===================================================== FIRE PROWRESTLING D CHARACTER GUIDE: SHINYA HASHIMOTO ===================================================== Version 1.0 by AxxB (alex.boothroyd@ntlworld.com) Last modified: 13th April 2002 Fire ProWrestling D (c) 2001 Spike/VAiLL NOTE: This guide views and prints best with a monospace typeface. =================== ==VERSION HISTORY== =================== 1.0 - Initial release of the guide. ===================== ==TABLE OF CONTENTS== ===================== SECTION 1: HISTORY OF SHINYA HASHIMOTO SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS SECTION 3: MOVELIST SECTION 4: STRATEGY SECTION 5: CLOSING ========================================== ==SECTION 1: HISTORY OF SHINYA HASHIMOTO== ========================================== Shinya Hashimoto joined New Japan Pro Wrestling at the age of 19, and gradually made his way up from young lion to mid-card to eventually being the centrepeice of the whole promotion. In the late 80s and early 90s, he, along with Keiji Muto and Masa Chono were known as the Three Musketeers - the three men who the fans knew would carry New Japan in the future. Won the IWGP Heavyweigh title in September 1993, holding it for 7 Months. Second IWGP Title reign lasted a Year and two days. Third reign lasted from April 1996 to August 1997 - the longest reign ever! Was forced to retire after losing to persistant nemesis Naoya Ogawa on 7th April 2000, but returned in October of that year. Seceded from New Japan a Month later to open the Œindependant¹ Zero-One promotion, although he has worked on NJPW major shows as an outsider. Won the NWA World title from Steve Corino in December 2001, but lost it to Dan Severn three months later. A consistently good worker, and one of the more credible performers in the Wrestling business, Hashimoto is really really fucking great!!!!! ========================================== == SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS == ========================================== SKILL ----- Real Name...............Shinya Hashimoto FPD Name................Crasher Hatamoto Promotion.......................Zero-One FPD Promotion..................Freelance Size..............................Medium Class..............................Heavy Height............................183 cm Weight............................135 kg Country............................Japan Birthdate.......................3.7.1965 Stance.............................Power Offensive Skill.................Orthodox Return Skill.......................Power Critical Type...................Finisher Special Skill...........One hit finisher Recovery..........................Medium Recovery (when bleeding)............Slow Respiratory.......................Medium Respiratory (when bleeding)........Below Awareness.........................Medium Awareness (when bleeding).........Medium Neck Strength.....................Medium Arm Strength........................High Waist Strength....................Medium Foot Strength........................Low Movement Speed....................Medium Ascend Speed.................Medium Slow Ascend Skill.........................Yes PARAMETER - OFFENCE PARAMETER - DEFENCE ------------------- ------------------- Punch.............8 Punch.............8 Kick..............9 Kick..............8 Suplex............5 Suplex............7 Submission........6 Submission........7 Stretch...........8 Stretch...........6 Power.............9 Flying............7 Instant-P.........5 Crush.............8 Arm Power.........7 Vs Lariat.........7 Technical.........3 Technical.........5 Rough.............6 Rough.............6 Ground............4 Ground............4 TOTAL SKILL POINTS (on a scale from 0-300): 175 ======================= ==SECTION 3: MOVELIST== ======================= Specialty moves are marked with [S]. Finisher is marked with [F]. STRIKES ------- Standing (X)..........................Low Kick(9 9 C) Standing (A).......................Middle Kick(9 9 C) Standing (B) + d-pad............Kesa Gari Chop(8 9 C)[S] Standing (B)..................Jumping Dropkick(5 9 C) Standing (X) + (A)...................Enzuigiri(5 9 C) Running (X).................Spinning Heel Kick(6 7 B) Running (A)................................DDT(9 5 C) Running Counter (X)........................DDT(9 5 C) Running Counter (A)..................Powerslam(5 9 C) Running to corner....................Bodypress(9 9 C) GRAPPLES -------- Grapple (X)...................Thrust to Throat(6 8 D) Grapple (X) + Up.....................Body Slam(7 9 C) Grapple (X) + Left/Right.....Headlock Takeover(5 5 C) Grapple (X) + Down............Knees to Stomach(9 9 C) Grapple (A)...............Shoulder Arm Breaker(6 6 D) Grapple (A) + Up .............Brainbuster Slam(7 9 C) Grapple (A) + Left/Right...................DDT(5 9 C) Grapple (A) + Down..........Spinning Leg Sweep(9 3 C) Grapple (B)................Kesa Giri Chop Rush(8 9 C)[S] Grapple (B) + Up..................Vertical DDT(9 7 C)[F] Grapple (B) + L/R......Machine Gun Middle Kick(9 9 C) Grapple (B) + Down.................Jumping DDT(9 5 C)[S] Grapple (X) + (A)..............Fisherman¹s DDT(9 7 C) Back Grapple (X)..................Sledgehammer(7 8 C) Back Grapple (A)...............Backdrop Suplex(5 5 C) Back Grapple (B).........Dou-Jimi Sleeper Hold(8 8 C) Back Grapple (B) + U/D....Enzui Kesa Giri Chop(8 9 C) Back Grapple (B) + Left/Right......Reverse DDT(5 9 C) Back Grapple (X) + (A)......German Suplex Hold(5 5 C) Back Grapple Counter (X)............Elbow Butt(8 8 C) Back Grapple Counter (A)..............Ipponzei(5 5 C) OPPONENT DOWN MOVES ------------------- Opponent Face Up at Head(A)Triangle Headscissors(8 8 C)[S] Opponent Face Up at Head(B)............Elbowdrop(5 9 C) Opponent Face Up at Feet(A)........Cross Armlock(6 6 C) Opponent Face Up at Feet(B)...........Thigh Kick(6 9 D) Opponent Face Down at Head(A)......Cross Armlock(6 6 C) Opponent Face Down at Head(B)........Stomp(Back)(6 9 D) Opponent Face Down at Feet(A)..............Cover(7 7 C) Opponent Face Down at Feet(B).......Knee Breaker(6 9 D) Running at Downed Opponent(B)..Jumping Elbowdrop(5 9 C) MOUNT MOVES ----------- Mount Position (X)...........Mount Knuckle Arrow(6 8 D) Mount Position (A).................Cross Armlock(6 6 C) Mount Position (B)...................Boston Crab(8 8 C) Mount Position Counter...................Armlock(6 6 C) Front Facelock Attack (X)..........Knees to Head(6 9 D) Front Facelock Attack (A)........Front Neck Lock(8 7 C) Front Facelock Attack (B)............Jumping DDT(9 5 C) Front Facelock Attack Counter....Waterwheel Drop(5 9 C) Back Mount Position (X).Back Mount Knuckle Arrow(6 8 D) Back Mount Position (A).Torso Wrap Choke Sleeper(4 8 C) Back Mount Position (B)............Cross Armlock(6 6 C) Back Mount Position Counter...........Back Press(9 9 C) POST AND APRON MOVES -------------------- Post (X).......................Double Foot Stomp(9 5 C) Post (A).......................Double Foot Stomp(9 5 C) Post (B)............................Sledgehammer(7 8 C) Post (X) + (A).................Diving Elbow Drop(5 9 C) Run-Up Post vs Standing (X).................None Run-Up Post vs Downed (A)...................None Corner Grapple (B) + U.............Top Rope DDT (5 5 C) Corner Grapple (B) + L/R.......Impaling Shoulder(9 5 C) Corner Grapple (B) + Down.....Impaling Kneelifts(6 9 D) Front Avalanche Counter.................Headbutt(6 9 D) Back Avalanche Counter................Back Elbow(8 8 C) Apron Grapple from inside..Brainbuster to Inside(5 7 C) Apron Grapple from outside...Shoulder Armbreaker(6 6 D) Running to out of bounds....................None Slingshot to outside................Sledgehammer(7 8 C) Slingshot to inside.........................None DOUBLE AND TRIPLE TEAM MOVES ---------------------------- Two Platon Front Grapple......Double Brainbuster(5 5 C) Two Platon Back Grapple.........Double Back Drop(5 7 C) Two Platon Corner...............Spike Piledriver(9 7 C) Three Platon Front Grapple.......Triple Beatdown(6 8 D) Three Platon Back Grapple........Triple Beatdown(6 8 D) Three Platon Corner..............Triple Beatdown(6 8 D) PERFORMANCE ----------- Analogue Stick Left.................Single Hand Raised 1 Analogue Stick Right........................Cheer Spirit Analogue Stick Up.....................Two Hand Guts Pose Analogue Stick Down..................Two Hands Cross Cut ======================= ==SECTION 4: STRATEGY== ======================= GENERAL: Watched many Hashimoto matches? They follow a simple (but effective) routine - kicks and chops to wear the man down, progressively more disturbing DDTs to finish them off. And that¹s your most effective strategy using him in FPD as well. He is one of the hardest kickers in the game, so just keep nailing the middle kick as your opponents close and you¹ll have them breathing hard in no time. Then go for the knockout with his array of DDTs - they might survive a few, butthey won¹t survive them for long. Tactical note: When being Rear grappled, if you hit the (X) back elbow counter, your natural instinct would be to go behind and rear grapple your opponent right away. Normally this is sound strategy, but in Hashimoto¹s case his front grapple moves and strikes are far more powerful than his rear grapple moves. So there¹s really no need to go behind all that much. STRIKES: The Middle kick (standing A) is his best Strike. The low kick (standing X) is useful at short range, but not really needed. The Dropkick and Enzuigiri are hard to hit on a non-dizzy opponent, and are not really any more effective than the middle kick anyway. The Kesa Gari chop is effective, but it is quite a slow strike, and therefore easy to avoid, so save that for dizzy opponents as well. But basically, trust in the middle kick, and you will go far. GRAPPLES: Early on, the knees to the midsection are the most damaging move, so go with them as often as not. All of the A grapple moves except the Shoulder Armbreaker are highly rated, damaging moves (and the Armbreaker is good if you¹re building to an Arm submission). Note that the B + left/right kick combo is actually a medium grapple move as well - it won¹t be as damaging as the other B Grapples, but you¹ll be able to hit it sooner. As soon as you get into the B grapples, your opponent is pretty much dead to rights, as you can hit one DDT variation after another - your opponent will get up dizzy more often than not, so if you are tag teaming with a high-flyer, you can tag out while they are down and have the partner enter with a Springboard or top rope move. OPPONENT DOWN MOVES: This is one of the few problems I have with Hashimoto¹s moveset (in real life as well as in the game). He has strikes and grapples that damage the legs, but no leg submissions to follow them up with. But I digress. The Triangle Sleeper and Cross Armlock are both effective submissions, unless you¹re playing against the Computer at a high COM level (in which case no submissions are effective - they are all broken quickly). Impact moves-wise, the elbowdrop is the most effective due to it¹s C rating - the stomps and kicks are rated D. And that top rope double foot stomp looks horrific to take. PLAYING AGAINST HASHIMOTO: His defensive stats are lowest against ground and technical, so the best Wrestler to use against him would be a technical type or a shoot/MMA fighter. His Foot endurance time is low, so that would be the obvious target for your strikes and submissions. Also, because he relies on striking so much, he tires out easily, so if you can keep your head above water long enough you can take advantage due to fatigue. But remember to breathe yourself. ======================= ==SECTION 5: CLOSING== ======================= Thanks to: * Bill Wood for creating the format for the Character guide FAQs (credit Vipermask, CrazyEST and gBomber as well) * strongstylespirit.com, for biographical/ historical information * SPIKE for releasing Fire Pro D in th first place * anotherworld.co.uk for importing the game to England * GameFAQs and CJayC for hosting this FAQ * Shinya Hashimoto himself for being such a good worker (C) 2002 AxxB