-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _____ _ _____ _____ | __ (_) |_ _| / ____| | |__) | __ _ ___ | | _ __ | (___ _ __ __ _ ___ ___ | ___/ |/ _` / __| | | | '_ \ \___ \| '_ \ / _` |/ __/ _ \ | | | | (_| \__ \ _| |_| | | | ____) | |_) | (_| | (_| __/ |_| |_|\__, |___/ |_____|_| |_| |_____/| .__/ \__,_|\___\___| __/ | | | |___/ |_| For the Atari 2600 ----------------------------------------------------------------A GUIDE _______________________________________________________________________ -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- * An FAQ * - by - * Steve Taylor * - Began: 13/December/07 - * Posted: 14/December/07 * - Updated: --/--------/-- - * Finished: 14/December/07 * - E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com - *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Table of Contents: (I-I) Introduction (I-I) (C-N) Contact Me (C-N) (V-H) Version (V-H) (W-K) Walkthrough (W-K) (T-K) Thanks to... (T-K) (C-R) Copyright (C-R) Note: *This section needs to be re-vamped. **This section needs to be completed. ***This section needs to be started. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (I-I) INTRODUCTION (I-I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I'm afraid this section is blank for the time being, or at least until I write up a nice, friendly welcome that I can use for the rest of my guides. Check back for updates! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (C-N) CONTACT ME (C-N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes. It's official. I love the attention. Gimme your e-mails. Make my head explode with compliments. To send me mail that I will read, please set it up with the following fields: E-Mail: jimfish@gmail.com Subject Line: Pigs in Space (Atari 2600) Guide Now that you've got my interest, you must abide by the rules below, or else it won't be read and instead, ignored. Please, if you want your voice to be heard, follow the rules/guidelines. THE DO'S =-=-=-=-= - Inform me of errors that I've made. Either constant grammar or factual info. - Pass on strategies and solutions on how to solve parts of the game which I have not mentioned. - Ask for help about things not mentioned in the guide. - Write in words. Not internet short cuts. - I like to read e-mails with proper formatting and grammar. Please do be sure to write your e-mail like so. - And please, read through the guide before even thinking about contacting me. I've had many e-mails in the past about my other guides where they ask me questions which were answered, or not answered in some cases, since some were about the demo guides I had wrote. THE DO NOT'S =-=-=-=-=-=-= - Send me chain letters or spam. That's one big no-no. - Send attachments. In some cases, I do accept them, but usually for pictures only. - Call me names/Insult me/Threaten me/yadda yadda yadda... - Use child like e-mails with crap colours. I don't want size 32 bright yellow font on top of a lime green background. - Type in alterNaTiNg CaPs LiKe ThIs or just in ALL CAPS AND STUFF. - No stupid 1337 speaking. If I see it, it's deleted in a flash. - Ask irrelevent questions which I answered in my guide. It irritates me to have that done. See those rules? Well...they're more like guidelines anyway...but it doesn't matter either way! OBEY THEM OR DIE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (V-H) VERSION HISTORY (V-H) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.00 - It's eleven at night and I'm working on a Muppets game for the Atari. I think there's something seriously wrong with my life. Oh well. All that matters if that this guide is now complete. Enjoy yourselves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (C-N) CONTROLS (C-N) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Controls: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-= The default controls for playing "Chickenvaders" are as follows: Left, Right - Moves Captain Link Hogthrob in these directions. Fire Button - Causes Captain Link Hogthrob to fire straight up. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The default controls for playing "Pastaroids" are as follows: Left, Right - Moves Miss Piggy left or right. Up, Down - Moves Miss Piggy up or down. Fire Button - Unleashes Miss Piggy's Karate chop! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The default controls for playing "Escape from Planet of the Gonzoids" are as follows: Left, Right - Moves the ship left or right. Up, Down - Moves the ship up or down. Fire Button - Fires the Boomeray. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (W-K) WALKTHROUGH (W-K) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=- Game Select: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==- On loading the cart, you'll be presented with a black screen, except three pig heads under the game's logo. This is the game's selection menu. Use left and right on your joystick to choose, then hit the button to play. However, these games are not named, so I'll brief you on them here: Pig Head 1 : Chickenvaders Pretty much a carbon copy of "Space Invaders", except there are no barriers at the bottom of the screen to protect you. In place of the alien UFOs, you get a barrage of...well, chickens. Graphically, it's one of the better Atari games I've seen, and certainly the best out of the three games on the cart. Pig Head 2 : Pastaroids You might notice a pattern here. The last game was pretty much "Space Invaders", and this game sees Miss Piggy dodging asteroids that come from the left and right of the screen. Almost like a certain frog avoided traffic...Yeah. It's "Frogger", except not as great. At least you get to see Miss Piggy karate chop asteroids in half. Now that's badass. Pig Head 3: Escape from the Planet of the Gonzoids Oh, the beloved Gonzo. What a funny guy you are. Shame your game sucks. This game sees Dr. Strangepork in his newly invented space vehicle and weapon: The "Boomeray." I'm not quite sure if this is an entirely original concept, but even if it was, the game handles pretty badly. You fly around in your ship and use it to destroy the many evil Gonzos scattered around the level. When you complete one of the three game's rounds, you'll be sent back to the selection screen to choose again. If you choose the same game again, the rounds are increased in their difficulty. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game One: Chickenvaders: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As I mentioned early, this game is a mere Space Invaders clone, except there are no barriers to protect you at the bottom, and it also takes the enemies longer to reach the bottom of the screen, making rounds nice and easy. However, the enemy chickens are quite fiesty and fire (or drop) their eggs frequently, and due to their already low altitude, make the opening moments of a round tough. There are five rows of chickens to eliminate, with six on each row, totalling 30 to eliminate altogether. Each chicken destroyed yields the player points depending upon the row in which it was on. Also, a rotating Gonzo head will appear at the top of the screen, similar to the Mothership in "Space Invaders", and will award players 300 points if hit. =-=-=-==- Points: =-=-=-==- Chickens on First Row..........10 points Chickens on Second Row.........20 points Chickens on Third Row..........50 points Chickens on Fourth Row.........70 points Chickens on Row Five..........100 points Gonzo's Head..................300 points Round Completion.............1000 points -When you start a round, the chickens will always be heading right, so head that way too and fire upwards to knock out the first chickens on the first row. The quicker you remove these, the easier the round, since they are so close to you their attacks can kill you long before you can even react. Take them out long before they get a chance to use their eggs against you. -You can only use one shot at a time, so always use it to take out the best target first. -Never stay directly under a chicken. Always be to its right or left. You won't have enough time to move out the way of its shots if you're smackdab underneath it. -Gonzo isn't worth that many points and he does quite frequently pop up. Don't go for him during the early stages of the round, but wait until a large enough path has been cleared. It'd be a waste of a shot otherwise. -Eliminating the entire of the leftmost or rightmost coloumns will cause them to be replaced by the adjacent coloumn, so don't think you can shoot them out and give yourself a safe error. -Captain Link moves only marginally faster than the chickens, so don't think you can race under them. You'll probably find yourself being killed nine times out of ten. -When Link gets hit, he'll transform into a chicken and fly off screen. It only takes one hit, so try to avoid the chicken's eggs as best as possible. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Game Two: Pastaroids: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Frogger time. Miss Piggy apparently got thrown out of the Swinetrek during an Italian food asteroid storm, and it's your job to control her dangerous trek back to the ship. Problem is, the ship can't land, and if you don't make it across to it in time, it'll leave you behind and you'll lose a life. If you couple that with the rapid movement of the asteroids the game proves to be somewhat challenging. However, unlike her Frogger counterpart, Miss Piggy can use her karate chop action to destroy the moving asteroids, making the game significently easier. You'll face two types of obstacles in the game; a round, brown meatball and a lump of spaghetti. If you're touched by either, you'll be knocked backwards until you are in an empty area. If you hit another obstacle whilst being knocked back, you'll be pushed further back. As mentioned, you can destroy the meatballs, but the spaghetti is invincible, so don't even bother trying. You can't walk up and punch. You must be on the same row as the incoming asteroid. The easiest stratagy is to simply move up to the meatball rows, destroy them, wait for a clear path and then make it to the next meatball row. Rinse and repeat. Generally you'll be zig-zagging across the screen to quickly make it through the gaps in the asteroids/spaghetti, but don't go too far to the sides of the screen, since you won't have enough time to see whether an obstacle is oncoming, and thus, you won't have enough time to dodge it. If you fancy a real challenge, don't use the Fire Button to destroy the asteroids, and instead, rely solely upon your nimble movements. It's pretty tricky, but it's somewhat rewarding to make it across like so. =-=-=-==- Points: =-=-=-==- Destroying a Meatball.........100 points Reaching the Swinetrek.......1000 points There are no bonus points to be found in this game. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Game Three: Escape from the Planet of the Gonzoids: -=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=- The last, and most dull of the three games is this; "Escape from the Planet of the Gonzoids." In this one you take control of a tiny star-fighter ship, and it's up to you to fly through the Gonzoids' mines. The name is exactly as it sounds; evil Gonzos. They're positioned all over the level, firing at you as you pass. They're always positioned to the left and right of the screen upon the walls, and occasionally upon any platforms that pop up in the centre of the screen. Since they're out of firing range, and you can't rotate your ship, you've got to use a rather interesting weapon; the Boomeray. When fired it flies straight up, then curves to the left and right and heads straight backwards. It's an interesting weapon, since if you fire and accidently move in its way, you'll have destroyed yourself, and you'll lose a life. The weapon arcs depending on which side of the screen you're closest to; if you're far to the right, it'll arc off that way. Left, left. =-=-=-==- Points: =-=-=-==- Destroying a Gonzoid..........100 points Escaping the Gonzoid Mine....1000 points Many of the times your shot will miss, so you'll need to either move up or down to compensate. There's no variation in the enemies either, so the game is reduced to a rather monotonous bore. The ship moves incredibly slow too, but you'll have to stay at the bottom of the map in order to get enough room to destroy the Gonzos, meaning the game will go by twice as slowly. You'll probably play this game the least. It's pretty wigout. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (T-K) THANKS TO... (T-K) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are people who deserve credit, and they are as follows: Thanks to: -http://www.network-science.de/ascii/'s wonderful ASCII generator! -GameFAQs for hosting this file. -AtariAge.com for some of the game's information. -And nobody else. Go away. You don't deserve anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (C-R) Copyright Information (C-R) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== This text file may not be republished and reprinted for any charges and/or profits. This includes being reproduced in books, magazines, ebooks, CDs, DVDs, on other web sites other than GameFAQs without the permission of the original author. Any changes to this file without the permission of the author is wrong and breaks the law of copyright, so please don't do it. And as the legal owner of this guide, I bare the right to require any reproduced copies of this guides to be removed from any source of media that may use this guide. You are free to save it for later reference, and you may also print it if you wish. The latest version of this guide can always be found on the GameFAQs.com gaming website. Pfft...that's a lot of legal mumbo-jumbo, ain't it? _|-|_ Copyright 2007 Steve 'Jimfish' Taylor. <(o_q)>TM