================================================ FIRE PROWRESTLING D CHARACTER GUIDE: GRAN NANIWA ================================================ Version 1.3 by Bill Wood (billwood661@attbi.com) Last modified: 3/31/02 Fire ProWrestling D (c) 2001 Spike/VAiLL NOTE: This guide views and prints best with a monospace typeface. =================== ==VERSION HISTORY== =================== 1.3 - Combos added to Strategy, courtesy of Richard Bownes. 1.2 - Added "Run-Up Post" moves to the Movelist section. 1.1 - Added more history. Minor formatting changes and corrections. 1.0 - Initial release of the guide. ===================== ==TABLE OF CONTENTS== ===================== SECTION 1: HISTORY OF GRAN NANIWA SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS SECTION 3: MOVELIST SECTION 4: STRATEGY SECTION 5: CLOSING ===================================== ==SECTION 1: HISTORY OF GRAN NANIWA== ===================================== Gran Naniwa, the junior from Japan with the zany crab mask, is probably best known for his stint in Michinoku Pro, where he worked with such talents as the Great Sasuke and TAKA Michinoku. He now wrestles freelance for several different Japanese promotions, including All Japan Pro Wrestling. Naniwa's wrestling style is similar to that of Osaka Pro's Super Delfin, focusing on an almost comedic style of intense, high-energy junior wrestling. Very entertaining stuff. Contrary to popular belief, naniwa is not the Japanese word for crab! This comes from JLong on the GameFAQs FPD board (who was paraphrasing the Great Hisa from puroresu.com): "'Naniwa' is the old name of Osaka area. There is a seafood restaurant in Osaka that is nationally famous for (its food and) a big crab model at the entrance. The advertisement song of this restaurant is used as Gran Naniwa's entrance music. Also for his entrance, he wears the uniform of the rooters for the Hanshin Tigers, a pro baseball team in Osaka." On a related note, Gran Naniwa's theme song is the best ever! =) ======================================== ==SECTION 2: SKILL AND PARAMETER STATS== ======================================== SKILL ----- Real Name....................Gran Naniwa FPD Name.....................Doran Otawa Promotion...........................none FPD Promotion..................Freelance Size...............................Small Class.............................Junior Height............................177 cm Weight.............................97 kg Country............................Japan Birthdate.....................02.15.1977 Stance...........................Amateur Offensive Skill...................Junior Return Skill......................Junior Critical Type...................Finisher Special Skill.......................None Recovery..........................Medium Recovery (when bleeding)............Slow Respiratory........................Above Respiratory (when bleeding)........Below Awareness...........................Poor Awareness (when bleeding).........Medium Neck Strength........................Low Arm Strength......................Medium Waist Strength....................Medium Foot Strength.....................Medium Movement Speed...............Medium Fast Ascend Speed......................Medium Ascend Skill........................Jump PARAMETER - OFFENSE PARAMETER - DEFENSE ------------------- ------------------- Punch.............4 Punch.............5 Kick..............3 Kick..............4 Suplex............3 Suplex............5 Submission........3 Submission........3 Stretch...........3 Stretch...........4 Power.............3 Flying............7 Instant-P.........6 Crush.............3 Arm Power.........3 Vs Lariat.........2 Technical.........7 Technical.........5 Rough.............5 Rough.............6 Ground............3 Ground............3 TOTAL SKILL POINTS (on a scale from 0-300): 113 ======================= ==SECTION 3: MOVELIST== ======================= NOTE: This movelist is my direct translation of the Japanese Fire Pro D Player's Guide, there may be some minor errors. If I was unable to translate, I looked up the move in Edit Mode. Specialty moves are marked with [S]. Finisher is marked with [F]. STRIKES ------- Standing (X).................................Face Slap Standing (A)...........................Horizontal Chop Standing (B) + d-pad..............................Kick Standing (B)..................................Dropkick Standing (X) + (A)........................Low Dropkick Running (X)............................Charging Lariat Running (A)............................Flying Jump DDT Running Counter (X)..........................Powerslam Running Counter (A).....................Frankensteiner Running to corner...............................Lariat GRAPPLES -------- Grapple (X)...............................Face Scratch Grapple (X) + Up.............................Body Slam Grapple (X) + Left/Right......................Arm Whip Grapple (X) + Down.........................Elbow Stamp Grapple (A).........................Leg Grab Enzuigiri Grapple (A) + Up...........................Brainbuster Grapple (A) + Left/Right...........................DDT Grapple (A) + Down................Tombstone Piledriver Grapple (B).......................SPINNING DOCTOR BOMB [S] Grapple (B) + Up.............................SUPERBOMB [F] Grapple (B) + Left/Right...................Doctor Bomb Grapple (B) + Down..................Michinoku Driver 2 Grapple (X) + (A)......................EMERALD FROSION [S] Back Grapple (X)..............Headbutt to back of head Back Grapple (A)...........................Reverse DDT Back Grapple (B)...................Flipping Prawn Hold Back Grapple (B) + Up/Down................Tiger Suplex Back Grapple (B) + Left/Right......Quick German Suplex Back Grapple (X) + (A)..............German Suplex Whip Back Grapple Counter (X)....................Elbow Butt Back Grapple Counter (A)...........Flipping Prawn Hold OPPONENT DOWN MOVES ------------------- Opponent Face Up at Head (A).............R.Y.U Special Opponent Face Up at Head (B).................Chin Lock Opponent Face Up at Feet (A).......................Pin Opponent Face Up at Feet (B)..................Stomping Opponent Face Down at Head (A)............La Magistral Opponent Face Down at Head (B)......Jumping Elbow Drop Opponent Face Down at Feet (A).....................STF Opponent Face Down at Feet (B)................Stomping Running at Downed Opponent (B)......Jumping Elbow Drop MOUNT MOVES ----------- Mount Position (X)........................Mount Shouda Mount Position (A).........................Boston Crab Mount Position (B)......................Jackknife Hold Mount Position Counter.................Front Neck Lock Front Facelock Attack (X)..........Striking Knee Lifts Front Facelock Attack (A)..............Front Neck Lock Front Facelock Attack (B)..................Jumping DDT Front Facelock Attack Counter.................Toe Hold Back Mount Position (X).......Back Mount Knuckle Arrow Back Mount Position (A)..............Armbar Submission Back Mount Position (B)....................Jado Clutch Back Mount Position Counter.........Rolling Prawn Hold POST AND APRON MOVES -------------------- Post (X).............................Flying Elbow Drop Post (A)............................Flying Body Splash Post (B)............................Flying Body Attack Post (X) + (A).......................Super Huracanrana Run-Up Post vs Standing (X).......................none Run-Up Post vs Downed (A).........................none Corner Grapple (B) + Up...........AVAL. FRANKENSTEINER [S] Corner Grapple (B) + Left/Right...........Swinging DDT Corner Grapple (B) + Down......OUT RING FRANKENSTEINER [S] Front Avalanche Counter.................Powerbomb Whip Back Avalanche Counter.............Body Press Reversal Apron Grapple from inside...........Powerbomb to floor Apron Grapple from outside........Brainbuster reversal Running to out of bounds.................Tope Con Hilo Slingshot to outside...................Plancha Suicida Slingshot to inside.................Flying Body Attack DOUBLE AND TRIPLE TEAM MOVES ---------------------------- Two Platon Front Grapple..............Double Powerbomb Two Platon Back Grapple....................W. Backdrop Two Platon Corner..................Highjack Piledriver Three Platon Front Grapple.............Triple Beatdown Three Platon Back Grapple..............Triple Beatdown Three Platon Corner......................Triple Impact PERFORMANCE ----------- Analog Stick Left...........................raises arm Analog Stick Right................Naniwa "peace taunt" Analog Stick Up.......................raises both arms Analog Stick Down.......raises arms, brings elbow down ======================= ==SECTION 4: STRATEGY== ======================= GENERAL STRATEGY In the world of Fire Pro D, Gran Naniwa is merely an average-to-below average grappler. This means you must be very resourceful, knowing when to strike, when to grapple, and when to run like hell and catch your breath! Mainly, you want to put on an entertaining match with Gran Naniwa, winning should come second (!). Unfortunately, one of his more entertaining moves, the Crab Elbow, isn't in the game. As a weak substitute, you can climb the post, do his "peace taunt", and drop an elbow from the top turnbuckle. STRIKES As with most juniors, strikes aren't where it's at with Gran Naniwa. His kicks work well as a keepaway tactic, but you should be going for grapples, Irish whipping, diving out of the ring, climbing the post, etc., just like the real Naniwa would. But if your strategy is set to win the match (and especially if your opponent is bigger than you), get used to being on the defensive, always backing away and poking with strikes to systematically wear the opponent down. GRAPPLES Gran Naniwa's three big grapples are the Doctor Bomb, Spinning Doctor Bomb, and his Superbomb finisher. They are surprisingly powerful moves for a junior, so you should use them a lot! Two of his Specialty moves are from a corner grapple, so you should get used to working from this position. Also, throw your opponent out of the ring and perform a Tope Con Hilo every now and then. This would make Gran Naniwa proud! =) COMBOS Note: These are not combos in the "fighting game" sense of the word, as grapples can be countered and opponents can recover in between moves. These combos are more akin to natural wrestling combinations for this particular wrestler. Also, unlike fighting games, Fire Pro D combos are easier to perform when the opponent is worn down as his recovery time is longer. 1) Doctor Bomb -> Swinging Doctor Bomb ====================== ==SECTION 5: CLOSING== ====================== In closing, I would like to thank: * ViperMask, who borrowed my formatting for his great Tiger Mask FAQ. In return I borrowed some of his! =) * Richard Bownes for combo contributions. * JLong for his contribution to this guide. * www.puroresu.com and www.wwf.com for historical reference. * www.gswf.org for Skill and Parameter stats. * CJayC and GameFAQs for hosting this guide. Fire ProWrestling D Character Guide: Gran Naniwa (c)2002 Bill Wood