kuronosukai, huh...... Their boss...... Tenkai, or something like that...... I don't know what they're up to, but it's certain that it can only spell certain doom for Teito. I expect you to see to it that your squad members are able to fight to perfection at all times! {Ohgami} Ye-yes, sir! {Yoneda} Ahh, now off with you! I'm going to take a nap. * * * {Ohgami} See to my squad members, huh. < b - - c > {Ohgami} Still, when do you suppose this year's rainy season is going to clear up? {Yoneda} Now, don't say things like that, Ohgami. Some sake to drink while you're watching the rain come drizzling down isn't really so bad. {Ohgami} I-I see...... {Yoneda} Still, when it keeps on coming down like it has been, it's a real pain in the neck to go out and buy the sake...... {Ohgami} ......Oh, no! {Yoneda} Ah, that's right, Ohgami. I've just run out of Sake just now. Why don't you go out and buy me some...... {Ohgami} Forgive me! I just remembered some important business I have to attend to, so...... please excuse me! {Yoneda} Oh, come on, Ohgami...... * * * {Ohgami} Whew...... I was in danger of being sent out on some errand there. < c - - time up > {Yoneda} Hey, now, what is it? You're just standing there not saying a word. {Ohgami} Um............ {Yoneda} Ahh, get out of here already! Your gloomy face is spoiling the Sake! {Ohgami} Ye-yes, sir! * * * {Ohgami} ......Looks like I got kicked out. Nothing I can do about it. I guess I'll head someplace else. < time up - <== LIPS 3-3 === <== Manager's office (支配人室) === === Costume room (衣装部屋) ==> {Sakura} Ah, Mr. Ohgami. Thank you for all your hard work. {Ohgami} And thank you for yours, Sakura. How did the today's performance go? {Sakura} I was given the lead role for the first time in the performance we're putting on now! What's more, our program is 'Cinderella,' right? I'm so happy! {Ohgami} Heh, is that so. {Sakura} But...... there is something that's been bothering me just a little...... === LIPS 3-4 ==> - a - About Miss Ayame, right? - b - About Maria, right? - c - About me, right? {Sa-} - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} About Miss Ayame, right? {Sakura} Well there is that, too. Miss Ayame just moved in here last month. Mr. Ohgami, Miss Ayame is a very reliable person, isn't she? She's always there whenever I need to talk about anything. {Ohgami} Whenever you need to talk, huh...... that sounds real nice. There's lots of things I'd like to talk to Miss Ayame about...... {Sakura} Hm-hm, in that case, why don't you go on over to Miss Ayame's room? < a - - b > {Ohgami} About Maria, right? {Sakura} Yes...... that's right. Miss Maria got her lines wrong so many times today...... What's more, she apparently hasn't been sleeping well...... I'm worried about her. Mr. Ohgami...... If you get the chance, please try talking with Miss Maria. {Ohgami} I understand...... I'll do so. < b - - c > {Ohgami} Could it be, about me? Heh...... being a real ladykiller sure is tough. {Sakura-} ......What are you talking about? That's not what's bothering me! Mr. Ohgami, don't you think there's something wrong with Miss Maria? {Ohgami} Ah...... Maria, you mean. Now that you mention it...... she hasn't been herself lately, huh. {Sakura} Yes...... that's right. Miss Maria got her lines wrong so many times today...... What's more, she apparently hasn't been sleeping well...... I'm worried about her. Mr. Ohgami...... If you get the chance, please try talking with Miss Maria. {Ohgami} I understand...... I'll do so. < c - - time up > {Sakura} You may have already noticed yourself, but it's about Miss Maria. Miss Maria got her lines wrong so many times today...... What's more, she apparently hasn't been sleeping well...... I'm worried about her. Mr. Ohgami...... If you get the chance, please try talking with Miss Maria. {Ohgami} I understand...... I'll do so. < time up - <== LIPS 3-4 === {Sakura} Well, I'll be going now...... We're all going to work on the stage set right now. If you've got some free time, Mr. Ohgami, please come help, okay? Now then, please excuse me. {Ohgami} Working on the set, huh...... I guess I'll pop my head in later. <== Costume room (衣装部屋) === === Dressing room (楽屋) ==> {Ohgami} Hey, Iris. So this is where you've been. {Iris} Ah, big brother! Today we finally have some nice weather after so long! {Ohgami} You're right. It's pretty sunny out, which is rare for the rainy season. {1} {Iris} Rainy season? What's that? {Ohgami} I see...... You don't have a rainy season in France, do you. Now, the rainy season...... === LIPS 3-5 ==> - a - Refers to the rains that fall during June. {I+} - b - It's a phenomenon in which seasonal rain fronts accumulate. {I-} - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} That refers to the rains that fall during June. Once that's over, summer is right around the corner. {Iris+} Big brother, you sure know a lot! That's Iris's boyfriend for you! Iris loves the summertime, so she hopes the rainy season ends soon! {Ohgami} Ha-ha-ha, so you like the summer, huh. {Iris} Yeah! Big brother, let's go to the beach sometime together! Well, Iris has to be going now. She's got to go work on the set for the stage. Big brother, you come by later too. See you, bye-bye! < a - - b > {Ohgami} The rainy season refers to the phenomenon that occurs when seasonal rainy weather fronts stagnate in the skies over Japan. {Iris-} ......I don't get it! Tell it to me in a way that's a little easier to understand! {Ohgami} Ah...... I'm sorry. Let's see - the rainy season is when...... {Iris} ......It's all right. It sounds too complicated, anyway. Iris has to go help working on the set for the stage. So long, bye-bye! {Ohgami} ......Guess that was a little too complicated for Iris. < b - - time up > {Ohgami} Hmmm...... How should I explain this...... {Iris} ......It's all right. It sounds too complicated, anyway. Iris has to go help working on the set for the stage. So long, bye-bye! < time up - <== LIPS 3-5 === {Ohgami} Working on the stage, huh...... It sounds like a job that requires some physical labor, so I guess maybe I'll pop my head in later. <== Dressing room (楽屋) === ~ Second floor ~ === Archives (書庫) ==> {Ohgami} Since I can't really go outside what with all the rain 梅雨, it wouldn't be so bad to just spend an entire day in the archives every once in a while...... Well, it's sunny today, so maybe I'll come by again someday when it's raining. <== Archives (書庫) === === Salon (サロン) ==> {Ohgami} Ah...... It's Sumire. {Sumire} My...... If it isn't the Ensign. {Ohgami} Thanks for all your hard work onstage. So this month's performance is 'Cinderella,' huh. {Sumire} Yes. I have the role of the wicked stepmother. Lately I've been given nothing but this sort of role. Still, 'Cinderella' is a favorite story of mine, so, well, I shall put up with it. {Ohgami} Heh...... {Sumire} Ensign...... The magic spell cast upon Cinderella comes undone at midnight - but do you know the reason why? === LIPS 3-5 ==> - a - It's convenient for the story. {Su-} - b - That's just the way magic works. {Su+} - time up - {Su-} = - a > {Ohgami} ......It's convenient for the story. If the magic didn't wear off, it'd make a mess of the story. {Sumire-} Really! ......Ensign, you simply do not understand romanticism one bit! That is not what I asked! Never mind! I have business to attend to, so please excuse me! {Ohgami} ......? What's Sumire getting so angry about? < a - - b > {Ohgami} That's just the way magic works. It's bound to disappear eventually...... That's the way magic is. {Sumire+} Ensign...... I think I can imagine what it is you're trying to say. Magic that comes undone at midnight is no more than an illusion. I would not want any such magic. {Ohgami} I see...... That sounds just like you. {Sumire} What I crave...... is true 'magic.' {Ohgami} ......True 'magic?' {Sumire} ......Yes, the power to make a woman shine on for all eternity....... That...... ............ ......Forget it. It would be only too uncouth to put it into words. Now then, I shall now head to the wing of the stage. Please excuse me. {Ohgami} Hmm...... That was a rather difficult conversation, huh...... < b - - time up > {Sumire-} You do not know why? {Ohgami} Hmm...... {Sumire} If you have the time, it may be worth your while to take some time and think about it. Now then, I shall now head to the wing of the stage. Please excuse me. {Ohgami} Hmm...... That was a rather difficult conversation, huh...... < time up - <== LIPS 3-5 === <== Salon (サロン) === =!! Terrace (テラス) (automatic event) !!> {Ohgami} Ah, Maria............ === LIPS 3-6 ==> - a - Maria...... {Ma+} - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Maria...... {Maria} Eh!? Ah...... it's you, Ensign...... {Ohgami} What's the matter, Maria......? You've been acting strangely all this time. {Maria+} ......Forgive me, Ensign. I didn't mean to make you worry...... I'm perfectly all right...... Now then...... please excuse me. {Ohgami} ......You don't seem the least bit all right...... Maria. < a - - time up > {Ohgami} For now...... I'll just let her be. < time up - <== LIPS 3-6 === {Ohgami} Is Miss Ayame in, I wonder? {-knock-} {Ohgami} Forgive the intrusion, Miss Ayame. {Ayame} My, Ohgami. Welcome. By the way, Ohgami, this is the first time you've come to speak with me outright, isn't it? ......Ensign Ohgami Ichiro. ......Have you gotten used to the Ginza Headquraters already? {Ohgami} (Huh......? There, on Miss Ayame's collar......) (......The rank insignia of a first lieutenant! I see - how come I never noticed that until now?) {Ayame} ......Ohgami? {Ohgami} ......Ye-yes, Vice-Commander Fujieda. I see...... So this room is the Vice-Commander's room, is it. {Ayame} Hm-hm, you make me a little uncomfortable when you call me 'Vice-Commander.' 'Miss Ayame' will do just fine, Ohgami. {Ohgami} Ye......yes, ma'am. {Ayame} But, Ohgami. Weren't you surprised? ......At the state of the Ginza Headquarters? {Ohgami} Yes...... very...... Ah...... but I believe it is a very nice place. {Ayame} Hm-hm, Ohgami. Your face is all bent up out of shape. You don't need to force yourself. {Ohgami} Ye......yes, ma'am. {Ayame} Ah...... that's right, I've just been writing up my report to Chief Yoneda...... {Ohgami} ......Report? {Ayame} Yes, I have to compile and submit all the various information I've gathered regarding all of you in the Flower-Troupe. It's just one important job of mine. {Ohgami} ......Is that so. {Ayame} ......This is excellent timing. Ohgami, is there anything you'd like to hear, as Captain of the Flower-Troupe? === Prompt 3-1 ==> - a - About the battle status report. - b - About the damage report. - c - No thanks. = - a > {Ohgami} Please, let me hear the battle status report regarding the influence on our surroundings in the previous battle. {Ayame} In the last battle, you managed to defend Teito Tower safely. If the damage had been a little worse, Teito might have seen considerable loss in its communications network. Ohgami, I can say that you carried out exceptional leadership as the Captain. Keep up the good work. {Ohgami} ......Y-yes, ma'am! Thank you very much! {Return to the beginning of prompt 3-1.} < a - - b > {Ohgami} Please let me hear the Flower-Troupe's damage report from the previous battle. {Ayame} Damage to the Flower-Troupe was extremely light. You did quite well, Ohgami. Let's just say your concern for your squad members and your judgment were both correct. {Ohgami} ......Ye-yes, ma'am! Thank you very much! {Ayame} Shiba Park is elevated, so there was a limit to the movements you could make, but...... With the inclusion of Kohran, who just had her first battle, I feel your direction of your squad members was quite right. And finally...... oh, yes. Although I don't think such a numerical value could simply be accepted as the result of battle. The number of targets destroyed is one point that should be used to rate your squad members. In the previous battle, the one who destroyed the most enemy targets was Kohran. Kohran's explosives can deliver damage all around the selected target. You should use it to target the enemy where they are densely packed. This was the first battle in which Kohran participated, but it looks like she really worked hard. Her activity out there was magnificent. That means that she trusts you as her commanding officer simply that much. {Ohgami} Do-do you think so? ......Thank you very much. {Return to the beginning of prompt 3-1.} < b - - c > < c - <== Prompt 3-1 === {Ayame} Ahh, that reminds me...... Ohgami...... It's about Kohran. {Ohgami} About Kohran...... you say? {Ayame} Kohran, you know...... though she was originally supposed to be in the Flower-Troupe, she was stationed at the Hana-Yashiki. {Ohgami} Is that so...... {Ayame} The Hana-Yashiki mechanics simply fell in love with Kohran, after she had just come here from China...... {Ohgami} (That sounds typical of Kohran......) {Ayame} And since then, Kohran worked together with me at the Hana-Yashiki branch. ......We probably never could have completed the 'Kohbu' without her help. {Ohgami} (Heh...... So she didn't just blow things up......) {Ayame} But she's a much more sensitive girl than everyone might think. {Ohgami} ......I see. {Ayame} Ohgami...... I'll be counting on you to take care of Kohran. {Ohgami} ......Yes, ma'am! {Ayame} Oh my, is it already this late? I'm sorry, Ohgami. I have important business to take care of. {Ohgami} Ah...... yes, ma'am. {Ayame} How careless of me...... to get so carried away talking with you. Hm-hm, it's not like me, is it? {Ohgami} Ah...... Miss Ayame. (Ahh...... She's gone.) <== Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) === === Kanna's room (カンナの部屋) ==> {Ohgami} Huh......? There's a nameplate hanging up on the door...... Kanna............ That's the Flower-Troupe member Kasumi had mentioned earlier, huh...... {-knock-} {Ohgami} ......There doesn't seem to be anyone inside. But I wonder if the fact that the nameplate's up there means she'll be coming here pretty soon? {-leave-} {Ohgami} I guess I'll go somewhere else. <== Kanna's room (カンナの部屋) === ~ Basement ~ =!! Hallway by the shower room (automatic event) !!> {Kohran} Ah, why, if it isn't Ohgami-han. What're you doing around here? {Ohgami} Kohran...... what are you doing here yourself? {Kohran} The play's over, so I've just been taking a shower. Yeah, I really feel better now! You can't get much better than a shower after a performance! {Ohgami} (A shower, huh......) === LIPS 3-7 ==> - a - If only I'd come earlier...... {Ko-} - b - How about I rub some oil on you. {Ko+} - c - What do you do with your glasses when you take a shower? - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} ......Rats! If only I'd come earlier...... {Kohran} What...... Does that mean you wanted to peek in on me? {Ohgami} Eh...... er- well...... {Kohran-} Ohgami-han...... is that the type of person you are? I never knew...... Ahh, it's a good thing I got out of there soon. I almost had someone peek in on me. {Ohgami} ......Oh brother. Now she's really come up with some strange misunderstanding. A misunderstanding...... though I guess maybe not so much of one. < a - - b > {Ohgami} All right. Now that you're all clean, how about I rub some oil on you? {Kohran+} Ah-ha-ha-ha! Ohgami-han, you're pretty good with the jokes there! No matter how much I may say I love machines, I think even I would pass on the oil! {Ohgami} I see...... (Though I think you can rub oil on yourself even if you're not a machine......) {Kohran} Well, I'm going now. Excuse me. Ah, that's right. I don't know where you're planning on going, but there's no one here in the basement. Everyone should be gathering in the wing of the stage to work on the set right about now. {Ohgami} What, there's nobody here......? Well then...... I guess I'll be going now too. < b - - c > {Ohgami} Kohran...... When you take a shower, do you take off your glasses? {Kohran} Of course I take them off. If I kept my glasses on, I wouldn't be able to wash my face, would I. Ah-ha-ha, that's right. If someone were to come in and peek at me while I was in the shower, I might not even notice. ......Ohgami-han. You wouldn't be asking me that with that in mind, now, would you? {Ohgami} Of-of course not. I was just - wondering, that's all. {Kohran} I see. Well, you don't wear glasses, so you probably wouldn't know. Well, I'm going now. Excuse me. Ah, that's right. I don't know where you're planning on going, but there's no one here in the basement. Everyone should be gathering in the wing of the stage to work on the set right about now. {Ohgami} What, there's nobody here......? Well then...... I guess I'll be going now too. < c - - time up > {Kohran} Well, I'm going now. Excuse me. Ah, that's right. I don't know where you're planning on going, but there's no one here in the basement. Everyone should be gathering in the wing of the stage to work on the set right about now. {Ohgami} What, there's nobody here......? Well then...... I guess I'll be going now too. < time up - <== LIPS 3-7 === End Free movement 3-1 {Kohran} Ah, Ohgami-han! You've come at just the right time. {Ohgami} What's going on? {Sumire} Ensign, this set here looks like it's about ready to collapse. Do you suppose you mightn't stand it up for us? {Sakura} We all thought we'd get to get together and fix things...... Isn't that right, Miss Maria? {Maria} Eh......? Th-that's right. {Iris} Say, say, Maria. You don't seem yourself somehow. What's wrong? {Maria} Th-that's not true at all. Now then, let's keep up the repairs. {Ohgami} Uwaah! Th-the set!! {Sakura} Eeeek! M-Mr. Ohgami!! {Ohgami} Gwooooooh!! Th-this is heavy! {Kohran} Uhyaah...... Amazing, amazing! Ohgami-han, you've got some incredible strength there! I'm impressed! {Ohgami} ......E-enough already, ju-just do something about this, fast!! {Sakura} We-we'll get a rope and pull it up at once! {Iris} Big brother, are you all right? You're covered in sweat. === LIPS 3-9 ==> - a - Act tough. {Sa+ Su- Ko+} - b - Call for help. - time up - {Sa+ Su+ Ko+} = - a > {Ohgami} Hah-hah-hah...... Th-this is nothing...... {Sumire-} Ensign...... Cease putting on such a display. Anyone can see it for false stoicism. {Sakura} Miss Sumire! Saying such things...... That's a little too much, isn't it! {+} Please hang in there, Mr. Ohgami! We'll have it pulled up right away. {Kohran+} Ohgami-han, fight on! This is where you've really gotta stand firm!! {Iris} Big brother, Iris will wipe your sweat away! {Ohgami} Wah...... Wait, stop! Tha-that tickles! < a - - time up > {Ohgami} (K-k-...... Ha-hang in there! You can overcome this, Ohgami Ichirooo!!) {Sumire+} My...... he is hanging in there quite well, isn't he? {Kohran+} No kidding! Ohgami-han, fight on! This is where you've really gotta stand firm!! {Sakura+} Please hang in there, Mr. Ohgami! We'll have it pulled back up in a jiffy. {Iris} Big brother, hang in there! Iris will back you up! {Ohgami} (Kuh...... Uhh...... Th-this...... is as long as I can manage......) I-I can't hold out any longer!! < time up - <== LIPS 3-9 === {Iris} Eeeeeek! Big brotherrr! {Ohgami} Iris! Ge-get down! ......Huh? {Iris} ..................Huh? Big brother...... We're - alive? {??????} Aww, what a slouch you are...... gettin' worn out over somethin' like this. Hey, you there with the glasses. Hurry up and pull this up with that rope! {Ohgami} (Incredible...... She's holding up the set with just one hand......) {Kohran} R......right...... {Ohgami} Wh......who're you......? {??????} Geez...... And here I was wondering what you were all getting into such a fuss about! {Sakura} Eh? {Kohran} Wh-who're you?! {Iris} Kanna! Have you brought any souvenirs? {Kanna} Sorry, Iris. All my things got washed out to sea! {Sumire} Kanna!! ......You're all right!? {Ohgami} (Kanna...... This is her?) {Kanna} Yeah, well, the ship back coming back here from Okinawa sank. I swam the rest of the way here! {Ohgami} (S-swam?) {Maria} You haven't changed a bit. {Kanna} Well, it looks like we've got one, two...... three new rookies here! So, were you the one wailing all this time? ......What's your name? === LIPS 3-10 ==> - a - Ohgami Ichiro. - b - ......Who are you!? {Ka-} - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} I'm Ohgami Ichiro. I used to be a Naval Ensign, but now I'm Captain of the Tei-Geki here. {Kanna} Heh, an Ensign, huh!? No wonder you've got such a good face on you - heh, I like you!! < a - - b > {Ohgami} ......Who are you!? {Kanna-} I'm the one who asked you, I thought? Well, all right...... I'm Kirishima Kanna. How about you? {Ohgami} I'm Ohgami Ichiro. I used to be a Naval Ensign, but now I'm Captain of the Tei-Geki here. {Kanna} Heh, an Ensign, huh!? No wonder you've got such a good face on you - heh, I like you!! < b - <== LIPS 3-10 === {Maria} Kanna...... These newcomers are Sakura and Kohran. {Kanna} Yo! {Sakura} I'm Shinguji Sakura. Pleased to meet you! {Kohran} I'm Ri Kohran! Pleased to meetcha - well - say...... you know, you really look like you could almost be a really tough guy, though? {Kanna} Heh-heh...... Thanks - but I'm a WOMAN...... okay? {Yoneda} Kanna...... How good of you to come back! {Ohgami} Manager Yoneda, this person's...... {Yoneda} Kirishima Kanna...... Successor to the Kirishima style of Ryukyu karate. {3} And now the Flower-Troupe is fully assembled! {Kanna} Hey, Manager! ......Long time no see! {Ohgami} (Kirishima Kanna...... She's the final member of the Flower-Troupe?) * * * {Kanna} ............And so, even though I've somehow managed to learn how to break rocks with my bare hands...... ...even I managed to break out in a sweat when the ship first began to sink. {Sumire} Well, no one was worried about you anyway...... {Iris} But...... the one who was most worried was Sumire, wasn't it! {Sumire} Wh......what are you saying!? You brat...... {Kanna} Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha! You guys haven't changed a bit! I'm relieved. {Kohran} All the way to Okinawa for karate training...... Hah...... You really went to a pretty far-off place, huh...... {Kanna} Heh-heh, well, I guess so. That's where I was born...... Okinawa's the best when it comes to training! ......Huh? By the way, where's Maria at? {Sakura} I believe she went back to her room just a short while ago...... {Kanna} Why, she's not being very friendly. Ahh, oh well. Hey, Mr. Ensign, there. Come with me for a second! === LIPS 3-11 ==> - a - Go with you where? - b - Sure! {Ka+} - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Go with you, you say...... where to? {Kanna} To the exercise room, obviously? < a - - b > {Ohgami} Sure! I don't know what you plan on doing, but I'll join you. {Kanna+} That's what I like to hear! I don't have to mince words with you, Captain! < b - <== LIPS 3-11 === {Kanna} I hear you attended a Naval military academy, is that right? How about we just see...... what sort of fighting techniques they teach you in the Navy? {Ohgami} Ehh!? {Sumire} Take care...... Ensign...... * * * * * {Kanna} All right, Captain, let's start with a little sparring, shall we? {Ohgami} ......Sparring? {Kanna} ......Yeah. I'll throw some moves at you, and you just block them all. {Ohgami} Ehh!? I don't really know karate...... There's no way I could take them all! {Kanna} You'll be all right. I'll make sure to tell you the order in which I'm going to attack. Now then, I'm going to tell you what attacks I'll be using, so be sure to remember them. First, a low kick. Next, a straight punch to the stomach. And finally, a high roundhouse kick. {4} Have you got that? All right, let's get started! All right, here we go! Captain, try and stop them! {Ohgami} Here it comes! First, there'll be......! === LIPS 3-12 ==> - a - A low kick! - b - A high kick! - c - A double aerial kick! - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} A low kick! {Kanna} Not bad, Captain! Being able to stop one of my kicks is quite a feat! < a - <== LIPS 3-12 === {Kanna} Next comes a straight punch! Now, can you stop this!? === LIPS 3-12 ==> - a - Defend the face! - b - Defend the back! - c - Defend the stomach! - time up - = - c > {Ohgami} A straight punch to the stomach...... I've got it! {Kanna} So you managed to stop the straight too. Looks like I may have underestimated you. < c - <== LIPS 3-12 === {Kanna} In that case...... Just try and stop my final attack! === LIPS 3-13 ==> - a - A high double kick, I've seen right through it! - b - A medium roundhouse kick, I've seen right through it! - c - A high roundhouse kick, I've seen right through it! - time up - = - c > {Ohgami} All right! How about that!! I've blocked them all! {Kanna+} Not bad, Captain! Looks like you didn't attend a military academy for nothing. < c - <== LIPS 3-13 === {Kanna} Being able to block all of my attacks...... Captain, you're really something! {Ohgami} Ha-ha-ha, thanks. I'll say I'm honored by your kind words of praise. {Kanna} Captain, once again, I'd like to give you my regards. I, Kirishima Kanna, will show you I can prove useful as one of your troops! ......Ah, that's right! Captain, aren't you hungry after all that practice? If you'd like, I'll treat you to Chef Kanna's Deluxe Special Cooking! How's about it, Captain? Care to join me for some grub? === LIPS 3-14 ==> - a - I'd love to! {Ka+} - b - What are you making? - c - I'll pass. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Sure, I'd love to! I'm starved right about now. {Kanna+} All right, then it's settled! Let's head to the kitchen right away! < a - - b > {Ohgami} Special cooking, huh...... What are you making? {Kanna} Heh-heh...... That you'll just have to wait and see. Well, let's go to the kitchen! < b - <== LIPS 3-14 === * * * {Kanna} Now then, Captain. While I'm making the food, you wait in the dining hall. {Ohgami} I got it. Well, I'll be waiting for it. * * * {Ohgami} Now then, I guess I'll wait for Kanna's homemade cooking. ........................ ............She sure is taking a long time. === LIPS 3-15 ==> - a - Is it ready yet? - time up - = - time up > {Kanna} Sorry to keep you waiting! Here you go. It's done. < time up - <== LIPS 3-15 === {Ohgami} ......Wh-what is this? (It's something that's dark red...... on top of rice.) {Kanna} It's a little something with black pork and nigauri stir-fried with cayenne and black pepper. {5} This goes great with boiled barley and rice. {Ohgami} But it's sort of...... all red with the cayenne? {Kanna} Ah-ha-hah, don't worry about it, don't worry about it. {Ohgami} We-well then, here goes....... (Ugh...... This is spicy......) (Well, it's definitely got the fire going in there, but it tastes pretty salty......) (Huh...... But...... once you get past the first bite...... it's pretty good!?) This is pretty tasty, isn't it! This stuff is good, Kanna! {Kanna} Hah-hah...... Though it'd be a little too presumptuous to really call this cooking. Well...... Ever since I was a kid I'd been doing nothing but karate...... so I guess there's no helping it. {Ohgami} That reminds me, Kanna...... I still don't really know anything about you. If it's all right with you, would you mind telling me a little about yourself? {Kanna} Sure, ask me anything. === Prompt 3-2 ==> - a - Tell me about karate. - b - What brought you here? - c - How's the Tei-Geki after being gone so long? = - a > {Ohgami} Tell me about your karate. {Kanna+} Hmmm...... That's a tough question. ......I can't put it into words that well, but, everybody's got their own way of life, right? There're people who spend their life tending a field, people who devote their life to fishing, people who wanna be rich...... So I figure, why not have someone like me who just 'wants to be strong' among all those people...... That's how I feel about it, anyway...... Ah-hah-hah, that doesn't really answer the question, huh, does it. ......To be perfectly honest, I'm not really sure myself - just what it is I really want to do by making myself stronger...... Though I have a feeling...... that when the time comes that I find the answer, it'll be the time for me to quit training. < a - - b > {Ohgami} Could you tell me what it is that brought you here? {Kanna} Hmm...... Where should I start? .................. I've...... just been blindly doing karate all this time, up until this year, right? Karate's the only thing for me. No, I should say...... I can't do anything else outside of karate...... That's what I had thought all this time. Getting up on the stage...... That I never thought of. But even I can do something besides karate...... And I can make people enjoy themselves doing that...... The one who made me realize that was Miss Ayame. {Ohgami} .................. {Kanna} I'll never forget, for the rest of my life, when I stood up on that stage for the first time....... Heh-heh, though it was a guy's role. The curtain just went up right in front of me, right? ......And when it did, all I could see in front of me was this dazzling bright light. It wasn't anything big...... That was just the spotlight. But even so...... That, for some reason, felt familiar, like my own Mom. Though my Mom died early....... and I don't even remember her face anymore. {Ohgami} ......Is that how it was. {Kanna} Heh...... But even now I'm still a big ham onstage, of course. For me, that's...... about what the stage means to me, I suppose. < b - - c > {Ohgami} How's the Tei-Geki after being gone so long? Is it different from before? {Kanna} You bet it's different. There are three newcomers here, after all. {Ohgami} ......I see, I suppose you're right. {Kanna} Well, we've got more squad members, and it's a lot more bustling around here...... < c - <== Prompt 3-2 === {Kanna} From here on, I'll be eating rice out of the same pot every day. I'm counting on you, Captain. {Ohgami} I got it. And I'll be counting on you, Kanna. {Kanna+} ......Yes, sir! Heh-heh...... This is all kind of making me blush. ......Huh? It's already this late. {Ohgami} You're right. We sure got caught up in our talking. {Kanna} So long, Captain. See you tomorrow...... Ah...... oh, Captain. There's one thing I forgot to say. {Ohgami} What's that? {Kanna} Sakura and Kohran - those two seem like good, honest kids. I really like them. {+} And...... Captain. I like you too. {Ohgami} Is-is that so? ......Thanks. {Kanna} There aren't too many people I've really gotten to like, men or women. Well, I'll be counting on you from here on. G'night, Captain. {Ohgami} ............ A man Kanna likes, huh...... That doesn't sound too bad. ......Now then. My stomach's all full, so I guess I'll go to my bedroom and get some sleep. * * * {Maria} I'm certain...... it was around here...... {Ohgami} Maria...... What's the matter? {Maria} E-Ensign...... ......It's nothing. {Ohgami} Maria............ * * * {Ohgami} ......Hm? I think I just kicked something...... What could this be......? {Maria} Ensign! That's...... Ensign............ Where did you pick up that locket? {Ohgami} Eh......? I just picked it up here right now...... {Maria} I see...... I'm sorry. I'd been looking for it. {Ohgami} Is that so...... Well then, I'll give this back to you. {Maria} Thank you very much...... === LIPS 3-16 ==> - a - That's a pretty locket. - b - What's on the inside? - c - Is that a good luck charm? - time up - = - b > {Ohgami} What's on the inside? {Maria} That's...... .................. {Ohgami} ............Maria? {Maria} ......Thank you very much. Please excuse me. < b - <== LIPS 3-16 === {Ohgami} Maria............ * * * {Ohgami} That locket............ I wonder if it's got something to do with Maria not being herself lately. Now that I think about it...... she did say something about...... dreams of the past...... Maria.......... What sort of dreams will you have tonight......? ~ {Eyecatch 3-1} ~ {Text} 1917 Russia {Maria} Captaaaaaaaiiin!! * * * {Maria} ..................Just a dream. Another one...... of that time back then...... ............ ............The enemy!? ......One bad thing just piles up right after another...... * * * {Yoneda} Have all members assembled? {Sumire} No...... Miss Maria is not here yet. {Yoneda} For Maria to be late...... Wonders really do happen. {Maria} Forgive me for being late! === LIPS 3-17 ==> - a - Say something to Kanna. - b - Say something to Maria. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Kanna, this'll be your first battle in a while. Be careful. {Kanna} Thanks, Captain. Let's just see how well you fight out there. Captain, I fed you my special cooking, so you should be able to put out some real horsepower. But more importantly, Chief Yoneda. Let's hear what you have on the enemy. < a - - b > {Ohgami} Maria...... are you all right? You look pretty pale...... {Maria} ......I'm perfectly all right. There's no need for you to worry. More importantly, Chief, please give us your information on the Kuronosukai. < b - - time up > {Yoneda} Idiot! What are you staring off like that for, Ohgami!? {Ohgami} Ye-yes, sir! Forgive me! {Sumire} Chief. More importantly, would you please tell us what information you have on the enemy? < time up - <== LIPS 3-17 === {Yoneda} Right. Now then, since you're all here, let's move along to our battle plan discussion. We've received information from some of the locals that some Masou Kihei of the Kuronosukai have shown up in Tsukiji. {Sakura} Tsukiji...... you say. {Ayame} The Masou Kihei have been sighted in an abandoned town in the vicinity of the mouth of a river. There doesn't seem to be any threat of danger to inhabitants, but it will be necessary to alleviate the situation before any chaos ensues. {Ohgami} I see...... I understand. {Yoneda} This'll be the first time Kanna's gone out to battle in a long time. I'm counting on you, Ohgami! {Ohgami} Yes, sir! All right, everybody! Let's show them the combined force of all the Imperial Floral Assault Group members! Imperial Floral Assault Group, move out!! ~ {Eyecatch 3-2} ~ === Battle 3-1 Start === {Setsuna} 'On-kiri-kiri-basara-un-batta On-kiri-kiri-basara-un-batta On-kiri-kiri-basara............' Hm-hm-hm...... {Ohgami} Stop right there, Kuronosukai!! {Maria} Imperial Floral Assault Group! Go forth!! {Setsuna} Hmph! So you've finally showed up, lowly dogs of Teito! Hm-ha-ha-ha-ha......! But it appears you're too late. I, Aoki Setsuna, have already cast off the second seal of the Roku Hasei Kouma-jin! My minions, don't let them escape alive! {Ayame} Ohgami, that unit belongs to Setsuna, one of the leaders of the Kuronosukai. If you defeat him, you should be able to put a stop to this disturbance. Head for him at once! {Ohgami} Yes, ma'am!! {Kanna} All right! It's my first battle! I'm gonna go full of spirit! === After Kanna defeats her first enemy unit ==> {Kanna} All right! That's one! Captain, you give some pretty good orders, don'tcha! <== After Kanna defeats her first enemy unit === === After all units have had one turn ==> {Kanna} Captain! How should I fight? === LIPS 3-18 ==> - a - Attack from the rear - b - Break through the front lines {Ka+} - c - Just eat something for now - time up - = - b > {Kanna} Yeah, nothing less from our Captain! You really know your comrades well, don't you! {+} Karate is where my skills come in. So I'm best at close-range fighting. Use me in the front lines! I'll use my special Ryukyu karate and take those enemies down! < b - <== LIPS 3-18 === <== After all units have had one turn === === End of the battle === {Ohgami} We've got you now, Setsuna or what have you! {Setsuna} Ah-ha-ha-ha...... You really think you've caught me like that!? {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami! There's a boy who didn't escape in time!! {Kohran} That's no good, Ohgami-han! {Kanna} What do we do, Captain!? === LIPS 3-19 ==> - a - Save the child. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Stop!! {Setsuna} I have you now!! {Ohgami} Gwaaahhhhh......!! {Setsuna} How foolish to let yourself be distracted on the battlefield! < a - - time up > {Ohgami} Damn it! What do I do!? {Sakura} Look out!! {Setsuna} I have you now!! {Sakura} Aaahhhhh...... {Setsuna} How foolish to let yourself be distracted on the battlefield! < time up - <== LIPS 3-19 === ~ {Eyecatch 3-3} ~ {At this point, the scenario branches depending on whether Ohgami leapt out in front of the child (henceforth referred to as "scenario A") or Sakura did (henceforth referred to as "scenario B"). If Sakura did, jump down to "Scenario B: Sakura was injured" further below.} ### Scenario A: Ohgami was injured ##> {Ohgami} Ugh...... What is this place......? {Tenkai} Have you awaken, I wonder......? {Ohgami} (Who is that!?) {Tenkai} Heh-heh-heh-heh...... Heh-heh-heh - Finally, you have fallen into our hands, Ohgami Ichiro!! This will put an end to the Tei-Geki. {Ohgami} What did you say......!? Kuh - my arms and legs...... won't move! {Tenkai} Heh-heh - Now then, Ohgami, allow me to introduce you to my excellent assistant! {Kohran} Yoo-hoo, Ohgami-han! My, what a state you're in. {Tenkai} Heh-heh-heh-heh - How about it, Ohgami!? How does it feel to have yourself remodeled by your former subordinate? {Ohgami} Wh......what are you planning to do!? {Tenkai} You will be remodeled by our hands, and become a new agent of the Kuronosukai! {Ohgami} Wh......what!? {Tenkai} Now, Kohran!! Use your skills to bring about the birth of our new comrade, the New Ohgami Ichiro! {Kohran} Yes, sir, leave it to me! {Ohgami} Stop it! Stop it, Kohran! {Kohran} Oh boy, I'm so glad. I always wanted to perform reconstruction on a human being! {Ohgami} Stop it! Please stop, Kohran!! {Kohran} Don't worry! Of all the times I experimented it on animals, I never once messed it up! {Ohgami} Uh- no, that's not the problem here...... {Kohran} Now, this won't hurt...... so just you sit still and leave it to me! {Ohgami} Stopppppp! Please stoppp! * * * {Sakura}, Mr. Ohgami! {Kanna} How's it look? {Ohgami} Ugh...... {Sakura} Thank goodness...... It looks like you're finally awake. Mr. Ohgami, are you all right? {Ohgami} Ye-yeah...... ............So it was a dream. That's right...... === LIPS 3-20 ==> - a - What happened to that child? {Sa+ Su+ Ka+ I+ Ko+} - b - What...... happened to me? - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} What happened...... to that child? {Sakura+} It seems he was rescued, safe and sound. Apparently his parents came several times to give their thanks. {Ohgami} I see...... {Sumire+} To be honest...... I've seen you in a whole new light, Captain! {Kanna+} Yeah, even if you have the nerve, that's not something you can do real easily. You've stolen my heart, Captain. {Iris+} Yeah, big brother's great!! Iris loves him too! {Kohran+} Ohgami-han, you really did great! {Ohgami} Oh, no...... it was nothing...... What...... happened to me? < a - - b > {Ohgami} What...... happened to me? < b - <== LIPS 3-20 === {Sumire} It seems you were hit quite hard. {Ohgami} I see...... I remember I was hit by the Kuronosukai...... {Kohran} Ohgami-han...... You slept for three days inside the infirmary pod. {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami...... Does it hurt? {Ohgami} (I guess my head hurts...... a little? Well, maybe something this small isn't......) === LIPS 3-21 ==> - a - I'm fine. - b - It does hurt a little. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} It's nothing. I'm fine now. {Iris} Iris...... was really worried! Big brother! {Ohgami} I'm sorry, Iris...... I didn't mean to make you worry. {Kohran} Still, thank goodness, Ohgami-han, that it wasn't anything big! People are the one thing I can't fix. {Ohgami} (......And here you tried to remodel me.) {Kohran} ......Hm? What is it? You keep staring at my face. Is there something stuck on it? {Ohgami} No, it's nothing. {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami. Please take this medicine. < a - - b > {Ohgami} It hurts...... a little, I guess...... {Sakura} That's terrible! Please take this medicine at once! {Kanna} She really blows things out of proportion, doesn't she, that Sakura...... {Kohran} That may not be so. Ohgami-han...... should really be getting absolute rest right about now. < b - <== LIPS 3-21 === {Iris} Here, big brother. Your medicine. {Ohgami} (Some kind of painkiller......?) ............ Uwah...... What is this!? It's-it's so bitter!! {Sumire} Kohran..... is that medicine really safe? {Kohran} That's some special medicine I invented for just such an occasion. There's nothing to worry about. {Ohgami} Ko-Kohran made this......? This medicine............ Ah...... huh...... All of a sudden...... My...... bo......dy's...... {Iris} Huh...... Big brother? {Kohran} Hm-hm-hm, that's right. It's powerfully effective. And your injuries'll heal up in the twinkling of an eye. Though in exchange...... it has the added side effect of making you fiercely sleepy, of course. Right now you just clear your head and get some sleep...... You really did great...... Now, everyone, Ohgami-han won't be up again for about half a day, so let's just let him sleep for a while. {Iris} Ehh!? What's that supposed to mean!? {Kohran} Now, now, Iris. Let's just let him have some quiet for now...... all right? {Iris} That's no fun! {Kohran} ............ Sleep well...... Ohgami-han............ * * * * * {Ohgami} ......Hm...... (What could that be......?) (Somebody's...... near...... me......) (Ah...... They put a hand...... on my forehead......) (It's a cold hand...... but...... it's soothing......) .................. (They're gone......) (That...... cold hand...... Whose...... was it...... I wonder......) * * * {Ohgami} ......Hm? Sounds like someone's come again...... === If Kohran has come ==> {Kohran} Yoo-hoo, Ohgami-han! My, what a state you're in. {Ohgami} Ehh!? ......Ahh, it's you, Kohran...... {Kohran} Just kidding! Ohgami-han, it's a joke! ......Are you feeling all right? === LIPS 3-22 ==> - a - Thanks for the medicine. {Ko+} - b - I had a dream about you. - c - - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Thanks for the medicine. Thanks to that, I feel a lot better. {Kohran+} Why, there's no need to get so distant about it! To hear you give thanks to me like that, it just makes me end up feeling embarrassed! < a - <== LIPS 3-22 === {Kohran} I was wondering how you were doing, so I came to visit you, but...... From the look of things, you should be good as new by tomorrow. Well, I'll be going. Take care, Ohgami-han. <== If Kohran has come === {Ohgami} ......It looks like I really did make everyone worry...... .................. Oh, no...... Again...... my head............ * * * {Ohgami} Uh......nh............ {Maria} ......Ensign...... {Ohgami} Ah, Maria...... What's the matter? {Maria} No-nothing...... I just happened to be passing by, so...... {Ohgami} I see...... Thank you. {Maria} Oh, no...... I should be apologizing for simply barging in on you. {Ohgami} I'm really sorry...... Here I'm the Captain, and I end up having something like this happen to me...... {Maria} .................. Why............ did you jump out like that......? {Ohgami} ............Eh? {Maria} Why, back then...... did you jump out like that, is what I am asking! {Ohgami} Well, because...... there was a child...... {Maria} ......Ensign. I feel I must say this and this alone to you!! Your injuries in this last battle...... are entirely your own fault! Because you allowed yourself to be thrown off guard by a single civilian, you let the enemy escape before your very eyes...... And as a result, you endangered a far greater number of civilian lives...... Do you realize that? === LIPS 3-23 ==> - a - ......That's not true! {Ma-} - b - Certainly, that may be so. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} ......That's not true! I couldn't...... I couldn't allow myself to watch that child be killed! Our duty as the Imperial Floral Assault Group is supposed to exist in order to defend the safety of the citizens of Teito! If we can't save a single child, what good is the Tei-Geki?! What good is the Flower Troupe?! {Maria-} Don't you understand!? Ensign Ohgami!! It's shortsighted reasoning like that that brought about results such as these! Placing the life of the Captain of the Flower Troupe on the line for the sake of a single civilian is utter nonsense!! {Ohgami} Maria! ......That's going too far!! {Maria} ............In that case, let's say, for the sake of argument, that the child had been saved, but you had died in exchange. Ensign...... would you then be able to say you had carried out your responsibilities as Flower Troupe Captain? {Ohgami} Maria...... What you are saying may be correct from the point of view of a warrior or a soldier. But watching a child be killed...... I just can't do it! < a - <== LIPS 3-23 === {Maria} .................. If...... you had...... died...... It would have been the same...... as it was then. {Ohgami} ............? {Maria} Being swept up in momentary emotions, and losing sight of the overall situation as a result, does not befit a commander. Ensign Ohgami. You...... are not fit to be Captain!! {Ohgami} ......! {Maria} That is all I have to say. ......Excuse me! {Ohgami} ............ Was I............ ......mis......taken? === Prompt 3-2 ==> - a - ......Maria has a point. - b - I'm not mistaken! = - b > {Ohgami} No, that can't be! If I had abandoned that child back then...... I'm sure I would have regretted it...... for the rest of my life. < b - <== Prompt 3-2 === {Ohgami} At any rate, I'll try talking with Maria...... once more. * * * {Ohgami} ......Hm? ......I can hear voices talking. {Kanna} What in the world's happened to you? Maria, this isn't even like you. {Maria} ............ {Kanna} In that situation, it was only natural to save the kid, wasn't it? What are so angry about? {Maria} It has nothing to do with you. {Kanna} And just what...... is that supposed to mean!? We've known each other for such a long time...... Just what are you trying to get by hiding things from me!? You just can't trust me enough, is that it?! {Maria} That's not the problem. {Kanna} You're always like that. All the time...... you never once try to depend on anyone else! If you don't talk to me...... I'll tear this room apart! {Maria} ......I'm sorry, Kanna. It's really nothing...... {Kanna} ............ {Maria} ......Here we'd just gotten to see each other again after so long...... I'm sorry. {Kanna} I really hate you when you're like this. {Maria} ............ {Kanna} If you don't snap out of it soon, I'm never gonna speak to you again for the rest of your life. {Maria} Kanna............ {Ohgami} (Ah! Kanna's...... coming out!) === LIPS 3-24 ==> - a - Hide! - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} I have to hurry up and hide! * * * {Ohgami} Haah, haah...... Looks like I managed to get away from there without being seen...... Ugh............ No...... my head............ I guess running away...... so suddenly...... was a bad idea...... < a - <== LIPS 3-24 === * * * {Ohgami} I............ .................. {Yoneda} Ohh, Ohgami, come tomorrow, you're fired! {Maria} This is our new Captain. {Iris} From tomorrow on, Iris is Captain. So we don't need big brother anymore! {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami, I'm disappointed in you. {Sumire} Starting tomorrow you shall be a servant at the Kanzaki home! {Kanna} So this is the best you've got. I feel pained for pinning my hopes on you. {Kohran} We should've just gone ahead and had you remodeled a long time ago. {Sakura} I'd say you're not fit to be Captain. {Sumire} Not fit to be Captain indeed. {Iris} We don't need you! {Kohran} Let's remodel him! {Kanna} Not fit to be Captain! {Ohgami} Everyone............ Everyone............ {Maria} Ensign............ You............ You............ {Ohgami} Tears...... Maria's...... crying......? Why...... are you...... ............Maria! ............Hah!? Huh? Where...... {Ayame} Ohgami? {Ohgami} Miss Ayame...... {Ayame} Pull yourself together, Ohgami. {Ohgami} This is...... {Ayame} Ohgami, you were passed out in the archives. Don't you remember? I can't carry you to the infirmary, and since it is so late, I brought you here for now. ......Well? Do you still feel ill? You were moaning quite a bit, so I did make you swallow some medicine...... {Ohgami} Is that so...... I'm really sorry. Somehow, it seems ever since we met I've been causing you nothing but trouble...... {Ayame} Hm-hm, it's quite all right...... Looking after you and the rest of the Flower Troupe is part of my job too, you know. ......Although it seems worrying about others seems to fit my personality, to begin with. I've been looking after others for ages...... {Ohgami} (That sounds just like Miss Ayame......) Huh......? By the way, Miss Ayame, why are you here? {Ayame} I was reassigned to Ginza headquarters. That means from now on, this will be where I work. But, what's the matter, Ohgami...... You were moaning so very much...... {Ohgami} ............ {Ayame} If you wouldn't mind my company...... I'll listen to whatever you have to say. === LIPS 3-25 ==> - a - Am I...... unfit to be Captain? - b - I'm worried...... about Maria. - c - No...... It's nothing. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Am I...... unfit to be Captain? {Ayame} ......Eh? {Ohgami} The truth is...... I was told by Maria that I was "not fit to be Captain!" Was I...... Were my actions...... mistaken? {Ayame} ............ True, what Maria says may just be hitting the mark. {Ohgami} ......! {Ayame} If you were to fall now, who would be there to protect Teito? You must try to refrain from rash actions. {Ohgami} ......Yes, ma'am. {Ayame} But you know. I have a feeling no one really knows just what is right. If you wish to hear my opinion...... Ohgami. You must not let yourself be led astray! What's important is that no matter how things may turn out in the end...... must continually strive so as not to have any regrets...... {Ohgami} ............ {Ayame} All that's left now is for you to try talking things over as Captain with Maria. {Ohgami} Yes, ma'am! {Ayame} Hm-hm...... Very well. Now, go on your way. < a - <== LIPS 3-25 === {Now jump down to "*** Free movement 3-1 ***".} <## Scenario A: Ohgami was injured ### ### Scenario B: Sakura was injured ##> {Ohgami} In the battle at Tsukiji...... the child was rescued safe and sound, but Sakura was injured. ......I'm the one responsible for it...... Back then...... if I hadn't held back in giving the order to attack...... ......For now, I'll go visit Sakura. Oh, that's right...... Since I am going to this trouble, maybe I'll bring some flowers. ......Now what kind of flowers should I bring? === LIPS 3-26 ==> - a - I'll bring a long-lasting cactus. - b - In keeping with Japanese style, a bouquet of chrysanthemums, I'd say. - c - I'll bring a bouquet of roses. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} I'll bring a long-lasting cactus. Will Sakura enjoy it, I wonder? < a - - b > {Ohgami} In keeping with Japanese style, a bouquet of chrysanthemums, I'd say. I'm sure Sakura will enjoy them. < b - - c > {Ohgami} It's a little embarrassing, but...... maybe I'll bring her a bouquet of roses. < c - <== LIPS 3-26 === {Ohgami} All right, here I go. * * * {Ohgami} Hey, Maria. Have you been visiting Sakura? {Maria} .................. {Ohgami} Still, the fact that Sakura's injuries didn't turn out to be so bad was the one good thing that came of all this misfortune. {Maria} Do you really think that!? {Ohgami} ......Eh!? {Maria} Back then...... if you had given the order to attack without hesitation, we would have prevented a situation like this! A momentary lapse in judgment can cost your squad members their lives! Do you understand that!? Ensign! You are not fit to be Captain!! {Ohgami} .........Maria......... {Sakura} ......Mr. Ohgami? Is that Mr. Ohgami out there? {Ohgami} Ah, yes...... Do you mind if I come in? {Sakura} No, of course not! It's open, so come on in. {Ohgami} ......Hey, Sakura. Pardon the intrusion. {Sakura} Well I've been so bored here being all by myself all this time. Come, come on in. {Ohgami} (That's right...... That reminds me, I brought flowers......) Sakura...... If it's all right with you, would you...... accept this? {Sakura+} Wow! Thank you very much! === If you brought a cactus ==> {Sakura} A cactus? Thank you very much. A potted cactus...... They bring back such memories. My father loved them...... {Ohgami} Was that so. {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami...... In the language of flowers, the cactus means "passion." Because they grow up strong, even without water. I'm no good, myself...... I could never be like a cactus...... I caused trouble for everyone again this time, thanks to my mistake...... {Ohgami} ............ <== If you brought a cactus === === If you brought chrysanthemums ==> {Sakura} ......But, Mr. Ohgami - a bouquet of chrysanthemums...... It's not like this is the week of the equinox. {6} {Ohgami} Eh!? Ah...... I-I'm sorry. {Sakura} Oh, no, it's all right. Just receiving flowers from you alone...... <== If you brought chrysanthemums === === If you brought roses ==> {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami...... Do you know what red roses mean...... in the language of flowers? {Ohgami} The language of flowers? No...... what does it mean? {Sakura} Ah, no, never mind - if you don't know, then that's all right. But, I'm...... so very happy. <== If you brought roses === {Sakura} Having you come to visit me...... === LIPS 3-27 ==> - a - I'm sorry I got you hurt. {Sa+} - b - Are your injuries...... all right? - c - I got yelled at by Maria. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} ......I'm truly sorry. It's all because of me that things turned out this way...... {Sakura+} That's not true...... I don't think it's your fault one bit. {Ohgami} But...... if I had given the orders back then...... {Sakura} That's enough already. It was my fault for going ahead and jumping out like that. {Ohgami} ............ Thank you...... Sakura. {Sakura} Hm-hm, what for? Why are thanking me outright? ......You're so funny, Mr. Ohgami. {Ohgami} Ha-ha-ha-ha...... {Sakura} Hm-hm-hm-hm...... < a - - b > {Ohgami} Are your injuries...... all right? {Sakura} ......Yes. Miss Ayame says that if they're only this bad, they'll heal without leaving a scar...... {Ohgami} I see...... Well, thank goodness for that. {Sakura} They're almost completely healed now. Starting tomorrow I'll be able to get back up onstage already. {Ohgami} Hey, now...... I don't want you doing anything too reckless. {Sakura} Hm-hm-hm...... I suppose you're right. < b - - c > {Ohgami} ......Right now, just out there, I got yelled at by Maria. {Sakura} Eh? Why was she angry with you? {Ohgami} She told me I wasn't fit to be Captain. She really lit into me. Certainly, the reason you were hurt lies with me...... {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami...... {Ohgami} ......I'm sorry. Here I'd taken the trouble to visit you, and I end up talking about this...... {Sakura} ......Mr. Ohgami. I'm sure Miss Maria has very high expectations for you. ......I think that's why she went out of her way to be so harsh on you. {Ohgami} ......You think so? {Sakura} What's more...... At the very least, I think you're a wonderful Captain. {Ohgami} Thank you...... Sakura. < c - <== LIPS 3-27 === {Ohgami} ......Well, then, I'll be excusing myself. Forgive the intrusion. {Sakura} Oh, no, I should thank you for coming to talk to me. Plus...... you've given me wonderful flowers...... {Ohgami} Ha-ha-ha-ha...... That's no big deal, a little something like that. Well, take care. {Sakura} Thank you very much. * * * {Ohgami} Those words Maria said to me...... ......just now...... ......I'm not fit to be Captain, huh...... ......Maybe I'll try talking to Maria again this evening, or something...... * * * * * {Ohgami} ......It's gotten quite late in the evening. All right. At any rate, tonight I'll try getting ahold of Maria and talking things out. <## Scenario B: Sakura was injured ### *** Free movement 3-1 *** - Areas covered - Second floor: - Maria's room (マリアの部屋) - Kanna's room (カンナの部屋) - Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) - Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) First floor: - Stage wing (舞台袖) - Lobby (ロビー) (Scenario A) - Manager's Office (支配人室) (Scenario B) === Maria's room (マリアの部屋) ==> {Ohgami} Is Maria...... in her room, I wonder? - {after knocking} - {Ohgami} It's Ohgami...... Maria, are you there? ............ Maria, are you not there? ............ ......It looks like she's not in her room. Maria...... Where did you go? - {after leaving} - {Ohgami} I'll try looking someplace else. For now, anyway, I've got to talk to Maria once and for all...... <== Maria's room (マリアの部屋) === === Kanna's room (カンナの部屋) ==> {Ohgami} So starting today, this is Kanna's room, huh. - {after knocking} - ......It looks like she's not there. - {after leaving} - {Ohgami} There's no use wasting time here. I'll go someplace else. <== Kanna's room (カンナの部屋) === === Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) ==> {Ohgami} After everything that's gone on, is Iris asleep already, I wonder? - {after knocking} - {Iris} Kuu, kuu...... {Sounds of breathing during sleep} {Ohgami} ......It looks like she's already asleep. - {after leaving} - {Ohgami} Right now, instead of seeing Iris, talking with Maria should come first. Let's go. <== Iris's room (アイリスの部屋) === === Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) ==> {Ohgami} Miss Ayame...... Is she in her room, I wonder? Um...... It's Ohgami...... {Ayame} Ohgami? Come on in, it's open. {Ohgami} ......Please excuse me. Miss Ayame...... There's a little something I want to talk to you about...... {Ayame} ......It's about Maria, isn't it. {Ohgami} ......Yes. {Ayame} Knowing Maria, she probably wouldn't, to begin with, say what's troubling her outright, but...... Ohgami...... Commanding the troops on the battlefield isn't the Captain's only job, now, is it? If you're worried about Maria, you should make an effort to try to understand what's troubling her. Even if it seems impossible, right? {Ohgami} Yes...... You're right. {Ayame} Hm-hm...... Good, then. Now then, be on your way. <== Ayame's room (あやめの部屋) === === Stage wing (舞台袖) ==> {Ohgami} Ah, Sumire. What are you doing here at a time like this? {Sumire} Ahh, I had forgotten to put away the shoes I had used on stage, so I came to get them. {Ohgami} (That's right...... I should try asking her if she's seen Maria.) Sumire, umm...... {Sumire} Ah, that's right! Ensign, I have a favor to ask of you. {Ohgami} Wh-what is it? {Sumire} Since you're here, would you be so kind as to massage my shoulders? Going to sleep with a relaxed body is the best for beauty, after all. {Ohgami} Bu-but...... Right now, I've got...... {Sumire} You won't hear...... my request? {Ohgami} A-all right...... I understand. (Grr...... Here I'm supposed to be looking for Maria - why should I......) {Sumire} Ahh, that feels so nice...... === LIPS 3-28 ==> - a - Ask about Maria. - b - Humor Sumire. {Su+} - time up - {Su+} = - a > {Ohgami} Say, Sumire. Since I am massaging your shoulders, could you hear what I have to say? {Sumire} ......My. Ah...... just a little more to the right...... You have something you wish to say to me? {Ohgami} Have you seen Maria? I'm looking for Maria right now. {Sumire} Miss Maria, you say? Then after you massage me a hundred more times, I'll answer you. {Ohgami} R-really? All right, in that case, I'll really go all out! {Sumire} Hah...... That's the spirit, Ensign...... That feels...... so nice...... * * * {Sumire} Ensign, thank you so much. Now I should be able to sleep feeling quite well. Now then, I'll be going...... Please excuse me. {Ohgami} He-hey, Sumire! You promised you'd tell me about Maria, didn't you? {Sumire} Oh my, I had forgotten. You had asked about Miss Maria, had you not. Miss Maria...... I haven't seen her once since nightfall. {Ohgami} Wh-what!? Sumire, you don't know where she is? That's not what you said, is it!? {Sumire} Now, now. I said merely that I would answer you, but I did not say I knew where she was. Not knowing is simply one answer to the question. ......Now then, excuse me. {Ohgami} ......I really got swindled on that one. Boy oh boy...... I guess getting caught by Sumire was just my bad luck. < a - - b > {Ohgami} Well, ma'am, you've gotten yourself rather tensed up, haven't you. {Sumire} Hah...... That's the spirit, Ensign...... That feels...... so nice...... {+} Ensign, you are so skilled at massaging one's shoulders...... Nothing less from the Captain, indeed. {Ohgami} (Why should being good at giving a shoulder massage get me "Nothing less from the Captain?") {Sumire} Ah...... Just a little more around the base of the neck, if you would, please...... {Ohgami} Yes, yes, ma'am. Right here, you say? {Sumire} Yes, yes, right there. ......Ahh, that feels so nice. Now then, next...... {Ohgami} (Just how long does she plan to keep me doing this?) * * * {Ohgami} Hahh...... My fingers are about to fall off...... {Sumire} Ensign, thank you so much. Now I should be able to sleep feeling quite well. Now then, I'll be going...... Please excuse me. {Ohgami} ......Boy, oh boy. I sure wasted a lot of time there. I've got to find Maria...... I guess I'll head someplace else. < b - - time up > {Sumire+} What a wonderful feeling...... Having one's shoulders massaged by a gentleman is almost rather scandalous. {Ohgami} (......I would think it'd be far more scandalous for the one massaging the shoulders of a woman dressed like this......) {Sumire} Ah...... Just a little more around the base of the neck, if you would, please...... {Ohgami} Yes, yes, ma'am. Right here, you say? {Sumire} Yes, yes, right there. ......Ahh, that feels so nice. Now then, next...... {Ohgami} (Just how long does she plan to keep me doing this?) * * * {Ohgami} Hahh...... My fingers are about to fall off...... {Sumire} Ensign, thank you so much. Now I should be able to sleep feeling quite well. Now then, I'll be going...... Please excuse me. {Ohgami} ......Boy, oh boy. I sure wasted a lot of time there. I've got to find Maria...... I guess I'll head someplace else. < time up - <== LIPS 3-28 === <== Stage wing (舞台袖) === === Manager's office (支配人室) (Scenario B) ==> {Ohgami} This...... is Maria's voice. I can hear it coming from inside the Manager's office. {Maria} You called, Chief? {Yoneda} So I hear you really took a bite out of that damn Ohgami? I heard the story. {Maria} Miss Sakura's injuries are clearly a result of a mistake in the Ensign's judgment. If the commanding officer is led astray on the battlefield, the squad members couldn't possibly have enough lives to make up for it! {Yoneda} The lives of one's comrades...... huh...... {Ayame} Maria...... Could it be you're still thinking of that time......? {Maria} .................. {Ohgami} ......That time? === LIPS 3-29 ==> - a - Listen in. - b - Go inside. - c - Leave. - time up - = - a > {Maria} Who's there!? {Ohgami} Wah!? {Yoneda} O-Ohgami...... {Ohgami} Ah...... This is - well...... {Maria} ......So you were eavesdropping, Ensign. What an admirable hobby that is. < a - - b > {Ohgami} (......Right! I am Captain of the Flower Troupe. I have a right to participate in this conversation.) Excuse me! {Yoneda} O-Ohgami...... {Maria} ......Ensign! How long have you been there? < b - - c > {Ohgami} At this rate, it'll start to look like I'm eavesdropping...... ......I'm curious to hear what they're talking about, but I guess I'll go someplace else. {Ayame} ......That's Ensign Ohgami out there, right? Come inside!! {Ohgami} ......! ......Y-yes, ma'am. Y-yes! Please excuse me! {Yoneda} O-Ohgami...... {Maria} ......Ensign! < c - <== LIPS 3-29 === === LIPS 3-30 ==> - a - Give an excuse. {Ma-} - b - Apologize. {Ma-} - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} That wasn't my intent! But while I was listening I happened to overhear you. {Maria-} That doesn't change the fact that you were eavesdropping, does it? I don't want to listen to excuses. Now then, if you'll excuse me. < a - - b > {Ohgami} I'm sorry...... I heard Maria's voice, so I just...... {Maria-} Honestly...... What a Captain you make. Now then, I'll be going...... Please excuse me. < b - <== LIPS 3-30 === {Ohgami} Ah...... Maria! === LIPS 3-31 ==> - a - Chase after her. - b - Talk to Yoneda. - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} Ma-Maria! Wait!! Excuse me! < a - - b > {Ohgami} Manager...... Just what was it you were talking about just now? {Yoneda} You fool! First, go after Maria at once, won't you! {Ohgami} Y-yes, sir! Please excuse me! {Ayame} ......Maria looked like she was headed for the lobby. Ohgami, chase after her at once! < b - <== LIPS 3-31 === {Yoneda} That goddamned idiot! {Ayame} ............ {Now jump down to "Lobby (ロビー) {end free movement 3-2}".} <== Manager's office (支配人室) (Scenario B) === === Lobby (ロビー) (Scenario A) {end free movement 3-2} === {Maria} ......Ensign...... {Ohgami} Maria, wait! {Maria} Ensign......! Please don't bother yourself about me anymore! === Scenario A ==> {Ohgami} Maria! Listen to what I have to say! <== Scenario A === === Scenario B ==> {Ohgami} Maria! I'm sorry I was eavesdropping! But, listen to what I have to say! <== Scenario B === {Maria} You and I...... have nothing to talk about! {Ohgami} ......Maria! Wait! {Setsuna} ......Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! {Maria} ............! {Ohgami} ......That voice!? {Setsuna} Imperial Floral Assault Group member, Tachibana Maria! Militant of the Russian revolution...... Or perhaps - I should call you KUWASSARII instead!? {7} {Maria} ............! {Ohgami} ......Militant of the revolution? ......KUWASSARII? What is the meaning of all this!? {Setsuna} We of the Kuronosukai have seen through to what you really are! This warrior of Teito, defending justice, is no more than a facade...... when in fact, you are a monster whose coldheartedness is unparalleled!! {Maria} ......! {Setsuna} If you do not wish your identity to be revealed to your friends, show yourself at once! Hm-hm......ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! {Ohgami} ............He's gone. {Maria} .................. {Ohgami} Maria............ === LIPS 3-32 ==> - a - What in the world...... was that? - b - ......What's this "KUWASSARII"? - time up - = - a > {Ohgami} What in the world...... was that!? {Maria} ......One of the Kuronosukai, whom we fought with at Tsukiji. I believe his name was 'Setsuna'...... < a - - b > {Ohgami} Just now...... he seemed to be calling you "KUWASSARII"...... This "KUWASSARII"...... What does it mean? {Maria} .................. < b - - time up > {Maria} ............ Ensign............ Let's go back inside. < time up - <== LIPS 3-32 === {Ohgami} Maria...... If you're going, then I'm going with you. {Maria} ......I'll be all right. Do you think I would allow myself to be lured by such provocation? Now then, Ensign............ Please excuse me. {Ohgami} Still...... What was all that, just now...... "KUWASSARII" and "militant of the Russian revolution"...... Just what did that all mean? Maria............ You really won't tell me anything, will you......? ~ {Eyecatch 3-4} ~ {Ohgami} Still...... what did that mean, what Setsuna said just now......? He was saying all sorts of things about Maria...... But what did it all mean? {Kanna} Captain......! Captain, we've got big trouble! Open up!! {Ohgami} What's the matter, Kanna? {Kanna} Captain! Maria's...... Maria's taken off in her Kohbu! {Ohgami} What!? Is that true, Kanna!? It couldn't be...... Does she plan to go to Setsuna alone......? {Kanna} Captain, we can explain later. Let's get to the command room! {Ohgami} Got it! * * * {Ohgami} ......So what's happened to Maria? {Ayame} ......Kohran tried to stop her...... but apparently she was too late. {Kohran} Maria-han came when I was working on the Kohbu. I tried calling out to her, but Maria-han took off in her Kohbu without even looking at me. {Ohgami} (......So she really did go by herself to where Setsuna is......) {Ayame} Ohgami...... Do you know something about this? {Ohgami} Yes...... Setsuna from the Kuronosukai provoked her, calling Maria 'KUWASSARII'...... {Ayame} ............! {Iris} Hey...... What's 'KUWASSARII' mean? {Ayame} I suppose I'll have to tell all of you, too...... ......The story goes back to when Maria was still living in Russia...... It was a storm of revolution instigated by the people who suffered under the political pressure of the Russian ruling dynasty...... And in the military squad that would be at the heart of that storm, there was a young girl...... Her code name...... was KUWASSARII. In other words, Maria. KUWASSARII means 'the fire-eating bird'...... Apparently she was given that name...... for her prowess in battle, able to race through the battlefield like a black flame. She had...... a Captain whom she looked up to as her own brother...... But...... in a certain battle, the Captain lost his life. The support from his allies had come too late, you see. Maria has always been troubled...... by that instance when, startled by the gunfire, she was too late to provide cover support fire. Ever since then, she's...... become very harsh about mistakes in judgment on the battlefield. Particularly when it comes to you, Ohgami. She sees her former self within you...... {Sakura} So that's why Miss Maria laid so much blame on Mr. Ohgami...... So she could stop the tragedy from repeating itself. {Ohgami} But...... even so, that's no reason for her to go off by herself...... {Kanna} I'm sure...... she didn't want us to know. Maria's...... always been like that. She's never wanted anyone else to know about her sad past. Especially, Captain...... especially you...... {Ohgami} .................. {Kohran} To think that Maria-han had such a heavy past weighing down on her shoulders...... ......I never knew...... {Kanna} And here she's known me for so long...... that's pretty cold! She's really trying to act just too tough, that girl! {Sumire} I...... generaly make it a point not to meddle in other people's affairs, but...... ...having heard the details, I can no longer afford to leave the matter aside! {Iris} Big brother, please take care of Maria! {Sakura} Let's go, Mr. Ohgami! {Ohgami} Right!! Imperial Floral Assault Group, move out! ~ {Eyecatch 3-5} ~ {Maria} Kuronosukai! Where have you run to?! Setsuna! Come out here! {Setsuna} Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh! So it seems you truly are afraid to let others know your past! Ha-ha-ha! You fell right into my trap!! {Maria} D-damn it......!! * * * {Kanna} Imperial Floral Assault Group! Go forth!! {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami, look at that! {Ohgami} Maria!! {Ayame} Maria's unit doesn't look like it can move. Get next to her and help her out. {Ohgami} Hurry! We have to rescue Maria as fast as we can! {Kohran} Yes, sir! === Battle 3-2 Start === === After positioning Ohgami's unit next to Maria's === {Ohgami} What? Maria's not there! ......!! There's a locket on the ground here! It's Maria's! Damn - I guess we were just one step behind...... {Setsuna} Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha......!! {Ohgami} !? {Setsuna} I have the woman. If you want her back, Ohgami Ichiro...... then you will come to me alone! Until then, this woman's life is in my hands!! {Kanna} Why, that cowardly little...... Kuronosukai, I can't stand you! {Sumire} Captain! Take a look at that! "Get aboard this......." Is that what they mean to say? {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami! This is a trap. {Kanna} That's right! It's just plain reckless to go off when you know you're gonna get killed! {Ohgami} If I can't protect my own troops, then what good is the Captain!? {Sakura} Mr. Ohgami...... {Ohgami} I want to make one thing clear...... If by some chance only Maria makes it back...... You are to reorganize the Flower Troupe with her as Captain! {Kohran} Ohgami-han! What are you saying? {Ohgami} I will rescue Maria without fail! ......I'll leave the rest to you!! {Kohran} Captaaaain! ~ {Eyecatch 3-6} ~ {Setsuna} Heh-heh-heh-heh...... So you've come, Ohgami...... What courage! {Maria} Ensign! {Ohgami} Maria! Are you all right!? {Setsuna} She's as you can see...... {Maria} Ensign! Why did you come here!? {Ohgami} I am Captain of the Flower Troupe. It's only natural to save my troops! {Maria} This is a trap!! Get out of here! {Ohgami} ......Yes, it may be a trap. It may be an error in my judgment. But, to abandon you here...... I just can't do it!! {Maria} For the sake of someone like me...... would really...... {Setsuna} Enough of this foul charade! You may continue it in the realm of the dead!! Yaah! {Ohgami} Gwah!! {Setsuna} Stand! Ohgami!! It would not be any fun if you died on me so easily...... {Maria} Ensign! {Ohgami} Ughh!! Ugh...... Ughh...... Ma-Maria............ {Setsuna} Mwa-ha-ha-ha......! What's wrong...... Captain of the Tei-Geki! How undisciplined! Now then, to finish you off! {Maria} Ensiiign! {Setsuna} Wh-what is the meaning of this!? {Sakura} That's as far as you go! {Ohgami} Sakura! {Maria} Everyone!? {Setsuna} H-how did you find this place......!? {Kohran} For situations like these, there's a transmitter device attached to the collar of each squad member's uniform! {Setsuna} Damn it!! It doesn't matter how many of you fools come, it'll all end the same way! {Kanna} Ohh, ohh, you're sure acting tough. Now then...... For all the hurt you've caused Maria...... I'm gonna pay you back in full! {Sumire} Captain! Leave this to us here! {Kohran} Maria's 'Kohbu' is still usuable, so you two hurry up and join up with the rest of us. {Sakura} Now, quickly!! {Maria} You're such fools...... all of you! {Ohgami} Maria, let's go! It's our turn now! {Maria+} Yes, sir! ~ {Eyecatch 3-7} ~ {Ayame} The enemy moves fast. It will be key to use whatever you can that's lying around to stop the enemy's movement! {Maria} You alone I will not forgive!! === At the beginning of Maria's second turn ==> {Maria+} I won't lose myself in the past any longer! {Ohgami} Maria...... <== At the beginning of Maria's second turn === === At the beginning of Maria's third turn ==> {Maria+} For the sake of those who believed in me...... I will stop you alone with these very hands!! <== At the beginning of Maria's third turn === === At the beginning of Maria's fourth turn ==> {Maria+} I will not be defeated! I will not be afraid! I am a member of the Imperial Floral Assault Group!! <== At the beginning of Maria's fourth turn === === At the beginning of Maria's fifth turn ==> {Maria+} Defending the sanctity of Teito! That is my...... the Tei-Geki's mission!! For that reason, I absolutely will defeat you!! <== At the beginning of Maria's fifth turn === === At the beginning of Maria's sixth turn ==> {Maria+} Please let me defeat this enemy and this one alone!! <== At the beginning of Maria's sixth turn === === After weakening Setsuna ==> {Setsuna} Damn it! All of you, gathering around me and attacking me! <== After weakening Setsuna === === After defeating Setsuna === {Setsuna} Glory to the Kuronosukai!! {Maria} You can regret having angered me...... from the depths of hell!! Everyone...... Here we go! {All} Victory...... pose! ~ {Eyecatch 3-8} ~ {Maria} For the sake of someone like me...... Thank you so much. ......Captain! {Ohgami} ......It's all right, Maria. {Maria} I'm so terribly sorry. Up until now, I've...... {Ohgami} That's enough - don't worry about it. Oh! That's right, I need to give this back to you...... {Maria} My...... locket...... Captain...... You didn't...... open it, did you? {Ohgami} ......No. I didn't open it. {Maria} I see...... Thank you. Captain...... {Sumire} Mmh...... Just what is this!? This lovey-dovey atmosphere!? {Iris} Big brother is Iris's boyfriend! {Sakura} Hmph...... Mr. Ohgami is quite the fickle one, isn't he...... {Kohran} Hehh. I guess we just can't let that Ohgami-han out of our sight, can we. {Ohgami} He-hey now, cut it out. It's not what you're thinking. {Sakura} Enough excuses. {Maria} Ensign Ohgami! You are the Captain of our Tei-Geki Flower Troupe! {Kanna} Let's give it our best! Everyone!! {All} Right!! === Next episode preview (次回予告) === {Iris} Ya-hoo! It's Iris! Tomorrow is Iris's birthday! {onscreen text} A full ten years old {Iris} Um, say, big brother...... I've got one request...... Next time, on Sakura Wars... "Rampage! Rampage! Great Big Rampage!" A storm of romance in Taisho cherry blossoms!! Now big brother will melt in my hands! ~ {Eyecatch 3-9} ~ === Translation Notes ========== {1} Japan's rainy season, or 'tsuyu' (梅雨), usually starts in early June and ends in middle July and is caused by a seasonal rain front which stagnates over Japan. During this time, frequent showers can happen without warning, and when the rain isn't falling, the humidity can become unbearable. {2} 'Konjiki Yasha' (『金色夜叉』, 'The Golden Demon'), originally a novel by Ozaki Koyo written at the end of the 19th century, is the story of love and avarice, in which a young student named Kan'ichi has his heart broken when the childhood sweetheart he planned to marry chooses a wealthier suitor instead, but only at the urging of her greedy parents. He then becomes a scornful moneylender who lusts only for gold. The story was adapted for the stage and later to film. The Flower-Troupe's 'Ai wa Daiya' ('Love is a Diamond') is a comic retelling of the tale. {3} Ryukyu karate was developed in the Ryukyu Kingdom, an independent kingdom that was taken by Japan following the Satsuma invasion in 1609. The region was renamed Okinawa once Japan's prefectural system was introduced. Supposedly, the primarily empty-handed Ryukyu karate developed there because Satsuma prohibited the use of weapons. {4} The three major areas of attack on the body are referred to as 'joudan' (上段), the upper part, namely the head; 'chuudan' (中段), the middle region, consisting of the abdomen; and 'gedan' (下段), the lower part, consisting of the legs. {5} 'Black pork' (黒ブタ) is presumably pork from black pig. 'Nigauri' (苦瓜), literally 'bitter melon,' and famous in Okinawa, is apparently more of a bitter cucumber than a fruit. 'Tougarashi' (唐辛子) is the word here translated as 'cayenne' or red pepper. I'm not sure if there is a particular distinction between the Japanese word 'tougarashi' and other cayenne pepper. {6} During 'higan' (彼岸), the 'equinoctial week,' Buddhist services are held. Evidently chrysanthemums are offered at this time. {7} There seems to be a bit of confusion regarding the word 'KUWASSARII.' As Ayame explains later, the word means 'fire-eating bird.' 'Fire-eating bird,' or 'hikuidori' (火喰い鳥) is the Japanese name for the cassowary, a large flightless bird primarily found in Australia ('Casuarius casuarius' under scientific binomial nomenclature). The confusion stems from the katakana used to transliterate the word (which romanizes to 'KUWASSARII'). The Russian word for 'cassowary' is evidently 'kazuar,' which would be transliterated through Japanese (and then romanized) as 'KAZUAARU.' It is thus unclear where 'KUWASSARII' comes from. It seems to most closely match the english 'cassowary,' but even then it's a little off - perhaps it's best explained as an oversight (or whimsy?) on the part of the writers. Unfortunately, the downside of all this is that I have no idea how to properly romanize it. {-eof-}