-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______ _______ _______ _ _ _______ ______ | |______ |_____| | |_____| |______ |_____/ |_____ |______ | | | | | |______ | \_ ______ _____ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ | ____ | | | \ | \ |______ |______ |______ |______ |______ |_____| |_____| |_____/ |_____/ |______ ______| ______| |______ ______| _____ _______ _____ _ _ _____ ______ _____ _______ | | |______ |_____] |_____| | | |_____] | | |______ |_____| | | | | |_____| |_____] |_____| ______| FAQ/Walkthrough PC 1986 Version: 1.0 released on the 3rd of October 2006 Author: odino http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/47976.html This guide is EXCLUSIVELY available at GameFAQs. .============================================================================. | .========================================================================. | | | TABLE OF CONTENTS | | | '========================================================================' | |============================================================================| | 01.) Introduction | G0100 | | 02.) Basics | G0200 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | 03.) Walkthrough | G0300 | | Basic Walkthrough | G0310 | | Full Walkthrough | G0320 | |----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------| | XX.) FAQ | GXX00 | | YY.) Version History | GYY00 | | ZZ.) Credits & Thanks | GZZ00 | '=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-' =============================================================================== 01.) INTRODUCTION G0100 =============================================================================== Welcome to 'Leather Goddesses of Phobos' for the PC, an adventure game by Infocom released in 1986. This guide is written for the PC version but any kind of variation should be identical (i.e. Macintosh, Atari ST). Suggestions, comments or errors - tell me about it. Enjoy! =============================================================================== 02.) BASICS G0200 =============================================================================== This game is a text parser adventure, thus inputting text commands will continue the story. All commands are in UPPER CAPS and marked with > in front. RESTART starts the game from the beginning again. QUIT exits the game, you will asked to confirm first. EXIT is a recognized command but used for leaving buildings, boats or cells and so on. SAVE saves the game, enter a name to save under. Your latest file save is the default so you can just press Enter next time but you will be asked if you want to overwrite an older save. RESTORE loads an old saved game. Default is the latest used save game during a session. AGAIN repeats the previous command, kind of like F3 on DOS prompts. DIAGNOSE gives you a health description. INVENTORY checks your current items. L or LOOK for details of your surroundings. OOPS is a neat command. If you input a word the game doesn't understand and returns with "[I don't know the word '___']" you can type OOPS '___' with the correction instead of retyping the entire sentence. WAIT will often advance the story, good or bad depending if you are supposed to wait or just dillydally around for now reason. You can abbreviate with Z. There at three levels of naughtiness to play. They alter the game's descriptions but overall are the same gameplay. TAME plays on very few sexual references, LEWD switches to Lewd level, if you are old enough. The default level is SUGGESTIVE, which is described within the walkthrough. There are also three levels of descriptions. One is SUPERBRIEF, where the game only tells you where you are when you enter an area. BRIEF is the default description level, telling you details about the location the first time you arrive only. VERBOSE will continue to tell you all the details each time you go through this area. The walkthrough uses the default way. STATUS is like a report, telling you the level of naughtyness you are playing at, your score, ranking and number of turns. Some recognized verbs: ANSWER KICK ROLL ASK KISS SEARCH BOARD KNOCK SHOW BUY LICK SIT CLIMB LIE SLEEP CLOSE LISTEN SMELL COUNT LOOK STAIN CUT MAKE STAND DIG MARRY TAKE DRINK MEASURE TASTE DROP OPEN THROW EAT POINT TIE EMPTY POUR TOUCH ENTER PULL TURN EXAMINE PUSH UNTIE FOLLOW PUT WALK GIVE READ WEAR HIDE REMOVE JUMP RIP Not everything in the walkthrough is as mentioned within the game. Some of the text output was left out on purpose, some may differ slightly especially if playing on lewd or tame level (see above). If you are just looking for hints about solving a problem, use the HINTS command to display a menu where you can find vague solutions to problems you will be facing in various locations. =============================================================================== 03.) WALKTHROUGH G0300 =============================================================================== There are two walkthroughs available: basic and full. Basic will only tell you the commands, whereas full contains all the text the game should spill out with the commands. The former will keep you from spoiling the game, but the latter will help you ensure the story is progressing correctly. WARNING! [Some material in this story may not be suitable for children, especially the parts involving sex, which no one should know anything about until reaching the age of eighteen (twenty-one in certain states). This story is also unsuitable for censors, members of the Moral Majority, and anyone else who thinks that sex is dirty rather than fun.] Note: This walkthrough will make your character male, thus you will enter the gents restroom, have a male companion and so on. You can simply enter the ladies room to be female, thus changing these story points later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Walkthrough G0310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >NW (NE for female) >TAKE STOOL >PEE >SW >say anything, i.e. TALK until... >TAKE ALL >OPEN DOOR >S >OPEN NARROW DOOR >S >TAKE PAPER >N >U >N >LIGHT FLASHLIGHT >DROP STOOL >STAND ON STOOL >TAKE BASKET >D >E >E >TAKE CAN >NW >GIVE SALESMAN FLASHLIGHT >TAKE T-REMOVER >KNOCK ON DOOR >D >PUT CHOCOLATE IN CAGE >WAIT >WAIT >TAKE HOSE AND CHOCOLATE >WAIT >WAIT >EAT CHOCOLATE >BEND BARS >OUT >DROP HOSE >UNSTRAP YOUR BODY >UNSTRAP TRENT >PUSH SWITCH >STAND >TAKE HOSE >ENTER CIRCLE >PUSH KNOB >OPEN BOX >TAKE COIN >SE >ENTER CIRCLE >S >S >S >E >E >SE >PAINT CIRCLE >ENTER CIRCLE >S >OPEN BAG >DROP TRAY, CAN AND PAPER >TAKE BAG AND RAKE >N >NE >U >TAKE SHEET >RIP SHEET >TIE STRIPS INTO ROPE >TIE ROPE TO BED >THROW ROPE OUT WINDOW >WAIT >WAIT >TAKE HEADLIGHT >CLIMB DOWN STAIRS >E >PUT HOSE AND HEADLIGHT IN BAG >TAKE TRELLIS >MOVE SOD >ENTER CIRCLE >U >N >ENTER CIRCLE >E >PUT TRELLIS ON HOLE >COVER HOLE WITH LEAVES >E >W >W >E >WAIT >WAIT until... >W >W >TAKE JAR >OPEN T-REMOVER >PUT JAR IN T-REMOVER >CLOSE T-REMOVER >TURN ON T-REMOVER >OPEN T-REMOVER >DROP T-REMOVER >TAKE JAR >ENTER CIRCLE >TAKE BLADE >S >MOUNT STALLION >W >DISMOUNT >TAKE SUIT >WEAR SUIT >OPEN DOOR >N >ATTACK THORBAST until... >TAKE BLADE >GIVE HIS BLADE TO THORBAST >SLAY MONSTER >UNTIE WOMAN >N >put photo in bag >S >S >MOUNT STALLION >E >DISMOUNT >W >W >W >ENTER CIRCLE >W >NW >W >W >NW >SHOW PAINTING TO MOUSE >TAKE MOUSE >DROP PAINTING AND BLADE >S >E >N >N >PUT CREAM ON ANGLE >DROP JAR >TAKE ANGLE >N >ENTER BARGE >PUSH ORANGE >WAIT >WAIT until... >PUSH ORANGE >EXIT >N >TAKE CODE AND BALM >READ CODE >DROP CODE >S >ENTER BARGE >PUSH ORANGE >WAIT >PUSH PURPLE >WAIT >WAIT >PUSH ORANGE >EXIT >E >E >N >Y >ANSWER "RIDDLE" >W >PICK ____ (<- number from code) >W >WAIT >ASK TO KISS KNEECAPS >PUT ANGLE AND MOUSE IN BAG >TAKE MAP AND TORCH [Save here!] >D [To skip the catacombs entirely, input >$CATACOMB ] >NW >N >NE >E >CLAP >NE >NE >SE >HOP >CLAP >KWEEPA >D >NW >NE >CLAP >N >S >HOP >NE >CLAP >U >KWEEPA >NW >CLAP >NW >HOP >S >SE >CLAP >SE >D >KWEEPA >NE >CLAP >HOP >W >N >NW >CLAP >E >W >KWEEPA >HOP >CLAP >SW >N >CLAP >NE >E >HOP >CLAP >KWEEPA >NW >CLAP >HOP >N >U >PUT PHONE BOOK IN BAG >DROP MAP >TAKE PIN >N >E >SE >U >DROP TORCH >ENTER CIRCLE >WAIT >U >WEAR BALM >PUT PIN ON NOSE >DROP ALL >CLOSE EYES >COVER EARS WITH HANDs >KISS FROG >REMOVE PIN >REMOVE BALM >DROP PIN >GET ALL BUT PIN >E >SE >ENTER CIRCLE >NE >E >ENTER CIRCLE >N >ENTER CIRCLE >W >PUSH ORANGE >E >E >LOOK INSIDE WELL >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >CLIMB DOWN WELL >EXIT >S >SE >GIVE COIN TO PENGUIN >SE >N >TAKE BABY >WRAP BABY IN BLANKET >PUT BABY IN BASKET >S >S >PLACE BABY ON DOORSTEP >WAIT >WAIT >OPEN DOOR >ENTER >TAKE BALLS >EXIT >N >NW >NW >S >ENTER CIRCLE >W >W >NW >W >N >N >N >PUT RAFT IN CANAL >ENTER RAFT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >GRAB DOCK >S >E >S >BUY EXIT WITH COIN >RAKE DUST >N >OPEN TUBE >DROP EXIT >ENTER EXIT >STAND >WAIT until... [In the order Trent asks you:] >GIVE BLENDER TO TRENT >GIVE HOSE TO TRENT >GIVE BALLS TO TRENT >GIVE ANGLE TO TRENT >GIVE HEADLIGHT TO TRENT >GIVE MOUSE TO TRENT >GIVE PHOTO TO TRENT >GIVE PHONE BOOK TO TRENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Walkthrough G0320 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe's Bar An undistinguished bar, yet the social center of Upper Sandusky. The front door is almost lost amidst the hazy maze of neon that shrouds the grimy glass of the south wall. Doors marked "Ladies" and "Gents" lead, respectively, northeast and northwest. >NW (NE for female) Gents' Room This filthy bathroom belies the existence of disinfectant. A single toilet and sink are the only fixtures. More breathable air can be found to the southeast. You can see a stool here. You trace the urge to the region of your bladder. >TAKE STOOL >PEE Ahhh... Now that the "crisis" has passed, you notice a strong and familiar odor pervading the room. >SW >say anything, i.e. TALK until... A brilliant flash of green light seems less unusual when followed by the appearance of tentacled aliens, as is the case with the current flash of green light. The tentacles wrap roughly around you as you faint. After an unknown amount of time... Well, let's cut the crap. 7.3 hours later, you wake. Your head feels as if it's been run over by several locomotives, or at least one very large locomotive, and your clothes are now unrecognizable... Cell You are in a large cell with a soft, cushiony floor. A wide door (closed, naturally) forms the southern wall of the cell. Hanging on the wall is a painting of a pussy cat. You can see a flashlight, a stool and a blanket here. Someone thrusts a tray into your cell. A hunk of brown food on the tray looks unappetizing, but smells deliciously familiar. >TAKE ALL >OPEN DOOR The wide cell door swings open. >S End of Hallway A wide cell door lies open to the north, and a narrow cell door lies closed to the south. The hallway ends at a gleaming metal door to the west, and continues east. Something, possibly this very sentence, tells you that it would be dangerous to travel east or west. A sign is posted next to the stairs which lead both upwards and downwards. >OPEN NARROW DOOR The narrow cell door swings open. >S As you enter, a man sitting limply in the shadows stiffens and rises to his feet. "A human! They got you too? I've been here a week. When you opened the door, I figured it was a guard! Was it unlocked? I never thought of trying it. By the way, my name's Trent. From Alaska. I'm not too bright, but I'm strong as an ox, and I'm great with my hands. Maybe we can lick these Leather Goddesses together." Other Cell You are in a very tiny room with a rock-hard floor. A narrow cell door to the north is open. A crumpled paper lies discarded in the corner. There seems to be some writing on it. >TAKE PAPER >N End of Hallway >U Observation Room Calvin Coolidge once described windows as "rectangles of glass." If so, he may have been thinking about the window which fills the western wall of this room. A tiny closet lies to the north. A sign is posted next to the stairs which lead both upwards and downwards. >N It's too dark to see a thing. There's a distinctive odor here, though. >LIGHT FLASHLIGHT Okay, the flashlight is now on. Closet This room is barely large enough to turn around in. Just to prove it, you turn around. As you do, you spot a black circle, about two feet across, seemingly painted on the floor in the corner. A shelf protrudes from one wall, very close to the ceiling. The closet is open to the south. A strong odor pervades the closet. >DROP STOOL >STAND ON STOOL >TAKE BASKET >D You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. Jungle You are surrounded by hot, steamy, primitive rain forest. Judging by the overpowering heat, the excessive humidity, and especially by the gigantic Venus flytrap sidling your way, you must be in the death-clogged jungles of Venus. A path runs east-west through the jungle, but don't even think about going west unless you love wading into four tons of man-eating lettuce. >E This jungle path once split here, went around a mighty tree, and rejoined off to the east. Now, it splits here, goes around a mighty hole, and rejoins off to the east. >E Clearing This is a tiny anti-oasis of barrenness amidst the teeming Venusian jungle. Winding paths enter the jungle in most directions. >TAKE CAN >NW You walk swiftly down the trail! It turns! It twists! It narrows! Vines grab at your ankles and bird-sized insects close in for a kill! Suddenly... Back Door You're near the rear entrance of a house, to the south. Trails enter the jungle to the east and the west. An extraordinary number of door-to-door salesmen are camped out here, having been booted away from the front door, but still hopeful of making a sale. A salesman approaches you. "You look like a fella who can spot a good deal. One of my machines could change your life! Let's barter; offer me something as an even-up trade." >GIVE SALESMAN FLASHLIGHT Eagerly, the salesman accepts the flashlight, mentioning that he knows a Plutonian plutocrat who'll trade his life fortune for one, and drops an odd machine at your feet. "It's a TEE remover," he explains. You ponder what it removes -- tea stains, hallway T-intersections -- even TV star Mr. T crosses your mind, until you recall that it's only 1936. But before you have a chance to ask the salesman, he points the flashlight upwards and a giant Venusian MegaMoth swoops down and carries him off. The other salesmen scatter like frightened salesmen. >TAKE T-REMOVER Trent trots over to you. "I've got a plan to bring these Leather Goddess jokers to their knees," he says, flipping you a matchbook. The cover of the matchbook is filled with scrawled notations. "If we can scrape up these items, I can whip up something that'll knock 'em cold! A Super-Duper Anti-Leather Goddesses of Phobos Attack Machine!!!" >KNOCK ON DOOR The door is thrown open by a wild-eyed mad scientist. "Nein! Nein! Nein! I don't need any!" Then, taking a closer look at you through spectacles thick enough to stop gamma rays, he says, "Oh! Not ein salesman! In fact, just der type I need for mein experiment." He grips your wrist with surprising strength and drags you inside. Looks Can Be Deceiving From the innocent appearance of this quiet living area, you'd never guess that all sorts of twisted, maniacal, perverted experiments are in progress a short flight of stairs below. There are doors to the north (open) and south. You can see a mad scientist here. You feel uneasy as the mad scientist locks the door behind you and dissolves the key in a vat of acid. >D Laboratory The scientist's madness is finally evident by his lab, filled with many expressions of insane genius, such as the two caged gorillas, one male and one female, the two slabs for strapping down human victims, and the huge red power switch. A closed door leads north; at the foot of the winding stone stairs is a black circle. It seems that the cage contains a rubber hose. The mad scientist bounds down from the first floor, activating a (guaranteed 100% effective) Vaporo-Zap Energy Barrier across the foot of the stairs. >PUT CHOCOLATE IN CAGE >WAIT Time passes... Again exhibiting extraordinary strength, the mad scientist straps you down on the first slab and Trent onto the second slab. >WAIT Time passes... The mad scientist flips the huge red power switch, and you suddenly find yourself within the cage. Oddly, you can also see yourself still strapped to the first slab. As you swing across the cage to get a better look, you realize that you're now inside the body of a gorilla. >TAKE HOSE AND CHOCOLATE >WAIT Time passes... >WAIT Time passes... "Ach!" yells the mad scientist, "mein theory iss wronk! Der sex drive uf a species resides in der brain, not in der body!" He dashes off. Through the briefly open door, you see two Venus flytraps running madly around the next room. One is chasing, while the other is frantically trying to stay as far away as possible. >EAT CHOCOLATE Mmmm! It's a piece of really good chocolate! You feel yourself getting a sugar rush. >BEND BARS Bellowing madly, you pull at the bars! Slowly, they spread apart to form an opening. >OUT You get out of the cage. >DROP HOSE >UNSTRAP YOUR BODY Your body leaps for a rafter and lands back on the first slab with a loud "whump," looking momentarily stunned. >UNSTRAP TRENT As you untie Trent's body, it attempts to wrap its arms around you as though they were tentacles. >PUSH SWITCH Zap! You're back in your own body! The gorilla looks confused and slinks back into the comfortingly familiar environment of the cage. >STAND You get off the first slab. You also help Trent up from the second slab. >TAKE HOSE >ENTER CIRCLE You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. Vizicomm Booth This small booth, which opens to the southeast, contains an ordinary pay vizicomm, with a handset, coin slot, dial, coin return knob, and coin return box. A red sign is posted over the vizicomm. >PUSH KNOB "Clank." >OPEN BOX A coin falls to the ground! >TAKE COIN >SE Rocky Clifftop Even the most adaptable Venusian flora can't gain a foothold on this outcropping, so the jungle (which can be entered to the north or west) peters out here. To the southeast, your clifftop vantage offers a stunning view of more lush jungle, stretching unbroken to the horizon. To the northwest, between the two paths into the jungle, is a vizicomm booth. At the edge of the cliff is a black circle. >ENTER CIRCLE You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. Royal Docks During the peak of King Mitre's reign, a cruel joke went around the kingdom that Mitre's two greatest loves were his Royal Docks and his Royal Ducks. The joke was never very good and has long since been forgotten, and the ducks perished years ago from a sexually transmitted disease, but the docks remain, jutting into a wide Martian Canal which flows from west to east. Behind you, to the south, is a ruined castle. A barge, hand-crafted from fine Martian cedarwood, is moored at the end of the dock. >S Throne Room This is the Throne Room of the once-potent King Mitre, of legendary fame. Of course, the version you've probably heard is significantly warped from What Really Happened. In the diseased version of the legend commonly transmitted on Earth, Mitre is called Midas. The King was granted his wish that everything he touched would turn to gold. His greed caught up with him when he transformed even his own daughter into gold. King Mitre's wish was, in fact, that everything he touched would turn to forty-five degree angles. No one has ever explained this strange wish; the most likely hypothesis is a sexual fetish. In any case, the tale has a similar climax, with Mitre turning his own daughter into a forty-five degree angle. King Mitre sits upon the throne, looking dejected and lonely. Next to him is a pile of forty-five degree angles. One stands out from the others, thanks to its golden hair and flowing white gown. The main entrance of the throne room is to the south, but a tight opening leads north. >S Ruin You stand amongst the ruins of a mighty castle. The only part of the castle that is more than a pile of rubble is to the north. A path leads out of the ruin to the south. >S Martian Desert As you wander amidst these towering dunes of red Martian sand, you notice three distinct pathways: north, east, and west. >E Another Ruin This ancient castle now lies in ruins. (There do seem to be quite a few of them around here, eh?) All that remains of its once-proud ramparts are dust and rubble, and an occasional stone block. A path leads away from the ruin to the west. To the east: unchartable desert. Sitting on one of the stone blocks is a large green frog. Something about it catches your eye. >E Martian Dessert No, not a typo. "Dessert" refers to the fifty foot Martian Cream Pie here. A mirage, of course. People hopelessly lost in the desert often see strange mirages, such as cream pies, lakes, or trails to the northwest and southeast. >SE Oasis This is a remarkable sight on arid Mars -- subsurface water bubbling up in a fountain, flowing around a black circle, and soaking into the thirsty sand. A path curves east around the sand dunes. To the west: unchartable desert. A little bunny rabbit is sipping at the waters of the oasis. Inexplicably, the circle fades before your very eyes, slowly going from black to white. >PAINT CIRCLE The circle is once again black! >ENTER CIRCLE You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. Cleveland You suddenly find yourself longing for the slime pits of Venus or the sandstorms of Mars. This particular section of Cleveland has exits to the northeast and south. >S Lawn Yes, "Lawn" is the kindest word for this muddy patch of limp crabgrass. Miraculously, someone actually seems to give a damn about this lawn, because there are signs of recent activity: a wooden rake and a large canvas sack. A fence rings the lawn; through an opening to the north you can see Cleveland. >OPEN BAG Opening the canvas sack reveals a whole bunch of leaves. >DROP TRAY, CAN AND PAPER >TAKE BAG AND RAKE >N >NE Teensy-Weensy House This rickety home is so petite that the entire first floor is only one location in this story. When you tire of this floor, you can go east, southwest, or up. >U Bedroom The second floor of the house has an open window overlooking the street and a stair leading down. The bed is unmade, with the sheet lying half on the floor. >TAKE SHEET >RIP SHEET You rip the sheet into strips of cloth. >TIE STRIPS INTO ROPE With the expertise of one who has watched countless prison escape movies, you tie the strips into a rope. >TIE ROPE TO BED Okay, the rope of cloth is now tied to the bed. >THROW ROPE OUT WINDOW The rope of cloth hangs almost to the ground. Trent looks awed. "Super idea! Doesn't look too strong, though. I'm lighter, so I'll go down." >WAIT Time passes... Trent climbs down the rope and unscrews the headlight. Suddenly, a truck barrels down the street and hits Trent, carrying him out of sight. Moments later, you hear an explosion. As the smoke drifts past the window, your eyes fill with tears. You hang your head in sorrow for a moment to honor your brave, loyal companion who gave his life that humanity might be safe from the terrible scourge of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. >WAIT Time passes... The ceiling collapses into a cloud of old plaster and startled termites, and out of the middle of it steps Trent, looking dishevelled but, for the most part, alive! "That truck explosion knocked me into the basement of some nutty professor, who strapped me into a faster-than-light missile he was about to test! Halfway to Pluto, I was intercepted by slavers looking for asteroid mining laborers. I beat off about thirty of 'em, but they just kept coming and coming. Just then I noticed a black circle which led to a spot about four feet above the floor of the attic ... or what used to be the floor of the attic. Anyway, I got the headlight!" He points to the battered but usable headlight on the floor. >TAKE HEADLIGHT >CLIMB DOWN STAIRS >E Garden The house opens onto a fragrant garden! A piece of sod has been recently planted, and a clump of yellow, bulbous flowers grows nearby. The flowers barely reach the trellis which rises behind them. You can reenter the house to the west. >PUT HOSE AND HEADLIGHT IN BAG >TAKE TRELLIS >MOVE SOD Moving the sod reveals a black circle. >ENTER CIRCLE You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. End of Hallway >U >N It's too dark to see a thing. There's a distinctive odor here, though. >ENTER CIRCLE You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. Jungle Flies must be in short supply, because the Venus flytrap nearby expectantly rustles a few stalks and begins creeping in your direction. >E Fork, Of Sorts As the Venus flytrap scurries along, you dash to the eastern side of the hole in order to be as far from it as possible. >PUT TRELLIS ON HOLE The trellis barely spans the hole. >COVER HOLE WITH LEAVES The leaves cover the trellis. >E Clearing Holy tropism! The Venus flytrap loses interest in you and crawls away. >W Fork, Of Sorts The edge of a trellis is just visible under a whole bunch of leaves. >W Jungle Flies must be in short supply, because the Venus flytrap nearby expectantly rustles a few stalks and begins creeping in your direction. >E Fork, Of Sorts The edge of a trellis is just visible under a whole bunch of leaves. As the Venus flytrap scurries along, you dash to the eastern side of the hole in order to be as far from it as possible. >WAIT Time passes... The Venus flytrap sidles closer. >WAIT until... Time passes... Never before has splintering wood sounded so sweet or tossed salad looked so lovely. The amazing flying flytrap tumbles into your flytrap trap, covered with leaves and bits of shattered trellis, giving the plant the amusing appearance of a tar-and-feather victim. >W >W Spawning Ground As if this hasn't already been a rough enough day, you have stumbled upon a spawning ground for Venusian slime beasts. The ground is oozy with protoslime. Fortunately, these beasts are still in the earliest (and least deadly) stage. Only one spot is free of slime: the black circle near the path to the east. Inexplicably, sitting next to the circle, untouched by time or slime, is a jar of ointment. >TAKE JAR >OPEN T-REMOVER >PUT JAR IN T-REMOVER >CLOSE T-REMOVER >TURN ON T-REMOVER Sparks! Explosions! "Pockita pockita pockita FEEP!" exclaims the machine. >OPEN T-REMOVER >DROP T-REMOVER >TAKE JAR >ENTER CIRCLE You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. Hold You are in the cargo hold of a giant spaceship. A tiny viewport is set into the curving steel hull, and arched passageways lead in directions that we will arbitrarily call south and southwest. One item in the hold is a sword, a potent weapon with a long, hard blade of glistening steel. A radium-powered grenade clatters against the deck! You glimpse a shadowy figure, dressed in black, slipping away. Trent yells to hit the deck, and hurls himself onto the grenade! A sickening explosion splatters Trent all around the room! As you struggle to control your shock and nausea, your eyes fill with tears. You hang your head in sorrow for a moment to honor your brave, loyal companion who gave his life that humanity might be safe from the terrible scourge of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. >TAKE BLADE >S Stable This must be the flagship for the Leather Goddesses of Phobos Main Attack Fleet, since this stable contains the Leather Goddesses of Phobos Main Attack Fleet Cavalry Mounts. The most striking horse is a magnificent white stallion. There are exits to the "north" and "west." >MOUNT STALLION >W Kicking your proud mount forcefully in the flank, you gallop down a long corridor pulsing with light. Above the echoes of the hoofbeats, you can hear, almost feel, the throbbing of mighty engines. After a minute of wild riding... At Main Hatch, on the stallion To the "north," the main hatch of the flagship is closed. A long corridor leads "east." Hanging by the hatch is a white, form-fitting therma suit. >DISMOUNT >TAKE SUIT >WEAR SUIT >OPEN DOOR >N In Space You are floating in outer space near a battleship (to the "south") and a small passenger spaceship (to the "north"). Hanging from the base of the long, potent-looking battleship are two pendulous, brimming fuel tanks. Saturn looms above (below?) you, her rings sparkling in the sunlight. A figure in black, doubtless the same person who tossed the grenade into the hold, is near the smaller ship. Given his mean expression and characteristic black outfit, it must be Thorbast, the Chief Assassin for the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. Thorbast is struggling with a young woman of wealthy garb and demeanor. Noticing you, he straps the woman to the hull of the small passenger spaceship and jumps toward you, stopping just a few feet away. With a chillingly evil grin, he draws a long, pointed sword. "Ah, the escaped prisoner. Disposing of you will be a small but enjoyable feather in my cap." As he speaks, a foul odor wafts toward you. >ATTACK THORBAST until... Thorbast feints backward and then launches a blow straight at your neck! Moving with a speed rarely associated with anything besides self-preservation you parry, knocking the sword out of Thorbast's hands! It drifts toward you, spinning slowly. >TAKE BLADE >GIVE HIS BLADE TO THORBAST As Thorbast accepts the sword, he realizes that such a gesture is the final proof that you are the good guy, and therefore he hasn't got a chance of winning. Being a practical person, Thorbast saves both of you a lot of time and aggravation by goring himself on his own blade. Spewing droplets of blood, his body drifts away into the blackness of space. >SLAY MONSTER The tree-monster squawks and flees, proving that its bark is worse than its bite. >UNTIE WOMAN You untie the young woman who, beckoning you to follow, enters the small passenger spaceship. >N Space Yacht This is the main cabin of a fashionable passenger ship, with exits to the "east" and "south." The young woman turns to you. "I am called Elysia; my father is the wealthiest man in the system. You will be grandly rewarded for saving me from that horrid kidnapper." She grabs a photo off the wall, scribbles on the back of it, and hands it to you. "Here is father's address; see him the next time you're on Ganymede, and you will be handsomely repaid. But now, I must retire to my cabin to recover from this hideous ordeal." She curtsies, a bit unsteadily, and exits to the east, closing the door behind her. >put photo in bag >S >S At Main Hatch You hear panting as Trent dashes up behind you, somewhat out of breath. "Good, you're still here! Thank God that time traveller who wandered by the hold had a matter reconstituter!" >MOUNT STALLION >E Kicking your proud mount forcefully in the flank, you gallop down a long corridor pulsing with light. Above the echoes of the hoofbeats, you can hear, almost feel, the throbbing of mighty engines. After a minute of wild riding... >DISMOUNT >W Long Corridor You are partway along an "east-west" hall of mind-numbing length. Rings of light pulsate along the corridor in rhythm with the ship's throbbing engines. Openings lead "east" and "northeast". >W >W >ENTER CIRCLE You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. Geronimo! Yow! You appear in midair, high above a canal-studded desertscape. The ground is approaching uncomfortably fast. Caw! Caw! A pterodactyl snatches you and Trent in midair and deposits you safely in... Oasis A little bunny rabbit is sipping at the waters of the oasis. >W >NW >W >W Yet Another Ruin Wind whistles among the fallen archways, crumbled balustrades, and black circle of this ruined castle. (It's no wonder this section of Mars is considered the Ruined Castle Capital of the Solar System.) Paths lead east and northwest through the rubble. >NW Hickory & Dickory Dock This dock, which extends north into a broad canal, is crafted of fine woods from across the solar system: hickory wood from the forests of Earth, and dickory wood from the jungles of Venus. A path leads south. You spot a little white marsmouse running along the dock. >SHOW PAINTING TO MOUSE The mouse freezes with fear. >TAKE MOUSE >DROP PAINTING AND BLADE >S >E >N >N Throne Room King Mitre sits upon the throne, looking dejected and lonely. Next to him is a pile of forty-five degree angles. One stands out from the others, thanks to its golden hair and flowing white gown. The main entrance of the throne room is to the south, but a tight opening leads north. >PUT CREAM ON ANGLE As the lotion soaks in, the angle slowly transforms into a beautiful princess. Mitre, gushing tears of happiness, cries, "You have restored my beloved Theta to me!" He reveals a perfect eighty-two degree angle. "I only brushed against it," explains the King. "Please accept it, along with my thanks." He reaches out to shake your hand. >DROP JAR >TAKE ANGLE >N As you leave, you hear behind you a sound like a forty-five degree angle landing on a pile of forty-five degree angles. "Oh damn! Not again!" you hear Mitre moan. Royal Docks A barge, hand-crafted from fine Martian cedarwood, is moored at the end of the dock. >ENTER BARGE You are now in the royal barge. Trent gets in behind you. You notice some simple controls. >PUSH ORANGE The writing on the button changes as you press it. The barge slides away from the dock, into the deeper waters of the canal. Martian Canal, in the royal barge The royal barge rocks gently in the current of a wide canal. A dock is visible on the southern shore. >WAIT Time passes... The royal barge drifts further down the canal. Martian Canal, in the royal barge The royal barge rocks gently in the current of a wide canal. The banks of the canal are steep and sandy. >WAIT until... The royal barge rocks gently in the current of a wide canal. A dock is visible on the northern shore. >PUSH ORANGE The writing on the button changes as you press it. The barge drifts toward the dock on the northern shore, butting against it with a loud "clank." Baby Dock, in the royal barge This tiny dock, partly buried by drifting sand, extends south into the canal. A break in the sand forms a trail to the north. >EXIT >N Among the Dunes You are in a tiny basin, protected by dunes from the fierce Martian winds. The dunes are impassable, except to the south. A strange alien, probably a member of one of the ancient warrior races of Mars, lies dead at the base of a dune. Lying next to the body, partially buried in the sand, is a strange coded message. The alien may have died of acute chapped lips (a perennial problem in the arid Martian climate). If so, it was a sudden death, for the lip balm near the body is completely unused. >TAKE CODE AND BALM >READ CODE VSDFHHQN UXRB VVLN RW UHK JQLNVD BE UHK RW IOHVUXRB BILWQHGL -- SDP WHUFHV HKW WHJ GQD QDWOXV HKW IR ____ UHEPXQ HILZ WFDWQRF RW VL QRLVVLP UXRB [To decode this message, check the comic book that came with the game. Use a three letter cypher, i.e. D becomes A, E become B and so on. Then reverse the message to read it. Makes sense?! E.g. VSDFHHQN -> SPACEENK -> KNEECAPS. The number itself just needs to be turned around, which you will need soon.] >DROP CODE >S >ENTER BARGE >PUSH ORANGE >WAIT >PUSH PURPLE >WAIT >WAIT >PUSH ORANGE Now THIS Is My Kind of Dock, in the royal barge If I owned a pier on a major Martian canal, I'd want it to look just like this one -- handsome, well-proportioned, and amply endowed with jade and ivory. I could probably live without the alabaster stair which leads up at the end of the dock, to the east. >EXIT >E Main Hall of Palace A shaft of sunlight penetrates the stained glass windows and glistens off a large reflecting pool, filling this huge entry hall with a seductive pattern of tantalizing colors. Gleaming marble pillars rise majestically from the pool to support a towering, arched roof. You are on a branching pathway suspended above the pool, leading toward shadowy archways in every direction. >E Oriental Garden These twisted trees and elegant footbridges are even more beautiful than the gardens of the most lavish Fu Manchu films. Paths from the north, southeast, and west meet at a large well of hand-carved stone in the center of the garden. >N Audience Chamber The good news is that this hall is intoxicatingly beautiful, laid with the snow-white fur of the rare Martian Velvetworm and endowed with platinum arches and balustrades. Silky curtains embrace openings to the south, southwest, and west. The bad news is that no man has ever entered the Audience Chamber of the Sultan and departed alive. The Sultan is here, enthroned. "Ah," says the Sultan, "a visitor. This is pleasing; it was turning out to be a very dull morning." He clears his throat. "The rules: I will pose a riddle. If you answer it correctly, you may spend one hour with any of my wives. If you answer incorrectly, you will die. If you do not answer, you will die. If you enter the harem before answering, you will die. If you attempt to leave, you will die. If you touch me in any way, you will die. If I happen to sneeze, you will die. If any situation not covered by the rules occurs, you will die." He motions to one of the palace eunuchs. "Go tell the animal tenders not to feed the tigers yet." Pause. "Are you ready?" >Y "Here, then, is the riddle. Don't strain your head; no one's ever gotten it right." You hear a growling snarl from somewhere nearby. "Some say I'm pointless, yet many are obsessed by me. I have caused heroic gambles and sown endless frustration. Uncounted deaths have I caused. What am I?" Trent steps briskly forward. "That's easy!" he yells. "A grapefruit!" As the eunuchs snicker behind their weapons, the Sultan cries "Wrongo!" and Trent is led away. As you hear, from nearby, a fierce roar followed by a blood- curdling scream, your eyes fill with tears. You hang your head in sorrow for a moment to honor your brave, loyal companion who gave his life that humanity might be safe from the terrible scourge of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. "Your turn to guess," says the Sultan, looking gleeful. >ANSWER "RIDDLE" The Sultan looks crestfallen. "Yes, that's right." The Sultan is struck by a thought. "Can we kill him anyway?" He begins arguing loudly with one of his legal advisors. This might be a good time to make a beeline for the harem to the west. >W A well-armed female guard blocks you. "Congratulations on your performance," she says in a bored voice. You wonder how the guard can be so unmoved by your historic feat. As though sensing your thoughts, the guard says, "The Sultan likes to pretend that no one's ever gotten the riddle, but someone got it last year, the word spread around, and now everyone knows the answer. You're the twelfth winner this week already. He sent away to Maude's House of Riddles on Ganymede for a new one, but the mail is so slow..." The guard shakes her head. "Well, pick a wife; any number from 1 to 8379. Don't waste time thinking; they're all clones anyway." She looks at you expectantly. >PICK ____ (<- number from code) The guard, walking off, says, "I'll summon that one. You may enter." >W Harem This is a sensuous location of silks and satins and furs. A draped exit leads east. A pleasant odor tickles mischievously at your nose. >WAIT Time passes... A figure, completely cloaked in veils of silk, enters and beckons you deeper into the harem... Inner Harem This luxurious bedroom, presumably one of many throughout the harem, is appointed with a multitude of exotic furs, warm to the touch as though still alive. The heady aroma of perfume and incense mingle in the air. There's an exit to the southeast. Sultan's wife #1278 touches a button at the shoulder of her tunic and it slowly floats to the floor. She pulls you down onto the furs, whispering in a husky voice, "For an hour, I am yours." >ASK TO KISS KNEECAPS "Oh," whispers Sultan's wife #____, "you're from the rebels! Here's the secret map," she says, laying a secret map at your feet, "and here's a reliable torch," she says, lighting a reliable torch and placing it next to the map. She moves some furs to reveal a secret entrance leading downwards. "The only way out is through the catacombs -- if you come back this way with the secret map, the harem guards will..." >PUT ANGLE AND MOUSE IN BAG >TAKE MAP AND TORCH [Save here!] >D As you leave, Sultan's wife #____ throws herself into your arms. Her ample bosom presses against your chest as she whispers into your ear, "Please, oh, please be careful down there!" She kisses you longingly, but eventually you descend, reluctantly, into the gloom of the catacombs... [To skip the catacombs entirely, input >$CATACOMB ] >NW >N >NE >E >CLAP >NE >NE >SE >HOP >CLAP >KWEEPA >D >NW >NE >CLAP >N >S >HOP >NE >CLAP >U >KWEEPA >NW Forgotten Storehouse No living creature can even guess how long this storehouse has sat amidst the catacombs, undisturbed by man or by time, untouched by wars and weather, a silent witness to the passing eons, the rise and fall of empires, the births and deaths of countless billions, its only visitor the dark waters of a Martian canal. Sitting in one corner is a Cleveland telephone directory. >CLAP >NW >HOP >S >SE >CLAP >SE >D >KWEEPA >NE >CLAP >HOP >W >N >NW >CLAP >E >W >KWEEPA >HOP >CLAP >SW Burial Chamber Generations of Sultans and Sultanesses are entombed here, along with their vast wealth, their favorite servants, and some form of transportation to the next world. For example, one Sultan lies amidst mountains of rubies, surrounded by a fleet of dirigibles. On the other hand, another Sultan had a considerably more modest vision of the afterlife, bringing only a simple rubber life raft. >N >CLAP >NE >E >HOP >CLAP >KWEEPA >NW >CLAP >HOP >N Ladder Room This spot is much like the rest of the catacombs, except that a ladder leads up into the darkness. >U You climb for a seemingly endless time, with the ladder becoming increasingly rickety. Suddenly a rung snaps, and you tumble into the darkness! You bounce painfully into a slanted ventilation shaft, slide through a wooden grating, and land amidst thousands of silk brassieres. Laundry Room One of the less pleasant aspects of running a palace is the sheer volume of dirty laundry its occupants produce. Why, the 8379 wives alone could keep a crew of cleaners sleepless. Add in the servants, cooks, gardeners, stablehands, jesters, visiting nobles, brothers-in-law in virtual permanent residence... Suffice it to say that there's one hell of a lot of dirty laundry here. You can barely see the exit to the north through it all. Today must be drying day at the laundry, since there's only one clothes pin left. >PUT PHONE BOOK IN BAG >DROP MAP >TAKE PIN >N >E >SE Base of Tower A slender tower protrudes magnificently above the palace grounds. A stair winds up into the tower and an oriental garden spreads out to the northwest. >U Minaret By standing erect at the parapet of this mighty tower, you command an exciting view. Below, gardens and courtyards intermingle with the palace buildings, forming a fertile oasis in the Martian desert. Off to the west, docks straddle a deep canal. On the far shore, sand dunes lap at crumbling buildings. On the top step of a winding stair is a black circle. >DROP TORCH >ENTER CIRCLE >WAIT Time passes... Suddenly, part of the floor collapses, and you and Trent tumble through the resulting hole... Cell Among the new rubble, you notice a black circle, attached to a piece of (what used to be) the floor of the cramped space. >U Roof Your view extends to the horizon, which on tiny Phobos usually means a few hundred feet. Thrusting up into sight beyond the horizon are the arching towers and curving domes of the notorious Pleasure Palace of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. On a wide plain between here and the palace, powerful warships are poised for the imminent invasion of Earth. Mars dominates the view, a dull red orb spanning a quarter of the sky. Bright blue canals lace the surface, and white caps of ice are visible at both poles. A stairway leads down into the building. Near the edge, seemingly painted onto the roof, is a black circle. You might be able to jump to the ground, but frankly we advise against it. >WEAR BALM You coat your lips with the glistening balm, using up the whole stick. >PUT PIN ON NOSE >DROP ALL >CLOSE EYES >COVER EARS WITH HANDs >KISS FROG You lean forward with your eyes closed, your nose shut, your ears covered and your lips smeared with balm. Planting your mouth solidly against the frog's, you kiss deeply. When you feel a tongue sliding into your mouth, revulsion gives way to pleasure, as the no-longer-enchanted but quite enchanting princess presses against you. Some time later, after the princess has departed... As you gather up your garment and put it on, you notice a common household blender on the ground. There's an engraving on its side. Trent is at the other end of the ruin, sifting through some rubble, oblivious to your "experience." >REMOVE PIN >REMOVE BALM >DROP PIN >GET ALL BUT PIN >E >SE >ENTER CIRCLE >NE >E >ENTER CIRCLE >N >ENTER CIRCLE >W >PUSH ORANGE >E >E >LOOK INSIDE WELL >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >CLIMB DOWN WELL You climb down the well for a long distance. Near the bottom the handholds end, so you and Trent leap the rest of the way, landing on a black circle. You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the other directions with which you're familiar. Martian Canal, in the royal barge The royal barge rocks gently in the current of a wide canal. The banks of the canal are steep and sandy. The royal barge barges further down the canal. A wide dock spans the canal to the south. The royal barge butts up against it, pinned to the dock by the current. Icy Dock, in the royal barge This is the southern terminus of the canal. Far below this dock, teleportation machinery transports massive quantities of water back to the head of the canal in the equatorial region of Mars. It's quite chilly, and the dock is covered with a sheet of ice. To the south, as far as you can see, is the bleak whiteness of the southern ice cap. >EXIT >S Edge of Polar Ice Cap This snowy plain is barren of all signs of life. Drifts block travel in all directions but north, south and southeast. It's pretty cold, but nothing a tough guy like yourself can't stand. >SE Penguin Park Even on Mars, one could hardly expect a polar visit without seeing penguins. Well, here they are! A whole waddling mass of them, a pack so dense they completely block the path to the southeast. Other paths lead west and northwest. One penguin teasingly waves a sign in your direction, much like a matador waving his cape toward a bull. >GIVE COIN TO PENGUIN The penguins, satisfied by your donation to the PRF, part ranks for you to pass. The going rate for donations to the fund must be nine marsmids, since one of the penguins hands you a one marsmid coin. >SE Gypsy Camp This is the campsite of a family of nomadic robotic gypsies. A ragged tent is pitched on the north side of the camp, and trails lead northwest and south. A male and a female robot emerge from the tent, waving in a gesture of gypsyish greeting. "Hello, weary traveller! We are but poor gypsies, but we invite you to spend the night in our humble tent and share our simple but delicious oil and silicon stew." Suddenly, in an event so shocking that even a hardened space opera hero like yourself is stunned beyond belief, a meteorite shrieks through the atmosphere and completely obliterates the two robots. >N Inside the Tent This tattered tent, home to the deceased robots, provides meager protection against the cold polar winds. You can exit to the south. A little baby robot is shivering in the corner. It stops crying long enough to open a tiny metal eyelid and look at you. "Mommy?" it says, in a quavering, high-pitched, metallic voice. >TAKE BABY >WRAP BABY IN BLANKET The baby stops crying and, in the comfy warmth of the blanket, slips into a calm sleep. A peaceful smile creeps over its face. >PUT BABY IN BASKET >S >S South Pole You are standing near the front stoop of a very large igloo. Its door is flanked by a faded sign and a barred window. Paths lead north, north and north. >PLACE BABY ON DOORSTEP You place the baby gently on the stoop and sneak behind a nearby snowdrift. >WAIT >WAIT A matronly woman of massive proportions and rather cubical aspect opens the igloo door. She coos over the baby for a moment then carries it inside, closing the door behind her. >OPEN DOOR >ENTER Orphanage Foyer The igloo's front hall has rooms to the northeast and northwest. A barred window is next to the open door to the south. You can see a pair of cotton balls here. >TAKE BALLS >EXIT >N >NW >NW >S Allusion Room A solitary black circle is the only break in an vaste expanse of whiteness extending to the horizon. Like a dark speck in a sea of white, or a huge piece of typing paper with but a single period typed upon it, this black circle seems to have been placed here entirely as an opportunity for some silly literary allusions. To avoid the danger of accidentally typing an "L" and having to read them again, follow the faint trails to the north or east. >ENTER CIRCLE Wattz-Upp Dock This tiny dock is the maritime entrance to the once-famous Wattz-Upp section of Mars. East of the dock is a wide, north-south canal; you can hear a gurgling sound to the west. There's a chill in the air; you might be approaching the south polar cap. >W >W >NW >W >N >N >N >PUT RAFT IN CANAL The raft is now bobbing in the canal. If you weren't holding it, it would surely be carried away. >ENTER RAFT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >WAIT >GRAB DOCK You lunge for the dock and secure a handhold. An agile clamber places you and Trent on the dock. To keep it from floating away, you pull the raft out of the water. Donald Dock This dock, on the south shore of the canal, is named after Don Donald, the first resident of Mars. There are no paths leading inland, but a tall dune to the south is less steep than the others. >S Dunetop From this vantage, you can see the canal curving south, a bit downstream from here. Just after this bend, two docks flank the canal: an opulent dock on the east bank, and a dilapidated one on the closer shore. >E Canalview Mall As with all Martian civilization, this once-fashionable shopping center has fallen upon hard times; the only store to have endured the fifteen-millenia recession lies to the south. The canal is still as visible as it was when scheming marketeers misnamed the mall generations ago -- in other words, not at all. A path leads east, and a dune to the west seems mountable. >S Exit Shop This store is in good shape only relative to the other shops in the mall; for example, the last time it was vacuumed, humans were just inventing writing. The dust nearly covers the proprietor, who sits forlornly in the corner beneath a faded sign. An exit is barely visible through the dust to the north. The proprietor stirs somewhat from his lethargy. "Don't get many customers these days, since they abandoned the dock. In fact, you're only the third in the last hundred and fifty centuries." He slips back into a drowse. >BUY EXIT WITH COIN The proprietor slowly focuses one eye on the coin. "Not much in stock these days," he explains. "My supplier went bankrupt ninety thousand years ago." He takes the coin and starts to hand you a cardboard tube, but his eye drifts out of focus again, and he drops it wearily into the dust. >RAKE DUST You grasp a tube! >N >OPEN TUBE Opening the tube reveals a flexible black circle. >DROP EXIT >ENTER EXIT Boudoir, on the divan There is only enough light here to make out vague shapes. You seem to be lying on a plush divan. You hear heavy breathing from nearby, and realize that you are not alone on the couch. A pleasing odor comes from close by. >STAND >WAIT until... You hear a click, and the room is flooded with light! Boudoir Oh, no! You have violated the sanctity of a boudoir! And not just any old boudoir, but an extremely secret and private boudoir! And not just any old extremely secret and private boudoir, but an extremely secret and private boudoir belonging to the Leather Goddesses of Phobos! "The escaped prisoners!" cries one of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. "Sound the alarm!" "Inform the guards!" yells another. "Call out the army!" "Alert the space fleet!" "Summon my masseur," says the single unfrantic Goddess, calmly pulling a lever. As the floor opens up, you and Trent plunge down a long chute... Plaza This is a wide plaza between the arching towers and curving domes of the notorious Pleasure Palace of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. It is a lovely, bucolic area of gushing fountains, curving flower beds, and lawns of thick, green grass. Birds fly amongst the trees, singing peacefully, as baby squirrels hop across the lawn, lazily collecting nuts. A half-megaton grenade explodes nearby as the palace guards attempt to repel notorious Pleasure Palace of the Leather Goddesses of Phobos. It is a lovely, bucolic area of gushing fountains, curving flower beds, and lawns of thick, green grass. Birds fly amongst the trees, singing peacefully, as baby squirrels hop across the lawn, lazily collecting nuts. A half-megaton grenade explodes nearby as the palace guards attempt to repel some unwanted intruders. [In the order Trent asks you:] >GIVE BLENDER TO TRENT >GIVE HOSE TO TRENT >GIVE BALLS TO TRENT >GIVE ANGLE TO TRENT >GIVE HEADLIGHT TO TRENT >GIVE MOUSE TO TRENT >GIVE PHOTO TO TRENT >GIVE PHONE BOOK TO TRENT THE END [Final Score: 306 out of 306 points.] =============================================================================== XX.) FAQ GXX00 =============================================================================== n/a =============================================================================== YY.) VERSION HISTORY GYY00 =============================================================================== v1.0 First release (3rd of October 2006) =============================================================================== ZZ.) CREDITS & THANKS GZZ00 =============================================================================== GameFAQs for hosting this file. Infocom for this game. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=