-------=====================================================------- --------========Marvel Vs Capcom FAQ : Blackheart v1.2=========------- ---------======== Compiled by Lemur-X, 6-1-2000 ========---------- --------=====Mail my happy-ass at lemurx@drunkenlemur.com=====----- --------=====================================================------ Index : 1: Intro/disclaimer/other BS. 2: Legend of keys 3: Overview of character 4: Normal attacks (standing & flying) 5: Special attacks 6: Supers 7: Combos 8: Assist Types 9: Strategy This faq was written for personal and private use. Feel free to distribute if desired, just make sure to give credit where credit is due. You may not alter the following and claim it as your own, or your knees belong to Guido…… Revision History 4-4 - Original FAQ completed 4-5 - Corrected some Specials' names; added Assist Mode Type information. 6-1 – Overhauled the * entire * shebang. Detailed both 'Normal' and 'Special' moves; improved the indexing; This and other FAQS are hosted by the lost-gamers bestfriend, CJAYC at www.gamefaqs.com and www.drunkenlemur.com ---------================ 1: Introduction =================----------- I first started playing the VS series w/ the advent of "X-Men vs Street Fighter"'s release on the Sega Saturn. Good Lord…….Now there was a game….And none of the followups have really shined as it did (IMO) up until "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2". The series of FAQs I'll be putting out will be related to all the funky, freakish, or 'Darkhorse' characters of the game. Characters people rarely use….and when they do use, use ineffectively at best. I'm doing this due to the fact that * every * single character in this game is very playable…..very…….And knowing this can give you quite an edge over people that would underestimate them…. ---------=================== 2: Legend ===================------------ Here's the legend of keys and terms used in the following FAQ. Attacks : Jab = Light Punch Fierce = Hard Punch Short = Light Kick Roundhouse = Hard Kick b = Back f = Forward d = Down u = Up B = Charge back for 2 seconds D = Charge Down for 2 seconds P = Punch K = Kick PP = Both punches KK = Both kicks HCB = Half Circle Back (Roll controller from forward, to down, to back.) HCF = Half Circle Forward (Roll controller from back, to down, to forward) QCF = Quarter circle forward (Roll from down to forward) QCB = Quarter circle back (Roll from down to back ) OTG = Off the ground. Getting your licks in whilest they be Down for the count. Launcher = Any move which sends your opponent to the heavens. NOTE : All percentages given are from damage taken by Cable (a fairly balanced character). Your mileage may vary. ---------================3: Blackheart ====================----------- Blackheart is one of those characters that many have a hard time coming to grips with. He's a large character, but relies mainly on attacks that are projectile based, or shove an opponent away when they connect……but on the other hand, he has a freaking incredible corner game. He's someone where a good defense can be the best offense for…… Here are a few of his main strengths. 1 : Powerful Supers : Out of his 4 supers, 2 take off 50% health, and the other 2 take off 40% if used properly. Not too shabby when you consider that he has THE best ground-based Super Combo openers out of nearly any character in the game. 2: Fast Supers : They be fast! 3: Projectile Strikes : Blackheart has the unique ability to create a projectile with any Fierce or Roundhouse strike. Since they require no joystick input they are great for using as buffers into other projectiles, combo openers, projectile nullifiers, or Super Combos. 4: Distancing : The man (?) has the uncanny ability to keep nearly any opponent clear across the screen if needed. With a projectile for any occasion, he has come prepared…… 5: His corner game : Seeing as Blackheart has some of the nastiest combo openers, and more powerful combos in the game, he's a very real threat to anyone caught off guard near a corner. 1 super bar and 4 normal strikes are enough to drain ANYONE of 80% of their health. 6: His Dash : Blackheart's dash is unique. In the air it's a simple hop forward. It can even be executed while falling backwards from a jump. On the ground, he dissolves into the ground and lunges forward. EXCELLENT for going THROUGH projectiles and getting out of corners (it travels through nearly anything. Including people!) 7: Super Meter : His Super Meter fills incredibly quickly just from his Fierce and Roundhouse. 8: Assist : His 'Inferno' Assist is one of the best in the game. Consider it along the same lines as the 'Captain Corridor', only it lands directly at an opponent's feet. 9: Throws : His throws have freaking incredible priority! They rival Zangief's on the ground, and he can toss nearly anyone out of any missed attack with no problem in the air. Of course you must take the good with the bad. =( 1: Defense (Lack thereof) : His defense sucks. Not as bad as Magneto or Akuma's, but he can easily be overwhelmed if enough pressure is put on him. Beware Chun Li and Sakura players. 2: He's a big target : He stands tall. Takes hits at an incredible pace. Blackheart will become a combo magnet if he stands in one place long enough…. 3: Reliance : Nearly all of Blackheart's combos are opened with a Fierce or Roundhouse, so it won't be long before a smart opponent learns to telegraph these like there's no tomorrow. Be exceptionally wary of falling into patterns with him. Which brings us to…. 4: Recovery : Blackheart has a recovery time rivaled only by Anakaris. In other words it's freaking slow. Never use a special attack at close range unless it's a guaranteed hit! 5: His Dash : When dashing on the ground, he is unable to attack. =( Plan your trip well and have coverage from assistants. 6: His Jump : His Super-Jump is incredibly quick and has an awkward arc, making some juggles difficult to pull off on anyone smaller than Colossus. ---------================4: Normal Attacks ================----------- JAB ----------------------- Standing - Long range. 1/5th the screen. Low damage. If pressed again after a clean hit, it executes his launcher, which is seriously lacking in the range department and strikes very high. Ducking - Short range, light damage. Second hit tends to miss unless in a corner or assist-held. Jumping – Good priority. Same range as standing Jab, but hit comes from overhead. Easily ducked. SHORT ---------------------- Standing - Unbelievable range. Second hit is a mid range shove. Great distancing move. Ducking - Decent range. Second hit is same shove as standing Short. Jumping - Use only in air juggles. Short range, and it's an overhead hit. FIERCE ---------------------- Standing – Blackheart unleashes 6 demons from his chest that float towards any opponent, semi-track/shield Blackheart as he moves about after the launch. Slow windup, but INCREDIBLE damage for a normal attack. Each demon also cancels out 1 projectile that may be heading your way. Nasty to pull off on wussy Shotokans and Guile players. Did I mention it fills your Super-Bar so quickly it'll make you puke? Ducking – Blackheart digs around, yanking demons out of the ground, and releases them at a fairly low level.Very slow windup. If first frame of animation hits, it becomes a low launcher. Good in corners. Jumping - Low damage, but the launched demons cling around Blackheart making for a fairly safe jump-in opener if time is allowed. Fills your meter as well. =) ROUNDHOUSE ----------------------- Standing - GREAT MOVE.Blackheart stomps the ground, summoning little demons to cling to his enemies' body. 7 hits at close range. Last 6 hits stun, leaving them WIDE open. Travels nearly all the way across the screen, but is fairly easy to jump over. Good for wake-up games at a distance, or raping in a corner. Fills about 15% of your Super Meter. Use often! Ducking - Damage is non-existant. But it freezes enemy for a few seconds. Good for a mixup game on the ground. Avoid otherwise due to it's INCREDIBLY LONG windup. Jumping – This is your air-to-ground game right here. Fair windup time, but once Blackheart release the demons, they fly at a 45 degree angle towards the ground at a very fast clip. Stun upon a clean hit, good Super-Meter charge, and a nice Pixie- zoning tool. THROWS ----------------------- F + FIERCE – Blackheart grabs his opponent by the chest and pumps them full of evil spirits before shoving them clear to the other side of the screen with authority. Very nice priority, and can be accomplished in the air. F + ROUNDHOUSE – Blackheart grabs his opponent by the chest, and blasts them to the other side of the screen with a bolt of lightning. Great priority on both land and air. UPPERCUT ----------------------- Diagonal Down/Forward + FIERCE – Blackheart simply launches his enemy with a quick uppercut orginating from his elbow. Good priority, but it hits extremely high. Use on jumpers. It's height will catch many off guard (typically before they even attack coming in). --------==================5: Special Moves ====================-------- Dark Thunder - QCF, P – ----------------------- Blackheart announces 'Dark Thunder' in that warbled voice of his(?) and shoots a bolt of lightning across the screen instantaniously. Single his knockdown/shove combo. Decent distancing move, and great assist smacker. The lightning stays active on-screen for a while even though it is a single-hit beam…tends to catch turtles off guard.Jab to shoot across the ground. Fierce for an upward beam at a 60 degree angle. The Jab tends to take a second to hit an opponent. The Fierce is instant. Beware of the time Blckheart takes to recoup after this move. It's pretty damn high. Sadly Capcom saw fit to remove his mid-level 'Dark Thunder', therefore severely hampering his keep away game with it. =( Inferno - HCB, P – ----------------------- Blackheart reaches above his head and casts a fireball at the ground, causing the Icy(?!) fury of Hell to be unleashed. Travels vertically (to the top of the screen no less!) and lasts actively quite a while on-screen. Jab casts the 'Inferno' at Blackhearts feet, Fierce casts it directly at his opponent's position. Great anti-air/assist killing move, and can beat MANY Supers out on the draw. If you see someone rearing up for a Super, chuck one of these suckers at them. You may be surprised at it's usefulness. ---------================6: Super Attacks ==================--------- Armageddon - HCF, PP – ----------------------- Fast startup, and absolutely CRAZY damage if you catch your opponent in the air with it. Good block damage. Use in corners or immediately after his launching uppercut. Judgement Day - HCB, PP (in air ) – ----------------------- Slight delay at startup. Good juggling super due to the fact it spreads upwards to an extent. The air version travels downwards nicely, but is hard to combo into due to his odd jumping habits. I recommend it's use against projectiles, but not beams. Good punishing move. Heart of Darkness - HCF, KK - ----------------------- Blackheart levitates for one moment, before unleashing a slew of demon's from beneath his enemy. Quick start. Originates from opponent. GREAT in conjunction with a stunning Roundhouse or vertical-juggle assistant. EXCELLENT recovery time on a clean hit, but if your opponent somehow waltzes past it, you are as good as dead. --------================7: Combos================----------- Blackheart is not exactly a combo-laden fool. What is here does work though. Make good use of them. Way Too Easy 8 Hit Stun - (very close) Standing Short, Standing Roundhouse. Combo away….. 50% 16 hitter - (very close) Standing Roundhouse, Heart of Darkness. (Let the Roundhouse Demons stun them completely for max effect) Armageddon – Jump-in Short, Uppercut, Armageddon. I have gotten up to 60% off with this little ditty. Distancing : Standing Short, Standing Jab, Fierce Dark Thunder. (not registered as a combo, but I have yet to see anyone successfully block it at all times ) ---------=================8: Assist Modes ==================----------- Assist Mode A : Blackheart executes a Jab "Dark Thunder". Ok to use in retaliation to other assistants, as your enemy will most likely avoid it, but the assistant will stay there and take it. Be sure to cover Blackheart at all times during this assist. He is at full height, and a huge target. Assist Mode B : Jumps in with a Fierce "Inferno". Extremely useful if your character is ill-equipped against jumpers, and will routinely push enemies into the proper zone for MANY follow-up games if you're quick on your feet. Abuse this sucker! For with this assist, ANYONE can have a keep-away/zoning game of the Gods! Assist Mode C : Jumps in with an Uppercut Launcher. Useful in corners for continuing juggles or intercepting jumpers if you are playing as a shorter character. ---------==================9: Strategies ================------------ -When fighting Pixies-( Chun-Li, Strider, Wolverine, etc. )— I can not emphasize just how much your 'Inferno' had better come into play here. It makes or breaks your Blackheart against these guys. Keep them at a good distance with Fierce 'Inferno's and have Fierce-Punch demons on- screen whenever possible. If they attempt a jump-in, dash under them (he is invulnerable), Jab Inferno, and juggle away! If they catch onto that little game, take to the skies. Jump forward to bait them, then dash backwards and abuse the Roundhouse button in the air. Many will jump directly into his stunning-demons and eat a 'Heart of Darkness' before they learn their lesson. >=D -When fighting Beamers (IceMan, Cable, Iron Man etc.)- These bastards pose an all too real threat for Blackheart. Try your best to stay at mid-range in these fights and utilize your dash whenever you think they may toss a beam. If done properly you will pass directly through them and have a serious leg-up on them (Ever see Blackheart perform an 'Armageddon' from behind a 'Photon Cannon' abusing Iron-Man? ). If you do end up at far to close range, do everything in your power to get back or forward a few paces so your dash can be used effectively yet again. Their beam WILL beat out all of your projectiles to the draw, so distancing is something I cannot stress enough! -When fighting Big Guys (Hulk Juggernaut, Zangief etc) – Thunder, Inferno, Dash, Throw. With his high throwing priority, this should be a cake walk. Knock the big guys back with a Jab into Fierce 'Black Thunder. Then 'Inferno' your brains out. Mix it up with a dash into a standing (or air) throw. Toss out Roundhouse kicks if they attempt to trade blows. The Hulk and Juggernaut have a Hell of a time recovering after most moves in order to block Roundhouse demons, Zangief is a bit quicker and more of a problem. - When fighting 'Guiles and Shotos' (Guile, Nash, Ryu, Akuma etc.) – Problem cases. Your best chance of survival comes from hopping in, retreat with a mid-air dash, and hope they go for a Flashkick/Dragonpunch that can be countered with an 'Inferno' or Uppercut launcher. Never initiate firefights, you will lose. It's as simple as that. Play retaliatory. Let them come to you, and be exact in every one of your actions. These characters, moreso than anyone else, are best equipped to take a Blackheart out in the blink of an eye. --------===================== Thanks ==================-------------- Special thanks to : Derrick and Chris for playing such a whorish keep away game with Morrigan and Sakura. Without you I would not have to resort to using people you don't know how to anticipate. >=D Mtn Dew : For filling my veins with enough caffeine to kill a small elephant. SuperMonkeyNippleSmasher-X : Rogue good! Fire bad! Capcom : For advancing the Vs series yet again! ASCII : For producing this kick ass 'Saturn Style' control pad. My thumbs hate you. GameFAQS : For hosting all this stuff! =) Submissions? Mail em to lemurx@drunkenlemur.com This and other FAQs are up for grabs at http://www.drunkenlemur.com