=============================================== FIRE PROWRESTLING D CHARACTER GUIDE: HULK HOGAN =============================================== Version 1.1 by Bill Wood (billwood661@attbi.com) Last modified: 3/31/02 Fire ProWrestling D (c) 2001 Spike/VAiLL NOTE: This guide views and prints best with a monospace typeface. =================== ==VERSION HISTORY== =================== 1.1 - Combos added to Strategy, courtesy of Richard Bownes. 1.0 - Initial release of the guide. ===================== ==TABLE OF CONTENTS== ===================== SECTION 1: HISTORY OF HULK HOGAN SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS SECTION 3: MOVELIST SECTION 4: STRATEGY SECTION 5: CLOSING ==================================== ==SECTION 1: HISTORY OF HULK HOGAN== ==================================== Back in the day, when wrestling promotions were still territorial, a young Vince McMahon Jr. had a dream -- to deliver his World Wrestling Federation to a national audience. He would achieve that dream, and he would revolutionize the wrestling industry in the process. The cornerstone of his plan was Terry Bollea, better known as Hulk Hogan. By turning Hogan into an American icon, Vince had given the public exactly what they wanted -- not just a wrestler, but a symbol of justice and patriotism that everyone could relate to. With Hogan as the Real American Hero, wrestling's popularity soared to unequalled heights. But the gimmick would only last for so long before its appeal began to wear thin. Hulk Hogan later left the WWF for the arch-rival WCW, reinventing himself in the process. He became "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan, shedding his yellow and red tights for black leather and a five-o'clock shadow. As the leader of the outlaw group the nWo, Hogan became as popular a heel (bad guy) as he had been a face (good guy). With Hogan's recently successful return to the WWF, he has once again established himself as an icon for wrestling fans. ======================================== ==SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS== ======================================== SKILL ----- Real Name......Hulk Hogan (Terry Bollea) FPD Name......................Axe Duggan Promotion............................WWF* FPD Promotion..................Freelance Size...............................Large Class..............................Heavy Height............................201 cm Weight............................120 kg Country..........................America Birthdate.....................08.11.1955 Stance.............................Power Offensive Skill.................Orthodox Return Skill.......................Power Critical Type...................Finisher Special Skill..................Superstar Recovery............................Fast Recovery (when bleeding)..........Medium Respiratory.......................Medium Respiratory (when bleeding)........Above Awareness.........................Medium Awareness (when bleeding).........Strong Neck Strength.......................High Arm Strength........................High Waist Strength......................High Foot Strength.......................High Movement Speed....................Medium Ascend Speed.................Medium Slow Ascend Skill..........,,,,,,,.Can Ascend * = Hulk Hogan was not employed by the WWF when Fire Pro D was released. PARAMETER - OFFENSE PARAMETER - DEFENSE ------------------- ------------------- Punch.............6 Punch.............8 Kick..............4 Kick..............8 Suplex............5 Suplex............6 Submission........4 Submission........4 Stretch...........6 Stretch...........7 Power.............9 Flying............7 Instant-P.........7 Crush.............8 Arm Power.........7 Vs Lariat........10 Technical.........8 Technical.........6 Rough.............7 Rough.............8 Ground............6 Ground............7 TOTAL SKILL POINTS (on a scale from 0-300): 219 ======================= ==SECTION 3: MOVELIST== ======================= NOTE: This movelist is my direct translation of the Japanese Fire Pro D Player's Guide, there may be some minor errors. If I was unable to translate, I looked up the move in Edit Mode. Specialty moves are marked with [S]. Finisher is marked with [F]. STRIKES ------- Standing (X)...........................Horizontal Chop Standing (A)......................................Kick Standing (B) + d-pad.....................American Hook Standing (B)...........................Front High Kick Standing (X) + (A)............................Dropkick Running (X)...........................JUMPING KNEE PAT [S] Running (A)......................DUGGAN (HOGAN) HAMMER [S] Running Counter (X)....................Front High Kick Running Counter (A)......................Overhead Toss Running to corner...............................Lariat GRAPPLES -------- Grapple (X).................................Face Punch Grapple (X) + Up..................High Angle Body Slam Grapple (X) + Left/Right..................Face Scratch Grapple (X) + Down.........................Elbow Stamp Grapple (A).............................Headlock Punch Grapple (A) + Up...........................Brainbuster Grapple (A) + Left/Right...............Coconut Crusher Grapple (A) + Down..........................Piledriver Grapple (B)................................Cobra Twist Grapple (B) + Up.................Argentine Backbreaker Grapple (B) + Left/Right.............OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE [S] Grapple (B) + Down......................Powerbomb Whip Grapple (X) + (A)........................Knuckle Arrow Back Grapple (X)..........................Sledgehammer Back Grapple (A)..........................Knee Crusher Back Grapple (B)..........................Sleeper Hold Back Grapple (B) + Up/Down......High Angle Atomic Drop Back Grapple (B) + Left/Right.........Leglift Backdrop Back Grapple (X) + (A)........................Headbutt Back Grapple Counter (X)....................Elbow Butt Back Grapple Counter (A).................Kick to groin OPPONENT DOWN MOVES ------------------- Opponent Face Up at Head (A).......................Pin Opponent Face Up at Head (B).............Illegal Choke Opponent Face Up at Feet (A)...............Boston Crab Opponent Face Up at Feet (B).............Kick to groin Opponent Face Down at Head (A)............Camel Clutch Opponent Face Down at Head (B)..............Elbow Drop Opponent Face Down at Feet (A).......Roll over and pin Opponent Face Down at Feet (B)................Stomping Running at Downed Opponent (B).........GUILLOTINE DROP [F] MOUNT MOVES ----------- Mount Position (X).................Mount Knuckle Arrow Mount Position (A).........................Boston Crab Mount Position (B).......................Lifting Press Mount Position Counter.................Front Neck Lock Front Facelock Attack (X)..........Side Body Knee Lift Front Facelock Attack (A)..............Front Neck Lock Front Facelock Attack (B)...............Powerbomb Whip Front Facelock Attack Counter...........Watermill Drop Back Mount Position (X).......Back Mount Knuckle Arrow Back Mount Position (A)...............Back Mount Elbow Back Mount Position (B)..............Reverse Powerbomb Back Mount Position Counter.................Back Press POST AND APRON MOVES -------------------- Post (X)..............................Diving Knee Drop Post (A)..............................Diving Knee Drop Post (B)..................................Sledgehammer Post (X) + (A)..................DIVING GUILLOTINE DROP [S] Run-Up Post vs Standing (X).......................none Run-Up Post vs Downed (A).........................none Corner Grapple (B) + Up................Guillotine Whip Corner Grapple (B) + Left/Right.......Corner Headbutts Corner Grapple (B) + Down............Corner Knee Lifts Front Avalanche Counter.......................Eye Rake Back Avalanche Counter..................Backhand Elbow Apron Grapple from inside.....Stranglehold Hammer Blow Apron Grapple from outside.........Leg pull to outside Running to out of bounds..........................none Slingshot to outside......................Sledgehammer Slingshot to inside...............................none DOUBLE AND TRIPLE TEAM MOVES ---------------------------- Two Platon Front Grapple.................W.Brainbuster Two Platon Back Grapple.....................W.Backdrop Two Platon Corner..................Highjack Piledriver Three Platon Front Grapple.............Triple Beatdown Three Platon Back Grapple..............Triple Beatdown Three Platon Corner......................Triple Impact PERFORMANCE ----------- Analog Stick Left............bends elbows, swings arms Analog Stick Right............raises arms, claps hands Analog Stick Up..............Hogan-style muscle appeal Analog Stick Down.....raises fist, brings down forearm ======================= ==SECTION 4: STRATEGY== ======================= GENERAL STRATEGY Hogan's style of wrestling focuses on power moves to put an opponent down and keep him there. Two of his Specialty Moves are from a run, so get used to doing Irish whips to toss your adversary around. As would expect for someone with his experience, Hogan is a monster on defense. All of his body stats are High and his defensive parameters are equally impressive. He is only slightly lacking vs. submissions, but it's nothing to worry about. STRIKES The Hulkster's punches are more effective than his kicks, so use them if you can. Use the Horizontal Chop and American Hook. Every now and then, pick up a dazed opponent and do a running attack, both the (X) and (A) moves are Specialty Moves! The Guillotine/Running Leg Drop (which counts as a running strike) is Hogan's finisher. Use it, abuse it whenever your opponent is lying face up on the mat for an extended period of time. GRAPPLES Hogan's stronger grapples are head-crushing impact moves; piledrivers brainbusters, coconut crushers, and the Oklahoma Stampede. These will be your bread and butter grapple-wise as you work your way toward the dreaded Leg Drop of Doom. =) COMBOS Note: These are not combos in the "fighting game" sense of the word, as grapples can be countered and opponents can recover in between moves. These combos are more akin to natural wrestling combinations for this particular wrestler. Also, unlike fighting games, Fire Pro D combos are easier to perform when the opponent is worn down as his recovery time is longer. 1) Big Boot -> Leg Drop ====================== ==SECTION 5: CLOSING== ====================== In closing, I would like to thank: * ViperMask, who borrowed my formatting for his great Tiger Mask FAQ. In return I borrowed some of his! =) * Richard Bownes for combo contributions. * www.puroresu.com and www.wwf.com for historical reference. * www.gswf.org for Skill and Parameter stats. * CJayC and GameFAQs for hosting this guide. Fire ProWrestling D Character Guide: Hulk Hogan (c)2002 Bill Wood