Ky FAQ V 1.02 For Guilty Gear X for SEGA Dreamcast. By Omega Cosmo (Andreas "Andy" Borgelind / Andersen) This FAQ is copyright 2001 Omega Cosmo Character Ky and game Guilty Gear X are copyrights of Arc System Works. Contacting: Mail: Website: (If you like my way of writing, then you will love my website to death... check it out why doncha?) KMegura's official copyright protection follows: (With the alteration of yours truly) ====================================================================== This document is for private and personal use only--it cannot be reprinted in part or in whole, or reproduced in any way or in any form (written or otherwise). It is a free document that cannot be used in any sort of commercial transaction, including selling it or giving it away as a gift. This FAQ cannot be referenced, altered, or used by anybody (including webmasters, publishers, and magazine staff) without my express written permission. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Omega Cosmo. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned herein. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== This FAQ should only be existing at: ====================================================================== GameFAQ's = ====================================================================== Neoseeker = ====================================================================== Shin Creative Heaven = ====================================================================== Barren Heart = ====================================================================== If you want to use my FAQ, you must have my written permission. ====================================================================== Adress: ====================================================================== Latest version of this FAQ can always be found at these places. ====================================================================== NOTE: THIS FAQ IS DC ORIENTED, BUT CAN BE USED FOR ARCADE GAMEPLAY TOO. ================================================================== CHARACTER NO 09: ================================================================== ____ __. ____ __.__ __ | |/ _|__.__. | |/ _|__| _____| | __ ____ | << | | | < | |/ ___/ |/ // __ \ | | \\___ | | | \| |\___ \| <\ ___/ |____|__ Y ____| |____|__ \__/____ >__|_ \\___ > \|/ \/ \/ \/ \/ - Title "art" by BCureton ================================================================== The Crusader that would die for justice. ================================================================== ======== CONTENTS ======== 1. General Info / Controls 2. All About Ky - Bio - Profile - Story - Random Thoughts - GG Mode Changes 3. Quick Move List 4. Detailed Move List - Normal Attacks / Commands - Special Attacks / Commands - Overdrive - Instant Kill 5. Combos - Ground Combos - Air Combos 6. Various Strategies 7. VS Guide - Anji - Axl - Baiken - Chipp - Dizzy - Faust - Jam - Johnny - Ky - May - Millia - Potemkin - Sol - Testament - Venom - Zato 8. Quote List 9. Colors / Outfits 10. Thanks / Credits 11. Revision History ========================== 1. General Info / Controls ========================== Hello. My name is Omega Cosmo. After weeks/months/lightyears of waiting, I finally got Guilty Gear X. And to show my obsession over one particular character, here follows my Ky FAQ. An FAQ that took quite some time to make, and hopefully will take you quite some time to read. I hope you enjoy this FAQ. If you do not learn anything from it, comfort yourself with the fact that at least you will have some entertaining reading. So, who is Ky? Ky is a crusader of justice, and one of two main characters of Guilty Gear X. The other one being Sol Badguy. Read more about Ky in the 'All About Ky' section. How do you play Ky? Well, let's put it like this, Ky is a beginners character in a way. He has the basic stuff. A projectile, an uppercut and other moves that has many uses. So, if you want to master Ky or if you are a Ky player, you are: - A person with reflexes. - A person which likes main characters of games. - A person that sacrifices amount of moves for smart gameplay. - A person that is willing to be a tad bit predictable. - A person that can bear with the fact that Ky has a hard time in tournaments. Explanation to last point is the following: Ky is indeed a good character, but he has no chance in tournaments. He is waaaay too predictable to be of any use amongst the elite. Still though, he is a GOOD character, and it's all about having fun right? Let's head over to Ky's Pros and Cons. Pros: + Ky has a fair amount of usable moves. + Ky is very user-friendly. + Ky has damn cool outfits. + Range folks, range. (Well, he does have one big sword) Cons: - Ky only has one Overdrive, which is not too effective. - Ky doesn't have any chance in elite gameplay. With that said, on to the controls: NOTE: TO FULLY ENJOY THIS FAQ, YOU MUST KNOW WHAT THE FOLLOWING IS: - Overdrives - Combos - Instant Kills (Shouldn't be that hard to know though :D) f - forward d/f - tap down+forward b - back d/b - tap down+back u - up u/f - tap up+forward d - down u/b - tap up+back qcf - quarter circle forward (d,d/f,f) qcb - quarter circle back (d,d/b,b) hcf - half circle forward (b,d/b,d,d/f,f) hcb - half circle back (f,d/f,d,d/b,b) dp - dragon punch (f,d,d/f) OC = Omega Cosmo (ME!!!) Note: I'll be commenting some parts of the FAQ so... l - launcher/dust attack (YB) DC Layout: Y Slash S X B Punch Heavy P HS A Kick K "Who the heck needs controls when there are toilets?" - Evil Shingo =============== 2. All About Ky =============== === Bio === Height: 5'10 (Around 185 cm) Weight: 128 lbs (Around 65 kg) Blood type: AB Eye color: Blue-Green Birthday: November 20 Birthplace: France Hobbies: Collecting teacups (OC Comment: Lifeless?!) Likes: Everyone's smiling faces Dislikes: Sol Street Fighter Alter Ego: Ryu [Projectile, Uppercut] KOF Alter Ego: Kyo '95 [Projectile, Uppercut, Only one Overdrive/DM] ======= Profile ======= Deadly serious, honest in work, truthful with others and devout in his morals. A firm believer in justice, eternally trying to help those weaker than himself. At the same time, he possesses a fragile mind that quickly erupts when he encounters anyone who breaks his rules or disrupts his order. In other words, he has a hard time dealing with freedom, a fact he has yet to realize. (OC Comment: In other words, he'd take house-arrest as an honor) ===== Story ===== A charismatic and talented swordsman, Ky was appointed as the leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights when he was only 16. Since the Crusades, he has worked in the police force to keep his vigil over mankind. Justice's final words at the Tournament made Ky realize that the "justice" he believed in only served human purposes. Ky, who believed all his life that Gears were inherently evil, could neither agree nor disagree with Justice's message. It was then that he received word of a Gear that had no intention of harming humans. To determine the true meaning of justice, he decided to embark on a new journey. (OC Comment: EVERYTHING THAT IS UNIDENTIFIED IS EVIL! Do we recognize this kind of personality?) =============== Random Thoughts =============== "I am a random soccer-playing penguin!" - Penguin 'Hey, I have to say something... Ky, how the heck did he get his lighting sword? Was it because he became the leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights? And how did he manage to do that at the age of 16? Hell, I hardly knew what a sword was when I was 16 :D.' 'Is it just me or is it typical of main characters to have a projectile and an uppercut? Break the trend please.' 'Why must all the important characters be so focused on their damn justice? Go home, get a beer, get a life, get drunk :D.' 'How did Sol steal his Fireseal sword from Ky and company? Wasn't the amazing Ky, leader of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights supposed to be there and stop him?' 'Oh, the main character is a blond beauty-boy with blue eyes. Long live originality.' =============== GG Mode Changes =============== - Ky gains a whole new look, complete with new walking animations and everything. [He looks possessed... Dark Ky?] - Gatling Combinations are highly limited. - Charged Stun Edge (qcf + HS) becomes a shield-type animation. - Vapor Thrust (HS version, dp + HS) becomes an Overdrive Attack with 50% Tension. - Stun Dipper (qcf + K) becomes faster, one hit. - Crescent Slash (qcb + K) animation changed. - Ride The Lightning becomes faster, one hit. ================== 3. Quick Move List ================== ======================================== Ky Kiske | Crusader Fighting For Justice ======================================== =Throw= Jump Slash When close, b/f + HS =Special Attacks= Stun Edge qcf + S Charged Stun Edge qcf + HS Aerial Edge qcf + S/HS (in air) Vapor Thrust dp + S/HS Aerial Vapor Thrust dp + S/HS (in air) Stun Dipper qcf + K Crescent Slash qcb + K =Overdrive= Ride The Lighting hcb,f + HS =Instant Kill= Rising Force [XABY] qcf,qcf + HS ===================== 4. Detailed Move List ===================== ========================= Normal Attacks / Commands ========================= Standing Punch ============== Ky attacks releases a swift punch towards his foe. Simple as that. It's a decent Punch move, which is very fast and abusable. Whenever the enemy is close to you, try doing 3 hits with this one and then any of his slashes into a special. More about this later. Standing Kick ============= Ky does a fast little kick with his right leg. Functions much like the standing punch, with the two exceptions: 1. It's slower. 2. It hits low. Standing Slash Far ================== A favorite of mine. Ky extends his blade quite a bit, hitting enemies which is standing far from him. It's a very nice poking move, although a tad bit slow/weak, it is very abusable. Standing Slash Close ==================== Ky performs a swift cut in a downwards angle. Fast and decent, a nice combo starter. I tend to use Heavy Slash when close though. Standing Heavy Slash Far ======================== A very nice move. Ky slashes his sword above him, and then let's it go down. (You think it sounds slow? It isn't...) It CAN be used as an anti-air, although risky, it might be your only chance in some situations. Other than that, dig the fact that it has range. Crouching Punch =============== Cute move. Ky once again decides to hit his enemy with his fist. (Why is beyond me, if I had a big ass sword, I'd just cut the head of my foe...hrm... never mind :D) It functions pretty much as the standing punch. Same damage, same looks, only it hits low. Crouching Kick ============== Ky releases a cute little kick which hits his foes legs. Functions pretty much as the standing kick. Although weaker and a LITTLE bit slower, it functions the same. Crouching Slash =============== A swift slash. Very nice attack actually. With it, you can execute a nice keep-away game. Again people, range. Crouching Heavy Slash ===================== A very nice move. Ky slashes in an upwards angle. A little slow, but strong, and if you time it right, it's yet another anti-air of Ky's. If you stand close to the enemy, you will hit twice. Jumping Punch ============= Wow. It looks and acts as the standing punch and the crouching punch, with the exception that this one is in the air. (Duh) After a successful launcher, this is the way to go. Other than that, it could be used to poke the enemy in the air. As you probably understood, this move should be a frequent combo filler. Jumping Kick ============ Ky performs a weird kick in the air, extended right in front of him. Functions pretty much the same as the jumping punch, with the exceptions that the jumping kick is slower, weaker but it has better range. You can use it as an air combo starter and/or filler. Jumping Slash ============= Ky does a nice slash, that hits in a downright and wide angle. A nice and fast slash, very good for air keep-away. Use it often! Jumping Heavy Slash =================== A very nice move! Ky slashes with his sword in a downwards angle. A very nice surprising move, that can be used at standing foes aswell. In a air duel between heavy slashes, this one has a huge chance to win. A solid cut to be exact. The only bad thing would be that an air combo ends with using this... Be alert. Launcher / Dust Attack ====================== Ky does a slow, secure slash on his foe. If it connects, the enemy will be launched. Yes, this is the time to jump up and bring upon him a devestating air combo! Weee!!! Although slower than many other launchers, it has good range. As most of Ky's arsenal of moves. Forward + Punch =============== Ky extends his palm, other than that, the animation is the same as in the standing punch. Decent move, but has no real combo possabilities. On the other hand, it has nice range for a punch. Stick to standing slash, is my advice. Forward + Kick ============== Ky trips forward and kicks the enemy on his/her upper leg area. A very nice move indeed. It's surprising and strong enough + it can be canceled into any of Ky's special moves. Way to go! Forward Heavy Slash =================== A lightning empowered slash that has good range and damage. I tend to use this one in close combat. A tad bit slow, but the strength makes up for it. Will hit two times if close to the enemy. Will hit grounded enemies within a certain limit. Throw: ====== Jump Slash ========== Ky grabs his enemy, does a somersault (oooo, flashy) and then slashes his enemy. A nice and flashy throw. A nice "follow-up" would be to rush up to the enemy after grounding him, then inflict a forward heavy slash on him for an extra hit when he is grounded. Comments: ========= Ky has range. Use it. Abuse his poking attacks, and attack the foe with more deadly combinations as often as you can. Remember to run up to the enemy and hitting him again after throwing him. Try and launch him often, air combos are always a safe hint. Use his jumping heavy slash a lot too, even if the enemy is on the ground! ========================== Special Attacks / Commands ========================== "Just f**k it man!" - Barb Welcome to the special attacks section. Finally :D. This is were all of Ky's special moves will be explained thoroughly. The layout is like so: ===================================================================== Move Name Motion Min / Max Damage Description ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ===================================================================== Let's get it on, shall we? ===================================================================== Stun Edge qcf + S 34 / 52 Ky's basic projectile. He swings his sword, and out comes a violent bolt of lightning. Use it whenever you get a chance to. Although not too damaging, you get the picture. Never use it when the enemy is close, since it has lag. Like all projectiles... ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Charged Stun Edge qcf + HS 45 / 69 (3 hits) Ky's charged version of his projectile. When it's charged, Ky emits a ball of energy in front of him. This ball of energy can defend Ky from some smaller attacks. When the energy ball is fully charged, the move will be released. And what is it? A charged up version of the Stun Edge that can hit up to three times. Use it in some types of close combat, since it disturbs the enemy, and can hurt quite well if it hits. On far combat, your better off with using the Stun Edge. ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Aerial Edge qcf + S/HS (in air) 28 / 43 It's exactly the same as the ground projectile, but in air. It's weaker and slower though. So, you might aswell throw out random ones when your in air. If your lucky, at least some of them will hit ;D. Heavy Slash version goes higher than the Slash version. ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Vapor Thrust dp + S/HS 36 / 54 (Slash) 43 / 65 (Heavy Slash) Oh, dragon punch warning. Ky does a the basic uppercut with his lighting empowered sword. It's of course one of the better anti-airs in the game. The HS version is stronger and also launches Ky higher up in the air. Use the S version in close combat though. It's easier to combo off the S version, since the enemy doesn't have as much time to recover and Ky recovers faster from it! ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Aerial Vapor Thrust dp + S/HS (in air) 36 / 54 The same as the ground version, with the sole difference that it's in the air. Quite a nice defensive move, with the addition that it's wonderful to use in a combo or as a combo finisher. ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Stun Dipper qcf + K 38 / 58 Ky slides forward and kicks his enemy. If the kick connects, he'll make a slash too. A nice and surprising move that has pretty decent damage. Use it when your enemy least awaits it! However, be careful on using it on far ranges... ===================================================================== ===================================================================== Crescent Slash qcb + K 31 / 46 Ky does a flashy somersault and a bolt of lightning right after it. A very nice move which has the coolest voice bit of all of Ky's moves. (CRESCENTU SLASH) Other than that, it's a fast and good move which also functions as a mini-launcher. In other words, you can combo off it. I use this move frequently, and so should you. ===================================================================== ========= Overdrive ========= ===================================================================== Ride The Lightning hcb,f + HS 117 / 175 (5 hits) [Requires half the Tension/Power Gauge/Meter] RIDU THE LIGHTNING! Isn't it wonderful? Ky's overdrive, (he only has one) is awfully useful. It can be used as a surprise move, and also in a combo. Ky charges lightning around him and almost takes the form of a ball. After that, he charges against his foe, damaging him like only an Overdrive can damage someone. Well, yes, I did mention that it isn't too effective before. And that's true, at least when you compare it to some others of the games Overdrives :D. ===================================================================== ============ Instant Kill ============ ===================================================================== Rising Force [XABY] qcf,qcf + HS DEATH [Must be in XABY/Power mode] Ky charges his sword with the power of holiness and strikes it upon his foe. Yes, Ky's Instant Kill move indeed follows the trend of the other ones of his moves. In other words, good range. This makes it one of the best Instant Kills in the game. Although not as long/fun/complex as many others, it has good range. And since it has good range, it has a good chance of taking your foe by surprise and killing him. A good Instant Kill, but be wary, as you lose the whole Tension Gauge after using it... ===================================================================== ========= 5. Combos ========= ============= Ground Combos ============= The combos that are used solely on ground, duh. Some of them might not work if the enemy uses a Recovery. 1. P > K > S > HS > Stun Dipper = 6 Hits 2. Crescent Slash > Vapor Thrust (S) > Vapor Thrust (S) > Stun Edge > Heavy Slash = 5 Hits [Easier to perform when enemy is in corner] 3. Crouching Close Heavy Slash > Stun Edge = 3 Hits 4. Crouching Close Heavy Slash > Stun Dipper = 4 Hits 5. P > K > S > HS > Ride The Lightning = 9 Hits 6. P > P > P > P > S > HS = 6 Hits [Complicated huh...? :D] 7. Charged Stun Edge > Ride The Lightning = 8 Hits ========== Air Combos ========== The combos that are used after launching your foe and jumping up to him. Some of them might not work if the enemy uses a Recovery. 1. P > K > P > K > Vapor Thrust (HS) = 6 Hits [Basic and very easy] 2. P > P > P > P > P > P > Vapor Thrust (HS) = 8 Hits [You get the drill] 3. P > K > P > K > Aerial Edge (S/HS) = 6 Hits 4. P > K > P > K > HS > Vapor Thrust (HS) = 7 Hits 5. P > K > P > K > Aerial Edge (S/HS) > Vapor Thrust (HS) = 7 Hits ===================== 6. Various Strategies ===================== What you have to do when you are in some particular situations! =============================================================== I'M BEING HIT AND FLYING AND CAN'T GET OUT OF THE ENEMY'S GRIP! =============================================================== Press X and Y simultaneously and hope for recovery! ======================================================= I HAVE ALMOST NO LIFE LEFT AND THE ENEMY HAS FULL LIFE! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? ======================================================= Quickly press XABY and enter Instant Kill mode, perform the Holy Blade and hope for the best! ================================================================ HAHA! THE ENEMY IS AWAY! HOW CAN I GET HIM DOWN EASILY FROM NOW? ================================================================ Throw out both ground and air projectiles, and if he jumps in on you, Vapor Thrust his sorry @$$. ====================== THE ENEMY IS GROUNDED! ====================== Do a Forward Heavy Slash or if you have a half Tension Gauge, use Ride The Lighting on him/her! ============================ THE ENEMY IS GETTING CLOSER! ============================ Poke him with Standing Slash and/or do the Crescent Slash on him/her! (Or the Stun Dipper) ========= KY ROCKS! ========= Ehem.. of course he does. ============================================= I CAN'T FIND KY ON THE CHARACTER SELECT MENU! ============================================= Damn your funny! ================================================ THE ENEMY IS DIZZY! (NOT THE CHARACTER, STUPID!) ================================================ Launch him and do an air combo or if you have a half Tension Gauge, use Ride The Lightning on him/her! ======================================== I AM DIZZY! (NOT THE CHARACTER, STUPID!) ======================================== Press all buttons frequently and try to escape it! That's all you can do! =========== 7. VS Guide =========== The guide which you should use if you have troubles facing a certain character! This guide works both VS CPU and VS another player. Although the strategies are not 100 % reliable, they should be able to aid a bit. The strategies are mostly CPU biased though. ======= VS Anji ======= Codename: "Gay". (Explanation: It's the looks) Anyhow, this guy is no bigger problem. You should however watch out for his air grab, as he tends to use it when you dash through the air. His Instant Kill can take you by surprise, but his Overdrive is easily avoided. Other than that, stand clear of the "ferocious" projectile of his since it turns into an overhead if you block it. More info regarding Anji, contributed by Shiva Nataraja: Anji is more dangerous than you can say. His normal attacks and numerous command attacks have a autoguard frame, meaning that he can go into his autoguard Dragon Punch. Autoguard Dragon Punch: Press P when you see the autoguard activated. Trust me, it is not pretty. The best option for Ky is his fireballs. You'll have to play a keep-away game mixed with a high-low game if you want to mess his autoguard. Just watch out for his super, it is more powerful than Guile's Sonic Hurricane. Conclusion: - Anji is Codename: "Gay". - Anji tends to use his air grab when you dash through the air. - Anji's Instant Kill can take you by surprise. Be wary. ====== VS Axl ====== AXUL BOMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! This guy has strength and range, and also a busload of funny voice samples. But what attacks should you watch out for? His charge move (where he shoots out his schyte in a green light) can be quite annoying, especially with that follow-up. In close, he uses the move which he can continue into Axl Bomber alot. His Overdrive is strong if your close to him, but does almost no damage if your far away and he decides to use it as a projectile. He also has a useless counter attack which he seldom executes. On top of that, a move where he comes falling from the sky, it doesn't travel that far however, so no problems. Always rememeber that his Instant Kill hits LOW! Conclusion: - AXUL BOMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! - Axl has some moves that you should watch out for. - Axl's Overdrive doesn't hurt that much on range. - Axl' Instant Kill hits LOW! ========= VS Baiken ========= The one-armed girl has quite a decent amount of moves to put up for herself. Although she only has a few offensive ones, her counters is a pain. (Especially when fighting a human player which plays a good Baiken) She has that move where she flings up a plank which comes from nowhere (?!) and her aerial "spin" when it comes to offensive moves. Also, her offensive Overdrive (the one where she slashes three times and three kanjis appear) can be quite irritating. Her counter Overdrives has the power to wreck the fight for you, so be wary. In air, always be on the look-out for her "spin" move. Conclusion: - Baiken is strong and deadly. - Baiken has some offensive moves which you'd do best in standing clear of. - Be wary of Baiken's counters, they are a real pain! (To reflect these, playing a good projectile game might be a nice idea) - In air, be wary of Baiken's "spin" move. ======== VS Chipp ======== Ninja boy is damn fast and has a variety of attacks, however, he is as you probably know, that very strong or durable at all. He has teleports, sure. Uppercut, sure. Much other attacks, sure. But Chipp reamains one of those characters with a wide variety of moves but lacking particulary useful ones. The things you need to look out for are his combos. If he gets in close, his speed can do remarkable things. Conclusion: - Chipp is very fast. - Chipp is not very strong. - Chipp has many moves, but not any particulary useful ones. - Chipp's fast combos can take you by surprise. ======== VS Dizzy ======== How I hate her. Yes, I really hate her. When player controlled, she is too weak and too boring for my taste. It's all about throwing out random ice projectiles. When CPU controlled, she is a BITCH. She is stronger than Potemkin, faster than Sol...blah. Her Tension Gauge fills up faster than...something really fast. Why is it that all damn final bosses must be so frickin' over-powered? Anyhow, what you need to do is one of the four following: 1. Jump-in > Combo > Jump away. 2. Throw out an Instant Kill and hope for the best. 3. Keep her away by using projectiles. 4. All of the above. You get the drill? This is really all the advice I can give. And yeah, watch out for the Overdrive in which she summons a purple hole, drags you in, and makes one of her helpers shoot you with energy arrows. It's PAIN. Conclusion: - Dizzy is boring and too weak when player controlled. - Dizzy is too fast and too cheap when CPU controlled. BITCH! - All of Dizzy's attacks are damaging and has too high priority. - You better hope that God's on your side when you face Dizzy on Very Hard. ======== VS Faust ======== The riot of GGX. This tall guy is not only funny, but also damn funny :D. Anyhow, what does he have to attack with? He throws out stuff and he teleports alot. So what is the key to victor? Be defensive. If you block his teleports, you can punish him like crazy. The stuff he throws out isn't that dangerous. Always remember that his "Roulette" Overdrive hits low. Conclusion: - Faust is damn funny :D. - Faust teleports alot. - Be defensive while facing Faust, especially on high levels. - Faust's "Roulette" Overdrive hits low. ====== VS Jam ====== "Jam....SOOOOOOOOOO HOT.......GONNNNA PULL HER PANTIES OFF!! WOOOOOOOO!!!! *Does the Ric Flair strut*" - Daigo Oooo, Jam ^.^. I love this girl :D. Anyhow, her arsenal of moves are mostly about kicks. She has a anti-air kick, a high-angle one, one that simply floats forward, etc... What I do when facing her is being offensive alot, so she doesn't get the chance to surprise me with her attacks. Also, punish her when she does her charge motion, because it lags, and we dun want special kicks over us now do we? :P Conclusion: - Jam has a wide variety of kicks to her disposal, so watch out! - Punish Jam when she charges up her moves. - Be wary of Jam's irritating and fast Overdrives, not to mention Jam's Instant Kill, which comes out in a very surprising way. ========= VS Johnny ========= Another one of my favorite characters. Johnny has the Mist Refiner (watch out for the air version) and he throws out coins at random times. But since he can run out of them, it's no biggie. Just be wary of the Mist Refiner, and punish him when you have the chance to. Johnny's Instant Kill travels FULL SCREEN. NEVER forget that! Conclusion: - Be wary of Johnny's Mist Refiner. - Johnny throws out coins at random times. No biggie though, since he eventually runs out of 'em. - The card Johnny throws during his Instant Kill travels full screen. ===== VS Ky ===== Ky? Oh, him :D. Anyhow, when facing off against yourself, you should use the disadvantages of "yourself" against your enemy...ehhh.... You get it. If Ky does a Vapor Thrust, wait and do a Stun Dipper etc. Counter his moves in a smart way, and have patience. He has a very annoying gameplay. Firing Stun Edges, and Vapor Thrusts when you get close. As always, be wary. Ride The Lightning is btw a very common move when facing him. Especially in his dreaded combos... (grrr...) Conclusion: - Ky has annoying gameplay. - Counter Kys' moves by having patience. - Watch out for Kys' Ride The Lightning in combos. Recover whenever you can... - His Instant Kill has range. Remember that. ====== VS May ====== Another one of my not so favorite characters. She is irritating. Using her goddamn dolphins in an almost ... abusing way. She also has strong Overdrives, and surprise moves a plenty. And there's nothing worse than losing to those cute voiced bitches, right?!! Oh, anyhow. Be defensive against her, she tends to launch you by riding her dolphins. Get her when she attempts to recover after those moves... Conclusion: - You don't want to lose to May. She's cute, your cool. Remember! - May's overdrives are strong and comes out fast. Especially the Great Yamada Attack. - May abuses dolphins. (REPORT!!!) ========= VS Millia ========= "The thing about the hair... Millia's a master in hairfighting...does she control ALL her hair? Ever wondered does she have any hidden 'bush-attacks' ala La Blue Girl? (Maybe that's how Zato lost his eyesight?)" - Shikyoh I always say that Millia is one of the best characters in the game. I never play with her, (too much hair for my taste :D) but I can really 'feel' that she is strong and has priority. Also, she's goddamn cheap. She has a majority of moves that will kill you off fast, so keep away! And yeah, you must block her Instant Kill LOW! Conclusion: - Millia needs a barber. Now. - Millia's Instant Kill must be blocked low. - Millia is fast and strong, but not terribly fun to play as. (IMO!) - Millia's probably the best character in the game when used by an expert... =========== VS Potemkin =========== Potemkin is slow. Potemkin is strong. Potemkin kills Chipp with four f + HS 's. (It's TRUE!!!) Anyhow, he should pose no real threat if you play a keep away game. However, if you decide to jump in close, be: 1. Wary of his anti-air attacks. (His air Overdrive and the one where he stretches his hand and pumps you with bullets) 2. Ready on getting punishment. If he blocks your assault, he will in 4/5 cases Potemkin Buster you. I guess that's it...? Conclusion: - Potemkin is slow. - Potemkin is strong. - Watch out for his anti-airs, and his bad habit of Potemkin Bustering you when he blocks... ====== VS Sol ====== Sol is also one of the stronger characters in the game. Being strong and also quite fast is dangerous. He is horribly offensive, and gains levels life flies on you know what in Survival. I hate facing him. Block often, and punish him when he leaves himself open. It will be a tough fight at higher levels. In a fight between a professional Ky player and professional Sol player, Ky is dead before the fight starts. Conclusion: - Sol is almost overpowered! (IMO!) - Sol has a variety of offensive moves. - Sol is the best character in Survival mode. ============ VS Testament ============ Testament is kind of cool. He seems to be a transvestite, but he is cool. He also has good range, although he could use a few more moves... He's never in air. Why? He sucks in air. Sure, he has range and alike, but no moves to use in air. The AI mostly stands on ground doing the Exe Beast all day long. Stick to the air, and you should get him down quite easily. Conclusion: - Testament is worthless in air. - Testament seems to have issues regarding what gender he is... (?!) - Testament has range. ======== VS Venom ======== Pole freak :D. Many of my mates play him, so I know how to get him down quite easily. It's hard to explain, but somehow, it's easy to know what Venom will do next... Venom is a quite fast and strong character, and he has an air Overdrive that can take you by surprise. As long as you keep your eyes open, he's no real threat. Oh, his Eye Of Osiris Overdrive goes full screen. Conclusion: - Venom has balanced stats. - Venoms air Overdrive can take you by surprise. - Venoms Eye Of Osiris Overdrive goes full screen. ======= VS Zato ======= And finally, we have the master of the shadows. People always tell me that he is damn cheap, and I disagree. Sure, he has some cheap moves and an horribly cheap anti-air. (F + HS) But, he is an character that needs to be learned. Zato can be horribly cheap, but so can other characters. Anyhow, watch out for his little assist dude, which can cause you some surprising damage at times. In air, watch out for his air Overdrive of course. When jumping in, watch out for his f + HS move, or you'll curse yourself. And finally, pay respects to Zato since his Voice Actor is dead ;.;. This man, Shiozawa Kaneto, who also did the voice for Hyo from Project Justice, made impressive voice bits indeed. Anyhow, show respect to those people that put their souls into stuff like this! Conclusion: - Zato has some cheap tactics, but so does other characters... - Be wary of Zatos little assist dude, as he tends to surprise... - Zatos air Overdrive is not nice to get hit by. - Zatos Voice Actor is dead, pay respects accordingly ;.;. (Rest in peace, Shiozawa Kaneto) ============= 8. Quote List ============= All the quotes which Ky has to his disposal! Introduction Quotes: * Doushtemo Tattakai Maska! = I see you really want to fight! * Ikimasu = I can do this! * Sa, Hajime Mashoka! = So, let us begin! * Zenryokude Kurukottoda... = You must fight with all of your power... * Ikimaseyo! = Let's do this! * Skoshi Skiatemorazo... = Play with me for a little while... (?) * Kageno hitsuwanai... = You don't have to hold back... * Kuchide iktemo... = I see that you won't listen to me... * VS Venom (?) = Janain wasutenosei! = Give up your evil ways! * VS Testament (?) = Kishin no gotokukoka! = It looks like the Devil! * VS Sol = Honki de Tatta Gatare, Sol! = Fight with all of your power, Sol/Don't hold back, Sol! Taunt Quotes: * Watashdewa, Fufukananoka? = You think I'm not enough for you? * Kataga Amai Desoney! = Your form is weak! * Marude Kamio Zadana! = You're not human! * Soredemo Senshi Deska? = Are you sure that you are a fighter? * Kishidani Hairi Masenka? = Will you join me? * Itsumades oshday ditsumorideska? = How long are you going to be like this? * E...Shianish masho! = Hey...Let's make this more interesting! * Watashio okorasey nidekudaze! = You better not piss me off! Blocking Quotes: * Naze...Honkide tattaka wanainda?! = Why...don't you fight with all of your power?! * Seoui! = Strong! * Yarimasnei! = You're pretty good! * Subarashi Wazadesu! = That was a cool move! * Sasu gadesu! = You're awful! * Kikimasen! = That doesn't hurt! Win Quotes: * Anata Deywa Murida = You cannot win. * Konkaiyo Watshino Shori Jestoney! = This time, I am the winner! * E! Shobu Jesta! = Boy, that was a good fight! * Matta Itsudemo Owayteshimau! = I'll fight you anytime! * Korega Huraiken no Chikaradesu! = This is my powerful lightning blade/sword! * Jigo jitokudana! = It's because of you that this happened! * VS Sol = Korede Kattaki Naru Toyunaka! = How can I enjoy victory by beating you! * Ketchakoskeruzo! = I'll make it to the last battle! * Yudanshimashtane! = You didn't concentrate for a few seconds! Knocked Down Quotes: * Fukaku! = Oh my God! * Shimata! = (Oh God) I missed it! (I am assuming that he's talking about countering the move that tripped him.) Dizzy Quotes: * Yarimasnei...! = I can't see...! * K...Kusou! = Sh...Sh*t! Destroy Mode Activated Quote: * Honkio Mezemasho! = I'll show you my true power! Defeated Quotes: * Koko...madeynonoka...! = the end for me...! * Koko...madeikte! = It's over...for me! Winning Quote VS Sol = It's because you held back that I can't enjoy the victory! Winning Quote VS Dizzy = You're every move is so strong! If I block too much, I'll be dead! =================== 9. Colors / Outfits =================== Here are Ky's outfits and my personal ramblings about them. You'll notice that I haven't gotten them all yet... You can get all outfits by completing Survival Mode under 10 minutes. My personal record is Level 65 with Ky (Baiken got lucky) and Level 86 with Sol (I hate you Venom). The layout is like so: ===================== Command To Get Outfit ===================== Outfit "Name" Hair Color: DUH! :D Main Color: Most parts of Ky, mainly the robe. Sub Color: The other frequent part, this includes parts of the robe, parts of the belt and more. Sword Color: DUH! :D Rating: My personal rating on this particular outfit. Out of five possible points. Comment: My mindless comment on the outfit. ==== Kick ==== Crusader Ky Hair Color: Blond Main Color: White Sub Color: Blue Sword Color: White/Blue Rating: **** / ***** Comment: Cool, fits Ky's crusader style perfectly. ========= Hold Kick ========= Gay Ky Hair Color: Light Pink Main Color: Dark Pink Sub Color: Light Pink Sword Color: Black/Pink Rating: * / ***** Comment: It makes you throw up. Worthless. Gay. ===== Punch ===== Dark Ky Hair Color: Brown Main Color: Black Sub Color: Gold Sword Color: Red Rating: ***** / ***** Comment: Oooo, wonderful. Ky looks great in this one. Especially the sword. Many peoples favorite outfit. ========== Hold Punch ========== Semi-Dark Ky Hair Color: Blue/Black Main Color: White Sub Color: Blue/Black Sword Color: Crystal Rating: **** / ***** Comment: Looks similar to the Any 2 Buttons At The Same Time outfit but a bit darker. I LOVE the sword! ===== Slash ===== Sweden Ky Hair Color: Light Blond Main Color: Blue Sub Color: Gold Sword Color: Crystal Rating: ***** / ***** Comment: Ah, the colors of Sweden. Way to go Ky! ========== Hold Slash ========== Shin Gold Ky Hair Color: Gold Main Color: Gold Sub Color: Gold Sword Color: Gold Rating: *** / ***** Comment: Looks like a golden statue but it's decent. I guess. =========== Heavy Slash =========== Kyosuke Ky Hair Color: Orange Main Color: White Sub Color: White Sword Color: White/Gold Rating: **** / ***** Comment: It's Kyosuke! From Rival Schools! W00T! ================ Hold Heavy Slash ================ Shaded Ky Hair Color: Orange With Shading Main Color: White With Shading Sub Color: White With Shading Sword Color: White/Gold With Minor Shading Rating: * / ***** Comment: No. I hate shaded colors. Die. ============================== Any 2 Buttons At The Same Time ============================== Evening Ky Hair Color: Black/Green Main Color: White Sub Color: Dark Green Sword Color: White/Silver Rating: ** / ***** Comments: He looks ready for a restaurant visit. Fair. ===== Start ===== Gold Ky Hair Color: Gold Main Color: White Sub Color: White/Gold Sword Color: White/Silver Rating: **** / ***** Comment: Wonderful. Ky has many nice outfits, and this one is no exception. Ky fits wonderfully in gold. ========== Hold Start ========== Shadow Ky Hair Color: Black Main Color: Black Sub Color: Black Sword Color: Black Rating: * / ***** Comment: This is how Ky would look if he was dead. Avoid. ==================== 10. Thanks / Credits ==================== Myself - Because I wrote this. (EGO...) Barb - My star on the online heaven. Rock on girl *L*. Kula^Diamond - Just because she is cool. Peace out :D. Evil Shingo - Because I would be beaten if I didn't include him. (Not that I care though, he's weak and all...bah, screw it :D) Batsu Power - Same as Evil_Shingo. Kinda =P. KD0084 - What can I say, everyone who are there are trustworthy. You all rock. Orochinagi ( - I'm getting back to the forum which made me discover the real online life. And I like it! So cheers for Orochinagi! Arc System Works - For making Guilty Gear X, the king of 2D fighters. Sammy ( - For publishing the game. Viva! GameFAQ's ( - It's the ultimate FAQ place. Period. BIGGEST THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING WHICH MADE THIS FAQ POSSIBLE: Ben Cureton - Title art, and loads of other stuff in this FAQ. Too much to mention. Great work on your full game FAQ by the way! Also thanks for the outfits which I haven't unlocked myself. Shiva Nataraja - "Noone beats Baikens Shiva" I'd like to add, "Noone beats Baikens Shiva FAQ" And that's why I chose to use some parts of it as a template for this FAQ! Also thanks for the extra info regarding Anji. The True Warrior - For the quote list. Please excuse me for forgetting to add you in the first version of the FAQ. :P Evil Shingo - Which introduced me to the world of GGX. A retard, but what the heck... Oro - The man which sent me GGX. Busloads of thanks to him. Commenters - Although you didn't know about you being in this FAQ, you've played a part anyway :D. Thanks guys... Batsu Power - Since he didn't share any comments in this FAQ, I chose to put him here instead. Oh yeah, thanks for the name of Zato's Voice Actor by the way! ==================== 11. Revision History ==================== Version 1.02 (2nd February 2002) - Added the rest of the outfits. (Thanks to Ben Cureton) I also added some more info regarding Anji, contributed by Shiva Nataraja. Version 1.01 (1st December 2001) - Very minor update. Just added a few people to the Credits. Version 1.00 (30th November 2001) - It's finally finished! What's there to add? Well, the rest of the colors whenever I get them. Also, some more combos perhaps...? End of FAQ / Omega Cosmo 2001