IRON MAN ======================================================================= Game: Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Iron Man character FAQ, Version 1.2, 5/23/01 Unpublished work copyright (c) 2000-2001 by Daniel "PhatDan81" Finch E-Mail: ======================================================================= CONTENTS I. Background II. Legend III. Regular Moves IV. Special Moves V. Super VI. Combos VII. General Strategy VIII. VS Strategy IX. Misc. Stuff X. Legal Stuff ======================================================================= I. BACKGROUND ======================================================================= Who is Iron Man? Tony Stark is Iron Man. Tony Stark is a wealthy industrialist and entrepreneur. While on the job, he was seriously injured, and while injured, he was taken captive and told to develop high-tech weaponry for the sake of his health. Instead, he set up a laboratory and built a high-tech suit of armor for himself. He used this suit to defeat his captors. He now uses it for the good of mankind, fighting crime and for the good of America. He is known for founding status of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Avengers. At one time, Tony fell ill and was forced to leave The Avengers in order to restore his health. He handed over his suit to Jim Rhodes (who later became known as War Machine), chief of security at Stark Industries. When Tony returned, he remained Iron Man and rewarded Jim with a new suit, much like his. He is currently still with The Avengers and is second in command, after Captain America. ======================================================================= II. LEGEND ======================================================================= U Up D Down B Backward F Forward N Neutral Position on Joystick C Crouching S Standing J Jump[ing] SJ Super Jump[ing] P Punch K Kick A Assist AC Air Combo AD Air Dash FM Flight Mode OTG On The Ground; an attack being performed while the opponent is lying down LP Light Punch Jab MP Medium Punch Strong HP Heavy/Hard Punch Fierce LK Light Kick Short MK Medium Kick Forward HK Heavy/Hard Kick Roundhouse ---------------------------------------- UNIVERSAL COMMANDS LP + LK Calls in second partner HP + HK Calls in third partner A1 Calls in second partner, who steps in and does an attack A2 Calls in third partner, who steps in and does an attack Snapback D, DF, F + A, forces the opponent out if they get hit (one HC level) Crossover Counter B, DB, D + A (while blocking); tags in partner who jumps in and does a designated attack Crossover Combination A1 + A2 All three characters do one specific super (Hyper Combo) at the same time (one to three levels)--two levels causes only two players to come out while one level has just the primary character do his super). ======================================================================= III. REGULAR ATTACKS ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PUNCHES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- JAB 1. Standing An average standing jab, use it to start combos 2. Crouching Same as the standing version, use it like almost any other low jab. 3. Jumping Same as the standing version, except a flashy thing appears in front of his fist and he angles his arm downward slightly. Use it only for starting air combos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- STRONG 1. Standing This is an average-ranged MP in which Iron Man uses the back of his fist to hit his opponent. Use it only inside combos. 2. Crouching Iron Man does a basic uppercut while crouching. It is a mini-launcher and combos into a couple of special moves, Proton Cannon or his real launcher. 3. Jumping Iron Man opens a cannon mounted on his shoulder and fires a small beam that travels a very short distance. Use it as an AC filler or as the second hit to a jump-in attack. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FIERCE 1. Standing Iron Man extends his arms out, looking as if he is trying to push something and an aura appears in front of him. If it connects, it knocks the opponent across the screen. Use it in combos, to neutralize fireballs and to counter dash-ins. 2. Crouching Iron Man fires a missile that travels across the screen. It combos into projectile special moves or a Repulsor Blast if you're close enough. It doesn't have a very good recovery, so be careful about using it. It will however neutralize fireballs. 3. Jumping (use joystick to determine which way he punches) Iron Man extends his arm out and a small beam appears. You can use the joystick to determine which way he punches. Holding the joystick neutral makes him punch straight ahead. The upward version can be used to extend an air combo and the downward and regular versions can be used as jump-in attacks. The upward and regular versions can both be used for aerial confrontations. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- KICKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHORT 1. Standing A basic shin kick; it's used for starting combos. The range is just as good as his S/C.Jab, but it comes out a little faster. 2. Crouching A basic low LK--it has a little more range than the standing version. Use this to start combos. 3. Jumping Same as the standing version, this is used as an AC filler or to start multi-hit jump-ins. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FORWARD 1. Standing Iron Man turns around and extends his leg out. It has pretty good range and is used as a ground combo filler. 2. Crouching This is Iron Man's knockdown attack. It has good range but a bad recovery. He extends his leg out and slides forward; poor priority in combos. You can OTG afterwards with a S.Short, but the opponent can easily roll away before you even get the chance. 3. Jumping Same thing as the crouching version; this is used as the second hit of a jump-in attack or as an AC filler. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ROUNDHOUSE 1. Standing This is Iron Man's launcher. It has poor horizontal range, but can be comboed into off of any jab, short or a C.Strong. It's also his best anti-air attack other than Repulsor Blast. 2. Crouching Iron Man extends his leg straight out and folds his other leg. It hits twice and will knock the opponent across the screen. It has pretty good range and should be used to counter dash-ins and to combo into a Unibeam in the corner. It has the same priority as his S.Fierce, except this has better range, yet a slower start-up and recovery delay. 3. Jumping Iron Man does an inverted version of the standing version. Use this as a jump-in attack and for OTGing at the end of air combos. 4. Up (in air) Same as the standing version, this is used to continue an AC or to combo into an AC finisher. 5. Down (Knee Stomp, in air) Iron Man travels downward at about a 45-degree angle, using his knees to hit his opponent. This is used as an overhead attack. It no longer has the priority that it did in Marvel Super Heroes. You can't combo it into any regular attacks anymore. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- THROWS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- F or B+HP: Iron Man lifts the opponent off the ground with one hand and a flashy thingy appears from his hand, which flings the opponent across the screen. If done in the corner, you can OTG afterwards. F or B+HK: Iron Man again lifts the opponent off the ground and then slides across until he reaches the end of the screen (NOT the corner) and then flings them away. You can also OTG afterwards with this throw if done in the corner. F or B+HP (in air): This is the same as his Fierce Throw on the ground. Use it to finish air combos or in mid-air battles. I'm not sure if you can OTG afterwards if done close to the ground. ======================================================================= IV. SPECIAL MOVES ======================================================================= A (*) means that the move can be done in the air. A (H) means that the move can be cancelled into a super. AIR DASH (in air) Any Direction + 2P This is a good move for getting across the screen in the air quickly or to escape a tough situation. This can also be used to prolong air combos. UNIBEAM (*)(H) D, DF, F + P Iron Man fires a beam out of his chest that travels across the screen. It comes out faster and does more damage than War Machine's Shoulder Cannon, however it does less damage the farther the opponent is away from the Iron Man. Use it mostly as a combo ender. If it connects in the corner, you can jump afterwards to go for extra damage (or start one of his easy infinites). The stronger the punch button, the longer the startup and the more damage it does. It has a slight recovery delay, so be careful about using it. Either version can be comboed off of a C.Fierce or a SJ.U.Fierce (if the opponent is above you or aligned horizontally with you). You'll only be able to combo the jab version off of a C.Strong, and off of S.Fierce and C.Roundhouse in the corner. SMART BOMBS (*)(H) LK + HP (Hold B for short-range, N for mid-range and F for long-range.) Iron Man fires a bomb out of each shoulder that travel downwards, exploding as they either hit the opponent(s) or the ground. They do a pretty good amount of damage and can be comboed into on the ground via C.Fierce and if they both hit, it can be cancelled into a Proton Cannon. The horizontal direction held on the joystick while doing the move determines how far across the screen the bombs will travel. Hold backwards to make them travel short range, neutral position to travel mid range and forward to travel long range. It is easy for the opponent to jump over the bombs on the ground. If they do, you could get punished severely. The recovery time on this move is not very good. Only use the ground version in combos. REPULSOR BLAST (H) F, DF, D, DB, B + P Iron Man holds out an orb that has sort of a vacuuming effect. This should mainly be used as an anti-air/anti-jump-over attack. Be careful about when to do this move. It leaves you open to a lot of supers. It does cancel easily into a Proton Cannon though or you can OTG afterwards. FLIGHT MODE D, DB, B + 2K (repeat the motion to end) Iron Man floats around while being able to attack. There are many different uses for this. It main uses are for hit-and-run and for prolonging AC's. Another use for this is throwing out Smart Bombs at your grounded opponent. Be careful when using this because Iron Man cannot block while he's doing this. If you want to end it, repeat the command or do a Knee Stomp. ======================================================================= V. SUPER (HYPER COMBO) ======================================================================= PROTON CANNON D, DF, F + 2P A giant gun appears above Iron Man, which Iron Man supports on his shoulder and fires a beam at his opponent. It comes out faster than War Machine's verasion and it does more overall damage. It combos off of a C.Strong, Repulsor Blast or Smart Bombs. It does insane block damage also. Never throw this out at random. It has an awful and recovery delay. Plus, the opponent can super jump over the whole thing and make you take it from behind. The best time to use this is in a combo or as a THC filler or if your opponent attacks constantly when jumping in on you. ======================================================================= VI. COMBOS ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBO CHAIN Iron Man has the zigzag chain, no matter whether he's in the air or on the ground. On the ground and while super jumping, Iron Man has the full-scale zigzag chain, meaning that he can chain a fierce punch into a roundhouse kick. During a normal jump, Iron Man cannot chain a fierce punch into a roundhouse kick. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Launchers C.Strong (mini-launcher), S.Roundhouse Knockdown C.Forward Strikes S.Fierce, C.Roundhouse Snapback S.Fierce AC Finishers SJ.Fierce, SJ.D.Fierce, SJ.Roundhouse, Knee Stomp, Unibeam, Fierce Air Throw ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL MOVE AND SUPER-CANCELING Below is a list of which attacks will combo into special moves and supers, as well as which special moves can cancel or set up for a super. *************** *Special Moves* *************** Unibeam: (jab version) C.Strong, S.Fierce (in corner only), C.Roundhouse (in corner only); (either version) C.Fierce, SJ.U.Fierce Repulsor Blast (jab version): C.Strong, C.Fierce (very close to opponent) Smart Bombs: C.Fierce; in air SJ.U.Fierce ******* *Super* ******* Proton Cannon: C.Strong, Unibeam (only if opponent's feet are on ground), Smart Bombs (ground and air versions), Repulsor Blast ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSIST ATTACKS & CROSSOVER COUNTERS Alpha Assist/Counter: Jab-Unibeam Due to Unibeam's stun effect, this assist can be a very good setup for many supers, however it's easy to jump over and some can even crouch under it. Use this assist to help out characters that don't play very well at a distance. Beta Assist/Counter: Repulsor Blast This is a very good setup for vertical supers and handles any sort of jump-in very well. It can also be a setup for beam supers. If the opponent is not very good at rolling, you can OTG after this connects. Just be sure not to throw out this assist if your opponent is some distance away from you or else Iron Man could be in serious trouble. Gamma Assist/Counter: S.Roundhouse This is also used mainly as anti-air, but is also a good setup for vertical supers along with some other supers. Your primary character can also perform an air combo if this connects, but they have to super jump manually. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CROSSOVER COMBINATION No matter which assist type is chosen, Iron Man always does Proton Cannon. It works very well with other beam supers and also some rushing supers. The best way to set this up is to do C.Short, C.Strong and then press both assist buttons. You can also set this up if you connect Air-Smart Bombs on an opponent who is on the ground. However, it probably works better if one of your partners starts the Crossover Combination instead of Iron Man. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- JUMP-IN ATTACKS J.Roundhouse: Use this on smaller characters. Be sure that you're very close to the opponent in order for this to touch them. J.Short, J.Strong: This works best on medium to larger sized characters and is quite effective. You must dash in as soon as you land in order to continue the combo. J.Short, J.Forward: This is easier to pull off than the above setup. This is just as effective and works the same way. J.Short, J.Fierce: This is probably his most effective jump-in but requires very precise timing to work right. The earlier you pull off and connect the J.Short, the more likely the J.Fierce will connect. If you can manage to pull this off effectively, you should stick with this setup. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * If you want to combo a Proton Cannon off of a Repulsor Blast, the best way to get the Proton Cannon to Connect is right after the first hit from the Repulsor Blast, otherwise you could risk having the Proton Cannon miss the opponent entirely. 1. C.Fierce, Smart Bombs 2. C.Fierce, Unibeam 3. J.Short, J.Forward, C.Short, C.Strong, Jab-Unibeam 4. C.Short, C.Strong, S.Fierce 5. C.Short, C.Strong, C.Roundhouse 6. J.Roundhouse, S.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, C.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Jab-Unibeam 7. S.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Repulsor Blast 8. J.Short, J.Strong, S.Jab, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 9. Small Character: J.D.Fierce, C.Short, C.Strong, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 10. Big Character: J.Short, J.Fierce, S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 11. J.Short, J.Fierce, S.Short, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Flight Mode(Short, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 12. S.Short, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash(Jab, U.Fierce), Flight Mode(Short, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 13. J.Short, J.Fierce, S.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce, U.Roundhouse), Air Dash(Jab, U.Fierce), Flight Mode(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 14. J.Short, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air-Dash(Jab, U.Fierce), Flight-Mode(Short, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 15. C.Short, C.Forward, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air-Dash(Jab, U.Fierce), Flight-Mode(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 16. C.Short, C.Forward, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Repulsor Blast 17. C.Short, C.Strong, Proton Cannon 18. C.Fierce, Smart Bombs, Proton Cannon 19. C.Fierce, Fierce-Unibeam, Proton Cannon 20. Air-Smart Bombs, Proton Cannon 21. J.Short, J.Fierce, S.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, Proton Cannon 22. J.Short, J.Fierce, C.Short, C.Forward, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, Proton Cannon CORNER COMBOS 23. Air-Smart Bombs, J.D.Fierce, S.Short, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Short(OTG)), S.Jab, S.Strong, S.Forward, S.Fierce 24. Air-Smart Bombs, J.D.Fierce, S.Short, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse(OTG)), Jump(Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), S.Fierce 25. Back to corner: S.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse(OTG)), Jump(Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse 26. Air-Smart Bombs, J.D.Fierce, C.Short, C.Strong, S.Fierce, Jab- Unibeam, Jump(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Flight Mode(Short, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 27. C.Fierce, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air Dash(Short, U.Fierce), Flight Mode(Short, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) TAG-IN COMBOS 28. Tag In, Snapback 29. Tag In, C.Fierce 30. Tag In, S.Fierce 31. Tag In, S.Fierce, Jab-Unibeam, Jump(Jab, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Flight Mode(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 32. Tag In, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Flight Mode(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 33. Tag In, S.Jab, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Flight Mode(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 34. Tag In, S.Jab, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, Proton Cannon SNAPBACK COMBOS 35. S.Jab, S.Strong, Snapback 36. C.Short, C.Strong, Snapback 37. C.Short, C.Forward, S.Short(OTG), Snapback 38. S.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), Snapback THROW COMBOS Iron Man can only start combos off of his throws in the corner. Both his fierce and roundhouse throws have the same juggling abilities. 1. Throw, C.Jab, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse(OTG)), Jump(Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse 2. Throw, S.Short(OTG), S.Fierce, Jab-Unibeam, Jump(Jab, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Flight-Mode(Short, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 3. Throw, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Short(OTG), S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Air- Dash(Jab, U.Fierce), Flight-Mode(Short, Strong, U.Fierce, Unibeam) 4. Thorw, S.Short(OTG), C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, Proton Cannon ----------------------------------------------------------------------- COMBO TREE Thanks to 3pwood ( for this concept. This is basically a tree of what attacks combo into other attacks. This does not list every possibility but is basically to give you an idea of attacks that will combo into other attacks. It's also to give you an idea of how to combo with Iron Man. START ----------------------------------------------------- | [Air Smart Bombs (in corner)] | | | | V | | Repulsor Blast<--- [Jump-in attack] C.Fierce | | | | | | | -- | | | Proton<-- | ----------------------- Unibeam, | Cannon | | | | Smart Bombs | | | | | | | | | | | S/C.Short<---------------S.Jab | | | ----- | | Proton | _| | | | Cannon | | | -------------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | __| | C.Strong-------->S.Roundhouse | | ^ ||| | | [in corner] | ||| | |__ | | ||| SJ.Jab | | | ||| SJ.Short | _| | ||| SJ.Strong | | | ||| SJ.Forward V | | ||| SJ.U.Fierce S.Short--------- || SJ.U.Roundhouse | || | | || | S.Fierce || [Upward Air Dash] | || | | || | [in corner] || AD.Jab | || AD.U.Fierce Jab-Unibeam<-------- | | | | | | | [Flight Mode] J.Jab | | J.Strong | | J.Forward | FM.Short J.U.Fierce---------- FM.Strong FM.U.Fierce | | Unibeam ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM HYPER COMBOS Iron Man's Proton Cannon is great for THC's. It can be used as a starter, filler or ender. These do not list all possibilities, but they are to give you ideas of how to do THC's with Iron Man. 1. 1st partner's super 2. 2nd partner's super 3. 3rd partner's super A. 1. (Iron Man) Proton Cannon 2. Any beam super, Captain Sword, Captain Sword, Venom Web, Head Crush, Blodia Vulcan; if close or in corner: any rushing super, any dragon punch super, any vertical super, Fatal Claw, Death Bite, Final Justice, Blodia Punch, Gamma Wave, Kikou-Shou, etc. 3. Third partner's super B. 1. Any beam super, any rushing super, any dragon punch super, any vertical super (except Saotome Cyclone), Weapon X, Venom Web, Darkness Illusion, Ragnarok, Shippu-Jinrai Kyaku, Shinkuu-Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku, Kikou-Shou, Blodia Punch, Blodia Vulcan, etc. 2. (Iron Man) Proton Cannon 3. Any beam super, Captain Sword, Captain Storm, Venom Web, Head Crush, Blodia Vulcan; if close or in corner: any rushing super, any dragon punch super, any vertical super, Fatal Claw, Death Bite, Final Justice, Blodia Punch, Gamma Wave, Kikou- Shou, etc. C. 1. First partner's super 2. Any beam super, any rushing super, any dragon punch super, any vertical super (except Saotome Cyclone), Weapon X, Venom Web, Darkness Illusion, Ragnarok, Shippu-Jinrai Kyaku, Shinkuu-Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku, Kikou-Shou, Blodia Punch, Blodia Vulcan, etc. 3. (Iron Man) Proton Cannon ======================================================================= VII. GENERAL STRATEGY ======================================================================= Iron Man is an air combo/keep-away character. He strives on long, nasty air combos and keep-away. He plays great close up or far away. When playing far away, don't keep throwing out Unibeams, hoping you will cheese your opponent to death or think that they'll be dumb enough not to block or avoid the beams. You'll just find yourself inserting two more quarters by doing this. Instead, when you're playing at a distance, mix up your Unibeams, C.Fierce and air Smart Bombs. Don't ever throw ground Smart Bombs out at random. If they get jumped over, you'll be in serious trouble. If an opponent jumps over a C.Fierce, cancel into a Repulsor Blast. One thing you should do often is super jump backwards so that your back is against the wall and then throw out some Smart Bombs out. There really isn't much that can be done to counter this attack if done at the proper time. If the opponent tries to jump in, use Repulsor Blast or S.Roundhouse. Counter dash-ins with a S.Fierce or C.Roundhouse. Use Flight Mode to stay above your opponent. While using Flight Mode, use your Smart Bombs while they are on the ground. If they jump, use Unibeam. If you see them starting up a super that may hit you, cancel out of Flight Mode immediately. When playing close, mix up your high attacks, low attacks, jab Unibeams, air Smart Bombs and your launcher attack. Always start your attacks with a jump-in with Iron Man, preferably with a J.Short, followed by a medium attack or a J.Fierce; use J.Roundhouse for overhead jump-ins. Focus on connecting air combos and Proton Cannon as much as possible. Repulsor Blast and S.Roundhouse are very good anti-air attacks. Repulsor Blast usually confuses the opponent and they end up getting hit by it, setting you up for a Proton Cannon, or OTG afterwards. Cancel into a Jab-Unibeam if a S.Roundhouse gets blocked. Iron Man does well in aerial confrontations. J/SJ.Fierce and SJ.U.Fierce should be the most commonly used attacks for aerial confrontations. For opponents that are directly above you, use J/SJ.U.Roundhouse. For opponents that are below you, use J/SJ.Roundhouse. Unibeam can be used for opponents that are above you or are at the same level. ======================================================================= VIII. VS STRATEGY ======================================================================= * I will have all of the strategies for all the characters completed sometime in the near future. =============== =Akuma (Gouki)= =============== Take caution when jumping in on him as he could launch you and pull off a very painful air combo. Dive kicks can easily be countered with a Repulsor Blast, a well-timed S.Roundhouse or even a Proton Cannon. When using Air-Smart Bombs against him, try not to throw them out so that he has the possibility to super jump above you and pull off a Tenma Gou-Zankuu. If he tries to jump back and tag you with a Zankuu- Hadouken, just jump up and nail him with a Jab-Unibeam. ======== =Amingo= ======== Use S.Short to knock away any hopping cacti he throws out. Use one of your anti-air attacks to keep him from jumping in, preferably Repulsor Blast or Proton Cannon. Use Air-Smart Bombs a lot, but don't do them so much that he anticipates, dashes under you and then nails you with his vine super. ========== =Anakaris= ========== ===================== =B.B. Hood (Buletta)= ===================== ============ =Blackheart= ============ You may want to take caution when using Air-Smart Bombs on him as he has one special move and two supers at his disposal to nail you. Dash away from any SJ.Roundhouses or just meet him in the air and use SJ.Fierce to send him back to the ground. If he connects any HP or HK attacks, mash the buttons as quickly as possible to avoid any supers he may follow up with afterwards. ======= =Bison= ======= Air-Smart Bombs are pretty much pointless against him as he could easily teleport away from them. Also be careful about using Proton Cannon to chip him to death as he could easily teleport away and end up behind you and then you'll be in serious trouble. If you block any of his non-projectile moves punish however you'd like. ======= =Cable= ======= ======= =Cammy= ======= ================= =Captain America= ================= ================== =Captain Commando= ================== Whenever he whiffs a Captain Kick or Captain Corridor, do a Proton Cannon immediately afterwards if you won't be able to dash up to him in time. Counter his jump-ins with your launcher or a Repulsor Blast. IF you jump over a Captain Fire, punish however you'd like, but if he recovers in time, be ready to block a Captain Corridor; if he does throw a Captain Corridor out, you can just dash in afterwards and punish however you'd like. Never throw out a Proton Cannon at random against him as he could easily punish you with a Captain Storm. Also be careful about using Air-Smart Bombs as he could nail you with either a Captain Corridor or even a Captain Sword. ========= =Charlie= ========= ======== =Chunli= ======== ========== =Colossus= ========== ========= =Cyclops= ========= ===== =Dan= ===== ========= =Dhalsim= ========= ========== =Dr. Doom= ========== ========= =Felicia= ========= ======== =Gambit= ======== ======= =Guile= ======= ======== =Hayato= ======== ====== =Hulk= ====== ======== =Iceman= ======== ========== =Iron Man= ========== ====== =Jill= ====== ===== =Jin= ===== ===== =Ken= ===== ======= =Kobun= ======= ========= =Magneto= ========= ======== =Marrow= ======== ========= =Megaman= ========= ========== =Morrigan= ========== =========== =Omega Red= =========== ========== =Psylocke= ========== ======= =Rogue= ======= ====== =Roll= ====== ============ =Ruby Heart= ============ ===== =Ryu= ===== ============ =Sabretooth= ============ ======== =Sakura= ======== ========== =Sentinel= ========== ============== =Shuma-Gorath= ============== ================ =Silver Samurai= ================ ======== =Sonson= ======== =========== =Spider-Man= =========== ======== =Spiral= ======== ======= =Storm= ======= =============== =Strider Hiryu= =============== ======== =Thanos= ======== ============ =Tron Bonne= ============ ======== =Venom= ======== ============= =War Machine= ============= =========== =Wolverine= =========== ========= =Zangief= ========= ======================================================================= VIII. MISC. STUFF ======================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES 1. Excellent keep-away character 2. Plays well close 3. Plays well offensively and defensively 4. High-priority, high-damaging air combos 5. High-damaging, combinable super 6. Good confuser 7. Good anti-air attacks 8. Good mid-air priority 9. Multi-directional air dash 10. Flight Mode 11. Good versatility DISADVANTAGES 1. Recovery delays on all his special moves 2. Slightly difficult to learn 3. Poor variety in terms of combos 4. Cannot block during Flight Mode 5. Poor dash-in priority ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GUARDBREAK When an opponent tags in after you KOed one of their partners or against characters who have a slow normal jump, you can try this trick against them. At the peak of their jump (or right as they first appear on the screen if they're tagging in), do a J.Fierce. If it gets blocked, do a S.Roundhouse after they are out of their block-stun animation (you many need to dash under them) before they can touch the ground and they will get launched. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- INFINITE COMBOS Due to persistent requests, here is Iron Man's infinite combos. 1. J.Short, J.Forward, C.Short, C.Strong, S.Fierce, Jab-Unibeam, Jump(Jab, Strong, U.Fierce), Jump(Short, Strong, Forward, U.Fierce), Jump... 2. J.Short, J.Forward, S.Short, S.Roundhouse, SJ.(Jab, Short, Strong, Forward, Fierce, Roundhouse(OTG)), Jump(Short, Strong, U.Fierce), Jump(Short, Strong, U.Fierce), Jump... 3. Back to corner: S.Short, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast, S.Jab, C.Strong, Repulsor Blast... In the first infinite combo, the Unibeam starts the infinite cycle. After the U.Fierce connects in the mini-air combo, jump again and repeat the same three attacks, except start with J.Short instead of J.Jab since J.Jab will probably miss. In the second infinite combo, the SJ.Roundhouse starts the infinite cycle; use SJ.Roundhouse on the knocked down opponent to pry them off the ground and then jump up and begin the infinite with a J.Short. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IRON MAN & WAR MACHINE, THE DIFFERENCES There are some differences between Iron Man and War Machine and I'm not just talking beams and missiles either. Below are some primary differences between the two. Thanks to KMegura for this info. 1. Iron Man's C.Fierce makes him fire a missile that travels across the entire screen, which neutralizes single-hitting projectile attacks and does the same amount of damage from any range. War Machine's C.Fierce makes him fire a beam that covers about three- quarters of the screen. It neutralizes both fireballs and [non- super] beams and weakens the farther away it is from War Machine—it does more damage overall than Iron Man's version. 2. Iron Man's primary projectile attack (Unibeam) makes him fire a beam, which weakens the farther away it is from him. War Machine's primary projectile (or projectiles, rather) attack (Shoulder Cannon) makes him fire missiles, which do the same amount of damage anywhere on the screen, but do less overall damage than the Unibeam. War Machine's fierce Shoulder Cannon starts up slightly faster than Iron Man's fierce Unibeam. 3. When Iron Man's Unibeam connects in the corner, it sets him up for a mini-air combo to air combo combination (or even one of his infinites). 4. Iron Man's Proton Cannon starts up faster, does more overall damage and can be comboed into off of a C.Strong--his Proton Cannon shoots out a beam, which weakens the farther away it is from Iron Man. War Machine's Proton Cannon does not combo off of a C.Strong. His Proton Cannon shoots out missiles, which do the same amount of damage from any range. It also starts up slower than Iron Man's version. 5. War Machine has an additional super, War Destroyer, while Iron Man has only a Proton Cannon super. 6. Iron Man is faster and can combo more easily on the ground than War Machine can--Iron Man can do S.Short, S.Forward, S.Roundhouse, while this doesn't work for War Machine. 7. Iron Man's C.Jab, S.Roundhouse and C.Roundhouse all do less damage than War Machine's versions. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Any comments, questions or suggestions? E-mail me at ----------------------------------------------------------------------- REVISION HISTORY 1.1 Touched up some stuff, fixed some typos 1.2 Added some stuff, began working on the VS Strategy ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Kmegura for the differences between Iron Man and War Machine Capcom for making such a cool game 3pwood ( for the Combo Tree concept JPlatt ( and for some combos ======================================================================= IX. LEGAL STUFF ======================================================================= This FAQ is copyright (C) 2000-2001 by Daniel Finch. No part of this FAQ may be reproduced or redistributed in any way, shape or form. It cannot be displayed publicly or on the Internet in its original, unedited, unaltered format. It may not be used in any publications whatsoever. Any commercial, Internet or any other public use of this document is prohibited without written permission from the author, Daniel Finch. Any type of profit from this FAQ is also prohibited as well as any pro-motional use of this FAQ. Marvel characters and The Avengers are all registered trademarks of Marvel Comics. Capcom characters and Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes are all registered trademarks of Capcom.