MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2: NEW AGE OF HEROES CHARACTER GUIDE: AKUMA 11/13/00 By Trung Bui Copyright © 2000 THIS FAQ IS THE PROPERTY OF ONE TRUNG BUI AND MAY NOT BE USED WITHOUT SAID AUTHOR'S CONSENT. Version History: Ver. 1.0: First history Ver. 1.1: A few more additions TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1) COPYRIGHT 2) AKUMA EXPLAINED 3) MOVE LIST 4) STRATEGIES 5) ASSISTS 6) COMBOS 7) THANKS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1) COPYRIGHT © THIS FAQ AND/OR GUIDE IS PROPERTY OF TRUNG BUI AND MAY NOT BE DISTRIBUTED WITHOUT MY PERMISSION OR CONSENT. DOING SO WOULD BE A MAJOR COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT AND WOULD HURT MY FEELINGS. THIS IS MY WORK AND YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE IT, PERIOD. THANKS FOR AGREEING AND ENJOY THE FAQ! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2) AKUMA EXPLAINED Akuma is a Shotokan Karate fighter. He's the strongest of all the Shotokan characters and he's also the most un-defensive of all of them. Akuma is fast, precise, and has awesome attacks, excellent for Blitzing and keep away. Using Akuma effectively is relatively hard, most people using for his Raging Demon special and his super easy, super powerful air combo. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3) MOVE LIST Launcher: c. HP S.: Standing J.: Jumping C.: Crouching D.: Dash in SJ: Superjump QCF: Down, Down-Forward, Forward QCB: Down, Down-Back, Back HCF: Back, Down-Back, Down, Down-Forward, Forward HCB: Forward, Down-Forward, Down, Down-Back, Back DP: Forward, Down, Down-Forward RDP: Back, Down, Back-Down LP: Low Punch HP: High Punch LK: Low Kick HK: High Kick XX: Cancel P: Punch 2P: 2 Punches K: Kick 2K: 2 Kicks A1: Assist 1 A2: Assist 2 DHC: Dual Hyper Combo THC: Triple Hyper Combo SPECIAL MOVES: Gou Hadouken: QCF + P Air or Ground This is Akuma's version of the fireball. The best way to describe it is that it looks like a comet, that's purple, sun yellow, and black. It can be cancelled out by beams, but are excellent for shields for jumping in. When firing it in the air, Akuma fires it with one hand and it goes down at an angle. Gou Shoryuken: DP + P This Akuma's version of the Dragon Punch, but unlike Ken, Akuma's surrounded in purple energy. One note to notice is that he ISN'T invincible when going up; a beam or another fireball can knock him out. Like any other Dragon Punch, it's an excellent anti air attack and it's great to end ground combos. Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku: QCB + K Air or Ground This is Akuma's Hurricane Kick. Unlike Ken's, Akuma travels forward, wrapped in electric energy. The LK version on it travels 3 hits and the HK version hits 5 times. Very useful to start a juggle and the glitch are really great. NOTE: The 'glitch' applies to both Ken and Akuma. Perform a Hurricane Kick in the air and you will perform a super's amount of damage :) Ashura Warp (Forward): DP + 2P or 2K This move will make Akuma do a small, dash like move forward; I don't use this move too much, because I really don't know the uses for it. Ashura Warp (Backward): RDP + 2P or 2K Same as the forward version, but you go backward instead. Tenma Kuujin Kyaku: QCF + K In the air only This is basically a diving kick in the air; it's very useful for blitzing and for setting up a juggle. HYPER COMBOS: Messatsu Gou Shoryuu: QCF + 2P This is Akuma's Dragon Punch super; he performs 3 Shoryukens in a row from the LP version to HP version. It's easy to combo into from the HP and it's very good. I use this to end air combos in style to get funny faces :) Messatsu Gou Hadou: QCB + 2P This is similar to Ryu's Shinkuu Hadouken. The differences are that it's a bit shorter than Ryu's and it's purple. Really good for dash ins and good for punishing assistors. Messatsu Gourasen: QCB + 2P This is Akuma's Hurricane Kick super; it's really very horrible. You have to be really close to use this effectively. If you connect, you launch your opponent in the air and at the end you do a slamming kick. Think of it of a vertical version of Ken's Hurricane Kick. Tenma Gou Zankuu: QCF + 2P IN THE AIR This is Akuma's air Fireball super. He launches a flurry of Gou Hadoukens at the ground causing massive damage. Really nice to end air combos, makes peoples jaws drop. Raging Demon: LP, LP, Forward, LK, HP This is one of the best moves that ever existed! In simplicity, Akuma does an Ashura Warp forward and, if he grabs the opponent, will start an auto-combo so powerful, you can't see it. It's a great, powerful, damaging move. Use it carefully, since IT TAKES 3 SUPER METERS. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4) ASSISTS This is a list of Akuma's available assists. ALPHA: Gou Hadouken/Messatsu Gou Hadou This is Akuma's projectile assist; he performs a HP Hadouken, and performs Messatsu Gou Hadou for the THC or DHC. This assist is great for dash ins. BETA: Gou Shoryuken/Messatsu Gou Shoryuu This is one of Akuma's better assists; he performs a HP Shoryuken, and performs Messatsu Gou Shoryuu for the DHC or THC. This assist is great for countering jump ins. GAMMA: Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku/Messatsu Gou Rasen This is Akuma's Hurricane Kick assist. He performs a HK Hurricane Kick and Messatsu Gou Rasen in a THC or DHC. Not that great of an assist. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5) STRATEGIES First things, first, Akuma takes a lot of damage, the worst in the whole game, but he inflicts a lot of damage in a short time. When attacking, you should fire a LP Hadouken and jump in to attack; the Hadouken will serve as a shield as you start to attack. Another thing to remember is that Akuma is not invincible when he starts a Shoryuken; he's still wide open to other beams and fireballs. His Hurricane Kick has a little bit of lag after he lands, so be careful, or you'll be open to attack. When attacking, try to be defensive as well as offensive; this way your opponent won't think you won't abuse his powerful supers and his Hadouken. VS. ABYSS: 1st form: Just jump in, combo, and jump out. 2nd form: SJ up and fire Hadoukens. You will hit Abyss AND hit the bubble. 3rd: THC or DHC him to death, but when he comes out, perform a Messatsu Gou Hadou. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6) COMBOS 1. Jump in, LP, LP, LAND, C.LK, C.LK, C.HK. 2. Jump in, LP, LP, LAND, C.LK, C.HP, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, HP. 3. Jump in, LP, LP, LAND, C.LK, C.HP, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, HK. 4. Jump in, LP, LP, LAND, C.LK, C.HP, SJ, LP, LK, LP, LK, Hurricane Kick. 5. HK Hurricane Kick XX Tenma Gou Zankuu. More to come. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7) THANKS CjayC: For putting up my FAQ GameFAQs: For hosting my FAQs Family: You know why Friends: You know who you are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Justice: Yup God: Duh Copyright © 2000 Trung Bui