Marvel VS Capcom 2: Storm Faq, Verson 1.0, July 18, 2000 By Shinkuu_r (Rashid Reddy) ( This Faq is Copyrighted 2000 by Rashid Reddy All Capcom Characters were created by Capcom, all Marvel Characters were created by Marvel and they both have the copyrights to these characters so please don’t sue me!!! And the game Marvel VS Capcom is made by Capcom in 2000. Don’t sue because I am POOR!!! I just made this because I wanted to do my part to help the many fighters out there who are either learning to play, or who are trying to increase their skill (like myself). This is my first faq so if I screwed up somehow, let me know and I’ll try to make it better. Every thing was hand written by me (It took forever…), so if you have questions or comments or want to use any info in this guide, please ask me and as long as you don’t use it to blow up the earth or something stupid, I’ll help you out, or give me credit because my hands hurt from typing and I deserve it. Other wise, I’ll get ya… Table of Contents 1: Button Layout/FAQ guide 2: Why Storm? 3: Storm’s Story 4: Move Guide 5: Assist Guide 6: Combos and Uses 7: Ground Strategy 8: Air Strategy 9: Other Stuff 10: Credits 1:Button Layout I hope you know the button setups are on MvsC2(4 attack buttons instead of 6, 2 assists buttons, have to push jab twice to get a strong punch inside of a combo, blah blah.) If you don’t…read a general info faq with all that stuff and come back( or read the one that I made if I can ever find the freakin’ disc!!!!!) There’s plenty of them at Gamefaqs( Good ones too. If you know about the changes, keep reading. Wp=weak punch(jab) Mp=medium punch(strong) Fp=fierce punch(fierce) Wk=weak kick(short) Mk=medium kick(forward) Fk=fiercekick(roundhouse) A1=assist one A2=assist two Start=Taunt 2:Why Storm? Now, for the people who are not knowledgeable about the goddess, you might ask yourself, “Why should I play with her, especially when she was so sorry in X-Men vs Street Fighter?? She is soo old and boring.” Well, for the less fortunate, here are my reasons… 1: She’s a member of the X-Men. How many of you wish you were one? That’s what I thought. 2: She’s a weather goddess. How many people you know like to piss off divinity? Instant intimidation factor. And if they do try to mess with the goddess, she’ll fry them faster than a burger on the forth of July. 3: She’s quite fast. She’s no Marrow, but she’s more than able to surprise your opponent if you are unpredictable. 4: Good ground game. Her Fierce and Roundhouse attacks have pretty good priority and her jab and short are pretty quick. All of her attacks have more range than you think due to the little lighting and wind attachments. You should have no problem attacking your opponent. 5: She is one of the few characters that have a full dash!( can dash in any direction). All kinds of positioning possibilities. 6: She rules the air like a goddess should. She can fly, air dash, use all her projectiles, her lighting attack, lighting storm, and so many other things that if you are good enough you can stay up there all day and beat your opponent senseless!!! 7:She can chip Iceman!!!(I knew that would get your attention). Her Hyper Combos can and will chip that sorry bastard to death. Just think about that. Actually, the only bad thing is that she doesn’t take damage all that well(goddess aren’t used to fighting) and her special moves have bad recovery time. But you can easily get around all that. 3:Storm’s Story She’s a X-man. Was a Thief. Now a Goddess. Sub commander of the group. Has claustrophobia. We all know that, but since MvsC2 has such a bootleg story, I decided to make one of my own. So this is the reason why Storm is in the game. “Ah…It’s nice to be home.” Storm and Rogue walked into the mansion with bags in her hand and smiles on their faces. It’s been such a long time since they had time to relax and hang out together like ordinary women. Things have been pretty quiet after the whole Bastion, Killer Sentinel thing died down, so it was vacation time for all the X-Men. Heaven knows they needed it. “Storm, I’m gonna check on the professor. Put my bags in da’ room, will ya, darlin’?” Rogue said with the sweetest southern accent. “Of course.” Storm replied as they both flew off to their respected places. As she approached her room, she noticed something was wrong. Namely the piece of human bone sticking out from her door. Chaos greeted her as she opened her door. Bone arrows and knifes were everywhere, decorating the walls like little ornaments. On her bed was a very professionally done body outline, made of bone of course. And for the coup de grace, a scratched in super deformed picture of her with the words ‘Die Storm Die’ on the side. All in all, quite artistic. “THAT B***H!!!!!!! SHE’S MINE” “Uh…Oh.” Professor Xavier and Rogue stated in unison as the pissed off goddess boomed in front of them, lighting surrounding her and all. “WHERE…IS…SHE???!!!” “Marrow went with the others to find out what the cause of the natural disasters were. Apparently, it’s somewhere near the North Pole but we can’t get to it because of the winds…” “I’LL KILL HER!!!” Xavier was cut off as Storm blew a hole in the ceiling and headed to the north pole.” “Rogue, please follow her and make sure she controls herself” “Sure thang, Professor.” As Xavier watched his student leave, only one thought appeared in his head… “I wish Colossus was here to fix the ceiling.” Bastion comes from the X-Men-Zero Tolerance novel (made from Marvel, of course). You might want to read it sometime as it is pretty good. __________________________________ 4:Move Guide Now we are getting into the reason I made this faq…how to fight with Storm and help her get revenge on Marrow. Everything is from memory, so please forgive me if I get something wrong. She can chain six attacks in one ground combo, but you’re only gonna get five to connect (wp, wk, mp, mk, and either fp or fk). Ditto for air chains. Wp-Jab Standing-just a standard, straight forward jab. Decent range due to the lighting fingertips. Really fast though. Of course short kick is better. Crouching-could have a pretty good use in ground games due to the extra lighting that comes out. This, combined with the standing and crouching shorts, should be your main pokes. Jumping-a basic air jab with short range. Only use this in air combos. Wk-Short Standing-A shin kick with a little whirlwind action on the bottom. It doesn’t have the priority of Ryu’s and Sakura’s, but it’s still good for counterattacking dashing attacks. My personal combo starter of choice. Crouching-a ducking kick with great range and good speed. Use often. Jumping-just the crouching kick done in the air. Good for air to air fighting due to the long range. (remember the medium attacks can only be done inside of a combo, so I’ll just tell you any drawbacks) Mp-Strong Standing-decent combo linker. Crouching-has better range than standing strong. Jumping-Remember her old lighting sphere from X-Men vs Street Fighter where you could just push Mp in the air and that little ball of lighting would come out? Well she still has her animation for it, but the lighting ball is now a command move which is separate. Also you can direct the attack up and down like the old days. But this attack sucks. Why? First of all you have to direct the attack in the direction of the opponent, something that you might forget in the heat of battle. Second, it can miss on small opponents, and even medium sized opponents if your angle is off. So it’s more trouble than it’s worth to use. But feel free… Mk-Forward Standing-good range. Make it the last hit before any launchers you try to attempt. Crouching-Storm’s sweep attack. It takes a long time to recover, so you can’t OTG with a short. I really wouldn’t recommend it because you can do more damage from a air combo. But if you have a level three or more meter… Jumping-an upwards kick attack. I recommend that you skip the Mp and use this. Good coverage area, it makes you wish the game had the six attack buttons again. Fp-Fierce Standing-overall great attack. Good range, great priority, knocks down, fast, good foot game move since it covers a large area. You just can’t combo from it.(that’s what the Fk is for!) Crouching-uppercut move with a lighting edge. Decent priority, but nowhere as useful as Guile’s uppercut. Doesn’t have quite the range either. Also one of her launchers(not her best one) Jumping-a down forward lighting palm attack. GREAT priority and should be your jumping in attack opener. Fk-Roundhouse Standing-The goddess’s trademark basic attack. Not only is it her main launcher, it has great priority, great range, the extra whirlwind is taller than her whole body, great recovery time, and kicks butt in foot games. You will love this attack. Crouching-imagine the jumping Wk with a BIG whirlwind on the bottom. Incredible range and priority, and is a mini launcher of sorts. Wolverine killer for sure. Jumping-Upwards kick like the medium kick, but ten times better. Great for meeting someone in the air. Abuse this. ________________________________________ Special Moves(The ones that cause chip damage). Whirlwind-quarter circle forward(qcf)+ any kick. Can be done in the air. Storm throws a couple of deadly whirlwinds towards her poor foe. It’s a pretty big size projectile but not impossible to jump over. Comes out pretty quick and does decent chip damage, but bad recovery time. Fk version seems to be stronger and faster than the Wp version. First of all to use this move don’t do it on the ground. There is too much risk that someone will jump over it and get ya. Jump first before you do it and let it go when you almost touch the ground(what I like to call the projectile zone) This way it will be harder to get around, get under, and super jump over due to the speed. Secondly only use it when you are across the screen from the opponent. Do it up close and you will pay for it big time. And third, don’t do it that much. Only as a annoyance move. Typhoon-Quarter circle back (qcb)+any kick. Can be done in the air. Storm raises up her hand (for quite a while) and then up comes two long typhoons from the ground. They come up directly under the opponent. It takes all day to come out, but once it does you can move again while it’s hitting the opponent. Fk Typhoon takes a little longer to come out than the Wk one but it lifts them higher in the air. Don’t use this move. It really has no benefits and you will easily get nailed before it comes out. You could use it for a deterrent move during an assist blitz if you like. ONLY do it during a super jump and if by chance you do hit with it, cancel into a Lighting Storm!!! Lighting Ball-qcb+any punch. Only in the air. Storm’s old school lighting ball has a command motion now. Wp makes the ball go downwards, while Fp makes it go straight. It actually has decent recovery time compared to her other moves. Throw them out once in a while to keep them on their toes, but since Storm doesn’t move during the move like she used to, it’s usefulness is greatly reduced. Lighting Attack-any direction +Wk and Fp. Can be done in the air. Storm takes off with a ball of lighting in front of her. It can be done up to three times in the air and can be redirected in any direction each time. Recovery time is bad if you don’t make contact, but you can block afterwards. If you make contact and they block, you can get hit (but you can still air dash away to avoid it). I cannot stress how important the Lighting Attack is to Storm. Offense, Defense, Evasion, Confusion, Combos, you name it, the Lighting Attack can do it. I have to delicate a whole section to it in the Air Strategy section. Flight-quarter circle back + both kicks. Can be done in the air Storm goes for a nice little fight in the air. She stays up there for a while, until you get hit or input the command again to go down, or do a lighting attack. People don’t like to use this because she can’t block while flying, but this is her most powerful attack position to me. (depending on what character I’m fighting.) For further notes look at the Air Strategy section. Air Dash-any direction+ both punches. You see that part that says ‘any direction’? You MUST master this to get the most out of the Goddess. Air Strategy section, of course _______________________________________ Hyper Combos(the one’s that need super energy) Lighting Storm-Half Circle Forward+ both punches. Can be done in the air Storm gets pissed off and releases lighting all across the screen. Takes a small moment to start up. Really hard to avoid, good assist defense when you do it in the air(so the active opponent will have a harder time to protect his assist). Decent chip damage also. This is the super you always want to use, but not so close because it does have recovery time. Comboable from the Lighting Attack and from Crouching Mk. Make sure you do a HALF circle motion for it to come out, not a quarter circle. Good defense move, might have some invincibility properties at it’s start. (gotta check on that.) Hail Storm-qcb+ both punches Storm floats off to the top corner of the screen and drops an hail storm on ya. This is the only super in the game that you can’t escape from at all(unless you have a teleport). The only drawback is it’s kind of easy to see coming, and it takes a moment to start, But it’s a great assist killer and good chipper(can chip Iceman), and has no recovery time. To bad you can’t do it in the air…booo… Assist Guide(I hope you know that when you do Crossover Counters you can cancel them into Hyper Combos.) Alpha-Projectile-Assist Move-Whirlwind Crossover Counter-Whirlwind Team Attack-Lighting Storm Really not a bad choice for an assist. The Whirlwinds hit multiple times so it’s good for chipping and pressure. Remember to protect Storm from attacks. Cancelable too. Beta-Expansion-Assist Move-Lighting Attack Crossover Counter-Lighting Attack Team Attack-Lighting Storm This is the one I find myself using the most, usually if I already have someone on my team with a projectile assist. If she hits with this, the opponent will be launched in the air, but will be able to block on the way down. If they block, then she will land right next to them for some good lovin’, so protect her at all costs. Good if you surprise people with this. Can also use for setups. Gamma-Variety-Assist Move-Typhoon Crossover Counter-Typhoon Team Attack-Hail Storm This assist sucks because it takes too long to come out. Also you can’t do a team combo starting with Storm because she goes flying off somewhere first. Not recommended. Delayed Hyper Combo Notes-The Hail Storm is the best switch out move ever because no one can escape it during a DHC. The perfect switch out move…but it sucks when you want to cancel from the Hail Storm because you end up under Storm who has moved away from the opponent. Stick to the Lighting Storm in that case. ___________________________ Combos I am not going to list every little combo I know with Storm(to tell you the truth, I almost forgot this section). I will only list the three reliable combos you need to dominate. Isn’t that the whole point? Note that you can always start combos with a jump in Fp or another chain(Wk,Mk). 1: Crouching Wk, Crouching Mk, Lighting Storm or Team Attack A pretty good, easy combo that has the potential to do major damage. It’s strength is that the opponent will be right next to you and will soak up the max hits that the Lighting Storm can deliver. It’s also very quick, so if you’re running low on time this is a good combo to use. It’s weakness that it’s possible to roll out of the Mk sweep, so your combo has a chance of not hitting(not a good thing at all), but they still will have to block it. If they end up close to you after the roll, however, you’re in trouble, especially if you decided to do a Team Attack, where the recovery could be longer. Take the risk/reward factor into account. If you’re doing a team attack, make sure that you have good partners to complement it. Beam Supers work best. 2: Crouching Wp, Crouching Wk, Crouching Mp, Lighting Attack(Forward), Lighting Storm Great combo because the opponent can’t escape it once you start, but you must practice canceling the Lighting Attack in order to be useful. It’s also puts the opponent in a good position for DHC’s. 3: Wp, Wk, Standing Fk (Launcher), Wp, Wk, Mk, Lighting Attack(Forward), Lighting Attack(Up), Lighting Storm. ANY time you launch an opponent with ANY launcher, do this combo!!! I just put the Standing FK launcher because it works the best. You can also cancel from the first Lighting Attack instead of the second one, but if you get greedy and try for three, the opponent will be able to block the Lighting Storm. I might put more combos in later. ________________________________ Ground Strategy There are two ways to play with the Goddess…On the ground(aggressive yet defensive), and in the air(evasive and sneaky). Ground fighting is very basic for her, but still necessary for her to reign supreme. She has really good speed and decent pokes, so offense is a good position for her. If you are up close, put on the pressure by using your jab and short pokes. Sooner or later they will get pissed off and try to counter, and this is when you bust out with the Roundhouse of Doom!!!(standing Fk). With that much priority they will get hit in the air and into that combo of lovin’ you been waiting for. Don’t try for jumpins that much, unless you perfect her strange jumping style (see Air Strategy). She plays a great defense game with her Fierce Attacks. If you’re in the lead, stay about half the screen away from them and counter with the couching and standing Roundhouse attacks. If they jump in, counter with a jumping Roundhouse. Every once in a while throw a jab Whirlwind to throw them off balance. If you know an assist is coming, please use a Hail Storm to tell them to go away. Other wise stick to using basic moves and your speed and priority and you should be fine and dandy. _________________________________ Air Strategy This is the real way to fight with Storm. While flying she is very annoying and can easily screw with people’s minds…even though she can’t block!! !: Lighting Attack-You best friend. Since you can’t block, opponents will either have to jump up to get you, or shoot something at you to get you down. That’s there this baby comes in. use this to counter the opponent if they are coming to get ya. If you get the hit or not, you can’t block after contact, but you can still dash, start flying again, or use the Lighting Storm. Also you will automatically float down from the sky. You can also use it to move out of the way, since this is the ONLY move in the game that can actually put someone above the playing field!!! I need to test it out on the Captain Sword though…remember you can do this three times, and change the direction of the attack and how fast she does it…like a mini version of Ruby Heart, if you will… 2: Air Dash- your other best friend, Storm’s air dash can be use to go any direction. You can use it to move around and under attackers and reroute your attack. Also, since the Air Dash is a command attack (any direction + both punches) you can cancel it from a attack!!! If the opponent stays on the ground, dash in for a combo to throw them off. It takes practice though. 3: Jumping-Storm has complete control of her jump. Holding up while descending makes her float down, holding forward make her take a big leap forward, Holding back makes her go backwards, and Holding down brings her down very quickly. This makes jumpins very fun because you can throw off their timing, so their attacks can miss, or you can catch them off guard with a fast jumping Fierce. Or air dash, or Lighting Attack, or… 4: Lighting Storm!!!-your all purpose defense move, if a opponent tries to jump in with those beam supers(Shinkuu Hadoken, Temna Gou Zankuu, etc,) just air dash or Lighting Attack around them and fry them up good and crispy. It might have some frames of invincibility in it, I have to see if it can be useful… 5: Assists-not many people know that while you are flying in the air, you can do assist because you are not in a middle of a super jump(even if you did a super jump before flying). Use these to surprise your opponent while attacking yourself to pressure the hell out of them. One beam assist is good to stop someone from a super that can be dangerous to you (Captain Sword). __________________________________ Other stuff Good Partners Cyclops=Well, he’s an X-Men too, but his Optic blast assist will be great help while you’re flying about. Also his supers are good complements to any DHC’s you might wanna try. Cammy=She’s faster than Storm and can make comebacks if you need to, and the CCS(Covert Cannon Spike) assist will protect her in the air and the ground. Start a DHC with the Spin Drive Smasher and end with the Hail Storm. Jin=Saotome Typhoon. Nuff said. Saotome Dynamite is a great shield type assist to stop other assists and jump ins. Also he can do heavy damage without depending on his Hyper Combos as much as Storm does, so you can save most of the levels for her. My Teams Storm(A), Ruby Heart(A), Anakaris(A) When I started playing with Storm, I started playing with the other two also.(Probably because my sparring partner and I were left with mad credits in the machine because it was a 1 token to play that weekend and no one knew…) and know all three of them kick butt. Make sure Anakaris goes first because he tends to get overwhelmed easily, but with him you should be able to kill a person and a half. If you play defense and leave Ruby Heart last, you should win pretty easily. Sakura(A), Thanos(A), Storm(B) Unless you are really good with Thanos, stay away from this team. Sakura doesn’t have enough staying power, and it’s not easy to kill three people with Storm. Use Storm’s assist to set up for the Soul Gem and Shinkuu Hadoken. Even though I have Thanos’s bubble assist, use it a lot when you’re playing Sakura.But if you have five levels…you can do this combo to scare the piss out of them!!! Sakura-jumping Wk, jumping Mk, (ground), Wk, Mp, Jab Shouoken, Shinkuu Hadoken, (Thanos) Power, Soul, (Storm) Lighting Storm, (Sakura), Shinkuu Hadoken or Haru Ichiban. Rogue(G), Storm(B), Psylocke(A) The X-Girl team!!! Either play extreme offense or extreme defense and you should mop the floor with anyone. Save most of the super levels for Storm, the other two don’t really need them as much. Start any DHC’s with Rogue. Other Storm notes -Her snapback is a standing Fierce. Decent range(a lot better than Cammy’s anyway…) -Due to her Claustrophobia, Storm doesn’t like when a whole lot of people gang up on her. So make sure you push block them out of the way, and either jump out of the way of assist characters, or freeze them to death. -The Hail Storm is not your ordinary super. Yes, it covers the entire screen and does good damage, but the hail isn’t really considered a projectile. This means that if your opponent throws a projectile (Hadoken, Psyblast), the Hail Storm won’t cancel it out and you might get hit with the attack!!! So make sure you are not predictable with it!!! -If you float down from the sky and plan on attacking your opponent, remember you can add more hits because you descend slower. Use a Wp, Wk, Mk chain on the way down and rush in for a combo when you land. -If you want to use the Lighting Attack to it’s full potential, play with Wolverine and Ruby Heart more. Use the Drill Claw to train yourself how to trick opponents and throw them off guard, while using the Schwazelle to train yourself how to redirect yourself and evade attacks. You will be surprised how much your training will pay off. ________________________________ Credits!!! I’M DONE!!! Boy, that took a long time. Anyway I hope this Faq helps people out there. Now I have some people to thank Every one at Gamefaqs and the people who wrote faq for any game. All of you people inspired me to do this. Just know that your hard work is being appreciated. Aya Brea for giving me advice and helping me organize and sending this Faq off. Great Jill Faq at Gamefaq. Read it now! James Chen and Mike Z. for making insane combos movies and posting them up on and Those examples inspired me to try out different possibilities for my own insane stuff( the Sakura, Thanos, and Storm combo for example.) and for having the above videos available for little ol’ people like me to view. I would also like to thank Fighters.Net for having those Capcom editorials and personal views out there. Any hardcore Street Fighter player must read those. My friend Rich for letting me spend countless hours at his house practicing on MvsC2, Second Impact, and Alpha 3. Every body at both Tilts in Savannah for being my victims…er…competition and helping me to learn how to avoid cheap assists The people who keep picking Iceman for letting me kill him over and over again. Hate that bastard. Anyone out there who plays with skill and intelligence instead of scrubbiness and seek to be great fighters. To meet some of you one day and challenge you is the reason I play fighting games. Capcom for making the game and putting Jill, Tron, and my girl Psylocke back in it!!! But where’s Zero? Mega Man X, Ryu from Breath of Fire? Demitri? Ghost Rider? Bionic Commando? NightCrawler? _______________________________________________________________________