------------------------------ Khaotika's MvC2 SABRETOOTH FAQ Version 1.2 Newest version: 8/6/00 submitted 7/13/00 *Note- this FAQ was completely written and researched by Khaotika! (Jon) It shall not be copied, reproduced, or borrowed without my permission. Feel free to print this and share it, but do not do so without my name somewhere in the document. If you wish to quote something from this, please give me an email beforehand. If you do not comply with these guidelines, I will send a thousand rabid raccoons after your mangled corpse. ^_^ This FAQ can be found at www.gamefaqs.com Also at www.khaotika.com/mvc2.html ... If you want to use this for your site...email me first, please. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. UPDATES AND REVISIONS 2. LEGEND 3. HISTORY 4. TAUNT/FUN STUFF (ANIMATIONS/OTHER/COLORS) 5. BASIC ATTACK LIST 6. ASSISTS/TEAM SUPERS 7. MOVES 8. OTHER MOVES 9. SUPERS 10. STRATEGIES 11. PARTNERS FOR SABRETOOTH 12. COMBOS (AND ASSIST COMBOS) 13. VS. ABYSS 14. WHAT'S NEXT?/THE FINE PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES and REVISIONS 8-6-00: Added full history, thanks to those who helped!/added some partners/misc things. 7-13-00: Totally new. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGEND: The basics for this game have remained unchanged since the start of the vs. series, only you now have 4 basic buttons and 2 assist buttons. You can select the character's assist at the select screen. To get a strong, you have to press jab, then jab to get a strong. For a forward, press short, then short. This only works in combos, however.. And you can cross these up as well, like jab to forward, or short to strong. The assist buttons call out your other two characters for an assisted attack. This is the layout: Joystick------ Jab Fierce Assist 1 Short Forward Assist 2 And the key to the moves and combos: Superjump; SJ; SJump - quickly press down, then up U- Up UF- Up-Forward F- Forward DF- Down-Forward D- Down DB- Down-Back B- Back UB- Up-Back D, DF, F - lists like these tell you to roll from down to forward in one motion, then apply the button presses. DASH - F, F or B, B or 2 punches simultaneously. Character moves faster than normal speed. Use it to advance or retreat. BLOCK - Press joystick/pad away from opponent while they attack. Can also be done in midair. ADVANCING GUARD - While blocking, press 2 punches simultaneously, to push back an attacking opponent. ROLL - B, DB, D + Any punch or kick. - When knocked down, use this to prevent follow up attacks. SAFE FALL/BREAK AWAY - Press joystick/pad in any direction except up + Fierce or R.house - You can fall or get away safely from a hold, throw, or being knocked out of the air. VARIABLE COUNTER - D, DB, D + Assist button - While blocking, do this, and one of your partners will come out, counter-attacking, and switch characters. This uses one level of super meter. VARIABLE ATTACK - Press jab and short or fierce and r.house to switch characters. Characters that have damage will recover the red portion of their life while resting. XX- cancel (XX into is cancel into) OTG- on the ground. Means that you can do a combo/move/super while your enemy is on the ground. ASSIST- One of two buttons that will call in your other partners for a special quick attack. SNAPBACK- D, DF, F + Assist button. Tired of your main opponent? Then force him out by doing a snapback. Assist 1 will bring in the 2nd character, while assist 2 will bring in the 3rd. DELAYED HYPER COMBOS- This is also the first game where you can cancel supers into other supers. For instance, you use Venom Web, then cancel before Venom's finished into Tron's Lunch Rush. Both supers will connect, and Venom will switch out to Tron. You can also use 3 supers/characters for this. Experiment with different teams to find a Delayed Hyper Combo that suits your characters. DOUBLE/TRIPLE TEAM- Press both Assist buttons to activate all your characters supers. The super the character uses depends on which assist you picked. This move uses 2 or 3 bars of the super meter, depending on how many characters you still have, or how much super bar has been charged. The rest is pretty self-explanatory, and if you really don't know how to play one of these games by now, then this probably isn't the place to start with.... :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY: - Born as Victor Creed, the mutant killer known as Sabretooth has a long, scarred past. He was abused as a child, and locked in the dark basement of his father's house, chained to a wall, because his father believed he was possessed by a demon. His father abused him to the point where Victor began to enjoy it. One fateful night, his father pointed a shotgun at the center of Vic's chest, and fired. Victor's mutant healing power kicked in, saving him from the wound. He broke free, killed his father, burned down the house he grew up in, and ran away to Canada, where he lived for the next few years. During this time, he met Logan, a kindred spirit and fellow mutant. The two bonded, until one day, as they were riding in the back of one of Logan's friends' trailer rigs, they were kidnapped by the government, and underwent a proceedure known as Project X. The two were developed into killing machines, via adamantium bonded to Logan's bones, and erasing their minds, filling them with false images and memories. They had nowhere to go now, so they became members of Alpha Flight. After several missions, including one where they met Omega Red (who destroyed all their teammates), they parted ways..with Victor comatose from Omega Red's power. Victor was taken in by Birdie, who became his wife and partner after he fully healed. They even had a son together. Sometime during this relationship, Victor regained his memories, and left to find Logan, now called Wolverine, leaving Birdie dead..(Capcom's continuity sucks, if you didn't know) Sabretooth has quite a history with Marvel's X-mutants. He first appeared in an early issue of Iron Fist, followed by a few random appearances in other books. His first bout with Marvel history came during the riots and murders in the Morlock Massacre. In Uncanny X-Men #210, Sabretooth was one of many who allied themselves with Mr.Sinister in order to "weed out the genetically impure mutants". They called themselves the Marauders, and they single-handedly murdered almost every mutant living underground in the Morlock tunnels beneath New York City. They almost succeeded in wiping all of them out, until the X-Men and other heroes stepped in to stop them. One of the more famous points of this Massacre is the fight between Sabretooth and Wolverine. It then became known that Sabretooth was Wolverine's greatest rival. Other points of interest in Sabretooth's history is a long line of deaths in Wolverine's life point to Sabretooth's blood-lust for killing. At one point, the 'tooth believed he was Wolverine's father.. Sabreooth and Mystique had a child together, long ago, named Graydon Creed, who ran for President in order to vanquish mutants. (No love lost for mommy and daddy..) He also turned up at the X-Mansion once in order to recieve "help" from Professor Xavier; later it was revealed that he was toying with the X-Men, and he almost met his end from Wolverine. Lately, Sabretooth is still out there in Marvel's universe. Where he'll pop up next is unknown... TAUNT: - For the DC version, hold short and press start. Sabretooth glares at your enemy for a split second, then rears back and lets out a loud scream. "Raauughh!!" - For the arcade version, press start...Duh. FUN STUFF: Open animation 1: Sabretooth stands erect, clad in leather trenchcoat, with Birdie by his side. He hands Birdie the coat, saying "Keep this.", and she walks off screen. Sabretooth assumes his feral stance. Open animation 2: A version of his taunt, basically. Sabretooth is in his trenchcoat, but then rips it to shreds, while rearing back and screaming. "Raauughh!!" Win 1: Sabretooth stands still, and glares at the fallen enemy. Win 2: Same as 1, only Birdie drives up in a large car. Sabretooth says "Let's get outta here!" Win 3: Sabretooth stands still, smiling. Birdie walks in and drapes his trenchcoat across his shoulders. He then says "Thanks, Birdie." Timeover Loss: Loss: Sabretooth lets out a groan, as he falls backwards to the floor. OTHER: -Open animations random: I believe that the open animations are random in this game, however, in X-Men vs. Streetfighter, Sabretooth used #1 when facing a Streetfighter, and #2 against an X-Man. SABRETOOTH'S COLORS: (Jab) Yellow-orange costume, with brown highlites. White collar, blonde hair.(basic color) (short) White costume, lite purple highlites. White collar, white hair. (fierce) Yellow costume, black highlites. White collar, blonde hair. (r.house) Orange costume, green highlites. White collar, orange hair. (assist 1) Peach costume, brown highlites. White collar, blonde hair. (assist 2) Red-orange costume, black highlites. White collar, red-orange hair. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC ATTACK LIST: - Almost all of Sabretooth's attacks consist of swiping claw attacks, and some kicks. stand Jab - Two swiping gut slashes. Hits twice unless interrupted. Fair priority. crouch Jab - Crouching knee swipe. Fair priority. jumping Jab - Jumping face swipe. Poor priority, unless used in an aerial rave. stand Strong - Lunging arcing gut swipe. Great priority - helps in combos. crouch Strong - Crouch version of stand Strong, but hits lower. Great reach and priority. jumping Strong - Doublehand fist slam. Good priority. stand Fierce - Double body slash - one diagonal downward slash, followed by a second rising diagonal slash. Hits twice, unless interrupted. Fantastic reach and priority. Acts as a standing launcher if both hits connect. crouch Fierce - Double-clawed kneeling uppercut. Good priority. Acts as launcher. jumping Fierce - Same as jumping Strong, but has more power and much better reach. Best jump-in attack. Good priority. stand Short - Standing ankle kick. Fast, but has poor reach. Funny animation, though. Fair priority. crouch Short - Crouching foot lunge. Fair priority. jumping Short - Jumping one-knee press. Fair priority. stand Forward - Standing forceful gut kick. Great priority, especially in combos. crouch Forward - Full crouching diagonal back neck kick. Good priority, especially in combos. jumping Forward - Jumping back kick. Great priority. Too bad they took out mediums in MvC2...this was 'tooth's best stand alone jump-in. stand R.house - Standing back kick. Like the forward's gut kick. Great priority, and helps in all his Berserker Claw combos. crouch R.house - 360% sweeping kick knockdown. Great range and priority. Useful for setting up OTG combos. jumping R.house - Jumping full-body lunging stomp. Good priority, but not too reliable as an air combo ender. SABRETOOTH'S ASSISTS: Alpha/Expansion Type: Berserker Claw (fierce version). Very quick, and hits once, bouncing the enemy upwards for a second. Great assist for those who like playing ground games, or close up matches. If blocked, prepare for the 'tooth to get hurt. It's useful for follow-up attacks and for setting up supers, though. Beta/Projectile Type: Birdie Call/Armed Birdie. Sabretooth and Birdie appear, and Birdie fires off three slowly travelling straight rounds of ammo. Has a slow startup, and can be easily avoided by super-jumping over. My favorite assist, since it helps add hits to combos, has okay chip damage, and can be used to set up combos and cross-ups. Gamma/Launcher Type: Standing Fierce (launcher). Good range, and great priority. Mostly good for anti-air, but not by much. Choose one of the others instead. SABRETOOTH'S TEAM SUPERS: -Sabretooth's team supers depend on which assist you picked- A: Hyper Berserker Claw - A souped up version of the Berserker Claw. This only hits once, unless Sabretooth is the one that starts the team super. Doesn't really do too much damage, though, in either version. B: Hyper Birdie Call/Heavy Armed Birdie - A super version of the Birdie Call. Birdie appears and sprays the area with bullets. Great for adding hits and chipping damage. Very powerful. G: Same as Beta SABRETOOTH'S MOVES: Berserker Claw: D, DF, F + P (punch pressed determines range) Sabretooth dashes across the screen, yelling out "Berserker Claw!", and leaving a long, slashing trail. If anyone is in his way, they'll be slashed, and tossed away like a rag doll. This is a great counter move, as well as a surprise to pull on someone now and then. Watch out if it's blocked, or you'll be punished. Great for OTG, or in the middle of ground combos as a finisher. Wild Fang: F, DF, D, DB, B + P (punch pressed determines distance of leap) Sabretooth yells out "Wild Fang!", and launches himself toward the enemy, with one arm extended. If it connects, he flips himself and the enemy over in a throw move. You can OTG a combo afterward, if the enemy lands in a corner. Jab will make Sabretooth rise higher, but at a short distance. (one body apart) Fierce will make him rise lower, but go a longer distance. (two bodies apart) If they block, they have plenty of time to retaliate. Also, the enemy can avoid the Wild Fang if they jump or move out of it's range. Be careful and don't use this too often. Birdie Call/Armed Birdie: F, DF, D, DB, B + K (punch pressed determines height of ammunition fire.) Sabretooth calls for Birdie "Birdie!", and she appears "Yeah, boss?", firing off three small rounds of ammo from a big weapon, then disappears off screen. Short kick will make the rounds fly straight ahead, while the R.house kick makes them shoot up at a 45 degree angle. This is great for keepaway, slight chip damage, and for combo possibilities. Sabretooth is VERY vulnerable when he does this, so watch out for beamers. If Birdie shoots and an enemy hits Sabretooth, the bullets will keep firing, interrupting the enemy's attack. If he's hit early, Birdie will just go offscreen. OTHER MOVES: Throws: F + Fierce Punch - Sabretooth grabs them by the head, and slams them three times into the ground before throwing them aside. You can OTG some hits if you throw them into a corner. F + Fierce Punch - Air Throw. Basically an air version of his ground throw, only he slams them once from the sky. Wall Jump: Basically, just superjump up near a corner, direct the pad/stick against the wall, then away from it quickly. Sabretooth should then bound off the wall. Launchers: D + Fierce Punch, standing Fierce (2 hits), DF + Fierce Punch Snapback: Standing fierce animation. Best used as the end of a combo. SABRETOOTH'S SUPERS: Hyper Berserker Claw: D, DF, F + 2P The super version of Berzerker Claw, involves the 'tooth slashing his way back and forth 4 times, for some heavy damage. It leaves a claw- slashed trail, leading up to the ending, with a double slash. This super is comboable, but is hard to combo into. It travels the entire length of the screen, and is best used to answer a whiffed super or move by your opponent. If blocked, prepare for a world of hurt. Berserker Claw X: F, D, DF + 2P Sabretooth's answer to Wolverine's Weapon X super. Sabretooth launches at the enemy in his Wild Fang pose. If he connects, he does a multi-hit auto combo, which consists of a lot of wild slashing, ending with a rising double swipe "X" slash. The range is about two character bodies across..judge the distance carefully. This super is EASILY comboable into almost any ground combo that ends with a Berserker Claw. You can be hit out of this super with anything, even a jab, so be sure it connects. Also, it has the same recovery as the Wild Fang, so be careful, and try not to miss. Hyper Birdie Call/Heavy Armed Birdie: F, DF, D, DB, B + 2K Sabretooth calls his feminine assistant once again, yelling "Birdie!" She answers with a "Yeah, Boss?" and a lot of gunfire, that ends up filling most of the regular sized screen if done at the right spot. Sabretooth is VERY vulnerable at the start and at the end of this super, so be sure to use it at a safe distance, preferably after a missed move by your enemy. If he's hit after Birdie starts firing, then all her bullets will continue to scatter, leaving Sabretooth a chance to combo them after the super ends. It's not comboable, and if your enemy times it right, they can superjump over the 'tooth and Birdie, and unleash a super of their own. Has great use as chip damage, and is wonderful in a team super. Use it sparingly, and when your back is near the wall, so they can't surprise you from behind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STRATEGY: - Sabretooth is one tough customer. He has speed, power, and range going for him, as well as comboable supers, great ground attacks, and a decent chipping super. You can play him like an in your face type of character, or as a strategic counter character. Either way, Sabretooth will put the hurt on your enemies. Use his ground combos for easy victories, since he has a LOT of priority there. Almost anything he has can be followed up with a Berserker Claw. Remember, Berserker Claw is your friend. It will help you counter missed attacks, it's a great dashing attack for when you need to get across the screen quickly, and it will surprise your enemies by how quick you can do the move. Sabretooth has a pretty good air combo game, but don't rely on it too much. He has some priority, but his air combo finishers, like fierce and especially roundhouse aren't too effective on some characters and in some situations. He will probably get beat out by a faster character or a character that can jump higher, so be cautious. Try to use his air throws in his aerial raves. For his jump ins leading to air attacks, use fierce, because it's more effective than the r.house. Never underestimate the power of throws. Sabretooth has MANY opportunities to throw, and to combo off those throws, so exploit that! Corners can be death traps to enemies against a good Sabretooth player. Remember to judge the distance on his Wild Fang, so you won't be beat out or miss entirely. Be careful of those with quick recovery, as well as pixie-type characters. Sabretooth is a BIG target, but he's also _fast_. Use his supers sparingly. Don't just throw them out randomly. Try to combo his punch supers whenever possible. Don't pull out his Birdie super in the face of your opponent, and expect them to take it. Use your assists to help out in any situation; most of them help him to use his supers and specials more effectively! Overall, play it smart, and be aggressive, but use some common sense, and you'll come out the winner. PARTNERS FOR SABRETOOTH: -Jin: Great for his power and range, not to mention his assists. Jin is a great teammate to have in any situation; he has great specials, good supers, and super-armor when he's the last one standing. He also has good DHC ability when paired with the 'tooth. A great choice. -Cammy: Every strongman needs a pixie, so I choose Cammy. Back in the day, this was my Xvs.SF team. She's insanely fast, has great combos, and a great anti-air move/assist. Her stamina is bad, however, and her double/triple team isn't very good when paired with Sabretooth. The DHC ability is very good however. Another good choice. -Venom: A parallel of sorts, Venom has all of Sabretooth's attributes, but has an increased range on his moves. His Venom Fang, as a move, and as an assist helps out tremendously. Also, his supers, particularly the Venom Web go VERY WELL with Sabretooth's. A great partner!! -Gambit: Gambit has reach, and a projectile which leaves the enemy vulnerable for a split second, which is all Sabretooth needs to capitalize on. He also has some great evasive moves, as well as great double/triple/DHC ability. Another top choice for a teammate! -Tron: When played correctly, Tron can prove as unstoppable as Juggernaut! Her assists only add to the pain Sabretooth unleashes, and vice versa. Her only problem is the possible block and delay on some of her moves. When paired in a team super, her Lunch Rush and Sabretooth's Hyper Birdie make for some PAINFUL damage. Another good choice for a partner! -Dr. Doom: Doom has several great uses, ranging from his keepaway game to his awesome supers and combos. Choose the right assist, and you're on your way to having a well-oiled killing machine. He also proves worthy to have in your team supers and DHCs because of his powerful supers. A great partner to have in a pinch!! SABRETOOTH'S COMBOS: -Sabretooth has a LOT of ground combos, and some that involve his supers, throws, and aerial attacks. There are too many to mention involving his ground combo game, so I will just list some of them. If there are any missing, you can probably figure out all the variations by yourself. -GROUND COMBOS- *NOTE*: Sometimes against certain characters, the jab Berserker Claw will work better than the fierce, and vice versa.. *****-Stand Jab combos-***** 1. Stand jab, stand strong, - end with Berserker Claw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 2. Stand jab, stand strong, - end with c.rhouse or c.hrouse, Fierce Berserker Claw. 3. Stand jab, stand forward, - end with Berserker Claw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 4. Stand jab, stand forward, - end with c.rhouse or c.rhouse, Fierce BClaw. 5. Stand jab, c. forward, - end with c.rhouse or c.rhouse, Fierce BClaw. 6. Stand jab (2 hits), - end with BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 7. Stand jab, stand strong, - end with stand fierce interrupt with BClaw or stand fierce interrupt with BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. *****-Crouch jab combos-***** 8. c.jab, - end with BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 9. c.jab, c.strong, - end with or c.rhouse or c.rhouse, Fierce BClaw. 10. c.jab, stand r.house, - end with BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 11. c. jab, stand fierce, interrupt with BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 12. c. jab, s.forward, stand fierce, interrupt with BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace Forward with Strong as well) 13. c. jab, s.forward, stand r.house, interrupt with BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace Forward with Strong as well) 14. c. jab, s.strong, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace Strong with Forward as well) 15. c. jab, s.strong, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace Strong with Forward as well) 16. c. jab, c.forward, s.fierce interrupt with BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace Forward with Strong as well) 17. c. jab, c.forward, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace Forward with Strong as well) 18. c. jab, c.forward, c.rhouse or c.rhouse, Fierce BClaw. 19. c. jab, c.rhouse, fierce BClaw. *****-Short kick combos-***** 20. stand short, s.forward, s.rhouse, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace Forward with Strong as well) 21. stand short, s.strong, s.fierce interrupt with BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace Strong with Forward as well) 22. stand short, c.forward, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace c.forward with c.strong, stand strong or stand forward) 23. c.short, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 24. c.short, c.forward, c.rhouse or c.rhouse, Fierce BClaw. (you can replace c.forward with c.strong) 25. c.short, c.strong, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (you can replace c.strong with c.forward, st.strong, or st.forward) 26. c.short, c.strong, stand r.house, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. *****You get the idea, right?***** *****Fierce and R.house combos***** 27. c.rhouse, Fierce BClaw. 28. stand r.house, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 29. stand fierce interrupt, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 30. stand r.house, XX into Hyper Berserker Claw. *****Jump in combos***** 31. Jump in jab, forward, stand jab, stand strong, Berserker Claw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (on large characters only) 32. Jump in r.house, stand r.house, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. (can use fierce jump in instead of r.house) 33. Jump in fierce, dash jab, c.forward, s.rhouse, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 34. Jump in r.house, stand fierce (2 hits), sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with throw or fierce. 35. Jump in r.house, c.jab, c.fierce, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with throw or fierce. 36. Jump in r.house, DF + Fierce punch, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with throw or fierce. (NOTE: You can replace jump in r.house with jump in fierce for 34- 36) 37. Jump in fierce, dash jab, forward, stand fierce (2 hit), sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with throw or fierce. *****Throw combos***** 38. Throw, Fierce Berserker Claw. 39. Throw into corner, stand fierce, Berserker Claw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 40. Throw into corner, DF + FP, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with air throw or fierce. 41. Throw into corner, stand short, stand fierce (2 hit), sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with air throw or fierce. (You can replace stand short with c.short, c.short or c.jab) (You can also replace stand fierce with c.fierce) 42. Leading opponent to a corner, do a standing or jump in combo that ends with BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X, then c.short, c.fierce, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, air throw. *****Wild Fang/Birdie combos***** 43. Jab or Fierce Wild Fang, throwing them into a corner, c.short, c.fierce, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with fierce or air throw. (NOTE: Measure distance to determine which WFang to use) (You can replace c.short with c.jab or stand short, and the c.fierce with a standing fierce.) 44. Call short Birdie, Fierce Wild Fang. 45. repeat 44, but get them in a corner, c.short, c.fierce, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with fierce or air throw. 46. Call short Birdie, BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 47. Call short Birdie, XX into Hyper Berserker Claw. 48. Close Birdie Call, DF + Fierce, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, - end with fierce or air throw. (You can replace DF + Fierce with c.fierce, or stand fierce) 49. Close Birdie Call, stand fierce interrupt BClaw or BClaw XX into Berserker Claw X. 50. Close Birdie Call, stand r.house, XX into Berserker Claw X. *****Snapback Combos***** 51. Jump in r.house, stand r.house, snapback. 52. c.jab, c.strong, snapback. 53. s.jab, s.forward, snapback. 54. s.jab, s.strong, snapback. 55. Jump in fierce, s.jab, snapback. 56. c.short, c.forward, snapback. 57. Birdie Call, snapback. 58. Throw into corner, snapback. 59. Wild Fang into corner, s.short, snapback. ****-ASSIST COMBOS-**** -Sent to me by GANYMEDE- *Spiral (gamma/variety assist) and Sabretooth* A. With opponent in corner, jump in Fierce or R.house, dash short, forward, r.house and assist simultaneously. While Spiral is activated, short Birdie Call, jump in fierce or r.house, dash short, forward, r.house, Berserker Claw XX into Hyper Berserker Claw or Berserker Claw X. SABRETOOTH vs. ABYSS: 1st part- Block accordingly, and use small combos that end with a Berserker Claw. His B Claw should get you out of danger most of the time. Be careful to avoid his charges, and don't try a super unless he's REALLY low on power. 2nd part- Again, use Berserker Claws to get an attack on him, as well as to get away from his energy attacks. Use the Birdie super to get the most damage to this form. Regular Birdie also works well in adding a few hits. BE CAREFUL OF HIS SUPER! 3rd part- Basically avoid the lava surges, his lava fist, and his supers. You can really clean up here using multi-hit combos on the orb, as well as the full body of Abyss. The Birdie super is EXCELLENT against this form, usually taking over half of Abyss' life if done in the right place and time. ---What's next??----- If you think I'm writing a FAQ against all 56 characters, think again.. :) Next version: More partners for Sabretooth/various other things I may have forgotten.. ---Fine Print and stuffs---- This FAQ created an copyrighted by Khaotika! (Jon Wilkie) 7/13/00, revised 8/6/00.. All Capcom and Marvel characters are copyrighted and trademarked by their respective companies... Thanks to Kao Megura's FAQ for the Super names. I'd forgotten what they were called. ^_^ (BTW, my name for the Birdie attacks is the first one. I just like it better than the other name.) Thanks to Magneto425@aol.com and Shin-Mech-Brian for Sabretooth's history.. Thanks to GANYMEDE for the Spiral combo.. Thanks to BarrelO for pointing out the Berserker Claw info. Thanks to Game FAQs.com for the wonderful hacked VMU save.. Thanks to everyone at Fighters.net.. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Look for my other MvC2 FAQS! : Roll, Ruby Heart, Tron, Venom, Kobun, Thanos -------------------------------------- Khaotika! --------------------------------------