Guilty Gear X (Arcade, Dreamcast, Playstation 2) Anji-Mito Guide V 1.1 By Dennis Mongello October 2001 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Introduction a)Button/Abbreviation Explaination b)GGX game info c)Anji who? (Background info) d)Why Anji? (pros & cons) 2.Moves a)Normals b)Specials c)Overdrive d)Instant Kill e)Combos 3.Fun Stuff! a)Strategies b)Endless in a Victory of Yourself (win quotes) c)Misc. 4.Boring Stuff a)Thanks! b)Legal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************** Button/Abbreviation Explaination ******************************** *Note: This is the setup for the PS2 controller. The buttons are the same for the Dreamcast version as well. .-------------Square- Punch (P) D-PAD | .-----------Triangle- Slash (S) | | ub u uf | | \|/ | | b--o--f | | /|\ O O db d df O O | | | | | | | | | ------------Circle- Hard Slash (HS) -------------X- Kick (K) QCF - quarter circle forward (d, df, f) QCB - quarter circle back (d, db, b) HCB - half circle back (f, df, d, db, b) DP - dragon punch (f, d, df) s. - Standing (Ususaly understood) c. - Crouching j. - Jumping RC - Roman Cancel (Press any 3 attack buttons) JC - Jump Cancel (press u during an attack) FDC - Faultless Defense Cancel (Faultless Defense as soon as a sweep command is entered) OTG - Off the Ground. Used to desribe an attack that hits your opponent while he/she in laying on the ground. ************* GGX Game Info ************* Don't know where to start. GGX is unlike anyother fighter on the market. It is fast like Marvel vs. Capcom 2, but still technical like Capcom vs. SNK 2. There are tons of game systems. Most of these are taken from the Manual: Guard ===== b or db (Air Possible) Basic block. Not much to say... Two-Level Jumps =============== uf, u, or ub during jump. Double jump. Nothing TOO special... High Jump ========= aka "Super Jump" d, (ub, u, or uf). High jump that leaves a blue trail. Anji Has the farthest High jump in the game. Pretty sure... Can't Two level jump during a high Jump, but you can still air dash. Dead Angle Attack ================= (During guard: f + 2 attack buttons) Counter attack that eats up your Tension. DON'T use this. Your Tension is too precious. Dust Attack =========== S+HS Overhead attack that launches opponent in the air for an air combo! Sweep ===== c.S+HS Sweep that must be blocked low. Not recoverable. Recovery ======== Any 2 attacks buttons when knocked down. Regain your balance when knocked in the air. VERY Useful. Throw ===== f or b+HS when close. Throws opponent. Not much to say... I'd say use this against turtlers, but Anji has so many lows and Overheads that it really doesn't matter. Tension ======= The GGX term for "Super Meter." Tension is gained for being agrresive. You can even gain tension by running foreward! Guard Meter =========== This was added to ensure more offense and less turtles, as well as to limit damage on huge combos. It starts at 50%. It raises as you block moves. The more it is full, the more damage you take. If it is flashing, every hit counts as a counter. When you are in a combo, the meter goes down, which lets you take less damage. It goes back to normal when the combo ends or if you recover. Negative Penalty ================ If you are being very unagressive, ALL your tension goes away :( If you are using Anji right though, you;ll never have to worry about this :) Faultless Defense ================= (Press P+K while guarding) This Will put a rotating green circle around you. It lets you take NO block damage and pushes your attacker farther away than a usual block, as well as lets you block some moves in the air that are otherwise unblockable (i.e. Chipp's Zansei Roga). Tension is depleted while Faultless Defended, so pick your FD's wisely. Roman Cancel ============ (Press any 3 attack button during an attack.) This eliminates all lag in certain moves, stoping it dead and returing you to a normal postion, alowing for more combo folowup possibilities. It requires 50% tension though. It can be useful at times, because of the damage to be done. Jump Cancel =========== (Press u during an attack) Let's you jump as soon as an attack lands. This can add to combos. Not really sure how useful it is for Anji though. Faultless Defense Cancel ======================== (Faultless Defense as soon as a sweep command is entered) This lets you recover really quickly from any move that can combo into a sweep by doing Faultess Defense instead of the sweep. This allows for combo possibilities that are otherwise impossible. It is looked upon as a glitch and cheating in most tournaments because Roman Cancel does this, but costs 50% Tension. Now why would Arc System Intend for this to be in the game? Well, I probably won't include any FDC Combos, but I put this here for your information. Counter Hit =========== (Hit opponent when they are trying to attak you, or hit opponent with a flashing guard meter) Counter hits knock opponents up farther, have more stun time and have less of a window for recovery, allowing for better combos and more damage. Get used to these because with Anji's Autoguard, you get a lot of Counters. Especially with f+HS :) ********* Anji who? ********* Taken from & The manual: Anji is one of the few that have inherited the precious Japanese blood. Because there are only a handful of Japanese in this time period, they are under government protection. Thus, they do not receive the same treatment as regular citizens. Within the Japanese community, there are those that accept this treatment, and those that reject it. Anji is part of the latter; rather than being concerned about the preservation of his race, he wants to regain his freedom as a human being. Because of this, he disguises his nationality and travels the world in pursuit of "the man" known to have created the Gears and who is responsible for the destruction of the Japanese people. However, he pursues him not out of hatred or revenge. Height: 183 cm Weight: 68 kg Blood Type: B Eye Color: Black Borthday: January 1 Origin: Japan before the destruction Hobby: Vigorous sports and traveling ********* Why Anji? ********* Pros: + AUTOGUARD! (more on this in the STRATEGIES section) + Longest high jump (goes across the whole screen!) + Great defense which better as he takes more damage + Has tons of overheads to keep your opponent from blocking too much + His defense is also his offense (see AUTOGUARD) + Great comboable Overdrive + Pretty good one-hit kill Cons: - a tad slow - Not exactly the strongest character, but makes up for it in different ways - Not a terribly good long range game - Not the best air character The pros definatly outweigh the cons, but I guess I'm a bit biased. Anji is an Intermediate character I think. Beginners can pick him up and do well, but there is just so much depth to Anji, once you understand his game, he'll be so much better. That's what I made this guide for! Tell me if you think Anji has more Pros or Cons. I'm sure I'm missing some cons... ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moves ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******* Normals ******* N.B. *I didn't put damage...yet... because it varies greatly from character to character* PUNCH ===== s.P: Anji strikes with a closed fan. Great priority vs. Air, but shoddy damage, and not so good range. Also, terrible combo possibilties. Only combos into a f+HS. Use it as an Anti air if you use it at all. Can be JCed. c.P: Meh. Anji stirikes upward with a closed fan. Hits mid, which sucks for a crouching move cause this combos into a s.K and stuff. Really, don't use this move. j.P: Anji strikes downward with a closed fan. Nothing too special. Combos well, but you have much better moves, so get used to not using this. f+P: aka "Overhead Fan Bonk" Excellent autoguard properties. Anji lifts his fan up over his head and slams down on his opponents head. Autoguards lots of high/mid moves. I even autoguarded all of Venom's Air OD with this! The hit counts as an overhead too! This probably has the longest amount of autogaurd. Use it to autoguard projectiles, air projectiles, and up close every once in a while if your opponent blocks low a lot as it combos into his Overdrive! It has considerable start up time, but most of it *not all* has autoguard. This move is the only reason Anji's punch arsenal has any redeeming qualities. If you MUST hit square, make sure you are hitting foreward too. heh :) KICK ==== s.K: Standard Kick. Better damage and range than the Punch. Combos pretty good. Also good priority. Starts some good combos. Can be JCed. c.K: Anji strike downward with a closed fan. Better than c.P just because it hits low, and does more damage, and has a teeny tiny bit more range. Don't use this that much, only if your opponent blocks high too often. j.K: Excelent range and priority, and as usual better damge than the punch. For an incredibly safe jump, throw out one of these as soon as you jump, and throw one out on the way down. f+K: Another Autoguard move. Anji waves his fan foreward, back and then strikes foreward. Not as good autoguard-wise as f+P, but a lot more range and priority in terms of an attack. Knocks enemy toward the opposite wall, so this is a good move to zone your opponent away, if you need a little breathing room. Use this more as an attack than an autoguard move, but keep in mind it does have considerable start up. SLASH ===== s.S (far): Anji swipes upward with an open fan. You really won't be using this much. Anji should be used up close, and when he is far should be throwing butterflies (QCF + P) or High jumping towards the opponent. You'll se this in combos, though, after a close s.S. Less of a mini launcher than the close s.S, but can still get the job done, if need be. This also has a very small amount of autoguard. So small, it's almost negligible. Use it to autoguard projectiles if you want to show off your "1337 4U70B10CK1NG 5K1LLZ" s.S (close): One of Anji's best normals, he turns his back and strikes foreward with an open fan. Can be JCed. Comes out real quick, and acts as sort of a mini launcher! Hit your opponent with this when they are in the air and you'll see what I mean. You gotta be quick about your air combo, though. The most usefull applications of this are: QCF+S, S, RC, S and c.S+HS, RC, S. c.S: Anji swipes fans to either side of him. Hits behind him as well. Good range. Good attack. OTGs. Comes out pretty Quickly, combos into a s.HS. Good to throw into a combo instead of a s.S so your opponent doesn't always block high. j.S: Anji turns his back and strike with an open fan. This is his only jumping move that can be JCed. HARD SLASH ========== s.HS: Excellent move! Anji lifts both arms up and strikes downward at his sides with the fans. Hit infront of AND BEHIND him! Use this to stop pesky cross-ups. Has Autoguard. Does OK Damage, and combos well into some specials, including his Overdrive! Also OTGs. c.HS: Autoguard vs. Mid Attacks. Takes a while to come out, combos into and from nothing, too slow to OTG, but it DOES have autoguard... j.HS: Good cross-up. Wich is nice cause this plus a High jump means a cross up from the opposite side of the screen :) Also can combo into a j.QCB+P. f+HS: AWESOME MOVE! GREAT autoguard attack. Only autoguards one attack though. Anji spins Foreward with his fans attacking for about 5 hits and good damage for one hit. Can be Jump cancelled and comboed out of for the first two hits only. Can OTG. Can be JCed after first two hits only. Can also be abused. Especially in Survival Mode. Dust Attack (S+HS) ================== Anji opens up his umbrella (o_O) in an attemp to launch the opponent. Good luck hitting with this. It's range is TERRIBLE. It IS and overhead though. I guess it comes out sorta quick, compared to other dust moves, but Anji still has better moves for getting his opponent into the air, like c.S+HS, QCB+P, & QCF+S,S. Sweep (c.S+HS) ============== Anji reclines, sticking his leg out to kick his opponent, kocking his opponent to the ground. Unrecoverable. Good range I guess. Can be comboed into, and has good RC combo possibilities. OTGs too. ******** Specials ******** Shitsu aka "Butterfly" (QCF + P) =============================== Anji Throws a little blue butterfly originated from his fan. Bad lag and range for a projectile but it makes up for it when it gets blocked. When blocked, the butterfly turns into what looks like the Aerosmith wings(!) and becomes a big overhead. This has GREAT applications as discussed in the STRATEGIES section. Fujin (QCF + S (or HS)) ======================= Anji rushes Foreward, fans first. Can be followed up. the Slash version travels a small distance and is more useful. The HS version has a little start time. During this time blue shadows follow Anji. Anji rushes a bit more foreward, knocking the opponent to the wall, eliminating any usefull follow ups, unless you are in the corner. However, during the start up, the HS version has a few Frames of invincebility! -Follow ups: (ONLY after blocked or hit. No follow ups after a whif. ---Nagiha (S) ========== Low fan sweep. Most useful follow up. Must be blocked low. ---Shin Ichishiki (P) ================== Anji Jumps and throws some closed fans downward. Not very useful. The fans rarly hit. Please, tell me of you think otherwise. ---Shin Nishiki (K) ================ Anji Jumps and makes a small blue orb which hits many times and does good damage! If whiffed, though, it has lots of Lag. This is best used after a HS Fujin when the opponent is in the corner. Manual Shin Nishiki (j.QCB + P) =============================== Same as the folow up to the Fujin. Can be comboed from j.HS. Has Lots of lag. Use it Wisely. Use it to snuff out anti-airs, too. Kou (P during autoguard) ======================== EXCELLENT move. Too bad you can't always do this. Does good damage and is a mini launcher if RCed I think. Tough to know exactly when to hit P, but a good tactic is to do a f+HS and just mash on P, hoping you autoguard an attack. Also, this should really only be done after a f+HS, because the range ain't that good, and you'll probably whiff and leave yourself wide opne if you do it after another Auotguard move. A s.HS or c.HS might be safe though, if close enough. On (DP + HS) ============ Anji takes a short hop up and foreward, arms extended. If this connects, the enemy gets caught in his fan, Anji turns around and the enemy pops out, glowing blue. Has very mediocre range, try to get used to it, but great damage and follow up possibilies. Because it counts as a throw, it is unblockable and unrecoverable, also it has priority over EVERYTHING short of a projectile, that is. Kai aka "Stomp" (QCB + P (or K)) ================================ Anji jumps up and stomps down. Has a little start up, and some lag, but you can still combo a s.S or even his Overdrive after it! P has low range but better damage. The K version has a more useful range, worse lag, and terrible damage. It does have a few invincible at the very beggining just like the HS Fujin, though. Both of these moves are good for a cross up. ********* Overdrive ********* Issei Ogi "Sai" (HCB, f + HS) (Requires 50% Tension) ====================================================== Anji spins his fan directly in front of him. If it Hits, the fan folds up and launches the opponent. Has OK range, OK Damage, but GREAT comboability. If you hit and you are close enough, (the enemy is closer to Anji than the other side of the fan) you can do an On (DP + HS) or if you are too far, a HS Fujin (QCF + HS) works! This is a GREAT Overdrive. ************ Instant Kill ************ Zetsu (Press all four attack buttons to enter Instant Kill mode, then while in Inatant Kill mode, press QCF, QCF + HS) =========================================================== Anji runs toward his corner in a blue orb of energy and comes out riding an energy dragon! He goes the whole distance of the screen. Pretty good as far as one hit kills go, but that's not saying much. It comes out pretty quickly. If (or should I say "When?") blocked, Anji runs back for about half the screen and hits himself on the head with his fan, giving the opponent enough time to write the Great American Novel and still punish him for trying an Instant Kill. Yup. :) Also, for even attemping an instant kill, you lose your Tension meter altogether. So, if you do try this move, make sure you are close to your corner and make sure you are going to hit it, ok? ****** Combos ****** I'm not gonna list every single combo, but basic ones that will get you started to making your own. Anji has some great combos too! I also included some notes to help you make your own combos. Any contributions are appreciated. N.B.*I have not tested these combos versus everyone, so not all of them MIGHT not work against lighter/heavier characters like Millia/Potemkin, Especially the air combos, because of the gravity effect.* s.K, S, HS, QCF+S,S =================== Anji's Basic Gatling Combo. Use it with or without a c.P at the begging (preferably without). Just don't hit f+K instead of K. I do that sometimes, especialy when running :) Abuse this combo, it does Great damage for so little effort. S, S, HCB,f + HS ================ Good combo into his Overdrive. QCB+P, K, S, j.K, j.S, j.HS, j.QCB+P ==================================== Tough to do, especially on the heavier characters, and might be impossible on the lightest characers, but makes good use of the s.S "mini launcher." You can also replace the QCB+P with a QCF+S, S, RC, but that takes 50% tension. The timing is about the same, too. QCB+P, K, S, DP+HS ================== Another use for his "Mini Launcher." This ends with the DP+HS, which can combo into many things as well. Also, this might not work against the lighter characters. ********* RC combos ********* These are probably worth the 50% tension. QCF+S, S, RC, S, DP+HS ====================== You are free to do whatever you want after that :) c.S+HS, RC, S, DP+HS ==================== You'll probably hit with this one more often. the Sweep catches a lot of people off guard. ********** Air Combos ********** Anji doesn't have all that many options in the air, or I am not trying hard enough :) Besides, most of his ground combos do more damage. Good luck hitting a dust move though :) S+HS, j.P, j.K, j.S, j.HS, j.QCB + P ==================================== Bread and butter air combo. Nice damage. ********************************* Now for some combos after a DP+HS ********************************* DP+HS, (high jump) j.P, j.S, j.HS, j.QCB+P ========================================== One of many possibilities. Very trickey to time. And it uses a j.P instead of a j.K because the j.P range is pointed more downward. You might need to tweak this for heavier/lighter characters. DP+HS, HCB,f + HS ================= Excellent combo. Throw out what you want after this. Either an Air Combo, or a QCF+HS. **************** OVERDRIVE COMBOS **************** Anji's super is very combo friendly. Some things it combos from: A P Stomp (QCB+P) (maybe K too, but not sure...) his c.S+HS (the sweep), s.S, s.HS, first or second hit of f+HS, DP+HS, after a RCed QCF+S, S, and f+P That's 8 moves you throw an overdrive from! j.HS, s.S, s.S, HCB,f + HS ========================== This is pretty tricky to get the timing right, but an overdrive combo after a possible cross up? From across the screen?! This is almost too good to be true. :) S, S, HCB,f + HS, DP + HS ========================= Good combo into his OD and then some. After the DP + HS, do what you want. An air combo, or even another Overdrive! (opponent in corner) K, S, HS, HCB,f + HS, QCF + HS, K ================================= Another good OD combo. This is very pretty to look at. MORE TO COME! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fun Stuff! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ********** Strategies ********** Anji's Autoguard makes him stick out from the rest of the crowd. It makes his defense the same as his offense, since he can block while attacking, and in one case while going foreward and attacking! You can also autogaurd projectiles! Some notes to keep in mind. Anji has no Autoguard moves in the air, and Anji cannot autoguard low attacks. The no air autoguard is not a big deal, IMO, but A low autoguard would have been great because Millia and Jam both have insane combos starting with a c.k, and there's Sol's QCB + S move. Too bad though. Also, with the f+HS move, it's a big move that only autoguards one attack. With that move you gotta be weary of moves that hit more than once, like Baiken's c.HS, Testament's HS, and fast combos like Chipp's. When you see those coming, ALWAYS use Kou (P while Autoguarding), or else you'll eat their attack. In Survival mode, f+HS is VERY abusable! Watch out for Baiken's c.HS, Gold Chipp's Crazy Combos and Gold Faust's OD that hits low. Anji's butterfly projectile (QCF+P) may seem like a worthless, slow, low range, low damage projectile, but when it gets blocked, it becomes a bigger, more damaging, WAY more useful move. Because those Aerosmith wings count as an overhead, and Anji is free to rush in, you have some unblockable combo oppertunities! That's right unblockable! Hear me out. The Wings count as an Overhead, so if you rush in just before they hit and throw out a c.S+HS or a c.S, that will hit, the wings will hit, and you still can combo into say... an OVERDRIVE! Or another combo of choice. Here are some safe ways to call out a butterfly: When you are a half screen away from your opponent, or expect a rush in. When your opponent is about to get up, or after the fist two hits of a f+HS. Now, if your opponent is getting smart, and chooses to take the puny butterfly instead of the wings, there is still a some more damage to be done! If at the right range, you can do a QCF+S after the buterfly hit. This allows the QCF+S, S, RC, Overdrive combo, but you have to be at the right range, which is hard to do. Now, if your opponent jumps away, run after them with a DP+HS and do your combo of choice after that hits :) If you are having trouble against Fireballers like Ky or Venom, a good foreward high jump or K Stomp works well to get inside, where Anji belongs. MORE TO COME! ******************************** Endless in a Victory of Yourself ******************************** Coming SOON! ***** Misc. ***** Anji's theme is called Fuuga. He fights at the "Colony" stage. I hate the Colony because of that right corner. You can't see anything there :( GGX has tons of Metal/Rock references to it. Anji is no exception. Like I said before, when his Butterfly (QCF + P) is clock, it turns into the Aerosmith wings! What is that thing Anji wears on his head? Who would win in a fan fight? Anji? Mai? Kitana? lol :) Where is Capcom's Fan Fighter? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boring Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******* THANKS! ******* Well, I'd like to thank first and foremost, Pete, Dan, Manzo and Zito who introduced me to Guity Gear X and brought back my passion for 2D fighters. Playstaion Underground for giving me that demo of the original Guilty Gear for PSX. Arc System Works & Sammy for making this game and bringing it to the States. Everyone on various Message Boards for general help and conversation on GGX. ***** LEGAL ***** GUILTY GEAR X (C)2000 Sammy / 1998,2000 ARC SYSTEM WORKS CO.,LTD. All rights reserved. This document Copyright 2001 Dennis Mongello. I think. Really, if you want to use some of this stuff, just ask. ( I'll let you if it's a reasonable request and you don't take the credit for yourself. Just don't copy this thing and say it's your work, ok? If you do, then I have no choice but to sneak up behind you and put gum in your hair. Questions/Comments/Flames/Suggestions go to Dennis Mongello ( [end of document]