Phantasy Star Online - ADSL (Easter 2001) Quest Walkthru Version 1.2 PSO Characters: © 2001 Vulpes Mundi StarrLight -HUnewearl- Viridia Aleffe -HUmar- Whitill Matthiu -RAmar- Skyly Sylpha -FOmarl- Pinkal Email: Website: VCL Art Archives: ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ ___/ Table of Contents \__________________________________________ --- SECTION I - FAQ Information A. Revision History B. About this FAQ --- SECTION II - The Quest C. Getting Started D. Mine 2 (floor 1) E. Mine 1 (floor 2) F. De Rol Le G. Rewards --- SECTION III - End of an Era H. Closure ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________/ I. FAQ Information \___ _________________________ ___/ A. Revision History \__________________________________________ 1. FAQ VERSIONS AND EDITS - newest to oldest date completed version April 18, 2001 - 1.2 Added permission for Neoseeker to post the walkthru and added more answers to the questions during the battle with De Rol Le. April 17, 2001 - 1.1 Added permission for Phantasy Star Network to post the walkthru and a note at the bottom of section II, part D (if you're having trouble, please be sure to read it). April 15, 2001 - 1.0 Done. That was quick. =^.^= April 14, 2001 - 0.1 Officially began working on the FAQ. *yawns* 2. FUTURE PLANS PSO. PSO. And more PSO. _________________________ ___/ B. About this FAQ \__________________________________________ 1. THE GYST OF IT This document is intended to offer useful information to help while playing through the ADSL Quest for Phantasy Star Online. It doesn't get any deeper than that. 2. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This document was compiled (typed up) in its entirety by the author, Vulpes Mundi. As the author, Vulpes Mundi holds all rights and priviledges to this document. As the viewer, you have the right to view this document for your own personal use granted you do NOT alter it, take credit for it, give it to other people (please send them to the FAQ online), send it in to any publications, or attempt to financially gain from it. Also note that this FAQ should appear ONLY on GameFAQs, PSO World, Phantasy Star Network, Neoseeker, and the author's personal website. *insert Robocop* "Thank you for your cooperation." NOTE: If you wish to post this FAQ on your website please feel free to send me an Email request. Odds are that if I haven't already given you permission to do so, it's because I don't know about your website. My apologies, but I usually stick to my regular haunts unless I'm introduced to something different by someone. Just so you know. 3. WARNING, or DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER This FAQ is intended for the purpose of reference. There is information included within that will definately spoil contents of the game, including story, for those that have not already completed it and wish to do so. In viewing this FAQ you comply with this and agree not to hold the author, GameFAQs, PSO World, Phantasy Star Network, or Neoseeker responsible for any spoilers viewed in using this document. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________/ II. The Quest \___ _________________________ ___/ C. Getting Started \__________________________________________ WHAT YOU'LL NEED 1. The quest - you can download it directly to your DC VMU or memory card from PSO World (, Booyaka (, and a few other sites. There's three portions to download for the quest. Keep in mind that all three portions must be on the same VMU or memory card. 2. Japanese language setting - from the PSO title screen select Options > Language > Japanese. 3. The map - it should've been available with this walkthru. It will be indispensible in helping you figure out what to do. If you couldn't find it with the walkthru, you can download it directly from my website at the following link: Once you have all of the above, start up your game and go to the guild counter. When you are given some options choose the last item on the list (Download Quest). You will then be presented with another set of choices, the amount depending on how many quests you have downloaded on the VMU or memory card. If the ADSL Quest is the only quest you've downloaded, then it should be the only quest on the list. If there's more than one quest on the list, they `should` appear in the order they were downloaded. Find the one that is the ADSL Quest (the Japanese characters will be on the top-center of the map). It starts out with a scientist guy talking to you. He'll give you an item then mention a couple other items highlighted in red, one of which is labeled ADSL in plain english. Once you see that, it's time to head down to Ragol and begin. _________________________ ___/ D. Mine 2 (floor 1) \__________________________________________ ENTRANCE - see map You find yourself entering a room with two locked doors, one on the east wall and one on the south, and a computer console in the southwest corner. Not much to do here but view the console (red computer on the map). You'll be presented with a scenario where a couple of guys are speaking in Japanese. After this event is done the doors will be unlocked, allowing you to move on. It's time for a little espionage. MISSION - catch the crooks in the act Here's where the quest can get time consuming. If you take a look at your in-game auto-map you'll notice colored arrows representing three guards standing around at various areas of the map. Your target is the guard represented by the blue arrow. Now looking at the map image (PSO_ADSL_map.gif), you'll see a number of colored camera points at various locations. You need to get it so that the blue arrow is situated where these cameras can spy on that guard. If he's not in the right spot, talk to any of the guards and select the first choice to get them to relocate. Once you manage to get him to the right spots, go to the corresponding viewscreen and eavesdrop on what's going on. You'll need to do this for the orange, yellow, and green locations (in any order), for now. After you've spyed on the blue arrow guard all three times, locate him and talk to him. He'll give you a chance to respond. Select the second choice and he'll attack you. Waste him and you'll get an item on the quest board. It doesn't seem to serve any real purpose. Now head to the second half of the map. In the center you'll be interrupted by two familiar fellows talking to each other. After they're gone you're going to have to spy on the blue arrow guy again. Same deal as last time, except now your targets are the teal, cyan, and blue points (in any order) on the map image. Once you've spied all three times, again locate the blue arrow guard and talk to him. He'll give you two sets of responses, the first of which is inconsequential. Just select the second option on the second response to get him to attack. You know the drill. Waste 'em. You'll receive the `ADSL` on the Quest Board for your trouble. Again, it doesn't seem to serve any purpose. Okay, you've nuked the blue arrow guard twice and now have three items on the Quest Board. Head back to the beginning of the map where the purple viewscreen is located on the map image and view one last scenario with the three guards at the center of the map. After that's done, open the Quest Board and select the first item on the list. Some speech will ensue, then the screen will shake, followed by a success sound effect. The locked door that you saw through the red viewscreen should now be unlocked, revealing a transporter to the next level. It's time to move on, buckaroo. Congrats. NOTE: You MUST spy on the blue arrow guard three times before each fight with him (six times - a total of eight scenarios to view). If you see a scenario where nobody talks, DO NOT COUNT that scenario. There is talking during all the real scenarios. If you miss even one scenario the door to the next floor will NOT unlock. And don't bother backstepping through the door, as the transporter won't appear unless the door is unlocked. _________________________ ___/ E. Mine 1 (floor 2) \__________________________________________ This is pretty simple. Fight your way through the map like you would any other typical area. The catch, however, is that you'll have to be on the lookout (so to speak) for a little bot in the center of certain rooms. There's three in all, and they will each ask you a question. You need to answer correctly in order to unlock the doors and proceed. It's really simple, though, as the questions and answers are always the same. Just look for rooms where there `should` be enemies that are mysteriously absent. The bot may (or may not, as they sometimes are invisible) be in the center of the room. Just look for arrows to highlight it when you approach. Question 1: answer choice two ("X" for false) Question 2: answer choice three ("24") Question 3: answer choice two (?) Be aware that halfway through the map you'll be confronted by two familiar fellows. They're tired of you meddling in their business and they intend to take you out. Like they stand a chance. Systematically waste them and move on like nothing happened. =^.^= At the end of the map you'll find a typical transporter. This leads to a battle with De Rol Le. Make sure you're prepared before you use it. _________________________ ___/ F. De Rol Le \__________________________________________ The battle with De Rol Le is no different than any other time save one thing. During the battle, you're going to be asked trivia questions if you don't kill it fast enough. It's usually a cakewalk, though, particularly if you have a really high leveled character and/or a super weapon such as the Spread Needle. Keep in mind that if you die during the battle, you'll automatically fail the quest and be sent back to Pioneer 2, forever losing the weapon you were carrying. Make sure you carry a few scape dolls to be safe and are truly prepared for this battle. And don't, whatever you do, get any of the questions wrong. Otherwise quit right there and start over later. Question 4: answer choice two (?) Question 5: answer choice three (?) Question 6: answer choice one (?) ~repeat answers two, three, one, two, three, one, ad nauseum Thanks go to Andrew Fee for pointing out that the answer sequence loops. _________________________ ___/ G. Rewards \__________________________________________ So you've properly followed the walkthru and defeated De Rol Le. What was all this for? Well the payment from the guild counter was just a website URL. Not exactly the best of rewards. But that's okay, because there's more to it than that. Check your inventory and you may notice a weapon you didn't have before. If you have the ability to equip it, do so and see what you got. If not, just quit and save your progress, set the language option back to your preferred setting, and continue to see what you got. Following is a list of what you can get. Normal mode: Chain Sawd Hard mode: Flame Visit Very-Hard Mode: Sting Tip Congratulations. You've just gotten a legitimate rare. Way to go. Keep in mind you can only get one item per difficulty level for each character. Once you've earned it, there's no need to try again on that difficulty. And if you should answer a trivia question wrong, stop right there and quit. Don't even bother to finish the quest. You will not be rewarded a prize if you get even one question wrong. ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ __________________________________________/ III. End of an Era \___ _________________________ ___/ H. Closure \__________________________________________ 1. Phantasy Star Online is an awesome game. Granted it's not perfect (what is?), it's loaded with things to find. Add to that the online capability which allows you to meet and interact with people around the world, and you've got the makings for something truly special. I've made a few friends through the game, and solidified friendships with others. I'd particularly like to thank Wyatt for being there through it all and putting up with my craziness. It's been a wild ride. I can't wait for version 2 and the sequel for even more of this. Let the insanity continue. =^.^= *coughs* Ahem. Anyway, I hope this document has been helpful for whoever has read through it. Good journey. Take care out there. -Vulpes Mundi, April 15, 2001 ________________________________________________________________________ Phantasy Star Online is © 2000 Sega / Sonic Team