_ ______ -===''*`-;___ ,/ ---`_ | ``-_ ,^ \ | _ `\ _-^ _ _ \ | ^` \ `} { (_` } } | \ } | ' , / / ,' | \ | } ,^,, ``-) / / | \ | } (~+-) / ,; | \ } ) `-' / / _ | ,\/ , / ,',_`[]| | ; _-' /-/ -' | _|__ _ _, ,-' {_ | `* ^* ^" `<--------------| D2 FAQ/Walkthrough v1.0 by Syonyx Completed December 9, 2003 __________________ Table of Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Controls 3. Outdoor exploration **This document is best viewed in 4. Indoor exploration Courier 10pt font, 80 characters 5. Combat per line. 6. Menus and inventory 7. Hunting **Use ctrl-F and type in the section 8. Photography number to jump to that section. 9. WALKTHROUGH 9a. Disc 1 9b. Disc 2 9c. Disc 3 9d. Disc 4 10. FAQ and closing *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 1. INTRODUCTION *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Welcome to my guide for D2 on Sega Dreamcast! The game is rated M (mature) for general Kenji Eno freakiness. If you ever thought that you couldn't combine an FPS, third-person adventure, hunting simulator and survival horror all in one game, don't you feel silly now? I hope you find this guide useful in playing this very strange game. I realize that other guides are already available on gamefaqs.com, but I just never found any of them to be both particularly complete and easy to navigate. Hopefully you will find that this guide accomplishes these things. Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome. Just send them to syonyx_faqs at yahoo dot com. *Game Information* Title: D2 Platform: Sega Dreamcast Developer: WARP Publisher: Sega (NA), Warp (JP) Writer/Director/Music: Kenji Eno Release dates: (JP) December 23, 1999 (NA) August 22, 2000 *LEGAL INFO*: This document is copyright (c) Marc Lalonde, a.k.a. Syonyx, and is provided for free personal use only. Any use of this document in whole or in part for financial profit or in the hopes of such profit is expressly forbidden. Do not publish, post or publicly display this document or any part thereof in any way without the prior consent of the author. Under no circumstances may you remove or change any indication of authorship. *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 2. CONTROLS *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# These are the controls for the game in brief. Controls for specific situations will be elaborated on in the appropriate section (see sections 3 to 8, below). The direction buttons perform the same functions as the analog thumb pad. Analog thumb pad: Move A: Perform action, select item Aim (First-person view) B: Cancel selection Scroll menu items Face enemies on right (combat) Steer (snowmobile) Skip cinemas (double-tap) L trigger: Open item window X: Face enemies on left (combat) Zoom out (rifle, camera) Y: Hold to look around (indoors) Brake (snowmobile) Reload gun (combat) R trigger: Open weapon window Start: Open Start menu Zoom in (rifle, camera) Pause cinemas Accelerate (snowmobile) *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 3. OUTDOOR EXPLORATION *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ On foot ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Press the analog thumb pad up to move forward. A light press makes Laura walk, and a full press makes her run. Left and right make her turn. Pressing down lightly will make her walk backwards, while a quick full press down will make Laura turn around sharply. Get used to it, because this is how you'll be getting around for 95% of the game. Watch the compass in the VMU if you're ever worried that you're getting lost. Items can be found on the ground in various places. Keep an eye out for dark spots in the snow. When you approach an object, the camera will zoom in on it and you will pick it up. Just walk up to the door of a building to enter it. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Snowmobile ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ At one point in the game you will have access to a snowmobile. Press [A] to mount it. The controls for riding are as follows: R trigger: Accelerate L trigger: Brake Reverse: Y Thumb pad/direction buttons L/R: Steer To dismount, hold [L trigger] until you come to a full stop, then press [A]. If a battle is triggered, you will automatically stop and dismount, then remount the snowmobile at the end of the fight. *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 4. INDOOR EXPLORATION *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Inside any building, Laura switches to first-person view. She cannot walk freely about, and can only follow certain pre-set paths. Pressing the thumb pad up will move Laura forward if possible, and pressing it down backs her out again. L and R turn her view in the respective direction. When an object of interest is immediately in front of you, press [A] to suffer through a mind- bogglingly slow mini-cinema while you pick it up. You can also talk to other characters in your view by pressing [A]. To exit from a building, turn to face the door and press forward or [A]. You actually do have a small amount of freedom in aiming your line of sight. In any frame, press and hold [Y] and use the thumb pad to look around in a small area. You can zoom in on and pick up extra ammo and healing items in this way. Thankfully, picking up items like this does NOT trigger any mini- cinemas. It's a good idea to do a sweep of each frame in this way. You don't need to do this to find any key story items, though, so don't worry about missing something important. If there's a bed in the room, press [A] while facing it to sleep, restoring your health fully. *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 5. COMBAT *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Battles are initiated randomly while you are in the field, whether on foot or on snowmobile. Battles continue until either you or all enemies are dead; you can't escape from a fight. FIGHTING: In battle, use the thumb pad to aim your crosshairs and press [A] to fire. Hold [A] to fire repeatedly. The window in the bottom right of the screen shows your current weapon and how much ammo it has loaded. When you run out of ammo, Laura will automatically reload, leaving her vulnerable for a moment. You can force a reload at any time by pressing [Y]. Also, it seems that Laura isn't much of a fighter, since she is rooted to the ground with fear every time. She can't move from the spot she's standing on, but she can rotate left and right if monsters are there, by pressing [X] or [B] when that button shows up on the screen with an arrow pointing to where the monster is. These arrows will flash red when a monster is attacking. If you're very, very quick in turning and shooting them, you might be able to halt the attack. Select your weapon, if you're carrying more than one, by pressing [R trigger], scroll with the thumb pad L and R, and press [A] to equip the currently displayed weapon. If you do this during combat, it will take a moment for Laura to switch over, leaving her temporarily open to attack. Every monster type has a weak spot, indicated by the crosshairs turning red when moved over that spot. It is generally an eye of some sort. Firing on this spot will significantly increase the damage you cause, and becomes increasingly important when faced with multiple tough enemies. When you hit that sweet spot, more blood spurts out, and you hear a juicier sound. Usually, a good shot in a foe's weak spot will stun it momentarily, and it will cancel it's attack (if it has started one). Fortunately, you can instantly heal yourself at any time during a fight, if your health is getting low. Use [L trigger] to open the inventory window in the bottom left of the screen. Press the thumb pad L and R to scroll through the items, and press [A] to use one. The fight freezes while you do this. Press [B] when done to return to the fray. END OF BATTLE: Once all of the monsters are gone, you will receive experience points based on the type and number of each enemy. Your total experience will also be displayed on the screen. At certain amounts, your level will increase, raising your max HP, and healing you fully. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Weapons ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ 1. Sub-machine gun The weakest weapon, but lets you shoot in rapid-fire with unlimited ammo. You need to reload after every 15 shots. 2. Shotgun The most powerful weapon overall. Damage is greater when shot from close-up. Holds only 1 shot at a time, an uses up ammunition that you have to find throughout the game. Best reserved for the most difficult fights. 3. Handgun Laser-sighted gun, requires no aiming. However, you can't target an enemy's weak spot as a result. Holds 6 bullets at a time, and is reasonably powerful. You must find ammunition to keep using it. 4. Semi-automatic Much more powerful than the sub-machine gun, also has unlimited ammo. However, it only holds 10 shots, so you have to reload more often. Regardless, it is hands-down a better weapon. 5. Grenades You can find many of these lying around. Throw one and a few seconds later, the blast will tear any enemies around you to shreds. Ineffective against bosses. *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 6. MENUS AND INVENTORY *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Start menu ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Open this by pressing [Start] any time you have control of the game (i.e. not during cut-scenes). You can select from the following options on the left of the screen by pressing [A]: 1. MAP You will usually have a map of the current area, often given to you by other characters. Opening the map gives you a pointing finger icon that you can move around to highlight different locations of interest, which are marked on the map in various ways. Laura's current position will be marked with a blue pin. 2. INVENTORY A box opens showing you pictures of the different items Laura is carrying. Point to one and press [A] to see the item's name and a short description. You begin with the Hunting Rifle, Camera, Map A, and First-aid sprays (green). 3. WEAPONS Your weapons suitcase is revealed (what, is Laura a professional killer? Where did she get this thing?), with cutouts in the foam for each weapon you can find in the game. Point to any of the weapons you've collected to and press [A] to see a short description. 4. ARCHIVE Selecting this option gives you a list of the people, places and story elements that have been revealed to you so far. Press [A] on each one to get a description. These are useful for reviewing the knowledge you've gained as you try to figure out the many, many bizarre mysteries of the game. 5. PHOTO & HUNTING Check the sections below for details on these activities. 6. SAVE/LOAD No surprises here. The game lets you save 3 files per memory card/VMU, and each takes 5 blocks of memory. You can save anywhere in the game except during cinemas or combat. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Inventory window ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Press [L trigger] anytime (except during cinemas) to get open the inventory window in the bottom left corner of your screen. Move the thumb pad L and R to scroll through the items, and press [A] to use one. Your choices are: --> Healing items (portable cooker/meat or first-aid sprays), which will take effect immediately: First-aid spray (green) --> +20 HP First-aid spray (yellow) -> +50 HP First-aid spray (red) ---> +100 HP Meat ---> +30 HP --> Rifle or Camera, putting you into the appropriate mode (see Hunting and Photography, below); --> Ammo (shotgun or handgun). You can't use these here, but you can see how much you've got. --> Story items. Again, you can't use these in this way, but you can look at the little picture. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Weapons window ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Press [R trigger] to open and select your weapon to equip (see Combat, above). *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 7. HUNTING *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# The only practical reason for hunting is to acquire meat, which Laura can eat to heal herself. But hunting is a skill, and practicing that skill can be an end in itself. There are 4 types of animal to hunt: hare, snow grouse, caribou and moose. To hunt, look for animals while outdoors. Open the item window with [L trigger] and select the hunting rifle. Aim with the thumb pad, zoom in with [R trigger] an zoom out with [L trigger], then press [A] to fire when the crosshairs are over your target. Press [B] to cancel rifle mode. If you find a good spot where an animal that you want appears, you can kind of tease it into appearing there repeatedly. Just keep walking around a bit in a small area, turning so that Laura faces away from that spot and back again. 1. Hare Found: Disc 1, 3 Meats: 2 Comments: The easiest animal to kill. Still, don't take *too* long to aim or they'll start hopping away, and they're harder to hit while moving, though it's still possible. 2. Snow Grouse Found: Disc 1, 3 Meats: 1 Comments: Skittish, and are quite impossible to hit once they take flight. Often, once you see them in normal view, you won't have time to equip your rifle and aim before they fly off. Use your ears instead. You can hear their "screeaw" before they come into normal sight. When you do, equip the rifle and scan the environment, then quickly draw a bead and fire. If you miss, they'll be gone before you can reload. Mostly only appear near brush. 3. Caribou Found: Disc 1, 2 Meats: 3 Comments: You'd better hope they stay still long enough to take a shot, but even when they're on the run, you can still hit them with practice. The easiest place to hunt them is in disc 2, at the southeast end of the big frozen lake. Generally only appear by trees. 4. Moose Found: Disc 1, 2 Meats: 4 Comments: Behave the same as Caribou and found in the same locations, but are rarer. They can be hard to distinguish from Caribou at first. Moose are grey, stockier and maybe a bit shorter. Their antlers are wider, too. Check your hunting results in the Start menu under Photo & Hunting. You can see how many of each animal you've shot, and get a ranking. The general rankings are: Trainee, Hunter, Good Hunter, Great Hunter, and King of Hunting. You might see other rankings if you've been killing only certain animals, such as Hare Sportsman, Hare Marksman, or Moose Protector (for killing everything but moose). The manual says you get a trophy if you kill more than 10 of each, but I've killed over 11 of each and seen nothing different. Maybe you have to send away for it. *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 8. PHOTOGRAPHY *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# For the naturalists among you, you can take pictures of anything outdoors. The controls are the same as for the hunting rifle. Use [L trigger] to open the item window and select the camera. Press [R trigger] to zoom in, [L trigger] to zoom out, and [A] to take a picture. You will then be prompted to select a VMU for saving. Press [B] if you decide that you don't like the shot. Press [B] to exit from camera mode. Each picture that you save takes up 11 blocks of memory. To look at your pictures, open the Start menu and select "Photo & Hunting". Load pictures from your VMU, then select Photo Album to look at them all. Photo Descriptions lets you add captions to your photos, up to 16 characters, and Delete Photo, well, I have no idea what that one does. Hmm... *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 9. WALKTHROUGH *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# PREAMBLE: I have tried to keep this walkthrough as spoiler-free as possible. Since this game often has long sequences of cinemas with brief periods of control between them, the walkthrough will be very brief at times. For a more in-depth look at the game's events, please check out my D2 Plot Guide and Game Script, both available on gamefaqs.com. First of all, put in disc 4 to watch the opening movie. Then, return to disc 1 to start a new game. _______________________________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9a. Disc 1 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -=-+-=-+-=-+-=- MOUNTAIN HUT -=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Items: Sub-machine gun - In wall cabinet. First-aid spray (green) - On table. Free-look items: First-aid spray (green) X 2 - Under window, Behind chair. Shotgun shells - On table. Get the sub-machine gun from the cabinet on the wall to your right. Talk to Kim if you like, and practice moving about indoors. Exit through the door when you're ready. Once you leave, Kim comes out behind you and teaches you how to hunt. For the PETA activists among us, no, you can't choose not to shoot these 3 hares. You have to kill them to continue, but it's a personal choice from then on. OUTDOORS: Items: Grenade X 2  Between doghouses behind house, Stone hut roof. First-aid spray (green)  Beside tractor. Head north until you reach the stone hut. You need to enter the hut, then go back to the starting hut and talk to Kim, who's sleeping on the bed. She'll give you a key to the cabinet in the stone hut. -=-+-=-+-=- STONE HUT -=-+-=-+-=- Items: Magic stick  In locked cabinet. Portable radio  In locked cabinet. Grenade  In locked cabinet. First-aid spray (green)  On shelf. Free-look items: Shotgun shells  Under rear table. First-aid spray (green) X 2  Right of e-card safe, Right of cabinet. Go to the back table, try the phone, then look left and pick up the photo. Open the wall cabinet with the key that Kim gave you. Take the contents of the cabinet and go back to the mountain hut. Talk to Kim and listen to her blab on and on about her sad life. Since there's nothing else to do, and Kim is just depressing, go outside and walk a little ways, until something happens that prompts you to check out the crash site. -=-+-=-+-=-+- CRASH SITE -=-+-=-+-=-+- OUTDOORS: Items: First-aid spray (green)  Middle of path after fork, East side of clearing. First-aid spray (yellow)  Middle of clearing by 2 bare trees. Grenade  Hill west of airplane cabin. This is a good area to hunt caribou. When you're ready, head for the blinking red light and enter the plane. Laura looks around. Walk to the front, and a flight attendant rises to meet you. ***** Boss: SPAWN OF THE STEWARDESS ***** ***** Weak points: Butterfly, Head ***** Bet you're sorry you asked for that extra bag of peanuts now, aren't you? The best strategy is to shoot the butterfly that starts off fluttering to the right. After a couple good hits on it, the flight attendant will pull you in close and ask, "Meat or fish?" At this point, shoot it in the head. Repeat. Otherwise, you could just concentrate on shooting the head from afar, but this will let her smack you against the walls of the cabin a couple times. If this happens, watch your health and heal as needed. She'll die pretty quickly, after which you return to the cabin. Next, you're heading toward the underground mine, taking the east path at the wooden sign that's north of the huts. OUTDOORS: Items: Shotgun shells X 2  Mound in clearing by Shannon Mountain, End of high road by power-line tower. First-aid spray (green)  Middle lamppost at end. After the clearing, take the high road on the left to get the shells by the tower. At the end, check out the truck via the driver-side door. -=-+-=-+-=-+- TRUCK CAB -=-+-=-+-=-+- Items: Shotgun shells  Glove compartment. First-aid spray (green)  Glove compartment. Free-look items: First-aid spray (green)- Right end of dashboard. Put the key from the snowmobile in the ignition, and drive the truck through the gates to reach the mining facility. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- MINING FACILITY -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Items: Shotgun shells  On crate. Free-look items: First-aid spray (yellow)  Left of exit door. First-aid spray (red)  Between two barrels. Pick up the goodies and try to enter the mine. It seems you need a code... Where could it be? Head back outside to get a nasty surprise. ***** Boss: MAGIC GRANDPA ***** ***** Weak point: Open tentacle ***** Shoot the end of the main tentacle when you can. It's not too easy, since he keeps waving it around. As the fight continues, he'll try a magic trick: making a dove appear. The dove flies around, suddenly becomes giant, and picks up gramps by the tentacle. Keep firing just under the bird while he's suspended. Eventually it'll fly away. The next time he tries this trick, the dove turns on him and starts pecking away at his tentacle, doing your work for you. That's fine. Another hit or two and he'll be history. Laura picks up the ID card and realizes her assailant's identity, sending her into a tizzy. When you regain control, Laura is back in the mountain hut. Now that you have the E-card, go back to the stone hut and open the safe. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=- E-CARD SAFE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Get the Grenade and Shotgun (whoohoo!), then pick up the walkie-talkie. A message comes through it, letting Laura know that she has to go back to the mining facility. Write down the code that's on the door of the safe before going there. The number is randomly selected each game, so I can't tell you what it is. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- UNDERGROUND MINE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Use the code from the safe to get entrance from the above-ground facility you were in before. ---------- Entrance ---------- Free-look items: First-aid spray (green) X 2  Right of stairs, On boxes by stairs. Type in the code from the E-card safe and hit enter to open the gates to the elevator. Enter the door beside the stairs. You maneuver around the mine by pressing the analog thumb pad in the direction you want to go. You can get attacked by mutated miners down here. Here is a rough map of the mine: |--------. ,-------. |------. | | ,----. | | | | | | '---------. | | | | | ,--------. | A = Entrance A-------' ' ------' | | | | | B = Exit A-------, ,-------. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----' | | '----' | / / |-------' '--------' / / ,---------. / / B---' ,-. | / / B---. | | | / / | | | | / / | '-' '---' / '--------------' ------------ Mine shaft ------------ Free-look items: Shotgun shells  Beside plank inside door. First-aid spray (green)  Far stairs, On ramp after lift. Go through the far door. ---------------- Miner's lounge ---------------- Items: Gasoline cans  Turn around from blank toolbox. First-aid spray (green)  In George's toolbox. Shotgun shells  In blank toolbox. Touching Marcus' toolbox without permission makes Marcus mad. Open the other toolboxes. The blank one is behind the stack of crates. Turn around from there to see the gas cans. Pick one up to start a loooooonnnnggg series of cinemas that end the disc. _______________________________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9b. Disc 2 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -=-+-=-+-=-+-=- FOREST HUT -=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Items: Map B  Drawer in main room. Grenade  Upstairs in drawer. Shotgun shells  Upstairs in drawer. First-aid spray (green) X 2  Upstairs on floor, Drawer in main room. Free-look items: Grenade  On crate behind bed. First-aid spray (green)  Under drawer in main room, Behind Jannie's chair, On stairs to basement. Explore the house, saving the door on the right of the main room for last. When you return from going through that door, you get a few nasty surprises. ***** Boss: NUDE KIMBERLY ***** ***** Weak point: Pelvis ***** Just keep shooting her pelvic area, where there's green moss covering her modesty. You'll have to change the direction you're facing periodically as she moves about the ceiling. You have the clearest shot while she's right above you. Watch your health and heal yourself as needed. Talk to Kim twice in the basement. Sleep if you want to recover your health. When you try to leave the basement, Kim gives you more information and a key to get into the storage facility. OUTSIDE: Items: First-aid spray (green)  West side of house. Grenade  End of east path from house. Shotgun shells  North end of pharmaceuticals building. Ride to the pharmaceuticals building, you really can't miss it due to the glaring yellow light. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- BRENNER PHARMACEUTICALS -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- Items: First-aid spray (green)  On shelves in large room. Shotgun shells - On shelves in large room. Free-look items: First-aid spray (green)  In large room after body. First, use the key in the box by the door, but you still need the code. This one works in binary, with each of the two switches representing 0 (down) or 1 (up). Lift the first switch so the display reads "02", then press the button to open the door. In the large room, you can try the hatch, but it's frozen shut. On the next code panel, someone has nicely left you the number you need. Lift the last 3 switches to get "07" and push the button. Inside there, you find a strange machine. Press the "set" button, and write down the code you get. Press [B] to exit. You can press the button again to get a different number, but it really doesn't make a difference. Since you have nothing else you can do, take the snowmobile and go deeper north. OUTSIDE: Items: Lots  see below. Go to the lake, which is frozen solid. Inside the fence, by the tunnel, you can find Shotgun shells. Check out the island in the middle of the lake for a Grenade. If you can make it to the very southwest-most point of the lake, where there's a bridge preventing you from advancing further, you'll find 2 boxes of Shotgun shells and another Grenade. This is also the best place for hunting Moose and Caribou. Finally, you find a Yellow spray along the shore directly south of the island. Continuing along the main path, there's a Yellow spray before a sharp bend to the left. A grenade is in the middle of the path further up where there's fencing on the left. Continue onward until you see the grey bunker built into the hills on the right side. If you're going too fast, you can miss it. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=- OBSERVATORY -=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Free-look items: First-aid spray (yellow) - Left of entrance. Go to the keypad and enter the code that you "set" back at the pharmaceuticals building. Aren't you glad you wrote it down now? If you didn't take my advice earlier, you'll have to go back and check the code, then return here. Go up to the observatory, examine the telescope, and talk to the man there. Look left to the glass cabinet and get the flamethrower. The cinemas take over from there. OUTSIDE: Now that you have the flamethrower, you can melt the frozen hatch back at the pharmaceuticals building. And no, sorry, you can't use it as a weapon. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- PHARMACEUTICALS BUILDING BASEMENT -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- Free-look items: Shotgun shells - By whiteboard in back. Go back to the hatch, and press [A] to use the flamethrower. Descend into the room. Examine one of the jars, then go to the back and look at the whiteboard. Cinemas take over from here. _______________________________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9c. Disc 3 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- MUSICIAN'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Items: Map C  Drawer in bookshelf in bedroom. First-aid spray (green) - Drawer in bookshelf in bedroom. Grenade  On desk under plates in main room. Free-look items: Shotgun shells X 2  Under plates in main room, Under bed. Grenade  Upstairs on floor in hall. First-aid spray (green) X 3  On stairs, Bedroom by bookshelf, Beside door behind Kim. Get the map from Jannie's room, through the door behind Kim, then go upstairs and try the door. In case you're interested, the song is Mozart's piano sonata #11. Talk to Kim and Parker a couple of times each, until Laura gets tired and goes to bed. In the morning, head outside. OUTDOORS: Items: First-aid spray (green)  Behind house outside walls. First-aid spray (red) - Behind house in hedges. Grenade  Behind house by fountain. Shotgun shells X 2  Behind house on north side, Under pine tree near priest's house. Go behind the house inside the walls to get the goodies, while the monsters can't attack you. Check your map and take the north road. Since the priest's house is closer, let's go there first, choosing the left path at the fork (also, Martha's house is locked) To the left of the priest's house, you can climb to a lookout with a great view of Death Mountain. Take a peek, then enter the house. The entrance is in the southeast corner. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- PRIEST'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- Free-look items: First-aid spray (yellow)  Left of desk. Listen to the priest's story, then head back to the house. Talk to Jannie and go up to the musician's room. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- MUSICIAN'S ROOM -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- Items: Note key  In butterfly cabinet. Semi-automatic  In butterfly cabinet. First-aid spray (green)  On bookshelf. Shotgun shells  On bookshelf. Handgun bullets  On bookshelf. Free-look items: First-aid spray (yellow)  Right of piano. Go upstairs and enter the musician's room, which is now open. Sit at the piano. You hear a little string of notes. At the keys, you have to repeat the line you hear. Fortunately, you have a limited number of keys to choose from. Move Laura's hand back and forth to see which ones you can press. Your choices look something like this: __1__3______ |## ## | | Numbering the available keys left to right, |## ## | | press the sequence 4-2-1-2-5. |## ## | | Musically, this is B, A, G#, A, C. | | | | | |_|2_|4_|5_| Doing this correctly opens up a secret panel in the room. Enter it, and examine the cupboard inside to get the key and assault rifle. The key will let you enter Martha's house. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- MARTHA'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- Free-look items: First-aid spray (green) - Left of table. Listen to Martha's story, then go to the... -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- PRIEST'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- again, talk to him once more, then return to the home base again. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- MUSICIAN'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Go upstairs to the hidden room again. Following the events that transpire, return to the priest's house yet again. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- PRIEST'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- Items: Silver key  Examine desk. Time bomb  Rear cabinet. Handgun  Other rear cabinet. Free-look items: First-aid spray (green)  Left of altar in rear. Check out the back of the house once you've collected the key from the desk. Open both cabinets (are these tabernacles?) to get the very important items inside. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- MARTHA'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+- Items: First-aid spray (green)  Kitchen counter. Handgun bullets  On short cupboard in kitchen. Grenade - In tall cupboard in kitchen. Free-look items: First-aid spray (green)  Right of kitchen counter. Enter the house to trigger the boss fight. ***** Boss: REMORSEFUL LARRY ***** ***** Weak point: Centre of flower ***** He moves around a lot, and doesn't present his weak spot to you often. His one attack right now is to hang from the lattice above, and swing his tentacles toward you. Keep firing and you'll get lucky eventually. Once you hit him, he adds his second attack: releasing insects that make kamikaze flights toward you. You can shoot them before they reach you, popping them like, well, bugs. When he prepares to release the bugs, this is a good time to shoot him as he tilts towards you. After he dies, turn and enter the empty shack to get the items before you examine his body. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- MUSICIAN'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Talk to Parker in the chair, until he talks about having some company, then go upstairs and try the door. Go outside and climb onto the snowmobile. It's time to check out the bridge. When you get there, sit back for a long series of cinemas. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- RACE AGAINST TIME -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Fun! There should be no way you need the whole five minutes, since you don't run into monsters on the way to the bridge. You can do it in around one. After this, the cinemas continue. At one point, you have to talk to Kim in the bedroom. Ride back to the house when you regain control. -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- MUSICIAN'S HOUSE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- ***** Boss: MUSICAL MARTHA ***** ***** Weak spot: Violin ***** Shoot off her tentacles first, to avoid getting hit by them. When you can, turn your attention to her violin. You have to be pretty precise to hit it and cause her damage. Once you blast off both tentacles, a moment later she'll fly to the top of the stairs, and sprout a new pair. The whole thing starts over again. You must persevere and watch your health. OUTDOORS (to field): Items: First-aid spray (yellow)  East of fork along south wall. Shotgun shells  Northward along path, easy to see. First-aid spray (red)  Foot of bridge. Grenade  Foot of bridge. Just sit back and watch the show. _______________________________________________________________________________ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9d. Disc 4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- LUCY PARTON LABORATORIES -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Press the different buttons on the panel to hear description of the facility's activities. Laura will automatically descend to the main lab. ***** Boss: LUCY PARTON/XILO PROJECT ***** ***** Weak points: Everywhere ***** Shoot the canisters around the room, then turn to the primary machine. Shoot out the protective knobs with faces on them, and keep shooting the sides until each blows up, exposing the wiring. Shoot the three knobs at the top of the machine. When you have destroyed everything else, the center of the machine opens up. Now SHOOT YOUR MOTHER IN THE VAGINA!!! -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- MOUNTAIN LODGE -=-+-=-+-=-+-=-+-=- Free-look items: Handgun bullets X 2  Under bed, Along back wall. Talk to Jannie. When you can, head outside. OUTSIDE: Items: see below. There are 3 items in this clearing: Shotgun shells, a Grenade, and a First-aid spray (red). If you collect these and then go back inside the cabin, sleep if you need to, and come back out, the items will reappear, letting you collect an endless number of them. If your inventory is low on these items, take some time to stock up in this way before heading out, or else you might not survive until the end battle. The monsters in this area are the toughest ones yet. Use the shotgun on them, or a grenade if there's more than one at a time. You'll want to save at least 50-60 shotgun shells for the final battle. You can do it with you semi-automatic, too, but it takes significantly longer. Plan for around 30 fights before you reach the end. Starting along the path, you'll also find a First-aid spray (yellow). Around the igloo, you'll get another 2 Yellow sprays, grenade, and shotgun shells. Further, in the clearing full of low brush, you get a whole smorgasbord of goodies: 3 First-aid sprays (red), 2 First-aid sprays (yellow), 4 First-aid sprays (green), 4 Grenades, 2 Shotgun shells. The only problem is, the more time that you spend collecting them, the more times you get attacked, so decide on how much stuff you really need and then press on. You'll find one more First-aid spray (red) and one grenade along the way. Enter the cave at the end of the path. After a few cinemas, you face the final enemy. You have the chance to save your game before attacking him. ***** Boss: SHADOW, THE FINAL DESTROYER ***** ***** Weak point: Eyes ***** This is a multi-phase battle. First of all, you can hit him anywhere and it'll cause some damage, but I've found that the eyes, both top and side, do a little more. Do some damage while he hits you with a lightning attack from time to time. Heal after every two of these attacks. After you take away about 1/5 of his life bar, he starts to take away your senses. First, sight. the screen fades to black, except for your and his health meters, and your inventory/weapon windows. Keep attacking, aiming at the middle of the screen. When you hit him, his life bar flashes, so you still have some indication that you're firing in the right place. Next, he takes away your hearing. The screen stays black, plus you can't hear anything, but just keep firing. Next, he takes away your ability to move, and your life goes down to 1. You can't shoot and can't move, but you can use your inventory window and heal yourself. Please do so. Wait a while, and you'll hear voices from your past. After this, find the compact in your inventory and use it. This brings you back into the battle. Just keep blasting away until he goes down. After a white-filled cinema, you have to press [A] one more time to finish the game. *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# 10. FAQ and Closing *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#**#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Well, I don't really have any questions that have been frequently asked of me. Not pertaining to this game, anyway. For details about what to do in a certain area or how to fight a boss, just check the walkthrough in the appropriate disc. Instructions on how to do all of the game's activities, like hunting, were covered in earlier sections. If I get more questions, I'll gladly post them here, but for now there's only one I can think of: Q: Uh, what the hell is going on in this game? A: You mean that people spontaneously turning into plant monsters, Laura's constant re-materializing and hearing voices, and Kim's schizoid persona aren't self-explanatory? Well, I'm glad you asked, because the answers can be found in my D2 Plot Guide and Game Script, also found on gamefaqs.com. Check those out, and if you still don't understand something, or want to debate a point further, please feel free to contact me at: syonyx_faqs at yahoo dot com. On second thought, here's one more: Q: Why do you have to start the game on disc 4? A: Beats me. Maybe disc 1 was out of space? The opening movie could have fit nicely on disc 2, I'm sure, since that disc was so short, but I think that would have been even weirder than starting on the last disc. At least then you have a first-last thing going on. I hope you enjoyed this game and this guide. If you like, you can check out my profile at gamefaqs to see what other stuff I've written, at http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/35729.html Peace out! (c) Syonyx 2003.