PSO BOSS FAQ (remember! it isn't the ASCII! Its the FAQ Content!!) *********************************************** *RATED THE #1 PSO FAQ OF ANY KIND BY HAILJH!!!* ************************************************************* *"The best Phantasy Star Online FAQ there is today!" -hailjh* ************************************************************* *RATED THE #1 PSO FAQ OF ANY KIND BY HAILJH!!!* *********************************************** by hailjh © by hailjh MMI (2001) ~Version 0.3~ I'm sorry... I read some smart emails and some dumb emails defending the HUcasts, so I wanted to see what was up with them, so I decided to make a HUcast. I now have a level 31 HUcast, and I've had the most fun with my HUcast than any other class... From a FOnewm, RAcast, RAmar and a short HUmar... I have had my HUcast for about 25 hours and I like it the best now, and stuff like that... Ignore stuff about the HUcasts, I'm to busy right now (at school Keyboarding I) and have some assignments to do. For some quotes of emails scroll to bottom of this FAQ Also, no new info here, but I am going to defeat Dark Falz offline today with my HUcast equipped with Mechgun +7 (40% dark) Gladius +8 (25% dark) and my Gigush +4 (30% dark) Dark Falz is going down! So far I defeated dragon at lvl 3, worm at lvl 20 and Vol Ops at lvl 30. Dark Falz is going down around lvl 33 :) Please note I may have not played all classes, but I play about 98% online total so I've seen every class in action, and I wrote this FAQ when I was a RAcast (Ranger + Andriod) **DISCLAMIER** This FAQ is intended to help you defeat the bosses of PSO so you do not loose your Agito, or Verista +9 or valuble weapon..... I am not responsible if you die, that fate is ultimately your screw up, and don't blame me for my techniques. This FAQ may only be found on GameFAQs ( and it cannot be removed from that site. I don't want to add any other sites to it, but there is GameWinners, or something that may take this FAQ, as long as they notify me of it. If you need to ask honest questions, or something that is going to help me in a POSITIVE way email the question to me. Don't email me about mags, or what a Agito is or anything! (unless I decide to write a FAQ for those) *****TABLE OF CONTENTS***** I - Disclaimer II - Basic Intro III- Normal (A) Dragon* 1. Hunters 2. Rangers 3. Forces (B) Worm (De Roi Re?) 1. Hunters 2. Rangers 3. Forces (C) Mine Boss (Virtual Ops?)* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* (D) Dark Faz* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* IV - Hard* (A) Dragon* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* (B) Worm (De Roi Re?)* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* (C) Mine Boss (Virtual Ops?)* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* (D) Dark Faz* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* V - Very Hard* (A) Dragon* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* (B) Worm (De Roi Re?)* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* (C) Mine Boss (Virtual Ops?)* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* (D) Dark Faz* 1. Hunters* 2. Rangers* 3. Forces* VI - My PSO Character History VII- Credits/Closing * = incomplete *****VERSION HISTORY***** 0.1 Just started so don't whine (to much) *****BASIC INTRO***** Your job is to find out what happened on Pionner 1 down on Ragol, but since the story of this game isn't that great, lets just ignore the story. We're gonna go out on our own to defeat this game!! There are three classes, Hunter (close combat), the Ranger (far range combat and finally the Forces (mix of both, attacks with magic) I am going to tell you how to defeat these bosses with all three classes, and since races don't really matter overall Don't worry about a Boss Battle FAQ for a HUcast and a HUmar, because they are both the same when it comes down to skills. When you go into battle a dragon, this is the equipment you should take (unless noted) your gun (or second best gun if you fear you are going to loose) your gun, 10 monomates, 10 dimates, 10 moon atomizers (online only). If you are a non-andriod (or Force) also stock up on 10 monofluids and 10 difluids. You should set these to your hot keys, Your weapon, and its strong attack, a basic heal (mono) and in the back three moon atomizers (or Reversa) and TP restorers. If you can't use TP, then set dimates to a key. Also don't go in with a hungry mag. _ _ \1/_\3/ \2/ _ _ \4/_\6/ \5/ *note* my set up flip them around if you wish. *NON ANDRIOD* 1= Strong Attack 2= Basic Attack 3= Monomates 4= Reverser (online only) 5= Dimates/Trimates 6= Monofluids *ANDRIOD* 1= Strong Attack 2= Basic Attack 3= Monomates 4= Moon Atomizers (online only) 5= not needed! 6= Dimates *FORCES( 1= Gizondie/Gifoie 2= Zondie/Foie 3= Monofluids 4= Reverser 5= (HP Restore technique) 6= Difluids I feel that lightning is the most effective against the bosses, since it has great range. *****NORMAL***** *****DRAGON***** ==Hunters= Run at an angle from when you start off and stop at the dragons ankle, if you can land 2/3 Strong Attacks on his ankle, then do so, if not revert to the Basic Attack, when the dragon falls to the ground, run up to his head and use 100% strong attacks right on his noggin. When he gets up run back and attack his ankles (repeat until dead) But unless your high lvled, the dragon will fly into the sky and burrow into the ground, when this happens there are two ways to prevent from the dragon hitting you (and taking a majority of your HP off) run around the outter edge of the arena. The other way is to run up the stairs of a small shrine like thing, since it is off the arena map, the dragon cannot come near you. After about four burrow passes, the dragon will pop up, when he does so run at him, and since he does a few flips you should be able to make it to him. Your done! ==Rangers= Same as the hunter... this boss is pretty easy for all classes... ==Forces= Same as the other two classes, attack the ankles, then hit the head while he is down! *****WORM***** ==Hunters= Ohh I'm sorry for you about now! This boss has two phases... PHASE #1 The lights are on. You will need your gun, and magic equipped, especially Gizondie if you are in possesion of that disk. Hopefully you have Foie and Gizondie at this point. When the worm is at the side of the platform, blast it with magic, and when its tail flickers up, then watch out for some spikes, if they follow you around, you should have some mates ready. They will eventually expolde, and it is useless to attack the spikes, contine to attack the monster, this guy doesn't land on the boat often, so take advantage of it! Slash his head a lot and he will grunt **OOOHH** **UGHHH** ***UUHHH** in a wormy sort of way. Watch out for a tenticle to come and smash you though, so move around constantly. Hunters don't have a huge problem with this though. Sometimes he will fly at you dropping rocks, but you have a whole bunch of time to react and.. this is almost all of phase one, so onto phase two... PHASE #2 The lights flicker off, and this is where hunters are in some more trouble... the worm doesn't jump onto the boat at all... he stands up in the water, and shoots purple w/ blue lining photon blasts at you.. the best chance is to stand in a corner near him, and cast some magic upon him...after he fires once, move to the other corner, online this is more easy, since you can sit in that corner and hide most of the fight, when this move is occuring. It shifts between these two phases, so it can go phase 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 until you defeat him. When you get close to defeating him, his head helmet shatters off, and he grunts more. ==Rangers= They have it more easy than the hunter this time... PHASE #1 During this phase, use your gun and shoot at him, when ever you can, even if you don't have a lock, then when he jumps on the boat use the strong shot from your gun to shoot at his head, and move around so he doesn't hit you with a quick sudden tenticle to knock you off your feet. PHASE #2 Sit around, and blast a few shots his way, not real hard, when he goes up for the photon blast move, strong hit him in his nose. ==Forces= As usual, they have the hardest time when low leveled. PHASE #1 Be prepared to heal yourself a lot, because you get hurt REALLY easy. When the worm is along side the boat use Gizondie, because you can damage multiple parts of his body, when he is on the boat, use your most damaging move, for some it is their lvl 4 foie and some it is their lvl 5 zondie. Remember to watch your tp, and when he is off the boat use this opourtunity to refill it. PHASE #2 When he is alongside the boat use Gizondie again, and just watch your step around him. When he is using the photon blast hit him with your strongest magic attack. *****MY PSO HISTORY***** +-My first character-+ It was a FOnewm. I got it to level 20 with all the attacks (simple, basic, hard) it also had most of the support and heal attacks. I logged 24 hours into that character. I could do about 91 damage in the mines on normal with zondie, and about 60 damage with Gizondie in caves on normal... +-My second (current) character-+ It is a RAcast. It is currently at level 30 with about 27 hours logged into it. It has a Verista +9 with a Psy Shield with God/Arm (increases accuracy by 15) and Genral/Knight++ (increaes attack by 8) equipped underneath it. And it also has a brave barrier currently w/ a level 48 Mag (weak due to mag change around level 22) My strong attack does around 80-118 in mines on hard.... My total PSO hours is totaled to be around 50-60 hours. (as of Feb 10th, 2001 11 PM PST) My knowlege of the hunter class is limited, but I have seen enough of them online. I don't want you do pick your class due to this FAQ at all. If you like using magic be a Force (FOnewm personal favorite for Force) If you like using guns be a Ranger (RAcast is my personal favorite Ranger) If you like to stun an enemy with magic and then slash 'n' hack it to death, pick a Hunter (HUcast is the worst class) **CREDITS/CLOSING** Thank you to CJayC for posting this FAQ ( Thank you for reading this Thank me for getting you otta that jam when you needed it ^_^ © hailjh 2001 This quote made me get a HUcast "HUcast is mindless fun, requires virtually no strategy to use, and just dominates...check it out..." -February 15, 2001 This one made me laugh, if you want to prove your point try to say it INTELLIGENTLY. "don't say shit like hucast r the worse man u don't know what ur talking about and to post it man that's even worse." -February 25, 2001 "do us all a favor and at least do a LITTLE research before you write a FAQ next time? Thanks." -February 27, 2001