____ _ ____ _ _ | _ \(_)_ __ ___ / ___|_ __(_)___(_)___ | | | | | '_ \ / _ \ | | | '__| / __| / __| | |_| | | | | | (_) | | |___| | | \__ \ \__ \ |____/|_|_| |_|\___/ \____|_| |_|___/_|___/ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ |\/| |___ |\/| | | |___ |__| | | | | |___ | | |__| | | | |_\| Disclaimer ---------- Please don't upload this Memo FAQ to any website or publish it anywhere without my permission unless I send it in to you or certain sites. Questions and/or Comments ------------------------- If you have any questions or comments regarding this Memo FAQ, you can e-mail me for further clarification or Permission to use it. ***SPOILERS NOTICE*** Seeing how this is a compilation of Memos from the game, there will be spoilers if you read on, so THIS is your warning. Do NOT read on and ruin something for yourself then blame me or my Memo FAQ. Thank You. ********************* __________________________________________ |\----------------------------------------/| | \--------------------------------------/ | | \------------------------------------/ | | |----------------------------------| | | |T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S| | | |----------------------------------| | | /------------------------------------\ | | /--------------------------------------\ | |/----------------------------------------\| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________________________ \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ =-+-+-+-+-+-+-= 1) M E M O S =-+-+-+-+-+-+-= =-+-+-+-+-+-= 2) F A Q S =-+-+-+-+-+-= _______________________________________________________________________________ \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ __________________________ |\------------------------/| | \----------------------/ | | | 1) M E M O S | | | /----------------------\ | |/------------------------\| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ------ Notice ------ 10:00 AM Dr. Kirk's Lecture: "The Future of the Stabilizer" ------------------------------ New Employee Education (Email) ------------------------------ Please inform the new employees assigned to this department about the "DDK" system as follows: The Digital Disc Key or DDK, is a system that secures our most important areas with an advanced locking device. To release the locks protected by the DDK, prepare and set the following two data discs at the locking device near the door: "DDK CODE DISC X" "DDK INPUT DISC X" The type of the DDK you need is identified on the door: "A", "B", etc. If the DDK type you use does not match, you cannot release the lock. Before operating the system, make sure that your DDK type matches the door you wish to unlock. ------------------------ Journal of the Guardsmen ------------------------ Before tonight's experiment, the chief and Dr. Kirk will be having a meeting at the 2nd floor lounge from 1:00 p.m. Those who are scheduled to guard should keep a preponderant eye on the area in front of the Chief's Room, and the surrounding vicinity. Before taking positions, be sure to re-supply your ammunition in the custody room. The weapon storage in the custody room can be opened with the combination, "0426". Also, we have received information that spies have sneaked into the facility recently. If anything happens, you may have to enter the rooms of the chief and the professor in order to ensure their safety. You will find the disk that contains the information you will need to access their rooms on top of the locker. That's all for now. ----------------------------- The File of Personnel Changes ----------------------------- "Personnel Changes of Researchers" OLD Section: Special Aircraft Experiment Room NEW Section: Third Energy Physics Laboratory Registration Number: 57036 Name: Mark Doyle --------------- Chemical Manual --------------- New Product Descriptions: *Recovery Aid *An. Aid *Intensifier *Multiplier The four chemicals listed above feature our company's latest advancements. They are designed to perform exceptionally, particularly on the front lines, where only the minimum amount of equipment is accessible. Features: By mixing chemicals, the following 2 types of supplies can be created: *Recovering Type: It quickly recovers lost vitality. *Anesthetic Type: Applied to the head of a bullet or needle, it can put the target to sleep. Supplies that are produced by chemical mixing can be made even more effective with additional mixing. --------------------------------------- Memo from an Antenna Operating Engineer --------------------------------------- As a result of tonight's experiment, a strong magnetic storm may occur. Consequently, the Communication Department will close at 6 PM. At that time, the antenna will be temporarily stored. To prepare for the emergency, be sure to check the weapons storage locker in the lounge. You can unlock it with the combination, "8159". Recently, inexperienced guards have been assigned here, and a common problem is that they do not know how to use the DDK. Here are some points that may not be clear in the manual. Make sure that your staff becomes familiar with this important information. After you set the DDK to the door's locking device, you'll be asked to enter the password code. You will then need to derive the code by using the basic elimination rule. Eliminate the key letters to reveal the correct code. Be sure to try this out by setting an actual DDK to the door locking device. For example, CODE: "OXPYEZN" KEY: "XYZ" In the above case, the correct password would be "OPEN". ---------------------- Memo on the Whiteboard ---------------------- The change of personnel documents for this individual have not been turned in yet: Paul Baker Pager Number: 1123 Researcher Personnel Changes: OLD Section: Special Aircraft Experiment Room NEW Section: Third Energy Stabilizer Experiment Room Registration Number: 58104 Name: Paul Baker ------------------------------------------- File Containing Notices Writen to the Staff ------------------------------------------- Three years have passed since the tragic disaster. The performance of the newest Stabilizer will be tested in tonight's experiment. Three years ago, the Third Energy destroyed the facility and killed as many as 150 personnel, just from a single overflowing accident. So, to prevent a similar disaster from happening, we will take every possible precaution to reinforce our security. One more thing... We recently has a case in which someone used the terminal in this room and forged a fake ID to gain unauthorized access. Today, we are going to have a meeting in the strategy room on how to cope with the problem. In any case, all personnel should protect the security of the terminal. Anyone leaving this room unattended should lock the door without fail. --------------- Dead Man's Memo --------------- "Today's to do" Prepare the DDKs needed to enter the Laboratory Area. Tomorrow I have to go to the Computer Room to do maintenance on Dr. Kirk's computer. But I think I left a DDK at the Large Size Elevator Control Room when I went there yesterday to do the elevator maintenance. I'll have to check it later today. As for the other DDK, I think the rookie guy Tom, who was recently assigned to the Laboratory Area, has it. I'll have to borrow it from him. I have no idea how that jerk approached Kirk, but he seems to have gained his complete trust. It's weird how nobody knows his past history... ------------------------------------ Memo Addressed to the Doctor on Duty ------------------------------------ Dr. Sherwood, The ID Card on the desk belongs to one of my patients. Please hand it to Colonel Clay when he shows up. He told me that he was going to hold a meeting in the Strategy Room on the 1st floor to make preperations for tonight's experiment. Please make sure to hand the card to him since one is required to enter the Strategy Room. ---------------------------------- Data File for an Operation Meeting ---------------------------------- Subject: Reinforcement of ID Management Earlier in the week, there was a case in which someone used the terminal that rewrites the ID Cards to gain unauthorized access. This person acquired the fingerprint data from the corpse of another staff member who had died in the accident. He forged the dead man's ID by using the fingerprint data, and entered the laboratory area by way of elevator. The problem is that the Fingerprint Collecting Device can acquire usable fingerprint data, even from a corpse. Since we will be having an experiment today, there will be many outsiders visiting this facility. When creating the ID Cards for the guests, keep a careful eye on the device. ---------------------- Security Manual Vol. 1 ---------------------- "DDK", the electronic lock system of this facility, has been updated. A more intricate code system has been introduced, and the security level has been improved. You will need to be aware of the following information when entering the password. Number-Based "KEY" Decoding, Part 1. In a case where numbers are written instead of letters in the "KEY" field, the numbers could represent the codes for the corresponding characters. Here is an example of a corresponding chart between the letters and the code numbers. A=1, B=2, C=3...... ------------------------- Computer Terminal Display ------------------------- "Lock Code: 7248" -------------------- Researcher's Journal -------------------- March "Third Energy"... It is the system that can produce infinite energy from the air. The completion of this system will signify the end of one of society's greatest problems. ...It is true that the system was initially developed for military use, but we took part in the project because there is a silver lining in it for our future. But something is terribly wrong. The military has been giving us excessively favorable treatment for the simple development of a fundamental energy system. I must discover the true purpose of this project, before irreparable harm is done. What on earth is that kid planning to do...? April ...I haven't found any clues in the past month. He is indeed a genius. He seems to have noticed our secret investigation activities. I heard that he established a secret lab on this floor somewhere. The only way to learn of his true intentions, will be to find that lab. July At long last, Mike has found a clue pertaining to the location of the secret laboratory. He said that he hid the clue in our secret place inside the Library Room. Kirk has been meeting frequently with Colonel Clay, the leader of the project, in the Computer Room lately. What are they up to...? ---------------------- Security Manual Vol. 2 ---------------------- "DDK", the electronic lock system of this facility, has been updated. A more intricate code system has been introduced, and the security level has been improved. You will need to be aware of the following information when entering the password. Number-Based "KEY" Decoding, Part 2. In a case where numbers are written instead of letters in the "KEY" field, the numbers could indicate the rows to be deleted. For example, if "2" is in the "KEY" word, you should delete all of the letters from the second row of the "CODE". -------------------------- Memo on the Whiteboard (2) -------------------------- Adding another gas to one with a poison level under 30 may neutralize the gas. Red gas neutralizes the poison in green gas. Blue gas neutralizes the poison in orange gas. Green gas neutralizes the poison in purple gas. ...Remember these rules when mixing the gasses. -------------------- Memo in Data Storage -------------------- Dear Paul, I finally found the clue. This is the key card that you need to enter his secret lab. The only chance to enter it is during tonight's experiment. Obtain the other key card without hesitation. The other key card is in the Chief's Room. I heard the secret codes for the hidden safe are written on the Panel Keys. Now, if we find out where the laboratory is, everything will be solved. I'll leave that to you. Good luck. Mike ---------------- Doctor's Journal ---------------- It is easy to unleash any kind of power. The real task is keeping the power under control. The improvement of the "Initializer" ignition device has enhanced energy efficiency to the maximum. Despite that progress, we have been unable to advance the development of the "Stabilizer" safety valve since the accident that happened three years ago. The "Third Energy Theory" will surely alter human history drastically. But as long as there is an uncertain element regarding the control of this power, even if it is only 0.1% of a probability, my work will be nothing but a terrible failure. The restraining power of the "Stabilizer" we used in tonight's experiment was insufficient. The area affected by the excess energy is estimated to be a radius of 3,300 feet. The result of tonight's experiment may please the military people in a sense. The giant creatures that emerged just after the experiment have given me much inspiration. The most important thing to do right now is to leave here safely. As soon as I finish analyzing the data, I'll evacuate via the bottom floor. ------------------ Memo of a Recorder ------------------ The antenna will be stored temporarily at 9:00 PM tonight due to the experiment. ------------------- Dead Man's Memo (2) ------------------- Where the heck did these monsters come from?! I managed to slip away, but I've been cornered here in the basement ever since. The only way I can get out is through the port on level B3. I should be able to find a boat or something used to transport research materials. The only problem is getting there in one piece... ---------- Staff Memo ---------- Attention: Alan The weapon container at the General Weapon Storage will be carried out from the port next week. Please finish the maintenance of the crane within the week. I will hand you the DDK to enter the port so that you can finish the job. Make sure that you keep it on you at all times. ----------------------- File of Notice Messages ----------------------- Since we are going to move the experimental Generator outside today, we expect to see external staff within the test area. As a final reminder, if the "overload" occurs in this laboratory, it will mean the obliteration of the entire facility. If you don't want to be evaporated, guard the area with extreme caution today. The staff has been working double overtime recently. Dr. Kirk in particular has locked himself in his private quarters for nearly a week. Nobody has seen him. Take good care of the researchers and remember that the experiment's success depends upon their ability to think. Recently the credibility gap of Dr. Kirk has been varied among the staff. Keep your eyes on the ID Rewriting Device here to prevent illicit use. There has been an instance of someone abusing the Rewriting Device on the first floor. Keep your eyes open. ---------------------------- File Book of Notice Messages ---------------------------- Those who attend the activation of the Generator for the first time in tonight's experiment should remember the following procedures: To activate the Generator, the following two devices have tto be set in advance. Initializer Stabilizer The functions of the two devices are as follows: Initializer: Generates the necessary energy for the first reaction when activating the Generator. Stabilizer: The Third Energy reaction takes in the air and generates the energy in a chain reaction. This keeps the reaction under a certain level. You will find the models of the two parts in the case set at the center. If you have not seen them, be sure to check and see what they look like. If you split the numbers that you use when obtaining the Core Parts and add "0" to the each of the split numbers, they will give you the pass numbers you'll need when obtaining the other two protective parts. Be careful when handling the pass numbers of the Core Parts. ------------------ Notice by the beds ------------------ Be sure to make the bed after using it. ------------------------ Researcher's Journal (2) ------------------------ The kid pointed out the mistake in my calculations of the estimated value. The simulation of the Stabilizer, I mean. It seems I miscalculated the timing of the energy reaction at its critical point by 6 nanoseconds. I admitted that I made a mistake, but he has a serious attitude problem. He doesn't seem to understand we're all exhausted from having to work all day and night on a regular basis. Written by: M To M, Everyone feels the same way about Kirk as you do. It's time to let him know how we feel. I heard that you could create a lethal poison by mixing certain drugs together. They said you have to mix the strongest anesthetic with something else. ...Well, that may be going a bit too far, I suppose... Written by: K To K, You are pathetic. Can't you see Dr. Kirk devotes himself to the experiment without a care of anything else? Blaming others for your mistakes only exemplifies your cowardice. I hold all of you responsible should the experiment go wrong thanks to your blundering. Maybe you should be the one watching your back in case someone should "accidentally" inject you with poison. Written by: ??? ---------------------------- Generator Instruction Manual ---------------------------- "How to activate and control the generator" 1. Prepare to activate the Generator by operating the main panel on the upper floor of the Control Room. 2. Move to the B3 area of the Generator to set an Initializer. 3. Operate the panel near the Initializer to connect the "inhale shaft" to the Generator. 4. Move tot he B2 area to set a Stabilizer. 5. Activate the Generator. 6. Go back to the Control Room and adjust the output on the lower floor. *When activating the Generator, make sure the doctor is present. To avoid accidents, the Generator cannot be activated without Dr. Kirk's ID Card. ------------------------ Researcher's Journal (3) ------------------------ Since I was assigned to this department, all I've done is sample the simulation data of the Generator. Even a college student could handle these tasks. Why doesn't Kirk want us to operate the Generator? Doesn't he trust our ability and skill? Written by: O To O, I don't think the problem is so simple. Because his ID card is required to operate the Generator, once an accident occurs, Kirk is the only person who can stop it. I don't see what the military is planning to do with this conniving nonsensical procedure... Written by: N I have an idea. It's about that guy Tom who was recently assigned to the B1 area. He often comes to me to ask about our job... I guess he can't resist my charming personality. Why don't we invite him into our group and have him spy on Dr. Kirk? This should work as he is good at gaining the confidence of other people. Written by: B To B, Don't be so simpleminded. Have you already forgotten how you'd been trying to get Kirk's attention until recently? Learn to think a bit more logically first. At any rate, the male researchers here don't seem to know much of anything beyond research. Maybe you ought to try showing the next one you become close friends with the wonders of shampoo and the washing machine. Written by: C --------------- Researcher Memo --------------- Kirk has been hiding everything from the researchers recently. In a demonstration of solidarity, the B1 lab area staff have decided to investigate what Kirk and the military personnel are up to. As a start, we managed to set a wiretapping device at the Parts Storage area where they've been holding meetings. The device is sound activated and records automatically. It can also play back the recordings. It may be the best way to come up with some clues. We need Kirk's ID Card to check the Generator. We already know his registration number. It is 31415. All we need now to forge his ID Card is his fingerprint data... --------------------- Memo written in Blood --------------------- 1281 --------------------------------- Notice to the Staff from Dr. Kirk --------------------------------- Notice: Preparing the Stabilizer and the Initializer Make sure these two devices are ready in time for the experiment. Each of these two devices consist of the following three parts. Core Parts Protect Part A Protect Part B This means six parts are needed in all. These parts are separately stored in the Experiment Room, the Design Room room and the Parts Storage Room. Once you have acquired all 6 parts, you can assemble them in the Experiment Room. The Weightless Manipulator must be operated by staff of level A class. ------------------------------------------------------- Part of an Old Document with Dr. Kirk's Signature on it ------------------------------------------------------- "Third Energy as the Final Weapon" by Edward Kirk If the Third Energy reaction exceeds the critical point, it evokes the "overload" phenomenon. When this happens, we can't control it. The huge amount of energy creates chain reactions and begins to disintegrate the surrounding air. The ensuing explosion will vaporize anything in the near vicinity. If we could control the area where the "overload" occurs, the Third Energy will literally become the "Ultimate Weapon." The power of the weapon depends on how much energy we can restrain before the explosion occurs. In other words, the capability of the Stabilizer is the key to everything. The Third Energy was supposed to be the project of the development policy: "Create the basic power source for the Permanently Stationed Weapon." If we change the policy of the project here and now, this government will be able to obtain the most deadly destructive device in the world. However, our current budget is comletely out of the question. You'll find my estimate of the budget in the next chapter. Please review and consider. ----------------------------------------------- File of the messages from Dr. Kirk to the Staff ----------------------------------------------- Notice: Preparing the Stabilizer and the Initializer Make sure these two devices are ready in time for the experiment. Each of these two devices consist of the following three parts. Core Parts Protect Part A Protect Part B This means six parts are needed in all. These parts are separately stored in the Experiment Room, the Design Room room and the Parts Storage Room. Once you have acquired all 6 parts, you can assemble them in the Experiment Room. The Weightless Manipulator must be operated by staff of level A class. ------------------------------------------------ Third Energy Basic Theory Written by Edward Kirk ------------------------------------------------ "Third energy Basic Concept" The technology to extract energy from the ions in the atmosphere. That is the heart of third Energy. If you control the flow of ions by ionizing the constitution of the air, then you can extract the resultant electron movement as energy. The basic concept is simple. The electrons from which energy of movement was extracted, combines with ions to once again form the original constitution. However, due to the current level of technology, it is impossible to return it to 100% of the original constitution. the waste constituent yields a peroxide that is simular to ozone as a byproduct. However, it is not at a level high enough to threaten the concept of the proposed "Clean Energy" source. ------ Notice ------ Danger: Explosive Materials __________________________ |\------------------------/| | \----------------------/ | | | 2) F A Q S | | | /----------------------\ | |/------------------------\| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Q) I noticed some bad spelling/grammar in this FAQ. Don't you know your spelling and grammar? A) Yes I do, however I just wrote what I saw. It's bad spelling/grammar on Capcom's part. The game was originally made with the Japanese language, then simply translated to English for the non-Japanese releases, but not translated perfectly. Q) Where are these Memos found in the game? A) They're scattered around throughout the whole game and provide details on what happened to the facility and often contain helpful information. --------------------------------------- Dino Crisis Memo FAQ By Cybiolink8000 Cybiolink8000@hotmail.com