CARRIER Author: David Blake Version: 0.9 Acknowledgments: Jaleco,,, all'y'all. Copyright 2000, David Blake Please contact me at if you wish to use or modify this FAQ. ----------------------------------- Table of Contents Section 1 : Revision History Section 2 : Controls Section 3 : Story Section 4 : Characters Section 5 : Weapons Section 6 : General Tips Section 7 : Enemies Section 8 : Survivors Section 9 : Walkthrough - Jack Ingles Section 10: Walkthrough - Jessifer Manning Section 11: Secrets Section 12: Documents (incomplete) ----------------------------------- Section 1 : Revision History Version: 0.0 - Partial walkthrough with a little information 0.1 - Full scattered WT of Jack's game, partial of Jessifer's, a little more coherent in the WT since I replayed some of it (the end). 0.2 - Finished Jessifer's Walkthrough. 0.9 - Added to the documents section, fixed errors, REVISED, finished the Enemies section. Documented Survivors. TODO: - Finish Documents section. The 1.0 version of this faq will be the fully revised walkthrough (meaning for speed and clarity), and have a full File description. ----------------------------------- Section 2 : Controls (from Jaleco) Right Trigger - Aim Weapon, Zoom in when using scope Left Trigger - Change Weapon, Zoom out when using scope Analog Stick - Character Movement, Menu Selection D-Pad - Character Movement, Menu Selection Start Button - Access Menu screen during gameplay X Button - Run when using the D-Pad Y Button - Map Display A Button - Confirm Selection, Attach while pressing the Right Trigger. B Button - Cancel, Scope Using the Scope (from Jaleco) Once you have obtained the BEM-T3 scope, you may use it by pressing the B button. The screen will change to a first person view from the scope. You can use the scope on the different inhabitants of the ship to see if they are infected with ARK. It is also handy to figure out if something is right around the corner or hanging from the ceiling ready to trounce you. You can also see into lockers (and sometimes through walls) and plants. Use the Left and Right Triggers to zoom in and out. ----------------------------------- Section 3 : Story (from Jaleco) It's the beginning of the 21st century, and the balance of world power has shifted to the northern Hemisphere. In the countries of the south, faced with an energy crisis and the possibility of starvation, a deep-seated antipathy has developed. Anti-north terrorist incidents became commonplace. In response, the leaders of the norther countries created an international peace keeping force in the name of the "Northern Hemisphere Treaty Alliance" (NTA) as a deterent against any aggressive minitary behavior from the south. On its way back to port from a mission to destroy the home base of the Southern Cross terrorist group, the NTA flagship, the Heimdal, was instructed to pick up an ancient organism discovered on an isolated island in the South Pacific. The day before the Heimdal arrived at the island, a member of the team that discovered the organism, showed symptoms of paranoia and was shot resisting retainment. Concerned that the cause may be a new strain of virus, the discovered organism was placed under quarantine in the belly of the Heimdal. Two days from port, the Heimdal reported that there had been an explosion in the Engine Room. Ever since, the ship remained silent. Concerned about the Heimdal and its load of ballistic missles, NTA dispatched an emergency investigative team to check the ship. The first team included anti-terrorist experts - Colonel Aaron Burke and Captain Nicholas Lang from the Special Forces - as well as Doctor William Noble from the International Research Institute. Upon arriving at the ship, this team was also silenced. A second team made up of Sergeant Jack Ingles, who volunteered himself, and Jessifer Manning, from the Information Department, was dispatched. Had this team known the horror they were about to face, maybe they would not have made the journey at all... ----------------------------------- Section 4 : Characters (from Jaleco) Jack Ingles (playable) - Special Forces, 3rd Division RANK : Sergeant AGE : 26 NATIONALITY : American BIRTHPLACE : Montana ALMA MATER : US Naval Academy, Annapolis Requested to be dispatched from the NTA International Special Forces for the mission regarding the Heimdal. Before becoming part of the NTA Special Forces, he was in the US Navy reporting to Colonel Burke. Jack's father died when he was young. He looks to Colonel Burke as a father. Jack is hot-blooded with a strong sense of justice - typical Naval personality. He has a great deal of experience for his young age and is well respected. He has been through many rescue missions aided by a pilot by the name of Leonard. His brother is on the Heimdal. Concerned, Jack would like to know if he is safe. --- Jessifer Manning (playable) - Information Department, Section 1 RANK : Lieutenant AGE : 24 NATIONALITY : American BIRTHPLACE : California ALMA MATER : Harvey Mudd University Holds a Doctorate of Science Degree. Dispatched by the NTA International Information Department. Completed Special Forces training with marks equivalent or surpassing those of men. Tends not to hold anyone back. Calm but serious about her duty. She is extremely strong and passionate. Note: 3rd generation Japanese American. --- Aaron Burke RANK : Colonel - Special Forces, 3rd Division AGE : 40 NATIONALITY : American BIRTHPLACE : Puerto Rico ALMA MATER : University of Chicago Holds a Doctorate in Political Science. Commanding officer of the SPARC team. He is calm and experienced with good judgement and a long history of successful missions. Passionate and respected by everyone. Before his present position in the US Navy, he raised and trained Jack. --- Nicholas Lang RANK : Captain - Special Forces, 3rd Division AGE : 32 NATIONALITY : Unknown BIRTHPLACE : Unknown ALMA MATER : Unknown Anti-terrorism espionage expert. History is unknown. Skilled at using any type of weaponry. There is no one better with a knife. A zealot. Lang is basically a good man with a strong sense of justice. --- William Noble - International Research Institution RANK : Special Researcher AGE : 65 NATIONALITY : British BIRTHPLACE : Manchester ALMA MATER : Oxford University Holds a Doctorate in Organic Mechanics. Member of the SPARC as an observer but wanted to be a part of the investigation. In the field of organic mechanics, many revolutionary medical advances are attributed to him. In the past few years he withdrew from the public eye. He is rumored to be working on a theory at the International Research Institute. Believes science is for humanity. Good strong character. --- Robert Ingles - Special Forces, 3rd Division RANK : Lieutenant AGE : 23 NATIONALITY : American Jack's brother. Fighter pilot. Graduate of officer's school. He has a strong sense of justice. Passionate, but still a bit naïve. Respects Jack as a soldier, but more importantly, as a brother. --- Leonard Thompson RANK : Captain AGE : 55 NATIONALITY : American Pilot who has shared many flights with Jack. Good at taking care of his soldiers. Loved by those under his command. He has been known to treat people like a child, even Burke. Planning to retire after this mission. --- James MacGregor RANK : Captain AGE : 55 NATIONALITY : British Captain of the Heimdal. Virtuous character. Rumored to have been given the command to improve the image of the NTA. Sounds like Long-John Silver (mine). --- Sandra Kates RANK : Lieutenant AGE : 26 NATIONALITY : American Same affiliation as Jessifer. Has worked with Jessifer many times. Good with mechanics and guns. Usually plays the big sister role. --- Terry Adams RANK : Lieutenant AGE : 38 NATIONALITY : Canadian The ship's medical doctor. Previously employed as a General Practitioner. Wanted to pursue a personal quest to help a confused world, so he entered the military. ----------------------------------- Section 5 : Weapons (most from Jaleco) 19 O'Clock 9mm automatic pistol with a 15 round magazine, manufactured by E&H. West Cobra Submachine gun with a 30 round magazine, manufactured by Revenge Hill. Welder Emits high energy bursts of electrons, use is unlimited. T-7 Bomb A handheld bomb using a TFT resin explosive. 20 can be carried at a time. These are the things to use to blow up mushrooms. T-9 Bomb A handheld bomb using a TFT resin explosive. About twice as effective as a T-7 bomb. Grenade Launcher A nifty, big-assed grenade launcher that has little purpose except for killing bosses (a bit...sometimes) quicker. ----------------------------------- Section 6 : General Tips It is often better at the beginning of the game to use your Welder and aim for the heads. If the Flytrap Head Soldiers charge you, they can knock you down and hurt you pretty bad. Just aim for the head and you'll kill them a lot quicker. This is evident with the (pl)Ants which take 3 to 4 bullets in the head but several in the body. ----------------------------------- Section 7 : Enemies There are a variety of soldiers running around the Heimdal. They have mutated into various things. I've tried to name them according to what they look like and do. Mutie These soldiers are infected with ARK, but are still in a zombie state. They are simple to kill unless they swarm on you (deck 6). Venus Flytrap Soldiers These things have sharp leafy heads that snap like venus flytraps. Don't let them charge you or you'll be in a world of pain (as well as reaction time since you have to stand back up. Thorn Soldiers These are pretty cool creatures. Their rib cage opens and long thorns spike out at you. Kill them before they get close enough to do this since it hurts you quite a bit. Vine Soldiers These guys are basically like the zombies from Resident Evil except that they have a vine sticking out of their head that they can whip you with from the floor. Drop them quick before they grab hold of you. Wraith Soldiers These are some of the coolest enemies in the game. They are invisible until you shoot or weld them. Then they appear and are mostly like the muties. Use the goggles to see them and take them out. Dark Soldiers Run around until Bob turns on the lights. Then kill them. Strangely enough, I killed them before Bob gets it, but they kept respawning so it wasn't worth it since it took so much ammo. Spore Soldiers These things come for large pods and creep towards you. Three hits from the welder and they're dead. I don't know how much they hurt you because I've never been hit by them. Leeches These are easy. Just use the welder. Spiders Just like the Leeches. Weld 'em to death. Mutant Lobsters I noticed these the second time through the game (with the free Jack), but I think they were there before and I just killed them before I couold see them. They are just like the Leeches and Spiders. Use the welder. Snails These things hide out in the dark and zap you with electricity. They are annoying. One zap with the welder and they're dead, but sometimes you have to get close enough for them to zap you to be able lock on to them. (pl)Ants These things are pretty cool. They swipe at you with sharp leaves and look like ants. Hit them three or four times with the pistol in the head and they're done for. It should take between three or four shots to kill them. Gingerfish These are easy. They swim in the shallows. Three hits from the Welder will kill them. Muties These guys are basically zombies. They come lurching at you and don't really do much except munch on you. Just shoot them in the head (like everything else). BOSS - Floor Plant Kill it by using the welder and standing where its long tendrils are not. It's extremely easy. BOSS - Thorny Audrey Shoot the two vine stickers first. Keep moving and the ground thorns will target the last place you stopped (don't wander back there or you'll be in a world of hurt). Once the two vines stickers are gone, aim up and shoot the head. Boss - Fish Face Run around and drop T-7 and T-9 bombs when it is about to ram you. Two or three kill it easy. BOSS Fight - Doc + ARK = Easy Boss Run and shoot him. Four hits with the missle launcher will do it. BOSS Run - ARK (Jack's Game) Run away from him and heal if you get hit. Just keep running until the elevator gets to the top of the carrier. BOSS Fight - Captain MacGregor (Jessifer's Game) Shoot him with the Grenade launcher and run. Shoot him 4 times. He's slower than Jack's version of Doc and easier. ----------------------------------- Section 8 : Survivors I was hoping that finding all the survivors would open something, but it didn't. Survivor 1 : Deck 2; hall beyond the plant room. Survivor 2 : Deck 2; Pilot Room Survivor 3 : Deck 2; The SAFE twin Survivor 4 : Navigation Deck Survivor 5 : Flight Control Deck Survivor 6 : Deck 2; Briefing Room Survivor 7 : Deck 2; Near the elevator where you entered the Carrier Survivor 8 : Deck 2; Midship Elevator Survivor 9 : Deck 4; Save him from the Venus Flytrap Head Survivor 10 : Deck 3; Hallway near the Security Room Survivor 11 : Deck 3; North of the elevator Survivor 12 : Deck 3; Near hole on the western side of the ship Survivor 13 : Deck 3; Ship store Survivor 14 : Deck 3; Near the elevator Survivor 15 : Deck 3; Room 301 Survivor 16 : Deck 4; Electrical Sub-station Survivor 17 : Deck 4; Western door from the catwalk Survivor 18 : Deck 4; Admin Office Survivor 19 : Deck 4; Hold 1, Block C <-- ***************** REVISE ******************* Survivor 20 : Deck 4; Guy dying under the slug Survivor 21 : Deck 5; Near the entry point to Deck 5 Survivor 22 : Deck 4; Hold 1, Block A Survivor 23 : Deck 4; Wardroom Survivor 24 : Deck 6; First Engine Room Survivor 25 : Deck 3; Sandra Survivor 26 : Navigation Deck; Captain McGregor ----------------------------------- Section 9 : Walkthrough (Jack Ingles) I need to go through this and clarify the easiest path first, but also where to leave ammo so that Jessifer has more of it in her scenario. Otherwise Jack will have insane amounts of ammo he'll never use (as long as you make sure to shoot the (pl)Ants in the head). The different parts are broken up between decks. --------------------------- Part 1 ------------------------ Deck 2 Cut Scene: You are shot down by the carrier's security system. You need to get a first aid kit for Leonard and head into the control room to talk to Lang. You head down the elevator to the first level. A Venus Flytrap Head Soldier kills Leonard and hops down to visit. You kill him. The elevator won't go back up. You turn towards the door and another Venus Flytrap Soldier comes into the room. Push L and EQUIP your pistol. Kill the Venus Flytrap Soldier. Exit the door. Climb the metal stairs and exit the hatch. Walk through the door. You're now at the Port Side Elevator. --------------------------- Part 2 ------------------------ Deck 1 Enter the door at the end of the hall. Walk down the next hall. Read the sign. It says that to the left is the Medical Center and to the Right is back to the Port Side Elevator. Head towards the Medical Center. Enter the door. You are now in a long hall. The first door is locked with an A-3 lock. Head down the long hall. The sign points you in the direction of the Deck Security Room. The door after the sign is locked with an A-1 lock. Opposite the A-1 door is the door to the Deck Security Room. Enter it. Cut Scene: Lang is in the control room checking things out. He wonders what has happened to Jessifer. He tells you that you need to join the colonel on Deck 4. He gives you a disc and some medicine. He tells you that there is an ID Card in the medical area. He gives you two Level 1 Energy Drinks. Get the A-3 ID Card and DV Tape from the second terminal behind Lang. Save the game. Exit the room. Head back to the A-3 door. Open it and enter. Cut Scene There's a guy chained to a table. Terry, the ship's doctor, stops you from letting him go. He gives you the BEM-T3N scope to see baddie-bo-baddies with. It can see in the dark and through some objects. Terry is going crazy. He captured one of those "things" but it's too late. ARK is the cause of everything. The evil beastie grabs him and bites him. He runs off. Kill the Mutie. Get the A-1 ID Card from the bed. Get the level one energy drinks from near the bed. Get the Record of Research from the table near the door. Leeches pop through the window. Kill them or run out of the room. Kill the Muties and enter the A-1 room. Navigate the catwalks past the plant and rubble and exit the room. Cut Scene The colonel asks you to continue your investigation. Head along the metal grates. Climb the stairs. Kill the Mutie and enter the doorway he came from. Kill the other one hanging out near the far door. Enter the door to the Radio Room. Cut Scene The guy in the radio room is dead. The NTA wants you to disable the weapons system. They lose the connection. Save. Head back through the previous room and enter the northern doorway. You'll meet one of the crew. (SURVIVOR) Cut Scene He tells you that the Weapons Control Room is on Deck 6. He gives you a disk with Map Data for Level 1. Continue down the hall. Enter the northern door. Cut Scene There's something in the room and the pilot's scared. Kill the wraith soldier. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) It's Chet. Bob got lost when the mutants came. You tell him to head to the flight deck. Get the pistol magazine and health drinks off of the benches. Get another pistol magazine from the locker opposite the door (near the main hallway you just entered from). Get two level two energy drinks from the locker near the door (use your goggles). Exit the northeastern door. Kill the Vine Soldiers. Head into the Catapult Crew Room. Kill the Vine Soldier. Head to the end of the hall. Enter the door. Kill the one marked as DANGER (to the left). Get the Activation Disk from the console. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) The crew member tells him that he can't trust anyone. He won't go to the flight deck, but he gives you a level three energy drink. He takes off. Head back up the hall and enter the northern door. Kill the two Spore Soldiers hanging out. Enter the door. You are now up on deck. Climb the ladder. Go up the next ladder. Take the stairs. Cut Scene The colonel calls you. It looks like the computers are acting wild. You get permission to use the bombs. There's one in storage. Enter the navigation deck. Read the ship's log and talk to the crew member. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) The dude just wants to run away. He takes off. Exit the Navigation room and head down the stairs to the platform below the Navigation Room. Enter the door. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) There's a dude. He'll evacuate to the Flight Deck. He gives you his ID card to get to the Weapons Storage area (A-2). Leave the Level 2 Energy Drink in the chair for Jessifer. Check the crew list for Robert Ingles, your brother. It seems he is on Deck 3, Room 303. Exit and head back to the main deck below. Go inside and kill the Spore Soldiers. Head west through the large door (1D). Kill the Wraith Soldiers. Continue west down the hall to the C Level doors and open them. Ignore the room to your right (or you can go in, kill the Leeches and kill whatever the game sends after you for no reward; and then kill a Venus Flytrap Soldier when you leave). Head down the hall to the room at the end. Unlock the door with the A-2 ID Card. Enter the room. Open the trunk near the door to get the T-7 bomb. Get the level 1 energy drink from the cartons near the wall. Get the pistol magazines from the weapons storage locker. Get the pistol magazines from the locker. Save. Head back to the pilot room. Kill the Vine Soldier. Exit into the southern hall. Enter the 1A doorway. Head to the briefing room. Kill the two Vine Soldiers. Use the DV Tape on the video monitor. Cut Scene The captain is giving the lock deactivation code to a crew member named Steve. Get the two level 1 energy drinks from the first aid kit. Read the Mission Orders. Talk to the crew member. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) The crew member killed his best friend. He just wants to be left alone. You send him to the flight deck. He just wants to be left alone. Exit and head through the southern door. Kill the Vine Soldiers. Enter the southern door using the A-2 ID Card. Kill the Vine Soldier. Check out the computer terminal. It shows the flight deck. Get Activation Disk 1. Exit the door and bomb the barred door. Check the bodies. There is a memo in one of their pockets. The deactivation code is 5103. Two Vine Soldiers come at you. Kill them. Before you give Lang the discs, head back towards the elevator where you entered the ship and talk to another survivor. (SURVIVOR) He evacuates to the flight deck. You'll also have to kill two Venus Flytrap Soldiers. Go back to the security room and give Lang the Disks. Cut Scene You give him the disks. He unlocks the gates. He wants to check one more thing. The damage is spreading. Run through the big plant room and the main hallway. Kill the flytrap heads and Vine Soldiers along the way. Enter the 1B area. Kill the Vine Soldier and the Flytrap Head. There's three of them waiting around the corner (two Vine Soldiers and a Flytrap Head Soldier). Kill them all. Head down the hall to the midship elevator. Enter the door. Enter the code you found on Steve's body (5103). Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) There's a dude in there. He wants to shoot you. You convince him not to. He takes off to the flight deck. Open the hatch and head down. --------------------------- Part 3 ------------------------ Deck 2 Exit the door. Head down the passageway. The body of Eddie falls over, dead. Save. Blow up the box in front of the door. Exit. You are in Hangar Block A. Kill the Spore Soldiers. Exit the far door. Kill the Vine Soldier and the Flytrap Head Soldiers. The easiest way to do this is to run past them to the airplane and zap them with your Welder. For some reason they can't get around each other and it's easy to pick them off. Get the two level 2 energy drinks to the left of the plane. Enter the door across from where you came in. Cut Scene The Colonel tells him to use the bombs and the elevator to get to Deck 4. Kill the Spiders and the Spore Soldiers. Enter the door. Kill more spiders. Head through the doorway and up the path. Cut Scene Something big makes a crushing sound. Move forward and kill the spiders. Go down the slope and enter the doorway. Cut Scene The doctor is doing something on the terminal while the plant is coming to life. It knocks the mad doctor off and eats him. BOSS : Floor Plant Kill it by using the welder and standing where its long tendrils are not. That's the only hint I have since I have never gotten hurt or had trouble with this boss. It's extremely easy if you stay close to the center and keep hitting it there (it can't release spiders). Cut Scene The plant dies and disintegrates. Use the elevator control panel and go to deck 4. --------------------------- Part 4 ------------------------ Deck 4 Exit the door. Replenish your bombs and save. Head down along the passage past the doors and save the crew member by killing the Vine Soldier. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) The crew member tells you about a weird package that was brought on the ship before all this happened. He gives you a Level 2 Energy Drink. --------------------------- Part 3 ------------------------ Deck 3 Head up the elevator to Deck 3. Cut Scene Jack sees the mushrooms blocking the door and needs to get rid of them. Bomb the mushrooms. Enter the door. Take the northern door. Enter the first door and kill the Mutant Lobsters. Go in the second door. Talk to the crew member. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) Dude heads to the Flight Deck. Get the Level 2 Energy Drink from the bookcase. Get the T-9 bomb from the Wardrobe. Exit the room and continue up the hall. Search the body and get another T-9 bomb. Climb the ladder. Run along the catwalk and enter the door. You're in the magazine room. Open the last weapons locker to get two pistol magazines. Get the Machine Gun. Save. Exit. Climb back down the ladder. Head along the passage and enter the north door. Kill the Mutant Lobsters and continue along the hall. Enter the first door. Kill the Thorn Soldiers. Head all the way down the hall and enter the door at the end. Cut Scene The Colonel is here. They talk about the monsters and the crew. Lang is releasing the door lock on Level 4. Head down the passageway and enter the western door. Move down the hall to the large mushroom growth. Blow it up with a T-7 bomb. Ener the doonw next to it (not where you blew up the growth). Kill the Flytrap Head Soldier and head down the hall he came from. Kill the Thorn Soldier. Enter the door. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) You find a guy who is bleeding. You promise to help him. He gives you the B ID Card. Something comes and kills him. Head back out. Do through the northern door. Cut Scene Doc made it to the computer room on Level 6. There's problems with the main computer. ARK is the cause. You have to get to Deck 6. You relay the information to the Colonel. Take the east door and head south, killing the Mutant Lobsters. Enter the southeastern door and round the corner. Kill the Thorn Soldier. Enter the room with the B ID Card. This is the Ship Store. Talk to the Crew Member (SURVIVOR) and get the Access Key. Get the T-9 bomb from the cash register. Leave the items in the glass cases. Exit and continue back along the hall. Kill the Thorn Soldiers. Enter the room south of the the Wardroom with the B Key Card. This is the Flight Captain's quarters. Kill the Thorn Soldiers. Get the pistol magazines from the toolbox. Read the diary on the desk. Get the room key to 301. Exit the room and go south. Go south. Near the elevator, you'll meet a crew member (SURVIVOR). He'll give you the map data for this area. You're in a room with a lot of doors. Kill the Leeches. Enter the first room to the south (316) and kill the Thorn Soldiers. Get the T-9 Bomb. Exit the room. None of the northern doors will open. Two of the southern doors are welded shut. Enter the next hallway. Just enter the door at the end of the hall (the ammo in 306 is better left for Jessifer). Talk to the crew member (SURVIVOR). He used to know something about cactuses, but can't remember. He gives you a level 2 energy drink. Enter room 301. Get the battery and talk to the crew member (SURVIVOR). He gives you a pistol magazine. Leave the pistol magazines in the toolbox for Jessifer. Exit the room. Cut Scene The doctor has activated the door on Deck 4, but the door is stuck. Get into the control room and open it. You're on your way to where you blew up the mushrooms (look at your map to see where the Rec Center is). On the way back, kill the Thorn Soldiers. Head back down the hall. A Flytrap Head Soldier will come out of one of the welded doors. Kill it. Continue down the hall. The next welded door will be pushed open. Kill the Flytrap Head Soldier. Leave the pistol magazines inside the room in the toolbox for Jessifer. Head towards the elevator. Cut Scene Jessifer Manning will contact you. The communication breaks up. Keep going. Continue past Lang and out the door. Head up the hall. Talk to the Captain. Cut Scene You ask about the cacti. He talks about how the people don't have human cells. Enter the door where you destroyed the mushrooms. Kill the Thorn Soldier and the Flytrap Head. Climb the ladder. Run along the catwalk and enter the door. Kill the Thorn Soldiers. Enter the Rec Center. Use the battery on the intercom near the pool table. Cut Scene You talk to one of the crew who is in the security room. He unlocks the door inside the kitchen. Exit the Rec Center. Kill the Vine Soldiers. Navigate the halls and catwalks. Climb down the ladder. Go through the east door and then south. Head past the Ship's Store. Exit the northern door. Go west and kill the Mutant Lobsters and blow up the mushrooms there. Enter the door. Get the level 3 energy drink. You'll get attacked by two Thorn Soldiers from the stalls. Head to the Mess Hall. Move forward and zap the Spore Soldiers. Blow up the mushrooms and unlock the door. Enter the southern door. Kill the first Spore Soldier. Get the machine gun magazine near the first Spore Soldier. Enter the kitchen area and kill the second Spore Soldier. Get the T-9 Bomb. Enter the now door near the kitchen door. Kill the Leeches. Get the level 1 energy drinks from the box. Blow up the mushrooms (it's sure fun). Flip the switch near the entry door. Run and enter the upper doorway to the Storage Room. --------------------------- Part 5 ------------------------ Deck 4 / BOSS BOSS - Thorny Audrey Shoot the two vine stickers first. Keep moving and the ground thorns will target the last place you stopped (don't wander back there or you'll be in a world of hurt). Once the two vine stickers are gone, aim up and shoot the head. Cut scene You employ the sprinkler system. The spinklers start to rain down on the cacti. Head back to the Mess Hall. Cut Scene The captain and you are heading to the security room. Exit the room to the north, and head to the crews quarters. Kill the Thorn Soldiers along the way. Enter the door at then end of the hall. Take the corner and enter the security room. Cut Scene You meet the colonel. There's a dude dying. The mutants got him and everyone else in there. He wants you to revenge his death. You have to forget the dead and save the living. He's heading to Deck 4. You unlock the deck 4 doors. Get the ARK Isolation File. Get the Level 1 Energy drink. Check the drawers and get the three machine gun clips. Head north and cross the ladder. Exit the door and head north again. Take the eastern door, go south. Cut Scene Bob contacts you. He met with Jessifer. He'll meet you later. Climb the ladder. Exit the door. Navigate the stairs until you get to the doorway. --------------------------- Part 6 ------------------------ Deck 4 Enter and continue through the next door. An explosion shakes the ship. Cut Scene The Doctor tells you that water is coming in on deck 5 and he'll let you know more later. Exit the southern door. Kill the Vine Soldiers. Enter the northeast door. You're in the Magazine room. Get the pistol magazines out of the locker. Fill up on bombs. Get the machine gun magazines from the box by the door. Exit the room. Enter the southeastern room. There are Dark Soldiers here. You can kill them with lots of ammo, but don't bother. They'll respawn for an event later anyway. Enter the maintenance room. Get the pistol magazines and the level three energy drink. Get the grenades from the locker. Exit both rooms. Head to the T end of the hall and take the southern door. You are in the Wardroom. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) He tells you about ARK and the container brought on board. He gives you a Machine Gun Magazine. Cross to the bed and read the file on the Excavation of ARK. Get the level 3 energy drink from the wardrobe. Exit the room. Head through the southwest security door. Kill the Venus Flytrap Heads. Blow up the boxes. Get the Machine Gun Magazines. Climb the stairs. Enter the door at the top of the stairs. This is the electrical sub station. Talk to the crew member (SURVIVOR). Cut Scene He says there's a monster in the dark. He tells you to turn on the lights. He'll head to the flight deck when it's safe. He gives you the map data for Deck 4. Exit the room and enter the southern door. Run along the catwalk and enter Enter south door. You'll meet another crew member (SURVIVOR). Cut Scene He tells you about the infrared locking system on the door ahead. Go down the ladder. Enter the door at the bottom. It's the Admin Office. Cut Scene The dude shoots you. Don't talk to him any more. Read the Engine Room Incident Report. Get the level 1 energy drink. Leave the room. Cut Scene The Doctor has found the source of the water. The captain had ordered the ship sunk. He's awaiting news. Manning is on the upper decks. Head along the hallway to the large door. Use the goggles to see the pattern of the infrared beams. It is: |. . X .| |XXXXX | |X . . .| <-- X's are your path |XXX | |. X . .| Use the switch to open the doors. Kill the Vine Soldiers. Head back past the infrared beams and climb back up the ladder. Go back to the catwalk and enter the eastern door. Enter the eastern door. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) A dude ends up dying horribly. Climb down the ladder. It waits for you to get near. Just stay ahead of it. Here is the pattern to flip the switches: 1, 2, 3, 4 to enter Door A. Flip 5, 6, 7, 8 to enter Door B. The different switches have to be off to enter the room. |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6 B | | |~|^^^^^^^^^^^7^| | | | | Winch Room A | | | |_____________5 | 1 | | | | |_2_____________| | | | | |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^3 | | L | | | |_4_____________| | |___________________8 Enter Winch Room first. Kill the Mutant Lobsters. Get the portable winch. Blow up the last box and get three grenades. Head through Door B. Kill the Thorn Soldier and the Vine Soldier. Deactivate the lock. Enter the northeastern door. Continue down the hall and blow up the mushrooms in front of the door. Enter the door. Head down the stairs. Kill the Leeches and search the bodies or a Machine Gun Magazine and some T-9 Bombs. Enter the northern door. Cut Scene The Survivor tells you that the ship is full of mutants. He wants you to do something. He tells you that you need a Winch and gives you some T-9 bombs. Use the winch. --------------------------- Part 7 ------------------------ Deck 5 Head down the hall. Get the orders. Search the bodies for a pistol magazine. Kill the Leeches. Get the Machine Gun Magazine in the hall. Get another pistol magazine from the body nearby. Enter the eastern door. The flooding is bad. Kill the Wraith Soldier. Go down the middle walkway and go through the door. Get the D-1 Lab Card from the first body. Exit the room. Enter the northeastern door. Kill the Spore Soldier. Enter the east door. Go down the hall. Enter the door at the far end. Search the body. Get the D-2 ID Card. Exit the door. Go back down the hall and through the door. Head down the ladder. Kill the Leeches. Enter the door. Search the bodies. Get the level 1 energy drink. Enter the first door. This is the Magazine Room. Get the machine gun magazines from one of the large box. Get the T-7's from the box. Get the T-9 from the locker. Exit. Head down the hall and kill the Thorn Soldiers. Enter the second northern door in the hallway. Head up the hallway and take the eastern hallway. Kill the Leeches and enter the room. You're in the Radio Room. Kill the Spore Soldiers/ Get the Machine Gun Magazines from the toolbox. Exit the room. Run to the opposite end of the hall and blow up the mushrooms. Enter the door. It's the Wardroom. Kill the Spore Soldiers and read the note left by the Sailor. Get the Level 1 Energy Drink and the Grenades from the Cabinets. Exit the room. Take the southern hall and exit the door. Exit the eastern door. Kill the Mutie. Continue through the eastern door and up the ladder. Head back to the 2nd Lab Locker, Block A. Unlock the southeastern door with the D-2 ID Card. You're in the second control room. Use the lit panel. Euler circuits were never more fun. The pattern is: 5, 3, 12, 6, 4, 11, 2, 9, 7, 1, 10, 8 This drains the water. Exit the room. Go through the northwestern door and head back to where the Winch is hanging. Take the southern hall and enter the door with the D-2 ID Card. You're in the first control room. Kill the Mutie. Read the Development Department Log. Head through the upper door. Kill the Spore Humans. Get the Room 303 Key. Head back through 2nd Lab Locker, Block A's northeastern door. Kill the Spore Soldiers and then through the next east door. Run down the hall and enter the southwestern door. Kill the Spore Soldiers. Climb down the ladder. Kill the Gingerfish. Go through the western door. Kill the Vine Soldiers. Blow up the mushrooms and enter the door. Something big just swam into the grate. Get the C ID Card from a floating body. Head out to the ladder. Climb back up. Take the northeastern door and take the next door to the northwest. Climb down the ladder and go through the western door. Unlock the western door with the D-1 ID Card. Kill the Leeches. Use the Elevator. --------------------------- Part 8 ------------------------ Decks 4/3/4 On Deck 4, take the elevator to level 3. Kill the Thorn Soldier and the (pl)Ant (shoot it once to knock it off the ceiling, and then shoot it in the head three times for an easy kill). Go south. Kill the (pl)Ants. Go through the western door. Kill the (pl)Ants. Enter Room 303. Get Bob's Letter. He hid something in 312. Cut Scene Manning comes in. They need to shut down the weapons system. Bob took care of her when she was unconcious. She give you a level 3 energy drink. Head to room 312. Get the grenade launcher from under the bunk. Take the elevator back down to Deck 4. Exit through the southeast door and climb the ladder. Enter the western door and then through the southern door. Cut Scene Jessifer tells you that she has some pictures of ARK and that it has attached itself to the Nuclear Core. Continue through the southern door. This is the mushroom hall. Blow up all the mushrooms (it's better than having to dodge spores and it's not like you can run out of T-7). Unlock the southern door with the C ID Card. You are in a very dark room. Use the ladder. Kill the Venus Flytrap Soldiers in the dark. Enter the next room to the west. Blow up the mushrooms. Enter the hallway. Kill the Venus Flytrap Heads. Enter the door. --------------------------- Part 9 ------------------------ Deck 5 Open the hatch and climb down. Save. Exit the room. Talk to the crew member. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) Only one charge went off. We need to stop the mutants. He heads to the flight deck. He gives you the map data for Deck 5. Head down the hall and through the door. Kill the Thorn Soldiers. Go through the middle door. Kill the Vine Soldiers. Head all the way down the hall and through the door. Run along the catwalk and enter the western door. Go to the left part of the main terminal. It's an electrical puzzle. 1 2 3 + - + - + - 1 takes power from 2 and 3. 2, takes it from 1 and 3. 3 takes it from 1 and All you need to do is make 2 empty. Take the power completely out of #2. Go to the power supply on the wall. Get the fuse from the middle cabinet. Head up to Deck 4's Electrical Substation to use the fuse. Kill the Vine Soldiers. --------------------------- Part 10 ------------------------ Deck 4 Cut Scene It's your brother. He'll meet you on deck 4. Keep heading towards the power substation on deck 4. Kill the Thorn Soldiers along the way. Put the fuse in the control box with a note attached to it. Use the computer terminal. Turn on everything except for the Wardroom. Head down the stairs and kill the (pl)Ants. You're heading to Hold 1, Block A to use your C Card. Open the door and enter. Get the machine gun magazines. Talk to the crew member. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) Someone came in and took something valuable. You get a memo. There's a traitor in your team. Head back to the Mushroom Hall, killing the (pl)Ant near the stairs. Enter the western door at the end of the hall. Get the Machine Gun Magazine from the bodies in the hall. Enter the door at the end. Kill the vine soldiers and activate the crane. Search the body in the corner for a nameplate with a 9 digit security code. Get the grenades from the toolbox. Exit the room. Run back to the Mushroom Hall. Cut Scene You find Bob. He tells you about ARK. ARK is the plant infestation. The mutants are just drones. ARK targets humans. He wants to blow the ship and sink it. He heads off to help out. Take the southern door in the mushrrom hallway and climb down the ladder. Go through the door and up the hall. Climb down the hatch to Deck 5. --------------------------- Part 11 ------------------------ Deck 5/4 Exit the door. Cut Scene Lang and Manning were discussing their duties. Enter 1st Lab Locker, Block C. Head through the southern door. Cut Scene Bob found something that looks like a key. He's in front of the mainenance room on deck 4. He screams. Head to the maintenance room where Bob called you from on Deck 4 (the storage room you haven't been in near the entrance to the deck). Shoot the (pl)Ant at the bottom of the stairs near the Electrical Sub Station. Exit the door and enter the southeastern door in the hallway. Run around until Bob turns on the lights. Kill them simply and easily. Cut Scene Bob is changing. He gives you the key to the upper level. You leave. He shoots himself. Mushrooms have bloomed. Head back down to where Bob called you from before. Kill the (pl)Ant near the Electrical Sub Station. Continue through to the Mushroom Hall. Cut Scene The Doctor had a problem with ARK. ARK is controlling the computer, ZOE. Lang and the colonel need you on Deck 6. Talk to the colonel in the Mushroom Hall. Cut Scene ARK has infiltrated Deck 6. The colonel has a memo to find. Head south, down the ladder, and through the door. Kill the (pl)Ants. Enter the northern door and climb down the hatch to Deck 5. --------------------------- Part 12 ------------------------ Deck 5 Go through the door, and then through the southern door. Enter the south door. Climb down the ladder. Head to the right and enter the magazine room. Get the pistol magazines, T-7 bombs, Machine Gun magazine, and genades. Exit the room. Head to Research Room 1. Kill the gingerfish. Search the body outside the room for an Energy Drink. Kill the mutie. Get the machine gun magazines from the toolbox. Head back out. Head for Research Room 2. Kill the muties. Enter the room. Kill the Gingerfish. Get the Level 3 Energy Drink from the cabinet. Get the ARK Analysis Order from the desk. Get the concentrated Sulfuric Acid. Use the fume hood near the door. The sulfuric acid melts the crud from the key. It's the Emergency Lock Key. Exit the room and kill the Mutie. Head to the medical room. Search the body near the door for a Level 1 Health Drink. Enter the door. Kill the two Gingerfish. Get the report concerning the Ark Infection. Get the Level 2 Energy drinks. Go back to the small C hallway just outside of the hatch to Deck 4. Use the Emergency Key on the panel next to the locked door. Run along the catwalk. Cut Scene You walk across the catwalk and it gives away. Then Fish Face comes out to play. --------------------------- Part 14 ------------------------ BOSS Boss Fight: Fish Face Run around and drop T-7 and T-9 bombs when it is about to ram you. Two or three kill it easy. Cut Scene It dies horribly but pops back up. You shoot it. Head through the door. Climb up the ladder and take the elevator to Deck 6. --------------------------- Part 15 ------------------------ Deck 6 Get the energy drinks. Save. Exit the room. Cut Scene Lang tells you that the weapons control center is activated. You need to shut it down. Head up the hallway. Kill the three Vine Soldiers. Enter the door to the right. Head down the hall, killing the Vine Soldiers and the Wraith Soldiers. Head down the hall and through the door. Kill the snails hidden in the darkness in the center of the room. Turn off the main console (the blinking one). Turn off the two sub-systems (the consoles along the back wall). Exit the room. Cut Scene You get a call from the pilot. You tell him to pick up the survivors. He does. Kill the Wraith Soldiers and Vine Soldiers. Exit the door and head down the hall. Enter the door at the end. Cut Scene Lang thanks you for getting the guys up there. Lang has opened all the doors controlled from here. He has a capsule with something inside. Exit the room and head back down the hall. Take a right and continue. Take the left door. Cut Scene The doctor unlocks a door and is getting creepy. Head down the hall and kill the Vine Soldiers. Enter the doorway and kill the (pl)Ant. Enter the first Engine room. Talk to the dying dude. Cut Scene (SURVIVOR) He tells you that they put ARK in a special room with four keys. You need to get to it and blow it up. He gives you Quarantine Locker Key 4. Exit the room and enter the door to your right. Head south and enter the room to your left. Get the magazines, grenades, bombs and drink. Save. Exit the room and take the south door. Kill the (pl)Ant. Enter the hallway and go in the room at the end. Talk to the crew member. Head to the southeastern corner of the ship and kill the (pl)Ant hanging in the doorway. Head through the doorway and blow up the mushrooms. Head back down towards southwestern corner of the ship and take the door you haven't used yet. Run down the hall and enter the northern door. Cut Scene 1st Computer Room. The Doctor has changed. He is excited about ARK's propogation. He unlocks the door at the end of the hall (where you shot the hanging (pl)Ant). Exit the room and shoot the Vine Soldiers and Muties. Go through the door. Run forward because there's a mushroom (or blow it up). Enter the second door. Blow up the boxes. Get the two Level 2 Energy Drinks from the toolbox. Get the Quarantine Locker Key 1 from the body. Exit the room and enter the last door in the hallway. Kill the (pl)Ant. Head down the hall. Search the body to get the E ID Card. Get the End of My Life Memo. Kill the (pl)Ants. Head back up close to where you started (outside the first engine room). Kill the (pl)Ants. Take the left hallway. Kill the Muties. Head back out and take the door at the end of the hall. Take the second door. Cut Scene You see ARK. The Doctor praises ARK. It seems to be here to release the Chosen Ones. Humanity are not a part of the big picture because it is greedy and evil. He wants you to become one with ARK. You don't believe him. You won't let ARK have its way with the earth. Head through the doorway and across the gangplank. Search the body for Quarantine Key 3. Unlock the southern door. Head to the room near the mushroom and unlock the door with the E ID Card. Get the grenades from the box. Blow up the mushrooms. Check out the wall where the dude died. He wrote 3914 in blood. Head back around to the locked door (near where you entered the level). Use the E ID Card. Get the Pistol Magazines from the toolbox. There is a security lock here as well. Input: 3914 This unlocks the Engine Control Room. Head back to ARK and enter the southwestern door. Get the Quarantine Locker Key 2 from the body. Head out the north entrance to the ARK room. Continue north along the hall and enter the doorway. Head to the Quarantine Locker Door. Use the keys. Enter. Check out the plant. Cut Scene Jack blows them up. You guys have to sink the ship. Once the charge is detonated, you'll evacuate. You take the port side. Then meet in the 2nd engine room. You need to use the charges on the southern side of the ship. Head south. Kill the Muties. Enter the ARK room and continue south. Use the detonators on the pumps (they're labeled L-6, L-5, and L-4). Head to the northwest engine room 2 door through the ARK room. Cut Scene You tell the flight crew that you're going to sink the Heimdal. They are waiting. Enter the ARK room. Head across the gangplank and into the northern Engine Room. Unlock the door. Enter and talk to the Colonel. Cut Scene The Colonel blows the ship. Water floods in. The Colonel gets stabbed by the Doctor in a severely mutated form. Burk holds up a bomb and tells you to go. You leave. Boom. Now you have to get out. Head south and take the emergency elevator. Cut Scene The Transport contacts you. You tell them you're on your way. They'll leave without you if you're not there. The water comes rushing in. Stuff blows up. You run from much explosions and closing doors. You start climbing the roots and end up in the switch puzzle room. --------------------------- Part 16 ------------------------ BOSSES You need to open door B. Avoid the good Doctor. |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 B | | |~|~~~~~~~~~~~7~| | | | | Winch Room A | | | |_____________5 | 1 | | | | |_2_____________| | | | | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 | | L | | | |_4_____________| | |______X____________8 <-- You are the X. Turn around and hit 8 before he gets you, head down the hall and hit 5, 6 and 7. Run through door B. Cut Scene You tell Lang a monster got the Colonel. He tells you to hurry to the deck. You also talk to Jessifer. You break the bad news to her. You're heading to the flight deck. Bye-bye. Get the pistol magazines. Enter the large door (opposite the ladder). BOSS Fight - Doc Run and shoot him. Four hits with the Grenade Launcher will do it. Cut Scene The Doctor warns you to run and take back the warning of ARK. You activate the elevator. ARK comes out. BOSS Run - ARK Run away from him and heal if you get hit. Cut Scene It keeps coming. Lang blows it to hell. Jack gets on the helicopter. They take off. They watch the Heimdal sink. Lang talks about nukes and thinks that maybe what ARK was saying wasn't so bad after all. Roll credits. SAVE THE GAME after the credits. Use this save to access Jessifer's game. ----------------------------------- Section 10 : Walkthrough (Jessifer Manning) You will have access to the rooms and hallways that were inaccessible before, and will be limited in ammo if Jack didn't leave any behind. --------------------------- Part 1 ------------------------ Deck 2/6 Cut Scene Bob Ingles finds Jessifer. They talk. She explains their separation. Repeat of the staticy conversation in the beginning of Jack's scenario. Bob tells her about ARK. He tells her to evacuate. She wants to find her friends. She tells him to be careful. He takes off. Run down the hallway to the elevator. Take it. You need to head to the computer room. Go south and enter the door. Get the grenade launcher off the wall. Check the engine. Exit the room. Head back around the hallway and enter the northern door. Kill the Venus Flytrap Head. Enter the top engine room and save (notice there's a baddie-bo-baddie in the southern one now). Exit the room and take the hallway north. Go around the corner and take the southern door. Cut Scene Jessifer's not impressed by ARK. It makes her skin crawl. She checks out the data of the team members. Sandra Kates access is confirmed. Her room is deck 3, living quarters. She then looks up Mark Stillwell. She opens the partition. Exit the door. Head down the hall and through the now unlocked door. Enter the southern door. Kill the Venus Flytrap Heads. Get the Machine Gun next to the body. Exit the room. Run back down the hall and go through the door. Take the southern hall and head through the door (not into the engine room). Run along the hall and kill the Venus Flytrap Soldier. Enter the now door to the southern hall. Head to the magazine (southern hall and to the right). Get the Level 3 Energy Drink, the T-7 bomb, three pistol Magazines, three grenades, three T-9 bombs, Three Machine Gun Magazines. Save. Exit the room and take the southern door. Cut Scene You enter and see huge vines. You try and blow them up. Enter the southwestern door. Enter the room at the southwest end of the hall. Cut Scene The Doctor is in the room. Jessifer requests collecting information. You need to get pictures and the doctor will continue his research. He deactivates some locks. Exit the room. Head up the hall, through the door and through the north door. Run past the Magazine Room and into the main hall. Kill the (pl)Ant. Enter the door at the end of the hall. Kill the (pl)Ant. Head back and up around the Engine room and past the Weapons Control Room. Enter the door. Head south and kill the (pl)Ant. Go through the door. Go through the south door into the ARK Room. Cut Scene She takes pictures of ARK. Head through the northwestern door and continue through the next one. Get the Report on the Heimdal Incident. Head back to the Doctor. Head through the southern door from ARK. Talk to the Doctor. Cut Scene He asks if you got a picture and gives you disk with data on Ark. You read the report. The Doctor is trying to change the course, so you have to continue and give it to your superior. Exit the room and kill the (pl)Ant. Exit the door. Head to Engine Room 2 (northwest door in the ARK room). Kill the (pl)Ants. Cut Scene You talk to Jack and tell him that ARK has attached itself to the nuclear core. Head west. Go down the hall. Use the elevator to Deck 4. --------------------------- Part 2 ------------------------ Deck 4/3 Cut Scene Sandra calls you. She's on Deck 5. She's locked in. You're gonna find her. Mark is there, too. The sirens go off. ZOE closes the partitions on Deck 4 and stops access to Deck 6. Take the elevator to Deck 3. Kill the (pl)Ants. Enter the door. Head south. The first door in the living area has a (pl)Ant. Avoid it. It's empty. Zap the guys in 312. Ignore the room. There's nothing in it. Zap the Thorn Soldier in 310. Don't bother with this room, either. Enter the next hall of rooms. Don't enter 308. There's nothing there except two Thorn Soldiers. Enter room 303. Cut Scene It's the same as when you met here before. Neither of you have learned anything new. You need to get the data back to HQ. Jack's brother took care of her when she was unconcious. You give Jack and energy drink. Enter the door at the end of the hall. Run up the Hall and enter the security room. Cut Scene The submarine Olympus calls you. You respond. You remember ther was a transmitter on the deck. Head back to the elevator entrance and take the northern door. Head down the hall and enter the door to the Spore Soldier hall. Kill the Spore Soldiers. Enter the northern door. Head around the corner to the Ship Store and kill the Thorn Soldier. Enter the ship's store and shoot the glass cases with items in them (use the goggles) for a Machine Gun Magazine and a Level 3 Energy Drink. I killed the muties in here and watched one of them slide to the lower left corner of the screen as if on a conveyer belt...wierd). Head north. Kill the Vine Soldier. Head east and take the southern door. Climb the ladder. Cross the catwalk and enter the Magazine Room. Get the grenades, T-9 Bombs, machine gun magazines, pistol magazines, Level 2 Energy Drink, Level 1 energy drinks, T-7 bombs. Save. Enter the bottom door in the hallway. Cut Scene Mark has been killed. He has an information disk on him. You take it. There is a key with the disk. It is the key to Room 301. Head to Room 301 (stopping in 306 and the welded doors to get the Pistol Magazines). Unlock the door. Kill the Venus Flytrap Soldier and the Thorn Soldier. Get the Access Key. Go back to the security room. Use the Access Key on the computer in the lower part of the room. Head out and back up to the Ship Store hallway. Kill the baddies along the way. Go through the western door. Kill the Wraith Soldiers. Go up the ladder. Enter the northern door. Head down the stairs and into Deck 4. You are in the dark. --------------------------- Part 3 ------------------------ DECK 4/5 Use your goggles to see where you're going. Exit the hallway. Enter the northeastern room (Magazine). Get the Machine Gun Clips, pistol magazines, grenades, T-7 Bombs, two Level 3 Energy Drinks, two T-9 Bombs. Exit the room. Head back down the main hall and kill the (pl)Ants. Head through the middle door to the south. Kill the Venus Flytrap Soldiers. Get the machine Gun Magazines. Kill the Thorn Soldier on the way up the stairs. Enter the Electrical Substation (the main door at the top of the stairs). Make sure that everything is on except for the Wardroom. Exit the room and take the southern door. Run along the catwalk and take the southern door. You hope Sandra is okay. Climb down the ladder. Enter the southern door (Admin Office). Kill the Flytrap Head Soldiers. Get the Nameplate. Exit the door. Head up the hall and around the corner. Flip the switch and slip through the infrared sensors. Flip the switch on the opposite side (this is for easy access). Head back down the hall, around the corner, and through the door. Climb the ladder. Enter the mushroom hall. Get the level two energy drinks. Take the southern door. Climb down the ladder. Go through the door and head down the hall and around the corner. Shoot the (pl)Ant. Enter door and go down the stairs. Exit the door. Cut Scene You find Lang. You tell him you've seen ARK on the nuclear core. He'll get the sample. You're taking the pictures and such even though it's your job. You give him an air-tight container. Jack comes in. (Repeat of the time Jack barged in earlier). Turn the corner. Take the next door. Kill the Vine Soldiers. Enter the door to the south. Run down the hall and use the southern door. Enter the door. Cut Scene You find Sandra. The main computer is running wild. Sandra asks you to go get the data in the medical room. She'll deactivate the security system so you can find a way out. Go to the left and kill the Gingerfish. Enter the room. Kill the Gingerfish. Get the Military Usage of ARK file. Exit the room and head back up the hall. Enter the southern hallway and take the first door. Get all of the equipment from the boxes. Exit and go back up the ladder. Exit the north doorway. Take the northwest doorway and then towards the western doorway. Cut Scene Sandra is on deck four near the elevator. She's getting the partition open. She wants you to come. Enter the western door. Run around the hall and enter the room. Climb up the stairs. Run back to the main elevator platform (where Jack first entered). Cut Scene (before Mushroom hall) You hear the Doctor talking to Jack about the wonders of ARK. Sandra has foud a way out on Deck 4. You know the Doctor is infected...but can't believe it. Head north from the mushroom hall. Climb down the ladder. Run down the east hall and take a north turn. Enter the Hangar 2, Block C hall by running past the (pl)Ants (why I had you open the locks earlier). Save. Enter the Main Elevator. Cut Scene Sandra is here. She will turn on the emergency power elevator. You need to figure out how to keep the mutants out. You wander towards the door. Cut Scene Sandra remotely activates the Midship Elevator. She is killed by the mutants. Exit the large hole in the wall. You're in the ecoroom from the beginning (where the spiders and Spore Soldiers were. Climb up the embankment and continue around the corner. Enter the doorway. Take the western door. Kill the (pl)Ants. Take the north door. Head directly across the hall and enter the next door. Kill the (pl)Ants. Exit the Eastern door. Cut Scene The Colonel calls you and tells you that they are going to sink the Heimdal. You have to get topside and contact the Olympus. Go north and around the corner. Exit the door. Kill the Venus Flytrap Soldier. Climb the ladder. Exit the door and kill the Vine Soldiers. Exit the 1-B Door. Take the northern door to the Pilot Prep Room. Kill the thorn Soldiers. Exit the north door. Exit 1C. Don't go north. There's nothing there. Enter the southern door. It's the Magazine. Get the items from the crates (use your scope). Exit the room. Exit 1C. Exit 1D at the east end of the hall. Kill the Vine soldiers (don't kill one close to the camera or it looks extremely phalic). Take the North door. Go North. Cut Scene The ship is sinking. Go up the ladders. Go to the Navigation Deck. If you check the central control, there is a nuclear sub nearby. Exit the room and go down the stairs. Enter room. Cut Scene You meet Captain MacGregor. He's infected and is thinking that the world will become a paradise. You freak and have to fight him. Shoot him with the grenade launcher (one hit). Cut Scene You talk to Olympus. You tell them that you're sinking the Heimdal. You tell them to approach. The communication breaks down. Get the Level 2 Energy Drink. Exit the room and go back up the stairs and then down the the lower deck via the ladders. Something is on the deck above you. Cut Scene You talk to Jack. He tells you the the Colonel didn't make it. You blame yourself. You tell him that you'll escape on the Olympus. (same as the end of Jack's. Something watches you. BOSS - Captain MacGregor Shoot him with the Grenade launcher and run. Shoot him 4 times. Cut Scene - Ending The sub will come and you'll kick a life boat into the ocean. Jump down. Olympus picks you up. The man bandages you. You'll provide a detailed report. In bed you recant what has happened. You begin to talk about ARK as a major threat to humanity, but you are also complimentary of ARK as a creator. It's a big equal opportunity argument about nature versus human nature. Let's take a moment of silence to remember those who lost their lives. More DNA… Credits... ----------------------------------- Section 11 : Secrets Unlimited T-7 bombs. This isn't really a secret, but it's been published on several sites as one. You can pick up as many T-7 bombs as you can carry, and keep going back for more. They're great for lumbering muties. Free Jack Jack lets himself go when you complete both scenarios. He sports an open shirt and oh-so-manly chest (haha). ----------------------------------- Section 12 : Documents =============================================================================== DETAILS --- Record of Research Medical Staff Terry Adams Captain Macgregor calles a meeting to discuss the parasitic outbreak on the ship caused by an explosion in the Engine Room. The Development Department has suggested that the parasite may in fact be the ancient organism ARK. I have made several attempts to cure the victims of the parasite, but regardless of what I do, the patients have expired. My efforts have changed from curing the patients to trying to understand what has happened to them. The results of my research are as follows. April 5 Looking first at a subject whose skin had turned green, I discovered a yet unknown virus. Perhaps this virus is also the cause of the patient's violent behavior. April 6 A member of the crew who came to my office became violent and attacked me without warning. I had to shoot him. After an examination of the body, I discovered he was also infected. In this case, there were no visible signs of infection! What am I to do? If I can't tell the difference, I won't be able to trust anyone. April 7 I have acquired the new BEM-T3N scope. With it, I can tell the difference between those who are infected, and those who are not. Next I will have to capture one and dissect it alive. =============================================================================== Ship's Log 2023 April James Macgregor April 1 The Hurricane Mission was a success. We are now headed back to port. The NF-UO36's performance was much better than I expected. April 2 I have received a coded transmission from headquarters. We are requested to take about an ancient organism, ARK, found on island NC-0023. The reasons for the request are unknown. April 3 ARK taken on board at NC-0023. Course plotted for the port town of Newhouse. Not to endanger the environment, transport of ARK was requested. April 4 There was an explosion in the Engine Room and sections were damaged. We have heard from the Information Department that there may be a Southern Cross spy on board, but we do not know if the spy is responsible for the explosion. Fortunately, the damage will not affect our progress. April 5 One of the sailors assigned to the repair of the Engine Room mutated, and suddenly attacked and killed a fellow crew member. An emergency countermeasure meeting is schedules for tonight. April 6 The number of mutations among the crew is growing at a terrifying rate. ZOE is damaged. We are no longer able to transmit. I fear it will become impossible to return the ship to its original state. April 7 We have fought the onslaught of the mutants to no avail. I have no idea what else we can do here. All I know is that the mutants cannot be allowed to reach land. =============================================================================== BINDER --- Hurricane Mission Documents --- Hurricane Mission Documents Mission orders To: James Macgregor Commander of the Heimdal From: John Rollins Commander, NTA Central Begin your attacks on the Southern Cross base using the NF-UO36 unmanned attack craft on the morning of April 1. In conjunction, send in the Special Forces 1st Division to a point 3 kilometers west of the Southern Cross Alpha base to begin their attack at 15:00 hours. The 3rd infantry division will bring the mission to an end. The Heimdal and the Special Forces 1st Division are then ordered back to North America. Reference: The Southern Cross --- There are rumors spreading that a country in the South supports the Southern Cross. With the increase in tension between the North and the South, the Southern Cross has become one of the largest anti-North terrorist groups. Reference: The North-South Problem --- 2008 At a meeting of the leaders of the developed nations, it was decided that all technical aid and foodstuffs from the North to the South would be restricted in order to preserve the economic stability of the North. 2010 As a result of the policies of the North, the food shortage and unemployment problems in the South became more serious. Soon, several anti-North terrorist organizations began to grow. 2013 The G77, consisting of 77 countries in the Southern hemisphere, criticizes the UN and the countries of the North on economic and moral grounds. 2014 Several of the independent terrorist organizations in the South merge to form the Southern Cross. 2017 There is a military conflict between the US and Columbia. The US assumes a military posture and the North-South problem is redefined as the US-G77 Crisis. 2018 Despite resistance from the G77, the US builds a base in Mozambique with the support of the UN. In response, the Southern Cross instigates several terrorist attacks against the US including and attack on the American Embassy in Mozambique. =============================================================================== Orders Deck 1 Emergency Lock Activation Ship Captain James Macgregor In order to isolate crew members that have gone insane due to an unknown parasite, I have decided to activate the Deck 1 emergency lock. Deactivation code: 5103 =============================================================================== 3rd Flight Team Team Leader's Diary Michael Petroski April 3 When we deliver the container from NC-0023, we will be able to head for Newhouse. Maybe I will make it in time for Mary's 9th birthday. I would hate to miss yet another of her birthdays. April 4 There was an explosion in the Engine Room but it doesn't seem to have affected our progress. April 6 At breakfast, one of the guys sitting near me went crazy and attacked another sailor. We had to shoot him. Maybe he is a member of the Southern Cross. April 7 I went to Room 301 for a battery for the ship's intercom but, the passageway was full of mutants and I couldn't get through. What now? Will I ever see Mary again? =============================================================================== ARK Isolation Operation Captain James Macgregor The results of our research have shown that ARK is an extremely dangerous organism, and for humanity, must not be allowed to leave the ship. Therefore, I Captain James Macgregor, adhering to NTA International Charter Article 121, Paragraph 1, order the abandonment of the Heimdal. All crew members are ordered to evacuate. The final disposal of the ship will be decided by the NTA Defense Council. In order to prevent spreading, locks will be activated throughout the ship. Notice: Today at 13:00 hours, the partitions will be closed and the elevators stopped. All crew members are ordered to evacuate immediately. =============================================================================== The Excavation of ARK Development Department Section 3, Team Leader Daniel Connelly April 1 An organism resembling the theorized ARK has been discovered on NC-0023. The Development Department will analyze the specimen. April 2, 14:00 A team lead by Major Thomas Ortega has began the analysis. When the organism was exposed to rediation, germination commenced. A green substance was produced which entered the mouth of Major Ortega. April 2, 16:00 On the way to the infirmary, the Major suddenly became violence and attacked the researchers, killing two of them. He was then shot dead by an MP. All analysis of the organism was stopped. We have been ordered to immediately transport it to a special research facility. April 3 The Defense Council has decided to transport the organism by was of the Heimdal aircraft carrier to avoid drastic changes in the environment. I will accompany it. =============================================================================== Engine Room Incident Report Engine Room Chief Bill Monroe On April 4, there was an explosion in the Engine Room. The results of an investigation of the area revealed chemicals used to make explosives and something that looks like a detonator. Therefore, we have come to the conclusion that the explosion was the result of a planted bomb. It is very possible that this was a terrorist attack. I would like to have a member of the Special Forces and a terrorist specialist included in the investigation team. =============================================================================== Orders Destruction of the Heimdal Ship Captain James Macgregor I hereby order Unit 1 to place explosive charges on the eight water discharge units on the port and starboard sides of Deck 5. Unit 2 is then ordered to destroy ZOE on Deck 6, which will gain clearance to the internal partitions. =============================================================================== A note left by a sailor It's all over. I'm out of rounds. I'm bleeding. If there were no flooding, maybe I could get to the Control Room. I could… the lock deactivation panel...8 ...2... =============================================================================== Development Department Log (Confidential) Development Department Section 3, Section Leader Daniel Connelly April 3 As ordered by the Section Chief, we have boarded the Heimdal to begin analysis of ARK, but it has been placed in quarantine. April 4 There was an explosion in the Engine Room. Pretending to check on ARK, we were able to get a sample. The results of our examination show that first we must force germination. We have begun experimenting in the lab storage locker. April 5 The seed has germinated at an alarming rate. Remembering what happened to Major Ortega, we have prepared a hard case for the sample. This must be the real thing. Meeting scheduled for later this evening. April 6 At breakfast, there was gunfire among the pilots. It looks like one of the pilots has gone mad. Maybe the parasite escaped quarantine… April 7 It's hopeless. The ship is full of mutants and the Captain has ordered the crew to abandon ship. Someone has dropped a glass container behind me… =============================================================================== Bob's Letter To those of you still human… Robert Ingles I will try to save those still living. Things are deteriorating rapidly. I'm trying not to give up hope. I have hidden something in room 312. I pray for your safety. =============================================================================== The Memo that Victor had To my comrade, That thing that Southern Cross wanted looks like much more than we bargained for. It seems to be the cause of the mutants all over the ship. I finally had a chance to get my hands on it when you blew the Engine Room but I got caught in the flames and dropped the airtight capsule. It shattered. I'm sorry. The spy in the investigation team will come to get the thing, but without the capsule we won't be able to hand it over. Maybe someone on the investigation team will have a capsule. But, it doesn't matter. I'm through. If they don't get what they want, they'll take us out just to keep us quiet. If you know what's good for you, you'll get out too. =============================================================================== DISK --- Southern Cross Covert Activity --- NTA Information Department Section 1 Mark Stillwell I, Lieutenant Mark Stillwell along with Lieutenant Sandra Kates, boarded the Heimdal disguised as engineers from an aircraft manufacturer to investigate the possible terrorist acts targeted at the Heimdal. Heimdal brought on board at NC-0023 the ancient organism known as ARK. Headed for Port Newhouse. We began our investigation of the ship. April 4 There was an explosion in the engine room. After investigating the scene, it is clear that it was a terrorist act, but there may be a possibilty that it was just a decoy for a much larger terrorist campaign. Investigation continues. The results of our investigation show that the real goal of the Southern Cross is to sequester ARK. Just when we were going to interrogate Lieutenant Roscovich, the parasitic creature spread throughout the ship and mayhem prevails. Amongst the panic, I fear that ARK will find its way into the wrong hands. We must find the spy. Lieutenant Roscovich has finally revealed the name of the spy, the anti-terrorist exp… DISK --- Possible Military Usage of ARK --- NTA Information Department Section 1 Sandra Kates I, Lieutenant Sandra Kates, along with Lieutenant Mark Stillwell, boarded te Heimdal to stop any and all terrorist activity by Southern Cross. I have also been asked to investigate the possibility that the Weapons Development Department is developing biological weapons. Lieutenant Stillwell has been excluded from any knowledge pertaining to this mission. Captain Connelly and his team who boarded with ARK, showed no indications that they were analyzing ARK. During the panic of the Engine Room incident, it seems clear that they were able to acquire a sample. The ship has become full of mutants. During the mayhem and chaos, I was able to sneak into the research lab. I was able to make a copy of the orders from Colonel Brian of the Development Department, Section 3. According to orders, ARK is much more dangerous than we could have ever imagined. All of the mutants on board the ship are apparently hosts to ARK's destiny of destruction. It is no longer possible to remove ARK from the ship, but if ARK does make it off the ship, I recommend that Colonel Brian be detained and questioned. Appendix A: ARK Research Report B: ARK Infestation Report Appendix A ARK Research Order (Confidential) NTA Development Department Section 3 Department Chief Greg Brian Development Team, Section 3 Investigate usage of ARK and provide a detailed report. Appendix B ARK Infestation Report ARK Infestation and Propogation When ARK germinates, it releases a soft, green tissue. This tissue attaches itself to a living organism and using the organism as a host, it begins its propogation, growing into a large plant-like organism. Effects of Infestation on Subject The Host to ARK loses all physical and mental control. In addition, the subject shows incredible strength and rejuvination abilities. The strength and resistance to gunfire by infested crew on the ship is proof of this. Use as a Biological Weapon The parasitic organism shows an incredible ability to adjust to its environment to protect itself. The resistance to gunfire and ability to attack is proof of this. The potential for military use is astronomical.