Guilty gear X : By your side "Guilty Gear" Now connect to Guilty Gear X PLUS. ----------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>"How to play as Zato-1one"<<<<< ----------------------------------------------------------------- Platform: Playstation 2 Produced by: Arc system work Published by: Sammy Ver. 1.6 The Author: Demonrugal E-mail -- GODRUGAL11@HOTMAIL.COM About FAQ version: 1.6 --Add New combo list, technics ,Gold characters chart...anything. 1.5 -- Add more strats. And fix theater mode. FULLY update my FAQ. 1.4 -- Fix text format. Fix some quotes and grammar 1.3 -Now linking to GGX+ , By add STORY section. Complete all text in theater. 1.2 -Add many new stuff, Fix some problem. Add theater. 1.1 -Add new technics, Add and cut something. 1.0 -Add index. Tips, Quotes and fix some problem. The true version of my FAQ, Enjoy. 0.1 -Finish writing the FAQS. Beta test for Gamefaqs board. >Disclaimer< This Zato-1one faq is written by ME. An unorthorized use at anyway are prohibited. If you want to use my work at the other places, Just post or mail me , Then I will give it to you. We can talk. This FAQ is for loving memory to my brother, Friend and Cousins. Who give me the details and play this game with me. Thanks everyone. ------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS. ------------------------------------- : Characters's Section -Who is Zato-1one. -GGX system -Controlling -Index -Character's moves :Technics Section. -Zato-1one pattern and main combo -Basic technics -Advance technics :Strategies Section. -Change in GGMode -Zato-1one weakness -Strategies -Tips: Fight against CPU and others characters -GGX+ story and endings. :Omake Section -Zato's speech and quotes -Ex : Zato and millia theater. -Credits Welcome to Zato-1one faq. Oh, This is my very 1st time about making faqs. You can mail me if it's too bad. That's why I can fix this up. Sorry. Zato one is the coolest and the strongest character in the game, And he's the hardest to learn too. Why? Read this!!! ------------------------------------------------- ///////: Character's Section://///// ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- /////--Who is Zato-1one. ------------------------------------- Zato-1one is the leader of an organization of assassins , Who gained and ability to manipulate shadows in exchange for his vision. Originally he's a lower assasin, He gained new power through a forbidden ritual, Which allow him to rise to his presentposition, he repeated the last tournament took their toll on him, And the shadow seized control of his body. The shadow was cognizant that it was created as a weapon and its intention of murder and destruction were only programmed instinct. It had developed the will of its own- the ability to break away from it's cursed fate. This newborn soul could not understand humans, And it was fill with loneliness. Where in search for others like it. The shadow come across the rumor of the gears. So his organization doubt him, And his most-trustful man, Venom. Is that real Zato ? -Zato-1one's stage , Nirvana. -BGM : Feel a Fear. -Character's theme. -----If you're float, You're a dead meat!! --Zato-1one ---------------------------- /////--GGX system. Must know for Zato-1one player. ---------------------------- An old story Eh? But These are must-know for all who want to play this game and survive throught any difficulties. -Gatling Combination. Similar manual combo that can be done by many characters. (Few can't) By press. ----P > K > S > HS ; End combo by some moves which quick enough to hit. - Faultless Guard. ( While guard ; Hold P+K) While normal guard can take guard damage. This one can't . By using some Tension gauge, This guard type can't take guard damage .,or very less. Remember you can guard Anti-Air attack by using this. -Tension Gauge. It's a meter on the bottom of the screen. Collect 1 gauge and you're be able to use Overdrive moves. Or Faultless guard, And Roman Cancel. Tension gauge can build up easily by running toward to your enemy. (Aggressive) If you're turtling for a while, Negative Penalty will begin. -Roman Cancel (At every moves ; Press Any 3 buttons) This one allow you to cancel any moves you want. You can make your incredible manual combo here. However I do not recommend this for Zato-1one player. It's useless for you. -Dust Attack ( S+HS) This moves can open your special Air combo. Hard and take a long time to begin but it's worth. -Dead Angel Attack . (While guard , Fw S +HS) Same as dust attack but use as counter moves. Can use while guarding. -Negative Penalty. If you're sucks. All your Tension gauge is gone. That's all!!! -Cancel An old technics, By simunaleously press the button and then cancel to the other moves, Like Gatling combination. By pressing "Command" button while Gatling combo didn't finish. Like. P > K > S > (Press and hold Bw. ) > Release to Qcf + S Now you'll be able to use "combo". -Link Like Cancel but cancel to Overdrives. Like most of fighting games around. It requirement some practice and some skill. Every move need the right time to link together. Like Run HS > Link to Qcb, F + HS However this special combo deal damage lesser than Overdrive alone, But it worth to practice, Or be FINISH. -Run and Jump Tap F and holf Fw, Then Press Up. Your character will perform "Run and jump" , This jump can jump toward opponent's head. -High jump By Tap Chr and simunaleously press Up. Your characters will perform High jump. It's very high but have long recover time and You can't perform double or triple jump at all. -Jump skill Every characters have Jump skill, It's guarantee that all characters have Double jump. But some characters have triple jump. You can do it by number to number. (See the detail later) -Air dash While jumping ,Press F,Fw . You can do it only by number to number. What's Number to number? EX: Dizzy can do triple jump ( I I I ) Now you want to do do her Double jump. = Press Up, Up But now you want her to perform Air dash too. Now you can Tap F, Fw. ONLY ONCE. Because you use 2 number at Double jump. Still confuse? You can take it as your chocalate bar in your refrigerator. You have 3 bars and you eat 2 bars, There's one left and you can give it to your brothers, Or you can eat it, Got that? ----Note : For advance section, (Later) You may need some of these advance technics, It may help you sometimes you want. -Buffering Actually is the link from your overdrive to another overdrive. You must remember your overdrive's pattern and practice to link it together. -Dash break By using Faultless Guard while running (Perform running, Press P + K Instantly) , This will keep yourself alive from some scrub. -The cheapest cancel (Faultless defense cancel - FDC) Use 2 hit Gatling combo, Then end it by Chr + S + HS , This must touch the opponent and then immediately press Bw + P + K (Faultless guard) , The character will recover from their Gatling very fast. And can do many things. This technics is MUST for Zato. -High-Jump cancel Based on guilty gear mode but you can use it in normal mode if you can cancel it fast enough. Ok, K.I.S.S ... Run, Fw + HS, Now Tap Chr and then press Jump very fastly!!! , If it's correct now you can jump to the air and can do some combo to your opponent while they're floating in the air. Good technics -Fall back cancel. Maybe this one is too complicated to anyone who's newbie or beginner. First, You must remember your character can perform Double-jump and after that your character will fall without any exception (Except for some characters, Who can perform Triple-Jump) 1. First, Use S+HS . Jump K>S 2. Then Press Semi-Up or Up immediately (and press K and S again.) 3. Your character shold fall to the floor and your opponent should floating in the air. 4. Perform any Anti-Air or folow them to your Air combo , (From 1. -- Press Chr+HS > Qcf+S > Jump...) You may use these Technic follow with High-Jump cancel ,Air-Dash cancel or Anything. Even any moves which has "Aerial" element are welcome, too (Fw + HS or Chr +HS) *Note : Your opponent can do their Air recovery at anytime, If you MISS or what you did is NOT a combo. -Air-Dash cancel. Similary to Fall back cancel. Easier to perform but easy to miss and very hard to connect. First. Use any moves that has "Aerial" opponent (Fw+HS) Then, Press Semi-Up (Jump) and Fw,Fw (Run)VERY immediately. You'll connect to your Air combo. Follow it with above technic, Or else... -------------------------- //////-Controlling. -------------------------- Zato-1one is different from the others characters, This guy is slowpoke, You can't use him at offensive at all. But how he works? Read this. //Stand --P = Jab -- Fw + P = Spike jab --Close S = Shadow Rope --Far S = Shadow bite ---Can cancel to Special moves. --K = Low kick --HS = Triple serpents --Fw + HS = Shadow arms * //Chouching --P = Low Jab --S = Edy's spike --K = Shodow kick --HS = Shadow shark * //Jumping --P = Edy's Jab --S = Edy's wing --K = Edy's kick --HS = Edy's head //Dust attack --S+HS = Zato's kick --Chr + S + HS = Zato's sweep * These moves are UNGUARDABLE in the air, But have more time to recovery ,So be careful if you want to use it. //---Special Attack. -Invite Hell -- (Close) D,D + S (Far) D,D + HS -Break the Law -- Qcb + K (Remain undercover) -- Hold K (Move) -- Press direction button (Right or Left.) -Summon Edy -- Qcf + P or S or K (The following button affect Edy's moves at first) - P = Edy's Jab - S = Edy's Uppercut * - K = Edy's Saw - HS = Edy's mines = Drill Special -- Can use while summon Edy only - Call back , Push the SAME command as you summon Edy. (Ex: You call Edy saw, If you use call back , Press Qcf + K again.) Edy's mines need 3 sec. to release. Unlike the others, You can't summon him to do this at first . If you do this, Edy's moves will end Edy's moves need "Perform" gauge. S and K eat up 30% of Gauge bar, P eat 10% and HS use ALL. When Peform gauge is out, The time gauge will count. You can't summon Edy at that moment. Til the time was over. -Shadow Shield -- Qcb + S ( Reflect opponent's fireball back) -Circle of Hell -- Dp + S ( Unguardable) -Flying ---While jumping-- Hold Up //Overdrives moves ( Need 1 Tension gauge.) -Executor -- On Air -- Qcf x 2 + S -Amorphous -- Hcb , F + HS -Demon Eruption -- While summon Edy -- Hcb, F + S //Destroyed Moves -Black in Mind -- P+S+K+HS , Qcf x 2 +HS ( Very close range, But blockable) Remember: Some Normal moves can't be guard while in the air, You may use these moves as an Anti-Air as well. //Index: -P = Punch motion -K = Kick motion -S = Low Slash -HS = High Slash -Chr = Chrouching. -Fw = Forward -F = Tap Forward (Too) -Dp = Capcom's Dragon punch motion. ( Fw, Chr , Semi-Fw + S) -Hcb = Half circle backward -Hcf = Half circle forward -Qcf = Quarter circle forward -Qcb = Quarter circle backward -While jumping = This moves can be perform in the air only -Overdrives = Super moves. Need Tension gauge to perform -Perform gauge = When you summon Edy, perform gauge will appear. one action and you'll lose perform gauge. -P = 2/10 -S = 3/10 -K = 3/10 -HS = All If your perform gauge is out. Edy will disappear. Only HS can't perform if your perform gauge stock is 40% left. Edy will disappear instanly. Or take hit / Guard hit/ Edy himself. He'll disappear. If he dissapear . All you do is just WAIT. You can't summon Edy if perform gauge is FULL. NOTE: REMEMBER ZATO DON'T NEED COMBO. HE'S THE MASTER OF ILLUSION. ALL TECHNICS HERE IS **NOT** A COMBO. NO GUARANTEE ABOUT IT ALWAYS WORK. But for me is... I can beat Very hard mode without using any continue and without Destroy moves. Teehee. -------------------------------------------- ///////:Technics Section://///// -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- /////-Zato-1one pattern and main combo. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This guy is *actually* some kind of scrub. But it's OK ,None blame you if you do it that way by using Zato, He's slowpoke and have a lot of weak point. But if you mastered him... Even someone who fast and annoying as hell like Chipp can't step to you. Do you believe? -First, Know his Gatling combination. P > K > S > S = 5 hit combo. Remember his Stand K attack "Lower" part of the enemy. This combo is useful against all opponent. -Second, End his Gatling combination by Invite Hell (Close) or (Far) P > K > S > S , Invite Hell (Close) The reason why using Invite Hell is... You must keep them at that position, Be guard or be screw. HAHAHAH!!! -Third, Learn to keep them at bay. By using your Gatling combination TO KEEP THEM AWAY. You got that? DO NOT allow them to come near you. By keep them away from your distance and then... -Fourth, How to use Invite Hell effective. Some call it "Useless" , Man ,I'm so happy when i screw them up with this. It's not always work but surely it's annoying. How? Remember (Close) is 1/3 of full screen and (Far) is 1/2. If your opponent at that position. It's guarantee that they must be hit! Or they must guard. And the next... Invite cage. Keep your opponent away and look at their position. Then release Invite Hell (Close) and (Far) at once. It's guarantee that they can't move for a while. If they jump, Do Fw+HS or Chr + HS. Or you may guard and escape. -Fifth, Edy... We need you. Maybe Edy is Zato's best move. By order him and go combine with him, Remember all command and stances. But be sure you've knocked your opponent down or stun. If not, You may call him to use Edy's Mine only. -Sixth, Amorphous Can cancel from HS. You may use another button . But it's no guarantee and need very- fast technics and cancel, So i recommended HS to you. This moves can deal a lot of guard damage and has priorty about 1/2 of the screen. But be sure they didn't come too close, Or it's useless. If you need to offensive, It's predict about risking yourself more than keep standing. I do not recommended you to do this against REAL people. Only Testament and some people can be beat by this technics. Now let's see. Run-Jump HS , Stand P > K > S , HS and Invite Hell (Far) Or Run-Jump > Use Circle of Hell. What a newbie technics. But be careful. It's not what you just saw. Now for the next.... Technics section. --------------------------------- /////-Basic Technics. --------------------------------- After you know his pattern, Now this is his normal technics. 1. All you must learn is his gatling combination are completely different from the others, While the others can do P>K>S>HS , You can't do that , Because you're too slow and can use only P>K>S , And then cancel to D,D + S or HS. You can use Gatling only at Chr + P >S Stand HS ONLY. 2. His Invite Hell ( D,D + S or HS) Has 2 range,Is small-Drill which out from nowhere. One is close and one is Far. Close is 1/3 of the screen and Far is 1/2 . This moves is MUST for end your Gatling combination or you can use it to cancel the other's moves. Or use Invite cage. 3. No need about Anti-Air moves, Since you can perform Fw+HS or Chr+HS to keep your opponent away, There's no need to jump. 4. Amorphous (Hcb, F + HS) is 100% counter moves, And you're invisible while doing this, Use it wisely and you're unbeatable. Can link from HS or Fw+HS 5. Summon Edy with K can keep opponent away. With P can cancel their moves. S is an Anti-Air moves and HS is to do nothing. 6. Be turtling, No one blame you if you're Zato. He's slowpoke and anyone knew this. So Walk around and use his moves as much as you can. 7. Cover your slow recovery point by Edy, He can help A LOT. 8. Remember all button while summon Edy can cause affect to Edy. DO NOT put HS if you don't need Edy mines , It'll cancel. 9. Hide under Edy mines. It's guarantee they can't jump to hit you. 10. Circle of Hell is UNGUARDABLE . you can use this to cancel opponent's moves. Since it's easy to perform. It's RULEZ!!! 11. You can't perform Amorphous while summon Edy, Only he's in MINES form. Because your Edy will transform to his MINES form. Arrgghh These technics is MUST. Learn this you could survive throught Nomal difficulties. then go to Advance section. ------------------------------------- /////--Advance technics. ------------------------------------- This is what Zato's player want. A completely dirt trick about Zato-1one which can keep your opponent away and kick their butt easily. You'll find out when you've mastered him. 1. Invite Hell can completely erase fireball's ability. That's right!! All you must do is... P>K>S , HS , Invite hell (Close) and (Far). Or Chr P > K > HS The reason is Invite hell can stick your opponent at bay, Little moving or I will drill your ass like a chicken. And they can't use fireball against you as well. Even Sol's Dragon Breathe can be erase by this. 2. Summon Edy is the perfect way to slaughter your enemy. Remember to keep them at bay with Edy Saw (K) and then go combine!! Plus you may cancel to Demon Eruption (Hcb, F + S While summon Edy) by K or Zato's S. 3. You don't need to combo your opponent, Just keep them away and the rest is Drill or Edy. Unlike the others , Zato is fearful from his Invite hell ,Since it appear out from nowhere, Your opponent doesn't know how it comes. Keep S and D,D+S , Then call Edy saw (K) , If the position is right you may combine with your Edy. 4. Edy is MUST. If your opponent jump in. You may call Edy uppecut (S) , And then go combine, With right combine, Zato can deal more than 50% damage at once. Qcf + S, Jump, S , Fw+ HS , S , Waiting for Drill comes. 5. Break the law (Qcb+K) can use to escape everything. The only weakness is recovery point from remain undercover. BTW you can move by this, It's more safety than normal move. 6. Circle of Hell (Dp+S) can use from Break the law, There's no recovery point in this moves. Use Break the law and let them eat your unguardable Circle of Hell. It's 100% safety if your opponent are in recovery point of some moves. EX: Break the Law (Hold K) > Near opponent > Release K > Dp + S 7. Use Buffer (See advance.) between THESE. Summon Edy > Demon Eruption > (Chr + HS) > Amorphous !!! A deadly combo! (Note: Need A LOT of practice!) 8. Dust Attack. + Executor Zato-1one's dust attack is deadly. He can link his Executor (Qcf x 2 + S) in this direction. F, S+HS, Jump Forward. P>S>Hs > Qcf x 2 + S 9. Edy and Invite hell can buy you some times to escape, Especially at the corner. Or you can use them to cover your weak point. *10. Combine Zato ,Edy and Invite Hell at once!! It works! Remember this and you can use many combo as you want. By yourself. EX: Summon Edy jab , Stand P > S > S , Jump P> K > S > S 11. If you try to offensive, Practice Dash break and Air dash, Then Jump HS > P > K > S . HS > Invite Hell (Far) , Keep enemy at bay and they can't do anything! 12. In GG mode. You can Link this combo. Stand Fw + HP > Jump-cancel and > P > S > Executor. >>Be sure you are defensive and always start your combo by P, Not S or HS >>like the others. 13. Invite Hell cheap trick. - Naked invite Hell (Without combo) = opponent will float in short period. So? You can use air combo there or link to Amorphous!! 14. Demon eruption's Gateway. -Demon Eruption (While summon Edy , Press Hcb,Fw+S --SP) is the move that someone called "useless" ,but what is this moves exactly? This moves can cancel from any position. After it connect. Ypur opponent should floating in the air (Like Fw+HS) After this, You can lin to your air combo, Jump-cancel or anyhing. Because this moves have shorter recovery time than Amorphous, But deal less damage. EX: - Qcf+K --- While Edy Rip them ,Cancel to Hcb,Fw+S = Float!! 15. Time bomb combo. -By using Edy in bis mine form. This technic's second name is "A fool's trap" First, Using Qcf+HS and press HS (mine) Then go forth and combo, Or do anything that keep your opponent THERE. (This technic is what bring me good. By using Invite hell and Fw+HS, Even Dp+S is allow. Because Edy mine can deal damage TWICE with any moves) For Advance technics, You need some skill to play as these tricks. Some tricks need very-fast cancel speed to perform. Be train. ---------------------------------------------- ///////:Strategies Section://///// ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- /////--Change in GG mode ----------------------------------------- -His Invite hell (D.D + S or HS) can be perform in air. -Executor ( Qcf x 2 + S) Has long recovery point. This means he's pretty good in GGMode. I remember my friend's face when I start using Invite Hell (D,D + S or HS) in the air, Pretty Good moves. -Can start Air combo by Fw+HS. (GGX+) Change in Gold Zato. -More damage, Especially for Circle of hell and Amorphous, Deal 50% damage. -More Stamina. -More speed. -Tension gauge grow VERY quickly. -Infinite Edy gauge. There's no Perform gauge (See charaters moves section) -Can set his mines frequently. Qcf + HS > Qcf + HS ... , So use many K or S as you want. It's free!! This guy is Lv.100 character!!! Sammy told you how good he is! -------------------------------------------- /////-Zato-1one weak point. -------------------------------------------- 1. Low health, Since this guy is tactical character and he's the only one who can deal a lot of damage without any cancel or Overdrives, His stamina was Low. 2. Slowpoke, One mistake and you will be murder by Brutal Sol or the others like him in few second. Just know what're you trying to do and what are you doing. That's the way. 3. Long recovery point at every moves, be wise to use some button. You may cover this by summon Edy. He can buy you some times and make you escape. 4. There's no run, There's no gauge. Whoh!!! aggressive rules. 5. You're not AIR characters, Only your dust attack, You don't need to jump. 6. DO NOT play as offensive.(If it's not that important) learn enemy's pattern, then stay there. And wait for their comes. --------------------------- /////--Strategies. --------------------------- YES, The most important thing in this FAQ. Now I'll show you what powerful He is. But there's something you MUST remember. 1. Invite Hell - (Close) Ranged is 1/3 of screen. Connect after P or S or K , I mean If you use S , You may use (Close) To keep Them away. Or (Far) again to trick them. -(Far) Ranged is 1/2 of screen. Connect after HS or Gatling combination ONLY , Do not use this too much. 2. Anti-Air tricks. Remember? Zato-1one can use his "Normal moves" as "Special moves" , To Anti your Opponent when they jump in. - Fw + HS ( Shadow Hand) This moves has priorty enough to sweep any opponent near you and jump-in opponent. But have Long-time to recovery. Use it when they jump in ,after invite Hell or Summon Edy ONLY. Or you'll kill yourself, By allowing them to come near you. - Chr + HS ( Shadow shark) This one have short Priorty . But come out very fast, Faster than Fw + HS but you CAN'T Attack enemy on the ground at all. Use them when they jump-in ONLY , No comment for New player about this. - Edy Uppercut ( Qcf + S) For Edy. This one is the most important moves. This moves has priorty about 1/3 of screen and COVER all height screen. (Like Anti-Air moves). This one is more safety than Fw + HS. I recommended every player to use this one more than Fw + HS How can I know? There's one challenge in GGX+, Petit level. The game will challenge you to play as Millia. With CURSED . Can't jump and do any specials. Your opponent is Zato Lv.32 (I think.) It's hard but... The way to beat him is waiting for his Fw + HS, Now he open himself. Then he lose. - Amorphous Yes, An Anti-Air. This overdrives has priorty ALL ? screen. Can't evade even jump, Deal a lot guard damage and 100% counter. This move is the DEADLIEST. You can use this after HS or Summon Edy and cancel him to Mines. If you summon Edy. You can't use this moves, Only Demon Eruption. - Demon Eruption (While Summon Edy ONLY) Again, This one is an Anti-Air moves. Can cancel from Edy Saw or Uppercut. If you fast enough.) This moves has priorty 1/3 of the screen. Short ranged and not powerful as Amorphous. But if you can link from your combo... Deal more than 50% damage! 3. Air combo skill. Zato sucks in this one. He's too slow . Always use dust attack ONLY if you want to deal more damage. Combo from Edy uppercut deal mere damage. The most important thing is cancel to Executor, Deal more than 40% damage. 4. Edy mines. Just for newbie and for Brutal user. Especially for Chipp. This moves work perfectly if... -Your enemies are at the corner, While you hammered them. -Colony , Nirvana stage. ( Colony's right angle and Nirvana's rock) -Against all Brainless Brutal characters. They keep smashing you and... Combo & Srats charts. All tricks are explain by "charts" -which explain to you like a "root" Or "way" Like... - Stand HP, Summon Edy Saw... Then, If opponent guard. Tap P, P (Edy jab) to cancel their moves. And use HP to get Them out of there. Or, If they hit, Be sure you push K (Edy Saw) and then jump. This will make your opponent Jump or trying to use their Anti-Air moves. Then use faultless guard. Then, If position is right. ... ? (During Edy Saw), S, S (Now they should be uppercut by Edy), Jump S, S. Ok, Let's see. There's many ways to play as Zato-1one. All are belong to your enemy. "They're offensive or not?" And always remember about he's slowpoke . DO NOT think you can manage to beat someone without his Edy. He don't need combo. Just keep them at bay and screw them by Invite Hell and Edy OK? Now let's see!! --If they come near you. This chart will tell you about "How to keep them at bay and beat'em" This may not a combo but it can screw their @ss perfectly. P > S > Chr+S > Invite Hell (Close) -If they hit, Use Invite Hell (Far) for more damage -- If they guard, Start Summon Edy by K, And then let it rip. Press S if they try to jump. --- Your opponent are ducking, Summon Edy by P , Use Edy Mines by HS, Then remain undercover by Break the law. Your opponent surely jump to somewhere else. - If they jump, Stand up and do Fw + HS. -- If they ducking and try some moves (Similary S or HS or some moves.) Wait for a while and stand up with Circle of Hell. Their jaws are dropping, See? Or you may do P > K > S ,HS* > Invite Hell (Far) > Summon Edy Saw. * Out of combo but can't counter at all. 2. Now this is for " I see you running to kiss my Edy." This work against all brutal user. Stand for a while. Hold Chr ; P > K > HS > Invite Hell( Far) - If your opponent do Recovery, Stop Invite Hell at first and do Fw + HS or Chr + HS. Good job Zato. -- If they recovery and try some physical damage (Sol's Ground Viper). Summon Edy Saw to cover you or Use Invite Hell (Close) to cancel their moves. You may use Invite Hell (far) to deal more damage. --- After HS you can cancel to Amorphous. If your opponent are offensive, Just do this. It's 100% counter. Good job against offensive player. (Not too close) ----- You may use Break the law and escape if your opponent can evade all and come too close. Then waiting for your chance to strike back. Or Jump HS > P > K > S > Invite Hell( Close) > Invite Hell (Far) 3. Mines trick. This is my favorite technics. Because Edy mines can deal a lot of damage and can't be destroy. This is very deadly. Stand S > Summon Edy Saw > Edy mines > Go forward to keep your enemy at bay by Invite Hell (Close) or jump HS > Break the law > Circle of Hell -If your opponent ducking. Throw them to your Mines!!! --Circle of Hell can deal damage twice with Edy Mines. --- Some users can't see Mines. They keep smash you and see what's going on? This moves can deal damage at every position. But have 5-6 second to release. Use it wisely . Or it's mean nothing. 4. Edy's turn. "Learning combo seems pointless?" , Come on ! If you mastered Zato, The whole new world will open for you. Each combo and tricks here deal more than 40% damage (If it works perfectly) So, Learn them. Start combo by HS. Then , It hit your enemy. Summon Edy by P or K. Only Edy can keep your opponent at bay. Be sure Eddy Saw hit your enemy, Run forward and combine all attack with him. - The easiest way to use this trick against the other is... Stand HS > * Edy Saw > Press P > S , Hold S, Run Fw + P > S This combo take more than 30% damage. Or If they guard, Just stop there and use Invite Hell by the range. Then If they Sit and Guard, Be sure you use Edy S to cover you. Then Jump HS and Do the combo again. - (Continue) Run Chr + P > K > HS , Invite Hell (Close) > Fw + HS - (If guard) Go back and use Invite Hell. ( Invite cage technics. See in technics. sec.) - (If jump) Do anything that can Anti-air. Your opponent surely use Faultless guard. So? If your Edy still there, Use S to upper them and HS to set him to Mines. - All technics can change to THESE. Edy Saw > Zato S > Invite Hell (Close) and (Far) Edy Saw > Zato S > Demon Eruption Edy Uppercut > Break the Law > Let Edy Rip their @ss while you're remain undercover. ( P, K, S, S, HS) Edy Saw > Invite Hell > Edy Mines > S > Zato HS Edy Saw > Run Forward + S > Invite Hell (Close) > Fw+HS * Stand Fw + P > S > HS , Summon Edy Saw, Run P > S > Press and Hold HS. (Now Edy should be in Mines form) , HS > Amorphous * Stand P > K > S > HS , Summon Edy saw , Run P > S > S (Now Edy should uppercut your opponent) Then jump P > S > S > Executor * Chrouching P > K > S , Invite Hell (Close) , Run S , Press and Hold S , Jump HS -----New combo from GGX+ Need: 1.Jump-cancel 2.High-Jump cancel 3.Cancel moves 4.Buffer 5.Faultless Defense cancel *Note Qcfx2 is Executor. -SP Is SUPER MOVES ---Everywhere combo Can use to open any combo, Very effective. NEED : CANCEL 1. Run K >S ,Chr + S+HS , Qcf + K 2. Run , Chr + P>S>HS >Invite Hell (Low) , Run Chr + K , Qcf + HS ... (Corner) 3. S > Chr+HS ,Qcf +S -High-Jump cancel S>HS (Qcf x 2 + S) (Dust combo) 1 gauge 4.S+HS ,Jump HS>K>K>P>K>S>HS, Qcf x 2 (SP) SET COMBO --MUST set Edy mines FIRST (Qcf+HS and HS) *Note : Hcb,Fw+S is DEMON ERUPTION : Hcb,Fw+HS is AMORPHOUS Tricky combo 1.Qcf + HS (Not set MINES) Close Dp+S , After Ball explode Press S, (uppercut) Fw+HS, Hcb,Fw+S (SP),Chr+HS, cancel to Hcb,Fw+HS (SP) (Corner) 1 gauge 2.Qcf+HS Set HS Run S>HS ,Invite Hell (low) Run-Jump HS , Qcfx2+S (SP) 3.Qcf+HS Set HS Run P>HS>Hcb,Fw+HS 4.Qcf+HS Set HS Run P>S Chr+S Run HS , High Jump cancel K>HS> Qcfx2+S(SP) If your opponent's height is enough... Fw+P Jump K>S>HS ,Qcfx2+S (SP) FDC combo : Run S ,Chr+S , Chr S+HS >Invite Hell (low) ,Hcb,Fw+HS (SP) ULTIMATE DIZZY COMBO Needed 2 gauge to perform. Corner Run , Chr + P>S Stand HS , Qcf + K Run P>S>S (When Edy uppercut) Cancel to Hcb,Fw+S(SP) Run and Chr+HS, Hcb,Fw+HS (SP) (Dizzy) Run and press HS , Hcb.Fw+HS or use DESTROYED moves Some are NOT a combo, It just a technics. But work VERY well against human players. Why? Because it's 78% that they will guard your Edy Saw, Then they jump and try to slash you. So? Let them eat your Anti-Air or your Invite Hell. This moves is come out from nowhere and it's REALLY hard to see. These tricks can beat even Johnny's mofo , 13-Hit player Millia and Annoy Chipp. They did call me "Mr.Driller!" There's more than 108 ways to play as Zato EFFECTIVE. Shut up all the player and let them see how good Zato is. Uh... Did you knew this? The winner team of GGX 3 on 3 in Japan... Their team is... Johhny, Millia and... ZATO!!! Shut up people, Read my FAQ and play. You'll know how good he is. Don't concentrate yourself about... "I can beat this game in Very Hard mode. Without any continue" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /////--Tips: Fight against CPU and the others ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU Zato is some kind of jokes. This is the reason why anyone didn't interest in him. Just watch out for his Fw+HS ,Drill special, Circle of Hell and Amorphous. Even on Very Hard mode he's a jokes too. Poor AI. Poor Zato. Against: this will tell you HOW to beat other characters. I will recommend about "dangerous" moves at the bottom of their name. Sol : Quiet hard but not that hard. be remain undercover by Break the Law. then Circle of hell. (Need Luck) Or you can perform Invite Hell to cancel his moves. Edy saw and uppercut is a good choice.(Brutal player need to run and slash you) It's so eaaasssyyyyy... -- Bandit revolver and Ground Viper. Ky : For me he's nothing. Since Ky is the one who really lack of power. You may use your simple combo and some cancel to beat him. Circle of Hell is MUST. You may use Shadow shield to reflect his fireball. But i recommend you to use Invite hell (close) and (far) at far range. -- His Overdrives Chipp : About @ blade, The moves which go toward from angle to angle. Waiting at the corner and be sure NOT TO waste your moves. (It'll discover your weak point.) Good combo and then he dies. -- Illusion Slash (Qcb + K ) and Air Alpha blade. Potemkin : Stay away and use Invite Hell (Close and far) To cancel his Hold Bw , Fw+ HS. Edy is MUST to beat this guy. -- His WALL overdrives and his Hold Bw , Fw + HS Baiken : Be sure NEVER use some combo that easy to counter. ( Like S button) . I recommend you to use Circle of hell or Edy. CPU sucks but player didn't. Be warn. -- Her counter moves. And Triple slash overdrives. Axl : Now you can play as offensive. Because this guys is MUCH slower than you but he have better range. Keep jump HS and gatling combo. Be sure you didn't come too close. Circle of hell is your best choice. -- His Bomb moves and Fw + HS (Really!) Venom : Use circle of hell and invite hell at right position. Reflect his fireball back by Shadow shield. If he use dead Angel ball. You use Break the law against him. Heehee. -- His teleport and his Air overdrives, Dead Angel Ball means nothing to me. Johnny : Again, offensive this time. If he use Mist finer. You may use your Faultless guard and then Circle of hell. it's better if you FLY in the air. His Fw+HS is hardly to evade if you're Zato. Invite hell and Amorphous is MUST for this match. -- His Fw + HS and Jump Qcf + S . May : Wait for your turn and use Circle of hell and Amorphous. This Dolphin-lady can't cause many troubles. -- Her "Big whale" Overdrives Jam : Quiet dangerous. Be sure you DON'T need to jump. Use Strategies No.2 to keep her away. if she come too close you may use Circle of hell. And of course , after her Dragon kick too. -- Dragon kick and her Run-in Overdrives Millia : Keep her away and the rest is your skill. She's MUCH faster than you and very dangerous. i think this is the test about how good your Edy is... And Amorphous is MUST too. -- Tandem Top , and her SPEED Zato : If you learn all my technics... He's a jokes and you can kick his sorry @ss easily. good-Bye. -- His Edy mines and Circle of hell. Faust : Nothing to fear. Use Invite hell to cancel his Fw+HS and then go rumble!!! But be careful about his Qcb+ P,S and K. His overdrives are dangerous too. -- His "Swimming" overdrives. Anji : No problem . he's too slow and always on the ground. Your Edy and Invite hell did good job at this time. --His Dp+HS , And his annoying Guard-point moves. Testament : Perhaps this is the toughest battle for Zato. Since this guy can use Qcf+S to hit you, You can't use Edy at far range. Even Invite Hell is not allow. You must be Offensive Zato. Just Air dash and run forward and use your deadliest combo. Even me can beat by this guy. (sometimes) -- Jump in and HS, Stand > P > S > HS , Invite hell (Far) -Repeat. Dizzy : Thanks for her medium-range attack. You can use Invite hell at this time. DO NOT JUMP to her, Focus i\on her lower part. That's the key. This is the Final stage. Show no mercy!!! use all trick and strategies to beat her. (Even destroyed is allow here.) Fight her!!! I cheer you! **Note You can evade Dizzy's Laser by Break the Law. But need VERY close range. It's better if you use your faultless guard... GGX+ Kliff :Dragon Slayer, Eh? His attack is VERY slow but deal a wuzz damage. So stay away from this old man. First, Use Invite hell to keep him at bay and follow the previous tactic. You'll beat him in No time. --His Qcf+S or HS , His Qcf x 2+S Justice : Hope this guy was NEVER be a playable character in the Arcade ver. or anything. (He got bucks, babes... anything!! I mean he has HUGE laser and DESTROYED moves, Which good enough to let me beat G.Sol in no time!!) It seems he's slower A LOT. But what make him deadly is his HS , And follow with Hcf + HS. This mean he's the ultimate scrub at this time. First, Be sure you're not fooled by his Qcb+S... Second, DO NOT COME ANY CLOSER without your EDy. Third, Use Invite Hell to cancel his moves. It's very effective because Justice is weak against LOW part Attack. Fourth, His Imperial Ray is now SP, But it deals 50% damage if you come too close and CPU loves to use it at that range. But if it's miss. He'll leave a big open spase. --His HS, Imperial Ray , Hcf+HS and his Qcb+S If you can beat Arcade mode by not using any continues. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You're on the first step to be Zato-1one expert. He's very hard to master and you did it!!! Your next step is VS. your friends or your brothers, Then smile. ----------------------------------------------------- ///////:Bonus: Omake Section://///// ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- /////-GGX+ story and endings. (Spoilers! Proceed at your own risk!) ----------------------------------------------- -Zato are now in search for the one like him. And he fight and fight and fight. He think human are useless and weak. Finally, He met Millia again. -1st ending. Zato die. Condition : Lose some match and fight Millia. -2nd ending. The shadow gain control Zato body. Condition : Never lose at any round. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ////Gold characters chart in survival mode, Ability//// ---------------------------------------------------------------- Gain any levels? These are special characters in survival mode only. they got their special elements like deal crappy damage, FULL super bars, anything. So? They're beatable if you're "good" enough. What're you doing? Go to traing mode!! --To fast Lv. up, Use any moves that deal 7+ hits. SURVIVAL mode. Lv.1 Lv.10 -- Nothing Lv.20 -- Gold Testament, No any abilities Beat him to unlock him. Lv.30 -- Gold Dizzy, No any abilities Beat her to unlock her. Lv.40 -- Gold Chipp, Quicker, Deal more damage Lv.50 -- Gold Potemkin, Whoopable, Deal more damage, But has very crappy speed (turtle...) Lv.60 -- Gold Baiken, Faster, Deal more damage Lv.70 -- Gold Faust, Have INFINITE tension gauge. Plus all of his Qcfx2 + P and Qcf+P is all METEOR I recommend you to destroy him as fast as you can. Lv.80 -- Gold Venom, FASTER, His fireball is all charged now. Has more stamina, Deal more damage. Lv.90 -- Gold Millia, One whoops to cross the screen. She has the crappiest speed in the game. So be WARN!! Lv.99 -- Gold Zato, Has incredible stamina and speed. His Edy gauge is now infinite. He deals more damage at this time. Beat Gold Zato to get Lv.100 and then enjoy infinite survival... ****Gold characters abilities.**** GGX+ only, By collect all 24 pictures in GALLERY mode. And then press and Hold TRIANGLE button at characters select screen. Sol -Has infinite Tension -Incredible stamina -Always Dragon install, This means his Dp+HS is... -Deal incredible damage -Has insane speed *Cheap rate -10 Ky -Has his old "charged" Qcf+HS motion. -Deal more damage -All of his fireball abilities are level up now. -Cheap rate -7.0 Baiken -Same as her SURVIVAL boss form. -Deal more damge, Faster -Cheap rate -6.5 Potemkin -Same, Same -Whoopable, But slower A LOT. -Cheap rate -4.0 Anji -Need help !! Axl -Need help !! Millia -Has the crappiest speed in the game. -Deal more damage. -More stamina. -Cheap rate -9.0 Chipp -More damage, Faster -Cheap rate -5.0 Jam -Always on her "powerup motion" Mean all of her moves are power up now. -Deal more damage. -Cheap rate -7.5 Zato -Has incredible stamina -Infinite Edy gauge, Use Edy twice if old Edy is in mine form. -Faster a lot -Deal more damage. Cheap rate -9.5 Venom -Faster a lot -All of his fireball motion are "charge up" now. Especially for his Jump Qcfx2 + HS... -Has more stamina -Cheap rate -9.5 Faust -Infinite Tension gauge, Pretty insane! -All of his "summon" are now METEOR!! -Cheap rate -10!! May -All of her Hcf+ any button are now... She got 4 dolphins in a ring!! -Faster, Of course -Cheap rate -8.0 Testament -His weapon has "Curse strike" ability (FFX) Need more words? - The menace of crows!! -Cheap rate -9.0 Dizzy -Her "Shell" thing is controlable (Like Zato's dude) mean you Can use her "infinite" combo now!! -She is an Arcade mode boss in disguise... -Cheap rate -9.5 Kliff -Has infinite Tension gauge -His old strength from GG is back!!! -But slower and weaker A LOT! -Cheap rate 8.5 Justice -One word, He's old GG boss. Faster, His tension gauge rise up Like a... -Cheap rate - 7.5, Not cheap, maybe... ---------------------------------------------------- /////---Zato's speech and Quotes. ---------------------------------------------------- Intro - I'll show you the true darkness. - Let me see what you can do. - Let's begin! - I'll show you the darkness worse than death!! Vs.Millia - Millia!! Please stop it! , Stop it! - Millia!.. I will kill you. Taunt - i'm bored - Did you have the reason to fight? - You think this is funny? Others - That's a children trick!!! - You're stronger than I imagine! - You're too weak. - Weak! - What're you looking at? - It doesn't hurt! - So pathetic! - That's awful! - What're you trying to do? Win - You're good... For a human. - Why human are so weak! - Now i'm free. - What a stupid! - Are you really a human? - This power is growing. (Stronger) - That's just a few second! Dizzy - Why? I can't move! Destroyed - I'll show you!!! - This is the song of the darkness! - DIE! Defeat - Now i can see the light... That's all i know. if you want win quote i'll try. Please wait. An extra stuff: Special story that written by ME. Based on Zato and Millia ' story. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /////////EXTRA : Zato-1one and Millia theatre. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>THE MOONLIGHT AND DARKNESS.<<< According to Millia's 1st ending in GGX+ Have fun! In fact, Millia said. "This is the end between you and I !!" Why she hate him so much? Or she's "Guilty as SIN" ? THIS STORY WAS NOT DIRECTLY TO THE ORIGINAL GG. PROCEED AS YOUR OWN RISK. TAKE IT AS A DOUJINSHI! Location: Village of Assassin , Spain Part : 1 - Short lived, Short peace, : Suffer for all eternity. Millia (12 yrs.-old) is one of the girl who raised by The BOSS, The leader of Organization of Assassin. She grew up and she was fill with loneliness. She think everyone's life was unfit . By seeing her friend and the one like her dispose by THE LAW. She hate her ability, She can control her hair as her weapon. Zato (18 Yrs.-old) is a newbie in an Organization, He was raised up in village of Assassin, Like Millia. His code name is "Good one" , By showing his ability, Which killing his prey by his naked hand. Only his gloves he can finish his job easily. However his rank is just a "Lower Assassin". However Zato doesn't like his job, And he think he could find "The new life" with his girlfriend. She is Millia's coach. And he loves Millia too, As his sister. Millia don't want to talk to anyone. She always remain at her room and hate herself about her fate, Her hair, Which kill her prey and her friends. (By The BOSS's order) However Zato's girlfriend try to cheer her up at every moment. She think she can lead herself up with Millia and she can free herself from the organization. And live with Zato and Millia, As her sister. Millia know Zato by her sister. (From here i'll call her THIS) She can't accept that this guy is her sister's boyfriend and try to avoid him. But he try to play with her and keep cheering her up. (Millia sitting on the stair, While Zato looking at her) (He sit down and talk to Millia) " Hey, Princess!" (No response) "... I'm not a princess... Don't call me like that." " OK, OK, Princess. Why don't you try to talk to others? Like I'm talking to you?" "It's not your business..." " Millia..." " ... ? " " If you want to blame yourself and you want to be alone, All you've got is loneliness. You are the only one who decide about your life." " ... " " It's you who decide it. Why don't you come here and play with us?" " I... " " Millia , You are not alone anymore. You have me, Your sister. Why you still blaming yourself? Let's enjoy live!" (Voice) " Oh, There you are ! Millia, Zato. Now come with me , OK?" " Zato..." (Millia smiles) " What's it , Princess?" " How can you love my sister?" "She is a good woman. And..." " I see... " " Let's go Millia!" " OK... Brother." Finally Millia know that she's not alone anymore. She want to live her sister and Zato. But the peace is so short... The BOSS contact her sister to do his job, By killing The government. She don't want to do it but she must accept, As her final job, And if she go back she'll retire. This is 1-person mission. (She hold Zato and look to his face) " If I can go back, I will live with you Zato. " "What about Millia?" " I will take her as my sister. We will begin our new life out there." (Zato looking at his girfriend and kiss her. Then they...) (Hours later. Under the ocean of stars) (Zato can't sleep on his bed, He still worried about his Girlfriend) " I will wait for your return. Please come back to me. And Millia too!" But she can't make it! Government did escape and her mission was failed. But she did a good job. She kill all of his guard-men. She return to The Organization and asking for retirement. But... She didn't know there's no retire. Only Disposed off. Then THE LAW kill her. He send her dead body to be the material of "Swan" (Hair) Project. It's a project that gain an ability to control their own hair as a weapon. Young Millia think it's strange. Her sister didn't come back and she sleep alone. Zato try to asking The BOSS and The LAW. But the answer shocked him. She's missed and she'd been killed by Government's guard-men. Zato was shocking and change from that moment. He think if he go with her, She'll never dies. Zato tell Millia about the death of her sister. Then she cry. (Millia can't believe what she just saw) " What does that mean? She will never come back to me? Brother?" (Zato hold his fist tight and hold Millia. He's crying) " Millia..." "Your sister had gone to the better place..." (Millia crying) Why? Zato tell Millia that her sister leave him and Millia. Then she go... He tell her she's a COWARD. But he didn't tell her that she's DEAD. Tomorrow. Millia was send to her next section. (Swan Project) To control her hair as her weapon. From that moment Millia can't smile for many years. ..She'd lost her "Precious one"... now she fill with loneliness again. Zato and Millia never talk together from that moment... -Part 2: The Shadow Project : The Instrumental of Doom. Now The Organization has new biological technology. By gain an ability to control someone's shadow as his weapon. But everyone that not worth enough can't control their shadow, Then they died. Yes, Zato is the best one in The Organization. They use him as their material, A pig. Now the Organization gives him a condition. "You'll be Higher Assassin, And you can free yourself at any time." Now Zato think about his young friend -Millia. And he accepts to free child's fate and his fate out of this madness. In exchange for his vision. He must blind himself. After the Shadow project success. Zato has completely different from his old personality. By changing from smiley brother, Who never kill the woman and child. Now he kill them all without any mercy. By tear them to pieces and suck them all to his shadow. Now even his friend fear him, And try to avoid him. Now He change his code name to "Zato-1one", Which means he and his shadow are linking together as "The one" Now Millia is Assassin, She can kill her prey and do her job very completely, By using her hair as her weapon. However she never happy and don't want to do it. She suffer for a years. She cries alone on her bed every night. No one cure her. But there's something that everyone didn't know. Zato-1one had change by the affect from his Shadow. And he wants to revenge. Only blood stains from his prey is his favorite. Zato-1one planned something in his mine. -Part 3 : The darkness is coming : Moonlight and darkness (Millia is 16 years old ) 3 years after The Shadow project, Millia grew up and she's sick and tired about her job. She even tries to kill herself by her hair. She goes deeper in pain more than she was. Again, She still hate her sister, She thinks her sister leave her all along. Zato-1one is completely change from Zato. He's bloodthirsty assassin who kill an innocent to feast their blood. Now he's the highest class of Assassin and he'll do his plan. REVENGE. Zato-1one lure THE LAW to his lair and he capture him by his shadow, And ask everything about his girlfriend's death. THE LAW tell anything .He said he kill her. And he ask Zato-1one for mercy. Zato-1one tear him to pieces and suck him to his shadow. While he's alive. After The LAW is missing, Many doubt remain about his disappear. Zato-1one go to The BOSS lair and kill him instantly. Then he embrace himself as a new boss of The Organization. And he kill everyone who can't accept his will. Now the Organization was change. Zato-1one free someone from disposed order. Venom is the one who free from disposed order. And he swear himself to Zato-1one, By going to his slave for all of his life. With the deepest of loyalty. He'll serve him until he dies. 3 years later. Then the first GG tournament has begin. The reward is 500,000 world $ , Zato-1one and Millia enter the tournament, One want to kill more people and one want to escape. Finally they confront together. Zato-1one ask If she really want to go... He'll kill her by himself. ( Zato, In angry tone) " Did you really do this? You'll leave me alone ,too? Millia!" (Millia look sad and she look to Zato's face) "..." "Please leave me alone. Let me go!" (His shadow approaching fast!) "Millia!" Then they fight together, Finally Millia can cut Zato-1one's right hand but... His blood was black. Millia confuse and feel terrible. She leave Zato-1one at once and go. Zato-1one leave Millia and go back to his Organization. Like he walk through nothing. 3 days later Zato-1one was completely control by his Shadow. Yes, Zato-1one had change since he gained an ability to control his Shadow. But the Shadow did control him from that moment. Now Millia can free herself from her fate. She live with peaceful life. But there's something involve her mind. About Zato-1one. She don't know what to do but she must KILL him. Then she leaves from her village. In The Organization, Everyone doubt in Zato and want to prove that's the real Zato-1one. While remaining doubt is still there, Venom try to prove that's the one who though to be his master , Zato-1one Venom try to asking about his ages, Memory , their biography but... Only answer is Zato- 1one fist. He try to kill Venom but Venom don't want to fight him. Venom was catching by Zato's Shadow. Then Millia come back and save Venom. She ask Zato-1one... "Are you really Zato?" (Zato, Looks like he lost himself. Now he's like a psycho) "Yes, Me is me. The one who take care of you when you were young. The one who taste your sister's body... It's soooo tasty HAHAHAHAH!!!!" (Millia in angry. She point her finger to Zato ) " Zato... I will kill you!" (Zato smiles and laugh) "Kill me? Give me a shot! If you dare!" Millia was very angry and she fight Zato. But she lose and Zato-1one want to suck her to his Shadow. But the similar voice from the past... Zato's voice. "Millia... Stop it! Stop it! , Please kill me!" Millia confuse about Zato-1one's moment and she stop. Zato explain everything about his past, Shadow project and the death of her sister. He want Millia to kill him. Millia can't kill her brother. She try to avoid it. And then Shadow gain control back and try to kill Millia, But Venom safe her by risking his own life. (She can't believe her eyes) "Venom! Why?" (Venom, Still no response) "I need you to do something." (He hold Millia's hand) "Please, Millia, Free Mr. Zato from his fate. I beg you. Please." Millia cries and fight Zato. Now she win. Then that voice come again. "Millia..." "Zato? Is that you" Millia walk to Zato-1one, Now he lies on the ground. "Millia..." "You are indeed a foolish girl!" The Shadow captures her at that moment. It cover all Zato's body. Shadow's red eye looking at her. And it says... " This body is now useless, Now I need your beautiful body... To be my new body... Millia... Be the one with me!" Venom can't save her at that position. His strength is out and he lose his blood too much. "Ghhh... The one like me can't save even one girl..." (The Shadow laugh, He open his jaws) " Milliaaa!!!!!!" Millia closing her eyes. But... Zato-1one's body explode. ( Black blood stain all over the place. While Zato and The shadow, One body but have many faces and form at once, It looks like a creature from the other dimension) "Can you really do this Zato? You kill yourself too!" "This is my body , Not yours. I don't want anyone to die anymore! Let's die together!" BOOM! Millia and Venom can't believe their eyes , Now her memory was come back and she run and hold Zato. Now only Zato head's left out from melting shadow. "Millia... There's something I want to tell you for many years. I want you to live with your own life. Don't risk yourself with your past, Your dead sister. Please... Millia. Live for me and your sister..." "Zato!! Brother! You can't die!" .. (Zato smiles, Then he open his eyes. Now he's the same Zato from 7 years ago) " Finally, I can see the light... Millia... I can see your sister right behind you. She was waiting for me all along. " He look to Venom and tell him to live. " Brother! You can't die! Live with me ,Please!" (Venom shout) " Master!" There's no word from Zato's mouth anymore. His face melt to the Shadow and gone in the air. There's no Zato-1one body anymore. (Millia hold his bandana and shout, With all her voices) "Zato!!!!!!!!!" Millia was crying. While Venom still standing there.... (Millia holding Zato's bandana tight) " Good bye big brother..." (10 minutes later) Millia standing and says... "Now I will live with my own life. Brother. Be watching me. Sister, I'll live for you too." (Venom looks to Millia...) "Leave..." (Millia) "What ?" (Venom ask again, Now with louder voices) "I ask you to leave. You and Mr. Zato die by my hand. I'll report to the other that I'm the one who did it." (Millia...) "...." "Thanks ." Venom turn back and starting to cry. His master was gone... He can't save his master's life. But... "Master... I can't save your life but I saved your soul. Master. Farewell..." 7 days later, Somewhere in the village. (Millia place Zato's bandana in his place) "Now you can live here with my sister." Millia kept Zato's bandana as his reminder. She make his tomb and leave his bandana at that place. "Good by my brother..." "Millia, What are you doing there?" "Sorry, I will go now." " OK , Let's go!" (Millia looking back to Zato's bandana) "Zato... Now I will live for you and sister... Be watching me." Now she goes to enjoy life. Like all girls would be. Let's enjoy live. END .......................................... All i have to say is... - - - -Z -A -T -O -R -U -L -E -S - - - - Just take this as a guide, And the rest is yourself. - - - - Thank you for reading , I hope this can help you maybe less or more. >LAST< At the end he dies. Edy explode and Zato die too, The guy you play along is Edy, Not Zato. He lost his mine since first GGX, Poor Zato. Only his own word is..." Please KILL me..." Can he go back in GGXX ?? CREDITS. -Arc systemwork. They did a good job, No , It's perfect. -Sammy, Thank you about published this awesome game. -Anyone at GGX Board, Thanks for your advice and Information. -My brothers and friends, Who give me some test about Technics and strategies. Especially for my brothers, One of the BEST GGX player around. -GameMag Magazine for MOVELIST. -True warrior's FAQ for Speech. -Ben Creton for some details. ,My best site. The one who host this FAQ. ,Thanks for you invitation. -Mr... he's Zato-1one's voice actor . He did a good job but now he's... -Me, The Demonrugal. -And you!! The reader of this FAQ, Thanks for your cooperation. ^_^ GGX RULE ALL!!!!! (BTW If GGXX is MUCH cooler, Especially for Bridget...) Copyright 2002 : Demonrugal END OF FAQ.