MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2: NEW AGE OF HEROES [Sega Dreamcast Import] CAMMY WHITE GUIDE Version: 3.1 Written by: Aya Brea This FAQ was written based on the Japanese Sega Dreamcast version of the game. Certain aspects may differ from the arcade or NA/European home version of the game. For the latest updates, please check: CONTENTS ======== - Revision - Credits - Legend - Cammy in a nutshell - Why use Cammy - White Normals - White Special Moves - White Hyper Combos - White Assists - White Combos - White Strategies - Vs Strategies - White Partners - Sisters are doin' it for themselves - Cammy vs Abyss - Epilogue REVISION ======== 26/Jul/2000 – V1.0 - FAQ first created 11/Aug/2000 – V2.0 - Most sections are in, still fairly incomplete because I hardly have much time left to myself these days 10/Dec/2000 – V3.0 - Added more combos - Added strategies - Added Vs Abyss section - Added "Sisters are Doin' it for Themselves" section - Added the AWESOME Epilogue section. :) Check out Cammy's storyline... and DON'T YOU DARE STEAL IT!!! 14/Mar/2001 – V3.1 - Added new Abyss strategies - Added a few more good strategies for Cammy - Added some strategies versus some toptier characters in case you're having trouble - Corrections and added some other stuff to most of the special moves section, I think... (can't remember) - New and improved combos CREDITS ======= - Capcom for making this fab-n-addictive game - Glen for getting me the Japanese Dreamcast - Charles Leung for sending me a copy of MvC2 - CjayC for his hacked MvC2 save file - Kao Megura for his complete MvC2 movelist - Genji for encouraging me on writing an FAQ for Cammy and Morrigan, and thanks for the combo help. Genji is the co-co-co-author of this FAQ, as he puts it. This FAQ would not be possible without his help. (Happy now?) - Joey for some awesome tips on Cammy's throw Aerial Rave - Elff Zero for many Cammy combos. Thanks. :) - Tysa Proeung for Abyss strategies - stu pid for strategies, combos and fix ups for combo #6 LEGEND ====== Directional buttons/arcade stick U Up UB | UF Up-Back Up-Forward \|/ B ---N--- F Back Neutral Forward /|\ DB | DF Down-Back Down-Forward D Down - C, Crouch, is done by holding D, DF or DB - J, Jump, is done by any of the U, UB or UF motions - SJ, Superjump, is done by the [D, U] motion - Block is done by holding B. A regular Block must be done to avoid Overhead attacks - C.Block, Crouch Block, is done by holding DB - Air Block is done by holding B in the air - Advanced Block (ie, Push Block) is done by PP while Blocking in any of the above methods. If successful, either you or the opponent will be pushed away, preventing certain following up attacks. - A ground dash (both backwards and forwards) is done by tapping the direction hastily twice in a row. Button configuration Dreamcast Arcade _____ _ __/ \__ _ _ _|L|___| |___|R|__ (_) (LP) (HP) (A1) | VMU | | | |_________| (Y) | (LK) (HK) (A2) --+-- (X) (B) | (A) Ok, excuse me for the terrible ASCII arts. The default controls for the DC buttons are: X=Light Punch (jab) Y=Heavy Punch (fierce) L=Assist 1 A=Light Kick (short) B=Heavy Kick (roundhouse) R=Assist 2 To perform Medium Punch or Kick (aka Strong and Forward), tap LP or LK respectively a second time after the initial attack. This can ONLY be done during a combo, or when your initial attack made contact with the opponent, be it Blocked or not. (So tapping the LP button repeatedly when you're across the screen from the opponent will never produce an MP.) You may also cross up the Punch and Kick buttons. Chain combos follow the "zig-zag" rule (ie, LP -> LK -> MP -> MK -> HP -> HK) so tapping a weak attack button after another attack will execute the next corresponding command along the chain. For example, tapping the LP button twice and LK button once will produce a LP -> MP -> MK chain. - Tech Hits are performed by tapping B or F + HP or HK when thrown. Can be used in air. - Recovery Rolls are performed by [B, DB, D] + P or K just when you're about to hit the ground. - Taunts are perform by holding LK and tap Start on the Dreamcast, or start alone in the arcade. Other abbreviations P / K - Punch / Kick PP / KK - 2 Punches / 2 Kicks QCF - Quarter Circle Forward, execute [D, DF, F] motion QCB - Quarter Circle Backward, execute [D, DB, B] motion HCF - Half Circle Forward, execute [B, DB, D, DF, F] motion HCB - Half Circle Backward, execute [F, DF, D, DB, B] motion DP - Dragon Punch motion, execute [F, D, DF] motion (air) - Indicates that the move can be done in air OTG - Off The Ground. Indicates the move combo'd into will hit the opponent when they're lying on the ground. Certain "juggles" also fits into this category. Character Switch To switch character, press LP+LK for partner 1 or HP+HK for partner 2. The current character will taunt (they're invincible during this time) and leave, while the your partner jumps in with an attack. Opponent will be launched into the air if the tag-in attack connects, and following up combos are possible. Aerial Rave When you hit an opponent with a Launcher and tap U. Cammy has 2 launchers, the punch launcher is executed by D or DF+HP and the kick launcher is done by HK or DF+HK. You'll automatically Superjump to pursue the opponent in the air with a quick combo. Variable Assist Assists are basically modified versions of the Team Attack feature used in Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighters. By pressing one of the Assist buttons (A1 or A2), your respective partner will jump into the screen and execute an Assist command corresponding to their Assist Types (Alpha, Beta or Gamma) chosen at the Character Select screen. Variable Counter When blocking an enemy's attack, perform the motion [B, DB, D] + A1 or A2. The screen will freeze for a moment as the corresponding partner jumps in with a counter attack (predetermined by Assist Type) as your current partner retreats. Each Variable Counter costs one level of Hyper Combo Energy. Delayed Hyper Combo New feature in MvC2 that resembles the EX series' Super Cancelling. Before the current Hyper Combo ends (whether it hits or is blocked), execute a Hyper Combo motion for the second character on your team. Time will pause for a few seconds as your second partner jumps in and swap places with the current character, and attempts to continue the combo with a Hyper Combo of their own. (Note however, the new super is NOT guaranteed to connect. Beware of bad Hyper Combo combinations!) You can continue this for up to 3 characters, and you must have enough Hyper Combo Energy (ie, Super Gauges) left to execute the desired follow up Hyper Combos. This cannot be used when only one character in your team is alive. Variable Combination Press A1+A2 will result in a team super attack, where up to all 3 characters of your team jumping onto screen and execute a Hyper Combo each (as predetermined by their Assist Type). Each Hyper Combo will consume a level of your Hyper Combo Energy. (So if you only have 1 level, only your current character will execute his or her Hyper Combo.) Note that a Variable Combination will not cause an active character change like Delay Hyper Combo. Again, bad Hyper Combo combinations can be nightmares when used in Variable Combination. If the character's Hyper Combos are incompatible, stick to Delayed Hyper Combos instead, where you'll have more control. Snapback Another cool new addition to the game is, by sacrificing a level of Hyper Combo Energy, to knock the your opponent back into the "reserve" team. A successful Snapback attack will force the character that's been hit unusable (even through Assists, Variable Combination and Delayed Hyper Combo) for a few seconds. A Snapback can be blocked, but it can be combo'd into. Note Snapbacking an assist character will have little effect and performing it when your opponent has only 1 character alive will simply waste the Hyper Combo Energy as the damage done is pretty insignificant. A Snapback is done by QCF+A1 or A2, the assist button used determines which member will jump in to replace your opponent. CAMMY IN A NUTSHELL =================== Cammy White's debut was in Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers (I think.) She was a 19-year old girl who has lost her memory. Then it was reviewed that Cammy and Bison were once lovers!! She then abandoned Bison and joined some sorta rebel group (cannot remember the name, the game's old.) Just a side note, Cammy is a LOT cuter when she was in the SF2 games. She's a lot "rounder" in all the right places. Cammy also appeared in Street Fighter Alpha 3 (and Alpha 2 Gold as a secret character.) It was revealed that Cammy is no ordinary girl, she was biologically enhanced and built as a killing machine! It was also clear that Cammy was a clone of Bison. Other appearances includes X-Men vs Street Fighter and Street Fighter the Movie. (Ugh... Kylie Minogue...) SPECIAL MOVES Cannon Drill (air) QCF+K Cannon Spike DP+K Cannon Strike In air, QCB+K Cannon Revenge HCB+P Axel Spin Knuckle QCF+P Hooligan Combination QCB+K, then... => (Cancel) P => Combination Cannon Strike K in air => Cross Scissors Pressure P near airborne opponent => Fatal Leg Twister P near crouching opponent => Razor Edge Slicer nothing Double Jump U in air HYPER COMBOS Spin Drive Smasher QCF+KK Reverse Shaft Breaker QCB+KK Killer Bee Assault (air) QCB+PP WHY USE CAMMY? ============== Cammy is, IMO, an expert's (or at least an above-average user's) choice. She takes some skill to use, but is unstoppable when mastered. Practice is the key to use Cammy effectively, both at trying out new combos, pokes and playing mind games. Here are Cammy's advantages: 1) Cammy is FAST! I mean both her movement/jumping speed AND her attacking speed. Possibly one of the fastest characters in the whole game! 2) Cammy has one of the BEST ground dash in the game! (Ok, so maybe not as good as Magneto's, but still excellent.) Not only is it lightning fast, but it also covers the ENTIRE screen! 3) Has good pokes and excellent mind games 4) All those years being locked away in the closet has reduced her width. Cammy is even smaller than Jill, so she is a lot harder to get than most characters. 5) She totally rule in the air! Great air priority, anti-air, great Aerial Raves and excellent OTG opportunities. Of course, Cammy also has very many disadvantges, but she's still a blast to play as: 1) Crap recovery (or start up) on all special moves and Hyper Combos 2) VERY limited chipping power (scrubs, keep out!) 3) Medium strength button not implemented. Some of her best pokes are the Strongs and Forwards! 4) Cammy takes above normal damage but only deals below average damage, you really need to utilize combos to do decent damage. Because of this, Cammy has fairly poor lasting power. 5) Terrible Variable Combination compatibility and only mediocre Assists. WHITE NORMALS ============= The damage for each move was recorded from the Training Mode, so they're 100% accurate. Remember Capcom's Damage Reduction though. The more hits you do, the lesser damage each hit will do (although no hits will ever do less than 1 point of damage). I think 150 points is 100% health. This was tested on Cable, who takes regular damage. Also, these damage are used only on human opponents, CPU controlled characters takes about 30% less damage. Standing LP – Damage: 3 A standard punch forward. It actually has tremendous range for a LP, plus it comes out pretty fast. One of Cammy's best pokes. ;) Crouching LP – Damage: 3 A standard crouching punch, had less range that standing version, and isn't as fast. :( Decent starter for crouching combos. Jumping LP – Damage: 3 A downward chop. Decent range, decent jump-in, but LK is probably better. Seems to have excellent air-to-air priority, I've been able to take down Hulk's jumping HP every single time with this, although it still can't beat out Strider's J.HP. Standing LK – Damage: 4 A knee to the chin area. Very little range, fast and not very useful. Crouching LK – Damage: 3 One of Cammy's the best moves. Cammy pokes out her leg on the ground. Has good range, speed and OTGs well. Ones of the moves you'll use a lot (especially for OTG games) and decent poke too. Jumping LK – Damage: 3 Cammy attacks with an outstretched leg, looks like her crouching MK done in air. Great range and priority, use it for air-to-air and ari- to-ground attacks alike. Standing MP – Damage: 6 A punch using the other hand, more range blah blah. Used in combos, but not very useful overall. Crouching MP – Damage: 6 Like LP but uses the other hand, not much to say, combo fillier. Jumping MP – Damage: 6 Looks just like her LP! Use it in double-hitting jump-ins with LP and confuse the opponent. Standard MK – Damage: 6 Cammy turns around and swings her leg backwards (she's very flexible) at the opponent's head. This used to be a great poke, but now you can't use it out of the blue anymore. :( Has great range, so use it when you think other attacks won't link. Crouching MK – Damage: 6 Cammy turns around and slides her leg on the ground, has a lot of range, but cannot be used on its own so it's not as useful. Jumping MK – Damage: 6 An awkward upward kick, good to use with LK as air-to-air attacks. Standing HP – Damage: 12 A backfist, good range but slow, not a good poke. Use in combos I guess. Crouching HP (DF+HP) – Damage: 12 Cammy punches diagonally upwards (not uppercut). This is Cammy's launcher and is, IMO, more useful than her other launcher. It has more horizontal range than it looks (unlike her other launcher) and decent vertical range. Use a lot. Jumping HP – Damage: 12 A downward hammer punch, ok jump-in. Standing HK – Damage: 14 (DF+HK Damage: 12) Cammy does an almost vertical handstand and stretches both of her legs upwards. Has similar properties as Chun Li's standing HK. Crappy horizontal range (but better than Chun Li's), great vertical range and excellent priority. :) It's a good counter, plus you can get a free Aerial Rave afterwards. Otherwise, if you want to perform Aerial Raves chained after ground attacks, use her crouching HP instead. Crouching HK – Damage: 12 Cammy supports her body with her hands on the ground, as she sweeps the opponent with both legs. Knocks down, but has crappy range compared to other characters'. Jumping HK – Damage: 12 Cammy turns her back and stretch out her legs, almost a split. Very good range and comes out instantly (unlike Jill's). Good jump-in and other air-to-air attacks. Steel Slicer (B+HK) – Damage: 12 Cammy does her handstands again and sends out her leg towards opponent's head. GREAT range, decent speed, good poker. Just remember that it's still a HK, so use with caution. It's cancellable and super cancellable. Suplex (Punch throw) (air) – Damage: 16 Cammy grabs the opponent with a backbreaking suplex. It throws the enemy towards the other end of the screen. You can dash in and OTG them (with a C.LK) and combo them after this, so it's worth performing (if throwing is not considered cheap over where you play.) It helps if they're in a corner, because you'll end up closer to them. Dunno about the air version though. A note about the air version however, Cammy will switch sides with the opponent and you can OTG them after you've hit the ground, and can get up an opportunity for another Aerial Rave. Yay! Frankensteiner (Kick throw) (air) – Damage: 16 The Frankensteiner leaves the enemy right next to Cammy, but you don't recover fast enough to do anything. The air version is exactly the same. So the Suplex is more fun both in air and on the ground. Snapback – QCF+A1 or A2 Cammy swings a double hammer punch at the enemy's head. This used to ber her close standing HP (in Alpha series too) but they've cut it out. It's never been useful either. It has practically no range compared to other characters' Snapbacks. It has the same range as Cammy's standing LP!! Use caution when you want to use it. Taunt – LK + Start (Dreamcast) or Start (Arcade) Cammy slides her hand across her chest and says "Lock on!" Decent recovery but does not hit. WHITE SPECIAL MOVES =================== Cannon Drill (air) – QCF+K 1 Hit, Damage: 14 (LK), 16 (HK) Cammy spins her body and uses the momentum to send her body towards the enemy like an arrow above ground. Her heels are charged with psycho energy. The LK version only carries Cammy about halfway across the screen, while the HK version goes full screen. Cammy's velocity is quite fast, so you can counter many moves with Cannon Drill. Bear in mind that this move has bad recovery, especially when blocked so make sure you get this to hit. (The HK version takes longer to recover.) Since it has great range and is fast, the Cannon Drill can combo off any of Cammy's ground chains. Is also OTGs well, especially after a crouching HK. In the air, the Cannon Drill can catch opponents off guard, but it's kinda hard to aim. It serves as a great Aerial Rave ender though. A good way to use the air Cannon Drill is to jump back when the enemy is jumping at you, and send out the Cannon Drill in the air. You'll be surprised at how often it catches them off guard. (Hehe, something I've learned while playing Juni in Alpha 3.) When an enemy is hit, they get launched into the air for some reason, which will open up some combo opportunites. The HK version sends them higher in the air. You cannot OTG after this, even though you do recover fast enough. You can also use the Cannon Drill to travel long distances quickly, especially in the air. Use it like an air-dash if you want, and it's great to use to get behind an opponent who has missed you with a beam super. Cannon Spike – DP+K 1 Hit, Damage: 18 (LK), 20 (HK) Cammy ascends into the air in an arc with one leg straight up. This is Cammy's uppercut move and it's been very reliable in every single game. The LK version makes Cammy ascend about 1.5 character height into the air while the HK version takes her almost twice as high! When she reaches the peak, she backflips and recovers. The LK version reaches a quarter screen length at the peak, while the HK will reach halfway across the screen at the peak! (Although you have to stand at least about 1 Cammy-width away to hit a grounded opponent.) Like all uppercut-like special moves, it leaves the user VERY vulnerable when it whiffs or is blocked, so make sure it hits! When blocked however, Cammy will not ascend to the full height, instead she will bounce off the enemy right away. (It still leaves her open though.) It's an excellent anti-air, does good damage and can OTG! (Although it has some very strange OTG properties.) For combos, I'd advice that you stick to Cannon Drill instead, because of the range. Cannon Strike – In air, QCB+K 1 Hit, Damage: 14 (LK), 16 (HK) Cammy performs a psycho energy-charged stomp kick. There's a slight activation lag, but the actual move is very fast, can catch many people off guard occasionally. It's very similar to Rogue's stomp kick, except that since it's a special move, it can be canceled into from a normal and chips. The recovery (when it connects) is decent, but you don't seem to be able to use it as a jump-in and combo off it. You can however, cancel into this after a jump-in attack while still in the air. If however, Cannon Strike is blocked, Cammy will bounce backwards like a blocked Cannon Spike and is left vulnerable. Cannon Strike can only be hypercancelled into Killer Bee Assault and ONLY during a super jump, although it will not combo so it's pointless. Don't abuse this move because people can see it coming if you use it a lot and you will be punished, and no, this is not a good substitute for a regular jump-in either. Cannon Revenge – QCB+P 1 Hit: Damage: ?? Cannon Revenge is Cammy's counter, which is similar to Jill's Baretta Counter move. When activated, Cammy will stand still while glowing white for a couple of seconds. If she gets attacked, Cammy will either counter with a mini-Cannon Spike (if you used the LP version) or a crouching fierce knuckle (when done with HP), while taking no damage herself. Cannon Revenge is, IMO, much more useful than Jill's crappy Baretta Counter, as it's more reliable than. Cammy will counter immediately upon getting hit (no stupid "pushing".) Now which version is better? IMO, the LK version (Cannon Spike) is more reliable as it has good priority and is very fast, a well rounded counter, especially against air attacks. The HP version (crouching fierce) is not bad either and it will launch them into the air (although you cannot follow up with an Aerial Rave unfortunately.) I am not sure if you can cancel it into a Killer Bee Assault though, I need to check on that further. Of course, the counter does miss the opponent sometimes due to some obscene properties (such as Hayato's Shiden) but both versions works very well as anti-airs. It gets it job done for ground attacks most of the time, but HP often misses some crouching attacks. Be careful abotu supers, ultra priority and especially multipul hitting moves though, otherwise, the Cannon Revenge makes a fine confuser and anti-air. Axel Spin Knuckle – QCF+P 2 Hits: 14 (LP), 16 (HP) Cammy takes a spinning step forward and delivers a backfist charged with psycho energy not unlike her standing fierce. It's usefulness has been debated for a long time ever since Cammy's debut in SSF2. On one hand, there's a great delay at the start up as Cammy spins forward, especially vulnerable to crouching attacks. But on the other hand, the "spinning" animation has limited invincibility (and it keeps on getting toned down with every game, I remember this had TONS of invincibility in SSF2) which lets Cammy pass through some attacks and knock the enemy down. The invincibility seems to only show up if you've executed this move at the right time (usually it's at exactly the same moment as the opponent pulling off his move) but it's very hard to time, so ignore the invincibility of this move if you're not good. I do not know if it goes through projectiles anymore (probably still does) but don't expect it to go through most Hyper Combos and beam attacks. Also, Cammy will pass right through the opponent if they uses a body-attack move (as opposed to projectiles) and ends up behind them, which maybe a blessing or a curse, depending on the situation. The damage done isn't great and the start-up delay makes it uncomboable, but there's still some use to this move. The LP version lets Cammy travel about a quarter of the screen before the backfist, while the HP version goes through about halfway across the screen, but it has more delay at start-up. One use of this is to counter enemies by taking advantage of the invincibility frames, if you can time it right that is. Another use I've found for this move is chipping a blocking opponent. The lag for the LP is shorter so I often cancel a blocked crouching roundhouse into a jab Axel Spin Knuckle to chip for 2 ticks of damage. Some opponents may not be fast enough to react but it still does leave Cammy semi-vulnerable, so don't use it that often. The range is also just right after the blocked crouching HK as it leaves Cammy just enough room between her and the enemy to avoid being tripped. Hooligan Combination... – QCB+K ...(Cancel) - P => 0 Hit, Damage: 0 ...Combination Cannon Strike - press K in air => 1 Hit, Damage: 14 ...Cross Scissors Pressure - press P near airborne opponent => 1 Hit, Damage: 18 ...Fatal Leg Twister - press P near crouching opponent => 1 Hit, Damage: 18 ...Razor Edge Slicer - do nothing => 1 Hit, Damage: 12 (LK), 14 (HK) It just wouldn't be a combination without the many options. When you execute the Hooligan Combination, Cammy will roll into a ball and launch herself at the enemy in an aerial arc. The LK version goes slightly below halfway across the screen while the HK version goes all the way across. You can execute the follow-up commands anytime during which Cammy is in the air. If enemy is too close, Cammy will likely to land behind them, allowing her to be countered, so use this move sparingly. * By canceling (or a missed attempted throw command when the enemy is not close enough), Cammy will flip and recover in the air, allowing her to block after a short inactive phase. Use it early if you anticipate the enemy's attack. Also good to confuse the opponent into executing a super, allowing you to recover and block, making them waste a level of HC Energy. * The Combination Cannon Strike looks exactly like her regular Cannon Strike, it's fast and can be used unpredictably. One of the best uses for this is, when you think you've misjudged the range and about to land behind them, execute this when you're above the enemy to surprise them. Also good if your opponent is walking towards you to avoid being thrown. Execute this while they're walking to nail them. If blocked, Cammy will bounce away like a regular Cannon Strike. * Cross Scissors Pressure and Fatal Leg Twister are both throws, so you need to be close to the opponent for them to connect. Against standing opponents, you'll get a Cross Scissors Pressure if you grab them when Cammy is above their waist, and Fatal Leg Twister if you do it below. The damage remains the same though, and it's kinda hard to tell them apart. Cross Scissors Pressure: Basically her Frankensteiner (K) throw Fatal Leg Twister: Looks similar, but it seems that Cammy grabs them at their waist section The Cross Scissors Pressure acts almost exactly like Cammy's K throw, meaning OTG-ing is not possible. Fatal Leg Twister however, can be OTG'd, especially in corners, so try to get that one to connect often. * I recommend not to over use the Hooligan Combination. Use it once in a while to surprise the enemy, and they'll likely be sleeping while trying to block it, and that's when you should grab them. From personal experience, you'll be surprised at how often I see this move coming and block. When used well, the Hooligan Combination can be a major pain in the a-double-s. * This move is also very useful on turtlers and good blockers, the ones who just block and counter all day long. Whip this out and try for a Fatal Leg Twister, then combo them like there's no tomorrow. * The Razor Edge Slicer is a slide at whch Cammy attempts to trip the opponent. It hits low, but takes a tick to execute when she lands, which gives it away. It also has bad recovery when blocked. However, you can hypercancel before the slide comes out, which may or may not surprise your opponent. I personally don't like this move. Can slide under some projectile attacks, but the throw commands are more useful IMO. Double Jump – U when in air Very useful. Use it to stay in the air longer to avoid contact or whatever. Jump back to assume a defensive position, or forward to advance on an opponent. Also excellent to get behind an opponent who has missed you with their Hyper Combos. WHITE HYPER COMBOS ================== Spin Drive Smasher – QCF+KK Up to 10 Hits, Damage: 41 Cammy performs a beefed up Cannon Drill into a Cannon Spike. Shoots across the screen at very high velocity, so it's very useful at countering whiffed attacks. Cammy travels at fairly low altitude though (like that of a Cannon Drill) so don't expect to hit enemies in the air. When close, this hits for 10 times on its own, however, if you perform it at the other end of the screen, it will only hit 8 times but you get the same amount of damage! (Go figure!) Best done when the enemy is near a corner, because sometimes they'll be launched into the air after a few hits and the rest of the super will miss. (Occurs mostly during combos.) Spin Drive Smasher is a good Hyper Combo to tag at the end of every ground combos, but it will not link after a regular Cannon Drill (unless the Cannon Drill whiffs.) If you push the opponent too far away with your ground combo, this super will likely to whiff after a few hits for some reason. It is good super, thanks to its comboability, but clearly has many annoying properties. Decent damage too, with narrow OTG opportunities afterwards. When blocked however, Cammy will rocket uncontrollably into the air, leaving her very vulnerable. Try not to pull it out at random else you'll pay. Only use it in combos or countering whiffed attacks. Not very good chipping power either. Poor DHC compatibility and horrible VC compatibility. Also pretty good to take care of Assist characters. Reverse Shaft Breaker – QCB+KK 27 Hits, Damage: 44 While Alpha 3 has borrowed Killer Bee Assault from XvsSF, the Reverse Shaft Breaker has been taken straight out of Alpha 3 to compromise. This super looks like a vertical Cannon Drill, although Cammy does not ascend very high into the air. (About as much as her LK Cannon Spike.) A good anti-air super, but has poor horizontal range. Unlike the other vertical Hyper Combos, the Reverse Shaft Breaker will always inflict a solid number of hits and sounds amount of damage. So it makes an excellent DHC move if your previous partner takes the opponent into the air with their Hyper Combo. The Reverse Shaft Breaker has minimal, if any, vacuum properties that's present in some of the other vertical supers. Good to use after cross-ups as Cammy will be closer to opponent. It can link after a C.LK (have to be close) or right after her launcher (either one will do, but you cannot chain any hits before the launcher, else you'll knock the opponent too far away for the super to connect.) When blocked, it leaves Cammy VERY open to attacks, plus it has hopeless chipping power so make sure you connect with this. Decent damage. Use as anti-air (do it late) and makes a good DHC move in certain occasions. Killer Bee Assault – QCB+PP 5 Hits, Damage: 49 There's no doubt about it, Cammy is a Spiderman wannabe! (This move looks EXACTLY like Maximum Spider.) Cammy jumps to the edge of the screen, then delivers a diving kick at the direction of the enemy. If it connects, the opponent will be launched into the air while Cammy bounces off the edge of the screen multiple times and beat the crap outta them, ending with a throw (that looks like Juni's Earth Direct) which nails them back to the ground. Probably Cammy's best super, and it does the most damage out of all of her supers. The flip at the start will definately gives it away, so don't pull this off thin air and hoping that it will connect. If blocked, Cammy will bounce off the enemy, vulnerable. The hits in the air are random, but occasionally something will go wrong and Cammy will lose track of the enemy, therefore short-cutting the super. The throw at the end will not connect, which is a shame because that part does the most damage. Which direction Cammy lands is also random. You can dash in and OTG them with a C.LK after this super if the throw connects, which plays some really nasty combo games. Killer Bee Assault is also the only Hyper Combo Cammy can perform while airborne, and can be tagged at the end of an Aerial rave. That, combined with the OTG possibility, can set up a really mean semi- infinite. (See combo section for more.) Cammy will always aim for the opposite end of the screen, so if your opponent is standing on your side of the screen, Cammy will miss. Also, when done in the air, Killer Bee Assault often misses grounded opponents. One last important note, this super will ALWAYS be directed at the active member of the opponent's team, never the Assist characters. (Athough they can be "dragged" into the air for some lovely fun times. :) WHITE ASSISTS ============= Cammy's call-in assist, Variable Counter and the Hyper Combo done in Variable Combination depends on her Assist Type. | Alpha | Beta | Gamma --------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Assist | HK Cannon Spike | HK Cannon Spike | HP A.S.Knuckle | | | V. Counter | HK Cannon Spike | HK Cannon Drill | HP A.S.Knuckle | | | V. Combination | S. Drive Smasher | S. Drive Smasher | K. B. Assault Alpha – Anti-Air Assist Good Assist. The Cannon Spike does good damage, has good speed and priority. Use for anti-air or surprise attacks. Cammy goes very high into the air, which makes her vulnerable when she lands. But then again, it's Cammy we're talking about, who has lags on every move, so I guess it's acceptable. One of the best Anti-Air Assists in the game! Good for countering jump-ins and well as cross-up and other confusion tactics (see strategy section.) Bad Variable Combination! The Spin Drive Smasher starts out ok, but the Cannon Spike bit will carry the opponent into the air, and any ground super moves will miss. Beta – Charge Assist Another fairly good choice. The HK Canon Spike will travel across the screen very fast, and it's probably the ONLY charge type Assist that can hit an opponent who is standing at the end of the screen. Has a huge lag when blocked though, so you might want to stick to Alpha instead, because the threat is, IMO, not as great. The Variable Combination is, like Alpha, bad! Gamma – Movement Assist How do you spell crap? Gamma Cammy of course! The Axel Spin Knuckle has tons of lag at the start, so the opponent can see it comin' easily. Also travels only half the screen length, so stick to Beta instead. Killer Bee Assault is probably the WORST Variable Combination move in the whole game, I dunno why those programmers even considered putting it in! Usually what happens is that, Cammy hits, enemy gets launched into the air and eats the whole super (a very good super BTW.) However, the other 2 teammate's supers will probably miss completely! _Maybe_ ok if one super holds the opponent in place though (like Kikoshou) but I'll have to check on that. In the meantime, avoid avoid! WHITE COMBOS ============ Try out these combos and tell me whacha think. If you have anymore impressive combos, don't be shy and send them in. Any help will be appreciated. Also, you can add jump-ins to these combos for added this. Ground Combos Cammy has decent ground combos, but nuthin' really impressive. (That comes later.) 1) LP, MP, B+HK, HK Cannon Drill 4 Hits, Damage: 36 Decent combo, decent damage. The first 3 hits has a lot of range, so poke with LP to set up this combo. You can trade the punches for kicks too, and B+HK can be traded for standing HP. 2) C.LK, C.MK, C.HK, HK Cannon Drill (OTG) 4 Hits, Damage: 36 OTG game. You can also peform the Cannon Spike instead of the Cannon Drill, but it's a lot harder. 3) LP, MP, HP, Spin Drive Smasher 12 Hits, Damage: 54 All's well that ends well, good combo. 4) Hooligan Combination->Razor Edge Slicer, Spin Drive Smasher (OTG) 7 Hits, Damage: 42 Basically worthless, but if you ever get the Razor Edge Slicer to connect, whip out the super. 5) C.LK, C.MK, C.HK, Spin Drive Smasher (OTG) 9 Hits, Damage: 48 Basically the super version of #2, damage isn't that great though. Not an extremely practical combo because not all of the hits of the super will connect. 6) LP, MP, HP, HK Cannon Drill, Killer Bee Assault (OTG) 9 Hits, Damage: 78 (!!) VERY hard to do! I do not know why but the Cannon Drill has really strange hypercancel properties so most of the time Killer Bee Assault will not come out for some reason. (Genji says the super only connects when you do it fast enough.) "stu pid" says that "the reason why cancelling into KBA is rare might be because your opponent was shoved into the corner too fast, in result of the Cannon Drill. This hastens your opponents fall which then prevents your super from connecting." 7) J.LK (cross-up), C.LK, Reverse Shaft Breaker The cross-up will not combo, so only execute the super if the C.LK part connects. The cross-up serves as a confuser and gets Cammy close to the opponent for the super to connect. 8) Spin Drive Smasher, (dash-in), C.LK (OTG), C.HP, SJ, Aerial Rave Yes, that super is also OTG-able. You can tag this after combo #2 and take them for some good old fashioned luvin' in the air. Not sure if you can get it to connect if the Spin Drive Smasher was used to OTG though (such as combo #5). You probably cannot recover fast enough for it I guess. 9) Dash-in, C.LK, C.HK, ( ), Reverse Shaft Breaker Thanks to Elff Zero Looks really cool but doesn't quite do as much damage as with Cammy's Spin Driver Smasher. You gotta pause for a tick after the knockdown C.HK for the super to connect. 10) Launcher, Reverse Shaft Breaker I don't really like this. This is similar to Amingo's launcher -> super combo that I often see people do in the arcades. However, you can't chain any hits before the launcher (either will work) or else you'll push them too far away. You can however, chain a jump-in, but I'd advise you dash-in after the jump-in to get closer. Perhaps an ok combo if you're not good with Aerial Raves or other complex OTGs and you want to connect with a super. 11) Axle Spin Knuckle -> Spin Drive Smasher/Reverse Shaft Breaker (OTG possible) Thanks to "stu pid" For this combo to connect, you must cancel into the super after only 1 hit from the knuckle, else the second hit will knock them reeling back and prevents the super from connecting. For an easier time in trying to get the knuckle to connect, try some assist to pin the opponent in place for a little longer so they can't run away or block. 12) (Corner) Reverse Shaft Breaker, ( ), C.LK, SJ, Aerial Rave Yes, the RSB is ALSO OTG-able! However, you can only do it in corner because if else, the opponent will be swung around the screen. If they are in the corner, they'll just fall, allowing you ALL the time in the world to time your OTG C.LK correctly. This is Cammy's EASIST OTG since you don't have to dash or time. For even more fun, try to swap sides with the opponent (by walking forward a little) to try to confuse them in doing the WRONG roll motion and take them up in the air for MORE fun. See, Cammy can be played like a teenage Heather Locklair if you want her to. :) Aerial Raves Did I tell you that Cammy absolutely RULE in the air? Yup, be prepared to be amazed. You can add jump-ins and ground chains before the launcher if you want. 1) Launcher, HK Cannon Spike 2 Hits, Damage: 39 Not really an Aerial Rave, but it's a good combo for anyone not good with it. 2) Launcher, SJ, LP, LK, MP, MK, Finisher HP: 6 Hits, Damage: 37 HK: 6 Hits, Damage: 37 HK Cannon Drill: 6 Hits, Damage: 41 HP, HK: 7 Hits, Damage: 46 The Aerial Rave that almost everyone in the game has. A point to note is that DO NOT use Cammy's HK finisher, it absolutely sucks! It's very hard to get it to connect for some reason. To execute the HP AND HK finisher, the opponent must be in a corner. Wait about half a second after the MK to get them both to connect. 3) Launcher, SJ, LP, LK, MP, MK, HK Cannon Drill, Killer Bee Assault 11 Hits, Damage: 79 Very impressive, very damaging and extremely intimidating. You must use the HK version of Cannon Drill because the LK version will not launch the opponent as high up into the air, and thus the super will miss. 4) Launcher, SJ, LP, LK, MP, ( ), LP, MP, U+LP, LK, MP, MK, HK Cannon Drill, Killer Bee Assault 16 Hits, Damage: 81 Thanks a million to Genji for this combo. I must admit, I am horrible with long combos and I was extremely skeptical when I first saw this combo. But I took two hours to train myself in training mode and let me tell you, this combo genuinely works! Not only that, it's also EXTREMELY impressive looking, a great ego crusher, intimidates the hell outta your opponents and makes you look like a pro. (I did this to my friend on the Dreamcast and he said it took him by great surprise.) So to those guys who are still skeptical, here's the physics of this combo: Step 1: Cammy launcher opponent high into air, Cammy pursues them with a LP, LK, MP. (Everything's just like usual.) Step 2: Cammy pauses for a tick. Cammy and opponent recovers in air and stops ascending. Step 3: Cammy's LP can be linked after her MP, allowing the combo to continue. Cammy begins to fall, enemy is launched by LP, MP. Step 4: Cammy's Double Jump ascends her to the correct altitide, parallel to opponent. Combo continues. Sadly, the damage isn't that much better than her regular Aerial Rave, but it just looks a lot neater. KBA's damage has been reduced greatly after that many hits. You can do an Aerial Rave that ends with KBA? Good on ya. You can do THIS combo? You're da bomb! 5) SEMI-INFINITE!!!!! => Launcher, SJ, LP, LK, MP, MK, HK Cannon Drill, Killer Bee Assault, (dash-in), C.LK, C.HP, SJ, repeat... Yikkkes!! This combo hurts like hell, and you can do it over and over and over and over again... Yes, you can OTG more than once with this, because I have once connected KBA 3 times in a row. You can probably do the super 6 times in a row, but by then, even god will be knocked out by this combo! Practice is the key, but it's not that hard, because Cammy's dash is so fast and covers a lot of ground. It helps if Cammy throws the opponent into a corner though. Even more impressive if you can tag a double jump Aerial Rave in there. (Soon, all hits will start doing only 1 point of damage, no thanks to the Hit/Damage Reduction system. So you'll add 5 points of damage to the combo for each Double Jump Aerial Rave. It's worth it.) 6) Launcher, SJ, HK Cannon Drill, Killer Bee Assault, (dash-in), C.LK (OTG), C.HP, LP, MP, HK Cannon Drill, Killer Bee Assault Thanks to Elff Zero for this combo Well, you certainly get your money's worth. Probably the best value from a double KBA and 2 levels of Hyper Energy. The first Cannon Drill's kinda hard to time. This combo is for damage but not for show, so if you want to impress someone, do the double KBA Aerial Rave with double jump combos. Throw Combos 1) LP -> Suplex, (dash-in), C.LK (OTG), C.HP, SJ, Aerial Rave Not a real combo. The LP has great range and speed, so you can use it as a tick for some cheap throw combos. Only use this when they're being really cheap (or against Iceman, 'cuz he deserves it!) 2) Launcher, SJ, LP, LK, MP, MK, Suplex Throw (F+HP), C.LK (OTG), C.HP, SJ, Repeat Thanks to Joey The trick to this combo is to chain Cammy's hunter really slowly, so they barely connect. (You've gotta practice with the timing.) Cammy should be in the right position to do her HP throw afterwards. Now, this will take place milliseconds before you hit the ground and always remember that Cammy will swap sides with her opponent! OTG them with a carefully timed crouching short and launch them again for another whole load of fun in the air! If you are good, or your opponent's really dumb, you can keep repeating this combo over and over. Since the throw re-starts the combo meter, the damage is amazing! The swapping side of the throw can confuse them and roll in the wrong direction. They can still Tech Hit though. Uh well, still a good combo. 3) Launcher, SJ, LP, LK, MP, ( ), LP, MP, U+LP, LK, MP, MK, Suplex Throw (F+HP), ( ), LP... ...then a) HK, SJ, Aerial Rave ...or b) HK Cannon Drill, Killer Bee Assault Thanks to Elff Zero This is what it means to be a Cammy master. Basically there are 3 things you've gotta learn. One, double jump Aerial Rave; two, throw timing and three, OTG. After the throw and you swap places with the foe, hit LP before you hit the ground and it'll come out as a grounded punch! This is really difficult though. (I think if you do it too fast, it'll connect as an air LP, which the computer seems to do it on me all the time. It's a bit too fast and hard to see...) The throw resets the combo meter, which means Killer Bee Assualt will do some gruesome damage! But either way, if you pull this off, the opponent's gonna be in a world of pain. Ouch! 4) Hooligan Combination -> Fatal Leg Twister, (dash-in), C.LK (OTG), C.HP, SJ, Aerial rave Always try to land a Fatal Leg Twister (that's the one that aims at their lower body) so you can combo the crap outta them! WHITE STRATEGIES ================ Cammy is one of those characters who should be used to play offensively. Her excellent speed helps her to poke the opponent all day to keep them on their toes. Offensive Strategies - Get close to the enemy and chain your normals like crazy, don't even let them have the room to breath! This keeps the pressure on the enemy and you'll eventually find an opening. - Mix up your high and low normals, and mix up your punches and kicks. Remember, Cammy's crouching HP launcher actually has pretty good range, and will usually be able to connect after 2 ground hits. - Against those turtlers, whip out a LK Hooligan's Combination or Suplex once in a while. They usually won't be quick enough to react. - Use your ground dash well. It's perhaps one of the best blessings Cammy has. Try dashing in to attack. Also, try dash-jump to cover ground and use it to get in on beamers who are recovering (eg, Cable.) - Cross-ups are excellent offensive techniques you should exploit. More under the "Confusion Strategies" section. - Attempt to OTG whenever possible, because even if they roll, you still won't find yourself endangered. - To get KBA to connect, try to do it instantly when you see the opponent pull off a move that won't recover for more than half a second, like a fireball. KBA is also part defensive. If you're expecting something to come, time the KBA so it'll miss you (as Cammy jumps to the corner at the start) and hits them. For example, you can do this to Magneto's EM Disruptor. - Because of the defensive nature of KBA and it has limited invincibility, it can be used to save your butt many times through anticipation, quick reactions or carefully timed DHCs. For example, one time I was playing as Psylocke against Sentinel. I got close to him and pulled off a Kachou Gakore but it was push blocked. Sentinel immediately tried to counter Psylocke with his rocket storm super and looks like I was about to get hurt. My next character was Cammy and through DHC before the rockets could hit Psylocke, I DHC'd into a KBA and nailed the giant robot! Another time I was fighting BBHood and countered her Cool Hunting with a KBA as well. - Always try to dash-in after a jump-in. The timing isn't too tricky, but beginners may want to practice. This is great for long combos because Cammy will be closer to the opponent and you can chain more hits into her ground combos. This is also a great tip to remember for all characters! - For those players who can't time Cammy's OTGs properly, or is too tired to do it, you can always use a HK Cannon Drill. Remember that it's fast, travels fast and has OTG properties. You may want to use a Spin Drive Smasher instead, but IMO, it's not worth the level of energy. It usually misses after a couple of hits. Defensive Strategies - Push block when you see fit, but don't over use the push-block feature. Sometimes it doesn't do you much good. - Against pursuers, Cammy's air Cannon Drill and Cannon Strike can help to turn the tides. Jump back with either one of these moves (depending on the situation) and it usually nails them. Just don't be too predictable with it. The priority will usually eat them up. - Cammy's HK Cannon Drill and Spin Drive Smasher are both excellent moves to counter blocked or whiffed attacks from the opponent. They travel across the screen at great speed. - Cannon Drill and Spin Drive Smasher also passes under certain beam or projectile attacks, such as Magneto's EM Disruptor and Cable's standing HP gunfire. So if you can anticipate those attacks comin', you can avoid and nail them in return! For crying out loud, Spin Drive Smasher even gos OVER BBHood's LOW missile! - You may want to occasionally end a blocked ground chain with a Cannon Revenge. If they try to counter you, they'll just get countered! It's sometimes risky, so don't do it more than once or twice each match. - Cannon Revenge can also be used in many other ways. Against those annoying combo-freaky sprite characters (Strider, Spiderman, Wolverine etc) who just won't leave you alone, push block them when they do their ground chain, and they'll dash right back in your face with more attacks. That's when you should snuff out a Cannon Revenge. - Of course, Cannon Revenge can also be used as decent Anti-Airs, but again, don't be too predictable with it. - Cammy is one of those characters who never lack any versatility in air-defense. Two Cannon Revenge, Cannon Spike, 2 launchers, Assisists are all good options. Her standing HK is especially good, as it has great vertical range and excellent priority. Best of all, you'll get a free Aerial Rave when it connects! Mix up your anti-airs. - Remember, a Cannon Drill can be treated like an air dash if you ever need to cover long distances. - Don't forget that even if your launcher is blocked, tapping up on the stick will execute an instant superjump, just when you're trying to pursue with an Aerial Rave! This feature is useful for escaping being countered when Cammy's launcher gets blocked. Even though Cammy's launchers (both) are pretty fast, they do have enough lag to be countered if the opponent is awake. When you fear that you'll be counted by a super when your launcher gets blocked, tap up or up-back to escape, or up-forward to try to get to the other side of the opponent. The latter is especially effective if you've called up a partner assist. Confusion Strategies - Cross ups are one of the best ways to confuse blockers. Try jumping or (I prefer) dash-jumping to the other side of the opponent, and call out a close-range/dasher assist before you leave the ground. When you arrive on the other side, your helper's assist should begin to connect. Now it is VERY confusing as to which way you should block, and you'll often get their guard down, allowing you to launch them followed by a big combo. - Cammy's air Suplex (punch throw) is good to use to get Aerial Raves or versus air opponents. It switches sides (confusing to Tech Hit) and you can OTG afterwards! - Use the Hooligan's Combination once in a while. Try to go for the throw, as you can OTG, but do vary your actions. For example, cancel it into a Cannon Strike when they try to move out of the way etc. Don't forget you can cancel your Hooligan with P! - This is quite a cool trick. If you whiff a Spin Drive Smasher, or is blocked. If the enemy tries to reposition themself waiting to counter as you rocket uncontrollably into the air, do a Delayed Hyper Combo. It usually catches them off guard and the subsequent super will hit the unsuspecting opponent. This works with Reverse Shaft Breaker and well as KBA, so get your confuser caps on and get down! - If your opponent tries to do the confusion cross up tactic on you, do either a Spin Drive Smasher or Reverse Shaft Breaker if you can react quick enough. Killer Bee Assualt may also be used in certain situations, as Cammy jumps away at the start. Don't use it if you're within half a screen of the wall though, as you'll miss. - When superjumping around the screen, you can sometimes catch someone off guard with a Cannon Strike. - When your opponent tries to cross up on you, wait! Do NOT do anything until they jump over Cammy. That's when you should throw out a launcher to nail their butt. It really can catch people off guard since they won't expect you to counter so late. Try it out. Of course, DON'T do it if they're trying to use the call partner + cross up strategy! - Oh THIS strategy is evil! Pair up Cammy with an assist character that has a fast projectile attack (not beam!) such as Psylocke's Psi-Blast or Morrigan's Soul Fist. What you do is, stay far away from the enemy and call your assist gal. Almost immediately jump forward and do a HK Cannon Drill, which works like an air dash. Souls Fist and Psi-Blast will now travel at the same speed as Cammy. Cammy will go right over her opponent's head to the other side as the projectile hits which is very VERY hard to block! Cammy lands in time to combo off the projectile, neat. Try it out to really confuse their butt off! For an even eviler tactic, try to vary the timing when you call out your assists to make blocking even harder. This works because to block an enemy assist character, you have to pull away from the enemy MAIN character even if they're on the wrong side of the screen. Since Cammy's speed is fast and goes over their head, your opponent will have an extremely hard time trying to figure which side to block. Also, don't use this trick a lot, it's great for pressuring but if you get too predictable with it, your opponent will eventually learn to counter. These are all I can think up at this moment. VS STRATEGIES ============= Cammy vs Cable Well, if you can anticipate (or if you have good reflexes) Cable's Viper or Hyper Viper Beam, you can avoid it all together if you execute KBA. Remember the opening frames of KBA are invincible, so use these to get even with Cable and tell him being a total loser by staying away won't get him the candies. If you can't time it right, then don't worry since it has plenty of lag at the end. Another option is to simply jump in-between his Viper Beams (dash-jump is even better) and use an air Cannon Drill to cover ground to get behind him. Remember Cable has very poor air-defense (and probably relies on cheap anti-air assists like Captain Commando) so try to take care of his assist with yours and get Cable from their air. (Cannon Strike will likely to surprise him.) Also remember that if things do get ugly, escape with KBA! If Cable EVER tries to play his standing HPx4 -> Viper Beam chipping game, laugh in his face and do either a Cannon Drill when you're not charged or SDS/KBA if you are. Also remember Cammy is so short that she can actually duck under Cable's gunfire. Cammy vs Spiral Don't worry that much if you're having problems since Spiral gives EVERYBODY a hard time when used effectively. Try not to use your special moves unless it's in a combo because Cammy has lags on everything. Spiral only require a split second to teleport to sneak up on you so don't give those chances away for free. (That means no Cannon Revenge!) If Spiral jumps into the air to replenish her swords, immediately do a KBA if you can to get her back down. Versus Spiral, reflexes are everything, so try to stay sharp. Also keep an eye out for her teleports and don't expect Spiral to be anywhere for more than a few seconds. Against her expanding swords, it's really hard to deal with. Try go for an anti-air assist, it might work, it might not. Otherwise, just block and try to counter when you see Spiral replenishing her swords. If you ever block her standing HP (6- handed punch), push and counter with a super if you have it, else dash in for an air combo if possible. If she ever execute her Metamorphosis super, then it's "uh oh" time to play "run away from Spiral". Try jumping in the air and using your air Cannon Drill to get around and away. (Don't worry, it has next to no lag in the air.) Cammy's jump has a fast air-time so you'll probably beat Spiral at an air game. Just keep moving until her meter runs out and keep an eye out for her teleport! She's probably the toughest cookie in the game so good luck. Cammy vs Storm Both are chicks who absolutely rule in the air and both are good confusers, who will win? Well, Storm is generally considered the superior BUT Cammy has a few tricks up her sleeve that will bring the soaring goddess down! If Storm EVER use her Whirlwind OR Typhoon, don't jump, don't dash and don't panic. One KBA will knock her out with OTG opportunities. If Storm EVER plays her "come and get me" air game through her flying special, gun her down with KBA. (As she can't block) Cannon Revenge can help you versus Storm's crazy jump-ins and super fast combos. To counter Storm's mobility from her air dashing abilities, remember your Cannon Drill and Cannon Strike can both be used to travel distances. Winning against an expert Storm player is a real challenge, but I'd doubt the weather goddess can take many shots of KBA and without her typhoon special moves and flyer special, Storm loses her chipping ability and her options will be very limited. WHITE PARTNERS ============== Here are some good partners for Cammy. => BBHood Awesome is not enough when you try to describe Baby Bonnie Hood. She has projectiles, chipping power and can be played very defensively, something Cammy definately needs. Best of all, her 3 supers are insanely powerful, so she can take advantage of Cammy's HC Energy that she had gained. Best of all, BBHood actually makes Cammy's Variable Combinaton NOT suck! Her bullets will pin the opponent in place in mid-air while (Alpha and Beta) Cammy connects most of the hits from her Spin Drive Smasher. (Best done in the corner.) While blocked, Cool Hunting will inflict insane block damage! (So it's a win win situation either way.... sort of.) Sisters are doin' it for themselves ----------------------------------- Just a mini section on Cammy's partners. I don't know about you guys, but I pick all-girls teams about 95% of the time. Not only is it awesome kickin' someone's butt with the female characters who are often perceived as "weak" by most gamers; they are also a lot better to look at than some of the blokes. (Say... Colossus.) So here's a section devoted to an all-girl team with Cammy. My "official kick a$$ team" composes of: Alpha Cammy Beta Morrigan Gamma Tron Bonne Now, why is that? Lets start with each character's own individual strengths and weaknesses. Cammy Pro: Very fast, has decent ground and superb air combos Con: Weak, suffers from poor chipping power and lag times Morrigan Pro: Balanced fighter with good combos both on the ground and in the air, a beam super (YAY!), fast, has a 3-way-air-dash, confuser Con: Weak and her supers are hard to work into a combo Try: LP, LK, MP, C.MK, Silhouette Blade (avoid corners!) LP, LK, MP+Tron Assist, MK, LP, MP, Darkness Illusions Dash-in, C.LK, C.HP, SJ, LP, LK, MP, MK, Soul Fist/Shadow Blade Tron Pro: Stronger than both of the girls, can do a LOT of damage FAST, can chip, can play keep away, insanely powerful assist Con: Horrendous lag times and slower Try: LP, MP, Lunch Rush (MAJOR damage!) LK, MK, Tron Rush C.LK, C.HK, King Kobun/VC They fit pretty well into a balanced team. Cammy is the speed, Morrigan is the brain while Tron is the muscle. What's even better about this team is that each character's Assist complement the others very nicely. * Tron has no decent anti-air, while Alpha Cammy's rocks! * Neither Tron nor Cammy has a decent projectile, that's where Beta Morrigan fits in * Gamma Tron's Assist has to be the strongest in the game and it's useful for probably all characters. Great for corner pressures and chips well, not to mention that is stuns the opponent momentarily allowing for those hard-to-connect moves to hit. Use Cammy to do massive air-combos on the opponent early on in the round and intimidate their glasses off. Then fly around the screen with Morrigan and confuse their pants off. And then use Tron to do MASSIVE damage (combo her Lunch Rush super) to finish off the opponents. If needed, you can also be cheap. Morrigan can do multiple Soul Fists in the air if you wanna chip. Tron can also play keep away all day with her rocks, Servbots and drills. Y' see, if you master this team, you cannot loose. => Alternative An alternate team is to substitute the weakened Morrigan with an Alpha BBHood. BBHood should NEVER be underestimated as all 3 of her supers hurts like HELL and are all useful in different occasions. Her Cheer & Fire chips nicely too, she's a tiny target and her more defensive-based fighting style helps to keep the team in balance. Plus her Smile & Missile Assist is a nice replacement for Morrigan. Just another great team waiting to be exploited. :) Also try: LP, LK, MP, F+HP, Cool Hunting/Beautiful Memory/VC LP, LK, MP, F+HK, Cheer & Fire (Horizontal) LK, MK, SJ, LP, LK, MP, ( ), U+LP, LK, MP, MK, Cheer & Fire I didn't have much time to complete this, so wait for updates. I'll be working on more sections soon. CAMMY VS ABYSS ============== Form #1 – Armor man Abyss is so boring! Use your Assists if you have any. Watch for his rush and javelin super. Do C.LP, C.MP, C.HP to chip his health. Block when you see him about to attack. If he's going for a beam super, super jump to the other side. Cammy's not a particularly good choice for this fight, as she uses the "Stronger" Magic Series and her specials has huge lags. Form #2 – Green slimy man Really cheap and Cammy is DEFINATELY not a good character to use for this. One way is too dash-jump in between his attacks and do a Cannon Strike when you're hangin' over him, so you'll land behind him without getting hurt and hitting him at the same time. It takes ages. Switch to another character instead! And if they have a beam super, use it! ALTERNATE (and better) STRATEGY!!! Thanks to Tysa Proeung All you've gotta do is to dash close in to Abyss and do continuing crouching attacks. Cammy is so short that Abyss can't do anything to hit her except the spinning darks super. However, this strategy gets useless halfway through when Abyss hides in the ground and conjours up bubbles every few seconds. Now you've gotta jump around and try to break the bubbles with your Cannon Drill and continue pumping the green guy. Still, if you've got another guy with a bream super, use it, because Cammy is still not very effective against this form. Form #3 – Giant red beast Cammy actually has a decent chance in this fight. STAY DEFENSIVE and crouch block all the way when he's not on the screen. If you get hit by his vertical beams, you'll lose a LOT of life by getting juggled. When he appears, jump at him and do J.LK, J.MK, J.HK, Cannon Drill for decent damage. Repeat as necessary. If you're near the orb when it disappears and the verticle flames are not in the vicinity, take this chance and beat the crap outta the orb. Not a hard fight. EPILOGUE ======== Cammy has no official storyline, so I've made this intro and ending for Cammy, our favourite army girl (besides Jill. :) Here's the intro: "C-Cammy... Cammy....." Cammy awoke to the platinum kisses of the moonlight on a chilly mid- winter night. Still half asleep, she rubbed her tired eyes with the back of her hand, trying to search her room for the source of the vague voice she thought was calling her name. "...Cammy... I need... your help..." Cammy sensed a vaguely glowing figure to the pitch black corner of her room, untouched by the moonlight. A golden bird sparkled, as if it was branded onto her bosom. "Ph... Phoenix?! You are Phoenix.. are you not?" "Listen Cammy... I cannot stay for long. I'm afraid that Magneto is tracing my Psi-link to you right at this very moment. But promise me that you'll help." "Jean... Tell me what happend..." "Psylocke... She has been taken hostage by Shadowloo... I've scanned the Astral Plane and I was able to pick up her Psi-pattern deep within Shalowloo's underground headquarters. Please... Psylocke has helped you in the past and you are the only one who knows the structures to the underground labs." "..But I've vowed to never return to that horrible place..." "Please Cammy... You are Betsy's... and the X-Men's last hope..." That was the last thing Cammy heard from Phoenix as her Astral projection phased out. "....Phoenix! ....That's it Bison... last time it was business, this time... it's personal!" Cammy prepared for departure as first rays of dawn draws near. She had her own reasons for accepting this dangerous mission. She knows what Bison is going to do, she's a living proof of it! The scars in her mind will not fade but she cannot stand to watch the sweet British girl, Betsy, being turned into an assassin once again... => Well... you should understand this if you're a Marvel and a Capcom fan. Phoenix/Jean Grey is a telepath. Psylocke saved Cammy's life at the end of X-Men Vs. Street Fighters. Cammy used to be a biologically enhanced assassin for Shadowloo and Betsy/Psylocke was once a brain washed assassin called Lady Mandarin. Like it? Here's the ending... "It has been a week.... I've finally... made it.." Cammy slowly limped her way to the bottom of Shadowloo's underground experimental labs. The week has not been pretty. Cammy's arms are still bleeding from the blades of the bewitching Spiral and needle- like thorns from the duel with Amingo can be seen piercing through her left leg. But she beat them all... now all she has to do is to find... "...Betsy?" A feminine figure emerged from the shadows that plagues the underground corridors. "Oh Betsy! I'm so glad that you're ok... Now we must get outta here!" For an instant, Cammy's heart relaxed. Psylocke is safe. The world does not need another psychic assassin, she thought. All her troubles might have been worthwhile. "Betsy?" Psylocke started to laugh. The voice sends chills down Cammy's spine. It was not a laughter of joy, but lust, as Psylocke walked towards her. Light reflected from her eyes... her glowing eyes with yellow pupils. "You... You are not Psylocke!" Psylocke's figure gave away. Her fair skin tone turned darker by the second. Her luscious long black hair decayed into the shade of blood. Her tight suit corroded away to form a light colored toga. A toga with tiny skull shaped decorations. "Hello my child." "Mystique!?" "Ahh... So I see that you've finally realized who I am. Oh, and I must thank you for taking down my adversaries. It would have taken me months of preparation to eliminate them one by one. But you child, you have made my job easier. Now all I have to do is to advance to the final stage." "What are you planning to do?" "You see this?" Mystique pulls out a floppy disc, waving it in her hand. "This is a program that will allow a trasmitter to project a signature Alpha Waves that will interfer with a human's DNA, eliminating their ability to reproduce in a matter of days. There is no place for humans on this planet. Mutants are the dominant race of the new millennium! I needed Master Bison's satellite transmitter to project the waves that'll spread across the face of the earth, and you were the key." "..But how? Jean..." "It's called 'technology' my child. You lived because of it and you shall die by it!" Mystique draws out a pulse laser, aimed at Cammy. "You are unforgivable!" "Goodbye child. Hahahaha...." Later, on the 6 o'clock news. "The South Eastern Pacific headquarters of the Shadowloo Corporations has once again been practically incinerated to ashes for the forth time in six months! The local Fire Department could do nothing to stop the raging inferno. Fortunately, it died down after about 8 hours of activity. INTERPO Agent Detective Chun Li announced at a press conference held in Bangkok earlier today that the source of the mass destruction of the headquarters is still unknown. One body has been found on the lowest floor of the basement. The body was too scorched to be identified, but Detective Chun Li did mention that the victim wore a belt with skull-like decorations, which was amazingly, undamaged......" => Hehe, hope you like it. :) This FAQ should be only used for non-commercial and non-profit purposes. You may print it out if you wish. You may use it on your webpage as long as you ask for permission and proper credits are given. Enjoy MvC2! :) "Too short!" - Cammy "You suck!" - Cammy "Malfunction... Malfunction... Woah!? Did I just do that!?" - Cammy "Your missing teeth will remind you of my victory" - Cammy "If you wanna curse or let out some steam, at least do it the _proper_ way." – Me Copyright 2000 by Vance Heart aka Aya Brea. E-mail me at Homepage: Marvel Vs Capcom 2 (c) 2000 Capcom