Sinawe Presents: Marvel Vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes game faq. **************************************************** Topic: PSYLOCK ************ Legal matters: The stuff about marvel vs. capcom 2, such as the characters, character names, and other major subjects are the properties of CAPCOM. I guess the Marvel characters are the properties of Marvel comics and the characters from capcom is....i guess capcom's. So, i guess all im saying is, dont sue me, cuz i dont claim ownership to anything, except the fact that i created and worked on this faq, and that you can't rip it off and claim it as yours...that goes for you too!! you know who im talking about!! Table of Content ************* 1.Psylock the character 2.Psylock the fighter 3.Basic Strategies 4.Movelist 5.Hyper Combo Moves 6.Combos 7.Specific Matches 8.Shout out 9.Extras 1.Psylock the character ****************** Man, i know like, NOTHING about psylock's background in the comics. I think she's something about like being a british woman with a spirit of a japanese woman. I think her mutant power is psycho kinetics, but im not sure. I think her psy sword on her fist is part of her mutant power. Man, if anyone knows the details, e mail me please. I just want to know. 2.Psylock the fighter **************** Okay, here is something i have confident talking about; psylock the fighter. Few things to keep in mind. She's definitely not a scrub friendly character, not by a long shot. The only way you will win with her is to sucessfully combo her supers, or she will not do damage at all. Another thing to keep in mind is that you must make a commitment with a certain strategy when you are starting a battle. A lukewarm fight of two or three different strategies will not fully take advantage of her true powers. Pros: + Psylock just might be the fastest character in the game, if not the fastest, then certainly on the top tier in speed. + psylock has a great combo ability, perhaps best in the game, not damage wise, but connection wise. + Pyslock's normal moves have very high priority. + Her specials have awsome priority, and if used correctly, fills in her flaws very nicely. + Her supers are all comboable, while reading this further, that might prove to be nothing special. + Her air game is terrific. +One of two characters to posess triple jump +Her dash in is "the" best in the game in my opinion. Cons: - Psylock takes damage not very well. You will need to be careful of this. - Psylock's power isn't really impressive, in fact, some times they are down right pathetic. - She isn't really intimitating. While this might not be a factor in a game, it will explain itself later. - She's got a VERY poor mid range game. - Her launcher has some major lag. This is actually very easy to fix though. I will explain later. - Her supers are something to be desired. Here are some ratings I have come up with: 3.Basic Strategies ************** While her pros slightly outweight the cons, she needs to be used very smart. The biggest problem is her lasting power. She takes way more damage than she delivers, so you must take advantage of her speed and dash ins and make every attack and combo count. And while doing so, be fast and alert enough to avoid big damages. She will take care of the fast part, which leaves you to be the alert one. Another thing you must keep in mind is NEVER to waste a super bar. They are few in comings and those that do come by, will have to be comboed in to do any types of damage. So NEVER try to chip or throw out a desperation move. You truely need a nerve of steel to play her. I guess this fits in her ninja persona. Attack as quitely as you can without being noticed and avoid being hit at once. 4.Move List ********* Psy shot - [ qcf + lp ] (can be used in air) This is her basic fireball move. The low punch version travels in about 45 degrees towards the ground. This is a very useful move, and a great air special that will save her many a times during a battle, not with its power, but the fact that it protects her from any jump ins. This can be used as a OTG move, but basically it should be used in the air, or during combos, or after a missed launcher. I will explain this later. But this is definitely a abusable move, (keeping in mind that Im assuming you know NOT to abuse any kind of move recklessly) and you should try to use this when you are trying to keep someone away. grade: 8 Psy shot - [ qcf + hp ] (can be used in air) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Same as the lp version, but this one travels horizontally across the screen or the air. I guess this move is as close to ryu's fireball as anything could be, but still and agian, with few differences. It does less damage than most fireball's, perhaps not as bad as chun li's fireball, but the distnict advantage this move has over other projecitles are that it is almost immidiately avaiable after the first one is blocked, or countered. This move is also abusable (again, keep in mind what i said, im assuming you guys are smart enough to know the difference between abuse and ABUSE). This move doens't have the OTG possibilites as it really doesn't hit anyone directly on the ground. Use it as a pressure move, which it does work VERY well. grade: 7 Psy blade - [qcf + lk] (can be used in air) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This move is a great move, i mean really great, and alot of times it is often over looked. She travles across the screen while spinning around in a field of psy ?? power. This move has great priorites, has awsome start up time, and almost no lag time, so if used right, it should be very hard to counter. The biggest way this move is used is in combos and to connect her supers, but this move can be used as a keep away move, or a surprise move. Another great way to use this move is to get close to your oponnent safely. While dashing can be a great way, its just nice to have an option. This wont cancel out projectiles no matter how great the priority is, but it will beat out just about any normal moves. (and again, i said most, not all, you should be aware of the obvious ones). grade: 8 Psy blade - [qcf + hk] (can be used in air) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This move is just like the lk version except that Psylock travels vertically. This can be used in combos or as an anti air move. Keep in mind not to abuse this as much, because it does send her up in the air, and what goes up, must come down, and it can mean a world of hurt for psylock. It really doesn't send her that much into the air, but it is in the air nonetheless. grade: 7 Teleport - [hcb + any button] after teleport hold direction and punch to attack in that direction (can be done in air) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This move is a teleport move, with four different places to teleport to. The start up is not actually bad, but it is very noticable. She can re appear pretty fast too, but if someone is expecting it, it will be danger time for Psylock. Another option you get is to attack after she re appears from the teleport in any directions. So you can appear behind opponent, and either attack them, or retreat away from them. I advise you really use this carefully because the lag time after it is really bad. The most useful way to use teleport is to obviously cover a large portion of the screen, to escape from a ground based supers (head crush, proton canon, lunch rush, ect). I think people aren't aware of the fact that this teleport attack can start a great cross up game with a proper assist type. This is pretty much sefl explanatory, and timing is somewhat crucial, but the idea is to call out the assist and teleport behind them in proper timing. I will go into details about this later. But first, here are some places she teleports to. a.[ hcb + lp]: she teleports to top left portion of the screen b.[ hcb +hp]: she teleports to top right portion of the screen c.[ hcb + lk ]: she teleports to bottom left portion of the screen, near the ground d.[hcb + hk]: she teleports to bottom right portion of the screen, near the ground So, choose your places intellegently, never to teleport into attacks, as is the case during any sort of teleport. grade: teleport 8 grade: teleport 6 5.Hyper Combo Moves ****************** 1.Psy Thrust Super: [qcf +pp] (can be done in air) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This is in some ways her best super. It chips the most damage, although its NOTHNG compare to just about all supesr in the game, I think maybe Omega Destroyer might do less chip damage. It is very comboable in the air, and for some reason, its NOT on the ground, comboable that is. It can be directed in 8 ways, but only in two sucessions. Alot of psylock beginners or intermidiates think that they can chip the opponent in the first thrust, then retreive with the second thrust. Let me just say that this is not worth doing at all. First, it chips next to nothing to your opponent, and the fact that you still have major lag time after the retreaval, that any beam characters with beam supers, or a fast dash character can approach you with ease and punish you. This move should be only used in combos, as with all of her supers. In fact, the only time you should be using this is to finish air combos. grade: 6 2.Maelstrom: [qcf + kk] (oh man..its been so long since i used this move, im not sure if thats the right command!!) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Perhaps THE worst super in the game, and certainly the worst super Psylock has. Okay, let me explain these harsh litigations. First of all, its not that hard to land, and it combos pretty well. It has decent range, and great priority. So, why is it bad?? Okay, with very little exaggeration i tell you this, but it does like "zero" damage. I mean, countless times i've comboed it off of a simple dash in, s.lp,, xx maelstorm to a helpless opponent with like 2 points of life left, only to see them jump right back up to their feet. I mean, i dont know. It just isn't worth doing the combo into this super. Trust me on this guys. It looks cool as shit, and it hits very well, but oh man. If there is any doubt that Psylock is a weak hitter, this super should just about do it. grade: 5 3.Butterfly Super (??....she says something like....i dont know) [qcb + kk] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ First of all, let me just apologize for the lack of information on the name of this super. I am so bad with those long super names that are in japanese, (hyper.....VIPER BEAM!! how simple!!) that i can never seem to remember them. Okay, let me start out by saying that this is my personal favrite and most often used in my Psylock game and combos. It does pretty decent damage upclose, which is one of the reason why you should always combo this move, and it has a great corner possibility, which really helps Psylock's game by delivering more damage. With other supers, this move should NEVER be used during a desperate situations, and should never be used to try to chip your opponent. I mean, they will have small window of retaliation during the super as it eventually covers the whole screen, but the fact that from a long range, it does NO chipping damage, and the lag is great enough to give your opponent time to retaliate. Just becareful, but you will learn to love this super if you are a psylock user. grade: 6 6.Combos ******** 1. dash in, s.lp,, s.lp,, psy blade with lk, lp, lp, psy blade with hk. The lk, lp after the first psy blade is done if you're close enough, so do it close. 2. dash in, s.lp,, s.lp,, c.hp, sj. lp, lk, lp, lk, psy blade with hk 3. dash in, s.lp,, s.lp,, c.hp, sj. lp, lk, lp, lk, psy blade with lk, xx butterfly super 4. dash in, s.lp,, s.lp,, c.hp, sj, lp, lk, lp, lk, hold up, hk, double jump, lp, lp, psy blade with hk, xx butterfly super 5. dash in, s.lp,, s.lp,, c.hp, sj, lp, lk, lp, lk, hold up, hk, double jump, lp, lp, lk, hold up, hk, double jump, lp, lp, psy blade with lk, xx butterfly super ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *one note at this point. if they block the launcher, always cancel into psy shot with lp. Launcher has a bad recovery time, and psy shot will either surprise them or push them back to give you time to recover. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6. dash in, s.lp,, s.lp,, c.hp, sj, lp, lk, lp, lk, hold up, double jump, lp, lp, psy blade with lk, lp, lp, hold up, hk, double jump upforward, lp, lp, lk, psy blade with lk, xx butterfly super 7. In corner, dash in, s.lp,, s.lp,, psy shot with lp, xx butterfly super, OTG with, c.hp, sj.lp, lk, lp, lk, hold up, hk, double jump, lp, lp, psy shot with lp, hold forward, lp, lp, lk, hold up, hk, double jump, lp, lp, psy blade with lk, xx butterfly super. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *last combo note is that most of the double jump, you wont be jumping straight up, but rather upforward. The butterfly super used in all combo finisher can be replaced by the thrusting super, except the corner combo. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7.Specific Matches *************** A. Cable: This is a great match up. Although for some reason, i haven't played alot of cable users with my psylock, but i think i know cable well enough to make some statements. First of all, lets start out by saying that, yes, cable will have the upper hand on this match. You have to be extra quick on your decisions, extra prepared to triple jump out of AHVB's and very careful in dashing in against him. DONT even try to pressure him with psy shot. That will simply NOT work. The best chance is stay close and pressure with her ground series into launcher, and if missed, cancel out to psy shot with lp. Try dashing in with alot too, as it has priority over most of cable's crouching moves. Once you hit with that, dont waste time and energy with other series hits, but just launch them up for some hurts. Teleport should be used very sparrgingly especially to the places above cable, as they will punish you with a quick AHVB. Teleporting behind them with an assist pressure is a great way to get close, and DO NOT attack with her teleport attack, unless you are sure you will hit, or you are sure your assist will hold them long enough for you to recover. Your best chance of getting close is probably with the triple jump tactic. Watch for a mistakenly used s.hp or viper beam to jump over some punishment. If they surprise you in the air with a quick AHVB, surprise them with a quick double or triple jump over the AHVB. Another good tactic to use is follow your missed launcher with psy shot with lp, and follow a blocked psy shot with psy blade with lk and pressure attack. Always be careful of cable's assist, as most likely they will have a good anti air assist character helping him out. The best chance of survival is to dash in, use psy blade with lk or whatever to get close and don't let him leave that place. Match up: 6 - 4 in Cable's favor B. Juggernaut: This character gives me some trouble. I mean, it seems like she takes EXTRA damage from him. A keep away game must be played in between her hit and run tactics to fraustrate the opponent into jumping hp advances or standing hp push back moves. DO NOT BE FOOLED by those missed s.hp's. Some of them are intentional, because the want you to dash in for attack and out comes headcrush. Try tricking them with a dashing block. And always go for a full series on the ground before launcher. If you miss the series, dont even try hitting with the launcher. I've been hit alot of times by a headcrush when i was doing my missed launcher, xx psy shot with lp manurver. Seems like juggy's headcrush goes RIGHT through it. Keep your distance or stay REAL close. Juggy has some great mid ranged attacks that Psylock will not be able to deal with. Stay back and throw those psy shots and either wait for a rushed headcrush or fraustrated jumping hp advance. Teleporting during headcrush works too if your motion is fast enough. Try jumping back, pys shot lp in mid air, double jump forward for surprised attack, or repeat the retreival jumping psy shot then super jumping out of corner and playing a keep away game. Juggy's not fast enough to avoide psy shots and hit you at same time. Although keep in mind that one false move could mean the turn of the battle. If you miss with a ground series, dont lurk around him, but dash the HECK out of there. Wait for him to make a first mistake and take him out. Match up: 7 - 3 in Juggernaut's favor C. Spiral Who would thought that my greatest character, spiral would haunt me like this!!! Anyways, Spiral can be very tricky to take down, just because she's so versitile, and for ather various reasons. First of all, watch out for those darn swords. Any spiral player will try to have the swords on as much as possible. Try not to get lured into a trap game. Quick dash in's are always a good way to get into spiral Speedwise, Psylock is much fater than Spiral, so take advantage of that. One thing you must keep in mind also is never to randomly jump in. You shouldn't have problems with single tossed knives as your psy shot can cancel out most of them, and it is fast enough to match her in the projectile battle. Use the Psy blade with lk to advance safely. Psylock is ALOT faster than spiral in terms of moves and foot speed, so thats is your greatest advantage. Getting close could make all the difference in the game. When Spiral expands her swords, triple jump and super jump and shoot the psy shot with lp to avoid them. Match up: 5 - 5 in even match D. Magneto A close match and somewhat similar in their strategies. First thing you must watch out for is his missed launcher. His missed launcher have a small but very noticable window of lag time that Psylock is more than fast enough to take advantage of. In turn remember to cancel out Psylock's missed launcher into the psy shot with lp. Give him no chance to start long combos. Try to stay in the air to start your attacks and watch out for his very versitile air dash attacks. Magneto can be very fast so take your chance and dont miss out on them. Also, magneto has a sliding dash, so jump over it, then double jump behind him and attack away. Teleport could be used less against magneto as he can get away from it easily, and his fast enough to counter them with a painful combos. Watch out for his E.M disrupter as it can beat out psy shot with projectile battle. Although Magneto doesn't really have a proper anti air move, watch out for his c.hp and They have insane priorites and can hit quickly if you just jump in without thought. Psy shot with hk should do the job when he tries to air dash attack in the air when you are on the ground. It has priority over most of magneto's jump ins. Match up: 5 - 5 in evn match E. Dr. Doom Dr. Doom can mean pain for Psylock if you're not careful. I say this because Dr. Doom can have counters for just about anything Psylock can do. Still, Psylock is a character who can adapt, and that she will against dr. doom. First of all, Dr. Doom can punish Psylock on the ground. He's got a projectile that comes out super fast and beats out psy shot, he's got a projectile that covers jump ins, and he's got a projectile that stops her dash ins. No doubt that Dr. Doom players will try to keep you away if he's not going for a trap game. Okay, his beam projectile is really fast, but has some lag time, take advantage of that and block the beam, shoot out a psy shot with hp and advance with a quick dash in magic series. and keep the pressure on. Dont forget to block during those dash in's because Dr. Doom's got few projectiles that can come out very fast. His photon array can pose some problems. It covers alot of the screen, which can eliminate any jump ins, and it has great chipping damage which can mean big problem for poor psylock in the long run. NEVER try a teleport, because it covers most of the screen, even behind them. If you are very fast and efficient with her teleports, you can try this. Time the photon shot so that you teleport next to doom when the beams have left Doom's body. This takes alot of patiences and timing, so you can try to super jump and triple jump to avoid them. His molecular shield is mostly for stopping dash ins and it will do its job. Here's what you can do. wait for the rocks to leave doom and jump over them, or jump in while rocks are forming and when they are tracking you, double jump over it and punish doom. The shield has some lag time, so that is your best chance to counter Doom. Once you get inside, pressure him. Most of his projectile doesn't really have big push back action, so block, shoot psy shot, dash in, pressure, and repeat. Giving him distence is giving him the game. Match up: 6 - 4 in Psylock's favor F. Black Heart Easy to beat. VERY easy to beat. Its very simple. Just watch out for his hp and hk moves. A simple hp / hk trap into super can just about finish Psylock. But blah, that shouldn't be a problem. Here's what you can do. His special moves have a noticable lag, so use her speed and punish those missed or blocked lighting moves and the ice moves and such. He jumps very low compare to how how Psylock can jump. She's also faster than he is to teleport behind him and punish him with some assist / teleport cross ups. Just stay on top of him, and punish him with some combos that he will just eat up. Watch out for his jumping hk and hp and dont be trapped into any trap game by staying up in the air. Match up: 8 - 2 in Psylock's favor. 8. Shout Outs *********** This faq's taken me forever, not becuase it was long, but i was too damn lazy to finish it on time, so strider2k, his one's for you. I also had to go back to the arcades and play her extensively to check out my combos again and strategies, learning some new stuff and finding out some old stuff that reminded me why i loved psylock in the first place. I swear, I gotta stop using Cammy and Ruby and go back to Psylock...what the heck am I thinking with Cammy and Ruby?? oh well....whatever. Hm........wasn't this a shoutout?? Anyways, mad props to CjayC for posting my stupid faqs, BBkraas for posting my last spiral faq, and hopefully this one. Hm....i wanna make a shoutout to a nameless dude in philadelphia who actually gave me a decent game for my Psylock. Man, dude, who ever you are, you had some crazy stuff with Thanos. Finally, a dude named stuc2k for sending this in for me at the end....peace out bros. 9. Extras *******, i have no clue why put this little chapter in the first um......i have nothing to say really..........oh, hey psylock's taunt does damage!! I swear it does like 1/10th of a point of damage! Funny stuff though....hehe.