Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Jill FAQ v2.01 Written by: Phillip "xjoker" M. Last Updated: 12:50 PM 10/30/2003 =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= = D i s t r u b i t i n g t h i s G u i d e = =-----------------------------------------------------------------------------= Feel free to put this FAQ on your site. Only thing I ask from you before doing so is to contact me some way (check section 11 of this FAQ) so that I know where my FAQ is being posted. And please give credit where it is due. Thanks. The latest version of this FAQ can be found at GameFAQS. This FAQ can be found at: =-----------------= =Table of Contents= =-----------------= 1. Jill's Pros/Cons 2. Legend 3. Normal Moves 4. Special Moves 5. Hyper Combos 6. Throws 7. Tips and Tricks 8. Throws 9. Recommended Partners 10. Credits 11. Contact Information =-------------------= =1. Jill's Pros/Cons= =-------------------= Pros: -Easy to start a combo with her -High priority sweep -Smaller character, meaning harder to hit -Has both up close and keep away games -Hyper Fiery Dash super has alot of priority Cons: -Only one projectile move and its useless -Assists aren't that great =---------= =2. Legend= =---------= f - forward b - backwards u - up d - down uf - upforward ub - upbackwards df - downforward db - downbackwards qcf - quarter circle forward (d,df,f) qcb - quarter circle back (d,db,b) hcf - half circle forward (b,db,d,df,f) hcb - half circle back (f,df,d,db,b) p - any punch k - any kick lp - light punch lk - light kick fp - fierce punch rk - roundhouse kick 2p - both punch buttons 2k - both kick buttons a1 - assist 1 button a2 - assist 2 button xx - cancel into... dhc - delayed hyper combo thc - team hyper combo > - continue to this move... /\ - jump up \/ - land on ground d. - dashing s. - standing c. - crouching j.- jumping sj - superjump otg - off the ground ( ) - parenthesis, other things i think are worth mentioning =---------------= =3. Normal Moves= =---------------= -- Punches -- - Jab Punch - -Standing: Jill punches like a little girl -Crouching: Jill crouches and punches the opponent on the legs -Jumping: Jill is in the air and punches downward and diagonal at opponent - Strong Punch - -Standing: same as standing jab -Crouching: same as crouching but her arm kinda curves a bit more -Jumping: just a follow up of the jumping jab, high priority - Fierce Punch - -Standing: Jill yells "hah!" and swings at the opponent's face. you can combo her hyper fiery dash super if done quickly enough -Crouching: this is Jill's one and only launcher. Jill crouches down and uppercuts the opponent into the air. high priority. a little time delay if it is blocked -Jumping: Jill aims at a downward and diagonal position and can hit the opponent right on the head if they were crouching and blocking. good reach, high priority, this is what i use for a jump in combo tactic. -- Kicks -- - Short Kick - -Standing: Jill kicks at the shin of many opponents. very fast to execute and no delay if it is blocked. low priority -Crouching: Jill crouches and stretches her leg and the foot of the opponent. high priority because it is her otg move. if Jill happens to sweep an opponent with crouching roundhouse, you can use this to otg the opponent and then use crouching fierce punch for an easy combo -Jumping: Jill short-kicks the opponent. not used at all by me. low priority, no range. - Forward Kick - -Standing: same as standing short kick but Jill extends her leg a little bit more to hit the opponent. low priority. -Crouching: same as above but this move has alot more priority than most of her moves because it has good range -Jumping: low priority, bottom line. stick with Jill's punches to jump at your opponent - Roundhouse Kick - -Standing: Jill does a roundhouse. has good range but low priority. can be used to combo into hyper rush attack super on ground -Crouching: this is Jill's one and only sweep. very high priority since this move is otgable with a c. lk > c. fp excellent recovery time. sometimes used to be cheap since the opponent needs a quick character to escape it if it is used over and over and blocked incase ur opponent trys to counter the sweep they blocked -Jumping: Jill hits the opponent in the face with a kick going down and diagonally toward the opponent with her backed turned against the screen. decent priority. excellent range. i prefer her jumping fierce punch =----------------= =4. Special Moves= =----------------= -- Rush Attack -- [qcf + p] (can also be done in air) Jill shoulder rushes her opponent with two hits if done with light punch. Highly recommended to use in a air combo > hyper rush attack. if you do qcf + fp and hold fp, Jill will charge up the amount of hits her rush attack will do once you let go of fp. i never use this feature because i can't find out a way to combo it. -- Zombie Dog -- [qcf + lk] Jill does a quick taunt before a black and green dog comes charging across the screen. the dog jumps before exiting the screen making it hard to jump over the dog itself without super jumping. used as a keep away manuever against characters that dont have projectiles. don't use against a skilled cable player -- Crow -- [qcf + rk] Jill does a quick taunt before a all black crow comes from the upper corner of the screen and swoops down while in the middle of the screen and goes back up to the other corner of the screen. another good keep away move used against characters that dont have a special move to beat yours. otherwise they will be forced to block -- Zombie Helper -- [qcb + lk] Jill does her famous taunt once again before a zombie dressed in a white beat up shirt on finally comes onto the screen and across the screen. if the zombie hits the opponent it will start munching on them 3 or 4 times before letting go and dying -- Zombie Helper -- [qcb + rk] Same as summon normal zombie move except the zombie is on fire and hits only one time if comes intact with opponent -- Return Fire -- [qcb + p] In this move Jill taunts and flashes a two or three times and during htis time, if the opponent hits her with any punch, kick, or super that isnt a projectile, she will push them back a few feet away from her and pull her pull her gun out and shoot them up to 10 times if you mash the buttons -- Grenade Launcher -- [f, df, d, df, f + p] Jill takes out a grenade launcher, aims it upwards and shoots one grenade in the air. explosion in mid-air is very small so therefore this move does not have any good priority. use sparingly =---------------= =5. Hyper Combos= =---------------= -- Hyper Fiery Dash -- [qcf + 2p] (can also can done in air) Jill steps back a little and then simultaniously says "your finished!" and charges at the opponent with a fiery shield in front of her. And some fire is coming out from the back too because she's going real fast. This move should be your bread and butter when it comes to finishing air and ground combos. It does 10 hits, had great priority, start time, and recovery -- Hyper Rocket Launcher -- [qcf + 2k] (can also be done in air) Jill pulls out a rocket launcher and then simultaniously says "your finished!" and starts shooting rockets at the opponent. she shoots 16 rockets in all. If you perform this super while close to your opponent or combo it in, the rocket launcher will knock the opponent off the ground and into the air and all the rockets will juggle the opponent from falling to the ground. some of the rockets will miss and go under the opponent though. this super used for chipping damage by many -- Code: T-002 -- [qcb + 2k] The most powerful yet useless super Jill has. Jill bends down, touches the ground and says "what's that?". then a column taking 1/3 of the screen appears from out of the ground and if the opponent is there, it will knock the opponent into the air and tyrant comes out and starts slashing the opponent with three swipes and saying "argh!" each time he hits the opponent. after the third and final swipe, the tyrant does his little taunt yelling "arrrgh!", then jumps up and leaves. The opponent can block the column causing the tyrant not to even come out and leaving Jill vulnerable to anything =---------= =6. Throws= =---------= -- Throw with fierce punch -- This is Jill's only throw. she jumps and grabs the opponent by the neck, takes out her knife, and slices her opponents neck while saying "yah!". then she hops back down to the ground. =------------------= =7. Tips and Tricks= =------------------= -Always go for the otg combo after comboing a crouching rk -Use the crouching rk alot -Do not forget that Jill has a decent keep away game. use a variety of zombies, crows and zombie dogs while calling out an assist to keep the opponent pinned down at the other side of the screen -The hyper fiery dash super does great chipping damage. so dont worry about if the opponent blocks it, if they are low on health, it will probably kill them -Jump in with j. fp to hit the average and shorter sized tiers on the head so they cannot block your move even if they were ducking and blocking -Always finish air combos off with a hyper fiery dash super if you can -Rush down keep away characters that have projectiles -While jumping in with fp, i get about 5 throws a game. this move has great range and i always seem to throw my opponent if they try to jump at me at the same time i am trying to jump at them -Use the rocket launcher super for chipping damage -If Jill is being rushed down herself, dont be afraid to do her return fire special move to get them off you for a few seconds -Back Jill up with a good projectile or anti-air assist (aaa) =---------= =8. Combos= =---------= I am not going to post every single combo for Jill in this section. instead, I will just post the combos that actually come in handy during a real game -The following combos were tested on cable, an average damage taker -The following combos were tested on the level 2 damage setting -The following combos are in order from least to most damaging -Notice that 143 points of damage is fatal - 1. j. fp > d. c. lp > c. lp xx hyper rocket launcher [13 hits, 48 damage] (credit goes to karey for sending me this combo) - 2. j. fp > d. c. lp > c. lp > c. fp /\ lp > lk > lp > lk > fp or rk [9 hits, 55 damage] - 3. j. fp > d. c. lp > c. lp > c. fp /\ lp > lk > lp > lk > rush attack with lp (2 hits) [10 hits, 56 damage] - 4. j. fp \/ d. c. lk > lk > rk xx hyper fiery dash [13 hits, 60 damage] - 5. j. fp \/ d. c. lp > c. lp > c. fp /\ lp > lk > lp > lk > rush attack with lp (let it only hit 1 time) xx hyper fiery dash [19 hits, 73 damage] - 6. (in corner) j. fp > d. c. lp > c. lp > c. fp /\ lp > lk > lp > lk > rush attack with lp (2 hits) xx hyper fiery dash [20 hits, 74 damage] =-----------------------= =9. Recommended Partners= =-----------------------= -- Guile -- Guile works nicely with Jill. i like how his flash kick super combos in with Jill's hyper fiery dash super while in mid-air. and guile's anti-air assist stops most players from getting too close to you. or basically, his aaa assist will keep the opponent on the ground for the most part. it is a two hitter and kills most of other assists in the game -- Cable -- Cable works nicely with Jill. he provides a serious keep away game, which Jill does not have. i use his projectile assist although some people would diagree with me and say that aaa is better to use with Jill. i've tried both and if cable's assist does not connect, it leaves him wide open for an attack. and Jill isnt exactly the fastest dasher in the game to go help him so you just kind of have to watch him get punished. his projectile assist comes and goes and sets up for some nice air combos -- Sentinel -- Sentinel is a beast, period. he provides a keep away game for Jill's lack of one with his fast standing and crouching fierce punches (beams). his super moves come out very fast and his hyper drone attack super has no recovery and can be comboed over and over with a standing fp xx hyper drone attack. sentinel can fly, something that Jill cannot do. and he is the fastest flyer in the game. sentinel's ground assist provides Jill to get in some easy combes against her foe. may i mention that sentinel also takes damage the best in the game, meaning, he hardly takes any at all and plus you have to hit him 2 times to get him to go into a stun before attempting a combo =-----------= =10. Credits= =-----------= Myself - for making this GameFAQs - for hosting this IGN - for hosting this Shoryuken - for having a mvc2 multimedia section and forums My Friends - for playing this game with me and helping me get better Capcom - for making this game =----------------= =11. Contact Info= =----------------= Did you like the FAQ? Did I mispell something? Have a question? Please contact me: Email: Mirc: #x-clan on Aim: ackritebia Copyright © 2003 Phillip "xjoker" M. All rights reserved.