------------------------------ Khaotika's MvC2 RUBY HEART FAQ Version 1.6 Newest version: 8/6/00 Submitted 6/3/00, revised 6/6/00, 6/13/00, 8/6/00 *Note- this FAQ was completely written and researched by Khaotika! (Jon) It shall not be copied, reproduced, or borrowed without my permission. Feel free to print this and share it, but do not do so without my name somewhere in the document. If you wish to quote something from this, please give me an email beforehand. If you do not comply with these guidelines, I will send a thousand rabid raccoons after your mangled corpse. ^_^ This FAQ can be found at www.gamefaqs.com. Also at www.khaotika.com/mvc2.html ...If you want to use it for your site, email me first, please. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. UPDATES AND REVISIONS 2. LEGEND 3. HISTORY 4. TAUNT/FUN STUFF (ANIMATIONS/TRANSLATIONS/OTHER/COLORS) 5. BASIC ATTACK LIST 6. ASSISTS/TEAM SUPERS 7. MOVES 8. OTHER MOVES 9. SUPERS 10. STRATEGIES 11. PARTNERS FOR RUBY HEART 12. COMBOS 13. VS. ABYSS 14. WHAT'S NEXT?/THE FINE PRINT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES and REVISIONS 8-6-00: Added partners/translations/more combos.. 6-13-00: Corrected Tour De Mage/added URL/Added Fun Stuff section/and other things.. 6-6-00: Made some corrections. 6-3-00: Totally new. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGEND: The basics for this game have remained unchanged since the start of the vs. series, only you now have 4 basic buttons and 2 assist buttons. You can select the character's assist at the select screen. To get a strong, you have to press jab, then jab to get a strong. For a forward, press short, then short. This only works in combos, however.. And you can cross these up as well, like jab to forward, or short to strong. The assist buttons call out your other two characters for an assisted attack. This is the layout: Joystick------ Jab Fierce Assist 1 Short R.house Assist 2 And the key to the moves and combos: Superjump; SJ; SJump - quickly press down, then up U- Up UF- Up-Forward F- Forward DF- Down-Forward D- Down DB- Down-Back B- Back UB- Up-Back D, DF, F - lists like these tell you to roll from down to forward in one motion, then apply the button presses. DASH - F, F or B, B or 2 punches simultaneously. Character moves faster than normal speed. Use it to advance or retreat. BLOCK - Press joystick/pad away from opponent while they attack. Can also be done in midair. ADVANCING GUARD - While blocking, press 2 punches simultaneously, to push back an attacking opponent. ROLL - B, DB, D + Any punch or kick. - When knocked down, use this to prevent follow up attacks. SAFE FALL/BREAK AWAY - Press joystick/pad in any direction except up + Fierce or R.house - You can fall or get away safely from a hold, throw, or being knocked out of the air. VARIABLE COUNTER - D, DB, D + Assist button - While blocking, do this, and one of your partners will come out, counter-attacking, and switch characters. This uses one level of super meter. VARIABLE ATTACK - Press jab and short or fierce and r.house to switch characters. Characters that have damage will recover the red portion of their life while resting. XX- cancel (XX into is cancel into) OTG- on the ground. Means that you can continue the combo/move/super while the opponent is on the ground. ASSIST- One of two buttons that will call in your other partners for a special quick attack. SNAPBACK- D, DF, F + Assist button. Tired of your main opponent? Then force him out by doing a snapback. Assist 1 will bring in the 2nd character, while assist 2 will bring in the 3rd. DELAYED HYPER COMBOS- This is also the first game where you can cancel supers into other supers. For instance, you use Venom Web, then cancel before Venom's finished into Tron's Lunch Rush. Both supers will connect, and Venom will switch out to Tron. You can also use 3 supers/characters for this. Experiment with different teams to find a Delayed Hyper Combo that suits your characters. DOUBLE/TRIPLE TEAM- Press both Assist buttons to activate all your characters supers. The super the character uses depends on which assist you picked. This move uses 2 or 3 bars of the super meter, depending on how many characters you still have, or how much super bar has been charged. The rest is pretty self-explanatory, and if you really don't know how to play one of these games by now, then this probably isn't the place to start with.... :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY: - Well, the only sure thing I know is that Ruby Heart is a Capcom character. It's been speculated that she comes from an incredibly early game from Capcom, but nothing concrete has surfaced yet. Anyway, Ruby Heart is the female air/sea captain of her crew aboard her ship, the Partenaire (I'm assuming that's the name). Apparently, she's searching for the armor that Abyss possesses. It's unknown why she wants it, but hey, she's a pirate. :) I believe that she's a flimsy pretext by Capcom, who wanted a reason/way for all the Capcom and Marvel characters to be in the same boat (pun intended). Thus, they created the flying warships, along with the continued use of flying ships in the backgrounds. Ruby just happens to be the character in charge of the Capcom side... Oh well. At least she's a GREAT original character, and fun to use as well. :) TAUNT: - For the DC, hold short kick, and press start. Ruby Heart pulls out a telescope/viewfinder, looks through the end, and giggles to herself quietly. - For the arcade, just press start... Duh. :) FUN STUFF: Opening Animation: Ruby shuts a treasure chest with her foot, and kicks it aside. She adjusts her hat saying "Chanto mite okudayo.."/"Take a good look at it.." Win 1: Ruby faces the player, takes off her hat, and hangs her head low, as her hair blows in the wind. She says "Unga waru katta wa ne.."/"What terrible luck you had.." Win 2: Ruby places her foot on top of a treasure chest that slides out from nowhere, and raises her anchor high into the air. Her crewmates all jump/fall from out of nowhere and gather around her. She then says "Tsugi ikuyo!"/"Let's move on!" Timeover Loss: Loss: Ruby lets out a scream, as she falls backward, landing on her back. TRANSLATIONS: Open animation 1: "Chanto mite okudayo.."/"Take a good look at it.." Open animation 2 and tag in: "Shouganai.."/"It can't be helped.." - Shouganai loosely means along the lines of "Your best isn't good enough."/"That's the way it is.."/"Too bad!" Tag out: "Makaseta!"/"You handle it!" OR "I'll leave it to you!" Help call: "Ikimasu!"/"Let's get going!" Miru Phantoom: "Tokihanateryo...Miru Fantuumu!"/"Be unleashed...Miru Phantoom!" Win 1: "Tsugi ikuyo!"/"Let's move on!" Win 2: "Unga waru katta wa ne..."/"What terrible luck you had..." Tour de Mage: -When barrel connects: "Ikuyu."/"Let's go." (I believe) -Throwing a dagger: "Tsuki iyuko!"/"Let's move on!" -Finished after 4 daggers: "Unga waru katta wa ne..."/"What terrible luck you had!" -Making a mistake: "Shouganai."/"It can't be helped." RUBY HEART'S COLORS: (Jab) Dull turquoise hat, coat, and pants. Lite turquoise sleeves. White collar and shirt tails. Brown boots, blonde hair. (basic color) (short) Dull navy blue hat, coat, and pants. Lite blue sleeves. Baby blue collar and shirt tails. Brown boots, lite gray hair. (fierce) Dull muddy brown (almost red orange) hat, coat, and pants. Dull orange sleeves. Lite orange collar and shirt tails. Brick red boots, lite gray hair. (r.house) Olive green hat, coat, and pants. Yellow-green sleeves. White collar and shirt tails. Muddy brown boots and lite gray hair. (assist 1) Green hat, coat, and pants. Mint green sleeves. White collar and shirt tails. Muddy brown boots and lite gray hair. Dark complexion. (assist 2) Midnight blue hat, coat, and pants. Purple sleeves. Lite purple collar and shirt tails. Brown boots and orange hair. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BASIC ATTACK LIST: -Some of Ruby Heart's attacks involve nautical equipment, but most are rather normal.. stand Jab - Standard straight jab punch. Fair priority. crouch Jab - Standard lower knee punch. Fair priority. jumping Jab - Diagonal ascending chop. Fair priority. stand Strong - Swift uppercut. Fair priority. crouch Strong - Crouching gut punch. Fair priority. Lifts enemy off ground a bit.. jumping Strong - Low diagonal overhead strike. Good priority. stand Fierce - Standing anchor slice. Ruby swings the anchor from her back to her front and back to her back. Best if used in a combo. crouch Fierce - Anchored uppercut. Launcher. Fair priority. Better priority if comboed into.. jumping Fierce - Overhead anchor slice. Ruby swings the anchor from over her head to down near her foot in an arc. Good priority. stand Short - Standard shin kick. Decent priority. Use it to start a combo. crouch Short - Sitting leg extension. Ruby sits and taps her leg out very low. Fair priority. jumping Short - Low diagonal striking heel. Decent priority. stand Forward - Double neck and shin kick. 2 hits if uninterrupted. Used in a combo. crouch Forward - Two legged knee attack. Ruby stands on her hands and extends her legs. Good priority. Used in a combo. jumping Forward - Swift boot sweep to neck. Starts low, but hits at the neck level. Good priority. Used in a combo. stand R.house - Full neck kick. Reaches from ground all the way up to head level. Decent priority. crouch R.house - Crouching burlap snap. Knocks enemy to ground. Use a sublimation afterward for best results. jumping R.house - Blurring overhead sweeping heel to neck kick. Great jumpin priority. Comes out in an arc from behind her, and her leg ends up around chest level of the enemy. Great priority. RUBY HEART'S ASSISTS: Alpha: Short Sublimation. Comes out fairly quickly, and is great for ending/setting up combos. Also helps link some supers. She has great recovery as well. Just don't throw it out randomly, like certain other assists.. Beta: Fierce Anchor Capture. Only works on certain characters when they are standing (see THE LIST below). Can be used in a combo. The effect only lasts a split second, so this is useless if you're across the screen, unless you have a beam super. Gamma: Power Up. Ruby appears and hands you a power up orb. The effect lasts for about 6-8 seconds. This gives you probably 1/2 more damage to all your attacks, including supers, but only for the character she gives it to. You're better off picking Alpha, IMO. RUBY HEART'S TEAM SUPERS: -Ruby Heart's team super depends on the assist picked. Some are more useful in a triple team, while others are less useful. A: Partenaire - Ruby calls out her ship, which punctures the enemy with it's knife, holding them for the multiple cannon blasts. There have been instances where the CPU takes all of the knife hits, then blocks the rest..Does fair chip damage if missed, but is best used if you can combo into the knife. B: Mille Phantome - Ruby summons a larger treasure chest, which releases several phantoms. These phantoms travel across the screen, filling it. It does insane damage if unblocked, but the block damage is impressive too. She can be easily knocked out of this, and can be jumped over.. G: Hyper Schwarzelle - Ruby charges forward with a large orange flame shield around her. This version moves straight forward, with no deviation from the path. It does decent block damage, and can hold the enemy in place for whatever supers her teammates are unleashing. Overall, none of these are bad choices, and the one you pick will probably match your playing style. :) RUBY HEART'S MOVES: Schwarzelle: D, DF, F + P (punch pressed determines angle, only on ground)(air) Ruby charges forward, surrounded by a sheild of blue flame. The effect is that she becomes a living, controlable fireball for a second or two. You can control this by using the joystick/pad and changing directions of her charge, while hitting the buttons for extra hits. She only charges about 3 times, and will drop after that. Can be comboed into with most of her basic moves. Jab starts from straight forward, while fierce starts with her rising up at a 45 degree angle. Can be done in midair. Be careful of her recovery time. Sublimation: D, DF, F + K (kick pressed determines the distance) Ruby Heart pauses and opens a book revealed from her coat. She scans it and quickly raises her other arm. The arm motion creates a rising waterspout that appears from the ground. You can OTG from a knockdown with this, and it's recommended that you do so.. ;) Great anti-air, and it swallows up most fireballs. >:) Great recovery, too. Fantome: D, DB, B + K (kick press determines height of ghost) Ruby summons a treasure chest, which opens, releasing a ghost that travels across the screen. If the ghost hits the enemy, it will attach itself to them for a few seconds, and drain their super bar. To get out of it, they must hit you successfully. This move is very telegraphed, and can be jumped over easily. It also leaves Ruby open to attacks..in other words, don't rely on it.. The ghost will disappear after travelling off screen or the width of one screen.. Jab Anchor Grab: F, DF, D, DB, B + Jab punch. Ruby extends a small anchor from a chain wrapped around her arm. It moves straight out from her and reaches as far as 3 bodies away from her. If caught, she pulls the enemy close, and uses a small cannon in their face to blast them away.. Can be used in a combo, and I recommend using it there often. :) This will not work against Roll or Kobun, even if used in a combo. Fierce Anchor Capture: F, DF, D, DB, B + Fierce punch Ruby twirls the anchor on her arm, and launches it skyward at a 45 degree angle. If it hits, you will capture the enemy for about 1/2 a second, so make sure you're close enough to capitalize. Again, these will not work on short characters..unless you manage to launch them before you do the move. - THE LIST - -These characters will be caught in the Anchor Capture from a standing/walking position: Cammy Captain Commando Psylocke Spiral Hulk Cyclops Captain America Sabertooth Vega/Bison Iron Man Felicia Silver Samurai Zangief Tron Omega Red Thanos Ruby Heart Gambit Venom Storm Amingo Blackheart Dhalsim Dr. Doom Sentinel Guile Shuma-Gorath Anakaris Rogue Colossus Charlie War Machine Juggernaut Magneto - On Juggernaut, Hulk, and Sentinel, you have to use a few hits before the Anchor Capture will work. You cannot hold Silver Samurai or Colossus while they have super armor activated. OTHER MOVES: Throw: F+P - Ruby grabs them close with one hand, and knocks them away with the other one. Can be done in midair. Launchers: Crouching fierce. Ruby rises quickly, swinging a small anchor up with her movement to launch them. Has fair priority..best if used in a combo. DF + r.house (on the ground): Ruby's 2nd launcher. The only way to combo this is with ONE jump in hit, preferably a fierce or r.house. This launcher takes off a tiny bit more energy than her normal launcher. Snapback: Ruby's standing fierce animation. Best used in a combo. RUBY HEART'S SUPERS: Hyper Schwarzelle: D, DF, F + 2P Ruby Heart charges forward, surrounded by a large orange flame shield. This can be controlled with the pad/stick and you can add more hits by pressing the punch buttons. It can change directions a maximum of 5 times..just remember to press the buttons while changing a direction. Can be comboed off of most of Ruby's basic attacks/specials. She CAN be knocked out of this, but it takes some effort. Be careful of her recovery time. Partenaire: F, D, DF + 2K Ruby Heart summons her ship. The dagger on the front pierces the enemy, holding them in place for the cannons to blast them. The key part of this super is to catch them with the dagger. You can combo this super off certain attacks. This super has limited range, and can only connect if the enemy is jumping on Ruby, standing, crouching, or descending from a jump close to the ground. If the dagger won't connect, the ship leaves, leaving her open to attack. Press the buttons for more damage. As said earlier, there have been cases where the CPU takes all the knife, but then blocks the cannon blasts. If they do this, the cannons do fair chip damage..but this usually only occurs fighting the CPU or accidentally comboing this with a crouching r.house..which I have done by accident.. :p Mille Fantome: D, DB, B + 2K Ruby summons a larger treasure chest full of phantoms, which pour out across the screen, filling it. If they connect, they will do insane damage to the enemy. If not, the block damage is pretty decent. Be careful of this super, because Ruby executes it slowly. The phantoms absorb fireballs, and should absorb the brunt of a beam super. Be careful, because the enemy can also jump behind her, because of the slow activation. I suggest doing this after the enemy superjumps away, or when they have a move/super with horrible recovery. Tour De Mage: R.house, jab, down, short, fierce - press jab and short to throw daggers. Ruby Heart raises her arm, then lowers it, mimicing the the movement downward of a barrel that appears from the top of the screen. If it connects, the screen turns black, then blue. Ruby is now holding a few daggers, while one of her crewmates holds up the barrel containing the enemy. Press jab and short to throw her daggers into the barrel. With each of the daggers successfully thrown, the crewmate will turn the barrel again. The object is to throw the daggers either into the top or the bottom holes in the barrel. If you manage to get four of them into the side, the barrel explodes, launching the enemy skyward. The crewmate disappears, while Ruby Heart taunts the enemy. This does a mere 1/3 damage to a normal stamina character like Cable. The probability of getting all 4 is horrible. If you get one wrong, the barrel drops away, and you waste a level of super for a tiny amount of damage. The sequence of the daggers changes everytime..so usually it's not worth the effort.. if you do happen to want to do it, it's best to do it for show.. Otherwise, save your super meter... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- STRATEGY: Ruby Heart is an eccentric, but fun character. At first, she seems a bit inimidating to use because of the erratic specials, supers, and normal moves, but with time, you can use her to be one of the most dangerous characters in the game. Use her sublimations as shields for all those fireballers in the game. Her Schwarzelle is great for confusion..try to experiment with how many angles you can hit your opponent from. Whenever you use her crouching r.house, try to follow it up with a sublimation for more hits, or for comboability. Only try to use her phantome attack when the enemy misses a delayed move. Fireballs will cancel out the phantoms, so don't rely on it too much. Her anchor throws/holds are both easy and difficult to use. She has a delay for both, so try to use them as part of a combo. You can combo the jab anchor grab into almost any of her standing attacks. Of course, the longer the combo, the more the damage, and the more beneficial for you. :) The window of opportunity to follow up on her anchor hold is VERY small, so captialize! Don't use her supers recklessly. Many people call her a super waster, but that's probably because they don't know how to effectively chain them. If you use Partenaire, always combo it for the best effective attack. The Hyper Schwarzelle can combo off almost ANY attack Ruby has, just remember to try to direct it and keep pressing buttons. Her Mille Phantome is only useful if you have the time to actually successfully pull it off. Don't panic with her supers, and you'll be fine. PARTNERS FOR RUBY HEART: -Jin: Jin helps protect Ruby with his Beta and Alpha assists. He also has good stamina and power, and his specials are great as well. In case you worry about wasting a super with Ruby, Jin has 3 great ones. The only thing lacking in this team-up is their double/triple teams and DHC ability. But again, a great choice for a teammate. -Venom: Power, speed, stamina: Venom covers all of this and more. Along with having great reach, Venom's alpha assist does well in covering a retreat, or for cornering the enemy. He also has two great supers, both of which contribute very well to double/triple teams/DHCs. A very good choice. -Sabretooth: He has almost the same pluses that Venom has, except his reach is shorter. Nonetheless, the 'tooth has great assists, as well as a good combo game. His supers help out as well and he does well as a double/triple/DHC partner. Another great teammate. -Thanos: Still afraid to use supers with Ruby? Then here's a good choice for a super user. His assists aren't that great, though, and he's a big target. Still, you can't deny that he has great power, and lots of stamina. His DHCs are excellent with Ruby as well. -Dr. Doom: Help cover your retreat with Dr.Doom! Use his alpha assist to cover any angle the enemy attacks from. He has a good keepaway game, in comparison to Ruby, and he has excellent combos and supers to wear the enemy down. For a DHC, try Partenaire into Photon Array; and say goodbye to pests like Guile and Iceman. ^_^ RUBY HEART'S COMBOS: -NOTE-:Any combo that begins with j.in short, forward will not work on smaller characters. Use j.in r.house instead. ****-anchor grab combos-**** 1. Jump in Fierce, stand fierce, jab anchor grab. 2. Jump in r,house, stand r.house, jab anchor grab. 3. Stand short, stand forward (2 hits), jab anchor grab. 4. Stand jab, stand forward, jab anchor grab. 5. Stand jab, stand strong, jab anchor grab. 6. Stand jab, stand strong, stand r.house, jab anchor grab. 7. Stand jab, stand strong, stand fierce, jab anchor grab. 8. Jump in r.house or fierce, dash jab, s. strong, s. fierce, jab anchor grab. 9. Jump in r.house or fierce, dash jab, s. forward, s. rhouse, jab anchor grab. 10. Jump in with fierce or r.house, dash jab, s. forward, s. fierce, s. r.house, jab anchor grab. (larger characters only) 11. Jump in short, forward, dash jab, s. forward, s. fierce or s. rhouse, jab anchor grab. -That's a lot. :)- ****-Schwarzelle/Hyper Schwarzelle combos-**** 12. Jump in fierce, stand fierce, schwarzelle. 13. Jump in r.house, stand r.house, schwarzelle. 14. Stand jab, stand strong, schwarzelle. 15. C. rhouse, short sublimation, fierce schwarzelle. 16. Stand jab, c.short, c.forward, c.rhouse, short sublimation, fierce schwarzelle. 17. Jump in r.house, stand jab, stand short, stand forward, c.rhouse, short sublimation, fierce schwarzelle. 18. Repeat 17, but after sublimation, jump up, jab, XX into Hyper Schwarzelle. 19. Repeat 17, after schwarzelle, XX into Hyper Schwarzelle. 20. Jab schwarzelle, XX into Hyper Schwarzelle. 21. Stand r.house, XX into Hyper Schwarzelle. 22. Stand jab, stand short, stand forward, XX into Hyper Schwarzelle. 23. Jump in r.house, stand jab, stand short, stand forward, stand fierce, XX into Hyper Schwarzelle. 24. Repeat 23, but use schwarzelle after fierce, then XX into Hyper Schwarzelle. 25. short sublimation, fierce schwarzelle or f. schwarzelle XX Hyper Schwarzelle. ****- Other Combos -**** 26. c. jab, c. short, c. fierce, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward -- end with fierce, throw, r.house, schwarzelle or Hyper Schwarzelle. 27. Jump in r.house or fierce, repeat 26. 28. Stand jab, stand fierce, XX into Partenaire. 29. Stand r.house, XX into Partenaire. 30. Jump in r.house, crouch short, crouch fierce, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, air throw. 31. j.in r.house, s. jab, s. forward, s. fierce XX into Partenaire. 32. j.in r.house, dash fierce, r.house, XX Partenaire. 33. short sublimation, immediately XX into Partenaire. 34. j.in short, forward, dash s. jab, c. forward, c. r.house, short sublimation, immediately XX into Partenaire. 35. j.in short, forward, dash s.jab, c. short, c.forward, c. r.house, r.house sublimation, immediately XX into Partenaire. 36. c. jab, c. strong, s. rhouse, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, -- end with fierce; r.house; air throw; or Schwarzelle. 37. j.in short, j.in forward, dash c. jab, c. strong, s. rhouse, sjump, jab, short, strong, forward, -- end with fierce; r.house; air throw; or Schwarzelle. ****-Snapback combos-**** 38. s. jab, s. strong, s. fierce, Snapback. 39. s. fierce, Snapback. 40. s. rhouse, Snapback. 41. j.in rhouse, s. jab, s.short, s. forward, Snapback. 42. c. short, c. forward, c. rhouse, short sublimation, Snapback. 43. j.in fierce, dash fierce, s. rhouse, Snapback. 44. j.in short, forward, dash jab, c. short, s. forward, s. fierce, Snapback. RUBY HEART vs. ABYSS: 1st part- Use her jab schwarzelle to get on the other side of him, and to avoid his charges/attacks. Use sublimations behind him when he uses his beam super. Be careful of her lag on those two moves. You can finish him off with Mille Phantome if you get behind his beam super. 2nd part- Repeatedly use R.house sublimation from a distance. C. rhouse will also work. Use jabs to pop the bubbles. Partenaire and Mille Phantom will work, as long as he's stuck in an animation. 3rd part- Use every trick in your bag, because almost all of them work here. Just be careful of lag time and recovery. Use a lot of sublimations and avoid staying in the same place for too long. Always try to get behind him. Good luck! ---What's next??----- If you think I'm writing a FAQ against all 56 characters, think again.. :) Next version: more partners for Ruby Heart/anything else I've forgotten.. ---Fine Print and stuffs---- This FAQ created by Khaotika! (Jon Wilkie) 6/3/00, revised 6/13/00, 8/6/00. All Capcom and Marvel characters are copyrighted and trademarked by their respective companies... Thanks to Cincycolin@aol.com for pointing out my Partenaire mistake... Thanks to Maniac1984 and Kao Megura for reminding me to change the info about Tour De Mage only using 1 super bar. I was gonna change it sooner or later! ^_^ Extra special thanks to CainHakase@aol.com for all of Ruby's translations! Saved me once again, you did.. ^_^ Thanks to Game FAQs.com for the wonderful hacked VMU save.. Thanks to everyone at Fighters.net.. For their continued support in my FAQs! ^_^ -------------------------------------------------------------------- Look for my other MvC2 FAQS! : Roll, Tron, Venom, Kobun, Sabretooth, Thanos --------------------------------- Khaotika! ---------------------------------