TOTAL ECLIPSE FAQ V1.0 -/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/- by David J. Stein, Esq. 0. Introduction 0.1 Foreward 0.2 Backstory 0.2.1 PC version 0.2.2 C64 version 0.3 Game Versions and Connections 1. Story Line and Style of Puzzles 1.1 Story Line 1.2 Style of Puzzles 2. Controls and Items 2.1 Controls 2.2 Gameplay Elements 2.2.1 Watch 2.2.2 Water 2.2.3 Heartbeat 2.2.4 Compass 2.2.5 Pistol 2.2.6 Treasure 2.2.7 Ankhs and Barriers 2.2.8 Symbol Pairs 3. Areas and Puzzles 3.1 Horakhty Areas 3.2 Illusion Areas 3.3 Khepresh Areas 3.4 Nephthys Areas 3.5 Pharaohs Areas 3.6 Ramesses Areas 3.7 Sahara Areas 3.8 Shabaka Areas 4. Revision History 5. Credits -/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/- 0. INTRODUCTION 0.1 FOREWARD Total Eclipse is a first-peson, 3D adventure game written in 1998, and with three companies identified as contributing in some way: Domark, Incentive Software Ltd., and Major Developments. The individual programmers appear to have been Chris Andrew, Ian Andrew, Sean Ellis, and Paul Gregory. Artwork for the game, manual, and packaging were done by Steinar Lund and Peter Carter. Other individuals credited with contribution are Kim Carpentier, Helen Andrew, Andy Tait, and Mary Moy. The game uses a first-person, polygonal graphics engine called 3D Freescape, which created freedom to move, look around, and interact with objects in a manner that was quite innovative for its time. This engine was also used for several similar games by the same company, including Driller and Dark Side. This game is set in an ancient pyramid; your task is simply to explore the pyramid and solve its puzzles, which primarily involve manipulating objects based on patterns and anomalies that you will (hopefully) observe. But this description does not really do the game justice. Total Eclipse provides an immersive environment for exploring a lonely, mysterious pyramid rich with secrets and hidden mechanisms. Its style is quite minimalist; the detail is conveyed by simple objects placed in stark environments, which creates a terrifically eerie setting. And while the game rarely places direct threats to your health and life in your path, its inexplicable symbols and odd design create an impression of subtle creepiness - a lurking maleficence, a bleak challenge, a sense that hostile eyes are watching you... 0.2 BACKSTORY The backstory to this game is related in the user manua. Oddly, the manual for the PC release seems to be different from that for the Commodore 64 release - and the one in the Commodore 64 version seems to be disjointed and told out of sequence, and part of it is missing. The best-case reconstruction of the latter manual, and the full backstory from the former, are included below. 0.2.1 BACKSTORY - PC VERSION "Long before the days of Tut, in the sacred temple overlooking the sweltering sands of Egypt, lived Hahmid III, a high priest of the sun god Ra. Possessing magical powers as great as his temper, Hahmid III was a master of black magic, and successfully gained converts to his faith by wicked displays of wizardry. Common twigs were converted to poisonous snakes, drinking water was churned into blood, and rotting mummies animated into zombie-like monsters through Hahmid's diabolism. But the greatest wonder of all was Ardognus, The Curse of the Sun God, which Hahmid cast upon the sacred shrine to Ra. The curse promised that any object which might come between this place of worship and the rays of of the sun would be utterly destroyed, its remains scattered throughout the planet as a reminder of Ra's wrath. "Today is October 26, 1930. Many moons have passed since the ancient prophecy, and Ardognus has all been forgotten over the centuries. However, you an archaeologist/adventurer, still have vivid memories of your first Egyptian expedition, when you unearthed Hahmid's Scroll of Curses from the bottom level of the pyramid and read its frightening contents. Until today, every curse of Hahmid's has been fullfilled precisely as prophesied...except Ardognus. "Then you read yesterday's fateful newspaper headline, TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN OVER CAIRO! Tendrils of fear still grasp your insides with the knowledge of the meaning of that headline. The moon, as the object coming between Ra's shrine and the sun, will be utterly destroyed when the eclipse is full. The destruction of the moon will produce a cataclysm of unearthly proportions, plunging civilization into a dark age of starvation and conflict. "Based on your studies, you believe that if the shrine is destroyed before the eclipse is complete (10:00 am), the curse cannot be fulfilled. Your self appointed mission is to find the shrine and destroy it in time (naturally, the payment for your services is the rich treasure you expect to find). The shrine is located at the apex of the pyramid, most likely reached only through a series of hidden chambers and deadly traps. Two hours remain before the eclipse is total, due to your late arrival (a Sopwith Camel is faster than the two humped variety). "Armed with a revolver, wristwatch, water bottle, and compass, you once again enter this eerie graveyard of ancient kings. This will definitely be the most memorable 120 minutes of your life. May your archaelogical skills serve you well." 0.2.2 BACKSTORY - C64 VERSION "It is written that, in the heart of ancient Egypt hundreds on years ago, the High Priest of the day had become annoyed. His people were revolting and refused to continue the sacrifices to Re the God of Sun. His anger had erupted so he set an ominous curse as punishment to the people. "A great pyramid was erected and at the topmost chamber a shrine was built for Re the Sun-God. The curse was set. Should anything ever block the sun's rays during daylight hours it would be destroyed. "It is now 26th October, 1930 and in just 2 hours the moon will totally eclipse the sun, triggering the curse of Re, causing the offending moon to explode showering the Earth with colossal meteorites thus upsetting the ecological balance, and plunging civilisation into a dark age of starvation and conflict. "It is 8 o'clock, you have just landed your bi-plane next to the great pyramid. Your mission is to reach and destroy the shrine of the Sun-God Re, which is located at the apex of the pyramid." (from another part of the manual) "26th OCTOBER 1930, EGYPT... "After a three day journey involving most methods of transport one can think of, and a few one would probably not like to, I arrived at Ankh-Arah village. It was a fairly typical North African town, with dry dirty streets,square whitewashed houses, and a stone well in the main square. "I jumped clumsily down from my "taxi" and payed the camel driver his money. Doing a quick calculation in my head I came up with the same answer as when I started the journey-five shillings and a sixpence for a six mile camel ride. Captive markets such as helpless English Archaeologists obiviously lend themselves to exploitation by the locals... oh, well, at least I had learned the knack of getting off a camel without landing on my head, and that probably lowered the price by sixpence or so. "The driver unstrapped my cases and let them drop to the ground. Without any ado he spurred his camel, turned about and was gone, leaving me looking rather lost in a slowly setting cloud of dust. "I retrieved my cases and set off in search of somewhere to stay. "It took me twenty minutes to find the only inn in the village: a small sandstone building like all the others, with two bedrooms, a hole in the ground for a latrine and enough insect life to set the whole English population scratching themselves. One of these was the owner, (missing portion of manual) "Squinting into the sun I could just make out the tiniest silver of the crescent moon, which would soon eclipse the sun. "All the other exploration work I had conducted had been very much smaller than this, and took months of painstaking effort, researching and training. "It was too big. I would never make it in time. The shrine that "Tiny" had identified was right at the apex. "Skirting the base of the pyramid, I saw the door into the ante-chamber..." 0.3 GAME VERSIONS AND CONNECTIONS Total Eclipse was released for several platforms, including the PC, Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Sega Saturn, and even the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. This FAQ was prepared using the PC version, but aside from some graphics differences, these versions do not appear substantially different. This game was succeeded by a sequel called "Total Eclipse II: Sphinx Jinx," released by the same company for many of the same platforms. In fact, these games were sold together as a two-pack for the Sinclair, and perhaps for some other platforms. More recently, this game has been remade for Windows, with a more modern 3D engine and better graphics. The remake is freely available here: There are at least a few changes between the remake and the original, some of which appear intended to make the game more accessible to modern players. -/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/- 1. STORY LINE AND STYLE OF PUZZLES 1.1 STORY LINE 1.2 STYLE OF PUZZLES The puzzles in Total Eclipse all fit a general mold: you must notice some kind of irregularity or potential for change in the environment, and then you must act on it in some way. Objects may be manipulated by shooting them, by bumping into them or stepping on them, or by interacting with other objects that are logically connected to them. Fortunately, Total Eclipse foregoes inventory puzzles: the only objects in the entire game that you can pick up in the entire game are water and ankhs. It's very important to make a map. All of the rooms are uniquely named - Horakhty-A, Ramesses-C - so this is an easy task. The effort of mapping pays off in several ways: You may not remember having visited a room before; or you may wish to return to a room, but might not recall how to get there (the room-to-room connections in the pyramid are baffling); or you may need to know the connections in order to solve one or two of the puzzles. Since anomalies are central keys to the puzzles in this game, it's important to get a sense of how things in Total Eclipse "typically" look, sound, and behave. If you see something out of the ordinary, then it's probably important. It might be impervious to direct manipulation, and you may not understand its significance immediately, but all puzzles are solvable (and the solutions are all presented below.) Finally, note that most puzzles have a logical solution. Many (but not all) puzzles can be solved without leaving the room - you usually have to manipulate something in the vicinity of the object that's caught your attention. But don't exhaust your patience on any one puzzle - you might do something elsewhere that can resolve it (like opening a blocked door from the other side), or you might develop new insight about how the pyramid works, or you might simply think of trying something else. If you're stuck, just make a note of it and move on... there are plenty of other areas and items of interest in the pyramid! -/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/- 2. CONTROLS AND ITEMS 2.1 CONTROLS Total Eclipse is an "old-school" first-person game. In other words, it doesn't follow the control scheme of typical first-person games: you don't use the mouse for anything (including freelook), and the WASD control scheme is unavailable. Instead, you may control this game either by a specific keyboard layout or by joystick. Here are the keys for the keyboard layout: * Arrow Keys: Move forward and backward, or turn left or right. (Strafe is completely absent - but you will likely not miss it.) * U: "U-turn" - turns 180 degrees. * P/L or semicolon: Look up or down. (The semicolon key and L both look down - they do the exact same thing. Probably programmed this way for user convenience, since neither of them is directly below the P key.) * F: Centers your view. * 0: Fires your pistol at the crosshairs. You have unlimited ammo, which is helpful because many objects can only be activated by shooting them! * Space: Toggles between moving around and aiming your pistol. * =: Hides or shows the crosshairs. (No idea why you'd want to do this.) * A: Toggles your turning radius - the number of degrees that you turn with each left or right tap, and the number of degrees that your head tilts when you tap the P or L/semicolon keys. There are three selectable increments, and the A key will cycle through them. You can tell which one is currently selected (other than by moving) by an icon on the lower status bar. At lower left, just above the picture of Anubis and your watch, there is a row of icons. Most of these icons are decorative, but when you tap the A key, you'll see one of the icons change - it's the seventh one, the one that looks like an angle. The smaller the angle of the icon, the smaller your turning radius. * S: Toggles your stride length - the distance that your character travels with each step forward or backward. Again, there are three increments, and the S key toggles through them. And, again, you can tell which increment you're using (other than by moving) by looking at an icon on your status bar. This time it's the fifth one, and it looks something like a barbell. As you tap the S button, the length of the bar will change; longer lengths indicate longer strides. * R: Rests. Your * F: Toggles between ducking and standing. * I: Displays the in-game menu (Save, Load, Pause, Terminate.) You can also toggle the sound on or off here. - Caution: Hitting Escape from this menu ends your game! You will almost certainly trigger this once accidentally. If you want to leave this menu without doing anything, hit the I key again. You should familiarize yourself with these controls - you'll need to use all of them at some point in the game. For instance, stride length may seem like a personal preference at first, but there are several puzzles in the game that can only be solved if you take small steps; and at other times, you'll need to leave a room quickly. A note about standing: Many times, you'll find yourself tiptoeing along a narrow path at a height - so you need to know where you're standing. If you just try to estimate, you'll surely err and fall. There's a simple trick to determine this: look straight down - just tap the L key until you're looking straight down at the ground. Your targeting reticle (the small + sign) will be in the middle of the screen - that's where you're standing. Moreover, the game engine presumes that you are standing precisely on a tiny spot right underneath yourself (which will be the center of the reticle), so if that spot is on ground you're safe, and if it is over a hole or air then you'll fall. (It may not be realistic, but it's a useful game mechanism.) 2.2 ITEMS Total Eclipse doesn't have much of an inventory. You begin the game with a few helpful tools, and the only items that you acquire in the game are ankhs and treasure (and the latter is measured simply in British pounds, so it's really just a score counter.) Nevertheless, the properties and proper uses of these tools and ankhs are important to your quest, so here are some details about each: 2.2.1 WATCH Your watch, unsurprisingly, tells time. You begin the game at 8:00am sharp, and your watch ticks ahead in realtime as you play. (The only instance where time doesn't move exactly with realtime is when you're resting - time will speed up sixty-fold - every second you hold down the R button counts as a minute of rest.) At 9:59:30 am, a solar eclipse will occur, and if you haven't beaten the game by then, the earth will be destroyed (and you lose.) In addition to looking at your watch, you can tell how much time you have by going outside and looking at the sun - the moon (which, oddly, is green in this game) will slowly move over the sun. A pictorial representation of this is also visible at all times in the upper-right-hand corner of the game window. 2.2.2 WATER You carry a jug of water, which, at the beginning of the game, is half full. As you travel, the amount of water left will diminish (it doesn't go anywhere when you're standing still or resting.) The instant that your water jug runs out, you will die! - so it's important to keep an eye on the jug and to refill it when it's low. Fortunately, there are water basins and pools at many locations inside the pyramid, and they never run dry, no matter how much water you draw from them. Even better, your jug is fairly large, so you'll only have to refill it a few times throughout the game. 2.2.3 HEARTBEAT One very nice feature of the game is the use of your heartbeat as a gameplay mechanism. In the lower center area of your screen, you'll see (and hear) your beating heart. This normally starts very slow - 60bpm or so - but if something injures you, such as a fall, your heartbeat will pick up. It will slow down again if you rest (or if you just don't get injured for a while), but if you get injured repeatedly, your heartbeat will increase, and will eventually stop when you die from exertion. Fortunately, there aren't too many things in this pyramid that will hurt you, so if you're careful, this danger will probably not be much of an issue. If your heartbeat gets too high, just rest for a few minutes. The heartbeat significantly augments the atmosphere of this game, since most of the pyramid is dead silent. It's a very nice touch. (However, it's not the first game to use this mechanism! This feature first appeared in Dungeons of Daggorath, an old - and still excellent! - adventure game for the Tandy Color Computer. The heartbeat was very important in that game, as you were constantly being attacked by roving monsters. Here it's not as important to the gameplay, but it still adds much ambience and tension to the game.) 2.2.4 COMPASS Your compass shows your direction, of course. This will be important in a few areas, when you're trying to make heads or tails of the layout of the pyramid. However, the compass has one small drawback: it's a little hard to read. As with many real compasses, this compass has a diamond-shaped bar for a directional indicator... but the two halves aren't well-distinguished, so it's tough to tell which one is correct. One half has a longitudinal line running to the end of the hand; the other doesn't. In truth, it doesn't matter which one you consider the "correct" indicator - so long as you use the same one consistently! For the purpose of this FAQ, I've decided that "north" is the hand WITHOUT the longitudinal line. I made this decision because the sun, presumably, is rising in the east when you begin the game. (Your watch has no AM/PM indicator, and it's entirely plausible that the game takes place near dusk - but that doesn't seem right to me.) In any event, there's no harm in deciding the opposite - as long as you mentally reverse all of the directions mentioned in this FAQ! 2.2.5 PISTOL Since the threats to your health in Total Eclipse are largely inanimate, you'd think that a pistol wouldn't be very helpful in the pyramid. On the contrary, this is your most important tool - you use it to manipulate a number of inanimate objects within the pyramid. Its unlimited range means that you can force any object that you can see, and its unlimited ammunition means that you can try manipulating anything and everything. (And as an added bonus, it never needs reloading!) You can use the pistol simply by centering the object in your view and pressing 0. However, this may be a little clumsy or inaccurate, and sometimes you may not want to change your view. In those instances, you can just tap the spacebar, maneuver the targeting reticle around the screen with the arrow keys, and press 0 to fire. In both cases, holding down 0 will rapid-fire your pistol. (This is useful for probing an area that might be sensitive to bullets only in a small region.) The pistol has one odd property that's worth mentioning. One of the icons on the right side of the row (above the water jug) is a picture of a pyramid. Every time you fire the pistol, this icon momentarily changes to an icon of a gun firing a bullet. (As a slightly whimsical touch, the icon just to the right of the pyramid is a standing man. When you fire the gun, the gun icon fires a bullet - and the man ducks.) 2.2.6 TREASURE Some treasure containers are distributed throughout the pyramid. You can obtain the treasure just by bumping into the container - you will see your treasure counter at the top of the screen accumulate. Each container holds a finite amount of treasure, so you should keep walking toward the container until it is depleted. The treasure doesn't help you in any way - it's really just a scoring mechanism. Ankhs also confer 7500 pounds of treasure apiece. 2.2.7 ANKHS AND BARRIERS Throughout the game, you'll see a series of ankhs. Each of these ankhs can be picked up, and the ankh indicators at the top-left part of the screen will indicate how many you are carrying. (Note: You can carry more than five ankhs - the extras just won't be visible.) You'll also notice that several of the doorways in the pyramid are blocked by a horizontal bar - and that you can unlock this bar by using one of your ankhs. However, this will remove the ankh from your inventory. Hint: You should be very frugal about using these ankhs. One of the puzzles at the end of the game will require using many ankhs, and if you've used one unnecessarily, you may find yourself unable to win the game. Before using an ankh, you should consider whether you can avoid using it: can you get around the barrier, or take another route to reach the same destination? You may want to save your game before you use the ankh - that way, if you discover that you've used it unnecessarily, you can just reload. 2.2.8 SYMBOL PAIRS At a few locations in the game, you'll see a symbol painted on the wall. As you explore further, you may find the same symbol painted on another wall in another room. These two symbols form a symbol pair: they are linked and can be used together to open a new area of the pyramid. For each of these symbol pairs, one of the symbols must be activated (simply by shooting it with your pistol.) This will display the message "Match Made," and will open a door in the room that contains the other symbol. If you shoot the second symbol before the first one, then you'll see the message "MAKE THE MATCH", and nothing will happen. In this guide, each symbol pair is referred to by its name and the word "symbol," e.g., "Raven Symbol". Moreover, the symbols in the pair are referred to as "A" and "B." The symbols are activated in this order - i.e., first find and shoot match symbol A, and then find and shoot match symbol B to open a door in the same room as match symbol B. -/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/- 3. AREAS AND PUZZLES The areas in the game world of Total Eclipse are connected by doorways. Most of the areas within the pyramid are rooms of approximately the same size; the areas outside of the pyramid are boundless (and it appears that you can walk toward the horizon indefinitely.) Each area is identified by a name, comprised of a region name and a letter - e.g., "Ramesses-B", "Ramesses-C", "Horakhty-J," etc. This name is displayed in the status bar, and the unique names facilitate mapping. However, the regions aren't sequential - some of the rooms may be grouped together, but this isn't necessarily so; they may be unrelated, and even unconnected. Each area also has a height associated with it, measured in cubits (in multiples of 12.) The rooms often connect at different heights, leading to a realistic but quite confusing three-dimensional map. Your status indicator shows the height of your current room (just to the right of the name), and they are also listed below. A note about directions: The rooms of the temple are orthogonal (rectangular), but the doorways are not always in the center of a wall. In the descriptions that follow, a door positioned on the center of a wall will simply be called "north door," "south door," etc. A door positioned on either side will be identified by a compound direction, like "north-east" or "east-south." In these descriptions, the first direction is the direction of the wall, and the second direction is the direction ON THAT WALL. Thus, "north-east" means the eastern portion of the north wall - which differs from "east-north," which is the northern portion of the east wall. Finally, doors may also be identified as "barred" (requires an ankh to open) or "blocked" (obstructed by some obstacle - these can't be opened with an ankh.) Other doors will be invisible until you take some action or solve a puzzle, such as completing a symbol match (see above.) Doors may also be identified as "ground-level," "top of stairs," or "high." 3.1 HORAKHTY AREAS 3.1.1 HORAHKTY-A (24C) This is the front entrance annex of the pyramid. A basin of water is affixed to the wall. A doorway leading into the pyramid is to the south; this doorway can be closed (blocked) by shooting the purple door next to it, and opened again by shooting the purple door again. There is also an ankh here, up against the wall next to the door - simply walk into it to retrieve it. Exits: Horakhty-B (south door) Sahara-B (north door) 3.1.2 HORAHKTY-B (24C) This is the first large room of the pyramid. There is an elevated purple walkway connecting north and south doors, and just above it is a hole in the ceiling. There is an open doorway to the north-west, and two sets of stairs leading up to open doors - one to the east-south, and one to the north-east. The stairs pointing toward the north-east door are blocked by a vertical obelisk, but this obstacle will disappear if you shoot it. There is also a high door to the west, with a small blue platform in front of it. On the ground just to the left (south) of this door is a small green cube - if you shoot this cube, a set of stairs will appear that provide access to the high west door. Finally, there is a treasure kiosk here (a red crystal with a flat, black top) worth 15,000 pounds. Exits: Horakhty-A (north-west door) Horakhty-C (south door on elevated walkway) Horakhty-E (east-south door, top of stairs) Horakhty-G (west door, top of stairs) Horakhty-I (north-east door, top of stairs) Horakhty-I (north door on elevated walkway) 3.1.3 HORAHKTY-C (36C) This room contains Arrow Symbol B. Activating it by shooting Arrow Symbol A (in Horakhty-D) will open a very narrow doorway to the south. This room also contains a pool in the middle, from which you can refill your water jug. There are several other exits to this room: to the north, east, east-south (at the top of a set of stairs), and a barred door to the west. Exits: Horakhty-B, on walkway (north door) Horakhty-D (west door, barred) Horahkty-F (east door) Khepresh-E (narrow south door that opens upon successful arrow match) Pharaohs-C (south-east door, top of stairs) 3.1.4 HORAHKTY-D (24C) This room contains Arrow Symbol A. This room is also divided in half by a long, green, waist-high barrier running north and south. This barrier cannot be climbed, but there is a small gap along between the north wall and the green barrier that allows passage to the other side of the room. On the other side of the barrier, against the west wall, is a red obstacle blocking a doorway. This can be moved by pushing it from the north to reveal a west door. On the near side of the barrier are two doorways, one to the north and one to the east, each at the top of a set of stairs. The doorway to the north is open, but the one to the east is barred. Exits: Horakhty-C (east door, top of stairs, barred) Horakhty-G (north door, top of stairs) Illusion-D (west door) 3.1.5 HORAHKTY-E (36C) This room contains Eye Symbol B. This room initially contains a set of stairs to the east-south that lead up against the bare wall next to the eye symbol, but if you activate Eye Symbol A in Horakhty-F, then a narrow door will open at the top of these stairs. This room also contains a raised walkway along the north wall with a gap in the middle, and a red vertical barrier off to the side. The red barrier initially separates the north portion of the room from the south portion, but shooting it will cause it to raise, providing access to the other part of the room. Shooting it again will lower it, and it can be repeatedly raised and lowered in this manner. Both of these positions are useful. When the red barrier is raised, the north and south portions of the room are accessible from the ground - but the high walkway cannot be traversed, because you'll fall through the gap. However, when the red barrier is lowered, you can walk carefully along the narrow top of it in order to bypass the gap in the high walkway. Finally, this room contains an ankh on the ground to the southwest, and a green treasure chest that can be opened by shooting it, and then plundered for 25,000 pounds. This room contains many exits: doors on each end of the high walkway at the east-north and west-north; a door to the north (which may be behind the red barrier when lowered); open doors to the east and west-south; and a barred door to the south. Exits: Horakhty-B (west-south door) Horakhty-F (south door, barred) Horakhty-H (north, behind red barrier) Nephthys-D (east door) Pharaohs-F (east-north door on high walkway) Pharaohs-F (east-south door that opens upon making eye match) Pharaohs-H (west-north door on high walkway) 3.1.6 HORAHKTY-F (24C) This room contains Eye Symbol A. There is also a very high door with a blue platform to the south, a high door to the west with a blue platform, and a barred doorway at the top of a staircase to the north. Exits: Horakhty-C (high west door, barred) Horakhty-E (north door, top of stairs) Pharaohs-B (very high south door) 3.1.7 HORAHKTY-G (36C) This door contains a standing sarcophagus along the west wall - which holds a mummy. The mummy will zap you every few seconds, causing damage (your heart rate will increase); this can be avoided either by leaving the room quickly, or by shooting the sarcophagus, which will close it. You can shoot it again to re-open it, but there's little reason to do so. There is also a treasure chest here, which you can shoot to open, and then plunder for 65,000 pounds of treasure, and a basin of water affixed to the wall (don't forget to refill your jug.) There are open doorways to the north-east and east, and a door to the south that is blocked by a long, purple bar. This bar is mounted high, so it can be avoided simply by ducking and crawling underneath it. Exits: Horakhty-B (east door) Horakhty-D (south door, high bar) Horakhty-J (north-east door) 3.1.8 HORAHKTY-H (24C) This room is divided by a red barrier that reaches to the ceiling and runs north-south. On the ground (visible from the east side of the barrier, but not as much from the west side) are some footprints that lead up to the wall and appear to pass through it. Following the footprints will make the barrier vanish (though the footprints remain.) Otherwise, there are four doors - to the west-north and east (both barred), to the south, and to the east-north. Exits: Horakhty-E (south door, top of stairs) Horakhty-I (west-north door, top of stairs, barred) Nephthys-G (east-north door) Nephthys-F (east door, barred) 3.1.9 HORAHKTY-I (36C) This room contains a couple of random blocks on the ground that have no function. The room is dominated by a tall, slender red pillar in the center, on top of which rests a large green chest. If you shoot the pillar in just the right spot (near the top of any side - you may need to probe this area with rapid fire to find just the right spot), the pillar will vanish and the green treasure chest will crash to the ground. Caution: If you are anywhere near the pillar when it vanishes, you will be crushed by the chest and die! If you are not near it, then you may shoot the chest to open it and plunder it for 40,000 pounds of treasure. This room contains five exits: three doors along the south wall, and one each to the west-north and east-north (this one is barred.) Exits: Horakhty-B (south-east door) Horakhty-G, on elevated walkway (south door) Horakhty-H (east-north door, barred) Horakhty-J (west-north door) Pharaohs-H (south-west door) 3.1.10 HORAHKTY-J (24C) This narrow room contains two stairways - one to the north that leads straight up to a door on the east-north, and one to the south with crooked steps that leads to a door to the south. Climbing the crooked stairs without falling can be difficult, but can be done carefully by looking straight down and taking one step at a time. Under the north stairway is an ankh; you'll have to duck to reach it. Exits: Horakhty-G (south door) Horakhty-I (east-north door) 3.2 ILLUSION AREAS These rooms look very similar - they are all narrow rooms, featuring doors (in the form of a small, chest-high opening in the wall) leading to the other Illusion rooms. These passages do not logically connect, so these rooms together form a maze. 3.2.1 ILLUSION-A (12C) This is a typical Illusion room. Exits: Illusion-B (west door) Illusion-D (north door) 3.2.1 ILLUSION-B (12C) This is a typical Illusion room. Exits: Illusion-B (east door) Illusion-C (north door) Illusion-D (west door) 3.2.1 ILLUSION-C (12C) This is a typical Illusion room. Exits: Illusion-D (east door) Illusion-E (north door) Illusion-I (south door) 3.2.1 ILLUSION-D (12C) This is where the Illusion maze begins. It is a typical Illusion room, except for a set of stairs that leads up to an east door (the maze entrance.) Exits: Horakhty-D (east door, top of stairs) Illusion-A (south door) Illusion-E (west door) Illusion-G (north door) 3.2.1 ILLUSION-E (12C) This is a typical Illusion room. Exits: Illusion-A (south door) Illusion-G (north door) Illusion-H (east door) Illusion-H (west door) 3.2.1 ILLUSION-F (12C) This is a typical Illusion room, except for a set of stairs that leads up to a west door (the maze exit.) Exits: Illusion-D (east door) Saraha-A (west door, top of stairs) 3.2.1 ILLUSION-G (12C) This is a typical Illusion room. Exits: Illusion-D (south door) Illusion-H (west door) 3.2.1 ILLUSION-H (12C) This is a typical Illusion room. Exits: Illusion-E (south door) Illusion-H (east door) Illusion-H (west door) 3.2.1 ILLUSION-I (12C) This is a typical Illusion room. Exits: Illusion-E (west door) Illusion-F (south door) Illusion-H (east door) 3.3 KHEPRESH AREAS 3.3.1 KHEPRESH-A (24C) In the southwest corner of this room is a small red dais holding a green chair, with a red platform overhead. A set of stairs leads up to the north wall, against which is a purple barrier next to a raven symbol. This is Raven Symbol B; activating Raven Symbol A will cause this purple barrier to disappear, revealing an open passage. There is another exit: standing on the chair will teleport you to Nephthys-C. Exits: Khepresh-B (west door, top of stairs) Khepresh-D (through the door that opens upon completing raven match) Nephthys-C (through the chair) 3.3.2 KHEPRESH-B (36C) This plain room contains three exits - open doorways to the west and north, and a barred door to the east. Exits: Khepresh-A (east door, barred) Khepresh-C (west door) Khepresh-E (north-east door) 3.3.3 KHEPRESH-C (24C) The center of this room contains four tall red pillars that stretch to the ceiling. There is a raised blue walkway around the east and north walls; this walkway is accessible from the ground by a set of stairs. Underneath the walkway is an ankh. Exits: Khepresh-B (east door on walkway) Khepresh-E (north door on walkway) 3.3.4 KHEPRESH-D (36C) This room contains a stairway leading up to a high east door. This stairway is unusual - it has two steep, red guard rails on each side. The second and third stairs of this stairway can be shot away, revealing a hidden door behind the stairs. (Unfortunately, this will make the top door inaccessible, but the hidden door leads to a useful position, so the tradeoff is beneficial.) Exits: Khepresh-A (south door that appears upon making Raven Match) Khepresh-E (west-north door) Pharaohs-A (east door, top of stairs) Ramesses-D, on walkway (East door, behind stairs) 3.3.5 KHEPRESH-E (24C) This room is actually divided into two rooms by a fake wall that runs north-south. This fake wall initially separates the room into two a larger west portion and a narrow east portion; the only clue that they are the same room is that they have the same name. Surprisingly, if you shoot this wall, your bullets make an echoing sound to indicate hollowness - and if you shoot it enough times (approximately 10), the wall disappears and the two halves of this room become one large room! The west portion of the room contains a sarcophagus in the shape of a mummy laying on the ground, and a purple line on the ground stretching east-west across the room. As soon as you cross this purple line, the sarcophagus suddenly becomes vertical, and the mummy begins zapping you very quickly. You will be safe if you get behind the sarchophagus. There is also a red treasure kiosk here worth 107,500 pounds. The east, narrow portion of the room contains a doorway on a high platform, and an ankh on the ground. If you step off the platform, you'll be unable to reach the platform again, leaving you trapped on this side of the room (unless you break down the fake wall.) This room contains three exits: a narrow north doorway that opens when you make the Arrow Match, a west-north doorway at the top of a set of stairs, a south doorway at the top of another set of stairs, and a high doorway to the east-north with a blue platform. Exits: Horakhty-C (north door that opens upon completing arrow match) Khepresh-B (south-west door, top of stairs) Khepresh-D (east-north high door) Khepresh-F (west-north door, top of stairs) 3.3.6 KHEPRESH-F (36C) Upon entering this room, you'll be notified that it contains "poison air." You'll slowly take damage as you stay in this room (your heart rate will gradually increase), but it's only a minor concern; if you're uninjured when you enter the room, you'd have to stay here almost two full minutes before you die. So as long as you don't dally, you'll be fine. This room is a little tricky: the main part of the room contains fake south and west walls, and a small passage to the west-south that leads to a narrow corridor along the real west and south walls of the room. There is a small gap in the corner of these fake walls (to the west-south) that provides access to and from the main part of the room. Thus, if you're entering this room from the south, you should head all the way west, take one or two steps north, and then turn east to see both the south passage, and the entrance to the main part of the room. There are two exits here: a door to the south in the narrow passage, and a door to the east-north. Exits: Khepresh-C (south door) Khepresh-E (east-north door) 3.4 NEPHTHYS AREAS 3.4.1 NEPHTHYS-A (24C) This room contains three sets of stairs leading up o three doors. Perched on the south stairs, however, is a mummy that will zap you (causing your heart rate to rise) if you're in front of it. If you're behind it, though, it can't see you and can't hurt you. This isn't much of an obstacle; you can just walk around it and step up onto the south steps. Exits: Nephthys-B (west door, top of stairs) Nephthys-C (north-east door, top of stairs) Ramesses-C (South door, top of stairs) 3.4.2 NEPHTHYS-B (36C) This room contains four sets of stairs, each leading up to one of the four walls - three of which are blank, but one of which contains a door. In the center of the room is a treasure kiosk worth 150,000 pounds, but on the ceiling above it is an emitter that will zap you (causing your heart rate to increase slowly), so you don't want to stay here too long. Exits: Nephthys-A (east door, behind stairs) Nephthys-D, on walkway (north door, behind stairs) Pharaohs-A (south door, top of stairs) Ramesses-D (south door, behind stairs, barred) 3.4.3 NEPHTHYS-C (36C) This room has many blue blocks on the ground. There is also an odd purple square on the east wall - touching this square will teleport you to Khepresh-A. You have to approach it from an angle, however, or you'll just be zapped instantly back to this room. (Oddly, if you make this transfer successfully, you'll find yourself several feet away from the chair.) Exits: Khepresh-A (through the purple square) Nephthys-A (south-east door) Nephthys-D (west door) Nephthys-E (north door) 3.4.4 NEPHTHYS-D (24C) This room contains an elevated walkway that snakes through the upper portion of the room in a question-mark pattern. This elevated walkway connected a high door to north with a small, blue, elevated platform and high door to the south. Caution: This elevated walkway is very narrow! If you don't reduce your stride length to the minimum setting (see section 2.1 on Controls), look straight down, and step carefully, then you're almost certain to fall off the walkway to the ground below. Note also: The elevated walkway passes near a raised blue platform to the east that connects to a high door - but there is a gap between the raised walkway and the blue platform, so this door and the platform are unreachable from each other. This room also contains a high door to the east and a blue platform, but this door is nowhere near the walkway. On the ground is a door to the north-east. Exits: Horakhty-E (west high door near elevated walkway) Nephthys-B (south high door on elevated walkway) Nephthys-C (east high door) Nephthys-F (north high door on elevated walkway) Nephthys-G (north-east door) 3.4.5 NEPHTHYS-E (24C) This room contains a long blue walkway that runs through the middle of the room. This walkway is balanced on a tall, pointy green triangle in the center of the room. Warning: This room is deadly - if you fall, you'll be trapped in a room with two high doors that you can't reach, and no other exits! So you'll need to be very careful here. Now, when you first enter, the walkway runs east-west, apparently connecting the high door to the west with nothing but the blank east wall. However, this mechanism can pivot: if you shoot the blue platform, it will rotate 90 degrees. At first this doesn't appear to be very helpful, since one rotation merely makes the beam connect the south door with the blank north wall. The trick is to orient the beam so that it faces you, walk out exactly to its center, and shoot it once, so that you can reach the other door in this room. The only difficult part is making sure that you're exactly in the middle of the room before pivoting the beam - if you're not, the beam will rotate right out from under you. The easiest way to ensure success is to take several steps along the beam, then turn to face the opposite door - if you're not aligned with it, then you're not in the center of the room yet. (As an easier solution, you can simply set your stride length to the broadest angle, and then take six steps out from your entry spot.) Exits: Nephthys-C (south door) Nephthys-F (west door) 3.4.6 NEPHTHYS-F (36C) This door contains a red barrier running north-south that separates the room into east and west sections. This barrier will permanently vanish if touched from the east. This room also contains Raven Symbol A - you can see it past the red barrier. If you enter from the east (on the east side of the red barrier), you'll see a small green and purple cube on the ground near the raven symbol. This cube appears and disappears with alternating steps, so you may have to move about a bit in order to get a good view of it. When you shoot the cube, you'll complete the Raven Match - and the red barrier will vanish. The west portion of this room contains three doors - a barred door to the west, and two open doors to the south, one above the other: a set of stairs leads to the upper door, and another door is just below the first, but underneath the stairs. The east portion of the room contains an open door. Exits: Horakhty-H (west door, barred) Nephthys-D, on walkway (south door, under stairs) Nephthys-E (east door) Pharaohs-F (south door, top of stairs) 3.4.7 NEPHTHYS-G (24C) This room is empty except for two open doors to the west-north and south-east. Exits: Horakhty-H (west-north door) Nephthys-D (south-east door) 3.5 PHARAOHS AREAS 3.5.1 PHARAOHS-A (48C) This room contains four doors - two on the ground level (west and north), and two high doors, each barred, above the first two. The high doors have a blue platform in front of them, and there is a blue block several feet in front of each - but otherwise, there is no apparent connection. It is as if each high doorway had a set of stairs leading up to it, but the second and third steps have been removed from each. Also, when you enter this room, you'll hear an odd sound, which is your cue that all is not as it seems. This will be your cue that all is not as it seems in this room. The secret is not intuitive, but not difficult: if you shoot your gun into one of the high doorways, the missing steps leading up to that doorway will appear. However, a few seconds later, these new steps will vanish again - even if you're standing on them - so you'll have to be quick. The easiest way to overcome this puzzle is to stand on one of the blue blocks on the ground, face directly toward the doorway, shoot into the doorway until you hear the "stairs created" sound, and then run forward. (Note: This room is odd for another reason: the bar across the high north door can be opened simply by shooting it, so you don't need an ankh to open it. Of course, this trick only helps you if you haven't entered the room by that door, since you will automatically unlock it and lose an ankh.) Exits: Khepresh-D (west door) Nephthys-B (north door) Pharaohs-B (high west door, barred) Pharaohs-D (high north door, barred) 3.5.2 PHARAOHS-B (60C) The northwest corner of this room contains a large blue dais comprised of four steps, at the top of which is a treasure kiosk worth 400,000 pounds. (Nice find!) Furthermore, shooting each of the bottom three steps of the dais will cause them to disappear, revealing a door to the north-east. This action will also unblock the door in the room to which it leads (Pharaohs-C.) Exits: Horakhty-F (north door) Pharaohs-A (east door) Pharaohs-C (north-east door, behind dais) 3.5.3 PHARAOHS-C (48C) This puzzling room contains a set of stairs that lead up to the bare south wall. The north end of the room contains a raised green platform that is unreachable from the ground (or the odd stairway.) This platform provides access to a treasure chest worth 342,500 pounds, and two high doorways - a barred one to the north, and an open doorway to the east-north. This latter doorway is actually blocked by the dais in Pharaohs-B, so even though it looks open, it cannot be passed through without first removing the dais. A ground level door is available to the north-east. Exits: Horakhty-C (north-east door) Pharaohs-B (high east-north door, blocked by dais) Pharaohs-E (high north door, barred) 3.5.4 PHARAOHS-D (60C) This odd room contains a red barrier running east-west that divides the room. It rises to head height, but past it can be seen two stairways, each leading up to the east and west walls (but both walls are blank), and a green barrier that runs north-south between the stairs in the south portion of the room. Walking along the red barrier to the east reveals that it does not completely divide the room; there is a small gap that allows passage to the southeast corner of the room. From here, you can mount the stairs leading up to the east wall. You can then step onto the top of the red barrier, and walk along it to the west. Once you're past the green barrier, you can step off the red barrier onto the stairs facing the north wall, and climb down. You'll now be in the southwest corner of the room, where you will find a barred door. You can simply reverse this process to reach the north section of the room again. Exits: Pharaohs-A (south-west door, barred) Pharaohs-F, on high walkway (north door) 3.5.5 PHARAOHS-E (60C) This room contains a large red mural on the east wall, containing two symbols: a pharaoh's head and a double cross. A set of stairs leads up to the mural. These symbols are the Double Cross B and Pharaoph B symbols, and each can be activated by finding the A symbols (in Sahara A and Ramesses A, respectively.) Once these two symbols are activated, the red mural will move down to reveal a door. Otherwise, this room contains a barred door to the south and an open door to the north. Exits: Pharaohs-C (south door, barred) Pharaohs-H (north door) Shabaka-B (east door, behind mural) 3.5.6 PHARAOHS-F (48C) This room contains a high walkway, angling through the center of the room and connecting high doorways to the south and east walls. This room also contains an ankh hanging from the ceiling against the east wall on a string. Shooting the string will cause the ankh to fall to the ground, where you can collect it. Finally, this room contains open doors to the north and east-north, and if you have completed the Eye Match, it will also contain a door to the east-south. Exits: Horakhty-E, on high walkway (west-north door) Horakhty-E (west-south door that opens upon completion of Eye Match) Nephthys-F (north door) Pharaohs-D (south door on elevated walkway) Pharaohs-G (west door on elevated walkway) 3.5.7 PHARAOHS-G (60C) This narrow room contains a red tripwire that runs north-south and divides the room. Tripping it causes an emitter to appear and begin zapping you (causing your heart rate to increase.) It can be avoided by ducking and crawling under it. Otherwise, the room only contains open doors to the east and west. Exits: Pharaohs-F, on high walkway (east door) Pharaohs-H (west door) 3.5.8 PHARAOHS-H (48C) This room is separated by a blue line on the floor running east-west. Stepping on this line raises a tall green barrier just to the south that blocks access to the rest of the room. (Stepping off of the blue line causes the barrier to disappear, but this isn't very helpful.) Until this puzzle is solved, you will be restricted to the north edge of the room, which provides access to the north-west doorway and the east-north doorway. The only solution to this puzzle that I have found is very odd and non-intuitive! While facing into the center of the room, simply hold down the Fire button and the Forward button (0 and the up arrow.) Your character will fire a shot from the pistol, step forward, fire another shot, step forward again - and as long as you do this, the green barrier will not appear. So if you do this until you're a few paces past the blue line, you'll be past the obstacle. I have no idea why this works. Once you're in the middle of the room, you'll be able to plunder a treasure kiosk worth 157,500 pounds. You'll also have access to the two stairways in this room, one leading south to an open door, and one leading east to a barred door. Between the bases of these stairs is a hole in the ground - this connects to the hole in the ceiling in Horakhty-B. Exits: Horakhty-B, on high walkway (hole in floor) Horakhty-E, on high walkway (east-north door) Horakhty-I (north-west door) Pharaohs-E (south door, top of stairs) Pharaohs-G (east door, barred, top of stairs) 3.6 RAMESSES AREAS 3.6.1 RAMESSES-A (24C) This room contains a set of platforms, three on the north side of the room and one on the south side. The northeast platform connects to two doors along the north wall, and the northwest platform connects to two other doors on the north wall. Between them is a smaller platform that only connects to one door. The south platform has only a vertical red barrier that obscures the southeast corner of the room. Both the south platform and the north central platform have a step down toward the other - but there is a gap in the middle. There is also a green block in line with the gap, but a few paces away. None of these platforms is accessible from the ground level, but there is a ground-level door to the northeast. This room is a puzzle requiring two steps (and two visits.) On the first visit, simply enter the room through any of the doors and step off the platform, so that you fall to the ground. Then, push the green block into the gap between the stairs. Unfortunately, you still can't reach any of the platforms from your current position, so you'll have to leave via the ground-level northeast door and return. Now, on your *second* visit, you want to cross the gap in the stairs - but this requires you to be on the north central platform. Oddly, none of the doors from Ramesses-C connects with this platform. The trick is to reach the northeast platform (reachable from the fourth door on the south wall of Ramesses-C), then turn right (west) and go to through fourth door of Ramesses-A. This will put you back in Ramesses-A, lined up with the stairs. You can now cross to the south platform. Behind the red barrier, you'll find Pharaoh Symbol A - just shoot it to activate it. Exits: Ramesses-A (fourth north high door) Ramesses-C (first, second, third, and fifth north high doors) Ramesses-E (north-east door) 3.6.2 RAMESSES-B (24C) This small room is the back entrance of the pyramid. There is a basin of water mounted on the wall here. A door leading into the pyramid is blocked by a red barrier, which you can shoot to open. Exits: Ramesses-D (north door, blocked by barrier, shoot to open) Sahara-B (south door) 3.6.3 RAMESSES-C (36C) This room contains five doors of varying height along the south wall. Each of these doors connects to one of the five doors on the north wall of Ramesses-A... but the connections are illogical. (For instance, passing through the center door of this room will lead you through the west-most door on the north wall of Ramesses-A.) There is also a large red barrier against the west wall; shooting this will eliminate it and reveal a door. Finally, there is an open door to the north. Exits: Nephthys-A (north door) Ramesses-A (five doors to the south) Ramesses-D, on walkway (west door) 3.6.4 RAMESSES-D (24C) This room has an elevated blue walkway along the west, north, and east walls. There are stairs leading down to the main floor of the room, the bottom step is missing, so they cannot be mounted from the floor; hence, this is just a one-way staircase, and the walkway cannot be reached from the ground. There are three doors along this walkway: a west door that is open, a north door that is barred, and an east door that is blocked with a red barrier. There are two doors on ground level - one to the south, and one to the east-north. Both are initially blocked by red barriers that can only be removed by shooting them from the other side (i.e., from the rooms to which these doors lead.) If you find yourself on the ground in this room and both ground-level doors are blocked, then you're trapped - may as well reload your saved game... Finally, there is a treasure kiosk here worth 50,000 pounds. Exits: Khepresh-D (west door on elevated walkway) Nephthys-B (north door on elevated walkway) Ramesses-B (south door, blocked by barrier in Ramesses-B) Ramesses-C (east door on elevated walkway) Ramesses-E (east-north door, blocked by barrier in Ramesses-E) 3.6.5 RAMESSES-E (24C) This room has a door on the south-east wall, and a purple obstacle on the west-north wall that can be shot to reveal a door. (This action will also unblock the ground-level door in the connecting room.) Exits: Ramesses-A (south-east door) Ramesses-D (west-north door, blocked) 3.7 SAHARA AREAS 3.7.1 SAHARA-A (24C) When you solve the Illusion maze, you will emerge from a small, blue builing into this part of the Sahara desert. To the west are two small red/orange pyramids - you can reach and circle these, but they are featureless. Behind the building on the ground, however, is an odd double-cross shape. This is Double Cross Symbol A; shooting it will yield a "Match Made" message. Otherwise, the desert stretches away infinitely, but you can re-enter the pyramid through the door in the blue building. Exit: Illusion-F (door in blue building) 3.7.2 SAHARA-B (24C) This is where you begin the game, near your biplane and the front entrance of the pyramid. The sun and moon loom in the sky ahead of you, and around you the Sahara Desert stretches into the endless horizon. If you circle around the back of the pyramid, you'll see the back entrance of the pyramid. You cannot rest here ("too hot to rest!") Exits: Horakhty-A (front pyramid entrance) Ramesses-D (back pyramid entrance) 3.8 SHABAKA AREAS 3.8.1 SHABAKA-A (84C) This is the shrine at the top of the pyramid. When you enter, you'll see a large pharaoh head facing you, and you will hear "zap" noises that increase your heart rate (quite quickly!) If you look around, you'll see a hole in the floor in front of you, which will take you out of this room (not really what you want.) You'll also notice that the zapping is coming not from the pharaoh, but from an emitter on the ceiling in the middle of the room. You'll need to take cover quickly, because the emitter will kill you quickly, even if your heart rate is slow when you enter. The only place to take cover in this room is behind the pharaoh - you'll be completely safe here. Once you're back there, shoot the pharaoh head a number of times (approximately 45) to destroy it and win the game. This will also give you 2,000,000 pounds - which seems kind of cheap, since you just saved the world! Exits: Shabaka-B (hole in floor) 3.8.2 SHABAKA-B (72C) This room contains a stair up to a red hatch in the ceiling. If you shoot or touch the red hatch, one of two things will happen. If you are carrying fewer than five ankhs, you will see the message: "Five Ankhs Required." That's your cue to go find some additional ankhs (hope you haven't squandered them!) If you have five ankhs, however, you can open the hatch. Climb the stairs - you'll have to crouch and crawl to mount the top step, because the ceiling is rather low here - and then stand up. This will open the hatch and deliver you to Shabaka-A. Exits: Pharaohs-E (west door) Shabaka-A (hatch in ceiling) -/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/- 4. REVISION HISTORY v1.0 - First version. -/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/- 5. CREDITS This FAQ was written by David J. Stein, Esq. in the Summer of 2006 during a brief transitional period. Special thanks to: The authors of this game - For creating this cool game. Starbucks - the sine qua non of this FAQ. Contact Info: Please feel free to contact me at with information about this game. Be sure to include "Total Eclipse" in the subject line - otherwise, your message will probably get eaten by my spam filters. -/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-