GUILTY GEAR X For the PlayStation 2 Video Game Console Rated "T" (Teen: Ages 13 and up) by the ESRB SOL BADGUY Character FAQ/Movelist ---=+Version 1.0 (c)2001+=--- FAQ Created by CyberLord X Email: MSN ID: CyberLordX ICQ # 85818704 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *COPYRIGHT INFO* This FAQ/Movelist is copyright protected under US and international laws. This entire document is intended for private home use. You are free to use this document for your own personal use, and are free to reprint this document for your use. However, this document cannot be reproduced, reprinted, or reformatted in part or whole with the intent of distributing it (i.e. either through guides in magazines, selling it, posting on a website, giving it away as a means of barter, or to use as toilet paper) without direct and explicit permission from me. This FAQ/Movelist can be found ONLY in the following websites: Any other website that is not listed is prohibited to post this FAQ without direct permission from me. As long as you understand this, we'll be just fine--and I won't have to come looking for you. >:) Guilty Gear X [By Your Side "G. Gear"] (c)1998-2001 ARC SYSTEM WORKS Co., Ltd (c)Sammy 2000, 2001. Game published by Sammy Entertainment, Inc. Exclusively distributed by Majesco Sales, Inc. All rights reserved. Neither Sammy or Arc System Works have any affiliation with this FAQ, although I wouldn't mind working for either one... ;) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Table Of Contents ----------------- I. Revision History II. Introduction III. Why Do A Sol Badguy FAQ? IV. Character Profile V. Movelist 1. Move Legend (Updated) 2. Universal Moves 3. Character Specific Moves (Updated) 4. Advanced Techniques (Updated) VI. Basic Sol Badguy Combos (Updated) VII. Advanced Sol Badguy Combos (Updated) VIII. Miscellaneous Hippycrap (Updated) IX. FAQ (coming soon) X. CLX's Final Thought * Special Thanks -=I. Revision History=- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | 10/31/01 -- Ver. 1.0 Worked on the Basic and Advanced Sol Badguy | | Combo sections; the Basic Section is pretty much done, but Advanced | | is far from completed. Also did a few spelling corrections here | | and there, and started work on the Miscellaneous Hippycrap section. | | | | 10/24/01 -- Ver. 0.5 My first crack at a FAQ begins! Pretty much | | a work in progress. Filled up as much info as possible on almost | | every section. More updates are definitely pending, as I haven't | | added everything I've deemed necessary for this FAQ yet. | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -=II. Introduction=- Konichi wa, fellow GUILTY GEAR players, and welcome to my guide! I am your host for this FAQ/Movelist, CyberLord X (a.k.a. CLX to many players in arcades). For those of you that don't know me--fear me. For those that do...well, uh...just try to fear me a little more, m'kay? ;) I'd just like to start by stating that this is my first attempt to write a FAQ for GameFAQs (or anyone for that matter). Although that's the case, it doesn't mean in any way that I am not qualified to help you in what this FAQ has to offer. I am quite confident in my skills as a fighting game fanatic and budding tournament player. With that being said, you should have faith that everything you read here comes from hours of hard work and dedicated prowess--not to mention thumb blisters. I don't expect you to become an expert overnight, but this guide should help make that journey all the more easier. However, I'm never too proud to accept help from outside sources, and seeing as how this is a work in progress I will accept help and info (until otherwise noted) that can help make this FAQ much more informative and enjoyable. Keep in mind that when I say that "I will accept outside help" that it means I will accept help with something that needs correction or tweaking within the FAQ (i.e. proper execution of moves, accurate info about particular attacks, etc.). PLEASE do not send me anything that hasn't been inputted into this FAQ yet. I promise that the updates will be as frequent as possible, but I do have a life ya know--be paitent with me, please. :) This FAQ was specifically designed to aid you, the gamer, in mastering the various techniques of this incredible fighter--more specifically, to help hone your skills with the character I've profiled here. It isn't in any way designed to give you detailed info about the main story, but it may give you further insight on this character. So if you're looking for explicit info on the background story and deeper gameplay mechanics, I suggest hitting the Back button on your browser and looking for another FAQ (AdrenalineSL's FAQ is tight as hell, so I definitely suggest that as your first choice). What you WILL be getting here instead is in-depth CHARACTER specific strategies and tips. So, with that being said, let's get started. Ikuso!! -=III. Why Do A Sol Badguy FAQ?=- I toyed with the idea about which character I should start off with. I was leaning towards either Ky Kiske or Chipp Zanuff, but figured that my knowledge would first be suited to my favorite character (and probably one of the first characters most of you chose when you first started playing). Every fighting game has its Ken/Ryu characters, and GUILTY GEAR X is no exception. Most players consider Sol to be the Ken-styled character (wild, cocky, etc.), while Ky is more of a Ryu (always calm, a goody- goody, but at the same time has his own dark side to deal with...). Quite simply put, Sol Badguy is argueably one of the best (if not THE best) characters to use in GUILTY GEAR X--period. Although some of his moves have changed slightly since the first one, he's still one of the most dominating characters around. He has slightly above average power and is fairly fast (not nearly as fast as Chipp, though), his moves have great priority, and he's fairly easy to combo with. But even with all of that going for him, the main reason why I chose Sol is because his style of play is pretty much the basis of GGX--learn him, and you've pretty much got an idea of what to expect (and what not to expect) from the others. -=IV. Character Profile=- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Note: Info taken directly from the GGX instruction manual Name: Sol Badguy Height: 182 cm Weight: 74 kg Blood Type: Unknown Eye Color: Ochre Birthday: Unknown Origin: USA Hobbies: Listening to Queen Sol was once a subject of biological weapon research. To conceal his past, he has spent the last 150 years living as a bounty hunter. To avert further tragedy, he continues his quest to find and eliminate all Gears and their creator from the annals of history. Hearing news of a still-functioning Gear, he sets out for the Tournament to investigate. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- CLX's INTERPRETATION: A pissed-off badass walking the earth to layeth the smacketh down on the candy asses of all Gears. If you were lucky enough to play the first GG on PSone and beat it with Sol, then you'd know more about his "concealed past", since GGX's endings really don't tell you jack. But if you MUST know what it is... *******SPOILER ALERT********* Sol Badguy is a Gear. But not just any Gear--he was the first Gear created. He's a highly advanced prototype, being the first Gear that had free will (which is why Justice--the "ultimate Gear"--couldn't control him). He is now after all remaining Gears and his "father", the creator of the Gears... *******END SPOILER********* He also has a history with Ky Kiske--a somewhat bitter one. Apparently he was working freelance for the Sacred Order for Holy Knights at one time, but unceremoniously left the Order (and "borrowed" one of their prized treasures, which he uses as a weapon). More accurate info about this can be found in the Character Profiles of the GUILTY GEAR instruction manual (PSone). Sol's weapon of choice is the mighty Fireseal, sister sword to Ky's weapon--Thunderseal. When you fight Ky with Sol, they do have a special pre-fight taunt, but not as noticable as say Millia Vs. Zato-1 or Johnny Vs. May. Sol also has a special pre-fight taunt against Axl Low and Dizzy apparently..... -=V. Movelist=- A wise man once said, "One must learn to walk before he can run". This FAQ is no exception, since learning the moves effectively before attempting to rampage through GUILTY GEAR X is paramount. Therefore, I'm going to briefly list each move feature in GGX. More detailed control descriptions can be found in the GUILTY GEAR X instruction manual located inside of your GGX game case (unless of course you rented the game and some cheeky bastard that had the game before you lost the damned thing...). However, if added detail for the controls is needed, I will definitely give you more input as to how to use the button in question more effectively. 1. Move Legend ---------------- I tried my best to use abbreviations and terminology that everyone could be familiar with. U Up on Directional Pad UF Up-Forward on Directional Pad F Foward on Directional Pad (towards opponent) DF Down-Foward on Directional Pad D Down on Directional Pad DB Down-Back on Directional Pad B Back on Directional Pad (away from opponent) UB Up-Back on Directional Pad QCF Quarter-Circle Forward, a.k.a. a Ryu-like fireball motion QCB Quarter-Circle Back, a.k.a. a backwards fireball motion HCF Half-Circle Forward, a.k.a. the "yoga flame motion" HCB Half-Circle Back P Punch K Kick S Slash HS Hard Slash ODA Overdrive Attack IK Instant Kill / Short for "or", signifies an alternative button, direction, or move can be used (Ex: S/HS, F/DF, Volcanic Viper/Riot Stamp, etc.) + Signifies when a specified button needs to be pressed after doing various directional pad motions (Ex: F+HS means press forward and then press HS shortly after); also is used if two or more buttons need to be pressed at the same time (Ex: S+HS, P+K, etc.) x# Tap button or direction repeatedly, whereas # represents the number of times it will be pressed (Ex: Dx2, Fx3, QCBx2, etc.) charge hold direction or button briefly (usually at least 2 seconds) dash Press Fx2; also signifies a point in a combo where a short dash is needed run Press Fx2, then hold F; also signifies a point in a combo where a run is needed [AERIAL] indicates a move that can be performed in the air [JC] Jump Cancel; indicates where an attack can be cancelled into a jump [RC] Roman Cancel; indicates when a Roman Cancel should be executed. [OTG] Off-The-Ground; signifies a move that hits a fallen opponent on the ground -> Used in combo explanations; governs proper sequence of consecutive commands land Signifies a point in a combo where you return to ground level 2. Universal Moves --------------------- *The following maneuvers are the same for all characters, but should be noted nonetheless.* --------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard -- Press and/or hold B to block high and mid-level attacks; press and/or hold DB to block low attacks. You can also block in the air, but not all attacks can be air blocked. If you're either trying to keep from getting whipped or mounting a temporary defense, you'll be using this quite often. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Taunt/Respect -- Not technically a move, but what would a fighting game be without a proper way to diss your opponent? While standing, press R1 (default setting) to taunt your opponent. This pisses off your foe, and adds a bit of Tension into thier Gauge. You're easy prey while you're doing a taunt, and can't cancel into any moves until mid-taunt. There's always two sides to everything, and where there's a taunt there's oppurtunity to show some love to your opponent. Press and/or hold F then press R1 to do Sol's Respect move. The cheeky thing about this move is that although the opponent can still hit you out of this, you can cancel the Respect at any time--a nasty surprise maneuver for those that think you're defenseless. >:) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Jump -- After a jump, press U/UF/UB to jump a second time in the air. Called "two-level jumps" in the instruction manual. Any character can perform a double jump, or can substitute the second jump with a forward/backward air dash instead (Fx2). Only Chipp Zanuff and Dizzy can perform a triple jump; Dizzy and Millia can perform two air dashes. Note that after doing the second or third jump, some characters can't air dash afterwards. Sol is one of them. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Jump -- Tap D, U. You'll jump higher than a normal jump, and can even perform an air dash afterwards. However, you can't do a double jump once you've done a super jump. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Forward Thrust Attack -- Press F + P/K/HS to do an attack that lunges towards an enemy. The attacks differ for each character, and some characters may not use the same buttons. Experiment and see what your character can do! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dead Angle Attack -- Guard an attack, then press F + any 2 attack buttons simultaneously. If done correctly, a greenish sphere will flash and your character will flash white for a split second, then he/she will counterattack your opponent. The only problem is that doing this maneuver will drain half of your Tension Gauge; chances are you probably won't be using this move too often, but keep in mind that it does have its advantages when used at the appropriate times (i.e. when you're getting your ass trapped in the corner). Think of it as an Alpha Counter from the Street Fighter Alpha series. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dust Attack -- Push S+HS simultaneously. I dunno what the hell Sammy was smoking the day they came up with the name for this move, but despite the awkward choice it does have its uses. By performing a Dust Attack, you'll break the guard of crouching opponents. Once hit, your hapless foe will spin around high up into the air; when you see this, that's your cue to press U quickly (before they have a chance to recover) and follow them into the air to perform your favorite air combo. The drawback? Glad you asked. It's a pretty slow move, and doesn't have much range. In other words, you can't chain this move with other moves. However, try mixing it up in your strategy to catch crouching opponents off-guard. You'd be surprised as to how many times you get this move to land. ;) I've also heard mention of something called an "Impossible Dust"--a technique that keeps your opponent from recovering when hit by a Dust Attack. Any info that can be submitted to me about this would be greatly appreciated. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweep -- Hold D, then press S+HS. Your character will perform a sweeping technique with either their legs or weapon--some characters have more awkward ways of knocking your foe on his butt. The best thing about this attack is that it comes out fairly quickly, and your opponent can't recover once hit. Bwahahaha! You'll definitely want to incorporate this into your fighting techniques. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Recovery -- Push any 2 attack buttons after being knocked down or up into the air. Depending on the direction you press when you recover, you'll either bounce forwards, backwards, or into a neutral position. If you don't want to be the victim of a long combo string, you'll want to use this move whenever you can. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Throw -- Press F/B + HS when you're near your opponent to execute a standard throw. Of course, your foe can't block this move, and if you're fast enough you can rush in and OTG him/her with an attack (provided that they didn't recover in time, and that your character's throw allows it). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Negative Penalty -- OK, before I describe this move, I have to put in my two cents and say that every fighting game should have something like this. Why? Because it penalizes those fighters that like to run away all the time, and forces you to stay on the offensive--that is, unless you don't want to keep your Tension Gauge meter filled. Basically, if your moves fail to land or if you backpedal from your opponent too much, your Tension gauge will be depleted and the words "Negative Penalty" will appear above your fighter. The game will let you know if you're in danger of getting the penalty, because you will see "Danger" on the Tension Gauge about 8 seconds before you're penalized. In layman's terms, if you're acting like a biya-biya, then ya get no dice. So grow a set, playa! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gatling Combo -- In the instruction manual, it's basically described as any set of normal moves that can be chained together to form a combo from a standing position. Very similar to the fighting system of games such as Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. Most characters can chain at least 3-4 normal hits, and the number goes up from there if you can mix it up with your special moves. Sol Badguy can link up almost all of his normal attacks. Here's an example of what your ground combos can look like: P, K, S, HS P, Kx2, S, HS Hold D, then P, K, S, HS -------------------------------------------------------------------- Overdrive Attack -- The name given for GUILTY GEAR X's devestating Super Moves. Every Character has at least one, and when executed will take away half of your Tension Gauge. You can even chain some of your normal attacks into ODAs, but keep in mind that an ODA done by itself does significantly more damage than one that was linked into a combo. The skilled player will learn how to extend their combos even further to maximize the inflicted damage... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Instant Kill -- This maneuver is the one most GGX players fear the most, even with its limitations. I will admit this much--it has been greatly toned down in cheapness from the first game (you can no longer do it whenever you want, and it is much easier to defend against). To activate it, first press all 4 attack buttons simultaneously. Your character will charge-up and start to glow with a red aura surrounding him/her (you are an easy target during the initial chargeup of this move). When this happens, the Tension Gauge transforms into the Instant Kill Gauge. Whatever energy you had in the Tension Gauge before activation will now be transferred into the IK gauge, and will slowly deplete over time (think of it as a timer). Once that energy is gone, your character's health will start to deplete instead (giving you more time, but will hinder your chances of winning greatly). If you don't think you'll be able to land the attack (or if you pushed the buttons accidently), just press all 4 attack buttons again to return your Tension Gauge back to normal. To take out your opponent with the IK using Sol, do the following command after the chargeup: QCFx2 + HS Keep in mind that the IK can be blocked, so don't do it just for the hell of it. And if you miss landing the IK, your Tension Gauge is gone for the remainder of the round, and any actions requiring the Gauge along with it. Also, each character's IK has different range, and supposedly some can even combo it from their normal attacks (I have yet to do this myself, though). Train hard to get the most out of this move. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Quite alot of stuff to learn, eh? We're just getting started... ;) 3. Character Specific Moves ----------------------------- Let's take a good look at all the moves Sol has honed into becoming the badass he is today. I've also taken the time to list the damage of each move (done on its own and not in a combo). The damage was recorded in Training Mode with the Guard Level at 0 and Ky Kiske as a sparring partner, meaning that the damage recorded is a rough average of what you should expect. (Some characters have a better damage tolerance than others). More accurate damage readings can be found in other various GUILTY GEAR X FAQs. --[Normal Attacks]---------------------------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Standing Punch (P) -- Damage: 10 (33 using F+P) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol does a short jab with the hilt of his sword. Not much range, but CAN combo with other normal attacks when done up close. Press F+P and Sol will do a gut punch that sends the opponent reeling, sometimes bouncing off the wall if close enough. It's also possible to OTG after the F+P, especially in the corner. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Crouching P -- Damage: 8 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Looks the same as above, except crouching. Comes out pretty fast, and can combo easily into other normal attacks. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Jumping P -- Damage: 13 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol jumps towards the opponent and gives them a quick knuckle sandwich in mid-air. Links well into other mid-air normal and special attacks. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Standing Kick (K) -- Damage: 14 (26 up-close) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol does a sweet looking roundhouse kick to the opponent's head. Hits twice when up close with just one button press (no need to tap K twice), and easy to combo into most attacks. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Crouching K -- Damage: 12 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol kneels and extends his leg out to attack his foe low. Average speed, but can combo into other normal attacks fairly well. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Jumping K -- Damage: 22 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol does a skillful jumping sidekick. Nice range and damage, but a little on the slow side if not done in a combo. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Standing Slash (S) -- Damage: 31 (35 at sweep distance) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: When in-close, Sol slickly switches his sword from one hand to the next, doing a cross cut to the opponent's torso in the process. At sweep distance, he does a mid-to-low range slash. Nice distance, and is fast enough to snuff out any dash-happy players (look out Chipp-lovers-- hehehehe). -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Crouching S -- Damage: 27 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol quickly slashes the opponent's shins with his sword. Pretty fast, and can combo nicely. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Jumping S -- Damage: 32 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol does a quick downward slash that curves big enough to cover his body during his descent. The arch of his sword suggests some nice cross-up opportunities, eh? :D -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Standing Hard Slash (HS) -- Damage: 45 (86 using F+HS) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol does a powerful mid-to-high ranged slash with his sword. Easy to combo into special moves with, although the start-up of the move is kinda slow (compared to S). Press/Hold F+HS while running or at sweep distance to have Sol mercilessly bring the Fireseal sword down in a hammer-like attack that hits twice--and hurts like hell. The drawbacks of this move is that the start-up is very slow and it leaves you open for a few frames after execution. You can't combo into other normal moves after this, but you can combo into either a special move or the Tyrant Rave after the first or second hit. (I prefer mixing between a HS Volcanic Viper or the Gun Flame after the first hit of this move). -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Crouching HS -- Damage: 42 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol does a quick uppercut with his sword in one hand. This move has excellent anti-air priority, and can hit your opponent on all three levels (high, mid, and low). Its only flaw is that it does have slight recovery at the end of it, leaving you open for about a split second. Very useful. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Jumping HS -- Damage: 28 (53 if it hits twice) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Um...forgive me for thinking perversely, but quite honestly it looks like Sol's trying to slash his testicles off doing this move. :p He lunges the sword towards him, legs spread outward, and stabs the sword down. Nonetheless, this wierd-as-hell method allows Sol to hit twice if he jumps in deep enough. Other than the jumping S, it's definitely the move you'd want to use if you plan on jumping in with a combo. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Crouching S+HS --Damage: 30 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Pretty straight-forward. Sol sweeps the opponent with his leg. Average speed, but great in combos. Remember--the opponent can't recover if sweeped. --[Special Moves]---------------------------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Gun Flame [OTG] -- D, DF, F + P Damage: 22/38/51 (varies depending on distance) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol thrusts Fireseal into the ground in front of him, the resulting shock sending a short wave of flames towards the enemy. If this hits, the opponent will be knocked into the air slightly. This move is not nearly as fast as it was in the first GG, but its priority has been increased dramatically. Plus, if you nail the opponent with this and time it just right, you can leap up after the opponent for a short air combo. The drawbacks of this move is: 1) it's slow, and very hard to combo (BUT it is possible; I've actually found some combos that work), 2) if done too close you run a risk of completely missing your foe, and 3) it only goes about half-screen. Other than that, it still has some limited priority--it's able to negate most fireballs and still hit/trade hits with the opponent (Ex: it can even trade hits with Ky's Stun Edge Charge Attack or completely negate Ride The Lightning!). -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Volcanic Viper [AERIAL] [OTG] -- F, D, DF + S/HS; D, DB, B + K for additional hit Damage: 52-57 (73-76 if additional hit with K connects) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol uses the inate power of the Fireseal to leap high into the air, hitting the enemy twice with his flaming sword. If you do a backwards- fireball motion and press kick immediately after doing the V.Viper, Sol can flip slightly higher and quickly send the enemy back to earth with a vicious spinning back kick. This move has great priority over almost every oncoming attack--either from the ground or from the air. Also, if you're powered up after a Dragon Install, the HS version will hit multiple times using a gigantic vertical flame, and does INSANE damage! The major drawback of this move is the lag after the execution (ESPECIALLY when using the HS V.Viper)--Sol is wide open to any attack during his decent. In other words, don't get too predictable with this move against a human opponent. Used correctly, this move is argueably the best attack Sol has in his arsenal. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Grand Viper [OTG] -- D, DB, B + S Damage: 58 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol quickly dashes towards his foe for a short distance, charging into them for 3 hits before sending them high into the air for 2 more using a modified V.Viper. Not as much anti-air priority as his regular V.Viper, but highly effective up-close. It can even slide underneath most fireballs (including Ky's Stun Edge Charge Attack) during the initial dash. It's also good to combo with (most effective after a close HS). Of course, its drawback is that you need to be close to your opponent to score maximum damage, and the lag after the move is equal (if not more) to the lag of the regular V.Viper. It CAN hit a downed opponent, but isn't recommended. Due to its emphasis on needing to be used at close range, using it at anything more than sweep distance away from your foe would be foolish. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Bandit Revolver [AERIAL] [OTG] -- D, DF, F + K; Hold K for additional hit Damage: 24/45/67 (varies depending on distance) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol leaps towards the enemy with a jumping knee with one leg, then performs a spinning axe kick with his other leg. If done up-close, this move will knock the enemy down. I haven't researched this move as thoroughly as I probably should, since my feelings about this move is mixed. It would at first seem pretty useless against oncoming attacks, but if used effectively in combos it opens up some pretty sic chains (especially in the corner). Also, if you hold down K you can delay the move and allow Sol to do a flaming axe kick. Using the delay can be a neat fake-out against a human opponent. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Riot Stamp [OTG] -- D, DB, B + K Damage: 40 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Leaping quickly backwards, Sol flies across the screen to give his enemy a flaming boot to the face. If it connects, the opponent is knocked backwards against the wall and eats the floor. (If the opponent is directly next to the corner, he can't perform a Recovery.) What can I really say about this move, except it can be hella cheap. >:) Seriously. You could probably beat an average player with this move alone, provided that he doesn't catch on as to how to avoid it. However, even a seasoned GGX player will fall victim to this move once in awhile. You can pretty much invent the combo of your choice afterwards if your foes don't recover in time. Personally, I prefer to wake them up with a Tyrant Rave to the skull... ;) --[Throws]------------------------------------------------------------ -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Headbutt -- F/B + HS Damage: 55 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: This move is self explanatory. Sol grabs the enemy, pauses to belittle him/her, then headbutts the foe. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Wild Throw -- F, D, DF + K Damage: 66 -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: This move should've been called the Smackdown if ya ask me--but you didn't. :p Because that's exactly what Sol does. He grabs the opponent, pauses, then mercilessly slams them into the floor with such force that the opponent's carcass is bounced like a basketball. The opponent CAN recover from this move after he's bounced, but there's plenty of time for you to quickly followup with another move before that happens. Also, like the V.Viper, you can perform this move from a dash (since your thumb/joystick is already positioned F, you can roll it for the rest of the motion easily). The drawback is that you have to be extremely close to your opponent to grab them, since it has little to no range. And let's not mention what could happen if you miss... --[Overdrive Attacks]-------------------------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Dragon Install -- QCBx2 + S Damage: 0 (Ability Up) Uses 1/2 of the Tension Gauge -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol channels his hidden energy and unleashes it into a flaming berserker rage. Afterwards, his body surges with a reddish glow, and his techniques are sped up for a short period of time. If you think Sol was a sick bastard before, use this move properly and you'll be called the king of cheese. Pretty much EVERY normal attack can be chained quickly together. The HS version of his V.Viper is greatly improved--Sol will soar high into the air in a gigantic eruption of flames. The large amount of energy used to powerup Sol takes its tole on him after awhile, and he slumps over exhausted once the effects wear off. Needless to say, you're vulnerable afterwards. Try to time your onslaught to end with a downed opponent, right before Sol needs to recover from this move. One thing I've noticed with this move is that during the initial startup animation of this move, Sol can't be hit. Keep that in mind... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Tyrant Rave -- HCB, F + HS Damage: 140 Uses 1/2 of the Tension Gauge -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol gathers his energy into his fist, then punches forward with a huge ball of flames; immediately he uses Fireseal to slash the flaming ball, causing it to expand in front of him in a monstrous fireshield. This move is pretty powerful, is fairly easy to combo, can hit the enemy up to 4 times, and has great anti-air capabilities. If done in the corner, it's possible to follow up with an air combo or ANOTHER Tyrant Rave. However, it has ho-hum range, going only half the distance of Sol's Gun Flame. --[Instant Kill]------------------------------------------------------- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Napalm Death -- QCFx2 + HS Damage: DEATH Completely consumes Tension Gauge -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ANALYSIS: Sol kneels quickly, then wildly leaps upward in a diagonal rage, complete with flames spiraling around him. Despite this move's size, it has little range (you'll need to be just inside sweep distance to nail a standing opponent) and minimal priority. However, it is VERY anti-air, assuring that anyone foolish enough to attempt a jumping-in attack against you will pay dearly. I have yet to find a true combo that uses Sol's IK (assuming that it's possible). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Advanced Techniques ----------------------- After you've gotten down the basic moves, it's now time to train yourself on the more advanced techniques GUILTY GEAR X has to offer. Mastering the basic skills alongside these skills before tackling any other opponents could spell the difference between the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat. Yeah, I know...that sounded really cheesy. Live with it. :p ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Faultless Defense -- Hold P+K while guarding. This creates a greenish "shield" around your fighter. While this shield is up, special attacks that normally would drain your life while blocking do no damage. You'll also guard-recoil slightly more than normal, giving you some breathing room after an opponent's attack. Doing a Faultless Defense drains energy from your Tension Gauge, though, and if you don't have any energy left in your Gauge this move is not available. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Roman Cancel -- Wierd name... O_o While attacking, press any 3 attack buttons to cancel the current attack and allow your character to either return to his/her neutral state or buffer in another attack. Using this technique will allow you to create some pretty flashy custom combos. The big drawback is that this move drains 1/2 of your Tension Gauge. It kinda raises the question "Is losing half of my Tension Gauge, which could be used for an OD, worth doing a RC?" That's entirely up to you, but chances are you probably won't be using this move much--unless you want to show off. ;) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Combo -- Similar properties as a Gatling Combo, only in the air. In laymen's terms, any combo performed mostly or entirely in the air is classified as an air combo. If your opponent is airborne, or if he/she's off balance in mid-air by your attack, you'll want to chase him and try to combine certain attacks to perform effective air combos. As always, some moves combo better than others, and your opponent can (and WILL) recover if the combo isn't continuous. Experiment and see what moves work best for you! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jump Cancel -- Certain moves can be cancelled midway into a jump (even while you're defending). Simply press U/UB/UF during an attack that can be JCed. Determining which moves your fighter can JC will greatly improve your fighting technique. This is especially effective in air combos. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Off-The-Ground (or OTG) -- Above anything else, GGX puts heavy emphasis on offense. As such, you're vulnerable almost all the time--even when lying on yer ass. In such instances when you've knocked your opponent down, don't just sit there and allow him to recover--try using various attacks to tag your downed foe while he's crippled. Using OTG tactics frequently will maximize the damage you can inflict in your combos--not to mention piss off your opposition. >:) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Phew. Now that we've gotten all of that out of the way, you're now ready to start training in the ability to perform combinations of attacks that will set you apart from the average GGX player. In other words, it's time to REALLY learn how to kick some ass. :) In the next two sections, I will show you some combos that I've been working on, along with an analysis of each to help with your timing. Keep in mind that these combos aren't all that Sol is capable of, nor am I claiming that my combos are the best. I am showing you these with the intent to give you insight on how to develop your own technique. Feel free to learn and mimic these combos on your own, but try to incorporate your own style--you may come up with combos either more effective or with more flash! ;) -=VI. Basic Sol Badguy Combos=- I'm almost certain about 80% of you evil bastards out there skipped down to the combo sections first. :p The following combos in the Basic section will show you the basis of Sol's arsenal, and should help you get an overall feel on how his combo strings work. You'll notice that I've listed very few combos that start off in the air. There's a reason for that--some of the best combos in GGX tend to start from the ground. But don't let that discourage you from coming up with some good jumping- in combo attacks. You'll also notice the lack of directional motions for some special attacks. This is because I'm assuming at this point that you should already have become familiar with Sol's special moves and ODAs to a point where just the name of the move will let you know what needs to be done (not to mention making it easier for you to read). The damage was recorded in Training Mode with the Guard Level at 0 and Ky Kiske as a sparring partner, meaning that the damage recorded is a rough average of what you should expect. (Some characters have a better damage tolerance than others). More accurate damage readings can be found in other various GUILTY GEAR X FAQs. One other thing: I've also indicated whether or not each combo is a "true combo" or not. A true combo is basically any combo that is continuous, unrecoverable, and GUARANTEED to land every hit (granted you've done it correctly). You might want to take into account that if you manage to dizzy an opponent during a combo, he/she can't perform a recovery until they've recovered from the dizzied state. In other words, as long as you're still attacking you can probably do combos that normally wouldn't land otherwise. If you think you've mastered the basics of Sol's combo strings, then by all means skip this section and move on to Advanced Sol Badguy Combos. --[GROUND Combos]------------------------------------------------------ Hits: 6 Damage: 87 Skill: Beginner True Combo: YES ----------------------------------------------------- Standing P->Standing K->B. Revolver->dash->[OTG] Crouch S->Crouch HS ----------------------------------------------------- COMBO ANALYSIS: A VERY simplified combo, and one that you're probably asking as to why I would put up such a simple technique. Think of it as that classic Ryu Fireball combo that old school fighting game players first started to work on--hard to get the timing down at first, but after a few tries it became mere child's play. Notice at the end of it that you can hit your foe twice on the ground. Get used to it--you'll be doing this often. If you're new to the fighting game arena, you'll probably only need to do this correctly at least 3 times before you have it down and you're ready for more things. Taking that into consideration, this will be one of the only two beginner level combos that I'll show you. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 7 Damage: 94 Skill: Beginner True Combo: YES ------------------------------------------------------ Standing P->Standing K->S V.Viper, then QCB + K->land, [OTG] Crouch S ->Crouch HS ------------------------------------------------------ COMBO ANALYSIS: Start of the combo hits mid, then add on the K to hit mid again, then quickly do motion for V.Viper using S to stay low to the ground. As soon as the Viper connects with the second hit, immediately do the QCB + K motion to tag on the additional hit. As soon as you land, go into a crouching position and tag them OTG with a S, then tap HS for the last hit. This combo is simple enough to help you work on your timing for the V.Viper's hits, but also helps for you to time the last two OTG hits--which you'll be doing quite often as a combo ender. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 9 Damage: 135 Skill: Novice True Combo: YES ---------------------------------------------------- Standing P->Standing K->Standing S->Standing HS->HS V.Viper, then QCB + K->land, [OTG] Crouch S->Crouch HS ---------------------------------------------------- COMBO ANALYSIS: Beginning of the combo is the same as the previous one, except after the standing K you add in a standing S, then a standing HS; immediately buffer in the HS V.Viper for two more hits, followed by the additional QCB + K to knock them back down to the ground. After you land, you're at the right range to add in your two final hits (Crouch S->Crouch HS). Keep in mind that this entire combo requires timing; you'll know if your timing's off if the QCB + K move (which should be the 7th hit) after the V.Viper misses your opponent, or if the V.Viper misses entirely. This means that you probably either didn't start the combo deep enough, or your buffering with the V.Viper was late. Again, this isn't neccesarily a super-effective combo, but it will teach you to master your timing. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 10 Damage: 109 Skill: Novice True Combo: YES ------------------------------------------------------ Standing P->Standing Kx2->Standing S->Standing HS->G.Viper ------------------------------------------------------ COMBO ANALYSIS: Same starting combo string as in previous combos, except the K hits twice (note that you don't have to tap K twice to get the second hit). Because of the added hit in the combo, notice how your opponent is pushed slightly farther away. A S/HS V.Viper may work, but in this instance a G.Viper was used, since it comes out faster and is a guaranteed hit after the standing HS if buffered correctly. Unfortunately, since the G.Viper doesn't have an additional hit after execution, a followup OTG attack isn't guaranteed like in the other combos since your opponent may recover. However, if you were to RC the G.Viper immediately after the 10th hit... >:) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 5 Damage: 109 Skill: Beginner True Combo: YES ------------------------------------------------------ IN CORNER, Standing P->Standing Kx2->F+P->Gun Flame ------------------------------------------------------ COMBO ANALYSIS: One of the first corner combos you'll learn. Very simple, if you keep in mind that only a single tap of the K is needed. Afterwards, press F+P for the Gut Punch, which will bounce them off the wall. Then quickly buffer in a Gun Flame. Notice how the opponent's body falls; this can open up TONS of combo opportunities if you put your mind to it... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 7 Damage: 107 Skill: Novice True Combo: YES ----------------------------------------------------- Standing P->Standing Kx2->Standing S->Standing HS->D + S+HS->Gun Flame ----------------------------------------------------- COMBO ANALYSIS: Starts off just like all the other standard combo strings, but with the exception of the sweep (D + S+HS) added in after the Standing HS. The sweep gives ample time for the Gun Flame to connect. This actually should be classified as an Intermediate combo, considering it may take several tries before you get the timing and proper execution of the sweep down right; however, once you do, it's pretty simple from there. Those looking for a standard ground combo that properly connects with the Gun Flame should look no further, but there are some other combos out there that work as well--I just like using this when there isn't much room or time for flash, and when I want to put distance between myself and my foe. --[AERIAL Combos]------------------------------------------------------ Hits: 7 Damage: 100-109 Skill: Novice True Combo: YES -------------------------------------------------------- Dust Attack->[JC]P->K->S->HS->HS V.Viper -------------------------------------------------------- COMBO ANALYSIS: A standard air combo. Veterans of Capcom's "Vs." fighting game series will have this down easily. Just remember to press U immediately after the Dust Attack connects to start the air combo. Unfortunately, the addition hit with the V.Viper may not connect all the time, which is why I didn't add that in after the HS V.Viper. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 12 Damage: 118 Skill: Novice True Combo: YES ----------------------------------------------------------- Dust Attack->[JC]P->K->P->K->S->HS->HS V.Viper, then QCB + K->land, [OTG] Crouch S->Crouch HS ----------------------------------------------------------- COMBO ANALYSIS: A much more stylized version of the previous air combo. Here, you'll do two more hits before the S->HS portion, then the HS hits twice--and much deeper than in the previous combo; this allows you to tack on the extra K after the HS V.Viper to send them to the ground. I think you know what to follow-up once you've landed. ;) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Now you should have a general idea as to how Sol's combo strings operate, and should be ready to try adding in even more flair to your attacks. If you think you're ready, let's continue on to the Advanced section. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -=VII. Advanced Sol Badguy Combos=- I said it before, and I'll say it again--I'm almost certain about 80% of you evil bastards out there skipped down to the combo sections first. :p This section has been designed with the assumption that you've pretty much mastered all the techniques and timing required to do these combos. As such, you'll notice that the explanations of each combo have been simplified even further. Also, you'll see more combos requiring you to do RCs, JCs, and other techniques you may not have used much before. Naturally, more combos will eventually be listed here than in the previous section. The damage was recorded in Training Mode with the Guard Level at 0 and Ky Kiske as a sparring partner, meaning that the damage recorded is a rough average of what you should expect. (Some characters have a better damage tolerance than others). More accurate damage readings can be found in other various GUILTY GEAR X FAQs. Hits: 9 Damage: 145 Skill: Intermediate True Combo: YES ----------------------------------------------------------- St. P->St. Kx2->St. S->St. HS->Tyrant Rave ----------------------------------------------------------- COMBO ANALYSIS: On paper it may not look like much, but what makes this combo slightly difficult is the HCB, F + HS motion you have to do after the St. HS. The trick to make this easier is to have your thumb/joystick in the F position after you tap S; that way, once you've hit HS you can start the motion for the Tyrant Rave afterwards. As your opponent falls you could probably follow up with the combo of your choice, but if he/she's really good they probably would be jamming the buttons to recover after this lands. However, if this is done in the corner, you have a better chance at juggling your foe, since the distance is less. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 17 Damage: 125 Skill: Intermediate-Expert True Combo: YES (Requires 1/2 Tension Gauge) ------------------------------------------------------------ St. P->St. Kx2->St. S->St. HS->G.Viper->[RC]S->HSx2->HS V.Viper, then QCB + K->land, [OTG] Cr. S->Cr. HS ------------------------------------------------------------ COMBO ANALYSIS: The key to this combo is doing the RC immediately after the 10th hit (sometimes 9th, if you started the combo late). If done correctly, you'll be deep enough to add another S, and then tap HS (like the St. K, you don't need to hit HS twice to get the second hit) and finally finish it with the HS V.Viper. You could also JC the S after the RC, making the combo look like this: ([RC]S->[JC]S->HSx2->HS V.Viper...) However, it's rather tricky, and the HSx2 isn't guaranteed to hit. GG Mode, on the other hand... -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 14 Damage: 145 Skill: Intermediate-Expert True Combo: NO ------------------------------------------------------------- St. P->St. Kx2->St. S->F+P->Gun Flame->run, Cr. HS->[JC]S->HSx2-> HS V.Viper, then QCB + K->land, [OTG] Cr. S->Cr. HS ------------------------------------------------------------- COMBO ANALYSIS: Starts off as a normal Sol combo string, but you'll tack on the Gut Punch (F+P) instead of adding the St. HS after the St. S. Your opponent will then bounce off the wall, landing on your buffered Gun Flame. The EXACT MOMENT you finish doing the Gun Flame, quickly run towards your bouncing foe and juggle him with a Cr. HS, then JC into a S->HSx2->HS V.Viper combo; finally, knock them back to earth with the additional QCB + K move, and OTG him when you land. Because there's an opening after the Gut Punch where the opponent may recover, this isn't a true combo--but highly damaging if you catch the opponent slipping. Although this combo isn't meant to be done in the corner, it IS possible. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hits: 19 Damage: 176 Skill: Expert True Combo: YES (requires 1/2 Tension Gauge) ----------------------------------------------------------- IN CORNER, St. P->St. Kx2->F+P->F+HS->B. Revolver->land, Kx2->Tyrant Rave->[JC]S->HS->HS V.Viper, then QCB + K->land, [OTG] Cr. S->Cr. HS ----------------------------------------------------------- COMBO ANALYSIS: Definitely one of the harder combos to pull off, and requires PRECISE TIMING. Start with a St. P in the corner, then tap K once for the next two hits, then immediately hold F and press P->HS, and complete the motion for the B. Revolver (both hits of the Revolver will connect if done right). Just as you land, tap K once to juggle, and QUICKLY do the Tyrant Rave; just as it ends, JC into a S->HS, then quickly do a HS V.Viper (will hit once), and IMMEDIATELY do the additional hit to send them back to the ground for the final two OTG hits. Make no mistake--chances are you will not get this combo down precisely the first several times you try it. The key trouble points will probably be the Gut Punch into the HS->B. Revolver, the Tyrant Rave after the Kx2, and attempting to JC afterwards for the last few hits. Do this against a human opponent, and they'll probably look at the screen, then stare at you in disbelief, and then say ".....why?!" >:) -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- -=VIII. Miscellaneous Hippycrap=- This section will be dedicated to little known facts about Sol Badguy. Most of this (unless otherwise noted) is either common knowledge or things that I've noticed myself. *** Sol's origin is supposedly the United States. In the original GG game, Sol's stage was in the ruins of what appeared to be New York City (noticed the destroyed Statue of Liberty in the background the next time you play it). In GGX, he shares the same stage as Ky Kiske. Hmm... *** Sol's metal headgear has something etched onto it. If you examine the game case box cover, it says "Rock You". I remember his headgear saying something much different in the original GG--not to mention rather vulgar. :D His belt buckle also has something etched on it; it says "Free". Yep, that pretty much describes Sol to a T... *** Sol has three pre-fight stances. One of his stances has him standing calmly in front of his sword (which is lodged into the ground in front of him) as he cracks his knuckles and neck. After he speaks to the opponent, he quickly yanks his sword from the ground. His second stance is when he has his back to the opponent, sword over his shoulder. He then flings it up into the air, then turns around and catches it as he prepares to battle. His third stance happens when he fights Dizzy-- he does his Instant Kill charge-up animation... *** Sol has two win stances. His first one is my favorite--he angrily flings his sword down to the ground and turns his head away from the opponent in disgust. His second is when he turns his back to the screen and gives his foe a thumbs down for performance (same animation as one of his taunts). This second one seems to happen more often against Ky Kiske... *** Sol's Respect move is a cynical thumbs up to the opponent. Sol has two Taunts. The first is a thumbs down to the opponent (again, this seems to happen more often against Ky). The second is my favorite; he pretty much tells the opponent "Up yours"--complete with hand and arm gesture. :) At first glance, I could've sworn he was giving the opponent the finger... :p *** Sol's fighting stance is very casual; his hand is on his hip most of the time. It's almost as if he KNOWS he's stronger than who he's facing. If you allow him to stand for awhile, he'll occasionally lift his hand to crack his neck. *** Sol's theme song in GGX is "Keep Yourself Alive 2". Not entirely certain why they tagged the "2" after it; probably because it's basically the same theme from the first game, only slightly remixed. *** Although GGX doesn't exactly go heavy on the story, my interpretation of Sol's ending is this: Sol finally meets up with Dizzy, the supposed still-functioning Gear that everyone's been talking about. He is poised to rid the world of this "threat", but Dizzy's non- violent and innocent nature takes him by surprise. Sol apparently has second thoughts about this current situation, and despite his hatred for all Gears he allows Dizzy to be free--and continues on with his journey. Yes, I interpreted all that from one end-game picture. :) I may be wrong, but again it's MY interpretation of what probably happened. IX. FAQ (Coming Soon) X. CLX's Final Thought Sorry that this update didn't come as soon as I wanted--due to personal issues at home, coupled with my current job status, I didn't have alot of time to work on this. Pretty much every section now has something for everyone--with the exception of the FAQ section. I'll be posting up your most frequently asked questions there; therefore, if you guys have any questions regarding the FAQ, Sol Badguy, or myself, please feel free to contact me. Just please don't send me any "Sol Sucks--(insert favorite character here) RULES!!" emails, as they'll only be laughed at by myself and friends and then promptly discarded. I'm also working on posting up how Sol operates in GG Mode (special moves, combos, etc.), as well as a quick strategy against other characters. You'll more than likely see that in the next update or two, so stay tuned. Writing this FAQ has been rather enjoyable, and I hope that it helps those of you who have yet to master this game--hell, even I still have a bit of a way to go. C-ya next update. One... * Special Thanks ------------------ *Gotta give props to my mom and dad--thanks for going insane and conceiving me. Now the world is mine... >:) Just kidding. Thanks Mom for everything--even though you could be pretty strict at times. *CJayC for having a phat site and for hosting this FAQ. For more of the best in comprehensive FAQs and walkthroughs, visit Cheap plug--yeah, I know. :D *All my local friends/associates: David (a.k.a. Himura Kenshin on GameFAQs message boards) -- For being one of the first to show me GGX when it was just a Dreamcast import. You'd better start getting your skills back up, you Chipp-using bastard. :) Also a kick-ass player in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. Thomas -- For being my occasional GGX punching bag. :) Another Chipp-user, but not nearly as good as David--yet. ;) Brian -- For being one of the best damned Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 players I've ever seen. Can't wait to test you in Capcom Vs. SNK 2. >:) *Sammy and Arc System Works for creating this tight fighting game, and for making my wish come true and releasing this game stateside on the PS2. Now, about those endings... :p *Tyler Durden, for showing me the way. It's all taken care of, sir... *...and you, for reading this FAQ. Good news--I've decided not to kill you. :D "...Reap the prophecy..." "?Cybe(r)Lo(r)d X?"(tm) (c)2001