-------=====================================================------- --------========Marvel Vs Capcom FAQ : Anakaris v1.3=========------- ---------======== Compiled by Lemur-X, 6-1-2000 ========---------- --------=====Mail my happy-ass at lemurx@drunkenlemur.com=====----- --------=====================================================------ Index : 1: Intro/disclaimer/other BS. 2: Legend of keys 3: Overview of character 4: Normal attacks (standing & flying) 5: Special attacks 6: Supers 7: Combos 8: Assist Types 9: Strategy This faq was written for personal and private use. Feel free to distribute if desired, just make sure to give credit where credit is due. You may not alter the following and claim it as your own, or your knees belong to Guido…… Revision History : 4-4 - Original FAQ completed. One Anakaris FAQ on GameFaqs at the time. Am I the only Ana player out there?! 4-5 - revised Super notes; added Assist Mode Type information. 4-21 - Got drunk and worked on some combos (easier said than done);) 5-25 - Much more detailed descriptions of Specials/situations they are useful in, added the 'drunkard's rage combos' combos. Etc. 6-1 – Overhauled the * entire * shebang. Detailed both 'Normal' and 'Special' moves; improved the indexing; Added the 'Strategies' section. This and other FAQS are hosted by the lost-gamers bestfriend, CJAYC at www.gamefaqs.com and www.drunkenlemur.com ---------================ 1: Introduction =================----------- Bah. Seeing as this is my first FAQ, I'd like for you to be as gentle as possible with me…the lube is running low nowadays… I first started playing the VS series w/ the advent of "X-Men vs Street Fighter"'s release on the Sega Saturn. Good Lord…….Now there was a game….And none of the followups have really shined as it did (IMO) up until "Marvel Vs. Capcom 2". The series of FAQs I'll be putting out will be related to all the funky, freakish, or 'Darkhorse' characters of the game. Characters people rarely use….and when they do use, use ineffectively at best. I'm doing this due to the fact that * every * single character in this game is very playable…..very…….And knowing this can give you quite an edge over people that would underestimate them…. 5-30 : I have been playing the Arcade version of the game now that we finally have it where I live (Damn Alaska). Needless to say there are copious amounts of slutty Guile and Cable players. It's kept me on my toes, and made me develop a better corner-evasion game. This is explained in the new 'Strategies' section. ---------=================== 2: Legend ===================------------ Here's the legend of keys and terms used in the following FAQ. Attacks : Jab = Light Punch Fierce = Hard Punch Short = Light Kick Roundhouse = Hard Kick b = Back f = Forward d = Down u = Up B = Charge back for 2 seconds D = Charge Down for 2 seconds P = Punch K = Kick HCB = Half Circle Back (Roll controller from forward, to down, to back.) HCF = Half Circle Forward (Roll controller from back, to down, to forward) QCF = Quarter circle forward (Roll from down to forward) QCB = Quarter circle back (Roll from down to back ) OTG = Off the ground. Getting your licks in whilest they be Down for the count. Launcher = Any move which sends your opponent to the heavens. NOTE : All percentages given are from damage taken by Cable (a fairly balanced character). Your mileage may vary. ---------================3: AnaKaris ====================----------- Anakaris has always been just about the strangest character on the block in any game he's been in. He's a lumbering behemoth that can take opponents by surprise with surprising range, power, and speed….. First things first. Anakaris' is NOT going to win any match by sheer button mashing or dumb luck. The guy walks at a snails' pace, and all of his attacks have MAJOR lag after they are executed….often leaving him wide open. But what he does have going for him are… 1 : A wicked dash. On the ground it's a quick lunge with short range, but good enough to open up a combo with his standing jab. In the air, it's a means for transport. It lets him coast clear to the other side of the screen, and you don't have to input a cancel command as you do with 'flight' on any other character. Good to escape corners that slutty Guile and Cable characters may get you in…… 2: Unorthodox moves : Anakaris is about as hard to predict as a gibbon on crack. He's everywhere if played right. He has a long range throw, overhead projectiles, lunging kicks in the air, jumpkicks that originate from the ground, and the list goes on. Deception is his middle name, and he has one of the best zoning games in the entire game in the hands of a good player. 3: Incredible power. Anakaris utilizes some moves that are extremely powerful if ranged properly. 2 of his supers can take off 60% with their power alone if used in the proper situation. Factor in that if played right, he seems to come from every direction, and you can spell real trouble for nearly anyone you come across. 4: Idle Hands : His 'Idle Hands' Special is a God-send. Since there is no part of Anakaris phyically between his hands and his body, there is no collision point. I have taken Cyclops out of his "Hyper Optic Blast" with the proper timing, and it's the perfect move to confuse a would be 'aerial raver'. 5: Sarcophogaus Smash : This move is a Godsend against turtles and beamers. Use heavily on those that insist on staying in a corner and playing a firefight until the timer runs out. With the proper evasion, you * will * come out on top! Anakaris does have weaknesses. 1: Speed : I can't stress enough that a standing or walking Anakaris is bound to get raped by anyone that has the ability to walk quicker than Sentinel. 2: Change-ups and vulnerability : You have always got to be on sheer offense or defense with him. He's a big target, so make sure you know where you stand in whatever situation you may be in. Take note not to flail on the buttons with him. Nearly all of his moves can be countered with a simple Jab in the right place. 3: LAG! : The lag that coincides with his specials is crappy at best. Nearly every move that he pulls off has more than it's fair share of time afterwards where Anakaris is a sitting duck. Make sure that your opponent is at the desired distance for whatever game you intend to play with their minds, or else…… 4: Hang time : His jump is another point of concern. He stretches when he jumps. A very slow….drawn out jump…… Make sure to utilize the dash the instant his feet leave the ground…or Super Jump. 5: The 'Wuss' Factor : He takes hits like a bitch. He has very low defense. Watch your back around anyone with saturation-style supers (Cyclops, Iceman, Wolverine) ----------===============4: Normal Attacks================------------- JAB ----------------------- Standing - Great move. The damage is minimal, but it reaches nearly 1/6th across the screen and still manages to tag standing opponents. If connected, pressing Jab again will result in a chop that can leave you wide open, but can be swept afterwards if quick enough. You make the call. Ducking - Nice range. Low damage. Second connection hits twice and shoves opponent away into "Idle Hands" range. Make this your 'Bread and Butter' against people that like to get in close and chip away with block damage (Chun-Li, Cammy, Spidey)since it comes out quick enough to retaliate with against most blocked sweeps or specials. Jumping – Deceptively long range. Non-Existant damage, but it's one of the few true 'Jump-in' openers Anakaris posesses. Still not highly recommended since he has * THE SLOWEST JUMP IN THE GAME *. SHORT --------------------- Standing - Short range. Same strength as the jab. The second short is an extended kick which places the enemy in launcher range. The exact opposite of the Jab. Holding Back results in a delayed ax kick which can catch jumpers, but I say avoid it. Ducking - Longer range than Jab. Same damage. Second hit shoves opponent away. Good opener for an assist/sweep combo. >=D Jumping - Very useful. Light damage. Comes out quickly and unexpectedly (often) from the bottom of the screen. Good lead-in for his 'Asp Rush' Super. FIERCE ---------------- Standing - Great range. Great priority. Bad recovery. Decent damage. Your bread and butter move. Use often as a defensive poke, and to belt slutty Guile and Cable's out of the corner. Ducking - Very fast launcher. Little range. But the speed and ability to his opponents flying behind you makes up for that in a sense. Use often by dashing in. Jumping - Decent range and damage. Average. Good poking move in a sense. Be aware that it hits high. ROUNDHOUSE --------------- Standing - Comes out a little slowly. Medium range. Same damage as the standing Fierce. Some sweeps will travel under it making it a Guile killer. Good retaliation move. Ducking - Good damage. Wicked range. Single hit knockdown. Jumping - A bit slow on the recoil, but a great move to use while jumping away since it starts low and travels upwards. In a Super-Jump it travels horizontally across HALF the screen. THROWS --------------- ANAKARIS HAS NO NORMAL THROWS! =( -------==================5: Special Moves ====================--------- Idle Hands - QCF, P – -------------------------- Ok damage. Instant attack. Unblockable, but can be countered with a blow to his distanced fists. Big downside. Jab is mid-range, Fierce far-range. Once the enemy is wrapped, Anakaris is INVULNERABLE TO EVERYTHING! Use as a counter to projectiles (not beams) routinely. Once you get the distancing down on this, and have a good change-up game going, prepare to have people get pissed. Sarcophogaus smash - d, d, P – -------------------------- Good damage. Easily telegraphed. Jab is great for causing a close opponent to block (Lead into Idle Hands). Fierce is Mid range, Short is long range. Roundhouse is farther. Next time you see a slutty Guile charging a Flash kick, SMACK the assist button, and toss a Sarcophogaus on him. Dash immediately. Shake well with 'Idle Hands'. Light block damage. Cobra Blow – B, F + P (in air) - ------------------------- Same animation and properties of his Standing Fierce, but the damage is about 5% higher, and the horizontal coverage is doubled! Pharoah's Curse - HCF P (in air) – -------------------------- Light damage, but the transformation on a successful hit is the only window you need to set them up for a big combo, and the lowered defense status of your enemy is sure to make life sheer HELL! Charge me NOW Juggy! (insert sinister laugh). Great after having a launcher or hold assistant tag the enemy. Pyramid smash - f, d, or d/f + K (In air) – -------------------------- Can be done ONLY in the air. Light damage. Good evasion possibilites since it develops from a complete stop and change of direction. Great move to use when pissing off Cammy or baiting Iceman to whiff a beam or 2. ---------================6: Super Attacks ==================--------- Sarcophogaus Holocaust - d, d, PP – -------------------------- Nigh useless unless you just NEED that one last bit of block damage. However, if your opponent is caught in the corner at 2.5 paces away, every Coffin will hit and tally about 70% (!) damage. It can however be comboed into from a launcher assist, which amplified each coffin to do about 25% damage and carries enemies upwards into each following coffin! On a side note, if it's executed with Anakaris at the point where the 2 coffins cross, NOTHING will pass through! I have cancelled both the 'Shinkuu Hadoken' and 'Hyper Hyper Beam' with this method! Pharoah Illusion - Jab, Jab, f, Short, Fierce – -------------------------- Quick startup. Jab makes his left hand swat, Short makes it raise up. Mirror for Fierce and Roundhouse. Very effective if you capitalize on it's startup. I've gone up to 50% damage with it. Anakaris is vulnerable during it. Cover his face at all costs. The Sarcophagous launches the enemy if made to contact at startup. Asp Rush - B, f, PP (in air) – -------------------------- Anakaris gets in his sarcophogaus and unleashes a horde of vipers. Jab and Fierce control the upper snakes. Short and Roundhouse the lower. 2 snakes are allowed to be released at once, and 2 are allowed to retreat. Mash the buttons in a clockwise fashion starting at Jab to get up to 63 hits and 50% damage. Use liberally after a launcher. P.S. This move absolutely DESTROYS any assitants that may mosey on-screen at it's startup and will stop projectiles. Super Pharoah's Curse - Roundhouse, Jab, d, Short, Fierce - -------------------------- Lame. About 40% damage. Blockable. And a Hellaciously long chargeup. Good for chargers, but it's not worth the effort when the normal Pharoah's Curse is just as quick, easier to get off, and has more damage potential as well as being easier to land in the air. That and it's missing the humliating 'womanizer' factor from Vamp Savior… -----------=================7: Combos ================-------------- I've decided to put up a few 'choice' combos in this section due to the fact that there's so damn many. But what's here does work, so put them to good use. ;) 15% 4-hit – Standing Jab, Standing Short, Standing Short, Standing Fierce. 20% 4-hit wrapup – Standing Jab, Standing Short, Standing Short, Idle Hands (Jab). Rush in 5-hit : Dash, Standing Jab, Duck Jab, Duck Short, Duck Roundhouse 40% 8-hitter – Standing Jab, Standing Short, Ducking Fierce, J. Jab, J. Short, J. Jab, J. Short, J. Fierce. Pressure : Standing Short, Ducking Fierce, Stand Short, Stand Short(Idle Hands (Jab Variable Asp-Rush-O-Doom! : Dashing crouching Jab, crouching Short, crouching Fierce, jumping Jab, Jumping Short, 'Asp Rush'. Up to 68 hits if done properly and around 70% damage! Variable Pharoah Illusion : Dashing crouching Jab, crouching short, ducking Fierce, Pharoah Illusion (Anakaris will fly upwards like a freaking bottle- rocket for an additional hit), Slap to your content. (insert sinister laugh here) Anti- slutty Guile Drop : (Best when cornered) Crouching Short, tap assist with a hold or beam character (one that won't result in a pushback) crouching Roundhouse (assist hits on last hit) 'Sarcophogaus Holocaust'. Typically 2 or 3 Sarcophogaus' hit. I have had this take off 80% of slutty Guile's health and had one arcade-goer gall my Anakaris a 'C***sucker'. Proof it works in itself. =) ---------==================8: Assist Modes ================------------ Assist Type A : Anakaris pops in with a'Cobra Blow'. Good coverage and can go through multiple enemies!. Assist Type B : Anakaris jumps in with a long-range "Idle Hands". Good for setting up the "Pharoah Illusion" Super. Assist Type Y : Anakaris performs a mid-range Sarcophogaus drop. Good to keep pixies and slutty Guile grounded during a rush. I'll list his team Supers upon feeling like it. I don't use them as they tend to be all flash and fluff. ---------==================9: Strategies ================------------ -When fighting Pixies-( Chun-Li, Strider, Wolverine, etc. )— Simply keep your distance. Very few of them have vertical fireballs. Don't be afraid to take to the air as long as you anticipate a jump-in. Or if you're feeling particularily annoying, Super Jump away from your enemy (far enough so they can't dash beneath you) and start dropping Sarcophogaus like they're going out of style. Most people are suckers for this, and with the proper drop-control, you can easily take off 40- 50% of their health. -When fighting Beamers (IceMan, Cable, Iron Man etc.)- These guys will most likely give you the most trouble out of any set of characters in the entire game. With their saturating projectiles and anti-air capability, expect a tough fight even if you are an assist whore. It may be best to switch out after a successful 'Idle Hands' (as to not risk getting pegged on the way our/in). -When fighting Big Guys (Hulk Juggernaut, Zangief etc)- 'Idle Hands'. Use them like a whore. Don't let them get close enough to throw or assist-launch. If they do, go into the 'Asp Rush' Super ASAP as they will most likely be wide-open from an attack attempt. Distancing is key…… -When fighting 'Guiles and Shotos' (Guile, Nash, Ryu, Akuma etc.)- Avoid the corners as best as you can (like I need to drive that point home to the majority of Anakaris players) and use the 'Idle Hands' as a projectile counter. Anakaris just SOAKS up damage/combos in the corner, and has no move that will let him out 100% of the time. If a projectile is attempted, simply 'Idle Hands' the person throwing it. Remember…..once in the 'Hands', Anakaris is invulnerable! The projectile passes him harmlessly! If the above doesn't work. Read below. -----------================An ode to Guile==================----------- Guile is a slutty character when played by the majority of people out there. Expect tons of his nasty sweeps into Sonic-(insert one of 3 Supers here) and lots of cornering. If found in a corner with a slutty Guile, call in an assist just for the sake of taking the blow of his Roundhouse, come back with a Standing Roundhouse (his sweep flies UNDER it!). When your kick connects, Idle Hands. Who's in the corner now? What's that? You want some 'Sarcophogaus Holocaust' lovin' like the slutty player you are? >=D ----------===================== Thanks ==================-------------- Special thanks to : Derrick and Chris for playing such a whorish keep away game with Morrigan and Sakura. Without you I would not have to resort to using people you don't know how to anticipate. >=D SuperMonkeyNippleSailor-X : Fire bad! Rogue good! All the slutty Guile players : For getting the fire under my ass to enlighten the world to not use slutty characters. Mtn Dew : For filling my veins with enough caffeine to kill a small elephant. ASCII : For the wicked Dreamcast fighting pad I use. My thumbs HATE you! My will and determination : To slip the term slutty in a FAQ more than any man to date! Capcom : For advancing the Vs series yet again! And making a great home port. (Pay 50 cents per round at the Space Station…..I THINK NOT!) GameFAQS : For hosting all this stuff! =) Submissions? Mail em to lemurx@drunkenlemur.com This and other FAQs are up for grabs at http://www.drunkenlemur.com