Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes by: Character FAQ/Move List for Ken Version 1.6 I. Introduction II. Version History III. Legend IV. Character Information -Biography -Outfits -Character Description V. Rating VI. Moves -Special Moves -Hyper Combos / Supers -Assists -Combos VII. Coming Soon VIII. Credits IX. Legal Stuff -------------------------------------------------------------- I. Introduction -------------------------------------------------------------- Over the past couple of months I've become a complete Marvel vs Capcom 2 maniac. I've searched far and wide for any news what so ever on Marvel vs Capcom 2. I've seen a million screen shots, about 30 movies, a few wallpapers (I have an awesome one on my comp now) and have read as many previews and reviews and other stuff. I've even read all the other character FAQ's on this site before I even thought of making my own. But I just felt I needed to contribute to the greatness of M vs C 2. So I did it through GameFAQ's with a few character FAQs. The first two people I did character FAQ's on were Thanos and Cable. Now for the next character. Like I mentioned in the Thanos FAQ I always thought that the genetic freaks were the coolest and one of the only people that weren't freaks that I thought were cool was Cable. But everyone has a favorite Shotokan. Whether it's Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Dan, even Sakura, you must have a favorite Shotokan (I know there not all Shotokans but im basing it on there type of moves). Now I know a lot of people don't like Ken and a lot of people describe Ken as "just another Ryu clone" but the way I look at it, Ken is an underdog. He's been through it all, and he has managed to follow Ryu every step of the way and develop his own move set. So that's why (along with the fact that Ken, Cable and Thanos is my team) for my next character FAQ I will be doing Ken. -------------------------------------------------------------- II. Version History -------------------------------------------------------------- 4/30/00 - 1.0 - Everything is new 5/2/00 - 1.1 - Made it legible - Finished Moves section - Updated Legal Stuff section 5/3/00 - 1.2 - Updated Combo section 5/5/00 - 1.3 - Updated Character Information section 5/6/00 - 1.4 - Updated Table of Contents - Updated Character Information section 5/19/00 - 1.5 - Updated Moves section 5/21/00 - 1.6 - Updated Moves section -------------------------------------------------------------- III. Legend -------------------------------------------------------------- My legend is a bit different from most other FAQ's but I find it a lot easier. Some other FAQ's that I read and printed out had the legend take up an entire page so I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible. I don't use QCF, QCB, etc. for down forward moves. I doubt anyone is actually goona press down, take a 1 second pause and then press forward and a punch/kick. Up - Up Down - Down Forward - Forward Backward - Backward (air) - can be done in air Punch - Any Punch PP - Both Punches LP - Low Punch HP - High Punch Kick - Any Kick KK - Both Kicks LK - Low Kick HK - High Kick A1 - Assist 1 A2 - Assist 2 On to the character info............. -------------------------------------------------------------- IV. Character Information -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Biography ----------------------------- Real Name - Ken Masters Alias - None Birthdate - 2/14/65 Height - 5 foot 11 Weight - 180 lbs. Hair - Blond Eyes - ??? Outfit - Gi Fighting Style - Shotokan Karate Blood Type - B Strength - 8.5 (opinion) Defense - 7.5 (opinion) Power - 7.5 (opinion) Speed - 8.5 (opinion) Recovery - 7 (opinion) Comboability - 8 (opinion) Overall - 8 (opinion) Known Allies - Ryu Known Major Enemies - Akuma, M. Bison First Appearance - Street Fighter (Arcade) Previous Appearances - Street Fighter Street Fighter 2010: The Final Battle (questionable) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Grandmaster's Challenge Super Puzzle Fighter II Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Super Puzzle Fighter II X Street Fighter Collection Street Fighter Collection 2 Street Fighter: The Movie Street Fighter Alpha Street Fighter Alpha 2 Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold Street Fighter Alpha 3 Street Fighter EX Street Fighter EX Plus Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha Street Fighter EX 2 Street Fighter EX 2 Plus Street Fighter EX 3 Street Fighter III: The New Generation Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Gem Fighters: Mini Max X-Men vs Street Fighter Marvel Superheroes Vs. Street Fighter Marvel vs Capcom (as Ryu transformation) Marvel vs Capcom: EX Edition (as Ryu transformation) Brief History - Born on Valentine's Day of 1965, Ken Masters entered planet Earth. Luckily for him, he was born into an extremely rich family, and got whatever he wanted. But as he got older, he became spoiled and abused his money. He would cut school and spend all his money, buying whatever he wanted to. So his father decided to send him to Japan to a man named Gouken, who would put Ken in his place. Ken was given strict rules, and was punished if he didn't obey them which he was not used to. But along the way he met his future best friend and rival, Ryu. Ryu and Ken trained together in the art of Shotokan and fought each other to test there skills. Then one day they were invited to a "King of Street Fighter's Tournament" to see who the best fighter in the world was. Both did well, and Ken was convinced that he could win but his bragging and taunting didn't pay off when Ryu beat him and then continued on to beat Sagat for the title (im way too much into wrestling). Ken couldn't understand why he was beaten, but urged him to train even harder for the battles to come. During his training, he met his future wife, Eliza. Ken, still pissed about his loss at the tournament, felt ready to challenge Ryu and did so. In the end, it turned out that Ken (controversially) beat Ryu after he fell down a hill during the fight. To heal the cut on his forehead, Ken took a ribbon from his ponytail and wrapped it around Ryu's forehead, which Ryu still wears to this day. Obviously, Ken was cocky from his victory over Ryu and decided to get married to Eliza. But the next time Ryu and Ken fought it would be along side each other fighting arch enemies such as M. Bison (Vega for the Japanese) and Akuma (Gouki for the Japanese)..... OK so it's not so brief but who cares? ----------------------------- Character Description ----------------------------- - I know that 99 percent of all people who visit this site know exactly what Ken looks like but im doing a character description anyway. Anyone who dies, gets sick or is seriously offended by this can e-mail me with a reason why. Being that said on to the character description...... Real Name - Ken Masters Alias - None Height - 5 foot 11 Weight - 180 lbs. Hair - Blond Eyes - ??? - Im not really sure about this one. In all the games they make his eyes black, but they're obviously not. While im at it there's another thing I wanted to point out. Ken's eyebrows are black as well. This either means Ken dyed his hair blond, dyed his eyebrows black, or that Capcom just wanted it that way. Im guessing it's the third one. Clothing - Ken wears the typical Shotokan Karate gi (That's not a typo it is indeed spelt "gi") with along with Ryu has made a fashion trend among the Street Fighter world. Characters wearing the gi besides Ryu and Ken are Akuma, Dan and the pathetic Sean. Ken's gi is red with a black belt (The highest karate honor. Body - 1. Play any wrestling game with a create a player mode 2. Add a red karate outfit with a black belt 3. Add long blond hair 4. There you have it ----------------------------- Outfits ----------------------------- LP - Red Uniform / Black Belt / Blonde Hair / Peach Skin HP - White Uniform / Black Belt / Blonde Hair / Peach Skin LK - Yellow Uniform / Black Belt / Blonde Hair / Peach Skin HK - Maroon Uniform / Black Belt / Blonde Hair / Peach Skin A1 - Purple Uniform / Black Belt / Blonde Hair / Tan Skin A2 - Green Uniform / Black Belt / Blonde Hair / Peach Skin -------------------------------------------------------------- V. Rating -------------------------------------------------------------- This is pretty much a review of Ken. I will go through the six deciding factors that make up a character (offense, defense, power, speed, recovery and comboability) and give them each a score from 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest) followed by an overall score. Offense - 8.5 - Although Ken isn't the master of disaster, his offense is good and in my opinion better than Ryu's because Ken's Hurricane Kick and Dragon Punch is better than Ryu's where as Ryu only has a better Fireball. Anyway, Ken's fireball could use some work but this Hurricane Kick and Dragon Punch attacks and hyper combos totally make up for his lack of a good projectile. In conclusion, Ken takes home an 8.5. Defense - 7.5 - Average. Apparently Gouken was a lot more focused on offense when he trained the Shotokan's. Not to say that Ken's defense is bad but it could use some improvement. A lot of his moves leave him wide open (his Triple Dragon Punch when blocked is a perfect setup for a vertical super (Jin, Hulk, Amingo) and his Super Dragon Punch if missed is a good setup for an air beam super. In conclusion his defense is good but nothing special.... 7.5. Power - 7.5 - Just in case there's any confusion over power and offense, power is the strength and damage done by the moves and offense is the arsenal of moves you have (Ex: Spider-Man and Wolverine have good offense but not so great power). Anyway, this is another average for Ken. He's pretty strong considering his size but he isn't any Juggernaut and really doesn't have any good power moves. In conclusion, average. 7.5. Speed - 8.5 - Ryu maybe just a little stronger than Ken, but Ken definitely has speed and the most blatant form of it is through his Hurricane Kick attacks and supers. Besides that, he walks and dashes slightly faster than Ryu and does the Dragon Punch quicker as well. In conclusion, Ken is pretty much the fastest Shotokan and is also faster than most people is Marvel vs Capcom 2 and takes home an 8.5. Recovery - 7 - Im being really generous with a 7. For the most part, most of his moves have recovery time. When he does a fireball he holds his hand out for 2 seconds after the fireball is thrown. When he does a Dragon Punch it can be easily set up into a vertical super. Ditto for the Triple Dragon Punch. In conclusion, Ken barely escapes with a 7. Comboability - 8 - Pretty combo friendly in my opinion. Pretty much all of his supers are great combo finishers and all of his regular moves are great assists if you're trying link your own supers. He can also pull off some pretty damn good exhibition combos thanks to James Chen and Mike Z. In conclusion, Ken Masters takes home his second highest score, 8. Overall - 8 - In a final conclusion, Ken is for the most part average. His power is average, his defense is average, his combo- ability is average, his recovery s average and his offense and speed are above average. In my opinion, a totally average fighter is a 7 so that's why I gave him an 8 (Ok im pushing it a little but it's still a pretty decent score. Ken gets an 8 as a final score. -------------------------------------------------------------- VI. Moves -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Moves ----------------------------- - This is just so anyone who just wants to know the moves without a detailed move analysis doesn't have to look through the entire moves section to find them out. Fireball - Down, Forward, Punch (air) Hurricane Kick - Down, Back, Kick (air) Dragon Punch - Forward, Down, Forward, Punch (air) --------------------------------------------------------------- Triple Dragon Punch - Down, Forward, PP Super Dragon Punch - Down, Forward, KK Super Hurricane Kick - Down, Back, KK --------------------------------------------------------------- Alpha - Dragon Punch / Super Dragon Punch Beta - Fireball / Triple Dragon Punch Gamma - Hurricane Kick / Triple Dragon Punch --------------------------------------------------------------- Hurricane Infinite - (In corner) Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick........... Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, LK, LP, LK, HP Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, HK Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, HP, HK Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, Hurricane Kick Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, LP, Dragon Punch (Using HP) (You have to slow down the last couple of hits. Don't speed dial other wise you'll screw up) Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, HK 1, 2, Shin-ru - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Shinryuuken Hurricane Combo - Dashing LP or LK, LK or LK, HP, Super Hurricane Kick Shouryuureppa - Dashing LP or LK, LK or LK, HP, Super Hurricane Kick Dragon Combo - (Really fast) Jumping LP, Jumping LP, Jumping HK, (When I say jumping I mean do LP, LP, HK in one jump) LP, Ducking LK, Ducking LK, Fireball, Triple Dragon Punch, Super Dragon Punch, Jumping LP, Jumping LP, Jumping HP, Jumping LK, (by now you should have landed) Jumping HP, Jumping LP, Jumping LP, Jumping HK ----------------------------- Basic Moves ----------------------------- - Even a person who wants to become the ultimate mega Ken player in Marvel vs Capcom 2 and does nothing but play with Ken in Marvel vs Capcom 2 24 hours a day, 7 days a week will not need a detailed description of his regular moves but everyone else is doing it so I am too. -------------------- LP / Jab -------------------- - Standing - The classic useless button actually has a use in this game thanks to the addition of combos being the deciding factor of every battle and even more use in Marvel vs Capcom 2 thanks to the deduction of the MP / Strong punch. Anyway, it's manditory for non-super combos and is as always good for mind games (Short Dragon Punches and slow Fireballs) but other-wise a wussy punch. - Jumping - The classic useless button actually has a use in this game thanks to the addition of combos being the deciding factor of every battle and even more use in Marvel vs Capcom 2 thanks to the deduction of the MP / Strong punch. Anyway, it's manditory for non-super combos and is as always good for mind games (Short Dragon Punches and slow Fireballs) but other-wise a wussy punch. - Ducking - Pretty much the same thing as standing and jumping except worse because you can't do ducking specials. Ken's jab is stupid, has absolutely no reach, and is stupid. -------------------- LK / Short -------------------- - Standing - The classic useless button actually has a use in this game thanks to the addition of combos being the deciding factor of every battle and even more use in Marvel vs Capcom 2 thanks to the deduction of the SK / strong kick. Anyway, it's manditory for non-super combos and is as always good for mind games (Slow Hurricane Kicks) but other-wise a wussy punch. - Jumping - The classic useless button actually has a use in this game thanks to the addition of combos being the deciding factor of every battle and even more use in Marvel vs Capcom 2 thanks to the deduction of the SK / strong kick. Anyway, it's manditory for non-super combos and is as always good for mind games (Slow Hurricane Kicks) but other-wise a wussy punch. - Ducking - Pretty much the same thing as standing and jumping except worse because you can't do ducking specials. Ken's short is stupid, has absolutely no reach, and is stupid. -------------------- HP / Fierce -------------------- - Standing - The driving force of all fighting games, the almighty fierce button makes it's 178th appearance in Marvel vs Capcom 2. As usual, an extremely useful move, responsible for the flaming Dragon Punch, the fast fireball, and the Triple Dragon Punch. The only thing holding back Ken's fierce is his lack of reach. - Jumping - The driving force of all fighting games, the almighty fierce button makes it's 178th appearance in Marvel vs Capcom 2. As usual, an extremely useful move, responsible for the flaming Dragon Punch, the fast fireball, and the Triple Dragon Punch. The only thing holding back Ken's fierce is his lack of reach. - Ducking - Always the oddball being less useful than it's standing and jumping counterparts can't seem to get it right. Tends to bully the jab button for being more useless than he is until Gouken breaks them up. I dont know why I just thought of that. -------------------- HK / Roundhouse -------------------- - Standing - Also a driving force of all fighting games, the almighty fierce button makes it's 178th appearance in Marvel vs Capcom 2. As usual, an extremely useful move, responsible for the Hurricane Kick, the Super Dragon Punch and the Super Hurricane Kick. Even better is that is does not lack in reach and is good for stopping dashes. - Jumping - Also a driving force of all fighting games, the almighty fierce button makes it's 178th appearance in Marvel vs Capcom 2. As usual, an extremely useful move, responsible for the Hurricane Kick, the Super Dragon Punch and the Super Hurricane Kick. Even better is that it does not lack in reach and is good for stopping jump-ins. I can still remember playing Super Street Fighter II and always countering Dee Jay's slow jumping kick with a quick jumping roundhouse. - Ducking - The classic Shotokan sweep breaks away from it's punching counterparts by actually, although not as useful as it's standing and jumping counterparts, is useful. How? For sweeping of course. ----------------------------- Special Moves ----------------------------- Fireball - Down, Forward, Punch (air) (Hadouken) - The classic fireball makes a triumphant return in Marvel vs Capcom 2. Although it's not as good as Ryu's, it's still a decent projectile. It's does about 7% damage on the average fighter but barely makes it across the screen. It's a pretty good helper assist and like all projectiles can sometimes stop a cornering or jump in. Come to think of it this the first projectile ever made in the history of fighting games and Ken has it. That has to be a plus in some way. Hurricane Kick - Down, Back, Kick (air) (Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku) - Arguably the best Hurricane Kick in the game. Definitely the fastest and stronger than Ryu's, only Akuma's Lighting Hurricane Kick is even a challenge to Ken's. The LK version of it can go up to three hits and the HK version can go up to 5 hits. But that's not all, the Hurricane Kick rises as you get more hits. But that's not all, call within the next five minutes and get some genuine LAABG (Lard and Artificial Bacon Grease)......... That wasn't funny at all was it. Didn't think so. Anyway the only downside to this is that it has a pretty decent recovery time and if you do this move accidentally when the opponent is at the other side of the screen, prepare to get beamed. Big time. Dragon Punch - Forward, Down, Forward, Punch (air) (Shouryuuken) - Talk about classic. Pretty much the first move along with the fireball to be invented and put into a fighting game ever. Anyway, Ken without a single doubt contains the best Dragon Punch in the game. Why you ask? Lets see: 1. The LP version is quicker than Ryu and Akuma's 2. The HP version is the strongest one out of all the Shotokan's 3. It can be done in the air 4. It can do multiple hits, and most importantly.... 5. It's on fire ----------------------------- Hyper Combos ----------------------------- Triple Dragon Punch - Down, Forward, PP (Shouryuureppa) - This move was actually first invented in Super Street Fighter II, when they didn't even have supers yet. I clearly remember always playing as Ken and my toughest opponent not counting bosses was none other than Ken. He'd be totally cheap and sometimes he would do a jab Dragon Punch immediately followed by a strong Dragon Punch immediately followed by a fierce Dragon Punch. Anyway, this move is quite effective if you land the whole thing but chances of that are quite low. This is a very good move when you're linking combos but if blocked, get ready for a vertical super. Super Dragon Punch - Down, Forward, KK (Shinryuuken) - Ken sets up for a super like he usually does, then rises up with a huge Dragon Punch with the entire vertical column he's in on fire. Awesome looking and effecting move and great for combo finishers. But then you take the good with the bad. Well, the only thing really bad with this move like most of his moves is the recovery time. Anyone with an air beam super can totally waste you if you don't connect. Super Hurricane Kick - Down, Back, KK (Shippu Jinrai Kyaku) - Ken sets up for a super like he usually does, and then like the move says, does a super hurricane kick. He moves across the screen doing a series of spinning standing kicks followed by a regular hurricane kick. This move is most effective when done right next to the person, and looks really stupid when it totally misses. Awesome looking and effecting move and great for combo finishers. But then you take the good with the bad. Well, the only thing really bad with this move like most of his moves is the recovery time. Anyone with a vertical super can totally waste you if you don't connect. ----------------------------- Assists ----------------------------- Alpha - Dragon Punch (Shouryuuken) / Super Dragon Punch (Shinryuuken) (see above) Beta - Fireball (Hadouken) / Triple Dragon Punch (Shouryuureppa) (see above) Gamma - Hurricane Kick (Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku) / Triple Dragon Punch (Shouryuureppa) (see above) ----------------------------- Combos ----------------------------- Hurricane Infinite - (In corner) Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick, Jumping LP, LP, Hurricane Kick........... - Before I go any further the Hurricane Kick must be used with LK other wise it wont work. Anyway, as you have realized by now this is an infinite, and your friends will most likely punch you if you do this too many times so my advice is to only do this to the CPU. Also make sure you have cornered your opponent and that he's not Kobun. As for how it looks it two air punches followed by a Hurricane Kick followed by....... (I might as well stop now) - Thanks to Piccolo_0223 for the following combos Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, LK, LP, LK, HP - Like the name of the combo it is pretty much a basic air combo. Ken rushes in with ducking punch kick combination followed by a short and sweet air combo. Nothing special but effective and easy to do. Read on..... - The following combos are just variations of the Basic Air combo so im not goona give a detailed explanation on the combos because it's the same thing with one or two different moves. Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, HK Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, HP, HK Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, Hurricane Kick Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, LP, Dragon Punch (Using HP) (You have to slow down the last couple of hits. Don't speed dial other wise you'll screw up) Basic Air combo - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Super Jump, LP, (different version) LK, LP, LK, HK 1, 2, Shin-ru - Dashing ducking LK, ducking HP, Shinryuuken - It rhymes............ Anyway, nothing special like most of the combos on this Ken FAQ but contains a super so gets it's own description. Just like the name it's a 1, 2 combo. A ducking punch kick combo followed by a Super Dragon Punch. Basic Ground Combo - Dashing LP or LK, LK or LK, HP, Fireball (using HP) - Just like most of the above combo it's a basic combo. A simple 1, 2 punch / kick combo followed by a HP and a HP Hadouken. One thing you need to know is that this will not work on extremely short characters because the fierce won't connect. Also, if you use LP the first time you have to use LK the second time and vice verse. Hurricane Combo - Dashing LP or LK, LK or LK, HP, Super Hurricane Kick - Just like most of the above combo it's a basic combo. A simple 1, 2 punch / kick combo followed by a HP and a Super Hurricane Kick. One thing you need to know is that this will not work on extremely short characters because the fierce won't connect. Also, if you use LP the first time you have to use LK the second time and vice verse. Shouryuureppa - Dashing LP or LK, LK or LK, HP, Super Hurricane Kick - Just like most of the above combo it's a basic combo. A simple 1, 2 punch / kick combo followed by a HP and a Triple Dragon Punch. One thing you need to know is that this will not work on extremely short characters because the fierce won't connect. Also, if you use LP the first time you have to use LK the second time and vice verse. Dragon Combo - (Really fast) Jumping LP, Jumping LP, Jumping HK, (When I say jumping I mean do LP, LP, HK in one jump) LP, Ducking LK, Ducking LK, Fireball, Triple Dragon Punch, Super Dragon Punch, Jumping LP, Jumping LP, Jumping HP, Jumping LK, (by now you should have landed) Jumping HP, Jumping LP, Jumping LP, Jumping HK, - I did this combo in my sleep...... Anyway, this is by far the best and hardest Ken combo I have ever seen and is obviously only for experts. Also Obviously, James Chen was the only person who managed to pull this off so let me run it down. Ken first leaps into action with 2 jumping punches and a jumping kick followed by two ducking kicks and a fireball. Then Ken really deals out the damage with a Triple Dragon Punch into a Super Dragon Punch followed by a similar quick combo. -------------------------------------------------------------- VII. Coming Soon -------------------------------------------------------------- - More combos (if necessary) - Vs. Computer and / or Abyss FAQ - More Character FAQs/Move lists -------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. Credits -------------------------------------------------------------- - MadManCafe, IGNDC, Segadojo, GamingAge, and for providing me with the most up to date Marvel Vs Capcom 2 news, reviews, combo movies, previews, FAQ's, move lists and codes - GameFAQs for making one hell of a site - Capcom for making one hell of a game - Mike Z. for the Hurricane Kick infinite combo - Piccolo_0223 for basically the combo section of the Moves section - James Chen for the Dragon Combo - ( for the character information - Street Fighter: The Animated Movie for the character information - Me for writing this character FAQ -------------------------------------------------------------- IX. Legal Stuff -------------------------------------------------------------- - This document Copyright John Pantozzi (RAW64life) 2000 - If you don't find this FAQ on one of the following sites, it's illegal: - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------- Questions, comments, submissions, hate mail, anything? Send it in. I love getting mail. Send to