-------=====================================================------- --------========Marvel Vs Capcom FAQ : Magneto v1.4=========------- ---------======== Compiled by Lemur-X, 6-1-2000 ========---------- --------=====Mail my happy-ass at lemurx@drunkenlemur.com=====----- --------=====================================================------ Index : 1: Intro/disclaimer/other BS. 2: Legend of keys 3: Overview of character 4: Normal attacks (standing & flying) 5: Special attacks 6: Supers 7: Combos 8: Assist Types 9: Strategy This faq was written for personal and private use. Feel free to distribute if desired, just make sure to give credit where credit is due. You may not alter the following and claim it as your own, or your knees belong to Guido…… Revision history : 4-1 – FAQ created 4-5 - Added 2 new combos Assist Mode Types. 4-8 - Corrected some remnants of my template FAQ. God I'm dumb. 4-9 - Added Magneto's "80% Magnetic Wave Buttrape Combo". 6-1 – Overhauled the * entire * shebang. Detailed both 'Normal' and 'Special' moves; improved the indexing; detailed the buffering needed in his 2 mass-damage combos, added the 'Strategy' section. Added more combos. This and other FAQS are hosted by the lost-gamers bestfriend, CJAYC at www.gamefaqs.com and www.drunkenlemur.com ---------================ 1: Introduction =================----------- I first started playing the VS series w/ the advent of "X-Men vs Street Fighter"'s release on the Sega Saturn. Good Lord…….Now there was a game….And none of the followups have really shined as it did (IMO) up until "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2". The series of FAQs I'll be putting out will be related to all the funky, freakish, or 'Darkhorse' characters of the game. Characters people rarely use….and when they do use, use ineffectively at best. I'm doing this due to the fact that * every * single character in this game is very playable…..very…….And knowing this can give you quite an edge over people that would underestimate them…. ---------=================== 2: Legend ===================------------ Here's the legend of keys and terms used in the following FAQ. Attacks : Jab = Light Punch Fierce = Hard Punch Short = Light Kick Roundhouse = Hard Kick b = Back f = Forward d = Down u = Up B = Charge back for 2 seconds D = Charge Down for 2 seconds P = Punch K = Kick PP = Both punches KK = Both kicks HCB = Half Circle Back (Roll controller from forward, to down, to back.) HCF = Half Circle Forward (Roll controller from back, to down, to forward) QCF = Quarter circle forward (Roll from down to forward) QCB = Quarter circle back (Roll from down to back ) OTG = Off the ground. Getting your licks in whilest they be Down for the count. Launcher = Any move which sends your opponent to the heavens. NOTE : All percentages given are from damage taken by Cable (a fairly balanced character). Your mileage may vary. ---------================3: Magneto ====================----------- The arch-nemesis of the X-men may just turn out to be the Maverick Chun-Li/Wolvie/Cammy killer yet again. In X-men vs. Street Fighter, few could dominate these pests like Mag could in the hands of a competent player. Too bad they were too far and few between….Magneto has been altered a bit. I don't want to say watered down, as he still kicks ass…..but if you're used to X-Men vs. Streetfighter…..Read on. Here are a few of his main strengths. 1 : Flight - Magneto has the ability to fly. Many other characters do as well, but few have the variety of options that Mag does. He can either launch off a few 'Hyper Grav', 'EM Disruptor' or 'Overhead Wave' attacks in order to move in closer for the kill, or whittle away at an opponent's health. As well as being able to maneuver in closely to hopefully execute a "Magnetic Tempest" directly above an opponent…making blocking a nightmare. 2: The 'EM Disruptor' - Mag's bread and butter. It's fast. It's a knockdown. And it pushes back. As well as having the nifty ability to travel with Mag as he floats downward if done in mid-air. =) Excellent pressure move. 3: Launchers - For a character played mainly as a projectile chucking turtle, Mag has quite a few launchers. All very capable of being combo'd into. 4: Distancing - See 'EM Disruptor' notes. Mag can keep nearly anyone in the game at bay by mixing up his projectiles. 5: Dash - Magneto has a very quick dash for a larger character. The perfect way to open up for launchers and really lay pressure on unsuspecting opponents. As an added bonus, in the air, it will allow you to outmaneuver the likes of most pixies and can be used to prolong aerial raves! 6: OTG moves - Both of Magneto's Supers are killer OTG moves. They pick up a downed opponent, and throttle them beyond belief. While hard to set up for with anything but a knockdown from an assistant,they are well worth it. 7. Priority - Magneto has some very high priority attacks. Basically this means, that with the proper timing, he can bitch slap characters out of attacks and beat them to his whim. The Standing/Ducking Fierce as well as his Sliding/Jumping/Standing Roundhouse immediately come to mind. 8: Hit-Box - Magneto's 'Hit Box' (the area vulnerable to attacks from enemies) is an odd creature. It changes size drastically from move to move. Some of his normal moves aren't even attached to Magneto (Standing Fierce, Ducking second Jab) and are comprised of energy. Waffling anyone that tries to physically retaliate to the point of attack! 9: Air-Superiority – Magneto has the unique ability to juggle enemies for seemingly an eternity. You can easily launch an enemy with one character, tag in Magneto, have him juggle their body for 7 hits, sweep off the ground, and juggle into a Super. Deadly stuff. On top of that, a good deal of his regular moves over-ride enemies that may be coming from below, and his 'EM Distruptor' will neutralize nearly anything within his line of sight. And then there's the bad side of things…... 1: Defense (Lack thereof) - Magneto is a pussy. Keep a keen eye on his health meter. Learn to keep your opponent in slow/chipping patterns. A little of Chun Li's lovin will do him in. 2: He's a big target - Magneto is by no means small height-wise. And he soaks up damage. Don't expect to go toe to toe with any of the faster characters until you have a good mastery of him…… 3: His Supers - They leave very little room for error. The Magnetic Tempest just doesn't do the block damage it used to. And is slow to start. The Magnetic Shockwave is fairly versatile when used out of combos, but if Guard Pushed, is avoided in full, leaving you wide open! =0 4: Flight - He has the ability of flight. The command is damn close to both his "Magnetic Temptest" and "Hyper Grav" moves. Beware. ---------================4: Normal Attacks ================------------ JAB ----------------------- Standing - Fast. Weak. Average range. Nothing special…except for the second hit which launches at close range. Be aware that this move hits fairly high, and some characters don't even have to duck in order to avoid it completely. Ducking - First hit is short range, second hit is a nearly guaranteed knockdown sweep which gives you room to advance if cornered, and can be OTG'd with an assistant as well. Jumping - Weak move. Range of a pubic hair. Ok to add a few extra hits into an aerial rave. That's about it…. SHORT --------------------- Standing - Medium range. Weak damage. Hits very low. Second hit is mid section height. Very good move for going into his Ducking-second-Jab variation for breathing room. Abuse liberally against Spider-Man and the ilk. Ducking - Short range. Minimal damage. Shoves opponent out of range for most combo possibilities aside from an assist attack. Jumping - Midheight kick. Second hit is same as standing Short's second hit. Very nice for opening jump-in combos. Hold Down and Short for a lower version with a tad higher priority. FIERCE ---------------- Standing - Extremely fast. Ok damage. Hits very high, but blows opponent clear across the screen. Excellent priority, as it will knock damn near anyone out of whatever they may be doing at the time with little risk of damage to yourself. Slightly delayed recovery. Your best friend in the corner. =). Ducking - SUPER FAST LAUNCHER. Opponent goes completely vertical. INSANE priority! Repeat for opponents that fail to duck in the air for a second hit. They deserve it…. Great for baiting pixies and jumpers for aerial goodness. Jumping - Good damage. Crazy range. Attacks downwards. Learn to like it. ROUNDHOUSE --------------- Standing - Good range. And it hits for 2 as well as launches at a decent range (4 steps back). Use often as a combo ender in the air. The standing version can not be effectively used as a combo opener, so far… Ducking - Good range. Single hit knockdown. Great out of a dash. Use after a ducking short to send the opponent up and over you. Jumping - Deep downward kick. It lasts until he has all but landed, therefore it's great for surprise jump-in combos. AMAZING priority! I've cancelled Juggernaut's "Headcrush" Super with it! THROWS --------------- F + Fierce – Magneto encases his victim in a cocoon of metal shards and casts them to the other side of the screen. Excellent for dashing in and starting up an aerial rave, and has good priority in the air (I have caught Cammy in the middle of one of her barrages with this throw) F + Roundhouse – Magneto grabs his opponent by the chest, charges them with a magnetic pulse, and shoves them clear to the other side of the screen. Can be followed up OTG by certain assists, and is best followed up by a dashing- Ducking Short/Roundhouse combo. --------==================5: Special Moves ====================-------- EM Disruptor - HCF, P – -------------------------- A wide-swath beam that hits once, or nullifies one projectile. It has great coverage, and is fast upon release. Fantastic for halting advancing characters that are quick on their feet since it is a single hit knockback move. Nice recovery in the air, aside from that, rely on assistant's projectiles if you must get in a firefight. Fills your Super gauge quite nicely. Hyper-Grav - HCB, K – ------------------------- Ranged by the Kick button used. Slow and semi-tracking, they stun and pull in upon a clean hit. The only true opening for his "Magnetic Tempest" Super aside from an assist attack or crossup. Short releases a slower moving short-ranged version, Roundhouse Quick and long-range. I can only recommend using this on jumpers that have a bad habit of attacking early, therefore leaving themselves open, or halting charges and assist abusers. Flight - HCB, KK – ----------------------- Mag flies around the screen. Repeat to end his flight. Good for getting out of a corner after opponent is stunned, or teasing ranged characters. There is the matter of not being able to block in flight, so a quick air-dash is usually a more feasible alternative than becoming a large airborne target. Overhead Wave – Up to Forward (air only) – ----------------------- A downward projectile with a quick startup, but slow travel speed. Can only be done in the air. Good for keeping would be flight- cancellers on the ground. Ok damage at best. Force Field - HCF K – ---------------------- Whilst Mag is in the force field he creates, anyone attempting a physical attack will be tossed across the screen and receive moderate damage. Short and Roundhouse determine the windup time/duration of the field. Good rush ender. Use after a dash and watch your panicky opponent fly! =) Aerial Dash - Any direction + PP – ---------------------- Can use only in flight. 8 way dash. Very quick and should be used quite often. Most people expect Magneto to turtle, but that is where he is actually at his most vulnerable. Charge them and make em blubber like the bitches they are! ---------================6: Super Attacks ==================--------- Magnetic Wave - HCF, PP – --------------------- Slow startup. Unless done at point blank range,your opponent has all the time in the world to 'guard push' the first hit, and attack you as it travels across the screen. Use in open areas as it carries your opponent for up to 14 or so hits. Never use in corners since it will be a waste and the only window a quick enemy needs to strike Magneto as he is hunched over 'assuming the position'. Magnetic Tempest - HCF, PP (in air ) – --------------------- Big startup delay, but few opponents will dick with you as you charge up, risking a possible 30 hit 50% payment…Use only after a successful "Hyper Grav", when floating above somebody directly, or as a block-damage finish (cheezy bastard) Insane damage if clean and can be worked into juggles by following the instructions given in the 'Combos' section exactly. -----------=================7: Combos ================-------------- I've decided to put up a few 'choice' combos in this section due to the fact that there's so damn many. But what's here does work, so put them to good use. ;) * NOTE * I lost all email for 2 weeks about 3 weeks ago. Some of them were regarding combos for Magneto. If you can, please resubmit them so you can get credit! (Especially whoever sent me that * NASTY * air-dash juggle) 40% 8-hit Aerial Rave - Late Jump-In Roundhouse, Standing Roundhouse, Jumping Jab, Short, Jab, Short, EM Disruptor 45% 8-hitter - (close) Standing Jab, Standing Jab, Magnetic Wave Super. 50% 11-hitter - Ducking Fierce, Magnetic Wave Super. 50% 10-hit Aerial Rave – Ducking Fierce, Jumping Jab, Short, Jab, Short Up/Forward Air-Dash buffered into Jab, Short, Jab, Short, 'EM Disruptor'. * Thanks to piccolo_jp@hotmail.com * 60% 29-hit Tempest combo - Ducking Fierce, Hyper Grav, Magnetic Tempest. (See Buffer-Note below) 80% 35-hit Tempest Wave - (very close) Ducking Jab, Ducking Fierce Hyper Grav, Magnetic Tempest, Magnetic Shockwave (See Buffer-Note below) 90% 64-hit OneManGangRape – Ducking Fierce, Hyper Grav, Magnetic Tempest, Ducking Short, Ducking Roundhouse, HyperGrav, Magnetic Tempest, Magnetic Shockwave (See Buffer note below) BUFFER NOTE – In order for you to connect with the 'Hyper Grav' into 'Magnetic Tempest' in any of the above combos, you absolutely MUST execute the 'HyperGrav'command at the moment your launcher connects, and finish your 'Magnetic Tempest' command BEFORE the 'Hyper Grav' even materializes! This is all important since if the 'Hyper Grav' does appear, it is very blockable, but registers as part of a combo if the 'Tempest' is started up at the same time the 'Hyper Grav' materializes. Fairly difficult for most players to pull off on the first time, but definitely worth the effort. And for the 'Shockwave' to OTG, you have about 2-frames of animation that you can hit them during. Before or after that time it will pass through them harmlessly! ---------==================8: Assist Modes ================------------ Assist A - Magneto jumps in with an EM Disruptor. Pretty nice due to it's knock-down/back and speed factor when you are using a non-projectile character. Assist B - Magneto jumps in with a short-range'Hyper Grav'. Pretty useful during a hectic period. The 'Hyper Grav' tends to get lost in clutter and snaring people. Assist Y - Magneto jumps in with a Ducking Fierce. Did somebody say 'priority'? ---------==================9: Strategies ================------------ -When fighting Pixies-( Chun-Li, Strider, Wolverine, etc. )— When fighting Pixies, try your damndest to beat them to the punch. Turtle back with erratic 'EM Distruptors' and 'Hyper Grav's until they attempt to jump in. Once they do, either catch them with a well-time Ducking- Fierce or Air-Dash and intercept them with anything you can link an aerial rave into. Remember that just because you can beat them all around the screen and take nearly their entire health-bar away with a single aerial-rave, doesn't mean that they can't and won't overwhelm you with cross-ups and the like. Magneto is the perfect size for cross- ups, and this is why the 'Pixie' characters pose a real threat… and can cause even the best Mag player to go into full-defense mode. -When fighting Beamers (IceMan, Cable, Iron Man etc.) - Beamers shouldn't pose too much of a threat to anyone with any level of competence in the air. Simply wait for them to open fire and be ready with a vertical air dash, or 45 degree air-dash right over their beam/head. This tactic works very well until IceMan comes into the equation. With his ability to fire the 'IceBeam' upwards you must be wary of charging headlong into a stray shot of his since it remains on the screen for quite a bit. Canceling into Magneto's flight during a dash works wonders one slutty IceMan players. Stop in mid-air, drop down. Launch. Aerial Rave. Repeat. =) Don't get into a fire-fight with these guys. They will most likely win with their quick wind-up and multiple hitting beams. -When fighting Big Guys (Hulk Juggernaut, Zangief etc) - These guys should be a snap. Simply tick them from a distance with projectiles if needed (best against Juggernaut. That 'Headcrush' has amazing coverage) and drop to the ground only to call assists in order to confuse and/or initiate high-damage combos. You can basically tap-dance all over these guys when in the hands of most players. The majority of guys out there simply aren't prepared to take a guy like Mag on when played well. ^_^ - When fighting 'Guiles and Shotos' (Guile, Nash, Ryu, Akuma etc.) - The major point to keep in mind with these gomers is that they cover both the distance and close game fairly well if played properly. Their single-hit projectiles may be nullified by your 'EM Disruptor', but their recovery is sure as shit faster than yours. If you cancel their projectiles out often enough, start expecting jump-ins like no tomorrow. Use your 'Overhead Wave' liberally in order to cancel out any missed 'Dragon Punches' and to stop Guile and Nash players from charging 'Flash Kicks' properly. This can quickly become an assistant determined fight if both players know each others' styles… --------===================== Thanks ==================-------------- Special thanks to : Derrick and Chris for playing such a whorish keep away game with Morrigan and Sakura. Without you I would not have to resort to using people you don't know how to anticipate. >=D Mtn Dew : For filling my veins with enough caffeine to kill a small elephant. SuperMonkeyNippleSmasher-X : Rogue good! Fire bad! Capcom : For advancing the Vs series yet again! ASCII : For producing this kick ass 'Saturn Style' control pad. My thumbs hate you. GameFAQS : For hosting all this stuff! =) Submissions? Mail em to lemurx@drunkenlemur.com This and other FAQs are up for grabs at http://www.drunkenlemur.com