Marvel vs. Capcom 2-New Age of Heroes (Arcade Version) Omega Red FAQ (First Version) This document Copyright 2000 Acelyte Any questions, suggestions, or submissions? E-mail them to: If I put your submission up, I'll also give you credit, of course. _______________________________________________________________________ Chapters: 1. Legal Copyright Protection 2. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Vocabulary 3. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Features and Controls A. Joystick Directions and Buttons B. Gameplay Details C. Abbreviations of the Joystick Motions and Button Combinations D. Game Features 4. Intro to Omega Red 5. Normal Attacks 6. Special Attacks 7. Hyper Combos 8. Assists 9. Strategy A. General Strategy B. Highly-Prioritized Attacks C. Specific Strategy (under construction) 10.Combos 11.Omega Red vs. Abyss 12.Poses and Colors 13.Past Revisions (under construction) 14.Future Revisions 15.Credits _______________________________________________________________________ 1. Legal Copyright Protection This document cannot be reproduced in any way without my permission, unless for private use. It cannot be sold. If I do give you permission, you MUST give credit. It definitely CANNOT be altered in any way. It's as simple as that... _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Vocabulary From A-Z...uhh...make that A-X: * air combo: A combo in the air involving a launcher and follow-up attacks in the air and a strong attack to finish the combo. * air-to-air: Any attack primarily suited for aerial confrontations. * anti-air: Any attack that is made from ground-to-air. They are mainly used to counter jump-ins. * attack (power): The amount of damage a character can inflict. * beam: Any attack that travels to the other side instantly. Plus, beams can penetrate armor (see "super armor" and "hyper armor"). However, the greater the distance the beam hits, the weaker the damage. * beamer: A character who has a beam. If played intelligently, he will have an advantage over pixies. Some ppl generally play keep-away with beamers. Because of this, beamers have a reputation of being "cheap", "cheesy", "scrubby", and "unskillful". It is only annoying imo (in my opinion), nothing else. * block (chip/tick) damage: Although blocking an attack minimizes damage, some attacks still do a little bit of damage if blocked. Iceman is immune to most methods of block damage. * defense (resistance to damage): The ability of a character to minimize the damage that is inflicted upon him/her. * hyper armor: Mega Zangief (Zangief's transformation super), Hyper- Armored Colossus (Hyper Armor super), Hyper-Armored Silver Samurai (Ice Mode super 3x), Sonson (big ape super), and Servbot (King Servbot super) have this capability. As a result, they have better defense than super-armored characters, and they can sustain ANY kind of attack without flinching; they will just freeze for a split second. Also, they cannot be grabbed, thrown, or launched in any way. * hyper combo: Any exceptionally damaging special attack or power-up that uses 1 or 3 levels on the supermeter (see "supermeter"). * keep-away: the use of mainly projectiles and/or beams to keep the opponent away. * knockdown: Any normal attack that knocks the opponent down to the ground. * launcher: An attack that shoots the opponent up into the air. This is mainly used to start air combos. The universal launcher is df + Hp (see chapter 3, section A and C). * normal attack: Any standing, crouching, or jumping Lp, Mp, Hp, Lk, Mk, or Hk. * OTG (Off the Ground): If the enemy is falling down from a knock-down attack, you can sometimes attack him again off the ground if he does not use the Pursuit Attack-Evade (This will be explained later.). * pixie: A fast character who has attacks with little start-up and little lag time and can sometimes perform air combos with many hits. However, pixies mainly have bad defense, bad attack, and bad reach. * powerhouse: A character that has good attack, defense, and reach. However, he is generally slow, and his attacks mainly have a lot of start-up and lag time. * projectile: Anything fired that travels from one side of the screen to the other. * reach: How far a character's attacks can span. * recoverable life (Red Life): Vital energy you can gain back (shown in red) either by switching out your character to the sidelines to rest (a star-like figure will appear in the vital energy bar when someone is recovering his/her red life in the sidelines), or by draining the opponent's life (only certain characters have the capability of draining). * recovery/lag time: The time that needs to elapse after a character has performed his/her attacks to be able to block any counterattacks. * special move: Any attack that involves combining joystick motions with 1 or 2 buttons that does not use any levels on the supermeter (see "supermeter"). * speed: How fast a character can attack and move. Some characters have the capability to "run" when advancing or retreating. * start-up time: The time that needs to elapse between performing the command and character attacking. * super armor: Juggernaut, Zangief (when doing the Spinning Pile Driver, Running Bear Grab, or Final Atomic Buster), Hulk, Sentinel, Silver Samurai (Ice Mode super), and Jin (desperation mode) have this capability. As a result, they have good defense and they can sustain one hit (there are exceptions) without being stunned. If it is a combo, then they will be stunned. * supermeter: the gauge on the bottom of the screen with a level status shown to let you know which and how many supers you can use. The MAX level is 5. * taunt: Press the start button to make your character taunt. Beware, he/she will open to attacks. Most taunts do not do anything. However, Jin's taunt can attack enemies when he sets himself on fire, and Dan's taunt recovers his red life. Unless I'm using at least one of those 2 characters, I never use taunts, and neither should you. * telegraph: to predict an attack before it is made. Since some special moves and supers have start-up time, making the character pose in a certain way, you can watch out for these poses to counter these moves. * throw: attack that must be used close-up. Regular throws are unblockable, but can be tech-hit (see chapter 3, section D--Breakaway) out of. Command throws (type of special attack) are usually blockable, but cannot be tech-hit out of. * whiff: to use an attack with a lot of lag in desperation or frustration. You obviously don't want to do this, but it would be helpful to your gameplay if you learned how to pressure your opponent into doing this. * XX (canceling): While most attacks are being used, you can perform another attack to link to the previous one. This is important to comboing into normal attacks, then into special attacks, then into supers, or anything similar. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Features and Controls Before learning a character, you must learn the features and controls of the game itself, especially in this game. A. Joystick Directions and Buttons (when you're facing right) (Up) U ^ (Up-Back) ^ (Up-Forward) (Jab) (Fierce) UB ^ UF Lp Hp A1 ^ O O O ^ (Light Punch)(Heavy Punch)(Assist 1) ^ (Back) B<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>F (Forward) v v (Light Kick) (Heavy Kick) (Assist 2) v O O O DB v DF Lk Hk A2 (Down-Back) v (Down-Forward) (Short) (Roundhouse) v D (Down) Of course, the joystick motions are flipped when you're facing left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Gameplay Details * Move the joystick in DB position to block low attacks. You will be open to high attacks in this position. * Move the joystick in B position to block high attacks. You will be open to low attacks in this position. * Move the joystick in UB position to jump and block high attacks. You will be open to low attacks in this position. *** Due to the new button setup, in order to get the Mp/Mk (Medium Punch/Medium Kick or Strong/Forward), you must first press the Lp or Lk button, then link it with another Lp to get the Mp, or the Lk to get the Mk. You do not have to hit Lp and Lp again to get Mp; you can just hit Lk and then hit the Lp to get Mp. The same thing applies to getting the Mk; Lk, Mk or Lp, Mk. However, if you want a Lp/Lk and another Lp/Lk, you must pause for a moment for the previous Lp/Lk to finish, then do the other Lp/Lk. You cannot link medium hits together; attempting to do so will result in a light hit (Mp/Mk, Lp/Lk). * You cannot be attacking and/or calling assists and/or push-blocking (this will be explained later), and blocking at the same time. * You cannot block low-hitting attacks while in the air. *** Use the A1 button to call out your first character in the sidelines to support you. Use the A2 button to call out your other character in the sidelines to support you. His/Her assist, variable counter (this will be explained later), and variable combination (this will also be explained later) depends on which of the 3 available assist types you pick. There is no limit for how often you call out your "helpers." When you are assisting, the main character will do his/her assisting call if on the ground (if done in the air, there is no animation), leaving him/her vulnerable to attack. If he/she is attacked before the helper comes out, the helper will either never come out, or he/she will taunt and leave the battlefield without assisting. Although your helpers can assist you an infinite amount of times, they can also be hurt, or even worse, killed by the main enemy character, by one of his helpers, or all 3 enemy characters in a THC or DHC. Therefore, you must learn to use your assists at the right time and wisely. * You can only block one attack while you are in the air. If you come out of blocking position and another attack is made before you touch the ground, you will be hit. Hence the name, "Guard Crush." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Abbreviations of the Joystick Motions and Button Combinations QCF = Quarter Circle Forward = d, df, f QCB = Quarter Circle Back = d, db, b DP = Dragon Punch = f, d, df RDP = Reverse Dragon Punch = b, d, db HCF = Half Circle Forward = b, db, d, df, f HCB = Half Circle Back = f, df, d, db, b Charge _____ = For some attacks, you must hold the joystick in one direction for about 1 full second, then move it to another direction and press a button. 360 = Rotate the joystick a full circle starting from F position and back to the same position. Rotate clockwise when facing right, counter-clockwise when facing left. P = any punch K = any kick 2P(s) (PP) = Lp/Mp and Hp at the same time 2K(s) (KK) = Lk/Mk and Hk at the same time Note: "+" is used to add a button command to a joystick motion, such as QCF + P. Note: You can do anything beforehand before performing a special move, such as holding db, then connecting it with the motions of QCF (d, df, f) + P. Get in the habit to doing this; holding db enables you to block low attacks on the ground, then you can do QCF + P (if your character has a special attack involving this command) to counterattack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Game Features * f, f or 2Ps = dash (forward). This can help you start combos and your offensive strategy. Some characters have the capability to dash in the air, thus the name "air dash." * b, b or b + 2Ps = dash backward (backstep). This can be used to evade a jumping-in attack from your enemy, therefore helping your defensive game. * d, u = super jump straight up. This is very useful as a breather or to evade a beam attack, beam super, or any attack that you cannot evade by regular jumping. To super-jump forward, use df, f, uf. To super- jump backwards, use db, b, ub. * Breakaway (Tech-hit)= f + Hp when being grabbed. It will get you out of regular throws. Keep this in mind if you're facing an opponent who is inclined to throw in a combo or if he is using a combo in which you blocked. * Variable Attack = Lp and Lk/Hp and Hk. Lp and Lk switches the current character out to rest his/her red life, while the first character in the sidelines switches into the battlefield from his/her upper side of the screen and makes a blockable attack that crosses the battlefield. Hp and Hk does the same, except that it switches in your second character in the sidelines. Let me explain the path of the Variable Attack: X = area that is covered by the Variable Attack (when facing right) The Battlefield ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <--- the air above | | Start |XXXXXXXX | | XXXXXXXXXXX | | XXXXXXXXXXXXXX | <--- "boundaries/walls" | XXXXXXXXXXXXXX | | XXXXXXXXX | End ...___|____________________________|___... <--- continues to the corner ^ ^ |________________________________________| | ground As you can see, it covers a lot of the battlefield. Note: Keep in mind that all characters except Servbot take up more than one X worth of room, so if the enemy is occupying even one of those Xs, the Variable Attack is within range. Even better, if it hits, the enemy will be popped up into the air, allowing you to make almost any attack! FOR ANYONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE A BEAM, HERE'S YOUR ALTERNATE ATTACK! However, after this, the character switched in will taunt, so be certain that this will hit or when the switched-in character is out of danger, such as when the enemy super jumps or whiffs an attack with a lot of lag, otherwise, you're in big trouble. * Snapback = QCF + A1/A2 (takes 1 super). The screen will freeze and your character will be summoning yellow energy as if he/she is powering up for a strong attack. If this hits, it will knock your opponent off the screen, unconscious. And even better, you get to choose which enemy character will replace him/her; use A1 to force out the first character in his sidelines and A2 for the second character. This is useful for kicking that annoying character out of the battle momentarily or forcing in a weak character (with lots of red life, very low health, a type of character who is at a disadvantage compared to your character, or just someone your opponent is not as good with as the other two). Even though it's blockable, you can combo into it. * THC = Team Hyper Combo/Variable Combination = A1 and A2 (at least 1 level on the supermeter is needed). All 3 characters perform their designated supers at once if you have 3 levels or more on your supermeter. If you have 2 levels, your main character and first character in the sidelines will perform their designated supers. If you only have 1 level, your main character will perform his/her designated super. Your character's designated super is their Variable Combination; most characters' Variable Combinations depend on which assists are picked for them. If you are at level 0, the THC will not initiate, and will most likely result in calling out your assists. * DHC = Delayed Hyper Combo = super of main character, then switch to a super of first character in sidelines while main character is still attacking (2 or more levels on supermeter are needed at this point), then switch to a super of last character while previous character is attacking (3 or more levels are needed at this point). This is more damaging than the THC, and the switching of supers also switches out the characters, letting them rest to regain their red life. Even better, you can choose the super your character will do, unlike the THC. What I do not like about this is that you could finish the DHC, ending up with a character that is dying if you do not have enough super levels to make another switch, or when the weak character is the last one who has completed the DHC. You can let your character do the super as long as you want to for more damage, but make sure to switch supers when the enemy is at a perfect place in the battlefield (so the next super with connect perfectly) AND while the super-in-progress screen is in the background (really cool picture of space). * Advancing Guard (push-block) = 2Ps when blocking an attack from the main enemy character. Using this will distance yourself from the opponent, stopping their offensive strategy. This is one of the best tactics in playing keep-away; when the main enemy character tries to get you with a one-hit attack, push-block to safety. If it is a multi- hit attack, you will most likely be hit since you cannot block for half a second after doing this. * Pursuit Attack-Evade (rolling) = b, db, d + P after being knocked down but before touching the ground. This will make the knocked down character roll forward, avoiding most OTGs. This will not work if you were OTG'd and did not ever touch the ground. * Variable Counter = b, db, d + A1 while blocking an attack to switch the main character with the first character on sidelines or A2 to switch with second. This takes 1 super level. When this is used, the screen freezes and the character switched in will perform his/her designated assist. Useful for stopping offensive strategies. Also, if you are facing a beam that is about to chip you to death, use this when you are almost down to only a few health points so that the character switching in will only take minimal damage. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. Intro to Omega Red Omega Red is the BEST character in the game imo! Here's why: + Normal attacks have great range! + He can regain red life while fighting by using Energy Drain! + He has the UNIQUE ability to drain the enemy's supermeter by using Death Factor! :) + I repeat, he has the UNIQUE ability to drain the enemy's supermeter by using Death Factor! :) + Versatile special attacks! + He can air dash! + db/d/df + Hk are multi-purpose attacks! + Good speed on his attacks, especially with Omega Strikes! + Good defense; he takes about 90% damage from attacks! + He can duck some projectiles! + Almost NO start-up time on his specials, making it nearly impossible to telegraph them! + Some of his heavy attacks hit multiple times, and usually register as a combo (3 hits minimum to register), therefore penetrating super armor! Of course, every character has disadvantages; here's his: - Some of his attacks have slightly undesirable lag... - He deals the same damage as some pixies do... - The Omega Destroyer does minimal damage from a distance, and the Carbonadium Smasher is one of the least desirable types of supers in the game... - His awkward launcher weakens his air-comboability... - He only has 2 special attacks... - The new button setup weakens his gameplay... According to the above comparison, the good outnumbers the bad 2:1; excellent imo. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Normal Attacks Standing Attacks: * Lp-Omega Red makes a poke with his hand that is farther from the camera (from where you're looking). Average range for a jab, so it's nothing really special (you're gonna get this a lot from me in this chapter!). * Mp-Omega Red takes a step forward with his foot that is nearer to the camera and makes an uppercut. This is his primary launcher. However, his launcher sends the opponent flying at an angle instead of straight up, weakening his air-comboability... >:( * Hp-Omega Red whips downward at his opponent with one with his coils coming from his hand that is farther from the camera. It has great range for a fierce attack and has almost NO start-up time; however, the lag is another story, so if this is jumped over or missed, you're in trouble. * Lk-Omega Red gives the opponent a kick. Nothing special. * Mk-Omega Red spin-kicks, striking with his heel. Aside from its style and its similar range to the Mp, it's nothing special. * Hk-Omega Red plants his coils into the ground as a support, then kicks the opponent with both feet, with his front side facing the camera. It has slightly less range than the Hp. What's good about this is that he leaves the ground as he kicks, avoiding sweeps. This has slightly more start-up time than his Hp, but less lag. Crouching Attacks: * Lp-Omega Red uses the crouching version of the Lp. This is one of the only few attacks that hit low. * Mp-Omega Red shoots a coil from his hand that is nearer to the camera up at a 45-degree angle. The coil will reach up to about 2 times the height of Omega Red's crouching stance. Almost no start-up time, but bad lag. This can be used to counter jump-ins, although you would have to hold the joystick down and hit the Lp twice, taking up time... * Hp-Omega Red holds out his hand that is nearer to the camera, spinning the coil in it like a nunchuck. The range is better than the regular (I don't like to say "standing") Hp and does not have the Hk's start-up time, but worse lag. It hits an opponent on the ground up to 3 times. Even better, it acts like a mini-launcher if an airborne opponent is hit! Unfortunately, you cannot make the follow-up jump for an air combo using this and it can be blocked high or low. >:( Nevertheless, one way you can counter a jump-in attack is to backdash, then use this to try and pop the opponent up, and finally follow-up with an Hp coil or an Hk Omega Strike. * Lk-Omega Red makes a kick to the opponent. This is one of the few attacks that hit low. * Mk-Just read that last one. * Hk-Omega Red shoots a coil underground and it reappears at one of the three spots you can choose to aim it; a rather quick move too! Plus, it neutralizes projectiles! db + Hk makes the coil reappear in front of him; you can use this to counter jump-ins or to shield yourself from dashing offensives. d + Hk makes the coil strike a length of about a half-screen away from Omega Red; use this to attempt an attack on an opponent who's jumping forward from the other side of the screen or jumping back to get away from Omega Red. df + Hk is the farthest, stretching almost all the way to the other side of the screen; use this to stop fireballers and beamers or when the opponent is in his/her assist-calling pose! Although it has almost NO start-up time, its lag is horrible; don't miss. And even worse, it can be blocked high OR low! >:( Jumping Attacks: * Lp-Omega Red spins the coil in his hand that is farther away from the camera. Nothing special. * Mp-Omega Red uppercuts his opponent. * Hp-Omega Red flails his coils in front of him to form a barrier (or anything close enough to it). This is usually the most-prioritized jump-in and air-to-air attack! Plus, it hits 6 times maximum! * Lk-Omega Red gives the opponent a straight kick. Nothing special; don't you just get sick and tired of hearing this??? * Mk-Read that last one, plz...again... * Hk-Omega Red gives the opponent a straight kick with more horizontal range than his jumping Hp! Use this for a jump-in if you expect to be trading hits with your opponent because if you use the Hp, chances are you will only get one hit in (it's supposed to 6 times for the full damage). However, this has slightly more start-up time than his jumping Hp. Throws: * f + Hp on the ground = Omega Red grabs the opponent with both hands, and slams them into the ground, bouncing them to the other side of the screen. ^_^ You can tack in an extra df + Hk for an attempt at more damage, but it can be blocked though; just use the extra hit about 50% of the time to screw your opponents up, making them think if you would go for that extra hit or not. You can always try to piss them off this way. * f + Hk = Omega Red throws the opponent backwards over his head. Other than that, there's no difference between both throws. * f + Hp in the air = Omega Red grabs the opponent with both hands, drags him/her to the ground, and slams, bouncing him/her to the other side of the screen again. This throw has the same uses as the ground version. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. Special Attacks * Carbonadium Coil = QCF + P/2Ps (K/2Ks can be done when in the air). Omega Red's signature attack! Omega Red shoots out a coil from his palm to attempt to ensnare the enemy. For safety, you can retract the coil by pressing the same button you used to throw out the coil if it did not hit the enemy, ground, walls, enemy's helper, projectile (it would be neutralized), or before it reached its full range. Compared to the other special, this is the more damaging one because it can lead to the Energy Drain, Death Factor, coil throw, or double coil throw. It has almost no start-up time. However, the lag can range from moderate to horrific, depending on how well you retract the coils (You will get in the habit of doing this, won't you?) by hitting the same button. To avoid having to retract the coil every time, try to hit the enemy or have it blocked instead of missing. Of course, once your opponent is ensnared, he/she cannot be ensnared permanently. Hyper- armored opponents obviously cannot be ensnared. There are 6 (technically 5) variations of this move: The following variations can be done on the ground or in the air: * Lp/Mp variation = The coil is shot straight forward. Use this as part of your offensive strategy and in ground combos, but don't abuse it, especially from a distance. If this is done in the air while Omega Red is falling, he will slowly drop towards the ground as he shoots out the coil, which will also slowly sink with him; remember this if you're planning to momentarily keep the enemy on the ground. * Hp variation = The coil is shot forward and slightly upwards into the air at a 30 degree angle. Use this an anti-air or to counter jump- ins. * 2P variation = The coil is shot straight up into the air. Use this as a vertical anti-air to counter super-jump-ins or when your opponent is trying to stay in the air right above you. The following variations can only be done in the air: * Lk/Mk variation = The same variation as the Lp/Mp. * Hk variation = The coil is shot forwards and slightly downwards toward the ground at a 30 degree angle. This is the most useful coil variation imo because you can jump up or forwards over a fireball or beam and throw it out to ensnare your enemy. * 2K variation = The coil is shot straight down towards the ground. Use this when you are right above the opponent who you expect a counter-jump attack from. The coil, when hit, can lead to the following attacks: * Energy Drain = P. This drains up to about 1/15 of your opponent's lifebar, adding it to your red lifebar. If you do not have red life, you cannot recover any more of your life. * Death Factor = K. This drains up to about 1/4 of your opponent's supermeter, adding it to your supermeter. * Coil Throw = any direction + P. This throws the opponent in the corresponding direction. * Double Coil Throw = db/d/df + P, any other direction + P. This throws the opponent twice; once towards the ground, and once in any other direction. Note: The Energy Drain and Death Factor can be switched while an opponent is ensnared. The following can be done when the opponent is ensnared: * Coil Throw * Energy Drain * Death Factor * Energy Drain/Death Factor + Coil Throw * Double Coil Throw The following CANNOT be done: * Energy Drain/Death Factor + Double Coil Throw * Omega Strike = QCF + K/2Ks (can only be done on the ground). Omega Red plants his coils into the ground, and then launches himself, attacking with both feet. This has even better start-up time than the Carbonadium Coil. Also, however, the lag is determined by how well you retract it or cancel it. Retracting it involves b + K, which will make Omega Red slide back very quickly to his original spot, while canceling it involves d + K, which will make Omega Red land on the ground, enabling him to block, even when he is still airborne. There are 3 variations of this move: * Lk/Mk variation = Omega Red launches himself straight forward. Use this in your combos; don't abuse it. If you whiff this from a distance, retract it. If you whiff this close-up, don't retract it, so that you'll be carried to safety; if the opponent tries any kind of beam attack, cancel it and block. * Hk variation = Omega Red launches himself forward into the air at a 30 degree angle. Use this as an anti-air, to counter jump-ins, to get yourself out of a corner, to evade beams, or to set an aerial barrier. * 2K variation = Omega Red launches himself straight up into the air. Use this as a vertical anti-air, to counter super-jump-ins, or to evade screen-filling supers. _______________________________________________________________________ 7. Hyper Combos * Omega Destroyer = QCB + 2Ps (takes 1 super level and can only be done on the ground). Omega Red's pose before this is facing the camera. He whips out his coils horizontally in both directions in an instant and then fills the whole bottom part of the screen with both his coils, whipping up and down (covering even the area above him), while yelling "OMEGA DESTROYER!" The coils can neutralize projectiles. The opponent must be nearby for this to do decent damage. You don't want to use this when your opponent is in the air nearby because he/she could knock you out of it, wasting 1 super level. If this is blocked, the opponent will be pushed away, ensuring your safety. Usually awful block damage; however, if the opponent is really up-close, the super creates a vacuum effect for amazing block damage. If they attempt to push-block out of the vacuum effect, the coils will most likely give them a whipping; unfortunately, when the super and vacuum effect stops, you'll be open to counterattacks because the enemy wasn't pushed away. Little start- up and lag time. * Carbonadium Smasher = QCB + 2Ps (takes 1 super level and can only be done in the air). Omega Red's start-up pose before this is when he stops in midair with his air-dash pose. Then he air-dashes forward, yelling "CARBONADIUM SMASHER!" This has bad start-up time, but if it is blocked, Omega Red will push himself away to safety. Even better, if it misses, Omega Red falls down, able to block any counterattacks. If he catches the enemy not blocking, he gives him/her an automatic beatdown ending with a coil throw directly downwards. This does more damage than the Omega Destroyer, but it is much harder to combo into. _______________________________________________________________________ 8. Assists Assist Type |Variable Assist |Variable Counter |Variable Combination ===============|================|=================|==================== Alpha: Throw |Lp/Mp coil with |Hp |Omega Destroyer |throw in the UF | | |direction | | ---------------|----------------|-----------------|-------------------- Beta: Anti-Air |Hk Omega Strike |Hk Omega Strike |Omega Destroyer ---------------|----------------|-----------------|------------------- Gamma: Ground |db + Hk |d + Hp |Omega Destroyer * Alpha: Pick this if you want a setup for an air combo. Of course, getting this to connect is the hard part. One of the better assists imo. * Beta: Pick this if you want to momentarily keep the enemy on the ground. When Omega Red finishes this, he will be in the enemy's territory, so make sure you cover him. * Gamma: One of the better assists imo. Since he does this from where you're located, it can be used to shield you from almost any attack. Plus, it can stun the enemy for setups into practically anything! Make sure you cover him if you're using this for offense. _______________________________________________________________________ 9. Strategy A. General Strategy Omega Red is an all-purpose character. He can play up-close with his attacks that have great range as well as keep-away with his coils. Tips when facing pixies: * keep-away * play up-close with his long-range normal attacks * mainly stay in blocking position, especially against pixies who can run really fast Tips when facing beamers: * abuse his df + Hk for a little bit (After that, they'll realize that they need to change their keep-away strategy, don't they?) * use your Hk coil when jumping a beam or fireball * play more defensively and learn to telegraph the beams Tips when facing powerhouses: * capitalize on the lag in their moves; when far away, use your special attacks * abuse his jumping and crouching Hp to pierce through their super armor * keep-away, especially against hyper-armored characters Tips when facing Shotokans (including Guile and Charlie): * capitalize on the lag of their projectiles by ensnaring the enemy with your Hk coil * capitalize on the lag of their anti-air attacks by comboing them * keep-away ----------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Highly-Prioritized Attacks: #|*Ground |*Anti-Air |*Super Anti-Air|*Jump-In |*Air-to-Air =|============|===============|===============|==========|=========== 1|crouching Hp|Hk Omega Strike|2P coil |jumping Hp|jumping Hp -|------------|---------------|---------------|----------|----------- 2|Hp |Hp coil |2K Omega Strike|jumping Hk|air-Lp coil -|------------|---------------|---------------|----------|----------- 3|Hk |either launcher|crouching Mp |jumping Lk|jumping Hk ----------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Specific Strategy (under construction) _______________________________________________________________________ 10. Combos Preferably start your combos with either a jumping Hp or Hk (preferably Hp). It would also help if you use assists to cover you. Air combos will not work if you launched the enemy with the tip of Omega Red's launcher since he is slightly too far away, so stay away from them. Regular Combo: 1. crouching Lk, crouching Mk, Hp XX Lp Carbonadium Coil Snapback Combo: 2. crouching Lk, crouching Mk XX Snapback Super Combo: 3. Lk, Mk, Hp XX Omega Destroyer From what I've heard on the message boards, there is a way to combo into his Carbonadium Smasher in the corner, but I forgot the combo (doh!). _______________________________________________________________________ 11. Omega Red vs. Abyss The last stage is where you can rack up a LOT of points against Abyss, especially with Omega Red fighting him. * First Form: Keep hitting him with the d + Hp. since multi-hits tend to slow him down (as if he couldn't get any slower). If he goes for the dashing attack, use the Lk Omega Strike to carry yourself to the other side or super-jump; while he's still dashing, hit him with the df + Hk and an assist if you're far away. If you super-jumped backwards towards Abyss (his dash goes all the way to the other side of the screen, so Omega Red would be jumping closer to him since he dashed under Omega Red to the other side), hit him with a jumping Hp and repeat it. If he goes for the beam super, super-jump forwards or straight up, air dash when you're high to move over him, and while you are landing, give him a jumping Hp. Then while he's shooting the beam the wrong way, keep hitting him with the jumping Hp so you don't get hurt from hitting the beam using the other attacks; you can also use your assists at this time. You would be very surprised at how this strategy can raise your combo hits. * Second Form: Maintain an almost full-distance away and do the df + Hk repeatedly (Omega Red's df + Hk sometimes cannot reach Abyss when he is at a completely full distance away). When you see him going for his beam special, crouch-block, because sometimes he can duck one of his thinner beams. If you're quick enough, super-jump forwards, then air- dash to the other side, giving him a jumping Hp as you land and hitting his back with the crouching Lk, crouching Mk. Just watch out for his super. If he sends out the bubbles, super-jump straight up or backwards and send the coils down to pop them. If you did not get rid of all of them, use the db + Hk or the jumping Hp or Hk or crouching Hp to protect yourself. * Third Form: Immediately go behind him and when the match starts, use the Lp or Lk and not the THC or DHC; he might disappear into the lava first, making your THC miss and having him counterattack on all 3 of your characters (You can keep all of them alive against a joke like Abyss, can't you?) or just 1 of them in a DHC. If he disappears, stay in crouch-blocking stance at all times. When he reappears, get right below him (the Omega Destroyer does the most damage to him when both coils are whipping him), and unleash the THC or DHC. When he reappears again, finish him off with another one. If that doesn't work because it did not kill him or if your THC is really bad, just block at all times and when he appears, hit him with the jumping Hp for damage and to charge your supermeter. Once you have at least 1 level, use your Omega Destroyer whenever you're under him. _______________________________________________________________________ 12. Poses and Colors These are the only poses you need to know that will help your gameplay: * Taunt: Omega Red breaks from his humpback stance by standing up and yelling. Not very useful info, I know, but if your opponent's Omega Red underestimates your Omega Red's versatility, punish him. * Assist Call: Same as his taunt, but instead of yelling, he says, "Let's go!" The value of this info is pretty obvious...that is if you're also fighting Omega Red, so treat it as a taunt, except that you might want to punish his helpers as well. * Snapback Attack: Hp. This is useful info because you can combine your knowledge of the Hp's attributes (range, start-up time, etc.). This FAQ is long enough without showing the list of colors, so I'll just sum it up; the color variations of your character depends on which button you pressed to select him/her. The best color for Omega Red imo is Lp, but if the your opponent already has that color, then you've got the bad colors left. _______________________________________________________________________ 13. Past Revisions (under construction) _______________________________________________________________________ 14. Future Revisions * chapter 9, section C * chapter 13 * updating chapter 15 * correction of any grammatical or spelling mistakes * anything else _______________________________________________________________________ 15. Credits Thanks to: ANickerson for the vacuum effect of the Omega Destroyer, descriptions of the normals, throws, specials, and supers, parts of the strategies (including some against Abyss), and assist chart. CJayC for making this great website and posting my FAQ up.