123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------- THE INCREDIBLE HULK ------------------- Character FAQ for Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes Version: 0.4 Written by: Surreal (Nathan C. Lee) email: Copyright 2001 Nathan C. Lee This FAQ or any portion thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written permission and clearly labelled recognition of the author. Furthermore, the granted permission will be applicable only for the version of the FAQ that was available during the time of the request. If I have granted you permission in the past to display an older version of this FAQ on your site, but I did not personally submit any newer versions to your site, that means you do NOT have permission to copy an up to date version from another site. The Incredible Hulk is copyright Marvel Inc. Revision History: (further details at bottom of FAQ) ver 0.1 - 9 April, 2001 - FAQ created ver 0.2 - 11 April, 2001 - still working on it... ver 0.3 - 16 April, 2001 - tinkering here and there, nothing groundbreaking ver 0.31 - 19 April, 2001 - fixed a stupid blunder in the combo section ver 0.32 - 23 April, 2001 - clarified copyright statement, cosmetic changes ver 0.4 - 4 July, 2001 - some more gamma crush stuff, damage table in Ch.4 The most recently updated sections or additional notes will be marked with a header called , so you can do a search for that to find the most recent additions. The most up to date version of this FAQ can always be found at: http://www.gamefaqs.com Anything you see marked with *'s means I'm working on it. They are mostly just notes to myself that I was too lazy to write on paper. ====================================================================== Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Pros/Cons 3. Legend 4. Moves Overview 5. Normal Moves 6. Special Moves 7. Super Moves 8. Assists 9. General Usage/Strategies 10. Combos 11. Team Selection 12. Revision Notes 13. Credits ====================================================================== --------------- 1. Introduction --------------- I was bored. I wrote a FAQ. Seriously, I wrote this FAQ to show what Hulk is capable of in MvC2. This is not a stand-alone FAQ and it will not tell you how to play the game. I would suggest going to www.gamefaqs.com and reading some of the other FAQs there first if you are new to the game. Actually, the Hulk FAQ written by PhatDan81 is an excellent read. If there's something I've missed, he's probably covered it. Why did I choose to write about the Hulk (other than because I like him)? Because people are so obsessed with using only the "best" or "top tier" characters nowadays that they ignore all those who aren't. With that in mind, I am not trying to prove that Hulk is a "top tier" character. Far from that actually. I'm just going to write down everything I know in a semi-coherent fashion and show you how to give one of the little guys (heh) a good chance against the competition. Above all though, have fun. You really only need to know one things in order to play as the Hulk effectively. In the immortal words of our favourite gamma irradiated friend: HULK SMASH! ====================================================================== ------------ 2. Pros/Cons ------------ Why play as Hulk? - all his normal moves have excellent range, priority and chipping damage - with the proper teammates (but this is a requirement for anybody) he will pressure and chip your opponents to death - he is fairly mobile for a big guy - very damaging combos (and simple to boot) - super armour (I'm Canadian. I spell words with extra letters. Happy?) - Gamma Crush is one of the most powerful supers in the game - he's the Hulk... that's not reason enough? Cons - the lag on most of his moves will kill you if you don't compensate properly - he is a big green combo magnet (see previous statement) - he can be a metre hog and does not build it very well either - fares very poorly against certain (properly played) keep away characters - slightly steeper learning curve than other characters - small opponents will cause you grief (Servbot will tear you up) - Major Talbot will always be after you ====================================================================== --------- 3. Legend --------- u/d/f/b up/down/forward/back s/c standing/crouching (I interchange c and d all the time) j/sj jump/super jump P/K punch/kick PP/KK both punch/kick buttons qcf quarter circle forward (roll the joystick from down to forward) qcb quarter circle back (roll from down to back) hcf half circle forward (roll from back to down to forward) hcb half circle back (roll from forward to down to back) AC air combo OTG off the ground lp/mp/hp punches: jab/strong/fierce (aka light/medium/heavy punch) lk/mk/hk kicks: short/forward/roundhouse (aka light/medium/heavy kick) I've probably forgotten a whole bunch of other things to add, but who really reads this section anyways? ====================================================================== ----------------- 4. Moves Overview ----------------- Launcher: c.hp - 2 hits (first hit lifts slightly, second hit launches) Snapback Animation: s.hp Overheads: none Low Attacks: c.lk Ground knockbacks: standing: mp, hp, mk, hk crouching: hk AC finishers: mp, hp, hk combo chains: ground - weak to strong (2 hits) jump - weak to strong (2 hits) s. jump - magic series (but only 4 hits due to Hulk's irregular AC finishers) Special Moves ------------- Gamma Slam qcf + P Gamma Tornado hcp + P Horizontal Gamma Charge charge b, f + K, then ub/u/uf + K for second charge Vertical Gamma Charge charge d, u + K, then u/uf/f + K for second charge Super Moves ----------- Gamma Wave qcf + PP Gamma Quake qcf + KK Gamma Crush qcb + PP (aim with b/f) Assists Counter THC ------- ------- --- Ground: lp. Gamma Slam lp. Gamma Slam Gamma Wave Dash: H. lk Gamma Charge H. lk Gamma Charge Gamma Crush Anti-Air: uf lk Gamma Charge V. lk Gamma Charge Gamma Quake Damage Table ------------ Note: Damage statistics were acquired on a Dreamcast with damage setting at 2 (out of 4) against a normal defence character (Cable). lp mp hp lk mk hk -- -- -- -- -- -- standing 6 10 16 6 10 16 crouching 6 10 8+8=16 6 10 16 jumping 6 10 16 6 10 16 throws ground 16 air 16 Gamma Slam lp 8+8= 16 hp 8+8+8+7= 31 Gamma Tornado lp 22 hp 30 Gamma Charge 1st hit 21 2nd hit 10 (damage is the same regardless of the kick button used) Gamma Wave ~ 55 Gamma Crush ~ 60 (high variability, see section 7 for details) Gamma Quake ~ 51 (high variability, see section 7 for details) Movement -------- Walking - slow speed, don't ever walk with Hulk Dashing - hops forward about 1/3 of screen, slow for a dash, not too useful - beginning of hop is quite fast Back Dash - rolls backwards 1/3 of screen, slightly faster than his dash Wavedash - PP, d+PP, d+PP...repeat - not useful, but funny to watch (leapfrog) - not much use since it's too slow to cross the screen and combo, and it is much more effective to counter with a single dash then s.hp Jump - slightly lower than other character's jumps - initially raises his arms, making Hulk a very big target - but Hulk picks his legs up at the apex so he's not as big a target (he's still a pretty darn big target though) Dash Jump - Hulk becomes a very fast big green torpedo; use often Super Jump - a standard super jump, don't use too often since Hulk doesn't have a very good air game ====================================================================== --------------- 5. Normal Moves --------------- General ------- Hulk's punches have longer range than his kicks, but push back further and have more startup and recovery time. Both his punches and kicks have good stun time, but it is easier to combo off his kicks since they do not push back as far. Hulk's moves have immense priority for physical (ie: his own body) attacks and will beat out most other physical moves. However, proper abuse of his super armour makes this point moot (which is required, since his moves come out so slowly anyways). It is much more important to consider the timing of Hulk's attacks instead of worrying about priority. Since many of his attacks come out slowly, his high priority is useless if your opponent can put you into hit stun before your move comes out. Throws ------ ground: when close, b/f + P - 16 damage - Hulk grabs the opponent with one hand and slams them into the ground on the other side (very funny on Servbot) - oddly enough, Hulk has a very poor throw range air: when close, f + P - 16? damage - Hulk grabs the opponent with both hands and throws them straight down - stay away from this move; your opponent will recover before you land and cross you up six ways to Sunday - if you do use this move by accident, come down with a roundhouse and hope it connects Since all of Hulk's move tend to push him back a lot, the opportunity to throw doesn't present itself too often. You should really stick to combos anyways since Hulk's throws don't do any more damage than his fierces or roundhouses. Standing -------- Jab - 6 damage - a large backhand swing s.lp - decent range for a jab - good priority, will beat out most other attacks, but... - comes out slowly, avoid using this move against combo mad pixies or you will be in hit stun before you know it - will miss some ducking opponents and most short standing ones too - cancels very easily into a jab Gamma Tornado - if close, can cancel quickly into jab Gamma Slam/Wave - use this move if your opponent is blindly rushing or out of range of your crouching short, or is jumping in at a shallow angle - the simple s.lp, s.hp combo can be your best friend for countering mistakes (if you have no supers or didn't charge back for Gamma Charge) - you generally only want to use this move as a ground combo starter when countering mistakes, or combo into it from a jump in attack Strong - 10 damage - a long straight arm punch s.mp - longer range than the jab, good speed - knocks back horizontally - hits higher than his jab and will miss even more ducking or short standing opponents - there is really no reason to ever use this move, use fierce instead Fierce - 16 damage - a big overhead swing from head to toe s.hp - over half screen range - despite its look, there is almost no vertical range on this move which makes it a very poor anti-air move - unlike the jab and strong, this will hit small and ducking opponents - easily telegraphed, slow to come out, but the actual swing is quick - knocks back diagonally - bad lag if blocked - always follow up with a fierce Gamma Slam to add chip damage and to push back and prevent a quick counter - if blocked, always follow up with jab Gamma Slam or Gamma Quake to push back and to compensate (somewhat) for the lag - a dash then fierce will reach the other side of the screen and is a safer counter than a roundhouse Gamma Charge - only combos from standing or crouching jab Short - 6 damage - Hulk kicks at your opponent's foot s.lk - shorter range than the jab - Hulk's quickest move, very little lag, a decent anti-rushing move - almost no stun time, can only combo into his standing forward or Gamma Quake - you should generally use the crouching short instead, it has much better range and combo follow ups - only use this move if you are being severely pressured on the ground and no other move will come out fast enough; but even then you'd be better off using a good assist instead (like Jin's Anti-Air) Forward - 10 damage - Hulk sticks out his foot at waist level s.mk - good range - knocks back horizontally - doesn't combo into anything - you should only use this move if you accidentally used s.lk - while it may not look it, this move does hit small and crouching opponents Roundhouse - 16 damage - Hulk puts his hands to the ground and thrusts both s.hk feet up at ~70 - slow startup, easily blocked by pixies - a decent anti-air move with a very good vertical range - very high priority, will beat out most jump ins due to people underestimating the vertical range - acts like a launcher (that launches diagonally), but Hulk can't follow up with a combo; cancel into fierce Gamma slam to add block damage and to prevent rapid counters - terrible lag if missed or blocked; cancel into jab Gamma Slam to compensate - does not combo from anything - generally not a safe move to use as the lag will lead to crossups - stick with a good assist for anti-air Crouching --------- jab - 6 damage - an overhead hammer swing c.lp - despite its looks, it has no vertical range and will not hit anything above you (that's what your crouching fierce is for) - slower than your crouching short, but better range - slightly faster than his standing jab, but slightly less range - same application as his standing jab, except your opponent is dashing in with low attacks or trying to sweep - unless you really need the range, always use the crouching short in combos instead strong - 10 damage - a backhand swing (similar to standing jab) c.mp - fairly slow startup - if close, can combo into jab Gamma Tornado - otherwise, your only combo choices are Gamma Charge or Gamma Quake fierce - 2 hits - 8 + 8 = 16 damage - a double arm uppercut c.hp - Hulk's launcher on the second hit - mini-launch on the first hit, slight vacuum effect - fair anti-air move, but the lag will lead to painful cross ups - decent horizontal and vertical range - will only hit once (and pull inwards) if too far away - bad lag if missed or blocked; cancel to jab Gamma Slam to compensate - pause very briefly before jumping up for an air combo - combos into Gamma Crush, but can be problematic (see Section 7) - combos into a perfect Gamma Crush if you cancel after the first hit - stick with a good assist for anti-air short - 6 damage - just like his standing short, but it hits low c.lk - this is Hulk's only low attack - very quick (but slower than s.lk), very little lag, very good range - Hulk's best poke move, excellent for anti-rushing - if possible, start all of Hulk's ground combos with this - combos into crouching forward or crouching fierce (launcher) - can combo quickly into Gamma Charge if can't reach with c.mk or c.hp forward - 10 damage - Hulk sticks his foot straight out c.mk - good range, good speed - if very close or in corner, can combo into a fierce Gamma Tornado - otherwise combo into his Horizontal Gamma Charge roundhouse - 16 damage - Hulk sticks his foot out at an upwards angle c.rh - knocks back diagonally (though at a smaller angle than s.hp) - average speed, good priority - can only be comboed from a crouching short - there is no good reason to ever use this move; if you must use a knockback, use s.hp instead for better range and angle Jumping ------- jab - 6 damage - a headbutt/bite j.lp - very poor range, poor priority - use only as a combo filler during an air combo strong - 10 damage - Hulk punches at a slight downward angle j.mp - good speed, good range - AC finisher - there is no reason to ever use this move, use fierce instead fierce - 16 damage - "the fly swatter" j.hp - Hulk claps his hands together at foot level with such force that it actually makes him float briefly - during a normal jump, this stops both forward and backwards movement - very slow to come out - unmatched priority in the air, but only if it comes out in time - covers both the area in front and below him (possible to cross up) - bad lag even if you connect - Hulk's best air to air attack - never use this during a normal jump, you recover much too slowly - if used in an AC, tag on a roundhouse afterwards since it recovers more quickly; it also compensates for your "float" which can leave you quite vulnerable in the air - a quick & risky combo is to super jump in, cross up with the fierce, then immediately hit them with a roundhouse; 2 hits - 32 damage short - 6 damage - Hulk sticks his foot out, exactly like his standing short j.lk - quick to come out, average range - not Hulk's best priority move, but still pretty good - always combo into jumping forward - arguably Hulk's best jump-in attack (my personal favourite) forward - 10 damage - "the Flintstone kick", Hulk swings his foot up j.mk - poor horizontal range, but it covers the entire area in front of him - a combo filler; combo into fierce during an air combo roundhouse - 16 damage - a missile dropkick j.rk - comes out fairly quickly - immense priority - hit area extends just slightly beyond his feet - pushes back a lot - does not have too much stun time, so you must have good timing if you wish to combo afterwards (you must wait until you are close to the ground before using this) - arguably Hulk's other best jump-in attack - best used during a super jump in ====================================================================== ---------------- 6. Special Moves ---------------- Gamma Slam ---------- qcf + P jab: 2 hits - 8 + 8 = 16 damage fierce: 4 hits - 8 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 31 damage (the last hit would be 8 if not for damage reduction) Hulk rears up for a moment, then plunges his arms into the ground and pulls pieces of it up, creating a wave of rocks/ground that travels forward moderately quickly. The rocks lift up out of the ground about half the height of Hulk, giving them an even larger area coverage. Jab creates two rocks that travel half screen. Fierce creates 4 rocks that travel nearly the entire length of the screen. Your opponent will be pushed back the corresponding distance whether they block or not. Each rock will do one pixel of block damage. Note that a blocked fierce Gamma Slam can do just as much damage as a blocked Gamma Wave. For the jab version, the pause before he begins is slight. It is possible to combo into it from a standing/crouching jab only if you are very close and cancel very quickly. The only reason you would want to do this is to cancel into a Gamma Wave, but the conditions are very rare and this is difficult to pull off; there are much safer combos to work with. You cannot combo the fierce Gamma Slam in any way. Hulk remains in his final animation frame until the wave is completed, which means he is vulnerable to attacks. The only way to get out of the frame is if you cancel into a super (before the second rock finishes rising out of the ground) or you are hit by an attack. Cancel into Gamma Quake or Gamma Crush against jumpers. One of the best properties of the wave is that it will continue to expand regardless if you cancel out or are hit. As long as the first rock appears, the remainder of the wave will occur. Most people forget about this and become very frustrated when they get hit even after their beam hit you. The rocks are also invulnerable and can negate fireballs (but not beams). Interestingly, Hulk's Gamma Slam and Juggernaut's Earthquake will go through each other (and hit both combatants respectively). Despite it's good points, this move has limited uses. Never use this move by itself, as it's lag will get you severely punished. As I mentioned earlier, it is mainly used to add block damage or to compensate for a blocked combo. Whenever your standard ground combo is blocked, cancel quickly into jab Gamma Slam to prevent a dash in and to push them back. If your combo connected and you finished with a knockback, cancel immediately into a fierce Gamma Slam since the last rock will catch them, forcing them to block. (This is especially frustrating for people who like to whip out beam supers after you've knocked them away; even if they pull off the super quickly enough, they will still get knocked out of it). It is possible to use this move as a sort of anti-air against opponents who like to jump in at shallow angles, but this is an unreliable strategy at best. On the off hand that it does work, cancel immediately into a Gamma Wave. Gamma Tornado ------------- hcb + P jab: 22 damage fierce: 30 damage This move is Hulk's blockable command throw. The jab version makes Hulk stick his arm out moderately quickly, grab the opponent by their head, spin them around once and throw them about 2 screens away behind him. Hulk them comes hopping back onto the screen after them. The fierce version comes out slowly and spins them around 3 times before throwing. Both versions reach about half a screen away. Despite its looks, the amount of time before the opponent is grabbed is dependant only on the punch strength used. The proximity of your opponent has no effect. If your opponent always jumps in with a non-fierce/roundhouse attack, abuse your super armour and catch them with a jab Gamma Tornado. You must time it so you catch them before they can hit you with their second jump in attack. This move will miss small opponents, and some ducking ones. I've heard that it is possible to cancel the launcher after 1 hit then catch them with the throw, but I have only been able to do this against Roll and Servbot. Please email me if you know how to do this on everybody, or can confirm that it does not work on anyone else. The Gamma Tornado is an excellent finisher for short ground combos, but you must start the combo fairly close to the opponent. The main problem is not the timing, but the pushback from Hulk's normal moves which push them out of range of the Gamma Tornado. The jab version will combo off: s.lp, c.lp, c.mp, c.lk The fierce version will combo off: c.mk If your opponent is in the corner, use the fierce version regardless. If your back is to the corner and you catch your opponent with a Gamma Tornado (which throws them into the wall), immediately follow up with a standing roundhouse to catch them on their way down. (The combo cancelling rules seem to indicate that you can follow up with a super at this point, but for some reason it doesn't work. If you know why, please tell me.) If your opponent isn't too bright and you feel like gambling, you can always try catching them with another Gamma Tornado after the roundhouse. Another gamble is if you use Gamma Tornado and throw your opponent into the middle of the battle field; when you hop back onto the screen, they are now at the perfect Gamma Crush cross up distance (assuming they just stand there and block). Gamma Tornado is a good counter for blocked or missed moves with lag, but chances are that if you were blocking, you would be better off using Gamma Charge instead. Performing a fierce Gamma Tornado on Servbot is possibly one of the funniest things in this game. An odd quirk of the Gamma Tornado is that if you grab an opponent while they are being hit by an assist, they will remain in whichever colour they were while being hit by the assist. So if Akuma's hurricane assist connects and you grab them with a Gamma Tornado while they're blue, you'll be spinning around a blue electrified opponent. Kind of worthless, but fun to watch. Gamma Charge ------------ Horizontal Gamma Charge charge b, f + K, then ub/u/uf + K for second charge Vertical Gamma Charge charge d, u + K, then u/uf/f + K for second charge Damage is independent of kick button used: 21 + 10 = 31 damage Hulk yells "Gamma Charge" (it's his only move where he actually says something) and charges in the appropriate direction with a large yellowish shield thing that covers the entire front of him. This move is a mixed blessing. At times, it can be your best weapon. If you screw up, you will experience the most excruciating lag of any move in the game. Even worse, you will be standing directly next to your opponent while you recover. The kick button used determines how far your charge will go: horizontal - short - 3/4 screen across horizontal - roundhouse - full screen across vertical - short - 1/2 screen up vertical - roundhouse - full screen up For a horizontal charge, the kick button also determines which way your opponent will be knocked up: short - half a screen upwards and slightly away - note that you are still moving forward, so your opponent will ultimately be behind you roundhouse - 3/5 screen upwards and slightly back If possible, you should always be charging d/b with Hulk. Not only does this give you the ability to use either the vertical or horizontal charge, but it also sets up most of Hulk's better combos beginning with crouching short. After performing a horizontal charge, at any point during the first charge (before or after you hit your opponent) you can cancel either into a super or make a second charge in any of the directions listed above. For a vertical charge, you can change directions at any time, but cannot cancel into a super (since Hulk does not have any air supers). If you do nothing after the first hit, you will continue until you reach the end of the charge range, then lag for a few moments. Note that the recovery on the second charge is faster (fast enough for you to OTG), but only if you land quickly. This is only possible if you perform a vertical Gamma Charge then immediately do your second one horizontally. If you connect with the second charge, your opponent will be knocked up briefly and you will land before they do. Hulk's Gamma Charges do not have as large a hit area as they seem. One may be tempted to think that it is the entire shield area in front of him, but it is really only the tip of it. The exception to this is his Horizontal Gamma Charge performed from the ground. The hit area on this extends from his shoulder down to his feet. Thus, Hulk's head is vulnerable to attacks. It is very important then to never do a horizontal Gamma Charge against opponents who are jumping in. Due to Hulk's super armour, this move will go through fireballs (but you will still take the damage). It can go partially through multi-hitting beams as well, since the first few hits of the beams are usually not enough to stun Hulk. Fireballs will tend to slow down the charge and reduce the range very slightly (the actual fireball will stop you for a sliver of a second). Beams, as far as I can tell, slow Hulk down slightly. Refer to 'Section 9.1 Using your Super Armour' for some more details on which beams do not stop Hulk. Gamma Charge also has immense priority, mostly due to its speed and Hulk's super armour. Use it freely to counter any slow moves thrown your way. Do not ever throw it out at random. I repeat, do not ever throw a Gamma Charge out at random. Gamma Charge should only be used as a counter or in a combo. Do not attempt to use a Vertical Gamma Charge as a reliable anti-air. First of all, you would be charging down, which makes you unable to block air attacks. Secondly, if you miss, you will have both recovery time and falling time. Hulk's best method of using a Gamma Charge as an anti-air is to charge horizontally under them, then quickly cross back and up with your second charge. A Vertical Gamma Charge will not hit an opponent standing directly next to you unless they are very tall (ie: Blackheart, Sentinel, etc.). Gamma Charge can is a very useful tool against air keep-away. If your opponent is floating above you shooting down fireballs/beams (and out of Gamma Crush range), either charge forwards then up, or up then forwards to catch them. Better yet, Gamma Charge under and past them (cross up), then Gamma Crush. If your Horizontal Gamma Charge is ever blocked, do not hesitate to cancel very quickly into a super to push you to safety. Gamma Quake is probably your safest bet. A riskier move is to cancel into Gamma Crush. If your opponent just sits and blocks, they will be in perfect cross up distance (assuming that they aren't backed into the corner). A Gamma Charge will not hit more than one opponent unless they are directly overlapping. Bear this in mind when charging against assists. An annoying effect is that if your Gamma Charge hits an assist, the assist takes the damage, but Hulk acts as if the charge were blocked, meaning you have to wait through the lag (and can't perform the second charge). The only recourse is to use a super to get out of it, but this must be done immediately after you hit their assist (the timing is much less forgiving compared to when you hit your main opponent). Beware of Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver and Omega Red's Coil Throws since they can catch you out of your charge. Also watch out for Venom Fang which hits your head where you aren't protected by the shield. Actually, watch out for any attacks/assists which hit around head level. One of the best reasons to use Gamma Charge is that it cancels nicely into any of Hulk's supers. Just remember that even though the Gamma Charge will likely knock the opponent behind you (thus a cross up), cancel into the super you want as if the cross up never occurred. See the section on each super for further details. ====================================================================== -------------- 7. Super Moves ***still a little incomplete*** -------------- Gamma Wave (THC - ground assist) ---------- qcf + PP 10 to 12 hits - 51 to 58 damage This looks just like the Gamma Slam except that it comes out much quicker and the rocks come up to Hulk's full height. This move also does 11 hits regardless of how far away the opponent is. This move will only do fewer hits if your opponent hits a wall. Therefore, don't use this move when your opponent is near a wall unless you have to. For full effect, you need about 2 screens lengths for your opponent to travel. Gamma Wave is Hulk's primary mistake punisher. It travels fast enough to catch most missed specials or blocked assists. For some reason though, sometimes the assist will get bounced up and will not take full damage from the super. Against non-pixies, if you abuse your super armour it is also possible to catch your opponent in the middle of their combos/jump ins, although this is a risky manoeuvre at best. Gamma Wave also has all of the good properties of a Gamma Slam. It continues regardless if you were knocked out of the move (as long as the first rock appears) and nullifies fireballs. It still doesn't nullify beams however. If this super is blocked, it pushes the opponent back the entire screen. However, it does only 4 pixels of block damage, which is the same as a fierce Gamma Slam. Gamma Wave is probably the safest super to cancel into after a horizontal Gamma Charge. You would preferably want to hit them with a Roundhouse Gamma Charge since it will position them further behind you. It is possible to connect from a Short Gamma Charge, but the timing is less forgiving. In either case, you have to wait a moment for your opponent to drop down enough, otherwise the first few rocks will knock them out of the rest of the super. In general, this super does not go well in THCs. It tends to knock your opponents out of your partners' supers and does minimal damage on its own. Even combined with other wave type supers, the damage is still very minimal since the screens do not scroll in a THC so none of your supers can even take full effect. Gamma Wave works very well as a DHC ender. However, it is very difficult to DHC out of it. You must cancel out of it the instant the first rock starts to come out of the ground, otherwise the wave will not occur. I wouldn't recommend doing that anyways since you would greatly cut short the damage potential of the Gamma Wave. There are some methods for connecting the Gamma Crush mentioned below which work just as well for connecting the Gamma Wave. Changes from MvC1: - is now limited to 11 hits; it used to go all the way to the other side of the field for as many hits as possible - due to that, the potential damage is lower - seems to come out a little slower Gamma Crush (THC - dash assist) ----------- qcb + PP knocked out of air - 3 hits - 8+10+40 = 54 damage knocked off ground - 4 hits - 8+5+5+40 = 58 damage opponent standing - 7 hits - 5+5+5+4+4+4+40 = 67 damage As you can see, almost all of the damage comes from the last hit Hulk scrunches down with a goofy look on his face, then launches skyward knocking out anything above him (Hulk also has a very small hit area next to him when he jumps up). He disappears from the screen for a moment, then comes crashing back down to earth with a large meteor in his arms (preferably landing on the opponent that you should have knocked out on your way up). On his way down, the meteor can be partially aimed by pressing left/right/down; gauge the landing spot by following the shadow on the ground. If you did not hit your opponent on the way up, they are free to move around until you come down, at which point they are either out of harm's way or must block (for moderate block damage). If your opponent is moving about, aim the meteor behind them. Since the meteor is very large, giving it a very large hit area, you have a very good chance of crossing your opponent up. After you play with Hulk enough, you will learn that there are certain ranges where your opponent will be very susceptible to a Gamma Crush cross up. I will note a few spots you can exploit this later on. This is arguably Hulk's most damaging super. It comes out very quickly and has very high priority. Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad points about this super. First of all, while it has very high priority going up, he seems to be completely vulnerable while out of the screen. Attacks such as Captain Corridor, Blackheart's Inferno, even the mini-beam from Cyclops's Gene Splice will knock him out of the air. At least when he's coming down, the meteor blocks most other attacks thrown his way. However, he is still vulnerable to attacks which cover wide areas of the screen such as Captain Corridor, Inferno, Repulsor Blast, etc.) Gamma Crush also has horrible lag if missed or blocked. Compounding this problem is that Hulk can only bring the meteor down to three select locations (determined by pressing left, right, or down; not touching the joystick will have it automatically aim). The problem is that there are "blind spots" between the three locations where if your opponent has fallen there, you will whiff the meteor hit (which is the most damaging portion of your super). I shouldn't have to mention that if you miss, you will also be on the receiving end of a very painful counter since your opponent will have ample time to decide what to do with you. Thirdly, it is now possible to mash out of a Gamma Crush. Reportedly, if you mash the button and joystick like crazy, you will recover before the meteor comes down, allowing you to block. Personally, I have only seen this once, and I wound up crossing up my opponent anyways when he tried to block. ***Update note: I've been told by several sources that it is very easy to mash out of a Gamma Crush. I have yet to see this performed consistently, but then again, mashing is frowned upon at my arcade since the joysticks are so messed up that no one risks breaking them (more than they already are) by mashing*** Gamma Crush can be used to counter jump-ins, or more ideally, you should connect it by cancelling from a launch or Gamma Charge. Cancelling off the launch is somewhat tricky, and has timing difficulties. The problem here is that depending on how high your opponent is when you cancel into the super, you might knock them into one of the "blind spots" mentioned earlier. My own timing isn't good enough to find the "perfect" height. I just go by feel. The best bet is to simply cancel in the Gamma Crush after the first hit of the launch. You have to be quick, but there are no worries. Cancelling into Gamma Crush from a Gamma Charge presents some of the same problems as cancelling from a launch. Depending on where your opponent is before you cancel, you might once again knock them into one of the dreaded "blind spots". The best time is when they are directly above you. This knocks them straight down and you will have no problems. If your opponent is in a corner, use a lk Gamma Charge (which knocks them towards the wall) and there will be no margin for error. If your Gamma Charge is blocked but you cancel into a Gamma Crush right away, the push back as you jump up will push your opponent into perfect cross up range (but this is assuming your opponent just stands still and blocks). Obviously, this will not work when your opponent has his back to the corner. Related to countering a jump-in is countering a cross up. Hulk has a fairly wide hit area going up, so it's easy to cross up your opponent above you who in all likelyhood is now blocking the wrong way. However, the same problem as before is that if you miss or knock your opponent into a blind spot, you are in a lot of trouble. Against a non-pixie who is trying to ground combo you, it is possible to pull off the Gamma Crush in the middle of their combo if they are close. This is generally risky to do since the start up time is not instant, but if your opponent is being predictable, they deserve to be crushed. Gamma Crush has a wide range of applications and really is a excellent move. So excellent in fact that I've decided to say that 'this document is copyright 2001 Nathan Lee' in the middle of a paragraph, just incase someone tries to take my work without permission. If you're a thief and you're currently deleting this paragraph, go sit naked on a hard boiled egg. Gamma Crush works well in any THC where the opponent is not moved around too much before the meteor comes back down, otherwise the meteor can very easily miss. Sometimes, even when your opponent is moving around a lot and the meteor looks like it hits, it might not register any damage at all. However, sometimes the reverse is true and you get obscene amounts of damage. Please refer to the glitch description a few paragraphs down. Gamma Crush also works very well in DHCs. Cancelling into it is no problem as long as your opponent(s) are above or directly next to you. In my experience, I have never had the opponent fall into the blind spots when I DHC into a Gamma Crush (though I suspect it is entirely possible). Cancelling out of it is also fairly easy, but takes some practice. Since the majority of the damage occurs on the last hit, ideally you will want to wait for that hit to occur before cancelling. Ignore the combo counter and listen for the accompanying "boom" of the meteor's final hit. Cancel as soon as you hear it. If you cancel the moment of the "boom", your opponent will still be lying on the ground. If you cancel a millisecond later, your opponent will be bounced about 1/3 screen high. : making the Gamma Crush unmashable When your opponent is hit by the Gamma Crush, they are left stunned on the ground while your big rock comes down. It is during this time that people can mash out of it. However, the amount of time your opponent spends on the ground is dependant on how you connected with the Gamma Crush. If you knocked them out of the air (either as a counter to an attack or as part of a combo), then they will be lying on the ground for a very long time, during which they can mash out. However, if you connect with the initial upwards hit of the Gamma Crush while your opponent is standing on the ground, then there is almost no "lie down" time. Personally, I have never seen anyone mash out of this second scenario. The problem however, is that this scenario is very hard to achieve. It can be achieved in 2 manners: as a counter to your opponent's ground combo, or off an assist. Countering your opponent's ground combo is risky. It means you must block the majority of their ground combo chain, then whip out a Gamma Crush between their attacks. This really only works on the larger, slower characters, and even then might miss if they aren't close enough (since their attacks tend to have good pushback). It is difficult to pull on the small combo characters since they might be able to put you into hit stun before you jump up, and their small size makes it even harder to hit them. Using assists is by far the safer way. The types of assists that you want to use are either the capture type or those which stun your opponent for a long time. Once captured or stunned, just dash up (do not combo) and do a Gamma Crush. Here are some examples which work well: Akuma's hurricane kick (expansion) Magneto's Hyper Grav (capture) Spiderman's Web Balls (capture) Juggernaut's Earthquake (ground) Thanos' Bubble Trap (capture) Tron Bonne's Satellite (projectile) Iron Man's Unibeam (projectile) There is a third way to make the Gamma Crush unmashable using your assists. This also involves assists which incur a very large stun time, but now you will use them as part of a combo. The basic idea is to begin a combo, call the assist during your combo, and as soon as the assist connects perform the Gamma Crush. You should be able to catch your opponent just before your assist finishes. Thus far, I have only been able to do this with two assists: Akuma's hurricane kick (expansion) Juggernaut's Earthquake (ground) If you know of any more possibilities or can add to my lists above, please send me an email. There are some much more specific examples of connecting the Gamma Crush found in Phatdan81's Hulk FAQ at gamefaqs.com. It is also worthwhile to note that the methods mentioned above work just as well for connecting the Gamma Wave. In fact, it's an easier alternative since there is less room for error and the timing is much more forgiving. Changes from MvC1: - slightly better damage (not counting the glitch) - can now be mashed out of - the "homing" ability seriously sucks now - what the heck happened to the priority? this move used to be invincible coming down and had several frames of invulnerability at startup There seems to be some sort of glitch when performing a THC with Gamma Crush where the Gamma Crush will not experience damage reduction. Furthermore, there seems to be a few circumstances where instead of one large 40 damage hit, there will be two 30, 35 or 40 damage hits (hereafter referred to as the Double Crush). It also seems that certain partner's supers will not experience the damage reduction as well. I need to do a lot more testing on this, but I do know that it has something to do with frame slowdown and that there are different effects between the arcade and dreamcast. The following are a few notes about the glitches. These are still experimental, so do not take them at face value. I will also not have much time in the near future to do more research. If anyone reading this could tell me more or do some testing (we all need an excuse to play right?), it would be greatly appreciated. Double Crush: - opponent must be held stationary at ~ 1/3 screen height ex: top of Blodia Punch, Doom's Photon Sphere - or opponent may "bounce", caught in mid-air ex: Captain Sword - does not work on arcade - how can we control bounce? timing? height before THC? - sometimes meteor does not have to be close for second hit - non-touch effect? meteor fragments? ex: Captain Sword, beam supers - THC with Armageddon!!! how can I get 100%? - lousy assist, not worth it - area coverage supers screw everything up, cause movement ex: Legion, Omega Destroyer, Ruby Ghosts - launch with Hulk, THC with Jin OR King Kobon (not both) - why not both? - Tempest & Arctic attack... sometimes can get double crush - does not work at all with vertical supers non-reduction: - launch with Hulk, THC with Jin - opponent lands on top of robot arm 3 big hits (punch + double crush) = 100% - works from nearly full screen distance with no launch - very odd bounce and non-touch effect - can a third be added without screwing up? - need someone with a good launcher then super that brings opponent down into punch - launch with Capcom, THC w/ Jin & Hulk (good team; metre hogs) - sword brings down into arm, meteor follows - 3 big hits - 95% (no double crush) - or does the sword hit not occur but double crush? - partial solution to above, any better? - launch with Hulk, THC with Jin & Lunch Rush - lunch does not hit until after crush (not double, why?) - falls into lunch for more damage, total = 95% - funny! - Hulk, Jin, Sonson - 90% - beams always get damage reduction - or is it just supers with high hits? - but sometimes double crush occurs - All above Hulk launch THC's work best if Hulk's back is 1/3 from screen edge - other locations usually work, but sometimes not, why? - sometimes other locations do 100% on Juggernaut... - mathematically improbable... even accounting for the double crush - does glitch cause damage augmentation? Gamma Quake (THC - anti-air assist) ----------- qcf + KK 6 to 14 hits - 37 to 68 damage average 9 hits ~ 51 damage initial hammer punch - 10 damage Hulk raises his fists up and pounds the ground with such force that rocks fall from the sky. The rocks cover the entire area above him and extend from 1/3 screen in front of him to just a little behind him. The above listed damage is if you hit your opponent on the ground. Catching them in the air usually (but not always) results in slightly less damage. It is apparent that the damage on this super is highly variable, but it can potentially do as much damage as a Gamma Crush. If you connect with Gamma Quake, the rocks lift your opponent up into the air, setting up some easy DHC possibilities. If it is blocked, then your opponent is pushed back 1/3 screen. If your opponent is backed into the corner, then you are pushed back instead. Gamma Quake comes out very quickly. However, it is only the initial hammer punch to the ground the comes out quickly. There is a brief moment before the rocks will connect. If you hit with the punch then there is no problem. Opponents in the air will have an opportunity to block, but since the rocks originate from the top of the screen, the higher they are, the less time the have. Bear in mind there is not much vertical range on the hammer swing. The animation for the hammer swing is just like his crouching jab, with the same ranges. The recovery on Gamma Quake is also very good. You recover by the time the last rock reaches the bottom of the screen. I have never seen anyone dash in quickly enough to combo (don't forget that you still have super armour), but I suspect a Magneto with impeccable timing (and perhaps a triangle jump) could pull it off. Gamma Quake is your most combo friendly super. It can combo off of any non-knockback light or medium attack. It is generally better to combo off the light attack though, since the medium attacks can push your opponent out of range of the hammer swing. Also bear in mind that it combos off a standing short, which is your fastest (but shortest range) move. You can also use this super as an anti-air or rush suppressant. Against rushers, this move comes out fast enough to stop most of them in their tracks. As long as they don't have beam supers, they will not be able to retaliate effectively. If they block the super, either you or they will be pushed out of range of retaliation. As an anti-air, treat it much as you would a ground rush. Just keep in mind that you have to start the quake early enough for the rocks to fall. You will more often use Gamma Quake as an anti-air/anti-crossup move. Many people forget that the rocks extend behind Hulk as well, allowing you to cross up your potential crosser upper (does that make sense?). While Gamma Crush generally does this job a little better, Gamma Quake is (as always), the safer move to use. The rocks from Gamma Quake will nullify fireballs, but do not stop beams. As far as I can't tell though, getting knocked out of Gamma Quake does not stop the remainder of the rocks from falling. While this doesn't help against beam supers, it at least stops a dash in combo. In general, Gamma Quake is your "screw up, fix up" move. If anything was blocked or you swung out a fierce when you shouldn't have, do not hesitate to pull out a Gamma Quake to protect yourself. The rocks protect you, push you away from your opponent, prevent dash ins, etc. Another nice little aspect (but don't rely on this) is that opponent with beam supers who block the quake sometimes get greedy and try to pull out a super right away. What they do not realize is that often they are not pushed entirely out of the way of the falling rocks from their initial block, thus their super is interrupted (though they do not take too much damage). This occurs maybe a third of the time, more so if the beam animation extends your opponents horizontal range. In THCs, Gamma Quake is a decent move. It adds a nice bit of damage as long as your partners' supers do not knock your opponent out of range (or vice versa). Gamma Quake is also Hulk's only reliable super with which to start a THC since it starts up very quickly and is combo friendly (as mentioned above). It is best if your partners' supers are either vertical or have a wide area of coverage. Remember that the rocks will lift your opponent up into the air. In DHC's, Gamma Crush works well in first or second place. It sets up well for vertical supers since no horizontal movement occurs. Bear in mind though, that rising supers (such as Amingo's Vine or Doom's Rising Flame) will not do as much potential damage since your opponent will be lifted fairly high by the rocks. Changes from MvC1: - I haven't noticed anything so far ====================================================================== ---------- 8. Assists ---------- Ground: jab Gamma Slam - THC: Gamma Wave ---------------------- Hulk jumps in and performs a jab Gamma Slam. In my opinion, this is Hulk's worst assist. It is quite slow and easily avoidable. It's only use is to inhibit dash ins, but then your opponent will use a jump-in instead. It is possible to extend combos with this assist, but I have not yet found any effective combination that makes it worthwhile. The resulting THC is usually quite bad. Gamma Wave tends to knocks your opponent(s) out of your partner's supers. Furthermore, the screen does not scroll during a THC, meaning that the Gamma Wave does not take full effect. Dash: Horizontal lk Gamma Charge - THC: Gamma Crush -------------------------------- Hulk jumps in just slightly in front of your calling characters and does a quick Gamma Charge forward. I consider this his best assist. It comes out quickly, is fast, has excellent priority, absorbs fireballs/beams, has a large hit area and does good damage. There is very small delay before he charges. The THC with this assist is the ever popular Gamma Crush. Try to pair him up with other supers which keep your opponent grounded since the Gamma Crush does the most damage when your opponent's feet are touching the ground (preferably standing). Anti-Air: Diagonally forward lk Gamma Charge - THC: Gamma Quake -------------------------------------------- Very similar to his Dash assist, except Hulk performs a diagonal forwards Gamma Charge. This is unique since Hulk cannot perform a diagonal Gamma Charge by itself. It makes for a decent anti-air assist, but bear in mind that the hit area is not as large as it seems. This assist also seems to come out a bit slower than his dash assist Gamma Quake adds solidly to most THCs. It's ease of comboing allows Hulk to start the THC instead of relying on his partners to set it up. ====================================================================== --------------------------- 9. General Usage/Strategies *** terribly incomplete*** --------------------------- *- does not have good air game, also no super armour *- does not have very good anti-air, short of Crush or Quake * - easily crossed up due to lag and size * - much better off with a good AAA assist (Jin and/or Capcom) * - if opponent jumps in with lp or lk, catch them with jab Gamma Tornado *- Gamma Quake is your "screw-up fix-up" move * I might scrap this part and just put all my notes into the other sections 9.1 Using your Super Armour ***incomplete*** --------------------------- Super armour essentially gives you a one hit barrier. You will still take the damage, but you will not go into hit stun until the second hit. It is essential that you learn how to abuse this since many of Hulk's moves come out slowly. The secret to using super armour effectively is in knowing the timing of your moves as well as your opponents. Knowing that you can take one hit and still keep going is useless if you're trying to hit Wolverine with a standing Jab since he'll slash you 3 times before your fist even comes out. It is also very important to remember that Hulk does not have super armour in the air (yet another reason to stay out of it). Super armour does not protect you against the following: jumping fierces/roundhouses standing fierces/roundhouses from Juggernaut or Hulk sweeps Omega Red's Coil Throws (it used to in MvC1) ***Certain beams work against super armour, other don't. Check the incomplete list below (if you have any more to add, please email me) No stun: hit stun: all fireballs B.B.Hood - flamethrower Cyclops - Optic Blast Doom - Photon Shot Iceman - Icebeam (HAHA!) Cable - Viper Beam Dhalsim - Yoga Flame/Thrust 9.2 Against Pixies ------------------ *pixies bad, Hulk Smash! *need assist that sets up for supers *use s.lk to keep them away *use Gamma Quake a lot - for mistakes, to counter cross ups, etc. - or "let" them hit you once, then interrupt with the Gamma Quake - this is difficult to do; must time it for the last hit of their ground chain (as long as it isn't a sweep) *dash jump in while blocking, hit them with j.hk at the last moment to stuff out their anti-air moves *catch their weak jump-ins with a jab Gamma Tornado 9.3 Against Super Armour Opponents ---------------------------------- *if Juggernaut has no metres, no problem; *Hulk is fast enough to always keep Juggernaut in hitstun *just remember to block low against his long range low kicks *otherwise every lag move will eat a Headcrush *VERY easy to cross up with a Gamma Crush *Collossus... - his shoulder dash will beat your jump ins - stay on the ground, counter his mistakes/lags - when he activates his armour: - don't waste your supers - just keep away - use j.hk since people get greedy and try to combo when they have armour on and forget about his shoulder dash (in my experience) 9.4 Against Keep Away --------------------- *depends on beamer - Icebeams can't stop Hulk * - neither does Optic Blast (but be wary of his good combos) * - Gamma Charge through then Gamma Crush *keep away Cable is a big problem *shotos can be a real pain - Gamma Charge through their fireballs and Gamma Crush immediately *not much Hulk can do against proper keep away *if they are in the air raining down beams (Iceman, Doom, etc) - Gamma Charge under and past them (cross up), Gamma Crush out of the sky - perform the Gamma Crush command as if you have not crossed up 9.5 Against Throwers (Zangief, Omega Red) -------------------- *Zangief - avoid Gamma Charging, unless you can cancel very quickly into Quake - basically use moves that push back out of throw range - use j.hk, c.lk, s.hp or other simple combos that push back a lot - always use Gamma Slam to push away; Zangief does not have the speed to jump and capitalize on your lag - one of the few circumstances where you should try to stay airborn *Omega Red - try to avoid Gamma Charging as well, since the coils can grab you - only Gamma Charge if he's in the air and you're going for the cross up into Gamma Crush ====================================================================== ---------- 10. Combos ---------- 10.1 General rules of engagement ***incomplete*** -------------------------------- * maybe scrap this section; most notes are in other sections *- you should be charging d/b whenever possible - Hulk's crouching attacks are generally better than his standing ones - Hulk is easily tripped *- starting ground combos: - use c.lk whenever you can, combo into c.fk - only use s.lk if you need something very quick - avoid using s.lp if you can, it is too slow *- against normal sized opponents, try to stick with crouching attacks - your standing attacks have an annoying tendency to miss if they duck *- best jump-ins - (j.lk, j.mk) or j.rk (more difficult to combo afterwards) *- dash jump as much as possible; a normal jump usually doesn't bring you deep enough for some of Hulk's better combos *- always charge back while in the air; this serves two uses: - blocks an assist's AAA - lets you Gamma Charge (especially against the assist) *- air to air - sj. fierce beats out anything, but it is very slow coming out *- while very useful at the proper times, don't abuse Hulk's ability to Gamma Charge through certain beams *- all ground combos ending with a knockback should add a fierce Gamma Slam at the end to add block damage, prevent counters (by forcing a block upon landing) and for general harassment *- all other combos should incorporate a Gamma Charge and/or super. *- if a ground combo is ever blocked, cancel into a jab/fierce Gamma Slam to push them back; if they try to jump and you can't block in time, retaliate with a super (usually Gamma Quake) *- if you screw up a combo at any point and find yourself too close to the opponent after a heavy lag move, don't hesitate to use Gamma Quake to push you to safety Basic Combo Guideline: 1) dash jump in with (j.lk, j.mk) or (j.hk), charging back while in the air 2) begin ground chain with (c.lk, c.mk) or (c.lp) if not close enough 3) three choices: a) Gamma Tornado - only if close enough and you want to finish the combo with style b) Gamma Charge - the preferred move - leads into a second charge or a super c) s.hp, HP Gamma Slam - only if you used c.lp and for some reason don't want to use the above 10.2 Sample Combos ------------------ These are only sample combos (hence the name of the section) and represent what I feel are Hulk's basics. If you want more, go read PhatDan81's FAQ for an excellent list of nearly every possible combo. I'm not going to list every possibility since realistically you shouldn't be memorizing these things anyways. Any portions of combos given in parentheses mean that they can be excluded without harming the remainder of the combo. Generally, if you did not start the combo very close to your opponent, exclude the moves in the parentheses. Further notes will be given for each combo. 2 hits ~ 10% - s.lk, s.mk - this is Hulk's fastest combo - low damage (though it's still nothing to snuff at) - if you have a pixie clawing at your ankles, this is the only thing that will come out quickly enough (not counting assists) to counter them - useful at the very beginning of a match if your opponent is crowding you since this will beat whatever they throw at you - knocks back, which is good since you don't want pixies too close to you ~ 10 hits ~ 40% - s.lk, Gamma Quake - same application as the combo above - best used on predictable rushers - damage varies between 30-50% 4 hits ~ 25% - j.lk, j.mk, c.lp, s.hp, fierce Gamma Slam - standard, simple jump in combo - sub s.lp in place of c.lp for better range but worse speed - use this combo if you didn't jump in deep enough for the big 8 hitter combo below (such as from a normal jump and not a dash jump) - it is possible to cancel into a jab Gamma Tornado or Gamma Charge after the jab, but do so quickly - as always, don't forget the Gamma Slam at the end 3 hits ~ 25% - s.lp, (c.mp), jab Gamma Tornado - c.lk, c.mk, fierce Gamma Tornado - must be fairly close or opponent is against wall - a simple counter combo if you didn't have time to charge back - Gamma Tornado combos are generally difficult to pull off 7 hits ~ 35% - c.lk, c.hp, sj.lp, sj.lk, (sj.mk), sj.hp - Hulk's standard air combo - pause very briefly before jumping 8 hits ~ 75% - j.lk, j.mk, charge d/b, c.lk, c.mk, H.Gamma Charge, Gamma Crush - must jump in deep - I consider this Hulk's bread and butter combo; use and abuse - can substitute (c.lk , c.mk) for (c.lp, c.mp) for better range, but you lose your low attacks - safer to cancel into Gamma Wave, Gamma Quake or second Charge, but your damage will always be lower - if Gamma Charge is blocked, can cancel into Gamma Crush anyways and try for the cross up since they are in good cross up range ====================================================================== ------------------ 11. Team Selection ***horrendously incomplete*** ------------------ ***I could use some help with this section. The arcades I play at have less than half the characters unlocked (some idiots keep kicking and resetting the machines) so I have little experience playing with or against the newer characters. * need good anti-air * need a battery (someone who build super meter very well) * Jin is a very good partner, even without the glitch * Jin & Capcom & Blackheart: provides needed AAA, allows Hulk to pressure like mad, covers for his mistakes, supers go very well together * Amingo - battery builder, he's big and green * Doom - AAA provides much needed cover and shield while Hulk pressures - adds some much needed long range capabilities to the team * Tron - glitched assist plus cross up combo is easily 100% * Bison - Psycho Field assist provides excellent cover for Hulk - possible to get Double Crush out of this THC... need to experiment * Omega Red - builds super meter like a madman ====================================================================== ------------------ 12. Revision Notes ------------------ If you're wondering why I started at ver 0.1, it's because I think a ver 1.0 signifies a complete (if shoddy) work, and that anything done after the "completion" will becomes ver 2, 3, and so forth. Since I will probably never "finish", I doubt I will every reach ver 1.0, but at least my work isn't shoddy right?... right? ver 0.1 - 9 April, 2001 - started the FAQ - added part 1-6, 8 - put in a few combos ver 0.2 - 11 April, 2001 - expanded section 5. normal moves - expanded 6. special moves - added section 7. super moves - little notes everywhere ver 0.3 - 16 April, 2001 - more little notes and updates everywhere - a few typo corrections - a couple more combos and combo basics - some more notes in the vs sectionss ver 0.31 - 19 April, 2001 - fixed a really stupid mess up in the combo basics section ver 0.32 - 23 April, 2001 - I lied, I didn't actually make cosmetic changes; I just changed the version number to see if someone is taking updated versions of this faq without my permission... ver 0.4 - 4 July, 2001 - fixed various little typos and errors - added notes in the Gamma Crush section on how to prevent mashing out - added a summary damage table in section 4 work left to do: - Finish this FAQ... - Yeah, I know I have a lot of those *incomplete* markers up in sections that just need to be typed into nice paragraph form... but I don't really have the time right now - I no longer have access to a Dreamcast (short of buying one), so short of contributions, updates are going to be few and far between stuff I need help with: - team selection and vs strategies for any characters that are the last to be unlocked - the arcade I play at was reset so none of the later characters are available yet ====================================================================== ----------- 13. Credits ----------- If you give me input, your name goes here. CJayC - without the inspiration from this man's site (www.gamefaqs.com), I never would have written this FAQ PhatDan81 - I've never talked to the guy, but I suggested that you go read his Hulk FAQ at gameFAQS so I'll just put his name down here again to remind you (and no, I didn't take anything from his FAQ; everything you see here is the result of days of boredom) Eugene - for lending me his Dreamcast Linus & co.- for falling victim to my Gamma Crush again and again and again... Ariel & Scott - for not thrashing me so badly that I actually had a chance to learn how to play - Eh, they're hosting a copy of this faq, so I might as well mention them here too ======================================================================