============================================= FIRE PROWRESTLING D CHARACTER GUIDE: HAYABUSA ============================================= Version 1.4 by Bill Wood (billwood661@attbi.com) Last modified: 3/31/02 Fire ProWrestling D (c) 2001 Spike/VAiLL NOTE: This guide views and prints best with a monospace typeface. =================== ==VERSION HISTORY== =================== 1.4 - Combos added to Strategy, courtesy of Richard Bownes. 1.3 - Added "Run-Up Post" moves to the Movelist section. 1.2 - Minor formatting changes and corrections. 1.1 - Minor corrections. 1.0 - Initial release of the guide. ===================== ==TABLE OF CONTENTS== ===================== SECTION 1: HISTORY OF HAYABUSA SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS SECTION 3: MOVELIST SECTION 4: STRATEGY SECTION 5: CLOSING ================================== ==SECTION 1: HISTORY OF HAYABUSA== ================================== Anyone even vaguely familiar with Japanese wrestling probably knows the name of Hayabusa, FMW's high-flying wrestler. Taking on both technical matches and bloody deathmatches with a blend of style and grace, Hayabusa trained in Mexico in the ways of Lucha Libre before becoming a star in his native country of Japan. Hayabusa briefly disappeared from pro wrestling and was replaced by an impostor. The "real" Hayabusa later returned, going by the moniker of "H", and eventually reclaimed his original persona (ahh, the trials and tribulations of professional wrestling!). In 2001, Hayabusa suffered a tragic in-ring accident that most likely ended his career, but his graceful aerial style and fierce fighting spirit will never be forgotten by those fortunate enough to have seen "The Falcon" in action. ======================================== ==SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS== ======================================== SKILL ----- Real Name..........Hayabusa (Eiji Esaki) FPD Name.........................Ranmaru Promotion............................FMW FPD Promotion..........Independent World Size..............................Medium Class...............................Free Height............................183 cm Weight.............................95 kg Country............................Japan Birthdate.....................11.29.1968 Stance.........................Technical Offensive Skill...................Junior Return Skill......................Junior Critical Type...................Finisher Special Skill....................Stardom Recovery..........................Medium Recovery (when bleeding)............Slow Respiratory........................Above Respiratory (when bleeding).......Medium Awareness.........................Medium Awareness (when bleeding).........Medium Neck Strength.......................High Arm Strength.........................Low Waist Strength....................Medium Foot Strength........................Low Movement Speed...............Medium Fast Ascend Speed........................Fast Ascend Skill........................Jump PARAMETER - OFFENSE PARAMETER - DEFENSE ------------------- ------------------- Punch.............6 Punch.............6 Kick..............5 Kick..............5 Suplex............5 Suplex............6 Submission........3 Submission........3 Stretch...........4 Stretch...........7 Power.............3 Flying............9 Instant-P........10 Crush.............4 Arm Power.........3 Vs Lariat.........4 Technical.........8 Technical.........8 Rough.............4 Rough.............5 Ground............3 Ground............3 TOTAL SKILL POINTS (on a scale from 0-300): 164 ======================= ==SECTION 3: MOVELIST== ======================= NOTE: This movelist is my direct translation of the Japanese Fire Pro D Player's Guide, there may be some minor errors. If I was unable to translate, I looked up the move in Edit Mode. Specialty moves are marked with [S]. Finisher is marked with [F]. STRIKES ------- Standing (X)...........................Straight Shouda Standing (A)...............................Middle Kick Standing (B) + d-pad......................Upper Shouda Standing (B).........................One Spin Dropkick Standing (X) + (A).....................Screw High Kick Running (X)..............................Jumping Elbow Running (A)..........................Flying Kneel Kick Running Counter (X)......................Rolling Sobat Running Counter (A).....................Frankensteiner Running to corner....................Jumping Knee Butt GRAPPLES -------- Grapple (X)................................Elbow Smash Grapple (X) + Up.............................Body Slam Grapple (X) + Left/Right...................Flying Mare Grapple (X) + Down........................Cyclone Whip Grapple (A)......................................Sobat Grapple (A) + Up...........................Brainbuster Grapple (A) + Left/Right...........................DDT Grapple (A) + Down.................Schmidt Backbreaker Grapple (B).......................DRIVING FALCON ARROW [S] Grapple (B) + Up......................Fisherman Buster Grapple (B) + Left/Right..................Falcon Arrow Grapple (B) + Down.....................EMERALD FROSION [S] Grapple (X) + (A)..............................R. EDGE [S] Back Grapple (X).......................Back Kneel Kick Back Grapple (A)......................Twisted Backdrop Back Grapple (B)............................School Boy Back Grapple (B) + Up/Down...............German Suplex Back Grapple (B) + Left/Right.......Dragon Suplex Whip Back Grapple (X) + (A)...................Dragon Suplex Back Grapple Counter (X).................Overhead Kick Back Grapple Counter (A)............Rolling Prawn Hold OPPONENT DOWN MOVES ------------------- Opponent Face Up at Head (A).............Moonsault Pin Opponent Face Up at Head (B)..............Kick to face Opponent Face Up at Feet (A).......Figure Four Leglock Opponent Face Up at Feet (B).............Kick to groin Opponent Face Down at Head (A).......Roll over and pin Opponent Face Down at Head (B).........Guillotine Drop Opponent Face Down at Feet (A)..............Kamagatame Opponent Face Down at Feet (B)................Stomping Running at Downed Opponent (B).............Sunset Flip MOUNT MOVES ----------- Mount Position (X)........................Mount Shouda Mount Position (A).................Figure Four Leglock Mount Position (B)......................Jackknife Hold Mount Position Counter...................Triangle Hold Front Facelock Attack (X)..........Striking Knee Lifts Front Facelock Attack (A)..............Front Neck Lock Front Facelock Attack (B)............Double Arm Suplex Front Facelock Attack Counter...............Hammerlock Back Mount Position (X)..............Back Mount Shouda Back Mount Position (A)..................Choke Sleeper Back Mount Position (B)....................Jado Clutch Back Mount Position Counter.........Rolling Prawn Hold POST AND APRON MOVES -------------------- Post (X)..................................Tope Atomico Post (A)...............................FIREBIRD SPLASH [F] Post (B)..............................Diving Near Kick Post (X) + (A)..........................PHOENIX SPLASH [S] Run-Up Post vs Standing (X)...........Moonsault Attack Run-Up Post vs Downed (A)..............Moonsault Press Corner Grapple (B) + Up.................Frankensteiner Corner Grapple (B) + Left/Right...........Front Suplex Corner Grapple (B) + Down.........Hollywood Star Press Front Avalanche Counter............Flipping Prawn Hold Back Avalanche Counter............Super Frankensteiner Apron Grapple from inside..................Hook Shouda Apron Grapple from outside...............Shoulder Butt Running to out of bounds.................Tope Con Hilo Slingshot to outside.......................La Quebrada Slingshot to inside..................Ultra Huracanrana DOUBLE AND TRIPLE TEAM MOVES ---------------------------- Two Platon Front Grapple.................W.Brainbuster Two Platon Back Grapple.....................W.Backdrop Two Platon Corner...........B.Backdrop + D.Neckbreaker Three Platon Front Grapple.............Triple Beatdown Three Platon Back Grapple..............Triple Beatdown Three Platon Corner....................Triple Beatdown PERFORMANCE ----------- Analog Stick Left.................roars, arms extended Analog Stick Right....................raises both arms Analog Stick Up...................twirls finger in air Analog Stick Down...makes circling motion with fingers ======================= ==SECTION 4: STRATEGY== ======================= GENERAL STRATEGY Perhaps more than any other wrestler in history, Hayabusa is famous for his insane aerial skills. As Hayabusa, you should be climbing the posts at every opportunity, always looking for the opportunity to land a Firebird Splash or Phoenix Splash. Defensively, Hayabusa's weakness is submission holds to the arms and legs. If you see your opponent going for these areas, you'll have to react quickly. STRIKES Regular strikes aren't exactly Hayabusa's specialty. If you have to use them, I'd suggest the simple (A) Middle Kick, and only use it when you have to mix up your attacks to keep the opponent guessing. You'll want to concentrate more on slamming your opponent to the mat with a grapple so you can get airborne (see next section). GRAPPLES Hayabusa's best grapple attacks revolve around the Falcon Arrow, one of his signature moves. You'll want to wear the opponent down, nail a Falcon Arrow, then climb the ropes for an aerial move. Falcon Arrow - Hayabusa sets his opponent up for a brainbuster, but instead twists and follows through with his opponent, slamming them to the mat for the pin. Use this one a lot. Driving Falcon Arrow - Same as the above, but with more impact upon landing. Again, use this one a lot. R.Edge - Basically a Rock Bottom with a 180 twist. I don't like this move a whole lot, but it's a Strong Grapple and one of Hayabusa's specialties, so I guess you should use it. Emerald Frosion - Hayabusa hoists his opponent over his shoulder, cradling the neck, then drops his victim on his neck and shoulders. COMBOS Note: These are not combos in the "fighting game" sense of the word, as grapples can be countered and opponents can recover in between moves. These combos are more akin to natural wrestling combinations for this particular wrestler. Also, unlike fighting games, Fire Pro D combos are easier to perform when the opponent is worn down as his recovery time is longer. 1) Fisherman Buster -> Shooting Star Press 2) Fisherman Buster -> Firebird Splash 3) Fisherman Buster -> Stardust Press ====================== ==SECTION 5: CLOSING== ====================== In closing, I would like to thank: * ViperMask, who borrowed my formatting for his great Tiger Mask FAQ. In return I borrowed some of his! =) * Richard Bownes for combo contributions. * www.puroresu.com for historical reference. * www.gswf.org for Skill and Parameter stats. * CJayC and GameFAQs for hosting this guide. Fire ProWrestling D Character Guide: Hayabusa (c)2002 Bill Wood