Industrial Spy: Operation Espionage (A.K.A. Espion-Age-Nts) Table of Contents I. Copyright information II. Author contact information III. Version information IV. Story V. Characters A. Agents 1. Archangel 2. Falloux 3. Kleopatra 4. Ling 5. Luria 6. Saunders 7. Vlagimir B. Supporting Cast 1. Blum 2. Evans 3. Maelbranch 4. Miller 5. Mondstein 6. Ritzman 7. Yamaguchi VI. General Tips and Tidbits VII. Basic Walkthroughs A. Mission One: Michel Fowler Art Museum B. Mission Two: Michel Fowler Art Museum C. Mission Three: Castle Mondstein D. Mission Four: Berlin Institute of Technology E. Mission Five: Berlin Institute of Technology F. Mission Six: Kowloon II G. Mission Seven: Microware R&D Lab H. Mission Eight: Fort Knox II I. Mission Nine: Fort Knox II J. Mission Ten: Herzlichware Headquarters VIII. Detailed Walkthroughs A. Mission One: Michel Fowler Art Museum B. Mission Two: Michel Fowler Art Museum C. Mission Three: Castle Mondstein D. Mission Four: Berlin Institute of Technology E. Mission Five: Berlin Institute of Technology F. Mission Six: Kowloon II G. Mission Seven: Microware R&D Lab H. Mission Eight: Fort Knox II I. Mission Nine: Fort Knox II J. Mission Ten: Herzlichware Headquarters IX. Recognitions/Thanks I. Copyright information This document is Copyright 2000 Timothy Nguyen. Duplication is permitted if and only if you will use it for personal reference. This document should only be seen on,, and No one is to use/distribute/publish/modify this document without my written permission. If you see this document anywhere else, please email me. II. Author contact information My name is Timothy Nguyen (a.k.a. "aznsnowman" in AIM, Yahoo, ICQ,, gamefaqs message boards, and various other things). If I'm online, AIM is always on, Yahoo sometimes, and ICQ rarely. You can also contact me thru email I am open to questions, positive/negative feedback, corrections, and what have you. I've gone through 4/5 of the game until I was desperate for help. This faqs/walkthru was written in response to the shortcomings of the official guide. It gets you through a mission, but the actions it tells you to perform and not perform do not maximize the amount of AP you get. Additionally, it wastes precious game time the way it was written. You should buy this colorful book yourself and make your own judgment. III. Version information Version 1.00 07/22/00 Posting what little I have finished. It's somewhat organized, but I'll straighten it out soon. Version 1.01 07/23/00 I organized everything and added a table of contents. Mission Five is written IV. Story V. Characters A. Agents 1. Archangel 2. Falloux 3. Kleopatra 4. Ling 5. Luria 6. Saunders 7. Vlagimir B. Supporting Cast 1. Blum 2. Evans 3. Maelbranch 4. Miller 5. Mondstein 6. Ritzman 7. Yamaguchi VI. General Tips and Tidbits Whenever you want to send anyone anywhere, I highly recommend that you press START to do so. It saves a lot of time giving destination orders from the mission screen. It should be a habit to press START as soon as the mission goes underway. If you're sending Luria or Archangel around in a stage that has enemies, consider changing their Withdraw point to the destination. It may seem time consuming, but think of the time you'll save having them run by the enemy and go on to the destination instead of turning around to go to an Insertion Point. I often forgot where I sent them because they retreated. One time Luria retreated to three enemies! Anything that can be manipulated by an agent is written in blue text, as shown when you order an agent to go somewhere. Whenever an agent comes across something that requires to be spied, more often than not, you want to Investigate it until you see its DP value (usually, you have to Investigate twice). If you don't, and you order the agent to Hack, Unlock, or whatnot without knowing what they're going against, all of the agent's SP points are reduced to zero. If the agent has low SP anyway, you might as well skip the Investigate command. The maximum bonus you get from a "Nice Clear" is plus half the value of the contract. The maximum penalty for taking too long is minus half the value of the contract. You can use different agents from what I used. Just be sure to swap agents based on the skills needed to complete the mission. When you beat the game, Remmy Evans prompts you to save. When you play from that save, it starts as if you just played if for the first time. The catch is you keep all your accumulated AP and upgraded agents! If you had Mondstein in your party, he will not be present, you have to knock him down again :( If you pop your I-Spy disc into your computer and open the folder "Presents" you are treated to 26 beautiful pictures, both in bmp and jpg formats VII. Basic Walkthroughs These Walkthroughs are the very bare essentials of what needs to be done to complete the mission. This allows you freedom to do play around in a mission, but still know what you have to do. A. Mission One: Michel Fowler Art Museum Go to Control Room and disable the shutters Go to Offices and overwrite data Go to Guardroom and disable Infrared Sensor 2 Go to North Tower Special Exhibits and Steal Painting B. Mission Two: Michel Fowler Art Museum Go to Control Room and Disable the two shutters Go to North Tower F1 Exhibit Room A, Look Around and Investigate Go to West Tower F2 Warehouse, Look Around and Investigate Go to Storage Room, Look Around, Investigate and Investigate Filter Paper Go to Entrance, Investigate C. Mission Three: Castle Mondstein Too complicated. I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to read the detailed walkthru, for now anyway. D. Mission Four: Berlin Institute of Technology Go to Supercomputer 1 and Hack into it Go to Research Room 3, Look Around and Investigate Go to Office Warehouse, Look Around and Investigate Send someone to Special Lab. When a door blocks them with a red light above it, send someone else to Junction 3 and activate the switch In the Special Lab, Look Around, Investigate twice, Think, and CO2 Laser Go to Main Console and Think Go back to Special Lab and YAG laser Go back to Main Console and Hack E. Mission Five: Berlin Institute of Technology Go to Professor Messer's room Go to Professor Holtzen's room Look Around, Investigate, Look at Mail Go to Office, Look Around, and Work on Circuit Box Go to Supercomputer Room 1 Look Around, Investigate, Hack Go to Records Room(?) Look Around, then go to Institute Records Room Look Around, and Investigate Send someone to Main Console. When a door blocks them with a red light above it, send someone else to Junction 3 and activate the switch Go to Supercomputer Room 2 After avoiding the laser, go to Laser Lab, Look Around, Investigate, Investigate Terminal?, Operation Command In Supercomputer Room 2, Look Around, Investigate, and Hack In Laser Lab, Operation Command Go to Main Console, Look Around, Copy Data F. Mission Six: Kowloon II G. Mission Seven: Microware R&D Lab H. Mission Eight: Fort Knox II I. Mission Nine: Fort Knox II J. Mission Ten: Herzlichware Headquarters VIII. Detailed Walkthroughs These are designed in a way to both maximize bonus AP and minimize time. The first few missions can be completed without upgrading any of your agents, and they have been written assuming you haven't. You are free to upgrade your agents as you see fit, but you may want to read ahead to see what attributes I explicitly upgrade. If you're wondering how I came up with the numbers for E$ and AP, I played the mission 20-40 times and did the math. Anyone wanna join? LOL A. Mission One: Michel Fowler Art Museum Agents used in this mission, in order (you cannot change) Saunders - Circuitry, Fighting Ling - Unlock, Fighting, Disarm Archangel - Hacking Send Ling to Archangel and send Archangel to Control Room. As soon as Ling unlocks the door, but before she opens it, send her to Control Room. When Ling secures the Control Room, send her to Box? Now, with Archangel on your main screen, have him Hack both terminals and disable all the Shutters. Send him to Office, a trip that will take him awhile. Because you left Ling to do her own thing, right now she should be Investigating the Box. Investigate it until she discovers a trap. Her SP should be 0. Have her rest. Now, send Saunders to Guardroom. Keep Ling on your main screen while she rests. When Saunders finishes manipulating the alarm system, DO NOT switch him to your main screen immediately. With Ling still on you main screen, have her Disarm the Spike Trap when her SP reaches 20. Important: If you switch to someone else before she reaches 20, Ling will automatically try and open the Treasure Box without disarming the trap! Even if you had 99 HP and a 5 Star Defense, you will die! By now, Archangel should be in an area without guards waiting to show up (if you're not sure where is a good area, when he is close to his Insertion Point is good). Now switch to Saunders. The alarm goes off anyway, and you've got five minutes to complete your mission. Have Saunders disable Infrared Sensor 2 then send him to Special Exhibits. When Archangel arrives at his destination, have him first Investigate the terminal then Hack it. When prompted to make a Backup Copy, say "YES." You can leave Archangel there for the remainder of the mission; no guards go there. Ling should be finished Disarming the Spike Trap. Now have her rest. Saunders should arrive to his destination. Have him Look At Picture to confirm that it is 'Olympic Fantasy.' Don't steal it just yet. Now have Ling Open the Box when her SP reaches 9. Inside the box, you get a small taste of what your client, Helmut von Mondstein, is like... Now have Saunders Steal the Painting and your mission is complete. Results Finishing the mission in 10 minutes (±a minute or two) gives you Contract Fee +E$5 000 000 and Stage AP +100 If you made a Backup Copy, you get Event Income +E$10 000 and Event AP +20 If you managed to open the Box safely, you get Event AP +50 If you send Saunders to Women's Locker Room and have him unlock a locker, you find nothing, which disappoints him (and me:). You get nothing from this. Max Balance: E$7 510 000 Max AP: 170 B. Mission Two: Michel Fowler Art Museum It is possible to complete this mission without upgrading any of your characters and still make it in less than 4 minutes. Use the following agents, in order Saunders - Fighting, Circuitry Luria - Nothing really...she's just fast! Ling - Fighting, Unlock Archangel - Hacking *It is important that you follow these steps in order. If you gain information leading you to believe "Phantasm" is elsewhere before you actually go to Special Exhibits, you WILL NOT receive a request to steal "Crude Sign," which means no bonus.* Send Saunders to Guardroom, Luria to Special Exhibits, Ling to Archangel, and Archangel to Control Room. Make sure Saunders dispatches the guard in the hallway along his way. As soon as Ling unlocks the door, but before she opens it, send her to Smoking Area. Luria should come to a halt on Security Shudder 6. It's safe to leave her there. As soon as Ling dispatches the guard in the Smoking area, have her go to Warehouse. (If Ling and Archangel get tangled up in the stairway, stop Archangel and Ling will literally walk right through him!) In the Guardroom, Saunders should disable Infrared Sensors 1 and 3, then send him to Gallery A. Security Shutter 5 should be blocking his way, but we'll fix that soon enough. Have Archangel work his magic again in the Control Room, I recommend you Hack first into Terminal 1. You only need to disable Security Shutters 5 and 6 (the rest are already disabled). Finished, send him to Vending Machine 2. Luria should be in the Special Exhibits room. Have her look at Picture. It's not "Phantasm," it's "Crude Sign." The Count tells you that it's your job to look for "Phantasm." A second later, he requests you steal "Crude Sign." Even if you refuse, and the Infrared Sensors are down, you steal it and receive the bonus anyway. Now send Luria to Storage Room. Archangel should arrive at the vending machine so have him give it an Electric Shock. Kicking it will give you nothing, so don't do it. While Archangel is doing that, switch to Saunders who should be waiting at Gallery A and have him Look Around, then Investigate. While he's Investigating, switch to Ling who should have just arrived in the Warehouse and have her Look Around and Investigate Wood Box. While she's Investigating, see what Archangel gets from the vending machine. Then see what Saunders has discovered. Finally see what Ling finds. Press START and send Saunders to Special Exhibits, Ling to Entrance, and Archangel to Lobby. In the event that on her way to Storage Room a big metal door blocks Luria, Archangel should be approaching the other side to open it for her. In the Storage Room, have Luria Investigate, then Look at Filter Paper. Switch to Ling, who should be waiting at the Entrance, and have her Investigate. She finds the almost trashed "Phantasm." The Count calls you to give you a small congrats and has another request. Steal the painting "Woman." You might as well accept the request. Switch to the waiting Saunders and have him Steal the painting. Now hit START and send Saunders, Ling, and Luria to Lobby. When they all arrive, the mission is complete. Variance If you use the above agent order, Saunders and Luria are paired up, but if you go with Saunders, Ling, Luria, and Archangel, Luria is paired up with Archangel. I can't come up with an explanation. Can somebody fill me in? Results Finishing the mission in 10 minutes (±a minute or two) gives you the Contract Fee +E$400 000 000 and Stage AP +80 If you disabled the Infrared Sensors gives you Event AP +20 If you take "Crude Sign," you get Event Income +E$10 000 000 and Event AP +20 If you steal "Woman," you get Event Income +E$10 000 000 and Event AP +30 If you shocked Vending Machine 2, you receive Event Income +E$10 Event AP +5 I assume the all the effort in stealing "Phantasm" gives you Event AP +30 Give Vending Machine 1 a shock gives you nothing Investigating the Director's Office and taking the Sales Contract gives you nothing Opening the Treasure Box in the Director's Office gives you nothing Going to the Men's Locker Room and Unlocking a locker gives you nothing Max Balance: E$620 000 010 Max AP: 185 C. Mission Three: Castle Mondstein After Mission 2, you find out Count Mondstein hasn't paid you. You are prompted to set up a mission for debt collection. Even if you say "NO" Saunders will set it up, anyway. Even though it estimates you 60 minutes to complete the mission, you can take as long as you want, but it can be done in less than 15. Yes, this is one of the two missions that really stumped me. Once again, this mission can be completed without upgrading anything to your agents. Use the following agents, in order Saunders - Unlock, his height Kleopatra - Unlock, her HP Ling - Unlock, her height Luria - Nothing (there are no guards, so it's safe) After the Count's welcome, the fun starts. Have Saunders Spin Around to acquaint himself to the area. This will take just under a minute. When he's finished, send him to Lever 16 (Lever A), and operate it. This opens the cells holding the other agents. The count sends you a map of his castle. Now press START and send Saunders to Scribbled Clue 4, Kleo to Quiet Room, Ling to North Tower F2, and Luria to Count's Bedroom. Saunders will have to Unlock a door on his way. Kleo will stop before a ceiling trap, but tell her to Resume Movement and she gets nailed (don't worry). She will come to a halt at a spear trap. Have Saunders operate the lever (Lever D) to disarm the trap and Kleo's on her way. Send Saunders to Hall. Ling should be stopped by an obstacle, which she can unlock. After Investigating twice, make sure you Stop her so she can regain SP to actually Unlock it. Luria should arrive at the Count's Bedroom and rendezvous with Ling...Ling?! It's the Count in disguise, and he knocks Luria down and give you a map of F3. On Kleo's way, she'll stop at another trap. Tell her to Resume Movement and she'll be at the Quiet Room. In this case, don't Investigate. Order her to Unlock it. Because she isn't very skilled in Unlocking, it may take her upwards to 3 minutes to open the safe. It doesn't matter, let her take all the time she needs, and have her recover her HP when she's done. In the hall, have Saunders Look Around, Investigate, and then Use Dials. If you played this, you would have to look around the castle to figure out the combination, but I'll save you the time. Star - 9, Sun - 1, Moon - 6. This reveals a hidden ladder. Send Saunders to Scribbled Clue 3 and Operate that lever (Lever C). In the North Tower F2, have Ling Look Around then Operate both levers (Levers L and M). Let her stay there for a bit. Have Luria go to and operate both Scribbled Clue 1 and 2 (Levers R and S). Now send her to F3. Wait until Luria moves over the floor trap, and then have Ling operate Lever L. Now send Ling to Scribbled Clue 2. Send Saunders to Scribbled Clue 1. He will be blocked by a wall, so let him wait. Kleo should be finished with the safe, so send her to Scribbled Clue 2. Remember to have her Resume Movement when she stops because of the trap. If you don't, she could be shot to death! A wall should block her. Stop her and let her recuperate. Now all you can do is wait for Ling to get to her destination. When she finally arrives, have her Operate the lever (Lever O). Now the wall blocking Saunders has moved. Resume Movement, and operate the lever (Lever E). Send Saunders to Scribbled Clue and operate that lever (Lever K). Send Saunders to Scribbled Clue 1. When Saunders arrives, have him operate the lever (Lever G) twice, then send him to Scribbled Clue 2 in the same area and operate that lever (Lever H). Send Saunders to Box Room. Kleo should be unobstructed, so order her to Resume Movement. When Kleo comes to a door, don't Investigate it, have her Unlock it (Investigating it twice will make her realize she needs 14 SP to Unlock it, but you only have 10!) Have her operate the lever (Lever F). Now have Ling operate Lever O again, and send her to Scribbled Clue 3. She'll have to unlock a door to get to it. Have her Operate the lever (Lever P) and send her back to Lever O and operate it again. Send Ling to Scribbled Clue and operate the lever (Lever T). (The "Danger" the lever refers to is that whoever (including your agents) walks into Party Area will be hit with the Chandelier.) After a short wait, Saunders arrives in the Box room, operate the Computer. Send Luria to Dueling Room. Luria falls and the Count escapes. Have Luria open Chest 3. Wait a few moments and the Chandelier in the Party Area falls on the Count, and you've completed the mission! The Count is broke, so you have the option to allow him to work to cover his debt to you. Unlike if you said "NO" to set up this mission and it's still set up, if you say "NO" to let Mondstein join you, he won't join! Results: No Contract Fee, No Stage AP, No Time Bonus/Penalty...NO WAY! If you opened the Safe in Quiet Room, you get Event Income +E$3 000 If you opened Treasure Chest 1, you get Event Income +E$500 If you opened Treasure Chest 2, you get nothing If you opened Treasure Chest 3, you get Event AP +10 If you used the Chandelier to subdue the Count, you get Event AP +30 If you hit the Trap Reset lever in the Observation Room, you get Event AP +30 If you fight the Count into submission, you get no bonuses If you Removed the Junk in the Collection Room, you don't get penalized I will assume Event AP +160 comes from dealing with the whole castle. Everything else including reading the Count's and Maid's Dairy gets you nothing extra Max Balance: E$3 000 ($3 500 if you opened Treasure Chest 1) Max AP: 200 (190 if you opened Treasure Chest 1) D. Mission Four: Berlin Institute of Technology Oh yea, this mission can be completed without upgrading you characters and be completed in under 10 minutes. It's not easy, but it can be done. Use the following agents, in order Archangel - Hacking, Computing (there are no guards here, so it's safe) Falloux - Hacking, Computing Saunders - Hacking, Computing, Unlock In this mission, you have to pay special attention to Saunders. If you have him Investigate the voice matchers twice, it will take 18 SP for him to Hack it. Have him use all his SP to Hack or Unlock without Investigating. You only need a minimum of your SP to do this, 10 SP in this case. So make sure he Stops to rest to 10. It really saves time. Also, if Archangel or Falloux stops in front of a door, you have to order them to Investigate twice, Hack, then disable the door. Yea, it's annoying. Send Archangel to Supercomputer 2. When a door blocks him, have him look around and there is a Voice Matching device. Have him Investigate it. A sequence shows the Omega System activating security. Send Falloux to Conference Room 1, Saunders to Guardroom, and Archangel to Supercomputer 2. Saunders will discover there are no guards. Send him to Research Room Hall. When Falloux arrives, have him Look Around then Investigate. Say "YES" to listen. You find out the information is in a Supercomputer. Well, Archangel is already in his way! Send Falloux to Office Warehouse. Archangel should arrive at his destination first. Investigate the Supercomputer twice and Hack it. The Bid Data is not there! Have Archangel wait there. Saunders should be standing around in the Research Room Hall. As soon as his SP reaches 10, send him to Research Room 5. While Saunders is hacking his way in, Falloux should be at the Office Warehouse. Have him Look Around and Investigate. Then send him to Offices. Saunders should have finished Hacking and meets someone. You have the option of attacking him. Don't. Talk to the man three times. Say "YES" to Professor Zutter's request. Switch to Archangel who is still in Supercomputer 2. Have him Investigate More and he finds what Zutter is looking for. Send Archangel to Laboratory 2. Switch to Saunders and have him talk to Zutter once again. Now wait until Saunders' SP is 10 and send him to Research Room 3. When he's in, have him Look Around and Investigate. Send him back to Guardroom. An Electric Barrier should obstruct Falloux. Have him Think and send him to Experiment Prep Room. Look Around, Hack, and activate the Flash Cooler. Send Falloux to Junction 3. Archangel in Laboratory 2 should Look Around, Investigate twice, Hack, Active Refrigerator, Think, and Enter Refrigerator. You've got 2 minutes of being cold. Send him to Special Lab. In the Guardroom, Saunders should have rested to 10 SP. Have him Look Around and Hack into the Alarm System. Have him wait until his SP is 10 again and send him to Office. After he's Hacked his way in, have him rest. Because Archangel is so slow, he will need his two minutes of being cold. Have Falloux Activate the switch in Junction 3. IMPORTANT: As soon as you order him to use the switch, have Archangel on your main screen. Even though Falloux will have a "!" don't switch back to him yet. As soon as Archangel approaches a shut door with a red light over it, switch back to Falloux and the door will open. While Archangel is trekking, pray he still has enough time to bypass the Electric Barrier while cold. Also, you can have Saunders Look Around. Send him to Safe? and Unlock it. If you were good with the timing on Archangel, have him Investigate the Voice Matching Terminal twice and Hack it and send him on his way. Saunders should finished and opened the safe and see what he found (nothing). Once Archangel is in Special Lab, have him Look Around, Investigate twice, Think, and CO2 Laser. Send him to Main Console and Think. Send him back to Special Lab and use YAG Laser. Go back to Main Console and Hack into it. Mission Complete. Results Finishing the mission in 25 minutes (±a minute or two) gives you the Contract Fee +E$30 000 000 and Stage AP +50 If you used the refrigerator technique, you get Event AP +30 If you opened the Office Safe, you get Event Income +E$819 and Event AP +20 If you agreed to Zutter's request and gave him the information, you get Event Income +E$2 000 000 and Event AP +30 If you agreed to Zutter's request and did NOT give him the information, you get Event Income +E$2 000 000 and Event AP +0 If you attacked Zutter, you get Event Income +E$0 and Event AP +10 Making voice print passwords and using them, disabling the Electric Barriers in Supercomputer 1, opening the safe in the Medical Warehouse, opening the doors in Super High and Low Temp Labs, breaking into the other research rooms, or anything else gives you nothing. Max Balance: E$47 000 819 Max AP: 130 E. Mission Five: Berlin Institute of Technology You guessed it; this mission can be completed without upgrading your agents and still be done in a shade under 6 minutes. Use the following agents, in order Archangel - Hacking, Computing Falloux - Hacking, Computing Saunders - Hacking, Circuitry You can swap the first two agents; their insertion points are in the same room. After dealing with you communication problems and confronting a mysterious agent, you begin the mission. Send Saunders to Professor Messer. The other agents can hold their positions. Enroute to the Messer's office, Evans notes how unusually easy it was to get this far. Resume Movement on Saunders. When he arrives, Maelbranch call you up and suggest you destroy the security deterrents. Good advice. Send Saunders to Professor Holtzen, Archangel to Voice Matcher 21, and Send Falloux to Card Lock 13, if he hasn't gone to it automatically. Saunders should Look Around, Investigate, and Investigate Mail. Send him to Office. When Archangel has finished destroying the Voice Matcher, send him to Supercomputer Room 1. When Falloux finishes, send him to General Library. When Saunders arrives at the Office, have him Look Around and send him to Electric Box?. Don't bother Investigating it; order him to use his Spy Skills to deal with it. Trust me, it saves time. A door should be blocking Archangel, so have him destroy the Voice Matcher to let him move on. An Electrical Barrier should be blocking Falloux. Order him to Stop so he can regain some SP. Once in the Supercomputer Room, have Archangel Look Around, Investigate, and then Hack the Supercomputer. When he's done, send him to Voice Matcher 27. The barrier is gone, so Resume Movement on Falloux. When Saunders is finished working on the Electric Box, send him to Voice Matcher 16. When he arrives at the door with a red light over it, order him to Stop so he can regain his SP. After Falloux destroys the Card Lock, he's in the General Library. Look Around and send him to Institute Records. Look Around and Investigate Data. Finished, send him to Control Terminal 1. When Archangel destroys Voice Matcher 27, send him to the following, and keep in mind that you have to let him rest to regain his SP. Send him to Voice Matcher 29. When he destroys that, send him to Voice Matcher 14. When that's destroyed, send him to Voice Matcher 25. This process will take the remainder of the mission. While Archangel is doing all that, when Falloux arrives at the Control Terminal, have him Operate it. Resume Movement on Saunders. Send Falloux to Voice Matcher 26 and destroy it. Then Send him to Supercomputer Room 2. After Saunders destroys the Voice Matcher, send him to Main Console. After dodging the laser, send Saunders to Laser Lab. Look around, Investigate, go to Terminal?, Investigate it, and Operate Command. You need 3D Coordinates. So.... Have the waiting Falloux in Supercomputer Room 2 Look Around, Investigate, and Hack. When he's finished, go back to Saunders and Operate Command. After the laser sequence is over, send him back to Main Console, Look Around, and Copy Data. Mission Complete. Variances If you send a male to Copy Data in the Main Console, Sophie will reveal herself. If sent Falloux, he confronts her. If you send a female, Sophie does not show up. Nothing else is affected with whomever you choose to Copy Data. Silly Luria She's always available to do something not part of the mission. Obviously, to make better use of her in this mission, you may want to upgrade her Hacking skills. No other agent will perform the following: If you send her to Social Hall, Look Around, send her to Cafe Area, Look Around, send her to Vending Machine Room, Look Around, and Investigate, she will look at each of the vending machines and find change! $120 is a lot of change, ya know? If you send her to Waste Disposal, Look Around, and Investigate, she will face you and ask you a question. It's funny to answer wrong. Answering right or wrong does not affect anything. Smart Archangel I have to make sure, but in either this mission or the previous one, if you send Archangel to the Records Room, Look Around, and Investigate, he'll make a crack at Remmy. Results Finishing the mission in 25 minutes (±a minute or two) gives you the Contract Fee +E$200 000 000 and Stage AP +100 Destroying a Voice Matcher/Card Lock gives you Event AP +10. There are a total of ten such devices Opening the Office Safe, making contact with Zutter, or anything else gives you nothing. Max Balance: E$300 000 120 Max AP: 200 F. Mission Six: Kowloon II G. Mission Seven: Microware R&D Lab H. Mission Eight: Fort Knox II I. Mission Nine: Fort Knox II J. Mission Ten: Herzlichware Headquarters IX. Recognitions/Thanks None yet. I'd personally would like some help in determining what actions give you how much E$ and AP bonuses, but I doubt anyone else would put as much effort into this game as I have so far. Also, I don't really want to write a profile for the characters, so anyone want to fill that in for me?